NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. were fe —— = tee == JA Eee ee er RE | ee sop or Ll ALE vi LR Ry CHANGE OF ADMINISIKATION | NOT A RUM DRINK! LATEST ARRIVAL (fT AR DWARE 7) ° Fons Air ith ermission I wisk to HOITE EO TERS OF . PoaLD rh AX’ 5 ! IR {= 1 our rmis - 3 say Li readers of eS ha I will send VEG AY 4 URE tly ACT. OF B TRESSER & CRIST, by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe « ? e ‘ wich full disetions for making ind wing sins LAGER THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED. AND DEALERIN FOREIGN AND DOMES. er > le vegetable balm, that will effectually remove - 1 1 HARDWARE, + . - i) 10 days, Pimples, Biotches, Tan, Freckles, and CAL ARD SER WILL NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. SPRING AXD SUMMER 4000S WINDOW SIADES, HoN. Wirsox M'CANDLESS Yuige of the United all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, ' a DOOR MATS - States Circuit Court, President. a o tiuot Jwolry. Pld Ww. ’ DR. HOOFLAN'S CUTLERY Corner Penn aud St. Class Streets, Pattsburgh, w Be i ‘aa 133 Beads or Bare Faces, simple directions and Ip 8. M'FEETERS, G E R M A N B I ’ T BE R S > AT THE . The Liriag Conn d Best. Sih i 1 tien that will. enable them to start a ful : eapest an 8 if i owing J he acl The as EE Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mous- WHO PREPARED BY Saws £35 pays for a full seu courde, - / 4 tache, in less than 30 days. Allapplications an- DR.C.M.J ACKSON. oe 199 §227° No extra charges for Mauufacturers, Steam Nomtit—Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at } (ro (S000 Sn Sl fout charge. .C. M. . 1 R 0 N F R 0 N 1 RIFLES DE fs Tos! Fea 9 o'clock P. M. Respectfully yours. has purchased, refitted, and fixed up, the PHILADELPHI A, PA, . Ministers’ sons at half price. ia enter Ross ~ Vin Pine Sine Mills and Spruce THOS. ¥. CHAPMAN. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOSE CER sn ieview at any time. reek, closes at 9 P. M. : emist. « E . TAINL 2 QTOT.S is In:titution is conducted by experienced Bast—Via Bgblersburg and Look Haven clos. | July 24 3m. No. £31 Brndney, NX. | OYSTER AND BILLIARD SALOON, | orp ATT DISEASES 2082ER Bass PISHOIS Teheran snl Boe, wir es at ’ tn Qt 0 X = b EL EE 833 Ok A : ‘ung men for aclivg business, at the least ex- ! 5 ‘ FEMALES ! FEMALES! FEMALES 5 SING 2? OT Gn here Stare Ne leas, SS Eas? —Via KX 11, Milroy, and Lewistown, Use that safe pleasant remedy known LI formely kept by George Downing under tho Sy RON A ws SHOT GUNS De Ae Be ol BS latsave closes at 9 I." M. HEMBOLD'S LXTRACT BUCHU, Thousands of our citizens are suffering from | _ Jlave just received the finest ~assortment of for merit only. Henco the universal preference Easr.—Via Howard and Tock Haven, closes a For all Complaints Incident to the sex. oe , Dyspepsia a nd Liver Diseases, and to HR tho | Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this AXES for graduates of this College, by business men. 9P. M. 3 No family should pe.) i IRO NFR ONT. following question. apply—we guarantee place, and selling at prices that Jefy competi- wy Lo Jon tar, the best Penman of the Un- Ta Bor, Maile on Tymnechars And none will when once 9 Mora HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITT ERS, tion, y EDGE TOOLS and over all Ov canest AEE en Wzsr.—Via Half Moon and Tyrone, closos at : : PRESH LA GER pI TVR 5 CONSISTING ' riting. 9, P. M. : Itis used by 2 3 WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF For specimens of Ponmanship, and Catalogue YOUN OLD, . : rd 3 SADDLERS IIA 7 ARE | containing full information. inel twent: RAILROAD ROUTS. i ifo Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of tho Kid- ing ‘ S HARDWARE la oo venty-ave tho Decl r Chan] ife, 1 y, D of tho K q 5 t > Bellefonte and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at In peDee RE and after Marriage X XX ALE neys, and diseasesarising from a Ladies Dress Goods, fonisto JENKINS ViA, M. ' During and after Confinement, and drinks of all ki v sorcercd Stomach. Carriage Makers’ Trimmi a C ter’ {57 Attend where the Sons and C . of all kinds togother with catables of | OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOM aa 5 T5 dyanings. and. Carpenter's er ; Sons 2nd Clerks of 3 Sad Eagle Valloy Branch Railroad, leave at To ie No ropes Channel, and every description, . Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive a: Sucy AS Tools. Bankers and Business Men graduate, .'M, drat Sours. invigorate the broken-down Constitution, Tho only Constipation of Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood Stages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on From whatever Cause Qrustiine, . BILLIARD TADLE 10 on how, avidity of he Soman, Nassosu, MERINOS, STEEL SPRINGS. £25) 7 \ Jf a ! d, Fulness o g 5 Mondays, W e nesdays, Fridays, at 64 4. M. CiENo NORE WORTRLENS PILLS in the iki Sour Eructations, Ray A Wallon @)7 / Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublersburg, HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Fluttering at tho Pit of the Stomach, Swimming TAL TEIN PAINTS 2 leave dailyat 1 P. M. J id ¥ See advertisement in anothe: column. Cutout In town; is in this saloon. Call and onjoy your Sis Head, pre and E1nnit breathing, Qala 00s SUR 2 3 y 8 g for Lock Haven Via o oward leave it. 2m. selves. oking or Suffocating Sensations when i lyi A a U y 1 Tass Wennsedin, and Fridays at 7 A. M. Spd send ee 2 July 30th, 1863.—1y. Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or ER DRESS GOODS OILS, . NATIONAL COMMERCI AL COLLEGES Btages for Lewistown Via Centre IIall, leave A Card to the Suffering. 5 gis Skye 25a Balt She in the Jou) Des : LOCATAD I lai re e erspiration. Yellowness of t i . laily at 6 A M ; The By. Wirs1a3 Cosarova, wills laboring More Goods for Less Money and Eyes, Painin the Side, Back, Chest, A Also, alarge assortment of ladies and gentle! GLASS RHILADELPIi} A. geen Spruce Genk Via of Parmgohoot and | To Rav, Wipuagn Coscnovr, wile taboring £6 Bening i tho Fath, Constant Tneginiumeat | mone : PRT ay A.M ¥3 nes tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe = Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. S.E. cor. 7thand Chestnut Streets, LM. BER ve Mirra Mc gil gd Bl CAN BE HAD AT Particular Noti BOOYS AND SIXOES, NAILS, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN .LBANY rm me tho grt city of Jodo. his recipe hus cured : articular Notice. TROY, BUFFALO, LKAVELANT LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. | great numbers who were suffering from Con- R. KELL There are many preparations sold und:r tho to. &c.. & DETROIT, CHICAG 4 t; B hitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and . ERS, CENTRE HILL 5 : G R E A 7 &e, &c,, &o, &e. ’ 0 & ST. LOIS. Colds Rn the debility and nervous es Soins ? ’ : ern put rary Bottles. com- . x Book-KzriNg, PENyANSHIP, CoMNER 1AL AB- caused by these disorders. Th ‘ th Establicl Dn hel bits dy a Fan Ai Ta REE : Co MMERCIAL LAW, FORMS, CC RESP( No rari, . : r) i i an at any cther stablishment in i & B jallon, the nd all other kinds of chandis: sual DENCE, &¢ . practically taught. [tig Banihal ot werent le > pr {nar edhe 7 | 8s ie in unde same guna : i « : 3 ill con- The stock i irel BV, an ble and local management, d iting ip oac the duties necessarily imposed upon the A WM, COSGROVE, 439 Fulton CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. nie ¥ Sante, BS long 3 Wey can be sold, hun- INDUCEMENTS sell a hyn oe gi advantages of all pA greater fiber - of publisher of a paper during Court week, we rome Bron N. ¥. 1y iE ry runs, id Shanty This eeab) snort, will be hn on Juan infra tion Wa any other similar iusid ———————— . influence of Alehoholic Stimulants of th t vrthwest corner of the Diamond, Bellefonte. oy Br he Fad I, ave been unable to attend to our local “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS He Beeps Ry Band a lee a rn oyuitnty OF thy opt AND LESTABLISITEI L7GO | frm ai il by wy ousls gid ta al column, as should have been done, however , . Send fhe esis go Sh Porsors attendant SPLENDID BARGAINS Jue Pliiladelpbia College has been recently en 2 : > pe 4 i nd death. i te t———— larged and refurnished in a Bupericr inanner, and there has been nothing, frightful, startling, | GARDNER & HEMMING'S STAPLE & FANCY GOODS For those who desire and will have a liquor oe 18 now the lirgest and pos Lor y a : 3 y | bitters, we publish the following receipt. Got PETER 1) RILLARD call Institution 1 th USL piuspervug Commes uew, or interesting happened about town, GREAT AMERICAN BOOTS AND SIOES Uns Bottle Hooftan's Seman, Bitters und mix OFFERED TO PURCHASERS FOR 9 : Bryant & Strattonss sees of Text books, em- . ses § To wi rec quarts of goo ran or isky, an e bracing Book-Keeni s “W 2 a during the past week. The abolition con- © } BR © $4 S =e J 2 fg bi yer preparation that Will 2 ex- | D Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturor Comomaorsial Low, lof aeons ame, vention, on Wednesday last was a fizzle, like Entirely remoduled and rofitted for HATS & CGAP WS, of the Liquor Pita in the es oy Cas 1 or Country I roduce, 16 & 18 CHAMBRES ST. ma For full par ; the nigger meeting the same night at the the Season of 1863, with entire Jaoy To You will have all the virtues of Hoef- may8 . y > ol Frsutloes send tv & circular ; NEW BAND WAGON, : and’s Bitters in connection with a good article of ; 20 ot. 17. 1862—1y. Court House. Every thing has been ex. NEW BAGGAGE WAGONS, Ready Made Clothing, liquor, at a much less prico than those mferior , Vir an Nw pad, los a Jingly quiet for Court Week NEW TRAPPINGS, Notions, preparations will cost you. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS 2 sani ts sheentinn artic . NEW HARNESS, Queensware, A NANA Arr BROWN SN Be NEW WARDROBE, 9 . ‘| HOCFLAND' UFF. B WANTED—BoOK-EEEPERS, CLERKS ‘ AND | and everything Elegant in the ox- 7 Hardware, CF. D's GERMAN BITTERS Maaaboy, Demigros, - 2 ’ . treme, and which, in point of beauty, Willow and Wooden Ware WILL GIVE YOU Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia. ACTIVE MEN FOR Business. —Owing to the Duels, Jason of ‘any Traveling A GOOD APPETIT E, North side of the Diamond. Gogios Rappee, Nachitoches. i % ’ i book that must be locked up and not lie about t1 o T 1 ki bottle of Hoofland’s Bitt: this county this fall. He was continually | with i fhm as they will ind much benefit from ssuse; | “10% °f the Company's PATENTS, SUMMER TRADE, house. It will be sent to any one on the receiy t / greeted with rounds of applause by the ap- ZOUAVE HALT. J, XECUTORS NOTICE. to both mind and body, invigorating and not de. His sholves presenta groater varioty of plain and | 9f,205ents, in specie or Tostagostawps. Address aes ; : ve Ltmese WHI compe Letters testamentary to the estate | prossing. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS, or SEL. | fancy goods than can be found elsewhore in Con- | owt '3s YOUNG. No. 416, Spruce strast, above preciating anes which when oe closed iidine, Tumbling, Gymnastic Fx. of Georen Garbrich, late of Benner township, hav. IT ISNOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, JENS Lh shes SpuBions Lows are hosty ta Pennayiranio, A Tnrroran A UNFORTUNATE, 55 Iitier whist were wild with excitement and sent up | ploits, Twotand Four Horse Riding ing been granted to the undersigned, ali persons And leaves no prostration. that the ave employ- | Dall and see tha ray bo your disoase Deters ora 0 e Vara : by the Band, debted to the said are requested to make pa ed as their ATTORNEY 3 Mn tgomery is the man that can make y As you place yourself cheer after cheer for the speaker and the | Ali'undir the immediate direction of ts i q BES Pay : 3 Crore I under the care of any of the notorious Qiu eds— DAN GARDNER, ments and those haying claims against said estate lothios in the fashion, stroug and cheap; | native or foreign- - Xs a led ““our Andy, the conquerer”—as the Re- | PHILIPSBURG, Tuesday, Sept. Ist, 1863. | tended may attend if they yor I A SION our soldiers, hundrods of lives might be saved — as justopened a fine assortment of the latest STIMULATING ONGUENT, : : ‘ p \ 36: ; ! > that otherwise would be lost. . OR > publicans say “roughly.” But he told the | BELLEFONTE, Wednesday, Sept. 2d, 1863 Jluy 3, 4 Auditor. The : s i n * 3 Ee ’ proprietors are daily receiving thankful . n) truth and supported all he said with the | LOCK HAVEN, Thursday, Sept. 3d, 1863. lotters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, Take Notice. I, bs Fhe and’ Somitor Cod, FRENC H c RE A M, evidence, he preferedran inditement against W. H. GARDNER Agent. JCXECUTORS NOTICE. —Letters testa- | Who have been restored to health by the use of . ta 7 di ge FOR PALD HEADS AND BARE FALES! ! flit which Andy cannot disiprove. - To mentary on the estate of Simon Segner, these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. py ;Snjeel States Sek Cours, Vester : : i celebrated article is warranted to 3 D fas LEASANT GAP late of Ferguson township, dec’d, having been BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! 62. Gn suit op nr nia, Noo do Moy Term, | Which she is prepared to make upand trim in the bring out a full set of Whiskers on the fearful one but true, and those who are his | §2 HOTEL, rranted to the undersigned, ho requests ail per- ; 1862, in suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT host f f i z PLEASAN p 4 i ee e DSignaty . A = | MANUFACTURING COMPANY vs. THOMAS i 2 J iad ‘ > 3 LEASANT GAP, PA. ga knowing yi re said es 8 thas the Signature of ¢