Pon 410,160,11 '11 0 0 " otaitotteiberill lead toortolontro at ettokelkit; sod trio urge epon all good 0 woos to smite 'kir the sopproirrion of this 0 litki %re erli spoil out own. I.rgi;duturet gpkivt; olfeclit It and eihigent Inorati tacit of Iloe ,bitittak bps, ilk+ettMd, ' f hat 1"" the tale of ihe alma line of i*ItifIIVrIFIPIIIS, IS 1111111allIkl t by ere ry voniider.oi, n th.tt xhnuul 1%rt4:11 der wstr. Avi a someosot •rsite. 'vie, it IN Vl4ll , lly...Alflllll:eSS tOli,tt Stale, While "a to outmlutitiftts nova as a. ille*izt pel . 111:1 ItAti plunitinr, thrreby tsimi) the .1,l144) ilreuhiary ivas, and alAn mijairable I" - AAA rinse' prootg4ey ‘•le xto o lue d cogliout rallire t•Urtal. 11,e ;vet) CO-0 /111 r R fitell Jr ,til 110111PR e lioN (3% iti ilrrtfrrlmplerr. 4 tkail toothlike thereon.. decitendl 'kin be. iio Ilktl e tho s spitn of par tjarlilaarain, alf the I.:toodtinflon oh our rhitHirl, guoidtitePa - I betty or nod ciiii.,l4lt or rigrllb .1111141011' eil-earests, ee opeeu all leglAJlrni I in,. lie itini , itteir ?route y. A10111(10 1...) TR. WE .V " The Lk teneratie nominee fro Canal Coln. noistiiotteT, to a native of Chester connty.and is ofrik:Stf,thp prilluo of inlellechuil life..haso iimplat4sttisisicd the ripe age-of iga .li(tiath rtit4 ; Ulu artificer of his o w n fortsana: -illitrOvisisis Oft* in the plittlie ofth , es ofthea: be . l i nre he was- tredy,iin6 yrars 11t aife v iiaming thus, early been throitn on hia own resources. During the adtnniistne tionriaf . 6;oir. Wolf, ho was appointed topae ih . e , s: of his _tlak : Jouni, " )tlirnl4'4!ottlkihrOttrriit ItigioV,Pymtp444: W lboacvdoriven4isil, traiiiiiiiitsOntaisess mitt tetillietolll4 empiric he ow otll•red hi n4'- 6 441 .- 44 rstiA.,Amptpx's duiminro,sit vislldiipat,4,-,06.4 1,, , . hold-for some- 444 yaw rite/ 130111.4" d then resigned • the place not Inthig congenial to his tastes. In the stnitilbi 4ii3,9 ho took the editorial • charge ' 01441441 sod, well astalelished Dentacrati.: pupae. Use .4ssertcass i kepaiddscao, which he i l l e' OP , strkh Skil stafty up 'to ootobon :' I f Wtki his Merit 100 WA i 1 14- Re-' kii ftwe. . gocutve4 oon ay. sbun_k the ', krpotsnankt rit ltirowatri Judo, which he - held instii , :lBol. Alice releseing •ilidttelf friffillYill leollltoVilit chair: liervetors' Of icp 4 . l . - - re - niti:al.,,,, lit rittidaptifi ‘9llllltarily 011 i t.A i n the respoinAlu post elearw( IV-sortie:a slow Inalitstion, a post stitch list stxrphol and laid from July, ltist, tlMlrs: , Mtf i r lW !Z_W el t t !' c 4it ! l V i tlt 444advipid,/i) Nst. o ljtKoi#4,•44/11; .1 1 1, 1044•,*•, oppures. ;TO II :vorliirr4Okiled igotithpillighost *dein]. to Iponwittheitualigin 0 Fr wirsymin~optiort4A mews' Aar 'il t il Apkii ilitt r Utfo i rt *hal Aht4potituita maik;ril.r iiitik.c4kr ou the SAMitto ticket vas four hundred at Joist. nyvit,, , .afore thee 1*(0e of P°"°"1 4 "" 4).4 - 11;.. re..p.,„lpih potation of Csnal Centortho bawl; having reedtre.: this ,mark of esteem Freon his iwlitical friends recent:: es reinlibill in State Convention at Ilfarrisharg vkiiiik 0 ,18 of our broad cm' nituonwCalth. 'Ku Ws ean,poiot tv a Nista on his private or pelkiera character. flu hag long mingludt 16611011 v stook but W . contracted ne til : lifinacnt. Ile is a shrewd anti le:curate' eb: server or men, 'eminently practical in his , jiailsoment, well acquainted with our public winks, and. in 'every particular thoroughly raiihre d to tong; the duties of Canal Com- Ntrer willicralit to himself and fidelity i. the Meta, Capacity and honesty are the 'Allifielltl,, IV tinalittenition • for office : owdb AU iltl3:lTow tiluti4ul Suidilidd'roote- 1 Zin i4 1 .1'...1r 014 44. 1 1,tutitit4 to i fii r r4: l :l4ll , they iipp/olte•hieni ~lii* nouns tie ponissitad, :iialth”eropheef the State withnalithe•howl .-44,b pot aft who shall hive 4hn gilltli l'Atiti' P: the . Coining' gvierill'ircetioN wi t have cast tin In fur an honest ZOO sod si i, rd shines. .iu.,,. - . LlwuzLAll---11AN SIM , pr, WOlll,of.—A bolt! attempt. 1/111,8 Wade tllia itionting, at an early hour, to enter the ', l oloettee of Major Joseph Trawin, No. 2,4 (Mush street, resulting in tho shooting of arts of the rascals, but did not prevent his • emin. On Tuesday night Mn.i Trawin Lanus ono trawling ibont in the mar this hones, and suspecting all wee not riO4' and her husband being Absent, last n'W übe stationed a young man employed SY )Ir. T., on a sofa in the parlor, to ho reedy In case amillier att tcrop: was b e Atobotilt 1.; o'clock this morning, WO • " 0141r0100e. antl •ttillicteli an entrance by the Cfadetyeet erheloW;'itint wnitnetict:d: ?wide; i(o'quantity of clothing, tying Ito rii op In the. table elolli. Mrs, Tra re in breed them, iihd Owing the young nonn at the front door " .. sr•titilit club, took a position hero If at the armed n ith a p Aut. All weans wf,egiesis from the house acre thus ;plaided *nthe watchers anxiously waind the e mit . Lieput or the tbiceelt. At shout 3, A. M., tltay flnaa Out aid' their . ' pluud, r, sud on 1.41/0.-I.loP•aianCli of tha (frit one, Mis. Tr.t -.grin -Violently pulled tho bigger and - sltot "tie: Ile immediately dropped his hundlo, ?L'Atcelid out, " :Cfy that, I'm shot." Mrs -,Trewii unithre to du anything fin ther, then it with hia eTittpanion escaped, 4 &Nish hi Mill traced' over several fences by 414' 6164. The watch was summoned. anti ;made a search of the neighborhood, but wt re ; s omatic , to find them. ~ g fil2lrewin displayed au iotrepid , cone .Asirtoseiotestel fur her , sex , end it . ;;* qpiy ,tp =ell that she die , not tisweed' di " the' fellow euelleieviti to preirete bin 4 .ollgiii 4 : t w lialetio' ialtittl:r not .5 o - , :ellitinn letr4t4lFee l 9 l , mid 4.94t4cvk ;;;VC: -- 41d . Jtielooreet, a repetition of the tilresico - upon t iitinit- et tealt, which has been entered , i slhirg• .Sirs. Tillwin thinks thu person shot ritio is woman indisguise, as the voico and timpestonce were decidedly feminism.— Sew :sok Ikkertiser. - ; • . - x _,, 04610.11.1)W. et its last 'onion authorised Irite:eoeittruetionof five additional sloops of • mil; SOAP tuna of seamen to h° increased or thousand pester thnn the present mar ': hritin - galf. Wll4. MEAL!. etAkitio, has beds bolll ol r 9r the Tressnry, in the plac i e of Violist W hitasy. AIDiESTIACItATION IN THE CHIiNTI FOIL 001' ERNOIt, 'WILLIAM F. PACKER, "` rir MOMING cotrwrr il e artr 9N VAND) # NIM. .8` ieli of bit~srrft tOUNTY ,i! :.. • rnEmt, ELIAS I/WA "' or LANTAiITER ~; .11V IV Tllgi C • 14J8,g. 'f kw wholtitato transfer of iloo irmotov-tiotkoil Ong coop and , kid. moodo,•Or saki/spied to ka Woad So- tkoo Powsta.of aidookitionisso by the; 'ri•oot Coisvontion s 4 Liaskiakatir, woo *dot sodokoonebal Best wail roitalouci-lay Lotto , mos, cankm : in nor town, sad 5!,,,14:44.341: wipPka• tio, to.kick.oorst 1441409 i Paoli aos 9 part of inolopetlontolhon6l Wks /SAMS i Isl4l fisted. Bat a .fitiroo wins brouglit to iaoar'kky. the Disok-Republican leaders, , that lbsy know Ida kailsoCirk id; objets ;kw fall, 44 • autstAtKFß . 140.bigicor ;too ilaniptetyw Arnrik , two suae•sigkel..your ovoid fti•iidintAntaimi, ,us4gyoutilip4Aoim-#0044a10.94W,A4P1 tt,r_ingp wikoiLDN Suate,ticketd and •Wo will ;Pay otirtdoehtlfr4; aplittiog off on your coatity'ticket n " • ,Tbg. work wits done, orders to countenweroll. ARO right &bout face' were at 0P4 0 :10901, by , lokto alustrioneiAlaptsins of &wady, *Ad ,iAtilt lino-.-an teeny lie woe ,pliiicet indi okdiffiffi to plefitiesi,rtileorbetkier-lortrolitlAP pia% elfish , or vat Weie firtn9lrAimik4ll Vic Ito. rewlPO4tkUldiktcbci lot ; Gm*. AbfkiktinOt wiry pollens ciew owetrol it, and ,fhen ia. ;fie eiect snails; tiktile noptrol ;of- Sista' ittlhirct in,iinusidsuittion of which, Utah* W4l chfu:- it ably awl grab:troupe le vaitiriSafw to .he, v Ilona Mikes thet.extenil no fiwithar Witt Co . tee comity. ' TWA, iii, , no doubt, the woks agreed upon by the Diack . -Reptiblicans 'Om .eyyiirk c thc•convention, before they Oft d rc i ili, fAtermri, ? „., li t.‘Ntf i Vblt b e.; P.vr'"l e d TAWAti n 4/ ,V ' 'if 1171704- I Shrbf fiti•NreiNtAr • n it" it:* l ` .• 4, Wk% Ist vimivr Ai vet.va itrir u* .44 ,t. iip, wont ; p P9Ui l lipt ) 91 : c'YPr 43 .4 1 , r tr. l eeP ° 1 4 , XS , C Sr " Sie r ii i" l oP" A n ' c ' e q!Pg g ° , Mitjl 994 4 , .jf':.",,N it ,prYrea their an.pse, ntwough oiotnen -in a lioc'si iiitio, is nerverthekiwi" mat atill r trot insigitt 1 ilkant and pitiful , se wre the ,ea- P.- Nliente to which tteie modern .SCApinorei are f or e ee L , the ibnrittZ9lif Trwths of Tit Tx el* i a Prillcifbcf .^. 9 ) A otui4MFT:ing,,d_ adherence ot thh DeriituratiV. party .l.;•,lo- WIT?'""Pr 4/4 dootrine4 at aor Rapalgiaap 44.7"? ° ! nt ; ifill nibain.llta enalideuriawf thetiialwite.ll4:: enable that party with a single effort to crush all other organise:l;ms to, the earth, let there unite by trickery, spoil, plunder or deception.„ in eonbilreetitof tkip, fain_we are aiwprieed thaV awn! df the 'Abaco" of our tier' *he are usually noted for diseernment, .Iwiter sett Wield their credit, to a oertain ex tol/let Isaseetibubeticliniffrnktho IW4toyth4 ottletenajwibilbstbefanbeitc3a-oritiP AwAtolik can he gained by dishonesty, They m i nt ; 34.4risPoragriAbta4.min ffia4fifxfal• •DaOsi,,faitvemeqlreim 41w M e tal( •4 , Stiiiivirif 1011.44h9AriivtkliglniMitliv•T it*Oon, ow kw*, and bOlf,se that th e prinoildee of the Deruecnttio party are the (mix ,tryoe: principles of this country, end thi4 th;e, great wit erity of the voters of Cen tre county are actuated in their political movements by pure motives, and will rise like a lion from his lair, to exterminate any ergainizmum of menohat has taken admin. tige of personal cuidldence to impose upon *eta with false and proscriptive political creed*. We nvglit name men whom we ourselves hive hard say that the Democracy is always right. yet knowing themselves to be brokta, down political hackneys from the Demociat lc camp, they act with the fictions and tams of the day, stimulated (svlie inicertainiuw OW sow° wultien wave if unwhoysiiine ag;i tsSiti,u, ni.il n sotuc i itiy , lcarel,tlpiiii ifittp twee , Knowing i thsnie inen,not to Tielitles we-eie , . , , ... , ,1, 7 V:IJII li , i l' Clllpl , I1«1 ! to yry i notipcli , them kurre, and warn our i fcilAw cititens' to Iwware 'of die v.trilots nets they 1,11 . 1 . weave for Rum em.'-of the seen t traps into which they are pideuv decoyed. ored to he .coyed ,•....._ l'finit anything of • re.speetalile party can be rallied' throughout the ,eounty by such thrums as bare been resorted toiu this bor ough, we bare too much fait4 in ,tlite noble ness and generosity of our fellow, men, to believe, and did we . I beltore it. we would h iv* leas reason to doubt that in Jtine or a 'me other time before an opportunity would arriee Air them to draccrote the •sacredness of the Atneritan ballot hox,the tail or a com et, or s o me aerial monger would by, and sweep the entire lawman r.wo from the filice of the Earth. , Poi lintiso; J. Bunts .Thiruhart. desires 111164 , 11&Y.to yet , natio% 044 hc,, ntoots, to 140014# etiTikr 9 , 1 4 4,4P4 Arm,. kilt persons desiring their pictures t i iiiit Au till . 110- writ -4-1 7 0 E 1 4u litara - tirat. --- Anittr iiaalitablarartist i Aaikfthmil mapii v fail to, /, "fabrics tlig,.policiat tipporAtpity,,of pssing thorns/dye* figute4.l forth ,may not, ,Atsvo so good a one soon again. NAT IGATIOI N —The weer has been let into die Bald Nagle and Spring Oineeh,Cianal, and boats aro, already plying tip 'eel down. I .Th.aggives of the seaeon promisee to be ilnusuallbrieltiftid we have only to hope Cat no ono may be diisp pointed. 55stliave,resoi6red their extensive Clothing establishtisenit to No 5. Brokorholr's Raw. Look for the sip if, the Cheap Cash Clothing 4.'itore. save that they are not under the guidance mid proteelllon - drthellitotsl i'stherirf en •N, before whose power the waters will divide slid let them pass over dry shed. in fronts of those, to impede the progreds of their trucohormos soltevues, istha Constitution of States, which nay be *umpired, to the Rod is* Wimp the children of Isnoult• on ttltelF itiglit hardy and MI is, the elnprinne Omni old the United ^POWs.. which Mity , be colinfitred; to Ave *Wetness into Which they dare hht go with their sophlßtlsal hisconsihient plithum of princi ples, leit they should be lost, and never nein lyseen orheardoCautong toesat-,whilest their 'rear in ;fleet pursuit aro the forms Of Hymn ttritter whom', the Cod of .-Truth has oaf kin Throne 'to guard sod protein Om csuisoirpolvtistal and civil Aberti - through• ode the ireirld 4 and. thus Promote pure sod hboralL ehrislisAity; unsophisticated nor skill, Mod ontrmomolled freedom of cons science. It atis critics'. condition, - without, the merit ;of Honesty antlfrugA upon which to rely, they behobitheirinevitsble futia,slrul Pea 'Forth sickly groans, and tivmPersto howls fur Bleeding lionsis, mice mere! t* I open hot Ulan, siffklent sympa- -le-revivt, tii44l-Pel/440,41-r-+ad koie the trade of all Blattia gePtatikAPa. iffibietbOlan- Ifines of Penrtaylmidata Owe frorpoltio. iustriou ohimapitamilf.pro- kg?h?? RlPits.pfiromonaa. t inmit no, nn 00. foolitical wares to sink or toritit.f.T-'- t Citiariotof,o f ur tow,n t4 Those characters fibP*i!" '4O 1 0/...t045 ""11 4 tiV q PP' ppm. of themsy lyett, u k upli i n its istintathfrt of their fellow-Oitlizena, by, InsoifFst,driigh!,,t+ey, enjoy, over. ,prmi fqo;4!,??,rflil4,9,l t v trAut og iii tsiteulA wtkvergr, they . had ii opportuniV, in the onl.o4"cillocs,steert crier and 9yeter, !ta r ioqua, they !atilt is sanctintonio9S hine t of the tiohlileithi'Vaitsas ? and 9f the,llitreitri vine liemocracy. assure theta that .I/course adds notling ,to.thiir Credit, and ti k ej l .wiudd 1114araore: laiiitlinate out let for, their plaanthiosty on olu t els" nearer hotne,that truly *serve our, charitY. W. poor, loth . 1'44 and Wlii(9:that these bef`ttatEth idsta sts cool/ i c k i lr f a in!llti out an aa.- tif n tT .. w f d r, ,exeri. %Yr i'r.r l i p o p ,secp . n . ni the lona Ale pettier? 60, Aniserreirita it/Y . olo'i; kip. !• it '!.!<-)! tit; tili . ite4 get' . t4;l. titiqroie dry "46 Aar Bred it and look about for same ahro i vaefurnili : n 'end( avorthitdjcarry away firm, WWI metchiat'iatera of Centr. p.tter ;:iir'conisi btit .14:11y 'itttoltreir • ttnorttioVt,inairtitimilik uPP• ;oilian ?dui° thesum,:e Court—the trisheat Tethered . hl therlaud —and AN; ?a intlefr •iffellely they would have in 'Pen'n!ylvviDill• thsis- , • vat well ? Trig 6PPOBITIOPI PLATPOIIM. :We publish eliteinhassilmplatform of res. ol4ilbs& flaMilliii iiliteSemit*hifitaih Cbu ‘eitret'VNTifilqliel if Use CP* llt 9 l ll7l` e . 9 , t ' , t e l Y ' be 1 it. ~. 7,„-, ~. 4' t h,,,n, paw tip, , ': d i, n° l °l6 . l embody views that witt BUR, ' cliiiitell' of men that may have boon, in !ii.4,Convetifltrti. The lover of thr country, wlito derei to see the Federal constitution prettervia, will iiit. its sacredness declared, while the 9iiiy wlio devotes our Republican in..titutions, can Chuckle over the bold stroke made at the great comer/atter of our Vonstiluttonal rights, the Supreme L'ourt of the hind. The strict constructionist who denies to Congietts any and all powers nut expressly delegated by the Constitution, is suited by one of the resolutions. 14 hale a subsequent one at tedes to Cougrctet sovereign power over the I`...trri toms, for their govt rtanent. In short, the unprriudieed reader will at (ince discern a- studied at empt to deceive the people, %Idle the main sentiment of the i4 4 stotilliciloc Is " wool." -.44r0;01 i " " wog," ,-- 51;gtfri Aid Ititotoul. 'tveryhhlY uteeklghtly inittelt-red to 'ecept thb pont. lintiv-NiAh.. :him and their boautifbl,poVernor. -What halt betitne'br the foreigwers r . ' When were fie naturaliratioh laws 'perfected, that thine , Conf. otidh of sage Patriots pass them over 1 Sirow.—tJn Monday last we were taken in silence l And thiternor Pollock ! Was by surprise to see a ooasuicrable fall of the like ever known t A conrentiod Of his 'now, accompanied by a sudden and rather Own partisaits assembled to dominate his! Devoe , change in the weather. In the even smcdatisor. Ind in the entire mass of resolu• ring th e ground was white, and all mutton tione not one word is said in approbation of wore quite *gloomy amid Wintry aspect.- the out going 'mthliniitilAkm• Tbuy a° The winter has been. long, cold, and tut doubt knew IA weH ea anybody elm that the w ea l t hy; 'We h o p, ' the eomener will ,now administritiOn *as in fiat as a cake of dough, open up with health and prosperity. but they might as well hare Ind to please l Ain - goon - —' -t. I Polloci, fist° COlD . ( liiitt Wat4ll, stash 9 r lies J., P. WITJATA, Dentist, has re togitthir wixtue tfainsag —a Territory that Moved low.nottidenoe and office to the house should bares) little to do with a Pennsylva- I tbrmerly occupied by Mr. (leo. Livingston, nut election, se the moon has with corn North East corner of the Diamond. Mr. planting, at least. TOG ingolutions expose Wingate undoubtedly understands his bn themselveo, and without ocoupying - further sineas, and persons trogibled with grwnbferi hpitee we sill feavalhem fakour readers to WOnid, do Welt t° give lama call. / ' 4lbel.4r; 4 " . i f 11 " 6 '"' t ' 144 in. °°"" Will Atillrumor from St, Louis that one itliell44,y4oilfililll9l.tAle VA asittolasisif sbont-leirr i 4; MaThlnstetotily Monty, that it 10 bard to ~,. ing that City for New' Odrang. to join att ex gifillhiltlrltiertimuld Wit eirolliroh. +Sued, 1 , 4 . Ilitiaition being NOM out In the Hitter' city' ei— “lt tf, "4,l44l m l 61°164111 4114144/4.11i pr ' s ass e " tdr the inviitiou of Coot' Rica—thus miler umetivton. ''W e-leave the subject by osillpg i 1 trig 'Walker' bi directii)g the attention of his irttetition Ger the follovring paints: "i enettnes i s another direction. lit. In Um resoluOone k they tftiolere their i support of this Federal aitattution N. That Constitution says that a 2 pow ers not expressly delegated -to Coogreaa are reamed to-the people of ' the ;MOW States and rfo'ritoriimr. 3d. That tlonatitution makes the &rare Voart of the land its lett' fatopretm. 4th. ittati reeolutlopi attack and dery . the Supreme Cate, Ohl die righi of the peciplo to *ran' Histaminic and dire Cottipoes loyereilio power. R.:BOOK ltA Alairtor— •of t h - - hookilatilleen allikkmb , anti It Oh:kitty rtgeesluntft.oay that' rs. Mentz is the author to secure for tit an extensive circulation. Mrs.ll. tb`e" Usit Vtltetirot tife and has left behind her 'a memory thet will ket'ati,eeful W Atio, allatirer .er the pathetic-.-the lover of the beautiful. These j teporteen little Woman each worth the filtwoolf the entire volume, and may bb.fOld. , altogether, bound in muslin and bnitutalsArtornstmenbcdl;ll4..enclnaing.The timicealll;2s., teN. 11. , 11iSeterson, No. 102, Chesnut M.', JMla: 4 Eerpers' frfent4/0 . /14;It i tini; for April, is on, opr to,hlF, and,,ecnittryiwa Alt r ifsur t i nrooont , 41,ifitores.4n4 imettlerliTtiterettire,, 1 1 1} 0 # 6 . T A * bebao. at , the, Iloolf. Store of; clao. Liytugatpuor -o,y addressiting,l4l,,eulAishers at N. .71mrlc.-- , P,!rloe, is per tnnum. or c{.,. per, Junin : her. " • Ole %.14 lifri'6li Poiloo,.epOrtr 'Nom it' ti; twoilkitot erigriivitie of ate int i bt:rtiC t PISA This Th e n Hoiloospildred ll* Wasik/01A tesi ' o, tfirifftit,lo 6firneos, vlmile to Ervin- utoi 241ril6oinhiii, on geo, - .1.404p IslaUd course:' ". - • • WifirKiiil - irititod enter , r ts _liWePlBBW, l *Vaid 80 weil iub -11x4.441Wir • • v. , 1 i• 1 , rjoitle.Pv, , 1-4 -.1 .1 f lifirinerA 1.4,f fr r.rdAixtl i tn; ,p9Kishof4 by ,We futir - P r e A i Yo , ol,u r ll) :l we° ll4, vokif ° 4 R 1 40?‘.4,u4ful VOTIE , 1,11 0 they contiatie theAteeliettAy and like. , rot AIM mild* t ilaa Oyu Flili!m,e - aPFIPW,f,•• ids.l.ll4 , o4pbtip, mt. or , e= ree d oulFssiol)l7 sttsk,teill be itettt wail to : qty p , f Utit.i.Tuited 'A:tea, 4 the pub receipt .. of the ISultuiPtiOlt Vde Lit l Zi 'Ma grizilit' of •iiiterattei. Aft' - r:l3. l Artlino and Ole F. 'Tdansend. • '" The April iumtisr of this beautiful mud iiitAirektinkpertedlitat is on our table, and sitresektrattedy-stake to As mot sisrpaosei by any poblicatioa of the kind in the ebttatiyi Priee 12,410 per annum,. or 181 afa pisitaielber; • - .Dll , l7l l ooll.UP.folefirfilpsi oafs to us sreehlYiot424 ,oillrido *6 4 4 NPfrk 14-Y4ll 1r &V P 14 41 4 14if t .W 0 PE --- Srl ei g nt .141fee*ert gri P fto. ttni l. plf Jr 44". 44. u ,I* * **C" sPonotT ! W. Coiteri'is one 4)44, h elitora 4. of this , Jeurstjp aside : iron) !i!,crfark fnvrits, bias/lElft weiirty Or',inocratif., paper we love n 'eilpseen. Single subscribers, S 2 per annual. 4ddrrss LA, F. Harrison d. , Cd ,1 4 4 'it:Mumma et.. k. Y. ,_ - 4.. AtirMBLIPLX Rlitat.ANX3.. • L_. • , The ilktteburg Clmmer cud .(ovriele, (Mock itelpriblicai,) or the 30th March, in COMM( n ti • on tii;arpointnient of (joy. Vtalker probable liiinwas policy of the , adnalnit tration, reinarics : What more do the tree Stata.,lnen of Luisa' want, than . proteciton in the-exer cise of rishta, awd security in perrna and pi:opro:til These are now guar ••••',tloll4,tlloll4r,i4l*lii of Mr. Wal• ' • . E t e?M thil !! Av 0y. e . 47 .4.0r cow ' ly rekeal is go Fe tie polio ore t hfkl t Alftl Og°t,!l - ;„. " " ever wu er neou.. g x-nierit ..cmi grete.rppete, K y le et this moment, ivhiii prospect or tranquillity ersd eccorkty to Till ift ogcieeded." Truly, ~twri:e more do they V% aril ? If tiny are home:men and :zue patriots, s''6?: Ulises tikustiou Is, In Nettled• if the Rack Republicans wia 'set the part of good eitizeita. , 410. we prophecy :hey will do no such, thing they:want agitation for politieapftet,and they will hilie it, even if the price of it should be blood. They are a sit of precious knaves who with shrieks for freedom on their tongues. ilesiro to ree slavery idanttd, uY Kansas, and are deter mined that it shall 111.1 planted there if they ! snit licuoiaplisk it. This is "what more" the repeals want : but iteverthelees we cool meal thit candor and lifineaty of the Joa-n%ti and sbsould feel gratißyd to btai? , it,i wine and jipAtir:4o,o ,0_114y.44$ 111:1:1 , 10 , 7 .-Patroot,e%,4( Gatgg Tonna' Waifs hre at Harrison, Hamilton county, Team, a' few' diye ago, which de , stroyed a conaidersbl• portion of the busi. gees part of the Own , During the . _ alarm six primoders In Jail, charged with murdtr escaped, and three others were prevented 1 escaping. room of out readers wishing to purchase cheap and faahlanabl• alothing, would db well to call at 8. 13boonfekl i a Clothing H.1.l rims oiiivairout - est*TB Ct K arriel g o tea , tgr;SOUIS td41.844 ty of ticket. o were not die ppol expectations of having considerable amuse• ment at the isnivonveiltion. We were fully, eidnpenseted for the time spent in atten dance upon the cocventhuity,the ludiersais entirtsihraird its • msiceediatet It wan amusing beyond measure to seethe rip rottentativeslf - the - varletlir-discordant etc. ,- ree'nts of which the opptisition is cornisiseti, striving with a zeal and industry worthy's much better - reclaim, to• - eltict a widow tn . 'the 114 isnuld of political Matrimony, be , tti4.M Site !War grrititti." "fhlat cousin: devititilf ditishehltY btith 'sides, ist •ivot n ¢ dl ttldljflfehed. ' I'Hffl' loan) l ot the' lehderii ⁢ 'Situ: gate in their litihikini'to lilt e tiiirfiiNt4r dein itrilibeit; after the restiffWitC aniwoher, d, yet therit were ihini disciple's ittf SiinVin that conytmtion, who did not heal.; tate to 'd...neenho 'ilfilrritit and ttlgOriAni, with IM;eriphisia that indicated ttie r (feel' ova . undpiallheil • ifikaPProliatlble t bf nonination. • Wo heard nianyttieh eiMissions ni these, t "To With sitiht a'nbesitiatfrin 'never sufmort the d-4 restiegidn'' denuocrit--fret-t rade Abolition jet:" The 'A bi , l Winn bore Itbmiiiiierd Wilmot, now let Unto e/eet Mtn, slid be' to them " Am, ricane never can WiN - M 7 etttraimmirotirt+m-s•tpporit ut such a Mongrel,. • Bisfek Repiddieto ticket -Ail smiler sVe Pteker elected, tint to oniqu' ititii4eltiirs wtjrr d ihutlfick ati t trifist tak !WM mi a sotto vtii6V-4-161briirlittdd'alidtridhfoitttticti eiti4dittitf. 4 -thelftkithidge'Re4FY fh ,Denlocrat) fkalrlitht of tiditapefa atiotriOreatedtilLlttitrkeVeit litimulhilkAlifirtitilik, arable:and Yankee Depodkr, patrietie texts t 'Whilst the mongrel crew. - were Whit itotli'mouthe hail' eta* open, to catch souroehfug 'to ridM a Abut Ittage .. kstteyir 'vitiate pbifsttwtt elociid'on and horetircitra-imie*, Wlttlf relgoodlyl cielledtion Oriel phrases, Whit+ lei ifteinilode is le Ititd of laeliddrititial Style', that 'mil+ ouHB idea/ Met to his emit elm, but'lec oirtri not say there Was any music 'in them to ours. Perhaps thiii is owing' to ti want of taste on. oar part. , • • -fit regard to his ix;hottor Jidge Kelley, we obserted one cheractertstile which hidem= This gentleman, Who it the acknowledkd moo to all.new 'cis:diverts . his new born zeal , embodiment of 3tte, rlition te of wssonly tignalled'hy his fadedl4Bes titular the north ,bis YlViiiiipti,iniake of tfic Ile opposite &Remained' to throe and Strut in bt it/4 opposition for the office pf Gov,..roor, of the itief(tv4l44ll / 4 18:th t ttli gnat ' trot State of PentiSyeeituia.'lli i °O poMnts I the Democratic ,pg,ty, cp . Sated, l on by the LRUiriP.4".lo4fe'itlslhlekrt of occasioned by their repeated ig -13.4144 O tt( ' P irncet `e e ttm ' el c ' t " " IlliT ' un noble defeats ,. have at. Lase assumed a peed- Ni tlfie,iptiriintyneptilif tl coditidttel to' , Os" lion in politica, I which'ill attortmlMnornalhus a'~lri'inlaii iii resOhltitsm,of_whichlie"eMS I , mitt wcolslasst-. :Ur. Wtlinut was once 'll e 43 "L'" K' Democrat, and as such was elamuld to repre- I luck of all the edit antl honor he hie deii• sent his districtin the Congress of the Unit ved hold thix'consplBWous part,if we am 'to id Static ehtrc liefigurid, fora time, as a regard him as the author of the diatribe of reepec able nainlier of the party, till he he ' laMbit•isaiiiVii iciindiitiMis . Which 'h offered, a tw a cute ien t witht • sentiments of a class and which were patted by the ronlent ion.- c politiniann, then lowan es foe-antlers, or Peor Judge Kelly : we pity him. His Tani. anti-slatery propagandists. His course in • i 1 altibltiort fists heen the deettr•of HIT I Congress on the subject of slavery was look and he, too, must go down to the Pnliticsii l e d irrn by the adherents of the U, mocratic grave - of hie ilNlstrirrtis predeceasors anti faith with 4,lpreininsion, and by that p.aly prosent compeers. "Onweift• unhonored , and condetqllutf. persisted in hie advocacy unsung:" Whilst we are, determined td itl h e- l o f these heretical,, doVi nes, serer the "reeitird'of his d Il l f i ;-L e i t 'rtieth in be. ' until he became the avowed champion of the half of David Wilmot, PreedslOt v- *re- -- , abolitionists in . the Slate, arid now he le the Eihrieliers, Peso Lovei. Free Kansas. Free !candidate ti , f that party, for guarnatorial ion tinitgkitandflanby Soaps, for all time: ors. , ntrii man fir the Cihmentio'n Whotvle. t 4 1 ' ' tiiikidtitete" piSobrotle %Willett the Mr. Wilmot lis t tgau pf seise end thktakil'br a letater oil the paity'-eufgarily ti n fAh t honsr-", of llii'llsi..ll\etaka his party had h%Ctutsined La. Ow rono. an he itiMitirTtidsi iii' Philadelphia, 'AO fed' the i e W'‘ eti nu t ,l4e il l vt " t f 4 o f thtl e duc " inei colroMara guard' of Sam's fOlindefa in the • whi t l ,! " " 4 ,r 4 , t4 !,_" r t Y '' f b " u "l", l ' itut !„ I f ' 1 ! ermveation. • At one time he asenMedM 'the FES/A i "' w41 ,1 - 0 4 , 4 111, Y0ur15 , 5. 44 2 ui attitude, 'and gave a vet:) , tragic t tioosu • kil wi4 9 hein4th34 of Prairtiul , ,Akt bide his tune, but sought t r ial not, ht promo aquint acmes at Judge Kelley., lioul t about such petty pal-roons as eoVtirittt and. ti opi" Atti'vae f.trmt r friends and tHIPIse principles IN Inch he puppies, and such vermin t which Judge or sincere re• , , once professed. It Is a Matto - K.113; 1 '111 'tile true type of the 'g l adiator , , ,egret twit 'min possessing rtspectable men looked at the lion. Ex-fienater In it times` nu. hewers eliould se far• forget lilinsdf utteranle vthereupon the Kx-Skintitor and slightly -and the thi ng • his duty to his country. as 1.0 seek promo- , c wards ;,, n k s -which, by the by are very thin at the expense of the best interests of at -thfi • iOnlett . inell• When Ice republic : that his vaulting ,ainhittem v llon. ex Senator assume' a:e tragic, several, B """'n r ' r: 8 ° nverPowun9S of ditty, icit make 88 tn Rad itint.ett persons around where we stood were foolish ; tray fom the Slue path on 'enough to %diaper -'•pistols and coffee for h i lu the head and front of a faction but before the ex Senator had talked ! • to ride :Or ruin, if they cannot le. ru • ho meek four"- minutes, we could hear the words ' It has beet] truly said. "that those whom 'Fishes , "' '" • caved "' •witit e: fee' h he gods dingle' for ' deetruction they tihit eel" luMershte , gentleman make Matt"; Prtilterfitri ttis s et striking mebir v'ery:•veor ' 4ri•eek lii a 1 , 67 writ ill eirmtttfltiti iittitWeeintittchofighe roifte": and hfi r e'est accepte,fljresi boitoli coniMietion;'in the ileldihtiem oft/14114gs' expianitien, With se- - It is A 'Weil isfaction and so Mar Scone (Masi.* ImttiOn flicr;tltat'althit .IMIO 'Sigh:rot Is a . vether, this pass between Cooper and , imdkal on the subjeeVerrhiti-ellirory. he in WWI ammo of the most condral and truly also a radical on themnbjeci of the' initmai eronatfutt was ever wiehentied in a delibem Priem bt duties on tine iiiportatitin ef fiktelgn live body. goods by our government : In other 'words, Arlot ber p ft a ture which, , was tharset4istic hers y: free trittle roan In the ,hroiaest--se or ti0, 4 „„00kt 0 0,,,„ 1 , 4 # 4 , b ulge , o p iN d wr eelitatiOn' 6f pat tern). It also a we'll known reneged,' p , mognitm thaf,i,t,ettltipild. There fit.LO, that 1 - hose:ti•hot r ill , s , tipport him for the was 'l?rinn. , f , itYoi ... .4oovernorare den enfekliining op eratmreprettentaiive from ,tirawftird qounty, pailtis - 44ZiOn t s on the subject of raid" au who represeeted in the convention the ~A4O. tics. slow those men, who for yeaes hide litionims of Erie county. This man Lowrey, 'beea the idvoeites of high protective tariff went to the opposition, only whim he could in PentikeiVania, cap yield their sutoport to no longer bo trusted by the Demperaey i __ ,Ir. Wildeit, p f He mystery which our philo- Then tkefe was Rush Petriken of Centee, minis will not enable us to solve. The se- Chase of Susquehanna, &ad a number of Octet Mast reveal the sincerity of such men, inhere, •be like those. wit2is'venientioned, on tit? left the Desteerhtia,ranks,B, embrace Sam, 'l2.","l4ili.,:fif...sl3PAistrt..,...wwaret. : % J o e , been -*0mi ,9094.14i .fr4,44se „ raises .ToOj'1„ v„pOr i nen pi-, Ong,iiiittipq FONPkip moardy 1105 " P tt " , i j i . s, t • W4e U )) t tiC i. ' M e9 Wffi ti. PilsrP.A o Pc/IPIF of t 4L Ke Y, k itt ) Pe B Vttw d h° Fin4o4 110PV.. w cilifOo4 ,l 9 , o/ 4 o o :F i lt!Poor,dr u 9NP? er t:tuhreee4 `Sembu. I . , P i ng.t l,B &P ll C e 'ofO) po , q, 4 1, 1!TP!OftIf ru Ph$VC,Y,TIPFtq, °° 9 4113 something good- may , un trust D i L on µpea his,preteittsium 104,tlipt of the that these worth{ patriots , may, not i dist r etrif wjtoc t rilifOrt, 4gtartXtre appointed in tit;.ir pious expectstious ; but to goy h erea ft er on this subject, w h oll , we fear they will. They have got on the will take occasion to point, out, the danger , i'dtt . plank of the platform, en , 7 41i°14 ,, t h e y emateindetecies et* thews deolrinott that. •,indge , may prepare for aunt and ittiiiir t t shipwrick; Wi hoot has become the avowed exponent of. In October next. , doctrines whether° palpably. Sitheiwsiert of take the cooventioi sal In all, it was one rail law-and order iettlerland, tlw Mrooess of of the most beterogenious, - hodies that" ever which must produce them* dilaqui, .914311- .80SSaibiOdlitt Illuirubatg. In tue struggle gestic,* to stantdry and owrehmealsed In fos supresoney, Ektnebo proved Saimaa for atittitions.-Xeystmee. like wail 11111 , 20 W fide for such • ill The. flB4 must t i black Cr toilian A iti •ith its oody4gietd t mories, hath paiseh to the tomb Oftlilfeanuletti ; and the men_Who We're ivillricg to deTthre'llieliodlrtnTeittetnaT blood for political supremacy, are now wil ling to join their fortunes with those whn de cry the Constitution, condemn the highest judicial tribunal- in- tlielstid...and -who, kr political pewer,would give every vhito man, woman and third ill the. Botith,- to the sword or to the games. if 44;04 1 but carry the 'most unholy purposes in'this, , country. ' But we have no fehis r ot.thiztssAt Ut the election, next awilignue..M. geionaY3vtiOim 'The Denmezavy. true .. te Abe ,tlanatttutton, itrue to the Instory,i{f, the past, into to the 'best interests orhlstaiiity, 1100 isiSciti the Majesty of their might,: anti give totbe emit grel oppodition such sr San Ilaeinte'defen t as 'will put at rest the. turbukitt spirit. of Abo litionism, as it' did that of Know-Nothing ism in Ortiobet e n d. November last,' When fVery 'X( rtion was - made thtitr human inge nuity and Minima wickedness could inskent,' to di feat VW Dolftoo:eapi, by' the reClot:as, releitl vita, pletishropposltiott. - The -people of Temittylvailist never tan, !nor never e-ill,be, seduced from their ektrleut f t , alfy to the. Coma:Within into the ranks of their . most-. bitter enemies. In • gocid time tli+l--willin_at ha c k tie. tiik4fgualigiti/11..... and give new assurances that. in renmsylva. nia, from. the-trtie onswirrativi principle that prevetkailehe , heentleitiliktkisitrie, Via pep- 1 jile of the 49,0,1parli.neikkag leffejw., ketin sy Iva ids will lbw celled wpm is dlbeii next 'te decithaltl6lpbealipieetionowbethor fanat icism, wltlrdlllotthilitr twine. Shall ' rtin riot 'through the hind, or whether"tiva people, 'both Nurtiitisiiksiul"Li; tuba lett in pos session of the rights guaranteed to them un der • written' Ccifistituti on”; whether 'ec tiottaliiim, qe equality of rights, is to prevail. That question will- by .priunpdy decided The litinowuilo.pashy . will be atiecessfiil by such_n maJorltjo an will teseh'tbe fhctitmists of the Oppesitiorithat their unholy purposes 'lre known and Welk understood by the good people or the Keystinie elude, 'who never _fail to rebuke thioifiekdeiter 'their country, fag tastier what whrthay asama.-:-Xsystune. ' liitiN. DAVI)) WILMOT. ..___.. , 1 _..w`mumig'aim ",....004.0 .., 4.... ~, 1 111 . 1 14 4-I f ti, notice things 1 p e t w o ' l4 ' :111whieh pap from pip tr poi r, : ' . whiCh f feel dispobed to e, ter '. v, ' . test. I ;Ave- refonngte thel' . - publishing tales, &need° i ! ..; which involve directly twind red y, the nature, attributes or titles of the grtat God, who "will not iota, dins guiltin t _ , - . For instance, I saw, , not lam sink itt ., " e mote—se some would,' cialll it—eyes liple boy who asked his nsothilt IF GideilMili leery where? She atuenhned '. l teestaioly, ,, N„ t miestion--"In he in'Altrotkett" "Yes my . c gt• son, be is in Plu l 'llie, he iie ll i Mq4464140 hi 1 0- 11 l et•l ;k 44 Alv New this may appali &liens., versillei ar i; lint Y' illtkaif :44ith irsoltvai• kites II fear of (lod before their' l e4veS, It'n'ill"oiourt Oh; "* . t.itUl t lftpinehiAeen need better/Atte 11 ‘ 4444 4 1 40 iitn: Bence and majesty of - the-Eternal, can red suebiiicifitplite Witliogt 4ti0,1141 1 10 Hui ikimußr stories, form , so parti is liar p ot a„ reintiti ,lilhal,' hitiOyht',,teßtfte no , more, as ties, wotild !M to, reel36lilitilllent ; ' But iv this proper ? 4 it , not illifficiilt eesingh h keep tip a ' , evanesce for Gkifie, soda morel MA in the notrimunltt'echin,Whien every means of 2 ta religious and Moral. kind ii . laid under, rti"ittltikitinee• lily tibia flvpo eo l And ;will it not be more difticuli when these Means are opposed by suchienstina is 'dap. ted,to vitiate , the ,ntoral,intari of chitin" srietyontli?". , I knolir As editors Agetesetimea exclui . , ve4 t riAlicipsiessul_or -absence-- that the devil did It—well; it look. like the work of a devil t 'or Aire generally they plead, that they hike 'peg*e of-all kinds tel Lunen to please, , , , lent Bret/say undienobligp• tions to cater 10 :1 1eJsioillinti 4ast'i l lud . do what . will maim tlieseteritiapi iniilidorruPt I Mai theV'eeitnietif firikratif. , ' ail:ignorant unholy mind, at the experts. of 'erelionill'e honer l A herb , sin'eletliekeePorilalkeli 'ire do nel,oAlect r ',Lb at sell--wel lope, it, but let not the life and fun of it consist,la aelessonstien of the attributes of Onion tfl lel, tills. Another thing veryobjecnionable, utfer which the printer is got altteetber respell. sible is, the setting fortis a mere liumeese matter by words which refer tour event, the thought of which ta aliaettitt to ;mike the best tremble, and to Wile the heart of the umionvetted 'Miler with terror. Take la ioaitikaos—• amen isivm notice tles4 ho is about to wind up his rbuitinva r vidtrir r k all who have claims upon hint to pment them, and those indebted to him to con" lbystard and Ottle their accounts oil or be tern such a. day. If not, 'tithe e 1,4 of judge- Trent will quickly dome."' iris literal amen. mg is understood ; bat why nee in this'lres. ligious, .ItailigUallere•.: vlttliitli, Irilich every thin; is associated, terrible to man, eliould , 4:001 lit:lteei.ber Ifof th; '''immunity, ohonld the printer sulintlrtrair folne - ether language, even if the advertiser is silly sod riutld Im•4910 0 4° • Ratif,, Atis' l 4 loll fir ne" m time wrilpg ll . •. ~..,_st.._ ' Cwt. 12 1T POsslinis Oft oN We declare that we arc iu uo %tie res• ponsibli - for tile folloalnp Appeared I f w days since in the Philadelphia Nersitts editorial, and seeing to ua almost too moo steoun to be credited: If al: that the Nan says is true, we do not blame Dare much, but we do wander bow such pure ,pstnou and eminent protectionists to Johir•liehkel, Joseph essay, Andrew Steweeti Japer E Brady, can sag:Mott for Gorersorin 1657 the '• 'kith& Free Trader" of led w,ho hu newer since given any eillesee of repentance. Ft. , gentlemanly Be I now an yvu ho ad naughty I -Matt) to What the News says: 4VOlt11(1 . 1413 )TEN OF PUNNALVANIA! Remember, anbau easel upon to vote), ie. David W dna, that he soloed tiatrlhe ePeel of inlwrin4tiv n'a protect lost,as aecured to torn otarift a. 1142 arid kithe ensctmoit o? the Robert J. Walker Bsatish Free Tattle Remember, that the British Tree Trier Policy Win imposed Spot' timetitintry at the dictation of Southern !Fria Traders for the `Lomat of elave t labor, and joie the.expreo of crindißtr Prig labor stmt Mier MAI Wilmot v$ as one of the frailorsfreitm t4e Tree Ste ed , and the only one in the" Afloat. 1141 P''""' sylvania. Who joined thedliontbern Vre• Tra deem in , their watiltre,vpurt t.Pe labor of free dironirte:uactiog the ilaribrof 184101, Remember, also, that. 'Oat vino, the first blow, struck by Pantlylvanin hands, to do" etr°Y the poky of Protoetiog American h bor, which win soon followed qp by the misting vote of Italia!, *pit that ,yott are now asked to r?to tor the ikeltor wbt:s taut' , he Suediern k rot Tnuiera break wa destroy Pentetylvaniaintaanntai. " Remember thede• tbiattra and tell or .111111betProl(can tyterorfiDaeidef4ljfnol. , Tunitn,ls,sn,srticlo twlliegA4hout the country Wig ban imainotLtilio widest Cele , . Aty ewtr known an a rern l / 4 11,100iket ' 50 " 1 " Piiallis , We hivirifitimimvp t o Or. 0 " d " p it ford's IA ig i nhOtpw. iii. ,. . . i ., l iedy, the hoc innfonned ours .49, great te 'belione,oc!re it iinkt Ap "aence iliscioixiiniiiny " T i o meg, It il, in truck, tlt/104041y M f illi f irliownfor uPPopsin,,Jiiuniiicii, At ...11110 *wit, oviti*qtiii p'fficii Pie St i gOrPO nc) " ew. incnt phyniciani; ' ' Dr. Sanford 'his / been torin Ithig Minton o of the eminent physicians of New York, and it is said most of his'cinew Whifittriited with the Invigorator with, such invariable sec. COSS that he has twin inditteed to offer Ms a family mediCine, and litAlifit world have Vitlebtritifire. his rtiticcireffr":"ll - those - vrite are tr ouhled,lrlth: 041 0- l4n'i 6t tAor.oe ay ff" P t kAlls,and (lays , pOphaps yeses •ug.-1.6 ..,/ , fr Ausio t oparVYM l O/1 Who 1"011(1,84"1„, Ttitgrititmeltird. TU.., LO, Ile,. .ea ..- cu tad ipt itisfitiace on triaiktf„L . ',twig. and persoal ip' suweed ward. tiAl*ent at the-time. • , A 9tittikiii4l44-1809141444t4P _con eluded in Cfnieittnati. ?lb - ,411110 dint 15 lAD icitaat and left it at a homene t .kirtiftlitsl, +Nw ate Jo gal 11/10. f/IP 14111u P: port over timot.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers