Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 17, 1869, Image 4

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    The Democratic Watchman.
Terme, $2 per Annum, in Advance
Friday Morning, December 17,1889
The law-breakersare again in session,
ready, and, we suppose, willing to in•
flict more injury upon the country.
Not that they will do it willingly, nil
less it will advantage them pecuniarily
or politically, but ignorantly. There
are so many mullet heads in both
branches of oar National Cotnn•il that
it is not to be expected that flinch good
will be done. The most we can hope
for is thtatas little evil will be aceout•
plished as possible. it is trile' there
are some good and nhle men there, too
but they ace in such a hopeless minori•'
ty ns to render tkein almost powerless.
Willi'an ignoi 7 ant. iMserahle, Radical
Hump Congress, tlitrerore, personating
our I,egislatise Department, a pitffeid
up, conceited, brainless A. 4 reluesent
mg our E‘fietiti‘e Department, and ft
seared and trammeled ( though Mile) 8:.•
preme Bench 114 stir .111.11k•Nry i)vpitrt
nirrit, a lint hope hate we 'Ol the flepul,
lie? With an unskillful helmsman at
the head of the ship •f state, o hose tin
steady hand semis us hillier and y on
with a crew in the Capitol who violate
muy landmark of safely, how can the
country drift to any other issue
titter (lest motion ? These lure i-eitonn
iiiiestions—qiie , tions that should set
stew sensible mind to thinking and
ery I irrtui courageous heart to pro% id
trig wigs and means to escape lilt: fate
that seems to swallow u. tip
We 440 not like. to "riolopair of the Re
public " If WP only had something on
%illicit to lonme our collfiaence—cotne
thing th the near or even_titylatit future
tn 111(1) to place trout, tr hope,
rse ought then exclaim, wlth the ben
legt, "nil desperamlitin! But, peer,ng
out into the night of IZachcal tank that
now enwrap!' to like a noiatle in it•
Gloomy folds, our el a fat to firreetNe
a eingle ray of light illiiminatin/ the
Cimmerian darknea. dim!!
dreary, derolate, chaotic The night
appeara endless—the morning tarimay
In the. ninlnt of tire Fyzyt.tian Idack lis«
we bear the thunder it the —the
Ina toned, distant rutnLlin that ladok
eto. , the dread tornado
And let. th , . ill the and
I ~itNie•
tnuht 1, We n.l, ~14r,•1 % .
Is there ?I,' retncel:, for ? thf
no band to PIIIIIII . iii 111110 , 11 1.,,
elotiam 01 igworttilee
error to roll back that the people
!nay 1,34 e, throogh ii,to the light '
then the thoo;:lit that the pA•op:e thew
'when lone e it atlCroehe , o‘to 1.14
with ii%erw helinitig. power, auilun^ u.
again into the sere depths of;
flees But more we take eioira,:e
from the fart that if the people hate
dune it, Chet ran undo u, and here
all our hope The ; ao, 1. can dispel the
gloom Thiel ,an restore our liover)t
merit to its pr,itine purity and %lg.!.
They con o‘er;hr” , our tyrants °They
eau secure their own rights and liber
ties Will they do it? This question
is for than to answer Let them
arise in their might and at'ille ballot
lox assert that none but men arid
true " shall occupy the public. places of
this land, and then the bright Sun of
Principle, emerging from the hilltops
of Glory, %ill once more illuminate the
Republic of W Asti NOTON.
Only in the people theniaelveit hare
we any hope. If they will but follow
where Den - Inc:m(lr teaching,. lead the
'way, all mar Wet be well
—lf we hed the opportunity to piny "pinch
er - and "Rooster," In Harrisburg, for twn or
three wintery, w might perhaps. he able to
erect, brick buildings ite.—Republican,
Very likely. Hut there was 110 use
jn yout telling the people that it you
had an opportunity you would play
"pincher" and "rooster." They know
that already. They remember how
you "pinched" thirteen thousand dol
lars of the public funds out of the trea
cury of Centre county, and also how
ably you "roosted" in jail for your If
forts in that line; and until they forget
these facts it will be entirely unneces•
vary for you to inform them that you
would play "pincher" and "rooster" if
you had an opportunity. Furslay 1
—At a great deal has been said
about Mrs. McFarland, for whose
"sweet eke" Albert D. Richardson
risked honor, reputation and life, we
give the following pen picture of her
from a New York reporter, who saw
her during the marriage ceremony at
the bedside of her dying lover :
"Rhe has a small, rather slender form. with
large blue eyes; full. almost chubby cheeks ;
regular. pleasant, attraetive, but not , beantiful
features ; ribb auburn bait; a collected. easy,
graceful expression, and a quiet, composed
manner, which was the result of strong will,
as her hand constantly moved In agitation and
grief." •
—That most able an•l excellent
'Democratic daily , and weekly paper,
the Ilarriaborg Patriot, offers the fol.
lowing hat of pretnintne for clubs to its
weekly issue :
To env person ftending
Clu4of tool for s7rdl ensh . . 31 no
ion for $lB (Si cash . . A (A)
' treaty fof $lO lii cash
1111 riv for sri Ifo rash . . 0 00
" arty her $4l 00 caqh. 10 00
one hundred for $ll5 oo 25 00
The cash to accompany Mery order Agents
may retain fonoont of their preffilinns.
The Patriot is the ventral organ of
the Democratic party in the State and,
being publi,hed at the capital, ought to
be false!' by item Democrat it
Weep “boobed" on polAical questions.
ft goes titll rertsof all the legod tire
proceedings, and is one atilt` most able
edited papers In the country. It wan
Itoneet Fent inel on the 'tinter nails, nnil
never heeitatee to hound the alarm when
danger appronehes The price of the
weekly per year is $2.00; daily i 7,00.
A.l.liiresa B. F. .11.1Yras &Co , !Luneburg
—Mr I)K(Lt ORIEL, it conduc
tor on the Phil . railroad, ptclted
up it poeket.tiiik in ft ot her
above Renovo, which. on extnilintion,
he rout) I to oWIIIOII 2 - ; orio-thothianddol
lar Ile quietly put it 'll his loirket.
and then in•tit !lied tiearch 1. , r th.• lwr.
wh.iiii toitli found, and who looted to
ken G••n tternnp named Smith, a denier in
stock, on bet way to New York from
Ohio Mr Smith, when tltoken to by
Mr ftrOnbriet, wa bito.
but was made nware of it by Mr
peOnbr 1' about lIAV 1114 fotlll , l
u ntnnil parcel " Lie, was so' overjoyed nt
the recot of his 10.110 y, and so grate
tul that it hart fallen into an httne,t
fllllll'll hande, that he pre...ted upon Mr
Ite(iitbriers ac 4 oplartvo a In an 111• W Otte
hundred dollar hill Thbi, however, Mr
DcGaliriel refuned to accept, haul/lett - int
lie n.ked no reward for doitrtz hit dui }
M r Smlth then refintrlsed "too thrall
hear from me and went on his
way rejonunat Such a !Anil at Pe('ubri
comes tinder the poet's, 1141niti.ri of
the ?n,iblost work of a d," en httncst
man, and ;0 bilimdf:t fin - limp to his cm
er• IVO V Iv' then) 1 tutu
—Otte good trieiel, 1). NV. lfootte,
, haw etieveeled IC the e•lti.,rial
chair ul the A I nnL ruh,r t h:l,
pur•tot-e.l t !tat e , tal,lteltment Ms
Moortt. 1%;14 1.,t well% the
eartiell rft /Han. !um, con
sleeted with the Ilarripburg
114 a .cranytlst los 0,:tr,1
1111.1 s %Hiller Li roll! 101, we• ex lii•vt
.er h 9 ator III):eSt
1•"!.;c31 J.,urul: ! ni Ihe .Stitt
Late Publications
A 117'11 Ti flour M %Gt/INP for
.I:tit I,r6,re It tK a ilinliitlicent
illintlwr, mitt !mil"- , 114 :11.14,irrtio
,%Ith new c,.i.el :1.?1,1 I.llllre 111,% tir,.
()nee it Mfmlll' and 'Clit i ,dre , ,,,' 11,.nr
Ni•t•orgiprin% it l'iiirlio.ll4,l ht T
A rtioir Philitdelplc.t IN)
per nt uuni. T‘‘elit% emir
Eser% Itinilk in (lit. .1“)111,1 1110('
II Nett at tra( (ions Ilre t.frered
PETFRS . 4 Alen a NioNITIII v for De
cernhcr slemild bate heel' 'Awed last
week It is all eh . eani. nuniher, .otl
should he the companion lor et cry
pia , •r The preqem number It hill
new and rare musical enrapo.ttion...
Three thdlar. , per annum, single cope ,
30 cents L. PLTER , , pubhnher, 599
111'01111%4 , 11y N Y.
\Sloop's Hocecnyt.n MlO AZINE, de
%Med In knowledge, virtue fl lid le:111 , er
nnce, 14 upon our table for December.
It is an interestinlg and valuable publi
cation. Pace sl,al per annum or 10
cents per irngle copy. Address S. S
Wood, Newburgh, New York.
THE 01.0 (it:IRD, it monthly maga
rile, devoted to literature, SEleM'e and
art, and the political principles
'and 1860, for December, is upon our
•table. We have so often spoken to the
Democracy of this magazine, ihat it is
scarcely necessary tti call their alien
t'on to it again. With the present
number, MR. C. env uxicirr Bean, the
late editor, takes his departure, and Dr.
trol. While 'se cannot but regret the
withdrawal of Mr. Bi inn we feel like
congratulating the public upon the ac
cession of Dr. Edspusu. Under hiseare,
the Old Guard nill lose none of its
aticactiveneas. While ,Mt. Bean as
guinea other editorial duties equally as
great as those lie has given up, Mr.
ENGLISH will continue the Old Guard
as the firm Defender of Democratic
principles. The December number is
an excellent one. Subscribe for it.
beauty of typography, artistic' engrav•
inget;and high-toned literature articles,
together with a large
. and beautiful dis.
play of fashions, Demoresi's Afon o tlely
Magazine is certainly unsurpassed.
' The January number, just I•lteeiVod, in
addition to unusual holiday attractiorts,
has a floe steel portriit of both Mr.
and Mme. Demorest. The rich display
of novelties offered in Demoree Month
ly would seem to he enough to secure
a circulation sittlicien:.l4 satisfy its
publishers, but in addition w.e see they
propose to give a very large awl flue
engraving to each eultsbriber, valued
at $lO. The' engraving alone would
make At very appropriate holiday or
birthday gilt i but when' added to the
costly picture the best pitrlor magazine
iy iheludeir to be a , monthly reminder
of the friendly feeling to the giver,
there is certainly no better way of in.
u est ing $3. AddilMS De/HU/M . B MU,/M.
1y,833 Broadway, N. Y.
'Pony lone p,,et,
Whe:e have )on been
Wading through tialces
Into thu gh et,
Wettelting In trembler
Thu itost. ott thu licot
Leant the tnt ,Ic
`l'aitglit by the breeze.
Poor lone poet
What dill you see r
Fnu the whit! , r,,be,
wsr a tree ;
dr.w the ton,, 4.4 e,
So mirotiritly
To hear the •ttift
Of its lienitt dui runt,
"Poor lone poet,
Whet did yeti '
No ge”tle nnutd
'lath fell an curio ear
I tholight or too Int .ll:ngi
A 4 I 111111ACci ther. oluno,
But thetr beauty 4ml ranu.lied
Their lied lii .vu
"Pont lone poet,
Tenth MN to know
Eso It •nund of - the wtl.lwood
That I may lore no"
Nay. tiny, I neootre yon,.
Each impul+t I love
Ic not of mine owe
Hot •rnt from ebove
Eneh th,rol, "(the heart .
Munt hid you Inquire,
flow In searvli out,
And o n to ',mire
h ctt thin you here learned
rio oil that von need
For God mok-A the root,
A Poet indeed
—Bellefonte Ire tet
—"IA your :t witer :1)1, 9 asked nn
.if tho ;%1:11.11111. or - ithirifl:
lor.1%) %)%lot " •'Yr•+, Sir," r•j»..11,1
f flow, ‘‘ith , '•l.•lll 1111101•Cheo, "1111. loalor
Itn.l T earrreq him Ifpnbout threo o'clock
A l.rn'AelnAtfTinnled Courtley fell horn hin
whsle g..irtg t 1,..u1411 lhn lutmel at lianl4
rell iti.tantly
kepi Notircs
TI) 'rite•: 11E1 IN 4NI)
"1 t hrlst ton rie‘on
It•I n••• thin. l.v 111 tul•ttf
of n•t• nt.on•.l nnt .1 tin tnithttn'A
11l “f • punt.. ~111111 v nod to net It ireei•ed. nn
Innot•.l 4.111 Ire nt the late re•nlenee dd'
1,1 1.11/411 I 1...e11/4111e .Itteentted 111 !111 , li,w IF
%%/11%.•rtool the rt./ray of 1 • nut* on
, /111 of January A II Itinthat
t„ A "I nt -Ant day fnr Ihn pull went Of
Intik InK ;Ant lel ton ofl he Irt•LII emt/11t. 1.1 rmd d«
to Anil among In. holt Ann , ' reitre
•entntive. if the Tattle tin 1.041.tne 4.111111111
pn neltee 111 lir .1100111 W 01 the whole t•therwl•rt
h , Alm. and atpr.n.t. 111. ,1111 ,
lAN it wlurh 11111010111 plat, you [nay ho prey
• 11l if y Olt IPl:nk lit ful r
I. V: N ( MHZ I\4l
Hier itr
r 1 1(1 the Ile , rm ar,d at
liver of John II rl«r Jr ria..041
I Ake note e. 111.0 I.V Pitt.ue of a Neu of Par
out of Or Ilrphnn .1 Court of
1 Coniity Anil to tile dire. turf a 4. tmiliemit
and en
to• h, at the 1161•• 11.•0 01 )oho
111 11,.• ToVlll.lllp of Ferkii
eon, and t omit., or C. nue on 'I ite, ' y the
lacy day of Jkittinrii it It Is7o , at 10 oelock
A A 1 of 140.1 .1,,t Ow purpn r f nothing
p. 611111.11 .1 the retie 1.41A1e of 1.141 d liel•V/0.0 , 1
to lin.l itroong hl. 114114 414/0 reprementaiivel.,
if the. Pal."' Ctull hr 11.01•• without p 1,10.111, to
01 0.1.011i0u of ties, I. hole , otliet oie w talus
•Ind appliii.e the, , ./0114. ,•orthtig 10 law at
v. 1,4.11 111111. and pin. e no may h« prevent, If
tn think plow,
1 1 .041D1(1 \ Sheriff
lilt I. Bellefonte, ra 1L 48-Gt
p NSV I,V A N lA. Cr..TRE Co. sm:
A ICI I let kof the Or
ph„e j . cool lof stud I ..11111 la, hereby certify
that at an I )rplinn•o. Court held at Itellefonte,the
2.t.l di, of Noretol•er. A II (till 1,e60t0 the
Iliolli , Mhie I Judges of sold Court 1111 Ino.
lion role MN, grunted opo t , the helta and re,
re/4,111111(e* 01 Peter Fleleher. dereaned, to
rotor Into the Court on the fourth Monday of
Jalltlarr II.• <I, and m cep( iir re 111.• to neeeni,
at the t alum lon turd appmettlent ehow yaw.•
why the real e*tato of raid deeettaed allonl4
not he +old In Testimony Whereof I horn
hereunto Ott ow. hand and attired of
meld 1 ourt at Bellefonte the 22.1 day of
... Nor
A I/ 18 ,1 9
II W. Wfn/DIRING, J P t 7 P.PII A Itl',
11°48-71 Sheriff C 11 C
Au 1)1Il,WS N(JTICE. --The un
de,4cttedstn rolditor Appoloteti by the
.iphan • Coon of ( entre county, nl Mrembor
teem 11409, lo Make drat nbutloll 01 the balmily,
In the hands of the
uud trustee in the Pale of the StIOVe rotate to
tho.e legally entitled thereto, will attendt.the
don.. of hi• appolnignent. lila oflieo In
Itellefonte on Finlay thh 14th day of January
A. U 1470, at 1 o'eloek I' M.
JNII 0 1,0 VF.,
14.4 rir 0-4t
A lAd fOr
A - u PITOWS NOTICE.--The un
derstgned an auditor appointed by tine
I orphan's Court of Centre county. to distribute
the balance of monies In the hands of the ad
nitnietrator of said decedent, will attend to the
duties of In t, appointio,ent at his °Mee in Belle
fonte on the I ith day of January A D. 1870, M
I o'clock P. M.
FARM TO RENT.—Over 200 acres
In Fergueon townxhlp, Centre county.
Apply on the premlnes to
14-40-3 t B. AYRES.
SlO,OOO Bualielii of wheat wanted. for
which the highest market price in
cash will be pelt by
Dotittl• shot guns, Revolvers, Oartrhiges, to
Gad repelring lo all Its brooches.
Bush's Aroade, High St.,
Bellefonte Pa.
14911 y.
nvery business man should have a printed
heading on his Letters and Stills and his turd
printed on hit Envelopee
The etteapeat and the heed place to art them
I• M the Office of the
kteramm our atook of paper In e=arlety
ka purchased from the manuthei , at the
Loweat Price., and our dirilities or prulting
at the nerialleat coat anti in the beat style,
.. I r-
, holds fl A STYLI
Nebo ftbbertiotments,
5 Cash GUIs, each Moon
In " 10.000
20 " " 5.000
200 IA 11 41605
300 " 100
50 Elepant Rosewood Pianos
emelt $3OO to $7OO
75 Elegant Rosewood Melo-
tiering. each 76 to' 100
350 Sewing Machines nsch 'Mris 176
500 (lohl Watches 15 to ZOO
rash Prif.PP, Silver warn, &e.,
valued at 100 000
A ebanee to draw any of the above ruler , . for
2:5 cente Ticket?. demeriltinx Prince ore angel
in enyolonee and well mixed Ono receipt of
n pmled tiring in drown, without rholee,and
sent by moll to any eddree.. The piler named
upon it will be delivered to ibo, tieketholder
nn pavmont of one dollar Prix& are blithe:
(lintel) , ;tent to any rultirese by exprens or ree
turn triad
You u 111 know what your prise la hetoro kou
one for it„l on prize issehruted for another of
If. *onto ledge No blank , " Our patrons can
depend on fair doming. t
ItrruteNer.g—lVo relent the ("Vowing_ from
many iihn have lately drown Valuable, Prizes,
nod k 'nifty pet milted us; to polttc-It thorn.
A ndrewJ Bona, Chicago, 810 Mu; MIAs ('ar e
14, Walker, Pultimore, Platto.lBoo . J amen X.
Mnthew, rli•IrOlt, E. 34 0 ,110, JOllll T
Savannah. $4 OOO, Airs Agnes Simmons,
Charlet-tten, Plano Sono. We publish no name.
wit tent
fiecqoAs or ?az Proms 'I he Arm la rellalkle,.
and,— Its sit, rc•,e' —ll rtkle Tr!? eele,
Mac a •AN e k now them to he a folr dealing
he ' - .I*.o roe k 211“,, •.A friend
or "gr., l i g. to-I drown s r'o io Ire, 11111C11 wan
plomptly ret•eiN iNII I, / Nfria Jane 8
Howl titr tirontor 1,11.er0l Intlovernentrn In
Agent. Sottstatllnnt gllaronted rvvi) pnek-
RI:I1 Of Seal i ill More, v. ont/1141/. f .INII
num , . Hun tirketrn for 11, 11 f4.r S 2, fon
Ito (or Wt All lettern ellionld Ile althorn.
rd to
%%IP-(1N rt CO,
195 Broadway, Now York
1 8,,q
Pitr,sr,:crs! TS
A rare elinneo for ono nod all to pureftw
A R,nul yid Christmas Gift
for a relative, friend, lover or Nvvrethert
/1/! OS. d• CO.,
again Ito ite the ettontion of the polite. to their
tnereitse.l Ntoek, at pn7•ee.
Jn•t rend the 1141, anti then go and take
Ptne all Pt one?, Mt rm..,
ynnl 1 , 11.1 e... •
Mnl(nitic•.•nt nll ono! tAtipieme
( loth 47, Iwo, venni
Splendid l'lnols Tr In 75 rent,.
Soporb Alpei . .AIrI. top uu
Magnifico:it set. I.u.lii•p Sinn or eon
110.1 Itl.rukrte St and $.lOl or p.m
Appleton, sn.yard wide, ntordtu If, vent" per
yard by the piece
Beet 1 alp 4 12 cent.. per yard
And the pr tee.. lon name WM . , through
the elegant 011,111 of Mrl of i, I ktott,
Zephyr, e•lipper, Pattern , . Itergtna.t. Impot
Zephyr, t.errontttown Wool Zeph‘ r flood•,
Ludt. se Neel. 1 te. Iton, mot Is l Gtorer,lbo•
1:11 boo., \ elseto elieteet, L'n
lint ;ne at • for ,•• and t,entr.a.. a• 7,4*
A leo , lartirP 1 morttoent of lwantllttl
rAnottog In pll , ll Voi•elllft Iti Si
411 kinds e,t 4,1111• I g,“.1. 111 1111
Iron. /1/Id 11,11.1111 , i , of other aril. e., ntillAbir ,
for Holiday (oft,.
And imet Lot u d 11ve.h on Inelilltno the
G . , eat Wile) min /ha/ow/mit and •
my Marhi nr,
which la Kis iiitr Flitch great aati.faellen 11-
pin - claimer. 7 , . nw I, nn wd bt• 11 , 1 Ili b.,
praise FN..ry Maebian .tirrantefi unit b.r
rale by
Cum, one. rotiiP nl! both I.lllltall
A... 1 nr tl tif , ^ Or). 1•...14 HAW
111 mil it‘
lutlN F'.~UEIfA,
Mhidlo "(Or . twtvvreil 7th bth
1644t1i hide
I'll I I.'t 11e.1.1'1l I 4
I mportpr, Mann kelii rer and I n•nler in all
kind. and tinal IQ of
F.l .V !•'l' lt.t
Having enlarged. remodel•.l and 11n n.l
my old and fallorthlY Ithoan Fl'll EMI.I/111
17M, and haring noporif•d It i , r) , large and
splendid aieortment ,31 ull tin• •Itllerral k
of Furs f hr•t hand op,• and lint'•
had them mud, 1111 Iry Iho 01 .1 .ginro anrk
men I atoild rea. ern:lly 1$“ lie 141 N (11011.14
o.lllle and #l , llloolli .11111111.`• all utiii
amine env very krig..•anti beautiful a.ookrt
1111.111. of Farley Fttr., for I.n'ln•a anti I 1.11.1,it
I AM gletertllined to sell .1 It. inn peters n• any
other re.spectald.. 11nu.,• in tlit.eltY All For..
Warranted NO iniarer•rementallons to elle,•t
.1011 N FARERIA.
718 ARCII riTltl:l , , F. PI 1 I IMIELL'II IA
I'l{ F: WI )IZKIN(i CLA'sS
1 1 INe ere now prepared tar form.), nil
Monett.. with moot nn eroploS'trirrit at borne.
the whole of the 1111, or for the spire mo
tol.lll/. Rosiness trow, light Mitt profitable
Vernon, of either civilly Porn from .'rig to
Sr. per evening, and it 111 stportloll.l sit in by de
voting thr,ri whole trine to tiro bonnie.. Boy.,
and Orin earn nearly n• murk n, men 'flint
all who use this notice Tony rend their ad
drone, 411.1 tem( the 1111.111eAtt, We II 111, tit k 1111
parnlied oiler Td mitt h are riot Moil sgiodled,
we, aIII send Si to Pay for the trouble of writ
in* Full uurtleupir., a volu.ith• PI 'triple, that
will do nominee. 0 nor k on, and a copy of 77w
People's Literorn Companion-- nun of the larg•
ent and bent family newspaper. priblintted all
sent free Iry marl. Render, if you want permit.
neat, printable v 01 k .
AligUYin. Maine
Itounnhold 11ork,
A New Handy-Book antral)) , Medicine By
Dr Beard. of the Qnlver.ity of the City of New
York, *wonted by medical prof . M.Pol,l in the
varlotin departmenta. Three yearn devoted to
Itn preparation. quackery and hurnhug&ery
exposed- Professore In our lending tnedical
college,. Wintry that It In the Mart family doctor
book ever written. Outfit andentnple tree to
agent a. E. B. TREAT & CT., Puh'n, MA Broad
way. N.Y. 14-47.1 w.
RAN AWAY, from the suiicriber,
on Monony evening, nelober 18 1860,
one &urine' B. Hopper, an indentured appren
tice from Girard College. Philadelphia, about
10 yearn old. Said Hopper In about live feet
and eight inches high, slenderly built, blue
eye" light hair oud florid complexion, Ilnd
on when he left a cult of light,
: grey mix e d
eanelmer, and a black hat. All pereonn are
hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting
him on my account, an I will pity no debts of
his contracting. _
GM . D. PI F Elt,
- litell.fonte, Pa
14-49-9 L
RAN AWAY, from the PI utoicriber,
Hying near Jacknonville. Lucinda
S r liting a bound girl, aged about fourteen
years. The public are hereby cautioned
againat harboring or trusting her on my ae•
count as' I will pay no debts of her contract
ing. 11111.11' CIATFB.
