THE MIOCRATIC WATCHMAN. nziorarvoirine, A 11143 MIT 27, I Sin LOCALAgn PERSONAL. MINGS TO 116 LOOKED AFTER.--TO a town like Bellefonte, where its citizens are com posed-of all cities--the rioh and the poor —the'prottd and the humble—the aristocrat and the beggar —the religious and the vi cious--ht is to be eipected that there is much food for meditation and contemplation, and That many a t good moral might be drawn from the actions of some of the movers up on the busy scenes of life. We are all em barked upon the tide of Time, and are:, fast mailing on its current fa BM ocean' of Eter nity, and in order that we may improve the passage to our..own edification and enjoy ment, it is neces.iary that we should watch carefully, and critically, the manceuvers of all. Such its show skill and inannemcnt, and thread the whirlpools with degterity. end without fear, be followed boldly : but the example of those who are coati-nu ally bringing up on shoals or against rocks, and Who are timid or unskillful, should nev er be imitated. Much may he learnt of life, by , every day °Wert ation— of its features, n !tether in 'church, the halls of Justice, the streos, or the cell of the eiiminal, and many gnotl, lesson received that will strike deep to the heart, never to be forgotten. We enlist mix with the erovitd•and not stand aloof for fear contaminationto no in mit mingle it oh the mass, however memigrimus and uncouth it may be, and study leery movement : look and gestdre, and then the a-o prepared to moralize,. It is Our intentmi to giv,, oeea,ionally, descriptions of characters as we may see them in different etrumstnnees, thinking that they will he amusing:ls well as instruc tive to the reader. We do not exi cet to gain any' great credit fin the in ionic or style in which tiny may he written, for (pith will be plum and simple, and-we shall be, very careful that no fiction mingles with the ink in our pen. The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church gate a al/i/111 ' r nt t h e 111101111111011101011 of the Court I low,, toi 111 , 44,1.ty e% , •iting Inst. the table oim 0,11 laden }tub the good things 4,1 earlb to n It the a.ieenhled multitude 11111 111111/11 1 . justive, and we heard quite a number say it was the best'supper of winch they had the good fortune 'to partake in a lung time. mov smoothly, every thing pi (Avian tg an exeTangly ap dpcarance. The lath, s, too, were very bertiful Any one olio doubts the dam of beauty cc long, and desenedly held by the ladies of nell4 font°, should have been on hand, and if tt nook! not have done away null all .6, fatei,m, u e feel a 01111111;1ms. to allow we are 110 Solomon,. IN 01. ra . in 111 - 1 , 11111111101 1 , alld 011 oi/1111011S debate 1111% aye, nib aimed 111 Ivg.l /1 14/ !want) , nue 111111 1 !) I , lbiatlarth The m-atte rirec7rll—'erratcrr- plain in lwr , hut allormg 311 her ohartnit : the Itte..tlytor of the tioielhtut Ltvot kitig tutu, and th, meant/roil re-; -Armpit - rim FM 17 - lin IT -- SIItITTS.I . wore iltoro, null it winter aimentbiage it beauty 111111 101,1111 C S, it has never been our hit to with IVe ottrieti --ye , t, we eii% it a the happy beaux that wore gallatitittg the 1, beautiful ones shout thie,rootn, but it was no One-WO 1004oi1 on in and our arm filt not the to of a o . ylp like living. Let other tomes boast of the beauty of their rt make 110 11111 , 11 as they nil, let 1111 tn praise the charms Di e741111,1L -01 111 pouting lips, dimpled cheeks, awl tire- Clan 110Sei, hut they Calimut prOdliee such army of loveliness as we sae eongreg,tte&at the Kopper oh silay evening. 'as I{"inahr• up our`pen to pen an ar ta le on the aub3e, t. of pen:. -pig. pens. 0 0 mean. Some of our ruses. romplam of !cushy of the num:Too juggeries that [lre pernutteil to sq u •ti in the neighborhood of their dwellings For ourwives, we can inform the ptilihe functionari e s that these complaints are not without ['Minitel:ion : Abe practice too extensively prevails of individ was, without restraint, establishing these I intolerable nuisances in the very contra of, populated localities, much to the annoyance, as well as to the ji opardy of the citizens We have a lan to pri vont hogs from peram bulating the si rects., either upon business or pleasure, and we 4liould hke to nee a law enforced banishing these children of together with their habitations, without the walls of the borough. They, and their lit lie enc.., should be made to pitch ihetr tents; and ruralize apart from the congregation of the people. The Bellefonte Brass Band, we are in formed, visitcd the celebration at Pine Hol low, Oil !isturdriy, and enlivened the exer cises with their excellent music. By the "Vi Bellefonte is blessed with one of the best Bands in the nitei ior of the State. Du ring our visit last week we had the pleasure of h earing several Bands, (among them, Stoes' Band, of Plinvilic,) which had been represented to us as No. 1. Ititt, 4 n a must confess, we were disappointed. Gentlemen, it is no use. The Bellefonte Excelsior Brass EMI can blow you all to Jordon. This Band makes far the sweetest music, apd is composed of the fined !policing and moat jo vial scj,of fellows of an,rother Bind In the Country. Come out upon the streets some Lane soon,gentlemenoterid give us a " blow." Our Borough fathers, acting urou the hint give • brim invnurtinaw shoo; taro — erootad severe lamy posts at our street corners,and we will, in a short time have Om benefit of • good gas light in all .portions of our town. We also, urged upon them the necessity of a crossing near the Arcade, and, in the event of their not laying told of the matter, offered to Atart.a private enterprise, but we have span. d the it utilr. sing has been laid, and" we duly appreciate its benefits, We understand it is the deter mination of the Council to lay another from Liyingston's Book Store to Ill' , `";( rosorJoo. To:111er ull,l k Ern, 'I los I. T.:slit, C. ,, (1: the hall in motion. Our enotetic County Commissionera have enclosed the Court llouse . l.3rounds with a beautiful iron railing, and we can already notice an improvement in th. it appearance. It is the intention, we believe, to plant trees, and erect a fountain in the centre of - the grounds. This is doing . things as they ettould be done, and all the aliens of our borough, in common with those of the Coun ty, will no doubt rejoice to - see it consum mated, and our alreadk pretty Court House thus +additionally bean ti flecl'and adorned.-- Let the trees be planted, the fountain erec ted, and you will, receive odr heartfelt thanks. Believing that an iron railing would not only be ornamental but is essentially neces sary upon the wall in the rear and at each side of tho Court House, we suggest that one bo placed thereat; soon ds convenient. It will be rorhembered, by some or our readem the about four weeks 'ago a man named Tan Bear, who passed for John Lewis, hired a pair of llorses and Carriage from Mr. Williams, of lifintifigdon, brought them to this place and soli) them to Mr. Wm. Bible. Mr. Williams came on, proved his property and took charge of the horses aml carriage—Mr. Bible being the loser. Last week, Mr. Bear aims Lewis was arres ted i , l Clearfield, brought to town and lodg ed. in jail., where he is now awaiting his • trip!. Our old friend. Mr. C...W. Lambert, -of thi.iliorough has &need us underobligationS by presenting us with a lot of handrini. plumbs. There are two kink, one railed the " Washington liolivar,'! and• the other a very pretty yellow plum, the name of which we do not know. they are both po4- sei.Neil of n splendid flavor, and the "former we think, are the largest we have ever seen. Wjidey is some In the way of raisin elms Don't someb o dy else wart +Mee f so, follow the; example of Mr. Lambert. GLAD Tiisos.—The ladies of our born' will nd doubt rejoice to learn that there will shortly be an improvement in hoops, it ap pears from the list or patents granted du ring last week, that there is ono for " im provement in hoops for ladies skirts." As some hoops do not set well, it must be a &commil piece of mtelligence that there is to be an " improvement." By reference to another column {t will Lo observed that with other buildings the sta ble of our old and esteemed fiend • Mr. Thomas Waddle of Jersey Shoi - e, formerly of this Gount3 ,was with its contents, entire ly destroyed by lire, on Sunday night Inst. We are sorry to record this fact, and feel satisfied that his friends in this County will rnpathice with bum in Ins loss. DitowNzn-- AI.VOST. -- Mls Elizabeth Blakely aeenlentally w•alktid into the canal in Milesburg, on Saturday night last. Iler cries brought a number or persons to her as. att atery• gratr. ,14 the 4 111 tot the lieNt etPitioe of peraollB walking ta at that lac think /40111 e 011Str11e1.1011 /411001 1 1 110 1110 , W 1 VVIVI ttr re-rettettttiatramat--. By reference to our nilyertismi; columns it mill he seen that a ILde, Leather, Boot and Shoe Store has been opened at the West End of Sprin k Bridge, ((ltmpsile,) by nor friend, 'l'. Burnside. Air. Ihiriedile understands his business, and we boils alc for him the. encouragement of the public. 11 c understand that a Sabbath tii•honl bration ',as held in l'itie IfollUw, Ilarris n.wilship. oil Saturday last Tliere wero about. one thousand persons present, and we believe the day was happily spent by all. A Camp Alecting was held during the past seek near tins place, by •the t utted Breth ren. We have riot been inf,ormed as to their AUCCI, ni the conversion of souls, but be he~c they have had a good tune. V, the Democratic Watchman I Geographical Enigma. I arn romposeti !them My 154, 10, 13, 9, IG. ig a County 111 New York. NtY 17, t, 5, 12, in a City in Russia. My 11. 16. 4, 12. is a river m My 12, B, 3, 16, is n County in North Caro My 7,9, 2, 10 16, is n County in lowa. Nly 11, 19, 7, 10 ) 9,4, is alown V9.111/1. :tly 1, 12, 15, 16, 8, is a river in Central Arnenes. . My 8, 12, 7, 14, 4, 18 , is a' Lake in tile t'ni ted Slat li whole is the name of one of the Less Hotel Keepers in Centre County. PI.P.IASAST GAr, Gentre lb , Pa liiiiZE Obiturg. DM), In ISzokuck, lowa, on the 19th, mat., Elizabeth McMasters, daughter of (ku. and Mary Jane Graham, aged 1 months. In till& place, on the 24th inst.. Allicu, Daughter of John and Margaret Nolen, aged about 2 years and fi months. Of Dyspepsia, on the 18th inst., Elizabeth Nymin, wife of Peter Nyium, aged 59 yrs., 2 mos., and 8 days.. ICATICEI4, BOOT & HVI BBOE4 aTOREL (WC/ITION/0 OF SPRING Gila; BRIGGS, CIZAP SID/L) TILE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes ever brought to Centre reuet ,L 25 _per omit. oheaTel WISP Allat,llther Virtue lips.nish !Joe aniher oral) kinds. Japanned, Enameled and Fanny Colored Lealber• French ealfskins, Oil tatted lone loather, Frenolt patentitalfakins. Tampico Boot skins, And Madras. Red Ronan's, pink, white and blue Menne C•pofinings, Water, Kid and Tanner's oil, Plastering hair, Copper Ovalle and Burs. All kthds of Shoemaker's lindlaz and Tails, Stretch ea ter, ening lithip3, - 11 - dily priers. Cash paid for all kinds of Cities, Shed and Furs. Bellefonte Aug, 27.36-I year TEACHERS WANTED,—TILE SCHOOL Directors or Snow Shoe lod uoLip, hoot Lomb. .4 conli...tent 1,, 11 , .019 In rwil tounani.ll. 41:4E8 (II f.1.11.A15.11) noc • 17 VI BPILEFONTE ACADEM Y. GEO. YEOMAN, A B. - • - Pirtmetw . ar. t rpH F.; NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTl tutioll will open on MontittS', Sept. 7th, to anutinue 22 works. Terms per quieter of II weeks Onliumly English- branehrs, • 14"05 High ttr .• - - • 5 00/ Latignars. 0 DO` Drawl og—Eatra-20 Lessem, - - 5- OW- - I All extra charge of 2? cents pet scholar will be ninah for fuel hiring the w inter terns I Through the liberality Of its patron , ' the inskitti. lion ham recently been furnished with a Lobarallpfy of stalloliont mime to illumtrate the Cheinient nol Philosophieal studies. to which ottllitiong ,will be made am occaminn requires G . , ONE To EOITT.-4.10011 HAHN, OF Milcshurg, Centro county, Pa., rot poolfully announces to the citizens of that place awl vicinity that ho hna oonstantly on htonj all kinds of Saddlery warn consisting of Saddles, linrtleas, Col lars, Ac , witieh he oilers for solo nt the lows st cloth prince (brain taken In exchango fur work. Coals not refuseLL Also, in commotion nith the above business ho has 11 spleplitl livery slablo (locl Horses, gand Carriages anti Buggies, to all who way favor him with a call. Ile will early passengers to Tyrdlie, Cuneetuir/110,1CuKhatte44.04invon, and fl almost any point tlesirabia, on lens that cannot fail to be satisfactory Amt 13-24-ly roit sALE:- - --7111.; SUIBCI2IiIIII. Or - , fern for sale a !Dune and lot monde in Iloalnbarg 'rho flown, in a log Irani,. Iwo Storks , assins OF Tl/1 isaill, run) high, and In goo4l repair I' if FISHERTo furni.lithu bent noun for aegun 0.5 0 111 0 1) IloitleVrg i Aug 27 , 341- It. i I 0134111 111 SI N ERN EFL(' Vi lON, intlie slnottit i ---- . ---- tinit• and at tlw least . spine eompt wing A I"I'ENTIUN CA V.11,111'.----1111.: 11' It nu, 111,1 - 1 I,l'lll nooahn. pls.., XX riorstnark 1'akp1ry,"031511.1.4 ~ nil' an.)ll at Apy' As applied to 31orehnudieirg, honks.;;ltoilt.)4l.l- 1 . Ifittinu of Ti'os Cumming., iii "ort Itl„ithla, ykit • I"s ' 43' taught b . 