Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 14, 1928, Image 1

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—Mr. Hoover is a sort of up and
down candidate. He kept the price
of sugar up and the price of wheat
—The knock-out of the Athletics,
in New York, on Sunday, was a heart-
breaker, but Connie Mack is still con-
fident of winning the pennant.
—We're still rooting for the “Afa-
letics.” Don’t be encourged by that
you fans who want to see the Yanks
licked. We’ve been rooting for Dem-
acratic victories for forty years with
a rootin’ average of only .400.
—Just to knock a few of the coals
off the pipes of we who think every-
thing is going Smithward Cam. Hev-
erly told us, Monday night, that their
store has sold twice as many Hoover
auto tags as they have the Smith in-
—“If Al Smith was guilty of a
tenth part of what he is accused of
in anonymous libels,” writes Charles
Michelson, in the New York World.
“New York would have hanged him
long ago instead of electing him Gov-
ernor four times.”
—Last year, in Pennsylvania, there
were twice as many births as deaths.
Something will have to be done about
that, because if it isn’t the undertakers
will be raisin’—with Al Smith be-
cause the doctors are gettin’ twice as
much business as they are.
——Those bigoted politicians who
imagine Governor Smith, if elected
President, will favor Catholics in ap-
pointments will find little support in
the records. He has appointed few
Catholics, few Tammany men in
New York and nearly as many Re-
publicans as Democrats to important
—Hassel and Cramer, the Rock-
ford, Ill, fliers who started for Eu-
Tope by air on August eighteenth,
have been found, alive and well, In
Greenland. Out of gas and with no
chance of getting further we'll bet:
that Greenland’s icy mountains look-
ed like India’s coral strands to them,
when they realized they had to come
down quick.
—The President’s son, John, has
gone to work in the offices of the N.
Y., N. H. and Hartford R. R., Co., at
thirty dollars a week. That’s thirty
smackers for John, but when the
“peepul” realize that they are paying
a secret service agent probably twice
that much to stand guard over him
while he works they will come to the
conclusion that Coolidge economy 1s
one of them “heads I win tails you
lose” games.
—The Hoover managers are wax- hopeful because Maine
unprecedented majority to the Repub-
lican candidate for Governor on Tues-
day. Who among them can say with
a certainty that all the Republicans
who voted for Gardiner for Gover-
nor in September will vote for Hoov-
er for President in November? In
olden times it was said that as
Maine goes, so goes the Nation,” but
times have changed since then.
—The Workmen’s Compensation
Board of the State is of the opinion
that $227.50 per month is reasonable
compensation for a workman’s fam-
ily composed of father, mother and
five children. We're in perfect ac-
cord with the Board’s dream, but we
hope it wakens up long enough to tell
us where we can get $227.50 per
month. We’ll adopt three, get the
arm that casts the fly that catches the
fish that succors the present family
caught in the cogs of the big press
and shattered utterly if the gentla-
men who think a family of seven
needs $227.50 a month to live decent-
ly on will guarantee to make our
compensation guarantors pay us such
an honorarium,
—Among other things to be ad-
mired in Al Smith is the fact that he
glories in having been born in the
“East Side” of New York. The “East
Side” of New York is the humble dis-
trict where kids are not given gold
spoons on which to cut their teeth.
He need make no apology for where
he came from because there are mil-
lions of others. And because there are
is fulfillment of the promise taught
in our schools that any boy might be
President of our United States. In-
cidentally we'd like to give one gentle-
man in Bellefonte who says he’s
against Al because “he’s common” a
chance to send this column a true
story of where he came from.
what long tails some people’s cats
—Recently our thoughts ran into
consideration of the probable econo-
nomic value of oiling the streets of
a town. Aside from the physical com-
fort following such treatment and the
‘very apparent preservation of the
surface from washouts during heavy
rains there is another beneficial re-
sultant. Time was when the only
means of laying the dust on our streets
was by sprinkling them. At the best
that was done only spasmodically and
accomplished indifferent results. As
we recall the fall day of twenty years
ago when dust was flying in clouds
at every gust of wind, shade trees on
the streets were brown with it and
buildings so coated that one could
scarcely distinguish their original
color we wonder whether the saving
in paint, alone, has not been enough
to pay for all the oil that has been put
on the streets of our own or any oth-
er town. :
re... an. |
NO. 36.
The Democratic voters of the State
find inspiration in the energetic ani
effective work in progress under the
direction of the State organization.
National committeeman Kistler, chair-
man Collins, of the State commit-
tee, and chairman VanDyke, of the
State Finance committee, have been
visiting various sections of the Com-
monwealth for the purpose of urging
intense activity in the local organi-
zations with the view of getting a full
party poll at the coming election.
For reasons well known to the vot-
ers the Democrats of the State have
been indifferent to party obligations
in recent years and the result has
been that the big Republican majori-
ties have been acquired by default.
The Democratic managers have
held conferences with local party
leaders in Erie, Pittsburgh, Harris-
burg and Scranton, and made careful
surveys of conditions in all the west-
ern counties and the anthracite coal
region as well as the central counties.
They have been greatly encouraged
by this contact with the voters. The
apathy of former years has disap-
peared and the rank and file of the
party has developed into a militant
and efficient force eager for victory.
In every section of the State they
found large numbers of Republicans
deserting that party and joining with
their Democratic neighbors in a de-
termined effort to “clean up the
mess” in Washington and rescue the
government from corruptionists.
It may seem like an excess of op-
timism to predict that Governor
Smith has better than an even chance
to carry Pennsylvania this year. But
the Democratic managers are per-
suaded that he will do so. At the last
general election only about fifty-two
per cent. of the votes were polled and
as the Republicans had made an un-
usually strenuous and expensive ef-
fort to get their voters out it may
be assumed that most of the delin-
quents were Democrats. This year
no such apathy will exist. The Dem-
ocratic leaders are efficient and the
Democratic voters alert. The full
vote will be polled and the party
strength will be augmented by thous-
——Some Democratic leaders pre-
dict a majority for Smith in Phila-
hopeful of a record majority for Hoo-
ver in Pennsylvania.
Vote for Voting Machines.
The only substantial reason that
opponents of voting machines have
been able to set up is that they are ex-
pensive. The price of the machines
is approximately a thousand dollars a
piece, and to equip each polling place
‘in this county with a machine would
cost in the neighborhood of sixty-five
thousand dollars, which is a consider-
able sum. But the machines in pos-
session would be a valuable asset and
a profitable investment. They would
decrease the expenses of primary and
general elections several thousand
dollars a year. In fact it is conser-
vatively estimated that through this
process of saving the machines would
pay for themselves in ten years.
But even if the conditions were less
favorable the advantage of voting
machines from a civic point of view
would be great. They promise, if
they do not actually guarantee, hon-
est elections and incidentally content-
ment with the result. The impression
that majorities for one party or an-
other are obtained by fraud creates
distrust of government, suspicion of
public service and enmities among
neighbors, The use of voting ma-
chines will avert these evils. They
will remove the opportunities for
fraud. Frauds cost money and those
who pay for them resort to corrup-
tion to reimbu:se themselves. In the
end the people pay the price through
the medium of taxation. :
Say it would cost sixty-five thou-
sand dollars to equip the polling
places of Centre county with voting
machines, It would not be necessary
to make so heavy a draft on the treas-
ury at one time. The machines may
be procured on partial or installment
payments, and while the obligations
are running the saving processes on
election expenses are considerably
greater than the interest cost on the
obligation. For these reasons the ob-
jection that the machines are expen-
sive is without merit. They are rev-
enue savers from the beginning and
revenue producers after they have
been paid for. Vote for the constitu-
tional amendment providing for vot-
ing machines. It is Joint Resolution
No. 13.
——The death toll at the Milan,
Italy, automobile speed race, on Sun-
day, ought to take some of the en-
thusiasm out of the speed-fiends in
in this country.
Reasons for Democratic Confidence. |
“nds of Republicans who have become |
delphia, and still Governor Fisher is '
The Right Course to Pursue.
in his contest for the Senate seat
fraudulently certified to William 8S.
Vare, declare that “they will protest
the entire vote in all but 400 of the
1500 election divisions in Philadel-
phia.” This is obviously the right
course for them to pursue. The evi-
dence taken by the Senate committee
on Privileges and Elections and the
Slush Fund committee of that body
revealed such a far-flung and exten-
sive system of corruption as to nulli-
fy the election. No doubt there were
some honest votes cast for Mr. Vare
but not enough to overcome the ma-
jority for Mr. Wilson outside of that
In his testimony before the Slush
Fund committee Harry A. Mackey,
now Mayor of Philadelphia, who man-
aged the Vare camapign, stated that
in the river wards, from the first to
the twentieth, which returned a prac-
tically unanimous vote for the Repub-
lican candidate, the voters didn’t
know who they were voting for but
voted for the candidates named by
the ward leaders. Nearly eighty per
cent. of the Vare majority was ob-
tained in those wards. It was shown
by the evidence before the committee
on Privileges and Elections that a
very large proportion of the Vare
votes in other divisions were cast un-
lawfully because the tax receipts of
voters were illegally obtained.
In. the face of this positive proof
of fraud the Senate cannot possibly
consider the election as valid. It is
a recognized principle of law that
fraud vitiates anything it touches,
and these frauds were perpetrated by
the Vare machine and presumably un-
der the sanction of Mr. Vare, who
stood to benefit by them. In the strip
district of Pittsburgh frauds were
equally prevalent in that election and
Mr. Wilson’s lawyers should, and prob-
ably will, make a similar demand
with respect to votes cast there. Such
drastic treatment is necessary to put
a stop to the electoral frauds in Penn-
sylvania. When the ballot crooks
‘learn that frauds will not benefit
them they will cut out the frauds.
——The coal miners will do more
| harm to organized labor in a single
| fight such as they staged in Pitts-
, burgh, last Sunday, than the opera-
tors could accomplish by lock-outs
and other processes in-a year.
Crime in Philadelphia.
For some weeks the Philadelphia
grand jury has been investigating
vice conditions in that city. Several
particularly atrocious murders so out-
raged one of the judges that he iu-
structed the grand jurors to make a
thorough clean-up. The result has
been amazing. It has been discover-
ed that the criminal element has had
complete control of the municipal
government for a long time. It has
organized secret courts in which trials
are held for violations of their code
and sentences, even of death, pro-
nounced and executed. A large part
of the police force of the city is affili-
ated with this criminal conspiracy
which has a fund of $10,000,000 to
finance its operations.
A year ago when Harry Mackey
was a candidate for Mayor he said,
“it is well known that the police have
been taught to collect graft.” Who
served as teachers in this school of
thievery? Mr. Mackey knew but
withheld the information from the
public for the reason that he was ap-
pealing for a renewal of the license
for another term. The Vare machine
is the university in which this form of
corruption is taught and the graft
acquired is used to corrupt elections
and build up fraudulent majorities for
the Vare candidates for office. Mr.
Mackey promised to correct this evil
in the event of his election. He has
been in office eight months and pre-
tended to be surprised when the grand
jury corroborated his statement of a
year before.
For many months the city of Phila-
delphia has been completely under a
“reign of terror.” Bandit gangs have
been driving high-powered automo-
biles through the streets uninterrupt-
edly, shooting people down with im-
punity. Bad as Chicago is known to
be, that city is a haven of safety com-
pared with Philadelphia. Possibly
the crusade against vice now in pro-
cess will check the carnival of
crime, but that is uncertain. It may
be only “a good enough Morgan Intil
after the election.” In other words, the
reform altivities may be only a smoke
screen to fool the people, as Mayor
Mackey’s exposure of graft and prom-
ises of improvement made a year ago
seem to have been.
—If Republican National com-
mittee chairman Work is sincere in
his desire to have a clean campaign
he would better put a muzzle on Mrs.
Attorneys for William B. Wilson, |
| ~ Pinchot’s Political Affiliation.
The declaration of former Governor
Pinchot of his purpose to vote and
“stump” for Herbert Hoover surpris-
ed no one who is familiar with the
mental processess of that erratic per-
son. It is true that those who follow-
ed and admired his vigorous efforts
to preserve for the people control of
the electric power of the country
might have imagined that Mr. Hoo-
ver’s close relationship with the pow-
er trust would influence Mr. Pinchot
against him. But it was purely im-
agination. Mr. Pinchot was entirely
sincere in the contention on that sub-
same mind yet. But his deep-seated
political prejudices are the dominat-
ing influences in his mind and Hoover
is his pariy’s nominee,
Mr. Pinchot is a peculiar person.
While he was canvassing for the nom-
ination for Governor in 1922 he an-
nounced that the objective of his life
was “to clean up the mess at Harris-
burg.” As soon as he was nominated
he opened negotiation with those re-
sponsible for the mess and after his
election affiliated with them. He had
‘Some pet legislation in mind and in-
veigled the trickiest of the crooks to
help him to get it across. That ac-
complished he turned on his pals and
rent them “for and aft.” When he
had power to achieve results he re-
fused to recommend ballot reform.
When he knew it was impossible for
achievement, he urged it strenuously.
He made electric power a hobby and
now betrays it.
The truth is that Mr. Pinchot ap-
rears to be a man without scruples.
First to engage in excessive expendi-
tures in Pennsylvania he afterward
condemned those who “beat him at
his own game.” As Governor he gave
the State some valuable service. But
selfishness seems to be the pervading
element in his nature. Even the best
things he did were tainted with selfish
purposes. He knows, if he knows
anything, that the election of Hoover
means the surrender of the electric
power of the country to the most in-
iquitous gang of plunderers ever or-
ganized. But he is willing to make
{that sacrifice of the public welfare
or some selfish, probably sinister
reason. ' It is' shocking but absolutely
characteristic. :
——The trail of the Philadelphia
hijackers is leading perilously close
to the headquarters of the Republican
What a Failure in Wheat Means to
Centre County Business.
Several weeks ago we commented
on the sandiness of the foundation on
which a local merchant was building
up hope for fall trade. He said:
“Wait ’till the farmers start selling
their grain.” We are not a crepe
hanger, but we like to look at things
as they are, so we told the merchant
that he didn’t know what he was talk-
ing about. On Monday a prominent
miller told us that whereas he can
usually count on procuring one hun-
dred thousand bushels of locally pro-
will regard kimself as lucky if he can
get ten thousand bushels. He is only
one of our many buyers.
Last year there were 25148 acres in
wheat in Centre county, the average
yield per acre was 17.4 bushels so that
the total yield must have been about
427,520 bushels. If the farms have
produced only one-tenth as much
wheat this season it means that she
total yield will be only 42752 bushels.
That represents a loss of 384,770
bushels, which expressed in dollars at
the rate of $1.40 per bushel, means
that the farmers of Centre county
will have just $538,678.00 less to
spend this fall than they did last.
——Hon. Harry B. Scott was host
at a dinner given the Republican
county committee at the Centre Hills
Country club, on Monday evening.
One hundred and thirty-eight covers
were laid and all taken. Among the
guests present were Republican State
chairman Edward Martin, Mrs. Ger-
trude F. Stauffer, vice chairman; Mrs,
Hannah Durham, of Philadelphia;
Congressman J. Mitchell Chase, and
all the big and little lights in the par-
ty in Centre county.
——If Mayor Mackey is denounced
as a prevaricator a few times more
people may come to doubt his wver-
——The air men continue to strive
for records and Old Father Time is
equally diligent in gathering in lives.
——Philadelphia continues to be
corrupt but there are some signs of
discontent, which inspires hope.
——The campaign will be in full
flower next week and the party strat-
egists in fine frenzy.
ject at the time. He may be of the !
duced wheat for his mill, this fall he’
The Candidates and the Prohibition
From the Philadelphia Record.
By the common consent the coun-
try has divided itself into two hostile
camps on the prohibition question.
On the one side are those who feel
that the Volstead act is unworkable.
On the other are those who want real
prohibition and those who are satis-
fied with theoretical prohibition. Gov-
ernor Smith is openly and avowedly
the champion of all who seek legis-
lative remedy for the existing deplor-
able conditions. Herbert Hoover has
been popularly supposed to be the
‘leader of the drys.
The more carefully one reads the
‘Hoover speech of acceptance, how-
ever, the less distinct seems the line
‘of demarcation between the Hoover
i position and the Smith position. This
iis not because no such line exists, but
apparently because Mr. Hoover hesi-
tated to be explicit in defining his
Mr. Hoover does not favor the re-
peal of the Eighteenth amendment.
Neither, so far as is known, does Gov-
ernor Smith. :
Mr. Hoover stands “for the efficient
enforcement of the laws enacted
| thereunder.” This may be a diverg-
rence from the practice of the Cool-
idge administration, but it is pre-
cisely in line with the position of
Governor Smith.
Mr. Hoover recognizes the obliga-
tion of the next President to pursue
this course. So does Governor Smith.
Mr. Hoover denies the right of any
one to seek to destroy the purposes
of the Constitution by indirection. No
such right has been asserted by Gov-
ernor Smith.
Mr. Hoover's difficulty, it seems to
us, was twofold. He had to avoid
commitments which would cause dis-
,sension within the ranks of his own
party, and he felt obligated to take
issue with the position of Gevernor
Smith without knowing what that
position was going to be. So he
jumped to the gratuitous conclusion
that the Governor of New York would
advocate a legislative program in-
consistent with the provisions of the
Constitution, and he primed his ora-
torical gun accordingly.
“The Record” cannot read Gover-
nor Smith’s mind, but it feels quite
sure that he is too experienced a lead-
er to advocate any remedial measures
which would be immediately upset by
the Supreme Court of .)
States. Mr. Hoover ne
him credit for that much political
acumen. :
We fear that the purpose of the
Hoover declaration was not quite
candid. It sounds as if it were intend-
ed to mislead those numerous per-
sons whose knowledge of campaign
issues is limited to what they read in
the official newspaper organs of the
Republican party.
Political Legatees.
From the Toledo Blade.
Thirty-two years ago two of the
big political figures in this country
were Mark Hanna and William J.
Bryan. Men in their fifties do not
have to be told this. They will eas-
ily recall the blazing campaign of
1896. Since then no national cam-
paign has approached it in intensity.
A rather remarkable thing, neither
Hanna nor Bryan left a son to step
into his shoes. There have been no
heirs to the political fortunes of
these men. But there are heiresses.
Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick is a
Republican candidate for Congress
from Illinois, and with a strong prob-
ability of election. Mrs. Ruth Bryan
Owen is a Democratic candidate for
Congress from Florida, and is almost
certain of success.
Here is a striking example of the
stride made by women in politics in
a period of little more than three
decades. Who are to be the politi-
cal legatees of the statesmen of to-
day—their sons or their daughters?
Canada is Our Best Customer.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Canada is now the best customer of
the United States. In the fiscal year
just ended the Dominion took the lead
over all other nations. Her imports
from this country amounted to $862,-
000,000 and her foreign trade to $240
per capita, which is triple the figure
of the United States.
It is gratifying to report relations of
this kind with our northern neighbor.
A long frontier unfortified, a century
of peace and amicable arrangements
respecting immigration have develop-
ed easy intercourse. In her markets we
have also been buying liberally, our
chief commodity being news print pa-
per. Thus we contribute to, as well
ag share in, a prosperity which may
be indicated by the fact that buildings
going up to the value of more than
$250,000,000 in six months represent
a gain of 30 per cent, over the pre-
vious high mark. In population Can-
ada is about equal to Pennsylvania.
——The first frost of the season
made its appearance on Wednesday
morning, when thermomters ware
down to 87 above zero. The frost did
practically no damage.
——President Calles, of Mexico, re-
fuses to continue in office. In other
words, he would rather live than be
ted | xomething.terribie was going te happen.”
—A rooster, buried for 32 days under
a mow full of wheat, has just been rescued
on the T. J. Elmer farm, near Latrobe.
The bird appeared groggy, but after shak-
ing himself several times, emitted a feeble
crow and commenced to strut.
—Judge Albert W. Johnson, in the Unit-
ed States district court at Scranton, nam-
ed Henry Wowles, Selinsgrove, as pro-
bation officer for the Middle district of
Pennsylvania. He is the first person to
be given this position under a Federal law
passed a few years ago.
—Wounds he received a year ago while
attempting to escape from a coal and iron
policeman resulted in the death of Lee
. Gray, 33, Negro miner, in a hospital at
Washington, Pa., on Monday. Gray was
shot in the legs when he tried to get
away from the officer who had arrested
—W. W. Baylor, sitting as a referee in
the Lackawana county court, on Monday,
awarded $2300 damages to Miss Mary
Mahady, of Archbald, whose hair turned
gray after she had been given treatment at
a beauty parlor in Scranton. The decision
was against Madame Fenwick and Charles
Lozier, who operate the concern.
—That a raven-haired girl is the leader
of the gang of thieves that has been prey-
ing upon billiard parlors of Shamokin,
Brady, Kulpmont, Mt. Carmel and Cen-
tralia the last three months was disclosed
to officials by a youth who overheard a
well-dressed young man and a pretty girl
accuse each other during a “mouth fight”
in a business house.
—Arrested on a charge of stealing $125
Aaron “Bunt” Carbaugh, Kasierville, four
miles south of Mercersburg, escaped from
custody early Sunday morning when he
tricked constable John Carabaugh, 52, al-
so of Kasierville, into accompanying him
on a search for the money, then clubbed
the officer over the head with a shovel,
causing a fracture of the skull.
—Landing on the blade of a butcher
knife when she fell down the cellar steps
of her home, Mrs. Richard Rohrbaugh, of
Hanover, died last Friday night. Mrs.
Rohrbaugh had been carrying the knife.
and when she fell the blade entered her
throat, cutting the jugular vein and an
artery. After running upstairs and telling
her 8-year-old son to get help she fell
dead on the porch.
—Blasting solid rock eighty to a hun-
dred feet in depth to provide the roadbed
for the new State highway from Lock
Haven to Renovo is being done now by
the William C. Horn Construction com-
pany. In the vicinity of Whetham a sec-
tion of the road nearly a half-mile in
length has literally been cut out of the
mountain side, requiring the handling ot
about 100,000 cubic yards of rock.
—When it comes to growing. “Jumbo”
tomatoes, Mt. Union has a man that holds
the ribbon. George E. Long, of Market.
street, who works in his vegetable garden
for pleasure as well as profit, picked a
tomato a few days ago that tipped the
scales slightly over two pounds and four
ounces. It measured 17% inches in elr-
cumference and in measurement from stem
to bottom entirely around was 153% inches.
—Mrs. Bdward Luka, of Shamokin, had
a premonition of her husband's death. On
going to work, early last week, she warn-
ed him to be careful, because she felt that
When he failed to report the next day,
searching parties were organized, and fin-
ally dragged his body from a deep hole
filled with water. It is believed his cloth-
ing caught fire from a lamp and that he
fell into the hole while attempting to ex-
tinguish the flames.
—Nieces and nephews of Louis Gold-
schmidt, who attended his funeral at
Bloomsburg, last Friday, will receive their
traveling expenses in making the jourmey
there. The aged man’s will, filed after che
funeral, bequeathed the bulk of the estate,
about $2,000 to his stepson, William, after
providing for the traveling expenses of
the other relatives, bequeathing $100 to
one nephew, Charles Goldschmidt, of
Reading, and leaving $5 each to the other
nephews and nieces.
—A 40-inch copperhead snake, capturs’
ed at Corning Heights, a summer colony .
near Pennsburg, has been sent to the
Philadelphia zoological garden. It is re-
ferred to as the granddaddy of copper-
heads. The copperhead was caught by.
Rev. William M. Anderson, pastor of the
North United Presbyterian church, Phil-
adelphia, who spends his summer vaca-
tions in a cottage at Corning Heights. He
was assisted by Mrs. Anderson, who has
been active in helping her husband ecap-
ture a large number of snakes.
—A unique ceremony took place in Lu-
zerne county courts, on Monday, when
William S. McLean, 3d, was admitted io -
practice law. The motion to admit the
young lawyer to the bar was made by his
grandfather, William 8. McLean Sr. It was
joined in by George R. McLean, father of
the new attorney. The proceedings were
heard by Judge William 8. McLean, 2d,
uncle of the newly-admitted practitioner.
Legal authorities believe the proceedings,
involving four members of the same
family, are the first of their kind in any
court in Pennsylvania.
—Transfer of John W. Keller, chief of
the bureau of forest extension in the De-
partment of Forests and Waters, to the
State Highway Department to take charge
of roadside planting and the maintenance
of trees along roads, was announced to-
day. Keller's new post was created un-’
Legislature, placing shrubbery and tree
planting along highways under the con-
trol of the department. He will be suc-
ceeded by Charles R. Meek, who has been
assistant chief of the forest extension bu-
reau since 1920 and Horace B. Rowland
has been named as Meek’s assistant. All
three men are graduates of the State For-
est School at Mont Alto.
—One hundred and thirty-seven girls,
many of them residents of Philadelphia,
were thrown into excitment early on Sun-~
day when fire broke out in Camp Tega-
witha, in the Pocono Mountains, near
Tobyhanna. The campers escaped in safe-
ty, although all were in bed when the
blaze broke out. The main building et
the camp, a combination kitchen, recrea-
tion hall and gymnasium, was razed, but
the flames did not reach the buildings
used as sleeping quarters. Owing to the
fact that the only telephone at the camp
was in the building which was blazing,
considerable time elapsed before aid could
| be summoned. The Mount Pocono fire de-
partment answered the alarm. The losa
is estimated at about $40,000.
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