Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1890, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa, December 19, 1890.
What Mary Meant When She Said “Rats” te
Kansas, NOVEMBER, 5, 1890.
(“The Women Did It.”—JoHN SHERMAN.)
Twas one of them “fool farmers ;’* yes, I'll own
it like a man ;
‘There was plenty of us fashioned on the same
eculiar plan ;
And I’ve lived out here in Kansas more than
five and twenty years, y
A growin’ poor and poorer as it certainly ap-
1 seldom read the papers; I worked too
hard for that ; :
And never knew why I got lean while other
men got fat ;
I didn’t fool with polities; I had too much to
o ’
But I always voted as Ishot and as they told me
The day before election, jest imagine my dis-
When I ketched my wife areadin’—now,
whatever would you guess ?—
A free trade publication, and, to make it worse
she said
She'd read it regular each night before she
went to bed.
And, do you know, that wife of mine jest faced
me up and down
That farmers slave to make a few monopolists
in town?
I always try te get around these warm domes-
tic spats,
But when I praised Rrosegiion, she laughed
and answered “Rats,”
1 bristled oF ; it kindled all the sentiments of
strife :
To think this free trade stuff should be cor-
ruptie’ of my wife.
I quit herithen and there before her argument
was through,
As every good protectionist makes ite rule to
That night we had a camp-fire and our con-
gressman was there ;
We gave him “John Brown’s Body” when he
went to take the chair ;
I wore my old blue uni.orm to spite the Dem-
But all the time I wondered what my Mary
meant by “Rats.”
Our congressman was eloquent, he made a
stirrin’ speech ;
I could dlmost see the battle smeke and hear
the bullets screech ;
And when he bade us vote as we had shot at
Malvern Hill,
We rose with one accord and cried with one
acclaim, “We will.’
We sang the good old war songs and we ate a
mess 0’ beans,
And we passed the evenin’ pleasantly, recallin’
bloedy scenes;
And we took ihe straightout tickets and we
Gg em on our hats,
Butall the time I wondered what my Mary
meant by “Rats.”
When I reached home I noticed that my Mary
wore a smile,
Which seemed to me as indieatin’ storms
ahead or bile ; .
To head her off I said: “You'll call me early
mother dear,
For to morrer’l be the liveliest day free trade
will have this year.
Next mornin’ jest at sun up, :es I woke and
rubbed my eyes,
A wonderin’ what she meant by “Rats,” I saw
to my surprise
My clothes and hat and boots all ranged in
order en the floor,
And bearin’ each a card I'd swear I never saw
My flannel shirt displayed this sign : “Taxed
95 per eent :’’
My trousers “Taxed 100”—so this was what
“Rats” meant .
My vest said “Taxed 100,” and my shoes
“Paxed 25:
My coat and hat “200,” with “Protection makes
us thrive.”
I went to :fill the basin and I noticed as 1
“Taxed 45 per cent’—Great Sectt! the towel
said the same.
The soap was marked at “20 ;” as. dropped it
on the floor,
I chanced to see a scuttle full of coals, chalk-
ed “24.”
I passed into the kitchen and it gives me pain
to state
That my wife had on a woolen dress stamped
“only 58:
And in shooing out a guinea hen she made a
little dive
Which showed a pair of stockings with a card
marked “35°
The baby in hislittle bed was lyin’ fast asleep :
I always held the little chap as most uncom-
mon cheap;
But when I saw them cards on blanket, pillow,
crib and sheet,
I felt a lumprise in my throat ; I knew that
was beat. !
No matter where I went I struck them pesky
little signs ;
The stove, the plates, the knives, the forks,
the window sash aud blinds,
The seissors, needles, thread, all&ore that
terrible per cent ;
Bigosh,T didn’t dave te ask what card was on
the rent.
That was the soberest meal I ever a te in all
my life ;
And as I left the table, in remarkin’ to my
That I was goin’to the polls, she helped me
with my coat,
And said : “I reckon, John, [ needn't tell you
how te wote.”
[walked down to my votin’ place; it looked
like every yard “
Was full of farmin’ implements which bore a
little eard,
And seemed:to say from. plaugh to spade, from
thresher.down to axe:
“Good mornin’, John, and don't forget the
tariff is a tax.”
I voted straight—0, yes ne <oubt of that; I
voted straight,
But not exaetly in the way expected of my |
State ;
And 1 showed the boys the little cards provid-
ed by my wife ;
—That night eur congressman took formal |
leave of publie life.
I was one of them “fool farmers” durin’ five
and twenty years ;
But I've learned a little commen-sense, as
doubtless now appears. :
You can run and tell McKinley, and say—
don’t forget to state
That we've voted out in Kansas, we've voted
darned near straight !
—Kansas City Star,
A Bigamist Bird.
A Scranton man who gives his atten-
tion to raising pigeons suys that the
only bigamist he has ever seen among
pigeons is a male now owned by
him. During the breeding season the
bigamist maintained two separate
wives and households, devoting just
about as much attention to one as to the
other. He helped raise the broods of
each female, and his affection tor each
was equal. The double duty kept him
very busy, but he seemed to take pride
in having so much responsibility.
——More than one-fifth of the land
ot the world has no outlet for drainage
to the sea, and in all that area evapora-
tion is greater than precipitation.
——A. Mussachusetts lady, who has re-
cently died, left a bequest of $50,000 to
the Society for the Prevention of Cruel-
ty to Children in her State.
-christian age.
Delivered by Rev. Dr. R. A. McKinley
at the Unveiling of the Clara
Price Monument, Saturday,
November, 29 1890.
We live in a most wonderful age.
As compared with any that has preceded
it is far in advance in every respect. It
has taken a long time to reach our pre-
sent position. Progress has been ex-
ceedingly slow. The study of the rocks
has demoustrated that time is long and
that, man has been upon the earth
many ages But he has not yet attain-
ed unto perfection. What has been
accomplished is only prophetic of what
yet may be attained. The great epochs
of humanity are the stone, the bronze,
and the iron ages. Ours is the age of
iron. It is an age that covers the entire
written history of mankind. We know
very little about man in the age of stone.
We have no written histories about
him then. But we have found imbed-
ded in the earth some of the tools with
which he worked. He used arrows of
flint and axes and hatchets of stone.
He chipped these rude implements into
shape and with them managed to win
some victories over nature. That was
in the morning time of the Human
Race ; mankind was yet young in the
world. Theroad that led upward to an
enlightened civilization was long and
difficult. But even then man began to
struggle with nature and to fight his
way up out of igmerance. He thus
showed that he possessed capacity for
improvement, and that he could win by
the exercise of his God-given powers.
Stone was cheap and plenty and prehis-
toric man made wse of it to advance
After this age of stone came an age
of bronze. We do not know how or
when man discovered the art of mixing
tin and copper and thereby making
bronze. But we do know that this was
the next step in advance because im-
plements of brenze are found in the
earth immediately above implements of
stone. We may well wonder at man
making the discovery of bronze. But
it was the starting point of present en-
lightment. It was a harbinger of bet-
ter days. It was the apening up of the
inexhaustible mineral stores of the
earth. It was far reaching in its effects
upon society, commere and govern-
ment. Th~~ge of bronze was succeed-
ed by the age of iron. We do not
know when or how man learned to
make iron out of the natural ore. He
must have found it out very gradually
and perhaps accidentally, So far back
as we have any written history of man
we find him in possession of iron. Itis
still the age of iron in which we live
at the very height of this iron age,
when man’s mastery over all nature is
most complete. He has belted the
world with fron rails and wires. He
has spanned the rivers with iron bridges.
He rides in an iron carriage behind an
iron horse. Ile crosses the ocean in
ships of iron. Man’s advancement has
been in proportion to his ability to work
metals, This time of mastery over
metals and over all natare by means of
them is also the time of the highest civ-
ilization and government, and of the
purest and most spiritual religion. It
is the time of the happiest and most
comtortable homes and of the most re-
fined and elevating society. We call it
in one sense the age of iron, and such it
is as compared with the ages that preced-
ed it. But in another sense itis the
It is on'y that part of
the age of iron ‘that is most truly and
most universally christian, that is so re-
splendent with noble achievement.
Babylon and Egypt and Greece and
Rome, all belonged to the iron age.
But none of them can compare to Eu-
rope and Ameriea under the influence
of a pure christianity. Culture and
wealth are now more generally diffused.
Government 1s mow far more forthe
good of the governed. Invention never
was so fruitfdl as now. The world has
never possessed so many comfortable,
pure and happy homes as to-day.
Among all the achivements of the
age in which we live none is better and
brighter and more prophetic of good for
the future than the position accorded to
woman. Itisexceedingly interesting to
trace the history of woman, and to fol-
low her up from a degraded and inferior
condition to the proud and eommanding
position she now occupies.
The ancient civilization of Greeee and
Rome were jthe flowers of heathenism.
They were the best to which man eould
attain unaided speeially by God. They
have been the delight and admiration of
students in all subsequent time. The
Greek philospher Plato approached the
nearest to Jesus in his conception of the
renovating and reforming power of love.
But Plato spoke with despaicing sadness
relative to the virtues of humanity. He
regarded man as superior to woman. He
advocated a community of wives. He
would have been glad, however, to have
done much to equalize’ the condition of
men and women but was powerless to
do sn. Moral conditions made any true
reverence for woman impossible.
Greek culture was directed to political
interests and scientific occupations.
Women were far from keeping up with
it or purticipating in it. The society of
ancient Greece was exclusively mascu-
line. The pulsatsons of life were only
in the assemblies, of men. Women
lived in domestic seclusion subject to
burdensome supervision. The Greeks
obtained nothing from woman’s mind
and looked down with insulting con-
tempt upon woman themselves. Aris-
totle pronounced women to be beings of
an inferior kind. Socrates said there
was no human Beings with whom a
man would talk less than with his wife.
The Reman people were able to conquer
and govern the world a long time.
They made great advancement in law.
But there was little advancement for
woman in the Roman world. She was
anything but the equal of man. She
could not govern in her own family.
She had no power over her own child-
ren. Her father could sell or kill her.
Her father-in-law could divorce her.
Her life also was at the mercy of her
husband. Her personality was lost in
his. The most largely prevailing form
of marriage regarded woman as a thing,
and it was a very feeble band.
Divorce was easily obtained. There
were distinguished Roman women who
reckoned the years by the number of
their husbands. Juvenal te'ls of a
woman who had eight husbands in five
years. Seneca tells of a distinguished
Roman who had been married a thous- and has been climbing ever since.
Cicero, the famous Roman | began by raising Cain but she has been
and times,
orator, repudiated one wife after anoth- learning to raise everything true,beauti-
er. Feetullion represents divorce as the | ful and good. The time was when girls
very purpose and end of Roman ‘mar- did not amount to much. Man was
proclaimed their degradation.
was stigmatized as a foolish wild creature
unable to coatrol herself. Underlying
all this was a deep contempt for woman !
intellectually and morally. The phil- |
osophy of the stoics was a splendid dis- |
cipline, They possessed a stern regard !
for law. ® Their influence was whole- !
some and powerful on the decaying
heathen world. But a noble Stoic phil-
osopher could say no more than this
for women : “In every kind of affairs
women are prohibited having any con- |
cern.” |
There was notking in ancient philoso- |
phy that tended to elevate women. !
Slavery largely abounded in the Roman
Empire and terribly debauched society. |
Immodesty was considered a necessity |
in aslave. Slaves furnished the victims |
for licentious shows and games. The
abandonment of very young children
prevailed to an almost incredible ex- |
tent in the Roman Empire. Some of |
these little creatures were mutilated that |
there might be the more excuse for
their abandonment. Persons made a
business of hunting up these abandoned
children at night to supply houses ofill-
fame and the ranks of slavery, or to use |
their brains and marrow for medicinal
purposes. Man was then more cruel to
children than he was to animals.
There were many persons who deplored
all this, but they were powerless to pre-
vent it.
In all the institutions of splendid
Greece and powerful Rome there was
nothing to elevate the character and
position of woman. Among our Anglo-
Saxon forefathers and among the wild
tribes of northern Europe the position
and character of woman were higher
than under even Greece and Rome.
In ancient Germany woman occupied
a peculiar and revered position. The
purity of German women was in strik-
ing contrast to the impurity of the
Romans This enabled the Germans to
retain their physical vigor and gave
them the necessary bodily force to over-
whelm the Romans and to keep their
descendants at the head of the affairs
of the world even until this day. But
even in ancient Germany man was
the tyrant of the family, and often
most cruel and oppressive, He could
buy or beat or sell his wife. Woman
was often rated atso many pieces of
silver. She satat man’s feet and yielded
to his every whim. It is well known
that tha Roman Empire went down be-
fore the march of the ancient Germans.
And in the presence of Roman corrup-
tions the purity of the Germaus came
very nearly being forever lost. And it
would have been lost had not the new
conserving force of Christianity been
exerted upon them.
And if we go back from Europe to
Asia—to the cradle of the Human Race
—to the very oldest civilization—we do
not tind any improvement in the posi-
tion and character of woman. Her
inferiority is characteristic of all orien-
tal lands, The patriarchal systems there ;
prevailing gave all; authority and im- |
portance to man. Lhe ancient Hindoo
institutions were exceedingly harsh to-
ward woman, A Hindoo wife was re-
garded as having no will of her own, as
entirely unfit for independence, and
could be beaten orsold. The virtnous
Hindoo wife was expected to regard her
husband as her God. She was unfit to
eat with him. Her home was so close as
to forbid healthful ventilation. When
the husband died his widow was buried
with him, Under such circumstances
true love was’'a rarity. In China a wife
can be sold and woman has little social,
political or moral influence. In Turkey
woman is in almost as degraded position.
Mohammedanism permits poligamy.
The Mohammedan bible teaches wife-
beating. Men in conversation shum all
allusion to women. In Arabia there is
weeping in the home for four days when
a girl baby is born.
The position and character of woman
in the whole Pagan world ever have
been pitiable in the extreme and ut-
terly hopeless. Woman has had no
opportunity for even intellectual cul-
ture. Her mind has been a blank, her
heart has been hungry and her life has
been weary, monotonous and vacant.
Heathen wise men have doubted even
woman’s possession of a soul. The only
bright spot in this darkness of the long
past was among the Hebrews. A Jewish
woman, like Sarah, Miriam, Hannah or
Esther, was very much likea lady of
our own times. Many heroic and no-
ble Hebrew women won for themselves
a name and shed the light of a good ex-
ample upon all succeeding generations.
And yet even among the Hebrews the
estimate of woman was such that pious
Jewish men were in the habit of devont-
ly thanking God because he had not
made them women But the influence
of the son of Mary has changed all this.
He has done the most for women and is
destined to do much more for her. Un-
der christian civilization the greatest
progress has been made.
Christianity has touched the source of
character. It has reformed the individ-
val. [It has demanded the utmost puri-
ty. It has thrown a halo of glory
around woman. It has softened, refin-
ed and made her the equal of man. It
has lifted her into a higher sphere and
put a crown upon her head. It has
brought her emancipation and elevation.
It honors, exalts and blesses woman-
hood. Wherever the pure Gospel holds
sway woman is loved as a daughter,
cherished as a wife, and honored as a
mother. Mental culture, social freedom |
and domestic pre-minence afford a heri-
tage of usefulness, honor and joy. In
the home woman is supreme. In ail
the relations of social life she is mighty
for good. As Queen Victoria, she has
ruled all England for more than 50 | gut, Sex
years and has done it better than
any |
man ever did.
As Mrs. Cleveland, she |
was a royal queen of the White House, | gharm of woman.
Romsn ladies of rank publicly ' everything and woman nothing. And
Woman | such is still the situation in a very large
part of creation. All Pagan nations
still greatly ignore and oppress woman.
But among all christian peoples the
grandest, sublimest, divinest object on
the earth is a loving, warmhearted chris-
tian woman. Her presence is a benedic-
tion and her example a stimulus, and
her influencs a power for good. A well
trained highly cultured christian lady
performs an angel ministry on earth.
But this exalted position has not been
attained at a single bound. Even under
christianity it has been a growth. Greece
was gone and Rome was too far gone in
moral corruption for christianity to gain
the Empire. Butit influenced Roman
society and government for good. The
religion of Jesus caused the laws of the
Roman Empire to be modified in wo-
man’s favor. It gradually substituted
affection and moral influence for pater-
nal tyranny. Every where it exerted
an influence to protect woman in every
way. It set the drift steadily and sure-
ly toward equality between men and
women. Christianity created a new
conception of the position of woman.
It so affected Roman legislation as to
greatly advance women to equality with
men. The marriage tie was strengthen-
ed and deviations from virtue were
made punishable by law. Christianity
soon made a Roman Emperor declare
that nothing in human affairs is to be
so venerated as marriage. The effect of
christian ideas was the beginning of a
great reform in social life. Under all
the subsequent changes of society wo-
man has never lost the halo which the
new faith threw about her.
Christianity has steadily carried for-
ward a series of reforms that have ele-
vated woman. It has delivered the
world from vices the very names of
which are lost to modern ears. It has
squared itself like a wall against all im-
purity. It soon exercised a healthfulin-
fluence upon slave marriage, and ame-
liorated slavery itself. It struggled
against immodest and licentious games
and shows. It created an altogether
new sentiment of purity. It stimulated
the conscience and sympathies. It aim-
ed at the reformation of individuals as
the true way to get at society in general,
to change the affectional and moral
tendencies. It taught the profound
sacredness of human hfe and thus pre-
served children from abandonment and
also protected and sheltered the unfor-
tunate. The respect for ard value of
children is one of the most important
changes effected by Christianity in the
world. The purity and elevation of the
nature of Jesus tended mightily to
sweep away unnatural passions. Stern
Roman law soon came to take on gen-
tle humanity and sweet compassion.
The early Christians, to their everlasting
honor, were reproached by the great
world because they placed woman on so
high a position. The example of Jesus
and His Apostles has given the key note
to all modern civilization in the tender
respect and dignity thrown around wo-
man. Her character arose with the in-
creased respect accorded to her. Many
women became martyrs for Jesus and
are enshrined in the memory of the
church. Christianity taught the Ro-
mans that marriage: was a bond of equal |
union and a high spiritual partnership.
It demanded of Roman women faithtul-
ness, virtue and propriety, and gave to
them dignity. And when Rome was
taken possession of by the wild tribes
of the North, christianity took posses-
sion of them and purified many of their
customs, When it could do no {better
in the dark middle ages it produced the
chivalry of Europe. In those jarring,
clashing times the best men had to live
in castles and defend them with their
might. Home life was thus developed
as never before and gave to woman a
charm till then unknown. Christian
chivalry gave protection to all fair la-
dies and treated them with delicate and
decorous deference. Devotion to ladies
was its crowning grace. It paid the
greatest respect for modesty and virtue.
To chivalry woman is indebted for a
position never before enjoyed in history.
Chivalry was the combined result of
German and christian notions. While
the modern position of woman owes
much to ancient German customs, it
owes still more to the influence of chris-
tianity. The German ideal would have
been lost had it not been for the con-
serving force of christianity. Its influ-
ence has been to raise woman to an
equality with man in all personal rights
and to make her his superior in morals.
Our idea of woman is both chivalric and
christian. From the days of chivalry
forward woman has been advancing
rapidly until now she is held in purest
honor and is recognized as the moral
leader and inspirer of society. And
there is progress yet to come. Men may
carp against the emancipation of woman
from the narrow bounds of the past, but
in vain shall be their cry. The unfold-
ing ot the purpose of the Eternal God
cannot be stayed. The world’s history
travelsin only one direction. There
have been some in every age that have
protested against the advancement of
woman lest a man should be made of
her. But it bas been only the weakest
of men that have been afraid of making
men out of women. It never can be
done! God hasdone His work too well
for that. And yet every step of ad-
vancement had been considered a devia-
tion from the proprieties of the sex.
What we now consider as perfectly pro-
per in woman would be regarded as
monstrous in Turkey. Every step of
advancement has been made in the face
of the cry ‘‘she’s stepping bevond her
sphere!” But there are no external oc-
cupations that ean change the nature of
woman. The colors of God never wash
isdyed in the wool. The
more power that can be given virtue the
better. Weakness can never be the
Purity, love, wise-
and as Mrs. Harrison, she is not very | 4om and sympathy are her most queen-
much behind although more advanced | Jy qualities. Too much power cannot be
in years. As the American girl, she is
keeping step with the American boy |
and even going beyond him. In 1875 |
Miss Chipman won an oratorical prize |
in a contest between representatives of
eight lowa colleges, her competitors he-
ingsix young men and one young lady. !
A few years ago a girl carried off a Harv-
ard University prize for an essay on a
given topic, all her competitors being
young men. Woman began at zero
given to these. The more power they
have the more noble womanhood will
become. ;
The education of woman only adds [to
her charm and usefulness. The time has
passed when the frailty of the fair can
be the theme of deriding poets, and
when sex presents any barrier to genius.
Few things are more remarkable during
the last twenty-five most remarkable
years than the new avocations opening
EA rr NE I ag
up to woman, Law, medicine and “it-
erature are securely within her grasp.
Her voice is everywhere heard from the
platform. The majority of the teachers
of free and enlightened America are
young women. Temperance, Missions
and all kinds of charitable work now
feel the power of women. Everywhere
they are coming to the forefront. The
childhood of thesex belongs to pagan-
ism and the past. Henceforth a matu
rity of culture, responsibility and influ-
ence is destined to characterize woman-
hood. The age is forever gone when
man shall ride in the saddle and woman
trudge along behind on foot carrying
theluggage. Ours is an age that smiles
most auspiciously upon woman. It is
an age also that requires of her some-
thing more than pounding piano keys
and daubing canvas, or embroidering
heads of poodle dogs, pansies and tulips
so that nobody can tell one from anoth-
er. It is an age that insists upon wo-
men knowing the principles of good
housekeeping, how to take care of mon-
ey, and how to cook something digesti-
ble that won't give men the dyspepsia
and make them cross. It isan age that
expects young women to get married
and have homes of their own. Some
young women, however, do not get
married because no young men ever ask
them, and some others because those
who do ask are not quite the right kind.
I hope none of the young ladies present
will every get such a husband as a cer-
tain strong-minded woman possessed.
He was decidedly wanting in energy
and in fact quite lazy. On waking up
one morning he found his wife in tears.
“What's the matter,!love?” “Oh, I've
had such a dreadful dream.” “Why,
what was it?” “Well, I was goingdown
street and saw a sign ‘Husbands for
sale.”’”” Many women were rushing in
and T went along. Just then they were
selling a splendid specimen for $1500.”
«Well, did they all bring so much ?”
“Oh, no, they went at $1000,$500, and
so on down.” “Well, did you see any
there that looked like me?’ “Yes, in-
deed ! but they were tied in bunches
like asparagus and sold for 10 cents a
bunch.” I sincerely hope that no
young lady here to-day wiil ever get a
husband like that, but one that shall be
worthy of her.
Remember that the home is the high-
est and most influential sphere that any
woman can ever occupy. Remember,
also,that all women are not permitted to
preside over, to adorn and to beautify
homes of their own, and should be pre-
pared for some other noble and useful
sphere of activity rather than to remain
an useless and undesirable appendage to
the home of their childhood or some rela-
tives abode. But whatever shall be your
sphere of activity, adorn it. Be attrac-
tive, be interesting, be sunshiny, be
cheerful and sympathetic. Be pure and
good. Remember that even your silent
influence is a mighty power, as mysteri-
ously exerted as the flower sheds its
perfume. Refine and soften the severer
aspects of life. Do not make pleasure
the chief aim of your existence. What
is known as the society girl is not the
highest type of womanhood. This
world is something more than a play-
ground. The quiet girl in the corner is
often times the most interesting of all.
Modesty is a magic circle and a sceptre
of power. Believe in and be loyal to
that great Saviour of mankind under
whose influence woman has been so
gloriously transformed. Christianity is
the great reforming power of the world.
It is at the basis of all great progressive
movements in human history. It came
a new moral force among men. Jesus
presented old moral principles with new
simplicity and earnestness. He illustrat-
ed them by a life and character of un-
exampled elevation and purity. It has
greatly reformed social habits and prac-
tices. It has made a tremendous
change for the better in the position and
character of woman. It demands mas-
culine as well as feminine purity. The
strongest safe-guard to a young man
to-day against vice is the influence upon
him of Jesus and the chivalric and
christian idea of woman. Jesus is still
in advance of our age. All are not yet
up to His level. All do not yet permit
themselves to be sufficiently influenced
by Him. But all that has been won is
a fruit of His’ blessed influence. Take
away His religion and woman would
soon sink back to an inferior and de-
graded position and virtue would cease
from the earth. But under the noble
inspiration of Jesus we expect the world
to continue to become brighter and bet-
ter and purer. To secure this result,
however, there must continue to be con-
fidence in Him and loyalty to Him.
There are now some who refuse to sub-
mit themselves to the ennnbling and
uplifting influence of Jesus. Conse-
quently passion continues to run wild to
some extent and to find expression in
crime. Those who have the disposition
to be pure and good are often enticed
into doing wrong or made to suffer in
resisting the encroachments of evil.
We have a mighty illustration of this
in the occasion which has brought us
together. It brings to mind prominent-
lv one of the foulest of crimes, the devil-
ishness of man when not controlled by
the Gospel. It causes us to reflect upon
the depravity of fallen human nature
and to perceive its great need of a Sav-
iour. There is not a man here but
might have been capable of the mani-
festation of such depravity but for the
influence of christian civilization. The
occasion reminds us that law is master
of the criminal—-that vengeance pur-
sues the offender. Death, shameful and
ignominious has overtaken the outrager
and murderer. His spirit ha: passed in-
to the presence of Him who will see that
eternal justice is done. His name is in-
scribed upon that monument butonly to
proclaim his infamy. It publishes to
the world the utter detestation in which
this community holds such character
and conduct. But our thoughts turn
more particularly to the young girl of
sweet sixteen, who was waylaid and
murdered by that beastly form. In im-
agination we can see her a year ago
walking quietly along from a neighboi’s
to her own home with a basket upon
her arm. She was young, promising
and pure. No thought of evil wasin
her mind. No app:.ehension of danger
was present to her. But behind her
came the beast disguised in manly form,
and made to her most disgraceful over-
tures. And Clara Price disdaintully
and successfully resisted them but only
to be shot to death. She gave her
voung and beautiful life for her honor.
That monument voices her purity and
courage. It proclaims to coming gen-
erations the value which the people of
this community put upon pure woman-
hood. It appeals for maaly as well as
womanly, virtue. It is a matter of con-
gratulation that we live in #n age that
has the disposition to build such a mon-
ument for such a purpose. Bat in this
age when woman is hcnored as never
before she must be pure to receive such
honor. Impure woman was never held
in lower esteem than now. And let im-
pure man be equally execrated and
abominated and cast out, and then shall
virtue be exalted.
“Grant Rode Like a Demon,”
“Speaking of General Grant's fine
horsemanship,” said General N., P.
Banks, “reminds me of an incident
that occurred soon after the battle of
Port Hudson, in which he gave me the
race of my life. General Grant paid
the army under my command a
visit at the period mentioned and was
asked to review it. Ie brought with
him no horses and I loaned him for
the occasion the magnificent bay pa.
rade horse which the patriotic citizens
of Massachusettes presented to me
when I went to the frontin 1862. All
of my old soldiers will remember that
bay horse. I rode on the review a thor
oughbrea black mare, and I was in a
constant state of anxiety lest she would
run away with me when warmed.
Well, the troops were drawn up in line
and we rode down the front lines at a
slow pace, but when we reached the
rear lines Grant would put the bay at
his utmost speed, and as he was nearly
thoroughbred he could run. Grant sat
on the bay as if he were part of him,
but the difficulty 1 found myself in was
not to keep up at the regulation distance
but to prevent my animal from distanc-
ing the general and running off with
me. Grant rode like a demon and I
after him until the review was finished,
the troops in the meantime watching
the scene with interest mingled with
astonishment. For some days after.
wards the troops were heard discussing
the event, and, as far as I can learn
never seltled the question as to wheth-
er it was a horse race or a military re-
As Others See Us,
A funny story is told at the expense
of Sir Richard Moon, chairman of the
board of directors of the London aud
Northwestern Railway company. Sir
Richard is one of the most energetic
railway magnates known, and is the
terror of the employes of the company,
for they never know when he is about
to pounce upon them. He makes a
point of visiting every station on the
line at least once a year, and has an
odd habit of overhauling the books
and accounts of station masters at in-
convenient times. He knows the price
of everything, and is «aid to have row-
ed au unfortunate freight agent for giv-
ing too much for a packet of carpet
One day he dropped in at Crewe sta-
tion about 5 a. m., and saw a couple
of porters hard at work cleaning up
things generally. Sir Richard was de-
lighted. “This is the right way, men,”
he exclaimed. “I like to see such
painstaking industry begun so bright
and early in the morning.” “Industry
be blow!” said the man addressed,
tartly, who of course did not know who
the fussy old gentleman was. “We
don’t commence work at thisunearthly
hour,but we've just heard that that old
nuisance, Moon, 18 on the road some-
where and we're just getting ready in
case the old hunks should drop in on
us unexpected.” In justice to Sir
Richard be it said he took no notice ot
the opprobrious remarks, but quietly
slipped away and gave the men the go-
by that time.—Philadelphia Inquirer.
Growling about City Hunters.
“The game laws,” says an old sports-
man who is inciined to be a growler,
“all are made by city men who want
about six weeks in the year to them-
selves, just when the farmers are busi-
est with their fall crops. A city
sportsman who doesn’t know anything
about farming will put on a pair of
breeches that reach to his neck and
wade all over a new wheat field with-
out thinking of the damage he does.
1 was brought up on a farm, and I tell
you these celluloid clay pigeon killers
are a nuisance. If I werea farmer I
would raise a crop of bulldogs and feed
them on raw beefsteak for amonth pre-
vious to the opening of the season, and
when these city jays swoop down and
take possession of the farm I would
turn them all loose. —New York
How They Do It in Dublin.
Ap Irishman who had just come to
New York and was not remarkably
well pleased with the weather last week
or with anything else in America, was
belittling everything he saw to his
friends, who were showing him the
sights. They visited Eden Musee and
he had his picture taken by the nickle-
in-the-slot camera. “Well, Patsy, did
ye ever see the like of that, now, be-
fore?” he was asked. ‘Did I ever see
the loike of that?” replied Patsy in
great disdain. “Bedad we have one
1 Dublin that, if you just squint into
it and drop in a farthing, will take your
picture in three differerc positions—sit-
tin’ down, standin’ up and wid yer ba-
by on yer koee.”
Wife (looking up from a book)—
“This writer says that half the miseries
of married life come from the fact that
wives do not have a certain, regular
sum per week to spend as they please.”
Husband--“True; and the other half
of the misery comes from the fact that
husbands do not have a certain, regular
sum per week tospend as they please.”
A ——
——Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roum-
ania, is forty-seven and still beautiful.
She and the Princess of Wales, who is
also forty-seven, are two of the prettiest
women in Europe.