Gt ——————————— Demarralic ald, Bellefonte, Pa., August 21, 1925. Country Correspondence PINE GROVE MENTION. Miss Myra Miller is visiting rela- tives in Altoona. Hugh C. Dale, of the Branch, was a visitor in town on Saturday. A wedding is scheduled to take place in this section in the near fu- ture. Mrs. Louise Ward, of Washington, Pa., visited friends in this section the past week. J. W. and Henry Meyers, of Alex- andria, circulated among friends in town on Saturday. Fred Corl came down from Altoona to fill his position in the Citizens band at the Baileyville picnic. Thomas Wogan eame down from Juniata and spent Sunday with his wife and little son Eugene. Paul Campbell, Blanchard Parsons and Roy Shoemaker are among the campers at Newton Hamilton. A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Sunday, at the Centre County hospital, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elder, of Graysville, were Sunday visitors at the H. A. Elder home on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fagan, of Al- toona, were recent callers at the Mrs. Mary Saucerman home, at Baileyville. The Ferguson township schools will open on August 31st. Mr. Roop has been chosen to teach the Krum- rine school. Rev. William Sunday, of Somerset county, is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Sunday, at her home on Tadpole. Charles Gates, a well known young farmer, was taken to the Mercy hos- pital, Altoona, on Friday, to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Dr. Frank Bailey and lady friend, of Milton, and Dr. H. Clay Campbell, of Philadelphia, were here for the big Baileyville picnic on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Smith, motor- ed down from Altoona to visit Mr. Smith’s father, J. R. Snrith, who is now on a fair way to recovery. Eugene G. Mattern and Daniel Harpster, of Halfmoon valley, came over on Sunday to hear Rev. Chase, the colored evangelist, at the bush meeting. Mrs. John Drighton, of Akron, Ohio, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Marga- ret Sunday, on Tadpole, having come here from a week’s visit at Niagara Falls and Canada. C. M. Dale and wife, Miss Anna Dale and Miss McGirk motored to Mt. Union, on Saturday, to attend the Rutherford family reunion. About 250 members of the clan were present. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tate, of Lewis- town; Roy Gates and wife, of Burn- ham, and’ ex-sheriff W. M. Cronister, of Altoona, were here for the big bush Jesying held by Rev. Chase, on Sun- Ralph Rishel passed through town early on Monday morning enroute to Niagara Falls and Canada, expecting to make a two week’s trip of it and going into camp for the night where- ever darkness overtakes him. Prof. S. C. Miller, wife and daugh- ter, came up from Chester for their summer outing at the old family home on east Main street. On leaving here they will go to Ithaca, N. Y., to be present at the marriage of their son, Prof. Russell Miller, next Tuesday. All roads led to Baileyville on Sat- urday where almost everybody in the West End attended the big picnic. In the forenoon the Lemont and Alexan- dria ball teams entertained the crowd, the former winning by the score of 15 to 3. In the afternoon the Fair- view team, of Altoona, defeated the Petersburg nine 5 to 3. The refresh- ment stands did a good business. Their stock of one hundred gallons of ice cream was exhausted by three o'clock in the afternoon. No serious accidents happened to mar the pleas- ure of the outing. een —— eee. AARONSBURG. Mrs. Paul Hettinger and three chil- dren, of Altoona, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolf. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman have with them at present Mr. Zim- merman’s aged mother, Mrs. Henry Zerby. Mrs. Emma Beaver came in from .Millheim, Monday, to attend the fu- neral of the late Mrs. Frederick Lim- bert. Mrs. Faust, of State College, was the week-end guest of the Misses Amanda and Cora Haines, at their cozy home on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. William Minnick and small grand-child, of Mifflinburg, spent Sunday in town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stover. Mrs. Clinton Bunson and baby James, of Milroy, after a stay of some weeks with her father, Samuel Bry- an; and her sister, Mrs. Keen, return- ed home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Guisewite have as a guest, Mr Guisewite’s mother, who is past ninety- three years of age. She is quite active, in good health, and able to care for herself entirely. Harvey Musser, Mr. and Mrs. Co- burn Musser and children arrived here from Akron, Ohio, Sunday evening, and are the guests of Mrs. Musser, who has been spending the summer months here in Mr. Musser’s old home. Mr. and Mrs. James Fehl, of Belle- vue, Ohio, enroute to Snyder county to visit Mrs. Fehl’s parents, stopped in town a short time to greet old neighbors. Mr. Fehl is a son of the late George Fehl, who with his family left here nine years ago to locate in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hines left on Tuesday morning for Chicago, Ill, after spending the past two months with Mr. Hines’ mother and other rel- atives and friends in Pennsylvania. a They had been considering the mat- ter of living in the east but they found no place they liked better or could do better than their western home, there- fore they returned home. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Eisenhauer and two sons, of Bellefonte, spent part of their vacation with Mr. Eisenhauer’s mother here, leaving Sunday evening for their home. Monday morning Mrs. J. G. Eisenhauer and small grand-son, Dean Weaver, accompanied Bruce Au- man to Youngstown, Ohio, where she will spend the next few weeks, return- ing home Labor day, when Mr. Au- man will come for his family, who are in Centre Hill, with Mrs. Au- man’s parents. PLEASANT GAP. Roy Uhl is now the possessor of a new Jewett sedan. : Mrs. T. E. Jodon is enjoying a brief visit in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Noll were very highly favored—it’s a bright little girl. Mrs. H. H. Kirkwood, of New Cas- tle, is visiting her many friends at | the Gap. The Boyd Spicher family is being favored with a visit by Alvin Osmer, of California. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Smeltzer and daughter Margaret were week-end visitors in Altoona. Among the week-end visitors from here to Williamsport were Mr. and Mrs. William Flory and son Rea. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keller and Margaret, accompanied by Mrs. H. C. Gettig, were visitors in Altoona a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Houser and daughter and family, of Pittsburgh, were guests of William Rossman the past week. Mrs. Magargle and daughter, Miss Eleanor, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Millward, spent Friday and Saturday at Lock Haven. Clayton Reish and family, of Allen- town, have returned to their old home and will spend their auunal vacation with their numerous friends here. When two people are interested in the same subject they enjoy talking about it and exchanging experiences pad ideas. And, as a rule, it helps 0 Miss Harriet Showers, eldest daugh- ter of the George Showers family, is taking music lessons from Mrs. John Baird, of Milesburg, who is a highly qualified musician. The youngster is progressing finely. Miss Catherine Wion, of Bellefonte, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ward Showers. Catherine says there are so many delightful attractions at the Gap; hence it is that she quite fre- quently calls here for an enjoyable time. After the fall election one candidate for Judge will rejoice, after the vote is counted, and four will be sadly dis- appointed. But such is life so far as the political lottery is concerned. In the language of President Lincoln, “Too many horses for the stalls.” The longest pole will reach the goal. The following jolly bunch, Mr. and Mrs. John Noll and daughter Jean, Mrs. Kirkwood and Mr. and Mrs. Lunger Wion, of Bellefonte, motored to Sunbury, a few days ago. They report having had the time of their life during their brief absence. The aggregation are so constituted that they could make it snow while the sun shines. A jolly crowd of Pleasant Gap peo- ple left at an early hour on Sunday morning for a motor trip to Eagles Mere, going by way of Lock Haven, Williamsport and Milton. The party included Samuel Noll, wife and Sam Jr., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Kerstetter; Ward Showers, wife and son Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Evey and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twitmyer, Herbert Showers and housekeeper, Miss Ida Kauffman, Geo. Showers, wife and three children. They had a sumptuous dinner at Ea- gles Mere, then went to Island Park, had a good time and a superb supper. When they noticed the sun going down behind “yon hill” they conclud- ed it was about time to head their way to God’s country—the Gap. Return- ing they came by way of Lewisburg, Mifflinburg, Crystal Springs, Wood- ward, Aaronsburg, Millheim, Spring Mills, Centre Hall, and home. All were delighted with their day’s ex- perience. BOALSBURG. Miss Loraine Meyer is ill with ton- silitis. Harry Meyer, of Bellefonte, was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Zeigler, of Altoona, spent a day with friends in town. Mrs. John Goheen, daughters and son were in town on Tuesday after- noon. Miss Jane MecGirk, of Altoona, spent Sunday with her aunt, Miss An- na Dale. Rev. Ralph Linn, of Fayetteville, occupied the pulpit in the Lutheran church Sunday morning. The I. O. O. F. hall, also the vul- canizing shop, has been greatly im- proved by a coat of white paint. Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Reed and fam- ily and Miss Ella Bottorf were guests at the Fisher home on Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Kline and son George, of Lemont, and Mrs. Mabel Trappe, of Buffalo, N. Y., were in town on busi- ness on Wednesday. One of the large Corl-Boal busses was used to convey a number of Mai- ta members to Granville on Saturday, to visit the Malta home. Messrs. David Geary, George Shu- gerts, Ralph Rishel, Ralph Dale and Frank Hosterman left early Monday morning in Ralph Rishel’s Franklin car, with a camping outfit, for a motor trip to Niagara Falls and points in Canada, expecting to attend the Toronto fair. —— yi: ——Clouds of mosquitoes caused the fire department to be called out at Erie. The “varmints” are able to make it hot where they are numerous. Elephant Most Brainy of the Lower Animals The elephant is probably the shrewd- est and most adaptable of living ani- mals and has no enemies except man. He eats anything that is green, and seems equally at home on the plains or in the forests and jungles, on the high mountain slopes or down in the swampy lowlands. His trunk is one of the most extraordinary organs of nature. It contains the finest smells ing apparatus on earth, and when the proximity of man is suspected the trunk is raised in the air and care- fully turned in all directions, “feel- ing” for the man-smell in the wind. Once an elephant gets that smell he does one of two things. He either re- treats quietly and rapidly or charges. Years of experience in matching his wiles with those of man and his high- powered rifle has taught the elephant that it is safer to remain in the dense forests. An elephant can move through these forests with no more noise than would be made by a mouse, and the growth in these forests is frequently so impenetrable the hunter can make progress only by following the wind- ing elephant trail. Look for Treasure Hidden by Alexander When Alexander the Great was marching against the Persians in 831 B. C. a part of his army mutinied on the shores of the Caspian sea. There is a legend that he hid all his gold, royal possessions and spoils of war somewhere In the vicinity to keep them from falling into the hands of the mutineers. The Archeological so- ciety of the Republic of Azerbaijan has begun a search for this treasure. It is believed to be buried about sixty- five miles from the city of Baku. There are no historical data on the subject as to the location of the treasure, but an old man eighty years old living at Andrievka says he owns an ancient map which was stolen from a Turkish sultan many years ago. This map, he says, indicates that the treasure was buried near his village. Whether or not the archeologists locate the treas- ure, it is believed that they will at least excavate many valuable relics throwing light on the peoples and na- tions which inhabited the country be- fore the time of Christ.—Pathfinder Magazine, When Brides Were: Bought Wedding gifts apparently have de- veloped from the earlier custom of ex- change of gifts between bride and bridegroom, in turn based upon mar- riage by consideration, where the suitor had to give to the father of his in- tended wife a bride price or present and the daughter was provided with a dowry as a return gift. The price for a bride shows consid- erable variation, according to the wealth of the interested parties and the accomplishments of the bride. Among certain tribes a couple of pigs { or goats seemed to be sufficient cap- {tal necessary for investment in ome good husky helpmate. Among the Bedouins of Mount Sinal Westermarch tells us the price of a girl is “from $5 to $20,” but sometimes amounts to $30 “if the girl is well connected and very handsome.” Cheap for $1,200 A western young man visiting New (ork city thought it would be fine to )uy his sweetheart’s engagement ring there. Entering a Fifth avenue store 3e was waved from one lordly clerk io another down a long aisle and at ast reached the counter where there was a personage who sold engagement rings. “Here are some rather neat rings,” said the distinguished one. “Small, of course, but in good taste.” Our young friend liked their looks, but was pained to learn they ran from $3,500 to $5,000 apiece. He ad- ‘mitted, in some confusion, that he wished something a little cheaper. Then the mighty one reached into a pin and brought up a handful of spark- lers. “Take your pick,” said he, polite- ly repressing a yawn, “$1,200 each.” The hometown jeweler sold that ring.—Capper’'s Weekly." Old Superstition Much quaint, mythical superstition centers around ancient Dover castle, which overlooks the English channel. It is unique among English castles in more respects than one. No other an- cient fortress in this country has maintained its practical usefulness so long and no other has been accredited to the Industry of the devil. Accord- ing to the Bohemian Leo von Rotz- mital, “it was built by evil spirits and is so strong that in no other part of Christendom can anything be found like it.” It is easy to see the reason for this ascription. Foreigners casting covetous eyes on this gateway to the rich lands of England may well have found something diabolical in this fortress frowning down on them.—Lon- don Mail Too Good to Live A jury condemned the philosopher Socrates to death, but it is not record- ed that they were influenced in this by his statement, in the course of his de- fense, “While a soldier in the Greek army I went through the snows of a winter campaign barefoot, and no one ever saw me cross a street in Athens in the summer to get into the shade.” The mind of Socrates was never much on the weather, He believed that:one would suffer less and accomplish more if he did not bother his brains about the temperature, and what it might de to him. That is still very good philoso- phy.~-Detroit News. RUNVILLE. Mrs. Lydia Hampton, of Bellefonte, is visiting among friends in this place. Merrill Lucas, of Iowa, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas. Mrs. Michael Witherite was at Os- | ceola Mills, on Sunday, and spent the day with her son Burtus.. Jacob Shirk and daughter, of Belle- fonte, called at the home of Jacob Shirk, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James McClincy and two daughters, and Miss Lulu Mec- Clincy, were entertained at the home of Lewis Davidson, at Milesburg, on Sunday. Those who visited at the L. J. Hea- ton home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodgers and two children, Mr. and Mrs. William Heaton and family, of Edenborn. Mrs. Dal Tice and daughter, of Galeton, and Mrs. Fred Ostrum and daughter, of Jersey Shore, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Mec- Clincy the fore part of the week. The home of John Lucas was hon- ored last Sunday by a visit from his children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis, of Bellefonte; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nalton and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mogleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lucas, of Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Lu- cas, of Snow Shoe, and Merrill Lu- cas, of Iowa. Swine Men Tackle Hard Proposition. Swine breeders of Pennsylvania are watching with interest the efforts of three of their number to fatten litters of only six pigs each so as to weigh a ton in six months and win places in the Keystone Ton Litter club. Last year one seven-pig litter attained the coveted goal and equaled a world rec- ord, but no less than three men are C. H. Balsbaugh, Hummelstown; Ray A. Briggs, Nescopeck, and T. B. By- ers, Vanderbilt. np hp DIX RUN. A family picnic was held on July 30th at the home of Carrie L. and George Neiman, on Dix Run, at which Mrs. Lida: A. Baker, of Ceres, Cal, was the guest of honor. The day was ideal and quite a number of relatives, friends and neighbors were present to enjoy the festive occasion. A sumptu- ous dinner was served at noon on the spacious lawn, to which all did ample justice. Music—vocal and instrumen- tal, games and a good social time fea- tured the afternoon. Among the guests from a distance were the fol- lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, all of Houtzdale. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hall, Mrs. Benner Hall and four children, Mrs. John Hall and four children, Misses Sarah and Eliz- abeth Hall, Mrs. Samuel Hoover and grand-son, "Mrs. Hannah Scholl, Mrs. A. G. Williams, Mrs. Anna Curlem and four children, of Tyrone; Mrs. William White, Miss Pearl White, Mr. and Mrs. Kenzie Williams and two children, Mrs. Mollie Williams, Emel Williams, Mrs. Susan Williams, Mrs. Susan Swisher, Mrs. George Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. John Askin, Dorothy Kerchner, Mrs. A. P. Ryan, of Altoo- na; Rev. C. C. Shuey and Mr. Eber- hart, of Bellefonte. —Get your our Job work done here. CHICHESTER S PILLS Ledicat Ask your Dragginr Phils teoited snd Gold meuilic v . " boxes, sealed with Blues Ribbon. out with six pig litters to break that D ake me other. B record. The men who have confidence = Bragqist Actor ORL Tem o in their litters and their own ability °° years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable to feed them into the coveted class are SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE VATA TA A Good WatchisaGood Friend Strap Military Models for Mens Wear are the Newest F. P. BLAIR & SON JEWELERS Bellefonte, Penna. Keep it cleaned and oiled—give it good treatment and it is untiring in its efforts in giving you satis- factory time. s | Scenic Theatre Weeks-Ahead Program “THE HUNTED WOMAN,” starring SUNA OWEN and EARL SCHENCK. One of James Oliver Curwood’s stories, which deals with two rough-look- ing miners who strike it rich in Alaska. Because the hero had grub-staked them they naturally feel honor bound to share their fortune with him. The hero gets mixed up with some killers, who wanted the heroine for their prey, but he eventually triumphs and marries her. “THE GREAT CIRCUS MYSTERY.” and two reel Pathe comedy, “Wages “HEARTS AND SPADES,” headed by BUCK JONES. The star is sent west to manage his wealthy father’s rauch in the hope that it will make a man of him. He fails to the extent of a huge gambling debt which he owes Allen, a crook. His sister visits him and Allen agrees to cancel the debt if she will marry him, but Emory, a cowboy from an adjoining ranch, saves her from danger and after a mixup about a robbery the villain is killed by a falling boulder and the girl marries Emory. Also, Pathe News, Aesop’s Fables and single reel comedy, “Big Red Riding Hood.” TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 AND 26: First Pennsylvania showing of “LIGHTNIN’, ” featuring JAY HUNT and MADGE BELLAMY, The play that broke the world’s record. The story deals with an vld Grand Army veteran, “Bill Jones,” who likes his liquor and runs a hotel in conjunction with his wife on the State line dividing Swindlers induce the wife to sell out, but Bill, California and Nevada. backed up by a young lawyer refuses to sign. but relents at the critical moment and all ends well. reel Pathe comedy, “Shanghaied Louis.” THURSDAY, AUGUST 27: “THE MAN WHO CAME BACK,” starring GEORGE O'BRIEN and DOR- OTHY MACHAILL. A very strong melodrama and one that should appeal Also, Pathe News and Review. to all. Also, last chapter of His wife sues for divorce, Added attraction, 2 MOOSE TEMPLE THEATRE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 AND 22: “THE DEADWOOD COACH,” starring TOM MIX. A story of a bad man in the Bad Lands. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 AND 29: “THE MAKING OF O'MALLEY,” starring MILTON SILLS. A heart in- terest drama of a cop’s adventures while patroling his beat. mance, keeps children in distress and sacrifices his honor to save the girl Also, 2 reel comedy, “And Never the Twain Shall he loves from scandal. Meet” FRIDAY, AUGUST 21: of Sin.” SATURDAY, AUGUST 27: “SHOOTH AS SATIN,” featuring EVELYN BRENT. A crook melodrama of a fair thief who, surprising second story: man, falls in love with him. They are accidentally married and decide to go straight, though hounded by the law on several occasions. Also, 2 reel comedy, “Big Game Hunter.” MONDAY, AUGUST 24: 2 Also, 2 reel Pathe Comedy. Has a ro- tn Et EE Ee BALAI) ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOCODRING — Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 61-1y KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa Prompt at- 1ona0n given all legal business en- trusted to High street. M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office or second floor of Tempie Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Ger- man. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. 58-5 care. Offices—No. 5 East 57-44 PHYSICIANS. D R.R. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. State College Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg. 8S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his ssh Bellefonte dence. VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday. Belle- fonte, rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court, IY TLE 5% : Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays 9 @ oun SONCITI(R ST 1 MNCS a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Both Phones. 68-40 ney Cer LI BOSSY IS GLAD FOR 3 MEALTIMES when you educate her to our feed! It is rich in nutriment for her, and will mean more milk each day for you. It will cost you no more than you have been paying before; and it will bring you cash returns. Listen to our little songster! “Quality talks” 1 C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Fine Job Printing AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE | estes There is no style of work, from the | cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the mest sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of werk. Can on or communicate with this office. r—— Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest te consult us before placing your | { Tnsurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College Fire! Get Protection. The following Lines of Insurance are written in my Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE (All Kinds) BOILER (Including Inspectiom) PLATE GLASS BURGLARY COMPENSATION LIABILITY ACCIDENT and HEALTH EVERY POLIOY GUARANTHESN YOU PROTECTION When you want any kind ef a Bond come and ses me. Bows ask frien: They on’t wan £0 Om your Bond. I will. mnie, H. E. FENLON Bell 174-M Temple Cours Contmercial BELLEFONTE, PA, 66-21 OUP APPIN
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