Demo fia BY FP. GRAY MEEK. ~ — Ink Slings. —A Patton, Clearfield county, young- ster recently coughed up a safety pin that it swallowed seven years ago. It can be looked for to fall apart now. —So the Governor has announced semi-officially that he will veto the re- ligious garb bill. If so, what will all the patriotic orders of the Sons of America have to say about the man they worked so hard to elect? —Police Inspector MCLAUGHLIN, of New York, has been sentenced to two years and a half imprisonment in Sing Sing for being caught in the LExow drag net. Wonder if this will strike terror to any Philadelphia copper hearts. —Mr. QUAY seems to have the new Republican State combine where the hair is short. What, with making himself chairman of the State committee and chairman of the State convention, will there be left for DAN and CHARLEY and DAvE? —MARrTIN and PorRTER have both decided that they will curry popular favor by boosting Governor HASTINGS for President in 1896. QuUAY’s little McKINLEY game is thus to be offset, if possible, and give the Philadelphia leaders control of the Pennsylvania dele- gation for what there is in it. —Miss FRANCIS E. WILLARD is the third woman to have the degree of L.L.D. conferred upon her. If it ef- fects her as the honor did MARIA MircEELL and AMELIA B. EDWARDS, both of whom died soon after they at- tained it, the world will not be illumin- ed by FrANcis’ light much longer. —A Tyrone milk dealer has arranged to give all his customers a picnic in a grove near his dairy to-day. The grove that the picnic will be held in is right on the edge of a lime stone quarry. ‘What a foolish fellow he is, why every one of his cus tomers will tumble to the way he makes milk when they see the lime. —In Washington squirrels have be- come such a pest that the State board of health, at Seattle, is taking measures to inoculate them with some contagious disease and thus rid the country of them. In Centre county they have become so scarce that a fellow almost has to inocu- late himself with a witch stone before he can find any. —CARL BRowWNE has married the goddess of peace of the Coxey army and it is very likely that the law will hustle him off to jail. Not for marrying the fair Miss CoxEyY, but for other mis- demeanors of which he is already con- victed: CARL did’nt know his business ! very well, else he would have made good tracks over Ohio's good roads and left old General CoxEY to pay his bail bond, before he had an opportunity to throw it up. —The opening of the Baltic-North sea canal at Kiel, on Tuesday, shows what enterprise foreign cities put into an undertaking to procure better agents of transportation. The new ship canal connects the North, or German, and the Baltic seas making a more direct route east by cutting across the German prov- ince of Sleswick. This gigantic under- taking, the consummation of which fol- lows so closely on that of the English Manchester ship canal, should be care- fully studied by Philadelphians who want a better harbor. The people of this latter city already have a fairly navigable river, which with a little cleaning out would make it possible for boats of any draught to enter that port. —The time has come when the Demo crats of Centre county must settle down to work. It seems early to talk about a political fight that is to come off in November. but in our present condition it is none too early to effect a thorough organization that will get the party to- gether. What isneeded most by the Democracy of Centre county is a vig- orous aggressive attack on Republi- canism. These “still hunt” campaigns have proven themselves more of a still hunt than was desired and some of our candidates last fall are still hunting for a majority that never came. If we are to win, let us have enthusiasm. Let us get into the fight right, then there will be no question as to where we will come out: —Trouble continues for the Republi- can state administration. To get LovELL out of Love's road last fall he was promised the appointment as Judge in the prospective district of Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, when Centre would be cut off under a new apportion- ment. The new district has been made but now Mr. OrLADY, of Huntingdon, a particular friend of the Governors, with accent on the particular, has bobbed up and demands the appoint- ment of ex-Senator McKN1GHET WIL- LIAMSON to the bench. How HASTINGS proposes settling this little trouble very few will be able to tell, but suffice it to say some one will be added to the ever growing army of fellows who have sour- ed on DAN since last tall, STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 40 BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 21, 1895. NO. 25. The Howl No Longer Heard. There isn’t even an echo left of the calamity how! that resounded through the land a year ago. It served its pur- pose ; it swelled Republican majorities to absurdly colossal proportions; it filled State Legislatures with lawmak- ers who were a burlesque upon the name ; it put Hastings and other raw statesmen into high official positions; but the howl has died off into silence that would be oppressive if it were not relieved by the hum of revived indus- try. In view of the fact that since the first of April the wages of nearly 300,- 000 workmen have been raised, we can hardly believe that only a year ago some people were howling about the ruin and distress that the Democratic tariff had brought upon the laboring class, charging it with having produc- ed such a disastrous effect even before it had gone into operation. From 1890 to 1894, the period dur- ing which the McKINLEY tariff was operating, such a thing as the raising of workingmen’s wages was unknown, but there were numerous reductions, with strikes and disturbances in con- sequence ; but now every branch of production is showing advances of from 10 to 25 per cent. in the pay of the la- borer ; mills and factories that had col- lapsed under a stroke of McKINLEY paralysis have been revived and are furnishing regular employment, and whether the view is extended to the steel mills, the tinplate plants, the iron furnaces, the coal mines, the coke ovens, the cotton and woolen factories, or the railroad operations, full-time work and increased wages are seen to be the accompaniments of the Demo- cratic tariff: While it can bardly be believed, in view of such a change, that scarcely a year has passed since the calamity howlers were loose in the land, one can’t help wondering what dodge they will resort to next to make the igno- rant believe that the Democrats have ruined the country. Secret Conspirators. The publication of the roster of Council No. 8, of the American Protec- tive Association, at Youngstown, Ohio, divulges the dangerous character of the A. P. A. It contained a transcript of the proceedings for several months, and the names of many prominent cit- izens who were members. All the obnoxious ear-marks of a secret and oath-bound organization were apparent. The evidences upon the face of it proved that it was intend- ed to exert not only a sectarian and political influence, but also designed to secure official appointments and busi- ness preferences for its members. The minutes of the meetings showed that the agency of the boycott was employed against business men who were the objects of A. P. A. hostility. It is easy to see what an engine of mischief and disturbance such a clan- destine organization can be made to be. It can be used as a political agency, as well as an instrument of religious per- secution, personal proscription and business injury. Working under- ground and in the dark, no one can know where its malignant blows are going to fall, or who are to be the vic- tims of its secret hostility. The public harm it can do has been sufficiently shown by the character of the legisla- tion which its influence forced the Leg- islature of Pennsylvania to exact, and there are traces of the same influence in the legislation of other States. It is no injustice to say that the A. P. A. is an organization that is dangerous to this Republic. ——With the issue of last week our contemporary, the Centre Democrat, donned an entirely new dress and made its appearance in an exception- ally tidy form. The occasion for the change was the assumption of abso- lute ownership of the plant and abso- lute control of its policy by Mr. Cras, L. Kurtz, who previous to that issue was merely lessee of the paper. We congratulate Mr. Kurtz on the suc- cess that has warranted him in pur- chasing the Democrat and assure its patrons that he will now be able to give them the product of his own abili- ty as a journalist and not be hampered by nagging stock-holders. Clerical Falsehood. There are some preachers who con- sider it a part of their religious duty to lie about President CrLeveLanp. False- hood should not be a clerical trait, and it ie particularly reprehensible when aimed at the head of the government. Some months ago, at a denomina- tional convention in New England, a clergyman, who was prominent in the proceedings, made the charge that Mr. CreveELAND had been intoxicated on certain public occasions which he named. There were no doubt clerical hypocrits present who rolled up their eyes in holy horror over this assertion that the chief executive of the nation had been drunk. But it was a lie, cut out of the whole cloth, and when it got into the newspapers it drew forth in- digoant denials from eminent gentle men who were present on the occasions mentioned by the slanderous preacher, and had an opportunity of observing the condition of the President then and there. Even the New York Sun, which never before missed a chance to speak ill-naturedly of Mr. CLEVELAND, stigmatized it as a groundless slander. This clergyman deserved but little pity for the humiliation be had to suf fer in being forced to crawfish out of the charge he had so recklessly made. As if this case was not a sufficient warning to preachers inclined to lie about the President, a clergyman in Wilmington, Delaware, last week, hyp- ocritically deplored, in a public ad- dress, that Mr. CLEVELAND was guilty of the sin of fishing on Sunday. Mr. THURBER, the President's private secre- tary, promptly denounced this state- ment as being a falsehood, and the public can feel assured of the truth of Mr. THurBER's denial. The accusing preacher excuses his statement by say- ing that he got his information from a newspaper, but the scribbling of an ir- responsible newsmonger, appearing no doubt in a partisan sheet, was a pretty source of information upon which a conscientious clergyman should feel justified in making a public charge against the President of the United States. There was never a public man who was go villainously lied about as Gro- VER CLEVELAND, and it is not much to the credit of the clerical profession that some of his meanest villifiers have been found in that quarter. An Objectionable Name. The new county of Quay was evi- dently christened with the object of complimenting the Republican boss. With such a name it ought to be a strong Republican county, but it ap- pears that a majority of its voters are Democrats, the towns and townships composing it having given WiLLiam M. SiNeerLy 1200 majority at the last state election. It is doubtful whether the majority in a Democratic county can feel com- fortable with the name which a gang of Republican legislative lick-spittals have attached toit. They are likely to ask how the man for whom their county is named deserved such an honor ? It will puzzle them to see why a politician who never did a cred- itable thing, never performed aby act that benefited the State, but did a great deal to corrupt its politics and debauch its public service, should] have a county named after him ? This thought may in time have its eftect in the minds of the majority in this new county, and when the condi- tion of the Legislature is favorable, which it is eure to be some time, they may ask to have the stigma of Quay’s name removed from their county and another name, more creditable, substituted. It would be a stinging rebuke to the Republican boss, but not more severe than such a political char- acter would deserve. Isn't it a nice commentary on Penn- sylvania’s appreciation of public worth that it should have a Quay county while none can be found on the map of the State bearing Jackson's heroic name ? PAIS NS. —— Such is the disrepute of the re- cent State Legislature, and the odium that attaches to its members, that it any of them should be candidates for re-election it will be their policy to try to prove an alibi. Liquor and Politics. Ex-President HarrisoN struck a lucky streak recently when as the suc- cessful attorney in a will case in In- diana he won a fee of $15,000. To show that he is not avaricious for big fees, and as an illustration of how ex- ceedingly good he is in his moral dis’ position, it is being reported by his admirers that he refuseed a fee of $10,000 from the liquor league of Indiana for his professional service in fighting the NicHoLsoN temperance law. 3 If Mr. HarRrIsON sincerely believes in compulsory temperance laws he was justifiable in declining to be the at- torney for the liquor men against such alaw, but if the object of his friends, 1n parading his goodness, is to produce political effect they should be careful not to make too much parade of this case. The liquor men have votes, and the Republican managers are always willing to make a dicker with them be- fore an election. Bragging about Mr. HarrisoN's extreme morality in turn- ing a cold shoulder on the liquor inter- est may turn out to be as poor politics as BurcHARD'S remark about “rum.” There is one defect that is particu- larly observable in the morality of Re- publican politics. The party assumes to be greatly opposed to the liquor evil, yet there is never an election that the leaders don’t enter into a negotia- tion for the liquor vote, and they sel- dom have honesty enough to live up to the promises they make to secure that influence. Last fall, in this State, in- ducements were held out that secured the votes of the liquor men for Hast- 1N6's and the Republican state ticket: et. An attempt to put a tax on beer was the kind of gratitude returned for that support. It is bad enough to en- ter into a political bargain with the Ii- quor people, but to cheat them in the deal is downright meanness. Ru ——————— Silver Trouble, It is amusing to see the efforts of Re- publican organs to make it appear that An Indian Babe Died. From the Lewistown Sentinel, A year old son of White Horse and Julia Big Thunder, who formed part of Pawnee Bill’s Indian troupe, died Saturday evening before the show had left here for Harrisburg. The child had been ill with pneumonia for a week or ten days and wherever the show stopped physicians were sum- moned to treat it. Dr. Harshbarger was one of the physicians summoned here. As a final resort an Indian doc- tor wae called, who, it is said, opened the skin in the back of the babe’s neck and sucked out about a thimble full of blood. He claimed the little one’s sickness was caused by too much blood in the neck. Itis also said that when the Indians went bathing in the river, on their arrival Saturday morn- ing, the little invalid was taken in and tossed about in the chilly waters. In spite of all this precautionary treat- ment it died. The whole tribe was greatly affected by the death, and be- fore the departure of the train they gathered in the open place on this side of the Junction, and placing the little corpse on the ground, they built a camp-fire and around it indulged in weird incantations until it was neces- sary to get on the train, and were stili singing their death songz when the train moved away. Of the funeral the Harrisburg Pa- triot, of Monday, says: The party reached Harrisburg early yesterday morning and arrangements were made at once for the funeral. Undertaker Mauk was given charge of the ar- rangements. He procured a small coffin covered with red cloth with a yellow figure. At one o'clock the fun- eral'party left the show grounds at Sixth and Maclay streets for the cem- etery. A small white hearse contain- ing the coffin headed the procession. Then came an old Conestoga wagon with a band of music and three In- dians. This