Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 08, 1925, Image 1

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    Beworraliy Wao
—It was a rather short summer we
—And “December’s as pleasant as
——On the principle that “it’s bet-
‘ter late than never” March weather is
trying its best to be fair now.
—Christening Mt. Treziyulny from
the Union cemetery in Bellefonte was
in the nature of absent treatment.
—The fine Judge Dale imposed on
them leads us to wonder whether the
Philipsburg Moose might have been
running a mint as well as a home-
—Do you know where Sykesville
is? We don’t. It must be some place.
It beat Jersey Shore to admission to
the C. and C. baseball league. Phil-
ipsburg, Clearfield and DuBois, the
other teams comprising the league,
may have been looking for something
—The Governor has declined to ap-
prove the bill raising the pay of
Judges of the courts of Pennsylvania,
principally for the reason that the
funds are not in sight. They never
will be, either, if the tax payers are
given a chance to say whether they
shall be produced.
—Our Methodist brethren are en-
larging the cellar under the parson-
age on Howard street, and from the
amount of dirt and rock being remov-
ed one might be inclined to think that
they are preparing a commodious dug-
out in which -the pastor might take
refuge in case he is ever driven to the
tall timbers.
—Scanning the proceedings of the
last council meeting in Philipsburg we
note that the mayor and council have
both been licked in their police fight
over there. They should worry. A
town that has twenty thousand dol-
lars aggregate balance in its various
funds can afford to have its officials
stage a fight once in a while.
—The Governor has signed the new
fish code which will become effective
January 1st, 1926. The only import-
ant change, affecting fishermen in this
section is the reduction of the age lim-
it exempt from license fees. The new
act will require all persons over six-
teen years of age to procure a license
before fishing in any of the streams of
the State.
—The stage is all set for the ju-
dicial drama. Four of the players
have already made their entrance.
As Mr. Runkle has decided to take
nothing more than a thinking part
Judge Dale is the only one left to ap-
pear. What entrance he will use has
his prompters told us, a few days ago,
that Arthur might come on through
the Democratic, Republican and Pro-
hibition” doors, if he can get enough
followers in all three parties to hold
‘them open.
—At last we have heard from our
“private bootlegger.” The prodigal
has been located, but he’ll not return.
Tuesday came a long letter from the
deserter. A letter full of contrition
and regret, that we had done nothing
more than land “three puny trout” on
the opening day. Somehow, in a far
distant city he happened on the copy
of the “Watchman” carrying our ad-
mission of utter failure, and was
moved to break the silence that has
enshrouded him and left us so hope-
less and cheerless.
—Fir the first time in. thirty years
the Hon. Charles “Pickle” Snyder
found himself, on Tuesday, crowded
clear away from the public trough.
After holding various local offices in
Schuylkill county he went to the Leg-
islature in 1903, served there through
three terms and then went to the Sen-.
ate for three, resigning from the lat-
ter body to become Auditor General,
from which berth he stepped into the
office of State Treasurer. Charley is
a “hail fellow, well met” and that,
probably, sums up all there has been
to account for his unusual political
fortunes. i
—Mr. Congressman Burton, of
Ohio, is quoted as having told the Ge-
neva conference that the “United
States hopes to have the League,
meaning the League of Nations, check
the use of war gas.” If the Congress-
man represents the United States and
really did express that hope the League
would be justified in telling him to go
to a place where war gasses are as
elixirs in comparison to those gener-
ated continually. The United States
refuses to enter the League and sug-
gestions on our part as to what it
should do, if we actually authorized
any one to make them, are presump-
tion, pure and simple.
—The fishing season being on hun-
dreds of persons are daily camping
along the mountain streams of this
locality. Most of them are in the
woods for a day of care-free recrea-
tion; many of them without a thought
of a responsibility that should be
borne in mind more then than at any
other time. We refer to the fact that
the very streams they select for their
day’s objective might be the source
of supply of the water that those who
live in the populous districts below
are dependent upon for domestic use.
Contamination of any sort might
carry the germs of typhoid or other
fatal diseases to thousands of unsus-
pecting persons and for that reason
‘we urge the fishermen and all casual
campers to see that they put nothing
in the water that might endanger the
lives of those who might be drinking
it only a few hours later.
{ dent of
VOL. 70.
Germaiiy’s New President.
Public opinion is widely divided up-
on the result of the Presidential elec-
tion in Germany. Many close observ-
ers of events interpret the election of
Field Marshal Von Hindenburg as an
expression of preference for monarch-
ical government and the rather osten-
tatious approval of the late Kaiser
strengthens this view. Another theo-
ry is that the vote represents a senti-
ment of conservatism as against com-
munism and other forms of radical-
ism and the conduct of the Field Mar- |
shal since the war justifies that theo-
ry in a measure. If it had been Von
Tirpitz or Ludendorf who had been
thus endorsed there could have been
no doubt on the subject. But Von
Hindenburg has taken no part in ag-
itations since the war.
The new President of the German
Republic will enter upon the duties of
the office under obligations imposed
by the present constitution. Von Hin.
denburg, trained in the military meth-
ods ‘of discipline, is less likely to dis-
obey existing orders and flout present
conditions than one schooled in the
practices of diplomacy or accustomed
to the expedients of politicians. He
may in his heart cherish admiration
for the ambitions and achievements of
the empire. But the inherent honor
of a soldier may serve as a restraint
against any impulse to restore the
former system: cf government in Ger-
many even if his election to the Pres-
idency afforded him the opportunity to
do so, which may well be doubted.
It may be said, therefore, that the
immense majority given to Marshal
Hindenburg by the people of Germany
was an expression of admiration for a
distinguished military leader who had
grown old in faithful service to his
country. It serves to refute the fic-
tion that the people of Germany are
opposed to militarism and that they
were forced into the war by the ruling
power of the empire. But it does not
indicate a popular desire to restore
the Hohenzollern dynasty to control of
the government ‘or even to re-estah-
lish a monarchy. On the contrary it
ay be as d that the new Presi-
_— : Her eo
as faithful te his obligations to the
present government as he was to the
——Clean-up week has been quite a
success ‘throughout the State, accord-
ing to returns, but Governor Pinchot
didn’t make as much progress with
“the mess” at Harrisburg as he might
have done.
Lewis’ Boom Started.
The gubernatorial boom of Samuel
S. Lewis, of York, was started on its
hopeful course on Monday. At his
installation into the office of State
Treasurer a demonstration was made
such as had never been seen before
in the State. A large proportion of
the residents of York, Democrats as
well as Republicans and wets as well
as drys, participated and the ceremo-
nies were held in the hall of the House
of Representatives, which was crowd-
ed to full capacity. The ceremonies
were simple;administering the oath of
office being the principal feature, but
the atmosphere was so charged with
enthusiasm and the personal popu-
larity of the individual so palpable
that it made a deep impression.
There are a good many candidates
for the Republican nomination for
Governor next year and the factions
of the party so sharply drawn that
even guessing on the subject is a
hazardous undertaking. But ° the
demonstration in behalf of Mr. Lewis
is likely to make a deep impression
on the popular mind. His record in
the office of Auditor General and as an
employee in that department before
he became the chief are in his favor,
and it may now be predicted that he
is the leading candidate. He has al-
ways enjoyed the favor of Joe Grundy
and the friendly sentiment: of the
manufacturing interests of the State,
and if he can patch up a deal with one
of the candidates for Senator it may
be said that he will win.
But there’s the rub. He can’t turn
in with Pepper without alienating the
friendship of Grundy and he can hard-
ly form a combination with Pinchot,
with whom he has been in constant
conflict for two years. Still exigen-
cies may point a way to a reconcilia-
tion of such differences. As the late
Colonel Roosevelt said to Mr. Harri-
man, they “are both practical men”
and perfectly willing to make not
only concessions but sacrifices to pro-
mote mutual ambitions. In any event
it is certain that Mr. Lewis is a can-
didate for Governor, and though his
boom may have been started too soon
it was projected in an enthusiastic
manner. From this time on aspiring
candidates must come to him for en-
A ———
——You can hardly blame the Trade
Commission for wanting its opera-
tions kept secret. Publicity. might
lead to prosecutions.
No Veteran Bonus This Year.
The question of a State bonus for
the world war veterans will not be
decided by vote of the people this
year. Judge Hargest, of the Dauphin
county court, settled that matter in
an opinion handed down recently.
There may be an appeal but it will be
to no purpose. The provision of the
constitution which declares that “no
amendment or amendments shall be
submitted oftener than once in five
years” having been asserted no other
interpretation was possible. The
amendment providing for a bond issue
for highway purposes was submitted
in 1923 and except with unanimous
consent no other amendment may be
submitted before 1928. No soldiers’
bonus amendment will ever get unan-
imous consent.
The question came before the Dau-
phin county court on a writ of man-
damus upon the Secretary of the Com-
monwealth at the instance of the
American Legion. Two years ago a
similar proceeding was appealed to.
the Supreme court and decided against
submission on the same ground. It
was pointed out that other amend-
ments to the constitution had been
voted on and approved that came with-
in the same inhibition and that there-
fore such amendments were invalid.
The answer to this was that no ob-
jections had been made to them at the
time and that exempted them from
the inhibition. Probably if the pend-
ing amendment had not been for the
benefit of war veterans the public
never would have known that the con-
stitution was violated.
There seems to be a prejudice in
Pennsylvania against a State bonus
for veterans of the world war. Sev-
eral other States have provided for
such bounty to the soldiers and the
Republican leaders have been prom-
ising such a bonus to the veterans
ever since the close of hostilities in
France and Flanders. But they don’t
make good on the promises. They
get the votes of the veterans regu-
larly on an assurance that next year,
or soon after, justice will be done to
the veterans. But the years come and,
go and there is always found a way: to
prevent the fulfillment of thé prom-
ise. The veterans of the Civil war
were fooled in the same way for sev-
eral years. It is a pet method of get-
ting votes. i
—1It is estimated that touring mo-
torists will spend $2,500,000,000 this
vear, and the young fellow who takes
his girl out for a spin doesn’t think
the price is too high.
Inherited or Acquired Power.
In a birthday speech the other
evening Mr. Chauncey M. Depew ex-
ultingly remarked that outside of
Russia, “where a few men are trying
to build a government on a class,” the
world is governed “ people of
inherited authority but. by the busi-
ness men and bankers of the world.”
If this is true, and Mr. Depew is a
“wise old bird,” wherein is the ad-
vantage to the people? Inherited au-
thority could hardly be any worse on
the masses than authority acquired by
purchase or forcibly taken from help-
lessness. The government of big bus-
iness, which means corporations, is as
a rule neither tolerant nor consider-
ate of the necessities of those under
their control.
It would be a fine thing if this
change from’ inherited authority to
acquired authority meant that ideal-
ism which makes for the betterment of
the conditions of the average man,
as Mr. Depew desired to convey. In
other words, if the “government by
the business men and bankers of the
world” stood “for that supreme ele-
ment of stability and justice, the in-
dependence and dignity of the indi-
vidual,” the change would be a splen-
did achievement, a vast beneficence.
But who will say that the government
of the United States has worked such
wonders since it has been acquired by
the “business men and bankers,” who
operate the big corporations and con-
trol the big banks?
The increasing influence of democ-
racy throughout the world, as indi-
dicated by the subject of substitution
of republican government for mon-
archical forms, is a subject of grati-
fication in so far as it places in the
hands of the people the control of af-
fairs. But little if anything is gained
by disposing of inherited authority
and reposing the power in the control
of corporations which are no more lib-
ral and less human than the Kings,
Emperors and potentates who are
thus deprived. Mr. Depew doesn’t
realize this fact, probably, because he
has always been a pampered pet of
corporate power and imagines that
what is good for him ought to be ac-
ceptable to everybody else.
——Most everybody employed in #s possible. He is not likely to get |
the silk mill agrees with Vice Presi-
dent Dawes on the question of Senate
rules but have no voice in the matter.
The Senatorial Muddle.
The Senatorial muddle is taking on
a surprising form, according to one of
the expert dopesters writing in the
Philadelphia Public Ledger. Vare,
who imagined less than six months
ago that he had the toga safely
stowed away in the ice box, is practi-
cally eliminated according to his
reading of the signs, and unless form-
er Governor William C. Sproul can
e inveigled into the contest it lies
between Governor Pinchot and Sena-
tor Pepper. In view of recent inci-
dents it is difficult to form estimates
of the relative strength of these can-
ities and both are under suspicion of
selfishness. Pinchot is the richer but
Pepper has the prestige of social pre-
It is generally believed that Presi-
dent Coolidge favors Pepper and it is
known that Secretary of the Treasury
Andrew W. Mellon is behind him with
all the moral force he can command.
But Coolidge hasn’t much influence in
Pennsylvania and Mellon is “very
near” with his wealth. The big cor-
porations, including the Standard Oil
and the Steel trust, are substantial
friends of the Senator and there is no
reason to think he will suffer from
lack of financial support. His weak-
ness lies in his social environment. He
is not a “mixer.” In the beginning
of his official service he tried to as-
sume the swagger of a rounder but
failed. He was willing to “spit in
the eye of a bull dog” but didn’t
“look the part.”
Against any other candidate than
Mr. Pepper the Governor would have
little chance of election. But with
Vare, Grundy and dozens of other
leaders and near leaders of the party
dead set against Pepper, Pinchot has
a rare opportunity of trading him-
self into victory. The latest develop-
ment of the campaign is that he has
enlisted Mayor Magee, of Pittsburgh,
among his supporters. Magee is
wringing wet and Pinchot bone dry
but that seems to make no difference
to either. . Ordinarily it might be
- ult for Pinchot to explain the re-
he is a plunger in politics and willing
to take the chance. Vare, Grundy
‘and Magee form a strong combination
and make Giff look like a winner.
eee fer
———The Prince of Wales is very
popular but seems to have at least one
bitter enemy. Somebody has started
a report that he writes verse.
Lady Aberdeen Explains.
It is not entirely creditable to the
women who compose the American
branch of the International Council of
Women that the head of that benefi-
cent organization, Lady Aberdeen,
found it necessary to publicly declare
that the convention now in session in
Washington was not for the purpose of
propaganda in the interest of the
League of Nations. The question was
raised by some New York women, who
are probably still fighting Woodrow
Wilson and were apprehensive that
some credit might be given to his sub-
lime service in the interest of perma-
nent peace in the proceedings of the
convention. : :
The ostensible purpose of the Inter-
national Council of Women is to pro-
mote enduring peace by the surest ex-
pedients available. All rational men
‘and women throughout the civilized
world recognize that the surest and
quickest way of achieving this result
is through the instrumentalities of the
League of Nations. Membership in
the International Court of Justice,
which has been recommended by Pres-
ident Coolidge, would be a step in the
right direction, for that court is an
instrument of the League. But the
only way to accomplish the full re-
sults desired is to join the League and
assume a becoming part in the direc-
tion of it.
It is possible to understand the mo-
tives which influenced the late Sena-
tor Lodge in his opposition to the
League of Nations. He was both
selfish and ambitious and imagined
that as chairman of the Senate com-
mittee on Foreign Relations he was
entitled to a seat in the peace confer-
ence at Versailles. President Wilson
failed to humor this fancy of the
Massachusetts politician. But the
women of the United States who com-
pose the American council of the in-
ternational body can have no such
selfish reasons for the attitude ex-
pressed on the subject which com-
pelled Lady Aberdeen to speak.
rr ———— An ————
——The Department of Justice is
called the “Revenge Bureau” in Wash-
ington, but a more appropriate name
would be the “Slander Sewer.”
mr ———— te mes.
——If Colonel George Harvey is
| wise he will hold on to his job as long
‘another as good.
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Neither has appealing qual-
ip to his dry supporters, but | tia
NO. 19.
The Modern Heresy of Redemption.
From the Villager.
A few weeks ago the Methodists in
convention were discussing plans and
progress, and one of their preachers
was asked to say something about the
works of reform in which the church
is engaged. Why, do all of these works
that you can, he told those of his col-
leagues who are striving in various
ways to help movements for better
prisons, better conditions for workers,
political purity, world peace and the
like. But the minister reminded
them, remember that the chureh’s rea-
son for being is not reform, but re-
‘demption. This week a prominent
; English preacher, who writes popular
magazine articles about modern ten-
dencies, has delivered the first in a
series of lectures which he is to give
‘at the Yale Divinity school. The
| christian gospel, he said in his open-
ing lecture, preaches redemption, not
social reform. Now there are plenty
of men in America’s pulpits today who
‘are not afraid to preach that the
founder of the Christian church was
no God but a man; there are plenty
who dare to tell their congregations
that the world was not made in seven
days, and that no virgin ever bore a
child. But there are not many who
dare to tell their congregations that
cisely in order to shift men’s attention
from this busy, interesting life on
earth, that Christianity’s task was not
to reform and ameliorate, but to re-
deem. The reason preachers today do
not dare to preach the gospel, which
is to say, preach redemption, is ne
that they fear trial by eccl
courts; they do not preach re )
because the congregation would not
know what they were talking about,
and if they were to .go into particu-
lars the congregation would be offend-
ed. “What must I do to be saved?”
To us prosperous Americans nowa-
days salvation is as meaningless as
the devil and the angels; to whom it is
not meaningless it isan affront. Sure-
ly the development which is now tak-
ing place in our religious world is
most interesting. - Christianity with
redemption left out is Hamlet with the
Prince omitted; Christianity with all
the emphasis on war and peace, riches
and poverty, work and play, is, well, it
is pretty nearly anti-Christ!
ern congregations are dem
1 device for getting on
1 itly and efficiently here on
earth. How will he do it? Tt will be
interesting to watch.
1 1s a
The Place in the Sun Growing Bald.
From the New York World.
Seven years and the former ruler
of Germany has whittled blocks.
Blocks bearing the royal initial “W;”
neat blocks, sawed by the royal saw
with royal muscle, and given away by
royal hands to tourists from Des
Moines, Ia., and Accident, Md. Seven
years, and he has cut seven Christmas
trees and stuck gewgaws on them for
the bedazzlement of loyal retainers.
drearily with his wife and played
“Prince Eugene” and “Old Fritz the
Great” on the piano. Seven years,
and the gaudy uniforms have gather-
ed dust in brass-bound chests, and the
glittering medals are tarnished and
dull, and their ribbons frowzled around
the edges. Seven years, and the
bristling mustaches have drooped and
turned white. Seven years, and the
former kaiser of the imperial German
government has whittled blocks. :
Then an election, and a brief item
in the dispatches. ir
Doorn, April 27.—There was
jubilation in the household of ex-
Kaiser Wilhelm Hohenzollern to-
day over the election of Field
Marshal Von Hindenburg as Pres-
ident of Germany.
And what form did this “jubilation”
take? Was he concerned over large
issues involved, the welfare of the
German people, the people of the
world, and such weighty affairs? Was
he concerned over what it might mean
to the tottering patriarch, his former
stout retainer, Von Hindenburg? Nay,
one cannot picture him thus. One pic-
tures him retiring to his chamber in a
state of high excitement. And there
one pictures him busy, first, with a
pomade jar, restoring the jaded mus-
taches. And one pictures him fum-
bling feverishly at the lock of one of
those brass-bound chests. And rip-
ping open black lock-boxes, full of
glittering medals. And brushing and
furbishing and making all ready. And
then, one pictures him finally, with
gloating eyes, striding imperiously be-
fore a full-length mirror, the mus-
taches: abristle, the medals agleam,
the uniform resplendent from glitter-
ing helmet-spike to clinking spurs.
The war lord of Prussia and the im-
perial German government has come
back into his place in the sun, and that
place in the sun is three paces in front
of a full-length mirror. :
——Maybe if we should hold our
elections on Sunday as they do in Ger-
many a larger proportion of the vote
would be polled. :
Vice President Dawes might
get the unanimous vote of Coxey’s ar-
my for his motion to change the rules
of the Senate. : :
| ET fo RR
——Governor Pinchot is now enjoy-
ing his last chance to use the veto ax
and is making the most of the oppor-
Christianity came into the world pre- |
, | Quay, near
| | where plans were worked out for many Re-
publican battles during the late Senator's
Seven years, and he has squabbled
sh +
—AIll records were broken by the Tyrone
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A, in its drive for mem-
{ bers, 3409 being enrolled.
—Appointment of George §. Shimer Sr,
of Milton, as a trustee of Laurelton State
Village was announced by Governor Pin-
cho.’ = . ;
—John Bartfolett, an employee of the
Reading Railway at Auburn, was struck
so violently on the cheek by a jack handle,
that he died. 5
—~Carbon monoxide poisoning caused the
death of Dr. Edward D. Woods, of Pitts-
burgh, whose body was found in his car
inside a garage.
—Former mayor of Pittsburgh, E. V.
Babcock will succeed to the office of coun-
ty commissioner left vacant by the death
of A. C. Gumbert. ;
—When he attempted to stop a gasoline
engine to put on a belt attached to a ecir-
cular saw, Irvin Kaylor, 27 years old, liv-
ing near Elizabethtown, lost his right arm.
—Frederick Schneider, aged 63 years,
of Weatherly, a boss car inspector of the
Lehigh Valley Railroad, was crushed to
death beneath a car when a train backed
into if.
—Rather than have their wives jailed
for violating the prohibition laws, three
Uniontown husbands asked Judge E. II.
Reppert to allow them to serve the sen-
tences instead.
—The Rev. M. Scott Fulton, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of Coraopo-
lis, has been made defendant in a suit for
$10,000 damages filed in common pleas
court at Pittsburgh, by Alvin T. Leonard,
charging alienation of his wife's affections.
—~Claiming that a broken wrist she suf-
fered in a fall on an icy pavement last De-
cember has prevented her from earning a
living in her accustomed manner, Gail La-
Mont, an organist, has begun suit against
the city of Pittsburgh for $15,000. She
contends the city was negligent in not hav-
ing the pavement cleaned.
—Mrs. Ellen Stitt, aged 56 years, near
Dry Run, Franklin county, was drowned
at her home last Thursday morning when
she fell into the cistern when the flooring
broke under her weight. A boy who lived
with the family discovered her plight and
ran for aid, but life was extinet when the
body ‘was finally recovered about twenty
minutes after the accident.
—The stately mansion on the farm for-
merly owned by the late Senator M. S.
Columbia, Lancaster county,
leadership, has been converted into’ a Cath-
olic convent and is now occupied by the
Sisters Adorus of the Most. Precious Blood
who moved to Lancaster county from Ir-
—Attired in boy's clothing, a girl who
gave her name as, Delphine Shergle, 18
years old, of Canonsburg, Pa., was arrest-
ed in a restaurant, in Pittsburgh, on Mon-
day, charged with being a suspicious per-
son. She first told police her name was
Mickey Thevor and that she lived in Wash-
ington, Pa. The girl said a desire to travel
had prompted her to dress in her broth-
er's clothes and run away. .
—A check for $1,000 was presented to
Rev. Dr. John W. Francis, pastor of the
4 First Presbyterian church of Altoona, by
members of tire ‘congregation, at the annu--
‘al meeting, to defray the expenses of him-
self and wife to Cardiff, Wales, this sum-
mer. Dr. Francis is a member of the com-
mission to represent the Presbyterian
church at the Pan-Presbyterian Alliance,
which meets in Cardiff on June 23 to July
—York police are holding for investiga-
tion a man arrested there last Thursday
morning, who gave his name as A. H. Ala-
pilayayuy Apyuyuyuzuzuy Astapulanual
Anttiyvuyapy Hestslanualuzy Aluy. The
police believe the name is a fictitious one.
The man speaks some language quite flu-
ently, but the police cannot interpret it.
He was found wandering about the streets.
He carried a traveling bag loaded with
—A short time before his death in a
Philadelphia hospital, John Paskevich, a
wealthy merchant of Mount Carmel, wrote
to his attorney at Mount Carmel, W. B.
Faust, saying that his will would be
found in the basement of his store. Police
sergeant John Cannon, of Mount Carmel,
after a search, says there is such a large
stock of merchandise in decedent's store
that without direction as to the exact 15-
cation it is next to impossible to find ‘the
missing will. Sy RE ats
' —C. HE. Logue and J. J. Slaughterbeck,
state trappers have announced the creation
of a dozen new beaver colonies in various
sections of the Poconos. The animals are
trapped by a new device and then are
transferred to such counties as have ap-
plied for them. During the winter the men
trapped sixty-two beavers in Potter and
McKean counties and planted them in Cen-
tre, Blair, Westmoreland and Mifflin coun-
ties. During the same period they killed
more than 600 bobcats, they said.
‘—A. J. O'Donnell, for years treasurer of
the Union Trust company, of Donora, Wash-
ington county, on Monday entered a plea
of guilty before Judge Erwin Cummins in
the Washington county court to a charge
of embezzling $49,398.46. O’Donnell's coun-
sel informed the court that the defendant
was ready to make restitution, and Judge
Cummins accepted the plea and agreed to
parole him for two years if he reimbursed
the bank not later than next Monday, pro-
vided he pay the costs and a fine of $500.
—A letter written by Andrew J. Kauff-
man, of Clearfield county, a soldier ‘at
Camp Gordon in May, 1918, to his brother,
D. Lynn Kauffman, telling him he could
have his $10,000 war risk insurance “and
give some to the rest of them, if anything
happens to me,” was set aside as a will in
Supreme court Monday. The Luzerne coun-
ty register of wills admitted it to probate
after Kauffman died October 11, 1919, but
the orphans’ court of the county, at the re-
quest of the soldier’s mother, Mrs. Louisa
Kauffman, set it aside, the present appeal
—Witches are still taken seriously in the
hamlet of Klinesville, between Marietta
and Columbia, Lancaster county, and as a
result, Mrs. Margaret Menoher has entered
suit in court for $5000 damages in slander
against Mrs. Anna Mary Goss, a neighbor,
who is said to have circulated a report that
Mrs. Menoher was a witch. The plaintiff
also alleges that besides being called a
witch, she is accused of casting ‘a ‘‘spell”
on Mrs. Goss’s cow. The Goss family live
on the adjoining farm and Mrs. Menoher
declares that after she heard. the rumors
Mrs. Goss was circulating about witches,
she went to see Mrs. Goss and that Mrs.
Goss called her a witch and blamed her for
“casting a spell on the cow.” :