Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 18, 1919, Image 1

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    Deni ala
—Next week, Chautauqua.
—The only thing that keeps Belle-
fonte from the enjoyment of weekly
band concerts is the lack of a band to
give them.
—There is only one Campbell in
Congress but he seems to have con-
vinced most of the other Members
that it is easy to go dry.
—Congress may forget the men
who were maimed in the service of
our country, but not while Woodrow
Wilson is in the White House.
—The arrival of corn on the cob
brings back to view the fellow on the
other side of the table who has butter
smeared all over the lower half of his
—The occasional fogs that hang over
Bellefonte after a storm cause the air
ships to fly about in a way that re-
minds one of the erratic flights of
lost wild geese.
— Watch the farm boy who spends
most of his time leaning on the handle
of his pitch-fork. He will be apply-
ing for a school before long or going
in to town to read law.
—The Bolshevists of Italy, Hunga-
ry and Russia having joined those op-
posed to the League of Nations we
presume that Lodge, Reed & Co., will
be all the more convinced that they
are right.
—Gen. Goethals gave Congress
quite as severe a jolt as did Admiral
Sims when he told the Senate com-
mittee on inquisition that he never
knew of a war that had been conduct-
ed without extravagance.
—Sunday school picnics are evi-
dently not in the favor of the weather
man for the Presbyterians, Metho-
dists and Episcopalians have all had
rain when fair weather would have
been much more to their liking.
—The movement to build theatres
in motor lorries for the purpose of
touring the country districts is more
or less a reversion to the type when
the traveling Punch and Judy show
mystified and charmed our unwitting
—Hi Johnson says; “Italy despis-
es us, France distrusts us, England
uses us, and Japan bluffs us.” All of
which might be believed if we all
were the miserable pikers that the
Senator from California has proven
himself to be.
—Republican Senators who are try-
ing to discover something to make a
fuss about are probably still ponder-
ing over Gen. Goethals’ statement
that no war has ever been conducted
without extravagance. Inasmuch as
the party represented by these rep-
rehensible muck rakers has been in
power in the two preceding wars they
are up to the “stop, look and listen”
—Congressman Pou, of North Car-
olina, a Prohibitionist, has admitted
that there are now in his State more
illicit stills than there were saloons
before it went dry. He probably
knows what he is talking about, but
he might have minimized the effect of
his statement had he added that it is
far more difficult to get the stuff from
the illicit still than it was from the
open saloon. :
—Farmers who are wise will place
a thousand dollars or more of addi-
tional insurance on the crops in their
barns. The barns are full to bulging
now with crops that are double or
triple the value of those insured sev-
eral years ago and with lightning as
a daily hazard the foresighted farmer
will increase his insurance according-
ly, carrying it only until he has
threshed and sold his grain.
—Dr. Carl Muck, formerly direc-
tor of the Boston symphony orchestra
who once thought the “Star Spangled
Banner” added a discordant note at
the conclusion of his concerts, is still
in the federal prison at Oglethorpe,
Georgia. He doesn’t want to be de-
ported and prefers taking what is
coming to him here to being sent back
‘to Germany where his reward would
probably be a second-hand iron cross.
—As the blockade has lifted food-
stuffs in Germany have taken a tum-
ble of over one hundred per cent.
Amazing quantities of hoarded foods
are being thrown on the market at
any price to be disposed of before the
arrival of supplies from the outside
world. If Germany was as near the
verge of starvation as reported these
profiteers on the lives of their fellows
should be mulcted of every penny
they have made out of the discredita-
ble business.
—1In the first six months of 1918
the railroads of the United States
transported 7,250,000 military passen-
gers, hauling each for a distance of
six hundred and sixty miles. We are
prone to forget that so far as certain
activities are concerned the war is not
over and when trains are late and
passenger coaches not up to standard
criticise without a thought of the fact
that the railroads are being taxed
more in getting the boys home than
they were in mobilizing them.
—Those Prohibition fanatics who
are trying to carry the operation of
dry laws too far will waken up to dis-
cover that their over-zeal has robbed
the country of much of the good the
victory otherwise would have brought.
In the last analysis it is legalized rum
traffic: that the country has revolted
at, not the personal use of it. And
when any group of zealots undertake
to nullify the ancient fundamental
principle of liberty as exemplified in
the theory that a man’s home is his
castle they will cause a revulsion of
feeling that will demand far more lib-
eral legislation than is at present con-
VOL. 64.
Opposition to Treaty Weakening.
The weakening of the opposition to
the peace treaty in the Senate is re-
vealed in the shifting of the cause of
complaint. Hitherto the objections
sertion that it created a super-gov-
ernment to which sovereignty was
surrendered, that it worked the ab-
rogation of the Monroe Doctrine, that
it relinquished to outside influences
control of our immigration laws and
that it did a lot of other things in
subversion of our civil liberties and
domestic rights.
sons for opposition seem to have been
claims between China and Japan sub-
stituted as the principal, if not the
only, reason for rejecting the treaty.
In 1889 China entered into a treaty
with Germany under which Germany
acquired certain commercial conces-
war Japan sent an armed force and
dispossessed Germany of her proper-
the war, England, France and Italy
agreed that after the close of the war
Japan should continue to exercise the
ny by treaty a quarter of a century
before. In the Versailles conference,
after mature deliberation, and upon |
the assurance that at the expiration
of the time limit, Japan would restore
the peninsula to China, this agree-
ment was confirmed.
Now the whole fabric of civiliza-
tion is to be impaired because of an
imaginary injustice to China. Sena-
tor Lodge’s heart bleeds for the poor,
down-trodden chink. A substantial
guarantee of enduring peace is to be
forfeited because Senators Borah,
Reed, Sherman and Norris can’t tol-
erate such an outrage against the
washe-washe of Asia whose “ways
that are dark” forced Bret Harte in-
to poetry and almost drove the Pa-
cific States into secession four or five
years ago. It would be a mighty
poor excuse for the opposition if it
were an excuse and not a subterfuge.
As a matter of fact, however, the real
excuse for the fight is that it is a po-
litical necessity for the moribund Re-
publican party.
The Attorney General's office
has had more space on the front page
during the four months of Mr. Pal-
mer’s term than during the six years
and a half in which it was filled by
more modest and at least equally ca-
pable Democrats. “It pays to adver-
Goethals Answers Important Ques-
Those enterprising but bone-head-
ed Republican Congressmen who are
“hunting a needle in a haystack,” got
a just but rather sharp jolt from
Major General Goethals, the other
day. They naturally imagined that
General Goethals would be a willing
and helpful witness in their effort to
prove graft or something equally rep-
rehensible in the operations of the ad-
ministration at the beginning of the
war. It will be remembered that the
General had been called ‘into the serv-
ice, mainly on account of his reputa-
tion acquired in the construction of
the Panama canal, and that irrecon-
cilable differences with his associates
in the work, caused his subsequent re-
tirement and some bad feeling.
In the beginning of his testimony
General Goethals did lift the hopes of
the partisan inquisitors to a high lev-
el. He freely expressed his dissent
from the methods favored by his col-
leagues and declared that they were
inefficient and wasteful.
that because of these delinquencies he
had taken over the prerogatives, first
of one and then another of the agen-
cies untii he finally clashed with an
obdurate official with the 1esult that
both were relieved from the service.
This was “peaches and cream” for
the partisan committee. It created
the hope that something in the form
of a scandal would be developed, and
as might have been expected the com-
mittee got gay.
Finally the chief inquisitor of the
committee asked the General about
graft and got a reply that there was
stage of the operations. The ques-
tion was put in various forms but to
no purpose. The transactions were
entirely free of selfish plans or pur-
poses, General Goethals declared, and
there was neither fraud nor graft. In
dispair Congressman Graham, of the
committee, asked if there were not
extravagance in the operations and
that provoked “the retort courteous,”
if not “the lie direct.” “There never
was a war without extravagance,” he
replied, and added that he had himself
been extravagant when he “had to
buy at any price.”
It is to be hoped that the
Crown Prince will also be brought to
trial in London. There ought to be
some comedy in this sad business.
——1If the voters of Congressman
Campbell’s district are wise he will
stay at home the rest of his life.
to the measure were based on the as-
But all these rea-
withdrawn and the matter of counter
sions, for a period, in the Shantung
In the early period of the
It is claimed that subsequently,
but before the United States got into |
concessions given by China to Germa-
He added !
nothing of the sort in sight at any |
League of Nations Essential.
In presenting the treaty of peace |
to the Senate for ratification the oth-
er day, President Wilson indulged in
a keen bit of sarcasm. “I avail my-
self,” he said, “of the earliest oppor-
tunity to lay the treaty before you
for ratification.” For more than a
month the Republican Senators have
been discussing the provisions of the
treaty and criticising the text of the
instrument. But the President seems
to have paid no attention to their ac-
tivities. He appears to have been ob-
livious of their chatter. In parlia-
mentary practice a measure cannot
be considered until it is properly be-
fore the body. On Thursday last the
President availed himself of “the ear-
'liest opportunity to lay the treaty be-
fore” the Senate.
But the neat bit of sarcasm was not
the strongest feature of the Presi-
dent’s address in presenting the
treaty to the Senate, however. In
language as forceful as it was cogent
“he showed that a league of nations is
the maintenance of the new order it
has been their, (the members of the
Peace Conference), purpose to set up
lin the world—the world of civilized
men.” Without it the great victory
"achieved for democracy and humanity
will have been without value. The
lives sacrificed by the splendid armies
' of the United States, Great Britain,
' France and Italy will have been wast-
ed. It is the guarantee to the world
against a recurrence of such a calam-
The defeat of Germany in 1918 is of
little value to the world if Germany
may reorganize its vast military es-
tablishment and renew hostilities in
a few years.
governments of Poland, Czecho-Slov-
i akia and the rehabilitation of Serbia,
. Rumania and other nations would be
a waste of energy if Germany might
{ within a few months reach out its
| military arm and crush them. The
guarantee and the only security
' against this outrage is the league of
It will hold Germany and
. nations.
| all other nations disposed to war to
‘ the obligations of peace expressed in
| the covenant and make the victory
! achieved at so vast a cost to the world ,
The President made
worth while.
these facts plain.
who says the late Colonel Roosevelt
would favor the League of Nations, if
he were alive, “is a liar.” But no-
body of reasonable discretion would
say that the late Colonel would be for
anything or against anything, except
the Democratic party, for that mat-
Lodge Has a New Ally.
| Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of
! Massachusetts, and Senator Jim Reed,
i of Missouri, have acquired a new and
. formidable ally in their fight against
. the League of Nations. The morning
| newspapers, the other day, contained
ian Associated Press dispatch dated
| Rome,
i important information:
manifesto proclaiming a general
| strike on July 20th and 21st as a pro-
test against the peace treaty, which
is denounced as ‘an attempt by the
| Allies to suffocate Bolshevism in Rus-
sia and Hungary.’” The manifesto
| adds that workmen of England,
| France, Switzerland, Holland, Den-
| mark and Sweden will join the move-
{ This declaration is signed by the
: General Confederation of Labor, so
| that Messrs. Lodge and Reed are to
be congratulated on the ground that
! they are getting support from their
i kind in various sections of the world.
' But the General Confederation of La-
{ bor in Rome must not be confused
“with the American Federation of La-
"bor in this country. The concern in
Rome, like the Bolshevists in Russia
. and Hungary, is made up of men who
| won’t work and won’t permit any one
| else to work, if they can prevent it.
{ The American Federation of Labor,
! which enthusiastically supports the
| League of Nations, on the contrary,
| is composed of men of high character
' and industrial life.
The defeat of the League of Na-
‘tions could serve the purpose of no
element other than the outlaws who
' compose the Bolshevists of Russia,
| Italy and Hungary. Camp followers
. who live on the spoils and wastes of
| war want no covenants which will se-
cure enduring peace. But Henry Cab-
i ot Lodge and his associates in the
| United States Senate are willing to
| serve the purposes of these miscre-
| ants because they hope that in the
| confusion likely to follow they may
find some partisan political advan-
tage. Lenine and Trotsky are no
doubt following the progress of
| Lodge’s fight against the League of
| Nations with much interest and sym-
' pathy but their hopes will be disap-
| pointed.
——It is a safe bet that a good
| many Republicans whe were opposed
to the President’s trip abroad now
| wish he had never come back.
“an indispensable instrumentality for
The creation of the new
Hi Johnson says that anybody !
which conveyed the following |
“The intran- ;
| sigeant Socialists have published a |
Ratification Fight is On.
The fight on the ratification of the
| treaty of peace is now on in the Sen-
| ate and the indications are that it
' will be a dandy. The proceedings of
| the late Limekiln club will have noth- |
ing on it.
‘the Senate committee on Foreign Re-
"lations approved three resolutions, in-
troduced by Senator Borah, Senator
‘Lodge and Senator LaFollette, re-
. spectively. One demands details of
‘the Shantung settlement; another
I asks for “a copy of a letter said to
‘have been written for General Bliss;
| Secretary Lansing and Mr. Henry
| White, protesting against the treaty
' provisions affecting Shantung,” and
| the third is an inquiry why Costa
| Rico was not permitted to sign the
peace treaty.
| The Limekiln club might have gone
a step further and demanded a com-
| plete report of the proceedings of the
| police court of Versailles the day’
after the German delegates were at-
tacked while leaving the conference
hall, which would have been quite as
| relevant.
President Wilson had as little to do
with it as any other individual mem-
ber. The letter “said to have been
written by General Bliss, Secretary
Lansing and Mr. White” may never |
have been written at all and if it was |
written could probably be obtained by |!
application to either of the alleged
authors. For information as to why
plication should be made to the con-
ference or an examination made of
the records.
But the pettyfoggers of the Senate
have set out to nag the President as
much as possible ‘and delay the ratifi-
cation of the treaty as long as may
be. In the fulfillment of this purpose
one absurd proposition is as good as
another and the three resolutions tak-
en together may afford texts for fool
speeches covering a considerable per-
.iod of time. They will get their au-
thors no where, however, and accom-
plish little other than a temporary
postponement of the restoration of
‘normal business conditions through-
out the country. Borah, Lodge and
LaFollette, probably imagine that
confusion in business will help their
party in the coming elections and
that is the reason for the resolution.
——The Prohibitionists are not
likely to have as easy a triumph in
England as they had in this country
and the time is not as auspicious for
their campaign either.
No Report, No Pay for Constables.
In the future constables in Penn-
sylvania will not get a trip to the
county seat at the expense of the
county and a day’s pay in addition,
unless they have some infraction of
the law to report, according to a law
passed by the last Legislature and
which has been signed by Governor
Under the old law constables were
entitled to attend court on the first
day of every session when their
names were called and they had an
opportunity to present in writing any
infraction of the law in their baliwick.
But it was only occasionally that any
presented a report. In most cases
when the constable’s name was called
he merely stood up and said: “Noth-
ing to report.” For this they were
entitled to a day’s pay and mileage to
and from Bellefonte. But that was
the law.
Under the law just passed a con-
stable is not expected to come to
Bellefonte court week unless he has
something to report. If he does so,
he will not receive either pay or mile-
age for his trouble. The law has two
aims in view, one to save the county
from paying out costs for nothing, and
the other to induce the constable to be
a little more active in the discharge of
his duties. The result in both cases
should be an improvement over the
old method.
Governor Sproul in signing the
bill iast Thursday advancing the date
of the fall primaries from the 17th to
the 16th of September also made a
change of one day in the time for tak-
ing out nomination papers. The time
under the old law was last Friday but
under the new act papers could be le-
gally taken out on Thursday and the
few candidates who learned the fact
in time got their papers on Thursday
and immediately got after signers.
But the majority of the candidates
did not know of the change in dates
and the result was a rush for the pe-
titions early Friday morning.
——Now that the war is over and
billion dollar a week expenditures are
no longer possible, the Republicans
are claiming credit for decreased ap-
——Whatever differences of opin-
jon there may be as to who won the
war everybody agrees that Germany
didn’t and that is something to be
thankful for.
—The grumbling man, like the
noisy automobile, is nearing the junk
pile. ;
For example, on Monday
The Shantung settlement |
was the work of the conference and '
Costa Rica didn’t sign the treaty ap-.
NO. 28.
The President’s Address.
From the Williamsport Sun.
Whatever else may be said about
| the President, the world must admit
| that he is honest and sincere in his
| stand on the League of Nations issue.
| He firmly holds that a league is es-
sential to the peace of the world and
in that opinion he finds ready con-
currence, even on the part of those
Senators who are so bitterly opposing
his course. There is no division in be-
lief as to the necessity of some in-
fluence, force or organization, aside
from that of arms and munitions, and
navies and armies, to make impossible
a repetition of the horrors that have
recently been visited upon the earth;
there is indeed little doubt in the
minds of thinking people that without
such an institution any slight flare-up
between nations might develop into
another awful conflagration, involv-
ing again nearly every country on the
globe. If there is any way to safely
and honorably escape such we seek it.
The League of Nations is suggested;
‘so far, it is the only practical sug-
| gestion advanced by any one; what
else can we do but to follow it, until
it has either proved its strength or its
| weakness. |
. The league covenant as now drafted
. is as much the work of the brain and
| heart of the President as of any one
| who sat at the peace table. If he did
| not believe in it, how could we be
expected to have the slightest faith in
it. The President sat in the very cen-
ter of that eventful conference of
Paris; no one knows better the dan-
| gers and pitfalls that are just ahead,
! even with an apparent peace at hand.
The League of Nations is born of his
observations of the world’s needs, but
no one feels that it is the final word
in insurance against further war; it
is not perfection by any means. We
would not deny any one the righttoa
belief just as firm and just as honest
as that of the President, even though
that belief be diametrically opposite
to his. It is the duty of the President
to convince his opponents that his
plan is right, that it is sane and sen-
sible, and that it does not contain all
the possibilities of danger which they
claim it does. If he cannot do that,
then he must bend somewhat to their
opinion and beliefs and be willing to
accept some of their suggestions. Both
sides have a right to a hearing. Sena-
torial opposition has been airing itself
for some weeks but we feel that hon-
est people must say that in his. first
speech the President has answered
many of its points of objection and
has severely punctured its criticisms.
The country’s most momentous debate
has started. It must continue until
one side is ready to admit the super-
iority of its opponent, or until the de-
baters have reached a common ground
of compromise. We do not fear the
result. We have faith enough in the
wisdom and honesty of both sides to
feel confident that in the end the right
will prevail.
The President’s Work at Paris.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Reviewing the history that has
been made at Paris the past five
months, it is impossible to escape the
belief that its results would have been
very different but for President Wil-
son’s presence. While some of the
Old World statesmen who sat at the
peace table were in their dreams, to
a certain extent, idealists they did not
regard idealism as much of a worka-
ble theory in the conditions that con-
fronted them. The President did, and
unquestionably it is due to his fidelity
‘to that conviction, his patience, per-
sistence and diplomacy, that a peace
treaty ultimately was drafted which
approaches as near as it does the ends
for which, in its latter stages, we pro-
fessed to fight the war.
That the treaty attain- those ends
completely, that it is all tnat it should
be, no one contends. But with its
provision for a league to promote
world peace it marks the most en-
lightened and advanced step ever tak-
en in the march of civilization and of-
fers the most hopeful charter ever
formulated for the emancipation of
mankind from the law of the jungle,
which heretofore has been the law of
nations. And for this the credit must
be given to Woodrow Wilson more
than to any other man.
More Money for Teachers.
From the Altoona Tribune.
It is a pleasure to observe that the
Legislature passed and the Governor
approved an act which will give each
of the State’s public school teachers a
substantial increase in salary during
the coming years. From time to time
since the high cost of living got on the
trail of the American family a little
has been done for the teachers, but
even yet they are receiving far less
than their merit demands. Even after
the new schedule goes into effect
something will still be desired, espe-
cially for those teachers who are the
most poorly compensated. Still, the
Legislature did a very fine thing when
it arranged for this addition to the
salaries of the men and women who
are charged with the education of our
young folks. It is very certain that
better pay will bring to pass better
teaching so that the Commonwealth
will be richly repaid in the end for
its effort to make life a bit more tran-
quil for a very valuable class of our
working population. Nobody who is
harassed by financial anxieties can do
the best sort of work.
——The Philadelphia reformers are
threatening to nullify all the good
accomplished during the session of
the Legislature by grabbing all the
offices in sight. “It was ever thus”
with reformers.
i —In an opinion to the State Game Com-
mission Deputy Attorney General W. I
Swope holds that fines collected for viola-
tion of the game laws are payable to the
county, wherein the offense was commit-
i ted. He says there is no authority to pay
! them to the game commission.
—Gerald Collins, twenty year old, of
Germantown, is in the general hospital at
East Stroudsburg, in a serious condition,
the result of a bullet wound in the abdo-
men and stomach, the outcome of an acci-
dent near Shawnee, where the young man
and friends had gone target shooting.
—Jolted from a load of wheat while
passing over a ditch, Samuel A. Ravert
Jr., aged thirty-eight years, a White Deer
farmer, was almost instantly killed, last
Thursday. His head struck a rock and
his neck was broken. The team continued
on to the barn and members of the family
on investigating found his dead body.
—Colonel James G. Steese, of Mount
Holly Springs, has been sent to France for
temporary duty with the American forces.
The assignment came to him as a mem-
ber of the General Staff. Colonel Steese,
who is a son of James A. Steese, the chief
of the Bureau of Mediation of the Depart-
ment of Labor and Industry in Pennsyl-
vania, was graduated from Dickinson Col-
lege, and also West Point.
—After being married thirty-three years,
Mrs. George Shirey, of Mt. Carmel, Nor-
thumberland county, on Saturday brought
suit in the Northumberland county courts,
alleging desertion. She says that although
she was wedded all this time, she was a
wife in name only and that her husband
deserted her three years after they were
married. A separation as though they
had never been married is asked.
—Roger Bronski, a farmer, of Spring-
field township, Delaware county, was ar-
rested Friday by Detective James Meili, on
a warrant charging him with having in
his possession a gun, revolver and twen-
ty-three dogs, which, under the law, he
had no right to own because he was an
alien and unnaturalized. Complaints had
been made that the pack of dogs were an-
poying the neighborhood. He was fined
$100 and costs.
—Levi Kurtz, a farmer living near Enon
valley, Lawrence county, is dead as a re-
sult of an attack of a mad cat, according
to reports from that vicinity. Kurtz
heard a commotion in the chicken coop
and investigating found a cat attacking
the chickens. The cat shifted its attack
as he approached and caught him by the
hand. He had a terrific battle to reease
his hand, killing the cat. It is believed
that hydrophobia caused his death.
—Lancaster city’s first ice cream caba-
ret, staged in the Stevens House, which
before July was the mecca of mirth, was
a tremendous hit. Waiters with the same
old clothes dangling from their arms, hur-
ried about with ices, chocolate frappes,
orange cocktails, strawberry highballs,
and all the other modern kickless-booze.
The dance floor was more crowded than
ever, and the receipts—well, the manage-
ment announced ‘they should worry.”
—More than 20,000 barrels of oil were
destroyed by fire when lightning hit the
containing tank at the Nedsky pumping
station at Ingemar, Butler county, last
Thursday. The loss is estimated at $150,-
000. A wall of earth built by volunteers
prevented the blaze spreading to ten oth-
er tanks containing 200,000 barrels of oil.
Flaming oil was scattered over the coun-
tryside, destroying everything with which
it came, in contact, including two build-
ings of the National Transit Pipe Line
company, which owned the tank.
—Burglars broke into the Ridgway Elk
rooms in the armory building one night
last week, effecting an entrance through a
window in the rear of the building. It is
believed they took $18 from the money
drawer. The charity box was also opened
and the money taken. This box had not
been opened for three months and it is be-
lieved there was a considerable sum in it,
possibly $75. The reason for the burglary
was the search for liquor, officials of the
club believe, and failing in this, as there
—_ Lancaster county boasts of a nonege-
narian who farms without horse or trac-
tor—does all the work of turning the soil
and cultivating it with his own hands. He
is Jacob Hoke, owner of a small farm
near Stone Hill. Hoke, who is in his nine-
ty-first year, has one of the finest-looking
gardens of vegetables and corn in the
county, and has stoutly declined all offers
of neighbors to assist him with ploughs
and horses. All the cultivating is done by
Hoke while he rests upon two canes. “A
horse is superfluous,” he said, “on a small
farm. It eats its head off. I keep young
at this job. If I didn’t have this work to
do, I'd get old and fretful.”
_Sued for a bill of $120, paying the
costs, and then giving an order for goods
to the concern which brought the action
against him, G. M. Krug, of Littlestown,
established a unique record in the records
of 'Squire J. A. Appler’s office. A deaf
salesman’s affliction was the cause for the
suit. Krug had ordered from the 8. PD.
Lummus Supply company, of Philadel-
phia, a lot of left plow shares and points.
When “right” implements were sent he
refused to receive them and the suit for
$120 followed. The company blamed the
mistake on the defective hearing of the
salesman and agreed to take back the
goods whereupon Mr. Krug gave them
another order after paying the costs.
—_ Within two years the family of James
Kearns, of Scranton, comprising husband,
wife and two children, has been wiped out
by death, tragic ends coming to three. The
father died on Saturday at the State hos-
pital from burns suffered Monday night,
when he tried to save his five-year-old
son from being burned to death. Father
and son were at home when the house was
ignited. After the father escaped he
thought of his child and returned for him.
He was unable to save him, and the body
of the son was found in the ruins. Less
than two years ago Mrs. Kearns died in
New York city, following a brief illness.
Several months later the seven-year-old
son was killed by an automobile in New
—The Fulton county Democrat, of Mec-
Connellsburg, says: ‘Shades of Billy Mec-
Connell, McConnellsburg is going to get
on the map again. With a railroad com-
ing to our town, electric lights being
brought to our town, our hotels opening
up, the first military road in the United
States passing through our town, new
garages being erected, a rousing welcome-
home celebration for our returned heroes
being pulled off in our town and many
other things im contemplation, we surely
are speeding up some, and will take our
rightful place among other progressive
communities in the country. Shades of
Billy McConnell!” Fulton county, by the
way, is the only county in the State that
does not have a railroad in it.
was none in the building, they took the