Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 06, 1862, Image 2

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    CT. ALEXANDER, | pi;
JOE W. FUREY, | Editors.
Thursday Morning, June, 5, 1862,
Democratic State Convention.
In accordance with a resolution of the
Democratic State Exccutive Committee, Tne
Democracy will meet in STATE CONVEN-
TION, at HARRISBURG, on Fray, the
4th day of July, 1862, at 10 o'clock, 4, wm,
to nominate candidates fer AUDITOR GENERAL
and StRVRYOR GENERAL, and to adopt such
measures as may te deemed necessary for
the welfare of the Democratic party and the
Chairman of the Democratic State Ex. Com.
I~ A few weeks ago, in the Central
Press, we found an endorsement of the late
Douglas as being one of the truest and best
statesmen that ever lived, all of which we
were very willing to admit ; in fact, we al-
ways believed him to be not only the great.
est but the best man that lived in his day,
and who, if he were now upon the Senate
floor, wonld stem the tide of fanaticism that
rules the hour, and harmonize the conflict-
ng political ele.nents at war “within our
borders. But, it would scem as though
providence had permitted this war to be
brought about by the means and in the
manner it was, to chastise us as a people
for our grevious sins, and in the death of
Douglas he took away our guiding star that
our bewilderment might become the greater
in ghe darkness that surrounds us, to the
end that we might work out our own pun-
But we do not now intend to pass a eulo.
gy upon the dead ; our object being merely
to call attention to a paragraph of a speech
made by the living Senator, when combat.
ing radicalism at the time the Crittenden
compromise was pending within the halis of
the United States Congress. Said Doug-
fas :
“If you of the Republican side are not
willing to accept this, nor the proposition of
the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Crittenden)
pray tell us what you are willing tc do 2 I
address the inquiry to the Republicans alone
for the reason that in the committee of thir-
teen, a few days ago, every member from
the South, including those from the Cotton
States, (Messrs. Toombs and Davis) ex-
pressed their readiness to accept the propo-
sition of my venerable fiiemd from Ken:
tucky (Mr. Crittenden) as a final settlement
of the controversy, if tendered and sustained
by the Republican members. Ilence the
sole responsibility of our disagreement, and
the only difficulty in the way of an amica.
ble adjustoent, es with the Republican par~
It was not tendered nor sustained by the
Republican party, and they failed to agree.
The war began in consequence. Who, ther,
14 tha responsible party for the war ¢ The
Central Press says the Democratic party. —
Douglas, than whom a better and truer man
never lived and whom the Press has endorss
ed for his truthfulness, said the Republican
party was responsible, and ho spoke traly.
Great Battle Near Richmond.
Since our last issue a portion of Gen. Max
Clellan’s forces, under command of General
Morrcl. has fought the battle of Hanover
Court House, in which our troops were vic-
torious, having succeeded in routing the en-
emy with heavy loss. Our loss is set down
at gbout 379 in killed and wounded while
that of the enemy is estimated at about
Since the battle of Hanover Court Ilouse,
however, dispatches received on Sunday and
Monday last, make it very evident that a
battle has been fought near Richmond, with
engrmous loss on both sides.
On Monday our citizens were much de-
depressed, owing to a rumor that Gea. Me-
- Clellan had been defeated, caused, we Sup-
: pose, by the fact that one of the divisions
under Gen, Casey, inglovicusly fled, leaving
-their baggage, arms, &c., in the hands of
«the enemy. Later and more definite intelli
gence, however, states that reinforcements
under Gen. Heintzelman and Keyes soon ar.
rived to the support of Casey’s division, and
retrieved the fortunes of the day.
Although there has been ag yet, no par
ticulars received. it seems to be certain that
AMcClellan has achieved the greatest victory
«of the war, not, however, without great sac-
rifice of life. The General's dispatch to the
Secretary of War states that ‘our loss iS
heavy, but that of the enemy must be enor
This is the substance of all the news that
#as been received from the field of battle,
up to the present writing (Wednesday
morning.) Should we receive anything more
before going to press, we will make a note
of it.
-A Democrat named Thomas Donaldson, resid-
ing in Kittanning, Pa., is the owner of six houses
occupied by families of soldiers in the war. For
some time past he hascollected no rent from his
tenants, and intends to permit them to remain
until the war is over. And yet Mr Donaldson
is a Democrat who voted for Breckinridge! Will
the editor of the Wiig, who is continually harp-
ing upon the disloyalty of ** Breckinridge Dem-
ocrats,” be kind.enongh to point out an Abolition-
ist capable of such patriotism ?—Ezchangs.
Nonsense—the Abolitionists have their hands
full just now in staying at home to abuse others
ag traitors for not going to the was.
The Press Again.
The Central Press, instead of answering
the arguments we advanced a few weeks ago
in opposition {o the emancip~tion policy of
ultra Republicans in Congress, garbles an
extract from our article, which, disconnect-
ed from the rest, gives President Lincoln
more credit for honesty than he deserves,
and certainly more than was integded, or is
given by our article taken as a whole.
We bave striven all along to avoid a per-
sonal encounter with our neighbor up street
as our readers do not and can not take any
interest in the trifling articles of the Press,
to which we must in such e counters always
If the press would take a manly stand
some where, and advance any political prin-
ciple or theory, or at least attempt a fair
and honest refutation of arguments advancw
ed by us, the conflict between us might
prove advantageous to our readers. But
this the Press will not do, as the past fully
demonstrates, and we cannot expect any
thing better in the future.
The editor of that paper, never having had
any settled political creed, it is folly to ex-
pect that he will adopt one now, and argue
it before the public. So the only advantage
to the public that can follow cur allusions
to him as an editor, would be the amuse-
ment his political gymnastics would occa-
From the strenuous supporter and incal-
cator of the principles of the Buchanan, or,
as he calls it now, Breckinridge Democracy,
at onc time in the year 1856, we might fol~
low him through all the varied changes that
have come over the spirit of his dreams,
through the days of Know Nothingism down
to modern Republican Abolitionism, show.
ing some of the grandest and most lofty po-
litical tumbling ever witnessed upon this
continent, All of which might amuse but
would not be of any real benefit to our read-
ing pubhe.
The Press, too, would be sure to reply
with its usurl very interesting retort of
Breckinridge Democrat, traitor, secessionist,
gre., which would only tend to increase the
Contempt the people now have for those Re-
publican editors in this State, including the
Press editor, who have adopted such opi-
thets as their standing reply to everything
that is said or done, that does not meet with
the approval of the abolition idea of the
cause and cure of this rebellion.
If we should denounce the enormous rob-
beries that have been perpetrated by offi-
cials mn and around Washington city, upon
ihe lax paying people, why the reply would
be ‘‘traitor.” 1f we should differ with
President Lincoln on the constitutionality of
his suspension of the writ of habeas corpus,
why the reply would be, he is crippling the
encrgies of the government, he is certainly
a traitor.
If we denounce the ‘‘covenant with hell
and agrecment with death,” abolitionists
who acknowledge that they have for thirty
years been striving to dissolve the Union,
we would certainly meet with the retort,
‘you are a sympathiser with the reb-
els)’ If we should say that President Lin~
coln is not the wisest man that ever lived,
and that Banks is not the best general in
the world, we would be called a Breckin-
ridge Democrat, certain. If we would op-
pose emancipation as a war measure, and
should even intimate that we could not
emancipate all the slaves before we get
them, the reply would be, traitor. If we
would happen to say that the war will not
be over in thirty days that would be proof-
positive, that we would feel rejoiced at the
defeat of the Union forces ; and so on thr'o
out, no difference what we might say, the
only reply would be the significant word,
traitor, &e.
Now we rather fecl disposed to pass by
in contemptuous silence all of the silly slurs
that week after week the man without a
principle hurls at us and everybody else
that does not endorse abolitionism.
An appreciating public understand this
cry of stop thief of the Press, and know full
well where to class the editor of thit jour-
nal—among those whe love and those who
do not love their country.
[7 * Every traitor who utters a disloyal senti-
ment on the streets of Baltimore, is at once knock-
ed down by a loyal man. The same practice
would have a beneficial effect in party of Centre
—So says the editor of the Central Press, Chief
Burgess of the Borough of Bellefonte. It will
be seen, in another column, that this same Chief
Burgess has issued his Proclamation placing Belle-
fonte, for the time being, under a sort of martial
law, and threatening the most condign punishment
to those who may hereafter be found disturbing
the peace and comfort of our citizens. Riotous
and tumultuous assemblages are particularly
threatened with the severest penaity of the law—
which is all right and proper—but it seems to us
a little strange that a town officer, whose duty it
is to punish all offenders according to the laws of
the land, should counsel the knocking down of
Abolitionists (the only traitors that we know of in
this community) upon our streets, and the next
woek follow it with a Proclamation threatening
such offenders with his authority as an officer of
the law.
We can kardly think that the “knocking down’
argument was intended to make business, because
the Proclamation followed so closely upon it, agd
we are still more loth to believe that it was in-
tended lo create a necessity for the issuing of
such n proclamation, yot this we are certain of
that if the necessity exists and the latter has
been the intention of the Mayor, that no doubt it
had its effect. Now, we are opposed and always
have been, to the * knocking down argument
of our friend the Mayor, asa punishment for
crime , and we say if there be abolition traitors
or any other kind of traitors in this community
who annoy the Mayor by the utterance of disloy-
¢l sentiments, ave hope he will punish them by
the laws of the land, if it be his provipee accord-
ing to his oath of office, and not in kis summary
* knocking do wn ’’ method
Svicipe.—Mrs, Melinda, wife of Mr. Lev
Presscott, a Watchman on the Hamilton cor-
poration, at Lowell, Mass., committed sui-
cde by drowning in the northern canal,
Monday afternoon. Nothing unusual was
noticed in her action that day, excepting
that when she set down to dinner, she com-~
menced crying, and left the table without
eating. She had been only three weeks
married, and the cause of ber suicide is a
mystery to her husband and friends.
Prentice on the Pssigenty Proclama-
The President, as appears from his procla-
mation of the 19th inst., officially repudiated
the Order of General Hunter without so
much as stopping te ascertain whether it
was authentic or not. This promptitude,
measuring as it does the President’s strong
sense of the illegitimacy of the Order and of
evils it was adapted to inflict upon the cause
of the country, is a source of satisfaction
and of confidence to the loyal public. It is
exactly what the action of the President in
previous exigencies of this description au.
thorized us to expect in the present one. It
is worthy of his former pledges and of his
former conduct 1n this relation. Sincere
patriots everywhere will hail it with un
qualified approbation.
The President, indeed, reserves to himself
the liberty of determining at any future time
whether he as Commander in Chief has the
power to do what his subordinate has just
sought to do, and, if he has the power,
whether the necessity for the exercise of the
power exists in any case ; but whilst we re-
gret this reservation as ill judged and impo-
litic we cannot believe that it signifies prac.
tically anything whatever. The President,
in reality, so far from believing that the ne-
cessity for the exercise of this power will
ever arise, believes that the necessity for
abstaining from the exercise of the “power,
if he possessed it, 1s and must ever be im.
perative and vital. Such is the conviction
that lies plainly at the bottom of his avowed
policy in respect to slavery in the States.—
His avowed policy necessarily piesupposes
this conviction. So does his actual conduct.
Nor are we left alone to necessary interfer-
ence on this head. “If,” said Colonel Blair
of Missouri, declaring authoritatively in
Congress a few weeks ago the rationale of
the President’s policy, and vindicating it
against the assaults of the friends of the
policy now espoused by General Hunter,
‘the rebellion was made by two hundred
and fifty thousand slaveholders, for the sake
of perpetuating slavery, then it might be a
complete remedy to extirpate the institu-
tion ; but if the rebellion has grown out of
the abhorrence of the non-slaveholders for
emancipation and amalgamation, and their
dread of ‘regro equality,” how will their dis-
content be cured by the very measure the
mere apprehension of which has driven them
into rebellion 2 No wise man -lesires to in-
crease the number of enemies to the state
within the hostile regions, or divide its
friends outside. Mr. Lincoln knew that a
decree of emancipation simply would cer:
tainly have this effect. Such an act he
knew was calculated to make rebels of the
whole of the non-cl-veholders of the South,
and at the same time to weaken the sympa-
thy of a large number of the workingmen
of the North, we are not ready to see their
brethren in the South put on an equality
with manumitted negroes.” Here is the
undisputed ground of the President's policy,
and this ground obviously excludes the ne
cessity of proclaiming emancipation in any
contingency ; nay, it makes emancipation,
considered as the dictate of military neces-
sity, a fixed and lasting absurdity. And as
such we have no doubt, the President actu~
ally regards the measure.
We confess we are sorry the President did
not see fit to say this in direct terms, and
thus break openly with bis fierce abolition
supporters, in lieu of appeasing thom by the
vague and meaningless reservation in ques
tion. We, in truth, do not believe the Pres-
ident could kick these zealots from his sup-
port. if he kicked them ever so righteously,
for if they stood apart they would at once
reveal their numerical insignificance, and
become relatively powerless, They well
know that isolation would be the death of
them. The President couldn't scourge them
away from him. But, it he couldn’t, the
mere fall of the lash upon their backs would
be worth treasure and blood to our cause ;
and, if he could, so much the better for the
country and for him. The support of such
fanatics, instead ol strengthening the Gov-
ernment, weakens it, and strengthens the
rebellion. The President, therefore, in cher.
ishing a desire to keep in with them, and in
making even empty concessions by way of
satisfying this desire. acts with a singular
lack ot sagacity and prudence, though not,
we are sure, without the most patriotic mo-
tives. His faith in the case, grave as we
deem if; is, we are persuaded, a fault of
judgment not of purpose. Moreover, it 1s a
faalt which is every day serving to disclose
to him, and which, accordingly, he must ere
long see in its true light, When he does,
we are confident that he will correct it, and
correct it, too, with a decision and complete-
ness that will go far to do away with the
eyil effects it will have wrought.
Meanwhile. we can assure the loyal men
of the slaveholding States, what we our.
selves believe, that the reservation jp the
President’s proclamation signifies thus much
and nothing more. It is simply another tab
thrown out to the radical whale, which, if
the President did but realize the truth, is no
whale after all. Unquestionably the res.
ervation has no practical significance what,
ever.— Louisville Journal.
—— — SO»
Tue Troe REASON. —If we had no sla-
very in this country we should have nc re-
bellion.”— Republican Paper.
The correct reading of the above is this—
if we had no abolitionists in this country we
should have no rebellion, What would the
South have rebelled for if the abolitionists
had not meddled with their institutions.
New DeriNiTIoNs.—LOYALTY — means
Abolitionism, and implicit faith in Wendell
Phillips, Thaddeus Stevens, Owen Lovejoy,
and Horace Greeley as sound Union men.
DISLOYALTY —means to stand by the
Constitution and the Union, and be in favor
of the writ of Habeas Corpus, Free Speech,
a Free Press, &c. gc.
eee een.
[55 The Springfield Republican gives ex-Sec
retary Cameron the following affectionate leave-
taking :
0, Simon, go along. Go to Russia. You are a
humbug. Go away and let people forget you.—
Bayard Taylor will do your work for you, and
do it right cleverly. Pay him well for his job, if
you have made any money lately, and by no
means allow yourself to be forced ‘into a seat in
anybody’s cabinet again. Every President will
after you, of course, as long as you will stand it.
Go. Good-by. We wave our hand. We blow
our nose. We weep. Go.
Lincoln's Proclamation.
Last week ve published Lincoln’s Procla-
mation repudiating General Hunter's proc-
larwoation by vhich Hunter declared all the
slaves in Floida, Georgia, and South Car-
i olina “free forever.” To show that Lincoln
| himself entertains views similar to those of
Gen, Hunter, ye need but make a few quo
tations, the oily difference being that he
reserves that right and power for himself.
He says :
«I further make it known, that whether it
be competent ‘or me, as Commander in-
Chief of the Army and Navy to declare the
slaves of any State or States free, and wheth-
er at any time, in any case, it shall have be-
comes a NECEssITY indispensible to the main~
tainance of the Government to exercise such
a supposed power. are questions which, un-
der my responsibility, I reserve for myself,
and which I cannot feel justified in leaving
to the decision of commanders in the field.”
He does not deny the right of doiflg what
Hunter did, but he wishes to reserve it for
himself, and then he goes on to say that
when “it shall have bacome a necessity,” to
exercise this power he will do so himself,
from which it can plainly be inferred that
at some future day he expects to use such
power. As to his right to do so ander the
Constitution, he has not a word to say ; he
seems disposed to ignore the Constitution,
for he says not a word about it; but the
only ground for this assumtion of power, he
founds upon the arbitrary ground of milita~
ry necessity. :
But the most curious portion of his proc-
lamation 18 that in which he makes an ap-
peal to the border States to accept of his
proposition to sell their slaves to the Gener-
al Government. This is orly another strong
confirmation of what we have repeatedly as-
serted, that Lincoln is the head and front
of the Abolitionists of this country. He
says :
+¢ To the people of these States 1 most
earnestly appeal. I do not argue, I be-
seech you to make the arguments for your-
selves. You cannot, if you wou'd, be blind
to the signs of the times. 1 beg of you a
calm and enlarged consideration of them,
ranging, if it may be, far above personal and
partizan politics. This proposal makes com-
mon cause for a common object, casting no
reproaches upon any. It acts not the Phar~
isee. The change 1t contemplates would
come gently as the dews of heaven-—not
rending nor wrecking anything.”
« Be blind to the signs of the times!’ —
Now a man must be blind who cannot at
once see what course the Administration
means to pursue toward the Border States
if they do not sell their slaves. It simply
comes down to this, and this is what Lin
coln means, that unless they Now agree to
sell their slaves, the time is not far distant
that they will be forced to give them up,
and probably then without pay. This is
what he means by telling them that now
they could do it ‘gently as the dews de-
scend from heaven,” and ‘‘without rending
or wrecking anything.”
The plain propesition now is that they can
do peaceably what by and by they will be
forcibly compelled to do. Truly there is no
acting the Pharisee about it, but 1t is the
forerunner of a ukase as tyrannical as any
king ever published. The provisions of the
Constitution are to be entirely ignored. We
call attention to the above to show its im
portance, and what the objeat of this war is
—that it is the spoils, power, and the nig
ger.— Selinsgrove Times.
Auditor General.
We copy the following communication 1m
regard to the Auditor Generalship, from the
last issue of the Berickter. The writer
speaks very favorable of the lun. Isaac
Slenker, and if he be all that is recommen-
ded, he is certainly an unexceptionable man.
We presume all that Democrats want now,
isa good and true man--one capable of
filling the position of Auditor General cred
itably and if they can get this, they will not
quarrel as to his name or his place of abode,
If he be honest and capable the Democracy
will rally around him, and thus save the
State from further outrage and plunder at
the hands of the present corrupt party .in
power. For our part, we will support Isaac
Slenker or any other honest man that may
be nominated :
The Democratic Convention which will
meet at Harrichurg on the 4th day of July
next, will amongst other nominations have
that of Auditor General. - Centre County so
far has no candidate for that office. But
her Democracy bas a choice out of the ma-
ny respectable gentleman named in differant
parts of the state, and so far as public opin-
ion is concerned on this the south east side
of the county and how expressed in opinion
it isin favor of the Hon. Isaac Slenker, of
Union County. Union County belongs to
our Senatotial District, and we know Isaac
Slenker to be a firm consistent undeviating
conservative democrat never secking office.
True, he was elected some twenty years
ago State Senator for the then Umon Couns
ty District, to the Senate of Pennsylvania,
when no other democrat could have been
clected, and where he earned for himself
the respect of all parties. Since that time
he has devoted himself to his legal pursuits
while his democratic fellow citizens have
frequently called upon him to be their can-
didate for office,which he declined, when
his election was certain. Ile 1s a gentle-
man w hose moral character is without spot
or blemish, in a word he is honest, faithful
and true and well qualfied to perform the
duties of/Aunditor General with credit to
himself and strict justice to his fellow citi
zens of his native State, With Tsaac Slen
ker, as ourstandard bearer on the State
ticket, victory will be ours. Our delegate
goes from Centre without instructions. Yet
we believe it should be his duty first to go
for Isage Slenker who isa worthy citizen
of our Senatorial District, in preference to
some others named from other partsof the
State, when he is as well qualfiedin every
respect as any other candidate named or to
be named, and who can secure more votes
in Cental Pennsylvania than any other candi
date, and thus contradict the truism that
‘ta Prophet has no credit in his own coun-
rrr Ql Gr Ape
Popping the Question.
Fair Sally and her lover Mat,
Close by the fire in silence sat ;
A dish of apples, rosy faced,
Was "tween them on the table placed
In vain poor Mat essayed to speak,
While blushes mantled Sally’s cheek ;
For well she new what Mat would say,
If he could only find the way.
To him she cast a side long look,
Then from the dish an apple took,
And deftly slicing it.1n twain,
She passed half to the silent swain,
Mat looked confused then brightened up,
And said as he the apple took ;
‘« Now, Sally, dearest, unto me,
As kind as to this pippin be—
You've halved the apple—pray have me !”?
ad Sp.
05= « Where will Davis stop ?” asks a
cotemporary, Where Beauregard said he
would water his horse, probable.
077 Approaching—The Fourth.
1770. K—Gen. M’Clellan.
07 Not O. K-—Gen. Hunter.
17 For good 1ce cream, go to Soubecks.
I7=Clear the way for the “Spreét Stinks
[Pitching into us again—The
editor. Let her rip.
IZ Troubles the Press man—The Breck -
inridge democrats. They will trouble him
worse after the election.
[Temper is so good a thing that we
should never lose it.
[7 Persons often lack courage to appear
as good as they are. :
[Fortune makes friends,
tries them,
T7Itis well to be a man among men,
and not a dreamer among shadows.
[Talent and virtue are less frequently
hereditary than the gout.
Z~He who says he can neither stand nor
move probably Zies if he tells the truth.
0Z7Unhallowed desires often prove to be
like the Grecian fire, which consumes. but
cannot be extinguished.
IZ"An independent man can see nothing
to venerate or respect in a title when it is
but the nickname of a fool,
T7Tt takes nine days to starve a woman
—just provedgpy a female fanatic in France
who tried the experiment.
=~ Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, has
been elected United States Senator, by a
vote of 92 out of 106.
(ZA common arm chair is a more com-
fortable seat than a throne, and a soft bea-
ver hat a lighter and more pleasant piece of
head gear than a crown.
[T= The following sign on Western Row,
Cincinnati, is original .——* Kaixs, Krackers,
Kandyes, Konfeckshennarys, Hollesail and
IZA school girl was married lately when
one of her schoolmates, a little girl of eleven
years, told her mother—“Why don’t you
think Susan is married, and she hasent got
through fractions yet.
J Never hope to make the fair sex fore-
go their hearts worship or give up their rev-
erence for cassimere, for such a hope will be
as bootless as the Greck Slave, and as hol.
low as bamboo.
[A learned young lady, the other even-
ing astonished a company by asking for the
loan of * a diminutive, aegenteous truncated
cone convex on its summit, and secmi-pera
forated with symmetrical indentations. She
wanted a thimble.
0ZIt is reported that twelveof the Shan
mokin company, including Capt. Strouse,
are missing, and are supposed to have been
taken prisoners at Winchester. They were
in General Rank’s command under Colonel
17>Scene—~Cabin of the new world. Lit:
te boy with a “letter in the post,” eyeing
old gentleman in blue and yaller, and with
a large mouth. Who made that slit uns
der your nob, old feller 27 Old gentleman
‘Sir you are impudent.” Little boy, ‘care-
less wan‘t he ¢ Cut alittle deeper he'd had
yer head orf.
[7 When the Hon. Truman Smith, Sen-
ator from Connecticut returned to Washing-
ton with his youthful, accomplished and
handsome Alabama wife, some one asked
how many slaves.she had. . “Only one,”
said he bowing low. and placing his hand
upon his heart: “‘only one who is proud to
be he slave.”
177 The killing of Abel by Cain was the
first criminal case, said a lawyer to a med.
ical friend. *‘Sure enough replied the doctor
“but before that happened a rib was taken
out ot Adam’s side, and that constituted the
first surgical operation,
Z=Parson Brownlow is a nice man. The
Lowsville Journal says, he has repeatedly
assured us that he never swore an oath,
never played a card, never took a drink of
liquor, never went to the theatre, never at-
tended a horse race, never told a lie, never
broke the Sabbath, never voted the Demo-
catic ticket, never wore - whiskers,
and never kissed any woman but his wife.”
—— = 0
IZ We presume the rebel army thinks
its read the weakest part from the way it
turns tail.
177 Gen. Beauregard should be careful not
to get lamed for his staff'is said to be a very
mean one.
17 Floyd's only claim to be considered
patriotic rests on the fact that his nose is
red, his liver white, and himself generally
(IZ Possibly white folks may be able to
get some little legislation out of Congres af-
ter the nigger has been duly served.
17 +‘Picayune Butler,” since he sup-
pressed another New Orleans paper has ac-
quired the name ot “‘Lelta Butler.”
{The abolitionists are doing everything
in their power to make the Union’s Southern
friends its enemies.
7A Tennesee paper: predicts that Floyd
will soon scour the country. He had better
try to scour his hands.
077The Ed itor of the Syracuse Courier
doesn’t like our calling him an ass: Why,
his genus could not be more unmistakably
[77 A young lady advises us, 1f we are
very hot for war to take up arms ourselves.
Perhaps if she is pretty we might be indu-
ced to take hers. .
177A correspondent is angry that the
tale he sent usis lost. We don’t believe
that the loss of his tail makes much differ-
ence. It only changes him from a tadpole
to a frog.
[7It is to be feared that Secretary Stan-
ton’s ascription of the glory of our late vic-
tories to the Lord has made some of the
herces in cocked hats very jealous.
1=7-The rebels never did make their own
hankerchiefs, and now they hav'nt got any.
They have to wipe their eyes, mouths, and
noses with their sleeves and coat tails.
77 Henry A. Wiseis beginning to blus-
ter again. He had better hide himself in an
empty nut shell. He could no doubt crawl
in at the same hole the maggot crawled out
0~All the Brigadier Generals, Colonels
Majors, and Captains of our armies profess
the utmost anxiety to serve their country
in the best way they can. Then let half of
them resign immediately.
177A cougle of correspondents, Mr. Wig~
gins and Mr. Baldwin write us a jot let
ter, asking us to give them less Prentice
and more news.” Well we are not news,
to be sure, but then we are always new.
17"0One Wm, Patch (what relation to
Sam Patch who jumped to a conclusion?)
writes to the Mobile Register that he is a
Northern man and doesn’t believe the United
States can carry on this war a year longer.
Bill Patch must be a small potato—a very
small potato Patch. :
[=There are two thunder clouds in oppo-
site quarters of the “horizon, the abolition
thunder cloud in the North and the disunion
thunder cloud in the South. There are Jn
our land enough Union swords and bayon-
ets, acting as good conductors, to take the
ligtning out of both.
A Warning to the Republican Party.
Professor Joei Parker, a distinguished
Republican of Massachusetts, and the head
of the Cambridge Law School, has addressed
the following admonitory letter to the editor
of the Boston Journal:
To the editor of the Boston Journal :
Dear Sir : —Wil! you permit me to say
that the sooner the Republican party cuts
itself loose from all unconstitutional projects
(Whether they relate to emancipation by
proclamation, conquering States and holding
them as territories, confiscation without
trial, or any other measure not warranted by
the Constitutien) the sooner it will begin to
provide for its own salvation.
Very truly yours, JOEL PARKER.
CanBrIDGE, May 5, 1862.
The admonition of Professor Parker is a8
pertinent as it is pithy. Moreover, it im-
plies a very shrewd appreciation of the gov«
erning motive of the Republican party,
which undoubtedly is ¢ its own salvation,”
rather than devotion to the Constitution and
the Unon or to either, Professor Parker:
speaking practically, has touched the core
of the question. And it behooves the Re-
publican leaders to take heed of his warn-~
Among the sure consequences of disre-
garding it will be usquestionably the an.
nihilation of the Republican party. We be-
lieve indeed, that this event is sure at any-
rate, but the attempt to carry out any of
the projects so prudently deprecated by Pro-
fessor Parier will put the issue beyond the
reach of doubt. Such an attempt would
infallibly bury the Republican party be-
neath the execrations of patriots, and heap
upon its memory contempt mountain high.
Nothing under Heaven is more certain than
If the guiliy attempt could be successful,
1t of course would serve to overthrow the
government permanently ; but it could not
be successful. So far as direct practical
consequences are concerned, the attempt, if
made, would be an abortion. A law ems
bodying one of these ** unconstitutional pro.
jects ’* could. not be enforced. As a law it
would be void both in theory and in practice.
It would be a dead letter on the statute
book. In flagitious violation of the Consti-
tion, and opposed to the settled and univer~
sal sentiment of the people immediately af-
fected, the law as such would be an abso.
lute nullity.
As an exhibition of sentiment however, it
would distract and weaken the loyal men of
the South, strengthen the rebellion, prolong
and cmbitter the war, check the reviving pa-
triotism of the Southern masses, and render
victory itself in a measure barren And as
the agent of these new and thronging calami-
ties it would stand forth amidst the insuffera-
ble evils it was working to impeach and con
vict the party that enacted it. On this ar-
raignment the popular verdict of the North
would be certainly prompt and overwhelming
Without the faintest shadow of doubt the
Republican party would be annihilaied.
Now, if the Republica= leaders in Congress
along with their graceless depravity, are
mad enough to lead their party into the jaws
of annihilation, let them do 1t. Let them
enact their ** unconstitutional projects,’ if
they have the wickedness and temerity. —
We of the loyal slaveholding States will
quietly set the arbitrary schemes at naught,
stand firmly by the Constitution as it is,
rally to our side the delivered patriots of the
South, and, calling tmumphantly on the
Northern people to sanction our action and
to repudiate that of their faithless represen-
tatiwes, will convert the highest peril and
the sorest trial of the nation into its lasting
salvation. Like Percy, out of the nettle
Danger, we will pluck the flower Safety.
We will not sccede. deeming secession a
remedy for no evil, but an aggravation of
the worst ; we will not forcibly resist the
assumed laws, holding forcible resistance
unnecessary to the defence of our vital rights
under the organic law. We will simply
plant ourselves behind the ramparts of the
Cons titution, ard appeal from the heated
zealots of a faction to the guardians and ad-
ministrators, of that sacred instrument.—
Such an appeal so made will beyond all
question prove irresistible. [ts success is
as certain as the rising of to~morrow’s sun
In uo cvent will we submit to the execu,
tion of such projects ; in no. event will we
secede on account of their adoption. We
will neither surrender our rights nor forsake
them. We will maintain our constitutional
liberty at alk hazards, and, as a necessary
step toward that ond, we will maintain. the
Union in like manner, We are for the Con
stitution as it is and the Union as 1t was.—
We ask for nothing more we will submit to
nothing less. We speak purely as Amer
can patriots. Let abolitionists and seces.
sionists alike take heed.
Here we plant ourselves. If the Republi-
can leaders imagire they can dislodge us by
‘unconstitutional projects” on paper, let
them, if they will, try the fatal expriment.
The nation, to be sure, will suffer new trials
and new perils, but amidst the convulsions
of these unnecessary evils, one blessing at
least will blossom forth. The Republican
party will cease to exist. It will be swal-
lowed up utterly and forever. It will be
buried in the same grave with secession.—
Louisville Journal.
— tO
Sunday week the Universalist Church on
Broadway presented the unusual sight of the
editor of the Tribune Horace Greeley, in the
pulpit. Rev. Mr. Chapin wss too unwell to
preach, and Mr. Greeley officiated in his
stead. It is understood that Mr. Chapin’s
disehse is the gout, and that he is about to
visit Europe.
200,000 More Troors.—Senator Wilson
of Mass. has introduced a bill in the Senate
to legalize and confirm the acts of the Pres-
ident accepting volunteers under the act of
July 22d. 1861, and authorizing the accep-
tance of 200,000 additional soidiers under
the act. The bill was referred.
ee et—————
The Government has given Mr. J, W,
Parish of Peoria, an order to purchase
1,500 cavalry and artillery horses to be de-
li vered at St, Louis and Pittsburg Landiug
within thirty days.
Gen. Hunter’s Late Order.
WasaINGTON, May, 19, 1862.
To the Editors National Intelligencer :
My attention has been called to a Wash-
ington letter in the Philadelphia Press,
which the writer after quoting a passage
from one of my letters published in your pa-
per, says : :
¢ Thus it will be seen that even the vet-
eran Democrat, Amos Kendall, while ob-
Jjecting to the course of the Abolitionists, is
entitled to the credit of having made the
proposition which General Hunter has thus
practically carried out.”
Now, I should consider myself a traitor to
my country if I were to approve the late or-
der of General Hunter purporting to set free
all the slaves within his military district.—
While exposing to Southera rebels the gulf
which is yawning before them, the | concep-
tion never entered my brain that any mili-
tary commander or the President himself
could constitutionally, by general order or
proclamation, confiscate their property and
emancipate their slaves, or that such an ob-
ject could be effected otherwise than by
conviction for treason by due course of law
in the courts of Justice. In the order of
General Hunter I see the essence of military
despotism, utterly subversive of the Consti-
tution we are fighting to maintain ; and it
is deplorable that the President does not by
the enforcement of a general line of policy,
repress these assumptions of power by his
subordinates. Every such assumption un-
rebuked by him and Congress, subjects it~
self to the charge of hypocracy and perfidy
in their announcement of the purposes for
which the war is waged ; it discourages the
loyal men in all the slaveholding States,
and in an equal degree encourages the lead»
ing rebels ; it wil' cost the North thousands
of lives and millions of money; it alarms
conservative men everywhere and makes
them beg to think their own liberties are
in danger, it strengthens disloyal men in
loyal States and enables them to embarrass
the Government in its legitimate operations.
In fine, there 1s but one safe course for the
Goyernment to pursue, and that is to disre-
gard ¢1l party affiliations and adhere firm-
ly to the programe originally announced, viz:
The prosecution of the war for the sole ob:
Ject of preserving the Constitution and the
Union with the rights of al! the State intact,
to be followed by peace as soon as those ob
Jeets can be attained. Ff there be not firm,
ness enough mm the Admimstration to d
this we are on a sea of revolution, with
scarcely a hope of ever again reaching the
haven of anity ard peace.
The Rebel Retreat From Corinth—What
it Means,
As it had become generally known that
General Halleck designed moying in force,
against Beauregard's lines at Corinth, on
Thursday the public interest so long: diver-
ted from that remote point, became once
more strongly attracted and for two or three
days past there has been great anxiety to
get news from Tennessee. On Thursday
and yesterday this interest was partially
gratified, first by the intelligence of a strong
reconnoisance in three divisions, and in
by the startling news of the Rebel retreat
from Corinth ~~ The despatches upon this
latter subject, although clear and positive as
to the retreat itself, and the occupation of
Corinth by our forees, are stil} meagre as
to the direction Beauregard has taken, and
quite uncertain about the distance to which
he has removed his army. « There are no
part culars, cither to enable ns to form a
Judgement us to how much of his force has
gone off. .
The first advices said that the retreating
army had gone to Okolona, a little village on
the Mobile and Ohio Railroad; in Chickasaw
county about seventy miles south of Corinth.
What the Rebel Commander would go there
for, or why he would take position there, is
a military mystery, There is nothing ap-
parent in either the artificial or topograph-
ical character of the country that gives it
strength or importance. [tisnot a centre
of cummuanication, and commands nothing
but the strait line of railroad upon which it
is situated. Such a movement is explica-
ble upon but three theories—first that
Beauregard’sarmy is in no condition to
sustain a strong attack, and therefore he
moves to a point where it will be exceeding
ly difficult to follow him; or second, that
be designs to tempt Halleck to a distance
from his Tennessee river depot of supplies
(or his base, as the military men call it),
with a view to get behind him to cut him
off, or third having gone as far as Okolona,
he don't intend to stop there. Which of
these theories is the true oe, it is, of course
impossible to conjecture.
But General Balleck’s official despatch,
dated yesterday, states that there are con-
flicting accounts of the enemy’s. movements,
and that they are believed to be in strong
force about five miles. down the Mobile rail-
road, on hisleft flank. This looks as if
there might be a fight there, but why would
Beauregard leave his sirong entrenchments
to meet the shock. ? We have here another
instance of the extraordinary and sometimes
unaccountable movements of the Rebel com-
mander in throwing up stro ng and. exten-
sive field works, and then evacuating with-
out a struggle, and sometimes, as in the
immediately in the open field.
Of course it will strike the close observer
of the movements of our forces that the
close proximity of the lower Mississippi fleet
to Memphis may have something to do with
this evacuation. Perhaps Memphis has
been taken.
Behind ull these speculations stretches
the unmistakable fact that the rebels at
Corinth distrust their ability to meet the
army in their front, on their own chosen
ground, and also another fact equally clear
that their depots of supplies, and the scope
of country from which they draw them, are
rapidly diminishing both in numbers and
extent. All this must increase the difficul-
ties of their position, and augment the diss
content and demoralization that are believed
to exist extensively in their ranks. Thus
far, therefore, the evacuation of Corinth aff
ords abundant ground for rejoicing at the
progress of the, great cause.— Philadelphia
A eee
0Z7= When Gen. Butler first took command
at Fortress Monroe, he was stigmatized by
the New Orleans papers as a man of negro
extraction, w ho once followed the profession
af a barber in the Crescent City. He will
now le able to Zather his old customers to
their heart’s content.
Gen, James Keenan, of Westmore-
a va , ex Counsul at Hong Kong,
died in N. Y. on Thursday 22d ult, He had
been nine years in China, and rcturned to
New York in very feeble health.
case of Yorktown and Williamsburg, to fight