Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 18, 1892, Image 1

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    There’s a Great Day coming.
When Democrats will decide
Who'll bear the glorious banner
Who'll be the party’s pride.
There’ll be great names and less ones, °
Recorded on the “Minute.”
But when the Convention ’s over,
D. B. will not be “in it.”
—!“Tangle foot” fly paper will never
be made strong enough to hold time
—Seventy cents worth of silver mak-
ing a hundred cents worth of money
seems to be a veritable case of the tail
wagging the doe.
—Poor MAHER was so badly cut up
over his fistic encounter that he tried to
commit suicide. What a blessing if ha
had only succeeded.
~The National Committe cn arts for
the World’s Fair might begin to look
up a piece of real Ameri can tin'to be ex-
hibited among the curiosities.
—CAMERON and Quay might at least
have left some wooden men to fill their
chairs in the Senate. But then their ab-
sence might not have been noticed.
—If the World’s Fair is not to show
itself on Sunday what will the average
female, whose centre of interest is in the
Sunday bonnets of her sex, find to
—The Kaiser seems to have an aggra-
vated attack of swelled head, yet it is'nt
near large enough to support the gear
of sovereignty in the triple role of Em-
peror, Pope and Jupiter.
---The great gold “strike,” at Creede,
may materially enhance the chances of
the silver bill, for there is the best of
metal evidence that the rarer metal
will fluctuate considerably in value.
—S1MPsoN has taken to bicycling as a
substitute for the exercise he formerly
got while ploughing, but how in the
world can JERRY wear knickerbockers
and riding shoes with such an aversion
to socks,
—The Oil City Blizzard says: “In
England they “stand” for office.” It
might not be traducing the language to
use the same term here if one can judge
from the number of stud horse politi-
cians we have.
—And now HARRISON is into the
Behring sea trouble with both feet.
He’s very wise for it will take all the
seal pelts he can scrape together to thaw
him out after the chilling blasts, of next
fall, have swept over him.
—Young Jim BLAINE is going to try
the holy brass bands of matrimony
again. This time he has fallen in love
with a young Irish girl who will fur
nish the ducats for the prestige which
his father’s name has given him.
—The Philadelphia Inquirer has ac-
tually awakened to a realization of the
fact that it won't be able to pull Quay
through unless he stays at home and at- |
tends to his business. Perhaps the
Press is trying to shake the boss too.
—A Philadelphia ship captain beg
found an Adamless Eden among the
South sea i:les. There 522 beautiful
dames hold sway and according to the
captain’s description they, were attired
in the most bewitching tashion—a la fig
—BLAINE was sly enough to steal all
the glory (?) from the Chilean fiasco,
but HARRISON is trying hard to get
even now, while the plumed knight is
sick, by stirring up a rumpus with Eng-
land. He will find twisting the lion’s
tail an entirely different matter from
trampling upon a helpless country.
--The one subject of discussion in
Philadelphia just now is where is the
best site for the mint and the monu-
ment? If the monument is as far ‘‘out
of sight” to the Quaker as is the new
mint we think they could ,more profita-
bly spend their time looking up the site
of GID. MARSH'S present whereah outs.
—The cranky traveler, who tries to
find out whether the sheets on his hotel
bed are damp by placing his watch be-
tween them, little thinks that the film,
or mist, on the crystal will be there all
the same whether the bed be damp or
not. How could he expect anything
else when the bed—and the watch itsely
for that matter—has a spring in it.
—2 o'clock a. m. (The paternal voice
is heard from above :) “Isabel? what is
that scraping noise down there.”
Fair Isabel, (as she gropes wildly
about in the dark for her lover's hat,)
“Oh nothing, father, only Charley
striking a match.”
Relieved parent (to his wife gas he
staggers to the bed.) ‘Thank the Lorg
there’s one of the six gone at last.’
—The great water tunnel for Chicago
has proven a failure and wise acres are
busy telling the people why the experi-
ment proved unsuccessful. The supply
Was not even large enough to properly
water the stock ‘on change’’ let alone
furnishing all that was required for
domestic and manufacturing purposes.
It appears that the projectors of the
scheme did not take into consideration
“the enormous quantities evaporated b
windy places.
How Protection Protects Them.
Another straw that shows the direc
tion in which the “protection” wind
blows, has just been stuck up down at
Pottstown. Messrs. © Corrop and
SAYLOR, proprietors of the extensive,
bridge building works at that place,
have notified their 500 employees that
after the 14th inst. a reduction of ten
per cent. on all wages, will be made,
and that those who do not wish to
stand it must seek employment else-
This isa very practical illustration
of the way protection protects working-
men, With the exception of the bogus
“tin-plate industry,” there is no class
of manufacturers who are more popu-
larly supposed to receive ail the benefits
a protective policy is intended to guar-
antee, than those engaged in just such
work as the Pottstown bridge com-
pany. Therc is not a beam, a bol, a
bur or a rod, » turned out of their mills
that is not on the government’sjlist of
protected articles, or that any foreign
made material, for the same purpose,
can come in competition with without
first paying a duty of from twenty to
sixty per cent.
In the name and in the interest of
the workingmen of the United States
this duty was asked. It wasjheralded
from the stump, through the press and
in all manner of political documents,
during the entire Harrrsox campaign,
and it will again be heralded in the
same way and in the same interests in
the coming campaign, “that)!“protec-
tion” is not for the sole benefit of the
companies and corporations engaged in
mining and manufacturing, but to en-
able them to employ more labor and to
pay it better wages—to give to our
workingmen better prices than are
paid in Europe, and secure them more
of the necessaries and comforts] of life,
than their brother-workingmen in the
old world enjoy.
Thereis not a Republican working-
man who voted for “Harrisox and
protection,” who did not honestly be-
lieve that in doing so, he was voting
to secure himself and others steadier
work and ‘better wages. There is not
one of them who sustained thay party
in its passages of the McKivtey bill,
but was left under the impression, that
its results would be to increase the
price of labor, as well as the comforts
of life the laborer should have, And
there is not one of them now, after
three years of Harrrson rule, and a
full and fair trial of his “(ariff policy,”
who can point to a single instance in
which labor has been benefited by it,
or toa solitary casein which wages
have been advanced as a consequence
of its good results. 3
As in this Pottstown case, so has it
been in every other. As the proprie-
tors pocketed the increased price that
protection secured? for the out-put of
their mines or mills, greed grew, and
they further attempted;to increase their
profits by a reduction of the wages paid
their employees. It was to fil] their
pockets and not to jenablejjthem to pay
more remunerative wages, as theyjpre-
tended, that protection was wanted.
It has been the history of every mine
and manufactory whose out-put 18
upon the list of protected articles :—
Higher prices for our products,llower
wages for our workingmen |
Are the workingmen so blind that
they cannot see? Are they so preju-
diced that they will not heed? Are
they so deaf to every appeal to reason
that they will not hear ?
Do they know of a single instance in
which wages have gone up inlconse-
quence of the enforcement of thejpro-
tective policy? Has the demand for
labor increased, or the opportunities to
earn an honest and decent living en-
larged ?
The 500 workingmen of Pottstown
whose families, after Monday next
will eat less bread, wear thinner clothes
and have fewer of the necessities of
life, will know from practical experi-
ence, how much protection for labor
thereis in Republican promises, pro-
fessions and enactments, just as the
workingmen in thousands of other
places have discovered months ago.
_Asitisin Pottstown, so is it in every
section of the country where labor is
employed.—Republican rule secures
this certain result :—Less wages or no
‘——F'ine job work of ever discription
at the WaTcEMAN Office,
Facts Don’t Show That Way.
It may be necessary, as some presi-
dent makers assert, for the Democracy
to find its candidate in New York, but
really, when one comes to look at it
ia the light of past elections, there
seems to be much more of mere opinion
in this position, than basis furnished
by facts. :
Since 1860, every candidate for presi-
dent the Democrats have had to vote
for, was taken from New York, with
the exceptions of General McCLELLAN,
who was practically more of a New
Yorker, than a Jerseyman, to which
State he was credited, and General
Haxcock, who resided and voted in
New York although accredited to
Pennsylvania, :
In these thirty-two years we have
been successful once. In seven presi-
dential campaigns, victory has one
single time been recorded and enjoyed,
under the lead of a New York candi
date, and following a policy largely
dictated by her politicians,
If past experience is worth profiting
by, surely there is nothing in giving
to New York the nominee, simply be-
cause he is a resident of that State, or
represents the political ideas and policy
of New York leaders.
Any other State in the Union, con-
ceded the opportunity of furnishing
the nominee on every occasion, since
the war, would have hit on some one,
at some time, who would have carried
the banner of Democracy to triumphant
Here in Pennsylvania, the worst
ring-ruled, rotten and boss-ridden com-
monwealth in the country, with more
money, power and influences against
the Democracy, than any other State
in the Union possesses, we have carri-
ed it five times in twenty years and
will do it again in 1892, unless existing
conditions and the Republican situation
changes materially,
A New York candidate, furnishes no
assurance of suceess to the Democracy.
Any good, clean, representative Demo.
crat, let him be a resident of what
State: he may, on the right platforin,
will be just as available, as any candi:
New York can present.
It is time the Democracy was grow-
ing tired of New York domination and
New York defeats.
EE ————
Where Justice Should be Withheld. |
Nearly every day of our lives we read
acsounts of verdant countrymen hay-
ins been fleeced out of large sums of
money, by the so called “green goods”
game, and invariably, after they have
realized that instead of growing rich
in a day that they have been unmerei-
fully skinned, they run to police head-
quarters with their tales of woe and
want the scoundrels hunted down.
The latest illustration we have is
the case of James W. Coox, a country
merchant from Fairfax, S, C., who, on
last Monday, went to New York to
buy $5000 worth of counterfeit bills for
$500. When he arrived in Philadel
phia he thought to take a peep at his
treasure (?) but to his dismay the
“green goods’ men had wrapped up a
brick and placed it in his valise,
Coox of course gave his case to the po-
lice and expects them to get his money
back for him. Should it be done ?
No! most emphatically, no! He
should have been arrested and tried as
an accomplice to counterfeiters, For
if his valise had really contained the
$5000 in “queer” money, there is every
reason (to believe that he would have
worked it off as soon as possible and
the fact that he had paid $300 for it is
the best evidence asto his intent, If
he had realized $4500 out of the trans-
action are we to suppose he would have
said anything about it to the authori-
ties? We rather think he would have
chuckled at his successful little game
as his New York friends are probably
doing at this very moment,
Mr. Coon is more clearly guilty ota
serious crime against our laws than are
the fellows who succeeded in duping
him, for while they simply lured him
on with stories of the fortunes to be de-
rived)from *‘shoving jthe queer,” they
did not show or try to pass any of it,
and more than likely never had any in
their possession, though by his invest.
ment of $500 Mr. CooN gave the best
evidence as to how he would have
used it.
Justice to such persons should only
be given in the way of fines and im-
As a result of the hearing in the
railroad combine case, had before
Attorney: General HexseL, on Thurs:
day of last week, that gentleman will
prepare a bill in equity and submit the
question of the constitutionality of the
“deal,” to the courts for a decision,
That this action will meet the hearty
approval of every citizen of the Com-
monwealth, whose interests are in See-
ing that every provision of the consti-
tution is properly enforced, there can
be no doubt, but what the Republican
bapers, that have been howling them-
selves hoarse because the Democratic
State administration, would not make
of itself a judicial tribunal and deter.
mine without facts, that the Reading
railroad deal was | unconstitutional,
there is no little curiosity,
Whether these same journals, that
bave been so certain that they knew
all about constitutional law and con-
stitutional requirements, will be as
free with their advise, and as voluble
in their explanations to the Court, to
which the case will be taken, as they
were lo the Governor and his Attorney
General, remains to be seen. As long
as this transaction was a question in
the hands of the Democratic adminis:
tration, there was no doubt, in the
minds of these Republican constitu.
tional expounders, of the illegality of
the combine and the enormity of the
wrong the consolidation would effect,
| Now that a Republican court may
have to determine the matter, and ag
there is no certainty that its decision
will be in accord with the views and
statements, that have been furnished
| the people through the Republican
| press, more for political than any other
| purpose, we look for consideraple sil-
| ence where there was formerly 20 much
| noise, and for but little information
| from parties and papers that seemed
| bursting with a pregnaney of opinions,
: which they attempted to unload upon
a gullible public as facts,
i By the time this question is finally
"and judicially settled, some people will’
| possibly discover that the gun that
goes off at “half-cock,” generally does
more damage to its owner, than to the
[ game it is intended to bring down.
Their Weather Eye Upon Politics,
The eastern Republican papers are
terribly exercised over the fear of the
| Passage of the free silver bill and are
| heaping upon the Democrats in Con.
| gress any amount of denaaciation, for
fixing a day for its consideration, In
the list of congressman who voted with
the free silver men to set apart three
days of the present session for the con-
sideration of the Braxp bill, we do not
dnd the name of a single Democratic
representative from Pennsylvania,
while the Republicans of the State fur-
nish them with three votes, Darzerr,
Rira and Stone. When this party
that in the east, declares fres silver to
be a fraud, and in the wes: unites to
force it upon the country, succeeds in
getting their own representatives, as a
body, to "vote against this proposed
legislation, it will be time enough for
them to howl about the course of the
Democratic majority in congress.
The trouble with the Republicans, is
not the fear that the passage of a free
coinage act would d:bage the currency
of the country or jeopardize or embar-
rass its business industries. Their fears
are that if such a measure should pass
both houses of congress, that the presi-
dent's veto, which is known would be
given it, would ruin their chances of
carrying the western states that are for
free coinage, in the presidential con-
Itis not the interests of the- country
they are looking after ; it is the interest
of Mr. HarrisoN and the Republican
party that most concerns them.
ER —————
——There isa queer consistency in
some people’s political positions,
While DavzeLr, the anti Quay Repub-
lican candidate for United States Sen-
ate is in Washington voting for ‘free
silver and a debased coinage,” as the
Opponents of this measure put it, his
backers here in Penngylvania, are
abusing the Democracy like thieves
for voting just as he is doing. If the
Democracy deserve defeat because of
their action on the coinage question
why should Mr. DavzeLs be elected
after supporting this same measure ?
will do now, is a matter about which |
He's the Fellow We Want.
From the Atchison (Kan.) Patriot,
A few of the Democratic politicians
who think that they make and unmake
Democratic presidents are at present
making quite a noise, but when the peo-
‘ple meet by their delegates, at Chicago
la June, they will kick aside all the
schemes and nominate a candidate that
tie people can and will elect.
A Hint to Harrison,
From tiie Detroit Free Press,
President Harrison ought’ ta invite
the New Jersey potters: to dine with
him off that imported ching bearing the
legend: “E Pluribus Unum 7° As
members of the class for whose benefit
the heavy duty is imposed on French
China they would undoubtedly enjoy a
meal off the foreign product in the com.
pany of the man to whom they look for
the carrying out of the policy which is
intended to keep it out of the country.
Two Vacant Chairs in the Senate,
From the Danville Intelligencer,
- The lone fisherman, Matt Quay, still
spends his leisure hours fishing for tar-
pon in the Floriday waters, This is a
snap that a good many of his constitu.
ents would like to fall into, loafirg with
hook and line and be paid from $8 to
$10 a day. The time was when a man
was elected United States Senator from
Pennsylvania that he expected to and
did perform some service to the State,
but those days have passed. Neither
Cameron nor Quay are in their seats
half, or a third of their time:
It Wasn't the Law He Was After but
the Profits of the Law.
From the Stubenville (0.) Gazette. ,
Had John Wanamaker tested the Me-
Kinley law before the Supreme Court
what would the result have been? It
has not been so very long since John
made $2,000,000 out of case of this
sort. He went to court with a claim
that he had been overcharged tariff on
ribbons. He had sold the ribbons and
collected the tariff from his customers.
Then he won his suit, and again collect.
ed the tariff from the government.
John knows how to catch the coon go-
in’ and comin’ if any body does.
The Difference.
From the National Democrat.
We invite the attention of the Reput-
licans who, think the negro is frightfully
waltreated in the South to the fact that
an Towa court, a few days ago, decided
that the keeper of a restaurant might re-
fuse to serve a colored man, as & restau-
ant was not technically a public house,
while the Memphis Appeal Avalanche a
few months ago published this signifi-
cant paragraph: “All the leading ei-
ties of Mississippi are competing for the
i site of the XxPy Holmes’ Colored Girls’
Seminary, A’ citizens’ meeting was
i held in Natchez yesterday to present
| the advantages of that place as a suitas
ble location.”
Time Works Wonders.
From he Bedford Gazette.
In the Fifty-first Congress that little
cocksparrow, John Dalzell, was Boss
Quay’s chief agent in the conspiracy to
steal enough Democratic seats in the
House of Representatives to give the
Republicans ¢g working majority,”
Last week Mr. Dalzell made an impas-
sioned speech, protesting against the
“outrage” of unseating a Republican
who wasn’t elected. While the debate
was in progress the presiding officer of
tke house was Mr. Pendleton, of West
Virginia, one of the victims of the Quay-
Dalzell plot of the Fifty-first Congress.
Another strange feature of the present
situation is that Dalzell is now the lead.
erin the movement to drive Quay out of
the Senate.
* Work to Win.
From the N. Y. World.
The object of the Democratic party’s
existence is to secure Democratic poli-
cies in government and legislation.
The immediate aim of the party is to
work certain Democratic reforms which
are pressingly needed in the interests of
the entire people.
If these ends are to be accomplished
within the next four years the Demo.
cratic party must win in this year’s
It can win easily if there is union of
effort and unfaltering loyalty on the
part of all Democrats. It is the imper-
ative duty of all Democrats to insist up-
on such union of effort and to cultivate
such loyalty.
Pending the selection of candidates
there are wide differences of opinion and
wide diversities of desire among Demo-
crats. But there is no difference of
opinion as to the essential principles of
emocracy, and there must in no case
be any lukewarmuess of desire for the
party’s success.
It is important for each Democrat to
remember while trying to direct the
preliminary work of the party in the
channel he prefers that the dominant
purpose before which all subordinate
considerations must give way is to elect
& Democratic president and a Demo-
cratic congress, so that Democratic re-
form may be wrought and Democratic
policies be restored.
1 The party must win
——If you want printing of any de-
scription the WATCHMAN office is the
place to have it done,
in this year’s
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Freshets are reported all over the state.
—Wilkesbarre is projecting a home for girls”
and aged women. :
—Forty Fort (Luzerne county)publie schools
are closed by mum ps.
—The study of music has been introduced
into Reading schools,
: —Nearly 100 hogs were burned to death ina
railroad wreck at Altoona,
—Wilkesbarre has 119 newly-licensed retail
saloons ; revenue, $74,600. A
—A robber hiding in a Pittsburg cellar be-
-trayed himself by sneezing.
—Berks county residents are keing shower-
ed with green goods circulars,
—In the vicinity of Pottstown $700 hag been
collected for the Russian sufferers.
—Reading real estate speculators have
bought up 115 building lots in that city.
—A young girl read a paper on farming to
grizzled grangers at Robesonia recently.
—Receiver Collins, of the embarrassed bank
at Muncy, says the aepositors will be paid in
full, !
—The expense of running the Berks eounty
Prison was $17,000 more than the income last
—Dullness of trade has compelled a reduc-
tion of wages at the Mellert Pipe Foundry at
Reading. i
—Forty-two thousand trout fry were distri.
—The Reading Press Club will raise funds
by hiring a hall and gelting out a newspaper
on its stage.
—Thereare 500 members of the sect known
as “River Brethren” in Lebanon and Dauphin
—At the Merrian Colliery, Mount Carmel, a
coal gas explosion burned Michael Colgan and
August Wohler.
—Governor Pattison has appointed Henry
M. Boies, of Scranton, a member of the State
Board of Charities.
—Tamaqua firemen have presented a couple
ship boys at Reading. 55
—An electric railway connecting]! Reading
and Lebanon, covering a distance of twenty -
eight miles, will be built.
to wounded soldiers to peddle their own Wares;
partners not permissible.
—Media, Chester, South Chester and Eddy-
stone are all to be connectad with an electric
railway in the near future.
—For alleged elopement from Williamsport
with Lena Mills, aged 16, Gottfried Kraft, mar-
ed, was airested at Scranton,
—Michael Kail, who conducted a Hungarian
bank at Greensburg, missing, with about $10,
000 of his depositors money.
—During a quarrel at a dance in Salem town-
ship, Westmoreland county, on Friday, Oliver,
P. Smith stabbed Joseph Miller.
—Con Dougherty and another laborer were
killed by a boiler explosion at the oil well of
Greenlee & Frost, near McDonald,
—The 8.year-old ‘daughter’ of Lewis Blue”
day. IIer clothing had ignited from a stove.
was only absent on business and has returned.
—The Democratic State Convention will be
held at Harrisburg, on April 13 next; the Re-
Publican Convention at the same place April
—Seven already motherless children are
left orphans by a. fall of coal, killing Miner
William Murrack, of the Em pire shaft, Wilkes-
barre. ;
—Under the general municipal act of 1889,
Reading Councils will create a Bureau of Wa-
ter and Lighting. It will be composed of three
commissioners. . i
—Presidents Mcleod and Roberts, of the
Reading and “Pennsy” roads, will be invited
together to the Board of Trade banquet in
Reading on April 29,
--John “tewart, an itinerant
found drowned in the Muncey Creek, near
Williamsport, on F; iday. He probably walked
overboard accidentally.
—Goyernor Pattison has received a? patition
signed by 23,000 persons from Pottsville, stat-
ing that the coal deal will be of benefit to the
people in Schuylkill county.
—Louis H. James, the well-known Doyles-
town attorney, has been missing from his
home since Friday week, and no information
can be obtained as to his whereabouts.
—Harry D. Welsh and Samuel Crawford,
conducter and brakeman of the Pennsylvania
Railroad shifting crew, were convicted at Lan=
caster Tuesday ot robbing freight trains.
—A freight train wreck occurred on the
Pennsylvania Railroad at Coatesville on Mon-
day night. Sixteen freight cars were wrecked
and David Mowery, a brakeman, was badly
—Drugged whisky was administered by the
servant, it is charged, to the little son of Mrge
Mary Coyle, of Pittsburg, and the doctors say
the child’s reason has been permanently in-
—Mrs. David X. Morgan, of Plymouth, in-
censed at her husband for dru nkenness, com-
mitted suicide last evening by taking a ham.
mock and hanging herself to the door of her
—The residence of Hess W. Christie, ex-
Register and Recorder of Butler county, and
a well-known oil man of Butler Place, was
sold by Sheriff Brown to John Berg, the bank-
er, for $27,000.
—A bullet, the course of which was almost
spent, crashed through a Leesport Trinity
Chureb window, whizzing by Pastor Lein-
bach’s head and fell practically harmless on a
deacon’s cranium.
—A donation of $5000 has beenjmade to Hay-
erford College for the purpose of establishing
& memorial fund tothe late J. Wistar i Brown,
president of the Board of Managers. The gift
comes from his family,
—While Albert Strobecker, was | walking
along the Schuylkill Valley road, near Locust-
wood, Montgomery county, he was attacked
by tramps, and stabbed several times, But for
his timely discovery he would have died from
exhaustion, s
—Ferdinand Beuroch, a typhoid fever pa-
tient at the St. Francis’ hospital, Pittsburg,
while suffering from delirium, jumped from a
third story window of the institution and sus-
tained injuries which were followed almost in-
stantly by death,
—The Southern Building and Loan Associa.
tion, of Tennessee, has been given leave to
open an office in Philadelphia. The Mecklin
Brothers’ Chemical Com pany, of Philadelphia,
has amended its name to “Manufacturing,” in-
stead of “Chemical.” .
buted in the sireams around Lock Haven
of goats, typical of bock beer, to. the Friend-
—Berks county has issued 216 free licenses
bell, of Frenchville, was burned to death Sun” ;
* —Banker: Kail, of Mount Pleasant, whose
‘disappearance caused alarm among depositorss, -
artist, was