— a In Unreceented SACRIFICE Sa F CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Coming when it does, coming as it does, in the very heart of the sea= son, when your wants are the greatest, at the very time when your every thought is to increase the purchasing power of your dollar, it should be ot greatest import to you, you should give it your attention, test its truth, and profit by the greatest offering in the Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods line known to Centre county buyers. 8 g : 8 ; ; This is a Stupendous Price Reducti aw J : ! oi.. Not from choice. But from actual necessity. We made unusnally large preparations for the winter busi_ ness, and have been meeting with spring weather, in consequence our stock is still very large, too large in fact for this time of the year. You know that it has been an invariable rule with us to start every season with an entirely new stock and it is because of this, that we inaugurated this Great Sacrifice Sale. ..THESE GOODS MUST BE CONVERTED INTO CASH... It is not a question of Price. It is not a question of Cost. It is not a question of Profit. It is simply a case of must sell. These goods must be sold, regards less of cost. A chance of a lifetime for you. Think of it, a stock of goods strictly first class in every particular, and by far the best ir everyway, fit, make, or quality, that is shown in Centre county. To YOUR OWN PRICE, cost not taken into consideration. We will save you money, big mons= ey. We will sell you: r Childrens’ suits that were 3 and §4.00 for $2.00 and $2.50 Boys ® % % 3 « T.00 « B50 <« 4.50 Men’ “ ¢ 6 7.00, 10.00 and 15.00 now go for the ridiculously low prices of 4.50, 6.00 and $9.00 Men’s Overcoats that were = 14 and 16.00 now $10.00 Men’s « % « om 10 and 12 now 6 and S.00 Men’s « “ 8 = 6 and 8 now 4 and 5.00 and any and every thing in our entire stock at equally as large and in many cases larger reductions. This is an opportunity you cannot af- ford to miss. It means a saving of Big Money to you. A chance to clothe yourself for almost nothing. Costs you nothing to see. Give us a call. Come and test our honesty in this great sale, and we proms- ise you that you will leave us better pleased with your purchases than you have been in years. | no SALE AT THESE SACRIFICE PRICES WILL LAST ONLY UNTIL OUR STOCK IS SATISFACTORILY REDUCED, FAUBLES’ OUR RULE, All Coods must be Satisfac- tory or Money Refunded, will prevail in this Great Sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers