Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 26, 1869, Image 1

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    Bollefa ! : 11 witiciiatipo
By p. GRAY 14Ft•k
—Three members of the new
“Nlratch Him', cabinet are classically
named : Cox, Boric, Hoar.
—Oen. Argu; has been promoted
for boring, not a hole in the Southern
Confederacy, but the War Department.
—Omni. Is finding opt that uneasy Iles the
head that weer the crown —Ex.
Don't know about that. Grant • lies
just as easy now as he e\ser
—The preps i cautioned against
trusting Dr. Wittnore. After this,
the e ditor that puts confidence in the
Doctor will be witlem
--The Huntingdon Glebti having
Wed that Enterprise Headquarters
.ells "fat ninekeral and bloaters," the
Standard man wants to knoWwhen
the proprietors got to dealing in their
~on flesh and blood? Too bad.
—A Tana her of "big inji R" paid
he Prtialent a iSit lately. Probably
thee u ere' ennti yes of 0 rant's. Digger
{ti raporisem, c,onie, now that
he Ii: plenty of 10011 e, In ,pttle Ihnt
"little Platter."
--We might , tynitinthiie with the
IltlicalGrant toe suekeN on the ilk.
arter «hick befel a certain ex member
the Cabinet, ranged ln• the l aw o f
1797 —in what a slew—art thou, 0,
''lrts art'
--The editor of tlic ‘Vntikeslin,
WOll9lll, I'laindcalcr, writes . •
For mend es the Ware/men We
omo: gat along without It
%%onder, judging from the
'lumber (01 editoriala you take from it.
II ow ore i on, brother Platt ?
—Easter %111 fall on the nth lost. This In
owing to the temarkablo phenomenon twit
them that Moe Mareh oink es his ego/i ht/
Indeed But if he should innke hip
hit in a rough manner he might
-tnanh thew. and then Mils for Eafitcr!
,The nbove are both bail "gartpH.—)
-Tile Standard Mall enn tnkr our hat
Brt/c/antc Watchman
Thank you, Joe a 6t, r offer 14 n 'nowt Ken ,
or WI one; but we a afrnhi nc .hell have
to decline It —Sfendard
Nothing easier in the world ; poHi
me. hat . coin parati ye, hetet ; super
I:love-11y, there's the rub.
--Somebody Pays that ft do{ -tight
e the only event at which real cur—
rage is manifested. Oh, my !
—The 'Bellefonte Watchman earl Ilneen
.01 the gleel-work• we went he "a lager-bier
glee, " Perlis)). one might be made to sou
our !ogle. Bro. Furry —OW.
Yes—giiesri it might—provided
unsn't inside in Huntingdon.
—The latest and politest way of attempting
to pull the wool over', a brother editor's eye.
IN to offer him your hat "Ink-slings" of the
Bellefonte Iratrhnuts Is entitled to the credit
of the Invension The only objection we pee
to it, In, that "small tarok"' to be properly
pre. lated, should never Be felt flolledelyaleterg
lieuer be felt than seen In the for
I ner case, ruu could relieve yourself by
,•( ni Ich mg
—Bellefonte's big new hotel le to be called
the "Bush Moose Appropriate house, that
0.0)07 a "whiskey sou r" nib roan. Eli, Joe;
—Hollidawburp Standard
knoi% anything about Rosy.
And ire don't often go behind the bush,
either—:o taken "whisky sour" though
firm is big enough to go behind if a
facia wanted to hide himself But
you, Mr Standard, could never do
s aw, fur to find a Traugh in the hush
,.<l would-be proof positive that ROMP
hod) had been making a hog of "him
Che llollida .burg Standard
flays that N ASIII IM hi !I ell for a lecture
in that place, on Saturday evening, the
27th inetant. We know to a certainty
that lie IN albu billed for (1 lecture in
Lock Haven on the game night. We
congratulate the place that he don't go
A Bad Start
The 11111(1011f1 public were nuirprized
within the short space of a week with
not only the names of two seta of Cab
inet Ministerm, but with the cneap
character of the material, taking both
cabinets am the banns, with which Gen.
tht.l.!4T proposes to run "the beet goy
eminent on earth," etc That a man
should be (elected to it high office,
merely becnume of him. possession of
yrwit wealtli,ait in the cameofSTY.WART,
111 Hutlicieritly discreditable to the coun-
Ir), to may nothing of the selection ofa
man, igyrantly and blindly, who by
11141 ,wcs palpably,disgllalifled.STEwA RT,
It American in no mense. Ilia sym
pathies are witli that form of govern
ment tt hicji guttrateem the greatest im
munities to wealthy itabobi us against
the mammas. But it he failed to be
Secretary of tbeTrensury, his successor
is to better qualified because more
mileceisful in mewing the office. Mr.
lkwrwlCLL, it biRAphOlllOllS Mairielm
-Betfe puritan, is chiefly know ii lo the
country am the man of the "hole inn the
Linea not nucconi in find- 5
ing a hole in the treasury it will not
he from lack of a knowledge of loyal
No wonder that the leadem of Gen.
91ttNT'Sflw:n part,' in•Cangrere broke
out intc? .. 4.6road laugh on reading ./ the
\ fitif
VOL. 14.
Tint ofliia counecllorß,w•l'cn Baal' a 111111
erable creature,and toadstool of Radical
infamy, as IV AMBURNE, of Illinois,
was made Secretary of the State—that
chiefest of the ministerial corps, never
having contained a personage of Ruud
der ability than the Wiley titan ART,
who any what. we will, will „never he
IieVIJ tle quality of statesmanship.
That WASIIRURNF, any Irrishburne,
,gould ever ne expected to till such a
chair WR9 truly a subject of wonder
meat and reasonably enough of merri
ment, and it is not strange that he
shoullllvel his ono insignificance and
clear out of it. 11 ‘IIII.TON Ftsin, an
old demagogue. who bits been criers
dung to all Inca, is the latest appoin
tee. How long he will bold the posi
tion, %sect - mot en ; but at sists ears
of nge, it tali) be expected Ultra Ir(s n ill
either not make an efficient •inlistitutti
for Wl'llllll RNF, or Hunt he will do so,
and die earl. ne bane such
classical individual- its 1i0..a mid llo
sie,lhe first for Attorney General, and
the latter Secretary of the Knurly--of
a hirli the ..hole business partakes to
grontcr or leas extent. Who Is Ilene'?
We hope nt least he is not a person of
ill-fame I But sure it is, the nation,
nor half a dozen men in it, out of his
bailiwick. in Massachusetts, es er heard
of hint before. The legal fraternit . s are
stunned with the case, and the inquiry
Is still 11.14kM1, "W in Is this ILr to
Phis IA a bad start liir the lime Pre , -
idea! Ile has offended - the
torn who pushed him lot %%aril, and
ho paraded him about the country
a placard on his Intel.-- 'Match
flits I" And we slit to 1111.'111 110%t --to
all who him• been sold—match hint M.
Let those %%boyar:tiled about the coon
try In leather capes and aprions—"the
leather petticoat brigade '--let them
Cllll to mind what the W %imam IN so
often endeavored to imprem,upon them
—that in the first place titttvT tuts
riot (111711111H1 tolie President ; and, in
the rcond, that 110 lN 011141 Moll them :is
lie had sold the Drinocracv \Ve told
them often that he Wat. n nincompoop
--he will now fully corroborate our
statempent from tittle to time, and add
testimony to the troth.
'With two Callillt.k a steel., 11 . 1 s CAM)
to (ill me about what sort of an minim
istration we are to have in the next
lour tears Rath two cabinets so ridir
ulons as to CllllSts 164 I , lrtt friends to
laugh at him, it IS Pas% enough to fore
see that he H not only a first class if
for taus, but that there %% debe no co
operation heti% eon the Exiv•titive and
Legislative Deiiiirtments.
