Bull-Dog Drummond The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull by CYRIL McNEILE “SAPPER” ILLUSTRATIONS BY IRWIN MYERS Copyright by Geo. H. Doran Co. (Continued from last week.) SYNOPSIS. PROLOGUE.—In December, 1918, four men gathered in a hotel in Berne and heard one of the quartet outline a plan to paralyze Great Britain and at the same time seize world power. The other three, Hocking, American, and Steineman and Von Gratz, Germans, all millionaires, agree to the scheme, providing another man, Hiram Potts, an American, is taken in. The instigator of the plot gives his name as Comte de Guy, but when he leaves for England with his daughter he decides to use the name Carl Peterson, CHAPTER 1 — Capt. Hugh (Bulldog) Drummond, 2 retired officer, advertises for work that will give him excitement, signing “X10.” As a result he meets Phyllis Benton, a young woman who an- swered his ad. She tells him of strange murders and robberies of which she sus- ts a band headed by Carl Peterson and nry Lakington of being the leaders. CHAPTER IL—Drummond decides to go to The Larches, Miss Benton's home. An attempt is made on the road to wreck his machine when another, occupied by Peterson, Lakington and a strange man, blocks the road. While dining with Phyl- lis Benten and her father Drummond hears a terrible shriek at The Elms. Dur- ing the night Drummond leaves The Larches and explores The Elms. He dis- covers Lakington and Peterson using a thumbscrew on an American who signs a paper. Drummond rescues the Ameri- can after a struggle and takes him to his home. The man is Hiram C. Potts. “Mixed up in a brawl, was he?’ said Drummond, shaking his head. “I should never have thought, from what little I’ve seen of Mr. Lakington, that he went in for painting the town red. Td have put him down as a most abstemious man—but one never Ct. tell, can one? I once knew a fellan who used to get fighting drunk on three whiskies, and to look at him, you'd have put him down as a parson. Wonderful amount of cheap fun that chap got out of life.” Peterson flicked the ash from his cigarette into the grate. “Shall we come to the point, Captain Druin- mend?” he remarked affably. Hugh looked bewildered. “The point, Mr. Peterson? Er—by all mun- ner of means.” Peterson smiled even more affably. “I felt certain that you were a young man of discernment,” he remarked, “and I wouldn't like to keep you fruiu your paper a minute longer than nec- essary.” “Not a bit,” cried Hugh. “My time is yours—though I'd very much like to know your real opinion of The Juggernaut for the Chester cup. It seems to me that he cannot afford to give Sumatra seven pounds on their form up to date.” “Are you interested in gambling?” asked Peterson politely. “A mild flutter, Mr. Peterson, every now and then,” returned Drummond. “Strictly limited stakes.” “If you confine yourself to that you will come to no harm,” said Pe- terson. “It is when the stakes be- come unlimited that the danger of a crash becomes unlimited too.” “That is what my mother always told me,” remarked Hugh. “She even went further, dear good woman that she was. ‘Never bet except on a cer- tainty, my boy,’ was her constant ad- vice, ‘and then put your shirt on! I can hear her saying it now, Mr. Peterson, with the golden rays of the setting sun lighting up her sweet face.” Peterson leant forward in his chair. “Young man,” he remarked, “we've got to understand one another. Last night you butted in on my plans, and 1 do not like people who do that. By an act which, I must admit, appealed to me greatly, you removed something I require—something, moreover, which I intend to have. Breaking the elec- tric bulb with a revolver shot shows resource and initiative. The blow that smashed Henry Lakington’s jaw in two places shows strength. All qualities which I admire, Captain Drummond— admire greatly. 1 should dislike hav- ing to deprive the world of those qual- ities.” : Drummond gazed at the speaker open-mouthed. “My dear sir,” he pro- tested feebly, “you overwhelm me. Are you really accusing me of being a sort of wild west show?’ He wag- gled a finger at Peterson. “You know you've been to the movies too much, like my fellah, James. He's got re- volvers and things on the brain.” Peterson's face was absolutely im- passive; save for a slightly tired smile it was expressionless. “Final ly, Captain Drummond, you tore in half a piece of paper which I re- quire—and removed a very dear old friend of my family, who is now in this house. I want them both back, ulease, and if you like I'll take them mow.” Drummond shrugged his : shoulders resignedly. “There is. something about you, Mr. Peterson,” ! he murmured, “which I like. So masterful, ‘so com- pelling, so unruffled. I feel sure— when you have finally disabused your mind of this absurd hallucination— that we shall become real friends. “Tell me, why did you allow this ! scoundrel to treat you in such an ' offhand manner?” “Unfortunately a bullet intended | for him just missed,” answered Peter- son casually. “A pity—because there would have been no trace of him by now.” “Might be awkward for you,” mur mured Hugh. “Such methods, Mr. Peterson, are illegal, you know. May I offer you a drink?” Peterson declined courteously. “Thank you—not at this hour.” Then he rose. “I take it, then, that you will not roturn m2 my property here and nov. “Still the same delusicn, I sce!” re- marked Hugh with a smile, “Still the same delusion,” repeater Peterson. “I shall he 1eady to re: aeive hoth the nerve and the men op 411 six o'clock ton: zat at 832A Berners street; and it is possible, 1 might even say probable, should they turn up by then, that I shall not find it neces sary to kill you.” Hugh grinned. “Your kindly for- bearance amazes me,” he cried. “Should they not arrive by then, 1 shall be put to the ir@onvenience of taking them, and in that case—much as I regret it—you may have to be killed. You're such an aggressive young man, Captain Drummond—and, : T fear, not very tactful.” He spoke «You're Such an Aggressive Young Man, Captain Drummond—and, | Fear, Not Very Tactful.” regretfully, drawing ou his gloves; then as he got to the door he paused. “I'm afraid that my words will not have much effect,” he remarked, “but the episode last night did appeal to me. I would like to spare you—I would really. It's a sign of weakness, my young friend, which I view with amazement—but nevertheless, it is there. So be warned in time. Return ny property to Berners street, and leave England for a few months.” His eyes seemed to burn into the soldier's brain. “You are meddling in affairs.” he went on gently, “of the danger of which you have no conception. A fly in the gear-box of a motor-car would be a sounder proposition for a life insurance than you will be—if you continue on your present course.” There was something so incredibly menacing in the soft, quiet voice that Drummond looked at the speaker fas- cinated. He had a sudden feeling that he must be dreaming—that in a mo- ment or two he would wake up and find that they had really been talking about the weather the whole time. Then the cynical gleam of triumph in Peterson's eyes acted on him like a cold douche. “Your candor is as refreshing,” he answered genially, “as your similes are apt. I shudder to think of that poor little fly, Mr. Peterson, especial- ly with your chauffeur grinding his gears to pieces.” He held open the door for his visitor, and followed him into the passage. At the other end stood Denny, ostentatfeusly dusting a book-shelf, and Peterson glanced at him casually. It was, characteristic of the man that no trace of annoyance showed on his face. He might have been an ordinary visitor taking his leave. And then suddenly from the room outside which Denny was dusting there came a low moaning and an in- coherent babble. A quick frown passed over Drummond's face, and Peterson regarded him thoughtfully “An invalid in the house?” he re- marked. “How inconvenient for you!” He laid his hand for a moment on the soldier's arm. “I sadly fear you're going to make a fool of yourself. And it will be such a pity.” He turned toward the stairs. “Don't bother, please; I can find my own way out.” THREE. Hugh turned back into his own room, and lighting a particularly noisy pipe, sat down in his own special chair, He was under no delusions as to the risks he was running. Under- rating his opponent had never been a fault of his, either in the ring or in 7rance, and he had no intention of teginning now. The man who could asduct an American millionaire, and drug him till he was little better than a baby, and then use a ‘thumbscrew to enforce his wishes, was not likely to prove: over-scrupulous in the fu- ture. (Continued on page 6, Col. 1.) | MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. 1 ERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT OF CENTRE COUNTY.—Notice is hereby given that the following .| persons and firms have been a praised and are hereby liable for mercantile taxes for the year 1921: . RETAIL AXE MANN O'Bryan, G. W., general merchandise. White, W. 8., feeds. AARONSBURG Bower, A. F., implements. Krape, J. F., general merchandise. Kister, G. W., implements. Musser, C. E., candies. Stover, Wm., oil. Stover, A. S., wall paper. Rachau, Fred W., merchandise. - BOALSBURG Brouse, W. H., produce. Hazel, A. J., general merchandise. Ishler, J. G., meats. Rishel, 8S. R., oil. Charles, F. M., plumber. Patterson, J. D., groceries, Zeckman, J. F,, furniture.’ BLANCHARD. Bowes, W. A., general sfore. Clark, J. H., gas. Deitz, W. C., groceries. Harter, W. J., general merchandise. Kunes, T. M., general merchandise. Kessinger, H. C., general merchandise. Moon, A. R., cigars. Page, A. E., general store. Rothrock, Sara, notions. Vonada, W. H., merchandise. Williams, C. A. Est., general merchandise ! BENORE Ghaner, W. H., coal. Lykens, H. B., general merchandise. BELLEFONTE Atlantic Refining Co., gas. Aikey, J. B., groceries. Blair, ¥. P. & Son, jewelry. Blackford, C. I., cigars. Baum, Sim, clothing. Beezer, P. L., meats. Bonfatto, G., fruits. Bellefonte Lumber Co., lumber. Brouse, W. S., groceries. Bellefonte Vulc. Co., tires. Brachbill, W. R., furniture. Bellefonte Hardware Co., hardware. Bickett, W. W., cigars. Billett, M. L., feeds. Bush House Cigar Co., cigars. Beatty Motor Co., automobiles. Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co,, coal. Beezer, George A., automobiles. Crissman, L. H., cigars. Centre County Junk & Fuel Co, junk. Caldwell, James F., candy. Caldwell and Son, plumbers. Cairns, Thomas W., wall paper. Cohen Co., dry goods. Casebeer, C. D., jeweler. Cooke, C. E., furniture. Coxey, W. C., groceries. City Bakery, bread. Carpento Co., fruits. Carpeneto, J. L., cigars. Cooney, Elizabeth, millinery. City Cash Grocery: groceries. Crider, P. B. & Son, lumber. Dubbs, J. E., implements. ric Supply Co., electric supplies. Eckel, J. P., meats. Eckenroth, E. J., wall paper. Finklestine. D., cigars. Fauble, A., clothing. Garman, E. F., general store. Gamble, G. M., grain. Genua, Angelo, cigars. Garbrick Bros., auto supplies. Gross, J. W., groceries. Gettig, L. H., meats. Garbrick, H. E., groceries. Gheen Music Shop, pianos. Harnish, J. T. & Co., lumber. Hazel, Thomas S., groceries. Herr & Heverly, groceries. Hockman, N. J., produce. Hazel & Co., dry goods. Heverly, J. O., auto supplies. Hunter, J. D., stationery. Jodon, J. C., groceries. Kelley's Bakery, candies. Kalin, Max, shoes. Katz, W. S., dry goods. Krader Motor Co., motors. Kelly & Bickett, coal. Kline, Henry, cigars. Keichline, C. C., candies. : Lyon & Co., ary goods. B Lyons, W. A. Est, meats. ; Mallory’s Studio, cameras. Mott Drug Co., drugs. Mingle, A. C., shoes. Miller, G. A., hardware, Montgomery & Co., clothing. MecGialey, A. L., wall paper. Mayer, M. Frank, feeds. Miller, David, groceries. Miller, N. A., auto supplies. Moerschbacher, Mary, cigars. McCrory, J. G. Co., 5 and 10c. store. McGarvey, P. H., auto supplies. Naginey, F. E., furniture. Nighthart, J. L. & Son, cigars. Olewine, John I. Est., hardware. Parker, W. S., junk. Poorman, S. H., automobiles. Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hardware. Parker, Wm. G., florist. Parrish; C. M., drugs. Rietano, Tony, groceries. Ruhl, Harry, cigars. Runkle, M. B., drugs. Sechler & Co., groceries. Spencer Economy Store, gents furnish- ings. Spigelmyer & Co., general merchandise. Schaeffer, H. P., hardware, Schlow, Chas., ladies’ furnishings. Schofield, James, harness. Schad, A. Epes Showers, J. M. & Co., coal. jisiecemne Eileen Co., Elec. supplies. witmire, W..T., stoves. Thal, Joseph; En } Tate, C. F. plumber. Weaver Brog,; groceries. R.’C., 8 uto sy es, Wwion, Willis. E.,. peomobics Willard, D. I. & S6n; clothing. Waite, J. S. Co., implements. Witten, Israel, junk. Yeager, H. C., shoes. Zeller & Son, drugs. CENTRE HALL Boozer, D. A., harness. Benner, G. O., general store. Bradford & Co., coal. Bartholomew, C. D., produce. Boozer & Smith, automobiles. Centre Hall Pharmacy Co., drugs, Campbell, H. C. & R. P,, cigars. Dauberman, J. G., meats. Emerick, Geo. H., implements. Emery, C. F., general merchandise. Fetterolf, J. 1., auto supplies. Foreman, R. D., coal and grain. Fredericks, Samuel, coal and grain. Goodhart, James, produce. Geary, F. P., cigars. Goodhart, F. V., furniture. Harper & Homer, oil. Henney, Mrs. Lucy, millinery. Herr, x, junk. Ishler, George E., meats. McClenahan & Flink, cigars. McCoy, Miss Emma, bread. MecClenahan, Wm., oysters. Meiss, G. BS, grote es. Odenkirk, W. A., general merchandise. Runkle, W. J., cigars. Smith, L. L., auto supplies. Schaffer, Roy J., produce. Smith, C. M., general merchandise. Smith, T. L., hardware. Tressler, G. W., shoes. . COBURN Atmantic Refining Co, gas and oil. Coburi Grain & Coal & corl-and grain. Dinges, Cloyd, feeds. Brandt & Bohn, general merchandise. Glasgow, J. W., general merchandise. Malone, ¥. J., produce.” . Musser, C. E. & Son, general merchandise Mingle, A. C., general merchandise. Vonada & Sons, auto supplies. CLARENCE. Budinger, A. B., general merchandise. Brooks, Jacob, general merchandise. Clarence Corp. Assn., Gen. merchandise. Freedman, Jacob, general merchandise. Harm, O. J., general merchandise. Hall, W. B. & Sons, cigars. Horvath, Andy, pase. Gillette, H. H. & Sons, cigars. Koshko Bros., groceries. Kachik, A. M., cigars. Kachik, Jéhn"M., cigars. rubitza, Mike, groceries. Pinehpk, Geo, Ecuela) merchandise, ser, Ha . WN Be John, groceries. Bald .Eigle Supply Ltd., Gen. Mds. eaton, James, produce. : . FLEMING Holt, 8. W., groceries. Holt, G. W., groceries. Eckenroth, Charles, coal. Ben H., coal. Tenett, Harry, produce. Lindemuth, I arry, gas. McElwain. Bros., general merchandise. Stere, H. M., cigars. ‘Bergner, Albert, general store. » Campbell, C. A., groceries. Custard & is, | : | Smith, T. W., feeds. | Stere, J. B. & J. C., general store. ! Scholl, H. A., produce. ! FILLMORE | Hoover, George, merchandise. | HOWARD | Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. Baney’s garage, automobiles and gas. Berry, L. D., automobiles and gas. Condo, J. F., general merchandise. Deitz, J. F.—paid by McCartney, general merchandise. Fox, C. M., implements. Green, Ed, cigars and candy. Gladhill, A. D., cigars. Harter, Walter D,, furs. Kline, H. A., produce. Long, W. H., grain. Lucas, C. C., general merchandise. Moore, H. A., drugs. Miner, Manius, jewelry. Pletcher, Chas. E., oils. Pletcher, T. A., harness. Pletcher, F. V., groceries. Pletcher, Wm. B., produce. Shawley, Thomas, produce. Schenck, A. A., hardware. Williams, George, groceries. Weber, B. & Son, general store. Williams, Frank, cigars. Wolfe, 8S. J., general store. Yearick, Walter, meats. HUBLERSBURG Hoy, George F., general merchandise. McClintock, E. L., general merchandise, JULIAN Andréws, Anna, groceries. Beals, E. E., ice cream. Henderson, J. E., groceries. i Harrington, Art., coal. | Lorrah, Mabel, coal. ! Mattern, H. K., produce. i Parsons, W. P., groceries. ! Tallhelm. Walter G., groceries. ! Turner, J. H., groceries. i Walizer, R. D., coal. i KATO Kato Supply Co., general merchandise. LIVONIA { Stover, George B., cigars. | LINDEN HALL : 1 Keller, Mrs. J. W., general merchandise. Ross, J. H., general merchandise. Wieland, F. E., coal. LEMONT Bohn, George J., jenely. Evey, A. H., jewelry. Evey, E. W. & Son, produce. Hoy, R. K., auto supplies. Lenker, J. E., general merchandise. i Mitchell, John, hardware. | Ross, Eimer C., general merchandise. ! Schreck Bros., oils. | Williams, George C., furniture. MARTHA FURNACE Ebert, O. D., general store. MONUMENT Glossner, Harry, eating house. Galbraith, Clair, fish. Mann, Harvey, ice cream. Vulcan Trading Co., general store. MOSHANNON. Brodencshok,- John, meats. Groe, A. A., general merchandise. Lewis, LeRoy, general merchandise. Sik Rush, feeds. aurer, Clara, ice cream. MADISONBURG Everett, Thomas, general merchandise. Hazel, B. E., general merchandise. Bartges, C. E., general merchandise. MUNSON Goldberg, Ike, general merchandise. MINGOVILLE Miller, E. L., general merchandise. Workman, C. C., general merchandise. Yarnell, Geo. H., ice cream. MILLHEIM Allison, J. R. G., cigars. Auman, N. A, groceries. Bowersox, B. F., drugs. Breon, C. H., automobiles. Burd, Mrs. L. V., millinery. Boob Lunch Room, cigars. Berman, Jacob, cigars. Campbell, 8. M., furniture. Colombus, Sol, junk. Frank, A. A. & Sons, general store. Griffith & Ulrich, 5 and 10c store. Hosterman and Stover, hardware. Houseman, J. W. O., produce. Kessler, A., clothing. Leitzell, H. H., meats. Meyer, T. F., general merchandise. Mauck, E. W., general store. McMullen Bros., feed. Neiman, D. J., clothing. Stover, R. S., jeweler. Spigelmyer, J., general merchandise. Snyder Home Bakery, bread. Schreckengast Bros., groceries. Smith & Adams, milliners. Ulrich, T. B., cigars. Weiser, F. F., gas. MILESBURG Grove, Anna M., coal. Hummer, E. J., —goods. Korman, C. W., merchandise. Irwin, B. H., coal. Milesburg Store Co., general store. McCullough, M. J. t Sons Gen. Mds. Miles, O. E. & Sons, general merchandise. Sprankle, T. C., groceries. Stucky, J. K., cigars. Spicer, Mrs. Effie, candy. etzler, F. L., general merchandise. NITTANY Betz, M. S., general merchandise. Beck, J. H., general merchandise. Kessin er, W. E., cigars. Long, H. A., meats. Peck Bros., merchandise. Yearick, N. H., merchandise. ORVISTON Orviston Supply Co., Gen. merchandise. Watson, Alex, fish. - . Young, Fred J., candy. OAK HALL Etters, Clayton, feed. Lowder, Ralph J., merchandise. Kidder & Raymond, coal. OSCEOLA MILLS Copelin, Martin, gas and oil. Demeck, Joseph, merchandise. Gloyonski, Ed, merchandise. Goss, R. J., merchandise. Gravish, T. J., merchandise. Kashmark, Ben, merchandise. Harris, P. M,, gas. Horgweht, James, grocery. Stine, S. B., foundry. Wood, William, hardware. Zigner, Anthony, merchandise. POWELTON Lewis, Clarence, groceries. PINE GLENN Bates, Miss Edith, candy and cigars. Boak, Mrs. Sallie, candy. PLEASANT GAP Gettig, H. C., meats. Confer, Harry, merchandise. Jodon & Summers, gas. Noll, H. T., auto supplies. Noll, W. H. Jr. & Bro., merchandise. Noll, Ray C., cigars. Stitzer, C. K., merchandise. PORT MATILDA Beckwith, J. T., merchandise. Bennett, W. M., merchandise. Gates, ins. produce. Hoover, W. T., hardware. Laird & Laird, meats. Osman, 8. 8, gas. Port Matilda-Supply Co., Gen. store. Pringle, C."M.; general store. Williams Brgs., feeds. Woodring, H., coal. : Williams, J. §., merchandise. Reese, A. W., general merchandise. Ammerman, G. G., produce. PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE. Bailey, J. H., produce. Behrer, Chester, produce. PINE GROVE MILLS, Auman, BE. H,, feeds. Barr, David, cigars. Keller, John Co., coal. Martz, BE. C., general merchandise. Stuck and Kline, gas. Watt, E. M., general merchandise. d, 8. E., gal Williams, J. xf 8. .» harness. PHILIPSBURG Atlantic Refiining Co., gas and oil. Andrews, W. C,, dry goods. Ayers Bros., groceries. Adelman & Ratosky, dry goods. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Teas, Etc. Austin, William,: cigars. Alpine Restaurant,’ cigars. Bea: igus, ris ugzel, ar, drugs. = Beate. Joh. groceries. Butlin, William, cigars. Birchfield, W. L., ry goods. Bretts, J., candy an gars. Bowser, William, cigars. Norris, paper and paints. n, H, A., meats. Carmela, P., cigars. Carpenter, M., milliner. Centre Lumber Co., lum Cenire Milling Co., feeds. Cohen, M., meats. Dugan, Josep Deacon, Thomas, cigars. Delaacy, W. F., meats. y Goss, auto supplies. Dermis, BE. E., plumber. Drives & Hoones, cigars. Drinson, Thomas, Sugar Bowl, candy. Kitchen, candy. Edward, J. S., shoes. Erhard, C. B., general store. Electric Supply Co., electric supplies. H. L., automobiles. Fenberg, Lewis, gents goods. Wm. & Son, meats. Fredericks, W. J. Piano Co., musical in- Gill, W. F., sporting goods. Globe Store, dry goods. Guelick, P. L., automobiles. Gilbert, D. B., electric supplies. Grebe Bros., cigars. Garfinkle, H., junk. Gearhart, Fred, groceries. Hendon Stores, groceries. Harper, H. E., candy. Humphrey Bros., plaster board. Hoffer's Novelty Store, novelties. Hamilton’s Music Store, pianos. Hoffman, F. L., tobacco. . cig Haworth & Eboch, furniture. Haggerty Bakery Co., bread. Holling, Walter, groceries. Hockman, Mrs. N., groceries. Hopkins, James, cigars. Hodas, Harry, junk. Hurley & Ammerman, tires. Ibberson, John, fancy goods. Independent Oil Co., oils. Jaffa, A., fruits. Jones, Calvin, wall paper. Jones Co., hardware. Jones, Ed, groceries. Juackick, Conrad, cigars. Kellock, G. M., cigars. Kephart, J. F., hardware. Knepp, Lloyd, meats. Kline, J. O., harness. Kopelin, Morris, junk. Kline, Roy C., cigars. Leback, Mrs. Maria, groceries. Lutz, A. D., electric supplies. Mills, H. C., groceries. Markowitz, A., groceries. Miller, George W., cigars. Maguire Bros., clothing. Miller, S. Z. gents goods. Maurer, Raymond, hardware. Mestos Bros., cigars. Meyer, J. W., cigars. Mock, Miss C. H., milliner. Mattern’s Meat Market, meats. . S. & O. B., groceries. Mark, H. A., Motor Co., automobiles. McCrory Store Co., 5 and 10c store. McCausland, J. G., jewelry. Owens, W. F., pianos. Owens, C. W., clothing. Oregon Mercantile Co., groceries. Penn Motor Co., automobiles. Prichard, Josiah, automobiles. Parker, George W., florist. Press, Jacob, junk. Plank & Bower, cigars. Philipsburg Milk Depot, milk. Peterson, W. E., groceries. Pioneer Lunch Room, cigars. PLilipshire Foundry Machine Co., ry. rg Vale. Co., tires. Parsky, Lewis, clothing and cigars. Richards, George H., meats. Rothrock, I. M., groceries. Rusnak, Steve, groceries. Runk & Dennison, auto supplies. Rothrock Studio, kodaks. , auto supplies. Smith, Mrs. Mary cigars. Stern, Morris, groceries. Spilman, Myer, junk. Stonebraker, W. J., groceries. Sicks, John Jr., cigars. Sicks, Mike, cigars. Sicks, Mike, cigars. Schmidt, A. M., groceries. Solomon, D., groceries. Smith, F. R., dry goods. Singer Machine Co., machines. Troutman, George F., drugs. The Quality Boot Shop, shoes. The Model Shop, millinery. Urbine, Albert, produce. Vail, Howard, automobiles. Woodring Meat Shop, meats. Workman’s Cash Grocery, groceries. ‘Watson, Blair, cigars. Williams, Polly, store goods. Wilenzek, Theo, clothing. Weber, Frank Est., furniture. ‘Womer, Rob, store. Witten, Wm., store. ‘Walton, Albert J., drugs. Yonkey, August, groceries. Zeff, Simon, clothing. REBERSBURG Beyers, C. E,, feed. Bierley, W. F., produce. Bierley, 8. A., lumber. Daveler, J. R., cigars. Gephart, S. L., merchandise. Haines, M. C., merchandise. Bennett, E. S., merchandise. Witmer, Mrs. Ida, merchandise. STATE COLLEGE Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. Athletic Store, athletic goods. Brown, Henry, j a ia - Hoffman, Frank; tobacco.’ College Drug. Decker & Harper; automobiles. Deal, Albert:&- Sen, plumbers. Foster, Philip, coal. Y L. D., general merchandise. Fromm, Morris, clothing. Fishel, John, groceries. Gentzell, W. R., general merchandise. rifith, H, P., music room. illiland, Ray, drug Gregory Bros, t Hartswick, N. N., automobiles. Haugh, John, general store. Hurwitz, Moses, store. dy and tobacco. Hubler Bros., auto supplies. Ww. Imboden, Anita, Jaramie Manuel, cigars. Keller, J. D., meats. Keller, H. N., meats. Koons & Hartman, candy. Lohman, Geo. Morell, H. G., notions. Musser, C., harness. Musser, J. H., groceries. Miller & Breon, groceries. N., merchandise. Montgomery & C McCormick, L. M Moffett, Anna M., millinery store. Porter & Weber, paper. Resides, C. T., mea e Fuel & Supply Co., fuel. , Son, hardware. Sowers, H. ‘W., clothing. Snyder, Cora, nn : Struble Grocery, GZ. College Billiard Co., cigars. Smith, W. E., clothin lectric Supply Co., Elec. supplies. State-Centre Electric Supply Co., electric supplies. Schillings, Chas., 2nd hand furniture. ga The Twenty Century 8 e Shop, furnishing store, rsity Club, cigars. The Columbia Shop, graphophones. The Crabtree Co., J Lynn, cement. Varsity Pool Room, cigars. SPRING MILLS Ackerman, F. W., groceries. ., implements. tore Co., shoes. F. A., merchandise, . I., harness. 0. ., preduce. Krape, Charles Rishel, J. H., merchandise. Rote, 8S. G., feeds. Rossman, H. F., merchandise. Reid, H. I1., produce. Smith, John & Bro., furniture. Stover, W. Braid, produce. Spring Mills Milling Co., feed. Smith, Emanuel, feeds. Stover, C. B., hardware. Wolfe, G. M., produce. SNOW SHOE Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oils. Burns, J. R., cigars. Confer, J. A. & Son, automobiles. Harm, Mrs. H. M., groceries. Hall, W. B. & Sons, groceries. Herr, John E., cigars. Nastase, Tony, meats. Russell, James, groceries. Sickel &; rugs i & cKinley, Mrs. F. C., cigars roceries. McLaughlin, M. J., groceries. 2 SANDY RIDGE Bemeth, R. J., cigars. Cowher, Levi, meats. Edminston, E., merchandise, Heath, Miss L. B., candy. Kenney, A. W,, cigars. Lewis, Clarence, soft drinks, Marchella, Charles, store. Spitler, Mrs. Annie, cigars and candy. Sykes, Frank G., merchandise. Twiggs, 8. E., merchandise. SMULLTON Stover, H. H., cigars. Walizer, S. A., merchandise. STORMSTOWN Burket, I. G., general store. Eves, Chester, produce. Eves, John, produce. ) Griffin, J. H., merchandise. Gray, John I., produce. Thomas, D. R., produce. Mattern, J. C., implements. McAfee, E., produce. Waite, H. B., produce. TUSSEYVILLE Jordon, E. T., Daniel's goods. Ramer, C. P., merchandise. Rockey, W. F., produce. WOODWARD Long, W. T., bicycles. Orndorf, L. D., merchandise. Orndorf, S. H., produce. Reffner, Walter, groceries. Motz, E. W. & Co., groceries, Mingle, D. G., fish. Weaver, L. L., automobiles. Weaver & Bowersox, autos and gas. WARRIORSMARK Dearmitt, Sam, general store. PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE Goheen, R. G., general store. Rossman, G. W., auto supplies. Tressler, Aaron, oils. Rider Bros.. general store. Ward, W. S., general store. WADDLE Cass, Jacob, meats. Hoy, John Est., merchandise. WOLF’S STORE Showers, G. H., merchandise. Weaver, D. B. & Sons, feeds. WINGATE Walker Bros., merchandise. YARNELL Confer, Edward N., merchandise. ZION Noll, B. A., merchandise. Armstrong, Earl R., furs. WHOLESALE LICENSES AXE MANN White, W. S., feeds. AARONSBURG Crouse, H. E., produce. BELLEFONTE Atlantic Refining Co., oils. Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., coal. Beezer, George A., automobiles. Beatty Motor Co., automobiles. Crider, P. B. & Son, lumber. Gamble, G. M., feeds. Hockman, N. J., feeds. Lauderbach-Zerby Co., groceries. Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hardware. Mayer, M. Frank, feeds. Musser, G. F. Co., groceries. McCalmont & Co., lumber & implements. COBURN Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oils, , Coburn Grain & Coal Co., feed and coal. Coburn Farm Produce Co., produce. Malone, F. J., butter and eggs. CENTRE HALL Bartholemew, Chas. D., produce. Bradford & Son, coal and grain. Foreman, R. D., grain. Kerlin, A. E., produce. FLEMING G. W. Holt. HOWARD Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. Deihl, Joseph, produce. Long, W. L., feed. Ross, Elmer C., coal and grain. Butler Oil Sales Co., oils. LINDEN HALL Ross, J. H., grain. Wieland, F. E., coal. MINGOVILLE Hockman, A. F., produce. OAK HALL Ferree, Wm., produce. Kidder & Raymond, grain. PHILIPSBURG Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. Centre Milling Co., feeds. Finberg, Isaac, coal. Gill Manufacturing Co., mine supplies. Guelick, P. L., auto supplies, Hoffman & Runk, produce. . Independent '0il Co., oils. Joffa, A., fruits. T.auderbach:Zérby Co., groceries. Philipsburg: Hardware Co., hardware. Kephart, J. F., powder. Reed, J. O., flour and feed. Swift & Co., meats. PORT MATILDA Crain, W. S., lumber. Crain, C. W., lumber. Williams Bros., lumber. SNOW SHOE Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. SPRING MILLS Spring Mills Milling Co., flour and feed. STATE COLLEGE Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil. State College Com Co., coal. Neidigh, J. D., grain. Snyder, C. BE. REBERSBURG Bierley, S. A., produce. RUNVILLE Bennett, E. 8. lumber. RESTAURANTS, EATING HOUSES AND CAFES BELLEFONTE Moerschbacher, Mary, restaurant. Blackfard, Clyde, restaurant, $isely, George H., restaurant, Daggett, W. L., tea room. Dry, H. W., lunch. CLARENCE Hall, W. B. '& Sons, restaurant. CENTRE HALL Shoop, Samuel, restaurant. FLEMING Holt, J. T., lunch. Stere, H. M. lunch. HOWARD Green, Ed, restaurant. Gladhill, A. D,, lunch. Williams, George, lunch. Williams, Frank G., lunch. MILLHEIM Boob Lunch Room, restaurant. MILESBURG Corman, C. W., restaurant. Spicer, Mrs. Effie, restaurant. Stucky, J. K., restaurant. PHILIPSBURG Alpine, restaurant. Mastos Bros., restaurant. McMullen, Charles, restaurant. Dew Drop Inn, restaurant. Freedman Ellis, restaurant. Pioneer Tea Room, restaurant. Sicko, Mike, restaurant. Herman, Eliza, restaurant. {SNOW SHOE Burns, John R., restaurant. McKinley, F. C., restaurant. STATE COLLEGE Crystal Cafe, cafe. | ga! Penn Hall Garage, au (Continued on page 7, Cel. 2)
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