& = TTR — map or rm ———— RATE IN ow Stiscellancous, "THE PAPERS ALEXANDER MARION MELHORN. |Lrom the Logan (Ohio) Gazelte.] Shakespeare used to be a taleated person. fle could portray a thing with much ability, especially for the theatre, for which he scemed to have a natural instinct. In con. scquence of which it would be a uighty good thing if he was living at the present day to enact these things on the stage. Wouldn't they be rich? The undersigned having formerly been a j. p., with great cclat, he would therefore invoke a portion of the sacred nine on this occasion, to as- sist the fires of his intellect on his high dramatic comjosition. Which he asks with far greater confilence, owing to the fact; that Shakspeare being now extinct, there is a histrionic vacum, or, as it were an aching void, which appeals to the intel- lect of the period with much ability. DRAMATIS PERSQX XE. Honest Old Ale, Messenger, 2 Boys, 5 African Witches, A Little Woman, 20.000 Wide Awalkes. SCENE I. Honest Od Abe mauling some rails, and inging. +*O, Dinah, is de hoe cake done,” with much warmth. SCENE 11, : The same with several nigger witches in the distance, dancing juber round a big pot with fire under it. First Witch— Stir up the charm, Or powerful barm, And throw in seme wool, Over al eyes to pully While we stir, stir, sur! Second Witch— Here’s wool from the head Of Old Uncle Ned, Who died long ago, long ago ; While he dreamec 1n hig bed, I'soteit and fled, Atter biting oft his big tue. Thad Witch— Here’s a nail frem the thumb, Of old Uncle Tow; Likewise two jaw-teeth, Which I found underneath, A far spreadimg juniper tree ; Where the pious old saint, Proof to sin’s slightest taint, Was beaten to death by Degree. Fourth Witch— Here's Beecher’s last sermon, All recking with vermin— Foul vermin which not in blocd, [Here they all clasp their noses aud sing jn concert |— Ob, the horrible stench ! No wonder we clench, Our noses by common consent ; But the charm mast go through, I" ough we sicken and spew, For its teo late now io repent. Iifth Witch— Here's Greeley's last issue Of falsehood a tissue, As foul as the slime of a toad, 1 read it last night By a Wide-Awake lamp, Which 1 found mn the bond of the road | Dashes it into the pot. | As sure as I'm a hag, I'he American flag 1s naught but a * ‘Haunting lie,” Whale the soul of John Biown Which went “down, derry down *’ Has gove up to the regions on high. All the witches— la, ha, ha —bully for Grecley. SCENE IIL The same—The honest old person advan- ccs towards the witches, with a big. maul in one hand and dinner basket in the other, while a large dogwood glut proceeds from each trowser pocket. He sings— Possum up a gum stump, Cooney in de hollah, Taddy ink a ding ding, diddle, diddle,dol'ah First witch-—Dry up old slab sides. Lincoln--That reminds me of a little an- ecdote. Second witch—Let’s hear it, old lop ear. Lincoln—Wall, its abut one of my flist clients, Ile made cut a fust rate case, and 1 came into court with it, sure of success. But when the witnessesses for the defence was examined I saw my ‘cake was dough,’ and so did my client, for he bent clean over and whispered iu my ear, say he, ‘1 guv it up,” suys he. A'®'the witches—Ha, ba, ba, ha, bully for your fust clicut, old jaw-bone, First witch—[ Aside} —He's the very man for our purpose. He ean maul rails and tell anecdotes. They sing— Kick the chunks beneath our charm, Stir it well and keep it warm, We have found the man we want ; Democrats, avant! avaunt! We'll put the devil on your track, With a big buck nigger on his back, And if he catch ycu, woe the day, The nigger come [rom Africa. First witch ~All haik the Sccond Wash- ington, Second witch - All hail the pride and glory of the wighty West, All the witches ~Hail Honest Qld 2be | Hail President that shall be, as the sequel shall truly show. [Vhey sing] Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, boil, Who this devilish charm can foil, Lard oil lamps and cil cloth capes, Bugs and bats, baboons and apes ; Who 2an stand before the swarm, We shall conjure with o r charm ¥ Up whang-doodles, kna.es and fools ! You must be our supple tools ; We must dig a million graves; We must free four million slaves, - For each white son or father slain, Upon the bloody battle plain, Four negroes shall their freedoin gain ! £CENE IV. A law office in the mighty West—Mr, Lincoln reading the Tribune with his usnal ability. He is delighted to learn that the normal condition of the terr.tories is that of freedom” [Euter a messenger, out of breath. Messenger—The wig [ah] wig-wigwam has nom-n minated you for president. Lincoln —Wal, I swow. Ain't you jest ing. . Messenger —Nary time. You're nomina- ted, that's honest. Lincoln — Wal, stranger, jest you keep shop a spell, till [ come back. There's a little woman that'll be tickled half to death aver this. |Exit Washington No 2.] SOBNE V. A cottage in the suburbs, a little woman washing dishes, a couple of half-grown spindleshanked boys sitting on the floor, playing the complicated game of bushel with red and yellow corn grains. Enter the Second Washington, greatly agitated. Second Washington—“Ilave you hearn the late news 277 Little womnan-—*No, but IT would like to Second Washington—¢<Wal, I'm nomina- ted for President, by jingo. [I beat Seward like » mice, hooray for me !,, He sings and dances : : Oh, I trabhled over de new cut road, And on stump there sot a toad. De toad he wink and de bullfrog hollah, And de bullfrog kick’d him plum in the wa ‘er Get out o’de way, old Daniel Tucker, You come too late to git your supper !” Lattle woman—| Dropping the dishrag]— “Du tell—hooray for us !” Second Washiugton—Do you hear that, Bob ¢" Bob—¢Yes, I hear a confounded noise,” Second Washington—¢Of eourse you do; [’m nominated for President. Run and tell the neighbors, and if you see Old Jerry,hire him to saw up the whole woed pile! we're some pumpkins now.’, [To the little weo- won]—¢ And you send for lame Jane to do the house work, We belong to the ‘Upper Tens. aud must have our waiters. Give lame Jane $1 25 a week rucher nor miss, and make ber airn it. [Exit Abe.] PART II—-ACT IL. LCENE IL. Springfield, dllinois, crowded with wide- awakes, (quipped with lamps, capes, &c. Great enthusiasm prevails. They call for Lincoln. *‘A speech from Honest Old Abe, ¢Lineoln, Lincoln!” le shortly appears, mounts the platform, takes cf his hat, cheer after cheer reuding the air for some winutes. Lincoln —* Fellow citizens,” I heard you wanted for tc see me, and I wanted for to see you; I have heretofore appearcd for the purpose of secing you, and giving you an opportunity for to see me.” [Cries of good good, bully for you.] [The unanitnous opinion of the multitude 1s that the speech was the ablest ever deliv- ed on a similar, or any ther occasion. | SCENE II. Night— A wide-awake procession passing in review, with drums, banners and mottoes. 1st. Musicians, playing Old John Brown 2d. Standard bearer with a sixteen star flag. 3. Wide-awales, with mottes, to wit: No Union with slavcholders. The Constitution is a league with hell. Let the Union slide. \7c can whip the South before breakfus’, The irrepressible conflict, let it come. Down with Slave Oligarchy, Free soil, free speech and free men. John Brown wasa martyr and a saint. There's a higher law than the Constitu- tion. No compromises with slavery, fe. SCENE 111. | Lincoln, sitting in his office, relating a little aneciote to ons of his first cients Enter Bob, and bands him a leiter. He tears the envelope and reads aloud:| Ausuiy, New "York, June, 1860. ¢Mr. LixcoLN—Sir: Tam pained to sce that you propose to give your “views at length” on the great issues now before the people. Dou't vo it, for God's sake! If you do, we're gone up. On the contrary, keep your mouth shut, for-you will lose a State every ime you open it. Even your silence may not save you, for you will re- member the fate of the foul fool at the par- ty, who was found out before he had said a word. Mum's the ticket. SEWARD. Line In—¢ Wal, I avow,that's cool. Sew's mad vekase 1 beat him. I'll give my views as much as I please, unless [“conclade not 10 doit in my, own head. By golly, I ain’t gomg to he hogsed by him, nor nobody like him.” SCENE 1V. After the election. wWoodland—nigger witches stirring their pot again. Lincoln in the distance, survey- ing the rail timber, All the witches— «« Stir, stir, with might and main, See old jaw-bone comes again, Talking to himself tis plan.” Lincoln—(To himself]—I, that 18 me personally, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby certify that the foregoing——hold on. Know all men by these presents, that I, Abraham Lin ¢-o-l-n, President of the United States, called by the sutfrages of a fice people to—." All the witches : «Ho, old lop ear, dry that up, Toy not with your bitter cup, Full of horrors you must sup.” Lincoln--*Birds and animals are scen at a disadvantage through a fog.” “Stir, stir stir! We must conjure up a charm, Honest Abe to shield from harm ! Stir, stir, stir! Blackbird drewned in printer’s mk ; Pouch of skunk, and hide of mink, Baboon claws and nigger heel, Fork of snake aud skin of ccl, Throw them in and stir them well.” Lincoln—“If you're a stirring up that soup for the President elect, there's several of those ingredients that must be Icft out—- particulary the mink skin. Certainly it is more agreeably 10 eat good soug, than soup which is indifferent, and any soup is better when it is good, than when 1t ain’t. Witches — Dry your silly gabble up, Toy not with your bitter cup, Tis wine expressed from viper's eggs, But you must arink it to the dregs. Last night we saw a pool of gore Congealed upon the dreary moor, And round it twelve mask: d villains swore To take yocr life in Baltimore. Each took a ghastly human skull With blazing orimstone brimming full, And by the light so wierd and blue, They danced and sang like pirate crew: Fe, fi. fo, fum, We smell the blood of wll Bug Hum, And if to Baltimore he come, Dead or alive we will have some.” Lincoln—If this isn’t all artificial, T see that witch hanging must bo revived again, This thing of rining broom sticks, stirring mink skin soup, anl squeezing out suake for a beverage, is unconstitutional, and Le dried up. The Chisago platform is op- posed to all the twin relics of barbarism, and witcheraft is one of ‘em. Witches ain't born equal, like the noble African, no how, and I'll confiscate the whole fra- nity. Witches— Hold on. old lop ear — repent ! "I'was we who made you President; And now we come with good intent Being of African descent. Lincoln—I beg pardon; birds and ani. mals are scen at such a disadvantage through a dense fog, that [ did'nt recog. nize your color. Witches of African de- scent are exempt from confiscation, of course; also from taxation, draft and other annoyances of that kind, Oh yey, I'm honest Abs you know. Witches— Come, then, and join our group, . And seal your pledge with mink-skin soup. Do ths, or we will give you o'er Unto the tvelve in Baltimore. tancoln—My partiality for mink skin soup will not allow me to decline your generous invita ion. He participates in the festivities. At this juncture, in come Elmira, and’ says she, ¢ [Us ten o'clock, Aleck, and here vou are, writing away, with vour usual abil. ity, on the issues of the day.” To which the undersigned rephed with much sang froid. Says I, What you say is tellect to bear on high dramatic composi- tion for the theatre, I could not find no place to quit, ll I got old Abe into the mink skin soup, etc., which is the best joke of the season. My next paper will also be of the histrionic style, showing up old Abe and the witches with the utmest abili- ty. After which 1 then went to bed. Your dutiful, most obliged, Most obedient and devoted, ; Hamble Servant, AtexaANpER MARION MELHORN, {77 Author of these, and formerly, j. p. WHICH SHALL WE FOLLOW. The Republican press say it is (reason to advocate the cause of Peace. Even preachers continue to preich war, and yet Curist, in his sermon on the Mount, tells us that, “Blessed are the peace-makers ; for they shall be called the children of God.’ and in Romans—X. 15—we are further told : ‘How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of Peace,” Which is it safer, therefore, to follow—the teach- ings of the Republican press and War prea- chers, or, the teachings of the New Tes- tament—the written Will of the Son of God: Lx, et AAA pn. Pra Away.~-4 Washington correspondent says the President is not at all pleased with the results of six months’ pregaration being wasted in two hours fighting in frontof Char- leston and that the ironclads, are again to do what they left undone the other day. Andin stead of a "reconnoissance;’’ they are to firc while one of them can hold together or else take Charieston, all very true.but L have been bringingimy in- | THK FAMOUS ORDER NO. 8. HOOKER'S DISMISSAL RECOMMENDED, It will be remembered by our readers that in the report of the Committee oa the Con- duct of the War, allusion was made to the Order Nou, 8, which Gereral Burnside had drawn up, and held ready to promulgate, with the a-sent of the President ; which, however, was withheld, and so the order was never published. Segn after the report of the Committee appeared in print, Gen. John Cochrane, of New York, who held a | éommand under Burnside, wrote and pnb- { lished a letter in defence of Limsclf against refiections upon his conduct for the part he took in defeating a movement which Burn- side had planned and bad very much at heart, Ly representations to the President wlich induced him to countermand the order for the marching of the expedition, In the course of his defense, Gen. Cochrane said of Order No. 8, it ¢* dismissed [rem the service and relieved of the Army of the Potomac, those who had disturbed Burnside. Ar the head of this swod the significant name of Gen. Jor Hooker.” : This annunciation somewhat startled the public, and mach anxiety was evinced to sce the order, but it was not to be seen. Some questioned the fact, so far as related to Gen. Hooker, because the President, when he re- lieved Geu. Burnside, put Houker in his place at the head of the Army of the Poto- mac, But now the cat is out of the bag-- the New York Herald has, by some means, got hold of the order, and published it. We give it as it appears in that paper of the 22d uit : GENERAL ORDERS—No. 8. Headquarters Army of Potomac, Jan, 23 1863, First—Gemnval Joseph E. Hooker, Major General of Volunteers. and Brigadier Gener- al of the United States Army, having been guilty of unjust and unnecersary eriticisms of the actions of his superior officers and of the authorities, and having by the general tone of his conversation, endeavored to ere- ate distrust in the mmds of officers who have associated with him, and having by omis sions and otherwise, made reports and state ments which were calculated to create in- correct impi¢ssions and for habitually speak ing in disparaging terms of other officers, is hercby dismissed from the scrvice of the United States as a man unfit to hold an im- portant commission during a crisis like the present, when su much patience, charity, confidence, consideration and patriotism re due from cvery soldier in the fiell. This order is issued subject to the appro- val of the President of the United S ates. Second — Brigadier General, W. T; IL Brooks, commanding First Division Sixth Ary Corps, for complaining of the policy of the government, and for using language tending to demoralize his command, is, sub- ject to the approval of the President of the United States, dismissed from the military servize of the United States, Third— Brigadier General John Newton, commanding Third Division Sixth Army Corps, and Brigadier Gencral John Coch- rate, commanding Fist Brigade, Third Di- vision, Sixth Army Corps, for going to the President of the United States with criti- cisms upon the plans of his commanding of- ficer, are, subject to the approval of the President, dismissed from the m.litary ser- viee of the United States, #¥. Fourth—Tt being evident that the follow- ing named officers can be of no farther ser- vice to this army, they are hereby relieved from duy, and will report in person without delay to the Adjutant General of the United Brates Army : Major General WW. B. Franklin, command- ing Left Grand Division, Major General W. F. Smith, commanding Sixth Army Corps. Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis, com- manding Sezond Division, Ninth Army Corps. 3 Brigadier General Edward Fererro, com- manding Second Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps. Brigadier General John Cochrane, com- manding Second Brigade, Second Division, Sixth Army Corps. Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Taylor, Acting Adjutant General Right Grand Division. By command of Major General A. E. BurNsike, Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adj, Gen. ——e dl MeraL-Tiepep SiQks,—Shoes are an im- portant item in the expense of clothing chil- dren, as every parent will understand.— They invariaple wear out their -shoes at the toe first, and not uufrequently before the other parts are quarter worn. Children’s shoes with Metal tips never wear nut at the toe* and it is safe to say that on an average one pair with them will more than out-wear three pairs without them. We believe all the shoe dealers keep them. Tus Protestant clergy of France, io the number of six hundred and eighty have sign ed an addsess to the English clergymen, ask, ng the latter to throw the whole of ther 1n- fluence in favor of the North during the pres- ent rebeliion in this country, —eeeal le. Tae Comte de Paris has painted a large picture of the battle of Gaines Mill, which containg many patriots, among which that ‘of General McClellan is not tg be found. — the picture has been photographed, ROR. The Grand Tnquisitor at Washington has touched his bell, and one of the most promi- nent citizens of the United States, ‘the Hon. C. L. Vallandigham, of Ohio, has gone to prision. He was arrested by military force at 2 o'clyck after midnight, on yesterday by soldiers from Cincinnati. At that hour of cource, no organized resistance could be ‘made, though the alarm bells were rung and a few jeople assembled : but the min‘ons of absolute power had already dragused their victim fo a distance. Mr. Vallandigham was carried to Cincionati; but it is not yet known in which of the Federal fortresses hy is to Le immured. So the Jacobins have celebrated another triumph, and added another dark deed to the catalogue of their offcuces against the Constitution and against public morals. Mr. Vallandigham is a prominent candidate for Governor of Ohio. and, in view of the large Dernocra ic majority mn the Buckeye State. the Administration thought it best to arrest the candidate rather than the voters at the polls. “There must be but one party dur- ing the war,” say the Jacobin Leaguris j— hence all loyal Democrats must forget their politics, the time honored usag:s of the'r par- ty, the Constition of the United Sates, their rights as citizens, and their duty to their county, to serve tie Administration. After the restoration 4 peace, which may be when the daisies shall have grown over the graves of the present generation, the J .cob- ins will surrender the pow.r which they have basely usurped, and return it to the. people ! Can any one believe in such pucrile promises, ater witnessing the tyrannical acts of the men in power ? “Surrender at disecretion,” cry the Jaco- bins, and we will not harm you, We will merely put you in irons, to see. what you will agree to, to be let loose again,” What absardity, to suppose that those who are thus abusing the power they have usurped, will ever be wailing to surrender it, and place themselves on tral before the people! What the Jacobins aim at, is the subjuga- Aion of the people, in order that an ignoran cruel and fanatical faction may govern, in- stead of the majority. After the foregoing remarks were in typet we received a telegraphic despatch from Cin- cinnati, dated last mght, conveying the in- formation th t the people of Dayton, Ohio, feeling outraged by the arrest of Hon, C. L- Val andigltam, have cut all the (elegraph wires in that city, and set the office of ihe Journa! (Republican) on flee. [i was feared that other property would also be destroyed. The Telegraph office was 2'osed in apprehension, it 1s said, of being assuil® ed by the excited populace. God help the country ! esse EERV.D HIM RIGHT. The Cleveland Plain Dealer is responsi- ble for the following: A curious scene ocsurred on the cars of the Little Miama railroad the other day.— Some g.ntleman on the train it scems, had a device gui out of one cf the old fashioned cents, representing very neately the **Goc- dessof Liberty.” A very pompous and burlay fellow with a tlashy vest, and. an inorcinate display of jewelry. took great of- fnee at the device, when the foNewing con- fab ensued : Pompous Chap— “What in the hell are you wearing that ‘‘copperhead” emblem for 1 Gentleman —Will you answer me a ques- tion first 2 Pompous Chap—*‘yes,”’ Gentleman—+*Arn’t you an army contrac- tor «Well, suppose Tam.” <¢Arn’t you an Abohtionest {” “Yes, dyed in the wool.” “llavent you always sung ‘let the South slide 1% “D—n em, they ought to have been in hell long ago.”’ “Don’t you now sneer all the time at the Constitution of the United States ?'' “Constitution be d—d ; this is wo time to taik of Constitutions.’ “Well, continued the gentleman, do you ever wear any of these emblems, pointing to the device.”” “No, by G—d,’’ said the flashy contrac- tor. “Thea sir,," said the gentleman, it is to. distinguished myself from such arrant hy- pocrities, money leeches and scoundrels as you, that I wear this.” The people in the car fairly roared, and the crest-fallen negro worshipper and Treas- ury pimp got up from his seaf and wept in- to another car. Berved him right. ¢ The same paper, contains this good hit: Who is it that wishes the rebels success but is too cowardly and mean to shoulder his musket and give of his money to assist them, We know of no one who answers the des. oription so well as an army contractor, ‘who is an active member of the Loyal League Gugrd and whose attention has been cntire- ly given to Fswindling the governnment and abusing emocrats. — meet arety Smet 177 Read our advertisewents, PROGRESS OF THE REIGN OF TER THE LOSS OF THE ANGLO-SAXION. A despatch from St. Johns, N. F. gives the names saved from the Anglo-Saxon, — They numbered 205, viz ; 33 cabin passen- gers, 103 steerage, and 71 of the crew.— When she left Liverpoo! sha had 360 pas- sengers and a crew of Y4 men, in all 444 persons. The whole number lost is, there- ture, 239. The mails are all lost. The ship is bro. ken up in fourteen fathoms of water. None of the cargo has been saved. STATEMENT OF BIE FIRST OFFCSR, The fodowing is the lirst oflizer’s state ment I The Anglo S.xon efi Liverpool on the 16th inst., at 5 P. M. She experienced strong westerly gales until Saturday, the 25th at 8 P. M, when she fell in with ice and a thick foz, The engines were immediately slowed. At 10 P, M. the ice being so thick aud hea- vy, the engines were stopped altogether, a light breeze from the south forceing the ship ahead about one knot an hour. Aud A. M. on the 20th, the fog lifted, and the ice hav- ing slacked, we set the foretopsails and head sails, moving the engines occasionally at a dead slow. We continued our corse t ward clear water. A!2 P, M- we got the ship | clear of ice, and steered northwest by west! with full speed, and with all possible sail — A moderate biteze was blowing from ‘the southward at this time-—at noon lat. 46deg 57min. 57 deg. by the chrenometer. At 10 P. 1m, the breeze freshened, and blew strong- ly from the southeast and a dense tog set in. The fog still continued to be in dense, and supposing the chip to be forty miles oft Cape race, we altered her course to the west half north, and :lowed the engines to hali speed, which we supposed would ha ¢ tak- en us 17 miles of Cape Race. At ten minutes past eleven A, M,, break- ers were reported on the starboard beam. — Captain Burgess immediately ordered the engines to be reversed at full speed, but be fore Lier headway could be stopped she struck flat on the rocks off Clam Clove, about four wiles north of Cape Race. A heavy sea rol- long in drove her quarter on the ro:ks, car- rymng away ber rudder, stern-post and propeller. Finding that there was no possi- bility of the ship com'ng off, the order was given to let go both anchors to hold the ship on the rocss. The carpenter was forthwith sent to examine the fore peak, and found is filling fast with water. le also examined the fore hitch, buat found no water there. — The Chief engineer coming up immediately afterward reported the forward stokchole fil- ling fast. lle opened the valves and blew the stcam out of the boilers, The bats were all immediately lowered successfully ex- cept No. 1 and No. 3. The ship was so close on the rocks these could nat Le got out. Boat No. 2 with seme of the crew and passengers, commanded by Capt. Crawford was sent to find a place to land the pass'n gers. Some of the crew being landed on rocks by means of the studding sail boom, with the help of some of ths passengers got a-hawser secured to a rock to keep the vessel from listing out. ed to land the female passengers on the rocks byjmeans of the foreyardarm. The first class passengers were put into a boat. At ahout noon the ship's stern swung off from the rocks, aed she settled “down very {ast, listining to port at the same time and sunk in deep water. The Captain anda great many passengers were on deck at the time, and, with a part of the crew, are all lost. We then commence, —— eseee———— The War Committee, alluding to some one interfering in Gen. Burnside’s plans for an advance alter his disaster at Fredericksburg, remarks as follows, and we desire the read. er to carefully consider it; ¢¢ Gen, Burnside remained here (Washing- ton) at tHat time for two days, but no con- clusion was reached upon the subject.— When he returned to his camp he learned that many of the details of the general move- went, and the details of the cavalry expedi tion had become known to the rebel sympa thizers in Washington, therchy rendering that plan’ impracticable. When asked to whom Le had communicated his plans he stated that he had told no one in Washing- ton except the President, Secretary Stanton, and Gen. Hallack, and in his camp nonc knew of it except one or two of his stafi officers, who had remained in camp all the time. [Me professed himself unable to tell how his plans had become known to the en emy.” a 17~ The match between John C. Henan and Tom King, for the championship of England, was completed} in London on the 17th of march. Buti men weee present on the occasion, = They are to fight for one thousand ponnds sterling a side and the belt, One hundred pounds sterling a side of the money was pat dow". The St. James (Episcopal) Church corner of Penn and Mechanics streets, Pittsburg, Pa., was was entirely consumed by fire on Sunday last. Religious services were pro gressing in the church at the time the fire originated. The original cost of the bul. ding was $22,000. The loss, we understand was partly covered by insurance. CLIN Gilet Tun MEANING OF A LG¥al Leacuk, —The Loyal League is unders ond, says the Louis. ville Democrat, to take his name from au association who is niedged not to go, within a league of the seat of war. THE NEW POSTAGE BILL The New Postal Law, as ammended by | the last Congres. will go into lect on the | Lst of July next, The folowing are the most 1mportant of its provisions. Let er carriers are to receive sal :ries and no change wil be made for the delivery of letters. : Postage on local or ““drop I-tters™ is rats. ed two -en's, to be invarably paid in vance, and hy postage staffs. The postace is two cents when the weight dies not ex. ceed half an ounce, and an addit.onal rats is to be chirged for every ad litional half ounc: or fraction of an ounee, The regnlations respecting soldiers" letters remain the same as heretofore. On all mail water requir:d by law to be prepaid, and which shall reach its destina tion unpaid, double the usu 1 rates must by coliected on delivery, and insuffisient pay- ment 15 (0 be d sregarded. The fee for ths registration of lettors 1s left optional with the Postmaster General : but it is not exceedud twenty conts per letter. Unsealid e'realars not exceeding three t) one iddress, are to he charged with twa cents pos age, anl in that proportion for a greater number. Newspaper change wlll andergs consider- able change. No papers will be parmitued to go free in the wails, exept in the coun'y: where published, as heretofore. Weekly papers. five cents per quarter semiweekly, ten cents,tri-weekly, fifty cents six tims per week, thirty five cents. At these rates thy weight must not exseed four ounces in each case payable in advance per- quarter of year, either at thy mailing or de- livering offi vc. No extra change is to'be paid fora curd printed or impressed upon a circular or letter envelope or wrapper. Circulars 16 be pre: paid by stamps. Pos misters: will not be allowed (o. exercise thy frauking privilege as hereto fore. Postmasters can only frank offizal letters. to otherr offi*a’s —the former lic ‘nse to oth} er officals —the former licens» to the smaller. class of office heretofore enjoyed’ of franking. on their own private business, having been, abolished. All the foreign postage isto Le paid in com. SENATOR COWAN ON THE CONSTI TUTION. We have had occasion to publish several extracts from the speeches of this gentleman who, while a Republican. is a man of sq, bold and upright character as to dare to. chide his party (vicnds when they are, as they are so frequently, wrong. The follow- ing cxtract is a severe rebuke to the crowd of fanatics who excuse and palliate violations. ot the Coustitution, The speech from which, the 204d of March last ; ** The Constitution, then, being the char- ter by which our government is created, it 1s eary to see that outside of that charter, there is not, nor can there be, any govern. went 5 there may be force and despotism, but there can be no law nor true governs, meat. And the man who, for a moment. thinks the government can be saved by vio- lating the Constitution, is gully of cither He has never compreliended the princinies of a free goyernment, or his moral nature has been 50 perverted as to prevent him “from, distinguishing between such a g vernment and a despotism, surpreme folly or suprere wickedness, Akin to that n tions an- other, that the authority conferred and the m de of aciion prescribed by the Constitu- tion are inadequate to the defense and pro- tection of the iiberties of the nation. Now, So far from it, I have no hesitation in say- ing that if, at this time, the nation 1chied upon the omnipotent discretion of its rulers, without a wntten Constitution at all, that ghose ralers, if they were wise, wonld adopt. for themselves just such a set of their gui- dence as we now have in the Censtitution. It authorizes every politic and forbids al impolitic measures. It rises liks a wall, he- hind which the wise statesmyn intrenches himself to resist the madness of faction, or the blind (ily «f the people, when, seduced by demagogucs, they desire to dangerons though plausible schemes; schemes whicit for long ages have been tried aver and oven again, and always with the sawe disastrous results; schemes woich are sure to find ad- vocates in troubled times, when wisdom, stands back fearful of responsibility, and empty, blatant {oily rushes forward to offer safety is the Constitution 2? 027 We would warn the people of the conntry to be upon their guard, Driven al most to madness by defeats in their plans the oppasition to Democracy, are flooding’ the country with books, pamphlets and pa. pers, filled with the most arrant lies that, designing men could invent. : re r— Tue first peice of artillésy was invented by a German, soon after the invention gunpawder, and artillery was first used | the Moors at | ieee of 13 2 Algesias, in Spain, in, tha, ad. ° this is taken was delivered in the Senate, on, [ ventura to assert that nothing conld Le more unfounded than such a supposition, — counsel: Such times we are fallen ypon ang our ouly salety —the wk, indeed, of ou . —.
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