Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 03, 1928, Image 1

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    a ————————————————————
© —If you want to get somewhere
chart your course well and start.
. —It may be wise to kecp the gov-
ernment out of the shipping business,
but that goes against subsidies as
well as ownership of vessels.
: —It may be assumed that Vare is
out of the Senate but still in the
market. And he can get any price he
asks for supporting Dave Reed.
—Any man, young or old, who is
sane enough to plan and execuis a
deliberate murder is sane cnough to
be justly punished for the crime.
- If your business isn’t as good as
you think it ought to be there are
reasons. Perhaps one of them is that
you don’t advertise it in the Watch-
—The navy programme is not a
‘war gesture, the public is assured. It
is simply the late German Kaiser's
discredited method of preserving
—The fellow who has little to say
‘has little to retract and, besides, on
the theory that “still water runs
deep” he is often given credit for wis-
dom he doesn’t possess.
— Incidentally, if you read it from
stem to stern, youll have to admit
that this is a pretty darn’d good im-
itation of what your idea of a coun-
try newspaper should be.
. —Senator Johnson, of California,
is going to settle the bituminous coal
situation in Pennsylvania. The Sena-
tor is probably going to do if like the
old lady kept tavern out west.
--This Mr. Robert Solomon who
wants to have Congress investigate
why the New York Giants traded
Roger Hornsby to the Boston Braves
4s just another one of them things
‘that ape publicity.
. —It isn’t a matter of much im-
portance, since we’ll have just the
kind of weather we would have had
otherwise, but if the groundhog didn’t
see his shadow yesterday he certainly
must have been blinded by the dazz-
ling sunlight. ei
Mrs. Florence Knapp, former
Secretary of State of New York, is
%o be prosecuted for alleged irregu-
larities in office. The lady is charged
with having padded the payrolls. We
have heard of ladies who padded
themselves, but this is something else
again. J
* Since his four day flight from
Los Angeles to New York and return,
Will Rogers, cow-boy humorist, prob-
ably thinks he can qualify as a bird-
man. If making the cock-pit of a
look like a flicker’s nest might
suggest that one is a bird-man, Will
* certainly has qualified, but such’ bird-
men would make rather unreliable
. —Down in Oklahoma they are
starting a boom for Will Rogers for
President. While it is not likely that
the cowboy humorist will be called
in the chair that Mr. Coolidge
spies, - yet. if such a thing
y we would at least have
, in the White House who
eternally look as though he is
a dose of castor. oil.
s ‘are lengthening, and
gthening. We're not
0 at, at all. Nor are
£ distressed about the probable snow
"fall during February and March. Now
that we have able-bodied progeny ca-
pable of cleaning two hundred and
thirty feet of sidewalk our concern
about this early rising of the sun is
because daylight always wakens us
and we're envious of our brothers who
Weil, Justice Kephart has taken
himse!? out of the way and it looks
like smooth sailing for Dave Reed, in
his ambition to succeed himself in the
United States Senate. We owe the
gentleman something that he proba-
bly knows nothing about so we shall
even the score by giving him a little
curbstone advice. He can be elected
in Pennsylvania without making
terms with Vare or anybody else and.
if he has the guts to run on his own
we're sure that he can go back to the
Senate and thumb his nose at his
«cousin from Missouri.
- —Reports are to the effect that Mr.
Dempsey has taken himself out of
the heavy-weight pugilistic conten-
tion. Whether it be true or only a
ballyhoo it must be admitted that
Jack is rather a colorful fellow in
fistiana. The mob idealizes him and
will never agree with our idea that
he has shot his wad and knows it.
We hope the report of his retirement |;
is true for Dempsey is a bigger man
retired in the light of that long count
in Chicago than he would be in the
certainty of a knockout were he ever
to enter the ring again with Tunney.
—The town of Morrisville is evi-
dently a progressive one, at least in-
sofar as having concern for what its
future appearance will be. Last week
its council passed an ordinance creat-
ing a shade tree commission and giv-
ing it power to plan and regulate the
proper planting of street trees. Belie-
fonte has a tree commission and sev-
eral years ago it was fortunate in se-
curing theCeerices of one of the
greatest landscape engineers in the
country to make an exhaustive sur-
vey of the town. It is quite likely
that no other small town in the State
has such an intelligent and compre-
‘hensive plan for urban beautification,
yet our council has never passed an
ordinance enabling the tree commis
sion to make the plan anything more
than one of suggestion.
17 18
RD .¥
VOL. 73.
Mr. Ainey Speaks for Monopoly.
In support of his resolution provid-
ing for a congressional investigation
of public utilities with the view of
preventing the organization of a gi-
gantic electrical trust, Senator Walsh,
of Montana, speaking before the Sen-
ate committee on Interstate Com-
merce, the other day, said he had
“hoped to be in a position to present
everything that is good in this move-
ment as well as its dangers, but I
have been forced to assume the role
of a prosecutor because of the pres-
ence of a lobby opposing this investi-
gation which is of such magnitude as
I believe has never before been seen
in Washington.” Because of this sin-
ister force he asked to withdraw an
amendment limiting the inquiry to
interstate companies and large hold-
ing companies with interests in State
Among the spokesman for this lob-
by of great magnitude at the session
of the committee at which the Mon-
tana Senator spoke was D. B. Ainey,
chairman of the Public Service Com-
mission of Pennsylvania. Mr. Ainey’s
reasons for opposing the proposed in-
vestigation by Congress are various,
the first being that it would be “an
abuse of power by Congress.” In
what way it would produce this ef-
fect he leaves to conjecture. Congress
has exercised the power of investi-
gation in many directions and for a
long time and will probably continue
to do so. Mr: Ainey thinks “it would
be regarded by State commissions as
invading their rights.” But such in-
vasion will do no harm if the State
commission is performing its duties
Mr. Ainey claims that under State
regulation “the electric consumers in
Pennsylvania are to-day saving on
the average approximately over $25,-
000,000 a year over the rates that
were in effect in 1914.” Whilst that
is simply a guess it may be substan-
tially true, But this result was
achieved through the multiplication
of service stations and resultant com-
petition. The purpose of the pending
resolution is to preserve and prolong
the competition and continue the sav-
cal power, experience
put of elec ¢
he cost of service will
teaches that®
increase in
President @Qoolidge has adopted a
new method $of wielding the “big
stick.” In alldressing the “business
organization ®f the government” in
Washington, fhe other evening, he
practically deglared that he will veto
the pending bill “if it goes to him
with a total ¥eduction of more than
2» The House of Repre-
as already passed a bill
providing foria tax cut of consider-
ably more th
is discussing propositions largely in-
creasing the mgduction. The National
Chamber of £ommerce has recom-
y+ of the leading Sena-
ed to accept that esti-
feasible and desirable.
an almost universal
{8ps for or against pend-
ing legislatioff until both branches of
Congress hadfacted and then approve
or veto as Is judgment influenced
him. The late President Roosevelt in-
augurated a -System of influencing
legislation bysappealing personally to
Senators and Representatives to vote
as he desired. President Coolidge
followed this example in some in-
stances during the last Congress but
, records show this is
nvoked to control leg-
interest of peace and
harmony in the
government 1
the last.
In their wisdom the framers of the
Constitution i
agency into
i it be hoped it may be
ts, executive, legisla-
1,” each entirely in-
In pursu-
e plan Presidents, un-
nt years, have invar-
e practice established
of making all recom-
Congress orally or in
bly to the provisions
fion. Mr. Coolidge has
wer, to force Congress
the veto, the most ef-
as the meanest meth-
' No Senator or Repre-
Ms to antagonize the
dependent of
ance of this w
til within re
iably held to
by Washingto
mendations t
writing, agre
ir oil. invetigation is
. but each day biings
i# neared to prison:
consolidations, mergers and absorp-
tions result in the creation of a trust |
capable of cgptrolling the entire out-
the value of Calvin Coolidge’s serv-
The Senate and the President.
Some of the actions of the United
States Senate are inexplicable to the
average mind. An apparent majority
of the body declares in season and out
that the public is so impressed with
ices to the country that they are
ready to sacrifice an old and fondly
cherished tradition in order to retain
him in office for a third term. Yet
whenever the opportunity presents it-
self the Senate votes a lack of con-
fidence in his patriotism, integrity or
intelligence. Only the other day his
request for authority to appoint a;
committee to investigate the recent
disaster to the submarine S-4 Was re- |
fused and a Congressional investiga- |
tion ordered. . |
Nearly every recommendation made
by the President in his annual mes- |
sabe to Congress has been antagon- |
ized or ignored. His programme for
building war ships has been vigor- |
ously attacked on various points and |
unless there is a great change in the
sentiment of the Senate it will be
“shot to pieces.” His recommenda-
tions concerning flood relief have pro-
voked even stronger opposition and
his attitude on the question of farm
relief threatens to split his party in-
to factions. No other President with-
in recent years, who has had. both
branches of Congress in political sym-
pathy with him, has been so frequent-
ly and decidedly opposed by Congress.
Yet it is widely believed by leaders
of his party in and out of Congress
that he is the only Republican who
would be sure of election. This im-
pression is shared to some extent by
Democrats and Prohibitionists and is
probably responsible for a hope, still
cherished in many mnids, that he may
be “drafted” as the Republican can-
didate. He is the choice of corporate
interests and big business and these
elements in the electorate imagine |
that high offices may still be bought
like other commodities in market. The
recent experience of Vare, in Penn-
sylvania, and Smith, in Illinois, has
dislodged this impression generally,
but “ none are so blind as those whe
don’t want to see.” oie a
ga yo Ae J
—The Reading Railwa “compa
! demanding bus service in Pepns
' nia and fighting it in New Jetsey# It |
makes a vast difference “whose ox |
‘contest last week.
n that and the Senate ‘ offered a resolution to instru
' committee to proceed with the™
0% $40,000,000 ana The Wilson petition alleged a con-
y ? ’ :
| election -officers of certain
is gored.”
A Stultifying Reversal. |
———— i
The stultifying reversal of itself by |
_ the Senate Committee on Privileges
and Elections was the amazing fea- |
ture of the Wilson-Vare Senatorial |
The committee
had been packed in the interest of
Vare by the substitution of Senator
Moses, of New Hampshire, a hard
partisah with a flexible = conscience, |
for Senator Goff, of West Virginia,
who as a member of the Slush Fund
committee, had acquired too much in-
formation on the subject. On Wednes-
day the committee, by a partisan
vote, threw out the Wilson petition
for a recount of the ballots. = On
Thursday Senator Reed, of Missouri,
‘the |
ount |
and the committee reversed itself.
spiracy between Mr. Vare and the
districts in
| Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Chester, !
| Lackawanna, Luzerne and Schuylkill
departments of the: illegally issued by: Governor Fisher
counties, to cast and return fraudu-
lent votes for Vare. As we predicted |
last week Francis Shunk Brown,
‘counsel for Mr. Vare, raised the |
i point that the petition was indefinite
and therefore not entitled to consid-
eration. The Republican majority on
the committee promptly accepted Mr. |
| Brown's appraisement of the value of |
i the petition and declared the contest |
ended. But the alert Democrats on
the committee refused to submit. |
They invoked parliamengary methods |
to place the matter before the Senate
for decision. 3 3 ;
The scheme was to give Mr. Vare
a title to the seat on the certificate
that he might resign and thus be-
*come eligible for election to the va- |
cancy. As the running niate of Sena- |
tor Dave Reed and with the support
of the Mellons, he hoped to buy an-!
other election. But the: plan has
failed. The expectations 6f the polit
ical conspirators have : been disap- |
pointed. Altogether it is a sad ending
of a sinister enterprise. Mr. Vare’s |
ambition to represent Pennsylvania
in the United States Senate has been
hopelessly wrecked by criminal stu-
pidity. . ;
—1If the Pan-American Congress in-
sists on tariff reduction the Washing-
ton administration will be in an em-
barrassing situation.
—Lindy is an Ambassador of good
will, all right, and the ihanimate end
of “we” is the white dove conveying
tokens of peace # wo
' with part and deposited the balance
4 men not only encourages but provokes
| are out in the open.
{ Coolidge was- nominated and have a
j Somneliey is also _a_ prominent bus-
| $600, the same as has been paid in
Delayed Justice Almost in Sight,
© The testimony of M. T. Everhart, |
son-in-law of former Secretary of the
Interior, Albert B. Fall, before the
Senate Committee on Lands, a week
ago, removes all doubt as to the char-
acter and purpose of the transfer of
money from one to the other between
Mr. Fall and Harry F. Sinclair, pend-
ing and immediately following the
Teapot Dome oil reserve lease. Mr.
Everhart acted as agent for Mr. Fall.
Yr Sinclair paid the money to him
nd he paid some debts owed by Fall
to Fall’s credit in bank. The pay-
ment was in Liberty bonds and cash,
and was handed to Everhart by Sin-
clair in person in Washington and
New York.
. When the case against Fall and
Sinclair was on trial before the Su-
preme court of the District of Colum-
bia, some months ago, Mr. Everhart
refused to give these details on the
ground that such evidence might in-
eriminate him. Senator Walsh
promptly introduced a bill curtailing
the statute of limitations so as to
nullify that means of evasion and it
was enacted into law. Therefore
when the matter came up before the
Senate committee, the other day, he
was obliged to testify or be punished
for contempt. He decided to protect
himself and his evidence completely
establishes the conspiracy with which
Fall and Sinclair stand charged. The
suspended trial will be renewed in a
short time. WE
" Harry F. Sinclair is the most ar-
rogant and dangerous “malefactor of
great wealth” in the country. He has that his
openly defied the law and the courts
and is now under conviction of
contempt of the Senate, under indiet-
ment for contempt of the district |
court, and waiting for the resump-
tion of trial for conspiracy to cheat
the government in the Teapot Dome
oil lease, which has been declared by
the Supreme court to be fraudulent
and void. It is to be hoped, there-
fore, in the interest of justice and
fairness, that this last convincing ex-
posure will bring him to just punish-
i which will be a prison sentence
— Friends of Jack Dempsey say he
has quit fighting because “his eyes
are becuming glazed.” Well, Jack
had his day and in his time glazed
the eyes of others.
Republican National Delegate Fight.
There is a pretty contest in the of-
fing for the honor of being selected as
delegate from the Twenty-third Con-
gressional district, composed of the
counties of Centre, Clearfield, Camer-
on and McKean, to the Republican
national convention to-be held at
Kansas City. ‘So far three candidates
They are P. T. Davis, of Clearfield,
James Connelley, of Ludlow, McKean
county, and Mrs. Ella J. Mountz, of
Smith’s Mills, Clearfield county. Mr.
Davis is a prominent business man, of
Clearfield, and has mixed enough in
politics to have a desire to go to
Kansas City and help nominate the
Republican standard bearer. Mr. Con-
nelley and Mrs. Mountz were both
delegates to the national convention
in Cleveland, four_ years ago, when
hankerin’ to go to Kansas City. Mr
iness man in his section of the State |t
while Mrs. Mouatz is the Alpha and
Omega at Smith’s Mills. os
It will be remembered that on a
visit to Bellefonte during her cam-
paign four years ago she presented
the Centre County hospital: with a
tract of land somewhere in the South,
and now it might be well for those
Republicans who are interested injthe
hospital to fester her ambition to
again be a national delegate and she
migh find a solution for that much
needed ambulance. ° 5
—The Watchman regrets to learn
that George W. Rumberger is in
rather feeble health at his home in
Unionville. It does not seem long
ago that we saw him in Bellefonte
and then he appeared just as spry as
he had been for many years. He is
now in his ninety-first year and we
hope that his feebleness is only tem-
porary and that he may be spared to
round out the century mark.
—The new board of County Com-
missioners have finally .,named an at-
torney in the person-of former Judge
Arthur C. Dale.’ The salary fixed is
the past.
—The country has been saved
again. The “balanced budget” has
turned the trick this time, according
to the President. Leta wri ald
which he had
‘Everhart; he had
= Subscribe for the Watchin.
Fall's Record Is ot Last Fully Re-
From the Philadelphia
It took the passage of ial law
to uncover fully the soi record of
1 Albert Fall as Secret the In-
terior, but the result ju the ex-
iraordinary ineasure a Fer
four years the Govern and the
Courts had failed in every effort to
establish legally some essential de-
tails of his corrupt dealings with oil
speculators; the case remained in-
complete because the accused men
could not be forced to testify against
themselves, and because M. T. Ever-
hart, Fall’s son-in-law and agent,
pleaded that to tell the truth would
tend to incriminate and degra: him.
Having been ssured of Immunity, he
has now recited to the Senate Com-
mittee the shocking s .d
As Fall’s messenger
Ye ©
bonds. Subsequently he ob :
the same purpose §36,0(
ur 104.0 “addition
to $105,009 paid te him by Edward L.
Dahent, beneficiary of another crook-
ed deal. Fn :
If anything could be more astound-
ing than these facts, it would be the
effrontery of Fall's comment upon
them. In a statement carried by ibe
Associated Press he declares that the
deals which fcr four years he fought
desperatly to hide were eommonplace
and legitimate business transactions,
and above board,” concerning
“nothing to conceal.”
~ Moreover, he appears “0 be whoily
unaware of, or tno erent. to, the fact
that hi planations are contradicted
by the. rn testimony. The moneys
calls “loans” were never repaid.
Sinclair's $233,000 payment, vas 0s-
share in
tensibly for purchase of
the oil speculator
Fall’s ranch, but
never took possession, and disdained
even to keep the certificate recording
his alleged interest. “Al Sinclair's.
dealings,” says Fall, “were with Mr.
power of attorney,
and I did not know any of the de-
tails.” And Eve , swears: “Fall
told me to go to New York
the money. I did not m
All I actually did was
then, is completed. But the :
mains to be f revealed an episode
of even greaté¥ s€ope and more sin-
ister implications. The $233,000 pay-
ment to Fall was derived from the se-
cret and illegitimate gains of a dum-
my corporation formed by Sinclair
and other big oil'men. Through this
device they contracted to buy 38,000,
000 barrels of oil and resell it to their
own companies at an advance of 25
cents, or $8,000,000. When the deal
was halted profits of $3,000,000 had
been divided by the insiders. Of this
sum $233,000 has been traced to Fall.
To discover what use was made of
the remaining $2,700,000—whether it,
too, debauched officials or political
the tion of $7,500,000 announced by the Fed-
leaders—is the task now facing ti
em ep eee
Immigration Law.
From the Harrisburg Telegraph
Senator David A. Reed, of Pennsyi-
vania, has introduced an amendment
to the immigration act of 1924, which
limits the immigration of aliens into
the United States. This bill would
make a separate group of persons to
include ministers of religion and col-
lege professors as non quota immi-
grants. These would be defined as
immigrants qualified te teach who
seek to enter the United States solely
for the- purpose of teaching in this
country and who have written con-
tracts for a definite period with a col-
ege, academy, seminary or universi-
Ye fm
There is also a proposal in the
House to so revise the immigration
laws as to give preference to immir
grants who have relatives already in
the. United States. Still another
amendment pending in the House
would add a new subject, the effect of
which would be to suspend for five
years the quota of any country re-
fusing to accept aliens returned to it
as deportees from the United States.
Prohibitionists Select Giff and Bill.
‘| From the Clearfield Republican.
. Gifford Pichot and William B. Wil-
son have been selected for support by
the ‘Prohibition forces in Pennsylva-
nia at the coming primaries for Unit-
ed States Senator. There is a pos-
sibility “. that neither gentleman's
name will. be on the ticket. Pinchot
says. he will not run unless the people
rise’ pon their hind legs and eall him
to service. ‘Mr. Wilson is now en-
gaged in a contest for a seat in the
Senate gi. Hing look very much like
the question will not be passed upon
in time to get his name on any ticket
at the coming primaries. Ain't poli-
tics grand, anyway? Lots of us re-
mem wheti there wasn’t a Prohibi-
tionist in the country who would have
sat next to gither Giff Pinchot or Billy
Wilson _trayéling on a dining ‘car go-
ing anywhere, :
: FD TR :
..—Mayor ‘Mackey is projecting am-
bitious “plans for “Philadelphia in the
of op erTanean Heft, and he
a e. experience in_under-
nd political work. Te Me
“fat Lewisburg. =.
—The oft repeated claim that “age re-
tards efficiency” was given the lie last
week when Emerson Brehman, of Lewis-
town, the oldest motorman in the service
of the Lewistown and Reedsville Electric
Railway company, ate twelve eggs with
two slices of ham and various other deli-
cacies at the annual luncheon at the Har
ry E. Knepp cottage, in the Seven Mount-
ains. .
—Rleven members of Troop C, 52nd ma-
chine gun squadron, of Lewistown, have
received certificates from the commander
of the third corps area, showing they have
completed a course of the regular army
correspondence schools with an average of
82 per cent. This is the largest number
of men taking this course in the entire
squadron and believed to be the largest in
the 28th division,
—Pennsylvania National Guardsmen wilt
find a number of improvements at .the
Mt. Gretna reservation whet they go into
training next summer. Shelter sheds have
been erected over seven picket lines for
horses of the cavalry, and 119 combination
mess halls and kitchens and a new land.
scape rifle and pistol range have been con-
structed. Expenditures for this work ap-
proximated $78,000.
—Burns received on Monday morning
were fatal to two boys, and caused .seri-
ous injury to their mother, Mrs. Harry
Parkhurst, of Bradford, who attempted to
save them when the family home became
ignited from a defective flue. The boys
were aged five and six years. All three
were in bed when the fire broke out and
the bodies of the boys were not found
until the fire had been extinguished.
— Charles Woods, 15, died at the Lewis-
town hospital, on Monday, from blood
poisoning induced by a blister on his left
foot. The young man had been skating on
Jaek’s creek when the blister raised from
the skate strap became infected. He was
taken to the hospital, where his right
arm, bruised while playing shinny three
weeks ago, also became infected. This
infection became virulent and it was nec-
ecessary to amputate the arm Sunday af-
ternoon, but it failed to save the life of
the boy.
—Game Protector Ambrose Gearhart, of
Lehigh county, investigated a report that
Jobn Wolfe, a hermit on the Blue Moun-
tain, was hunting game illegally. When
arrested for shooting rabbits, squirrels.
and pheasants Wolfe expressed surprise,
saying he had to eat to live. Unable to
pay: a fine of $250, he was committed to
jail. He voiced his joy at the warmth of
the place and of the kind fate that had
brought him there, saying it was a better
place ‘to spend the winter than his little
mountain e¢abin, with little to eat and
only a. wood fire. «3
.*_Franklin- 8. Searle, former railroad
mail clerk of Harrisburg, who was indict-
ed by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh
last Thursday on 41 counts of unlawfully
possessing, altering, forging and passing
pension checks, must stand trial in the
federal eourt at Scranton on a theft charge
first before he answers the numerous
charges against him in the western part
of the State. Assistant United States At-
torney A. A. Vosburg stated on Monday
that an indictment charging Searle with
the theft of pension checks valued at §1-
000 was returned by a fed
I grand jury
—James Tuttle, 20, of
knocked into a semi-consecious
but was expected to recover from injuries
he sustained last Thursday = whe he
leaped from a Pennsylvania, rail
near Harrisburg, while being tak
to Altoona to face a charge of b
as the traf!
risburg, tri
smashed a W
coach and lea d out. "He was being
en to Altoona fi
lice, and Con
—Pennsyl ani vill receive $13.1C0 from
the Federal forest road fund for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, under the alloca-
ank rop-
tle made his break for liberty
reached the outskirts of Har:
om Charleston, S. C., by
eral Department of Agriculture. The mon-
ey was alloted those States which con-
tain national forests. Of the sum given
Pennsylvania $6,838 is for the construction
and improvement of roads in and adja-
cent to national forest and $6,262 is for
the construction and maintenance of roads
for the devlopment, protection and admin-
istration of the forests. Pennsylvania has
two ‘national forests—the- Allegheny na-
tional forest and woodlands at Tobyhan-
na. . a
—Whether William. H.sGoshner, of Nor-
ristown, serves one day or 10 years in
jail depends upén his own conduct, the
result of a unique sentence imposed by
Judge Williams last Friday. Goshnef was «
sentenced after pleading guilty to robbing
a freight car near Merion station. ‘He
was discharged on Sunday en probation.
“he “gets In other trouble he will be
tiged to return and serve the maximum
toFit of 10 years. Me also Wis obliged td
pay costs of 81. Goshmer was taken to
Norristown + for trial after serving 1S
months in Phila
arettes from a”
He said he had 1
Williams gave h
—A verdict of acqul
Lock Haven, on Saturday at"
of court in the case of Joseph
don, charged with the murd
H. Klobe. The case went to
9:30 o'clock Friday night an
was reached at 7 o'clock
ing. Huntingdon admitted
Floyd C. Klobe, a son, wit
claimed the act was commit
fense when Klobe th
knife in a quarrel
Huntingdon’s serv i
whisky in Sugar valley. He denie
struck the elder Klobe, who was ‘founa
with a deep gash in the back of the head,
from the effect of which he died a few
days later.
—Richard Schroat, sixteen year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schroat, of Noth!
Bend, Clinton county, twenty miles
Lock Haven, died at the Renoyosi§
Saturday. .ev,
sustained shorgly:
afternoon when a.gun iy
elder brother, John, Se
he was trapping was accident
charged. John Schroat stu) and: the
gun was discharged,
the shot shattering
Richard’s hip and: right : Plackn gy thi
wounded. lad on hisieshoplders. por
walked a mile for. aid, Wad
quehanna river ‘to, North: Bends wher
car rushed the boy to, the. Henevo chos-
pital, three miles from that -point, ‘but
fiothing could be done to save his life.
toona was