Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 18, 1893, Image 2

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    Demorratic Wado.
Bellefonte, Pa., August 18, 1893
All the long August afternoon,
The little drowsy stream
Whispers a melancholy tune,
As if it dreamed of June
And whispered in its dream.
The thistles show beyond the brook
Dust on their down and bloom,
And out of many a weed grown nook
The aster flowers look,
With eyes of tender Sioem.
—W. D. Howells.
It was peeping through the bramble,
That little wild white rose,
Where the hawthorn hedge was planted,
My garden to inclose.
All beyond was fern and heather,
All within was sun and shelter,
And the wealth of beauty’s store,
But I did not heed the fragrance
Of floweret or tree,
For my eyes were on that rosebud,
And it grew too high for me.
In vain I strove to reach it
Through the tangled mass ot green ;
It only smiled and nodded
Behind its thorny screen. i
Yet, through that summer morning,
I lingered near the spot,
0! why do things seem sweeter
If we posses them not ? :
My garden buds were blooming,
Bat all that I could see
Was that little mocking white rose,
Hanging just too high for me.
So, in life’s wilder garden,
There are buds of promise, to,
Beyond our reach to gather,
ut not beyond our view ;
And, like the little charmer
That tempted me astray,
They steal out half the brightness
Of many a summer’s day.
Oh! hearts that fall with longing
For some forbidden tree,
Look up and learn a lesson
From my white rose and me.
Tis wiser far to number
The blessing at my feet,
Than ever to be sighing
For just one bud more sweet,
My sunbeams and my shadows
Fall from a pierced hand ;
1 can surely trust His wisdom,
Since his heart I understand.
And maybe in the morning,
When His blessed face 1 see,
He will tell me why my white rose
Grew just too high for me.
. How It Served a Colored Minister for Many
When Senator Mereey reached home
one evening late in the autumn he was
met at the door by his wife. It was a
fine old mansion, and the hall was
broad and inviting. Mrs. Mersey was
an ideal hostess, and her parlors were
thecentre trom which emanated the best
moral and benevolent influences.
Senator Mersey had founded a col-
lege for colored people in the south,
and had endowed or become a trustee
of several other institutions. His
name was a tower of benevolence. Mrs.
Mersey was a true helpmeet, Her
charities were bestowed with such un-
tiring zeal and cultivated wisdom that
people came to her to be taught how
to help others.
One day when some one told ber a
heart-wringing story about a voor
woman she exclaimed, with tears in
her eyes :
“Oh, give me her address! I would
rather eee that woman than the Queen
of Sheba.” And the best of it was,
she not only meant what she said but
did it.
“How fine you look!” she said
that autumn evening twenty years ago,
as she met her husband at the door.
He laughed gently.
“Qh, do I? Well, it is my old over-
coat that deserves the compliment, I
have had it pressed.”
“Iam glad you have,” replied the
lady, “for I have left a place for it in
the box that goes down south to-mor-
row. You will have to buy a new
It never occurred to the senator to
differ from his wife in such matters—
or any matters at all ; and the nextday,
when the box was nailed up, the sena-
tor’s overcoat was nailed up in it.
That was, as I bavye said, long ago,
and thoughtfulness for the poor was
80 common 1n that household that the
senator and his wife forgot all about it.
Now, I am telling a true story, only
changing names and places, so as to
protect the modesty of two of Christ's
servants, who are careful that their
left hands do not tell their right hands
of their noble deeds.
Last year Mr. and Mrs. Senator Mer-
sey visited the south. They stopped
at a little country town, and there met
a colored minister, who though poor,
was in many respects far above the
Syerage of the colored people about
His wife was a lovable woman—in-
telligent, thrifty and neat. She had
been a schoolmistress for several years,
and was a devoted mother, inspiring
her children with a strong desire for an
education. Indeed so well had this
worthy couple done in this respect that
their oldest boy is professor of Greek
in a colored college, and would be hon-
ored as a citizen in any community.
‘When these good people learned the
names of their visitors they showed un-
expected emotion. On being questioned
the minister's wife told the following
story :
“About twenty years ago my hus-
band was sent as a delegate to the
Methodist convention. That was be-
fore you were sent to England to the
conference’’—she turned toward her
husband with a proud smile. “I must
say his overcoat was quite shabby. It
had been worn four years; I had done
the best for it I could. Before they
made him moderator Deacon Garvin
came up to him.
(Brother Jackson,” said he, ‘you
ought to have another overcoat.’
“I have a good one on, that I am
sure can't be a stumbling block to the
. people of Zion,’
“¢ dunno 'bout that,’ said the dea-
con feeling of the overcoat from collar
to pockets. ‘Now, I can jee’ fix you
up finely, Brother Jackson,’ said he.
‘A box has jes’ come from Senator
Mersey, and in it is an overcoat that
will fit you like the rind on a persim-
mon, and you can send your overcoat
to some poor brother down on the nar-
“So he brought out ihe overcoat,
and my husband tried it on, and it fit-
ted him finely. It was a beautiful
overcoat. And how long do you sup-
pose he wore that overcoat?”
She turned triumphantly to Mrs.
Mersey. a
“Three years, perhaps?’ inquired
the lady, feeling almost as if she were
insulting the family. “It was quite
worn out, wasn't it dear?’ She ap
pealed to her distinguished husband.
“I don’t think I recall the giving of
the overcoat,” smoothing the rim of
his hat.
“You don’t mean that?”
ister’s wife looked quite burt. “Why,
it was such a fine overcoat! My hus-
band wore it six years, and then, I
must say, it began to look a little shab-
by, didn’t it Mr. Jackson ?”’
Mr. Jackson nodded vigorously.
“Then I set my wits to work, and
found a way out of the trouble. I told
him I would rip the seams and turn it,
and put it together again, and then, as
the material was so fine, it would be as
The min-
good as new.
“(But suppose you can't fit the
pieces together,’ said he, ‘then I shall
be without any coat.’
“You give me the coat and just
trust me,’ said I. So I ripped it up,
and cleaned it, and sewed it together,
and, sure enough, it was almost as
good as new. I put on it a new collar
and new buttons. I declare it made
the good man quite too vain to live,
for Deacon Garvin said to him:
¢ “Where did you get your new over
coat, Brother Jackson? Tas the
lightning of the Lord struck your
bouse 2”
«Tt has,’ he said. ‘The Lord has
given me a powerful wife. It's ths
same old overcoat of Senator Mersey’s
turned inside out.’
: It was such a beautiful material, you
see, Mrs. Mersey! And he wore that
coat for five years more.
“ Now,’ says he. ‘wife, I suppose I
shall have to throw Senator Mersey’s
overcoat away. It’s getting almost
too shabby to wear.’
“And I had to confess that it was
pretty bad, all stained and colored with
age. But Ithought it over for a week.
It was of such nice material and had
been so handsome that it really seemed
a shame to throw itaway. It was like
an old friend. One morning when I
was a-washing, it occurred to me,
‘Why, it can be dyed. It is such good
stuff, it will take the dye nicely.’
Surely the Lord sent me that thought.
“I ripped it up again, and dyed it,
and got a quarter of a yard for a new
collar, and new buttons, and for less
than two dcllars he had snch a good
looking overcoat that it was, I am sure,
almost the envy of the country.
Brother Garvin would have liked to
have seen it, but the good man bas
gone to glory.”
She stopped for breath, while Sena.
tor and Mrs. Mersey looked from one
to another with the smiles that bor-
der on tears.
“Well do you know, my husband
wore that coat for five years more,”
ghe began, in a quieter tone. “The
first two years the dye held its color
very well. Then it of course faded and
iooked seedy, and I must say, toward
the end, it was very shabby indeed.
Then my husband was ashamed to
wear it, and I bad mended it all I
could, and I was ashamed to have him,
We both felt badly about it.
“You can do nothing more with it.
I’ve worn it inside and outside, and I
reckon now I'll have to go without.’
My husband said thie. I knew it was
true, and 1 went into the bedroom and
had a good cry. I reckon I must have
prayed right smart over it, for one
night the inspiration from on high
came to me—why not make it over for
a coat for Jimmy ? He needs an over-
coat. The Lord surely gent that
thought to me.
“Jimmy was just ten years old then ;
that was four years ago. So I ripped
it up and cut off the worst parts and
made a very good-looking coat for Jim-
my. You see, it was such flue ma-
terial I couldn’t help but use it as the
Lord told me.
“You ought to have seen Jimmy
strut around with that coat on. He
thought it was the finest coat in town,
and so warm.”
She stopped and looked at her hus-
band and wiped away a furtive tear
while she stifled a cough.
“Where is Jimmy?" asked Mrs.
Mersey, choking. “I should like to
see Jimmy with the overcoat on.”
“He died two years ago,” came the
low reply. “The Lord took him. I'm
sure he’s better off with Him than with
The mother broke down. She went
over to her dusky husband and took
his hand and pui it on her cheek and
kissed it. It was a rare caress,
“Excuse me,” she said, turning to
her guests in apology. “Jimmy was
our youngest, and we loved him so
much. The Lord loved him, too, I
think so he took him where he will be
safe forever.”
With that expression of the simple
and supreme faith which puts toshame
all cold and scientific explanations of
the awful mystery of death, she went
out of the room to hide her sorrow.
But soon she came back. While
she was gove not a word was spoken
in the neat parlor. The old minister
could not speak, and his visitor's eyes
were full, and their lips quivered.
“Here is the coat,’ said Mre, Jack-
son, tenderly. She held it up.
What a travesty—what a ghost of
an overcoat it was.
The senator from one of the proudest
states in the union looked at it seeking
for a familiar feature. Then he arose
and felt for his pocketbook.
“Permit me, madam,” he said, in
his stately way, ‘to have the honor of
purchasing that overcoat of you at its
original price. I should like to take it
to the north, Iam sure I can make it |
the means of sending down many oth-
er overcoats to your people by giving
its history as you have told it.
“I don't see how I can, sir,” pleaded
the mother. “It seems eo like an old
friend, and then—and then—it was
“J think you will excuse her, sir,”
said the husband ; “you see we've be.
come attached to it.”
“Never mind,” said the senator's
wife, soothingly ; “I know another way
of letting the overcoat tell its own story
to generous people.”
And I hope she may not be dissatis-
fied with the way it has been told—
Herbert D. Ward in Youth's Companion.
Pennsylvania R. R. Exhibit at the
World's Fair.
A Complete Illustration of the Progress of
American Railroads.—Striking Contrasts Be-
tween the Past and Present.
The World’s Fair visitor who finds
his way into that vast enclosure by the
Sixty-fourth street entrance will
come almost immediately upon a
building as architecturally attractive
as any of the minor structures
in all the great White City by the
lake; a building classical in de-
tail as well as in general conception,
standing in the midst of a plateau of
green sward with walls the tint of old
ivory, and garnished with flags that re-
flect the brighter hues of the rainbow.
While it is an annex, so to speak, of the
great red and green and gold Transpor-
tation Building across the way, it is an
annex complete in itself, and within
and without exhibits in an exhaustive
manner never before attempted, much
less accomplished, the beginning pro-
gress, and development of railroading in
the United States are exemplified by the
Standard railroad of America. It is, in
fact, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
pany’s own edifice, and it prsenis an
interesting and scholarly showing of that
corporation’s history from the first in-
ception of one of its component parts in
1815, when the frst charter was granted
to a railroad company in America to
construct a road from Trenton to
New Brunswick, N. J., to the present
time when it controls nearly ten thou-
sand miles of road penetrating thirteen
States, and with termini in New York
Harbor, at the National Capital, in
three great cities of the Ohio Valley,
and at five of the great lake ports.
Whilethe building’s main facade is
perhaps the more beautiful of the two
onc-hundred-and-forty-foot sides of the
structure, the rear view will doubtless
prove the more attractive to the student
of railroad progress, in that it presents,
with its attendant features, an excellent
reproduction of a model Pennsylvania
Railroad station of the present day, with
signal tower, tracks, ballast, switches,
frogs, overhead foct-bridge, fences, and
gates. The tracks, in themselves, are
as indicative as anything else of the
raarked development in this branch of
mechanics in the last sixty years, the
exhibit showing, in juxtaposition with
as fine a specimen of the standard
Pennsylvania rail of 1892 as has ever
been rolled, pieces of the Camden and
Amboy rail of 1831, of the rail used on
the old Portage road over the Alleghen-
ies, and of the very crude wood and
iron rail with which the Madison and
Indianapolis road was originally laid.
Some idea of the contrast may be had
when it is stated that whereas the Cam-
den and Amboy rail weighed only
thirty-five pounds to the yard, the
standard rail of to-day, of which the
examples shown are one hundred feet in
length, weigh one hundred pounds to
the yard, being nearly three times as
Upon the tracks is another contrast
even more marked. Probably the most
conspicuous, and certainly the most in-
teresting, object in the display is the or-
iginal John Bull train, which here rests
after its thousand-mile journey across
the continent from New York. The
old engine itself—the oldest in America
—which was constructed by George
Stephenson, 1n England, and brought
to this country in 1831 for use on the
Amboy Division of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, stands there to-day precisely
as it was in 1836, after having had add-
ed to it such improvements as were then
suggested to the minds of the American
engineers. Its weight, with its some-
what cumbersome tender, is only thirty-
two thousand one hundred pounds, as
against one hundred tons, the weight of
the ordinary standard passenger loco-
motive of to-day, and beside the modern
machine, of course, it looks very much
like a toy. The passenger coaches,
glistening with a fresh coat of green
paint, are so low that a tall man cannot
stand upright within them ; their brakes
are worked by means of handles similar
to those on the horse-cars of the present
time, and the only method of lighting
them is by a tallow dip in each end of
each car. As example of the magni-
tude to which the railroad cars of to-day
have attained, no better choice could
have been made than the selection for
exhibit, side by side with this tiny pas-
senger train, of the two tremendous ve-
hicles on which the mammoth Krupp
guns were whirled from Baltimore to
the Exposition ; the manner in which
the guns were carried being shown by
means of full-size models, made of staff,
of the standard sixteen-inch and ten-inch
guns, such as are now used by the Uni-
ted States War Department.
This policy of contrast, which is so
apparent without the building, is carried
throughout the entire display, and the
interior with its relief maps, charts,
models, lay figures, photographs, and
relics, gives a better idea of the wonder-
ful growth of the greatest railroad sys-
tem of the country than could possibly
be had in any other way. The walls of
the great marble-floored hall, into which
the visitor may enter from either the
front or the rear, are lined with hand-
some mahogany show-cases, while the
columns, so arranged as to form a colon-
nade on each side, are surrounded by
folding frames for the display of thou-
sands of exhibits that could be shown to
advantage in no other way.
In arranging the display the smallest
details have not been negleeted, and as
an indication of the thoroughness with
which these little matters have been
looked after, the labeling of the objects
with a descriptive label in five languages
is especially noteworthy.
In the centre of the building, under
the dome, upon a platform shaped like a
Greek cross, are three relief maps that
are certain to attract no little notice.
They illustrate the changes in the
methods of crossing the Alleghenies
from the year 1832 to the present time,
and have been prepared with such great
care as to have won words of high com-
mendation from scientists, whose atten-
tion has been called to them. One of
these in particular, the largest of the
three, which is twelve feet long by four
feet wide, and which shows the old por-
tage and the new portage roads, togeth-
er with the present line of the Pennsyl-
vania ‘Railroad, including the Horse-
shoe Curve Allegrippus, and the district
of the Johnstown flood, is especially val-
uable as being the first and only relief
map ever made of that section. The
original map, from which the basis of
the present work was obtained, was one
which belonged tothe late J. N. Du-
Barry, vice-president of the company.
It was in lead pencil, never having been
filledin in ink, and was traced so the
legend runs, by President J. Edgar
Thomson, himself. The other two re-
lief maps, or models whick form two
arms of the cross, show the Horseshoe
Curve and Plane No. 1, with canal-
boats, cars, and locomotives.
The rest of the floor space between
the colonnades is dotted with pedestals
and platforms upon which are models
relating particularly to the developed
system of transportation of to-day. On
one side, for instance, is 2 beautiful re-
production in minature of the double-
decked ferry-boat “Washington,” one
of the fleet plying between Jersey City
and New York. In every particular
the model maker has closely followed
the original, and has succeeded in turn-
ing out a piece of work as nearly per-
fect in every detail as it is possible to
imagine. On gala days it is proposed
to decorate this little vessel with bunt-
ing, and arrangements have been made
to light the interior with electric lights
precisely as the boat from which it is
copied is lighted. The method of hand-
ling freight cars in New York Harbor
is shown here in the same way by means
of models of a tug-boat and float. To-
wards the other end of the building are
lay figures in uniform of the several
classes of employes of the company.
An object of considerable interest to
many is a perspective map, thirty-three
feet long, showing the position of each
train in motion on the morning of Col-
umbian Day, October 21st, 1892.
With regard to the arrangement of
the exhibits in the cases, and the swing-
ing frames, considerable care has been
exercised to carry out the fundamental
ideas of grouping and contrast. One
corner has, therefore, been given up to
those features which have especially to
do with motive power, another is devoted
to engineering and maintenance of way,
a third relates particularly to the relief
department of the company, and in the
remaining quarter of the spacious room
are general relics.
A feature of much interest to the vis-
itor is the Bureau of Information, which
will be maintained in the building. Ex-
perienced employes will be placed in
charge, who will not answer questions
concerning the exhibits, but will give
information relative to train schedules
in current use, and other matters of in-
terest to the traveler.
Complete as this exhibit of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad Company would seem,
it is lacking in one or two essentials;
but this lack is made up, the visitor
will iind, when the General Transpor-
tation Building comes in for inspection.
There the company has deemed best to
exhibit its finished products of 1892, in
the shape of cars, turned out at its own
Altoona shops, and accordingly shows
three specimens of most excellent work-
manship—a standard passenger coach,
a standard refrigerator car, in which
dairy products are transported, a stand-
ard track-inspection car, and a track-
indicator which shows graphically the
condition of the track, such as is used
annually by the company’s officers in
making a tour of the lines prior to
awarding prizes for the best pieces of
road-bed, &c. Altogether the exhibit
reflects abundant credit upon the comn-
pany iu general, and in particular upon
Mr. Theodore N. Ely, Chief of Motive,
Power, who conceived the general
scheme, and Mr. J Elfreth Watkins,
who, with years of service as a civil en-
gineer in the employ of the company,
and a subsequent experience of seven
years as curator of the transportation
section of the Smithsonian Institution,
has so successfully carried it into execu-
The Stanford University.
The Richest College in the World—Its Wealth
Hard to Estimate.
The newspaper accounts of the estate
left by the late Senator Stanford have
started speculation as to the value of his
endowment of the university which
bears his name. Few people have any
definite idea of the actual sum of money
represented by the property which will
come into the possession of the trustees
of the university when Mrs. Stanford
That property consists of three pieces
of land—Palo Alto, 8,400 acres, of
which a large portion is under high cul-
tivation, being planted in vines which
have been found to suit the soil. Grid-
ley, 22,000 acres, which have been
planted to wheat, and will probably be
gradually planted in vines, and Vina,
59,000 acres, of which between 4,000
and 5,000 acres, are planted in vines,
Of these three the Vina estate is, of
course, the most valuable. There are,
in round numbers, 3,000,000 grape
vines on the estate, which yielded last
year 11,000 tons of grapes. When all
the vines now planted are in full bear-
ing, the product will be something like
20,000 tons of grapes per year ; and the
vineyard is growing from year to year.
A large portion of the Vina estate is
used for raising horses of all the various
breeds, and other portions are employed
as cow -pastures, sheep. pastures and hog-
pastures. It is difficult to form an
adequate idea of the money value of |
such land at the present time, and al-
most impossible to guess what it will be
when a better knowedge of the peculari-
ties of the soil and climate and the
handling of the grapes will enable Cali-
fornia wines to command the same price
as the foreign product. But land!
which will grow five tons of grapes to
alone represents an endowment to the
college of $8,000,000 and 2a present in- |
come of about half a million a year.
This, it will be remembered, is exclu-
sive of the Palo Alto property, the
Gridley ranch and the fifty-odd
thousand acres of land at Vina not
planted in vines. If all the land in the
three properties were planted in vines it
would 1epresent the enormous sum of
$200,000,000 and an annual income of
over $11,000,000 a year.
No university in America bas any-
thing like such an endowment. Ac-
cording to the college registers the lead-
ing universities are endowed as follows:
Columbia $13,000,000
Harvard 11,000,000
Yale 10,000,000
University of California 7,000,000
Johns Hopkins 3,000,000
The endowment of the Leland Stan-
ford cannot be added to the list, because
no one can tell its real amount. The
Vina vineyard represents $8,000,000 at
present, with a possible extension of
over ten times that amount in the early
future ; but no one possesess the infor-
mation required to appraise Palo Alto
or Gridley. It may be said, without
fearing contradiction, that its resources
are far 1n excess of those of any other
educational establishment in the world
and that it will never need to deny it-
self anything, from a library to an ob-
servatory or a laboratory, on the ground
of expense. It is quite possible that
when the properties which are devoted
to its support yield their full income it
will find it possible to abolish all fees
for tuition and to reduce the charge for
board below that which a pupil would
cost at home.
An Industrial Panic.
Panics in this country have generally
been brought about by overspeculation,
by an undue inflation of the value of
stocks upon which more money had
been loaned than was warranted by
their actual value. In such panics the
disturbances and failures, though being
of large amounts, were generally limited
to speculators of all classes, and, soon
after the crash was over, business moved
along steadily again. In our recent ex-
perience the cause was an entirely dif-
ferent one, says the American Econo-
We do find, even after months of fi-
nancial stringency, that the stringency
has not yet been removed. Money has
not returned into circulation, but is evi-
dently being locked up for safe keeping.
There is no renewal of stock purchasers,
which always act as a barometer of com-
mercial prosperity. On the contrary,
the conservative feeling is growing.
Trade is contracting. Manufactures
have become cautious and show a dispo-
sition to close their mills or work on
part time. They are very sceptical as
to what crders they accept, in some in-
stances even demanding cash with the
In the face of an expected and prom-
ised reduction in the tariff, which will
permit the importation of large quanti-
ties ot foreign goods similar to those we
are now manufacturing, it is but right
that they should prepare. The whole
trouble hinges upon the tariff, which
affects our industries, thus creating an
industrial panic. There is butone rem-
edy for this condition, namely, an ap-
peal, on the part of the people, for the
maitenance of the existing tariff as it
now stands. This the people most de-
“Paddle Your Own Canoe.”
Mrs. Sarah T. bolton, the poetess,
who died at her home in Indianapolis
last week aged about 80 years.
Was a native of Kentacky, and wrote
her first poem before she was 14 years
old, and a povel before she was 16.
Her husband, Nathaniel Bolton, was
appointed consul to Geneva in 1855,
and during their stay abroad she met
many literary people. Among her
warm friends were Horace Greeley,
Bayard Taylor, Nathaaiel P. Willis,
Georze P. Morris and Robert Dale
Owen. She wrote many popular songs,
among them “I Cannot Call Her Moth-
er,’ and “Paddle Your Own Canoe.”
The theme of the latter was suggested
by personal experience. She was State
Librarian of Indiana at the time, and
being unable to get help to prepare for
the opening of the Legislature and the
reception of the Governor, went to Cin-
cinnati and bought carpet, hemmed it,
sewed it together and tacked it to the
floor herself. Then she wrote the
poem, which hada place in all the
school readers a generation ago. The
last verse runs :
Nothing great is lightly won,
Nothing won is lost :
Every good deed nobly done
Will Fapay the cost.
Leave to heaven in humble trust
All you will to do ;
But i id succeed you must
Paddle your own canoe.
The refrain of the song has become
a “household word.”
Pennsylvania Day.
Thursday, September 7, has been
selected as Pennsylvania day at the
World’s Fair. Great preparations are
being made for it at the Pennsylvania
State building, and as the season is one
when cooler weather will doubtless
have brought a large attendance which
will surely include many Pennsylva-
nians, the event ought to be a success.
Pennsylvania day at the Centennial
Exposition was the ‘‘great day of the
feast.” Of course this cannot be expect-
ed at Chicago, but it is hoped that all
Pennsylvaniars who can make it suit to
time their visit to Chicago for that date
will turn out on Pennsylvania day and
do credit to the Keystone State.
The Smallest Picture Ever Made.
The smallest painting ever made
was the work of the wife of a Flemish
artist. It depicted a mill with the sails
bent, the miller mounting the stairs
with a sack of grain upon his back.
Upon the terrace where the mill stood
was a cart and horse, and on the road
the acre has a definite and well-known
value in France and Germany, and
there is no reason why it should be dif-
ferent here. It is worth as nearly &s
possible $2,000 an acre in the Gironde
and on the Rhine, and though it could
not be sold for any such sum at present
in this State, it will earn interest on
that amount. Thus the Vina vineyard
leading to it several peasants were
shown. The picture was beautifully
finished, and every object was very
distinct, and yet it was so amazingly
small that its surface could be covered
with a grain of corn.
——Let no weeds go to seed.
For and About Women.
Lettuce is said to be a sleep producer,
' as is also celery.
| Black guipure lace was never more
| popular than it is to-day.
It is said that alcohol will immediate
| ly remove grass stains from any white
For a burn take sweet oil and lime-
water, equal parts ; mix and keep the
burn well covered with it.
A beautiful sleeve for an evening
gown is a three-tiered broad frill, the:
last one falling to the elbow.
"All traces of mud can easily be re-
moved from black clothes by rubbing
the spots with a raw potato cut in half,
One of the most fashionable combina-
tions of the hour is black and cream col.
or, which is not only modest and lady-
like but universally becoming.
Mark Twain’s eldest daughter, Miss
Clara Clemens, not yet 20 years of age.
has written a play of an allegorical
character, which is said to be charming
and clever.
Skirts are narrower and less triangu.
lar in form. Among the very latest
productions only muslin gowns are
flounced and frilled. Cloth and silk are
made up in straight, graceful folds, sel-
dom ornamented by the bias bands that
were so popular in the spring.
Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper, who organized
the first kindergarten in San Francisco
in 1880, has received more than $300,
| 000 to enable her to carry on the work.
There are now sixtyfive kindergartens
in the city, and more than 10,000 child-
ren have been trained in them.
For painful sore feet caused by exces.
sive walking, long standing or constant
movement, as in the use of the sewing
machine, a dusting powder of equal
parts of equal parts of precipitated chalk
and tannin, or the tannin alone, will be.
of much service. Apply twice daily af-
ter bathing the feet in warm water.
As useful as it is fashionable is a box-
plaited ruche of black satin ribbon,
which is worn as a boa with different
costumes. It should be very full to
give a‘thick, round effect, and the plaits
should be tacked only on one edge in-
stead of through the middle in the
usual way. Double faced satin rlbbon,
three inches wide is required.
It seems to be quite a popular fad to.
wear in the evening instead of regular
hats or bonnets little bandeaux that set
upon the hair and end in front with an
aigrette and plain loops. Ribbon is
generally the material employed by the
younger members of society, but jet and
metal bands are used with good effect
as well by those who consider the ribbon.
too youthful a decoration.
Next to her collection of belts the
young woman who aspires to be a sum.
mar girl, indulges in getting together
fichus. There are soft, narrow, some-
what triangular pieces of white silk
mull, with ruffles about four inches
wide, to be worn when a rather Quaker-
ship effect is to be produced. Thereare
little square yokes made of bands of lace
insertion, trimmed with a narrow lace
ruffle and fastened to a standing collar
of lace. There are triangular yokes and
there are jabots. There are lace scarfs
and point d'esprit scarfs. Someend mn
the belt, some flow gracefully down to
the foot of the skirt and some end at the
chest. But they are all extremely pret-
It takes so much ‘0 make a women
g ood company. She must be witty and
bright and quick and bave a certain
smattering of science. philosophy, polite
ics, social economics, languages, litera.
ture, tennis, base-ball, golf, horses, law
billiards, medicine, geography, delsar<
tism and Heaven only knows what not,
and with all she has to manage them
with consummate skill or they are not
worth anything, and yet look at a man.
If he can say 1n a bright way some of
the things he heard at the last minstrel
show, laugh a good deal and has the
ability to act semi-idiotic, he is consider-
ed “the jolliest kind ofa fellow.” He
does not have to know a thing. Queer
isn’t it ?
To say that there is anything wonder-
fully new would be misleading, for in
August fashions are in that midway
state between hay and grass that makes
it hard to write even pleasantly of what’
has been, and impossible to chronicle
what is to be. However, one can tell
of what one sees daily, even though the
costumes, wraps and hats thus written
about are not up to the very latest notch
of fashion. Ata garden party the oth.
er day there was a perfectly charming
dress made of soft, white silk, studded
with yellow sp)ts no larger than a pin’s
point. The skirt was double, and both
upper and underskirt were accordion
plaited and edged with a dozen rows of
yellow ribbon. The bodice was also
secordion plaited, the sleeves being
large puffs to the elbow and from there
close-fitting to the wrist. Over the
sleeves in epaulette fashion were gather
ed flounces of rich lace, and at the neck
and waist were a soft collar and belt of
plain yellow satin.
The girl with the very low forehead
and hair well grown on the temples had
better turn the hair back directly from
the temples and as near up to the part
as seems becoming. This will ems
phasize the beauty of a wide, low fore.
head and keep her from giving weight
to the face by hiding the temples or
clustering hair about the ears. A girl
can choose between suggesting a poodle
dog or a Madonna by attention to ber
best possibilities in this way. She who
has a well shaped head, who cuts her
hair to show it and who is now letting it
grow, had better not try a knot, because
knots must be tidy now, Let her wave
and curl ber hair all over, and comb it
straight up, softly, from the nape of the
neck. The pretty, soft ends will come
on the crown of the head perhaps, and
there can be disposed with the front
hair so that really no one can tell what
she has done with her hair, all the little
ends that would have spoiled a knot add
the character and pretty confusion of
this sort of a head dress, and the fore.
head may have a central part, and the
Madonna temples may be accomplished,
too. Only, of course, the hair must be
! well curled so that all the locks cling to
each other.