~~. WM. maim 11111641 lleammot iipipses of 1114.00 of Ibl• , .116144*.tAti..41t.dAdialikr/. at thar _Aim , 4 ^.lleittiol.'lttti in At City 4 1 Sanatory 12, 1t 4 57. . . artleil corms BARrcar R. B. A COAL. Ole. I A , - Philiaielpitla, January Int idrlPA.Sfockliohiers of the .ilertiat R. R. it Coal Company. ttestittetataritta. to the Btookheldert that . tiltaltintowettitsruompleted from the Cont. liiirso - Is ilaein, at Towanda, (which iajntyll atttp two lintiterod lhontantr • • atnnally) to the village of Bar- Odeptitalio linrantitgany's,propurt,t :, the 1 1111 10 1 0 1111 10. 1111104 . of 11110!13 and one4ialf 14 411111WWItitir.Olv"Vilo brat day of 'Oetoher has ldti ilbleititthiwitt'of cunt having been oigilitiesililtitiela day , of th et month ; since . A iIIIIONIIO , I6IIIIt Oars than rum thotviand tuns • 4.loll l oolllll9o l flimd , frum th e Company'it i Lilollooolllines inti*Urtion of which IT been _.4lllthibetell, tbrausik.tbe totnpan:ra vats, ".. $11.01111%, til ( fiolatit hi the Suite of New York, taineadintlkdklu,'Uswega. Troy.; Albany, IiPIPIPPONI‘Svc6Iimer, and Pica ; thence ex- I , taillielletitritward as fat at Chicago =tt biav '-bilinil 4 Veld satitifa9lian, $ll . fir_as ' .41111646 Iliiit, and believed to be unituristased, v.lllifirieltf_fac thessoneriUhg of stand, but '; Warlike loincUndthing s awl Is well 10444 'ta do4n~ti6 ~ws . • • ' typal!). gratlfyltxto 'date, that the "111110011118 hare 'not material! eracer;dad s y . r I . • lirtmeia T...irititsar , —te raceme raw diet - tied dollars, and Velteltiabi ai eepoesilits'been spared to awlitf~ikork'atl ft iNboltt tirither has !stitity Oriateney." 1 -• • MAU hot'**Seri, fort a vigorous prose , rpm thou 'Mete iofcioNiewisfees t coal sari. Whir wagon., minehi' houses, boats, etc., irfalaiablail mei expoct to be able elihip from Anal% notienenty.tiatitisamt tons of mai the Asemeilieg *fawn : anti IS there is at least one &lin per tea prosit on the octal, fium iia unnlies locality, to nay nothing of its Stipa , •..siostilnetiiiilits the prospect affinletl to the asataddirlisoolo of a most littering char • Wl** c ' 1". al. Ind rdirisrlresd and-. c. 0.%) Company "P‘ANS Obvir choker to hold 2.000 Lnenatioemoul Imadu, bender lands for pia umciiiimiilMltsl *mete* is 2700,,0Z10 old& Jam/ pr allowta touiminumio tm 51 - .430,000. +li►ArMrdtur to perponta, - • 4A. TM, mumpsity morn 2.000 sores of earl 4igin. -to 500 acne 41-14inui tope,: ; • _ .t.,4lliistartinds aro skunk to firatilbrd awn -4.41J4 Ps., a Orr wain swath of the Y'few York 161 witty distant from LwilistailPayattais Canal at Towanda, which - 0•111111111.311hillikd by MAdaileilay bwk easaplated sad io full oiler : 411,m71. 1- • Jthat'otial la asowl-bittlatinous. and cower • lamtlfsidah tM be land andAroad Top •0 g aqua is qUality, and .11 4,11111011111itil inipsrior. It is pocali pawatins steam, and = • 1111114110 11 0 * theelded preflreets =threw _ —Agar Iffhterie overages ei it feet ,in thick - 11 41111110e414 liod above water levet, in nearly 04411010044114khri-bet haying au lent 4kp •414 . &Uhl& ahem without the expense of I=4! ilt id indeed and &livered iuto the Without of from flf.y to seyarty . 0 4Pirrill' per Vii. 842 Wile Mures of the huul are under cut fhtellies. the in* to woodlsed sod It 4 gril l " • gapppt4. the soil is good throughout. • . Now,* village of Berolay hi situated . It wee laid sort sad built ot• il o gk gm :411e1 summer, sad at the, pr9iont .• t. ~, woe twenty well built frame s wp. Near the village is ireiried a raw : the whole of wine% iespiersesseata are i Gee property of the oesepany. In addition to thew they at. is poesearion and owner illtirief's elikiefilo trot of 'resod. watt in - 1'1 1 11 11 1 1 . 44111 the he.... el Toyama's. Os this sruessi UN oseeparty have excavated their 10 4 4 1 11 0 PoOlobed 411•12 *S* *neap. oteestu i lermberi,* Juno residue ter the erste ,. 0011 of sae. fbrusices, and other improve r'l DP441 1 440" will seeemearily lnd fug iletbetto ererket over the. Bewley Railroad: - sito, 70eAdy IN estimated at 30.000,000 loos, itMrispaig„ soluttry. drained 11 the Creek, • le yet anesplored, sad silty — 1" •44 / ••4 1 •••t -44 0 ! 0 •4 1 4. - - 110 don an oft the piopiorty or this cum ttrke ialtewidinte vicinity of the mud. kuowa. It is ill griestanii,4l. a z . nod one of time veent-4 thielmese—ae of anintrpaesed -Iffliettif• c okra deb for Prof. Wiftei i.l.•Leslie, Elk, itinititherc e the I M ll MTl l 'lltittond in value only to the coal. About. Diet hat of the mad passes through ** 4 w 4 improved country; og pram *meads up tato ties Nl*. which wept is almost wholly eididmireetvd. l'olicarly all of this region of eawatity kieudnephitilerof s high state of cid" thatimimod ths unimproved portions ore Wag avidly settled by a •Mi•orotis .., • • . Sligalla s6os fros which „innnt • 'lonk always as obtained. A 7 v .,1' • .ii - ortini -- Of • 1441911iig. and wady tbs. 4014041111liftwis MMttresriN find Libel:out .___lgiggium...itwo Dar./ Jtitihratti: tiws prelims it'd pwwwwpe I, whom will ~pro iloworatity with 11011410 6 dose co branch routs • MOM, 1111 Pt. BM the great ' Wainer" • gra 44 - awe •,, ' • will be is tido coal itatio. $ Arms •d 6 /FR rani, thy carringeof iiii MOROI wMali in imprimis*. :Nil. sillifirig , For linit is n_ htms ... , . ~ ~ 41400611w0iimeg st-oirrAni"d "" th• fr 6. . .............. ....,, ...,..., ~.. ~,,„„,.....r ~,,,,,,,,.". from gni. liarly vrginiied: compittilia, - and "an adtll - ititmal ten cents per.ton.for wharf privi leira, the net proairlis 71110 - result 71 ,/,iraiinexattef H , ! t o m . sw ill ..,_ be 1, 6146, .1. pr ,ocitt e ttaa • ereliat.ltipon 04 ith010,',90% of oplopeiv's latalt,,and tkri t ! • constriction 44 elsipp*nt of ree4, IS Iv , -presented by its mock and bonds. ,' ~ This company combines all the - elements of profit and wealth, bring a mining and alao stsedroattitosapany. Thoiy mid lands we extensive and well selected—having coal enough of their own to last 5J years, Blow ' Ing the mining operations az ,:ertrtgi'of 2011. 'OOO Win per. Ye w. t —lrimiy- sic OD sheeted as *Ring 1c Ivo:vete 11.tir own mines or tease - Them, alt may he deetnAl mutt profitalifit : Or they say. Let the tinseirting, have' 'ham unworketUctarrt ooal for other :, cote antes. The amount of oval in the surAhding J cpritm is limited, and, front the pecuhilrly Ihrorible location of our mines, their pro ducts will rapidly increase ftr value.. There is every reason' tcr hvbevettort —s filc; -, 000sessof opal can be meted, sego". *ad ;told dunng-the ontibig marl, tind tfilit this ametait may bit' dandled by atiothtr year. It 'ignite* ma irgement to show that; with such a•busi mesa Allure, the company' will at once .mike rostmerstixe div.dends on its via : lTiat ` the `dirt- den& wilt be eulittged br n after in the rs do °No inaseissof husfotatit. The i)ow.,:i.y.coat Ywids arc only Judd ae taloped: their location is not geoerally knows orunderstood. Itycelitenee to t h e bash• gratiticik- spur of the great chain of th 4 1 1MhtlitY stioustains'resches fir north 'intir emu friina the general rungs, sod eilikls quite up in to the Valley of the tßusquottal'ins, soar itti crossing of tbre'New 'York. B,ste Line. Hero portions of the pest omit-ben rug ersts of Yonnny/Itsnitsimo , boeni prtserrtd,•bot no- .A systeat of 'ea nitl coottriu • cat oonirleted in the State of New York, having foreztent, completeness, and cheap trans tartatittp, no Tatilltl or equal in the world. The" 'lntern' of the Susquehanna on the mouth are connected with the gnat lakes on the north and went, and these, again, with the Hu4non on the east, winking an inland navigation 't)wongliont the whole S att, and pitching almost erti7 conaidtralle town within its limit.. Thus 'fume, mental are owned by the Stato is tord and Iron are car ried cent thew at toll charges ihnott *nomi nal ; henna