3' 'l'ol'l' Amt "'S' '''"d" '"'l Ststardaylbe 12th Si'September, pt It e'eloek, A ill ', • writor of .Moakkeepti,g n ow It. nig, ~ with emit and ner „ ntrements in grind order for Z""r""P"'""e',""""""S"`""" 1 "'"I'"` 1 " . "' i Mill , • ..'aenloal tpll..talimee r.l Ow het, to request ,y, , ...TEA... lin it 1101114.1.1. Kulat: oil Fiery ...I.lter ia re.p.....t...1 tubas...Ma wdln, rtn , a ita all tlie roma nitro, emelt(' laugh, a dhow clean and swat, anther. , will lii , it free dottier go ett "f r" ch "g" them Oil 11111 day hy the Citiaeas Its Om ter tit I•k :a •I‘ , \461111. thwt"niitatn . J .• A 3. Irr it . " hi every a arie:y ,n,) ~, , F, , 4 1;,,,,,,,1 Anil flit,. in - August I 1 31 31 • tuentat Wilily.... 1' .. 11.1 1 It MI It 11,. 0 1.1 'lle I I'd 111,110 ...t 0./ . - -- A ion Ni. , ; , IRAToit ~..,N (y i 1( To it i „,,_ ~, no, 111,11 1 . 1 lit/1,1,111p hope 14. on ea 11111 ' ll 11 . 1 ' 1'..11.• , 41. MI 1 0/10..11,1r er i , 10 , I 0 • I 11. , 0 ilrinv 11. RS letters 111 Ad 1111111141111111.1 011 1111• es hla Ire( ri eall4llll. 41 11,1114111, it... ~ ~. 1'..1, . t.,1,,,•1 Healy Dankly 111, d late of 11 alk. r lona- "hot „„1 m,,,i,, , ,..,,, ii '' , 1 , , , ~,, ,i' ~ tilt p , , „...,,m, ii ihip, ( . 1111t TO ento,ty Pa b.% I' been gr neted lo the , ittt „ I meat p tti , , i iiiig in i., ii 111.101.114111 , 1 11 IA ,141 loanaltip, all 1...r. 4 . 0111 1 1 I "1 ' .3.1. " ti3 ' 3"3.3.1"' ""tel''''i In ''''' i '''''"" w,O An a - .•.1i..1 in all I A' A e l l ' l l'," ll ' .. i . i t i ii ' n .pg .1, R . 11011 , 1 i, 1110000 1.1/1111 , 111ritiliti aid •s.ttle. the .i.m.• M i l d ii i .,,,,, ,iitui l ir l iiiiiig „II vii 0 :,„,,,, 1; ii„. .. , 1 ' ‘,1 1 : ,,, 1 ,ii, 1. , Ilasingelltliet. ago..? Ilie I 10111 I. , 111 1.10.-,111 011 111 , rel ',/...11-1'1..1T .101/ A1.1 4 f 1 114 a 4,1 i properly aollieiple.lll,l 144 Lhe 44, 44. 1u,g 44... 1 ' roil low, io•hr., }pi CIL lil 1/116 11111 rile(; 1.1111 ,Il 0 .1.4/1 \ 11l s, 1.1. r 4011 . 7101 .- - 1 , lit, .1110,1 .1 kli)ll 1 , 1 \hl.l: Titil,s. i el T• el .. Walker fp Aug 57 'Ol tit \dl., a 01. 11 ...hkyriong the l -a_ 4 1,.,.1. .11 1'0,1,11 Aof i'l ICI I I I ANS CI 11. IIT ti,ll,l', liv Vll'Llle of 1 , • •ono. ~,. , I 1at0 . a . .. and II 1.1., t ' 011.4 14 1, 1 ' - only 41 1 01,1144 g 1 '.lllOl rt.“. 11, very and .., h. r ~ I. V' nn order . 1 f 'he il rf Illto• r ”. t l . 1 C . .' t e i t.. Ii Ilo,llllr, I 1/1011 ,. 01 r..... .... t0 . ....1.. 0 . 1 up l tass County 400 be 4,11....e.1 to palitte toile on t . ..tiltr- IA 11, A flay the I Ullt day 4)1 Septi.mbel oast en the town of . 11,„4,5„„,,,i„, pull ~,,,„„,,,„„ c .„,, .. <- ~ an .lack..splaitis• nano) or fend t.,,ot.tiotog lift)-thaw F.,,,,t,,,., y ,,,t,„ u , . 1111 norm and one hundred find 4.11., en pereltee and el- 14,„ 1I ,1 f ,„,. ~k t.„„ buried t,,, 2 al r o , ronco 6, o w ,„no. more .1. lees sill. 11,1 in SLIT- ;•,.. eaten charge Cs,. filemit I',unt 1 ; r•Vs ,l ',• lo g i" 1 I ' 1 ‘ ,1 " 1 "1' , Centre C.' " ni Y• '' "l We ''' or Alltlinietic or Diplome lloy l n lists Mill, known nn the North nolo of the Wel D111CT•1 run, or South stile of the 11.41.1 Eagle Mountain late C an enter al any time (no racillil.. „urn 11.1 ille properly or Henry troy, Jr , dee'd pleasure—lttur . onlittlited, usual length ..I ~,,..t .4. Teruo...l,oe 4,1.• hell on eonfirliettien of lie , „, p , pia to t„,,l sti ~,,ki t,._ I - - ..,1,., ther,,i4,,e io ono year thl l rattfter with inter- 141 , 1,11 E, r • em 1, 4 1 44 .4 414,1,11,1 1,9 Hood tint Alortyrngn 4, 7 STI ' DENTS ealtaaing, from the t-.'y 111 , 411 0 1) I 1 . 11.VN1. 1 .11, Admiln. ' williin one yea}, bend.... the many Ina. Ilia eoltritry August 27111, 11457 I nine 4 assn Sb .... Sreeitlien corWrilillg an.ll Clreular communal; fall THE *lO AND $l5 SINGLE ANL, .aorm.a..•a....nt 4, 5 , moll free of ohrlrg ,. double thread Empire Family Seat we A.t.lerta P W JENKINS Mac An h ine Iron City Colle ge,l l itidiargh, Pa agency for tiro role of their machines. for this _____ rind adjoining l'..unlies onli hene‘slire,l 011 liberal ' ITT S.`i I E KM'S l‘ll'It()VKI) I TI.EItII.I - by a personal nirpheafetn to the Po/4.1116e, ,a....a at their "thee, r . '. t: con., or not and Arel, We 4 lard Clover Huller. IA 11011' Illolllinte- Plitlatl.lphts lured Jo . the nalineribern in Mill Heim '('lto !11l No our no , , i 01,1111 li.' unit niipitirt „ fit, inn , to ler la .....A.1..0.1 .tip..rior to nay nos in 11. r to emuluet the 1.11.t0. a. pr......r1y and a tilottit ref or- 1"'")".4 ''' .i'''') per 'l.O bate been Il ' •'''''' it ti ~,,,,..... to rellabilil) n... 1 I apitelt) fror nue lon • II is worrintod I. give ~.ted... red. Wu I...suavely assort )bat these ninehine. for all l'n ' ' '' .111 ' , SII. "P $ ' ll 1411rpotlea tit tinnily sewing, aro toelers respect fir 1'1,..5 alto 11l leer. lore Pi erpOlnra Re,.) 5, VP .0r.,,,, h. coy so , co , g m ttn i iiiit in tin, (t ttit tun tot i _ C upr rib, a - nl Straw rn, hi, 1 can Io' 1u11.,, /1. 110 of It 11 11 pr ILI. 111 . 1 . , be ijettifil,,l. , l no 111 null where "'Y 1 br '' ). ' ' ' ,l: . \ 1 .. ' ll ' . • this I " '1 ,0 . 1 ' ',I" I 0.., purr they are ..11......1 for nale ail! meet alth a Pima " '-' l' ' ' ' ''' '''''''" '' 'l''' Strut' IS t' ' i "'" ll ' ~.,..ty ttt,,i ....1....1. , 1 .1. metal 1100 hill( .10-1 OW nlld 10.11.0000 11. '''', In 1. .1()IIN,1N A finomati t thrown Iwing el., tied IS Inebus higher ill in the A l iitladelphin Aug, 20 . 11,•.15 II . mid a1tae1....1 to thy 111/11,10110, perfoeLly ...perate. _ _ _ all In ..e grain 1111/$1 1 / 1 0 .tratis . Price 1..... _ - - T . ' N.• 11.11. r k Valid. 1 , 511 , i 1 , I Cam '4.4 1 ... TRAY 110 r; -1' IME TO THE Ity,sf. ho ,, i ~..1 s. , .__ " I '",. ' , , ' ,I, Tice of the r tilinet Cher in l'atlain i•....,.... --.. '.. i1..1. - . e '. . ' 4 hata :: bursa i......1' and •Itt t. lust surmis, 110 , .. )00 - 11e , '1 Ito own. r 1.1 re 11,10 / 4010, MO/ hi.. (4 good a, t,..1e) 1 , 10 , $l.lO ::;,,,,,, „, I 10 I . „, . 1‘,.. ~...ree .p pis nIl olistger tre.l '111..y /1I 0 1 . 011111 110 . 10 10.1110,11 m ' )he (lair, it ~,,,. ~ „.„, „. 1 ,,,,,01.. it odi 1,,' .1E;4./...1 01 10 4 anti :Polio,. In ei r 'lli rer111 . .‘,14,40110'. AI aii 11 . v ' " 'S'ti W 1 Ib, tilt A Y Iri .r ortt - 1 , 10 fee: 01 - ,ulennas, I itolta ru11.41 be l t „A ug 211.1...- It ' Ito cask istaaiatne. Prise 11140 - - - The ma i0n4.1114,, a are all warrnale.l 10 fit . ~., Ail ENTII INEN; 1 ni it ‘ r: . ' ' ! l i. / ..1.01)NS (amigo, They aim. hate for a ile :sop t..n! . @patent Tit, 01010 I /rngotitis at 111 inc. t tit thwiroili Drill, tilt a,. ellent. trio le , I 1:1 1 4. ,, e , F ., , , .! . rrn, IWO,' of It If l'itglitnteg. 11. Belli 1,110, on Sat- •f he) '‘'''" " 51 ' tl '' I: . .."'' , l ‘ , . ' „ ' . 1 . •. t ~ ,,1 1_ f ,. .;' . 111alny the 15th . i .iplatil l.. t, at 11 u'Llos.k. A. M,, l h i ll . I'"'I are prep l l ", e 1 . 33 . l i i i i . 3 ' , l _____' - ' . l'!'" I /;•'' ' with arm. and ... •044.0.1. tent. ~. Re,' "I. , 6,..1imuil ..1 Ii) liter . 111, 1 , _ ,, • 11 ' 1 1 1 .' e _ _ _ _ All kill.i.of repairing don. II (.0 t. riaea 11 e Punetaal at letolatwo al 111.. hour Is rt./m.ord - Ea cry Rohl it rOl 1,1144144 , 1 In hale 11, n nilorut I'loBo v, 11 1'! r . t ::!' L :::.' , ": , ! . ',: ,,, ... ,, t , ': , I . b . ' ' L 1 , : , " 61- o '' .. .% " i 1 1 . e " ,, 1111.1 IWO /orange 111,1 141 will I. • made In attend tisa n e , ) ' Th is ~ i u _ 3 3' (li neri " nail')!, ' 1 . V . /1 ;reiteralr.r .1 .anon run , r Ilya kaiestalaileat Ilv order or 1 .. c.1 4, ..t. int.: , , ~b,„ ~ , ,,0t0...• to ...tot .. tare awl 1,.. p e o n A tig 20-35 it A t ENIN, 0 S _ atom:, .11 hand the no 4.1 11,401.0 , 0 Cooking , c , stoi. 1 . 4rg.• and ...nail r.r.. logel).. r with n large T 41 of (l I , -It 1.1,0 I 11; , ' r.,111k. 11l ..f Paten". 1.411. no ..1 - . ,p, r for 1,.,111 .L.• N o 4111 A . p • , oil 111...1 ,, k )heel noel ea 4 al ,11,4 Tin a . ill iof - Malty on f 1•11 1 11 lodge will be 1...14 ..t 11... r hall on . a . , ,11 0 ,100. 0,0/ Total! T.., :=l.. ~ t., z drUsereil awl ...0111.1ay 1,..01eg ... ).1 :/1/1, 11l Ille 1 1 111 \ 100, •10 Ord, in al.y port 1,1 I'4 4 1(1. 0101111 y. at A 101 l nn, 1014111'0 of th. titetal...t.lop 1.. . a peel. • p4olliplly lute e.1..1 fo an %cry important Itiviti...n wilt 10. ti .1,41,1..1. 0 A 0 HAITI ' C Pt 1:: - .. , INI:1 41 N, N 11 A S 11AVIMAIN `ie.., nigh. 11101 ' lo„ 10 If It C.Alil ' EN 1'1';11S \V ANTri) I, .11)1*11- laymen l'ar ( ,entetA v, ill Le , tiiployed by the oubseribm, II :without , . t. at 01. .. o I'l,l'll 1 .. . PA fe111,1. 0 1) • ' 1.0. k Easel) Pa Aug 13 .11-if ..- Hi D ~.. , v, AN 'l' El) - Tm;llll,ltv.sT Market Ptice 1.4,1.1 in ea.ll h.r 111.1. a 10., 11.4•• sill,netAlter at the Old 1\14•1{4 ea 'Lou., IN in AI ilea , J S PROI'DIS a/ I f , MEM June 25 27 if N) TICE. ---rrnrrnirowa; 1.11:IrlIT auto tit hen loft. my lied it Thl b o a t ,l,, uut S t y pat uuue., or / herwhy wore •11 personengnitini harboring or trunliog her on my neoool.. Fot I will pny debt, 1,, r e,•litrneting ' , moo iv, Aug 13•31 JI/1121 21 111'7111 MUSIC. -A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Jon. ph.' MI. kV. y lie goon and rieheeello OrieFs e.he breiges, deter:re nud arreue.)J.l.l mei for rale by Cl/F:EN A MeMEES Siiol , l,iiEßS AND FLITCH J.. 1. to he hull al the Alit cash Khoo of June 2..-27-11 11J71t IN A it imp WI ITICE U,l, I'HiSONS lIA unsettle,' neeounis with the Into flint of .1 11 Awl A C., , w ill plenwee ill at of IV il+.lll A behee the 15111 .luty, niter Ihoil tine. the neoolletet will be left With Atli of leer for nolloction June '/T-tf WANTED DORM .‘ TEL Y. at the Far mers' High School. a good brisk set ter and Burner Wilitee hill &tiara per day July 7110.11A8 11 /CAEN. Mi It ESII y-ettrivet4 sl the iieN% slum of Charles M. Ittide supply of fresh Crnekers n Ater nod reicar I the welehrniud monufacturyorn J rind+ rltit_ burg July 50 a LAP SRINGLES, 00 0 9 00 ` . " article, on hand noel fur sale ot cheap store of the pilesorlber Mlleaburg, Juno 4, 18.5&„ JA S/ F WEAVER IBIONS FOR SOX MUD; DOZEN at (he °hoop wean etontuf June 25-27-tf WILSON A SRO'S J. BRICK ! BRIM{ ! ! BRICK ! !; Persons wishing Brick to lay their pneetnettts, or building can be supplied bributing their orders 4.4ber stureuf, -- -- - -- WiliSON" arißtA IN AND HAY RAKES or A SIVE -ILX ricer quality for auk, cheap at do store of June 11-Rb-tf WILSON !I BROS. HOMINY AND rrE BEANS. —TO BE had at the °heap Gash store of WILSON A BILGE ATENT MEDICINES.—A LARGE irvrorpt 4 g rATENT 3413HC1141:8 torch yne a, Itono Met a, n drew's, Holloway's, Ayer's, Hinkley's, and all other approved medicine , for stile, by ICEN Ntor.d NEN, North west corm. for Din opted Bel lornni a RATGooDS, altdc - ErZIEr, &c., A t Atm,: ~I.l * llo 11rA, iii .4 g rrN IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEIiE, LOCATED IN PITTNERIDE IL PA. CHARTrRED-APRIL. 18M. WITIS A isoN,il) Or TWBb-Vg Tlll :s..TErs, V}11•11114/ICALLY IraTjog fool io .lanonry last fn. daily of tondonro, IVO I I N Dtt ED D TIVELV.E l DENTS ' Exhibitinyit_asußlULAP tLu }Most ifOrttnoire nu.l repaint eisamertinl • . • FACULTY: F W JEN-hIgS, - - - - ' • I 'rini'll“.l .1 C SMITH Anil I I. lllTClll'frili, 'Flirt :alto 11111i1Or Or' A 7kTil w T, aching Bookkeeping," Professore! ot,tecouni , , 11 A ,kk oup . tn 4 and Arititre; l l l i iig FLEmiNo. Author of tho " National System of 11 ,,, Itheopmg," Looturor on !tall Wailing, 'lntim:get, I❑l enema.. and usages 11 WILLI A. e. and J. W BRFINTI,I9EII, Pn.fesaors of Anthrnetie, flookkeeping. and Phu. ""l IIy, TOIVI. EY and t' / 1 -PPVICCrit. Jr Professors I.l' all styles of Plain tot ornamontal Penmanship BACON . , 'Lecturer on P. 4114410 ffeensrs r y • JAMES L. HOPKINS. EST Of the Pittsburgh liar, Lecturer of Commercial JAMES W KEN Of " Kennakty'n Wlnk Note vlovr,” Lecturer on Couutetfoit liamk Not., N, 1.111)G E. ; t III; 11l 1111.~ lI NIII I 111 111•nn, Pa , , ng 1:1 Iys • NEW STORE. co r t w r or IT pi \ I .. • TE • litie . ttllq:lt ItEsPECI'III.I.Y 111finills his 1111.11.1 s rtiloli, ally Olaf Ill` /111,.11.111 , 1 On ' k romi .1 L•ICo n,„,, "41 5h,4,4 Start. - lof 1.. , ,*.0 , 1,A,1 Ira t. II with:: gr‘ ,wlnd f.rloe with Ail, Iltii tutu hat stpclt Ill'?"155. , ill p.lls g•oodo, suelk n Fp1,1.1.1 ,111, Bard, Chnlhrn. 13...g0n, 4.,• A,• (In n all I S.lipo ..1 ill kltid• Q111'1•1, , ,, el"ths, r Nun nlnt r n m, I• • bioni. Cotton V.. Is et I' II 01. 11,4 ,w/rlanent 1/..19 all kind. 117'1`1111 and xi k before purt , ll“,-1, :,1, while tog he low fir en. , 11 or is e1v,,,,g0 for Cowl,lry July 11 29-if TEMPLE OF MMALTH. -r J. ILIBltLYJIA111:-NtAV A \ DARE t." • conmttifilly meek mg flue r,114.%%1ng nr- Iruhr winch they via sell is , eherip 'I" . t ' 1.01 wurrAnte.l Inruvs and M 1.111011104, (INllOlp , lie or 1. ' VAr url,l, tiy,,,t \M.., XV hitt. 1.. VI yak, and 1,1.. i lid Ilulnlng fluid, of., oil fluid out! 111, oil !aunt and a nruld, hrudhus, hair, sloth, Ilegh I, rushes Porte Inoninn. pookyt lupolt• nod lob:wen:4 large nmsorlownl Porko lis n , l. • r.nor Ar 110 1,4 Perfoo , ly, II oi 11y111111.1 iti•nt —Al' of Air,., Dr in,thlf , n'n, jnyne's Marr. Nlrelnn-'.. jrorob"id'p, yi olloWny'e , lirelarra Tr. 4 10 S nthra, lullllll fad nIT The ti lout 111 e, 1 - 6 . 104 nt ill. d lv All of reirjohjgwl a rftristY of o'hc ca, you can tts v rul.iug at Ihu DruiStore in 1'..,J1