Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 02, 1857, Image 1

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    _L ..
earsiar B. B. HALL.
Terms of Publication
1114.1415 r--$1,50 eta. it' petit within threamouths
---$2,00 if delayed six months, end $2,50 if not paid
within the year.' Thaw terms will be rigidly ad
hered to.
ADV.If9.TII3IOIIIIHNTS and Sualeesa Notioes Insert
ad at the skid Mee, and every deeetiotion et
EXEOI7 :ND In the mislaid warmer, at the lowest
prices, awl with the utmoet despatch. Raving
parebeard a large ootlsotioa of type, we are pre
pared to satisfy the orders el our Mende.
Nosiness pirtrforg•
91 - Mirlidt ski SO Church A11,37,Pb0n
<Aldo in the Area& one door from Sour( k'4 ho
tel: wilt WOW] promptly to Luelimes to C i entre, Chn
ton and Clearfield countiee
-- kITFFFiQTJiiERSr - - -
Bell•fonta, Pa , will attend to alleleusinets in their
line with punctuality
NAIR LAPIS i Doan,liNs,
Officc as INtotOnifr stree,t, nppplto thi.
Tetoperitme Holy].
LE All I
Will pral,LlCCin Clenriteltt awl Centre eontntio.
4ooSessor Lt Wm J MaiChn, respeoffnlly ten
den his praCadlotall 11.rfiCe+ to the r•itigallS of
POTTER'S If I awl Irlcistt 001,,, at tits
Mats* Moose
W 11.11,11.131 u. ISLAM,
Arl.2:l'll VI 11u
(Mice %wit 111,. J aria 'l'
•A77l'El. J. P114'11011,1111,
AND P.% Pl:it 111TIi Eh,
Will Wend to all uric re 444 litt line Wadi prompt
floss *nn J ai patch 1.14
u. CI. 1114111,
11, l VI “STK, I.s.
Office with Ira C Slitchull, in the .trcado 1111
.Inca or all kiwi.; pi•rta . hiteilic+a prntnyl
ly attended to
AM Blittrr 1 P Ell,
Talton dolly (oxrepi Surlovv) from l 14 to vI. Ilk
in h., splendid Kaloon, u. U..• Itmlattig,
Beliefoute, Pnuu'a.
ISLI.I.ErO•r, • •
Office on High Street, 11111,5i1 e the “...1,11
reeilice Itertickle
Ogee in Mayer • r Building, nplundt.• tlm I Ohm
Buslmus of ill kinds, pertnrotog to tho pro
fession promptly uttenitt
LA* iokierNlEß*llllP.
The undersigned having 61.100 &toil lholiort% es In
1 he pranliee of the Law, will faithfully attend n,oll
IIUBIfiIESS entrusted to thern iu the sorrrel C o o or I
of Centre, Clearfield and Clinton erniniies
Collections and all legal linsiness el le oiled to n it h
proruptuela earl dyspateh
Office le thd lilittoorirl. one d ower nLotr. M rs SOU t•
heck's Hotel, near the Coos? Moon
June 4• BROS% 4 R NO IT t
PUTTER 4 miTclici.L.
ar ',ix,- goo , * ~.1•A
Dr. art. L Portrit Lm rotouvo.l to the 11 . ,04
Houma dtreotly opposite Iris former residence , and
Dr. J B MITCUJILL 10 tie house lately oe , aled
by Wm Harris, n Spring. it OlfiLe, 60. t
duot above Dr Potter's reridenee, ‘i hero thry .1k
It. oonsu red, unless 'pror,sionally engaged
nutarcerr d MIXItANI CAL Dr,Trftilk
Would Inform hie ftionde and pltrone that he
has permanently located HI Bellefonte 11 , 1
he WILL be happy to attend to any pr,
resale nal services All work done to the neatest
(tyre ithtt trarTlLlttelit
I.V , Othce andr•eido,nde ae We North Earl Cor
ner of the Diamond. near the cpuxt Douse
obi BEEN & toll"( *MN,
l'oct rsTm
1 . .1
IVITOLAt r.trtritnrAtr , I,l".tr,rilt•1 , 1".tr,rilt• 1 , 1
Drl4ll,lliodiuinrs, Perfumer), l'ato.m, Dits, Var
h hihos,l) e -St u irs, Toilet noplro, lirlithrP, Hair Irel
Tooth Bros Levi, Volley and 'r.let Arkiolet,Truii,r6
and Shoulder Ilrem4, Harden Foods
Customers will end our stock compL•ti noel fn sir,
and 1l sold st inodurste priest
larParmers and Physicians i row the country
ate nvitod to examine our stislt
11. N. McALLPITKP., , A. Crivrisi,
- - -
114 N
meow a. 7Oef Pit JNO OFINECE.
have, in sontrootion with their Newspaper Haab•
liahMent, the most extensive wad 'oomplete
To 1,4 1 found's' Ceelfal Fonnsylventa ) composed en
„, NEW 1e1kA t 51110.444:4 •.
And the latest and most feahlonoble etyle.of Plain
and 'Fancy Type, and are prepared to execute all
kinds of
Le tie ritty mitt* style, antlitt the shortest notice
rowans BILL HEADS,
exeented In the handsomest manner
Or PRINTING NV COLORS, In the meet bean-
IlWiend Jinishedatyle of the art. .
ilitidactilon guaranteed In regard to neatness,
ebeepame and punctuality in tbo fulAlment of on
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T `.- i • DIMOCRAT: I - •
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) , T1F.,":4 vaiiii _i __l _L____l _ Li i-ii
~.'. ..131"' Y, JULY , 1857. ,
Iflisttliaitous. • The National '. . ..y, A Snook down Argument.
If any unprejudiced peril..- :•16 -
what may be thia distingiria; .' t
4 man tp_a country town took great pleas
nrein hiving a neat 004. - He had all
kinds of vegelabfts and- fruits earlier than
his neighbors, Wit thieving I;ssys,„ip the
neighbOrhood annoyed him, damaged his
trees, trampled down his flowers, and
“Inioked" his choicest fruits. , He tried va
rious trays to protect his grounds :. but his
watch tiogit worn poisoned, and sot-traps
caught nothing but his fattest fowls and
favorite cat.
One Afternoon however, just at nightfall,
he ovt.rheard A couple of mischievous boys
talking together, when one of them said .
'•lChitt do you hat - { Jo , e, ( Shull % e come
the grab game over them melons t night 'i
Old Swipes will be snoring; like ten ten be
_ tteltAC.
The ottier objected, as there was a high
wall to get over.
"Oh, Hum ' was for re : I know n
plare where you ran get n just as racy
—k non it like a. book. Come, Joe, let's
The owner of the melon patch &WM like
the idea, of being an eaves-dropper ; but the
conversation so immediately concerned his
melons n hich he had taken so much pains
to raise, that he kept quiet and listentrertb
the plans of the young scapegraces, to that
he might make it somewhat bothersome for
Nett proposed to gut over the wall on the
soul') t h e great pear tree, owl cut
directly ilero44 (t) the summer-house, just
north (,f tt Inch were the melon;.
Joe was a fellow, who loved good
fruits exceedingly, and was RN obstinate as
no nsA. ;et him once started to do n thing,
nod he would stick to it like a niud•turtre to
n negro'h toe. The other did'ut care so
much for the melons as for the fun of getting
Now hear the owner's story.
"I made a needful pr e paration for the vis
it ; put in brads pretty thick in the scantling
glong the wall where they intended to get
over ; uncovered • large water vat which
had twin filled for some tme, from which,
to !dry weather, I was a-rystomeil to water
my garden : dug a trench a foot deep or so,
and placed slender boards over it, which
were slightly covered with dirt, and just
I.eyond them some little earths, fastened
tightly homy eight inches from the ground.
I picked all the melons I w wished to preserve,
leaving pumpkins arid squashes, about
the ,ace mill shape of melons, 111 their pia-
Thr buys wrre quite rig s lit in supposing it
woul Ibe (lark, but they missed it a M ilo in
inferring that I ld Swipes," as they called
him, would be in bed The old mn» liked
IL little lien 69 well as' they, and when the
time came, from his hiding place lie lis
tened :
, An. ' dont ) ou hear something?"
I think that it was very probable that
they did, for hardly were the words utter
ed, than there came a sound of forcible tear
ing of insulin.
' Gut olf my coat tail !" whispered Joe,
'there goes one of the flaps as sure as guns'
Why, get off, Ned."
And Ned nes off, and one leg of his
breeches besides ; and then he Willi ah-mg
oh•ing, and telling Joe that he " behoved
there was nails in that side of the wall. for
something had scratched him trenialidnounty
and torn hca breeches all to pieces."
Joe., sympathized with him, for he said
"half his oat was hanging up there soma.
They now gtertell hand-m-hand, fur Nt3ll
•-kw , hewwd he knew the way : " They had
arrived a lade 1w) and the tieq," %Olen
letnething sent awash I wash ' into the
A sneeze eininufl, then the exclamation
nTliiinder ! that water smells rather old !”
Ned wanted to go home at once, but.,Joe
'nag too murltoxelted to tistaii,for m
to such a proposition.
"Never heard anything about that cis
tern before; the old fellow must have fixed
it on purpose to 'drown people in. • Conms,
thou . 6h, that we should both full into it."
They pualted on again for the melons.
Prettently they were ; ought by the cords,
and headlong they went into a heap of bn
ers and thistles, and tho like, which had
been , placed there for their express [memo
"Smilt a gettin' np staim !" muttered
-Nettles thistles ! how they prick !"
exclaimed the other.
They now deterinued to go more cau
tiously. At length they arrived at the
"now- thick they erg, Joe t Come hero !
There's more than a doges rat oeettere !"
frird-owniresreritat in
and seemed to conclude that they were am-.
ply rewarded for all their mishaps.
"Here, Joe," said Ned, "take titis musk
melon ; ian't it a rouser i Slash into IL"
eutttremehdows hard, Ned• Ned it'S
a squash !"
"No it isn't, I tell you its A new kind—
• • Swipes sent to Rhode Island for the
seed last spring.
"Well, then, all I've got to say, is that
the old fellow got sucked in—that's all."
going to gouge into the water mel
ons ; halloo ! there goes a halfa dollar ! Pee
broko my knife. IfS dld'nt know ft was. a
watermelon, I sboidd say it was a pumpkin.
Fact is, I believe it is • pumpkin."
Stealing Water-Melons
What the boys did besides, while the
owner went to tho stable and unmuzzled,tlio
dog, and led him into theßtslen, we !meld
'nt say : that they lit r io'k long' steps the
onion and flower beds revealed in the morn•
paid dear' tor the
not tasted a single melon: they
had got scratched, and torn their clothes
were as wet as drowned rats, and half
scared out of their , wil a , at the ravenous dog
and the apprehension of being discovered.
The next night the owner of the melon
patch invited all the boys of the village, in
cluding" Ned and Jec, to a feast of melons,
on the principle of "returning good for
evil." This circUmstance changed the boys'
opinion of ''Old Swipes," and his melons
were never afterwards disturbed.
Letting down the Aristocracy
egan iss amOn,
had made n splendid fortune ns an tmterpri
sing draper and tailor, appeared ab this
magnificent entertainment in royal apparel.
With that fastidious exchisiventss for Mil
the le test comers into fitshional,lc circles tire
the most I emarkahle, she refused various
offers of introduction, and she did not
wish to extend the number of her an luaint
ance,:. oiler friends were few and very
, Ttto - bettertifui Miss Taylor, radiant with
good natured smiles, and onto well acquain
ted with Miss Macon when they went to the
public school in William stmt togetlitr.
noticed the hauteur of her ancient friend,
who 0414 110(1116MA not to re.•egulte our
who would wily remind her of her former
low estate. Rut Miss Taylor, the rogue, as
clever as she was pretty determined to
bring her op with a short turn, and not rub.
mil to being snubbed by one whose' ances
tral ashocialions noc no better than her
own. Watching her chance when the
haughty young,laily was in the Midst of her
4cf, j \ho Taylor walkeitop, and with smiles
or winning sweetness, remarked :
I hare been flunking, my dear Miss Ma
ion, that PO ought to exchange names."
'•Because my name is Taylor, and my fa
ther Nits a nmemi, and your name is Mason,
but yor kther was a fatlor."
There mils a scene then, but there was
uo liflp fur it. The little bliss Taylor had
the pleasure of saying a very cute thing,
which aas .10411 . 1 repeated in the cap; of a
dozen eireles, and the w•jts wished to see
her, but the proud Miss Mason hit tier lips
in silence .
EIVITV.SYNT.-I.lad news wakens
the action of the heart, oppresses the lunge,
destroys the appetite, stops digestion, and
partially suspends all the functions of the
system An emotion of shame flushes the
face ; fear blanches tt ; joy illuminates tt :
and an instant thrill electrifies a million of
nerves. Surprise spurs the pulse into
gallop. Volition commands, and hundreds
of des spring to execute. Powerful
emotions often kill the body at a stroke. --
Chao, lhagoris and Sophoeles died of joy
at the Gres tan games. The nen s of a de
feat killed Philip V. The door keeper of Con
gress expired upon hearing of the surrender
of Cornwallis. }Minima public speakers
have often died in the midst of an impas
sioned burst of 010911( . 1We, or V 1 hen the den p
emotion that produced tt suddenly subsided.
Largrevc, the young Parisian, died whto he
heard that the musical prize .for V. 11 1 ,1 110
had competetl mu as adjudgid to another.
In Chinn, when a man commits suicide,
they runnediatvly hang whoever,
~by -offend
leg or thoarting him, hag been the cause of
the rash deed, and give the goods of the of
frnti,r to the family of Iphe xmeiL., so that
many gentlemen of failing health and slender
means, manage to get Insulted by a rich
mean, hang themselves, and have the pleas•
log ahsurance that their farmlißs will be
handsomely provided for.
ItVE OF TIM MATRON e.--There i 4.11 gentle
man residing in North Chelsea, who hak an
own modtlikr now living, but thirteen years
(-bier than himself. Some time after his
birth, the combined ages of father, mother
,!and child ivere less Owl, thirty yours. This
another has had fourteen children, and bas
nuirriageable grand-children, and on a visit
from her son danced nineteen dances with
him in one evening. Where is the woman
who can beat this ? •-•
WitOUGIIT TRW! Cana.—There is lOW near
ly completed in Peterson, N. J., a first class
passenger car, a-little larger than the ordi
nary size, qpialtructed almost entirely of
wrought iron. This ma..crial is employed to
lain great strength, with less' weight
than tmid, and to avoid the injuries to pas
sengers due to the destruction of ordinary
cars, in any kind of a smash.
A Fu xeana INV ITATION —Tim following
ordes, verbatim et literaturn, was received
by an undertaker ill Louisville, from as af
flicted widower :
" Sir, mi Wiaf is ded and Wonts to be bor
ried fommorror, At Weimer klok. U nose
weir to did the hole—tit the side of mi too
Uther Wiafs—Let it be deep!"'
Tits Munn or POILLY.—HaIf a dozen
brothers, four uncles, mid a gray-headed
father trying to atop a young girl nom' get
ting married to tho man she Lorca, and who
loves her; just as if rope-ladders were out
of data and - ittl the horses in the world spav
ined t
so that we wi
bitted by ph
position otoor country now With the State
of doubt, Z'artr. and uhcertaihty, which ex
isted a year ago, we Will find-ample cause
b justify the wisdom of the public verdict
Aieh elevated Jetnee Bucharien to the
Presidency, at so tryinig a cringe In the do.
mestie and fttreign affairs of the Union.—
Standing as the distinguished tlhatesmen of
Pennsylvania did among his fotintrymen,
a Nesbie among its chiefs and sages, 6i, fel-
low ciiizena of the Keystone State zealously
iirgctl ills claims upon the National Democ
racy, an the man roost likely to conciliate
opposition, reconcile difficulties, ze.c , ,tab•
lish forgotten or neglected , lat 4 marks of
colic' 'and briii: about an er of "good
But four months 4ii;er. when he
&vaunted the chief executive ,duties, the
mad waves of fanaticism wave dashing
against the rock. moored ship of State : bloody
contention 'ivied in some of our u c,tertt
terram ; our foreign relations octe mewl
tiod : the air 0 so full of rim inor , i of likoadvs
and dangers to our acv•inl and national
pence ; a sense of inaccupty prowled, and
patrioti-mi shuddered at the perill . winelt
aeomed to envtron our beloved 4vary._
Now hew thanged; are all thestil Public
opt coon is settling down upon ad'ationtait
sis ; we no longer hear threats
or secession : the good and wt , c of all p
/00k at the ['Animus at the I,lm, and
see hen consulting the chart of tI • ;
Litton as spread ht fore him by tie someine '
Court for his sole guidance ; in
peace is restored and the low lin; rogained
its supremacy, under which is now being
completed that harmonious system ofpiht
ieal machmary winch changes a dependent
tern tory to a sovereign &ate ; all our inter
course with foreign nations is amicable,
and all points of difference are discussed in
that fi sternal spirit which should nnittiate
the great brotherhood of man, enlightened
by Christianity anti blessed with the refl.
ning influences of civilization ; that provi
dential agency which George Wit,loligten
so solemnly acknowledged to have distin
guished by sonic manifest token every step
by which we have adsanced to the chary..
ter of an independent nation, hovers over
us still and wafts down upon us a sense of
security and confidence in the future, while
from the dark storm clouds which have
passed our zenith anti descended jowanls the
I,wirrm, Itt rtileatad back t.l43,Ainborar one.-
nant or peace.
We will not insult the intelligence of our
readers or offer such senseless adoltation to
the President, as to say that all this change
has been his work, but it is incontroverti
ble that from the (Ay of his election a hope.
fut and buoyant feeling wit; engendered,
which the wisdom, energy and crinsistoney
of his sourse, stun his inauguration, hove
daily strengthened. When so meet has,
been accomplished in so short a time tow
ards achieving the confidence or the nation,
and knitting closer the bowls of the Union,
we do clainithat the Keystone State may
ask fur her favorite son a candid and Ill.:-
passions:le judgment for hi, acts alone, and
a freedom from all embarrassment which
must result by the pre-Judgment of his pol.
1.. y before it can he folly developed. We
claim do; as au act of justice to Mr. Bs
elianan, and as doe to the integrity and so
-itch ty of the Natmnat Democracy. -
A Crash at the West is note confidently
lookettfer'ky 11~1414,41 iu the out States,—
etaiimi say how well founded may be
these expectations. So far as our personal
wishes are concerned. u-c glnrOrcty hope
that the crisis, which scouts itievilaLle; may
be passed safely. For all the interests of
the country are so blended together, that the
inflifence of n crash in any quart,l felt
far and wide. If the land speculators alone
could break without injuring itnybo ly dye,
it_w/khd not ha any great ntaltef, Mu the
money which is invested in these Vellt.lll . C . N
belong to parties wll2 owe it to Ensteru mer
chants for goods, orlhe capitalist, for loans.
