EE TH HR SER Bellefonte High Lost to Johnstown. Bellefonte’s crack High school foot- ball team went down in defeat before Johnstown’s more seasoned players on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day by the score of 13 to 0. The Johnstown players started in with an aggressive- ness that brought them a tally in the first period, while in the second per- iod Bellefonte held them scoreless. Johnstown scored again in the third period but were unable to make the riffle in the fourth. The field was wet and muddy and fumbling was fre- quent. Notwithstanding their defeat in the final game the High school team made a splendid record during the season and deserves lots of praise and encouragement. Church Services Next ¢ Sunday BOALSBURG REFORMED. Pine Hall—Preparatory service, Friday at 7:30 p. m. Church school, % 80 a. m. Holy Communion, 10: :30 A alshurme Church 9:15 a. m. Pine Grove Mills—Home Mission day service, 2:30 p. m. Rev. W. W. Moyer, Pastor. school, BOALSBURG LUTHERAN CHURCH. Boalsburg—Sunday school 9 a Preaching service 10; 30 a. m. Chris tian Endeavor 7 p RT as. sd 9:30 a. m. Pleasant Gap—Sunday school 9:30 a. m. W. J. Wagner, Pastor. Class 25 Class SO will receive will receive Class 25—Members paying 25 Class 50—Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks Merry Christmas We take pleasure in announcing that enrollment in our 1926 Christmas Savings Club Began Tuesday December 1, 1925 You will be sure to have money for Christmas if you Join one or more of these Classes. cents a week for fitty weeks $12. S50 | $25.00 will receive weeks will made regularly in advance. 70-48-tf x eesessess canes issenseasnes Class 2 200 ous Class 200~Mamibers paying $2.00 a week for fifty weeks Class 1000—Members paying $10.00 a week for fifty weeks WIll TECCIVE-caceeecerssrartaraiiranrannas Class 200 Houibera paying $20.00 a week for fifty tesssseesaststiatae sesnesnaeRestean es esitse atesecssscanenasetsirenss sists BessssseetnIe Sasnie $100. 00 $500.00 $1,000.00 with three per cent. interest added if all payments are Bellefonte Trust Company BELLEFONTE, PA. Scenic Theatre PRESENTING THE BETTER CLASS PHOTOPLAY Weeks-Ahead Program SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5: “THE PERFECT CLOWN,” featuring LARRY SEMON. The story of “The Perfect Clown” is irresistibly funny; the humor is heightened here and there by a touch of pathos—a true portrayal of life. A groan that is changed into a grin— a tear that is brushed away by laughter. And the star and the story of this triumphant comedy were both created to amuse. Also, two reel Fox Comedy, “Control Yourself.” MONDAY, DECEMBER 7: “THE NEW COMMANDMENT,” featuring BLANCHE SWEET and BEN LYON. Taken from the novel “Invisible Wounds.” To him who had known many loves came the angel of Flanders. Her tender hand reshaped a life pledged to finish on a field where, win or lose, all are heroes. From her lips he heard the New Commandment. It Lives; with a story of love that dispairs, love that dares, and love that wins. Also, Pathe News, Aesop’s Fables and sin- gle reel comedy. One Day Only. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 AND 9: “STAGE STRUCK,” featurig GLORIA SWANSON and FORD STERLING. This is a story of a girl who tried to make the dream come true. The gorgeous banquet scenes which open Gloria's latest picture are done in natural colors as are the closing episodes of the production, showing the star and Lawrence Gray, leading man, as cashier and waiter, respectively, in some riotously funny lunch wagon scenes. Ford Sterling, recently seen in a great comedy role in “Trouble with Wives,” is funnier than ever, This is Gloria’s greatest dramatic role, her richest comedy role, her flashiest fashion role, and also her latest pro- duction. Also, Mack Sennett Comedy. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10: “THE SPORTING VENUS,” with BLANCHE SWEET, LEW CODY and RONALD COLEMAN. It is a story of the romantic type, based on the love of a wealthy Scotch nobleman and a commoner, a medical student, and following the old adage that true love never runs smooth, there is introduced a suave fortune-hunting prince who brings about dissension, though true love triumphs in the end. Marshall Neilan has turned out another great show. Also, Pathe News and Review. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11: “$50,000 REWARD,” featuring the great trick rider, KEN MAYNARD. It tells the story of a young man’s struggle for love and fortune. It reveals man’s avarice and at the same time exploits the virtues of courage and perseverance. Lots of fast action and all the thrills you want. MOOSE TEMPLE THEATRE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 AND 5: Harolds Bell Wright's story, “A SON OF HIS FATHER.” You can’t go wrong with Wright. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 AND 12: LEON EARL and DOROTHY GISH in “CLOTHES MAKE THE PIRATE.” Another Gish screen classic. County W. Cc T. U. Makes Gains During Year. The following report submitted at the annual meeting of the woman’s clubs held at State College, shows in detail the gains made in membership by the W. C. T. U. in Centre county during the past year, and also the work that has been done in various lines by this worthy organization: The Centre county Woman’s Chris- tian Temperance Union has gained considerably in membership the past year—one of the local unions trebling its members, another winning the State prize for attaining the standard of excellence—Port Matilda and State College respectively. Bellefonte un- ion, too, has made a considerable gain in membership and continues its be- neficent work for the county hospital, maintaining the W. C.T. U. room there as has been done for a great number of years. Scientific temper- ance instruction essays have been written in both the High school and Academy and in the State College schools, the writers of these awarded prizes by the unions. Last year a Bellefonte Academy student won the State prize for the best essay written in the whole State of Pennsylvania. Mrs. W. A. Broyles, of State Col- lege, county corresponding secretary, won the State prize for the best es- say written on the World Court. At the State W. C. T. U. convention, at Harrisburg, Mrs. Broyles was elected to the position of State director of the peace department. Medal contests (oratorical) have also been held in various localities throughout tlie county, promoting the principles of total abstinence from to- bacco and narcotics as well as of in- toxicating liquors, and for peace, purity and prohibition. A booth was maintained at the Granger picnic by the Centre Hall W. C. T. U., where posters were display- ed and a great amount of literature distributed. Work with the young people and the children has been promoted by the fostering of the young peoples’ branch and the Loyal Temperance Legion, the State secretary of the Y. P. B., Miss Wiggin, having been in the county for that purpose. The vice president ¢f the State, Mrs. Seymour, was engaged for a week in the county, speaking and or- ganizing a new Union at Spring Mills, and gaining new members else- where. A tri-county institute was partici- pated in by the county union at Bell- wood. Emphasis has been placed on the necessity for more christian activity in the home by continuance of the family altar and bible reading. Sentiment has been aroused and kept vitally alive for the enactment of righteous laws and their observ- ance and enforcement, and for the election of dry candidates to public office, irrespective of party affiliations, who will best uphold the same. Respectfully submitted, REBECCA NAOMI RHOADS, President. ——On November 3rd, 1908, John Porter Lyon gave a demonstration with his Chalmers—Detroit automo- bile in an endurance run of 201.1 miles without stopping the motor. In doing so he made eight round trips to Ju- lian, starting at 7:58 o'clock in the morning and finishing the run at 6:21 in the evening. That was regarded as some performance seventeen years ago but such a run would be made in half the time now and create little comment. ——The Nittany lion was downed by the Pitt panther on Thanksgiving day by the score of 23 to 7. It was the first time since 1919 that State succeeding in crossing Pitt’s goal line. Orer——————————— Real Estate Transfers. Lowery Justice, et al, to Fred Ra- mey, tract in Benner township; $1,- 700 W. W. Mattis, et ux, to W. W. Price, tract in Taylor township; $800. L. F. Mayes, treasurer, to Commis- sioners of Centre county, tract in Bellefonte; $25.04. Julia Hennigh, et al, to W. H. John- stonbaugh, tract in Patton township; $2,500. Paul F. Bartges to Calvin W. Bart- ges, et al, tract in Haines township; $3,500. John A. Erb to Clarence Cronover, tract in Philipsburg; $800. Bellefonte Cemetery Association to Matilda C, Burrey, tract in Belle- fonte; $20. John C. Barnes, et ux, to Charles I. Zeigler, tract in Spring township; $800. Justice A. Hoff, et ux, to Edward A. Peters, tract in Union township; $5,- Raymond L. Davis, et ux, to Wil- liam A. Gummo, tract in Ferguson township; $200. Allison H. Leathers, Exr., to Ella B. Bower, tract in Howard; $1. William Robison to Harry H. Robi- son, tract in Worth township; $1,500. Bessie M. Breon, et bar, to Miles K. Houser, tract in Benner township; $970. Rachael Noll, et al, to Edward V. Rhoads, tract in Spring township; $325. Catherine R. Minnich, et bar, to E. W. Kane, et ux, tract in Miles town- ship; $300. William S. Pilling, et al, to Everett Saxion Co., tract in Ferguson town- ship; $1. John Sweany, et ux, to H. B. Tate, tract in Spring township; — Jane W. Tate to Mrs. Samuel Noll, tract in Spring township; $1. Jane W. Tate to Blanche Fetterhoff, tract in Spring township; $1. Rosters Power Corporation. | The Board of Directors of the Keystone Power Corporation has declared quarterly ' dividend of one and three-quarters (1-8,%) per cent., for the quarter ending December 31st, 1925, payable on the 79% Preferred Stock of the Company on January 2nd, 1926, to stockholders of record at the close of business on December 19th, 1925. T0-48-1t KALB, Treasurer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | OR RENT—House, suitable for keep- | ing boarders and roomers. Inquire Bell Phone 304-J. 48-tf OR RENT.—3 furnished rooms yi light, heat and bath, for Ii housekeeping. No children. ght 70-45-tf quire at this office. OR RENT.—Second floor apartment, four rooms and bath. Heated, trie pans amr. aud easy E ior €. pply al = CERY, Bellefonte. 48-tf State College Properties for Sale NEW DOUBLE HOUSE ! can be finished in 30 days, lot 60x150 9 rooms and bath each side and single garage, Steam heated and hard-wood floors on front rooms. GOOD LOCATION Will Net pa on Investment . C. SMITH, | Times Building, | State College, Pa. | Bell Phone 412- > 70148-3t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Let- ters testamentary on the estate of Earl B. Grove, late of Spring town- ship, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said | ! estate are hereby notified to make immedi- ate payment thereof and those having claims against the same to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. FLORENCE C. GROVE, Admr., ~ W. Harrison Walker, Beiletonte, Pa. Attorney 70-45-6t DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. —Let- A ters testamentary on the estate of John A. Halderman, late of Belle- ' fonte, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make e- diate payment thereof and those having claims against the same, to present them, properly authenticated for settlement. VIRGIE A. HALDERMAN, Admr., W. Harrison Walker, Bellefonte, Pa. Attorney. 70-45-6t XECUTOR’'S NOTICE.—The signed executor of the last will and testament of the Hon. Henry Mey- er, late of Miles township, Centre county, Penna., deceased, having been granted let- ! ters testamentary, all parties knowing ; themselves indebted to said estate are here- | by notified to make immediate payment of same and those having claims to present them, properly authenticated for settle- : ment. HENRY T. MEYER, Executor, . Gettig and Bower, Lewisburg, Pa. Attorneys. 70-46- under- —Get your job work done here. j ARMS AND PROPERTY—Wanted Everywhere. 3% Commission. Write for Blank. Smith Farm Agency, 1407 W. York St, Phiiaadlepnla, Pa. 11- ANTED. —A middle aged man, An g is now offered to a relia- ble man to retail Whitmer's big guaranteed line of home necessities— oaps, Spices, Extracts, Medicines and Vet- ° eritarjau Supplies in Centre county. You make good money each day—no y-0fFs.. No selling ex ence required. Salesman- ship taught free. A team or car needed. Dealers with an established business make . $50 to $100 weekly. Write today for our new profitable plan. Dept. 33¢ THE H. C. WHITMER CO., 70-46-3t * Columbus, Indiana. Reduced Rate neem J. M. KEICHLINE Fire Insurance AT A IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 Seuth Eleventh Bt. PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY all times. a 09 Bell Phone 445 Announcement THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY, appointed THE NITTANY MOTOR CO., as their authorized representative for the sale and service of their pro- ducts in State College and vicinity. Temporary quarters have been established in the | building occupied by the Penn State Auto Co., or Kel_ ler's Garage, and we will be open for business on Saturday, December 5th. A complete line of Ford Cars, Trucks, Fordson Tractors and Ford Parts will be carried in stock at Our Service Department will be in charge of an experieuced mechanic who knows the Ford Motor Co., policy, which means efficient and courteous service to every Ford owner. COME IN AND SEE THE IMPROVED MODELS The NITTANY MOTOR. CO. STATE COLLEGE, PA. of Detroit, Mich., has W. R. Brachbil's Quality Furniture For Her Cedar Chests Windsor Chairs Foot, Stools Doll Carts Spinet. Desks Bridge Lamps Baby Walkers ; Tea Wagons Office Chairs Cribs us Floor Lamps Smoker’s Cabinets oh Tilt-Top Tables Card Tables Strollers hr Mirrors, Rugs Book Tables High Chairs Ic Vanity Dressers Trough Tables Bassinettes i Living Room Suites Dining Room Suites & i $48.00 to $490.00 $98.50 to $460.00 pl 5 Bedroom Suites .. ... $56.00 to $340.00 7 Licensed Agencies for Bellefonte of 5 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet wa Globe-Wernicke Book Cases i : sus WW, R. Brachbil le 2 Makes Enduring Christmas Gifts Gift Furniture that will remain when the Jingle of Xmas Bells is but a Memory SUGGESTIONS For Him Easy Chairs hod bond Fmd 8.04 1 ir as For Little Folks UU UC UIUC EUS En
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers