The Democratic Watchman. TRANS.-4i per,yeai when paid id lid- Vtaloo, $2;&O when not paid In 'advenee and „PAO when not pithl be4tre the expiration of the year. OUR 4 ‘0611T14.—W0 have authorized the following gentlemen, to receive and 'receipt for subeuription to the DILKOCRATIC WATCH- IsrAEL J. (infornwel Jour 'I. ItFIY\YYIIk II ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. 'Fusser Boy —Your cmatnurrioation was re , eeived too lute for insertion this want canti' ascertsintho imam in the ease you put to us Mint —Your linen ere rneeived ; try again, your preheat poem Indientes contitlerable genial; g=.—You and your friends aro mistaken in supposing that the (len Johnston who fell at Shiloh wan the same who corn -minded at Buil It was J. Et Johnston who re enforced Ileauregarti •at Nl4namfas and A S ..Johnston who wo. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY WORK -TllO Khoo; works in thim place went int-0 oporstion.agatn tent week. We are told that their prompeets art. very geed II i 4 said Ihpl the wain rill (it %I.'S iM t•roptt w Howe of our Lover comities going to bn v(t•y poor ite'cl Ititcrvettl It ttrehim earlryet to prom-moor an opinion Tnntry Stows —Wm recollect that HOUR. Last Autumn that we would have thirty snows during lit. prest:nt. Wint(4. Front the indications now, (he predtetion it in a fair way In he Pulfilled. We have not kept count, Ind we never known Po 1111:111)411 , 0%. her!) r 1 TIM SMALL Pox --Notwithßtanding the lIMOI N In ri rental ton to regard to tfie .01 . 1 . 111 j 11411 C eases in Bellefonte, W.. believe there !MN 1' been 110 new ell , ll, of the di .ea..te for about u month, and nu old totem far i Ti"eirfi taprieft - it bat; entirely diutippeaied from town and there wa4 -nolm ly hurt - but the man who brought it here. Tug L;OVILT.-,l)gring_thc past Neck, the ntmkber of T)ermns in nttetttlatice .1 the Q o lllt way about It largo it. 4 la 11.11111 at Ow nitinitni wt•rk Sitvet al important civil rause4 ,cere .le•pteued nf, and mute Chan the wand 1111101111 i of hunnevm done generally Judge Barrett, or the 22d judirial 111.4 r et , occupied the henelt, hpv Ir, exchanged plucev with Judge . Lino wh• 19 holding Court In NVltyno eoonly N Fon., tom NG —Out' day Lt.t week. the door of Nlr I'm M-irk Martin, of Howard, this county, watt quiotly openctl, and lotaket containing an Infmtit it few months 01,1 tot quictry tieloptitetl within Nnone th•rt ni,llll ul tli, 4 I I MI% and hen the child %VHS 1111 4 C11%ereill, t left it, had iii•nppnnred We ttrudertotittid that llf Mar 111). ohn liqs nor hihlrett. intend 4 !oaring the little waif SAO ACCII,V.NT-% 1.11714:1,11U 111 I. 1 - 0 Or %Tll --1)n Stiturday el.eriing btwt a 4 Mr k Nlry Ftrubb•, re4Attg ut tliv I- rtnity of Zion, not, engaged ot ttnrl nutviilri 1 he houvr• it little• OH, it ilatightur t firer• or four yeantitttlil, übirli they had left by the x~uve,loo6 fire, ion! when the pnrr•nln returnr•rl tolhr 11011.0, Sill' W:l4 hUrrnlly burnt to a erisp, about the reek, %%airtt Itll.l Nvrtnim, where her rho Ilea were fas tened with bands, 064 and tiortilent hap- petted altout 2 ti'clork. p m, and oitt lived 'onu• right hour., anti wit. seit.itolt until a let% minutes brm.' Mire I'{ 1111 I'd OH lIMAN'S INK —We limv oflen non (11 . 1.11 y HIPIIII/46 ill (111.1 4 . 01111 t I y • 011111 not Ilb I lie secret of maki ng writing thud :IA of 1:11rOpe, 11.1111 have been hing looking ter something after the t.gyle or Arnolll'4 writ ing fluid / , Ultllllll4C. 111 1 , 1 ill 111PrIna. haul. been 1141111 K Lnrltmtut it Ink lor :bent 11 Ut ol l ll .. uud 1111.1 it 10 1101 W all ft-4'oly froth the I ,l'll and 111 110 an good in every rem pect for iirititig uv tiny fluid ai• ever wird l'he mil) (mention about it in in regard to iln durability, suet frvmn all ttp.- pf.llrlllilel.4 it i, 01111141 in thin partietalur 10 any other ink.. IL in snitch cheaper than Ann4 i lit ‘ fluid, awl will no doubtsuper 'tette it rely if it proveit tP4 good 011 a lungtrta neon a abort one It in for nale ut the Iltudatttre of liittmlae fi nen . SAD ACCIDF:NT.---MrK. Pelmet, of Pot- We Mills, went to the wood hoi.e for the purpose of getting some kindling. and while in the act of splitting a feou•d the reef fell on her, breticinFt her nvek and arta. One of her sisters went into the house and inquired of the (lath en where their mother won, but they could not. tell her. The house being cold she became auspicious that something was wrong. She made inquiry of the neigh bore, but they could not give her any in formation. Some time afteAlltr. Palmer came home and saw that the wood house had fallen down, and upon going theap, Ca*, his wife's apron, wren the horible truth Heated upon his mind. She was dead. Finis tlit ,llKLLErorricon . Stindiy morning, between four and. five o'clock, the muss of wooden buildings .known here and throughout the Ohunty as "strychnine corner," Wits discovered to be in flames, .As every one had retired the night before happy in the reflection that they would give the- Lord as short a duty as possible, the wholetowd was lock ed in the arum of Morpheus when the alarm was first given. It was Memo time before a crowd•collected, and for a good while the flames had it their own- way. Finnlly the home and some youthful fire men appeared upon the scene, when - it was discovered that the fire plugs evore Frozen so that no water could be obtain *cti front them until they were thawed,— T iftt wan accomplished in a short time, and, soon a little Ptrennk of water was thrown upon the roaring name large enough Itigikz it a supply of oxygen, which it seemed to need, and 1r brilliant blaze shot into the morning sky. For a time, the brick building In which the of fice of the WATVIIMAN is bleated, wits thought to he in danger, and no doubt its pr!sei vat ion from the fire is owing to the noble effor,ts of those who labored, on the roof find risen, lirre,by r n hns of buck ets,to keep all wood work continually sat urated (vial cater. All the wooden build ings in reach were burned to the ground, and nought is left but the bleak walls and yawning cellars „liver which they stood \ good deal of loss is as sustained by .1. 11. McClure, Dr !Scottie. Mr. Brown, Mr Ihr•hler the Messpe Dawn Mrs. Sourbeck and D I l'runor, , but we understand Ilint it is nearly all covered by insurance. Mr. Ilirslder made a very narrow escape from death, the flames having attacked his bed and scortched 111.1 heard before arousing him from oleep. the thing most notable du ring the whole burning was the utter want rico/atm ial with which to figbt fi re. We havo stalwart :Lad active young men who are teady 10 do their duly, hut nothing has been furnished with which they can work. , t.esid u 0 Enont and good one: and the little 'Witte of Sun day morning, will be eclipsed a thousand fold if fire happens to "mar - 10nong tuir good buildings on :1 windy night,amil with nelietter means of checking its progress than is now at 1111,11.1. We hope it miry sour 114 a warning to thole who ought to nee 10 such things,'that we may speedily be pro% Pled with proper 100005 for contending-with this most daAgeruue cleintint. (I regg twp Penn twp -Joe. W. Furre.). Eng:, weniol 41 1 1 1,1 (lotion Ilemorral, and lately II el it.:edilorof the IV ATI;HVIAM, hag 1, ea presented 4,1111 4; handsomely u Nol I ally of Webster's timihritled ~ .I.oly, b 2, liis' filt•ndm nt Lock Il_oven. 11 I' MN' glad 10 Llll,. 111,1 found friends in has new lium.• who appreciate Inv 111:1133' good coalitie., and the labors of Insular pen tfi the e 11,1 1 ,11/ of Iletnocrit- Vy Illllle been for years lair tnlinuilo personal friend, and lower knew n man who was more worthy of the wnrmrst rr gard of friends and the highen.l respect f toes Thy friend.. Inc liar left in old litre may he less 111.1111111M11 . 1“11C Ihun !Ito, Ile 1i11 , 11 4 in Clinton County. but we are sure lie rale owes surround himself with any who will reel noire kindly to wards Inim, or who have greater respect for his abilities, both as a prose awl vin yl'. al w I , than those lie heft here I%TiN to. 10 i 4ilr% -\le 1111111•I'Stattl1 14,0 .111.1 gt• Dun inten , lo to reoipt 1114 110- Sli jOil a+ president .lu,lgo of Otto 4liatricl, and that a voalitic.a fortneil the en em 1,1 of the 114411.'01'0t la putty tit secure tnetit,by Geary,or a pretended Itertioorat, in order Iu forootall the au- 1 ion of ohir aaannattag (•u;N eat 1,114, and ...eCIIII . the election 01 . IL 111101 they rtul inontrol They expert in I him I%lly In retain the .1 telgeAttrt f This I let for Ira yearn 10104 or 'l'lll. topple loon.; 1101 forgollool Ilse -Irntel;y In o tell .littlge Linn obtltint.llllt , eleetion, , rind nar row parilLllll I 2 4. gni Ilell4lll 01101101 - (11( lain terns has greatly illswasted the Itentoentey of (tin. Irhulr dioriel They mean Ins cleft a man on ownononi lion 00101 11 . t. 01111 rill suopici ill a wl t il l ) tote %%Ito 10011111 Co7iiret with the enemy in all hour lilr Into, 00 ill reecive 8111 . 11 11 relilllo. from theqn ,14 lii / 1% 11l lint • felll target. I, %ND WI.. Lurti iOl February bas bee:n receiN ed. IVe 111%11,1,1 , cm' 'Men -lion I. IhP itrt iele called Clio "Lost Dis pat " The following 14 the contents: ",•51seteli of IHt Kentucky Illigado," by (len. Coo It !Lodge, Newport, Ky.; "Doi 1...ft.•' by 1/r. r (I. !maims, Georgia; "The Lost Ditepatelt, — by the Editor; ''We Will Wait,".by Mrs. Charlotte, N. I! ; "Itight to Vote, 'by Mrs. Margaret .1. Fres ton, Virginia; "A Portrait," by Dr. .1. Dicsinoltrutin, New Orleans, La. ; "Per feet Through Fluttering, by Mrs. Fanny Downing, of Charlotte, North Carolina; "Notes on 'rite Month;" Editorial. And litany other interesting contributions. (iho. tr Flue iv CHIC uto.—One of the mast extensive fires whit( ever occurred in Ameriea recently destroyed the heart of the oily of Chieagu. Some of the finest buildings in the world, were den troxed and a vast amount of other prop erty. The loss is estimated at three millions of dollars, with an insurance of about two millions. *ORTIZ Knowing.—We notion, going the round of our exohangee, a couple of rccipes which' are worth trying, and we give them to our readerl, though we hope it may be a long time before any of them may have oecasion to use . either. The own is said to have been given to the world by a German forester—who had long been aware of' the secret—at the time of his death—and purports to he a specific for that horrible disease, hydrophobia. It ih as follows : Bathe the wound constantly with hartshorn, and give three or four doses diluted du. ring the day. The hartsborn droompet see chemically the virus insinuated into the wound, and -immediately alters any' destroys its deleterioust4se. The other is said to hen cure for felons, and is as (obeys ; A poultice of onions, applied morning. noon and night, will cure a felon. No nuttier bow bud the cute, Inticing the fingor will be unnece•sary if thin politico he wad. , --1.- flaw CIIII.I , IUN ARK trove frequently had oceasloni to call attention to the many ways in which little children are exposed to disease anti death, and which ore usually overlooked by parents. We recommend the following to those who have the care of children, for we, toe, have often observed the practice it is intended le dice rage As we walk the,streets we see norther; and nurses sitting inside ;if houses nursing stall children near the window, tip infant playing with' ifo hands oir-t hit glass.— Now, at this season of the year the air near the window, in any room, in ten to twenty degrees colder than in the mid dle of the room, but if you will place your 1111.11.1 111100 a pane of glass in the window, even in a heated room, Sou will find that the glass is nearly as rould as ivy l' poll the glass the inlaid 1", outict ed to play with its hands, ntlll iL might almont an well play with A Catke_Uf . The child's system int hus chilled, bonnie fiess ensues, the croup follows, the next day- tire child is a corpse, and no one can tell how it could pottniblyhave talon cold in a warm room." =MEE Tnr. Corvavrntri,—At tho convention held on the 4th inst , in pursuance to a previous call of the chairmaan of the county committee, John 11. °lrvin, Esti., was chosen representative delegate from thin district to th , i Stkte Convention to tic 114'111 on the 22,1 inst., at Harrisburg, and .1. It Silveri., S. S. Wolf and B. F. Itrown were chosen conferees to meet thaso of the otheretsmitiescompo4ing the Lt2lst senatorial district, and elect a sena: . orial delegati , If any other business Ivan transacted by the eonvention, we at t- not been infartned of it TUX ADAM/ Flottss.—ln the late great fire in Chieago, the splendid hotel near theilUnnis central depot, known as the Ada in. Ilmsae. narrowly escaped destruc tion. We would have been extremely sorry to Irive heard of the burnicg of this house, for it k just what every traveler desires to find and so seldom Iptppens upon. a first class hotel m Ihr iminedia , e vicinity orate Railroad depot. There is not a house in the United Staten kept in better style, or in charge of more gentlemanly nod worthy man egers In a recent trip westward we stopped some lime at this house and never received better entertainment in our lives. We are glad that it survived the flames, and is still open for guests . Elotolt I S l Tlnvit s send yon re port of fire at Scranton This iv the first TeiessAphic report received tio the new telegraph You are indebted to Mr Jones operator at Northumberland: for merly one of the Editor , 14 the dervey Shore roirnr, for the report Ile vary kindly collected the itetnt. lie wishee you tA `Wall 111111 a copy of die Wl7llllllOl AN raalaialag the report It blterante 1 , 1 1111 V telegraplite eommimication with the lands North, KAst an! West of it %ELL SI. k •tiEit -,\ scowl:doom report 113.3 been Circulated in regard to StiporinLett dant Magee, which is wholly without foundation The young lady, who has been foully slandered ut this'conilection, is of unimpeachable character, iind is W engaged in te\aolitou Whoever wAtAil be guilty of eixculating mull a willful and deliberate slander to Ilse in jury of any one, world cottioiit murder but from tear of the .lieritT UAW AL. CON VlCtija , s —A grand nut iocal convention will be held in Centre Hall. Pi Commencing on February 17th. and z!miiina on .he 22.1 instant. Business Notices 500.000 feet of what, Pino flooring, dry for saki at the M derliurg Planing Mall MAGNOLIA WATnIt —A delightful toilet article--supursor to Cologne and ut hall the crag -----To young milli wishing to obtain a complete pram iciW - - Voidness education thorough instruction lu arithmetic, book-. keeping, penmanship, commercial political economy, eliek arts of detecting. counterfeit money and business forms and customs. 8001 in educution as will,oom 'nand the ci:nildence and respect of business men everywhere,l would soott unhesitatingly say, go to the Wilifamsport Commercial College. JAMES BICYSON.JR., Law Univerrity, Ann Arbor, Michigan. —Beautiful and of uniform excellence, a well known, rale, and )peetls agent for restoring gray hair to its original color, for preventing the loss of the hair, tor promo ting its healthly growth end increasing Its beauty, a gradual but certain ruse for bald- nests, and an essential toilet requisite for all who.prizo' that ehoieeSt gift of nature. a bean Oral P upply of bait; the' bove Is said by all who use lldnv S. A. Allen's Improved (hew style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle,) Every Druggist sells it. Prise One Dollar. :11-!) 41. . —lf any of mar readers are prematuetlly 3raY or ere troubled with failing of the hair, dandruff or itching of the scalp, they have only to use Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, and their trout noon be over. The prepa ration la not only h, ^emt or or of grey hair, but one of the most elegant hair dressings we have over seen. It also by softening and invigorating the hair preventa premature baldness and- in many emcee restores hair to bald head?. I:I-1 It Telegraphic News DENTRECTIVE FIRE L-Fiye Siores gulled k-- , Scrantin • Repuhbcon Office cleercd out—Love over $lOO,OOO-15,m0 PeO ple on hand: Rerauton, P. , Feb. 6, 1868 Lae night about 8 15. p m., an alarm of Ore was imundod,proceeiling from the cellar of Melvin's Liquor Store. No. 328 Locke. wane Avenue, In which liquor wan stored. It soon communicated to the, Miner's Arm'e S loon, under No. 330, occupied in the let story by 41. Wilson as a bat, cap and fur store. Both the basements were in an in. credible short time roaring in flames. Wilson wan enabled to remove nothing but his books and valuable papers Inste ad fir $2,500 Stock valued et $lO,OOO — lllelvin's store very noon in flames—moth lag removed -stork valued $7.000. Over Mel, yin's woe the thee of Ilr C H. Pisher,who I, et most of his effects. in rear wan I'. O'Monny's and Itevetilie Inspector's "three In third story the hair work entablishment of Mrs. 11. A Worden, who lost almost ev outing. The next store was Dale d peen's produce and eommision --sttiek estimated at about $25,000, total loss. In 2 I story over Dale S• Keen was the rvoldenve of Mr. Vote, who occupied the whole floor. Over him 3.1 story residence of IV Boffington. They al He lost .nearly all. The occupants of oil these upper stories had narrow Cowes with thole lives, the smoke being au dense they were unable to find tbeir we) , out. The tai boring establishment. of D. Morris No. 324 next involved—his stock valued at $5, 00 0 removed before fire reached the building. Second story of building occupied by Mow Arthur, milliner—ner things removed. 3.1 story entirely occupied by the Repro/from printing tau!, and book bindery Next No. 332, ieeeupiail by Geo Hlaks A Co 'a va. riety store including books. stationary, sewing machines, 'etc.—clock removed in greatly damaged eonditiov. Hut some elf it vtoleu by the mob of vacillate who congruga. ted in the rear. Such scenes tit pillage are seldom seen in any i ity. He wan insured on bailJiag $41.0110. insurance on stuck and fil tures 1113,natt - Second •titory front unto-ca nted, the parties having removed slew days before. Hark room was the business offire of the Republican out of which mart of the valuables were removed. In third story were job and composing rodats mush Cal sable material wad removed buibedly Mix ad up.A valuable Borden Presadeff standing also composing atuachamma large composing stones and many other things too bulky to he veloosodc end 14,309 weesh ot ;vapor MOE& destroyed. It is impossible to intiinate our loss because the material was mu scattered and damagette,s to be almost useless Our insuranees amounts to about $9,000 which will probably not corer the lons by several thousand dollars The Bellefonte Market The following are the quotetions up to 6 o'clook on Thursday evening, when our paper went to press: White Wheit o or bushel $2 25 Red Wheat, por bushel $2 20 Rye, per bushel SI 25 C..rr Rbelled, per bushel old 51 to Oats, per bushel 55 Barley, per susbal =I Clovereeed, per bumhel Potatoes, per bushel I 25 Howl, per dozen .45 Lard, per pound ... . ....... 12 Pork, per pound V 11em, per pound 00 Tallow, per pound 12 Butter, per pound .......... ............ 10 hags, per p0und,....,.. ........ 04 tirotincl Planter. per ton 17 on abbertioemento. AUDITOIIB N"TICE. The undersigned. an Auditor ap pall led bX the Orphan's Court at Centre county. to settle and adjust thst account of Jacob tf , ankey one of the esecutare of the estate of John Stoke) , dec•d, will inert the parties interested at his office in Bellefonte. on Tuesday, the tOth day of March next at I o'clock P M fur the purposes AC his ap rttertfitantr.w. • .1 II HANK IN, 13-6 fit Au itur, A UDI fORS NOTICE. The underaigniol an auditor appoin ted by the orphans' court of ()entre els& a - settle and :oljust the account of Dante adin's of Peter llostertnan , dee'rl and make distribution of the balance en his hands, and Among hose legally anti fled thereto will lutist the parties interested at hie office in Bellefonte, Friday the 6th day or March next, at I I, tot h p in, lot. the purpose of lilt atioontinent, .111 HASEIS, Auditor Dilll Etas. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY AMCMCAN TEA COMPANY. K twine & Brun Agents, Kmel o a A 3r u n , •gcntr Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa Allegheny greet, Bellefonte, Pa Ilav any accepted the agency of the A alert can Tea Company, for Centre county, we can sell all kinds Of Tea from 75 to L,OO per cent, lower than other dealers, and war rant it to give entire satisfaction. If , it does not , return the Tea, and get your °They back. Read the price/. Read the price/. 0010ng... \ $l.OO per pound. Oolong__ $1.25 par pound Young Ilyion $1 26 Or pound. ..$1.26 per pound . a" $1 26 per pound Imperial Japan.... Xngfish Breakfast • VA* pei pound The tracterattpplied. The traria supplied. Order' by mail 'promptly attended to. MI dress KiNSLOB A BROS. PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS I STA TIONERS, and also agents for the celebrated GROVER 0 BAKER SEWING MACHINE the best In the market. Thee cheapest Books and Stationery In Bellefonte. , N'eln abbertiormento. READ AND PROFIT t MILE $ it u 1%.0 A 1(. E A 1) THE CHEAPEST SibilES MOST SI PSTANTIAL TIN-WARR, he had at WETZLER & TWITMIRE'S propriotom (Irtelloined,not to ho out dlonri by anyone In thoir lino of buainens, hard °poled up at -11111.14tillilltli, PENN'AIf.; m 18,4 flyt moat complete, and Cheepent, ST OV E, Try -IV A REEST.I BIAS fat ENTS In Central Prnnvyltnufa. Thty have on hand, and aeting agrnol for ell of the letto.t. unproved, btoven et every dinertitlion. PARLOR, STOVEti, BED ROM STOVES, COOK STOVES, • lIENTERS OF EVERY PATTERN. TIN-WARE. COPPER.WARE, SHEET IRON-WARE, BRASS WAKE, OF EVERY DISCRIPTION. ROOFING AND SPOUTING, and all kinds of work done on the shortest notire, and fluuranyeed to give eatterartton. Atr-a vI: THEM A CALL •1417„ 13-5-Iy. ' & It. LEATHERS; MOUNT itAol,l4, PENNA, • having lamed for twenty years the BEST SAND BANK IN PENN'A, aro prepared to FURNISH THK 11F3T QUALITY OI SAND, either for engine, Oise, or buililllng They have a apiendid numbing machine, and can furtildh for making gilitli, TII 1: l Ult nsT w IT I: SIN I) free from ei my . impurity. • Either quality of THEIR SAND Wilrfin FRippid on Ole eats rtom M U li NT EAGLE - ANY ItAll. ROAIITOWN IN Tint STATN Marl' EltNt S It ASONA IS I. N: lop lA-5-ly A LL WIBIIINO TO BUY OR BELL REAL ESTATE, =1 It I: At. ESTATE It E 0ItI) , A large ak teen pagt Journal, isaued monthly. devoted toad matters, [also, laets and items of interest perm mine to real En tale; ennt•in mg lull descripttons, with prt-. rept, tfe., of permit thon•nnd prepeettett, to eluding Print, Tru,;, Urain all . Grcz , vy Farms, COTTAUE AND COUNTRY SEATS, MILL PROPERTIES, PL.►NTAI'IONS, TIMBRILTRACTS • MINKRAL LANDS, l'ennsyl" main, New Jereey, Delaware, Mary land, V ',gum., North Carolina, Deorgia, rrionda, Texas, and other Stelae From rot, Co py— NT TUWNSEND & 237 &outh th Street, 13 3,21 PHI LA HUN! lA, PA. M RS. S. FA It F.EVES, II AI It MAN UFA Tll ER , II lOW IC hi It HET, (01 . 1 . 047/. 1,04 T 0rr1.21t,) LOCI( HAVEN, I'ENN'A A fine ■ewrtment of Switches CIITIP, Fru. et* Bands, to . on hand and made tuinrder. Revs meg neatly dune'. Ilan . Jewelry in ell the newest designs, elegantly made. lien run depend upon having all ordure u Ily and pn•wptly filled by sending aaam pla of hair wall flireetious an 01 prI( . 11, &C. N1 0 ,N, HOOVER & (0 CENTRE COUNTY BAN lING rli, ECEIVE 11H; l' S 11'S & (' %nd Allow rulerr•t 01S('01'NT 'N •-• BUY AND SELL GOVERN M ENT SEC EIUTI HENRY BROCK EItIIONT, Preeident. .1. I) SHWA:RT. 1:1-5-1y Cashier. • , 1 A UTION• All persons are hereby (motioned, not to take a certain note, said to be over my signature, dated Nov 14th, 1867, or thereabouts, for one hundred and twenty.llve dollars, and payable six months after date, to J. W. Braymata, or order. Said note.he. ing db4sined by fraud and without my knowledge or consent, will not be paid unless compelled by law. 13-6-20. HEZEKIAII AHOY. ,January 16th .1868. A aide of harnene leather, either in Bellefonte or on the road leading So Jaoksein y Hie, tor which a liberal reward will be giv en on returning it to the owner or leaving It at Chia office. There was a piece of check lii out off the leather and rolled inside it 13-4-3 t A RBRIOIC • 12-42 LE • A NNUAL STATEMgNT. orricu.sw ..Tfis FARIIIMR8 ,-- oroTOAL FIRM 11114. Cu., OF CUNTRIE C 8 Centre Hail, January 12th, 1868. In cumpliaerie with tli previsions of their charter,..,tlie Directors present the l'euth Anneal — Statement ra the trimmetiburi of the Cuaipiny. Assets, Bills Itecelvablo, being Prewitun N °tee due and pay. able by membere Ineu mice the peat year $ 26,964 17 01 which dwuuul 1.1.1 u Dam been called in Leaving dno on Premium Notes taken (no pro'. your is add reetopts 11.110 010 reamury* from itenexam o nt N,,. 3, t applied• to pay -1,1 hisses and 10an5..... Making tho total_Assteta of the Company the fast year.....'29,321 93 Rareness • Cutopen Ration to Direptora..s 58 IR , Salary of See'y 100 00 . Do of Treasurer. 25 00 Printing, Otlite Rent, Postage, &e 135 87 U• S. Revenue Tax and Stamtpa 80 211 Lop aM.— Burn End Orkin, Wm. Stump 2000 00 Total 'earning A vets and Funds or the co pang the _ pa• t year To which add l pada reported for prey i Due yearn Lear amount of notes spired, caneelled and A sacrament No. " Making (helots! available As sets of She company this Jay Belenee in Treasury on the 11. t {oat 917 64 outstanding on AA ' eminent Nu. 3, beitig collected 1077 Al 'Lululdisia, Loans and Deposits due mew her 1250 00 Rieke and Inestrances taken the pant year... risme torrnsolore reported fur nine pre anus yenta. t rand total of Risks and I nsu sluices since organisation— 'Prow which deduct Poiieies expired... 220,767,39 Also. P.,lnica can celled by consent of parries.. ----•- 235,820 8) (Mind total of Rieke and luau- At an elation held the same day, the following named members were elected Di rectors for the ensuing year : no. W. Krumrine, Jeanie 'Potter, Jikerib Moyer, J'obn Shannon, Samuel P. Foster, kieorgn Buchanan. Ames Alexander, Jacob V. Moyer. Jacob lioaterasatt, Jokes -Kreaat er, John Wolf. lEEE ' W hereupon the board organised, and elec ted the lullow mg officers for tite ensuing year: President—Bee. Buchanan, Vice Pres.— Joshua Putt, r; Secretary—ti. Shaman Treasurer—henry W Muer. All the former Agents were continued foi .e enoulog year. 13 ELLEFONTEP 14/1 NI NG MILL. The undenigned or• new proper Scroll sawing of all descriptions, and bract ets of all size+ and patterns made to order. THICK LEY'S PATKNT LUMBER DRYER We have eonneeted with the Mill ”Muoki ley'a Patent Lumber Dryer," which by super heated steam without premiere, will seam) lumber in from Ila% ing tested this Patent by actual 113111011 went we are sure that it is the beet prooar of seasoning lumber now in use. THOROUUBLY SEASONED LUMBER Orders for drying lumber delivered e' the will will be filled at reasonable prices. Pledging ourselves to 011 all orders with, promptness and to the satisfaction 01 our patrons we ask all persons requiring work in iorlino of business to give an a cal before inontraeting elsewhere, VALENTINE, BLANCITAND 100. Bellefonte, Dee 21 '66 ly 110RSALE. 9. The subscriber Wren for sala a lot in Mountain Eagle, this county, containing two acres of land, on which is erected a goon UM, house, suitable for a home for any tom, a good situp, suitable for • cabinet or wagon-maker. bop, and an office formerly used by the ....itneers of the BE VB. R. MI who are acquainted with•the location of Mountain Eagle, used sot be informed that it is one of the most healthy localities in Pennsylvania. It is beautifully situated on „the Bald Eagle creek, at the base of tho mountain; near the Rail road, and is •de lightful place fur any one I. live. Tho property offered fur solo would be peoullarly fitted for the bons" of &Videos's', litho could Sad good employment. In .the sur rounding neighborhood of farmers. There is a floe orchard of growing apple trees oil the premises, panted In 1840, a tide stream of running water at the door, and good oat. buildings at every , khid. For terms &c, address (MUD AND COUPONS 2Jetn abbertigiemento. 151,209 18 -- 22,157 40 '7. t 5,063 oo ranee! in lorce this day 11E0. BUCHANAN, President Att,st: H. U. StiAnson. 13 53t P. KEMP, I CENSE!) A UCT lON EER, Penns Talley, 3 wiles north-eest of Centre Hill, Cr. Kemp, is said to be one of the best auc tioneers In the County, and his terms are very rramonable. - We be speak for him a good share of the public patronage, ad drrss C ntse HO), Centre Co., Pa. 13 5 3m. /planing IBM. to manufacture and furnith, n. appli, tion at their Moaning sill in Itelinfoaite entre county Shutter Flooring s.qh MEE Siou'ditige, ac Brackett TWO TO FOUR DAYS tll our work wit: be manufactured fre, JOHN LEYIHAN, Itlopotain it iglo o Centre CA: Pa I 2-3 2m 074 10 24,290 07 3,0.:1 8,, '2,899 88 26,02 45 12P,85! BS 165,773 71 331,001 83 2.024.892 0.) 2.355,898 88 .$2,120,078 49 Blinds
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