14-40.11 t
1113(turbet).$‘ eto
Ile has been travellint
about humbugging tirttrifiete and private par
ties. mixing up and ceiling a have componto
which he calla WOLCOTT . 8 PAIN PUNT All of %Vol
cotes genuine remerlion have a white out•eit
wrapper ( tetra atgoatut a large Look ont rui
Six Pints of WOLCarell VCIIIIIIATAR for Calera
and Colds in the head, or Olin Pint (.1 Pai
Paint for Dicemor Pain, sent free ni Pxp reft
charge", on reecipt tf the tnouey at Itil that
ham N. Y, or ono Mallon of Pain NH,
i,dotitile,strengthi fur 2t). hmnit bottloe eel(
yml Druggists it. 1.. woixorr. it 491
L 911. 1 'UMW'S "EUR El( A" Sinn.
k l'elineeek an excellant article n
granulated Virgil:la.
—Wlieuever introduced It In unlvel minty ad
pot np In handromin nnlelln bilge f
whlelhorclerm for Ibleergobnum :Pipes aro dall
Smoking Toliner° has no superior,
ntentinlrodr, ft rannnt Inhirribervele.. onop
tutiens, or penplo of sedentary habit.
—lt in produced front aeloetln9y el thefinnnt
Meek; and prepared by patented mei o, i kiri , nl
spry nromntin, mild, and died in
welitil-111911, it will 'net murk longer 011111
otherv, nor .I,n, It Multi or •ting (lin willow,
or len, n dinnorrealile offer
-4 )rder. rot ppooloe...hmennilvetored
.ohnoto 1 . 1p.a. Alt r mounted, and pr, 1(..d 10
neat loather pocket elms, are plaewl In tha
Yacht Club I.rantl daily
Chowing Tobacco
hrond of Pin. chewin, T ,,,,,„
ho. It pe rior novsrhero
—lt it . , vti ii„,,, f doubt, the Sul k Lying In
burro in the collo y
',MULL titlYS MN
lIIIVO born in goy eral tIAP In 11, 0 I'mtpd gi
live, 1111, var.. an , l ,11111 . 6, . 41 ..41g01 iLr
be•t" who rover lasod
-11yonr storolsvuper dot h,„„
artt, 10. fot n•li him 1,• cir
are• 411.1, 1 by rex].
—('tie ttlais multi on appllonlo,n
I. I, HILLARD& (II pew
B EsT c, BIN ET I /104 A Ns
That the MASON • /11 , 111.1 , 1 0411r4/1 1 1111.1
rout All 010111011 axe (lee heat in the sold ls 1.00
Pal hi the alini.t tuhtnirnow, 01,1110.11011,140,
Plallllll 1111,1. lruln, by 1111 . 1 111,41n1 to 11,110
61ILD 111111 SILVER 11;1,11 0r
higho.., It:0111111111S, /It I/I 111 0 11111111.111,1
pr;tii w !thin A few year a, 10 0 1101111 g it,,
NM/ 41 NI 1110 r Arts EXPO I IItII. I 4 and by it ~alp
41 1 1 , 1 1111101 greater than that of any
Tlll4 0110141 M 1010.11 Llll, alit
/151 , T 1 5.1.5 1,4111.,tit010, 1111.1 11111 10.1
1 011P/1p 1 1 C;41111/ , ' 14t nay Jr e, 'lilt, l sin 144
ferlnr Instrument tii•hiwo."thi•tr Dune 11,
Ing their 10 1 441
lacture. I St the ill null'. tton 01 :1011 1101111111 ry
mot othrt they are 10/1V 111,1.11/K 111.11/44
oitll4o l l tinn I•ea °trout at int re:i.“ .1 • oaq0),00
44141,•11, W ,0 ..01.han0o nith the r hued
policy of Selling alwayn ut leit.t r, 01 11110.111 e
toi.tit. the) ase now offering ail rail. 1" tt 1 1 1/7
40014 wont ' 00011 01 1 1400 01111150.1, I'lolll 11 4111111
Cane $ tkll rive otT.Vst 0110 IN, 1 1 .00,10
1 - 0/1111 44111111 An.% 00111 . 11 and Ihtlit 1011 .111 i
/1 0 1, 151 0 1 4, 111 11 1 1.1010, Mao:at ILL I , 311.1.0-
LAST ) Sit 1111100 mtylo4 111 0p)10.1rioli
11,111441 n 141111 11111101110 'slurp, 110110101,, -
0,13'0 dr ~ 4 111,4 • f the 41) •
grifix nll.l 111, II 1110 1 - 111/411.01 ‘4IIIPII will ht.. I
1.•1,11010 01 0 .). 1,111 - 011.1ret 01
.rat (?e.•„111 , 1 10...11tgr 1 liil.l Io 0110 ol' .1.
010ill4 1111111 1114110 44 11 oil, 05013 /0
,4 11,1110111 h l, 111,am11 , fe , e 1110.01.11,
.11111, I I
E A 11 El{ I ('A N F,l Nlll.l'
I; mil NIAt.III:SE'
Gi els. to II IS)
11+ pit . P4•llt..l 1,.111.• the rnowt
Stiegar, r , tb(e ot (7 .11,
h . 11.1 f Illg Ichlllo .•5..5 Int •ote.l
• Pi thity ..: •
%I /Whin.' %lit 11111 I b lov.J
I'm MAI,' .111,
.114 k, A the sane Sritrh . hero(
but •niperinr in e‘
Will Knit '2O, INNI Starh,, ui oa Min
kw!, DO P/11/LCI - % Ott, kn , on th'
Int. 0.4 the work It will html,l, .mt ..tmk
Ingl tatty nit , / 111 11l Mull hal( DO
%111 Mort
(7.0 w or Open, it 1C11,1,,,p1V,
oh any Li tol 4.11 nom." or lino wooden )ern,
or coign,, .ilk or linen It will hint .totk•
Ing. w ith doilltln heel and toe, drawee,
tank., king 1,1011 vointortaffloptitato
I ringe, stamen,u Ono., ono,.
Mkallng, o.eye, I.tnli a inks, map., cord,
F•11,11/114, Prdolle lrg
fx, w rletvrn. I Idly, tippet', ni'o
ed work, and In fact MI t•ll4llr.a r.trlrty lit at
ill Ir.. In vvely day U.O, nal well ay for urns-
From '5 to $lO 'per Day
(pu he made by am, one Leah the A ,outran
.I/arhaae. knitting P.ocicielp, Sc to
pt t Van coon make nior., by knitl,
my, fanny work, which ulx.ty• v01E11,1..11 , 14 to
lends , nit A perfect can r,.tdily knit from
I et% e lo fifteen pore of slot k top per clay,
the I ttbt en which will be not lc, tarn forty
Ot per pair.
Kt.!l thalr wool at only forts to lirlY rcnle
per pound • bat by gal.tinK thy wool made into
yarn 11111 rrnall rapa,,ao, and Laming it alto
1011 k., (NO or dal,, per pound can be
r.alur 1.
flu n•i•eipl u(S•LS via will forwaJil • machine
as milt ri,il
o a o‘h to procure active A getlin In every
tho , United Matra wool I mind., to
whom OW noo , t inductonwhts will OP
off, rod Addrei,
A rm•ro run Knitting
,Machnie l'umpany.
14-494 w llok ton, Manx, or Sl, Low' 310
VN EGA I{ —llow mule in 10 bourn
wit hout. drop For althea,
L rIA(SE inegar Work's, Cromw.lll,c onn
14 17 ow
duRPc Tut; FoonAirN AND BE.
It Wlt Tlf E tiCENEE, by Olive Logan, A high
mood, rapid ceiling book. A nom plete expo , a
ot the •Itow•world. oven , engravings.
Prot. per tun and pimple (red to epilog PA E.
MILLEE & CO, Philadelphia, or Middletown,
Ct. 14-47.11 w.
AGENTS WA NTED.—Neiveat and
greatest invention fiat-the Nett Belt-
Adjusting Guides, for cutting ,poi feet fitting
Pants. Knurl-nhouts. end Ladies' Dresses
dispengihie In ;every ; household Address
gg 4 HCOTT, Pftteburgh, Pa-
Written by himnelf. In one Large Octave
Volume—nearly 600 pages—print 4 In English
and German. 33 elegant full page engravings.
It embracer. Forty Years Recollection of Ids
burly life, ae a Merchant, Manager, Ranker,
Lecturer and Showman. No book published
so acceptable to LII elaesen. Every one wipta
It. agents average frsun 60 to 100 subscriF
lions a week We offer extra inducements.
illustrated Catalogue and Terms seat Wages ,
J. 11. BURJie Pu Nigher,
14-464 w. Hartford, Coon
Letters of administration on thees
tate of Christian Clevenallne !aloof Walker tp,
having been granted to the undersigned, ha
requests ell persons knowing themselves In
debted to said estate to make Immediate par
ment, and those having claims against the
earns to present them duly authenticated by
law for settlement.
14-4.34 t ddeninktratOr.