_L .. s.t• D AND PUBLISHED wr earsiar B. B. HALL. Terms of Publication 1114.1415 r--$1,50 eta. it' petit within threamouths ---$2,00 if delayed six months, end $2,50 if not paid within the year.' Thaw terms will be rigidly ad hered to. ADV.If9.TII3IOIIIIHNTS and Sualeesa Notioes Insert ad at the skid Mee, and every deeetiotion et - JOB PR.INDING . EXEOI7 :ND In the mislaid warmer, at the lowest prices, awl with the utmoet despatch. Raving parebeard a large ootlsotioa of type, we are pre pared to satisfy the orders el our Mende. Nosiness pirtrforg• COSMOS OVERSAW, W MUTH, MURPHY CO., URN GOODS 91 - Mirlidt ski SO Church A11,37,Pb0n IRA C. MATIIIIIKIAL, ATTOR'NE-Y AT LAW, ssen,ern•r, ll 10 , :rfic corm 1 somewhat lorry tmer`en 1 merman hair dollar, imid is sow )tf, cdgcr.l tS. t unc side it, bears the ciu4. to of Amon', r,d, as mentioned in r XVI [. , rooodvd wun the in n iu 11.'4:tow clima..tms, Jerusalem l! . q,ll th,• reVt:T4O I a rerreaCll- Laltwl tl,e Ineen.. -a full account of li giveli in Leo awns, ' XI -with the .1. : Israel. The cast from W. 1.. !I tin, aria tt a+ artru , :ls, was takentrom an ,s qiuul .4i.c.•oiwn in the Vatican,at Rouse. r. lat e awl imleed, claimed—with very • You his.:b. hussy ' why don't you tell Inc then '" and tho infuriated mother given Dinah a douse in the chops with hoe shoe.— • • Why beicints to put his foot in det ciar pan ,I gravy, writs on do hart!" whimper' , the unfortunate Wacky. " Well, why don't you bring it hare, you t glu t atuig tugger you. " replica the mother of the bre riling young rote. Dinah btings the gravy. and little lips puts his bare feet into the pea, dashing the iuilk•warin grease about its sweets little shanks. to the infinite amifelnent or IVA mother, who tenderly exclaims— ! DILL allitlinien. Sit Itel_ Dinkair W.Pt tb pot its tectiopwceny footuys in do ' pail. It ' shall paddle in the pan as it choosey Woo neys, and then shall have its pooty red frock r•li and go and see Its peppy yappy." A Lioou AItn.‘X4JEMENT. —We ace it, *toted onr city exchangeii that the Central nail rood Company are having " wrecking cars" Enna and plAcei upon their mad. 1.19 s cars are to be tilled n jib tools of every descrip tion. fur use In case of any accident on the road They are to contain screw-jacks, pleb, incl., for looomotilm Or CIA, ropes, chains, hand car, hraeoa, edge tools, pullita. levera, oapAlani. and In erytiang of the most scientific manufacture, for re patung tiny dninage Ulm!. may occur. - lids arrangenu•nt v. dl bo of great benefit tb the company, and trill litre a rust ahnvedit of de tenNion and pen,'. it f.; t I P:O7 ATR I Sits FR LACIACO. —AA tii esninplo of the rill of prices in &In Francis- Civa eurr e ,spi:m4erit,,til4im Antler i* of the I Stli 01 April eats : "A certain hot.l in this Pity, tones leased at .FJ2,uon a ) ear 1; no - A. let at $7,200, or rier .•ent or th,, first siim ; think LIN whst ri,nn might lto easily led. profit 1., up, emeuls up )II the Bret-namea throw • ' Not far from where t write there 3: n mi l ler lease rat 639 p,r ;south tint I•noo $lOO u month. But these , irlstaaot ark. +.l oumtnon, the ruin and wreck in real rqt t itr Fraig filliCe Sogenerai, that the s have rrasa•d to attrn , t notice." The folloning are said to be infallible re cipes - For preserving the complexien, tem pentium O'er whileoliti; Atte hentle, honesty; to rt wore stains, repetilance the iglnt , ohqe rvation ; A betittitht ling, the home emelt; for improving the voice, eifility: the best companion to the toilet, p wife ; to keep ray moths. good society. Husband-- Just take a magnifying glass, ducky, and ace if there's Inv young lair sprouting. have just finished the seventh bottle of tho restorative, and worn oitt time httr heushes rubbing it in." Wife—'' Goodness, gracious, Nioodeneetie. there ain't any more hair oeyour head than there is on our copper taa. - BrighanrYoting, itt-ft "eosin aMmon-to-that Ittortuous, told them it was more II import ant to rani° mints than to mho atop." At the present time, Brigham mama more is tent upon " raising tho deril" than anything elso. • Aunt Mary saw over bearing the irtatriptiotr, " TM , toendahe eof " All !" she nelaimad, , must be the plisse whereat! the arprints peak from. Unbounded modesty is• nothing bat um , yawed vanity :the too humble tibeiatiaaa sounitimen a disguised impeettimbee: -„—_