Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 26, 1922, Image 1

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    Devon tds
—DMecSparran is
—Now is the time to start your fly
swatting campaign.
—Well, the expected has happened,
Babe Ruth has made a home run.
—Pepper and Burke ran tie in
Washington, Pa., not Washington,
—It will be interesting to note the
grace with which a lot of the local lu-
minaries sneak onto the Pinchot band
—If Pennsylvania needs a Demo-
crat as Governor Pennsylvania needs
Democrats in the Legislature to sup-
port him.
— Pinchot is the embodiment of the
machine. He can’t be elected without
it and if he is to have a chance in
November he will have to make con-
cessions that will take the sting out
of all of his pre-primary promises.
—The visit of John A. McSparran
to Bellefonte, on Monday, revealed the
fact to some folks, who didn’t know
before, that he is nobody's fool. Mr.
McSparran is a dirt farmer but he is
a college man as well. He knows
what he is doing and how to do it.
— The best reasons why Pinchot
should not be Governor of Pennsylva-
vania have been furnished by the men
of his own party who know him best.
They told it all during the primary
campaign so when we rehash it, now
that the real fight is on, don’t call it
a campaign lie.
—The lord chamberlain of Eng-
land, has issued an order limiting
court trains to two yards in length.
Possibly this is a reminder to the la-
dies of the entourage that more ap-
parel on the person and less on the
floor will keep the male mind more to
the real business of the court.
— Thomas Mile Hunter, one of the
Michigan cavalrymen, who assisted
in the capture of Jef. Davis, fifty-sev-
en years ago this May, is still alive
and has exploded the myth that the
President of the Confederate States
was attempting to escape in women’s
clothes. Hunter says he was taken
early in the morning and had a bath-
robe on. This statement lends a new
angle to the myth. Of course we have
no personal experience with the fash-
ions in 1865, but we have an impres-
sion that bath robes were not au fait
—The Hon. Benny Focht, of Lewis-
burg, is just twelve votes short of be-
ing the Republican nominee to suc-
ceed himself in Congress and is going
to contest his successful opponent’s
right to dare to represent the “shoe-
string” district in ‘Washington: He
says a lot of the Studes at Susquehan-
na University at Selinsgrove voted
without a right so to do and if that
precinct is thrown out he will win.
We hope it is, for if Benny gets the
nomination the Eighteenth District
will be represented by a Democrat in
—Lady Astor, in her farewell
speech on leaving this country, said
that she is not sure that Europe needs
America’s money as much as she needs
her moral help. Do you know what
came into our mind when we read that
paragraph. Well, it carried us back
to June, 1889, when the city of Johns-
town was helpless and destitute after
the flood had swept so many lives and
fortunes away and a cry went out to
the world for help. In response the
Sultan of Turkey sent a thousand dol-
lars and the Queen of England sent
her sympathy. If that is what Lady
Astor means by moral help they've
got it, but we opine that what Europe
needs more is what Johnstown needed
more in 1889.
—We are glad to note that the
Presbyterians, in their General As-
sembly at DesMoines, have voted to
consolidate sixteen boards and agen-
cies under four great boards. Such ac-
tion makes for efficiency and economy,
but most of all it makes for a better
feeling among those who support the
causes these boards exploit. The over-
lapping of calls for assistance in
churches, colleges and other institu-
tions of the sort annoy many of the
contributors. The average man or
woman would far rather give ten dol-
lars at once to cover ten calls than be
pestered with ten calls for a dollar
each. Under the latter system we
often get an idea that we are giving
more than we really are and the spir-
it to give freezes.
—So our old friend William I
Swoope is the Republican nominee for
Congress in this District. We remem-
ber Billy when he flung his shingle to
the breeze in Bellefonte years and
years ago. We remember him when
he was the silver-tongued orator at the
Memorial day exercises in many of
the country church yards of Centre
county. We remember him when he
mastered the finesse of putting over
the “bull” to the point when he be-
came a real party spellbinder and we
remember him when he was supplying
as editor of the Raftsman’s Journal
and wrote that convincing leader of
advice to “Boys Stay on the Farm.”
Yes, we remember all these things
and now we arise as the public coun-
sellor to advise the voters of this Con-
gressional district to let Billy stay on
the farm. He has a five thousand dol-
lar job in Harrisburg and we need
something more than glittering gen-
eralities and - expansive lungs at
Washington. We need Frank Sny-
der. He should be our next Congress-
VOL. 67.
BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 26, 1922.
NO. <1.
Pinchot Pays High Price.
The moment Mr. Gifford Pinchot
| Something About Corrupt Machines. | Surprise of the Primary Vote.
i A great many independent Republi-
The most surprising feature of the
learned that he was nominated he call- | cans and a considerable number of recent primary vote in Pennsylvania
ed on W. Harry Baker for consulta- | men who will vote the Democratic lis the majority for George Wharton
tion regarding the organization and | ticket next fall voted for Gifford Pin- | Pepper, for Senator in Congress.
plans of campaign for the election. chot ten days ago with the notion | That the State has been controlled by
Among the first to congratulate him
on his victory over the Sproul ma-
chine was Governor Sproul. His first
important declaration after his nomi-
nation was assured was a statement
that the party will be united and har-
monious in his support. These inci-
dents are surprising in view of recent
events. The only charge he brought
agains his competitor in the fight was
that Mr. Alter had the support of
Governor Sproul, Mr. Baker and the
machine with which they are affiliat-
ed. Now he is reaching out for a
similar affiliation.
Without the earnest support of
Sproul, Baker, Vare, Leslie and the
combine they control Mr. Pinchot can-
not be elected. The only condition up-
on which he can secure the support of
these gentlemen is to unconditionally
surrender to them. They are not en-
gaged in politics for health or pleas-
ure. Politics is their vocation. In
pursuance of their trade they have or-
ganized and mobilized a large force of
office holders. Mr. Pinchot will be
asked to retain these party pension-
ers as the price of the support of the
machine. The support of the machine
is essential to his success. Tt is not
hard to imagine what a millionaire
who side-steps the constitution he is
worn to “obey, support and defend”
for a paltry $3000.00 will do under | tion which had the first pick took Al- |
such circumstances.
Mr. Pinchot is obsessed with an am-
| that they were supporting a movement
| to destroy selfish and sordid machine
| government in Pennsylvania. The
i main objection to the nomination of
| Attorney General Alter was that he
j was the candidate of the machine. Mr.
! Pinchot was “cheer leader” in the at-
"tack. He said that Alter was “select-
“ed” at a secret meeting of “the gang”
"in a room in a Philadelphia hotel be-
hind locked doors. That was a ser-
ious charge in the circumstances.
, Abundant evidence of profligacy and
"corruption at Harrisburg had aroused
{ public indignation.
i Let us take what is now commonly
"called “a survey of the facts.” It has
| been fairly well proved that Governor
| Sproul, Senator Vare, Senator Eyre
i and Senator Leslie picked General Al-
, ter as the candidate of the machine
rand that Beidleman, Baker and State
| Treasurer Snyder promptly adopted
‘him. That certainly labeled him as a
; candidate of the Sproul machine. But
| there are two Republican machines in
| the State equally culpable and alike
| execrable. The other is composed or
led by Joe Grundy, Bill Griest, Char-
' lie Johnson, Bill Flinn, Bill Leib, at
| present in the penitentiary, and Buck
! Devlin, and this machine adopted Pin-
i chot as its candidate for no better
reason than that the other combina-
| ter.
i .
| If Beidleman had remained a can-
corporate power and influence for a
quarter of a century is notorious.
That the people of the State have suf-
. fered because of this is generally rec-
ognized. Yet Mr. Pepper, who is
known to be a corporation lobbyist
rather than a representative of the
people, received a much higher vote
and a larger majority than any other
candidate of the party with which he
is affiliated. His opponent was a man
of the people amply qualified for the |
service by ability and experience yet
the people voted for the corporation
Senator Pepper was appointed to
the office at the request of the officials
of the Pennsylvania railroad. He was
given his commission in the office of
. General Atterbury, vice president of
that corporation, and the president
‘and several of the superintendents and
directors of the corporation attended
his induction into the office. This in-
| ferential declaration of ownership
i was openly made. Mr. Pepper’s first
I vote in the body served to ratify a
| corrupt bargain for the purchase of a
{seat in the chamber by a similarly
. owned millionaire who had been con-
j victed in a court of justice presided
over by a jurist of his own party. His
i opponent had publicly denounced that
crime against political morality.
Senator Pepper’s first public decla-
| ration after his induction into the of-
fice of Senator was a fulsome eulogy
bition to be Governor of Pennsylva- | didate he would have taken Harry Ba- | of Boss Barnes, of New York, whom
nia. His vast wealth is not satisfy-
ing because he covets political posi-
tion and power. He bid high for the
support of the Vares when he offered
to finance the campaign if they would
support him, thus relieving them of a
heavy financial burden. He will now
have to pay a higher price for their
support, for they will demand uncon-
ditional surrender with all the stulti-
fication that involves.
principle. If‘he were he would not
have accepted an increase of salary
as the result of a corrupt bargain to
violate the constitution.
——Senator Vare declines to apolo-
gize for supporting Mr. Alter for the
nomination but he is perfectly willing
to support Pinchot for Governor on
his own terms if the guarantee is safe.
Causes Industrial Discontent.
In an address delivered before the
Economic Club, of New York, recent- |
ly, Mr. Edward A. Filene, of Boston,
cited some of the causes of industrial
unrest in this country and suggested
methods of reconciling labor disputes
which deserve careful consideration.
Mr. Filene is a merchant and an ex-
tensive employer of labor, and has
given the subject of his address much
thought. He declares in the begin-
ning that strikes are caused by the
fact that “experience has shown that
no man is wise enough to have auto-
cratic power over another.” That is
precisely the reason Lincoln gave for
opposing slavery and it applies quite
as directly to industrial slavery as to
the system in the South before the
Mr. Filene sets up four points for
consideration in connection with labor
problems. First he says “autocratic
control of industry by employers is a
fruitful breeder of strikes and is in
the long run impracticable.” No ar-
gument is needed to support that
proposition. The present coal strike
is largely ascribable to that cause and
a majority of the industrial disputes
of recent years are traceable to it.
His second point is that wages should
be expressed in commodity rather than
money value. In other words the
wages should be ample to purchase
for the earner sufficient commodities
to provide his present necessities and
leave a margin for recreation and old
age sufficient to relieve him of such
anxiety as causes apprehension for
the future and unrest for the present.
Mr. Filene characterizes wages that
are inadequate to thus provide as
“counterfeit wages,” and cites among
the causes of counterfeit wages spec-
ulation in homes, profiteering in rents
and commodities and excessive charg-
es of public service corporations. The
tariff tax and high rates of freights
and too expensive merchandising are
contributing causes of discontent, and
inefficient and expensive government
create not only envy but rebellion in
the hearts of those who “pay the pi-
per” while those in the enjoyment of
public favors do the dancing. On the
whole his ideas are admirable and his
suggestions ought to work needed re-
forms. Business should be conducted
for the public good rather than self-
re—————p ee ee—
—It pays to read the “Watchman.”
But the can-
didate will be equal to the emergen-
cy. He is not strongly attached to
This fact is
‘ker from Alter and if Mackey had
| continued in the fight Pinchot would
| have lost the Vares and Bill Flinn.
If Fisher hadn’t withdrawn Grundy
“would have supported him instead of
Pinchot so that there is little earnest-
ness and absolutely no spontaneity in
the matter. Each of the candidates
enjoyed the friendship of a portion of
the political crooks and Pinchot tried
hard to get the majority of them into
his band wagon. That he failed is
hardly his fault, for Alter is .easily
‘the more capable and better equipped
man for the office. But if the people
of Pennsylvania want to get away
from corrupt government they will
! vote for McSparran.
[EEE ——— —_—_._,,—,.
——1In Senator Vare’s declaration
that he will control forty Representa-
tives and seven Senators in the next
General Assembly of Pennsylvania
there is a forceful admonition to Gif-
ford Pinchot to “mind his step.”
Daugherty Threat Has Failed.
Attorney General Daugherty’s
threat to inculpate leading Democrats
more or less closely related to the
~ Wilson administration in the war
frauds has failed of its purpose. Some
Republican members of Congress have
charged that the Attorney General
has been delaying prosecutions in war
fraud cases and some of the Democ-
ratic Senators have been pressing ac-
tion in the matter. The Attorney
General declared that some Democrats
"are involved for the obvious purpose
of silencing this demand. It has had
a diametrically opposite effect, how-
ever. The Democratic Senators have
become more rather than less insist-
ent on prosecution.
If any Democrats who were trusted
by President Wilson have betrayed
the faith reposed in them let them be
| exposed and punished. The rank and
file of the Democratic party in the
{ country has no interest or desire to
| protect crooks. The boast of the par-
| ty has been that the war operations
of the Wilson administration were
| free from graft or fraud. The great
number of investigations and the vast
| sums of money expended during the
| last Congress failed to reveal any
| frauds traceable to Democrats in or
out of the administration. If, not-
| withstanding this official record,
frauds were perpetrated by Demo-
' crats, every Democrat wants them to
! be punished.
The facts appear to be that Attor-
ney General Daugherty is using his
office to shield criminals now, as he
used his personal influence with Presi-
dent Taft, for his own personal ad-
vantage. If this be true it is right
and proper that the fact should be ex-
posed. If any Democrats are guilty
they should be punished. The one
weakness of President Wilson. was his
inability to measure men. He was
imposed on by some of his appointees
and has since suffered in public esti-
mation because of that fact. But the
body of Democrats of the country are
not interested in protecting delin-
quents from just punishment.
——Governor Brumbaugh fell for
the illusive hope of a Presidential
nomination and Governor Sproul fail-
ed to profit by his example. It re-
mains to be seen how Pinchot will
take it.
the late Colonel Roosevelt had de-
[Punced as a scoundrel. He denounc-
| ed the soldiers’ bonus and declared
| party regularity as preferable to po-
i litical morality. He adopted the man-
i ners and the language of the tough in
order to win the favor of the rough-
{necks and insulted public decency by
i rude speech and swaggering manner.
i Yet he was given an overwhelming
; majority against an opponent of rec-
| ognized integrity and helpful life by
| 4H®“ Republican voters of Pennsylva-
(nia.. It is small wonder that govern-
| ment in Pennsylvania is corrupt. The
voters get what they want.
| —The Altoona Tribune is of the
| opinion that if the tariff bill now be-
ling considered in Congress does not
i pass until 1946 the immediate future |
| of the Republican party would wear
1a brighter outlook. Cheer up, broth-
ler Swartz, your crowd has gotten
| away with worse things than the
Fordney bill. Of course you're going
| to be licked in 1924, but what’s the
| use of playing Chopin’s funeral march
‘ until the corpse is laid out.
s—— een.
: Candidate McSparran Visited Belle-
John A. McSparran, Democratic can-
i didate for Governor of Pennsylvania,
' spent an hour or two at the Brocker-
i hoff house, in Bellefonte, on Monday
afternoon, coming down from State
| College where he attended a Grange
| meeting and also made a brief address
to the general public the same even-
| ing. During the brief time he was at
| the Brockerhoff house quite a number
of Bellefonte people—men and women
,—called to see him. Mr. McSparran
i is not only clean cut in appearance
| but an impressive talker, Of course
he made no pretense to speechmaking
during his brief visit, and had little to
say on the political issues of the com-
ing campaign, maintaining that it is
too early to get into the fight but in-
timating that when he does he will
meet every issue that may be brought
——Probably Lloyd George is in-
fluenced in his purpose to remain
away from The Hague conference by
his desire to renew acquaintanceship
with the folks at home.
——The numerous scandals which
are gathering about Attorney Gener-
al Daugherty don’t embarrass the
President. That smug gentleman is
impervious to shame.
—————————— eee ese.
——No doubt Attorney Daugherty
ought to resign as Senator Caraway,
of Arkansas, suggests. There ought
to be a lawyer instead of a pardon
broker in that office.
——The defence set up for Attor-
ney General Daugherty that some of
his predecessors were none too good
looks like a “confession and avoid-
——Senator Pepper had a big ma-
jority for the nomination but the peo-
ple have another shot and the second
aim is usually the more accurate.
A ———— eee.
——You can “spit in the eye of a
bull dog” with perfect safety if you
are securely sheltered in the trunk of
an elephant.
“Back From Normalcy.”
From the New York. World.
The Pennsylvania primaries con-
firm what the Indiana primaries
clearly indicated. The rank and file
of the Republican party have again
struck their tents and are marching
back from normalcy.
What Gifford Pinchot accomplished
in Pennsylvania is little short of a po-
litical miracle. Without an organiza-
tion and without strong, popular lead-
ership, he wrecked the Republican
machine by the sheer force of a moral
issue. All the special interests that
have controlled Pennsylvania politics
for years were lined up against him
—tha Republican organization, the
railroads, the mines, the great corpor-
ations and the financial interests that
i have so long been the government of
the State—and he beat them.
Mr. Pinchot is not a commanding
figure in the sense in which that term
is ordinarily used in politics. Like
Mr. Beveridge, in Indiana, he was a
former Progressive who had returned
to the party but had never been com-
fortable, but unlike Beveridge he had
few of the elements of personal pop-
ularity. He began his campaign
against the organization on the issue
of an honest administration of the
State’s affairs, and he never lost sight
of the issue. His opponents describ-
ed him variously as an atheist, an an-
archist, a socialist, a Bolshevist, a
single-taxer, an advocate of confisca-
tion, a visionary reformer and a dan-
gerous radical; but Mr. Pinchot kept
| after the machine.
| To make
represented everything that the Hard-
ing Administration represents in gov-
ernment, all the conservatism, all the
safeness and saneness, the Alter man-
agers took their candidate to Wash-
ington, ostentatiously escorted him
to the White House and had the
Presidential blessing bestowed upon
him. Mr. Pinchot in the mean time
kept pegging away at the scandals of
the Republican State Administration
and at the necessity of giving Penn-
sylvania a different kind of govern-
Until the Indiana primaries were
held, nobody believed that he stood
the ghost of a chance of winning.
Then came the Beveridge victory,
which put new heart in the Pinchot
workers. The organization, however,
still relied on its ancient stron
in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to
give it an easy triumph; but both
cities failed it. Their majorities were
not sufficient to overcome the Pinchot
vote in the rest of the State, and he
carried sixty-one out of the sixty-sev-
en counties, an impressive record of
uniform strength outside the districts
wholly dominated by the machine.
There was no specific national is-
sue in the Pennsylvania primaries
: aside from Senator Pepper’s majority
{in the face of the campaign made
against him by the advocates of the
soldiers’ bonus; but in a larger sense
the result in every way is national.
The Old Guard rules in Washington,
but it is losing its grip on the party.
The pendulum is swinging rapidly
away from the reactionary politicians
who seized the Republican organiza-
tion in 1920 and undertook to re-es-
tablish the Hanna system of govern-
ment. The popular discontent that
overwhelmed the Democratic party
two years ago is now overwhelming
the Republican leaders who tricked
the country and obtained power un-
der false pretense.
The lesson of Pennsylvania is far
more impressive than the lesson of
Indiana; for if there is a State in the
Union in which the organization
could have safely counted itself su-
preme that State is Pennsylvania.
Defeated in Pennsylvania the Old
Guard is now facing two years of fac-
tional war for the control of the Re-
publican party in 1924, with the odds
steadily increasing against it. That
is the broad significance of the Pin-
chot nomination.
meee ff tee:
Side-Track the Tariff.
From the Shoe and Leather Reporter.
The Tariff bill, as framed in the
House and mutilated by the Senate
Finance committee, should be laid on
the table and forgotten. It is about
the worst piece of revenue legislation
in the history of the government. It
is full of blunders, contradictions and
inequalities, and for every clause ac-
ceptable to an industry something fol-
lows of an objectionable character.
Foreign valuation is favored against
American valuation, but later in the
bill power is granted the President to
change from one to the other. Simi-
larly extraordinary power is given the
President to juggle the duties about
as emergencies develop.
It should be plain as noonday sun
that it is not possible for Congress to
frame an adequate bill at this time.
Industrial and commercial conditions
in all the countries of the world are
in a state of flux, and whatever ap-
pears to be a good set of tariff claus-
es today might be completely out of
alignment and inadequate tomorrow.
The inherent difficulty lies in at-
tempting to revise the tariff along the
old lines of revenue and protection,
which were sound enough before the
war. Today there are foreign embar-
goes, export duties, shifting rates of
exchange, mountains of debt, overdue
interest charges, new: States and gov-
ernments in Europe, which are slowly
learning how to function; Russia
dancing over a Bolshevist powder
magazine, and Germany living on pa-
per opiates, with the dosage increased
every day. :
it plain that Mr. Alter |
—Death warrants were issued last
Thursday for H. A. Blakely, of Butler,
week of July 10th; Joseph Dreher, Phila-
delphia, July 17th, and Pete Christian,
alias Christy, Lawrence, July 24th,
—Charged with conduct unbecoming a
minister, the Rev. W. C. Heyer, of Trever-
ton, was dismissed from the Lutheran
ministry by the Danville conference in ses-
sion last week. Three years ago he was
dismissed from his charge. He did not ap-
pear to contest the action.
—Dominick Logan, of Mt. Carmell, bad
man, was sentenced to from a year and a
half to two years in the eastern peniten-
tiary by Judge Albert Lloyd, at Sunbury,
last week, for the theft of $700 worth of
silk shirts and other clothing from the
Wolfe clothing store at Mt. Carmel.
—A drink of water from a well poisoned
by the Germans in France four years ago
caused the death of Emil Wright, aged 30
years, of Berwick, on Friday, after an ill-
ness that began before the close of the
war. With several other soldiers, Wright
filled his canteen at a well left by the re-
treating Germans and became ill soon
—John R. Pott, of Williamsport, several
days ago lost on the street of that city a
pocketbook which was returned to him by
the postal authorities. A mail carrier col-
lecting mail found the article in a mail
box, where it had evidently been dropped
by the person who picked it up on the
street. This new service has been report-
ed to the Postmaster General at Washing-
—Ralph Roush has been elected night
patrolman at Elkland, Tioga county, to
take the place of Officer Stever, who was
murdered while in discharge of his duties
in that village last month. It is said the
theory of assassination by a bootlegger
has been revived in the hope of getting a
tangible clue. There are many who believe
that the guilty will never be brought to
—John Airgood, of Juneau, Indiana
county, the father of 24 sons and daugh-
ters, 22 of whom are living, died Tuesday,
May 16th, after a protracted illness, aged
78 years. He had resided near Juneau for
many years. He was the father of eight
girls and sixteen boys. Of these fifteen
| sons and seven daughters are living. He
| was married three times, and he leaves his
i third wife.
—Aexander Bortner, a wealthy farmer,
of York county, it is said, has been swin-
dled out of $25,000 by an oily-tongued oil
stock salesman. Bortner signed notes
which total the amount mentioned and, if
the stranger succeeds in obtaining the
cash for them the York countion will have
to pay. The farmer was paid $500 in cash
for signing the notes and was told that he
would double his money within a few
—When three men armed with large re-
volvers entered his jewelry store, Joseph
Conkin, priprietor of a newsstand and jew-
elry store at Fredericktown, Washington
county, gave up eight watches and a large
sum of money. While two of the men kept
the proprietor of the store covered the
third ransacked the cases and forced open
the cash register. State troopers, who
were summoned after the robbary, failed
to locate the miscreants. :
—Word has been received by D. E.
Brumbaugh, cashier of the First National
bank of Claysburg, Blair county, that two
men are under arrest in Boston for com-
plicity in the robbery of the bank Decem-
ber 9th, and that some of the securities
stolen at that time had been found on
them. Four men have already been con-
victed of the robbery, and are awaiting
the outcome of their motion for a new tri-
al on which arguments were made a few
days ago.
—More than a score of arrests have been
made in the Pottsville district of persons
who have started forest fires. John Koc-
lick and son, West Penn farmers, who
were arrested Saturday, will be given a
Learing in a few days. Most of the de-
fendants have been farmers, who started
fires to burn up brush undergrowth on
their farms and left the flames spread to
the adjoining forests, where thousands of
acres of valuable timber were burned.
Charles E. Baer is the forester bringing
the prosecutions.
—Twenty thousand dollars damages are
asked by Miss Irene Sharp, of Shamokin,
for eight teeth she says were knocked out
while she was a passenger on a Shamokin
and Mount Carmel passenger railway car.
According to the plaintiff’s statement the
accident happened when a brake handle
slipped out of a motorman’s hand last
summer and hit her in the mouth. Her
mouth was badly cut and her teeth shat-
tered, and her dentist's bill alone was
$500, she declares. She asserts that she is
permanently disfigured.
—After having granted citizenship to
250 aliens in the three days’ session of
United States naturalization court which
closed at Scranton, on Friday, Judge C. B.
Witmer issued an order that no alien who
evaded service in the United States army
in the recent war will be granted citizen-
ship in that district until five years after
the date upog which he filed his claim for
exemption from draft. Fifteen men who
refused to become members of the United
States army were denied citizenship. Thir-
ty aliens who served in the army were
granted full citizenship.
—Burglars operating in the temporary
absence from home of Mrs. C. A. Krewson,
of Hatboro, stole jewelry from the house
which was worth close to $1000. Krew-
son, an automobile dealer, having places
of business in Hatboro and in Jenkintown,
had gone to the latter place on Saturday,
and Mrs. Krewson left the house shortly
after noon. She returned an hour later
and found entrance had been forced by a
rear window and upstairs rooms ransack-
ed. The articles stolen include a diamond
solitaire ring, a diamond sunburst, a gold
watch and several smaller pieces of jew-
—The State Forest Commission has de-
cided to permit mining of coal on State
forest lands in the Lykens Valley region
at the western end of the anthracite field,
and a lease has been authorized with Mi-
chael E. Stroup, of Harrisburg, to mine on
750 acres of the Haldeman forest, where
out-croppings of anthracite have been dis-
covered. The Commission has had the
matter under consideration for some time.
Stroup made the only bid, and the lease
will provide against unnecessary destruc-
tion of forest growth and protect streams
from pollution. The matter will be closed
in June. Geologists and mining engineers
have examined the property and various
opinions have been expressed as to the
presence of coal.