Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1863, Image 3

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were fe —— = tee == JA Eee ee er RE | ee sop or Ll ALE vi
Fons Air ith ermission I wisk to HOITE EO TERS OF . PoaLD rh AX’ 5 !
IR {= 1 our rmis - 3
say Li readers of eS ha I will send VEG AY 4 URE tly ACT. OF B TRESSER & CRIST,
by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe « ? e ‘
wich full disetions for making ind wing sins LAGER THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED. AND DEALERIN FOREIGN AND DOMES. er >
le vegetable balm, that will effectually remove - 1 1 HARDWARE, + . -
i) 10 days, Pimples, Biotches, Tan, Freckles, and CAL ARD SER WILL NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. SPRING AXD SUMMER 4000S WINDOW SIADES, HoN. Wirsox M'CANDLESS Yuige of the United
all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, ' a DOOR MATS - States Circuit Court, President.
a o tiuot Jwolry. Pld Ww. ’ DR. HOOFLAN'S CUTLERY Corner Penn aud St. Class Streets, Pattsburgh,
w Be i ‘aa
133 Beads or Bare Faces, simple directions and Ip 8. M'FEETERS, G E R M A N B I ’ T BE R S > AT THE . The Liriag Conn d Best.
Sih i 1 tien that will. enable them to start a ful : eapest an 8
if i owing J he acl The as EE Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mous- WHO PREPARED BY Saws £35 pays for a full seu courde,
- / 4 tache, in less than 30 days. Allapplications an- DR.C.M.J ACKSON. oe 199 §227° No extra charges for Mauufacturers, Steam
Nomtit—Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at } (ro (S000 Sn Sl fout charge. .C. M. . 1 R 0 N F R 0 N 1 RIFLES DE fs Tos! Fea
9 o'clock P. M. Respectfully yours. has purchased, refitted, and fixed up, the PHILADELPHI A, PA, . Ministers’ sons at half price. ia enter
Ross ~ Vin Pine Sine Mills and Spruce THOS. ¥. CHAPMAN. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOSE CER sn ieview at any time.
reek, closes at 9 P. M. : emist. « E . TAINL 2 QTOT.S is In:titution is conducted by experienced
Bast—Via Bgblersburg and Look Haven clos. | July 24 3m. No. £31 Brndney, NX. | OYSTER AND BILLIARD SALOON, | orp ATT DISEASES 2082ER Bass PISHOIS Teheran snl Boe, wir
es at ’ tn Qt 0 X = b EL EE 833 Ok A : ‘ung men for aclivg business, at the least ex-
! 5 ‘ FEMALES ! FEMALES! FEMALES 5 SING 2? OT Gn here Stare Ne leas, SS
Eas? —Via KX 11, Milroy, and Lewistown, Use that safe pleasant remedy known LI formely kept by George Downing under tho Sy RON A ws SHOT GUNS De Ae Be ol BS latsave
closes at 9 I." M. HEMBOLD'S LXTRACT BUCHU, Thousands of our citizens are suffering from | _ Jlave just received the finest ~assortment of for merit only. Henco the universal preference
Easr.—Via Howard and Tock Haven, closes a For all Complaints Incident to the sex. oe , Dyspepsia a nd Liver Diseases, and to HR tho | Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this AXES for graduates of this College, by business men.
9P. M. 3 No family should pe.) i IRO NFR ONT. following question. apply—we guarantee place, and selling at prices that Jefy competi- wy Lo Jon tar, the best Penman of the Un-
Ta Bor, Maile on Tymnechars And none will when once 9 Mora HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITT ERS, tion, y EDGE TOOLS and over all Ov canest AEE en
Wzsr.—Via Half Moon and Tyrone, closos at : : PRESH LA GER pI TVR 5 CONSISTING ' riting.
9, P. M. : Itis used by 2 3 WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF For specimens of Ponmanship, and Catalogue
YOUN OLD, . : rd 3 SADDLERS IIA 7 ARE | containing full information. inel twent:
RAILROAD ROUTS. i ifo Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of tho Kid- ing ‘ S HARDWARE la oo venty-ave
tho Decl r Chan] ife, 1 y, D of tho K q 5 t >
Bellefonte and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at In peDee RE and after Marriage X XX ALE neys, and diseasesarising from a Ladies Dress Goods, fonisto JENKINS
ViA, M. ' During and after Confinement, and drinks of all ki v sorcercd Stomach. Carriage Makers’ Trimmi a C ter’ {57 Attend where the Sons and C
. of all kinds togother with catables of | OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOM aa 5 T5 dyanings. and. Carpenter's er ; Sons 2nd Clerks of
3 Sad Eagle Valloy Branch Railroad, leave at To ie No ropes Channel, and every description, . Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive a: Sucy AS Tools. Bankers and Business Men graduate,
.'M, drat Sours. invigorate the broken-down Constitution, Tho only Constipation of Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood
Stages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on From whatever Cause Qrustiine, . BILLIARD TADLE 10 on how, avidity of he Soman, Nassosu, MERINOS, STEEL SPRINGS. £25) 7
\ Jf a ! d, Fulness o g 5
Mondays, W e nesdays, Fridays, at 64 4. M. CiENo NORE WORTRLENS PILLS in the iki Sour Eructations, Ray A Wallon @)7 /
Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublersburg, HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Fluttering at tho Pit of the Stomach, Swimming TAL TEIN PAINTS 2
leave dailyat 1 P. M. J id ¥ See advertisement in anothe: column. Cutout In town; is in this saloon. Call and onjoy your Sis Head, pre and E1nnit breathing, Qala 00s SUR 2 3 y
8 g for Lock Haven Via o oward leave it. 2m. selves. oking or Suffocating Sensations when i lyi A a U y 1
Tass Wennsedin, and Fridays at 7 A. M. Spd send ee 2 July 30th, 1863.—1y. Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or ER DRESS GOODS OILS, . NATIONAL COMMERCI AL COLLEGES
Btages for Lewistown Via Centre IIall, leave A Card to the Suffering. 5 gis Skye 25a Balt She in the Jou) Des : LOCATAD I
lai re e erspiration. Yellowness of t i .
laily at 6 A M ; The By. Wirs1a3 Cosarova, wills laboring More Goods for Less Money and Eyes, Painin the Side, Back, Chest, A Also, alarge assortment of ladies and gentle! GLASS RHILADELPIi} A.
geen Spruce Genk Via of Parmgohoot and | To Rav, Wipuagn Coscnovr, wile taboring £6 Bening i tho Fath, Constant Tneginiumeat | mone :
PRT ay A.M ¥3 nes tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe = Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. S.E. cor. 7thand Chestnut Streets,
rm me tho grt city of Jodo. his recipe hus cured : articular Notice. TROY, BUFFALO, LKAVELANT
LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. | great numbers who were suffering from Con- R. KELL There are many preparations sold und:r tho to. &c.. & DETROIT, CHICAG 4
t; B hitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and . ERS, CENTRE HILL 5 : G R E A 7 &e, &c,, &o, &e. ’ 0 & ST. LOIS.
Colds Rn the debility and nervous es Soins ? ’ : ern put rary Bottles. com- . x Book-KzriNg, PENyANSHIP, CoMNER 1AL AB-
caused by these disorders. Th ‘ th Establicl Dn hel bits dy a Fan Ai Ta REE : Co MMERCIAL LAW, FORMS, CC RESP( No
rari, . : r) i i an at any cther stablishment in i & B jallon, the nd all other kinds of chandis: sual DENCE, &¢ . practically taught.
[tig Banihal ot werent le > pr {nar edhe 7 | 8s ie in unde same guna
: i « : 3 ill con- The stock i irel BV, an ble and local management, d iting ip oac
the duties necessarily imposed upon the A WM, COSGROVE, 439 Fulton CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. nie ¥ Sante, BS long 3 Wey can be sold, hun- INDUCEMENTS sell a hyn oe gi advantages of all pA greater fiber - of
publisher of a paper during Court week, we rome Bron N. ¥. 1y iE ry runs, id Shanty This eeab) snort, will be hn on Juan infra tion Wa any other similar iusid
———————— . influence of Alehoholic Stimulants of th t vrthwest corner of the Diamond, Bellefonte. oy Br he Fad I,
ave been unable to attend to our local “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS He Beeps Ry Band a lee a rn oyuitnty OF thy opt AND LESTABLISITEI L7GO | frm ai il by wy ousls gid ta al
column, as should have been done, however , . Send fhe esis go Sh Porsors attendant SPLENDID BARGAINS Jue Pliiladelpbia College has been recently en
2 : > pe 4 i nd death. i te t———— larged and refurnished in a Bupericr inanner, and
there has been nothing, frightful, startling, | GARDNER & HEMMING'S STAPLE & FANCY GOODS For those who desire and will have a liquor oe 18 now the lirgest and pos Lor y
a : 3 y | bitters, we publish the following receipt. Got PETER 1) RILLARD call Institution 1 th USL piuspervug Commes
uew, or interesting happened about town, GREAT AMERICAN BOOTS AND SIOES Uns Bottle Hooftan's Seman, Bitters und mix OFFERED TO PURCHASERS FOR 9 : Bryant & Strattonss sees of Text books, em-
. ses § To wi rec quarts of goo ran or isky, an e bracing Book-Keeni s “W 2 a
during the past week. The abolition con- © } BR © $4 S =e J 2 fg bi yer preparation that Will 2 ex- | D Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturor Comomaorsial Low, lof aeons ame,
vention, on Wednesday last was a fizzle, like Entirely remoduled and rofitted for HATS & CGAP WS, of the Liquor Pita in the es oy Cas 1 or Country I roduce, 16 & 18 CHAMBRES ST. ma For full par ;
the nigger meeting the same night at the the Season of 1863, with entire Jaoy To You will have all the virtues of Hoef- may8 . y > ol Frsutloes send tv & circular
; NEW BAND WAGON, : and’s Bitters in connection with a good article of ; 20 ot. 17. 1862—1y.
Court House. Every thing has been ex. NEW BAGGAGE WAGONS, Ready Made Clothing, liquor, at a much less prico than those mferior , Vir an Nw pad, los a
Jingly quiet for Court Week NEW TRAPPINGS, Notions, preparations will cost you. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS 2 sani ts sheentinn artic
B WANTED—BoOK-EEEPERS, CLERKS ‘ AND | and everything Elegant in the ox- 7 Hardware, CF. D's GERMAN BITTERS Maaaboy, Demigros, -
2 ’ . treme, and which, in point of beauty, Willow and Wooden Ware WILL GIVE YOU Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia.
ACTIVE MEN FOR Business. —Owing to the Duels, Jason of ‘any Traveling A GOOD APPETIT E, North side of the Diamond. Gogios Rappee, Nachitoches.
<hanges caused by the war, there exists THE PAVILION And in fact a complete assortment of all the WILL GIVE YOU merican Gentleman, Copenhagen.
throughout the country a most wonderful de- | iare and comfortable, und is ar- -articles usually found in a first class [STRONG HEALTHY NERVES YELLOW SNUFF. ‘
an ent awl oklfal | Book. | Sor hopalion soe i co Country Store.” WILL GIVE ¥ : She DS a
m ompete: an u 00k- | fort to the patrons of this Establish- . JL GIVE You C oney Dew Scotch.
Sa 2; in pin a Bako BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, BELLEFONTE, PA. High Tonst Sootoh, Frosh Honey Dus Scotch,
a ‘that ttn the number of ue SAND oxime PRODUCE SLEED WEI L a Trip.
1 i ELL fc s .
. \ . ill claim particular attention, as . ’ Attention is called to the 1 ducti a 3
Students at the Tron City College, Pittsburg | they are amang the purest blooded, AND WILT POSITIVELY PREVENT 4 : . 0 She J01an reducHon inl Boy pies Mgrs Tinaskes, Ants. d B
Pa;, has been. more than Touts a during Fd bos trained animale in he world: Taken in Exchange for goods, and the YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, do! WHERE Pras i Sasenidleniip and suoking Tobaceos, Joida 2d Joie Wastin, pt Tirkh
the past year, it has not been able to su- a Talaiuy Hors Highest: Market Prives in Those ST a an or ACCS Sergiy. as A $0 00 Boxes, Bottles &
. t ] ro! . ks. i +
ply the calls made upon it for Book-keepers | o peautifut thoroughbred Arabian Broken down and Delicate Constitution 5 SMOKING. PINE CUT CHEWING. ) and 8 sims is Liotels, Puls Insti
of } CASEI 8s, | BUREAUS, ING SMOKING. | tutions,
and Clerks. Young men contemplating a | Fhe who will he introduced by : y From whatever cause, cither in Long, P, 4. L. or plain, 8. Jago “Only infallible romedios known."
preparation for business, which this year | Among fhe Ponics will be found MALE OR FEMALE, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spauish, “Free from Poisons **
: es Je SL yea Oy pliers PAID FOR Will find in No.2 Sweet Scented Oronogo, Canaster, * Not dangerous to the Human Family.
promises to be more active than usual, should | 24 Irs uey Long, Greylisie HOOFLAND'S GERM AN BITTERS, SOFAS, : Nos 1% 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, = Turkish, a Sa Supa gl Boles die.
i A REM mixed, i 8 u all large cities.
esses x Sass of he Mentages The Educated Mules GR AINS OF ALL Kl N DS That will restcre Li ny. usual health Jranulated. ; + ¢ Sond ban Druggists aud Retailers prety
or Jo y is po a Si pony 81d pre- DAN AND DIOK, Such has been the cast in thousands of instances N. Ba circular of prices will be sent I" T BawaRs'Y of al Sotto da tiations.
re themselves for fall and winter business. intro and a fair trial is but requested t ve tho ag- isc or application. [on thar Fo Yen vi
on Er hha Syren CALL ANC SEF. ses. |" of i LOUNGES, April 171 year sy Ly mame is on Gueh
r—e, mances. - . . § emma . at * .
Great Outporing of the D:mocracy. THE COMPANY OF PERFORMERS - THE OLD GUARD, REMEMBER, po aL te x08. i Rat! be £ivorpal Depot 432 Broadway, N. Y.
hom Comprise the largest and best that , i old a t
In an other column will bo found the | fio parent drt Bxpeis AMONTHLY JOURNAL, THAT THESE ARE LIAT RACKS, 957 BARGAXS! : HARRIS'S JRUG STORE
secretaries report of the Democratic county | sether, and we intond to give the DEVOTED TO THE NOT A LCOHOLIC. SADDIR BRIDAR ; Bellefonte,. Pa. :
meetiog held in the court house on Tuesday | B65 0ireus Entertainment PRINCIPLES OF 1776 AND 1787, ain : aed JD DAL D Ey | March 27, 1863-6m. ‘
Evemng last. Notwithstanding the heavy country, ‘Look at the ooo BY DESIGNED T0 UNMASK THE BE ER AGH. WHAT -NOTS sd pest D
rain that continued to pour down in torrents | , , JSEAT ARTISTES, I USURPATION DESPOTISM & CRIMES | Tho proprictors have thousands of Letters from : SEE A WE XG) &
all the day. and the fact that seven or eight | Vir. Eiohurd Hosami : a the most eminent ee <5 RD)
TTR ay el Saks rely ummm And io Gofond the deste of SLRA®ION : | Olergymen, Lawyers, Physicians and Citi- MANUFAC ORY.
rien ere a Til, % Tse y 8 nd to defend the doctrine o ate ri, i 3 CIENT Q " 3
rine [men fod at fos dustin of Star igh Td of zens, EXTENSION TABLES, The subscriber begs lexve to inform the world.
i @ - 3 4 .at each Entertainment in a great
Williamsport as unfortunate conscripts, the pment In x srest
i : sala Testifying of their own personal knowledge to and the people of Centro County in particular,
spacious Court room was filled to its utmost DAN GARDNER,
Pric.~Stwglonumbers, 15.conts. Forwarded Js bane cial effects and medical virtues of these py he still continues to carry on the Baddlery
. usiness in all its various branches, at his sho
ie . the Old and Favorite Clown, A by mail or express to all parts of the United + A]
capacity with the sturdy yeomanry of the 200d Clown i518 Tchsary to 4 Chretiy Sates at $1 & your In advances. | Any porson sends Trem Bev. J Newon: frown al Editor of STANDS. ip the Nonrn-East corner of ALLEGHANY an ge M2
Democratic party, thus manifesting that iain the pulls Ing ton subscribers will receive an additional | Although not disposed re ro Hi i Whsreean be fiund at all tae : 1
they are fully aroused to the importance of yeelug te happy son of Momus at copy for one year. Patent Maio ves D penal, through distsast of * Suddlos, ye CARRAGE NANUFACTORY |
the great issues that are involved in the | he Little Fairy of tho Arena, Iioir iugredionts and effects, I yeu know of mo CHAIRS Waggon Harness, iE. i
A oo : 4 QALSEURG A EMY. sufficient reasons why a man may not “testify t A i Mr. S. A. i
coming political contest, The tyrany and | Miss Eliza Gardner, B This i CAD MY. TE euyamen 3 B29 ot anily © Bridles, es th 4 McQuistion would respectfully in ]
is certainly the best Female Eques- is institution will be opened simple preparation, in the hope that h : Carriags Hamess tho citizens of Contre county, that 1 hae 1
usurpations of the Administrations, State | trian in existence. She executes the August 3d. Spe repnaion: in Hie 2 ops tat ¢ may thus Collars, 5 3 ope a new Sasrians Marutsetcry, in the rear i
. most elogant and elassic motions, com- Te. f 31 01 . a i ul rs” Li Sti
and National, have at last awakened the bin vii arin Taping splendid Farms Et ig) of oven weeks, $400 | , I 40 this tho moro readily in regard to "Hoof. STOOLS, Trude: agon Whips, of Cuwmings’ Livery able, where be is prepared |
an $y vy PO! ¢ bac. 10] 1 i v 3 wal, T
people to a true sense of the objects for spit i hors, while at full motion, Yathemaricns and Philosophical studios, 500 re arate, prepared aL : Valises Driving Whips’ CARRIAGES ;
% 5 a coucluding w nr dashing act o ek 1a r . - A
which this war is being conducted, and of | LEAVING THROUGH 1s Baticons, pid Ropu oy SRG Hsin fy any am, Sudes is impres- ? Halters’ BUGGIES !
toni TrsieeYia + : Signor Wambold Sunati dos in. 0 ston that they were chiefly an aleoholic mixture. : Netts .
tie jminent danger in which their Itbatics | ,, Signor Wambeld, BE SarSrieudant, who 1oiiloain the | Fn TaioNot ony Mel Nevers Danese: | ke, fv, . : &., &., So. SULKIES,
% vill age, and neipal will take special inter- | 3 ’
ag freemen have been placed by the wicked | wonderful Boutless man; his pers in craining those who doai teach Esq. , for the removal of this prejudice by proper | Of every dese iption, quality and price, fc = salo | made of tho very best material, and WaRRAN ‘ONS.
Ray A Sed formances must be seen to be believed. In pang ey 0 doaire to teac 5 tests, and for enconragement to try them, when | CHEAPER than at any other establishment of the to be put to-gather in the most sabst has Tab PHAYEYONS,
corupt and designing men of this Adminis- John Foster, $2 aM aralsisd Too M as 7210 | suffering from great and long continued debility. | kind in Central Pennsyls ania. Tor Dee a anual man SPRING WAGONS, E
tration, whom providence is permitting to She. Peoples Toetononie of tie most rs nee Deal. Tho ney of hese boities of these bitters, at the | June 1st 1863—1y. HENRY P. ITARRIS Call and examine yourselves gentlemen, and if SLEIGLS =
a i ay am Sar i nning of the present year, was followed b : y #1
scourge us. Therefore they came forth | ever mtered 8 ring, 2 oo relief, A restoration toa degroo of bor PRS Mn YO ERRY LEN & Co SLEDS, &C., &C i
in tke night, fearless of the rain and storm, aa Brotiery, LEGAL NOTICES. ily S34 Dent hi gh I haf net oh or six S ON F E 9 Bellefonte, Sept., 10th 62. 1-y. hy rices to suit tho time.s
io. inti rr ome ym : i” = months before, and (had almost despaire ro- A CTF Trine or aren Fine TL, :
and gor ot he individual comfort | pear in 2 arity of theirelassical and ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. genes I thoretoro thank God and my Sind ¥ASKION EMPORXUTMN he a dong on ost Nebee, |
Just as they will do on the second Tuesday George R. DeLonis Letters of Administration, on the | fof, directing me to the use of them. OR BELLEFONTE, PA, re — L :
of next October, fearless of the threats of lL smpear in his performances on cata of John Vaopoul, doc’ lato of Taylor Philad’a, June 22,1863, J.NEWTON BROWN CONCENTRATED LVR W. W. MONTGOMERY, Prop., JARRE NY LOVES AND y
i + : TRAINED DOG JH township, having been granted to the undersigned A I 8 a invoi ates, sorrows and angers, hopes and
the ‘armed Leaguers” in our midst that ag Zp ann. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said 3 4 . 33 Feesived argo tuveisour fears, regrots and iy MANHOOD
none but “Union Leaguers’ shall be permit. | Tricks. a with : saiste, are Tequssted to make immetisie Reyment DISE oes OF per 2% DBL Dozy CLOTHS, OASSTMER RY Low lost, how gesiciel, the nature, treatment and
. - me Camille, and those having claims to present them duly au- ln young or Aged, Male o Female . 2h 2 3 radical cure of spermatorreea or seminal weak- :
i ? a Tos i A the Beautiful Equestrienne, thuntisnied hy law for seloment, vasroor | 2 btn removed, nd tho patient restored | LE Family Soap Maker. VESTINGS, to. oto, | 1058; Involuntary Sass gosnd debility and a
y ©. i, eynoids Sq. ¢ young ‘war La Petite Camille, uly 31st, ,—6t. 1) , calth, ete., mpediments to mariage cenerally, nervousness, {:
» 5 the pleasing Di Which will be manufactured in th consumption, fits, mental and physical incapaci-
oe | oe Frmsg som, AO NOTICE or Sutt DELICATE CHILDRREN tl LATEST STYLES, {gaily Sin smvapierae fl oy
and convincing speech, The speech, it is | 0 pocket Clowes The undersigned, an Auditor ap- ’ ' 1 . POUR in t0¢ MARRIAGE GUIDE, by | AM
: . : omnted by the Orphans’ Court” of Centro county | Those suffering from Marasmus, wasting away and in a manner that cannot fail to prove satis- | YOUNG, M.D. This most extraordinary book
: enough to say that it was a master effort Ree JeaBuIY I nied YL iThacy sur Sop Cgire oniy TS rs Th ee Boe y ea dil Whe PUNLIC are cautioned against the SPU | factory. should be in the bands of every young person
that would have been a credit to the great- oH » of John W. Hays, Admr. of John W. and Martha | in a very short time, one bottle in such cases will | RIOUS articles of LYE for making soa , ete. A large assortment of contemplating marriage, and every man or wo
GEORGE KING, FR Ra il those legal- | have a most surprising effe ot now offered for sale. The only Eencin sed. ou GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS man who desires tolimit the number of their off
L 2 } " . Donaghy deceased, to and among those legal- . ered . e only genuine and pa- S < . Ed i 3 x
est known orators of the age He handled HENRY PETERSON, I Tr mang ae a PARENTS | tented Lye is that made by he PENNSYLV4 Cort a ’ spring to their circumstances. Every pain, dis,
State, and national Administration without SIGNOR BALDWIN, Snpolniont at his office in Belleionte, on Satur- | Having giving Shilton as save, and vitsing NIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Collars Nock Tie S Sand SN malea Jou Sy wid
: : : : and the excellent Company who fill- ay. the Sth day of August, at 10 o’clock, A. M. | ro raise them. will never regret the day when | their t k for it being “SAPON 5; . ) ! ’ es
gloves, Srposing their hellish designs Jpon 59 Gann ¥ Hives [Amphi: i ind all ny thet ‘are ro- | they commenced with these Bitters. y ON CNTR STD TYEs® Sg! 4 Suspenders Hosiery, knowledge that shouid bo known is here given.—
the Constitution and the liberties of the | ‘hear Philadelphia, nightly, fora quired to attend or be debarred from coming in| LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS. | CESS of this article has led UNPRINOIDLED ’ Handkerchiofs, etc. | Lis full of TRruyings Hi fast 4 Sisioses ’
people, which will tell on the vote cast in een 10 a share of said fund. ADAM HOY, And those working hard with their brains, should | PARTIES to endeaver to IMITATE it, invoid | Exactly suited tothislocality and intended for the | 1. a indi ti td 1s a |
y. The entertainment will commence June 24, 6t. Auditor. > i % ’ i book that must be locked up and not lie about t1 o
T 1 ki bottle of Hoofland’s Bitt:
this county this fall. He was continually | with i fhm as they will ind much benefit from ssuse; | “10% °f the Company's PATENTS, SUMMER TRADE, house. It will be sent to any one on the receiy t /
greeted with rounds of applause by the ap- ZOUAVE HALT. J, XECUTORS NOTICE. to both mind and body, invigorating and not de. His sholves presenta groater varioty of plain and | 9f,205ents, in specie or Tostagostawps. Address
aes ; : ve Ltmese WHI compe Letters testamentary to the estate | prossing. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS, or SEL. | fancy goods than can be found elsewhore in Con- | owt '3s YOUNG. No. 416, Spruce strast, above
preciating anes which when oe closed iidine, Tumbling, Gymnastic Fx. of Georen Garbrich, late of Benner township, hav. IT ISNOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, JENS Lh shes SpuBions Lows are hosty ta Pennayiranio, A Tnrroran A UNFORTUNATE, 55 Iitier whist
were wild with excitement and sent up | ploits, Twotand Four Horse Riding ing been granted to the undersigned, ali persons And leaves no prostration. that the ave employ- | Dall and see tha ray bo your disoase Deters ora 0 e
Vara : by the Band, debted to the said are requested to make pa ed as their ATTORNEY 3 Mn tgomery is the man that can make y As you place yourself
cheer after cheer for the speaker and the | Ali'undir the immediate direction of ts i q BES Pay : 3 Crore I under the care of any of the notorious Qiu eds—
DAN GARDNER, ments and those haying claims against said estate lothios in the fashion, stroug and cheap; | native or foreign-<who in this oF amy oth
glorious cause. The GRAND PROCESSION wil Wi Sioa taysime Withons avley in, ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! GEO. HARDING, Esq., of Philadelphia. Alanehave Srnadn "|, gota copy ot Dr Young's De aan reacts
onte: -2 A, M., . 2 . ; ji . = 4 ally ca cat. 1 i
After the audiance had quicted down, | 1% Which thy Band will discourse AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. 3 PARES : Tne 28 19 | Er el hie meats, ie 2
J. H. Orvis Esq., was called upon, wi Tor PERFORMANCES ED UDITORS NOTICE. ) We cali the attention of all having [friends or WM, BAKEWELL, Esq., of Pittsburg. MRS. M. S. HUG H) life.
onded in hi, us 1 cool, d y b Hon srmmsoox avo pvnive. A The undersigned, an Audifor ap | farevet 18 tho ary, to the fust that Hoofland's | 1 hat an MAUFACTURERS, USERS, tl ae 2S; el Sneed on ny of fhe
NOON AX i 0 ] 3 ga ot ibed in Li ted
hii Siw sivle al a. ol R1sie: yet Asm Sen aM IIL ete pointed by the Orphans Court of Centre Co, to Tlie ry of ine a SELLERS of Lye in violation of the rights NEI XX. XX. xX I~ h 3 = Be i inst ime,
q yle. ! 1S coun- | fori: make distribution of the balance remaining in the dent to cawp life. In the lists, published al- | of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at once. ¥ | Office hours from 9 to 6 daily.
ty who were not pres ent to hear him miss- | ~ A amission, 25 Cents. Estate of Wan: Prics. Dos'd aioe motivementy. | most duily in tho Laren bas rtival uf Allegheny Street, one d th of Lot 20d, fnipix.
. 5 S| + [. 1, 3 1, b ho’ reet, on by EE mat - EE I TE
, eda rich treat. Ho showed up the many NO UALF PRICE. & Lis account will attend to tho duties of his &p- Be Ls Batis a BR Khe SAPONIFIER, or. CONC ENTATED gheny , one door north o EISXERS!
, errors which the Administration has com. pointment on Thursday the 20th day of August | thot kind can be readily cured by Hoofland’s 5 Xe ii sale by all Druggists, Grocers and ’ 2)
mitted since its advent to power, and hand VILL EXHIBIT IN 2 Goloek BA heh ao mom burt, at | Gorman Ditters, We live no hesitition to. say. | C04 Stores BLANCHARD’S LAW OFFICE. PELALBREDLTS <a
’ ii a . . a Io ws Wh ing that, if these Bitters were freely used amon g : > - Xs a
led ““our Andy, the conquerer”—as the Re- | PHILIPSBURG, Tuesday, Sept. Ist, 1863. | tended may attend if they yor I A SION our soldiers, hundrods of lives might be saved — as justopened a fine assortment of the latest STIMULATING ONGUENT, :
: ‘ p \ 36: ; ! > that otherwise would be lost. . OR >
publicans say “roughly.” But he told the | BELLEFONTE, Wednesday, Sept. 2d, 1863 Jluy 3, 4 Auditor. The : s i n *
3 Ee ’ proprietors are daily receiving thankful . n)
truth and supported all he said with the | LOCK HAVEN, Thursday, Sept. 3d, 1863. lotters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, Take Notice. I, bs Fhe and’ Somitor Cod, FRENC H c RE A M,
evidence, he preferedran inditement against W. H. GARDNER Agent. JCXECUTORS NOTICE. —Letters testa- | Who have been restored to health by the use of . ta 7 di ge FOR PALD HEADS AND BARE FALES! !
flit which Andy cannot disiprove. - To mentary on the estate of Simon Segner, these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. py ;Snjeel States Sek Cours, Vester : : i celebrated article is warranted to
3 D fas LEASANT GAP late of Ferguson township, dec’d, having been BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! 62. Gn suit op nr nia, Noo do Moy Term, | Which she is prepared to make upand trim in the bring out a full set of Whiskers on the
fearful one but true, and those who are his | §2 HOTEL, rranted to the undersigned, ho requests ail per- ; 1862, in suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT host f f i
z PLEASAN p 4 i ee e DSignaty . A = | MANUFACTURING COMPANY vs. THOMAS i 2 J iad
‘ > 3 LEASANT GAP, PA. ga knowing yi re said es 8 thas the Signature of ¢<C. M. Jack URIN 0. : latest fashion and at Fy vy Es fava inion Bag
friends tremble at its ugly proportions.— . J. M0. MORRBRUSON, Proprietor. to make immediate payment, and thoso having son’ is on the wrapper on each Bottle. G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, on No injure the skin. The Frenoh Cream is AnD
J. I. Orvis’s™ speech wasas are al! his | This well known Hotel js now kopt by the pro- claims against said estate to present them duly au- Price per Bottle 75 cents, vember 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right gr. nt LOW PRICE 8 tored by Dr. M. PerATreaus, of Paris, and is
sprechegupanswerably and thoy mist base priotor, Wher he w ill ke happy to wait on the | thenticated, for settloment. : Or Half Dozen for $4 00. ed by a patent owned by them for the SAPON . the only reliable article of the “kind. “Use no
PD! ; ry Ir y 2y : ye ing public generally. CONRAD H. STRUBLE, Ezccutor. Should your nearest druggist not have the arii- | IFIER Patent dated October 21, 1856. Per A other.”” “Warranted in every case.” One box will
their effect in bringing Republican siners to Jr August 14, 1863. cle, do not be pub off by any of the intoxicating | Petual injunction granted. BONNETS AND HA'TS]|dthe work. Price $100. Imported and for
repen tance. t preparations that hey offered in its place, but THE PENNSYLVANIA sale Wholesale and Beal b {
A . 08 F. 2 i
The mccting closed with three rousing | NEW LIVERY STABLE | NEW PLOVGHS. Lop | expr. ivi Eh Atel piin W Always on hand and trimmed at the shortest BAL |
cheers for Woodwiard, Lowrie, and Liber. BACK OF HUME’S STORE. . © subscribers have secured the Principal office and Manufactory, i i . 831 Brodway, N.Y :
t ’ ’ THOMAS DORAS Proprictor right of Centre County to manufacture and sell NO. 631 ARCH STREET. Salt Manufacturing Comp notico, P. 8. ‘A Box of the Onguent seat to any address
y. is Bik Tay Hor, el te huis yenite Loaves Lofy Had JONES a EVANS, OFFICES by Tn mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cent
2 NE CRS 4 ses, all good travelers— » n onsidere e st metal : 0% 1%, \ V3 {8 fo tage.
E S splendid Buggies, Carriages Sleighs,—and | Plough made in Penna. 2 TLEACHRING *Tolyl 3 $63, 1a.
very young lady knows her lover by fitted with fancy Ifarness “and warm Kobes, to | Famers can examine it by calling at tho Delle- | (Successors to O. M. Jackson & Co..). [X27 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Ee --
hear.. But thats often a very uncertain hire chgupur than AY ler establishment iu Le Lies yset Slee] ares will be furn- POR SALE tv B i Droprsiors. Ly Pit in w Pity Dono ia the most complete manner known to the Ayers ti Pi 1
kind of knowledge ih 1 ul, gentlemen. ishe with tho Plough if desired. ] by Druggests and * Dealers in i ., and upuesne ay, sburg ( athar C ills
. y 23, 1863-1y. A Jan.it30th. 1863. —tf 4 Uaver & Co. | every town in the United States. jel9 ly mayld Sw trade Mayl tf
A ’ , \
® 2