To some extent Philadelphia has sidired m
this way b?the difficulty of making rellec
tioitti inure West, but not so moot, as .our
neighbors of New York and Boston, whose
.complaints of it hava boon loud and general.
During the past wiAter and spring, New
England and Now York speculators have run
riot in the IYest, and we do not at present
see how more than half of them can escape
heavy losses, in view of tgb bursting of the
- ,
land bubble. If the growing crops turn out,
as luxuriantly as they rmw pronwto, a great
deal of the western rwm , Aary trouble will hd
staved oil. Whatever may happen, howev
er, land speculation ,cut there is .Ihecked.
It bas arrested emigration by the exhorbi.
tent prices to which it has run up arable
town lettlt—lni _many auterprista
now threaten to fall worthless on that 'AC
count.—North Aroerscan.
David Crockot happened to be present at
an exhibition of anicsals, in the, city of
Washington,' where a monkey seemed toat
tract his particular attention, and he ab
stractly observed
"If that fellow had a pair of spectacles
ho would look like Major Wright, of Ohio."
The Major happened. to be Just behind
Crocket and heard the observation ; mid gen
tly, tapped Davy on the shoulder. Turning
round Davy very formally remarket—"Pll
be hanged,.Major, if I know whoilo - pardOn
to , ask —your's or the monkey's. "
A certain man went to a Dervish and pea
dosed three questions: First: 0 Why do
they say that God is omnipresent i I do not
see Him in any place: show me where he
Second ;'Why Is a man punished for mimes
since whatever ho does proceeds, frorolloall
Man has. no free will, for he cannot do any
thing contrary to the will of God and iI ho
had power he would do everything for his
own good. Third : Bow can God punish
Satan in hell-tire, since he is formed of that
element : and that impression can Ilse make
on itself ?
The Dervish took ups largo clod of earth,
and struck him ori f tlio head with it. The
Thin went to the Cadrnwl
1 prolmsal time qkioqttoun to such .a
Dervish, who Hung a clod or earth at tnv
head wt,i,•h made ray head ache •
Ti City • liar i 2 lent fur 4hi'Jcti,tnit, exit
ed of In
• AV y (11,1 you t hrlllV that
1( el la. civil,
at his hcatl, ing 111 , ,
Thu Der%ish
cl , ,d of I:11th alO ad an, i er
speech, 1.0 tiny, kal/1 ni Li I ilta I.
let him show it to me end r %%1;1 make t, o ,i
i.thle to him. And - nthy doey he exhitlf
complaint ngakrist toe ? Whatever I did was
the net of God, and I did not strike without
the *ill pf tiod . ; what power do I pos , tesq
And as held compounded of—ttio earths how
emr-Ite-mtfter from that 'element 1"
The mall was confounded . and the Cady
h.ghly piensed with Ow 1)(71141%1 ntrsw...m.
!..:itori,lt PARENTS 'on." fOlk i , tile
their 0141
is no SittlSe In it : liowo% incline to tin
npuuun that it id n wad...bed pm:flee. IL
s(mrh the I iipc r of the children, SO that one
thorough scolding prepares the way for two
or three more. It sours .our temper. pro
vided it is sweet. olding alienates the
hearts of your child en. Depend upon it,
they cannot lore )o as well after you have
berated them as rev did before. You may
approach them wit 1 timings?, and det nsion,
you may punish ith severity adequate to
the nature or their otThnee Alpl th e y it ii
feel the justice of our conduct, nod tote you
notwithstanding all this It stirs up the
blood while it discloses youri.treaktles'i, and
lowers you in their esteem. — Especially at
night when the' nre about to retire. their
hearts should be melted and moulded with
voices of kindness, that they may go to
their slumber% with thoughts of love steal
mg around their souls end ec luspering pews
SP/BA TUALISM. --The rernaina of a- young
lady who-died of -141494i4.1; vino yaara
ago, at Epbratah, Pa., were exhumed on
Sunday week, fora purpose so monstrous as
almost to aurpass belief. Since her death,
her mother, two sisters and two brothers
have died of the same disease The slim.
ving members of the family. who are '• Spir
itualists," beeanie convinced that the nind
ing sheet of the corpse had got into her
mouth, and eat - bra continued auction, she
had aetually drawn the other live members
of the family after her, and that utiles.; this
n•rnduig'hetJ. a as hfiecd lly re moved front
the month of the corpse, she would, in like
manner, cause the premature death of the
whole,,,,sionneetion lienee the exhuming of
the body. When will this ecase?
OV, OS•E‘r exe.tlgt * tun]
llMae a kw days jinn • at a dinner
by J Hoar, of Mav,aeliosetts
gt,tber tto good to ba loot. A gerrtientan
remarked that -- • , trite used to be• gitcu
to sharp prachor Wll4 getting to be more
rtrenwmprct. - •• Ye , ;," Hrmr, "he
11/01 re:idled the auderiatil eof life -he bega n
cooking LO gut or, tltatl'lte sought
and now tic IS trykog to get /worst,"
eIINFC knn.l74 AT C SPR Vir.--Ctrs
I AND Jithe 18.- At a ((nailer before 1:1 o'•
litst night, a tiro n a ill4coviTed issu
ing from the rear of the Mansion liouv
note', winch spread ;,-) rapidly as to defy all
the elfortit made to 4ittlxitie th,m, and in a
.hart time the ontire block, ihellidii)g the
Kursaal, were enveloped in names, eitil were
soon deuttivihed. No damage was done to
the adjoining tiotelH, but two dwellings were
also destroyed.
1116.AVT DAMAGES.-A of stopo
was recovered :n the Criminal Court of
Brooklyn, N. Y., on Monday bud, by Mr. A.
Smith, against Andrew J. Conselyca, fur tho
seduction of his daughter. A few.moresucli
vei diets would act as a salutary restraint
upon the conduct of the libidinous scoun
drels 1,5 ho aro so numerous in all our largo
'Allem and towns. Tjui joatent punishment.
though, for the destroyer of female virtue, is
a bullet through the heart.
A friend of ours the other day was accos
ted in one of out - streats with rho words,
Do ypu know 'tie time, sir 7"
_„V,gon whfoh hirinThed out his watch, and
, 17141 consulting it, returned it to hie rocket,
coolkiaplying to the interrogative,
Yes lir, I do," and then walked off
leaving the questioner abashed at his way of
asking him the time.
A fast man undertook the task of teasing
an eccentric preacher. "Do you believe,"
ho said " in the story of the Prodigal-Son
and the Patted Calf 1" " Yes,'? said the
preacher. " Well, then, was it a Male or
female calf that was killed" " A female,"
promptly ieplied the divAto......2Lamv do
you know that 1" ,:'Betitiusei (looking the
interrogator steadily in the face) I see the
male is alive now."
A Funny Phcoonix,
John Plitenix," a most quizzical writir,
lately took a trip from Boston to New 'Or•
leans and gismo:an ace-mint-of the enure
the Knickerbocker Magraine.
John gives an account ore meeting between
a fellow passenger and hill Wife, at Now Or-,
leans.' lie was accomparded by his old
friend Butterfield, who had joined him at.
Memphis : he lauded at New Orleans, and
proceeded forthwith to the St. Charlo4 Hotel.
ALthis great tavern Butterfield expected to
meet l his rife. who lord arrived from Cali
fornio, to rejoin him after a three months'
separation. Phcenix sass:
"I have never aven„a, man ao nerverva—
Be tile on the out silt, of the coach mil,
the di leer, that he might ottain the et.,
view ,if the building that hi, atha•-
e 4 nue It NVI.9 with gt, al, difficulty that I
kept pate with /um as ho ,tururiltaioai-4-y
re,htd op the steps le&diraz to cis- I".•,,tutida
In nn ini•Ant he wait at the offiae, and 1 4,1.1,
tug Mr, flutter-Held.' • In the ,
replied Dan, ant he was ufr 1 fotinrt e i 11,.•1
~ 11.,V lint Mop With SUrr rite !IS he came to 1.1.,
door in thelpentre of the pilot st2ua
Llottetiteld 'Flint Admirable avaiatt
itloPtctl the mo,t
.tyle and MI, a roll silk of,
hoe, [Aced like a 10Vely bust nit the
nil of a nen -InoWn haystucl..
Butler geld tray apptded fur & moine&t. latla re&sou, of uoullio--to 104 ono of the
'but nearing the. cry hu- answet tI Thlentical bees paid to Judas. Mr. Nieho-_
hysterically, Altittlder atd ruahud 4as-bas-oauWorat IMWSsllllllolreftelsstra
on.. Ho ran three tines around Mr 4. hut- ad% er, and also a larger miniter or aanaper
terdd, but it wa, °Coo use, be eouldA gu t ' InateriaL for tho.grattfleation or the. curialts.
ill. lie (rich to climb her, hut rho ltoop.i gave ' -
.ty and,trat,d the a tt,.,11,t 1311. I V r ' Shrick4
r 11,n aims to-ht r she lid I out her t t w f, ln t of eighteer? months old.
tears are In then eyes. It was the tuv ,t , the +nn tier w i th manu nen 'wept
at c:urg
utl: I th " igl ever , w ' the " ed Tittle ducky says its afrectiomito mother
Mr CI ,„ U
sat ~ /1111, and A to her bosom, an d d ie
hefund the chair and kissed her, unto their
young sarpint in return dig* its talons into
offspring, by hon hug and biting the calf of her Nees
his kg, created a diversion. They were very I ,
"i a den. NIISSI4, I inmime n hat httt mama
happy, so acre the peoph., t o the parlor -
Jim wants," exclaims the cherub's negro
Ever . ) hotly appeared delighted ; and a small • nurse
I, o y a year or two older than little Ainos.
Jumped up and down like a IA hip-saw. and
' lloop-ce . with all his !night.
Butteßreld,' said I, an hour or two later.
' I suspect that Mrs. ilutterlleld has ado p ted
1100p3 '
',Oh' yes,' answered he, • I saw that
sticking out Perhapa it will obviate the
little tendency she had to 'blow up,' I ., in
glad of it,'"
An Aftlloted Husband
A bereaved husband,standmg by the grao
of hut dee:ea/Jed wife, .. refudng to ho com
forted,' said to * friend, as he turned to
: wards him and laid his - head on hkainfultlew,
" I've lost horses, and I've (oat cows, sad
I've lost likely calves and shoats, but I never
had anything to cut me up Jute thii."
IV went that an afflicted mourner i
This reminds us of a scene we owe wit,
newt! In a country store in one of the oldest
settled districts In Western Virrnia. The
shop-keeper was engaged in waiting upon a 1
customer when • sturdy, country-born
Dutehinan came in with a whip under lits i
arm, and said
•• l;ont morning, Mr. Armes
Ah ' Good morning, Mr. Applejack,
said Mr. Jones, in reply ; how do you do
and hyw is your family I,"
'• Veil, we're all well, elhiN now, execpt
my %ire, and ~he ish dead awn, — answered
A ppl. jack.
" sans Mr- Jones, I am very
sorry to lienr,it. 1 hay no 4104 you nre
grenlly disturbed in consequence of your loss
but )ou . tnost bear it like the philosophy of
" VeII. yes," he replied, dot ush b 0
/*lmre 1 don't know much 'bout ffosofy—hut
I do know dat I vould sooier have lost one
of mV hest horses llAn my I Ire, range sl i e vas
o feller for le,,:rk."
Qum:A.— .1, yrresporplen t!,e Ent tt: ug Styles [tail the negme4 of Keiiti.hy
are responsible , for Slavery in that State
themselves, thus : In the Convention
which amended the drtginal Constitution of
1.779, a gradual emancipation claUse is
fort by a single vote. (len Breelcirkmige,
the grandfather of the Vice President, was a
member of that convention__ ond votsd
against Llakt , Pronosition. The G . ,eneral
resentcd Mr. Clay's oht stiatrtrt, and tens
elected in opposition to him by a majority of
live voles! By the constitution under which
that election wee held, free negrocs owing it amount of freehold property weiM al=
lowed to vote. There were in ono portion
I of the district Rome six or-seven free negro
voters, all of whom ca,t their suffrages. for
Gen. I.lreckinridgo ; and thus, it may be said
with truth, that tae- shivea of Kentucky at
the present day owe their bondage to their
own poofle. Pot it is well known that Mr.
CraYr 4 4,4 11 4 3 lv s 'Aillst..(itiLLßreckiiiiielg
was a4AIIO - Aim° an emancillaCionist, and
that the contest was conducted on this br
ine. , _
The keeper of a largo beer uloon "up in
Toledo has hit upon a first-rate plan to put
au end to bad debts.' Ho poets up over his
bar in conspicuous letters something like4e
fallowing :
eitibbs ores this house 75 cents for
Nobba had bettor come andeettle fur them
beer and stusages. Tots!, 45e.
Hobbs," why don't you -be so honcai
man Ml* ke,y up ftw 'the beer.?' Tilts!,
Bobbs owes Oda house two dollars , Goya
away. Pain scoundrel. Total, S 2.
- , .1 ..
: 151.50 'HT AIWA NM,
volxviE 11-4111:1121118. ae
The Coin Which Natrayed. Christ.
The 4-41iim of tie Yew York Copier egad
,e,, tins bean shown by ttm contlue
tor of the ficirtlc Su'e 1.4 g aMa 1114111WORCe
rartel iilrer-isoin, which la I. perfCct
fee prune of the Shekel of the Sanctuary.
44r ‘itteconf silver," thirty
_of which *ere
paid do Judas for tho betrayal of Christ. It
coniniered a 'Mealier plea/ by the Is.
raelides, and was always spoken °fin their
holy Books as the Shekel of Israel, or holy
Rbetti of the Sanctuary. It was the
amount which each Israelite, between the
ngeaof2oanlso, WIA required to pay into
the public treasury 114 a nll3ltOta f o r their
.1, livery, during tlttor sojourn in the Wilder
pcj to the British ourrtney, •
, h4J. , I s• - :!; %Tort}}, t vro shiihn4, three
tit, torilcogi ---,goal to about fifty
.11:1 , >ll 10 , :rfic corm 1 somewhat
lorry tmer`en 1 merman hair dollar, imid is
sow )tf, cdgcr.l tS. t unc side it, bears the
ciu4. to of Amon', r,d, as mentioned in
r XVI [. , rooodvd wun the in
n iu 11.'4:tow clima..tms, Jerusalem
l! . q,ll th,• reVt:T4O I a rerreaCll-
Laltwl tl,e Ineen.. -a full account
of li giveli in Leo awns, ' XI -with the
.1. : Israel. The cast from
W. 1.. !I tin, aria tt a+ artru , :ls, was takentrom
an ,s qiuul .4i.c.•oiwn in the Vatican,at Rouse.
r. lat e awl imleed, claimed—with very
• You his.:b. hussy ' why don't you tell
Inc then '" and tho infuriated mother given
Dinah a douse in the chops with hoe shoe.—
• • Why beicints to put his foot in det ciar
pan ,I gravy, writs on do hart!" whimper' ,
the unfortunate Wacky.
" Well, why don't you bring it hare, you
t glu t atuig tugger you. " replica the mother
of the bre riling young rote.
Dinah btings the gravy. and little lips
puts his bare feet into the pea, dashing the
iuilk•warin grease about its sweets little
shanks. to the infinite amifelnent or IVA
mother, who tenderly exclaims—
! DILL allitlinien. Sit Itel_ Dinkair W.Pt tb pot
its tectiopwceny footuys in do ' pail. It
' shall paddle in the pan as it choosey Woo
neys, and then shall have its pooty red frock
r•li and go and see Its peppy yappy."
A Lioou AItn.‘X4JEMENT. —We ace it, *toted
onr city exchangeii that the Central nail
rood Company are having " wrecking cars"
Enna and plAcei upon their mad. 1.19 s cars
are to be tilled n jib tools of every descrip
tion. fur use In case of any accident on the
road They are to contain screw-jacks,
pleb, incl., for looomotilm Or CIA, ropes,
chains, hand car, hraeoa, edge tools, pullita.
levera, oapAlani. and In erytiang of the most
scientific manufacture, for re
patung tiny dninage Ulm!. may occur. - lids
arrangenu•nt v. dl bo of great benefit tb the
company, and trill litre a rust ahnvedit of de
tenNion and pen,'.
it f.; t I P:O7 ATR I Sits FR LACIACO. —AA tii
esninplo of the rill of prices in &In Francis-
Civa eurr e ,spi:m4erit,,til4im Antler i* of
the I Stli 01 April eats :
"A certain hot.l in this Pity, tones leased
at .FJ2,uon a ) ear 1; no - A. let at $7,200, or
rier .•ent or th,, first siim ; think LIN whst
ri,nn might lto easily led. profit
1., up, emeuls up )II the Bret-namea
throw • ' Not far from where t write there
3: n mi l ler lease rat 639 p,r ;south
tint I•noo $lOO u month. But these ,
irlstaaot ark. +.l oumtnon, the ruin and wreck
in real rqt t itr Fraig filliCe Sogenerai, that the s
have rrasa•d to attrn , t notice."
The folloning are said to be infallible re
cipes - For preserving the complexien, tem
pentium O'er whileoliti; Atte hentle, honesty;
to rt wore stains, repetilance
the iglnt , ohqe rvation ; A betittitht ling, the
home emelt; for improving the voice, eifility:
the best companion to the toilet, p wife ; to
keep ray moths. good society.
Husband-- Just take a magnifying glass,
ducky, and ace if there's Inv young lair
sprouting. have just finished the seventh
bottle of tho restorative, and worn oitt time
httr heushes rubbing it in."
Wife—'' Goodness, gracious, Nioodeneetie.
there ain't any more hair oeyour head than
there is on our copper taa.
- BrighanrYoting, itt-ft "eosin aMmon-to-that
Ittortuous, told them it was more II import
ant to rani° mints than to mho atop." At
the present time, Brigham mama more is
tent upon " raising tho deril" than anything
elso. •
Aunt Mary saw over
bearing the irtatriptiotr, " TM , toendahe eof
" All !" she nelaimad, ,
must be the plisse whereat! the arprints peak
Unbounded modesty is• nothing bat um
, yawed vanity :the too humble tibeiatiaaa
sounitimen a disguised impeettimbee: