Bm el BRI -~ Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 6, 1893. P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Eprror me Democratic State Ticket. For Treasurer FRANK C. OSBORN, of Alleghany. For Supreme Judge SAMUEL GUSTINE THOMPSON, of Philadelphia. Democratic County Ticket. mr ee. For Sheriff —J. P CONDO. For Treasurer.~JOHN Q. MILES. For Register.—~GEO. W. RUMBERG ER. For Recorder.~W.GALER MORRISON. For Commissioners. 920: 1 SO0DHART. For Coroner.—DR. H. K. HOY. ror avators {BRE A Word to Some of Our Exchanges. It is with a feeling of pride that the WATCHMAN sees its editorials and para- graphs republished in many of its ex- changes from week to week. But however satistactory the knowledge to self that they are ours it does not repay us in the way reputable journalism de- mands. When ihe WarcamMAN takes any- thing from a contemporary it gives the proper credit, because it has no desire to appropriate the work of writers on another journal. Likewise it deems it no more than fair that it should have credit for every article, whether it be a column or two lives in length, that is taken from its pages. This credit has longibeen with held by some ex- changes, among them the Northum- berland county Democrat, which only last week used our ‘leader’ of the week previous as original editorial matter. We do not know whether the Democrat makes a practice of fly- ing under false colors in all its depart ments, as it does with its editorials, nor do we care, but we demand of it prop- er recoganition for matter taken from our columns. It they are worth publishing they are worth some recognition. It takes - time and labor to prepare such articles and then to have piratical newspapers appropriate them is something more than we can stand. The] WarcaMan will always feel gratified to see its articles copied, but that gratification will be heightened if it is given credit for them. ——Right in the face of the failures which Cornell University and Colum- bia College have made of their courses in journalism the University of Penn- sylvania has determined to add one to ite currieulum. ' Just what improve. ments it will make in the methods of work whieh failed in the two well known institutions named, is not known, but Prof. Joseph French Johun- son, who has charge of the new depart- ment, is an old newspaper man of re- pute and premises great things for the course. However that may be it ap- pears to us that students in journalism will not have the same idea of hustle pounded into them that they get from the beginning on a live newspaper. It is an essential thing that would-be journalists be well educated, but with that acquired we rather think they would accomplish their purpose sooner by going right into active work where all their energy is called into play to keep them abreast of their rivals, than by attempting to learn the business on a student paper. The University will doa good thing in giving men a chance to get an education especially adapted for newspaper work, but it can’t turn out editors as it does doc- tors, lawyers and engineers. As for sensations Tyrone is certainly keeping herself before the public in a number of ways. A sui cide, a failure, an elopement and a trusted post office clerk convicted of mail robbery, all coming to light with- in a month, seems to indicate that that town is bound to have notoriety if not through a base ball club. ——To-morrow, October 7th, is the last day on which you ean pay your poll tax. If you want to vote see to it that your tax is paid. Every Democrat should vote this Fall. —~—Telegraphic reports from Lon- don are to the effect that England does not want American gold. We do. And you delinquent subscribers cant hustle it in too fast either. ——The Magnet says that Mr. Harper “expects to be elected. The plan to let ComLEY slip and have the Republicans combine on HARPER must still he on. ! duty. That duty is to go out and vote and support the entire ticket. tead —— Every Democrat should do his | Se a, The Same Old Game, and the Same 01d Species of Sucker. Westmoreland county came to the front last week with a confession that Niciaras MaNGeL, a well known Penn township farmer, had been “flim flammed” out of $4,400 by two sharpers. They worked him by the same old card trick that proves successful in catching justsuch old fools. Why men who ordinarily show good sense and great prudence will persist in trying to make money in such a way is a matter entirely beyond the comprehension of people with any mind at all, yet right in the face of warning there are new cases coming up continually. It was not so long ago that a Centre county farmer came very near being caught at exactly the same game. If men would use a little judgment they would see the folly of trying to beat sharpers at their own game. TA ——What Quay wants with a foot- hold in Clearfield county is hard to understand, but it is a well knowu fact that he is pushing the fight against judge Kressy' re-election. Several years ago he purchased one of the leading Republican papers of that county and is now using it in the interest of Gorpon, the Republican nominee. Such an action should, and undoubted- ly will, have the effect of turning many Republican votes from Mr. GorDoN as the conscientious man prefers to cast his ballot for a candidate who is not steered by such a dictator as Quay. Repub- licans everywhere are turning against him and those of Clearfield county will be no exception. — Citizenship in these glorious United States is the right to vote for all the government thereof. You are not a worthy citizen if you do not have enough interest in the election of officers, to all offices, to attend the election. Good Democrat and good citizen are synonymous. Be sure and vote if you want to be either. —France seems determined to have a World’s Fair in 1900, a plan which looks a long way into the future for its consummation, but they’ll have all the more time for their board of lady mana- gers to settle themselves before the Fair begins. —Thereis little use of putting good men on the ticket for you to vote for, if you don’t carry out your part of the contract. ——Has any candidate on the Re- publican ticket put you under especial obligations to vote for him, Demo- crats 2; : Edison’s Views on Money. Wants Wheat Compressed Into Dollars and Cer- tificates Issued on Iron or Steel. New York, October 1.—A new reso- lution of the silver question has been offered by Thomas A. Edison. In an interview he said : “The hankering after gold and silver is largely traditional. People al- low themselves to be governed by the old ideas on the subject of coinage formulated at a time when national credits existed and currency would be only taken at an intrinsic value. What we need now 18 a new standard of value. I think that the best dollar could be made out of compressed wheat. You take a bushel of wheat and squeeze the water out of it and then compress it into a hard cake the size of a silver dollar and stamp the government mark upon it. That would represent actual wheat and la- bor performed, and then you could eat a dollar, for when you wanted to use the wheat all that would be necessary would be to put your money to soak. We should then have the bushel of wheat as a permanent unit of value, which all farmers would appreciate, and the currency of the country would represent actual worth and labor per- tormed. Both gold and silver could then be dispensed with and the pres- ent bi-metallic problem solved. Our currency, moreover, would be as good as gold or silver in foreign exchange for our wheat goes to all the countries of the world. “In all this talk about metal for coinage,” continued Mr. Edison, “I am surprised that no one has suggested iron. Iron is the most precious metal. Gold is of no use or silver either. Mankind has no use for either gold or silver, but iron could not be dispensed with, If the people would give up this foolish, traditional, hereditary bank- ering for gold or silver, these metals would not be worth the price of old lead and would be kicked aside from civilization. The human race on the other hand cannot dispense with iron. Iron must be produced to keep pace with consumption or its price will steadily rise. The demand for iron is steady and it will be ever the case. Therefore why not issue treasury cer- tificates on iron. This is the greatest iron producing country in the world and our output amounts annually to | more than the output of both gold and ' silver. Instead of loading up the t dan Ni reasury with these useless metals, and, ' dress parade and drill in front of the | the bombardment. | as to her experience she exclaimed : a8 the people would want bills of large | denomination to accompany the wheat | dollar, why not buy iron or steel in- ! iesue treasury certificates ——Read the WATCHMAN. War in Morocco. Between the Moors and a Spanish Garrison at Melilla.— Spaniards Greatly Outnumbered— Over 6,000 Moors Are Besieaing a Small Fort Manned by Less Than 400 Spaniards and the Situation is Becoming More Critical Every Day.— Many on Both Sides Killed. | MADRID, October 3.—Further trouble has broken out between the Moors and the Spanish garrison at Melilla, a town on the northern coast of Morocco. The Spanish authorities recently decided to add to the strength of their fortifications at Melilla. and the work of constructing additional fortifications was pushed for- ward as rapidly as possible. This in- censed the Moors, and yesterday morn- ing a force of more than 6,000 natives | made an attack upon the Spanish gar- rison, that numbered all told not more than 400 souls, The Spanish troops fought throughout the day without re- lief being sent to them. The Moors were constantly gaining ground and’ fresh accessions to their ranks, and the outlook was becoming serious for Span- iards, when the white residents without regard to nationality offered to assist them. A civilian corps was at once or- ganized and took partin the defense. They were greatly outnumbered by the Moors, however, and were finally com- pelled to retire into the fortress, where they are still besieged. During the bat- tle eighteen of the Spaniards were killed and thirty-five wounded. The Spanish artillery did great execution. The gunners at one time directed their fire upon a mosque and almost complete- ly destroyed it. Other buildings were also destroyed. Northern Morocco has been greatly excited by the news of the attack upon the Spaniards, and the fa- natiscism of the inhabitants is being aroused by the Mohammedan demands for revenge upon the ‘‘infidels,” for destroying the mosque. The situation is critical and further attacks upon the garrison and civilians are expected. The people of Madrid are angrily ex- cited by the news from Melilla, and the government will immediately dispatch a warship to the Tangiers to demand from the sultan a full and instant repa- ration for the outrages upon the Span- iards. The cabinet will meet today and it ie expected orders will be issued for the sending forthwith to Melilla of a strong military force to punish the Moors. Advices from Melilla this evening say that the Moors requested truce this morning. The reqaest was granted and both sides burned their dead this after- noon. The Moorish government has been cowed completely by Spain’s prep- aration for war. It has promised to make any reparation and has assured Spain of its desire to suppress thesavag- ery of the hostiles. essengers have been sent already to warn all tribes near Melilla against interfering with the Spaniards, whose right to build forts is acknowledged and proclaimed by the Moors. The government threatens to inflict the severest penalties on this en- ergetic action of the sultan and his min- ister have calmed the excitement here somewhat. The cabinet met from 7 to 11 this evening and in view of the Moorish ~~ government’s readiness to make reparation, de- cided to defer the sending of a large ex- palivon to punish the hostile tribes. nough troops to protect the Spaniards at Melilla will be dispatched at once and a strong force will be held in readi- ness to sail the moment the tribes show signs of renewed hostility. Most of the tribes are reported to have promised to abstain from all further hostilities against the Melilla garrison, but there is little confidence that they will keep their word. > Weekly Crop Report. Corn and Tobacco Nearly All Cut and Fall Wheat Looks Well. ‘WasHINGTON, Oct. 3.—The weekly crop report of the weather bureau states that over the western portions of Caro- linas, south Virginia, the lower Ohio valley, and generally to the west-ward of the Mississippi, the rain fall of the week has been excessive, and the west- ern and northwestern states over which severe drought has prevailed for several weeks have had abundant rains, which were greatly needed. Abundant rain also fell over the central and northern Piawan regions, and generous showers ell on the north Pacific coast. In the middle Atlantic states the past week has been very favorable for matur- ing crops and for the work of securing the same, and the absence of heavy rains with generally fair weather over |d the greater portion of the cotton region has been very favorable for cottun pick- ing, which is now being rapidly push- ed. Pennsylvania--Excellent weather for completing farm work. Corn and to- hats nearly ail cut. Fall wheat looks well. : Three Immense Turbines for Niagara. Three of the immense turbine water- wheels, with their auxiliary mechan- ism, which were built in Philadelphia at a cost of $200,000 each for the purpose of utilizing the power of Niagara Falle for industrial purposes, will shortly be put in place. Each wheel is expected to develop 5,000 horse power. A feed pipe 73 feet in diameter ‘will carry the water to the turbines, and the latter, in revolving, will transmit power to an electric dynamo at the surface through a shaft of tubular steel 3} feet in diameter and ten feet in length. Indians Off For the Fair. HarrIsBURG, Oct. 1.—At 12.30 o'clock to-night the Indian special, with 500 students and the entire facul- ty of the Indian Training School at Carlisle on board, started for the Worlds Fair. The Indian boys and girls are pay- ing all their expenses from the earn- ings of the past six months. Their band of thirty-two pieces and choir of eighty will give a concert in Choral Hall and each day at 4 o'clock there will be a Administration Building, Argentine Rebels Lose Rosario. Bueryos AYERS, Oct. 1.—Rosario was recaptured by the government troops to- day and all the rebel leaders were taken prisoners. Terrible Drowning Accideni in a Mich igan Iron Mine. Twenty-Eight Lives Sacrificed—The Men Were at Work Under a River When ithe Roof of the Mine Caved In.—Only Those on the Low- er Level Succeeded in Escaping. CrysTAL FaLLs, Mich., Sept. 30.— With a terrific rush the water of the Michigamme river broke through a ' bed weakened by mining into the Mansfield mine, drowing twenty-eight men who were at work directly under the cavein. There were forty-six men in the mine when the accident occur- red, but eighteen of them who were working in the lower levels managed to escape. None of the bodies have been recov- ered, and it is believed it will be nec- essary to divert the channel of the riv- er before they can be secured. It is believed to have been the worst disaster that ever occurred in the Lake Superior iron region: When the night shaft went on duty it was noticed that more water was coming into the mine than usual, but no alarm was felt by the meu at the pumps, as they manag- ed to keep the “drifts” free. The miners pursued their work as on every night when they started in to pass the twelve hours under the ground. Sud- denly a few minutes after 9 there wasa loud report and an overpowering rush of water, and the men felt themselves be- ing overwhelmed by an avalanche of mud. So fast came the flood that it is doubtful whether the men on the upper levels had time to drop their tools and run for their lives tothe old shaft. Had any of them reached the perpen- dicular opening, however. It would have availed them nothing, for the shaft known as “Old Number One” collapsed as soon as the water reached and undermined its base. This occur- redat precisely 9:30, and it was that the men in the upper level had been trapped and drowned by an accident which had long been expected. Had there been time the men might have descended by some means to the lower levels and crossed over to No, 2 shaft, but the in rushing flood came too fast and it is thought that most of them met death within five minutes after the break occurred. The men at work in the lower levels were warned in time to escape. few minutes after 9 they heard an omi- nous roar and at once suspecting the cause dropped their picks and fled for their lives. The water, pursuing as it did, the devious course necessary in running from one level to another, was already ankle deep in the lower levels when the men reached the shaft and were drawn up from what seemed cer- tain death. The South Again Visited by a Very De- structive Gale. Many Lives Have Been Lost.—~At Pensacola, Fla the Storm Did Great Damage, But No One Was Injured.—Many Believed to Have Been * Killed Near Mobile, Ala., by the Storm. New OrLeans, September 3.—The great storm of yesterday has passed and although the wires are still down, bits of intelligence come in from var- ious parts which impart the in- formation that the loss of life, to say nothing of the destruction of property is tremendous. From Boyou Cook, the great oyster field which leads to the gulf, itis reported that the settlements of the fishermen have been completely demolished and that the loes of life has reached the ap- palling figure of 250. iGrand Isle, a summer resort lying on the gulf, directly in the path of the storm, is said to have been utterly de- etroyed and it is known that the loss of life is large. Many people were here speuding the delightful early autumn season, and numbers of those who had spent the late summer month in their cottages had not yet started for their homes. The hotel and two long rows of cottages, which constituted the re- sort, are said to be no more and it is feared that the loss of life at this point will be great. In the parish of Plaque- mine, the villages of Bohemia, on the Mississippi, and Shell beach, on Lake Borgue, were wiped out and at least four lives lost in each place. On both sides of the river the sugar, rice and orange crops suffered a great deal of amage and on the west side the loss of life is reported to have been very great. It will be some days be- fore the full extent of the damage wrought will be known, but it is feared here that the grand total will pale into insignificance the number of deaths re- ported from the storm which recently devastated the Atlantic coast. Stricken Brunswick. No Abatement of the Spread of the Fever There. BRUNSWICK, Ga., Oct. 3.—There are four cases to date on Jekyl Island, all isolated and under control. . All com- munication with the club house, three miles distant, is cut of. Surgeon Faget and local physician Hugh Burford have control of the cases. The germs were carried in a pile of bedding recently moved from Brunswick to Jekyl. Sur- geon Faget says after frost falls all danger on Jekyle Island will be over. There are about 500 Brunswickian refugees on St. Simons, and other sick- ness prevails. A general outbreak may be expected there. No objections will "be raised to Jesup citizens going to Camp Detention. Surgeon Murray ad- vises them to stay at home, but will open the camp to them if desired. Je- sup has only about 1,000 population, a large part of whom are railroaders, nec- essarily a floating population. Bernhardt Wasn't Scared. Paris, Oct. 1.—Sarah Bernhardt, who has been making a theatrical tour of South America, returned to Paris to- day. She was in Rio Janeiro during When interviewed “It was simply exquisite. T spent three days and nights in the roadstead to see the display. It was grand, over- towering, magnificent. I shall never forget it. Isaw then the grandest scene of my life,” One Thousand Were Killed Great Loss of Life by the Storm on the Louis- iana Coast.—Steamboats and Luggers Gone.— the Wind —The Rain Was Heavy aud Blew From All Points of the Compass—One Island Was Entirely Depopulated.— Reports Coming in Slowly. New OrLeaNs, Oct. 4—The loss of life caused by the storm will probably reach 1,000. The Joe Weber was not alone in her trouble, she J. Mec- Sweeney, consort of the Weber, having also met with total demolition. With these twosteamboats went their entire crews to a watery grave. Besides these fatalities the following luggers were swept out of existence: The Aredele, Captain Zibiliche; Vetus, Captain Barbier; Flying Dutchman, captain’s name unknown; Princess, captain’s name unknown ; The Steph- ania, Captain Telsansos, and the Grand Island, captain's name known. This does not begin to account for the luggers lost, for more than a score of these crafts were known to be in the vicinity of Grand Island. Such surviv- ors of the frightful scenes of Sunday night as reached this city were mostly Austrians, ignorant of the English langauge, and, besides that, by reason of their excitement caused by the strain on their nervous systems, were very poor subjects to secure an in- telligent account of what transpired. REPORTS COMING IN SLOWLY. MosiLg, Ala., Oct. 4.—Reports of damage by the storm are coming in slowly. Railroads, shipping and mills are the heaviest losers, the amount aggregating nearly $1,000,000. The loss of human life cannot be estimated. On Farmers’ island, opposite this city, only two farmhouses are standing out of a total of twenty-three. Relief expeditions to this section found a group of little children clinging to trees and their parents swept away. One house crossed the bay a dis- tance of fifteen miles and landed on the tracks of the Louisville and Nash- ville railroad. The owner with his family has not yet turned up. On both sides of the bay are many villages, some of which are totally destroyed and the inhabitants are gone. No train on the Louisville and Nashville has been moved either way, but a large force of men is at work clearing away the wreckage and an effort will be made to run trains to-night. An unknown Austrain bar- que for Pensacola is ashore on the gulf side. As none of the crew have come in, it is supposed all were lost. un- Mills Resume Operations. FritcEBURG, Mass, Oct. 2.--The Parkville Manufacturing company, which employs more than 2,000 hands, resumed work to-day with reductions in wages varying from 6 to 15 per cent. The Flitchburg Worsted company and Baltic mills also started to-day, with a 10 per cent. reduction in wages. The Grant yarn mill is running on full time, while the Great Orswell mills are expected to start at once. Mill No. 4 of the Flitch- burg Paper company has orders ahead for three months and is on full time. The Putnam Machine company has. re- sumed operations. : TE EEE, By + England Does Not Want Gold. LoNDON, Oct 1.—The rates of dis- count during the last week were 1 per cent. for thirty days and 1} for ninety days, There was a keen but transitory demand for money. x Itis hoped the hardening of A meri- can exchange will not result in the re- newal of gold shipments from New York. Gold is not wanted here, and financiers fear the loss of it to the United States may cause another crisis there. Railroad Shops on Full Time. Easton, Oct. 3.—Orders were re ceived this afternoon putting the Le-, high Valley railroad shops on full time for the entire force. For three months the shops worked but five days a week, then orders came to work nine hours instead of ten and lay oft 100 men a week. The shops will now work six days a week with full force of 400 men. Yellow Fever on the Increase. WasHINGTON, October 8.—Surgeon General Wyman recieved a telegram this afternoon from Surgeon Murray, at Brunswick, indicating that yellow fever is steadily on the increase. He reports ten new cases and three deaths, one of which is a relapse. Four cases have been discharged and ten sent to the camp of detention. One new case is al- so reported on Jekyl island. Working Thirteen Hours a Day. PorrsviLLE, Pa., Oct. 4.—The Read- ing company repair shops at Palo Alto and Schuylkill Haven were put on thirteen hours’ time to-day, and anoth-, er call made for extra hands. The rolling stock repairs are being pushed very hard. Collieries are working six days of nine hours each. Lace Company Resumes Work. ScraNTON, Pa., Oct. 2.—The Scran- ton Lace company resumed work in all departments to-day, after five months’ idleness, giving employment to 400 op- eratives. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ——The Huntingdon Reformatory has 395 inmates. ——A change in E. K. Rhoades ad- vertisement next week will call attention to the fact that he has on sale at his eoal yard, near the P. R. R. passenger station, a fine quality of builder’s and plasterer’s sand. —— Bellefonte has a new paper. The first number of the Dental Journal, an advertising idea of dentist J. C. McEntire, made its appearance on Wed- nesday. It is a neat, four page, four col- umn sheet full of interesting informa- tion about the preservation of the teeth. AAR ey gw TR ee — TT 'W. H. Sandford, A a BE a TE ER ——0O. Perry Jones Esq., bas resigned bis position as cashier of the First Na- tional bank of Philipsburg to accept the vacancy made by the retirement of cashier of the Moshannon bank of the same place. Mr. Jones still remains a stock holder in the former institution and will have an interest 1n advising Robert F, Mull, who suceeeds him there. ——The contract for building the stations along the line of the Central Railroad of Pennsylvania has been let. P. B. Crider & Sons of this place, will build those at Nittany, Huston, Lamar and Clintondale while those at Zion, Hecla, Hublersburg and Krider's wil} be built by the Phenix Planing Mill Co. The buildings will all be roomy and ornamental. Two waiting rooms with a freight and baggage annex and a telegraph tower will be the arrange- ment of the interior of each. —— On Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, the messenger of death came to summon all that was mortal of Mrs, James L. Mulholland into immortality. Deceas- ed had been ill since last November, having been confined to her bed most of the time and her death resulted from a complication of diseases and severe rheumatic attacks. Her sufferings were agonizing at times, but with that forti- tude begotten of a thorough Christian life she patiently awaited the end only as the dawning of a new day. A hus- band, two sons and four daughters, mourn her demise. The children are, William, of Clearfield ; R. W., of Altoona ; Mrs. Andrew Stover, of Cur- wensville ; Mrs: J. C. Brackbill, of Hughesville ; Mrs. C. C. Shuey, of Belletonte, and Mrs. S. B. Riling, of Al- toona. Funeral services were held from her late home, at 19 North Thomas street, on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Wm. H. Houck of the Methodist. church officiated. Tae OPERA MoNDAY NigHT.—The Allentown Chronicle and News of last Wednesday night has the following to say of the Gilbert Comic Opera Co., which will appear in Milleckers tune- ful opera “The Black Hussar” in Gar- man’s opera house, next Monday night October 9th. “The Gilbert Comic Opera Company appeared last evening and presented ‘The Black Hussar’ to a large audience in a most creditable manner. The many pleasing airs that are so plentifully scattered through the production were heartily received. Be- ing far above the plane of the ordinary comic opera they invariably carry the auditor beyond the tinsel surroundings of the stage and place him or her in the exhilerating sphere of the bright spark- | ling efforts of one of the World’s great- ‘est composers. In the hands of such well known artists as Chas. A. Gilbert, Fred Huntly, Addie Cora Reed and Alice Freeman, the various roles were ably handled. The work ot Miss Reed and Fred Huntly, particularly, calling for special praise. The introduced song of Miss Reed, in the second act, was one of the sweetest and most artistically rendered gems of the season. The opera was finely costumed and mounted, the chorus was of fair sizes sang in unison and made many a pretty picture. The comedy element was just prominent enough to call out repeated laughs, freeing the performance from any hint of dullness. Fleurette’s dance in the last act evoked prolonged ap- plause”’ Tee Hearne or THE P. R. R. Co’s., PETITION FOR AN INJUNCTION PostroNED.—Last Monday morning was the time set by Judge Furst when the Pennsylvania Rail-road Co. , should show cause why an injunction should be granted it restraining the Nittany Valley rail-road Co., the Valentine Iron Co., and J. W. Gephart from ship- ping the product of the Valentine Iron Co’s works over the Nittany Valley rail-road, to make connections with the new Central Rail-road of Pennsylvania which is now building. The hearing had been looked forward to with considerabie interest as it was considered a move on the part of the “Pennsy’’ to prevent the completion of the new rail-road, for had the latter been denied the use of the Nittany Valley ‘tracks to reach the Valentine furnace and ore fields much of the interests which the promoters of the new road feel for it would probably have been lost. The Pennsylvania company bases its claim on ownership of the Nittany Valley road, which is only leased to the com- pany now operating it and therefore should not be used as a feeder for a com- peting line, as the Central Rail-road of Pennsylvania will be. On motion of John Blanchard, P. R. R. attorney at this place, the hearing was postponed until such a time as com- plainants can get their testimony ready for presentation. The turn which matters took was a decided surprise as a lively legal tilt had been anticipated. Those who are pushing the new road say that they do not fear the oulcome of the hearing and were only disappoint- ed that it was postponed. Af allevents the new road will be worked rapidly to completion.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers