31, 1919. COST HIM MORE THAN FIFTY Mr. Travers Had Not Properly Estle mated His Losses on That Little Fistic Encounter. . “] can’t afford to lose $50 on a prize fight,” mourned Gelatine Trav- ers an hour or so after the shock he received over the wires that fatal Friday afternoon. “But you have lost it, haven't you?’ we asked, and he nodded disconsolately as he climbed aboard a homebound car. He must have felt a premonition as he mourned, for it is unlike Mr. Travers to regret his losses; and when he ar- rived home he broke the news to Mrs. Travers, along with the implied sug- gestion that a little economy for the pext few weeks would not come In amiss. Mrs. Travers said nothing in her most sympathetic manner, and the evening's conversation covered topics wholly foreign to prize fights. At the breakfast table next morning Mr. Travers had no taste for anything the morning paper might have to say, and Mrs. Travers gained possession of it without the usual contest. Glancing through the paper rapidly Mrs. Tra- vers tore out a square section from page 2, and another from page 11. Then at one of those unexpected mo- ments every woman knows breakfast is replete with, said: “So you could lose $30 on a prize fight. Well, well. Here is a sale I have been awaiting for a long time. And strange to say, here is another just across the street —one is on suits and the other on gowns. And the strangest of all, we happen to have accounts at both those stores. Fifty dollars, you say, you lost? Was it an even fifty?’ And so it was that the breakfast dishes at the Travers’ home went unwashed Saturday morning because Mrs. Tra- vers was obliged to catch an early jit- ney downtown and commence opera- tions.—Kansas City Star. WILLING TO BE PUT WISE Private Ready to Absorb Any Infor. mation Brigadier General Was Able to impart. In all the armies in the war disci- pline was lax in the air service. Army men are at a loss to account for it, but without exception laxity was evi- dent in all the air camps. The San Francisco Chronicle tells the following experience told by Brig. Gen. Benjamin Alvord when the latter was adjutant general of the A. E. F. The general had been sent by General Pershing to make an inspection about Colombey-les-Belles. He walked around -without getting | the attention the doughboys would show an officer of his rank. No one saluted him and no one noticed him. Once in a while a captain or a major would snap a salute, but not the en- listed men. It rather riled the general, who always scrupulously followed army regulations himself. Finally when a private passed him with a “eigar in his mouth, and, although look- ing right at him, failed to salute, the general ‘thought it was time to call a halt. : “Come here, young fellow,” he called. “Say, what do you do in this camp when a general officer shows up?” “All right, I'll bite, what is it, old top?” parried the private. Pipe Built Like a Cornet. A tobacco pipe of unusual design has ‘been invented by Warren Murray Baechtel of Hagerstown, Md. Every pipe smoker knows that the longer the stegn of his pipe the cooler will be the smoke. Pipes with stems a few feet long have been in use in different countries for many years, but their awkward length precluded their use outside of the house. The inventor of the pipe circumvented the difficulty by coiling the stem of the pipe like the tube of a cornet or signal horn. The coils are connected at their lower end to form a dripping chamber for receiv- ing the saliva which accumulates in the stem. Each coil has an independ- | ent opening into the dripping chamber and a screw cap at the bottom *gives access to it for the removal of the accumulated saliva. The smoke, in passing through the coils of the stem, is drained several times of saliva and nicotine. One Frenchman’s Sacrifice. Thirteen sons dead, that represents part of the war's cost to a French farmer who lived at Reninghe. near Ypres—surely a record. He had 36 children, and 20 of his 22 sons fought on the various fronts. In 1917 the widow of one of the sons was killed by a German shell at Dunkirk. The farmer himself and one of his daugh- ters met a tragic end. In October, 1914, they went to Lille to take part in celebrating the hundredth birthday of a relative. They were met on their return by a German patrol and were shot. Making Mother-of-Pearl. The secret of another German key industry has Leen discovered, the man- ufacture of artificial mother-of-pearl. J. W. H. Dew, a fellow of the British Royal Society of Arts, found the proc- ess after much patient evnerimenting. Doctor Dew was engaged during the whole period of the war in recon- structing, step by step, the method of manufacture. Artificial mother-of-pearl is used. for making fancy buttons, dress trimmings snd many other articles. Before the war most of it came from Germany. [EEE Senn Sa EN ee A HTH New President of Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania. | At a special meeting of the board of directors of the Bell Telephone company of Pennsylvania, held in Philadelphia recently, Leonard H. Kinnard, of Philadelphia, was elected president of the company, succeeding Frank H. Bethell, of New York city, who recently resigned. Mr. Kinnard is very well known throughout Pennsylvania. His rise in the Bell organization has been most notable. From the pioneering days: when he .first joined that organiza- tion as a clerk in the office of the then Pennsylvania Telephone company at Harrisburg, thirty-one years ago, every new cycle of the business has marked conspicuous advancement for him. Following virtual apprentice- ships served at various cities in the central part of the State. Mr. Kinnard was successively division superintend- ent, general superintendent and gen- eral manager of the Pennsylvania Telephone company. Upon the con- solidation of the Bell companies in ' Pennsylvania in January, 1908, Mr. Kinnard went from Harrisburg fo. Philadelphia as general contract: agent of the larger organization known as the Bell 'T'elephone compa- ny of Pennsylvania and associated companies, embracing the operation of Bell property throughout Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, and portions of New Jersey, West Virginia and Ohio. In 1912 he was elected vice presi- dent and general manager of the present so-called Pennsylvania group of companies, becoming, as such, the resident head of the Bell system in Pennsylvania. During the years of the war, in this section of the coun- try wherein were concentrated as no where else an unprecedented govern- mental and industrial activity, the demands on the company under Mr. Kinnard’s immediate administration ' called for a tremendous degree of en- terprise and astuteness in the exer- cise of that administration, especially in view of the fact that in addition to the operators who as volunteers serv- ed the government in the camps and overseas, there were fourteen hun- dred men of the organization with the colors when hostilities ceased. Despite the pressure of his other duties during the war, Mr. Kinnard was prominently identified with nu- merous committee works, not the least that of the committee of Nation- al Defense of the Philadelphia Cham- | ber of Commerce, of which he was | vice chairman, and the Philadelphia | advisory committee on the purchase of army supplies. The First Tele- graph Battalion (later the 406th) of the American expeditionary force was organized by Mr. Kinnard from the men of his companies, and saw nearly two years of service in France, being the first such unit to land on foreign soil-and having the task of furnishing the principal lines of tele- phonic communication from the head- quarters of the commander-in-chief. Mr. Kinnard will be succeeded as | vice president and general manager by John C. Lynch, heretofore general superintendent of traffic of the sys-. tem, and James L. Kilpatrick, engi- near of the company, becomes assist- ant general manager. ? : | ee Tt ah Tt ih al Rl Si de ae ae 11 Seas e——— | The Horseless Farm Looms as Possi- | bility of Future. If the farmers of the nation re- | spond to several campaigns that are | under way to educate them to the use- fulness and economy of the motor- | truck they will have little use for the | horse in the future. | Late years have brought to the far- | mer his motor-driven tractor. his au- | tomobile, his electric lighting heating plant, his gasoline motor for | power in pumping water and in run- | ning his various machines, such as: : the wood cutter, feed chopper and so on. These additions to the farm, coupled with his rural free delivery, his telephone, his talking machine, clectric washing machine, electric cooking stoves and many other devic- es form a combination of surprising extent when compared with the days of old, when the farmer was virtually ostracized when but comparatively a few miles from a city. Today, with his tractor. the farmer does the work in a few hours that took many days before, and the elec- trie devices simplify the work for the ; housewife and saves time for her. The telephone is at hand for ordering goods from town, motortrucks deliver these goods, and the sedan is at the door, bringing the city to within a short distance of the farm and ena- bling frequent visits to the movies, the theatre and friends. ——Subseribe for the “Watchman.” | or BT Here is your opportunity to insure against embarrassing errors in spelling, words. Know the meaning of puzzling war terms. Increase your efficiency, which results in power and success. HINEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY is an all-know- ing teacher, a universal question answerer, made to meet your needs. It is in daily use by il hundreds of thousands of suc- 22| cessful men and women the world over. sil 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 I1- =| lustrations. 12,000 Diographjcal En- 5] tries. 30,000 Geographical Subjects. . GRAND PRIZE, (Highest Award) " Panama-Pacific Exposition. REGULAR and INDIA-PAPER Editions. WRITE for Specimen Pages. FREE Pocket Maps if you name this paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. ress aEANG: Eas ease eae eY | | 8 pronunciation and poor choice of |: | | WEBSTERS [| | Livestock Day at State College. Better beef, pork.and mutton will | be discussed at the Livestock day to be held November 12th at The Penn- sylvania State College. Show ani- mals, breeding stock and feeders will | be on exhibition. The show animals | are those which the college has pre- | pared for the International Live Stock show to be held in Chicago the first week of December. Last year The Pennsylvania State College had : the champion Duroc barrow, the champion pen of barrows, took first place on the Duroc get of sire, first prize on aged barrow, first prize on! barrow over six months and under one year of age, first prize on cross ' barrow, prize money in the sheep and steer classes, winning over $1100 in : all. The show animals owned by the college this year are regarded by men in the department of Animal Hus- | bandry as superior to those of a year | ago. Experts will tell how cattle, sheep and hogs can be most profitably | raised under present conditions, show | the kind to pick when buying, and | point out the pitfalls that may lay in | the way to a successful year. Last year an enthusiastic crowd at- | tended Livestock day, although it came on the day following the sign- | ing of the armistice. This year a| muck: larger crowd is expected. The | animals are in good shape, and the speakers are crammed to the gun- wales with ideas they desire to ex- press. The day’s program will in- clude a trip over the College farms, and present to farmers a chance to et together, see what the College is om for the livestock of Pennsylva- nia, talk over their problems, ask questions, and receive the best infor- mation which the school of agricul- ture is able to give. No pains have been spared to make the day one of profit and pleasure to all who attend. Something in This. A western contemporary thinks there is something wrong with a country that makes more automobiles than baby carriages and wheelbar- TOWS. ants to complain of 7” Oxygen for Fliers. 4 | At high levels, such as birdmen | nowadays often reach, the air is so thin that the aviator literally “loses his breath.” He is in danger of col- lapse from this cause. i It was ascertained during the war, though not at first suspected, that about 15 per cent. of the candidates . who passed examination for the air: service were really unable to fly at | altitudes ordinarily requisite in the work they were required to perform. It was further determined that more than 90 per cent. of them could not endure flight at extremely high levels. But, on the other hand, cer- tain picked men, perhaps seven or eight out of 100 passed candidates, ' were able to ascend to the greatest: elevations without peril. i To help in solving this important | war problem an oxygen apparatus was developed, smaller than the kind | used for mine-rescue work, but con- structed on much the same principle. | Equipped with this contrivance, and carrying a supply of liquid oxygen along with him, the aviator could skim along in safety through the up- | per reaches of the welkin. Seil all hens that molt during Ju- ly, August and September. Don’t sell | them however, if they are laying dur- | ing the molt. Late molters are the most profitable hens. However, at- tention should be paid that the hens did not molt on account of changed conditions—such as a change in feed, heavy feeding or a reduction in the eed. Keep Late Molters. Plenty of Material. “Mrs. Blank is a great talker.” “Well, who couldn’t be with three cars to brag about and eight serv- Naturally. If time is money, the man who hasn’t a moment to call his own must be very poor. Coal expensive? Here’s a way to save it You can save a full month’s supply of coal right now. And use less all winter. No need to light the furnace on chilly, autumn days. A Perfection Oil Heater will keep any room warm and comfortable. with you trem room to room. PERFECTICN. QlL HEATERS Light it on cold mornings and turn it out during the day. As the evening grows cool again it’s ready with radiant heat at the scratch of a match. Smokeless, odorless and abso- You can’t turn the lutely safe. wick too high. Don’t go another day without the comfort of a Perfection Oil Heater. It combines convenience and economy in a T— way unequalled | ; yo Lamps . Your coy by any other EN hours of 4 . : . mi was ? 2 ze heating device. ith a Fericction Lamp. It's Bec or Aon Ew dighy Your dealer Rayolight Oil. Best S - a brightensine has a model for eo, Costa no more - a r out glare. | every home. kerosene. i! ATLANTIC THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Rayolight Philadelphia Pittsburgh Carry it efficiency, Bellefonte Trust Company Bellefonte, Penna. or mote. your receipt. SAVINGS count. save their pennies. January 1st, and July 1st. vate husiness. Trustee, ete. SOME OF THE THINGS WE DO CHECKING ACCOUNT { We will start a checking account for you with $5.00 Pay vour bills with a check which will be Bring in a $1.00 or more and open a Savings Ac- Get a little Savings Bank for the children to We pay 3% yearly, compounded CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT We issue Certificates of Deposit at six months or one year and pay 3% interest, per annum. TRUST DEPARTMENT In our Trust Department we will manage your pri- Make your will and name the Belle: foute Trust Company to be your Executor, Guardian, Consult us freely without expense. ACCOUNT WE a eS SY SN LE aS ils J L.SPANGLER, C.T.GERBERICH, N.E.ROBB 64-17 President Vice ‘President Secy-T'reas us IRE aan ay me—— 5 es waarmee SA BE ai, 3 SEES ~ Yeager’s Shoe Store Women’s Shoes for Corn Husking After a lot of persuasion I succeeded in getting a manu- facturer to make me a large consignment of Women’s and Misses’ Heavy Shoes. They are designed for the farmer's wife and daughter who have the pluck to help Dad get in the Fall crops and do the Fall work. These shoes are just the kind for the girls who must walk several miles to school, in all kinds of weather and over all kinds of bad roads. The average shoe made and sold today for this rough usage, will not wear more than several days—half paper, other half poor leather—and the first time they get a good soaking, away they go. Every pair of these shoes is made of all solid leather and guaranteed to give good wear. Just a Word to the School Girls These shoes are not quite as stylish as some, but they aré’ the kind your mother wore to school and, if you have a pic- ture of your mother on her wedding day, look at it and see how sweet and healthy she looked. ‘That’s because she wore the kind of shoes and clothes that gave her good health. These shoes, as Harry Lauder would say, ‘‘Mind I'm tellin’ you,’’ will put the bloom on your cheeks. Price $6.00 Ask for “Good as Gold” Shoes Free $1.50 Self-Filling Fountain Pen with Each Pair Free Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN : Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. Come to the “Watchman’” office for High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. Special Reductions on Winter Coats Owing to the continued warm weather we are mark- ing down all Winter Coats in Ladies, Misses and Children. : Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats that sold from $15.00 to $75.00 now $12.00 to $60.00. Cr Children’s Coats from $3.00 up, in cloth. In velour from $5.50 up. ; : Furs - - - Purs Select your Furs now for Christmas presents. All colors and black. All styles—large, medium and small neck-pieces, capes, collars and stoles, with muffs to match, at greatly reduced prices. New Sweaters We are showing a complete new line of Ladies’ Slip-on Sweaters with frilly rnffles and ribbed finished. All new colors and all sizes. Children’s Sweaters, all wool slip-on. Shoes Men’s Women’s and Children’s Shoes in dress and everyday wear, at prices that can not be matched at whole- sale. Lyon & Co. «- Lyon & Co. En SING STR Bn» ST A RN ET EN a LT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers