Bollefa ! : 11 witiciiatipo ic By p. GRAY 14Ft•k Ink-Slings —Three members of the new “Nlratch Him', cabinet are classically named : Cox, Boric, Hoar. —Oen. Argu; has been promoted for boring, not a hole in the Southern Confederacy, but the War Department. —Omni. Is finding opt that uneasy Iles the head that weer the crown —Ex. Don't know about that. Grant • lies just as easy now as he e\ser —The preps i cautioned against trusting Dr. Wittnore. After this, the e ditor that puts confidence in the Doctor will be witlem --The Huntingdon Glebti having Wed that Enterprise Headquarters .ells "fat ninekeral and bloaters," the Standard man wants to knoWwhen the proprietors got to dealing in their ~on flesh and blood? Too bad. —A Tana her of "big inji R" paid he Prtialent a iSit lately. Probably thee u ere' ennti yes of 0 rant's. Digger {ti raporisem, c,onie, now that he Ii: plenty of 10011 e, In ,pttle Ihnt "little Platter." --We might , tynitinthiie with the IltlicalGrant toe suekeN on the ilk. arter «hick befel a certain ex member the Cabinet, ranged ln• the l aw o f 1797 —in what a slew—art thou, 0, ''lrts art' --The editor of tlic ‘Vntikeslin, WOll9lll, I'laindcalcr, writes . • For mend es the Ware/men We omo: gat along without It %%onder, judging from the 'lumber (01 editoriala you take from it. II ow ore i on, brother Platt ? —Easter %111 fall on the nth lost. This In owing to the temarkablo phenomenon twit them that Moe Mareh oink es his ego/i ht/ Indeed But if he should innke hip hit in a rough manner he might -tnanh thew. and then Mils for Eafitcr! ,The nbove are both bail "gartpH.—) -Tile Standard Mall enn tnkr our hat Brt/c/antc Watchman Thank you, Joe a 6t, r offer 14 n 'nowt Ken , or WI one; but we a afrnhi nc .hell have to decline It —Sfendard Nothing easier in the world ; poHi me. hat . coin parati ye, hetet ; super I:love-11y, there's the rub. --Somebody Pays that ft do{ -tight e the only event at which real cur— rage is manifested. Oh, my ! —The 'Bellefonte Watchman earl Ilneen .01 the gleel-work• we went he "a lager-bier glee, " Perlis)). one might be made to sou our !ogle. Bro. Furry —OW. Yes—giiesri it might—provided unsn't inside in Huntingdon. —The latest and politest way of attempting to pull the wool over', a brother editor's eye. IN to offer him your hat "Ink-slings" of the Bellefonte Iratrhnuts Is entitled to the credit of the Invension The only objection we pee to it, In, that "small tarok"' to be properly pre. lated, should never Be felt flolledelyaleterg StAndard lieuer be felt than seen In the for I ner case, ruu could relieve yourself by ,•( ni Ich mg —Bellefonte's big new hotel le to be called the "Bush Moose Appropriate house, that 0.0)07 a "whiskey sou r" nib roan. Eli, Joe; —Hollidawburp Standard knoi% anything about Rosy. And ire don't often go behind the bush, either—:o taken "whisky sour" though firm is big enough to go behind if a facia wanted to hide himself But you, Mr Standard, could never do s aw, fur to find a Traugh in the hush ,. Oys must be -paid in gold, but they[- :not ••il bruit 111 barbarta a Tuziiiir 4/1.0/, formsl upon them by insana the following ? t c tio .1:".i. Orlean . 4 ~,..v.,,,,,,5ie, c„ if,r, that State voted for the fra , "Lousinna i 0 lii w itglin Legislature notoriously put ptor tier by the milita r .... 1 ry power l'he,tnitt) taro wlmexercised an potent it ford lb reshaping the eon st tuition, as the i rtiubt ( millions of New York, through tht.btAeeted Legislature were nes er chosOit'lly'the people of the State, even under the constitution which ,exists. They hold cyr,,undar nn elec tion made when' trodainnii wan part of District No 5. ' llithat a burlesque on reireventative oforhtnent it is, that such a Legi.latutVAdiould base it in their power to Ma k? hnd unmake citi zens, and break nut if tell enustitutions for thirty-seven Slitti. end millions of inhabitants, many of whom protest egainst such action as a great wrong and acandalonq in iquit) ." NO. 13, ore o "Wh make Ii os or) 1.1 now qui - - In n hurried article, trratem 41. couple of weeks mince, stroking in ref erence to the Aniendmeut to , the Con stitution Isnown nR tne 15lli article. which guarantee.; to the nem** the right of suffrage, we advised 'the poem hers of our legislitture ° to resign and thus defeat its adoption, as- waa Axle ,on Ind' /VOL It was an overnight to UN floc - to remember at that time that to our State Constitution a majority con atitlites a rinormii, arid, conseq,aantly, the Denteicrada being in the neinoritj, their rcaignations would Inlet/ been of no effect en defeating thasnensure, for the Itadicial majority westid have prise ed IL nevertheless. In. the Lithium Legodataxe it takes two. thirds to i.on• atitute a quorum, arid; therelbre, the resignation of the Diwneerntic members defeated the Amendment be leaving, that Locke without then-T:44le nrinither to transact business. In vines or the fact tluat some have flaking why our meuihery , 10 not reN11:11, hope tlll9 explanation wila Idharallletert ,-- If their re,ignietionx an, good, there IA not titter lease dbnke that our Iteinotrs tie Senators lona Iterremem Wives would hieve.-resigi,edlo4 soon as this rla.eratoa was apsallg, hat as :loll' ily:eueil‘l be aro,int)Lialkab tlurreby best they earl stile in their plit era and vale agairst the ia'siaitoa4 schelt)es.' - M/S Pita" wn~ hr i , ces dons Fassovr in Washitigtaiii hilt. "Ile la here looking•up his railroad selioue, which alone was left out by the jobbers ofthe railway omnibus bill. Locking back over the history of the Reptlilicalt party we e 1441 see how foolish %%eft3 our hero Ni orships. This tnan was Crice our delirium of a general. What foolish thillgti we did 7013.4 raid, iininifig, our babies after him, whose solinwy mon ument, will, probably, be tht assoein tion o: his name with Fittitoeffii peak. There ha made a terestrikii, pushing his umnadie; way aller the. wandering, star. thproad he is representing now, is,. if 1 mistake not projected over the route he condemned 20 years ago. 1 saw hint in the rotunda the other ita), and entering the library I took appal) cilitv's lib , of hide. Ile has had six biogrn ptiies of himself published,—a lop-siding of literary justice." dispute. took place at a cookilght in Lit. rardrille, Schuylkill county, the other day, l■ which firearins were fret.ty neod and throe Ten sorionaly wounded.