State College. Tax PENN’A. STATE COLLEGE. Located in one of the most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the Allegheny Region ; Undenominational ; Open to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other Expenses Very Low. New Buildings and Equipments LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. 1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AGRI- CULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant illustra- tion on the Fagin and in the Laborstary. ~ BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE; theoret- ical and practical. Students tanght original study with the microscope. 3. CHEMISTR with an unusually full and horough course in the Ihara: 3 4. CIVIL ENGINEERING; E ECTRICAL EN- GINEERING ; MECHANICAL ENGINEERING These courses are accompanied with very exten- sive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and the Laboratory. : 5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with orgi- nal investigation. ¢. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. = LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE; Latin (optional), French, German and English (requir- ed), one or more continued throug the entire course. <. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY ; pure and applied. 9. MECHANIC ARTS; combining sho! work with study, three years course; new building and equipment. : 10. MENTAL, MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE : Constitutional Law and History, Politi- cal Economy, &c. 11. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoret- jeal and practical, including each arm of the ser- vice : DEPARTMENT; 2, 12. PREPARATORY Two years carefully graded and thorough. Commencement Week, June 14-17, 1806. Fall Term opens Sept. 9, 1896, Examination for ad- mission, June 18th and Sept. 8th. For Catalogue of other information, address. GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL. D., President, State College, Centre county, Pa. Coal and Wood. fy K. RHOADS. Shipping and Commission Merchant, ttn IN nen + + ANTHRACITE,— —BITUMINOUS WOODLAND Bellefonte, Pa., July 17, 1896. Some Vice Presidents. Although it is the custom of late years to select as candidates for Vice President men to some extent unknown to the country, in the earlier days of the republic the policy followed was different. John C. Calhoun, the old South Carolina Presbyterian, fa- mous as a fighter, and a leader in his days, was for eight years Secretary of War, serv- “ing through the two administrations of Monroe. From the war department he was elected , Vice President, and re-elected, holding the place until he resigned it to enter the Federal Senate, the body over which as Vice President he had presided for seven years. Afterward he was in Ty- ler’s cabinet as Secretary of State, showing that the Vice Presidency has been held by men who achieved distinction both before and after holding that position. When Calhoun was elected Vice President for his first term he was a candidate with Andrew Jackson, who sought the Presidency, J ohn Quincy Adams was also candidate for Presi- dent, and no election was held by the elec- tors, so it was taken to the House of Repre- sentatives, where Adams was chosen. An odd feature of the campaign was that Jack- son was also, on another ticket, a candidate for Vice President, and, although he had more votes in the electoral college for Pres- ident than Adams, neither had a majority, and Jackson, who was a candidate for eith- er office, won neither. In the next cam- paign he was more fortunate, being elected along with Calhoun, who entered his sec- ‘ond term. George Clinton was twice elected Vice President, and died while in the office. Prior to his first election to the second place he had three times been a candidate for the chief magistracy, running both times that Washington was a candidate, and against John Adams when tlie latter was elected. In the second campaign against Washing- ton he secured 50 electoral votes. Wash- ington having 132. Not contented with three struggles for thé Presidency Clinton was a candidate for President for the fourth time in 189%, when Madison was chosen, and at which time Clinton was also a can- didate for Vice President the second time, with success. In the olden days it will be seen a sort of a Quay habit prevailed of running. for everything in sight, and tak- ing what could be picked up after the storm had passed. The year that George Clinton died, his nephew, DeWitt Clinton, the father of the New York canal system, was a candidate for President, receiving 89 | electoral votes against 128 for James Madi- GRAIN, CORN EARS,—— COA ) ! | | SHELLED CORN, OATS, | | —STRAW and BALED HAY— ! | BUILDERS’ and PLASTERERS’ SAND, | KINDLING WOOD by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, at HIS COAL YARD...... near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312. 36-18 Medical. \ A TRIGHT’S —INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS— For all, Billions and Nervous Diseases. They purify the Blood and give Healthy action to the entire system. CURES DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, 40-50-1y CONSTIPATION AND PIMPLES. FAT FOLKS REDUCED ! PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. For particulars call or address with stamp 0. W. F. SNYDER M. D. 41-1-8m 907 Broadway, N.Y. City. , ation. | ident received a majority, so the Senate FTER ALL OTHERS FAIL. Consult the Old Reliable : —DR. LOBB— 320 N. FIFTEENTH ST., PHILA, PA. Thirty years continuous practice in the cure of all diseases of men and women. No matter from what cause or how long standing. I will guarantee a cure, pee Cloth-Bound Book (sealed) and mailed FREE 41-13-1yr { ovcus AND COLDS ELY'S PINEOLA BALSAM isa sure Remedy for coughs, cold, sore throat and for asthma. It soothes, quickly abates the cough, and renders ELY’S expectoration easy. PINEOLA CONSUMPTIVES will invariably derive BALSAM Beret oY te vnc Many who suppose their wi cases to be consumption are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated cough- often .aggrevated by catarrh. For catarrh use} Ely’s Cream Balm. Both remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, 50 cts. per bot- tle ; Pineola Balsam, 25¢. Sold by Druggists. ELY BROTHERS; 41-8 59 Warren St., New York. Prospectus. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN AGENCY FOR | | elect him President. son. Thus seven times in the first quarter century of the government’s existence the Clinton family had asked the one or the other of the highest offices in the gift of the people, and twice with success. De- Witt Clinton, prior to his candidacy, was a Federal Senator, and afterward elected governor of New York three times. This man declined the English mission. * ® % The most notorious of all the Vice Presi- dents was Aaron Burr. It is singular that while Burr was theson of a clergyman, and that his mother was the daughter of that | famous divine, Jonathan Edwards, Burr | himself gained little in life in the way of reputation that is to his credit. He enter- ed the army and distinguished himself so that he landed in the Federal Senate. From there he sought the Presidency, to be defeated by Jefferson, yet gaining the second place. Before he had served his ! term he killed Hamilton ina duel, and Burr's future was destroyed forever. But because of his brilliant attainments and magnetic qualities he was able to involve the country in a good deal of trouble through the Blannerhassett expedition that was supposed to be directed against Mex- ico and-the Southwest. In spite of the ef- forts of the government to arrest and pun- "ish him for his offenses, he eluded justice for some time and was finally acquitted. The remainder of his long life he was a * Cain among men, and he died in poverty, his only daughter and his son having pre- | ceded him to the tomb by many years. The story of Aaron Burr, the Vice President of "| the United States, and almost a President, is among the most sensational of tragic and | intriguing tales in which the pathetic is mixed with the immoral, and an illustri- ous name ends in ignomy. = If eight other men had not had more votes than he did in 1796, George Wash- * ington, after twice filling the Presidential | chair, might have stepped down one degree to the Vice Presidency, for he had two votes for that oftice. Thomas Jefferson, however, had 68, so Thomas took the situ- In 1836 no candidate for Vice Pres- elected R. M. Johnson, who had more than any other candidate. Martin Van Buren at the same time had a plenty of votes to Johnson had just as many votes as his three Whig opponents, 147." Van Buren secured 170, beating the four Whigs who had run against him. William H. Harrison and Daniel Webster were among the defeated Whigs. John Tyler, who was defeated at this time by Johnson, was next term elected Vice Presi- dent, and became, by the death of Harri- son, the President. —————————————— She Was a Democrat Herself. A Bride Was Warned There Were Only Democrats in the Car, but she Proved to be Gorman's Daughter. According to Mr. C. Vey Holman, the Maine delegation on their Chicago trip, in a car suppesed to be especially de- voted to their exclusive use, were somewhat surprised a few miles out to have a young lady assigned to a section in their car, on a through ticket to Chicago. Upon ascer- taining her to be the daughter of a leading Maine Democrat, the delegation chivalrous- ly placed the stateroom of the car at her disposal. In leaving Fabyans, at the White Mountains, another young lady ac- companied by a gentleman entered the car. Someone remarked : “You'd better not go in there ; there are | only Democrats in there.” “That's just where I wish to go, then,”’ she replied, and the enthusiasm with | which the Pine Tree delegates greeted her PATENTS CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, Ete. For information and free Handhook write to MUNN & CO., 361 Broapway, NEw YORK. o | Oldest burean for securing patents in America. | Every patent taken ‘out by us is brought before | the public by a notice given fee of charge in the | \ | | | N——o0 Largest circulation of #y scientific paper in the | world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent | man should be without it, Weekly $5.00 a year; | , $1.50 six months, Address | MUNN & CO., Publishers, i 40-48-1y a61 Broadway, New York City. | \ | in response was but intensified upon learn- ing that she was the daughter of Maryland’s | distinguished Senator, A. P. Gorman, upon | her wedding trip: * During the time she remained upon the train she certainly recieved abundant ev- | | idence of the sincerity of her welcome. cemrae——————— Great Commanders. The ages at which the greatest command- ers have made their reputation are these: Alexander the Great, between 21 and 33 j Hannibal, between 36 and 45; Julius Caesar, between 42 and 53; Frderick the Great, between 26 and 51; yustavus Adolphus, between 36 and 38: Napoleon, between 27 and 46. a —— The Democratic National Convention Concludes Its Duties. Aathur G. Sewall of Maine the Nominee for Vice President.—The fight to be carried on in the East as well as in the South. Organization of the New National Committee.—Jones for Chairman and Sheerin Continued as Secrutary. Having gone West for a candidate for the presidency the democratic majority went East to find a man for second honors, and fixed on Arthur Sewell, the million- aire ship builder of Maine and the Repre- sentative from that State in the Democra- tic committee. After the nominating speeches had heen made, the first roll call resulted as follows ; First BaLLoT. Sewell... 100 | Lewis.uinienenn 11 Sibley... 164 | 20 Vill 5 | Harrity. 21 Blackbu 20 Teller. 1 i] Daniel.. il Bland 62 White... 1 Pattison It began to look a good deal like Sibley at this point, but the erratic Pennsylva- nian’s hoom collapsed very quickly. Of the 675 votes cast 450 were necessary to a choice, and this number did not seem wil- ling at first to settle on any single man. The second count resulted : : . Secon Barvor. Sibley 13 Clarke......... soirers 22 Sewell 37 Harriet 21 MecLes 158 Williams(Mass.)... 16 Bland.... 204 Williams (111)... 13 Congressman Amos J. Cummings read a telegram from Sibley to the convention, in which it was stated that he was not and never had heen a candidate for the Vice Presidency. This cleared the air some- what and led to a rush to Bland and Mec- Lean, as the following table shows : Tuirp BALLOT. Harrity Clarke. Pattison. Daniel Bland 19 McLean Sewel . 6 Williams(Mass,).. 15 | Governor Stone took the platform to withdraw the name of Bland, who had sent a message declining second place on the ticket. This narrowed down the contest still further, and Sewell became conspic- uous in the voting, although there was no sign of wavering on the part of the McLean This is the fourth count of noses : Fovrra BaLLor, men. 296 Clarke.................. 46 261 Pattizon. 1 9 Daniel. 36 11 Votes ca 251 Just 252 delegates abstained from voting on this ballot, and as soon as the result was announced Ohio withdrew the name of McLean. the Maine man at this, and Illinois turned | in for Sewell, as did sufficient other States to make him the nominee. vote follows : The deciding Fier BaLLom. The vote was made unanimous amid great cheering. Resolutions were adopted empowering the national committee to fix the time and place for holding the next national convention, and to choose for its chairman and members of the executive committee persons not members of the na- tional committee. Resolutions thanking the presiding officers, Daniel, White and Richardson, and the city and the people of Chicago for their hospitality were passed without dispute. Immediately after the adjournment of convention the old and new national’ com- mittees met to close up the business of the old and arranged the work for the new. The meetings were held at the commit- tee parlors at the Palmer house, both of the candidates, Mr. Bryan and Mr. Sewall being present by request to arrange the de- tails of meetings of the committee on noti- fication. The nominees: were the center of attention from the committeemen, and the crowds who were admitted to the prelimi- nary meeting of the old committee. Mr. Harrity expressed to his associates his regret at retiring from the chairman- ship after four years of such agreeable la- bor. General Blair, of Kansas, the veteran | member, offered resolutions expressing the thanks of the committee to Mr. Harrity for his ability and impartiality in administer- ing the duties of chairman and to Secretary Sheerin for his efficient service. Compli- mentary speeches were made by General Blair and others, after which the resolu- | tions were unanimously adopted. The roll of the new committee was then called and notice given of an immediate meeting, whereupon the old committee adjourned sine die. After an interval of general handshaking, ex-Chairman Harrity announced that it had been suggested to him that he should call the new committee to order, which he did, and said that he was ready to enter- tain a motion as to the selection of a tem- porary chairman. Senator Pascoe, of Florida, nominated Mr. Harrity and there being several seconds, Mr. Pascoe put the motion and it was carried. §. P. Sheerin, of Indiana, was the former secretary of the committee, although not a member of the new one. was elected temporary secretary. WILL FIGHT IN THE EAST. It was then decided to go into executive session, excluding all except those who. were members of the notification commit- tee. The first question considered was as to the time and place. This opened up a wide range of discussion as to the manner of conducting the campaign ; the general sentiment being that it should be an ag- gressive contest and that the war should be carried into New York and New Eng- land from the outset. Mr. Bryan spoke 15 minutes. It was in no sense an oratorical effort, but a calm review of the situation and suggestive of ways and means for ef- fective work. Mr. Bryan made the sug- gestion that the exercises attending the notification of candidates could be held with advantage in Madison square garden, New York, in about three weeks. This was the place where the exercise were held four years ago, when the committee notified Mr. Cleveland of his nomination and heard his address of acceptance. In view of the fact that the candidates were so widely separated, Mr. Sewall liv- ing in Maine and Mr. Bryan in Nebraska. New York seemed to offer a convenient meeting place, both for the candidates and the many members of the notification com- mittee. Mr. Sewall also “spoke briefly, express- ing his readiness to enter into the cam- paign’ work. whenever the committee de- sired it should begin. A VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN URGED.- Governor Stone of Missouri, Senator Pascoe, of Florida, Chairman Harrity and others urged an-early and vigorous opening of the campaign, and the sentiment was general that the eastern states should re- ceive full attention. As one of the speak- ers expressed it. “The fight should be carried into the heart of Africa.” Several | of the speakers expressed the hope that ao | 568 Clarke, ......conu nui 2 32 Pattison 1 11 Daniel...... 36 ER 9 Not voting...... 251 a a A 1M opportunity of hearing Mr. Bryan the judg- ing of his abilities. As to the choice of a national chairman, Mr. Bryan waived the usual prerogative of a candidate to name the head of the eom- mittee, and asked that the conimittee handle these executive affairs entirely as they saw fit. A recess was taken until 9 o’clock, when Mr. Jones was elected. quarters during the campaign should be in Chicago. x S. P. Sheerin, secretary national committee, will be retained, it is understood, as secretary of both the new national and the new executive committee of nine. Delightful Summer Tours. Two Tours to the North via Pennsylvania Railroad. It is tedious to map out a tour for one's self, for invariably expense doubles, and some petty traveling annoyances brought about by an oversight mars what should have been a pleasant trip. It is a pleasure to have everything arranged systematically before departing, thus obviating unnec- essary expense as well as inconveniences. To this end the Pennsylvania railroad com- pany first inaugurated personally-conducted sible standard of excellence, and gave them at opportune seasons, after careful study as to the desirable dates and every necessary detail. For the convenience of those who seek | the most attractive way of spending a sum- | | mer holiday, the Pennsylvania railroad com- | the North, under the personally-conducted | tourist system, July 21 and August 13. tours, maintained them at the highest pos- | New York audiences might have an early i | | { There is a general feeling that head- petual | of the former | voting will show both ideas have strong | i | | | strength. | pany has arranged two delightful tours oy sphehes in Texas, althnogds 15 Some paris of 1 | The points included in the itinerary and | | the country traversed abound in nature's | beauties. Magnificent scenery begins with the journey pletion. | ited are familiar to all. : much may | appointed in Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, No matter how , and ends only with its com- | The names of the places to be vis- | be expected, one cannot be dis- | ¢ C ! and rich body and recommend it to the | Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au | Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain and George, Saratoga, or the Highlands of the Hudson. Each tour will be in charge of one of the company’s tourist agents, assisted by an ex- | perienced lady as chaperon, whose especial | charge will be unescorted ladies. ,| The rate of $100 from New York, Brook- | yn, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Har- | risburg, Baltimore, and Washington covers | railway and boat fare for the entire round trip, parlox-car seats, meals en route, hotel | entertainment, transfer charges, carriage | pense. redeemed at full amount paid if presented personally or by letter at the general office, | Broad street station Philadelphia, not later | | than two days before the respective dates of departure. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any ad- | aL . . . | ditional information address tourist agent, Pennsylvania railroad company, | Broadway, New York ; 860 Fulton street, | Brooklyn : room 411, Broad street station, | Tree planting in the cyclone belt is sug- ! gested by Professor Hazen, of the Weather | Bureau, as a pre i tornadoes. As ‘‘wind brakes’ trees may | tornado, according to Prof. Hazen, is a vio- | lent manifestation of the thunder storm, | and any method of diminishing the elec- “tricity in the air will inevitably diminish | the tendency to violent outbursts. Any | green growth is of value asa preventive | against the intense heating of the soil, | which increases the intensity of the electric | action ; and every tree presents a point of | discharge, and thus neutralizes atmospheric | | electricity, acting in this respect very m | like a lightning rod. . ! The reason why electric storms in the | East rarely attain the violence of a tordado is sought by the Professor in the fact that the soil is always more or less covered with | verdure, while in the West it is almost bare | of green in April, May and early June. | The ‘‘windfalls’’ observed in the forests of Michigan (strips of land several hundred feet in width in which all the trees have | been blown down) are supposed to indicate | the path of an incipient tornado. The fact | that these ‘‘widdfalls’’ aré never more than | five miles in length would seem to prove | the usefulness of trees in arresting the for- mation of violent cyclonic outbursts. Prof. | Hazen's suggestions are interesting, and | | | ! 1 probably also extremely valuable. The electric origin of tornadoes has not, perhaps, been established beyond a shadow of doubt; but the subject deserves thorough and ex- haustive study. It shonld not need the recurrence of a calamity such as that which | struck St. Louis to urge upon the proper | authorities a full and complete investiga- tion of the phenomena and origin of torna- does, and the means by which, if possible, they might be prevented or their fury and destructiveness at least materially dimin- ished. ——1If the modern newspaper devotes a great deal of its space to drivel of a person- al sort about men and women, in whom nobody in the world has any interest, it is not because the makers of the paper love to indulge in that sort of literature, but be- cause of their good nature, which leads them to indulge the vanity of the very numerous crowd that loves the passing fame that mention in the personal column bestows. If there is a crudeness and a sensationalism about the popular dalies that offends a cultured taste, let it be re- membered that sensational journalism is the product of a morbid popular demand. It is true a conscientious editor should try to lead his public into a better way of thinking, but then newspapers, like dry goods stores, are run to make money for their proprietors, and they usually trim their sails to catch the breeze of public fa- vor. IN Your Broop.—Is the cause of that tired’ languid feeling which afflicts you at this season. The biood is impure and has become thin and poor. That is why you have no strength, no appetite, cannot sleep. your stomach, invigorate your nerves. Hocd's Pills are easy to take, easy in ac- tion and sure in effect. 25c. —— Light of Household—**Papa, what is them red, white and blue things mamma found in your pocket and calls chips.’ “Blushing Papa—*‘ ‘Fiat money, my son, ve- deemable at the bank in gold, silver or pa- per. = The system dates back with faro. You'know his daughter found Moses in the bulrushes. Now run and ride your bicy- cle.)? | devil will run the town. ln pS Tickets purchased and not used will be | Forests and Tornadoes, | ventive of the formation of | Purify your blood with Hood’s Sarsaparil- | la, which will give you an appetite, tone | Let the wicked hold oftice, and the | 1196 | There is over two miles of carriage drives | Philadelphia. | | | head, eyes and ears, with soreness in throat tarrhal sufferers. Ely’s Cream Balm has | heen used with the best results in such | cases. | lief. uch | | “of the west and south ? 3s > 3 | can’t make a man religious. | hire—in fact, every item of necessary ex- | There was a general break to | : “ . tack of catarrh, which in some respects re- | be of comparatively small utility ; but a! D — Where does the sensationalism lie in this matter of the Democratic nomination ? Is it the east that is sectional, or the states Does the nation exist only in the money centers, or is it found as well in the shops of industry, the grain fields of the west and cotton fields of the south ? The truth is that at the east the belief exists that the gold standard is to its interest and should be made per- , and in the west they believe in the double standard of gold and silver as bring- ing better prices for their products. The support in all sections. mi m—————— Tired people are tired because they have exhausted their strength, The only way fof them to get strong is to eat proper food. But eating is not all. Strength comes from food, after digestion. Digestion is made easy with Shaker Digestive Cordial. | People who get too tired, die. Life is | Food is the maker of strength. | Food is not food until it is digested. Tired, pale, thin, exhausted, sick suffer- | ers from indigestion, can be cured by the use of Shaker Digestive Cordial. It will revive their spent energies, re- | i | | | | | fresh and invigorate them, create new cour- | age, endurance and strength, all by help- ing their stomach to. digest their food. It aids nature, and this is the best of it. It gives immediate relief and with perse- verence, permanently cures. | Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. | ——There are still many immense cattle the state they have been contracted by in- creased sattlement. The largest is one 3,- 000,000 acres, the property of the Capital Freehold Land and Investment. rx —— CoMMUNION WINE. — Physicians who have used Speer’s Port Grape Wine, of New Jersey, and have applied to it the strictest test, pronounce it strictly pure aged and infirm, and for general use where wine is desirable, as” the most reliable of wines to be had. Mr. Speer also preserves the grape juice fresh and sweet just as it runs from the press, not hy the use of spir- its, but by electricity estracting the fer- menting principles from the ripe grapes when mashed ; it is called Speer’s Unfer- mented Grape Juice. For sale by drug- gists. Girls lead a man to church but they RESTORATIVE WINE.—If you are weak and suffering from general debility, you should use Speer’s Port Grape Wine ; it will purify your blood, restore digestion and make you feel like a younger person, in fact it makes for you new blood. Speer’s vineyards are planted on brown stone shale rock soil containing iron. under grape arbors in his vineyards. For. sale by druggists. ——God will not smile upon us while we A FALSE DraGyosis.—LaGrippe is con- founded by many persons with a severe at- sembles the former. These individuals suffer severely with pain about the fore- and stoppage of the nasal passages, and in fact, are incapacitated for work of any kind for days ata time. These are ca- The remedy will give ‘instant re- | building, north of Court House. | in English or German. | second floor. ' on Eastern cities. J. Medical. CANT EAT | 1 This is the complaint of thousands | “at this season. They have no appetite; | food does not relish. They need the | toning up of the stomach and digestive | organs, which a course of Hood's Sar- | caparilla will give them. It also pari- | fies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal mis- ery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feel- | ing and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It <0 prompt- | ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptie symptoms and cures nervous head- | aches, that it.seems to have almost “a magic touch.” HOOD’S ‘ SARSAPARILLA Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. 25c. 41-28 ‘New Advertisments. I TABLE SYRUPS. NEW-ORLEANS MOLASSES. PURE MAPLE SYRUP, IN ONE GALLON CANS, AT $1.00 EACH. SECHLER & CO. | | | | | | Ov Ouat-meal and flakes are always fresh | | and sound, you can-depend on them. SECHLER & CO. | | | | AL ii A | modern improvements, hath, hot anc ttorneys-at-Law. AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Belle- J fonte, Pa. All professional business will receive promyt attention. Office in Hale building opposite the Court House. 36 14 F. FORTNEY.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, ° Pa. Office in Woodring’s building, north of the Court House. 14 2 D. H. HASTINGS. - W. F. REEDER. ASTINGS & REEDER.—Attorneys at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14, North Al- legheny street. 28 13 B. SPANGLER.—Attorney at Law. Practices . in all the courts. Consultation in Eng- | oh | Tish and German. Office in the Eagle building, Bellefonte, Pa. 40 22 8, TAYLOR.— Attorney and Counsellor a ° Law. Office, No. 24, Temple Court, fourth floor, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. 40 49 OHN KLINE.— Attorney at Law, Bellefonte. Pa. Office on second floor of Furst's new Can be consulted = 29 31 C. HEINLE.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, . Pa. Office in Hale building, opposite Court House. All professional business will re- ceive prompt attention. 30 16 W. WETZEL.— Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office No. 11, Crider’s Exchange, All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. Consultation in English or German. "he 30 4 Physicians. HOS. O. GLENN, M. D.,, Physician and Sur- geon, Boalsburg, Pa. 415 S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon , State College; Centre county, Pa., Office at his residence. 35 4 HIBLER, M. I», Physician and Surgeon, - offers his professional sérvices to the Citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office No. 20, N. Allegheny street. 123 Dentists. E. WARD, D. D. 8, office in Crider’s Stone Block N. W. Corner Allegheny and High Sts. Bellefonte, Pa. Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Crown and Bridge Work also. 34-11 Bankers. J fonte, Pa. 3 ng Y ed; Interest paid on special deposits; Deposits received. ACKSON, CRIDER & HASTINGS, (successors to W. F. Reynolds & Co.,) Bankers, Belle- Bills of Exchange and Notes Discount: Exchange 17 36 Insurance. !. WEAVER.—Insurance Agent, be- gan business in 1878. Not a sin le loss: has ever been contested in the courts, by any company while represented in this agency. Of- fice between Jackson, Crider & Hastings bank. and Garman’s hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. 34 32 EO. L. POTTER & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write policies’ in Mutual and Stock Companies at reasonable rates. Office in Furst's building, opp. the Court House. 225 Hotel. { eRTiRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodions Hotel, located opp. the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, has heen en- tirely refitted, refurnished and replenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accommodations offer- ed thé public. Its table is supplied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive host- lers, and every convenience and comfort is ex- tended its guests, wa Through travelers on the railroad will fin this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 minutes. 24 24 Nurseries. N T E D ENERGETIC MEN to so- licit orders for our hardy | Nursery Stock. Expenses BY THE and salary to those leaving ‘home, or commission to 1 X local agents. Permanent CHASE ‘Employment. Tos busi- 3 ness easily learned. Ad- ‘NURSERIES (dress The R. G. CHASE 1CO., 1430, S. Penn Square, 10 35 1y. |Philadelpl New Advertisments. FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—The home of Morris W. Cowdrick, on east | Linn street, Bellefonte, is offered for sale cheap. | A fine 3 story brick house, on a lot 735x200, new frame stable, brick ice house and other out-build- ings. The house is in excellent re air, has all cold water on two floors, furnace in cellar and a large cistern. Write or call on M. W. COWDRICK, 40 43 tf. Niagara Falls, N.Y. (oop APPLES VS FROZEN OUT WHEAT. Heretofore the farms of Centre county, Penn’a. have produced the best quality of wheat and us- nally a crop of poor, ony apples. As there will be little wheat this year, the rears can make up the loss by protecting their apple crop. Spraying the apple trees destroys the codling moth orapple worm, after which the trees produce good salable fruit and plenty of it. Spray Pumps and spray- ing ingredients, with full printed instructions, as well as Bucket Pumps, which purify foul cistern water, are for sale at the very lowest prices at the Agricultural Implement Store of McCALMONT & CO., 41-20-3m Bellefonte, Pa. FINEST ORANGES, LEMONS, BA- NANAS, COCOANUTS, DATES AND FIGS AT SECHLER & CO. ng. F ine job Printi re. JOB PRINTING o—A SPECIALTY-——o0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapes Dodger” to the finest {—BOOK-WORK,—t} that we can not doi in the most satisfactory man- ner, and at Prices consistent with the elass of work. Call at | or communiecatewith this office, )
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