The Democratic Watchman. E 3 BELLEFONTE, PA Friday Morning, September 30, 1870 DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP NOMINA- TIONS As the law requires that all elections for borough and township otheers, ho held on the day of the general eleetion—the 2tl Tuesday of clettilier, I would ret ommend to the It - ocrals of the several lowimliitia and boroughs of the county, whtclt (tare not already furtue, t lr teen( Urketa, to 01001 at the usual pint•o of holding O.I.VIIMIN of/ sATuituAl oi"ron Eli I Thin, between the hours ierf 1 and 0 o'clock, P. and place In nomination, township or I KII ticket, to be voted for on the day of the elect ion H. I% WITMER Chairman Dem Lb. thrtoralif er Itellefonte, Sept, 20, MO THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUTY --(10 to John I. nankin, tlnd get tho "Household Treasury" "Both Sidra 14 the StrreC" and "Moth and Rust," should tnr in every Gamily—lo lm had at Rankin's, Hush Frank Montgomery 11114 just re ceived it new lot of hats neektms, and other fancy arrangements, that aro the latest things out. Drop in and see them --IVo are infortard that lit %I'm Campbell, of Snow Shoe, took a beet out of hi , garden ti other. day that weigh. rd •1 . v 'l . ll is the largest A I( , NICV KV! I )A1 —Wednesdny next, tie• ; - ,th tnxl., being Atonement Dny, the , tore of 5W.51111113 & (:uggeithei tiler, w ill he closed troll' sunset on evening until sunset On NVedne , ds) evening After that hour business will be tritmucted as usual CIRCUS A NIP MICNNIERIK.—The eir CU- and menagerie will be hereon Wed nesday, with all their attriwtion , A next week will be Fair week, nbm, there nu noubt be n large erond in town From the bills, we judge it to be n good show, but there ii no test like that of going to see —Wednesday the sth of Ui tober, being a Jewish holiday or holy dad itn , :dray Atdromont -tve betteve,we are riluested to giv(i nottcr hurt ii I Lia.b, May & Loeb, will that day till half past six o'clock rrr (fro evening -- Ladu if ymi mount the Intel style of Bonnet or Hat—go to Mrs Rankin, nest door to Harper Bros, She has just received a full line 111 . goods, latest novelties, at rens( li able prices. One and all go, and got nice goods --Mr. Charles Glenn, ono of the best and finest photograph art ists in the country, arri‘ed in town on Tuesday with his elegant picture ear.. Air (tient) prow to rl-1111 in here and tlo,o in need of pictures can now get them in the best style of the art, at the lowest prices 31r. Glenn will attend, when ordered, to take the pictures of either , ick or dead persons At the present writing, t Toe, ) there aro•igns of rain —a lito-y now much needed in this .ectoin For three weeks or wor r e we linyn't had a drip, and eNerything us drying up The road. are intolerably do , ity One can scarce_ !c breathe now in the open stir, without teing r honked by the floating particles A good sunkmg rain would be a great blessing. I'. N —Thursday—ram al hint BOY the 27th initant (Tuesday) while, Mr. Henry Faust, of Port Matilda, was engaged in hauling wood otr the ridge, his son, who was upon the loaded wagon, accidentally fell off, and one of the Wheels passed over hir neck, killing him instantly This heartrending occurrtince will se cure for the bereaved and stricken pa rent,. Om sympathy of the whole COM munity, arid proses that 'l7 "the midst of life we are in death " !dr. John II Jacob. of Snow gllnAillith, having repaired a gun that was hft with hun, darted to tako it home to the owner, and, think it.g he might sec somettnng to shoot on the way, took Ills own gun with him, load ing them both On the way he raw squirrel run up a tree, and placing one gun on the ground, with the muzzle leaning against his breast, 41riid at the squirrel; but, while in the act, Oft) oth er gun was r.ceidently discharged also, the contents.critering the thick part of left arm, from the effects of which the unfortunate man bled to death. Ile ihni hurled on Saturday last At a Met lioduit camp meeting at Mdraturgg, near Willtumaport, on Wednesday, 7th inct , a man named bennla Yyrietr, of Brush Valley, was killed by one of a 'gang of roughs, named Warren who made his escape Yorick KM muddied In three places with a large butch er knife. Liquor caused the murder. The above is from Keystone Good Templar of Sept. 20th, and; is all true, except the following: Ntilesburg is not near Williamsport ; it was nett on Wed. nesday 7th, but Sunday 4th ; the man killed was not named Yo: ek ; there was no Warren in the gang ; none of them expected, but all five un number, the murdered man, ha% e been and held to bail to littn,‘ at ~ urt lie ass not stubbed, thew was no hotelier knife used, liquor was riot the cause of the murder, he was not killed, nor dangerously hurt. POUttE RNED,—A house belonging to Dr. George A. Fairlamb, of this place, on a farm of his up BAN() Van, was burned one night lest week,iiiofill rather singular circumstances. A party from this place, consisting of Jerry Butts, "Michael Runkle, Ilen'ry Yeager, George Downing, and ono or two other+, were up in that neigh bur hi oil hunting, and thought they would go to the Doc tor's house, which was not occupied, and cook their supper, if, peradventure there Might be a cooksteve or lire place in it. They found only a stove without any pipe, and this they carried gut a short distance from the house, and made n tire in. But the nut working well, thay_abanilott7l it, and kindled a tire on yhu ground a little way from the house. There they cooked supper and after dispatching it, , at down to watch the tire awhile \Viten bed-ti toecame, they repaired to the Intro, in whielniis i .ontemy east straw, thinking it would be more omifortable there than On the cold floor boards of the house It wits not long tillattey were wrapped in pen. found ~lumber, and silence brooded all ammo,. About nodontht 1 , 1111 of the party awoke, and seniig a great light, roused the others, when, lc, and behold, the house win MI tiro I having rei buckets or anything with which to tinguhh the dame+, 1111 y went, Cl,lll - 01 let thelll do their work, and ,00n the Inoe.e was burned to the ground ilow it caught no one knows The party states that the tire kindled to cook 1-111111er with, was 1111 out when they went to bed ; at lewd that was their pit pre,ooell. There must 111 0 11'11 1./1 1 1 1 11 SOllll l tifle 1 (11FIL!111;111ed crither4, howe%er, 1111(1 it wind may have carried them to the build lug We have heard a rumor that the hotew was haunted by • ,onu'disutbi died 910 it, w ho nightly inade it the 4.'1'00 of its earthly wandering. If Fo, we sug gest that our friends of the hunting party put the blame of the whole thing "Ip"m l6e gluoat Tltire t+ iw dmibt, but that spirits .li, play thedeure sometime•. The how,:wits inured for about half its sable A tt ktnda of ticho6lflooks,at low rale., at Rankin's Book store --(Mr friends, Shorthdge Co , those enterprising coal dealer., have laid in a heavy supply for the winter season As the cool weather II pprOlte t coal carts la gin to go, and daily we bear the sound of the shovel es the fool is thrown into the cellar• of our citizens. Black-looking as it is, what a blessing is coal! How could we do without it What visions of comfort by the side of the stove or the well tilled grate I Ala., fair the poor creatures to whose cheerless homes the winter supply of coal never comes : - ‘hortlidge & , for the efforts they have made to supply our people with coal, lII,OrVI'S grl . lll. credit They have erected extensive and well arranged coal sheds, tout tilways Kim a supply on hand ' Somali., when one orders coal, it is alwiiivs to he had This is an accommodation of great value to our 4'll' 'ens Thelpraves al.po are moderato arid reasonable. All sues df the barri4 vial are now selling at $6.50 at the yard or .$7 delivered A supply of the Shamokin coal has been ordered, and will be here shortly The chestnut coal sell at $6,25 at the yard or at ~`56,7.5 de- I I vered. It is the determination of this firm to sell coal as low as any other yard In the country, and It Is, we think, the beat way for our cai7ens to order their coal from them All outside arrangements, in the shape of cotripaniesjo order from a distance, with the hope of cheapening the article, are humbug., and tokve more or less chentery in them Our ad vice, then, is to buy your coal from Shortlidge & , and thus save troutole, anxiety arid expense. They purchase from the most extensive dealers and at the lowest rates, and hence are able to offer it hero as low us it can be sold any. where ARRANMCNIFNIS el" .111 . 1 ICI ED,— 1110 work upon the DPW buildings, andihther improvements, on the grounds of the Altoona Park Association, will be eom pleied in a day or two, and all things ready for tire reception of stock and ar ticles, and the opening of the Exhibi tion The new building is 16 feet wide, FM feet long, 12 feet high to the syiare, comb roof covered with shingles, and well floored. It will be nnu•h bet ter lighted than the otlier buildings.and is intended specially for Indies' work, paintings, and line articles The con struction of this building gives almost double the amount of room the Associ ation had last year, consequently there will be less crowding of articles,and will be exhibited to much better advantage.• A train of passenger ears will be run between the depot, in front of the Lo. gun House, and the grounds, every bait hour, during I,lle continuance of the Ex hibition. The driving couro is in excellent condition and in constant use quite a number of horses entered for speed be ing now in the stables on the ground, as also others that are under training. The Exhibition opens Oct. 9th, and closes Oet 7th. Rail Read Matte 4. We have fitting news for the friends. yf the Lewisburg, Centro Sc. I ... Spruce Creek R. It It is well known that the only difficulty in the way of closing up the books and having every thing pre pared for the engineers, was a local fight in Harris township. That, we are hip• py testate, was compromised rat a meet ing held at Boals,burg, on the 28th inst., where Mr. S. 11. Stover presided , , end Mr. .1. C Irvin acted as Secretary' The terms of the compromise were— all the subscriptions to be made uncon ditional—and on Wednesday next, the sth instant, a bond is to be signed guar anteeing the amount not subscribed, on condition that the location of the road be left to the engineers, only requiring them to locate it on the shortest and closmest ;maw theycnn find. This ends our railroad troubles Haines, Penn, Gregg and Potter, have sent in their books. Ferguson is ready too, et tiny day, and Hari is closes hers on Wednesday next. Now let the Pres ident do as he has promised, and send on vtigineerg To liotKl, K KENCIt, lens° of K row, of the Brockerliollf I being about to expire, and hitY pig ramie ep their rriindq to go into ether ilc: .. entlemeti oller nl Ili-lyre Hilo the whir end fixture% of In}h the Brokerlio ('oared home, Thi• opportunit y for per4on who emitemplatei going into the hotel bmities., to , eeltro mthialibe furni ture at a moderate price. --.liwob Ilir,hler's refreshment Sailloll, on •triwt, will be closed on Woilneillay inext,—Atonement Day ftpr that it will bo open as usual, with the bw-t of oystor4, lager beer, and re frwihments getwrally, always on band ItV.I•IIIITOF Till , . COMMITI KR OF Tur ER SI AI K Fens—To the Honor able, the l're4olent and Ihrector4 of Ow Inter Stitto Flnr, hold ut l'itt,borg, 12th, 1:1th, 1-11 b, I.sth, Pith, and 17th .of tieir, 1870 undersigned committee, Appoint ed to 1.1111111111. Mid 1.11 1 / 4 5 upon (hiss 1(1, 1110. t rerpecthrtly r4ilort, that In Ihr Ist Do•i•inn or the , Tress tt&ere /Ayr° no exhibitors— Premiums were offered in this dix hien only to State .Igricitani al Sorietirm and none or these appeared as competitors to the 21 Div however, In whirl) Experimental Farms, Agricultu ral l'ollege., Farms Schools and Seed Grower, tx et the exhibitor., these wa. creditable display by the Su perintendents of the three Ativernl From. connected witii the Agrout turalCollege if J'ertii , y I Varllll, to whom, under the general super vi.iiiti and Con trol of the 111a-ter and the Prore , mor of Agriculture of the l'ollege, the insaingc meta. of the respective farina is commit ted. TA • .I.:a Oren perimelltal Fel; in, situated at West (;rove, in Chester cot.nty, ertablished Ist April, 1868, laid since that time , under the Superintend ence of M Harvey, exhibited lortx -lour ‘aiieties 44 wheat, thirty va rieties of oats alpt el, yen %iirietivi of barley neatly prepare il and put up /a ghee , Jitri,diontairitng about one quart each, tabled with Ow /mine of the vari ety. Many of these specillMenx were ex euileat It, finality The inilli4ry amt per-eyercileli evinced by 'l', 31 li ars ey, in cull, tititr and ex periniviltiag it on 1 hi% tortalilahle 114 of vurietiii4, i i deserving Of great credit a r i d a nUtI,, hur l to the thank.; of the Agricultural Community 'I ho Cent, lit ErprrilliPlitat P111•1/1, , It. rated near Agricultural College Centre coital.), ei , tatilislicil I , t April, 181,11, Anil sin, c that linoe tinder the Sit perinterideuce of 13' (' II twv, exhibit ed six varieties of wheat in the grain of Olin half 111111,1 141111, tOgl,ol.'r with a specimen of pitch variety in the straw, two varieties of nye in thin grain of ono half each, not rteen Torten', of Holm in the grain of one-half hio , hel each, together with a teen run or each vari ety in the straw-- xerrri rariettey ley of the grain of orie-half bushel en, 11, together with a specimen of each vari ety in the stns w--milt arrimenv of the most approted variety m the Potato of 11 1 ‘111•1111 01141 sererdert 1111,11111,1 V of /VIP Ve!rietieN if /he l'otato f (on rerei (nor, —each 1.111 two, the produi t of ortrirt, t 4. Tube, platitial Upon equal itras of land in chore proxernity and equal al-o ttl thi IlliVitlattglql Of fer tility, culture and 'nature, yet xarying In the products from ebsi.nri pounds one and one loaf 011111•1 , to 'l,lll' 11"111111 tivn 01111t..8,trild on(' illtlrill of 4,11 e bushel oryery good and WI.II pre pared 'Timothy Seed The speeilllOPlt 101 NVhent, Barley and ( )0,4 thus exhibited by Mr Huey in the ()rain find Straw,iihieed ilijo.rtel position, stowed to great ad v nantage and added much to the beauty and interest or the exhiloition The experiment upon the seedling/ potateei alao attracted atten tion The tieleq of Rowing and plarituig— tb, yr, ) ,4 Inuturing. cutting. and raißr ing every 1, ariety of the Grain and l'o tato were given. Mr !key hrg also merited and Flhoul.l receive the thanks of the Agricultural Coln tnunity The Western Experimental Farm, situated near the borough of Indiana in Indiana County, established Ist April, 180 and for one year under the super intendence of Mr Walker, of Fayette county, and since that time under the Superintendence of A. J. Hamilton, exhibited:six varieties of Wheat in jars, containing about one quart each—eight varieties of Oats in the grain One fourth bushel each, and ten varieties of the Po tato of one fourth bushel each. Tho grains and potatoes were good, and considering the very short time Mr. Hamilton has led the Superintend ence, entitled to - greinfedlt and to tho confidence of the 'Agricultural com munity. With the above explanations the com mittee make the following award of Premiums, which we aro happy to ray, they do unatilmowly. orti Wm. o,,Huey, Superintendent of the Central Experimental Farm, and to 7 4 4ornagHarvey, Superintendent of e ht?-natern Experimental Farm, rack for the best and largest collection and diSplay Of Eumpln aced graham, grown and experimented upon with a detailed history of\ the treatment oT the crops, we award the first premium of a Silver Medal. To Win. C ffuey, Superintendent of the Central Experimental Farm for the hest and largid, colleetion and display of Potatoea—twenty four yllrialeg—wo award the Brat premium of 7'en:Pollars, and To A .11 Ilarniiton, Superintendent of the 11', ,tern Exp. rinointal Farm, for \ o„.. the n.• t le-t and largestfolleetion and del.iffy ' Polatoew--tl'ii VllrWill'H—wo awardt to hecond premium of Five Dol lar.: All which is most respectfully submit ted. Nl(P4v,s Commatcp, (; V. CorrrKß, NViii. S. liAncLAr Ex itiniTioN.— A grand literary ex hibition was given by the students of the Penn Hall Aeinletny, under the con trol of Prof A F, Truxid, on Friday evening, liert 23d, 1870 The exercises eon , d,ted of &On inationg, es.iiys, dia logues, orations, vocal and instrumental Salutatory Will deli vered by our young friend, .1 ohn W. Shook, E , says were read by 31 i erY Snllin K. alit, Ili cca S Sativer, Ella S Fisher, Rachel E. Bann% Amanda Barges, and 1 'l'. Porter Suitable subjects had been se lected fir the oiler-ioo — wereably treat ed and read The tlrst declamation by Geo It Crawford, followed by Win 11 Ki-ter, who ied,“ in a very elo quent manner, a declamation was also delivered b . ) ii ui (' McCool, who did hun.elf ample justice before the public ; another declamation was delivered by our young friend and assist ant teacher, I'inf Geo W. Kroul, who deserves much credit for the able impressive manner in w hich lie spoke. Nest our widely known German friend C. B Let4el, was called upon the stage to deliver a German declamation. Ito spoke in his mind humorous and elo (pent style and left the stage amid great appinusm. An oration was delivered by M Evans, who spoke in a very flu ent manner, and to say that lie added much en iiit to himself, would be say ,ing but little. Dialogues were perform oil by .Dr 'S It Breon and \V 11 K hter Maggie Hanna, Kate A. Walser and a number of other ladies and gentlemen Let it be sufficient to say that all the dia iugues were good and well perbotmed. Instrumental music was given by Mr %Vim E Meyer of Aaronsburg, Choice vocal music was' selected by Prod G W Kraut and rung by the students durk9g thin evening I•xereNe4 The kinging • was remarkably good, credit is due to tin per.,uni who tirrtormed the piece entitled' 'long of the Gipsies." Prof A E. Truull then delivnred farewell address in an eloquent and Ire!) . liireetlhg Manner In his remarks he thanked the citizens of the communi ty for their patronage and general hos! fatality ; and to thin students he show eth forth the cornpentZation for their un tiring efforts in striving to gain a god mlncalion ECTA Letter from Zion The Radicals held n menting rit Zion the other evening, whieli• report says was a most, ridiculous failure. A cor. ri , tiondent B ends us the following letter in relation thereto %rot, Sept 26th, 1870 The yranfl Luck-nigger, cucumber-skinned, tar-colored Re. publican ineetirig, which wee held at thii place on Saturday evening last, was attended by at least nineteen diluted A rmstrongs The Icli ne sl) nee.; of Hu. port placed Hamer, who dancei to tbe Radical fiddle and usually carries Heck in his breeches pocket, a• Chairman of the meeting. lhe ffrat ballot brought Harshherger (II) to the stand to act as Secretary, which office he declined with a fearful outlay of cheap rhetoric After the meeting was organized, the President, with a voice like that of a miller, requested our bravo Gordon to address the meeting. Cyrus, who hangs MI to his legal aspirations like a bull dog to a bone, regaled the Rinds with a mild dose of Radical thunder He said Republicanism was yet in its infancy and diseased Poor fellow llt sm his the trot'', the 1 rugno•i• will be unfavor able, premature death will evitainly follow A dose of the following may possibly xld in a cure • Armotrong I port, W ikon I liiinoon 1 " Ext Niger 10 " fdiv Label To ho given in "good obi Rye Yocum followed with the two hun dredth edition of is famous purse-proud „ii .. gger oration, which had a soothing etlect upon lhe reasons rig few, who were not already sleeping Citi,t Ly tie closed with many remarkable gyii - roo , tlc evolutions and a history of his trip to NVillianisport —whit h was very vanly for the chairman ; for, until hi. was aroused out of his stupor, he was obliged to hear the motion to "tend unto .•1" thanks to the Srakers", three he really knew what it meant Yocum giggled Wilt voiriOlilProil the house adjourned, without tiny !no tion to that effect. Dit.t.orr. Per the V, 4Te/1111.13 THE RIVALS. quiet and wtill, with a fare of light, fireneed for 010 tomb who lay, Bright an a Mgr In the crown of night Hot dead an a piece of clay, Two that Movers around her 8011111 Acting as brother's now— One has plaeed a rose in her hand And one 11 rose on her brow. And nide by-alde they walked to her tomb 4:111er Of the mourners there , They turned to paelt miter In thole gloom, For comfort In despair. How will It he In the eomlng'years, Fraught with gladness or pain, When they land on Eternity's r b I n I lig piers %VIII they ho rivals again? Died., - .: DOWNlNO.—Onthe'llth instant,Anna LOU iSP, Infant daughter of Georg(' 11 and Jane Deoting, aged tiro years and coven dap/. Amglher little lamb line been folded into the bosom of the Savior. Sweetly, quietly, it has glided from earth to Heaven, and in now one of that innumerable company of cherubs lhat surround the throne of the Redeemer. Let the parents be comforted. Their lone Is little Anna's gain. SOM MERVILLE.—On the morning of the 141 h inntant, ut Snownhon. of consumption, Mrs. Sommerville, wife pf John S. Sommerville, Eng , aged .1 . 2 years. Mrs Sommerville wan n Imeotning follower of the meek and lowly Jesus, and died happy in the connoting hope of a blessed hereafter DEA RMOT —On rimloth itultant in Milenbork, Mr. John 11 DcArtnot,in the 67th year of his ago. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-Th dernigned, an auditor appointed torphanti Court of Centro County, to the money arising out of the onlnto „i rine Wino, (formerly Calliarino livnt) tor and heir at kw of John lintn to and amongst Mese attend co thin defies of Ida appoliito Friday, MS, 21st day of Mitol,er, 1871 o'ulork vt. M. of said day, et Mu pin, and:where all parties Interested rat) al they will fOrever after he claiming arty part of decedent'a onto. JOHN P. POT I ran A INTIT re TO FR111.1119 AND PiTRORS. 15 30 - 3 ,. , Business Notices Ladies and Gentlemen Permit me to call your attention to the fact that I have laid In, for the fall and u inter, one of the largest and most complete stocks of Groceries and Pen visions, such an sugars, teas, coffees, salt. spices, canned fruits, pickets, Mons, shoulders, dried beef, vegetables, china 14111.1 glass "ware, I rooms, notions, he-,dc, ever brought to Belle fonte, all of w.jalch are fresh and in the heat roudition Allow MO /11/40 II) say that I wilt sell these goods tarter than they tan be bought else where•,fse cosh Having purehaned then) In the hest markets livid on 1110 1,014 terms, I think lam Ju.tillell hi saying that I ran sell cheaper than anybody else In Bellefonte Ua ine tho tumor and yourselves the pleas. ore to cull In anti examine my stock I Incline to the opinion that, having onto seen it, you will feel It to he your duty, a. well as your ui serest, to purchase of n o •, should you fortii• nowt), 6a In need of anything in my Ime of business I here Joni returned from the eltwe, and utn r.,111y promo) tot the mit/low/1d fthwk that I wits BO fortunate as to ha nide to meelire. A. Kiting your orders, and with the a.a.ti noire that 1 be glad to pee you al nit flutes and grateful fur year GlVora a tmin/ time. I reinato, ladies and gentlemen, with high consideration, Your+, truly, Bellefonte•, Sept.:to I.rvt A. Ohm". —blernhorg want Milo the oily on Mlay, and just tts Ito passed the office, nhouted oar Ow he wan goer• to bring tip the biggest, the nicest, the tines( stock 01 goods rt rr 111.01104111 to this place, and that he would sell them cheaper titan any tither merchant on top of ground. This is what lie maid —now, when ho gets hark, we'll are what he'll :It: Major rarater, of the firm of Forster A Dotting la also in the city purchasing geode lie anticipates bringing up a large. anti Intl. Mutt stock, and will no mitilit create afarore when ht return., Threw g«ttlontrib aro sitting one of the briskest limunesses it town, and are a 111014 gentlemanly and popular fl: in —Burnside k Thomas have ereated quite • sensation by the heavy stock of l onas they i.e. MO in ter Ole Winter Refl./011. they 66666 ht. anticipate a teary trade this full and winter, if we may Judge Scorn the amount of gllll‘l4 (1.1. y have brought up. They halo groceries slid ronfrelon• in emit,. (mantillas , boots and shoes by the box-full, leather I.y the hundred weight, and notions by the minor?, Really, one of 1110 largest and bell stocks they have ever brought here. Hwee•t ',mat OUR, , are n g the good things Im and see them They are agreeable fellows to talk to, even If you don't want to billy • Mr John IlulTer hat. jlt.t armed from with an elegant ftw.nrttnent of Full unrl Winter guru', t ull to and nor 'rho uhelveu and r otinterx of Ihu thAferr4 or.• piled high, or .111 lw ui n dal or What they call the nnemt lot 4.f hr ought to till, 0m... • Mutt - Dooley stand 4 randy to wall on cituttlrner nailer thelatwa French utyOu K eller .1k Nurser, a.+l.le•d by (Mr Kfllld look wK friend "Dave,'' hale• heel. throa nig them 1.014... again in the line of new good,. The Isrldiatst dirlday 1111.10 to that ...1ts11011111•111. 1. tatl•hurg t,r the latitt.•, and n• they entstitlnnt ly 10141 . 11, to unequaled by any other tdore iu (tsars ..1 . 11r.11. STORE "—We are often at4tel the tinetdion'x here In the ellen', store , " emo . t, the cheap store here ally more' , " "Where lois the 'heap Pito, KOlll. tot' WIIIOI at, reply—the 4 heap More halt not left town—it In still at the sortie !dace, littere it always has hero, at So f Ittish'n an.ade 1 . 11.14. Ziodacr man Itror h Co. hate the hexpest store WI. know of or ever heard of rearing that try the word "n hemp" We convey the Idea that Zito. merman 'At 44 n "one horse concern," and that they sell "ato•tion trash, - we WWI It distinctly tintler•tood that it la a that eta. i-14141,11F11 ...111, Where the finest RN well as the e oarsent Wales are sold at very lon prices, es", hilly, we suppose, fur the 'ready tin " If there aro any who doubt the above let thrill Ka and see for theinaelves t e hate beenillene, !tied It on, and are convinced tor ye and do like. 'WIMP — KM.. [ter , ' At Mil dully r.• 4 1 .1.11 1 .11114 1111.4441. 14,111 1•Nr1.1 111 ly ..1.i1•1•11•41 sin. k 1114114.4 cht.../. gomb., Int es, trimming., 11,".14.ry. gloves, tun'. linrry pg.. 0.14. he. Akmn go l A.44tyirtilgtil ,if lailtvot ittvl Mt4ni, shoe. and gmh•r• win,h they .5111 sell 11../ , nth The Bellefonte Market The follow toe lire the till/dation, tip to 6 0 ' 1 . 101 k Thottotay treutttg, %%tool our paper Went In preav 11, Iliti . Wheat, per Itotthe) ,l 211 Heel Wheat, per Iton het old .. I In Roll %heat per illiN)11.1 IleW I In Rye, par lttitth,•l Corn, %to nett la, toothy!, 70 (kiln, per I, ..` , hvi . - • 35 Barley, per loottltel 7'l 1111e1t a 111•1111, per 1•1,11,1 71 ('lot, r /, per 1,110110 .7 01l Potatotte, per iataltel Egg., per don't . . Lard, pi I ptIIIII , I . Itlll . lllll -- -Silfil{bi.,. Slii•••• lIIIIIIM I , l'allorit, per potted Rutter, per pith .... Rage, per pound. ... Ground Planter, per thin MONEY MARKET, 4:, thinnren d 11ro • 40 Mouth Third fitreet, l'hilnil'it , futilitill the following up to thu 12th Inntant , U 8 n't, of 'NI . I, T (41 114 1 „4, 112 A no 113 'ti4 1 1 1 1 2 1'4 itt 1 1 1 1 2 11 , i •• 'IL'. '. " .45 now 111014 04 WO • I l'' ''' 6,0 1 ii 4 . no- q 00 lit .. 5 . 0, ill-4161 WV (10 b 171,/ Ic S ,:11 Vont ti percent. Cy. ... 111, ; ~(ry 111,4 Dile eotup Int Notei., .. Gold ..... 113%0S 114 Htl ~ , as 111 Union Pitettie It It Ist M. Bonds mu sru Central Pacifie It It. 9 " ) (SllllO Union Hardie 1,00,1 Grant Bonita. 120 , as 550 Wo ore prepared to furnish INVOIllie litamps of all denomftuitions to nur customers, allow ing the following dist:out. Un $ 25 and upwards 2 per cent. " too " 1 " " We MI 1 , 001, forward all orders upon the day of their receipt. MARRIED WINTER—IDDINGS.—On the 20th in Lief onville, by Rev. J. W. cleaver, M A. Winter, to Mies Angeline S. ldd of thin county. BUCIL—HAILTER.—on the 4th Install for. A. h. Ileemor, Mr Franklin W. Mime I:immune Ilartor. oth el Marl ship, Centre county, New *dye PEN!"SYLVA NIA, Centre ( ss I, d 11. Morrinon, (Tort ut phon's Coutt i of 'sold county 1:4•1 hereby co rt , fy,llint at an Orphan'n Colo Bellefonte, the 24th day of August, A. befirro the Hottorahle the .1111Ig0Y Court, on motion rule Was ranted heir.. and repronentativen of Reuben lit tensed, to 001110 Into the Court en th M.,othly of NOVI:1111110T next, and it, refia, , th to aeeept at the valuation end own!, or to plum enure Why the reel t until aeeetteetl nhouhl not he mold In testimony whereof I have hen•un hand and nlllcnd the seal of said /teliefonie, the 2.11 ti day of August, A II }V Wtllll){tlSti, J 11. S1t)1011 1: , 18-13 Shertff PENis;tiYINA NIA, Centre 1 111.1 1 .1 11. Morriaon, clear 522 Olen'. Court of 4/11.1 county of e I 11,1,1,y certtly, that at an Orphan'a 5 o 252 lien, honk, the '22,1 lily of Ang2,l , hefort n , the Ilonorah/e, the Judger cool t, 4,25 motion, 11110 WAx gi:ulte•d heirs mot legal repreeentalne•,. Of PO t 4, 2•1 , 111 t. IWO the Court 1 .11 tl of November nave,25 2 5,1 ro fuse to 2teeopt, at the v 55155,4,1022 aryl 2 meant, or to show 'atlas sstry tha real loot ileeettaril x 15055121 not lie 2 , 20121 In 4,152122,52 y a hereof, I here here my hand and affixed Ilia PPM of maid 11ellefonio the '4221 clay of Amor.t ,1 I It W Wtntlslll Nti J II 1115.11i1t1 Shertff PENNSYLVANIA, Cent rt. 88 1, J 11. Hurd/lon, C:erk I onhan's Court of saltt county of v. I ereto/ certify, that at an Orphan's Vol at Bellefonte, the Ztti .lay of Atagli.l lola before the honorable the Judge.. Court, /O 1 motion, role wan granted heirs and representatives of William tlf`1•1•11,11`d. to emir Into the Court on t h Monday of NoreMber nev t. and MOO I fail, to accept at the 1.014 t 4 ',pot nr thou eIIOPO why th e said deceased alitaild not be sold In ttiritirtymy %hereof I have here, my hand and affixed the Neal fir 'W.] I Bellefonte the ?Lt day of attignst, A \V WO( .1 11 Alultlll,4 15 its id Shrrtif rI I O T 11E if EI 14 AN fr 1, bILEPRESIENTA'rI% E. 4 of to.ot herirk deceased Take notice or ip, of a Writ 4,f Partition, loomed out ~ f phan'a Cotirt'ot Centro Conniy Lod to reeted, an inniteat will he held fit the 11 denee of George liarheriek I,•ed f". If fleria,, nod t • .1 , 'I uenday the lath, day of Oetoher, I at 10 o'clock A 111 of aald day lor !hot of making partition of the real epode deeeased to and amonk his heir. an rt•premenlatire., if tile MAITIff eflti he Ma prejudice to or 'Toiling the n holi n I.e to value and appraise the %Am, II) to law, at 11111.141 I inn and p ace you 'resent, if %on think proper 'he: ro 0511,1, I) W trstefonto Pr. j 3s.ot ()ItpllANs COURT SALE virtne of an order of the Orphan there will be expeneil to eolithc tont.. prolnlnell In BnOldnirg on the Nth day h e r OM' 11'111/ek Mitinirl day—t hieing rallialtle rent 'shoe, IMP the I• of oat td Itoas Said prior Mitliall• In and napalming the town of burg Jleserils I nn 1 , 41 , 1e• I,da No 15 to lire the're of lloolslatra e In, one fourth of an acre, thereon t o Iwo story dwelling hoops., end other nn &Ergs, all In good state of repair Lot ISo 14 ip the said fown of /tot vonteinitig about three fourth, til ni Thin ins valuable lotildins lot Three lots or parcels of land situate in town of litoirinktrit, ettittaintnit aeres yap)), to all about fifteen Am," soil 111.14 of .101111 5i014,111, JeaPe Keller and others The above iletterthell premises wnl I. together, or'ln separate lots, lo suit 'l•cnpen, sikt t —One half the por.• ha•r 1 hand on confirmation of rate—un.l it in. In nne ylnr tilerenrtn'T with Intrrr 0var..,1 by bond and mortgage on the P'nr further particulars inquire of T R 09,8 GEoItoE W I'l MI Expeutora of Darld Rosa, •leeea.epl I AliNf ISTI{ATOI2'S MITI Letters or Adminb.tratioit. lii ,Al,l rev, linider , deceaaed, ate of tow nahip Ino log been granted U. the signed, they request nil pervoula, therty , elvea indebted to saki eatale le iinnwslove payment and thnmo having tgain.l the watne to pr...enl I kern d uly sled by law for Settlement Is W 111)1. Ir, 1.1-6 t J A arrismalr Educational EXAMINATII) I_ 'Ilu• Exantinntlote will to held I ,att, commencing at 9, o'c•loek, et the Seere•tery wtll be expect, (I to lot lognmaetl am) In renolinen. !I+t no delay A pplleitlatt (or tielniolio will qulretl to Attend the Rzatninittlon In t Ina t where they expect to leach, II hien prodnee it written reque.t to the e , fr,,ln the proper fluent All .boold be tied With ['niter, pelt anti Ink, Plolipt.lttirg null Roth, Phlllintburg, day. September, I.lth. snow Shoe and Burn.ldr, Askey' , 4 bourse. Ti, ur -tiny, September lOlt, 1% llttliler4loirg, Frldn), Sept bbl Marton -,Joeknonville, Sotonlay, Sept 21111. 1314-1111thrlm, Hot orally o.•t.Ater Miles Rolm rmlni rig. Ttie•day. IMtuin , Thittloolay I 'clot . Gregg.-Perin 11,411. Fliday, , (I,,t.ther, 7t INlttos—Aarrttistoirg, Saturday, I )etulu Harris —Elyalsburg, Wednesday, It 12111. EMI Ferguson—Pine Groan, Thursday i )1 13th. Halfmoon Stormstown, Friday th 14th. Patton Waddle's schotil 11011.1 V, tlr October, 15th. llotowlT'Aktitagust's school house M. October, 17th. Mllesburg and lloggs-5111estoirg, October 18th. Howard and Curtin—l(44yard, Wed!, October, 19th. Liberty Eaglevllle, Thursday, t h Taylor and Worth-fort Matilda, 1-1;11' ()ember 24d. 11 uston,-Jullatt Fut nude, Moluitl)'• 241 h. Union Tuesday, ti,o flptlng—Valentivin school house, Ili day, Or'tober, faith, (Spoelal Extuninal tons ulll I,e 1114.1 Rebersburg, Saturday, November, 5111 Bellefonte, Sate rday, November, 12111 for such as were prevented from alt' at the proper time, but 1111 such Appl must comer prepared, as rt , tillfreil 011 ph , of the 8010011ns ) IBEI 'tisenten M MAGI . to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers