Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 26, 1929, Image 1

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    —_The “Afaletics” have gotten off
o a rather hopeful start and the
>hillies—well, it would be the most
uccessful season they have had in
rears if it were to end right now.
— Just for fear we might go to
Jlabbin’ about having nice crisp on-
ons and new peas out of our own
arden before you have gotten a
hance to blab about yours we want
o go on record as not having made
.n inch of garden this spring. =~
—Dr. Riddle, who has been doing
esearch work in experimental evolu-
ion, is of the opinion that science is
einting the way to the developaicat
f the human stature so that man
nay eventually be ten feet tall. Cellu-
ar control through more intelligent
liet, exercise and rest is the probable
neans to the questionable end. We
an see little advantage in our being
, Goliath. Besides having that much
nore anatomy to harbor aches and
)ains think of the cost of buying silk
tockings for the legs of our ten foot
— The announcement that Judge H.
Valton Mitchell is to retire from the
oard of trustees of the Pennsylvania
itate College is far from pleasant
ews to the friends of the Centre
ounty institution of learning. While
here have been many men who have
iven devoted and intelligent service
o it as trustees, sacrifices in time
nd thought that is only compensated
or by the consciousness of having
lone something well for their fellows,
here has been but one other whose
ervice was just the ceaseless, con-
tructive, loving devotion that has
haracterized that of Judge Mitchell.
ten. Beaver is gone and Mitchell is
etiring. He will be a wonderiully
ltruistic man who writes his name
5 high as Beaver and Mitchell should
e graven on the scroll of unselfish
ervice as a trustee of the Pennsyl-
‘ania State College.
— If Governor Fisher signs the
udge’s salary raiser bill, that passed
he recent session of the General As-
embly, Judge Fleming will get two
housand dollars a year more than
he salary of the office was when he
oluntarily sought it and achieved al-
10st the pinnacle of a lawyer's am-
ition when he won the honor. It ig
eedless to say that Judge Fleming
an’t be a two cents better Judge at
even thousand per year than he
sould have been at five. It is need-
sss, also, to say that the voters of
‘entre county would have seen them-
elves in h— before they would have
oted the Judge a gratuity of two
rand. - Be that as it-may, if the Gov~
rnor signs the bill, we believe that
ur own Judge is and will be quite as
eserving of the increased emolument
s any of the eminent jurists who
race the bench in Pennsylvania.
—We'd like to say something nice
o the Pennsylvania Railroad com-
any because it is giving a dinner
o old Rube Freeman at the Belle-
ue-Stratford, in Philadelphia, tomor-
ow night, but we're not quite ini the
uperlative mood that is Rube’s des-
ert. The greatest railroad system in
he world is necessarily an imperson-
1 corporation and that isthe reasou
-s stock-holders will never know that
11 the value there is in their hold-
ags was put there by the Rube Free-
sans who, fifty years ago, were g1v-
1g them a present day president’s
rorth of loyal service at a track-
salker’s wages. Doubtless it will be
proper testimonial to a deserving
mployee, but the guest of honor will
ot get the real heart thrill out of
- that he would if all the old gang—
lowland, Baird, Wilson, Anderson,
tibbs, Farrell and the rest of us could
ave just one more apple blossom
arty at the Nittany country club.
Like Banquo’s ghost in Mac-
eth that sugar bowl that Anthony
tatens is credited with having pilfer-
d from Gen. Robert E. Lee's tent at
.ppomattox, has’ turned up again.
‘his time it appears nestling in the
rms of seventy-nine year old James
ills, who was with Lee at Appomat-
»x, but was evidently so guileless
hat he never thought that while
rant was taking the Confederate
sword Anthony might
“gnitchin” his sugar contain-
old man of the gray was ad-
the Kiwanians at Morgan-
Va., when his photograph
for reproduction in one of
he papers of that city. That's how
re saw the sugar bowl again, for he
ras holding it tenderly and memories
f the sad days, sixty-four years ago,
rere doubtless flitting through his
1ind. Dave Kelly owns the sugar
owl now and he’s the fellow, beyond
doubt, who sent us the Sills picture,
or he just loves to rub it in on us.
Ve owned the bowl several times, but
ot at the right one. Anthony had
he habit of presenting it to his various
riends as preparation for a “touch”
f several dollars. It was sort of an
ndian gift, for a few weeks later he
rould call and get it back on the pre-
axt that he wanted to show it to
omeone who had never seen it and
idn’t believe he had it. Well, it hap-
ened that Anthony died a few days
fter he made the last presentation of
is trophy and it stuck with Dave. If
is number had been up four weeks
ooner, he wouldn't have done that
ist rendezvouin with D. J., and we
rould have had the sugar bowl
mong our curios. 4
VOL. 74.
New Rift in the Republican Machine.
Another and a very significant rift
in the Republican party of Pennsyl-
vania is shown in the announced pur-
pose of Auditor General elect Waters
to appoint Samuel S. Lewis a special
auditor general after his term as
State Treasurer expires. This is a
new office and will convey to its oc-
cupant large powers. Mr. Lewis will
have “close supervision of all
branches of the State government”
with no responsibility to the Gover-
nor. It is said that Mr. Grundy is
responsible for the appointment and
that one of the purposes in mind in
the selection was to keep Lewis be--
fore the public as a candidate for
Governor next year. This will cause
a serious disturbance in the minds
of Mellon and Fisher.
When it was determined, for polit-
ical reasons, to create the Depart-
ment of Revenue, Mr. Lewis, then 1n
the sunlight of machine favor, was
practically agreed upon as the Sec-
retary. But his attitude on the gaso-
line gas tax so incensed Mellon and
Fisher that they set out to destroy
him. Mr. Grundy has always been
his “backer” in political enterprises
but for one reason or another he re-
fused to take part in the gas tax
fight. It is generally believed that a
word from him at the psychoiogical
moment would have turned the tide
against that unpopular measure. But
he refrained from uttering the word.
The most diligent effort on both sides
of the contest failed to get him to
“open his mouth.”
As conditions appear now, though
Lewis was defeated on the gas tax
by a sinister combination of the
forces of the administration and the
Vare machine, he is very much
“ghead of the game.” Popular re-
sentment against this unnecessdrv
purden upon the consumers of gasc:
line is increasing and crystalizing :n
all sections of the State, ana ny com-
mon consent Mr. Lewis is recognized
as the militant and capable cham-
pion of the cause it represents. With
the opportunities this new appoint-
ment will afford him to keep. in. the. go hang”. But the
lime light, and the potential influence , evil
of Grundy behind him, he stands in
position to defy the Mellon organiza-
tion and the Fisher administration.
We are likely to see some surprising
Base Betrayal of Faith.
Governor Fisher hadn't the heart
to make trouble for the Pittsburgh
Coal company, a corporation largely
owned and controlled by the Mellon
family. A few months ago thugs
employed by that corporation, under
the law creating the coal and iron
police, committed a most atrocious
murder. The Governor pretended to
be intensely indignant at the out-
rage and declared it the duty of the
General Assembly to make a recur-
rence of such a crime impossible. The
viciousness of such a police organi-
zation, he said, “consists in the sur-
render by the State into private
hands of police powers. These pow-
ers,” he added, “ought to be jealous-
ly guarded®by the State and exercis-
ed only under its jurisdiction.”
This courageous attitude was cor-'
dially approved by the press and
people of Pennsylvania. It was hail-
ed as the beginning of the end of a
condition which had frequently, dur-
ing a long period of time, brought
shame upon the people and disgrace
to the State. It resulted in the prep-
aration of legislation which might ac-
complish the result. But the corpor-
ations were not willing to relinquish
a power which had so completely
served their sinister purposes. They
had another bill presented that was
less drastic. It made provision for
some improvement in the force but
omitted the feature essential to ef-
ficiency. Both measures were adopt-
ed and Governor Fisher approved the
defective one.
This betrayal of faith to the peo-
ple was made possible by a system
of legislation adopted by the Gener-
al Assembly for the first time in the
history of parliamentary practice.
Two measures purporting to accom-
the Governor is given the authority
to choose between them. In the coal
tax repeal matter the same servile
surrender of power was made and tion fee but is entirely willing to mp ic work represents a considerable
President Hoover’s Message.
In his first annual message to Con-
gress President Hoover has justified
his recently acquired reputation as a
practical politician. The greater part
of iit is given to the discussion of
farm relief, which he frankly admits
is a vital problem, but he recom-
mends no remedy for the evil. “Some
of the forces working to the detri-
ment of agricultre,” he says, “can be
greatly mitigated by improving our
water way transportation, Some by
readjustment of the tariff, some by
better understanding and adjust-
ment of production needs and some
by improving the methods of market-
ing.” He acknowledges the obliga-
tion of the administration and with
the sangfroid of a ward heeler
“passes the buck.”
During the campaign, in his
speeches and by private agreement
with Senator Borah, Mr. Hoover sub-
stantially declared that he had a plan
for farm relief. Under that pretense
Mr. Borah sold Hoover to the farm-
ers of the middle west. The message
to Congress conveys no indication of
such a plan. It states that Mr.
Hoover “has long held that the mul-
tiplicity of causes of agricultural
depression could only be met by the
creation of a great instrumentality
clothed with sufficient authority and
resources to assist the farmers to
meet these problems.” This, he con-
ceives, should be a “revolving fund” |
of half a billion dollars to be paid to
the farmers in the ratio of surplus
product remaining on their hands.
The difference between this pro-
‘ject and the “equalization fee’ in the
McNary-Haugen bill, twice vetoed by
President Coolidge, is that the equali-
zation fee was to be charged against
| the farmers who reecived it and the
! plish the same result are enacted and ! revolving fund is to be kept revolving
| by taxing the farmers and everybody
else. Mr. Hoover shared all Mr.
Coolidge’s antipathy to the equaliza-
NO. 17.
Holy Cross Debaters Win From Penn
State. rode red
A fine audience assembled in the
court house here, last Thursday night,
to hear the young men representing
Holy Cross college and representa-
tives of Penn State debate on the
question “that the jury system for
criminal cases in the United States
should be abolished.”
Holy Cross had the affirmative and,
consequently, the unpopular side of
the question. Her advocates, however,
were young men naturally endowed
with unusual forensic power and
aside from the merits of their pre-
sentment, might have swayed any
jury on form alone.
In Messrs. Sweeney, Caroll and
O’Rorke the college in Massachusetts,
might be giving to the world another
Dan Dougherty, Henry Grady and
Bourke Cochrane.
The Penn State debaters, Jack R.
Richards, L. Neil Keller and Kenneth
Hood, made the negative argument
very effectively, but seemed to weak-
en ‘it through lack of consistency in
driving home the sustaining points
in the case.
It was a very interesting and prof-
itable evening’s entertainment. Ki-
wanis sponsored it and the commit-
tee in charge comprised L. C. Heine-
man, James R. Hughes, Clarence E.
Williams, Cecil A. Walker and
Charles F. Mensch.
| The judges were Rev. Stuart S.
Gast, Prof. George Reiter and Head-
, master Jas. R. Hughes, of the Acad-
West Penn Improving Service at
| State College.
Announcement is made today by K.
G. Fuller, manager of the Keystone
(division of the West Penn Power
i Company, that improvements to the
| electric distribution system in State
| College are to begin immediately.
probably with the same result. The register approval of the precisely .
interest of the corporations will he similar method of reimbursing the Capen . ah ir) a
served and those of the pecple “may
are not so great in the tax mat-
death involved in it. But the shame-
less servility to the party boss is re-
vealed in both cases.
renee fp fee.
——President Hoover, in an ad-
| farmers for losses incurred by the
possibilities of" datfare to market their crops: Meas-
! uring Mr. Hoover by this expression
ito predict the beneficent administra-
| tion the people of the country hope
emer meer fesse
——Two appropriation bills for
Governor Fisher's alibi on the dress before the Associated Press, the | maintenace and new buildings for the
coal and iron police bill is about
absurd as it is futile.
Hoover Threatens a Veto. |
In a letter addressed to Senator
McNary, of Oregon, President Hoov-
er has expressed a deep-seated oppo-
sition to the “debenture” feature of |
the farm relief legislation now pend-
ing in the Senate. “I am convinced,”
he declares, “that it would bring dis-
aster to the American farmer.” In
this opinion Secretary of the treasury
Mellon, Secretary of Commerce La-
mont and Secretary of Agriculture
Hyde fully concur, and it may be ac-
cepted as official notice that unless
the provision is eliminated the bill
will be vetoed. This is an unusual
incident in Congressional experience.
But the President is an exceptional
figure in American politics. Nobody
knows exactly what he will do next
on any question.
The debenture provision in the
pending bill is a substitute for the
equalization fee in the McNary-Haug-
en bill, which was twice vetoed and
severely excoriated by President
Coolidge. There is no very great dif-
ference either in the methods of dis-
pensing the bonuses or distributing
the prizes. But that may be said
also, with equal accuracy, of the
guarantee of profits to railroads, af-
ter they were restored to their own-
ers, and of the subsidy granted to
the ship corporation now selling
booze on the ocegn lanes between this
country and Europe. But Mr. Hoov-
er's heart, like that of his predeces-
sor, melts at sight of corporate dis-
tress while it is indifferent to the suf-
ferings of the farmer.
No doubt Secretary of the Treas-:
ury Mellon was in complete sym-
pathy with the lamentation of the
President in the McNary letter when
he said “the foreign producer of ani-
mals would be able to purchase feed
for less than the American produc-
ing the same animals.” For in-
stance,” he continued, “the swine
growers in -Ontario ' would be
able to purchase American corn
for less than the American farmer
across the border and it would tend
to transfer the production of pork
products for export to Europe from
the United States to Canada.” It is
a matter of record that the plate
glass monopoly which the Mellon
family controls, offers and seels its
products in Canada for fifteen per
cent. less than it charges consumers
in this country. :
other evening, declared that the
Several other persons have said the
same thing but probably less ponder:
te fy ences
Tariff Tax on Peanuts.
It is interesting to learn that the
: tariff-mongers of the country have
finally awakened to the fact that the
peanut has not received that measure
of consideration by the tariff think-
ers of Congress which its importance
as an agricultural product desérves.
As a correspondent. of the New York
Times states, most of us regard it as
“a tidbit to be bought, roasted or
salted, from the pushcart on the cor-
ner or the neighborhood grocery
store.” As a matter of fact, how-
ever, the peanut has become an im-
portant article of commerce in Vir-
ginia and the Carolinas where the
choicest specimens of the fruit are
produced. :
During the recent Presidential
campaign one of the many biograph-
ers of the Republican candidate re-
ferred to Mr. Hoover's fondness for
peanuts and conveyed to an eager
public the information that his mid-
day lunch was frequently limited to
a five-cent bag of peanuts. That be-
ing the case it is small wonder that
many Senators and Representatives
in the new Congress, anxious for a
full share of the patronage at his
disposal, should hasten to manifest
their admiration for him by dignify-
ing his favorite food with a place in
the tariff schedules. Mr. Hoover
would be a hard-hearted man, indeed,
if he did not recognize this gesture
as a personal compliment.
Then there is another consideration
which has a potent influence on the
mind of the average tariff-monger
and may have something to do with
the movement to put a tariff tax on
imported peanuts. That is the ob-
session that everything ought to be
tariff-taxed. It is known that every
dollar of tariff taxation costs the
consumers of the country five dollars
or more, and still the tariff mongers
insist on tariff taxes. In the case of
the peanut there may be some im-
portations from the Orient which
come into competition with the do-
mestic product. But the miotive is
not so much protection as it is taxa-
——Don’t be too hard on the Gov-
ernor. He's simply doing his best to
obey orders of Mellon and Grundy.
| Pennsylvania State College were
| Twape of crime must be checked.” passed by the General Assembly in
ite closing sessions last week and
await the signature of Governor John
S. Fisher. They total $6,311,000 and
include $2,250,000 for buildings, and
are in accordance with the Governor's
budget. Final action by the Gover-
nor is to come within thirty days of
| the closing of the legislative session.
Funds are for the college use in the
|next two years. The general college
| appropriation measure, in addition to
{the buildings item, would provide
1$300,000 for agricultural research;
i $650,000 for agricultural and home
economics extension; $711,000 for a
deficit, and $2,350,000 for general
college maintenance. A separate bill
would provide $50,000 for oil re-
search. Had the proposed State Col-
lege bond issue passed last Novem-
ber $2,000,000 would have been avail-
able for college buildings in the com-
ing two year period.
——A parasitic fly and grubs in
the head are now being blamed for
the big mortality rate among the
deer herd in Clearfield county. This
decision is the result of investigations
made by Dr. Norman W. Stewart, of
Bucknell University, and Professors
Anthony and Overholt, of State
College. They claim the flies
lay their eggs in the deer’s nostrils
and as the grubs hatch out they
make their way up the nostrils to the
brain with the result that the animal
dies within a few days. Just why
the fly has invaded Clearfield county
and no other section in Pennsylvania
has not been explained.
—We’ve got to get some short
paragraphs into this column pretty
soon and, we haven't a thought that
might produce one unless it might be
to say that the last report of Andy
McNitt was to the effect that heis
in Philadelphia. But whose affair is
that? When Andy comes home he'll
business of yours was it where I went
and how long I stayed?
——Rev. 'Wardner 'W. Willard, who
will be remembered by friends in this
the town of his boyhood, had quite a
surprise waiting for him at Camp Hill
when he returned to his church there
from the recent Methodist .Confer-
ence. A great reception was given
in his honor and he found a new au-
tomobile in his garage when he arriv-
ed home. It was a surprise from his
congregation. :
be perfectly justified in saying: What
| hensive program of electric service
| betterment for that community.
This reconstruction work includes
There is no question of life and of inconsistency it will be hazardous ' the reinforcement of lines, increasing
the number of transformers and a
. general overhauling and recondition-
|ing of the distribution system within
| the borough.
| State College will benefit imme-
diately as a result of this work by re-
ceiving better service. This program
of improvements also provides addi-
tional facilities to meet the increasing
local requirements for electric ser-
vice. Some of the borough streets
will be improved in appearance be-
cause of joint use of a number of poles
by the telephone company and the
West Penn.
Fifteen Applications Apply for
Six foreign nationalities are repre-
citizenship papers at the regular term
of naturalization court to be held in
Bellefonte on Monday, June 17th. The
list, with the country of their nativity
and present residence, is as follows:
Mike Santelli, Italy, Spring township.
Alexander S. Buchan, Scotland, State
Sverid Pedersen, Denmark, State College.
John Fetzek, Austria, Philipsburg.
Pete Gardish, Austrian, Rush township.
| Thomas Andras, Austrian, Rush town-
* ship.
i Anthony Pokalicki,
_ township.
i Mike Sura, Austrian, Rush township.
| Andras Szap, Austrian, Rush township.
Ernest Lauterbok, Austrian, Rush town-
Max Finberg, Russian, Philipsburg.
: ‘Albert Hein, Russian, Rush township.
' Gustave Krebs, Russian, Rush township.
. Kurt Mahnke, Germany, Bellefonte.
i Clara Geier Mahnke, Germany, Belle-
Austrian, Rush
$ c—————e———
— The Pennsylvania General
Transit company, a subsidiary of the
i Pennsylvania Railroad company, has
| filed an application with the State
Public Service Commission for a cer-
tificate of public convenience to oper-
ate a bus line between Philipsburg
and Bellefonte. At the present time
it is impossible to make a round trip
by train between Philipsburg and the
county seat in less than two days,
while by automobile or motor bus it
is only a two hours trip one way.
—_Harry Sinclair is on his way and
| destination is fixed. Tom Cunning:
ham is next on the waiting list.
is eee eee
| . ——The South has adopted protec-
tive tariff as a policy and inherited
labor troubles as a consequence.
: —————————
| | ——The frequent earth shocks in
. Italy may be attributed to the me-
anderings of Mussolini.
Subscribe for the Watchman.
—Peter Scaries, 24, was electrocuted on
Sunday when he attempted to pick up a
high voltage wire which broke anid fell in
front of his home.
—Despondent over the death of his wife
several weeks ago, Joseph Zink, 55, of
| Pittsburgh, committed suicide at his
| home, on Monday, by shooting himself
through the head.
—Work has been resumed on the new
State highway at the recently erected
bridge across Bald Eagle creek between
Mill Hall and Beech Creek on Route No.
| 64. The highway has been relocated at
that point, eliminating several dangerous
curves and carrying the road ouk of dan-
ger from floods.
—Jay Cook, III, of Philadelphia, and a
party of friends are at Ogontz Lodge,
near Salladasburg. While en route there
Mr. Cooke announced that he expected
President Hoover to be a guest at the
lodge before July 31. Last summer Mr.
Hoover did some fishing in the Ogontz
and nearby waters.
—The body of a man found lodged
against a rock in the Susquehanna river
near Lancaster, has been partially identi-
filed as Charles Urban, of Lancaster. A re-
ceipt carried in a pocket of the man’s
clothing contained the name but the body
is so badly decomposed that postive iden-
tification is difficult.
—Operations have been resumed at (he
plant of the Mill Hall Brick company af-
ter a period of idleness. Richard W.
Kintzing, of Lock Haven, formerly em-
ployed by the Pennsylvania Woven Wire
company, has replaced A. C. Tevling as
manager of the plant, following the 1at-
ter’s resignation after twenty-five years
of service in that capacity.
—John Herack, borough ordinance of-
ficer, at Homestead, arrested himself last
week for violating an ordinance following
a collision between his car and that of
Richard Simon. Herack also released him-
self in $15 bond pending a hearing. Her-
ack arrested Simon, as well. Herack
claimed Simon backed his car into the
Herack machine and Simon charged Her-
ack ran into him.
—Mrs. Anna Socech, 46, of Titusville,
was fatally burned, on Monday, when a
can of crude oil with which she was start-
ing a fire in a kitchen stove exploded.
Tony Meller, a boarder, was badly burn-
ed in an effort to rescue her, and Mary
Socech, 13, a daughter of the woman
burned, was injured in jumping from a
second story window. She is in a hos-
pital. The house was badly damaged by
| __Harold Pifer was in a barber chair,
at Berwick, last Friday and asked Don-
ald Bower for a match. Bower lighted
the match and then turned to speak to
' another man before applying it to the cig-
aret. It brushed Pifer’s head, to which
tonic had been applied, and his hair flam-
ed up. Pifer smothered the flames with
! his hands and a towel before his hair was
more than singed, but his hands were
—Silverware valued at $2000, stolen from
the attorney Isaiah Schoeline home, at
Hollidaysburg, as the family was winter-
ing in Florida, was uncovered last Fri-
day, policé digging up thirty-eight pieces
‘buried in a swamp on the Blairmont golf
links. Francis Riley, J. A. Radel and’
George Dobbs, arrested for a store rob-
bery last week, confessed to the burglary,
leading police to the spot where the loot
was hidden.
—Deputy Constable John Edmundson, of
Pittsburgh, did a favor for a lady and was
arrested for his kindness. Last month he
arrested T. R. Roberts on a warrant
charging non-support. Roberts’ wife, at
that time, asked Edmundson to move
Roberts’ automobile from one garage to
another a block away. Roberts swore ont
a warrant charging the constable with
driving an automobile without the owa-
er's consent. Arrested on Monday, Ed-
mundson was released on his own rec-
ognizance for a hearing.
—A large stable on the Hanover Shoe
farm at Hanover, York county, where
trotting horses are bred, was struck by
lightning and destroyed by fire late Sun-
day afternoon. Twenty-two valuable mares
sented in the fifteen applicants for’ and colts housed in the building, were
saved. Among the horses stabled at the
tarm are Peter Manning, world's champion
trotter, and Guy McKinney, winner of
Hambletonian stakes in 1927, who has been
retired from competition to be used for
breeding purposes. - The farm is owned by
Shepherd and Myers, prominent Hanover
manufacturers. ‘
—While running up a total of 420,000
miles of highway patrolled in February,
State highway patrolmen aided in recov-
ery of 58 stolen automobiles, Benjamin G.
Eynon, registrar of Motor Vehicles of the
Pennsylvania Department of Highways,
reports. State police, private detective or-
ganizations and record clerks of the Bu-
reau of Motor Vehicles played important
parts in restoring the vehicles, valued at
$30,175, to owners in 32 cities and towns
| of Pennsylvania and in eight States. The
| biggest haul made by the thieves was
| valued at $2,500 while the poorest was a
' coupe valued at $50.
| —Supposedly dead after hanging him-
| self Harry Kellar, 17, of near Indiana, was
| revived by a farmer who found the lad
hanging from a rafter in his barn. Ed-
ward Smith, the farmer, said he found
Kellar suspended from the rafter with &
rope about his neck. Smith cut him down.
placed him in his automobile and started
| for an undertaker’s place at Brookville.
| Enroute he noticed that Kellar’s eyes
| opened. He stimulated circulation and
| revived the boy who later was lodged in
the county jail. Kellar told authorities
that he left his home because his step-
father mistreated him.
—The body of a man, believed to be
that of an aviator whose plane was re-
ported to have fallen into Lake Erie a
week ago, was found, on Sunday along
the lake beach 10 miles from Erie. Dfforts
are being made to identify the body.
Saturday, April 13, a man who declined
to give his name called an Erie newspaper
office and said he saw a flaming plane
drop into the lake shortly before midnight.
Search by coast guardsmen and others the
next ddy failed to reveal any frace of
wreckage or bodies. The body was tound
on Sunday by Roy Stark and his son,
Raymond Stark. They notified Covonar
Daniel Hanley, who took charge of it. The
man wore a helmet and a heavy blue
sweater. Both arms were tatooed and the
initial “C” was on his belt.