cREmAT CURD. DR. LELAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND: IS THE 02 LY KNOWN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISH, GOUT AND NEURALGIA, AND A SURE CURE FOR ALL MERCURIAL DISEASES. . : It is a conve iently arranged Band, containing a medicated eon pound, to be worn around tho Waist, without injury to the most delicate per- sons, no change in habits of living is required, and it'entirely removes the disease from the system without producing the injurious effects arising. trom the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and ‘destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By ihis treatment, the medicinal properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through Ahe pores of the skin, effecting in every instance a perfect cure, and rcstores the parts af- flicted to a healthy eondition This Band is also a most powerful AXNTI-MERCURIAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef- fectsof Mercury, Moderate cases are cured in a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimo- nial ofits efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. Price $2.00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be gent by mail or express, with full direc- tions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office. No 409, BROADWAY, New Yoxk. G. SMITH & CO. Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. [%” Agenizs Wanted Everywhere. 77] Bellefonte. July 11, '61-1y. " ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM. During the past year we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession 6f this country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Propylamine, a3 a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and having received from many sources, hoth from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, the Most Flatiering Testimonials of its Real Value in the treatment of this painiul and obstinate dis- ease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend iteelf to those who are suf- fering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE. in the form above spoken of. has regently been extensively experi- mented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical four- nals) 3.4 tis carcfuily put up ready for immediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at ‘75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of nr REN BULLOCK & € Droggists and Manufacturing Chemists, June 27. '61-1y. Prrnapenrenia, Pa. LOGAN FOUNDRY. FASTINGS—THE UNDERSIGNED \/ having ed THE LOGAN FOUNDRY, mn the Bo! Bellefonte, together with the patterns, notify their friends and the pnblic in the; pared to make all kinds » Mell Forge, Furnace and Rolling . as well as any other kind of ma- They are also making a large STOVES & PLOWS, including the Wortz Plow, the Wortz Improved Plow, and several others of the ‘most approved styles, and at the lowest rates for cash or prompt pay, or at fiir rates for trade of all kinds. Mr. iyan being a practicable workman he flatters hi- rolf that his work will give entire satisf: They have now on hand COOKING STOVES, SHAW, of Alitl Casti, - { FLOOD WILL Bi PAID FOR ANY MEDICINE THAT WILL EXCEL COLBRT’S BALM IN GILEAD! HEALTH ARD HAPPINESS For the Quick eure of Headache, Toothache, Rheu matism, Neuralgia. Pain in the side, back or stomach, Painters Cholic. or Cramp, Frosted Feat or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, Spraine, Bruises, Di arrhea, and sore throat, and all similar complaints, a Toothache cured in ten minutes. Earache cured in five minutes. Headache cured in ten minutes, Barns cured from smarting in two min- utes. Neuralgia pains cured in five minutes. — Cholic enred in ten minutes. * Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relisved in ten minutes. 100 Cases have been cured by one Agent in a single day! EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Tryit! Tryudd Try id i Tryst! !!! PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ‘157 Aliberal discount made to Agents, and one wanted in every town, also a few good traveling Agents. ——— . TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AF FLICTION. These things we prove on the spot and before your eyes, only bring on y ur cases SAD DIRECTIONS FOR USING COLBERT BALM OF GILEAD, For Toothacke apply it over the face and gums of the tooth affected, pressing the hand upon the face ; repeat if not cured. In extreme cases, wet cotton with the Balm and cover the tooth ana gums For Headache, batho the temples and ap- ply to the nose ; and take from ten to thirty drops iv balf a tumbler of water sweetened. For Croup and* Sore Throat, take from ten to thirty drops internally, on sugar or in sweetened warn water : bathe the throat freely andgbind on a flannel. For Headache, rel gia, Lame back or Side bathe freely with Balm in Gilead ; and generally take internally. For Burns mix one part Balm in Gi ead and two of water and flour, to make =» paste, cover the burn with the same. For Cholie take from ten to forty drops in hot water ; bathe the bowels and apply wet flannels Inthe above, the smaller dose is for Children and the larger for adults ; vary accord- | ing to age and circumstances Colbert's Balm in Gilead is harmless. Colbert's Balm in Gilead gives satisfaction. Those who have used Balm in Gilead will not be without it Agents wanted. For terme address C. S. COLLERT & Cu, No. 123 South Fourth St. Philadelphia LZ” N. B. Orders gent by Expressto any part of the United States at the shortest notice, June 13th, 186. JOEXIN IMLOIR ATTN DEALER IN AYERS Sarsaparilla ‘FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy cure of the following complaints: Scrofulaand Scrofulous Affections, such as Tumors, Ulcers, Soves, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Dolls, Blains, and all Skin Discases. 0ARLAND, Ind., 6th June, 1859, J. C. Aver & Co. Gents: [ fuel it my duty to ac- knowledge what your paritla Bas done for mre, Having inherited a Scr n. I have suffered from it in various ways for years, Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hande and arms; sometimes jt tarned inward and distressed ane at the stomach. Two years ago it-broke out sad and covered my sealp and ears with one sor inful and loaibsome beyond description. any 1 ines and several physicians, but wit A relief from any thing, In fact, the disorder At length Twas rejoiced to read in the ( or that you had prepared an alterative (3 knew from your repnta- ust be good, I rent to it till it cured me. 1 took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost thres bottles, New and healthy skin Soon began to form under the weab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the use bas gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel what 1 am saying when 1 tell you, that I hold you to he oue of the aposties of the age, r and remain ever gratefully. 0 AL¥RED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony’s Fire. Rose or Erysipelas, etter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eycs, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., 1859, that he has cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous Malignant Erysip y large doses of the same; says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes 3 “Three bot- tles of your Farsaparilla cured me from a Goifre — a hid- eons swelling on the neck, which 1 bad suffered from over two years.” Leucorrheea or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of New York City, writes ; “1 most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which we employ such a remedy, but especially in Female Diseases of the Ncrofulous dinthesis. 1 have enred many inveter- ate eases of Lencorrheen by it. and some where the com- plaint was caused hy ulceration of the uterus. The uleer- ation itself was soon cured, Nothing within my knowl- edge equals it for thesa female derangements” Edward 8. Marrow, of Newhur la., writes, “A dan- gevous ovarian tumor on one of t males in my family, which had defied all the remedies we conld employ at length heen completely cured by your Extract of Sar. saparilla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa- tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy cight weeks no symptom of the disease remains,” Mercurial Piscase. LEANK, 25th August, 1850, ¢ comply with the re- 1 some of the eftects zed w © Sarsay 1 have cured with it, in my pr most of the com- plaints for which it is recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal and Mer- eurial Disease, s One 4fmy patients had: 8yphilitie nlcers CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, aving purchased the stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible & Moran, and having made large additions to tre some, respectfully iteg the attention ofthe pub- Tie to his stock, consisting now in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Guard and Fob Chaing, told & silver Spectacles, Bracelais. Gents’ Gold studs, Watch Keys, Card Cases, Silver Pencils, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Gold Pen- cils and Pens, Goggles. Steel Bags, Silver Plated Ware, &c. Also, Eight-day and thirty-hour Clocks, at the very lowest prices. John Moran offers these zoods to the public,convinced that they will meet with satisfaction. He is determined 80 dispose of neither an inferior article. or offer for sale anything in his ling but what he can wor: rant. Considerable experience in business, and a desire to please the public, will give him an ad- | vantage, which he 1utends to use to the utmost, He particularly in the attention of the la- dies to his stock of Pins, Rings and Bracelets, | which are of the latest styles. And he also in- vites the gentlemen to examine a very fine lot of Watches now offered for sale. L175” Repairing and cleaning promptly attend | w {i "Bone fonte, Jan. 5. 1860 —tf. TO THE WORLD AT LARGE! AND BOALSBURG & VICINITY iN PARTICULAR ers having taken the Store cupied by Messrs Jobuston & Kel to the people of Boalsburg and vi: suitable for cither Coal or Wood. which they will | sell on reasonable terms accord atyle; also mine plats, air-tight. egg and other] soul wtoves, at reduged rates. They would call attention to a neat pattern of Coal Stoves exe sively of cas n, which they are now makind and for néatuess and durability cannot be exce! led.—They have also on hand every size and kind 1 gon boxes, kettles ing to size and | They are also prep wud description. al:o Water and Bia any ki Pipe of every size frou a half inch bore top what | ; ze desired. . «© | «rders from a distance will bo promeatly u | to ag heretofore, aud they hope by care and a desire to pleaso, to keep this, what it nowis, the leading establishment in the county. A. RYAN & CO. | 1 Bellefonte. Augast 4, 1859. PENNSYLV'A HOTEL HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Centre county and the public in general, that he has leased this Ho- tel, and is now ready aud prepared to aceomnio- date travelers in a style, which he flatters hirself will meet with public approbation and patronage. People from the County during their sojourn at Bellefonte on weeks of Court, will find the Penn- sylvania-Hotol, an agreeable resting place. The tiouse is epacious and furnished In superior THE TABLE of the subscriber will be supplied with all the substantial provisions, delicacies and luxuries. which a productive Country can furnish or industry vigilance and exertion can procure. HIS BAR, will always contain a general assort- ment of the very best liquors. that the Eastern market affords, adapted to suit the most capricious THE STABLE, will be attended by an attentive and obliging Ostler, well qualified to discharge the duties portaining to this important department of a public establishment, designed for the accommo- dation of travelers generally. Accommodating servants will always be in nt- tendance to supply the wants and contribute to the somfort and gatisfaction of those who may be dis posed to patronize the Hotel of the subscriber, hy whom nothing wil be omitted which will render hig customers comfortable and happy. From the attention and time, which tho under- signed has devoted to this brauch of business, and his experience, he hopes to merit and receive a easonable share of the patronage of the publia, Aprit 12. 186 PHILIP KEPHART. 00K 5% OR E GEORGE LIVINGSTON, at his well known stand on che North-eastern cor- ner of tho public fquare, Bellefonte, keeps stantly on hand a large assertment of. THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL, MISCELLANEOUS AND Bonoon Also, a large variety of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of the best quality MATHEMATICAL TRUMENTS, PORT FOLIOS, &e. &e. [7% Books drought to order at a small advance cn the city prices. Jn28-tf-8. GEO. LIVINGSTON. ROOPSBURG BREWERY. (NEAR BELLEFONTE.) rps UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES- pectfully announce to the people of this place, and the public generally, that he is en- gaged at Roopsburg, near Bellefonte, in the man- ufacture of Ale, P rter Lager and Table Beer, which - i : 1urnighed wholesale to purchasers in kogs or barrels, at desirable rates. These articles are manufactured pure and are warranted to be a good ag can be purchased inthe State. Fresh Brewer's Yeast loft daily at the Store of puooss. Maria { 4 The subscriber having leased the ahove { named Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clip- | +} desirable bom cinity that they wili continue the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES in its ous branches and will spare no pain- i« keep up a full assortmont of everything usual kept ir which w patronage All kinds antry prodeee taken at full mar- ket prices in exchange for goods. Bring along your Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Egos your Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, your Hard Soap, your Bees Wax, your Feathers, and in ease you have nothing of this kind your cas will never he refused. JOUN HIBLER & CO, Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf. {LINTON HOUSE, LOCKHAVES. PA. ore, aud will sell at prices icitw share at least of yonr ton county, Pa., takes this nisthod of informing the public generally that he has made every necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travede the best possible manner. 8 His table will always co tain the aboicest Jux- aries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- mined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Brauch. r His Bar will contain the choicest liguors that ean be purchased in the cfty market Careful and attentive Ostiers will constantly be on hand to take charge of horses and sco that ‘they are properly attended to, . Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by close attention to bo able to rende r general satis fation. ALFRED MANN, June 6, '61.-tf Proprietor Fre INSURANCE COMPANY. ; Notice is hereby given that the Far- mers’ and Mechanics’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Nittany and Sngar Vallies, is now prepared to receive applications of insurance agninstloss by fire. The business of the Compa- | ny iscond ad upon mutual principie. exclu- | sively agr blo to an act of incorporation, pussed | the 18th o ah, 1§ Within the borders of Walker, M Half Moon { 5 ips, in Townships w thinthe bordersof the Company's | corporation. Persons wishing to become members | can do so by makir pplication to the agent re | siding in his respective township. Persons wish- 1 ing any information concerning the bhsiness of the Company will address the Secretary at Hu- blersburg, Centreco. Applications of Insurance on Property in incorporated tawns will not be ae- cepted, HENRY BECK, A.C. Geary, Sec'y. Pres’t. July 25, 1861-tf. FARM FOR SALE. The subsoriber offers for sale his cxoel- lent Farm, situate in Patten ‘township; on the turnpike leading from Buffulo. Run to Philips- burg, and within two and’ a halfmiles of the Bald Eagle Railroad, containing’ about one hundred