Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 27, 1857, Image 3

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nziorarvoirine, A 11143 MIT 27, I Sin
like Bellefonte, where its citizens are com
posed-of all cities--the rioh and the poor
—the'prottd and the humble—the aristocrat
and the beggar —the religious and the vi
cious--ht is to be eipected that there is much
food for meditation and contemplation, and
That many a t good moral might be drawn
from the actions of some of the movers up
on the busy scenes of life. We are all em
barked upon the tide of Time, and are:, fast
mailing on its current fa BM ocean' of Eter
nity, and in order that we may improve the
passage to our..own edification and enjoy
ment, it is neces.iary that we should watch
carefully, and critically, the manceuvers of
all. Such its show skill and inannemcnt,
and thread the whirlpools with degterity. end
without fear, be followed boldly :
but the example of those who are coati-nu
ally bringing up on shoals or against rocks,
and Who are timid or unskillful, should nev
er be imitated.
Much may he learnt of life, by , every day
°Wert ation— of its features, n !tether in
'church, the halls of Justice, the streos, or
the cell of the eiiminal, and many gnotl,
lesson received that will strike deep to the
heart, never to be forgotten. We enlist mix
with the erovitd•and not stand aloof for fear
contaminationto no in mit mingle it oh the
mass, however memigrimus and uncouth it
may be, and study leery movement : look
and gestdre, and then the a-o prepared to
It is Our intentmi to giv,, oeea,ionally,
descriptions of characters as we may see
them in different etrumstnnees, thinking
that they will he amusing:ls well as instruc
tive to the reader. We do not exi cet to
gain any' great credit fin the in ionic or style
in which tiny may he written, for (pith will
be plum and simple, and-we shall be, very
careful that no fiction mingles with the ink
in our pen.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church
gate a al/i/111 ' r nt t h e 111101111111011101011 of the
Court I low,, toi 111 , 44,1.ty e% , •iting Inst. the
table oim 0,11 laden }tub the good things
4,1 earlb to n It the a.ieenhled multitude
11111 111111/11 1 . justive, and we heard quite a
number say it was the best'supper of winch
they had the good fortune 'to partake in a
lung time. mov smoothly, every
thing pi (Avian tg an exeTangly ap
dpcarance. The lath, s, too, were very
bertiful Any one olio doubts the dam
of beauty cc long, and desenedly held by
the ladies of nell4 font°, should have been on
hand, and if tt nook! not have done away
null all .6, fatei,m, u e feel a 01111111;1ms. to
allow we are 110 Solomon,. IN 01. ra . in 111 -
1 , 11111111101 1 , alld 011 oi/1111011S debate 1111% aye,
nib aimed 111 Ivg.l /1 14/ !want) , nue 111111 1 !)
I , lbiatlarth The m-atte rirec7rll—'erratcrr-
plain in lwr , hut allormg 311 her
ohartnit : the Itte..tlytor
of the tioielhtut Ltvot kitig tutu, and th,
meant/roil re-; -Armpit - rim FM 17 - lin IT -- SIItITTS.I .
wore iltoro, null it winter aimentbiage it
beauty 111111 101,1111 C S, it has never been our
hit to with IVe ottrieti --ye , t, we eii% it a
the happy beaux that wore gallatitittg the 1,
beautiful ones shout thie,rootn, but it was no
One-WO 1004oi1 on in
and our arm filt not the to of a o . ylp
like living. Let other tomes boast of the
beauty of their rt make 110 11111 , 11 as they
nil, let 1111 tn praise the charms Di e741111,1L
-01 111 pouting lips, dimpled cheeks, awl tire-
Clan 110Sei, hut they Calimut prOdliee such
army of loveliness as we sae eongreg,tte&at
the Kopper oh silay evening.
'as I{"inahr• up our`pen to pen an ar
ta le on the aub3e, t. of pen:. -pig. pens. 0 0
mean. Some of our ruses. romplam of
!cushy of the num:Too juggeries that [lre
pernutteil to sq u •ti in the neighborhood
of their dwellings For ourwives, we can
inform the ptilihe functionari e s that these
complaints are not without ['Minitel:ion : Abe
practice too extensively prevails of individ
was, without restraint, establishing these I
intolerable nuisances in the very contra of,
populated localities, much to the annoyance,
as well as to the ji opardy of the citizens
We have a lan to pri vont hogs from peram
bulating the si rects., either upon business or
pleasure, and we 4liould hke to nee a law
enforced banishing these children of
together with their habitations, without the
walls of the borough. They, and their lit
lie enc.., should be made to pitch ihetr tents;
and ruralize apart from the congregation of
the people.
The Bellefonte Brass Band, we are in
formed, visitcd the celebration at Pine Hol
low, Oil !isturdriy, and enlivened the exer
cises with their excellent music. By the
"Vi Bellefonte is blessed with one of the
best Bands in the nitei ior of the State. Du
ring our visit last week we had the pleasure
of h earing several Bands, (among them,
Stoes' Band, of Plinvilic,) which had been
represented to us as No. 1. Ititt, 4 n a must
confess, we were disappointed. Gentlemen,
it is no use. The Bellefonte Excelsior Brass
EMI can blow you all to Jordon. This
Band makes far the sweetest music, apd is
composed of the fined !policing and moat jo
vial scj,of fellows of an,rother Bind In the
Country. Come out upon the streets some
Lane soon,gentlemenoterid give us a " blow."
Our Borough fathers, acting urou the hint
give • brim invnurtinaw shoo; taro — erootad
severe lamy posts at our street corners,and
we will, in a short time have Om benefit of
• good gas light in all .portions of our town.
We also, urged upon them the necessity of
a crossing near the Arcade, and, in the
event of their not laying told of the matter,
offered to Atart.a private enterprise, but we
have span. d the it utilr.
sing has been laid, and" we duly appreciate
its benefits, We understand it is the deter
mination of the Council to lay another from
Liyingston's Book Store to Ill' , `";( rosorJoo.
To:111er ull,l k Ern, 'I los I. T.:slit,
C. ,, (1: the hall in motion.
Our enotetic County Commissionera have
enclosed the Court llouse . l.3rounds with a
beautiful iron railing, and we can already
notice an improvement in th. it appearance.
It is the intention, we believe, to plant trees,
and erect a fountain in the centre of - the
grounds. This is doing . things as they
ettould be done, and all the aliens of our
borough, in common with those of the Coun
ty, will no doubt rejoice to - see it consum
mated, and our alreadk pretty Court House
thus +additionally bean ti flecl'and adorned.--
Let the trees be planted, the fountain erec
ted, and you will, receive odr heartfelt
Believing that an iron railing would not
only be ornamental but is essentially neces
sary upon the wall in the rear and at each
side of tho Court House, we suggest that
one bo placed thereat; soon ds convenient.
It will be rorhembered, by some or our
readem the about four weeks 'ago a man
named Tan Bear, who passed for John
Lewis, hired a pair of llorses and Carriage
from Mr. Williams, of lifintifigdon, brought
them to this place and soli) them to Mr.
Wm. Bible. Mr. Williams came on, proved
his property and took charge of the horses
aml carriage—Mr. Bible being the loser.
Last week, Mr. Bear aims Lewis was arres
ted i , l Clearfield, brought to town and lodg
ed. in jail., where he is now awaiting his
Our old friend. Mr. C...W. Lambert, -of
thi.iliorough has &need us underobligationS
by presenting us with a lot of handrini.
plumbs. There are two kink, one railed
the " Washington liolivar,'! and• the other
a very pretty yellow plum, the name of
which we do not know. they are both po4-
sei.Neil of n splendid flavor, and the "former
we think, are the largest we have ever seen.
Wjidey is some In the way of raisin elms
Don't someb o dy else wart +Mee f so,
follow the; example of Mr. Lambert.
GLAD Tiisos.—The ladies of our born'
will nd doubt rejoice to learn that there will
shortly be an improvement in hoops, it ap
pears from the list or patents granted du
ring last week, that there is ono for " im
provement in hoops for ladies skirts." As
some hoops do not set well, it must be a
&commil piece of mtelligence that there is to
be an " improvement."
By reference to another column {t will Lo
observed that with other buildings the sta
ble of our old and esteemed fiend • Mr.
Thomas Waddle of Jersey Shoi - e, formerly
of this Gount3 ,was with its contents, entire
ly destroyed by lire, on Sunday night Inst.
We are sorry to record this fact, and feel
satisfied that his friends in this County will
rnpathice with bum in Ins loss.
DitowNzn-- AI.VOST. -- Mls Elizabeth
Blakely aeenlentally w•alktid into the canal
in Milesburg, on Saturday night last. Iler
cries brought a number or persons to her as.
att atery• gratr. ,14 the 4 111 tot the lieNt
etPitioe of peraollB walking ta at that lac
think /40111 e 011Str11e1.1011 /411001 1 1 110 1110 , W 1
VVIVI ttr re-rettettttiatramat--.
By reference to our nilyertismi; columns
it mill he seen that a ILde, Leather, Boot
and Shoe Store has been opened at the West
End of Sprin k Bridge, ((ltmpsile,)
by nor friend, 'l'. Burnside. Air. Ihiriedile
understands his business, and we boils alc
for him the. encouragement of the public.
11 c understand that a Sabbath tii•honl
bration ',as held in l'itie IfollUw, Ilarris
n.wilship. oil Saturday last Tliere wero
about. one thousand persons present, and we
believe the day was happily spent by all.
A Camp Alecting was held during the past
seek near tins place, by •the t utted Breth
ren. We have riot been inf,ormed as to their
AUCCI, ni the conversion of souls, but
he~c they have had a good tune.
V, the Democratic Watchman I
Geographical Enigma.
I arn romposeti !them
My 154, 10, 13, 9, IG. ig a County 111 New
NtY 17, t, 5, 12, in a City in Russia.
My 11. 16. 4, 12. is a river m
My 12, B, 3, 16, is n County in North Caro
My 7,9, 2, 10 16, is n County in lowa.
Nly 11, 19, 7, 10 ) 9,4, is alown
:tly 1, 12, 15, 16, 8, is a river in Central
Arnenes. .
My 8, 12, 7, 14, 4, 18 , is a' Lake in tile t'ni
ted Slat li
whole is the name of one of the Less
Hotel Keepers in Centre County.
PI.P.IASAST GAr, Gentre lb , Pa
DM), In ISzokuck, lowa, on the 19th,
mat., Elizabeth McMasters, daughter of (ku.
and Mary Jane Graham, aged 1 months.
In till& place, on the 24th inst.. Allicu,
Daughter of John and Margaret Nolen, aged
about 2 years and fi months.
Of Dyspepsia, on the 18th inst., Elizabeth
Nymin, wife of Peter Nyium, aged 59 yrs.,
2 mos., and 8 days..
Boots and Shoes ever brought to Centre
reuet ,L 25
_per omit. oheaTel WISP Allat,llther
lips.nish !Joe aniher oral) kinds. Japanned,
Enameled and Fanny Colored Lealber•
French ealfskins,
Oil tatted lone loather,
Frenolt patentitalfakins.
Tampico Boot skins,
And Madras.
Red Ronan's, pink, white and blue Menne
C•pofinings, Water, Kid and Tanner's oil,
Plastering hair, Copper Ovalle and Burs. All
kthds of Shoemaker's lindlaz and Tails, Stretch
ea ter, ening lithip3, - 11 - dily priers.
Cash paid for all kinds of Cities, Shed and Furs.
Bellefonte Aug, 27.36-I year
Directors or Snow Shoe lod uoLip,
hoot Lomb. .4 conli...tent
1,, 11 , .019 In rwil tounani.ll.
41:4E8 (II f.1.11.A15.11) noc •
17 VI
GEO. YEOMAN, A B. - • - Pirtmetw . ar.
tutioll will open on MontittS', Sept. 7th,
to anutinue 22 works.
Terms per quieter of II weeks
Onliumly English- branehrs, • 14"05
High ttr .• - - • 5 00/
Latignars. 0 DO`
Drawl og—Eatra-20 Lessem, - - 5- OW- -
I All extra charge of 2? cents pet scholar will be
ninah for fuel hiring the w inter terns
I Through the liberality Of its patron , ' the inskitti.
lion ham recently been furnished with a Lobarallpfy
of stalloliont mime to illumtrate the Cheinient nol
Philosophieal studies. to which ottllitiong ,will be
made am occaminn requires
G . ,
ONE To EOITT.-4.10011 HAHN, OF
Milcshurg, Centro county, Pa., rot
poolfully announces to the citizens of that place awl
vicinity that ho hna oonstantly on htonj all kinds of
Saddlery warn consisting of Saddles, linrtleas, Col
lars, Ac , witieh he oilers for solo nt the lows st cloth
prince (brain taken In exchango fur work. Coals
not refuseLL
Also, in commotion nith the above business ho
has 11 spleplitl livery slablo (locl Horses, gand
Carriages anti Buggies, to all who way favor him
with a call. Ile will early passengers to Tyrdlie,
Cuneetuir/110,1CuKhatte44.04invon, and fl almost
any point tlesirabia, on lens that cannot fail to
be satisfactory Amt 13-24-ly
roit sALE:- - --7111.; SUIBCI2IiIIII. Or - ,
fern for sale a !Dune and lot monde in
Iloalnbarg 'rho flown, in a log Irani,. Iwo Storks , assins OF Tl/1 isaill, run)
high, and In goo4l repair I' if FISHERTo furni.lithu bent noun for aegun 0.5 0 111 0 1)
IloitleVrg i Aug 27 , 341- It. i I
0134111 111 SI N ERN EFL(' Vi lON, intlie slnottit i
---- . ---- tinit• and at tlw least . spine eompt wing
A I"I'ENTIUN CA V.11,111'.----1111.: 11' It nu, 111,1 - 1 I,l'lll nooahn. pls..,
XX riorstnark 1'akp1ry,"031511.1.4 ~ nil' an.)ll at Apy' As applied to 31orehnudieirg, honks.;;ltoilt.)4l.l-
1 .
Ifittinu of Ti'os Cumming., iii "ort Itl„ithla, ykit • I"s ' 43' taught b . 3' 'l'ol'l' Amt "'S' '''"d"
Ststardaylbe 12th Si'September, pt It e'eloek, A ill ',
• writor of .Moakkeepti,g n ow It. nig, ~
with emit and ner „ ntrements in grind order for Z""r""P"'""e',""""""S"`""" 1 "'"I'"` 1 " . "'
i Mill ,
• ..'aenloal tpll..talimee r.l Ow het, to request ,y, , ...TEA... lin it 1101114.1.1. Kulat:
oil Fiery ...I.lter ia re.p.....t...1 tubas...Ma wdln, rtn , a ita all tlie roma nitro, emelt(' laugh, a dhow
clean and swat, anther. , will lii , it free dottier go ett "f r" ch "g"
them Oil 11111 day hy the Citiaeas Its Om ter tit I•k :a •I‘ , \461111.
thwt"niitatn . J .• A 3. Irr it . " hi every a arie:y ,n,) ~, , F, , 4 1;,,,,,,,1 Anil flit,.
in - August I 1 31 31 • tuentat Wilily....
1' .. 11.1 1 It MI It 11,. 0 1.1 'lle I I'd 111,110 ...t 0./
. - --
A ion Ni. , ; , IRAToit ~..,N (y i 1( To it i „,,_ ~, no, 111,11 1 . 1 lit/1,1,111p hope 14. on ea 11111 ' ll 11 . 1 '
1'..11.• , 41. MI 1 0/10..11,1r er i , 10 , I 0 • I 11. , 0 ilrinv
11. RS letters 111 Ad 1111111141111111.1 011 1111• es
hla Ire( ri eall4llll. 41 11,1114111, it... ~ ~. 1'..1, .
t.,1,,,•1 Healy Dankly 111, d late of 11 alk. r lona- "hot „„1 m,,,i,, , ,..,,, ii '' , 1 , , ,
~,, ,i'
~ tilt p , , „...,,m, ii
ihip, ( . 1111t TO ento,ty Pa b.% I' been gr neted lo the , ittt „ I meat p tti , , i iiiig in i.,
111.101.114111 , 1 11 IA ,141 loanaltip, all 1...r. 4 . 0111 1 1
I "1 ' .3.1. " ti3 ' 3"3.3.1"' ""tel''''i In ''''' i '''''"" w,O An a - .•.1i..1 in all I A' A e l l ' l l'," ll ' .. i . i t i ii ' n .pg .1, R . 11011 , 1 i,
1110000 1.1/1111 , 111ritiliti aid •s.ttle. the .i.m.• M i l d ii i .,,,,,
,iitui l ir l iiiiiig
„II vii 0 :,„,,,, 1; ii„. .. ,
1 ' ‘,1 1 : ,,, 1 ,ii,
1. ,
Ilasingelltliet. ago..? Ilie I 10111 I. , 111 1.10.-,111 011 111
, rel ',/...11-1'1..1T .101/ A1.1 4 f 1 114 a 4,1 i
properly aollieiple.lll,l 144 Lhe 44, 44. 1u,g 44... 1
' roil low, io•hr., }pi CIL lil 1/116 11111 rile(; 1.1111 ,Il 0
.1.4/1 \ 11l s, 1.1. r
4011 . 7101 .- - 1 , lit, .1110,1
.1 kli)ll 1 , 1 \hl.l:
Titil,s. i el T• el ..
Walker fp Aug 57 'Ol tit \dl., a 01. 11 ...hkyriong the l -a_ 4 1,.,.1. .11 1'0,1,11 Aof
i'l ICI I I I ANS CI 11. IIT ti,ll,l', liv Vll'Llle of 1 ,
• •ono. ~,. , I 1at0 . a . .. and II 1.1., t ' 011.4 14 1, 1 ' -
only 41 1 01,1144 g 1 '.lllOl rt.“. 11, very and .., h. r ~ I.
V' nn order . 1 f 'he il rf Illto• r ”. t l . 1 C . .' t e
i t.. Ii Ilo,llllr, I 1/1011 ,. 01 r..... .... t0 . ....1.. 0 . 1 up l tass
County 400 be 4,11....e.1 to palitte toile on t . ..tiltr-
IA 11, A
flay the I Ullt day 4)1 Septi.mbel oast en the town of . 11,„4,5„„,,,i„, pull ~,,,„„,,,„„ c .„,, .. <- ~ an
.lack..splaitis• nano) or fend t.,,ot.tiotog lift)-thaw F.,,,,t,,,., y ,,,t,„ u , . 1111
norm and one hundred find 4.11., en pereltee and el- 14,„ 1I ,1 f ,„,. ~k t.„„ buried
t,,, 2 al
r o , ronco 6, o w ,„no. more .1. lees sill. 11,1 in SLIT- ;•,.. eaten charge Cs,. filemit I',unt 1 ; r•Vs ,l ',• lo g
i" 1 I ' 1 ‘ ,1 " 1 "1' , Centre C.' " ni Y• '' "l We ''' or Alltlinietic or Diplome
lloy l n lists Mill, known nn the North nolo of the Wel D111CT•1
run, or South stile of the 11.41.1 Eagle Mountain late C an enter al any time (no racillil.. „urn 11.1
ille properly or Henry troy, Jr , dee'd pleasure—lttur . onlittlited, usual length ..I ~,,..t .4.
Teruo...l,oe 4,1.• hell on eonfirliettien of lie , „, p , pia to t„,,l sti ~,,ki t,._ I -
..,1,., ther,,i4,,e io ono year thl l rattfter with inter- 141 , 1,11 E, r •
em 1, 4 1 44 .4 414,1,11,1 1,9 Hood tint Alortyrngn
4, 7 STI ' DENTS ealtaaing, from the t-.'y 111 , 411 0
1) I 1 . 11.VN1. 1 .11, Admiln. ' williin one yea}, bend.... the many Ina. Ilia eoltritry
August 27111, 11457 I
nine 4 assn Sb
.... Sreeitlien corWrilillg an.ll Clreular communal; fall
THE *lO AND $l5 SINGLE ANL, .aorm.a..•a....nt 4, 5 , moll free of ohrlrg ,.
double thread Empire Family Seat we A.t.lerta P W JENKINS
Mac An h ine Iron City Colle
ge,l l itidiargh, Pa
agency for tiro role of their machines. for this _____
rind adjoining l'..unlies onli hene‘slire,l 011 liberal ' ITT S.`i I E KM'S l‘ll'It()VKI) I TI.EItII.I
- by a personal nirpheafetn to the Po/4.1116e,
at their "thee, r . '. t: con., or not and Arel, We 4 lard Clover Huller. IA 11011' Illolllinte-
Plitlatl.lphts lured Jo . the nalineribern in Mill Heim '('lto !11l
No our no ,
, i 01,1111 li.' unit niipitirt „ fit, inn , to ler la .....A.1..0.1 .tip..rior to nay nos in 11. r to
emuluet the 1.11.t0. a. pr......r1y and a tilottit ref or- 1"'")".4 ''' .i'''') per 'l.O bate been Il ' •'''''' it ti
~,,,,..... to rellabilil) n... 1 I apitelt) fror nue lon • II is worrintod I. give ~.ted... red.
Wu I...suavely assort )bat these ninehine. for all l'n ' ' '' .111 ' , SII. "P $ ' ll
1411rpotlea tit tinnily sewing, aro toelers respect fir 1'1,..5 alto 11l leer. lore Pi erpOlnra Re,.) 5, VP
.0r.,,,, h.
coy so , co , g m ttn i iiiit in tin, (t ttit
tun tot
i _ C upr
rib, a - nl Straw rn, hi, 1 can Io' 1u11.,, /1. 110
of It 11 11 pr ILI. 111 . 1 . , be ijettifil,,l. , l no 111 null where "'Y 1 br '' ). ' ' ' ,l: . \ 1 .. ' ll ' . • this I " '1 ,0 . 1 ' ',I" I 0..,
purr they are ..11......1 for nale ail! meet alth a Pima
" '-' l' ' ' ' ''' '''''''" ''
Strut' IS t' ' i "'" ll '
~.,..ty ttt,,i ....1....1. , 1 .1. metal 1100 hill( .10-1 OW nlld 10.11.0000 11. '''', In 1.
.1()IIN,1N A finomati t thrown Iwing el., tied IS Inebus higher ill in the
A l iitladelphin Aug, 20 . 11,•.15 II . mid a1tae1....1 to thy 111/11,10110, perfoeLly ...perate.
_ _ _ all In ..e grain 1111/$1 1 / 1 0 .tratis . Price 1.....
- - T . ' N.• 11.11. r k Valid. 1 , 511 , i 1 , I Cam '4.4 1 ...
TRAY 110 r; -1' IME TO THE Ity,sf. ho ,, i
s. , .__ " I '",. ' , , '
,I, Tice of the r tilinet Cher in l'atlain i•....,.... --.. '.. i1..1. - . e '. . ' 4 hata :: bursa i......1' and
•Itt t. lust surmis, 110 , .. )00 - 11e , '1
Ito own. r 1.1 re 11,10 / 4010, MO/ hi.. (4 good a, t,..1e) 1 , 10 , $l.lO
::;,,,,,, „, I 10 I . „, . 1‘,.. ~...ree .p pis nIl olistger tre.l '111..y /1I 0 1 . 011111 110 . 10 10.1110,11 m ' )he (lair, it
~,,,. ~ „.„, „. 1 ,,,,,01.. it odi 1,,' .1E;4./...1 01 10 4 anti :Polio,. In ei r 'lli rer111 . .‘,14,40110'. AI aii 11 .
v ' " 'S'ti W 1 Ib,
tilt A Y Iri .r ortt - 1 , 10 fee: 01 - ,ulennas, I itolta ru11.41 be l t
„A ug 211.1...- It ' Ito cask istaaiatne. Prise 11140
- - - The ma i0n4.1114,, a are all warrnale.l 10 fit . ~.,
Ail ENTII INEN; 1 ni it ‘
r: . ' ' ! l i. / ..1.01)NS (amigo, They aim. hate for a ile :sop t..n! . @patent
Tit, 01010 I /rngotitis at 111 inc. t tit thwiroili Drill, tilt a,. ellent. trio le , I 1:1 1 4. ,, e , F ., , , .! .
IWO,' of It If l'itglitnteg. 11. Belli 1,110, on Sat- •f
he) '‘'''" " 51 ' tl '' I:
. .."'' , l ‘ , . ' „ '
. 1 . •. t
~ ,,1 1_ f ,. .;' .
111alny the 15th . i .iplatil l.. t, at 11 u'Llos.k. A. M,, l h i ll . I'"'I are prep l l ", e 1 . 33 . l i i i i . 3 ' , l _____' - ' . l'!'" I /;•'' '
with arm. and ... •044.0.1. tent. ~. Re,' "I. , 6,..1imuil ..1 Ii) liter . 111, 1 , _ ,, • 11 ' 1 1 1 .' e _ _ _ _
All kill.i.of repairing don. II (.0 t. riaea 11 e
Punetaal at letolatwo al 111.. hour Is rt./m.ord -
Ea cry Rohl it rOl 1,1144144 , 1 In hale 11, n nilorut I'loBo v, 11 1'! r . t ::!' L :::.' , ": , ! . ',: ,,, ... ,, t , ':
, I . b . ' '
L 1 , : , " 61- o '' .. .% " i 1 1 . e " ,,
1111.1 IWO /orange 111,1 141 will I. • made In attend tisa n e , ) ' Th is ~ i u _ 3 3' (li neri "
nail')!, ' 1 . V . /1 ;reiteralr.r .1 .anon run , r
Ilya kaiestalaileat Ilv order or 1 .. c.1 4, ..t.
int.: , , ~b,„ ~ , ,,0t0...• to ...tot .. tare awl 1,.. p e o n
A tig 20-35 it A t ENIN, 0 S
_ atom:, .11 hand the no 4.1 11,401.0 , 0 Cooking
, c , stoi. 1 . 4rg.• and ...nail r.r.. logel).. r with n large
T 41 of (l I , -It 1.1,0 I 11; ,
' r.,111k. 11l ..f Paten". 1.411. no ..1 - . ,p, r for 1,.,111
.L.• N o 4111 A . p • , oil 111...1 ,, k )heel noel ea 4 al ,11,4 Tin a . ill iof - Malty on f 1•11 1 11
lodge will be 1...14 ..t 11... r hall on . a . , ,11 0 ,100. 0,0/ Total! T.., :=l.. ~ t., z drUsereil awl
...0111.1ay 1,..01eg ... ).1 :/1/1, 11l Ille 1 1 111 \ 100, •10 Ord, in al.y port 1,1 I'4 4 1(1. 0101111 y. at
A 101 l nn, 1014111'0 of th. titetal...t.lop 1.. . a peel. • p4olliplly lute e.1..1 fo
an %cry important Itiviti...n wilt 10. ti .1,41,1..1. 0 A 0 HAITI '
C Pt 1:: - .. , INI:1 41 N, N 11
A S 11AVIMAIN `ie..,
nigh. 11101 ' lo„ 10 If It
C.Alil ' EN 1'1';11S \V ANTri) I, .11)1*11-
laymen l'ar ( ,entetA v, ill Le , tiiployed by
the oubseribm, II :without , . t. at 01. .. o
I'l,l'll 1 .. . PA fe111,1. 0 1) •
' 1.0. k Easel) Pa Aug 13 .11-if
Hi D ~.. , v, AN 'l' El) - Tm;llll,ltv.sT
Market Ptice 1.4,1.1 in ea.ll h.r 111.1. a 10., 11.4••
sill,netAlter at the Old 1\14•1{4 ea 'Lou., IN in AI ilea ,
June 25 27 if
N) TICE. ---rrnrrnirowa; 1.11:IrlIT
auto tit hen loft. my lied it Thl b o a t ,l,,
uut S t y pat uuue., or / herwhy wore
•11 personengnitini harboring or trunliog her on my
neoool.. Fot I will pny debt, 1,, r e,•litrneting
' , moo iv, Aug 13•31 JI/1121 21 111'7111
of Jon. ph.' MI. kV. y
lie goon and rieheeello OrieFs e.he
breiges, deter:re nud arreue.)J.l.l mei for
rale by Cl/F:EN A MeMEES
Siiol , l,iiEßS AND FLITCH
J.. 1. to he hull al the Alit cash Khoo of
June 2..-27-11 11J71t IN A it imp
unsettle,' neeounis with the Into flint of .1 11
Awl A C., , w ill plenwee ill at of IV il+.lll A
behee the 15111 .luty, niter Ihoil tine. the
neoolletet will be left With Atli of leer for nolloction
June '/T-tf
WANTED DORM .‘ TEL Y. at the Far
mers' High School. a good brisk set
ter and Burner Wilitee hill &tiara per day
July 7110.11A8 11 /CAEN.
Mi It ESII y-ettrivet4 sl
the iieN% slum of Charles M. Ittide
supply of fresh Crnekers n Ater nod reicar I
the welehrniud monufacturyorn J rind+ rltit_
burg July
50 a LAP SRINGLES, 00 0
9 00 ` . " article, on hand noel fur sale ot
cheap store of the pilesorlber
Mlleaburg, Juno 4, 18.5&„ JA S/ F WEAVER
at (he °hoop wean etontuf
June 25-27-tf WILSON A SRO'S
BRICK ! BRIM{ ! ! BRICK ! !;
Persons wishing Brick to lay their pneetnettts,
or building can be supplied bributing their orders
4.4ber stureuf, -- -- - -- WiliSON"
-ILX ricer quality for auk, cheap at do store of
June 11-Rb-tf WILSON !I BROS.
had at the °heap Gash store of
irvrorpt 4 g rATENT 3413HC1141:8 torch
yne a, Itono Met a, n
drew's, Holloway's, Ayer's, Hinkley's, and all
other approved medicine , for stile, by
ICEN Ntor.d NEN,
North west corm. for Din opted Bel lornni a
RATGooDS, altdc - ErZIEr, &c.,
A t Atm,:
~I.l * llo 11rA,
iii .4 g rrN
WITIS A isoN,il) Or TWBb-Vg Tlll :s..TErs,
IraTjog fool io .lanonry last fn. daily of tondonro,
Exhibitinyit_asußlULAP tLu
}Most ifOrttnoire nu.l repaint eisamertinl
• . • FACULTY:
F W JEN-hIgS, - - - - ' • I 'rini'll“.l
.1 C SMITH Anil I I. lllTClll'frili,
'Flirt :alto 11111i1Or Or' A 7kTil w T, aching
Bookkeeping," Professore! ot,tecouni , , 11 A ,kk oup .
tn 4 and Arititre; l l l i iig
Author of tho " National System of 11 ,,, Itheopmg,"
Looturor on !tall Wailing, 'lntim:get, I❑l enema..
and usages
11 WILLI A. e. and J. W BRFINTI,I9EII,
Pn.fesaors of Anthrnetie, flookkeeping. and Phu.
""l IIy,
TOIVI. EY and t' / 1 -PPVICCrit. Jr
Professors I.l' all styles of Plain tot ornamontal
'Lecturer on P. 4114410 ffeensrs r y
Of the Pittsburgh liar, Lecturer of Commercial
Of " Kennakty'n Wlnk Note vlovr,” Lecturer on
Couutetfoit liamk Not.,
N, 1.111)G E.
; t III; 11l 1111.~
I 111
111•nn, Pa , , ng 1:1 Iys
co r t w r or
IT pi \ I
.. •
TE •
litie . ttllq:lt ItEsPECI'III.I.Y
111finills his 1111.11.1 s rtiloli,
ally Olaf Ill` /111,.11.111 , 1 On ' k
romi .1
L•ICo n,„,, "41 5h,4,4 Start. - lof 1.. , ,*.0 , 1,A,1
Ira t. II with:: gr‘ ,wlnd
f.rloe with Ail, Iltii tutu hat
stpclt Ill'?"155. , ill p.lls
g•oodo, suelk n Fp1,1.1.1 ,111,
Bard, Chnlhrn. 13...g0n,
4.,• A,•
(In n all I S.lipo ..1 ill kltid•
Q111'1•1, , ,,
el"ths, r Nun nlnt r n m, I• •
bioni. Cotton V.. Is et I'
II 01. 11,4 ,w/rlanent
1/..19 all kind.
117'1`1111 and xi k before purt , ll“,-1, :,1,
while tog he low fir en. , 11 or is
e1v,,,,g0 for Cowl,lry
July 11 29-if
t." • conmttifilly meek mg flue r,114.%%1ng
Iruhr winch they via sell is , eherip 'I" . t '
1.01 wurrAnte.l
Inruvs and M 1.111011104, (INllOlp , lie or 1. ' VAr
url,l, tiy,,,t \M.., XV hitt. 1.. VI
yak, and 1,1.. i lid
Ilulnlng fluid, of., oil fluid out! 111, oil
!aunt and a nruld, hrudhus, hair, sloth,
Ilegh I, rushes
Porte Inoninn. pookyt lupolt•
nod lob:wen:4 large nmsorlownl Porko lis n , l. •
r.nor Ar 110 1,4 Perfoo , ly, II oi
iti•nt —Al' of Air,., Dr
in,thlf , n'n, jnyne's Marr. Nlrelnn-'..
jrorob"id'p, yi olloWny'e , lirelarra Tr. 4 10 S
nthra, lullllll fad nIT The ti lout 111 e, 1 - 6 . 104 nt
ill. d lv
All of reirjohjgwl a rftristY of o'hc ca, you can tts
v rul.iug at Ihu DruiStore in 1'..,J1<t.11..4: ,N,
Urlh foilio
PrwEiptions compo.tuded nit von
reci.l/12/1A naml tlispatcb.
July 9 29-If •
JCS subscribers, residing in vAqronsburg.
Centro county, Ina , offer the valuable property of
Adam Bower, deo',lsituate In Mittel" lanranaiP ,
near Aaroonburg it Is a large farm, oardairling
two hundred and ten soros. on which Is Wetted a
two etory dwellingtoitse, with all the nireessary
outbuildings, and a largo barn one hundrod foot In
length, and breadth In =on, ft is well eat-
Vpilir i n t g w on, 1 9 1 1 4 aa and two tr 2- itt e a, !VII)
moth at each end of the Farm ; the water loom the
spring on oho east ette - of the farm room entirely
through tho mongpsr The oroltsrds contain a large DEP. - FIINLEST AC) HAIR Olt.-A
variety of oholee fruits, much as Apples. Peaches, large amerunent of Peifunuery, Bair Oils,
Cluirrfes, Plums, ho The land is about two Pomades ho , (rota the oelebrateti establialunont 91
thirds cleared, and in a high sista of oultivation, Jules flaunt A. Co !myeloid boon received by
none hotter In Centre county, and has Laud toucan .Nob GREEN h MoSIEBIt
on It •
The timber land Is about equally distributed ti
twuen tine two ende of the farm c ontaining e. •
a large ssoortinotit,of Augurs. Norman fugal.
riety of clifforent kind,' of wood t rkhint)ln for,hull
Parent, F i l es, Looks, Bolts, Ao ho at a amid! ad
ios ragpwr bnirrtlA or zial k J1)11:1 llnli ER, r .„„,
August 13-31-3 in 1 Esoelstoni
17 P
FOR RALF, —SEVERAL TRACTS at,, nis. , rtmord of Wells Riddle A C I'l , laney dr
valuald. l ) 1 mid! T,,•l'. • :•, I , i:, H,I. , "4" mi , • l , • IA 4 ti , ' " ‘VIL • r'. ,C 1.1 t" S
00,1 Id f -I.•/,‘ on, Awl II ul, ~c •,o,jr , . A I,A,
w•,, r. al Lrarll, ~f mspr,,%ed 11,101: :.,.1/ Live Of Ahe - A ItRIS' II 1, V E J(';•:::1' Ii El ;ElV' ED A
u+ , l , rrignvi, I* Moslianon MII? .C 1 r.ry fine lot of Po 'a vt Kroft ~ 01 their
July • :2. ‘f. JAS. : . •11.1,11..APD, i Drt4, ,! , to lil ii ,V4l ~.te;
I. ~ 2 , tf
School In the Country:
CII1•y 31,
J. Centre county, Intend to make applimilion to { '..?
Om next Legialatnre of thin Commonwealth for 11 o 1 I S AA.O IVIAY
incorporation of n Dank of fikaue, discount nod dee- Would - ~,,,,,,,,,A illy i nfo r m h,,,, t , t fr i m ,,, , th a 1 1,„ Vir/LaGnq & BROTIIII,
mitti..ho 1.V3... 1 it-Bellofonte, in the roonty MM. - nubile gem rally that he h en just recei‘cd trots the W ao ht i,,r m i n theme enntomerennd the pnbli. gen
said, to ho culled “The • Farman' erol Manufactur k„„ t nbrg.,, and ~,n vi. ") ,
ni ,/,,,,, ~, or
crank thatAkkviutgo-nikundiel,.*te the-old irMI.IEFT
ere' Rank" of Centre County, with a capital of
- I '
Two Hundred TheuscuulDatinra. " i Siwingand Sumilier oo
- - 11 - 0 - - , s - - 7 11 Awl A Co.. a largo etock of
ErTtilitint Blanchard, Nenitiel Linn I
George Jnek, Wm Underwood• Owl) for lon rity, extent and , Ir. t 3 , far . 1 , II ) . , for intrPofirr t , r r trend and ' rtAr<Y 1,, k , r.
George Boni. Atones Thompson, nay other amok et r r brought to floe place Ito no, Cr I r OO . xrrOrd ( 1 4 Imieront, lint 1"/"r rd
A P. Valentine, •J M 111cCoy, would call !mire/der nth Moro to lon stock of t , otion t. 11/Iltrd to nor rtto k of
Jahn Irvin, jr., ll Itrockerhotl,
Ludic. Dross lieed• Ladies Dress Gotid.r.
Jacob Gray r
J M Green
John tililltl...nd. . 1 John MAO, 1 BLACK AND FANCY $11.1i4, Dim 4 and Fancy „Val 4.
Jared 11 Fisher, Samuel Fttnih eckor, °aniline Bernier•n Milli o re, Lawn. 1 Detente ( h, • hh„., 11,,,,„ 11„1/,„ ~,, t„,„, 1),./„,,,,,
Joiner. Anise, John Forstcr, Chin inn hi Begria
,Vrape d Eepnor Printe, i ( h,„ h „, I ) , ii„ .. „. ( , ~,. II , j „,, y i ~„,„
.Tom ph Orton, Joh-, P Porker, Crape nod `,tilltil fillifiv.l., Mantilla. 111'k ' 110,,,f, it.,. , r,„/,', dr, r• Weed A,
John T limner, Thotrins Ilugli,, here Mon (Ind. n lees eo toms(. ni ti /,,,,,ory 111( / tr. A 1,.,. WI, '',,,,,
Jacob Struble Robert Lipton, lireacry,llemicts Moore( 1111 d , orr 0 ,4 .` , ,, , 0 eel .!../1 itrl r At / (do,
Wm C Duncan, George I'nlonline French, worked,not 111121 e (~11. 'Fir., • lit,••••4 II q ,",.,/
Peter O Ilion Jno Hanlon, • Co'ler. J,inlo Cointrrie Hooped •o( , rt. .4 rt •14 llt „..1,
Alt Barlow, , Robert Elller Danko/olio fs, Pei a Fl" ry / Itirtt ( owl", r iloot , L.,
Wm A Thomee P Droner IVaddle, cob llooped Skirt •
r. r;/. l'wet,,l. 11 ~,,, It'd ok ~,• I , „I,
Gen ey Mann, I' II Grey, • Skirting Trench Elowera kid
noote I a"./ 11,,'. i of nr•
II !bock erholf IVM F Reynold , . Ghor 4, Orvitlotrir lb ?I hosiery, .44 .
,to At. t't
If' Mtteholl FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, IOR 0.1.:N174.-M1 N' 14 II )'.Fitt.
- - Clothe C 'Moo ree and 1 entiogie lot LAO, J• all+, (lotto Ca.......A+ and- 1-ewmige. I'll rode Jenne,
W. a TRIPPLE Cottonette, Nanking., .te ,' .A, • ', &,e V.,11.....t. N 'IA.; n'At• . A Al
HATA AND C tp, -, ' , ind,,, , dr , n, ~..r 1 , ol nod 'fa . 11 o 111. 1111.1
111111,0 - IANT TAILOII. i isf 0.....1, 1 1.44,11.‘111111 111 11%11. ti 10/1i 0 aro. lie. s . ' , . „ r i , rt , tr , 4 ,,,,,,, ~, ~!.,1 ; ., ,t
i1;1. , .tr tltt , tw 111 t t n, II to tall
lint •to k of
11Y r 1111 f I? I'l l hF %; Fri I; !MI S .. t ,t/di./,/. ..,,• 1.1 , r1 .1 run Wl') s
rinllE SIIIISCREBIKEt TtESPEurr ULLY 1 , II HT }II 114 1.411 14 m
1 it 111. I I
.41.4 Inforllt.llln t tlist la of Bell duals 1.1141,1.111111 t . 111
Ili .11. coder, Itrt tl to ..II In. elm!. ut. ,in tl , ,/ , i i ~,, , / „ 0 , / ~ g ~ , , k / ~, „I.
that he ham Just ret nrind hom *dad. Iphirt with a "`l' ~ ,‘
"„,, t
I !or A • , 1 r , i,e)( . l HII •
101 l a...ri11/tot of
Elia Stock of G roceri es ” '"' ,' ' ' ," ~ . 1 .... , ‘ . „1.. . n.11 , • ,1 xI. ".4
1.) ~., i 9, I. I ..,11 rift/i11...AA r, ~., 1, „d, rid
Spring and Summer Goods, r. r.,,, rais i n ; . ,,,,,, r,,, ,„,.,..„,,,,„ „,,,,, , „,,,, ~, .„ ,„, „ , ,;.,,,„ ~ ~, ..
Java I olfen /linen tto4l Wn4 • k I n I' It It•t4 I , 4 •tr 44 :,414 rII t Nt I% ' 11. 14,
ttlmlt It in ..MK 0 1 14.1110 g to. 644.11 et rn I 44D0 door (
,„ . ,„.. 1 t „.,,,,, N. .., (4. , , .
~,,, , r
t•nt4i 1 f Ihr.Ponl alike Ills trioek rannuAr in part 1 ( 44. ril,Cl,” I I 111 1 - I , 1
(trawl run tio -.tiger llorre. ,(S\ 11,
111 n, k bloc and Brown PA neli t lotto. •••ilk tar ter' i ,/, rr -1. i o i,I I 1 o tei
I, as . nod I itoll.all Vio law• 11ree tilita 141 toktt •t 1 II t... ,
Punting, raf1.111,411111./ 11 lot, Durk for Coo n,
4 tile; n 4 ., print nod 1 ill or '
Ittuk I tol•ektii and r..... I ',MM. r Can. '
ilk /, Ma, k art lb ri tog ,
'nine, nook, Limn Drills tor Ptitti‘t, t • T urf/ , I llt .` , that %
Mock /..arin 1. ittored •illr and v I r a lir 'ti a....., 1...a
-wl/rt.,. lrill F1,011..4_111.11.1.5a1l . I :00 I.S - 1 ." III" l '' ';' ` ' l' ' % ‘
II I 1 . .1 I 4 v .
T.f/ r 1 ,•/a , ~,,,./.. 11/ hi. a 11141 11, 1 / 1 ,1 II o 1 ii•... , • ~, .podLi r . , . I ,
It . I r.
II 111 •fl 110 yall mak. 1, 1 i I•h i 14 .It --- r inn I r ri, r, en 1 1,,,,. 41 It l'tt / ; , n / ~
1114 t r-,. 1 tu.l In 1I fl ill I I I 111 no.I it 111. . 1111,. ul 111 l• It 4T4 '444 04 11 444 I ' I l' I 4'4` 4' ' t
root r 4 ts 4n1114. It ,11, 1, '441.1 mit It, 114 t, 41,1. 1 anti •111• 111 t It 1 I 1 titt• tt iiw, , / / %' t 1 , , , I / I , ' II 11, I I' 11, '
I, I, ~It M s. ~l• itp1...., I.•y 11.. 11, I MI 1.
II I/: / I
I , I • ttlll 4111 il \ II .111 bent il
111/ l . rti 11 st. on I i tt
E \ I) E R I
A Ni . , E l)\\ mum l4ur-Fli,swAßl .AssWARI H A RD'...' E'i 0 1 ',. , 1, .`, Z. l '
,'',;' • 7 , ;' ' '%.
, I i ' :„ : ::,' ;
o. : ; '':. r,
4i • \,
Ti, t oll trt I t I I 1.1 4 I ... '. • 1 tr. „ k g , ~ • 1 1 • 1 ~ , ~ 1 I
„ „
111 111, 1111 l ll , ' I 4..11 ,l II 111 1 ,114 I, • t •.1 ,.., fl ~, ~ „1 . , ,} I
yt . 1 ~.....1 .. I'.','! I . 111 )1 .ti k 1 in t. i , , 11l
'lll ,Nl.-. 1 41.1-1 .. II At! 111- I - t . ~1 \I, , I II l '441 .44. I'll ,* 1 , ' •
IllEttnr.rn inn f t frt ill ••11..
R4l. I/'1 IL!/ , !e 1 it / tt t
r5...4 tel) en getting tint, woil, fell dent
it 111 , -bop
I if(' "1 hank ft.l G,r the p Ortiongc heron fore be
I t o n 1 1“ . 0111111) C,t I,i/tOlll %I, flt
•illi•C hI rlpplc
It, lli (tte Moy 20-2:1 Conn
.I \11 , 11()% 10IENT GR.IIN
Pl. AN l'ER•i--111,NrS 'PATENT AND
lilt \l\ I'l, IN 1 ' Si'PAC 111:11 111
Moelosik. Oilt, hit • NN , llonlll its It If hoar, tel
it innot hr topirt I I.e root., Ae It utll
plant point rows, and all irlifiller shaped
without nn} &ruble labor With two horses, it
will plant w all, ease Groin 10 to 12 norm per dry of
Wheat }tyn. Ilarley or other otnall grain It will
P lie mini 7to 3 pecks of noel I. the acre, and
pelt! front IS to 20 per cent, more than the Itrontl
ertsrt treeilln, by Alio rlblnlng the *red unintrmty nt
,any dustr la
01l depth The objection , to
Drillit of 1100 , 111111 g Choked !will bled t h e set•tl in
101 rerfevilly cleaned in entirely retooled to 110.
Doti, nn white-caps and short strain will not iirc••
ot the regular Aintriltution of lb t seed
A 111 , 14 hltIC will be kept on hand for the 1.119 , 0 ,
hen of the public, by the pndersigned who to the
Indy authorised agent for Centre and adjoining
vow ties Those who wish the article should make
known their wish in d.” tensor, no (lint they rainy
be of dered, nml 1111711 e time
f.r it IC B){% HK$
I:t•llefonte July 2 IHSP-^2t,.{Ln
1. t•ffern, nt pct me rale, n tract of 1 tot .tinlit .1
1.ov: .1111. coont.ling (~ u r 1 mu10. , 11
nen nionn n gugrl flank in $l/,N•••••
lul oporat Al 4, two molt, Four notot,
1p:tl to the lon oMI 1111 , 1 a eon! pleb • t in tor rkg
owl,. anti pholols Ito the Tr,.lx erveled n gynni
.Ineliing Iwo miner. I ttttt •t a, It Etott tottn, oItIIw
earn, "Iblo4
q i i4 " Yroritt n g 0 , 1
1 . 1 aer Tin , Irate! Nontninn n print youn,: toomng
orolottal anti roof good apringnfor wnler ft... ptork
„ed enq. ~,11 ~0,1 with th o ti,*voiffeoft $ll otio
lila n f nottlti Slot
11 ,, 1,11 or of a. be.aufj.fol reoro c
(6,4 I•7494,ltattnlity
V,,r pnriioulnrs, Inquire of the InTbFerlber on tire
pl ten tiEO (111. All AM
14t 3til /OEN XcBRIDE.
MAK Klt 4 , lie II
Corner of IIIS/10P nr.l A LI.ROIIAIT Streets,
Bellvfolite, Perna
permanently !twitted liLthot reirion,
te engage exlennololv in Ike tinhllery rind
llanL •• Luni acne Ile VI II k 1 - ,;1 0011.ft/11111V I/II Lund
nod inniitifieture order in the Intel st)le, nod
i.l Ile Juno Nrierkplilyitkr n) 11111.'7,
11 11 onnit f'orrio4e Horner.,
lI ngon tool Urn log %flop.;
TronkA, N ('.irliet nogg, Ae , ite
lo 'bort, Piers thing tolually ninon( ietored 1e) .1A
WI - I. All work warrnided good (lite hw, n call
lief iie where iiiik if
[No t 4 TitltE The Aulmnltert Ititttld re.
iw,•11'.111 inform his (11 , 1 trends and the puttlie gen
Ittnt he htt+ removed his
eLirritiNii rAIII,IrIIMENI'
t,• tby ,voined by \V .1 K..tt1..11
N•. 5, Itr.keirlooff HOW:
prebitr..4l Ittri-1. root) 11.1.11 rlotb
.ng ~,,, prit, i'ldbibc• mane to
order 11/. tt.ov.l
Ilt font° aid 8-17 If
- Qrathful for the patronage.. liberally be
sett upon him by n gen. - our community and
by %quit attention to businesw, In al way
,•ntitiuue In inert! the approbation nil linapproelatlog
Inthlir fie inform' , his friends euntorer, and the
public generally, !lint lie is, pit ;Jared to furimili
them at MI well Ito inn stand with curry icon iy nil
iiitib'Elt !ES that limy hu walled for Ptitanbe
wiebing 10 Pei/1101,1 I. will &cam; mill and 'dried their
Oroeeries of ore, an I am determiner' to give natife
to all
mil 27
wirricg is limitidly GIVEN. 111.1 . 1'
I ~01. will lie opened to revoke
II litcv kof the Allegheny uol Bahl E
florid conl nod Iron the ("Witt
to Ili•Ilefoote on the first day of duly oral, and
hook. will rensiiiii open until at least one
Ibuunnud nharen Are mitineribed
. 11111. 2%.1
TAITIMA CT.g,,r,iuT t A u rt.
iug heen granted In the underingnett, ell having
Haim, egitinet xn,d .estnio will present them end
those uuleblod tliesete will make payment witheut
drley; to tho undersigned.
11 J. WALTERS, Adin'r
,Lewidtou II Juno, 2647-61
• •
the ratan, of Wm, Furey deo d, of Sprflog
tp.ohavo boon granted to the undersigned melding
in said township, who requaata all persons knowing
thomsoleos indobtol to said ostiste to make 'imme
diate paytnont, and all having Metres will prosout
them duly authenticated for settlentent
--int& 4E47-44-' de—
Cali n u de. at Itt, glo t t', n... 1 i , .. 1/ , .: 1• 0 1 , 111, •. h i ••‘ I , i 4 , •.1 1, I&IIt ,y .Ql•,t 11 , ' ' , T ^ a '.....1.-
e , n. ehottp,r 1/1.1.11 otly Wilt t etital,lmlimom to ;Ito t , .1 t. 1,, (• Avg, go, 1 , 7 . i ill i .1.4 ..„ r t ,• ,•• , 1. ,,,.
, e belt... 1. to .11 .., .1 IT e rt ., /It - , ii 'I;. , I ..• I,
may 13-22- , f
...II ee Mort..o II .4!.1.. , t .11 Pt... I. ' IC. .t
•• • , . Pa
dll. 21 1,
x-.1.-I..e.Lc7.ric---.."-k.z_. ,
n u n , \ NTSIOI Wl' S.XLE —I)- I.ll•Liie
PI (lir) 1)ei• anti Gas Fit ie r, i../ of :m ruler ~r th,• (Irvin:ft', r. , t.rt or
l'eHl, t'on.oy will 1, , • i 51...! .1 lo 1,10.1 i ..1. , ....H
At ' the Penne leuniu Ftntel, ihf Mot,hl3 ..1 Ing int l'IH•lf, 111 l' /1 i.; ; /,;/...1/114
BELLEVONTE. PA. c0044141111g or r t •orth ~r ,o, ~.. •;/11.11/411.4 . (4,1/4/
W 1.1; rtell he to Hon.-1010e I.r a tete ,I,Q • umfiti r6f ,t,i• LI. 11/ 1 / 1 /. n tr;;//gh ot ljefft fulfu Floe the pro I
siututrully foal flurntlihflott t r TIM nir:u4l. - ttJ:fl - j, t t ,;;;, „r :,1., h erl .. b . .1,...',1 , ~, , e .,, ~, „ r „,,., 1 „
I rir, to hp; 1,111101-Ittuettt al the 11,1,10 toc.,tt ttttt , , ~„I ,I , rot,'et rtatile Hon, iitmit 11.111, not other
'A lit're he it peepart,l toeteente efellet+ for . Ifni ~,, CM, tit, ult.! out holhltopu
rr . i,. i . 111,. a1t..... ppopet I ~, ..1,, 1 ,e of tlot too. , deurnltle
I'LIABING ANII GA S FlTirui r , -. , -...... 1---- , --.. r.""!""i"
Teruo. of Srle ,- et.° ft 11, f le pile, hoe mn , 7 to
Al the glotelet.t co , ice lloptog hi. •fro•I ult.... Jolts , 1,,
to the hallo,
t ° b..'
1 h Of' g'.""''''' of rat,.' ~.tiro,.. ),•,. ~,I, “...,,.. —,,,,e.1 1., 1".,..i.,,i Ni..,,g.r.
lion in I egarll ICI pm... nod quality of mork. to tool it
1 MN h. F,IXII
n oh ire of ',oldie tottrott o t te he ..11111tIl t ,', u 11,. t,d.
~, ~ , r ,
I,l.rfN Iff If MeCI. A IN' j ""
lowing spoaew of cork
II atr. Ciovrf. litoir. V.IA i - „/, nod.. , ROOFSBURG BREWERY.
a la Iwo& a 4.•., I In," ol Ix,/ oad I, ”, l'ip. 0 ,rii
\I li: iti I 1,1.1 ,, \ I}
tine, ~/,, , ,,,,o 1, 10,1 (I ,1,1,4
e 1,., 1,.., I +. 1n.,. 11,1111, : 4 ,0r. • I),•.:ling+ TM': I .1),EN , 1(..,.).1;11 I{oll.ll Itgti
-11.c... titled up an the uenteea ~n , l r.t,, v.... .„ ~,„, r le einai, ~,,,,,,,,,, to Ili, 1 .,1 1 ,1, of fluS
wall hAtott • of the n0..0. A [Tit, k d t- ,
~lo .1 oill Ito t e .”01 1/. .1 ti , 1 ,0. _ ~ ,}Oh Ili I. h. 0. 1 I
i -II . '', Iso H ...I .1.111: 1. ol' ".: o , 1 . ,tt
" 1 .1' ,, 0 , -I Ale t !tut,. :toff 1-0 It I;‘ , lt
It hi, h oilt hl fun i 11,4 ts h..
t:113. 21: 2 . : I Yrar
CO )I . lllNa 11.11.1. "" """" i '""" l r . '" n.l "'""Ati " . " 11 " le "
, tr" 70,4
l'o the the irel oiler all
..II Jo t fen ne„ift,tiji ,
They ere the o
knelt end the Mot , Itell.f •rte, I,•/ 3 c, 2 , 4.4 k.
Ile elm, null, lel hate a 4,14 cam. ' .••="—
Awl el.— 1.-,, .. a1..1,1
Alld then he'll goo you all a chance 1 -Threshin,s Machines,
'f•• Lay .one rlhtrto collars awl 'Pack!, The r ~ , h• ther 'rook i, falro the f •rne in Ili it Le,
And also mme entree nnt . Monk. 1,,,•• rionoil••ghir el e •i• to hi. rcei•lerem, u', I: 11,1 1•1• • •
Large and nril,ll trinike he her toe'
, \II I.F, FdIUTII F.,1. 'l' 111 , "11f.1.1,14 11 N IF on the
Felopendere neekteo, / mei, r ed en d M oe ,
, old LettlAtiore Had. where be will Leer •enstant-
Yer .not, iv Sam 1-hoveltel•l'e givailt • le on tiled a good .apply of gent mite machine. of
ou huio n, in ihe os Inezht neighborhood, ' , , .
( ' L I ( ' L I i .rt 4, l , 1,11111• ,I*, I PI Eli IttACIIINI , :: - • of a au
-1.4,,t, r, it while you're voting,
..nt ,, a wit,rk.r. , ,,,,, widiinz .ls tit tka.a.hutu
To get old won't take yon long ' --- • - -
1 e Iona:, will do well h. Lull nod egtmltor for
opr-29-11iMi-tf. LAM $llO.l/NYI 1,,I•11- • ~,,,,,,,,1 „ ,,, n • • k I •
cloning • 1 ono At I o +l,,r , iollnotnx
• - t0,av13•22 ho J 1, 4 'A Altli
P%More, , Great l•argali
i.TI.le SAI•E OF 1101:SEIII)1.1 ) 1.1 . 11- _
.111 be e xp ....a '. pul toile di. toe on l'ileoulav 11, f 111, iln 11 l'aiol elk ..1 the 13 r ..... • end lank II i
'I./ of 2 ni , o'd• I ' 7 "l ii"' roil". 71 "'''''" l"" l' can Real Head ere to ri 1•1 61 101111V4 the, an liaA'al•
no , et , p. I,rico " 1
'I snl"'"bk ""'"'""'''''' ''',. 11 ''''' . no id ot It o d OA, per .11.1.1 . I , required to he pod
Loll Funtoittro• I nll the Fannon,,,L., „ 1 the ,„ the 'I re 000rr, o, or 1.ww40• flo• 2`^ hod Jul, neat,
4:"II.II”"*.•.' Marro of 11 " 1 "'"1 3 "' ''"'"'"'`g a In lone fer tin ~tinini. Aloe 011 11,.' let of Mtge,
hots. irtlnr,oll. Iregi.lenik T iblr. el/ or+ ~ 't - I"d'.• 1. a I icy tome I. now el gook ul 1.r.i . 4411 4 • al.,
MattpuZ , lied. not Ilnilding 1 -"° l ".",C I ''''''''' hetet% tee 4-14.1 r, to I re. tile I 'rode to pay them
'A lieh Stand., Mettrem.e.nod o vont N 1,14 I, 4.1 Ity 14,1.'1 4.1 - IL Renard.
other ortielt , ho le 10 (4011111)P114, Id 111 0 el , kA 1,11 M I NI) 111.1 NC/lAN 11, Treneerer
M , ef gall div en I to 00,011111 e 1,111 de) to .1•3 /
,),•,,, 2 1 , .7
maid all I. gol, Tip 1 s Al 1,111 I" A ea , i.e..,
- ki (11 icil lln "I I.:11.S 1 1..• ('AMEN'I MY
-impuit't %N 'l'll
Tl.:‘ itmns .(1
E ' 1 I
- -• 1 'l-; ' ' JIN en the cont. , of 21,1,11 llone,, tele of Merl..
..IL The,,,,,1 ‘,11111,1 1. ' , TV. t I ' llil . l, 111 • 1,,,11 , 101, 44, ol have Ince glented 1. , OW , I , ..ii
0,11 . 1 lire old rII•141111e, 110 , 1 I.IP relate to gorier it 1.. ,. .. i... , 4,111 PI 1111 1••• • ••., 1./. know ing• 110 le••• .1,0 4
11,0 1,,' rm.! phury.x...l Li. Owl. ri..rii :-.14,i1„ .:., , r I' ' in, 1,4140 , 1 1..1,1 ,•o ph , 1111100 4 11 kit . 1 ,, 11114 . 1 , 1 ,
114.114 . 1 - 0/11 4 il , 11 , then honor)) 01 . ..01 .14 ,I hi liar „da1e,1,,,_ • 'oat+ to 1.,.00 , 111 them Inelooly
to v Merhoo, where he I. rorepered to I, pale nod loolono•, ' n e t 1 .., „,•,,1.,•„,,,
~,,.ke 01l k, ide et 'I ladling 21.1. doe •• • the 3 ' I', II:V..1 '''''' '23';'' '''
chain •I 110/14, net 011 Ole 111 , ,I , -•. • • ... .”
~/g s l o.q. On Log., 111/1t I ',mil, ,I BO Jo,, I, .J., 1.,,
~1, Ite.i. to eat ll I/ (Thmillln4. 11,0,11
Nev. Nlni•lnen Id way, cot I, o 'I 0,. I r e ,/,•,,,
July :'SK tho 3,111 N M Al. 111 \ I.' Jg. to, et V eic•x el' '• • re , I, Ile ,111,1 ,• fr 411 .
...•• l'nr- ~ V nil, II , •• 111 oer•lor• Pon hlo‘l.o
11 I, N01(11 i I r . lb, 1'...111 of 1',,,,,, non II or awl r.,,, , i• rtri,4ll , ~ Ilion IN fi ,1.• MI 41 India
in , Pi' on of 1 • oir , ( "Itn'y Rel•her e onto lea.. ',el,. r tool Enro/or•• t I', cf 11111•
21 Al! I /IA li NW/ IL 1 • nor weir , ,t,•jeoa neat: red clef 1, ell, re, , •hrotn
ALIAs 50.p..1.4 In Di% urc 11 e r. at till , by
Mai riln.,n, . "" , 4.1 t ERN A Malt F.LN
T..210011[1 limo,- Or n•perel• Tit 11100, , nlm il wAN,Trit 11 Vir WOO, SII M i
Take u,, ,Ire ilea 11l 1,,,0i1.i in,. 4.1 it . oi.1111...) .rr min I.k %,.$ k •,,, ~••••, 'lon, It to .1 I'2 „1. ii,..
~..,,,i lii of nee' Couto., mat to lac .1, r, • ail 111. T , ,„,, , on d 1.... k 11„,..11 II
I. 1`1,.... 1110 red
Dcr,o,ottono of %N. ro .41 , 10 1,, , r,•1•I o ',I, purl ~f p • ~,,••• el,l lo• wren A play i 0.,,••• .11 ddvto I II
the e.h•oe Isbell., et, w 111 het tree lo 1 ' ,11• Inc Or lei M ion, 4./1 Ile nook, or to 1' It kI It IN.
offloe ie Itellefeete 1/ti 'I :10,1 ty Ant , io 2 0 1 - ' 4 .dune 2.. 27 ti .1 Oita, Fume,
at 2 o'clock, I' 21 11 here tied eh., yell Irti., - -
111 , 11.1 If , A,' rote r ll li'l II Ml.l \I
A !Agent 1 III ,1t,•.1.1 1c l' r 1, ,tc,
fri ARDW 4112, (tIASS, OIL, NAIL S '
Locks, I. Oktliet , , tse,e? , ZI: l e. r-nnw .1..7
c 1 , 1 n , n ~ To ri,..nti..i. tern. lie , . I l ol•ro,
h, it,,t of c...,...,,, ~,„i „ „,,,,, , k ,,,, ~i , „,,,„ t „ i ,,, 1 ,„, t „, , I , li t ,,h ‘Ajo
,s , l'h or of Centro t'''un,) , •1 - 111:1'SOLPS A Co
51A Rill A Ii Nilltlt ) 1.••,1, 11.,511.1'e
Al 115 Snlttantin in Dtrotec a t '" 11'n -- g -- 1‘
roa/r/ wooe, t otre.l•ll t• A put 11 rte I, •7 EO 1 NILES' WORM EiPELLEP.
G • •
To Martha Knorr, Om' a- 1 ••••..,• ~ ,m l, , I ' . •1• ,,,, , sit sille Owl Ceetllll relitetlV for tit
' T• 0,,• ~,,,,,, 0.1 ~, ,t, 11 , 1,. r. , 1 1., oil ,A r 11,41 rt .1 , ,•I of W•oto• Ptotori II ot no 1•
Al 1 I , Y
Att ,,,,-11, Alm s e• 1110 HAW 111 Ito Cow: ••I I 1 , 1111 II it . 1 II It I:EN Ast 311 T N. Tl• Ilefoctst—
pleas o f Ventre County en or I,• r,,, 11,. it. 'I .4. - .--,-.
tt, g ,tttt 11,0 let! MA ~1,,e. ••• •••+•• it lit .$ •tit •• • lEWIrEIRPFT I ! A _J_LitCf. AEI' CR T
Iron the Loads of MAlrtut.ry •1 0 ,1•1 t o t - 1••• •I• •• • l .11 tr ~ I .1 . ,, C A , • I tlt g .1 N .•l, pro, T AT I, mt.' 11l
hitt., ItIII 1,01,, 11. Ile-) N 1 NV AI/1.1.E •-lItt•'1 jot:. 1 • •• •• t •1 • e l, •in IF•1 . 2'. p, r re• k jo.t t-s•m•A
twits.. July 3011. lOU. 1- --- • ------ —-- • not in r ,rlr-xt flm-rirrerryllrmytnerrself - ---"
- d,-21 if ' flu lAS A 51••511:1 N
ONABE E DA Ell .E.. 11 .. -TILE ~„,-„,.,7,-.„, ,„, ~ __ ...
F . , ' , , !1F , ,, , 1. , t, g .i..,,,,, t•, !afore, tit, • po h , tc I. . t- - _. vit iteau,r, un 2, Err.
bn I. snit totally sogesp,l Al l i t, e t•th•l. on• A li t ,: ,1•3 , , 1 1. :I'l.e sllnv titer is ILI st Uorrnt 11 lice and
street Sil %I'lslll AND t-li tNI 1',,,,1N,1 t,,,,,„,,, 1,, „„ ‘rr ,,L,,,, ~.„.... i n 1 1, itn n nnli, n BON..
t ellte, ta I.lte latest cut and 1 .ildou { e ll , • I,' l ,n owt 161 , „ill m Bruner •,u ille
til l, and
/11. *4 , 1,1 Ore Shari. Ilk t omes t,,eo, If If Hits. unit,' VIM i.e' 1,••10.11,111thvilf
1-“, he f 'MI 1411 St, your tee t, t 1e , ,,,, relt I I-10.if. JNO 'l' 1100 l KR
lle'll brush your hair and serve 3 sou will, _ _ . --..-.--..--.
Sweep your dluthcs and make you swell, 'B" AND SHOES, -'.
. I ll s Amato Is sows, hat distimilsr to torte wants A t,,,,- ie ,',.•k of ~'inter; .Lx ,
but. little bore Lebow, but meets t het little foug,f lord • and Shoes, for Conti...l Ladies' wear; atet.llllho
tr.' f',.."18 111. Reams 86 ""'''" will always e• . Misses mot Childrchs' Buots end Thera of alfirirrold
found to out c/n.r. Ana eleari ß' I 1.1.^0N A PRO'S
Inc lode 11
If you want to gut into a see r r giro lion n call j .„ 08 Bellefonte,
June 4, 1857 MISSICII 1•110111 All 1_ _ —_. _- -- --
.• CABINET AND 131110.1, i V Cape, abs. Lead, Pen Knives, cry! be put
, - BTERING ESTABLISHMENT— chased el e tf, ttf
r• ••••--. " eaubett ram _ropentl ' u u uett _ _ n;,..,11,11N1'R, __
his friend. and the nubile that lot has commenced ---- ----- - - --- - -
the Cabinet and Upholatering business in all its re. P URE LIQUOItS. A LARDS AND
rictus branched, and will be prepared to furnish splendid assortment of Pure Lirtors conetently
work that will compare with any mado in lho : 4,10 - 1 on hand and for sale, by
shops in our larger dittos. Haring- had practical ; i yz 11 Illtfltnirt3tll9ll'
experionee in story brinehistlonsinend. rer.ollP en , - _ ,
trna,log work tootitn will be assured that It elll be 1 Q1 7 (1 AR CURED CAN VASST:I) 1113.1•!3.
done in a satiefactory manner ' Il'•••• 1 fur 11.1.10 at the oheap cash stortt'of
LV , ItIMA [JUNO promptly Intended to Juni. 25 27 'f WILSON A nrws
PREBBRICK Slllll 11, ' - .
Alle4heny street. Bellefonte, in the shop form , rlv ,
occupied by Mr Itumbeld. spt B .
elongate and retail, cheaper then the cheap
_-_____ ____ _._ _ _ _ •
-.-...- u5 .,.....,,, k ,.......--_--. - 4al • - e.,xx oi-bstol bX. r Ti t % , n
A S l'nL•nhnr,
A 0 Curtin
5 Linn,
II N Mo,lllintt,
.'nt In in
Jiirt. T. Ifouver,
GEO 1.1 PECK, PROPRR:Torb ! P,—
would tostucatfally nuttloatuer to hi+ old ft trorle ' that' GENTLEMEN — IF YOU WAIT A
hp ~,,,„ o r e,,,i for Ibe 0 , 0h , 1 ,,, , Il Ih. 00 , ./ , ts Ell 41( ,111 0 ill, t1.1 , .. , r To.t call out
. rri: ctt CAM P 11,1ric,' 1.,0 I •, , 1 Al' MAY
thr 1 atitu.t tr., )1,. v Ilr tun I,n Lt.i.t.. '
..)i ,v 1,,, ~..., r,..1 4 1 I ,e 1 ,‘ 5,0 t, ‘y , .m . n:c II Mal . ti 4 lsK
1 wii, r II.:”, ur ~ , r I
I n L14,l 14
~ ...3.J . ,