Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 28, 1922, Image 1

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— Trouble always runs on hard tires
and in high gear.
—Again let it be recorded that the
local authorities are about to enforce
the traffic ordinance of the town.
— Lots of fellows would leave their
foot prints on the sands of time if
. some one else would furnish the sand.
—If you want to pick up five hun-
dred dollars just tell the County Com-
missioners who murdered George W.
Marks, of Taylor township.
—The crickets are singing. The
frost will be on the pumpkin ere you
know it. And you’d better get on
your knees and pray for an end of the
coal strike.
—Slowly but surely we're drifting
back to the time when music, not gym-
nastics; when grace not control of the
muscles of the abdominal regions
counted most.
—Anyway Governor Sproul would
not have sent the militia into the
strike areas if he had been sure the
strikers would let other people and
their property alone. »
—The big trout are back at the
falls in Spring creek, so the boy who
took them out with a throw net a few
weeks ago has his alibi established
once again, already, still yet.
— It may never be possible to find
out exactly what is the matter with
Kansas, but it is reasonably certain
that one Kansan, William Allen White,
is suffering with swelled head.
—MecSparran and Pinchot are to be
at the Granger’s picnic on the same
day, and we'll bet Mac will say more
honest to goodness stuff in a minute
than Gif will in his whole campaign.
— The Altoona Tribune thinks that
the Senate of the United States should
never be made a harbor for fanatics
or crooks and it thinks straight now,
though it didn’t at the time its party
was trying to seat Newberry.
—Of course we have been busy as
2 hen with one chicken for several
months past and haven’t had much
time to give to our friends, but really
we're concerned about the where-
abouts of Vance McCormick and Mitch
Palmer. Does anybody know where
they are?
—Germany’s greatest financier,
Hugo Stinnes, says that trade with
the reds of Russia is hopeless. If all
that we have read of Stinnes’ business
acumen is true then this ought to be
enough for any one who has enter-
tained a thought that the Bolsheviki
are worth wasting a thought on.
—_We notice that the Florida farms
are to be confiscated and sold after
they have been thoroughly plowed
and all the buried “hootch” turned up.
‘How foolish! Every furrow that is
turned knocks off about ten or twelve
dollars on the price that some of our
thirsty friends might pay for the
— Since getting back to the mechan-
ical end of the business that we
thought we had parted company with
twenty-six years ago we have grown
so lame in spelling and expression
that we are going to present the
brown derby to the first person who
finds the mispelled word in this para-
—Recent reports are to the effect
that Democracy in Huntingdon coun-
ty is coming to life again. The Moni-
tor announces that “quite a sprink-
ling” of Democrats gathered in Hunt-
ingdon last week to put pep in the or-
ganization and let us hope that by fall
this “sprinkling” will be a torrential
rain that will deluge Huntingdon with
votes for MecSparran and the whole
Democratic ticket.
— Arthur H. Sprague, died at Red-
ding, California, on June 16th, at the
age of seventy-four. Arthur never
did much to merit this belated notice
of his demise other than grow the big-
gest head that hat-makers have any
record of. When they quit making
hats for him the block was eight and
three quarters and Arthur and they
thought that was some head, but they
had never heard of a few mortals that
we are laying up tribute for.
—The weekly band concerts will
never be a real success, that is a pleas-
ure to those who want to hear them
and a justice to the musicians, until
the leather lungs of a lot of those who
cluster around the band stand are
plugged. Why not suspend the con-
certs until that part of the audience
that can’t stop talking long enough to
give the musicians a chance realizes
how unfair it is to those who really do
want to hear.
__If Secretary Hoover can actually
carry out his threat to withhold cars
from profiteering coal operators the
industry will owe him eternal grati-
tude. There are a lot of things in the
coal business that the public knows
nothing of. One of the ones that the
public suffers most from is the opera-
tor who doesn’t play fair either with
his fellow operators, or the public.
He uses every subterfuge, and there
are many, to evade “fair price” regu-
lations and getting higher prices for
his coal he induces miners to leave
other pits by offering bonuses that op-
erators who adhere to the “fair price”
rule can’t meet and the result is dis-
organization and under production,
with the consequence that the public
suffers and the honest operator, usu-
ally the big producer, gets the blame.
—Good night! It’s eleven-thirty
Wednesday and we're going to pus-
seyfoot for the hay.
NO. 29.
Honors in England and Here.
In London society, according to a
correspondent of the esteemed New
York World, commotion has been
aroused by the sale or bestowal of ti-
tles. Since Lloyd George’s tenure as
Premier 108 peerages have been cre-
ated and bestowed upon more or less
deserving favorites of “the powers
that be,” and some of them have gone
to persons who do not stand well in
public opinion. It has become a rule
over there to distribute these favors
at certain periods and levy a fee on
the recipient, the money to go to the
campaign fund of the dominant par-
ty. It is alleged that Premier Lloyd
George has established the custom of
selling the favors to the highest bid-
der, which is the present cause of
It may be only a coincident, but it
is significant nevertheless, that the
peerage gift concerning which the
greatest amount of complaint has
been made cost the recipient precisely
the same amount of money that Mr.
Gifford Pinchot and his amiable and
ambitious wife paid for the Republi-
can nomination for Governor of Penn-
sylvania. No name is given in the in-
teresting narrative of this transac-
tion but it is said that the recipient
“paid the equivalent of $125,000.” Ac-
cording to Mr. Pinchot’s sworn state-
ment that is about what he paid for
the honor bestowed upon him. It is
true that he stands to get $72,000
back in the form of salary for the four
years’ service, if he is elected, and we
have no information that can be re-
lied on as to the profits of peerages.
Taking a rough guess at the prob-
lem, however, we are inclined to be-
lieve that comparatively speaking the
British peerage in question was cheap
enough. When you get a peerage
you’ve got it and when you get a nom-
ination there is always more or less
uncertainty about the election, and
after spending as much as the nomi-
nation cost the election may never
come. Senator Newberry paid more
for his nomination than Pinchot, but
even after the election he narrowly
escaped a prison sentence and his ti-
tle is anything but a badge of honor
or a source of comfort. Pinchot may
be equally disappointed in the result
of his investment but his money came
to him easily and he will have plenty
Paderewski has given up politics
and returned to his piano. He wants
harmony and incidentally the big prof-
its of an American tour.
Pepper Unfit to Serve the People.
Mr. George Wharton Pepper was
appointed Senator in Congress after
the death of Senator Boies Penrose
under alleged orders from Mr. Atter-
berry, vice president of the Pennsyl-
vania railroad. There were other as-
pirants for the favor but the corpora-
tion in question desired a man who
would serve it faithfully and capably.
The Republican machine had interests
to be served in the selection, also, but
Mr. Pepper was satisfactory to the
leaders. He was willing to vote fer
Newberry or support any measure the
organization favored. Since his in-
duction into the office Senator Pepper
has fulfilled every expectation of those
responsible for his appointment. He
spat “in the eye of the bull dog,” and |
knelt at the feet of Vare.
Mz. Pepper spent some $70,000 to
secure a nomination for a full term in
the office of Senator in Congress. The
Pennsylvania Railroad company can’t
elect him. The result of the primary
vote shows that the Republican ma-
chine can’t elect him either. If he is
elected, therefore, the votes must
come from the people. What reason
can he give that the people should so
favor him? What has he done for
the people of Pennsylvania that de-
serves such a reward? He voted for
Newberry but that was for the polit-
ical machine. The people of Pennsyl-
vania didn’t want a convieted criminal
to be confirmed in a title he had ac-
quired in-violation of law. In Indiana
and North Dakota the people resent-
ed such action.
Will the voters of Pennsylvania
stultify themselves by endorsing and
rewarding that which the voters of
Indiana and North Dakota condemn-
ed? If Mr. Pepper were a novice in
public affairs he might be excused on
the ground that he did not understand.
Probably he didn’t understand. His
vote for Newberry was the first vote
he cast in the Serate and he had not
time to analyze the subject. But he
is a lawyer and ought to know that a
conviction in court after a prolonged
trial establishes a presumption of
guilt which should be carefully con-
sidered. But he gave the matter no
consideration. He voted as he was
asked to vote and a man who thus uses
the power of a great office is unfit to
serve the people.
——The tariff bill may worry
through but when it emerges from the
Senate its own father won’t know it.
Mrs. Olesen May Win.
The true sentiment of the Republi-
can machine on the subject of women
in politics was expressed by Senator
McCormick, of Illinois, chairman of
the Republican Senatorial campaign
committee, the other day. “Persons
might vote for a woman for superin-
tendent of schools or for the town
council or other little jobs like that,”
he said, “but when it comes to the
Senate of the United States, they
simply will not do it.” He had ref-
erence to the candidacy for Senator in
, Congress of Mrs. Anna Olesen, of
i Minnesota, Democratic nominee for
| Senator in that State. Obviously
| “the wish was father to the thought.”
' Senator McCormick would greatly re-
gret the election of Mrs. Olesen.
In the matter of fitness for the
| great office to which she aspires Mrs.
{ Olesen is far away beyond Medill Mc-
| Cormick, the millionaire of Chicago.
| She is a woman of brilliant intellect
and splendid achievement, who has ac-
| complished much in the way of civic
| improvement, not only in the State in
| which she lives but in other States in
. the middle west. Unlike Senator Mc-
Cormick she was not born with a sil-
ver spoon in her mouth but hos grown
{up to a helpful prosperity and prac-
ticed a life of usefulness to the men,
| women and children of the country.
i Her activities in politics have always
i been in the interest of good govern-
ment and as chairman Hull, of the
i Democratic National committee says,
her election will be “the greatest tri-
| umph for women since the beginning
of suffrage.”
Minnesota is a strong Republican
State and party prejudices hold fast
in that section of the country. But the
Democrats elected a Governor in 1904
and there is a deep feeling of resent-
ment against Senator Kellog because
! of his vote to seat Senator Newberry,
of Michigan. The people of Minne-
sota are men and women of a high
standard of morality and they have
no sympathy with corruption in poli-
tics or public office. Senator Kellog
had stood fairly well in public estima-
tion until he yielded his convictions
Newberry and since that he is not on
a firm basis. Mrs. Olesen, on the oth-
er hand, enjoys the full confidence of
the people and her election is possible.
— Prohibition enforcement will be
| more successful when it becomes more
| sincere. Most of the enforcement of-
ficers in commission are crooks.
Scandal of the State Treasury.
That very amusing little farce com-
edy entitled, “An Investigation of the
Accounts of Harmon M. Kephart,”
former State Treasurer, which was
staged at Harrisburg during the pri-
mary campaign for the benefit of Mr.
Gifford Pinchot and abandoned later,
was resumed at the State capital on
Monday with banker John A. Bell, of
Pittsburgh, in the leading role. It
will be remembered that Mr. Bell was
a strong favorite of the machine dur-
ing the period in which Senator Crow
and Mr. Kephart were in control of
the organization and was slated for
any official vacancy that might hap-
pen from ward assessor to Senator in
Congress or Governor. It also ap-
pears that he was the “fence” in all
financial operations.
Mr. Bell’s testimony on Monday in-
dicates that while he was a somewhat
slovenly banker he was a trusting
and convenient friend. He gave
Treasurer Kephart blank checks sign-
ed by himself in any number desired
and trusted a subordinate in the bank
to keep track of the operations upon
a system of book-keeping invented by
himself and based on a blunder. For-
tunately the checks were all rounded
up, the accounts balanced and the on-
ly loss was to the State which suffered
to the extent of $11,300 in interest
which would have accrued if the funds
had been properly deposited to the
credit of the Commonwealth. Who
got this money has not been revealed
but presumably it was equitably dis-
tributed among those concerned in the
Singularly enough another dead
man was introduced into the cast at
the session on Monday. During the
former hearings in the matter the
blame for most of the irregularities
was placed upon a treasury clerk
named Klop who has since died. The
error upon which the blank checks en-
tries were based is ascribed to one An-
thony Tarter, a clerk in the Carne-
gie Trust company, of which Mr. Bell
is president, who has since died. Thus
the grim reaper performs his friendly
offices in politics and business and
buries in obscurity the mysteries of
manipulation. But in spite of all the
fact remains that the Republican ma-
chine was behind all these irregulari-
ties, which shout an admonition to
“turn the rascals out.”
——— fp —————————
——Blackberries are now coming
l into market and the crop is reported
' as quite large.
to the party necessity of supporting-{
Mr. Pinchot Over Confident.
The confidence which Gifford Pin-
chot and some of his friends express
in his election is amusing as well as
absurd. In fact Mr. Pinchot has al-
ready begun the exercise of functions
of the office as if the ballots had been
cast, counted and certified in his fa-
vor, the commission issued and the
oath of office administered. An al-
leged political expert writing in the
esteemed Philadelphia Ledger ap-
pears to be equally assured. “When
Mr. Pinchot enters upon the duties of
the office of Governor,” this gentle-
man writes, “which he is certain to
do,” certain things will happen. This
is certainly counting the chickens be-
fore they are hatched. Mr. Pinchot
is not certain to be elected.
For more than a quarter of a cen-
tury the Republican machine has en-
joyed uninterrupted control of the
government of Pennsylvania. During
that period the expenses of governing
the State have quadrupled and the
burden of taxation increased in equal
ratio. Yet the State has been default-
ing in payments of current expenses
until now with an empty treasury it
is confronted with a deficit of more
than $40,000,000. The same machine
is still in control of the party organ-
ization and gives no promise of
change of methods. In fact, for at
least one-third of that period Mr.
Pinchot has been a supporter of the
machine and for nearly four years a
participant in and beneficiary of the
looting operations.
It has been said, and it is literally
true, that a State may have exactly
the sort of government the people
want. Since 1897, when the late Gov-
ernor Pattison retired from office, the
people of Pennsylvania have been
having rotten government for the rea-
son that they have continued the Re-
publican machine in control. Now
that the State is on the verge of bank-
ruptey the people are beginning to re-
flect upon the causes of their troubles.
If they want the looting operations to
continue they will vote to retain the
machine in authority by electing Gif-
ford Pinchot. If they want honest ad-
ministration they will vote for John
A. McSparran and all the people are
not fools all the time.
——The “Watchman” was extreme-
ly fortunate during the past three
weeks of July in having two expert
workmen helping out in its job depart-
ment in the persons of William J.
Gibson, of Crafton, and Frank
Swales, of New York city. Mr. Gib-
son is an old hand at the printing
trade having worked at every branch
of the printing business from devil to
editor, so is right at home in any of-
fice. He is a brother of Robert M.
Gibson, of Pittsburgh, recently rec-
ommended for the appointment of
federal judge in the western district
of Pennsylvania. A few years of his
early life were spent at State College
and he has a number of relatives in
Centre county. As a side issue he
sells roofing paint of a superior qual-
ity and succeeded in securing a num-
ber of orders in Bellefonte. Frank
Swales, the other man who helped us
out in an emergency, is an expert
pressman and is able to make a press
do about everything but talk.
—— During these days of strikes
galore, with much of the industrial
world in turmoil, it was rather re-
freshing on Monday to read the news
item that the Midvale Steel company
had announced an increase of four-
teen per cent. in wages, effective Au-
gust 1st. The Midvale company is
working to capacity filling orders and
has a bright outlook for the future,
which is probably the main reason for
the increase in wages. In the final
conclusion wages, like most every-
thing else, are to a great extent reg-
ulated by the law of supply and de-
mand, regardless of strikes and coun-
a ———— eee
——The prohibition enforcement of-
ficers stopped a Long Island funeral
the other day, and opened the coffin in
search of hootch but found nothing of
that kind on the person of the corps.
This was enterprising beyond question
but some persons may think it was
going a step too far even in law en-
Mr. Bok, of Philadelphia, ap-
pears to take himself entirely too ser-
iously. The sesquicentennial will
probably survive, however.
pln ————
——Young Mr. Ryan seems to have
gone out too far on the limb of fren-
zied finance and the result is what
night have been expected.
— Experience is a dear teacher
but it is the only school in which
Harding could have learned the tribu-
lations of a President.
A——————— A ——————————
——The tile have finally arrived for
the floor of the new porch at the Elk’s
club, on High street.
Mr. Pinchot’s Confidence.
From the Philadelphia Record.
There are two reasons why Gifford
Pinchot expects to be the next Gover-
nor of Pennsylvania. Neither of
them is flattering to the voters.
In the first place, Mr. Pinchot has
superb confidence, based on exper-
ience, in the persuasive power of mon-
ey. He invested heavily in the prima-
ry election, and gut results. Large as
were his expenditures in the prelimi-
nary campaign, they by no means rep-
resent the limit of his financial capac-
ity. He has the biggest barrel, and he
can see no reason why that should not
mean the biggest vote.
In the second place, Mr. Pinchot un-
derstands the value of the Republican
label in Pennsylvania. The State Gov-
ernment has been operated under Re-
publican auspices with disastrous re-
sults. An enormous revenue has been
dissipated and a staggering deficit
rolled up. Despite enhanced income
and new sources of taxation, the State
cannot meet its current expenses with-
out checking against the future.
There has been extravagance and
waste, but this alone does not account
for the condition of the State Treas-
ury. There has been graft. The
Treasury has been plundered.
All this has happened under a Re-
publican Administration. In most
other States abuses perpetrated under
the auspices of one party would inev-
itably result in the dismissal of that
party from power and the election of
officials of opposite political faith hav-
ing no possible interest in the contin-
uation of the abuses or the protection
of guilty individuals through partisan
influence. But Mr. Pinchot figures
that in Pennsylvania the voter has not
sense enough thus to protect his in-
terests. He relies upon the hidebound
partisanship of the residents of the
big cities, particularly Philadelphia
and Pittsburgh, to reward an unfaith-
ful party organization with a vote of
continued confidence.
Mr. Pinchot has been a part of the
Republican State Administration
whose malfeasances constitute a na-
tional scandal. He has been an active
participant in and personal beneficia-
ry of a discreditable scheme to violate
the spirit and intent of the Constitu-
tion. But he has money, and has
bought a Republican label, and he
thinks he will be the next Governor.
John A. McSparran hasn’t a barrel;
he hasn’t even a keg; and he is Me
ocrat. in i
good name.
Wouldn’t it be wise to elect an hon-
est and capable Democrat to the Gov-
ernorship, after so many disappoint-
ing experiments with Republicans?
Wouldn’t it be a good joke on Mr.
Pinchot to demonstrate to him that
he can neither buy the State with his
ready cash, nor scare the voters into
conniption fits with the hollow pump-
kin-head bugaboos of the horrors that
would result from Democratic rule?
Coal Pools Will Help.
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Secretary Hoover proposes to take
the available coal now being mined or
in storage and pool it. The govern-
ment will scoop it out of these dis-
trict pools, giving the railways, the
public utilities, producers of necessi-
ties and public institutions priority,
in the order named.
This action cannot be taken too
quickly. While there is coal enough
in sight to get along on for some
weeks, we are beginning to get to the
bottom of the bin. Some of the rail-
ways are cutting their schedules, not
so much because of the shopmen’s
strike and any lack of rolling stock,
but because they must save coal. It
is imperative that we do this now to
avoid “lightless nights” and the
“heatless days” later on.
_ This ties up with the Administra-
tion efforts to get coal out of the
ground. It is expected to check fur-
ther “run-away prices” and make eas-
ier a situation that is, at best, going
to try the temper and the patience of
the Nation for the next ninety days.
Scrap the Tariff Bill.
From the Boston Transcript.
Economic conditions in Europe are
in such a chaotic state that even the
best experts here or there are unable
to tell what our tariff schedules should
be a year hence. On this account the
present is a bad, if nof, an impossible,
time to frame a tariff bill. On this
account the Administration would be
well advised, would be widely sup-
ported, would show political sagacity,
if it 1econsidered its decision to force
tariff revision through at the current
session of Congress. By putting over
until another session all tariff legis-
lation the party in power would spare
the people the oppression in the pend-
ing bill.
Congress Dead to Rebuke.
From the New York Herald.
What better proof than the contin-
uing record of the contests at the pri-
maries does the machine control of
Congress need to convince itself that
its reactionary, selfish, stubborn, de-
fiant legislative course is alienating
the American people? Or must it go
on in blindness to the last deadly
stroke ?
et —————————
——Twenty-nine and nine-tenths of
the population of this country in 1920
were farmers, and that is a consider-
able proportion to be sacrificed to feed
the cupidity of manufacturing barons.
That is the only stain on-~his
—Seized with a fit last Friday as he was
standing near a large water trough, John
Smith, aged 26 years, of Churchville, Bucks
county, fell into the trough and drowned
before aid reached him. Smith was a hired
man on a farm near Churchville and had
been employed at the place about two
—4Let him take her and keep her, treat
her well and make a good home for her,”
Charles P. Bastian, a prominent Milton
man, is alleged to have said when his wife
was arrested at Berwick for eloping with
Charles Herrold. They were taken to Sun-
bury for a hearing, but the husband de-
clined to prosecute.
—C. C. McCarty, of Williamsport, has
been reappointed district deputy of the
eighth Pennsylvania district, Knights of
Columbus. This district includes the coun-
cils in Williamsport, Lock Haven, Renovo
and Bellefonte. McCarty is one of the
youngest district deputies in the State,
having conducted major degree work be-
fore his thirtieth birthday.
—A few minutes after Mrs. Roy Houch,
of Gettysburg, had taken her baby boy
from its crib in a second-floor room last
Wednesday afernoon because of the heat,
lightning struck the home, tore through
the plastered wall, knocked the crib aside,
burned a hole in the carpet and splintered
the floor. Other queer pranks were played
by the electrical storm, which was very
— Ralph Kohler, a telephone lineman
employed at Lewisburg, narrowly escaped
death on Saturday. He was up a high
pole when he lost his hold. Rather than
fall to certain death on a high-tension
wire, he threw himself out of its way, pre-
ferring to take the chances in the fall. As
he fell, he caught a set of secondary wires
with one arm and hung until aid reach-
ed him.
—Northumberland county commissioners
are not satisfied with an order of the State
public charities board directing that each
of the county jail cells be equipped with
fire extinguishers. They assert that it is
not necessary, although the order will like-
ly have to be complied with. The top,
sides and floor of the cells are stone, join-
ed together with cement, while the doors
are of iron.
—Roy Williams, aged 16 years, fell from
a diving board on which he was swinging
to a platform twelve feet below at a Sun-
day school picnic of the Poplar valley
Methodist church at Saylor’s lake, near Al-
lentown, on Saturday, and died instantly
from a fractured skull and broken neck.
The boy’s body rolled into the water, and
swimmers pulled him from the lake and
called a doctor, who pronounced the boy
dead. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. KE.
Williams, of Allentown.
— While playing in a twilight game of
baseball at Houtzdale last Thursday even-
ing the bat slipped from the hands of
Foxy May while at bat and hitting Eddie
McDermott, a catcher, killed him instant-
ly. The game was between amateur play-
ers and McDermott, who was one of the
best local ball players in that part of the
State, was standing on the sideline watch-
ing the game. May swung at a pitched
ball, and missing it the bat slipped from
his hands and hit McDermott square in the
face, crushing in his face and fracturing
his sknll at the base of the jaw. Death
was instantaneous.
— Fifteen hundred threshermen have
been notified by the State Department of
Labor and Industry that they are violat-
ing the workmen's compensation law by
working threshing rigs without taking in-
surance on their employees. They are sub-
ject to a fine of $1 a day for each employee
not insured. Most of the violations are
said to be due to a prevailing opinion
among threshermen that the workmen's
compensation act does not apply to farm
labor. The letter informs the threshermen
that operating a threshing machine on a
farm other than their own or operating a
sawmill or performing a logging operation
for some one else bring: them within the
scope of the law.
—Judge Bechtel, of Pottsville, on Mon-~
day ordered the immediate closing and
abandonment of the phosphate factory at
Fountain Springs, Schuylkill county, own-
ed by Jacob Reichert, and threatened in-
definite imprisonment for Reichert and all
his employees if they continue to do any
work there. The closing order was made
on petition of Dr. J. C. Biddle, superin-
tendent of the State hospital at Fountain
Springs, who was in court with almost his
entire staff of nurses and physicians to
prove that the stench from the factory was
‘so great as to overcome patients. “No one
but a crazy man would build a phosphate
factory near a hospital,” said Judge Bech-
tel. “This is the fourth time Mr. Reichert
has been before me on this charge, and the
next time he and his entire force of em-
ployees will purge their contempt in jail”
—Rocco di Crippo, of Pittsburgh, want-
ed by the police of that city to face thirty-
eight grand jury indictments, was arrest-
ed at Wilkes-Barre on Saturday night
after a transcontinental chase. Di Crippo,
alias Roxie Long, was indicted several
months ago are obtaining money under
false pretenses, burglary and other charg-
es, and fled the country. Detective Moran
caught him in France and brought him
back to Pittsburgh. He escaped while
closeted with his bondsman, and Moran
was dismissed from the police force. To
vindicate himself Moran traced the fugi-
tive to Steubenville, Ohio, and then to
Wilkes-Barre. Di Crippo had opened a
grocery store there under the name of
Mike John and was conducting a profita-
ble business. He was taken to Pittsburgh
on Monday.
—Mrs. Frank Yoder, forty years old, the
mother of twenty children, fifteen of whom
are living, is probably the busiest woman
in Somerset county, yet has time to enjoy
life, according to her own story. Mr. Yo-
der, who is employed on construction work
and only able to spend the week-ends with
bis family, is forced to throw the burden
of caring for seven acres of land, fourteen
hogs and two cows on his wife and chil-
dren. The eldest child is a son, twenty-
five years old, while the youngest is a girl
of four months. One of Mrs. Yoder’s chief
duties is baking thirty loaves of bread
every other day for her children. In addi-
tion, she sews all their clothes and does
the family cobbling. Mrs. Yoder declares
that big families are as easy to handle os
small ones, if one used good judgment.
“All the children who are old enough must
do their part, aud we have no trouble,”
declared Mrs. Yoder. “We produce much
of what we eat right here on the farm, and
life with a big family is not such a bur-
den ag some people imagine.”