Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 22, 1891, Image 4

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    I MM a a pesmi
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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advanee
Beliefonte, Pa., May 22, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - -
Democratic County Committee, 1891.
Bellefonte, Ne We.cocceeeerranrene We 8. Galbraith
$e S. W. .... Joseph Wise
iy W.W... . John Dunlap
Centre Hall Borough. .. John T. Lee
Howard Borough....... .. H. A. Moore
Milesburg Borough A. M. Butler
. A. C. Musser
mes A. Lukens
.. C. A. Faulkner
Milheim Borough...
Philipsburg, 1s Ww
Shyry 3d ... A J Gorton
Unionville Borough. .eeeeeeeeeseees E. M.Griest
Burnside......... Eugene Meeker
Benner..... ee Fone:
oggs, N. P.. .... Philip Confer
DE ns T. F. Adams
" Po. G. H. Leyman
College, E. P.. .. W. H. Mokle
“ W.P. . James Foster
Curtin......... - . J. McCloskey
Daniel Dreibelbis
Geo. W. Keichline
... Chas. W. Fisher
.... James P. Grove
Isaac M.Orndorf
.. Geo. B. Shaffer
«.... Bilis Lytle
... J. W. Keller
W.T. Leathers
.... Henry Hale
. Alfred Bitner
.. John J. Shaffer
James P. Frank
... P. A. Sellers
«ee J, C. Stover
eee 8. W. Smith
... Jas. B. Spangler
.... Jas. Dumbleton
eesss Hugh McCann
. Thomas Turbidy
..... John D. Brown
.. Jerry Donovan
. James Carson
... E.E. Ardery
. W.T. Hoover
Chas. H. Rush
. D. A. Dietrick
... 0.D.Eberts
. A. SCHAEFFER, Chairman.
Ferguson, E P
Grou, 8. T,
Worthy Memorials.
A bill to erect monuments to MEADE,
Hancock and REyNoLps on the field of
Gettysburg has passed both houses of
the State Legislature and now awaits
the signature of the Governor, who we
believe will be influenced by the im-
pulses of justice and patriotism, and
will put his name to it. What a trio
of heroes will thus be honored on the
field of their greatest fame! These
three names are indissolubly connected
with the great drama of Gettysburg's
bloody field. Meapg, the comm ander
of the gallant army which interposed
its serried front when Pennsylvania
was invaded; Rev~NoLps, who did not
hesitate to lay down his life for the
cause in which he had drawn his
sword,the eacrifice of that gallant Penn-
gylvania soldier infusing a fierce deter-
mination into the Union host to meet
the bloody struggle that awaited them.
When Revnoups had fallen MED
turned to Hancock, “HaNcock the su-
perb,” and gave to him the key of the
field to hold. We need not state that
this was no misplaced confidence, for
it is known of men, everywhere, how
he held his post of honor and of dun-
ger. While the battle surged around
him, and blood flowed from friend and
foe, Hancock, the central figure of the
Army of the Potomac, stood *‘without
fear and without rsproach,” and rolled
back the flood tide of Rebellion. When
the day was won he was carried from
the field bathed in his own blood.
For these three heroes the Legisla-
tare asks the Governor of the Common-
wealty to join with it in authoriz
ing the erection of monuments to their
memory on the field they did so much
to make immortal. They have gone
to render their final account, leaving
behind them a memory precious to
Pennsylvanians. Shall the State do
her duty to keep green their achieve
ments in the great war fought by the
people for the people? This is the
question. It is a very little thing for
a great State to do, but, when done,
will reflect great credit upou all con-
An Eight Hour Day.
The supreme court of Indiana has
sustained the new law of that State
making eight hours a legal day’s work.
The case was that of one GRISWELL,
working for a corporation at Indian-
apolis on day wages. GRISWELL
worked eleven hours a day for ten
months, and when discharged at the
end of that {ime brought suit to reeov-
er extra pay for extra hours of work.
The court held that unless there was
an expressed agreement to the contrary,
employes who are required to work
more than eight hours a day must be
paid for the additional hours. The
decision merely means that if you say
“day” in Indiana it means “eight
hours” in hiring labor. You can say
ten hours or twelve, or whatever length
you may agree on. It ison the prin-
ciple of the interest law, which comes
in with its 6 per cent rate if a less rate
is not set forth in the contract.
— JERRY SiMpeoN,the man who ac-
quired notoriety by not wearing socks,
and Igyamius DoNNELLY, who made
himself ridiculous by his attempt to
prove that BACON wrote{SHAKESPEARE'S
plays, are the leading spirits of the
convention at Cincinnati that is trying
to form a new political party. Such
cranks’ are not the characters from
whom sensible politics can be ex-
Comparative Indebtedness.
The United
Questionab e Journalism.
While we admire that friendly rival. indebtedness of the
ry which legitimate competition in all
; tries, 'm n excellen wing:
business encourages, and are confident 2 akes an excellent showing
that upon it the success of every | The American debt, federal , State and
branch of trade is based, we are called | county, is $1,281,020,840. This makes
npon to witness many breaches in so 2 PF capita debtiof $20.46, whils the
cial etiquette and honorable business | per capita debt of England is $87,69;
relations, brought on by the most tri- | of France $116,35; of Italy $76, and of
States, as compared with other coun- |
fling circumstances.
Within the last few days we have
noticed a little controversy, between
the two daily papers of Bellefonte,
grow, from issue to issue,untilithas as-
sumed the character of personal insult |
and abuse and overstepped the bounds
of legitimate journalism. The field of
the press is too broad and elevating to
admit of any such articles as have ap-
peared in the Gazette and News within
the last week, and it is to be lament
ed that two writers should so far forget
themselves as to allow petty jealousies
to carry them beyond all sense of pro-
We do not wish to meddle in their
dispute, but for the sake of the profes-
gion we desire to call their attention to
the fact that journalism must not be
debased, and that the articles through
which they are giving vent to their
spleen, for personal satisfaction, are
disgusting in the extreme.
The Michigan Electoral Plan.
The Michigan plan of choosing
Presidential electors by districts is
meeting with some ‘severe denuncia-
tion on the part of the Republican
press which declares it to be revolution-
ary. Bat this method 18 neither new
nor revolutionary. Several States ap-
pointed presidential electors in this
way until far into the present cen
tury. So late as 1828 New York and
Maine in the North, and Maryland
and Tennessee among the the slave
States, chose electors by districts, with
the result of a divided vote, The ex:
perience of New York is interesting:
Up to 1828 the legislature of that State,
and in most other States as well, elect:
ed presidential electors, but preceding
the presidential election of that year
the legislature, yielding to a popular
demand, passed a law allowing each
congressional district to choose one
elector, and the college made up of
these district electorsto choose the two
for the State at large. Under this sys-
tem 18 Jackson and 16 Adams electors
were chosen in the districts that year,
and the Jackson majority of these 34
chose two of their party for the elec
tors-at-large, making the division
stand 20 JAoksoN to 16 Apams. Mary-
land did not finally abandon the dis-
trict system until after the election of
1832, in which year she chose three
Jackson electors and five supporters of
The innovation made by Michigan
in the manner of choosing electors in
vogue for the last fifty or sixty years,
will be of great value if it direct pub-
lic attention to the importance of ap-
pointing electors in all the States in a
way that will give the minority in any
State its just weight in the electoral col-
lege. This would be secured by the
proportional vote plan of ex-Senator
BuckALEW, of this State, Under it the
people vote directly for President, and
the presidential vote of the State, cor-
responding with’ the electoral vote, is
divided among the candidates accord
ing to their proportion of the popular
vote. Thus if Joxgs, Rep., should get
550,000 votes,and SMITH, Dem.,450,000
in Pennsylvania, the former would be
accorded 18 electoral or presidential
votes, and the latter 14. And so on in
like proportion in all the States: The
benefit of such a change would lie
in the fact that while it would make
certain the election of a candidate who
was the choice of a majority or plural-
ity of the people of the whole Union,
it would take out of these great national
contests, growing more bitter and cor-
rupt every four years, the factor of the
pivotal States. There would be ne in-
ducement to concentrate extraordinary
effort and expend millions in securing
the electoral votes of New York, In-
diana, or New Jersey, or any other
State believed to be determining. It is
the contest for these pivotal States that
intensifies the bitterness and promotes
the fraud and corruption which are a
marked feature of our presidential elec-
tions. The proportional vote plan
would moderate it not entirely correct
this intensity and recklessness of ef:
fort by diffusing it over the 44 States
of the Union, instead of concentrating
1t on two or three. The vote of the
Democrat in Vermont or Maine and of
the Republican in New Jersey or Mis-
souri, would have its just weight in de-
termining the election of a President.
The discussion that ;has followed the
adoption of the district plan in Michigan
will be likely to bring up for considera-
tion the “much better proportional
method of Mr. BuckaLew, which
would allow a more direct vote of the
people for President.
Spain $73.85. France has the largest
national debt and Russia comes next,
but the larger population of the latter
makes the per capita but $30.70. Yet
it is not the size of the debt that is of
so much consequence as the ability of
the people of a given country to pay it.
Oar own per capita debt has been re-
duced since 1880 from $46.59 to $20.46
in 1890, because the country has been
reasonably prosperous and its resources
are easily equal to the extinguishment
of the indebtedness. Bat this pleasant
prospect changes with the advent of
the Billion Dollar Congress, with taxa-
tion that reduces revenues, and expen-
ditures that exceed receipts.
Apportioning the Members.
The work on the apportionment bills
in the Legislature have not progressed
rapidly, but such progress as they
have made has been in the interest of
the majority. The bill for the legisla
tive apportionment, which passed the
House last week, reduces the member-
ship from 204 to 201, the same as the
first apportionment under the constitu-
tion of 1874. Philadelphia is made to
retain her present representation of 39
members, while Allegheny’s is increas-
ed from 16 to 20. No other counties
gain more than one member, those
making such a gain of one member
each being Blair, Cambria, Clearfield,
Jefterson, Luzerne, Lackawanna and
Northumberland. Fourteen counties
lose one member each, they being
Adams, Bedford, Bradford, Chester,
Clarion, Columbia, Crawford, Hunting
don, Lancaster, Lawrence, Mercer,
Schuylkill, Somerset and Wayne, It
is believed that the Senate will not
concur in accepting this, but will hold
on to the present apportionment.
SE —
Strikes, as a rule, fail to accom-
plish their object, usually resulting 1m
increased destitution on the part of the
strikers, and besides they are attended
with other evils. Thus, for example,
there has been a strike going on in a
certain department of labor in Pitts-
burg, for the eight hour day. Some
days ago a woman applied for the ar-
rest of her husband, who was one of
the strikers. Since the strike began
she said that he had been drinking
heavily and abusing her. At the
same time another woman made the
same complaint and attributed her
domestic trouble to ‘the strike. The
husbands were idle and kept them-
selves soaked all the time. These, it
is to be hoped, were exceptional cases,
and yet it must be admitted that idle
ness is dangerous to many men who
when employed are sober and indus
The announcement that peace
reigns in the coke regions; that the
troops have been withdrawn, and that
the civil authorities are now able to
keep the peace, will be received with
gratification. The calling out of the
militia by Governor PATTISON, when
the local authorities were unable to
maintain order, was a wise and justi-
fiable exercise of executive authority,
for it kept the peace and prevented
bloodshed. The record which the
militia in this instance have made as
conservators of peace and order is very
much to their credit: The presence of
the troops taught the ignorant and tur-
bulent foreigners that they would not
be-allowed to set the laws at defiance.
A strong hand on this class will pre
vent future trouble.
——The more we hear of the trans
action of the Keystone National Bank,
of Philadelphia, previous to its doors
being closed, the worse its affairs ap-
pear. Bank examiner DREW says that
the institution is rotten to the core;
the reports of its condition, as sworn to,
were false; the books were tampered
with, and, in some instances, whole
pages were torn out. The story, as
told by the Examiner and his assistant,
reveals a condition of affairs that have
been seldom equalled in the annals of
the national! banking system. In some
cases liabilities were carried on the
books as assets to make them balance.
There is a defalcation of $600,000 al-
ready discovered. Such irregularities
as this creates a public distrust of the
reliability of our banking institutions.
A national convention to form
a new national party, to which the
Alliance people furnish the largest
element, is in session in Cincinnati.
The movement is being directed by dis-
appointed and disgruntled politicians
who are trying to jtake advantage of
the discontent that prevails among the
| agricultural and laboring classes.
A Delusive Legislature.
After a session of ive months dura-
tion the State Legislature will adjourn
next week, with a probability that the
most important business will remain
unfinished. The factis that the ses’
gion has been a monstrous sham,
which it could not fail tobe when the
majority were hostile to measures that
were of the highest importance as meas-
ures of reform. They were the issues
in which the people were most con-
cerned; they were of pressing impor-
tance from the very first day of the
gession ; there was ample time to act
upon them ; they should have been at-
tended to at the start ; but they were
delayed, and the deliberate purpose of
the delay was to kill them.
Ballot reform, a constitutional co n-
vention, tax equalization, anti-discrim-
ination, the bill regulating pipe line
charges, bills to make more effective
the mining laws of the State in guard-
ing human life, were issues presented
when the Legislature met nearly five
months ago. They have been juggled;
they have been paltered with; those
that have not been entirely killed have
been subjected to such emasculation
that they have been shorn of their or-
iginal object and deprived of their or-
iginal character.
Take, for example, the bill for an
equalization of taxes, by which person-
al and corporate property was to be
made to pay its just share of the public
burden. Common justice demanded
that this measure should be passed.
Both parties were pledged to its pas
sage. It was made one of the pro
mises of the Republican platform—a
delusive promise, as the action of the
majority in the Legislature has shown.
Two months ago a bill providing for
the tax reform demanded by the people
was passed by the House, but since
then it has been subjected to the kind
of manipulation in the Senate which
experts in the devious ways of legisla
tion resort to when they want to kill a
measure that is obnoxious to them.
The same tactics has been adopted in
the treatment of the ballot bill, and the
probability is that this Legislature will
adjourn without the enactment of a
single measure of reform that was
promised by the Republican leaders at
at the last election.
—The President’s stock of speeches
with which he started out on his grand
round held out pretty well, but occa-
sionally he got one in that would have
suited better somewhere else.
Sale of the Judicial Ermine.
The bribery practiced in the recent
judicial nomination in Lancaster coun-
ty is disgraceful as well to that county
as to the State. If half is true that is
reported about it, it was positively
criminal, ‘and the participants in it
should be punished with imprisonment
in jail. It is alleged that the two can-
didates were not connected with the il-
legal and disgraceful proceedings, but
nevertheless a candidate who is nom-
inated by bribery practiced by his sup-
porters should not accept the nomina-
tion. It corrupts the judicial fountain
at its very head. The Lancaster Hz
aminer, a leading Republican paper of
that county, in an editorial headed
“Judicial Ermine to the Best Bidder,”
says of this disgraceful contest :
We are sorry and ashamed to state that a
corruption fund, large beyond expectations, was
expended in the contest. No one can tell
how much, bat it is safe to state several thous.
ands were used to purchase the floating voters.
It matters not who profited most by the use of
money ; the fact for the people to consider is
that the corruption funds were actually used
and that the Judicial ermine was exposed for
barter in the political mart. It is bad enough
for the wild passions of factions to fight for
judicial ambitions, but when to this is added
the work of the briber and trafficker in votes,
then it is high time for the moral sentiment
of the people to rebel and either sweep the
decks of all professional political combinations
or else demand a change of the law which will
remove the selection of the judiciary from the
pullution of the popular ballot.
Lancaster's reputation for political
morals has not been of the best for
years, but in this contest she beat her
— The Bill to reimburse counties
for bridges destroyed by the flood of
1889 and rebuilt by them, has been de-
feated in the House. There was a
question as to the constitutionality of
such State aid and the defeat of the
bill may have saved it from the veto
of the Governor.
— The Cincinnati convention fin-
ished its business by launching a brand
new party on the troubled sea of poli-
tics which was christened the People’s.
Party of the United States.
“Sixteen years ago,” says a
Kansas contemporary, “a man in Re-
no county paid $15 for trees, which he
tants) on his farm. A few years ago
be was offered $10,000 for them.
They are black walnuts,
If everyone knew what every
one thought about everyone else the on-
Jy real friend a man would have would
be the little worthless yellow dog that
never dies and refuses to be given
The Road Bill Vetoed.
Governor Pattison Says the Objections
are Manifold.
Governor Pattison in the 13th inst.
sent to the Senate his veto of what is
Sommanly known as the Road bill. He
said :
«The objections to this measure seem
to me to be manifold. Its purposes are
so numerous and diverse as to expose it
to the constitutional objection of contain-
ing more than one subject. Whatever
popular demand exists for the enact-
ment of legislation on the subject of
roads and road making will certainly
not be satified with the provisions of this
bill. If they are to become effective at
all, they could be made so only by lib-
eral appropriation of State moneys, for
which neither this bill nor any other
legislation, as yet enacted, has made
provision. Eyen if such grant were
made ‘it is very doubtful whether the
plan of distribution proposed by this
bill would be equitable, satisfactory or
constitutional. The basis of distribution
which it proposes is the amount of road
taxes collected and expended by each |
township for road purposes during the
preceding year. This would put it en-
tirely within the power of rich and popu-
lous rural districts, such, for example,
as adjoin large cities and boroughs, to
receive a large share of the State’s
bounty, which would be applied where,
perhaps, it was least needed for the pur-
poses of general road improvement,
while remote, sparsely settled and com-
paratively poor districts, where road
improvements were most desired, would
receive little or comparatively noth-
ing. .
$ Moreover, the policy and propriety
of the grant of State moneys - raised by
general taxation to particular districts or
communities are extremely doubtful, if
not absolutely forbidden by the spirit of
the constiutional provisious declaringthat
there shall be no appropriations for
benevolent purposes to any community,
and that the Commonwealth shall not
assume the debt of any city, county,
borough, or township. The present
enactment proposes to distribute to some
of the districts of the State, for a purely
local purpose—that of road making--
moneys which have been raised by
taxation upon all the citizens of the
State. The roads of the townships only
are to be conducted and repaired by the
aid of State moneys, while those of
municipalities are to be provided for by
local taxation. This is a discrimination
wholly unwaranted by the Constitution.
«Furthermore, I cannot 1gnore the
fact that this bill passed the House of
Representatives by a bare constitutional
majority. The majority, it is notorious,
was only secured with great difficulty.
and I violate no confidence in saying
that since its passage in the one branch
of the General Assembly a number of
members, whose votes were required to
make that majority, have communicated
tome their opositicn to and protest
against the bill in its present form. Of
the 108 members who comprised this
majority, barely one-fifth. represent
districts affected by the bill. It was
imposed upon the communities affected
by it against the votes and protest of a
large proportion of their representa-
tives. i
«Finally, if there were no other
objections to this bill, a sufficient one
would be afforded by the fact that there
are at present special and local road laws
to the number of 700, governing a:
many townships of the State. 1f the
present bill is to haveany efficiency it
must result from its operation as a gen-
eral road law, binding at least on all the
townships of the State. The section
which proposes to repeal all special and
local laws inconsistent with it is not
sufficient for that purpose according to
the decisions of our Supreme Court. If
they remain, as they certainly will un-
der the bill in its present form, it will
utterly fail asa ineasure to secure uni-
formity of road law. Other reasons
forcibly suggest themselvers for a disap-
proval of this measure, but I deem those
which I have set forth as ample to
' justify a veto of the billl.”
inger and wife and daughter fought the
mountain fire until they were exhausted,
in order that it might not burn down
the fences around their mountain
David Greak, an aged citizen of Nit-
tany Valley, died at his home near Rote
on Monday, and was buried in the
cemetery of Miller’s church, near Logan
Mills, on Wednesday.
There is many a city and town that will
appreciate the following: One manu-
factory employing a hundred men will
support an additional 500 people. These
hundred families will disburse annually
on the average, $800, or $75,000 in the
aggregate. This money will be drawn
into the town from the outside, where
manufactured goods are consumed, and
the interest of this $75,000 at ten per
cent. would be $7,500. These hundred
families would require a hundred houses,
thousands of pounds of agricultural pro-
duce, and thousand of yards of cotton
and woolen goods; thus giving health
and impetus to every branch of industry.
eighty people of Georges Valley treated
one of their citizens to a very ‘pleasant
surprisa one evening last week. Mr.
Dunkle, of that section, had been on the
sick list for several weeks and unable to
work, when the generous and charitable
citizens took upon themselves the sup-
plying of a few necessaries. Mrs. Sam-
uel Harter,who is a very estimable lady,
had the party in hand, and through her
earnest and noble efforts, it was a per-
fect success. Goods to the amount of
over fifty dollars were presented to Mr.
Dunkle’s family, “who no doubt feel
grateful to the donators for their benev-
olence.— Centre Reporter.
Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
BELLEFONTE’S 4TH.— After much agi-
tation and booming on the part of the
newspapers and a few of our citizens,
we are pleased to inform our readers that
Bellefonte will celebrate the nation’s
day of Independence with a rousing pa-
rade and an old fashioned good time for
all. Three meetings have been held
and sufficient funds guaranteed to insure
the promoters ample resources to fall
back upon. $477.50 have already been
subscribed and indications are that the
amount will reach $600 before the
week is ended. :
At the last meeting held in the arbi-
tration room on Monday night the com-
mittees from the different fire companies
reported their choice for guests. The
committee from the Undine Fire Com-
pany is Ed. Woods, Mac. DeSylvia and
Amos Mullen. They wanted to invite
companies from Lock Haven, Tyrone
and Hollidaysburg. The committee
representing the Logan Steam Engine
Company is Harry Jackson, Thomas
Shaughensy and Mitch Cunningham.
They will ask companies from Milton,
Philipsburg and Sunbury. Ed. Gar-
man represented the Bellefonte Hook
and Ladder Company, and said they
would lend a helping hand toward mak-
ing the event a success. Co. B was rep-
resented by Lieut. 'W. F. Reeder, Ser-
geant Frank Williams and John Knise-
ly. They are going to invite Co. A, of
Huntingdon, Co. G,! of Lewistown, the
Sheridan Troop, of Tyrone and the Al-
toona Drum Corps. In addition to
these they will invite Col. Theo. Burch-
field and Maj. Mickley, of Lewistown,
both officers in the 5th Regiment, to be
present and take part in the exerci ses.
Treasurer Gramley and Rob’t Hunter
were appointed a committee on public
decoration. Geo. T. Bush, Harry Jack-
son and J. A. Feidler were made a com-
mittee on invitations, and Ed. Garman,
George Bush, Mr. Holtz, Robert Me-
Knight and Ed. Woods constitute the
committee which will organize an in-
dustrial parade.
The 4th will be made a general gala
day and itis to be hoped that everybody
in the community will turn out to help
meke it a success. Let every one dec-
orate his home and lend a hand to the
gorgeousness of the affair. When so
many visiting organizations will be
here let us show them that Bellefonte
does know how to entertain, and that
royally too.
The P. R. R. club of Philadelphia
will be here to play off the tie in the
series of games that have been played
here with them, and the committee of
amusements will have along list of en-
joyments for the day.
Come one! Comeall! Let the eagle
scream and the band play, the cannon
boom and the red lights flicker.
A Spring Ru apsopy.—Oh | delect-
able, entrancing spring, gorgeous queen
of the seasons, how thesweep of thy
magic wand brings back from the
sleeping years of the dreamy past, the
gaudy vision of life’s spring time. I aw
again a child, straying in the green
meadows, or lingering by the crystal
stream. I bare my youthful brow to
thy gentle breathings, and feel as
though passing angles fanned me
with their wings. I inhale
the commingled perfume of flower
and blossoms,} and dream that the fra-
grance of paradise has stolen back to
earth, or that I catch the perfume
flung from passing seraphs’ mantles,
I look in youthful bewildered ecstasy
upon thy gathering matchless beauties,
and as I gaze upon sward and leaf and
blossom and flower, I think I hear
heaven's looms propelled by aerial be-
ings as they weave the fabric of thy
robes. I almost imagine I see celestial
artists, floating on steady wing producing
specimens of the taste and genius of the
skies, painting on thy royal attire a
galaxy of heaven’s fine arts for the won-
dering admiration of mortals on earth.
weather crop bulletin, issued by the
Pennsylvania state weather service, has
the following resume of the reports re-
ceived for the week ending May 15,
1891 :
«The temperature during the past
week was nearly normal with a decided
deficiency in rain fall. The drought is
general throughout the state and its
effect is beginning to be injurious to
growing crops. Pasture lands are drying
up and the ground is so baked that it is
almost impossible to plow and prepare it
for seeding. This has delayed corn plant-
ing in many sections. Wheat has not
suffered much and most reports say that
itis in fine condition. The oats and
hay crop will be a short one if the
! drought is not soon broken. The damage
! to fruit during the late cold snap ap-
pears to have been very light, and the
‘opinion is general that the prospects
now are good for a large crop. An un-
usually large acreage of potatoes has
been planted in many sections, and
early potatoes are coming up. No tobac-
co has been planted yet.”
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