was followed by a stage coach, much the worse for wear, bear- ing Indian men, women and children, about twenty in all. A party of Mex- icans on horseback brought up the rear of the procession. The funeral Sixth street to State and thence to the cemetery. Here the mourners were greeted by about 5,000 people curious to witness the ceremony at ‘he grave. It required a squad of police to keep back the crowd so the Indians could ' gater around the last resting place of little “Charlie.”” The mourners formed it is only the Democrats that are be- ing troubled by the silver question. Nothing could exceed the trouble which the aspirants are having in trying to devise Republican presidential . some way in which they may be able ; to straddle silver. There is certainly trouble ahead when national chairman Carter comes east and tells the “grand old party” leaders that if they don’t put a free eilver and unlimited coinage plank in their platform they will lose every elector west of the Mississippi river. Right here in Pennsylvania there are plenty of CameroN Republicans who are red-hot for free silver and will vote the Populist ticket, with Jor SIBLEY on it for President, if their party does not nominate a silver man. Ob, no—the Republicans are’nt hav- ing any trouble on the silver question —mnot in the least. Reciprocal Prosperity. There seems to be a reciprocal re- sponse between the different sections of our country on the great question of business revival. The increase of wages that took place last week in the Howard iron company’s works at Birmingham, Alabama, tbe largest iron pipe estab- lishment in the South, was responded to, on the very same day, by an equal advance of 10 per cent., at the mam- moth works of the Cleveland rolling mill company, in Ohio, and at the Chadwich cotton mills, in Utica, N- Y. It is thus thatthe industries of all sections simultaneously feel the reviv- ing effects of Democratic policy. In these three instances, alone, and on this one day, it 18 estimated that over 10,000 workmen were gladdened by an increase of wages. ——The decision of the supreme court of Illinois, declaring that the whiskey trust is an illegal combination, was a bad set-back for that monop- oly. Such an incident is no doubt discouraging to the combination that monopolizes the whiskey product, but it ought to come to Pennsylvania for encouragement. If it would have had “business” before the Pennsylvania Legislature, like that other monopoly, the Standard oil company, it would have been attended to with enthusiasm and dispatch, and received the approv- ing signature of the Governor. a circle and chanted away the bad spirit, after which about $15 in coin | was deposited on the coffin before it was lowered in the grave. This over the funeral party returned to the show grounds. The parents of the child have gone into mourning for their babc by cutting off their hair and vow- ing not to wash themselves for a year. Their nine-year-old boy will be dis- carded during the period of mourning and allowed to shift for himself. All their affection will be centered on their dead child. RR ELIT in Centennial Shape All Around. From the Philadelphia Times. Centennial periods are adjusting themselves throughout the State and quite a number are in the outcrop for this year. Bellefonte has just observ- ed the close of its first hundred years, while the counties of Lycoming and Somerset are engaged in great prepara- tions for the centennial event in their history, to be celebrated the first week in July, Then comes the centennial anniver- sary of the city of Erie next September. Since Commodore Perry won his signal naval victory on Lake Erie, September 10, 1813, with a fleet of vessels fitted out from timber grown in sight of the tower on Erie's City Hall, that day bas been selected as the central date of the anniversary. Nor will Mad Anthony Wayne, who died in December, 1796, in the old block house, be forgotten in the memorials. Erie isa thriving and prosperous city, with extensive iron and steel in- terests and a lake commerce of the first importance. It was a pioneer out- post in 1795. v It Isn't Going to be Howled Down Either. Getting From the Pittsburg Post. The Gazette taking a hint from the sagacious and truth-loving statesman, John Dalzell, says ‘wages are being ad- vanced mostly in the protected indus- tries.” Admit it. Does it prove the calamity howlers the greater liars, for it was in the protected industries they pro- claimed everlasting ruin, idleness or starvation wages? The McKinleyites in the face of existing conditions in this country are wabbling about like luna- tics. Their explanation doesn’t explain. Although the reminiscence is against some of our Democratic friends, their position is a good deal like that of Gen- eral Tom Ewing when he ran for gov- ernor of Ohio against “Calico” Foster on the eve of specie resumption. The Democrats protested there could be no specie resumption, and the threat of it would entail endless disasters on the country. The trouble was that resump- tion came right along when General Ewing was talking in this way, and ‘Calico Charley’’ beat the boots out of him. So it is now with the calamity howling about the Wilson tarift. In- stead of calamity there is prospei: and the Republican explanation doesn’t explain. : cortege moved down Spawls from the Keystone, —Grasshoppers are eating the cabbage in Schuylkill county. —Reading’s public bath house is not free, as was proposed. —Lebanon Republicans elected B. F. Hean county chairman. —The Pennsylvania State Teachers’ Association will meet at Mt. Gretna on July 20. —A thief stole the cash register from the Carson Hotel, at Lenni, Delaware county. —Failing eyesight induced aged Joseph Koch, of Allentown, to drown himself in the river. —Fire-fighters have not yet subdued the disastrous forest flames in the region of Bradford. —Burglars blew open the safe in the Pennsylvania Railroad station at Glen Lyon, and got $25. —A. W. Held has been appointed fourth class postmaster at Harrity, vice Edward Raber, resigned. —The widely-known musician Mrs: Kate O. Lippa, has secured a divorce at Allegheny City. —A Lehigh Valley train passing through the woods at Ricketts, near Wilkesbarre, ran down a big bear. —Company D, Sixth Regiment, N. G. P. at Phoenixville, will be disbanded this week for inefficiency. —A carefulinvestigation at Audenried has shown that the town is in no immedi. ate danger of a —Petitions are being signed in Schuyl- kill county asking the Governor not to sign the Quay County bill. —Adjutant General Stewart has abol. ished the practice of loaning National Guard tents to private fishing parties. —Jacob Shoemaker, a former inmate of the State Asylum, shot himself in a grove on a farm at Windsorville, York county. —During a fight in the Sinclair House, Pittston, Monday morning, Daniel Yea- ger was seriously stabbed by Harry Meis- ter. —There was a civic demonstration at Dubois Tuesday night, it being the sev. enth anniversary of the destructive fire there. —The 800 hands employed at the Sharon Iron Works, at Sharon Tuesday night made a formal demand for an increase of wages. —G. O. Stiver is completing a large barn on his farm near Salona. The structure is built on high ground, out of the reach of floods. ~—Pottstown ministers have organized to check people from going to the parks on Sunday and to enforce other similar restrictions. —Every member of the Franklin county bar signed the petition urging Judge John Stewart's appointment as a Super. ior Court Justice. —While fighting fire in the Hazle Mines near Hazleton, John Condy was instantly killed and Benjamin Leatherhouse prob. ably fatally injured. —Miss Sarah Jones, of Wilkesbarre, has mysteriously disappeared from St. Luke's Hospital, Bethlehem. Two years ago her brother disappeared. —Doylestown’s new angling club has this oficial title : “Ancient, Reckless and Independent Order of Prevarieators, or Zigzag Fishing Club.’ —A Berks county grand jury was for- bidden by Judge Ermentrout to dine with the almshouse steward when they went to investigate his affairs, —A demented man at Reading ordered $100 worth of wines ina cafe, and before being arrested declared he intended to assassinate several county officials. —G. R, Berry has been appointed fourth class postmaster at Galatt, vice W. A. Wheeler, removed, and 8S. L. Wick at Moniteau, vice E. S. Sanky, resigned. —The Cambria county grand jury Mon day ignored the bill of indictment against Charles Oswald, of Oley, the boy who last spring killed his father with a club for assaulting his mother. —The Schuylkill county delegation to the Legislature met in Congressman Brumm'’s office at Pottsville, Monday to prepare petitions to the Governor, ask. ing him to veto the Quay County bill. —William Barnes, superintendent of the Altoona division of the Pennsylvania railroad, has been made superintendent of the Maryland division and will be suc- ceeded in the Altoona division by Robert Marshall. —Charters were issued at Harrisburg Monday for the Standard Guard Rail Fastener Company, of Lancaster, capital $10,000 ; Globe Steam Heater Company, of North Wales, Montgomery county, capi- tal #45,000; Frankford Avenue Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia. —The Altoona Sunday News says that a physician said last week that he had never known measles to be so prevalent and estimated that from the beginning of the epidemic until that time there had been 3,000 cases in that city. The last week has probably added several hun- dred new cases. —The crop bulletin of the department ofagriculture reports that the past week has been generally favorable to crops ex- cept in the states of Ohio and New York and portions of New England, where rain is much needed and drouth is becoming serious in some sections. Telegraphic re- ports from Pennsylvania show conditions generally favorable ; cut worms destruct. ive; light fruit crop. —Arrangements are now being made to perfect the details whereby the much talked of Beech Creek railroad extension will be secured. So far have the arrange. ments been completed that John Me. Grann, of New York, & well-known rail, roader, has been in Pittsbuxg for two days making an estimate of the cost of construction. His bid will be prepared within a few days. In all probability the new road will be leased for a long term of years to the Vanderbilt system, but it is being projected by independent eapital.. ists. They reside mainly in New York, and their names are withel@ until the contracts are given out. It is said that with the completion of this extension, which will be known as the Pittsburg and Eastern railroad, that several tracts of undeveloped coal lands will be opened. One gentleman has a tract of 2,800 acres of the land, and another has a tract of 1,32 acres,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers