© —— BOALSBURG. Jacob Felty, of Altoona, week-end visitor in town. Mrs. Katharine Gray Philips and Mrs. John Martin, of State College, were callers in town on Friday. Mrs. E. E. Stuart closed her home, before Christmas, and went to Pittsburgh to spend the winter with her sons. Prof. Leroy Freeby spent his va- cation at his home near Steelton, and Miss Helen Geer with her parents at Lock Haven. Mrs. Bloomquist and two children and Mrs, Mary Bartley, of Belle- fonte, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhn, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Kuhn and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kuhn enjoyed Christmas eve and Christmas day with friends in Williamsport. Joseph Shutt, of Franklin and Marshall and Paul Dernar, teaching at Jackonsville, are spending their vacation at their homes in town, Miss Gladys Hazel, instructor in the Willow Grove High school, near Philadelphia, spent the holiday sea- son with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Hazel Master William Hess and sister Marie, of Shingletown, spent several » i ‘PINE GROVE MENTION. Mr. and Mrs, Will Kennedy are siting the Dean Kennedy family, Reading, this week, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sasserman e taking in the sights at the na- nal capital this week. Mrs. Michael Woomer is away on several week's visit with her son, ile Woomer, at Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hoy spent wristmas with their son, George )y and family, in Clearfield. James Keller has taken over the >ch butcher block and is in shape render good service to all custom- was a s. Prof, Ford Stump and family, of rionville, Chester county, spent the iletide among friends in this sec- nm. Joseph Meyer, six year old son of r. and Mrs. Curtis Meyer, is ser- sly ill with an attack of pneu- nia, J. H. Bailey went up to Juniata to visit his uncle, Warren Bailey, 10 had been quite sick but is now proving. Prof. and Mrs. Frank Gardner had holiday guests their son, Prof F. Gardner and wife, of College rk, Md. % : days last week at the home of John H. Bailey recently delivered : load of fat hogs to a Philipsburg ther, Sipnonaremie Mr. and Mrs. tcher for which he received 10c. 3 pound. Herbert Goss, of Pittsburgh, was re during the week visiting his ther, Mrs. Cyrus Goss, who is in ble health. Hugh L. Dale, wife and four chil- sn, of Mifflinburg, spent their ristmas at the Dale parental home the Branch. The Keller brothers, Milton, Wil- | m and Irvin, were all in from | Mr. and Mrs. John Kimport and Misses Flora and Augusta Murray attended the Christmas services in the Presbyterian church in Centre Hall, Thursday evening. Dr. and Mrs, George C. Hall have closed their home on Main street and gone to Reading for a short visit, expecting later to go to their home in Wilmington, Del. 6 Russell Ishler, of Washington, D. \ .. was among the home comers at :tsburgh or oe juners) of the | cyristmas time, spending the week e George W. Koch. | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, P, Prof. Richard Pletones re 2 ' S. Ishler, and other friends. aghter Marcella, of Norfolk, Va, | mp pew j % y organized banjo band, nt the mas Season with under the direction of Seal Smith, ends at State College. !of State College, made their first “red Rossman, now in the oil and | public appearance at the lecture by ; husiness in Altoona, spent the Dr Gordon, last Thursday evening. ly part of the week With his: poy w Ww Moyer has resigned nily at Rock Springs. as pastor of He local Hed N.-K. Corl made his appearance | church, to become effective in Feb- the Albert Corl home, on st- | ruary. Rev and Mrs. Moyer have s eve, and the family decided to | many friends who regret their de- :p him as a real Christmas pres- | parture, A : ; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dale are Miss Alda Louck and Miss ROX- entertaining little Miss Jean Blaney, ina English, both employed in| of Bellefonte, while her parents are te offices in Harrisburg, Were! spending the week in Chicago, Miss ne for a five days Christmas va- Hacks! Hunter, of Pittsburgh, was ion. also the guest of her sister, Mrs, tmory Johnson, chief of police of \ Dale, during the holiday season, Donald, Ohio, called here by te | William Tennis is a patient inthe ith of his brother, the Jase Wo | Centre County hospital, owing to a ipson, DE a few day Severe Injury i is Lon ban, it among I . _| which got caug n the cogs of a A purkey Sinner was Latin a us ! gn ghnder tpersied by ga elec- F. Fry home, on i ric motor. was found neces- rae the guests being rela- | sary to amputate three fingers, ss. A family dinner was also held | Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dale, Misses the W. C. Frank home, Margaret and Marian Dale, and diss Leah Dunlap Jeane pe } Meswrs Ralph ai Frederic Dale, of m New Jersey an iss i ' Oa all; and Mr. and Mrs, Clem- cher in the New Castle school, ient G. Dale, of Pleasant Gap, s also here to spend Christmas | spent Christmas at the home of h their sister, Miss Kathryn Dun- | Misses Ellen and Cathryn Dale. | Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hess and Mr, son of ye ‘and Mrs, John Ishler and family, l rs. Harry Sunday, of e | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. wnch, accidentally swallowed a Paul Coxey, at Philipsburg. Return- rer dollar on Christmas. So far ing home, Sunday evening, they boy has shown no ill effects of were accompanied by Miss Virginia silver feast. , Hess, who had been a guest of the fr. and Mrs. John Campbell and CoXeys for several days. 1ghter Eliza, of Wooster, Ohio, | Rev. and Mrs. John H. Wagner | Rev. J. 0. C. McCracken and | and children, o Garrettson Beach, a2ily, of Juniata, were Christmas N. Y., enjoyed a few days visit ny at the well known McCrack- | with Rev. and Mrs, W. J. Wagner. home, in the Glades. | Mary, Dele, thres year old Upughier, obert Kustaborder and wife, of remaine or a visit wi er rriorsmark, made brief calls in | grandparents, the remainder of the ; section, on Sunday, stopping at | family leaving Saturday morning Harry Kustaborder home long for the return drive to New York. ugh to see Margaret Jane, the Prof. and Mrs. O. F. Smith and st recent arrival I a i Pan: i ge 8 and Mrs, an jon. and Mrs, J. Will Kepler ha . Ham an SS nna weeney h them for Christmas and part drove to Danville on Tuesday of the holidays their children, Jacob teorge Sunday, young last ‘week. Prof. and Mrs. Smith of New York city; Mrs. Mary | have been making frequent trips to ymbs, of Johnstown, and Miss the Geissinger hospital for treat- therine, of Washington, D. C. ment for their daughter and Miss ohn Gates, a jackie in the U. S. Sweeney remained at the hospital vy, having used up his thirty for observation and treatment. 'S furlough in a visit at his home e, left on Monday for Norfolk, JACKSONVILLE. , expecting to start on a cruise a - : rtly to the East Sea islands. | William Weaver is on the sick .ast Friday evening a bevy of ‘list again. We wish him a speedy recovery, The Christmas entertainment held in the Jacksonville church, by the school children, was very good. There was a large attendance. ng ladies invaded the W. R. Port ae to assist Miss Florence Port colebrating her 21st anniversary. ;» young lady received many nice 's. Games were played and re- shments served. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neff and fam- ‘he Christmas party at the Mrs. |ily spent Christmas with Mrs. Neff’s Ja. Smith home included Mr. and | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, 5. R. A, Bayard, of Tyrone; Mr. | and also called on the Mervin Hoy | Mrs. Marcellus Sankey, of Hol- | family. \ysburg; Mrs. W. R. Dunlap, of | John Glossner, who has been un- vding, and Mr. and Mrs. John 8S. | der the doctor's care, is much im- e, of State College. proved a i writing. Mrs, Re- n our last hunting report we |S es is ast at the home of her itted to mention the fact that O.|daughter, Mrs. L. S. Monteith. Bloom, of Williamsport, was one Miss Dorothy Korman, who the lucky shots to get a buck | been visiting with her sister, t before the season closed. He took | Mervin Hoy, spent Christmas at deer to Williamsport where he | the home of her parents, Mr. and ertained his Sunday school class | Mrs. John Korman, of near Curtin, h a venison feast. Mrs. Harry T. Fisher and son ames Hoover, of Chester, Pa. | George motored in from Connells- nt the week before Christmas at | ville, last Thursday, and spent the home of Mrs, Sallie Burwell, on | remainder of the week with rela- Branch, his first visit back here | tives, most of the time being spent has Mrs. more than a year. He is now |at the Luther Fisher and Harry ding down a good job in a silk | Hoy homes. 1 and three of his daughters > have good employment. Vhile George Barto, son. of MF. | their job of auditing the county | Mrs, George Barto, was leading accounts for 1929 next Monday. orse to water, on Sunday morn- y , the animal kicked landing his ——————————— f on the side of the boy's face. |lar program. Quite a number of ting an ugly gash which requir- | children toek part and did exceed- several stitcher to close. Fortu-|ingly well. The collection amounted ely no bones were broken, to $23.00. ames Homan and wife, of Towa, | The joint choirs of the Centre Hall +e recent visitors at the Bruce |and Pine Grove Mills Presbyterian man home, their first trip back | churches thrilled a large congrega- Centre county in sixteen years. |tion with a cantata in the chufch Homan is engaged in farming in -a, his specialty being corn and 5. He has fifty head of the lat- which he is keeping over winter stock purposes. ‘he Christmas entertainment held the Baileyville Presbyterian rch on Sunday evening, Decem- 22nd, drew a crowded house, f. Bdward Isenberg had charge the music and G. B. Fry was ster of ceremonies for the regu- They were directed by the pastor, Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, with Mrs. Kirkpatrick presiding at the piano. A collection was taken up to cover expenses and a voluntary cash do- nation was also given the pastor. The next morning he left to spend Christmas with his folks in Phila- delphia while Mrs, Kirkpatrick spent the Christmas season with her folks at State College. —The county auditors will begin | here on Sunday before Christmas, | UNIONVILLE. A Happy New Year to all the readers of the “Watchman.” Little Freddie Hall is recovering froin several week's illness with pneumonia. Mrs. Gilbert Parsons; who has been on the sick list for several weeks, is slowly improving. Mrs. Myrtle Craig, of Julian, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Finch, last Sunday. Miss Mary Turner, of Washington, D. C., spent the holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs, John Askins. Perry Hall, of Dix Run, is very critically ill at his home. His friends are very much alarmed over his con- dition, Santa Claus * very kindly surpris- ed Mr. and Mrs. William Summers, on Christmas eve, by leaving a sack of flour on their back porch. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Updegraff and two children, of Williamsport, spent Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Baud- er, Mrs. Frances Hall and Eugene Hall were guests of relatives in Howard, on Christmas day, taking dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Pletcher. Rev. Watkins, superintendent of the Williamsport district M. church, preached a very interesting sermon, on Sunday evening, in the church here. The prettiest Christmas tree in town was the one on the lawn at the residence of J. E. Hall. It is an ornamental evergreen and he had it beautifully decorated with electric lights during the X-mas season. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Holtzworth and three children. of Fairmont, W. Va., spent X-mas with their parents at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Holtzworth and Mr, and Mrs. D. Buck. Rev. M. H. Crawford started his revival services, Tuesday evening, with a watchnight service. He is being assisted by Rev. Julian Park, a Korean, who is located at Martins- burg, and pastor of the Presbyterian church there. : Last Friday Mrs. Harry Kerchner, accompanied by Mrs. John Resides, sides stopped off at Jersey Shore with relatives and Mrs. Harry Smith, sister-in-law of Mrs. Kerch- ner, continued the journey to Wil- liamsport. They had a very pleas- ant time. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of Sandy Ridge, when on their way to Bellefonte, one day last week, to visit their father, Lot Thompson, who is seriously ill in the hospital stopped here a short time and called on their relatives, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Finch and Mrs. Frances Hall and Eugene Hall. Christmas day at the J. E, Brug- ger home was greatly enjoyed by a home gathering of all their children and grand children. George, with his wife and two daughters, of Can- nonsburg; Cornelius, wife and six children, of Fleming; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waite, of Stormstown, and Miss motored to Williamsport. Mrs, Re- | Flora, of Camden, N. J, Miss Etalka Keiffer and friend, Miss Margaret Matthewson, of Seat- tle, . Wash.,, who are teaching in Spring Arbor, Mich., motored to. Williamsport and spent the X-mas vacation with the Dr. C. A. VanVa- | lin family. On their way they stop- ped a short time at the home of their friend, Mrs. Harry Kerchner. | WINGATE The two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Summers is recover- | ing from a serious illness. 4 Mrs. H. B. Witherite and daugh- i 1 | ter Ruth, of Osceola Mills, were Sunday visitors at the Mrs, Irwin, home. Mrs, Katherine Fisher has been housed up for a week with a heavy cold but her condition is now some- what improved. Santa was a busy fellow in this place, the night before Christmas, bringing the kiddies many things to delight their little hearts. | Mr. and Mrs, Roy Fisher, Mrs. Florence Lucas and Donald Irwin spent Christmas day at the Wither- ite home, at Osceola Mills, Mrs. Irwin returning home with them in the evening. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. East Linn street. W. L. Daggett. Enquire of Mrs. Tel. 543-R. 49-2t ment for light house keeping, in the Jennie organ home, on east High street. 50-1t OTICE is hereby given that applica- tion for clemency will i © the Board of Pardons of the partment of Justice of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, at the regular meeting of said Board in Janu- ; ary, 1930, on behalf of Arthur V. Gear- | hart, sentenced Sept. 26, 1928, from Cen- tre sounty, Pennsylvania, to two and one- ve A { half to Seary in the western pent: | tentiary, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Charge, ore. HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a | writ of Levari Facias issued out of ‘the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at The Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930. The Following Property: ALL that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate in the Town- shi State of Pennsylvania, bounded d des- cribed as Toe to-wit: — an 8 { BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of lot of Mrs. Annie E. Rosenberger, form- erly lot of Ezma Lee, thence East along i centre of Turnpike, now State Highway, Route 56, a distance of 75 feet to a corn- er to be established by Jacob R. Hoy, Harry Stover and Margaret Stover, his . wife, thence along the described lot and ; other lands of Jacob R. Hoy in a South- | erly direction to a corner to be establish- ed between the said Hoy and Stovers, on | line of land of R. G. Bressler, Westerly a distance of 75 feet to corner of lot of | Mrs. Annie B, nberger, formerly va Lee, being the Southeast corner of Annie E. Rosenberger, a distance ap- proximately 217 feet to the place of be- ginning. | Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the roperts of Harry Stover and . Margaret Stover, his wife. | . Sale to commence at 1:80 o'clock P. M. .of said day. DUNLAP, Sheriff H. E. Sheriff's . Office, . Bellefonte, Pa. » December 26th, 1929, 76-1-3t OR SALE. —Desirable residence on | OR RENT.—The third floor _apart- | | be made to . of College, County of Centre and ’ =] mw : STATE THEATRE | WEEK at the STATE and From now on the STATE is going to show you real pictures, _ The coming year of 1930 will be the greatest year _ which guarantee you a good show always. - week has in store for you. * where. SHOWING 2-7 AND 9 P.M, CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 2 TO 11 P. M. -—" —— —— THEATRE ——————————. ————————— RR Equip- ment =f Western Electric f Now Showing - - - - Thursday and Friday George Bancroft The great star of “THUNDERBOLT,” “UNDERWORLD,” and “WOLF OF WALL STREET,” now for the first show- ing in Centre County— “The Mighty” Human every moment! Punch follows punch! Thrill comes upon thrill to the heights of society, from New York to France. this mighty Paramount super all.talking Raymond Hatton and Dorothy Positively the Greatest of All Bancroft Pictures! from the dens of the mobs You will be thrilled, you will laugh and cry at picture. Cast also neindes Esther Ralston, Warner Oland, er. « o First Pennsylvania Showing . . Hoot Gibson in the Talking Out-Door Production “THE LONG, LONG TRAIL” If you love the Great Out-Doors—Adventure, Comedy, Thrills—then don’t miss “THE LONG, LONG TRAIL.” Monday, Tues., Wednes., First Showing in Centre County Saturday In his Newest All-Talking, Sizzling Super Comedy— “WELCOME DANGER” You’ve never laughed so much in your life as you will at this one—it’s 11 Reels of Solid Laughs and the most expensive comedy ever produced—but our prices re- +e Main always the same. d by the a fu orporation Coming--Thursday, Friday--Next Week Another Great Paramount Super Production—first time in Centre County “SWEETIE With Nancy Carroll, Helen Kane, Stanley Smith, Jack Oakie. Co-ed beauties making whoopee, Catchy song hits. New dances, And the “BOOP BOOPA DOOP” girl, Helen Kane, cooing romance, You'll roll off your seat laughing. Hear the latest heart throb, “Sweeter than Sweet.” See the new- est dance craze, “The Prep Step.” And a hundred other thrills that will make you feel great, Showing 7 & 9 P. M, Admission 10-25 & 86c. If we told you we were going to show MARY PICKFORD in her latest picture of course you wonld know you were going to see a good picture. AND IF we told you we were going to show DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in his latest picture you would say GREAT-—but this is nothing—we are going to show you both of them in the same picture. First showing in Centre County : “TAMING OF THE SHREW?” Not only does it have DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS and MARY PICKFORD as the leading characters but it has also a great supporting cast and its ALL'TA LKING. This production will be shown ALL NEXT effective now our new low admission prices Children............ 10c; Adults Balcony.............. 25c; Adults Main Floor.............. 35¢c of good pictures you have ever seen. You will see the greatest of all-talking pictures FIRST at the RICHELIEU and STATE and at the lowest prices anywhere—Producers have learned how to make real talking pictures and we have contracted for the greatest and most expensive of all, the great Paramount and Fox Movietone productions Look at the above pictures and here is what the next RICHELIEU --- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. --- January 13, 14 and 15 All Talking . . . .... “HOT FOR PARIS” ...... Al Taking The same cast as in the “Cockeyed World” with more pep—more fun—moOre snap. THURSDAY - FRIDAY, Jan. 16-17 A Paramount All Talking Picture Buddy Rogers in “Half Way to Heaven” Supported by JEAN ARTHUR, DAZZLING—DARING—BRAND NEW First showing in Central Pennsylvania. SATURDAY, JAN. 18-For those who love the outdoor adventure; thrills, comedy. 1st Pa. showing All Talking HOOT GIBSON in “Courtin’ Wildcats” All Talking Another feature is the first run news—REMEMBE R—our news is first run anywhere—day and date with the worlds finest theatres—comes to us direct from the lab®ratory, Then there are Vitaphone Act All talking Comedies—Grantland Rices’ Sport Review—Aesops Fables—Pathe Reviews all in SOU We wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and know it will be so if attend our shows—they will mak you happy- We promise you the greatest attractions— brand be the lowest aon pend
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