The Democratic Watchman. BY r. GRAY REEK JOE W. FUREY, A _INOCIATI EDVtOi Terme, $2 per Annum, in Advance RELLEFONTE, PA Friday Morning, December 17,1889 Congress The law-breakersare again in session, ready, and, we suppose, willing to in• flict more injury upon the country. Not that they will do it willingly, nil less it will advantage them pecuniarily or politically, but ignorantly. There are so many mullet heads in both branches of oar National Cotnn•il that it is not to be expected that flinch good will be done. The most we can hope for is thtatas little evil will be aceout• plished as possible. it is trile' there are some good and nhle men there, too but they ace in such a hopeless minori•' ty ns to render tkein almost powerless. Willi'an ignoi 7 ant. iMserahle, Radical Hump Congress, tlitrerore, personating our I,egislatise Department, a pitffeid up, conceited, brainless A. 4 reluesent mg our E‘fietiti‘e Department, and ft seared and trammeled ( though Mile) 8:.• preme Bench 114 stir .111.11k•Nry i)vpitrt nirrit, a lint hope hate we 'Ol the flepul, lie? With an unskillful helmsman at the head of the ship •f state, o hose tin steady hand semis us hillier and y on with a crew in the Capitol who violate muy landmark of safely, how can the country drift to any other issue titter (lest motion ? These lure i-eitonn iiiiestions—qiie , tions that should set stew sensible mind to thinking and ery I irrtui courageous heart to pro% id trig wigs and means to escape lilt: fate that seems to swallow u. tip We 440 not like. to "riolopair of the Re public " If WP only had something on %illicit to lonme our collfiaence—cotne thing th the near or even_titylatit future tn 111(1) to place trout, tr hope, rse ought then exclaim, wlth the ben legt, "nil desperamlitin! But, peer,ng out into the night of IZachcal tank that now enwrap!' to like a noiatle in it• Gloomy folds, our el a fat to firreetNe a eingle ray of light illiiminatin/ the Cimmerian darknea. dim!! dreary, derolate, chaotic The night appeara endless—the morning tarimay In the. ninlnt of tire Fyzyt.tian Idack lis« we bear the thunder it the —the Ina toned, distant rutnLlin that ladok eto. , the dread tornado And let. th , . ill the and I ~itNie• tnuht 1, We n.l, ~14r,•1 % . Is there ?I,' retncel:, for ? thf no band to PIIIIIII . iii 111110 , 11 1.,, elotiam 01 igworttilee error to roll back that the people !nay 1,34 e, throogh ii,to the light ' then the thoo;:lit that the pA•op:e thew 'when lone e it atlCroehe , o‘to 1.14 with ii%erw helinitig. power, auilun^ u. again into the sere depths of; flees But more we take eioira,:e from the fart that if the people hate dune it, Chet ran undo u, and here all our hope The ; ao, 1. can dispel the gloom Thiel ,an restore our liover)t merit to its pr,itine purity and %lg.!. They con o‘er;hr” , our tyrants °They eau secure their own rights and liber ties Will they do it? This question is for than to answer Let them arise in their might and at'ille ballot lox assert that none but men arid true " shall occupy the public. places of this land, and then the bright Sun of Principle, emerging from the hilltops of Glory, %ill once more illuminate the Republic of W Asti NOTON. Only in the people theniaelveit hare we any hope. If they will but follow where Den - Inc:m(lr teaching,. lead the 'way, all mar Wet be well —lf we hed the opportunity to piny "pinch er - and "Rooster," In Harrisburg, for twn or three wintery, w might perhaps. he able to erect, brick buildings ite.—Republican, Very likely. Hut there was 110 use jn yout telling the people that it you had an opportunity you would play "pincher" and "rooster." They know that already. They remember how you "pinched" thirteen thousand dol lars of the public funds out of the trea cury of Centre county, and also how ably you "roosted" in jail for your If forts in that line; and until they forget these facts it will be entirely unneces• vary for you to inform them that you would play "pincher" and "rooster" if you had an opportunity. Furslay 1 —At a great deal has been said about Mrs. McFarland, for whose "sweet eke" Albert D. Richardson risked honor, reputation and life, we give the following pen picture of her from a New York reporter, who saw her during the marriage ceremony at the bedside of her dying lover : "Rhe has a small, rather slender form. with large blue eyes; full. almost chubby cheeks ; regular. pleasant, attraetive, but not , beantiful features ; ribb auburn bait; a collected. easy, graceful expression, and a quiet, composed manner, which was the result of strong will, as her hand constantly moved In agitation and grief." • —That most able an•l excellent 'Democratic daily , and weekly paper, the Ilarriaborg Patriot, offers the fol. lowing hat of pretnintne for clubs to its weekly issue : To env person ftending Clu4of tool for s7rdl ensh . . 31 no ion for $lB (Si cash . . A (A) ' treaty fof $lO lii cash 1111 riv for sri Ifo rash . . 0 00 " arty her $4l 00 caqh. 10 00 one hundred for $ll5 oo 25 00 The cash to accompany Mery order Agents may retain fonoont of their preffilinns. The Patriot is the ventral organ of the Democratic party in the State and, being publi,hed at the capital, ought to be false!' by item Democrat it Weep “boobed" on polAical questions. ft goes titll rertsof all the legod tire proceedings, and is one atilt` most able edited papers In the country. It wan Itoneet Fent inel on the 'tinter nails, nnil never heeitatee to hound the alarm when danger appronehes The price of the weekly per year is $2.00; daily i 7,00. A.l.liiresa B. F. .11.1Yras &Co , !Luneburg Pa. —Mr I)K(Lt ORIEL, it conduc tor on the Phil . railroad, ptclted up it poeket.tiiik in ft ot her above Renovo, which. on extnilintion, he rout) I to oWIIIOII 2 - ; orio-thothianddol lar Ile quietly put it 'll his loirket. and then in•tit !lied tiearch 1. , r th.• lwr. wh.iiii toitli found, and who looted to ken G••n tternnp named Smith, a denier in stock, on bet way to New York from Ohio Mr Smith, when tltoken to by Mr ftrOnbriet, wa bito. but was made nware of it by Mr peOnbr 1' about lIAV 1114 fotlll , l u ntnnil parcel " Lie, was so' overjoyed nt the recot of his 10.110 y, and so grate tul that it hart fallen into an httne,t fllllll'll hande, that he pre...ted upon Mr Ite(iitbriers ac 4 oplartvo a In an 111• W Otte hundred dollar hill Thbi, however, Mr DcGaliriel refuned to accept, haul/lett - int lie n.ked no reward for doitrtz hit dui } M r Smlth then refintrlsed "too thrall hear from me and went on his way rejonunat Such a !Anil at Pe('ubri el comes tinder the poet's, 1141niti.ri of the ?n,iblost work of a d," en httncst man, and ;0 bilimdf:t fin - limp to his cm er• IVO V Iv' then) 1 tutu —Otte good trieiel, 1). NV. lfootte, , haw etieveeled IC the e•lti.,rial chair ul the A I nnL ruh,r t h:l, pur•tot-e.l t !tat e , tal,lteltment Ms Moortt. 1%;14 1.,t well% the eartiell rft /Han. !um, con sleeted with the Ilarripburg 114 a .cranytlst los 0,:tr,1 1111.1 s %Hiller Li roll! 101, we• ex lii•vt .er h 9 ator III):eSt 1•"!.;c31 J.,urul: ! ni Ihe .Stitt Late Publications A 117'11 Ti flour M %Gt/INP for .I:tit I,r6,re It tK a ilinliitlicent illintlwr, mitt !mil"- , 114 :11.14,irrtio ,%Ith new c,.i.el :1.?1,1 I.llllre 111,% tir,. ()nee it Mfmlll' and 'Clit i ,dre , ,,,' 11,.nr Ni•t•orgiprin% it l'iiirlio.ll4,l ht T A rtioir Philitdelplc.t IN) per nt uuni. T‘‘elit% emir Eser% Itinilk in (lit. .1“)111,1 1110(' II Nett at tra( (ions Ilre t.frered I=l PETFRS . 4 Alen a NioNITIII v for De cernhcr slemild bate heel' 'Awed last week It is all eh . eani. nuniher, .otl should he the companion lor et cry pia , •r The preqem number It hill new and rare musical enrapo.ttion... Three thdlar. , per annum, single cope , 30 cents L. PLTER , , pubhnher, 599 111'01111%4 , 11y N Y. \Sloop's Hocecnyt.n MlO AZINE, de %Med In knowledge, virtue fl lid le:111 , er nnce, 14 upon our table for December. It is an interestinlg and valuable publi cation. Pace sl,al per annum or 10 cents per irngle copy. Address S. S Wood, Newburgh, New York. THE 01.0 (it:IRD, it monthly maga rile, devoted to literature, SEleM'e and art, and the political principles 'and 1860, for December, is upon our •table. We have so often spoken to the Democracy of this magazine, ihat it is scarcely necessary tti call their alien t'on to it again. With the present number, MR. C. env uxicirr Bean, the late editor, takes his departure, and Dr. THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH assumes eon trol. While 'se cannot but regret the withdrawal of Mr. Bi inn we feel like congratulating the public upon the ac cession of Dr. Edspusu. Under hiseare, the Old Guard nill lose none of its aticactiveneas. While ,Mt. Bean as guinea other editorial duties equally as great as those lie has given up, Mr. ENGLISH will continue the Old Guard as the firm Defender of Democratic principles. The December number is an excellent one. Subscribe for it. • A MODEL PARLOR MAGAZINE.—Nor beauty of typography, artistic' engrav• inget;and high-toned literature articles, together with a large . and beautiful dis. play of fashions, Demoresi's Afon o tlely Magazine is certainly unsurpassed. ' The January number, just I•lteeiVod, in addition to unusual holiday attractiorts, has a floe steel portriit of both Mr. and Mme. Demorest. The rich display of novelties offered in Demoree Month ly would seem to he enough to secure a circulation sittlicien:.l4 satisfy its publishers, but in addition w.e see they propose to give a very large awl flue engraving to each eultsbriber, valued at $lO. The' engraving alone would make At very appropriate holiday or birthday gilt i but when' added to the costly picture the best pitrlor magazine iy iheludeir to be a , monthly reminder of the friendly feeling to the giver, there is certainly no better way of in. u est ing $3. AddilMS De/HU/M . B MU,/M. 1y,833 Broadway, N. Y. I Fur the WAICIIIIIIS.I THE POET. DT 0 LOWLY. \ 'Pony lone p,,et, Whe:e have )on been Wading through tialces Into thu gh et, Wettelting In trembler Thu itost. ott thu licot Leant the tnt ,Ic `l'aitglit by the breeze. Poor lone poet What dill you see r Fnu the whit! , r,,be, wsr a tree ; dr.w the ton,, 4.4 e, So mirotiritly To hear the •ttift Of its lienitt dui runt, "Poor lone poet, Whet did yeti ' No ge”tle nnutd 'lath fell an curio ear I tholight or too Int .ll:ngi A 4 I 111111ACci ther. oluno, But thetr beauty 4ml ranu.lied Their lied lii .vu "Pont lone poet, Tenth MN to know Eso It •nund of - the wtl.lwood That I may lore no" Nay. tiny, I neootre yon,. Each impul+t I love Ic not of mine owe Hot •rnt from ebove Eneh th,rol, "(the heart . Munt hid you Inquire, flow In searvli out, And o n to ',mire h ctt thin you here learned rio oil that von need For God mok-A the root, A Poet indeed —Bellefonte Ire tet —"IA your :t witer :1)1, 9 asked nn .if tho ;%1:11.11111. or - ithirifl: lor.1%) %)%lot " •'Yr•+, Sir," r•j»..11,1 f flow, ‘‘ith , '•l.•lll 1111101•Cheo, "1111. loalor Itn.l T earrreq him Ifpnbout threo o'clock A l.rn'AelnAtfTinnled Courtley fell horn hin whsle g..irtg t 1,..u1411 lhn lutmel at lianl4 rell iti.tantly kepi Notircs TI) 'rite•: 11E1 IN 4NI) "1 t hrlst ton rie‘on It•I n••• thin. l.v 111 tul•ttf of n•t• nt.on•.l nnt .1 tin tnithttn'A 11l “f • punt.. ~111111 v nod to net It ireei•ed. nn Innot•.l 4.111 Ire nt the late re•nlenee dd' 1,1 1.11/411 I 1...e11/4111e .Itteentted 111 !111 , li,w IF %%/11%.•rtool the rt./ray of 1 • nut* on , /111 of January A II Itinthat t„ A "I nt -Ant day fnr Ihn pull went Of Intik InK ;Ant lel ton ofl he Irt•LII emt/11t. 1.1 rmd d« to Anil among In. holt Ann , ' reitre •entntive. if the Tattle tin 1.041.tne 4.111111111 pn neltee 111 lir .1100111 W 01 the whole t•therwl•rt h , Alm. and atpr.n.t. 111. ,1111 , lAN it wlurh 11111010111 plat, you [nay ho prey • 11l if y Olt IPl:nk lit ful r I. V: N ( MHZ I\4l Hier itr r 1 1(1 the Ile , rm ar,d at Iteprerent liver of John II rl«r Jr ria..041 I Ake note e. 111.0 I.V Pitt.ue of a Neu of Par out of Or Ilrphnn .1 Court of 1 Coniity Anil to tile dire. turf a 4. tmiliemit and en to• h, at the 1161•• 11.•0 01 )oho 111 11,.• ToVlll.lllp of Ferkii eon, and t omit., or C. nue on 'I ite, ' y the lacy day of Jkittinrii it It Is7o , at 10 oelock A A 1 of 140.1 .1,,t Ow purpn r f nothing p. 611111.11 .1 the retie 1.41A1e of 1.141 d liel•V/0.0 , 1 to lin.l itroong hl. 114114 414/0 reprementaiivel., if the. Pal."' Ctull hr 11.01•• without p 1,10.111, to 01 0.1.011i0u of ties, I. hole , otliet oie w talus •Ind appliii.e the, , ./0114. ,•orthtig 10 law at v. 1,4.11 111111. and pin. e no may h« prevent, If tn think plow, 1 1 .041D1(1 \ Sheriff lilt I. Bellefonte, ra 1L 48-Gt p NSV I,V A N lA. Cr..TRE Co. sm: A ICI I let kof the Or ph„e j . cool lof stud I ..11111 la, hereby certify that at an I )rplinn•o. Court held at Itellefonte,the 2.t.l di, of Noretol•er. A II (till 1,e60t0 the Iliolli , Mhie I Judges of sold Court 1111 Ino. lion role MN, grunted opo t , the helta and re, re/4,111111(e* 01 Peter Fleleher. dereaned, to rotor Into the Court on the fourth Monday of Jalltlarr II.•