Tn'ly the Republican inns' ei to be
eommisserated. Four ears 'of ANDREW
JOHNSON 811(1 four years of 11. S.
are affliction. in eschatige for whirli
the bails of Jos were as a grateful bles
sing and enjoyment. If it can
through the horrid JouNisos night
mare and the Cr. S. (lans.t affliction,
we will never doubt itw undying vital'
lint ve 1110111'11 to ,•!ot.f.leue 00111
110111.4 011 the room( ocen,don that v'
may be enabled to get pen and paper
ready for the announcement or Cabinet
No. 3, mhich may be ere this to pro
em of construction ; fir are not theme
the days of "progress ?"
came President of the United ititates
some admiring friends sent him a
splendid carriage and a tine span of
horses. This present Mr. Jon•sos
declined to receive„ holding that it
was noertglit for uny officer of the
Government to receite presents. Gen.
GRANT 15 not so serupnlous. Ile has
been presented with any number of
presents since his inauguration, and.
is still asking for tlore. Through the
munificient liberality of his friends he
has become a ‘yealthy man, and yet he
never thinks of declining anything that
is offered him. There i in this re
sped, as in all others, a vast difference
between hum and JouNsos, with the
comparison greatly 111 favor of the en-
-4-Massachusetts 'Wheals are so ev4 knew no law when ho went into
chard ut securing two Cabinet officers, office, we Its+u- they will obey them
with the probability of a foreign mis- ellen they are pointed out to them by
Mon or Iwo, that tbey l ,,nre fairly face- t statesmen.
- •
tines over their good 'luck. The Bop- GRANT is exceedingly anxionu
ton Ti arena. says that "New fAigfand.l for t h e
repeal of the toratre-of-offico
is getting a 'good share Of roust bee
Jaw. lie didn't think, when he wan
aud pluni-pudeing, while New York playing lick-spittle in the War oflioe,
has to put o p N, id, r imit .t. it is a pen - I that We Might be in the IMMO position
etrating like( that-Pennsylvania has !0 I in which he Nyas so eager to place Mr.
put tipWitli it BORNE. • JOHN'3O I ,I.
-. . .
Hon. D. W. Voorhees on'Negro Suf-
The following words of - wisdom fell
front the the lips of lion. Dxvin W.
\OORIIEES, who recently left hisseat in
Congress to stump hin district in Indi
ana against the adoption of the iniqui
tous fifteenth,atticle. The speech was
made nt Terre Haute, and the extract
which should be caret Ally read by CV
er3 body. It contains words of warn
ing thnt should he beetled now :
A,governineid could not be built up of filch
nuutertnl The men bud had every oprXrtnni
tv for nilt nneentent,TifiT had net er riven nhOTO
harliariam. 'rliey had had a fruitful land, a
land of fel tile soil and mighty rivers, where
the wealth of natl., nay lertinillevv, hut it . hnd
le•en all to 110 ',urine... 'rho Satan., t h e All.
glen Ind the nnelent Itritionv ti eie nor,, eni
gun, bit when the tiny /Pinned for them they
nth mired upon such A career of greatnevo as
adrirts all history. The he
gro lint hail the same nil vantages, but the re
hat been entirely ditlerent 'rlie people
or Indinnn until no Much rudner to assist them
In lb, , o ionrent The career of thn Afri•
eau the p I.t I. nn Ills +trnilmi of what him
future • xperionen must be 'ruin speaker Mild
he felt no bitterness toward+ the negro, who
tram being 11 .. ought into corroding contact
n ith the white rite., which tins hie superior,
and the Inferior race must gradufilly dimininh
and finally 11.4201110 0511flel Il In not prejudice
hut wisdom In pr.•erse the st lute race in Its
I tumid keep the pow eis,pft has tiot ernment
inn the hands of thoite men to whom our fath.
Pro gfITO It 'lone yrent has been our enreer
under their wt., precepts. • 11• hen I look back
I feel as Mimi and Fie nurvt hate felt when
driven foith hoot Paradise , It looked back
and through the half open gates taught •
glimpse of the beautiful Movers, the shady
arm es, the sweet fruits and all the luxuries
liner had lost foret er So .e to-day stand
amid the distraetton of the elements, and Bee
around 114 the elfe, t , l of the cur.., of civil war,
of mixing rare... of Jarring litcholictitm and er
erythlng In confusion. as triton the curse came
upon the world nod the clouds swept low
siting the treetop., the birds flew shrieking
th lough the air, and the Iwasits lied affrighted
perm.* the Oath ro-night in the midat of tints
eonftisawi and diatunbauce of political princi•
plea, .rah•lire elosnis lowering •orer our heads
charged with thunder. flashing wah the light
ming and ready to burnt with fury upon, as .1
looked heel; hate the beast Ifni peat, where our
fathers' precepts adorn the galled' of ottr glo
r3, It 111,111 S as 111100411 1, had been driven
flout Psrad' it', and 1 1011 g to go bsck and
drink 011 e more deep draught (1,111 the faun
tains of their et...dont It 14 enough for me to
point out what has been noltieretrby their
great dur•tnnea It 111011109 1110 to turn away
from theme modern Innovators who call the lll
selves reformer., and contemplate the dignity
and glen of those ancient 'ten
1 , 1 for myself I shallneece how down to thin
thing I tronld, an I have Just meld, keep the
,611,4 of Oita ,meertanent .liere our fIO.IIPIS
idneed them as hest for your safely, for the
safety of our children, and also for the safety
of the Mock man 'I hear men who propose
negro emeilit3 are the vrorat enemies of the
colored lame An for myself, I would threw
around the negro by our 10,1 wine iegillllll.loll,
the anfege reds of the 1 . 1% I would not put
lain in the schools with your children, now up
on the tun bench, nor Into the Legislature
I • mild 10 lesi that I could be heard all user
toy district, and all et er the State , upon this
one Hon I would to God that there wan to he
general 1 . 111,10.1, and then that tile people
might Ine allowed to 11..1/10 tills 1111 1 01 P lit 1110
ballot-bog Then we 010111,1 know whether
they wish the negro In the public !reboots, in
the Legislature, and beanie them in the Jury
box, for that in. what negrolquality-tneans,and
.unthilnl °ice
lm 1101 make mistakes in this matter 1 , 111
are a greet powerful 111111011, the greatest that
the •meld iris ever eeeti ion hate forte nal
lil/11. Of people. and 3on ore the strongest na
tion line Artkever shone upon The rivers of
tiouth Innen ids are ter.eider and deeper than
no, their groves ern spire and their (kids
groan with the nieheet of the earth. )et they
11111 r no rint, among the nations. 'rimy tondo
the aurae mistake whit It the ll...publicans are
nos making, and Meow iated rat Infernr race
Into tine body politic It lead at teat to all ad.
mixture, and finally to equality, and those
great countries aro Inhabltated by mongrels
and yet they are countrymen of Columbus and
the deneendanta orthe followers of the groat
' I ' I • T! TUT ! -OR A VT ' S Ship has
struck another 'reef. He had an old
friend named Foci.ns, residing in NV 17,6-
tern thin, %1 hom he had settled ution
_postmaster of Cincinnati, hat lint
being it resident of that city, some
mousing scamp, 71F1 in the case of his
$lO,OOO friend Sven ART, hound an old
act of Congress which makes 'his last.
friend ineligible, too. It reads as fol
"And no person Shall hold the office or Post
matt, who shall not be en actual resident or
the city or town wherein the office Is situated.
or district of country mutlly supplied by meld
These old nets must be very annoy
ing to the General, us all laws are to.
highwaymen or apeing despots. hf
thin vresterh tanner and his rich back
/ /
Tho "State Guard" Protesteth
The appointment or UMW; MUM-
Nut, the Hessian editor of the Harris
burg Telegraph, and one of the most
corrupt men in the Stifle, to the post
masiership, at Harri:burg, has raised
a storm of indignation in the. Radical
ranks. The Stale 'Guard, editea by
W IEN Fort cv, an influential radical
paper, speaks of it in this nice :
The people of Harrisburg .uero alingusied,
insulied and outraged, lost et ening, by the an
nouncement that George Bergner had liven
',fade PoMinaster, and ire now obey a popular
derrmnri Ire entering n /101Pr1111 protest Ito the
name of the Republican masses against this
appointment, for the lotion log reasons ,
if-ff—The Anditooehertirl report .for Ifirdi
shows that George Bergner diets nom the
!Mate Treasury. that Via, nearly meta U.etuanod
dollay .1, one half of a Mob tun clear profit 1 , 11-
ring the last four tours, he has annually
drawn almost a like,urn from the stone ^more. ,
In the ITIPPIitIIII., 110 inonspolired all the pilo
ting patronage of the county office', which
the aggregafo amounted to largo amount^. of
=my}, Lector Lincotn Mr Bargiiar WPi.
Postmaster Lie four rears, and at the 4'llllo
time engaged as a contraefoi fur fin iihdonir
the army MO mules and other supplies, so
that moire lard, from the National, State and
County Treasuries, Mr Bergner mat be safely
said to linen made As cheer profits, NOT I^, F. 44
&rood—A gallant noldier'ii widow, the ti Ire
of Colonel S,intnene, was ntropgly reetanmen
ded for the name peal) ion She to a Indy of
rare accomplishment" and ability, In all res
pect, fully ruin potent to manage the pontofilce,
RIO w hone great lona In the war for the safely
of thittepublie, eptilled her to the gratitude
of th#: Republiean party. which Ole %motif,-
tionably„lauthough a politleal eabol pre, vo
ted Ito tilaanes from putting It to practical el.
Thad—A gallant aeldler, Mftfor Shaffer, non
an applicant for the place, 1111datliently hart rd
In , the people. Ile fought hrarele, peritling
hi. life the front. while Mr I{PrgilYr wan at
h ((((( e enjoying the care and the profits of four
)'Dare an Pont lllR.ter tend a If
War contractor
Fourth—John Speel. hearted War
Idemoerat, ono of the md popular men
in liarrieluirg, lion girt ugly recommended for
the position Mr ' J eri la a gentleman of In
tegrity anti Intinette,... genertain to a fault, and
fully competent to discharge the dtittel of
Portnotatt r.
\ dentine Hummel, a tnereltunt and
hUAIrIPAP rout, of fine reputation, and a gentle
man who rendered the los at
server, an. endorsed be the blisilieq.cointlall
nitym an applteant for Pestmnster. and whose
rippnintmr nt u ould hate given general .ntiu
hiree—The people of Harrisburg, ninetenths
of the voting Republiean
to Bergner holding the position, because he is
now contractor for printing the proceedings of
the Legislature: furnishing all he stationery
supplies to the mime body and the Departments
of the State Government, Is ono,of the Inspec
tors of the County Prison, a Trustee of the In
sane Asylum, and a recipient generally, of Re
pii bl lean patronage
We make there plain statements In no spirit
of personal hostility to Mr Bergner, but to giia
the Republican MitAlles a hearing. fitment'
Grant and the Postmaster General could not,
bad they deliberately set to work to do.o, hale
uttered the people of Harrisburg a greater in
sult than that conveyed in this appointment,
which, we predict, will do the Republican par
ty more harm thin anything the adminietra
lion could possibly perform, and the question
is pertinent Will the people submit' if they
ran stand the outrage, so can we.
—Since the above-was In type several prom!
neat and reliable Republicans have appealed
to us to call &public meeting to protest 'waned
this outrage This we declined to do If such
a meeting is to be convened, let It be done by
the right kind of men putting their minium toe
call, and time i indicate the manhood and in
dependence of the Republican party, whose
victories for principle have too long been used
BY sources of profit by greedy demagogues
H e fulflltour duty to the mashies of the Repub
lican party of Harrieburg, whose organ we are,
by thus protesting against this measure of
wrong and insult to them which is in in
Gil. appointment
----The Court(' -Join no!, 01 Louis
rills, having pitched into (ien. LoNo.
STREEr for accepting office under UnAsr,
the Erening Sun, of the same city,
thin+ combs that paper down. We
would j ust May here that we think the
h'e'n is right:
TLe (intrur-Jonraiol of this date tweaks of
this distinguished gentleman to one of a Lod)
of "eurrupt and mercenary traitors," who has
been ..zeniensly seeking office and putting in
practice all the self-humiliation sad abasement
that he deemed necessary to Ito attainment. -
This vomit,. well from Mr Watersom the oil
ting editor of the (hurler-Journal.
'rho idea of calling Longstrect a curt upt mull
mercenary traitor in parte ularly anti peeullar
ly excellent We may rimy that is reireshitilt
The clearer ()niece,e slanderoua utterances is
at once their lull. It is like NiLeFingal's gun,
••well charged fir dilek or plover, Mahound tee
kick its tonne: over'.
Then Jllllll, I.OIIIOItIGIA, It MON, pure. gal
lant and honorable mail never lived Prom
tire day that the first shot eas fired at. Sump
ter, to the •ad and dreary elosins secures at
Appomattox court house, he was a field, earn
e■t, indefatigable, brave and. without a peer
fle was the beau Ideal of the Southern soldier.
He fought well and nobly His body is scarred
all over by honorable wounds.
And yet because he accepts the situation, the
whipper-snapper of the (Anurver../oornai berates,
derides and slanders him.
. .
We have a pleasant little reminiscence of
this same James bongstreet. We recollect
him in the ealm summer days of liii, when be
commanded the advance of thp army of North
ern Virginia. lily personal was attractive,
handsome, glorious and captivating. lie was
elery inch a Mall. IRO &soldier. flow well and
nobly he bore himself then, and ever after
ward history words.
We remetobtir a little, too, shout one henry
Watt erson, of the Gbarier-Journal, Just at that
time. When Longstreet was fighting for the
Minfederaey, he was alright& italleiwjahe over
the stars and stripes I
Longstreet fought to the bitter end—Watter
son, his mallgner, wrote on troth rides t
Honor and Dishonoi
The uneoistitutional amendment to.
the United Staten Countltut,ion, Whic
gives negroes the right to vote in all
the States of the Union, was ratified
by a strict party vote, a Itadical major.
itv of three being, given for its ado!).
lion. The Senator..l who Noted against
it were HR Demoorate-15 ; the Sena,
tors Who N ': ()ted for it were ri,ll Thidienls
—lB. The measure has thug become
the jet Of the Radical party 'in Pena.
sylvanin, as it has always been the-jet
of that paro theoughout tjhe
In order to let Yhe people see who
are the frientis elf whitPsa remeey and
who the contemptible cowards who vo
ted to degrade the State and the white
race, we publish the names of those
voting for and against negro suffrage.
Around the names. of the former we
placed a black enclosure, as indicating
their true character and the Ulm dis
honor they are willing to impose upon
their State. The following t
Pennsylwan: ' fbeirdnre who voted for ne
gro lititrrago.
4itllingfelt. Bentley,
Ilirievn,(Mer,er) I:err,
Colemen Lowry,
Connell, Ohneterbi,
Errett. Osterhout,
Fisher. Robinson,
I.;inliniii, Stinson,
Sint/Amin, White, r
T., Ire. NVorthington
Below we Mee the flash of sunlight
thronglr this dark transaction. in the
names of the Democratic Senators who
a/iNotcd against degrading the suffrage
br placing it in the hands of ignorant
negroe , Look nt them nen, people
of. I'enust it atom and remember them
as good men and tree., who refused to
bow the knee to flaalteo worship
the ebony idol which infamous
,et up •
rou. or - acme.
Pennyyli undo Senators against Negro Sufll ago
Beck, Mclntire,
Brown, Northnmptoni at tiler,
Pu rnett. Nagle,
Duncan. Araright,
Jackson, Turner,
lancierman. Wallace.
We hope. when negro -suffrage
is a realised fac•tti this State—if, un
happily, such a thing is to lie—t.hat
the people gill remember that tt WWI
not the %yolk of the Democracy, but
only the accomplishment of the well
laid schemes of the Radical part . % --the
nuperstructnre which it has reared up
on the foundation laid long years ago.
libel suit of W. J. PIIRIIAN,
against J W. & W. P. FCREI, editors
of the Chsiiin Drino,i at, e hich result
ed in the acquittal °Wiese editors, seems
likely to yet give them further trouble.
to instituted a civil suit against
them also, laying the damages to his
character by the publication of the ur
ticle that brought him Into iispute, at
the round sum of tell thousand dollars.
This sort was arbitrated in Lock Un
ten, on Saturday last, in which Pug
-1..; had his former wounds salved over
by a verdict itt his favor of five thous
and dollars PURII t 1.4 Is a miserable
skunk of the genus carpet-bag, and has
been- for some time a resident of the
State of Florida. Two of the arbitra
tors in the entre were Hark republicans
and hence the unrighteous derision by
which the editors of the Democrat srp
mulcted in the stnsofss,ooo. The CORP
will be appealed, however, and the
character of this Radical scoundrel,
Puita ventilated even to a greater
extelit than it teas during the trial of
the suit for libel.
It wlw rumored only a couple of
weeks since that this fellow, PURRIAN,
and another individual in company
with him at the time, were nismassina
ted in the streets of Marianna, Florida,
he 50,11• persom or person unknown.
This, lion ever, dons nut seem to be the
eat”.. as I I LIRMA,, is still :II the lanai of
the Ili ing.
—The Nattonst Rump, at Wasli•
tngtom has been ing lessons se dig
nity no long, that it line at last found
a great many itnitatorsond in rare en
sea, legislative bodies have been found
whose high-toned dignity has totally
eclipseddhe transactions so common in
tilt' &imp. A Manifestation of this
was. given. , the other day among the
carpet-bag Senators of the .111 ort Car
olina Legislature, and which is given
ns follows in the official proceedings :
ezdtariotberfo.ti;tveealit. wwPttiwhig why
Mr. Moore romp to a poled of order. Ito saki
blr. Love was not , eon lining himself to the sot.
1,4 before the Senate.
jir. Love said the Senator front Carteret
Whew nothing of the interests of the people of
North Carolina; that he WWI ajnere squatter
here. , .
Mr. Moose, Hein& ear& If Love Is • bar.
Mr. Love rep lied. "You are ati —d lier.and a
son of a b•—h I"
The report goes on to say that. the
Presidenu called the gentlemen , to or
der, and• took-down the language. On
ly a few year ago buck scenes as this
in a legislative hall would have brought'
the blush of shame to the cheek of ev
ery American citizen worthy the !mine,
but now they are so common tut to ptuui
by unnoticed. obscene, and
,tilthy 'language throve given iv only
tolerated pt,iite &ye of loyalty and of
earpet-baggin!; o Haat alietu,
iirti ' i L rifteenth Amendment.
t'kliao not believe says the Cohmtbini
4041IVtitere iv a Italie men in the Uni
,'' 4,08 who believes that the Fir
0,,s :AnneolinenC would reeeive a um
j' itf the votes in one third of the
, a . jsif- left to II popular vote, end
I,,:ii be adopted in futon under the
&gir l ilsur. present revolutionary Con
gres4t.l !ha tail ends of their late 111il
anitiO'ipotisms, it will either become
a de
0 ,
it - atter, be repealed or orate tt .
war t
has d n:got so low as to submit to any
,or control whatever from
their r A 0 ., and that person must be
ignurl itif the Anierican character.
who A 0 they will submit to bee oil
tro 1 le a il ' i , St !
,i t ki S
ag ad t inferior iiiicdntui r s i t t t c b e et
h t iie s i ;i : c (7 l , l lesn t t l a ie rt y ie.
ilf to maintain as paupers.
1 ' ale Jiods destroy they first.
iv su at tending the last act in the
great n' onal dramatic farce of the 19th
century:. The time is not far distant in
the futuFif ? ' when the children of those
who now control, our dystrinies, -,,viii ix,
loth to aikhowiedge that their .parent.
WQrO in' Ittl'OP6F this barbarian nigger
farce, as Pro chDaren of those engaged
in the Sisfiliin Villtcherait, were, in a,-
knowledglng t absurhities of the acts
f i r
of their aticeit lf the amendment
should be)0000 by a majority of the
people, L I). td l e t subunit for a time
for the pt4iiiii6 testing - the result of
their own' toilf • = but its ads wales are
afraid to lelit4l t
).o the iscople, and it'
adopted nfalt, , 41anit ba done by what
Is lett of the ofvo that unused °bay('
nets to speak" 4E14 agtlinst the a ill of
the majority. o white people of ti.'
United States ' to submitted to rmr
years of insan ' 'Aci, e, which has clot
them $1,500,
~ have a - 111100m!
debt of $2,500, AK which the big
dog of till tan> Oys must be -paid in
gold, but they[- :not ••il bruit 111
barbarta a Tuziiiir 4/1.0/, formsl upon
them by insana
the following ? t c tio .1:".i. Orlean .
~,..v.,,,,,,5ie, c„ if,r, that State
voted for the fra ,
"Lousinna i 0 lii w itglin Legislature
notoriously put ptor tier by the milita
r .... 1
ry power l'he,tnitt) taro wlmexercised
an potent it ford lb reshaping the eon
st tuition, as the i rtiubt ( millions of New
York, through tht.btAeeted Legislature
were nes er chosOit'lly'the people of the
State, even under the constitution which
,exists. They hold cyr,,undar nn elec
tion made when' trodainnii wan part of
District No 5. ' llithat a burlesque on
reireventative oforhtnent it is, that
such a Legi.latutVAdiould base it in
their power to Ma k? hnd unmake citi
zens, and break nut if tell enustitutions
for thirty-seven Slitti. end millions of
inhabitants, many of whom protest
egainst such action as a great wrong
and acandalonq in iquit) ."
NO. 13,
ore o
make Ii
os or) 1.1
now qui
- - In n hurried article, trratem 41.
couple of weeks mince, stroking in ref
erence to the Aniendmeut to , the Con
stitution Isnown nR tne 15lli article.
which guarantee.; to the nem** the
right of suffrage, we advised 'the poem
hers of our legislitture ° to resign and
thus defeat its adoption, as- waa Axle
,on Ind' /VOL It was an overnight to UN
floc - to remember at that time that to
our State Constitution a majority con
atitlites a rinormii, arid, conseq,aantly,
the Denteicrada being in the neinoritj,
their rcaignations would Inlet/ been of
no effect en defeating thasnensure, for
the Itadicial majority westid have prise
ed IL nevertheless. In. the Lithium
Legodataxe it takes two. thirds to i.on•
atitute a quorum, arid; therelbre, the
resignation of the Diwneerntic members
defeated the Amendment be leaving,
that Locke without then-T:44le nrinither
to transact business. In vines or the
fact tluat some have flaking why
our meuihery , 10 not reN11:11, hope
tlll9 explanation wila Idharallletert ,--
If their re,ignietionx an,
good, there IA not titter lease dbnke that
our Iteinotrs tie Senators lona Iterremem
Wives would hieve.-resigi,edlo4 soon as
this rla.eratoa was apsallg, hat as :loll'
ily:eueil‘l be aro,int)Lialkab tlurreby
best they earl stile in their plit
era and vale agairst the ia'siaitoa4
- M/S Pita" wn~ hr i , ces dons
Fassovr in Washitigtaiii hilt. "Ile
la here looking•up his railroad selioue,
which alone was left out by the jobbers
ofthe railway omnibus bill. Locking
back over the history of the Reptlilicalt
party we e 1441 see how foolish %%eft3 our
hero Ni orships. This tnan was Crice our
delirium of a general. What foolish
thillgti we did 7013.4 raid, iininifig, our
babies after him, whose solinwy mon
ument, will, probably, be tht assoein
tion o: his name with Fittitoeffii peak.
There ha made a terestrikii, pushing
his umnadie; way aller the. wandering,
star. thproad he is representing now,
is,. if 1 mistake not projected over the
route he condemned 20 years ago. 1
saw hint in the rotunda the other ita),
and entering the library I took appal)
cilitv's lib , of hide. Ile has had six
biogrn ptiies of himself published,—a
lop-siding of literary justice."
dispute. took place at a cookilght in Lit.
rardrille, Schuylkill county, the other day, l■
which firearins were fret.ty neod and throe Ten
sorionaly wounded.