acres 45 of which are cleared, and under a good state of cultivation; ten acres of meadow land and a bearing young orchard. There is also a new one and i halfstory houte, new bank hum, and out buildings of all kinds A never failing spring of water is atthe door. Persons wishing a e. would do well to ion the un- iding. on tho premi or Kdmund | Blanchard, or at this office Terms will be made { to suit the purchaser. i H. J.CARTIN." |! July,81 3m { mr A hr hn eet: sen care am Seep Sg etm me | HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE: The subseriber offers for House in the town of Boalshurg, tw rie h. Parlor and Dining Room iw front. hen back A never failing well of writer under cover in the yard, a good garden with a number of bearing fruit trees. © Also a vacant lot adjoining gthe dorgigned, res Stone'in the borough of Bellefonte, for sale. : LEWIS HAAS. Delictr ts Tule 9 50. J $ land. Thoter ng will be made known'by the eub. | seriber living on the premises. i Oct. 47.0061 tf JER RA NEN IN do for them all that medicine can do. | subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs, ring, Benner, Pafton, and: Str in Centre county, and La | 4 mar, Porter, Green, and Logan Townships, Clin- | & ton county, an Agont has been appointed in each | "| September a brindle mooley steer. slit in right in his throat, which were consuming bis palate and the top of his mouth, Your Sarsaparilla, st y, inken, cured him in five weeks, Another was att: by sec- ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that 1 believe the disorder would soon ch his brain and kill hi But it yielded to my administration of your Suxsaparilla; the, ulcers Liealed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who Lad been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering from this poison in her bones, Thicy liad become =o sen- sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex- erucinting pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparille in a few weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have not surprised we. Fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, 1 N ENCE, Preston Co, Vi A : Sir, I have been aft Rheum hysiciane, and stuck to me in spi ould find, until I tried your Sars 6th 3 ly, 1850. ed “ith a.pain- atésm for & long time, whic baffled the > of all the skill of | remedie bottie me in two weeks, ar health so mush that I am far 1 attacked, I thin wi WONGEr ws ine Juies Y, Getchell, of St. Louis, write afflicted for years with an affecti ps ugenient of ised Schirrus. Cancer Tumors, Inlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of cases have been reported to us where cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. Some of them may be fonnd in our American Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep~ sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia Many remarkable cures of these atfections have been made by the altery ower of this medicine, It stimu- lates the vital func 5 into vigorous action, aud thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach, Such a remedy has long been re red by the ne. cessities of the peopl id we are confident that this will Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, incipient Con= sumption, and for the Relief of Comsumptlive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease. This is 2 remedy fo universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it ia useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known thronghout the eivilized nations of the earth Few are the communities, or even families, among them who have not sowe personal experience of its effects — some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and a3 they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & C0., Lowell, Mass. SADDLE AND HARNESS EMPORIUM, JEREMIAH TOLEN & CO. Has fitted up the shop TREY northwest corner Eg heny and Bishop *sag el ared to manufacture Sad ; . Whips, anufacturer work is made of the ocuved, and for neat- 1d to none, with the de- up according to order, wificturers in Centre cof the pablie pa on the and soll lov county. He politely tronnge August 8, 61-1y. JOHN MONTGOMERY espeetinlly informs the citizens of Belle fonte that he still continued to ‘fearry on the Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand’ inBrokerhoff's Row, on Main street. where he is prepared to make to order, all kinds of Clothing! in the neatest and most fashionable style. He keeps on hand a general variety of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. AND VESTINGS, of the latest and mest approved patterns. : ! ALSO ” ¢ Clothing of a1! kinds® which he is od prices. He feels thankful for 1 support heretofore extended, and tinuance of the same, 5th. 1860.-1y. Ready m selling at re the verv libera hopes to meri Bellefonte, J: ESTRAY. NAME to the residence of the Subserni- S_/ her in Farguson township, about the last of 1tohe 15 or 18 months old ‘he take if awa‘, otherwise it cording lo law. " GEORGE ECKL L. uestéd to come forward, prove proper- | 8 NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. | ANOTHER REQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE I! FOR THE FIRM OF : BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Who have just opened, in the Store’ Riom on the W. coruer of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, House * Trimmings of every dasoription. ~~ POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and price: CROSS CUT, MILL AND CTLCULAR SAWS of the best manufacture. RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS. AND LOCKS of every description and the best quality. MORTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES of different kinds. CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS, and large and small PAD LOCKS. HAND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNEL | SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. BUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, | Drawing Knives. Hatchets.Chisels & Adazes. | HAY, MANURE AND SPADING FORKS. EDGE TOOLS of every desirable variety. * SADDLERS® HARDWARE, i A general assortment, and 50 per cent lower than any place else. ; CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMING >.CARPEN | TERS’ TOOL» which eannot he surpassed | VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES. FILFS, RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON BOXES. FELLOWS, HAMES, &¢ PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. OIL CLOTHS, PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND WIRE of every size in abundance. SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS, And all other kinds of Goods usually kept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising all the leading articles connected with the Hard- ware trade, and their facilities for pu chasing goods not being excelled by any other establish- ment, they here declare themselves able to sell from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any other establishment in the country, and invite Farmers, Mechanics, and all others in need or Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the truth of the assertion. July 18. 1860. THE. CHFAP CASH STORE OF / qty A ? ot Messrs, Hoffer Brothers, f¥ HE Subscribers have just received a new and full supply of = Fall snd Winter Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal- ed by any establishment in this section of coun try, Having purchased the stock of goods on hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue the business at the old stand. No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade. general assortmet on Their s ot z Dry Goods, roceries. Hardware, Queensware and Glasswar including a host ot other arti in their line among whieh can be found an extensive and varied selection of Z 3 ~ 10 LADIES’ DRESS GGODS, - Coburgs, such as Ducalg, Persian Cloths. Debeiges CJaghmeres, Delnines, Alpacas, French Merinacs, Plaids. &e. Their gentlemen’s wear consists of a largo as sortment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satinets, Satin, “esting, Tweeds. Hats and Caps And an exten assortment of Roots ana Shoes for Ladies and tlemen and Children, with almost every other article that may be necessary to supply the wants of thecommunity. The pressure of the morey market having had the effeet of reducing the price of many articles of merchandise. the undersigned have been ena- bled to huy their stock at such rates that they can sell goods at pricesto suit the times And as they intend to do their best to. please their customers, both in the quality “of goods. and prices, they hope to receive a reasonab’e share of patronage. All in want of goods will please eall and exami their 2% They wiil keep constantly on hand, EX LOUR, which they will sell at the lowest * Country produce of all kinds taken in ex for goods, ed wber and Shingles hand and for sule. | constantly on HOFFER BROTHESRS Bellefonte, March 28, 1861.—1y. CESSATION OF WAR PREPARATIONS PEACE TERMS PROPOSED! NCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. Our citizens have for many years been in the habit of goi to distant cities for their Bugies and Carriages, thus depreciating diseoun- tenancing our home mapufactories. and giving to foreign establishments the patronage that should propeiiy be extended to our own. ‘The neatuess the forcign gave it the preference, over the home manufactured vehicle. and little atten‘ion was paid to their durability I have just opened a manufactury on Penn street near Bishop. hav ing had an extensive and varied expereance at Coach making in all its department i i dent that I ean turnout work ccm with a) finish equal to thatof any city shmert af degree of durability never found in city w 1 respectfully invite inapeetion of wy work Ly per-| sons desirous to purchase. Repairing of all kinds done an the shortest no 8 M'AUISTION YS tice Te May 30, 1861. A CABINET AND UPHOL- STERING LSTABLISHUMENT:— The subseribor respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced the Cabinet and Upholstering business tu all its va- rious branches, and will be prépared to furnish wo. k that will compare with any made in the hest ghops in our larger cities. = Having had practical experience in every brinch of business, persons en- tras. ing work to hint will be assured that it Will be’ done in a satisfactory manner. if {REPAIRING promptly attended to. FREDERICK SMITH, Allegheny stroet. Belleforite, in the shop formerly cenpied by Mr Rembold aplh MEN JULINERY 60008, = ; (pp, MRS E, GRA IS] Ges B ESPEC {FULL Y informs the citizens of | “Bs Ballstante nd Sanity Shatshe bas just Te- eetyed from 1dadelphia a splenc ot o \ JOVETS, RIUONS. AND. TRIMMINGS, of all Kinds. and a saperior Int 0 SKELETON SKIRTS, to whieh he directs thy attention of the indies. N 1361 DIES. v Having just returned from Philadelphia with a new and splendid assortment o MILLINERY GOODS, of tho latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard to please all, hoth young and old grave and gay, who | ; sce proper to give usa eall. © Our stock oon | sists in parkof | SILKAND STRAW BONNETS. ie PLAIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGS, || and all other artieles generally keptin a Millinery | i Btorae. ; {7% We have ragnred the services of onc of the | most experience Milliners in the eily. Store on | d s Cathartic Pills. Bishop street, noxt door to the old stand i Bellefonts. May 3,81. MARY SOURBECK STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT | | sufferer will try his reraedy. as it will cost them dee’d, late of Burnside towship, have beon granted to the §u ed tosaid estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate to present them duly dla | immediate payment, and. those hair demands against the game will muke known the same without delay to > 007 cr) wid $35, 00 T3AYS the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun- | dred young men from twenty-eight different States have been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employ- ed as Pook Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 Per Annum! | Tiwmediately upon graduating, who knew nothing ! of aceounts when they entered the College. 1 fg Ministers sous half price. = Students enter at any time, and review when they please, with- out extra charge. . . For catalogue of 86 pages, *pecimens of Prof. Cowley’s Business and Ornamental Penmanship, | and a large Engraving of the College, enclose | twenty-five cents in Postage stamps to the Princi- | pals, { JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. March. 21. 1861 iz been restored simple remedy 113 with 1 severe ode Consump- his fellow-suf- 5 The advertisers, hay to health ina few wee aftet having suffered s ion and that tion—is anxious to mak ferers the means of eure To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the preseription used (free of charge.) with the direc- tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, ASTH- wa. Broxcairas, &c. The only object of the ad- vertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every nothing, and may prove a blessing. 3 Parties wishing the prescription will please ad- dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, © Williamsburg, Kings Co.,, N.Y Oct 31,—3mo. IMPROVEMENT IN BELLEFONTE. fgue subscriber having put the Saw Mil at the Bellefonte Mills in complste repair, and having his logs boomed in the dam, is mow ready to furnish bills of SAWED LUMBER on short notice, of any length not exceeding forty foet. By having the logs in the boom a small bill of any length ean be got out ard sawed in one or two hours. ¢ : PLASTERING LATH of allsizes keptcon- stantly on hand. . 5 He will also have a PLANING MILL in eral that he has taken ch of : hotel, lately under the euper ion ot x son, ard is fully prepar 00m! traveling publi» in a style and manner co: T the inhabitants of public in general, that above named place, selected assortment i Ree Oyen CLOTHING and gentlemen’s furnishing goods that has ever been exhibited in this Borough, and which they will sell 30 per cent. cheaper than the cheapests Our Stock embraces a full and complete assort- ment of Fine Black Cloth Dress and rock Coats, Cassimere Business Coats; Satinet, Tweed, Jean Farmers’ and Mechanics’, Cassimere, Frock nd Sack Coats, Pea Jackets, &e., &e. a § Summreoats of fine Cloth, President and Moscow: Contre County aud they AL at he the most extensive and best | Beavers, Seal and Lion skin, Union Caésimeres ribbed and plain. ’ : . Pantaloons of fine Cassimere and Doeskin, black, silk-mixed, and other faney colors, of the latest styles, as well as Satinet and Union Cassimeres; Pants of strong and substantial staff, for the La- borer, Farmer and Mechanic. gi hes thi An endless variety of Vests, such as atin, silk and silk-finiched Velvets, Grenadine, Varco: Mattalese, Cassimere, Cloth. Satin, ete. 4 + «1.l A general assortment of Boys’ and youths’ Gloth~ ing and Gentlemen’s Furnishin, & , Hats - . Caps, Undershirts and drawers, Knit Jackets, fine. white and fancy-bosom Shirts, collars, neok v handkerchiefs, ‘stocks aud cravats, sto loves, trunks, valises. carpet dia TIT ) k hd bage : , umbrellas, sud n short everything usually found in a well assorts ed store of this kind. We also keep a fine assort- ment of Fancy goods and notions, such (as Pocket. bouks. porte-monnaies, pocket-knive and J : combs and brushes, wal Tehatis Toys, ards, finger-rings and breastping, violin. and gui strings, pistols and revolvers, caps, si les glasses. and a great many other woh articles, too numerous to describe, all of which:w will sell at the lowest cash prices. up We invito every person in need of Clothing ok any other of the above-mentioned articles, to. : us'with a call and view our Goods and Brison,, and we are confident that we can give satis Sal and every person ‘shall feel inclined to. i friends wl sre Goods and Cheap Clothing ca y got. We are constautly receivin; ncoomns ti bay stock from Reizenstein Bros., P ’a, with whom we are copnected, and shall always be Supt Hedy ith ‘a good variet Wy A in our line, w! wi Surpa, | sty! you Wor, uship, and'cheap:: ness, those o er establishment i Fart " 1 the oontry : id blishmant in hig, » ; © or <A. STERNBERG &Co. CONRAD HOUSE,» 5 PIN iw gnome ' BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. " ° ; J. B. BUTTS" Budgebe JAS TUE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNG'" ing to his friends and the public in geni~' operation to supply earpenters and builders in | rate with the progressive spirit of the times. time for commencing building next season. Heis in possession of all the modern. im - Dec. 13, 1860-6m JACOB V. THOMAS. | mentsand conveniences, as to sleeping aj ments, and has supplied hislarder the. , AT i» DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. JA Notices horehy civen that Lettters Administration. on the estate of John Frazier, bsariber, who requests all persons indabt- authanticated for settlement.” § a oH ica C.HINTON, Administrator. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Whereas, lettors of Administration up- on the estate of Willinm Price. late of Boalsburg, Laving been granted tothe subscriber, all persons ndebted to the said estite are requested to make claims or Nov. 14 SAMUEL Gif LILAND, Administrar. Nov. 14. - the markets affor ottters of | Wine di and attentive and ski siduous attention to business, soliciting hie friends. Cc October, a two year uid ste and white belly, and both lind feet. were: Sma 4 waa his Bar with/the With tho most exteusivestabling a EC a share of patronage and: Ae Bellefonto, Oct, 825TH th dT faglonst IR Ter a Sear or a STRAY <BTEER.. ' «1 bus ame to the residence’ ‘of ‘the Subscriber in Ferguson township, about the middle’ ubout four inches up. € owner _comd forward, pro property take it away, be it will ocrding to law. {1d old ' ratngr of uni! SOTIDITIRE Log weed 3a 90g Dac. 12,1861-3b sgn wovlns sens of ¥ b a . E ad rh i RESTOR ATIVE ae LiF ar Dc BLOOD RENOVATOR.| oe uk BALD AND (BAY Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood. ‘ : have atterpf 0 to-imitate hi Srative Is precisely what ite name indicates, r, b tor a diB0 & S20; or i » while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, but pr Se o Heth exhilarating, gee Srengthening ta the i 0 all come and Hi tal powers. Tt also revivifies, reinstates f , bd the bloed in allits original pu- py : RRR ony a «rity, and thus restores and renders the sys sistless sway. Read the following ; tem invulnerable to attdcksof disease. It 0 ay Bari MARE; AL Tae is the only preparation ever cfiered to the : : : + MAINE, , 1859. world in a popular form eo as to be within Pror U. J. Woon &7Co': * Gents: r the reach of all. So chemically and skill- IEwrote you. in] ing : ° I= fully combined as to ‘be the most powerful Hair Restorative, an. 0 tonie, and yet, so perfectly adapated to as in this vicinity‘an h to act in perfect accordance with the laws P¥ | pumerous enquiries loushing the s of nature, and. hence soothe the weakest | The enquiries are, first. isi a fac stomach, and tove up the digestive organs, .. | tion ‘name, a8 stated in the 6 YX * and allay all nervous and otherirritation. second, is it true of all \ 1tis also perfertly exhilaratingin its effects, [ § | dees my hair still continue to and yet it is never followed by lassitude or X ‘of natural color ? * To all T es depression of spirits. It is composed en. fwuriablyyes. My hair is even’ tirgly of vegetables and those thoroughly; , ‘stage of my lifefor 40 years : Fif- combining, powerful tonic and soothing p=§ 77d beitel avlored § 38 me pe of m properties, and consequently can never in wiskers, and the only c use why it is not gener jure. Such a remedy hasiong been felt al Is that the substance ‘is washed off by to be a disderatum in the medical world eface, when if ere both by the thoroughly skilled in medical gg | Sl core connection with S science, and also by all who have suffered © ; ame ult wi ol ag the v from debility ; for it needs no medical | hair. Ihave been in the Jessie of great fum- skill or knowledge even to see that debili- ber of letters from all parls of New England, ask- ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays ing me if my hairstill continues to be good ; - “ he unguarded system open to the ar there is so much fraud in ‘the manufacture and of many of the most dangerous to which sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, poor humanity is constantly reliable. Snch no doubt been basely imitated ‘afid been used, not for example, as the following : Consump- only without any good effect, but to absolite in tion. Bronchitis, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, jury. TI have not used any of your Restorative of Loss of Appetite. Faintness, Nervous Ir- any account for'some months, ang hair is ritability. Neuralgia. Palpitation of the as good as ever, and hundreds h exam ined it Heart, Me'nncholy, Hypocondria. Night with eurprise. as I am now. 61 years old and nota Sweats, Languor Giddiness, and all that -~ gray heir in my head or on my face ; and ve eluss of cases, so fearfully fatal 7 anattend- this fact: [send you a lock of "mig ‘hair. ti off ed to in time. called Femaleweadness and | the past week, I receive [ons or of two quart Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangement «| bottles last summer, for which I am Torx grate. or Torpidity, and iver Complaints, Dis- ful ; I gave if to'my friends and'therehy’ eases of the Kidneys, Sealding or Inoon- them to try it, many were skeptical until after tinuence of the Urine, or any general de- triat and then purchased and used it with univer rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in gal uccess. I will askas a favor,’ that’ you the Back, Side. and between the Should- me atest by which I can diseover. fraud jin «rs, predisposition to Slight Colds. Hacking Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without autho, and Continued Cough. Emaciation, Diffi- ity from you. A pure article will insure sndcess, culty of Breathing, and indeed we might and I believe where gol effects 30 Jot tollamthe enumerate manly morc still. butwe have failure is caused by the impure article, which curs- space only to say, it will not only cure the es the inveutor of the good. I deem fe, ty, debility following Chills and Fever, but as horetofore, 10 keep you apprised of th n- prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic ued effect on my hair, as I assure all who Saquire- Influences, and cure the diseases at once, of me of my unshaken opinion of ite valuable. re- if already attacked. And as it acts di- 0 sults. I remain, dear sir, yours, = aC rectly and Porststently upon the biliary A.C. RAYMOND. « system, arousing the Liver to action, pro- or er— RE i in fact, a the excretions and se- AAroxs Rox, Ky., Nov. 30, 1868. cretions of the system, it will infallibly Pror. 0. J. Woop : Dear sir.—I would cortain- prevent any deliterious consequences fol- ly bedoing you a great injustice mot to make Jowing upon change of climate and water ; known to the world, the wondérful, as well as the x hence all travelers should have a bottle unexpected result I have experienced from using with them and all should fake a table ONE bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using spoonful at least before eating. As it pre- every kind of Restoratives extant, but without vents costiveness, strengthens the digest- success, and finding my head nearly destitute of ive organs, it should be in the hands of all i hair, I'was finally induced to try a ottle of your persons of sedentary habits, students, min- Hair Restorative. Now, candor and justice com- isters. literary men. And ‘all ladies not pel me to announce to whoever Lay read this, that. accustomed to much out door exercise, 1 now possess a new and beautifu head of hair, should always useit. If they will they , | Which I pronounce richor and handsomer than the will find an agreeable, pleasant. and effi original wes. I will therefore take occagion to re~ cient remedy against those ills which rob commend this invaluable remedy to ALL whe may them of their beauty ; for beauty cannot teel the necessity of it. ul atl a ¥ exist without health, and health cannot ex- I remain respectially yous. ; ivy ist while the above irregularities continue. ? REV.B. ALLENBROCK. 0 Then again, the Cordial is a perfect Moth- P. 8.—This testimonial of my approbation ‘for er’s Relief. Taken a month or two before your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is the final trial she will pass the dreadful unsolicited :—but if you think it worthy a place period with perfect ease and safety. There | among the rest, insert if you wish; if not destroy 0 is no a about it oy pis Qordial is | and say nothing. Yours, 5. all we clavm for it. others. try it! The Restorative is put in’ bottles: ol & And to yon we appeal to detect the illness viz : largo, alive ieipuy in (hor Nearing hold or deeline not only of your daugters before half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle ;. it be too late. but also your sons and hus. the mediums hold at least twenty per cent. more bands. for while the former, from false del- in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars i cacy, often goes down to a premature a bott'e , the large holds a mart, forty per cont. graye rather than let their condition be " more in proportion and retails for three dollars a Known in time, the later are oftén so mix bottle. O. 00D, & CO. Proprietors, 144 ed up with he Spcliement of bn 58 that Broadway, New York and 114 Mar] ot. Stroet St] if'it wo e not for you they we ' Louis, Mo. And sold by all good i ft the same downward path. un Faney Goods Dealers. y 590d Drugaisls and arrest their fatal fall. But the » I !" John Harris & €o., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. always vigilant, and to you we confident- H Bellefonte, July 1, By. ! 0 ly appeal ; for we are sure your never } 1d . sy Oe failing affection will unerringly point you at , to Pro. Wood's Rotors es Contial and READ! READ! GREAT ATTRACTION Blood Renovator a3 Se remedy Se ‘NEW AND CHEAP 4 .< should always be on hand in time of need. ” . . on [0 0.J. WOOD, Fropiieten gis Brondvayy CLOTHING STO. aye New York, and 114, Market street, St. THE ; {wa a Louis. Mo., and sold by all good Drug- ! on oy ame BEY LEE TE, » gists ice One Dollar per Bottle, | Vity Branch of eizenstein Brothers, 124 North: John Harris & Co., Ag't, Bellofonts, Pa. Third Street, Philadelphia. «7 July, 18. ’61 : “iy he undersigned respectfully announce ter
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers