Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 10, 1926, Image 1

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    Pemorraic atdpm
EE ————
—Its surprising what a few days of
sunshine can do by way of wiping out
the gloom spread by three weeks of
rain. .
It looks as if Senator McKinley,
of Illinois, will not need the big bunch
“of money he dumped into the cam-
paign for renomination.
—Don’t worry about the blisters
the handle of the lawn mower made.
The furnace and snow shovel handles
will make them callous ere long.
—Former Senator Atlee Pomerene,
of Ohio, and Senator Jim Reed, of
‘Missouri, are among the most recent-
ly talked of possible Democratic presi-
dential timber of the 1928 campaign.
—Senator Jim Reed, of Mis-
souri, has announced that he will
not be a candidate for re-election
when his present term expires. The
Senator thinks that eighteen years in
the upper house of Congress is all he
cares for, Those political crooks who
have lately fallen under the scrutiny
of that investigation committee prob-
ably think that eighteen seconds of
Reed is all they care for.
—The performance of women in the
gruelling attempts that have been
made to swim the English channel
this summer are exciting much com-
ment. They have shown so much
more gameness than the men who
have attempted it that the question as
to which is the weaker sex is becom-
ing more moot than ever. We are not
going to be led into a discussion of it
for the benefit of the lady who fur-
nished the thought for this Sling. But
if it will be any satisfaction to her
we’re right here to admit that in many
ordeals women are far finer than men.
They’ll sit in a dentist chair and suffer
the torments of the damned for an
entire day without a wince. And who
is the man who will do that?
—This being nearly the middle of
September, with the fall election less
- than two months off, we think Cen-
tre county should be beginning to con-
sider the matter of who is to represent
us in the next session of the Legisla-
ture. Doubtless the Hon. J. Laird
‘Holmes thinks he is going to. Maybe
he will, but why? He has represent-
ed us in Harrisburg for two years and
what did he do? We know a good bit
about the appraisement of Centre
county Members in Harrisburg during
the past thirty years. We know it so
well that we challenge anybody to
prove our statement that Mr. Holmes
has been the least influential, either
in the halls of the General Assembly
or in the lobby thereof, of any Mem-
ber our county has sent to Harrisburg
to represent her during the past thirty
years. Let us send some body who
blathers less and gathers more.
—We note from the Clearfield Re-
publican that there is a possibility of
the control of the company that sup-
plies that city with water falling into
outside hands. At present the com-
pany is privately—but locally—owned.
While we are not an advocate of pub-
lic ownership of public utilities we do
believe that the water supply of a
community should be in the control of
the people depending on it and for
that reason we think Clearfield would
be conserving its own interest best by
securing control of its most vital
necessity and holding onto it. Belle-
fonte could sell her water plant today
for more than enough to wipe out the
entire borough indebtedness. But
what would it profit us. A private
ownership would probably shoot ren-
tals up to the point where the differ-
ence between the present and revised
rentals would pay the borough debt
off hundreds of times.
—It seems that our habitual fear of
Greeks bearing gifts led us into leay-
ing an erroneous impression among
Watchman readers as to the proposed
reduction of rates by une Bell Tele-
prone company. On the usual assump-
tion that a corporation has no soul we
stated last week that it isn’t natural
for such a business enterprise to
volunteer a saving of millions to the
public and while we know it wasn’t
polite to lcok a gift horse in the
mouth we proceeded to do that very
thing, hence the error. We assumed
that the company was going to reduce
rates materially on calls to points we
rarely ask for and increase them
slightly on calls to points frequently
sought. But such isn’t the case. The
rates to all points most called by
patrons in this community will remain
unchanged while points like San Fran-
cisco Galveston, Lake Worth and Bos-
ton can be gotten at a much lower rate
than heretofore. This material reduc-
tion is not to be compensated for by
‘increases in other calls, but by re-
duced operating costs effected through
distributing the traffic more evenly
over hours when the company’s lines
are carrying their lightest loads. We
thank the management of the Bell
‘Company for its very courteous man-
ner of calling our attention to the in-
justce we had done it. In fact it didn’t
“crab” at us like we might do at it
over the trifling matter of an unavoid-
ably delayed call. It seemed to under-
stand our view point and politely con-
vinced us of its erroneous conclusion.
We take pleasure in admitting that we
were wrong in this instance and
pleasure, also, in congratulating a
corporation that has discovered a plan
that while saving something for itself
it can also save something for its
patrons. Experience has taught us
that such discoveries are rarely made.
VOL. 71.
Ship Subsidy Up Aagin.
Ship subsidy has more lives than a
i Good Advice from Pinchot.
One of the striking features of Gov-
cat. ‘Since the close of the Civil war ernor Pinchot’s speech on Pennsylva-
it has been killed more than a dozen | nia day at the Sesqui-Centennial was
times, but according to current gossip his admonition to voters in marking
in Washington is still alive and will | their ballots to inquire: “Is this can-
make its appearance again during the ' didate fit? Will he represent the peo-
coming session of Congress. The last ; ple or some special interest or political
killing occurred during the early per- | gang?” If every voter, after appeal-
iod of the Harding administration. |ing to conscience, were guided by his
The vast majority given to |or her best judgment in making the
the Republican candidate for Presi- | ballot there would be no slush fund
dent in 1920 encouraged the subsidy | scandals to humiliate right-minded
mongers to hope that even so out-
rageous a form of graft might be
pulled off, and agreeably to a cam-
paign promise, a ship subsidy bill was
introduced. But even with the active
people of the State after each Repub-
lican primary election, for that of last
{ May only differed from many that
preceded it in the amount of the cor-
ruption fund and the boldness in using
An Insult to Workingmen.
Last week the Republican State Ex-
ecutive committee, a bunch of servile
tools of corporate interests, carefully
picked by Mellon and Grundy, assem-
bled in Philadelphia to declare the
party platform for the impending
campaign. The candidate for United
States Senator, Mr. Vare, was nomi-
nated on a pledge of opposition to the
Volstead law and the candidate for
Governor, Mr. Fisher, won the favor
by feebly promising to support that
measure. Both sat silently in the
meeting but the committee decided to
ignore that question and adopt Pro-
.tective Tariff as the slogan to con-
jure with. The “dinner pail,” in the
help of the President it failed to mus- | it by the candidates and their friends.
ter a majority in either House. It In his testimony before the Senate
was hoped that would be the end of it. Slush Fund committee Mr. Joseph R.
The first earnest effort to impose | Grundy, president of the Pennsylva-
such an unjust burden upon the peo- | nia Manufacturers’ association, testi-
| opinion of the committee, is more ap-
‘ pealing than the “growler.”
Curiously enough on the same day
that this decision was made a bul-
letin was issued by the Department of
ple was soon after the close of the
Civil war. John Roach, of Chester,
Pa., had assembled a vast ship build-
ing plant and though he had made
millions of money in construction for
the government, stood to lose some
by the depreciation in value of his
machinery which would necessarily be
unemployed in the immediate future.
He conceived the idea of a government
bonus for building and operating mer-
chant ships and by enticing a few
other war made millionaires to join
him, created a formidable lobby which
almost succeeded in getting the ap-
propriation. But Edgar Cowan, in the
Senate, and Sam Randal, in the House,
both Pennsylvanians, made so vigor-
ous a fight that it was ultimately de-
During the eight years of the Grant
administration two futile efforts were
made to put the scheme across, and
when J. P. Morgan secured control of
several shipping lines it was brought
up with like result. At the close of the
World war the government had on
hand a large number of ships and no
use for them. During the campaign
of 1920 a group of rapacious partisans
contributed liberally to the slush fund
on an implied promise that if they
would form a corporation a ship sub-
sidy law would be passed which would
enable them to organize a corporation,
buy the ships fori small prices and
reimburse themsélves out of the sub-
sidy fund. But their expectation was
disappointed. The bill was introduced
but public sentiment protested with
such force that those who favored it in
Congress became afraid.
What sinister agency inspired the
impending effort has not been reveal-
prise. “The extra cost of maintaining
an American merchant marine,” he is
reported to have said, “and any incon-
venience and trouble which it may
throw upon the government are a
charge which the American taxpayers
should be and are willing to pay.” The
American taxpayers are proverbially
easy and generous to a fault in meet-
ing just obligations. But a ship sub-
sidy is nothing more nor less than a
legalized right bestowed on favorites
to loot the treasury. The imaginary
influence of Coolidge may secure such
legislation but it will spell “finis” to
those responsible.
—Those fortunate who can afford
oil burning attachments for their
home furnaces ought to organize now
to protest any plans John D. may
have of pushing the price of oil up on
them after he gets them all in.
——The rural mail carriers know
what to do with officials suspected of
grafting. At the convention held in
Philadelphia last week, they “threw
the rascals out.”
——Hayward Thompson may be
able to guide an automobile on crowd-
ed streets while blindfolded but we
hope the ambition to do so will be
limited to him.
——We are not to engage in any
armament race, according to the fa-
mous spokesman, but are trying our
level best to lead in areonautics.
——Big Tom Cunningham is not
cutting much figure on front pages
now. But he is likely to occupy con-
siderable space in a cell later on.
——The Republican managers seem
to think that the people of Pennsyl-
vania are credulous enough to be fool-
ed on the tariff question again.
et pg
——The City of Philadelphia has
guaranteed Sesqui. debts to the
amount of $5,000,000 and that ought
to guarantee good credit.
——The man who had his father-in-
law murdered so that his wife might
inherit a fortune had a perverted idea
of connubial obligations.
fied that his contribution of $400,000 ' Commerce in Washington setting
was not influenced by his interest in | forth the fact that during the fiscal
Senator Pepper but was the result of | year ending on the 30th of June, 1926,
his fear that unless John S. Fisher | there were exported from this country
were nominated and elected Governor fully manufactured goods to the value
a tax would be levied upon the capital | of $1,937,295 and partly manufactured
ed, but President Coolidge has already '!
signified his approval of the enter-
of manufacturing corporations in the
near future. In other words, Mr.
Fisher was the choice of Mr. Grundy
for the reason that he, in the event
‘of his election, would serve the special
interest in which Mr. Grundy is con-
cerned rather than the people. The
evidence of “Big” Tom Cunningham
before the same committee proves
that Mr. Vare was nominated to serve
a political gang.
In the face of these facts no voter
influenced by the considerations ap-
proved by Governor Pinchot can vote
for Fisher for Governor or Vare for
Senator. The manufacturing corpora-
tions of Pennsylvania have been
favored so long and generously by tax
exemptions that they have, through
their agent, Mr. Grundy, assumed the
mastery of the politics and the direct-
, ory of legislation of the State. In the
| attainment of this commanding posi-
tion they have prostituted every
agency of government. The oppor-
tunity is now offered to end this per-
version of power and orgie of corrup-
tion by defeating the candidates chos-
en by such machinations. The Demo-
cratic. nominees are fit and represent
the people.
re ype eek
Governor Pinchot will not be
an independent candidate for United
States Senator. this year.
decline the nomination of the Labor
party for that office he will do a good
service for the people.
False Pretense of Worry.
i Some of our esteemed Republican
, contemporaries are worrying them-
selves sick because the Democratic
candidates for Governor and Senator
in Congress are not of the same mind
‘on the subpect of prohibition. Judge
| Bonniwell, for reasons satisfactory to
j rmsel, is opposed to the Eighteenth
amendment to the constitution and
| former Labor Commissioner Wilson,
for equally valid reasons, approves
‘ that measure. Each candidly declared '
| his views on the subject during the
| primary campaign and unquestionably
both were sincere in their expressions.
With full understanding of the facts,
| therefore, the Democratic voters of
! the State nominated them to the
| pired.
| On the other hand the Republican
i candidates for the same offices profess
opposite opinions on the prohibition
| question. The Republican candidate
| for Governor, Mr. John 8. Fisher, has
{never frankly expressed himself and
during the primary campaign artfully
dodged the subject.
| protest that he is a prohibitionist and
| ardent supporter of the Volstead law,
while Mr. Vare, candidate for Senator, !
i based his claims for the favor of his
! party exclusively on the ground of
: opposition to the amendment and the |
ilaw. The only difference, consequent-
ly, lies in the fact that the Democratic
| candidates are fair to the public while !
| their opponents are jockeying to de-
ceive the voters.
| As a matter of fact the prohibition
| question is not an issue in the cam-
| paign this year. The Democratic can-
didate for Governor will enforce the |
law, if he be elected, and the Republi-
| can candidate can do no more in the .
| Shenl of his success. But there is a
greater and graver issue in the cam- |
the question of the |
!paign. It is
equality of opportunity in official life
and the integrity of elections. If the
j Sus fund candidates nominated by
{the Republican party this year are
| chosen, it will be justly interpreted as
approval of an auction system of fill-
(ing the public offices of the State, and
{only millionaires or men willing to
serve selfish interests or corrupt ma-
chnes, will be eligible to office.
We are in the World’s court
now and ultimately will be in the
- League of Nations “with both feet.”
If he will |
respective offices to which they as-
But his friends
“products of our mills and factories of
, the value of $635,271,000, within the
same period, exclusive of manufactur-
“ed foodstuffs the value of which was
- $5630,5606,000. With such a record of
| foreign trade it would seem to an in-
quiring mind that a protective tariff
iis of no great benefit either to em-
ployers or employes in manufacturing
‘industries in this country.
But with that fatuity characteristic
of selfish politicians Mellon and
Grundy authorized Mr. Paul W. Houck
to introduce and coerced the cor-mit-
i tee to adopt a resolution declaring
that “Europe in its
| send its millions of unemployed back
to work has begun and is preparing to
‘further feed the United States with
low cost wage products and is displac-
ing employment of Pennsylvania
‘workers at fair wages. Southern
, Demacrats and Western radicals are
, Planning to break down the present
| tariff barrier to imports which has
been a protection to Pennsylvania
Wage earners and industries.” Such
‘rubbish is an insult to the intelligence
‘of wage earners of Pennsylvania and
everywhere else. ~~
Somewhat Drastic but Fit.
The official orders to the policemen
of Philadelphia to “shoot at autoists
. who attempt to flee after striking a
person” may seem drastic at first
sight but appeals to the mind upon
reflection. To begin with there are
altogether too many automobile ac-
cidents. It is conservatively estimat-
ed that in recent years automobiles
have killed and injured more human |
beings than war and that within the
last year have resulted in more ca-
lamities than railroads ever did in the
same period of time. When these
facts are considered and it is known
that most of these accidents are
caused by careless or drunken drivers
it must be admitted that drastic reme-
dies are required.
One drunken or wreckless driver in
a city, town or public highway is a .
menace to hundreds of men, women
and children engaged in business or
pleasure. But the “hit-and-run” driver
is a more despicable creature for he
shows cowardliness as well as cruelty
in his nature. As a rule the miscreant
‘is in a high powered machine and de-
pends on the swiftness of his vehicle
to escape the penalty of his crime.
Officers may command any avail-
able vehicle for pursuit but without
a chance of success. A steel-tipped
bullet might puncture a tire and thus
accomplish the result but lodged in ;
the driving arm at the wheel it is bet-
ter. It may prove fatal but at that it
fairly “fits the crime.”
Human life is valued lightly in
these more or less degenerate days
and crimes of violence are multiplied
for that reason. But the life of a
miscreant who will run down and kill
I ning away is of less consequence than
"the lowest estimate put upon it. He
| may by his wrecklessness have killed
i or maimed for life a man or woman of
' great importance in the community;
' sent sorrow into the families of dozens
of homes. But so long as he is able
| to escape there is no redress, not even
! the satisfaction of just punishment.
| For these reasons we are inclined to
; approve the order to the Philadelphia
| police to “shoot at autoists who at-
| tempt to flee after striking a person.”
——The Odd Fellows from this dis-
trict had rather discouraging weather
for their annual picnic and reunion at
Hecla park, on Monday, and the result
considerably curtailed and the attend-
ance was not as large as anticipated.
At that, there was a fair-sized crowd
at the park during the afternoon,
quite a number of people stopping
there on their way home from the
postponed automobile race at Altoona.
desperation to |
on the highway and escape by run-'
was that the program of athletics was |
NO. 36.
Who is Grundy?
Editor of The Democratic Watchman
Who is this man Joseph F. Grundy,
[Sho testified under oath before the
Senatorial Investigating Committee
‘at Washington a short time ago that
| he had little interest in the triangular
i primary election contest for United
States Senator in Pennsylvania, but
was greatly concerned about the nom-
ination of one John Slushfund Fisher,
. for Governor, on the Republican State
| ticket, in whose behalf he admitted
i he had expended over $300,000 of his
own money, besides endorsing a note
for $90,000 additional? Let this in-
quiry be answered by a group of the
most influential Republicans of this
Commonwealth. . :
During the primary election cam-
paign of 1922, when the bitter contest
for the Gubernatorial nomination was
being waged between Alter and Pin-
chot, a widely-distributed campaign
pamphlet issued by the Republican
State Committee, Governor William C.
Sproul, the late Senator Ed. Vare,
Senator Larry Eyre, W. Harry Baker
-and other equally prominent Republi-
can leaders, excoriated Fisher's polit-
ical angel in language as follows:
“Joseph R. Grundy is head of the
Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Associa-
tion, opponent of workmen’s compen-
sation, enemy of all legislation bene-
ficial to labor, the mest vicious fighter
against humane regulation of child
labor; against all State legislation for
improvement of the conditions of our
working classes, and the accredited
‘negotiator’ of more legislative votes
in the past ten years than any other
50 interests in the State; universally
acknowledged to be the most baneful
influence in Pennsylvania polities.”
| That’s Grundy. And it’s the testi-
‘mony of men most intimately ac-
| quainted with his political ethics. No
more damning indictment than this of
Fisher’s backer and political mortga-
gee, coming too from influential lead-
ers of his own party, could be made
by the Democrats.
That the citizens of Pennsylvania
will intrust the destinies of the Gov-
ernorship to any man under obliga-
tions, financially or otherwise, to Joe
Grundy and the Slush Fund Junta is
inconceivable. Happily; the Demo-
cratic party presents a candidate for
, Governor, Judge Eugene C, Bonniwell,
and William B. Wilson, for Senator,
, Who are absolutely free from entang-
ling alliances with selfish and preda-
tory interests, and not obligat to
| political financiers” for their nema.
New York, New Jersey, Maryland
and Ohio have not only great, but in-
, corruptible Governors, owing allegi-
' ance to no powers or private interests,
i but the entire citizenship of their re-
spective Commonwealths. May the
Keystone State fall in line with her
neighbors in November by repudiating
Grundyism and Mellonism.
Philadelphia, Sept. 8, 1926.
Women Voters of Pennsylvania.
From the Pittsburgh Post.
The women voters of Pennsylvania
have for years found reform projects
they favored blocked by the Repub-
lican machine. In fact, a woman suf-
frage amendment was defeated at the
polls in Republican Pennsylvania in
1915, Of the thirty-six States that
, ratified the National Suffrage amend-
ment in time to give the women a
vote in 1920, twenty-one of them were
carried by the Democrats in 1916. It
was the Democratic Legislature of
Tennessee that furnished the decid-
ing vote for the amendment. Since
their enfranchisement, the women
voters of Pennsylvania have cam-
, paigned for constitutional revision,
tax reforms and election law reforms.
In every such instance, they were de-
feated by the Republican machine.
One gathers, from the charges made
in the primary campaign, that the
Vare Philadelphia machine in particu-
lar is antagonistic to the reform
measures advocated by the women.
All of which gives force to an ap-
peal made by Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt, pioneer suffragist, in an address
delivered recently in Philadelphia to
women to drop party lines on oceca-
sion and rebuke the politicians who
stand in the way of progress and jus-
tice. “No wrong,” she emphasized,
“is ever righted by obedience to those
, Who have sponsored that wrong.
“What we need is not more educa-
tion, but more moral courage.”
It is but common sense that the
Republican machine of Pennsylvania
never will pay attention to the views
of the women members of the party
as long as it can get votes regardless
. of what it does. The only way to put
down Vareism is to vote against it.
The candidacy of William B. Wilson,
a proved statesman, gives the people
an opportunity to get a new deal of
the kind for which they have been
| The women voters of the State, as
| others who have found efforts toward
i good government blocked by the ma-
chine, should act upon the observation
jof Mrs. Catt that “no wrong is ever
I righted by obedience to those who
RAL sponsored that wrong.”
Secretary Hoover has long im-
agined that he controls the earth, but
Congress refused to give him control
| of the air.
' —If it’s worth reading you'll find
—Two prongs on an ice hook which
pierced a hand of Louis Montag, at Potts
ville, a week ago, caused his death by
blood poisoning. :
—Millard Stettler, of Newberrytown,
‘| York county, is under arrest in Illinois
on a charge of stealing an automobile
from C. E. Strine, of Strinestown.
© —Prying a steel bar from a seconde
story window and letting himself down
to the ground with a rope made of sheets,
Paul Rager, of Tyrone, escaped from the
Blair county hospital.
—The garage, blacksmith shop and ma-
chine shop owned by the Reed brothers,
Walter and Clarence, at Milroy, were burn«
ed last Thursday with two cars, when
light wires short circuited. The loss is
$5000. .
—Warden Stanley P. Ashe has denied
reports that four convicts had been placed
in solitary confinement at the western
penitentiary in Pittsburgh following dis-
covery of a plot to escape. A quantity of
rope, however, was found in the cells of
the prisoners.
—John L. De Mar, widely known car=
toonist, died on Sunday at his home in
Penfield, a suburb of Philadelphia, follow=
ing an illness of six months. He was 61
years old and had been a member of the
Philadelphia “Record’s” staff for 34 years.
Since 1903 he had been the newspaper's
leading cartoonist.
—A fall of several feet through the trap
door of a sand car at the Reading Com-
pany’'s bridge at Swatara creek, near Hum-=
melstown, resulted in the death of Theo=
dore Mace, 60, of Lebanon, on Saturday as
the man was helping to unload the car.
Coroner J. H. Kreider said the man had
fractured his skull and broken his neck in
the fall.
—W. R. Calhoun, first deputy commis-
sioner in the State Banking Department,
died on Saturday of heart trouble at his
home in Harrisburg. Mr. Calhoun was a
native of Indiana county and prominent
in the Republican party affairs there. Be-
fore being appointed to his state position
he served one term as clerk of courts of
Indiana county.
—The State highway motor patrol unit
of twelve men at Greensburg will be ine
creased to thirty and quartered in its own
barracks at that place, it was announced
on Monday. There are to be one-hundred
additional patrolmen scattered throughout
the State and of this quota Greensburg
will receive eighteen men. The patrol unit
is stationed in the Troop A, State police
—Joseph Martucei, 26 years old, well
known Charleroi high school athlete, was
killed by lightning and 34 other young
men of Charleroi were stunned hy a bolt
on Sunday afternoon while they were
camping for the day about a mile from
Clarksville on the Ten Mile Creek, between
Washington and Greene county. A shower
came up and before they could seek shel-
ter the bolt hit. .
—Fred W. Culberston and W. W. Ckis-
holm, counsel for Harry Bankes, Harris-
burg, on trial in the Mifflin county
court, last week for the fatal shooting of
Albert Klinger, 23, Lewistown, on March
4, on Thursday withdrew the original
plea of not guilty of murder in the first
degree and entered a plea of guilty to
voluntary manslaughter. The plea was ac-
‘cepted’ by District Attorney John T." Wils’
son and J. L. Durbin, his associate in the
prosecution. «
—Holding that the receipt of $10 a week
for five years would be of a much greater
benefit to the widow and children of
Michael Henning, of Perryopelis, run down
and killed by an automobile, Judge John
Morrow, at Uniontown on Saturday, im-
posed that sentence upon Andrew Dupak,
a coal miner of Smock, instead of send-
ing him to the workhouse as is the usual
procedure. More than $2,000 will be paid
to the widow and her five children in the
five years.
—Two young men, owners of a garage
at Marienville, 30 miles south of Kang, who
in a joking manner advertised in the vil-
lage newspaper that they were in search of
wives, are amazed at the success of the
publicity campaign. They have been del-
uged with mail. There are answers from
all parts of the United States from women
of all ages. Some of the letters are written
in a frivolous vein, but many bear the
mark of sincerity from young women who
are actually seeking husbands.
——Thieves over-looking valuable jewelry
when they robbed the home of Mrs. J.
Kirk Bosler, member of one of the old-
est and most prominent families in Car-
lisle, Thursday night. They obtained
about $40 and a purse from a bureau
drawer. Police were notified and have
been working on the case. Mrs. Bosler
and her sister, Miss Alice Mullin, had
spent the early part of the evening at the
Carlisle Country club, and it is believed
that. is the time the robbery was commit-
—Oscar Neff, 17-year-old high school
boy, of Franklin, Pa., who contracted
lockjaw while swimming about five weeks
ago, has won his battle agaiust
death. His life was despaired of several
weeks before he was out of danger, but
doctors say there is every reason to be-
lieve his recovery will be camplete. Neff
was to have been a candidate for the High
school football squad this year, but while
he will have to forego this, it is expected
he will round into condition for the basket-
ball season.
: —Iinding that in order to lawfully
move his tractor on the State highway
from one of his fields to another, he would
have to obtain a license the same as is re-
quired for all motor vehicles a Bradford
county farmer drove twenty miles to Sayre
to apply for one. The man wished to move
his tractor from a field to a piece of his
property on the other side of the road.
Being a law abiding citizen, he went for
the license when he found that it was nee-
essary. As soon as the license is issued he
will be able to go to work in the other
—Philip Herbert, aged 70, pensioner of
the Lorain Steel company, of Johnstown,
either suffocated or burned to death early
Sunday morning in a fire which followed
a gas explosion at his Moxham home.
Firemen attempted to rescue the man, but
efforts to enter the blazing structure fail-
ed until it was practically destroyed. Her-
bert was found partiy clad on the floor
of his bed-room, his body badly burned
and scorched. His two sisters, Miss Mol-
lie Herbert and Mrs. Kate Roberts, es-
caped in their night clothes, but the latter
it in the “Watchman.”
was painfully burned.