nearly all- ivatry freightage in the State of .I"rew York in carried on N.r ca mi., and not no her rthroadc • The Barclay coal is carried on the North Ltranoit, Yesintlyivitnisi and ilunctitta Canals, a distance or :10:miles, to Elmira, where -it awns the New Yost State Canals. Sham chitin Goal is brought tiers by' 'Nam.a port and Elmira Railroad, a distance of 14v miles, and trawy.hipped into mad beats 'Scranton rueUrriuthea Elmira 'by railroad: Wyotuiag eorl li.,daita way to the Slate of Nurr,York by the Korth Branch and June. Len Canals• said number Elmira in distant% 'l2ll to din 'Bartley veil in Glee - Ifeak flaw Market an advantage, in distance of from 70 to - 100 miles over ooals frown those •tegimui. • For the hiltory of tits mad in its dolails, you ars referred to tht able report of the ChM' Plgiseer herewith transmitted. ordtr uf thF GEO R UPC/WT.OP_ Tlill EStill. l / 4 EXalkaal Towanda. January lot, 1115 Li. Ts fle d President and D rect..ra if the Birrecry R. R. sal Cane/ Co (fortiumn :—To pre et nting thin. my Ric ond%annul. and filial Report, I have OR honor toinform Tod the: your road is enin pistil: au4 that it has been in wee% a.f..1 operation lb% nearly thrre 13341 it Tai, up to the close of navigation, en the third day of DC mintier lmt. The contract for griding the Foal Wes made on the 27th of April, 1845 ; and the work was commenced Teedsiiith. Ihe Iron railoarre controded fee in the early par of the saute mason ; but the greater part of regart 7 ll•ll Fenton. or ram rota am i a tsdala orate mat oontracted for, Of indoceds Until the Spring following. Tn July last the locomotive commenced running: and in Nil month of Septemlx r, the whole work was so far advanced. that we commenced delivering coal at Towanda ; and continued run ning coal balms once or twice oay dons* the remainder of ,[lee lamoom Ititfois.willtin a apace of funds.eu samotha lepton thedate of the first mated; As road wan i01 . 041m4 encoostettil operation oingi Tb esoutl i st ,:ss hole l coal e7gth. ried oTe , r tor purl was 4414.100tta, but owing to the wan{ of es, anti it 295 tons hike bees sent off by _ canal : 362 tons have been„esdsi 4 Toy:an d s at the Minim. only,F2, Mom cavelet been a dd. Aboo4.QogliTin tirt Oen the grea cr part if whichwould have . been brought meg the mid, If hosts as di have been obtained to Loki it away. The general design and character of the rod ForrespontLE moody with that given in sterner reports : though in ALlala of its de. iila„lltswork k more complete and subs atantiod than waaneiginidly ountensphsted. The mai is Assad It an elevation of over 1200 feet above the bed of the Susquehanna river: and at a diet WIC. of NI miles from Towanda._ Jos less io *early horizontal etre-, Its, dipping tosser& the waters of the Schroeder. The system of mining is by drifts and channebt. A light T radixes& is !id 1 in the mines: and 1 the mine cars need, jean a little more than a tau each.' The coat is carried on thin light railroad a distance of nearly heir a mile, when the cora tip their load Into a ischutc or on a aide donee, es-.away -rwptiredi- sichntio overcome an elevation of 80 feet, and it built on an angel oil 32 degrees down the plans of which- the 000lstlencends, and drops into the noel cars on lite heavy intuit below. When the cars are -1111e+1 tbey descend bj gravity to the head of the inclined plane a diatomite otode nsile and a quarter, in which the fell is 6V feet; This plain is lielf-sotinks 4140 1 end lit.t.Too feet long, :t . ' 7 .476 ' t liigh .2 , Thl o p p litin bonne at its , I thillrg, by 1 feet wide. It ;" 1 . G :1 Ai; tinprillif eclitirsill f .,:foundstio tent.' initwo `T'u'gs. buifilliv _the track' on 'terhichitte - 'w - ire i ropes are di ned. Tharalli ari44 Cita in ) diameter, stud to ale of tent Iron; except the 1 le g gin g or rim, sfßelooo.4 irtiod. , They arc all plactd one in advan'Ce of `the nth. r and i l conneated by cogs on tht it platiplk ries,— The arum shafts ire one foot. in •dinentitr, I and revolve in neatly cast i.....n but plates, , Idait.l lift . cut • atone piers: A n , Inch ansl' l n qiiartt r 'mire rope is attached to ealh dinht, •nat mad* to wind- op in rafts, ettt into the 'aiming to• rewire tht to.. •This is done by means of *screw shaft, cut with su inch and a hilt thread. and conflicted with one of the drum shafts : find musing a car riage to trove traversely to the . dintetion of theropes. To etch rope a ssfety ear is rt NI tnanevtly fastened :, One .of these 11016 the loaded cars &wending on onefrock. is hilet ' the trther-drowo-the.enipttesmitp- Illteewher tri4k; At the foot of the plain them soft ty cars ot'o•,rmulO to telt. 0 tra,dt. of narrow er gusge,'lutd deiteind Mtn a pit. tt Wins- the and cars pass tio.f without, at pping. •nd gravitate a few hundrtd feet to their Owe on the locomotive read. a bet: a train in made Tip Rod tfatiff to TiiiiitT'illififdfiii - rfiglitir leis- interstice' to,maite, hen afur, a small • plaut, staring st.tlw head of the present . }dime, mad extending up the aide of the_ molititsin 'to a height of 120 Vet. up which the 'allay ears will,be .oarritd by the sir- whetidethiy will grori •,e to the Pla - ct of loading ;at the foot of .the aeltute. la the amok _pf one or two years at 'most., the amount of business will warrant the nicking of this itnprortnirot ;.and then, by thin to, ll acting, plane shine, the cars still be cm d up tobn ott !Atha , of fitig feet, aids soh one Nadi; to ptrffnia a ruund trip of nearly Will It it eatiinattd t-t .e p he, w above described improve sae tits art ma ! le will ,uvosoapaaity to pass 2 401,11enis par day, equal. to 4.1:10.1A10 tons in 21.10 days. jilt, es poise of ,wurkity;the and gaol. atilt* road for .that amount of himineos, u rIL lK }flout a 5 per day, or about half a cent pt .r too per mak+, roil tretiii rang Di; 'ci)lo - 01,.1 thilla tall wales of read. Thy locomotive part of your road can be ',pirated at ..an eqttilly • heap rate per .ssaGe (with its des eendiog grades and abort. intervening kv els.) 341eplise - is located at the upper end of the rued, awl then esado - tt: ret the coal d,Aten the aide o s moue Co, COO fets la i lh and to draw the inlay ears up the SSW 'nation, without other poweni den the gravity of the . deastsgling.kud, A 441.56inetii r raid nesa"l., night tail , a Ibng.with 70 &el grsch s itrrinnh out. wt.ukl be- rtquind to •tioorn rams work - Tido-pion-hi* betn in operation Mr nr tart thr.i..montlia, and ham let down more Than +Mud lona - of coal aespattit or. in terruption. It Ii built in tho moat tuba an- tint manner ; the conatraction It *honk:Mid it la completely multmasfnt In los oporathin, The mad front foot of pleat.. to Towanda is 444 Mika iniength. lCle bent along the Tolley of the'rehntedermal Towirsda ereeksi- All .he Fades descend with the 101,/4e Th. at. nip grade is 38 feet per mile aod a Le meeptat gradient ix 80 . 411;et. N, one% thardlof the whole diatinec ix email:ht. The eltnitett.raditui of (Am' it 573 fut. The r.ids,wtigh 5 Ihr tothents t i,iiid_ire _far until totter jotter with heavy wrissight iron chairs. The croaf ties are laid az the rat.. of &Lout 2 droll to the mile • and ihe Kr. at. r par, or that rood ip wilt hallaar.ed wi h gr.tvel nr broken Moms. The grade litieof the re at i.e generally abovg.the sorfany of (lie ground Cud at all potpie above high weer. The unla4krnenta ;posed to floods, and II e I bridge fotinilaiitusture wi ll prn•er d The bridge imprrNtrocinre are- I The Molter Nail is 112 le. t end t I e w ole hog th of sufs rststio ine- *MO 4 . .. et Tee iron rail 4 and eitairig rile Of good qtinli. ty; rant hire betb 14.444 and the- rails thew ao appearance of I ith , ia ing The road in my opinion, Is 1.0111 . 1 , Ilt 1111 . 4 al:I a oA ton t ogine Como 11611( 141 , 11i1.gy art noels ai l the retremi4ios of thereon& anti theve. edit roirtosf - tho•pliill ' end alaS, it , l'i , ';roe to o and iirtonwool tei l dting in all le in let of ring's triad! of 60 ILrail - in addition to whlchliieire le ettemnd eputritr heiks of the light iron track. 1,114 in Minis, !AA a the hied of [hell:twat at cab end or the road is a very_ cum, lete ai d tarsi It tur,e table( The water stAtimis arc tree id, each at wfitehr effendi . literidtilec of s a e r. A train° engine beetle is buiii at by 30 tett, oft steno foonidiiii.Thx, and con Mos thre#inrithribrlnentsetires There tK attack scale near basis, witli't.inv sod tool Itotidlittiched wa4un4coli.a are alto pro dilludattar'this sitmi plami, with edirel'ltios lb,' a Mail Illustiersts. the' compenje'i groohd. At . Terettindit a 'cony:Anent I..asin if tictuited:isiennialikii.ing with the sand' ,e•Thiranda d..Th, 120 by.lBo het iti the otter and fire fettdeen, eubstentishy whar fed with timhtr, tied pos.trimed of a sluice by which it may he drained. onto...knee( a the 4:4 te two te:roie on iruanieldi74 feet abovt the surface of the niter. The mod may be either dropped from the San Akt a Platform of plant, Cush r these Ueda, urinto pocket', front which it 'dui celled.; into boats, directly front thifearli.— Thus* will be seen, the 'coal is convey. d frau Ow usiOSlnhe-6miut_briLigiut44-kx.'-' pease of handling. Thin basin improvement was sot' at first intended nor was the expense included in my original estimate of the woylc,:butiLe order to obtain a mordent depth of saver throughout the basin. which had been excite. vatt4 in par. before It was purchased by the compsoy; it was tumid tocesairy to drain it eriuchAvaa done alit very_ conelidatablweat penny. It was then enlarged and excavated to a depth of tire feet below the ' , Waco of extreme-low water; the obits wharfed up , with doublo ranges of white oak innber,bot- Your improir 4 enient Is not a eoatly one for tokand tied together,and filled in with atone eherseter• and ° T - hare at and igniretin the nuist IfjVid it - 10 h . 1"111;00111 Interprisi- 2 inakitig a moat raiaipletearal•rainaida wharf one till rani of fill iiptoolily 'to repay clusse sad task iwfarigaealat for sitippitig44l4.-.41Wh0 bare turratVil their watiteuitn It.' . , 1 1,. I I Two hundied tbnnind t ri of coalmay be ) hipped in atiirlawm-at th lia4in, as it is at i present c meted 4ttiu.l. Aem ill Itiflp -4101111111:Y.1; , pi nifeTrierventilncetipiiy *ex leaded up "- g the pool -if the dam guff! cient to aceamnsoleiti 114 much *Mil) :4 1 / 1 1? - 41 • nem. And when the road is worked th its dull capacity, which iv ca r imated 'at 500,00 tuns per year alumni any extent of bAsin may { be-made on the company's ground iiiimedi-, • Ely lh It)* Me . I.ret:::: env, Ih the. tuthea, thegangttayt are laid - out and made hi as nearti a ' ritight holt' es the dip or the !mat will petrol , . They are new • •ally 0 thrs'itlk• and froth 8 to 7 Teitthigh.— In there; it'on tracks are laid for a • distnnoo o f soda 3 4 1,0,“et, 1 44 frogs and twitch plataa,oro Ati. In at ' , tat& IMlnr %theta 01;010 `heti are: to, I. woilcol. The mine wagons ate bryught into the mint a by it?liies. • The Pnarrow worki"gP Are well ltradtance of !the • rhamhern: and the"eollit ry is will deti gnt d Ad in a pod ahaße fee husineam. In the iiirrioip - 120,10 Wotintra may he , pat to Mork, advan ogemptly and by keeping the nnttower work* ais!. : ll, 081 41' ' inront.ot force upy lie trOVloyed fur an In, dtilnite inyloitirttir.t , T. - ____- . ___,... It will sty dtiubt, 4:lo.t)Neintortitt•of yoitr eohlpapy , to tu aplit otr• enllieriet or to hold rtir,iiiiliiot ticittUi to Vatofcrtitl2l pihriar aidi ti'ibps ay ortatu a Lmita:at for yotit , „ mad, 1 . Ct,naidt-ratte r .,ahthtion is heing direct...ll to , • IN. 0'.(1.. r .e,,,11 lappla , to i lie Vii:11111431yolliSIS Pie 'et al (kora hhish : triof t. go io marict,t, :pit t raigui y to , !arty, all the coal tout can he mival for . ity.,.rltl . years to come, it wit he puliot (*your cowpony to Copt, arirr.di rat. a 4_646es Her transport ion, and a largo buruntaei.aill rtault. ,Auy wi.h a lArgu tamp can be wide a, Lay IN; rua 1. , - 1116_ dcflut fur the coal frvon this nigion ' l 4l to the •ulsr, and it II),r tie reinten. that rnini hi locality it is klaiut one dellity • sel'a half per ton ni anr the great "lor.lit sirai'll4:Ze market/I' LIIIH el 'or VI - y(4111.g &main'. or Shamokin, patent...ant amble titonla,) and he. , moons it has no sols.rior fihr tlt, am gone ra Ling *ha blacksinithing purposes. hi the tnaitulkiture or salt, it is pronounced '• soy other.lll4 has been tried For locottsotitt peril's/n*l think it cannot he ,surpass. U ; tm othtr fuel thou this was iie in running pour runt, Jt ly, fur a prnod of tore than lour months. VI htn a chntance of 3Uol) wiles saas run, and it wag w tvt•ry na -1.1031 entirtly sa is.a:tury, 11u cuul is frou (tom eulphur. it iguiws frvtly, burur with s'bright Smut, , littlo or no Klinkt•r, lilmitof/t , :eloit the hritiku, nor have the Aro (roc oCtticei lulu at all injured ley iat aid ti iusfraV b itoproper hire Co r.thistk. br`Ahrtell imptuves as the mullet h: arbr euvrr. The Nor 14 11110 d, 'bu nits telain4j,s t hi,k_ " 14 i V. itt tuarko o unir°rini y, • Nu tspiutikaous ha 7, been authorized by file wm~ pr; liarthat• -v.:lead an oposiug Lu IK 6w tit &Omit. some rnno tha basil of the admit,: • hich ill n.,;11k" a good eulhery. are also -other pylons for tiliftilet r at convenient dist*:oet's Irina h. railroad flit ilral to haul., mid filing tut u d with van , • ii' :bola ly carry teotkaek% t iu Ittnudis 'a, d cbtoina-ad a high, r price by fruit, sti !ct Hoe: lint iti. .I.lu...peut4,2,atif , Pain.% Juiel,dtiutpittp,-ta quuty— tedtra Illallalft of Mr coal la tattavoitla proolety of lealliag gr. at Lars in the whets, Io lake out ibt arm pot-Loma of the marl n bleb will to ll' rtsibly 1, r iii kstuithing purpopa it, and I ate Ottarskr et al ',lcatt,alttliii alueh Lie t nr cuntil. ton fur putrio.t. The utmost care should bu utlitu tq have tiartnal cl, au from s u. , •ho h„ in this, whips is by t o ;mans thilhult lhosutfu tin sate Is (Quist in shuts all 1 Is lit V. r inters'. rod o tilt tlu coal. 't he pet wait of - par tom! sbn tirts-ef a attires' Wu coal lra.• dot e lun i b e r treclut, funr revatr iiiTs and tyro. halal osep.. ' At lit ellirtr7 tb.r ar. 33 wine 0 ago:: el, atl a the lit w, 4r. I 1111.5i/W setsl,l..l a rukors for urd Ilan r pairs. :With thie : roll.ug ant+ on band, about Lone„of ottalyalt lie rifle dove lit r dAy., whili in ri bonito's ! 8.... a! or 180 days, would be;,24 000 lona. In addilon stuck nit hand. ynn requr, 7gr , lhe ut its tin in, one 20 ton eii gully, 51, eve% ears mut 40 )lR! . Thu 20 Mal engine will hard up:3o rawly •ii, s ard Oslo 8, iaresiitrit)-titsrlyiiir duty, tqual to 67 Iwo Lens in 180 drys- CI unmans of liurlisamilra:l_irdlifari/ly `c.rieril - in the year. At die rThige ar iriiy 1$ "One hoite", de,droceiTfor, aqd are the . mnt4plitt oeculti,d ‘ritii,twn fatuities use-. 1:1,94): ti,ert% 4on.lde bonnint. will bit tice‘sary tp.nrootti- - tuodlitt. tbedielnhig twos required, and their! (manias, the Next treason. ".• The oompriny iltould procure at,onco not Leas than 2ficanal bolts, in order get the coal to market, and to regality qui price of ; -boating.' A cheap tight pataenger car, If put on the road, would in ray opioion pay for haat in one'prar., ' The eatimeite4 *At of the ate:moil; itifol- Realm IttettainaWl) : -• • it,* • 604inise i 1260 00 3F ohm Milipm••• 11112 • 1,264 00 20 sum' beets st $6OO • , 12,000 00 20 miners' houses et WO ' ' 4,040 .00 . 11100 Thiprovimengs, iimiliiiinidol - 3,1 1 50 00 • SWAM 00 My original estimate for the construction of the toad, and tiStures complete,-Inehuting all ontoialst.2teilisOtuolt.-atoghteerini r ib•- eras 8287 86111.' The yowl is 'conatruottd, vcish its equipment, hes !J.:coal:led this onsim only by shout ;4.000. • Permit me then to congratulate you on its :- 7:: 1 . ARTY SPIRIT. '. . ... . . .. r the Ststo ilnYtin opportunity to aucceesful completill, and . operation thus r: *, vir - 1,1 the dawn of know N inn •-' ' ' kor..it has rity,Anisqlifii*•;• Jhough I d lo w ), , . iu , o , 1 ivi , r , 4, - . r: , , zit en t t h ed e fai lli T, Vi rille es7 Pte alid i to ße rtr i b l av 7 ; ,i,.. e a ' Ili 7 'h. or Judges, and no* the inte'ririe 0 ' fi ." la Tolialt rte r WOO IWO 'tit* . . -.:' ;‘ 111,.1,"• .",':". , a 4 , 00:1 i in itjo vri n o.i tr. ti i v,. , ct uri üb :, rin x i vi le , tilio 4 i to o. ,d itnY io ) . . p ' nil • unexceptionable nuin-...*111 not e i ~,'`' tl'ini . .... .'t It r. Wlicn t tie r na- , , ~ . il ~r ca . c d g ith ,ik ~,., I t uns rveire due conaidere. itticceseur.totz4ini itirintlfuhkiii. ' . a • - • MID • I ' m In ' • r i • tiMipi ,i• o ltrui,..:i t .les t r trildt titirm oii- t l °l ' 3 ' 0t.ei.,,,-.' -- •• •4tta, ' - Ream Mildly sittnnitti d, • ' armedry all armed .hem abed the derieionjm i. scuts THOS. T. WIREMAN, I nor th nowerearte WetrAmen , one of their pi cuter view re WAS it sh .i.- e- - 4 It cliitf Engineer iontititrr, , tertrnsrlsrlya i i ttmiimmar .„:29g...VeY•KcSUP,tralA t r ,Lift,lYllLirg,r cers a bpilit of communion and good telling Ma. EDlT° 2. : — W o tild it Mitis ......?„11 for trtoklheTtaix of party anion - v:ly -the busy • Di. tettan. a"oi .1.4 4 Mifillicji Winne non were a,r..ed upon; and _tired d with a i Sohootit generally , to look ' around end sea yii w ,r,f hating the Atuties.ekvoleing• 111.04% I who Is the proper Pifeoh.t• JUN tilik.oiho or each dant r, well la tforhied: .4htit non' noth. I et?otstilirdperiAcntind., AI, Irleptil }'' hest log la too squill for the oppo'si ti 4 to contened 141' 414 ' 41 ' lorTevlotiOtwol *Wit ' 4 14 It i el, ' .. , 14,.a1it! re,,inidnt_tver. ie o ,, ,...x ) c . t iiiy;* lB l A . minounote ,thetimehts itheteit4 - 414i- -ipiithe Ws„ Inspenthre, Antlittlrie. Arnie priistra 0014 . 11, Pipers, in order that die' biroctora and all other of their 'kilt I; airirdicketud in ulaY.lielitee short, thee to ityls.me P9 6 oquire am toil*. comnetenay of 'theldfitillefaleh e r e secret ratteni, andbronght forth Unde'r strict I pirty drill.. Our cotunini • scheolo, : which 1 thliY ,ittill be called upon to OtipLbitme 'the should be dear to ttiery Ausoriolen,heart and dna Monday of May, next: • Three.' yeare tinpolluttd by the Wanda of the tuittah,politk. ago,-tite,Oiredtors in thin. and nearly'every clan, rre.timileotrt and paral of „the ' At li. county hi the State dick not know whe were can couttatt-und, When the mpreition hoer I tin* 10111tdttes until they /Wad abet In don ate von , er.:df i ceras - ife t i iitt * , 4 Vim i e t ;ar d i vention-thi: coma ouence „raft. tiuld - i nuts only to thelt partrallritrotelt• indiid wet he r I.f Noperinfendente Vote oletited who knoli one tote-mini) where an bid 'atini warm w° lll4 not haver been 4h°,l ".' 6 : 4 th e y been friend of the. L'etnmnn-Selloiril'syidAti,-wlete before. kilo' public two weelsw • Preeioan to Itasi - chaattaure.. - 44 t _h t ! - .elltatterit*AutOrtop.unce ettir, mi of the.tM'entihip,•Wildtplarcdby the ihePhidies iti,Seddtiine.lo that When the election hoard* tehtive ditiy a ottd-diror orsi! ihrectorit nearthblq to convention , they den a utak& ana I.6(ictl in the' 14, 0 4sot.iiii: c.,,,,,.;_baya a tourejtpettiotAei 40 , 11ng the very to able to dm.. ie i ii, it on li ihi ii.h iey i lig hi 111 of ib• lit' Tan- The best Am! , efekiFf °Oral be that fact . Whtit . tivu Know Nothing mune belle dii alrer•entsil Leachar,entl it, is:hoital that __. , Signed, 7 .- gitiVs'a . trlthn) iv::- &$I lIIIAtT .!UrrirlslL.lo.Ll.4 -- 70iLEitIOONte 4•4------• • WNW. I ODA anvil/a. lour LAViEgT CALCULATION tOR (I.sltylrtd , i, , , WILLIAM. Pi , PACKE - 11 3 O LIGDMTROcoIimT, - -- NIMROD STRICKLAND, grilllEsTEß COUNTY Bj7PityME JU nO E. -ELI4-18,-MWTSS SEES OM LOCASTER COMBINING TIM E RAM Tilt OP' = e Blnek,fl• ;111)114p,and 11ity4f, ( . ,_? fouraffeliFitteitnntit. with commutui..(a inns penultdby• sapient ~corri. spotiiiimni, met: lug forth auntlry..airias 14C1.tAillel aid counting plaits by which the twit_pitties ate to be' btought together in the coining timbernitto• i rialeampnign. Each party is endintoritti to elicit the otle r, and as for ()pieties, we fed eery mach like the lady del nheit her husband and the btlli were fighting, vr. . ; N .. irtie - eilitairiliiiiii — ldirrilltit' Slim a ge•S dlielited most. Although - 11W love. of the to oilalway le anitcieutly Poterrtbt to induce the lith di to agree town' in ro,t.. ble ditision, and the.fortnatian ora hybred deice et. welelee 'too much conAdener'ir "lir lot telligence and hetteaty of the ntsisiea to be• li•sethat they will follow Hite dumb Is ices in the sake of 113•pocriny MI ;natuifest—of coreliption so abottlitially corritpt. lit one portion of the State ft is the hishit.of Mir nrupements that they bait not li single Know Nothing in their midst, . while in other quarters a faurnl.ig a,•cophatter-teidenveirs to dotirt ore r to their impport the little rt irn nant apron •ri piss, thinks - 4mm 'that riders luta • What ti contrastis presented between the unorganized action of the opposition, and the Straightforward harlivrnious eottrAe of the Detnoericy !' Cemliinir,g the eleolenor, of the oppositionl- What a gkelloua corn binalion it will he when perfected I But we feat it will i bear I sere, tire teldanee to the old lady'a soap—Sin ii the fat Is taken off the top, thin( will le a groat dal of lie at the tette**. , To iirti (Widiesday) iv the day appointed Air thisgrtait soap nerkag and in one neat wow *1 liiii he entehlod to gyro .(inr.readu•re the result, and intmdnoe to (liken the eompnutid that may be ago rd upe - in .- They will (hardly have forth rnle enmesh to make' *ye of one of their tildsuldil•ni fur soap fat -Silltelt 114 Wilmot. ttiiiii or 'Ball. i ced ;:..ill Ille2ge;ltwr likely that 101120 '' How es :.Pee it , t•tx•ttl unseen. and waste its ...,,,,, ini ..4 4 4 ;.n the• d, sort Or," vet' spring into nit i ce in it ~,;n_te nieh!—or that, collie fil, mrrra t o f t h r ;'ii,,,ena_ll4.lt siantui will Itilll- Reptibli‘2an. Know .N 0 .bing or AlllaktOrkill -60,6t. n5 , 4 , 401 , 0 „;t 0 ..t r l t as , d foursome( hi ng As WAntlill/Ily Italia, .• we It we w i le' we will get." and wit( n'we ha to Pon it..:lre will have more to rely about it. ffor the present Vie shall lua emittnt with the :roltek• that our . frienuls it ho are acting with thz• or , ' psi ion is ill do ii - ill to keep their eyes whin op n, or . tht• sli pp , ry I, alert whom they' follow, will use their Pla Airuna Our wood ..ii keep the reit beilteig. and :hey will wake up equip morning With militia for the iii Id; a sill upon. - . I Arot.oneaw —Ti those who aq , te.etaint 'it o ith the d tiesele, *action . .re Mvr rt ly It eti vteitetl. nn word of 11114/I.llty tYneerxeary to 11.7001/ht fur the tr• tegtloto opptenrstit.e of ism ps tee fer a fcw wet Its poet. Two of our •hil Ir.o hew Isom ethen from 1114 by the re' like-. hand of Dent h. Lotieigni , el tlr cull cold gnouid 144 Our slum will seetLoo ftirlh.r sts'etttent .4. Onionn their myni,oulty std securu thrii ; In this conswetion'oneordiAlly jetideroiol l thitikrforlthe patronage we have rehear), .....; fer the warns, "el smog ammort *MA timi have had from the DemperncY of iir comity. sot trnat thatl may he cooantr• Vr, f l & T tn.,. 11014(4 the obi,. to rendio it. hvatnies .lisceritible, and eriOsdnir•va to ita mime, and theellective tacatta-of Democratic sue: 0 ,..„ N is t h /r p ro pei r st ton or air grin; d!ietrincti wit stlsocato. so that sit . suoY_b_43toiliy fswilL itt# - with . than;' and , tutticrmtabil that -.Air goVrat iithJect i# to prqui.oto she -kitorests of Inv beloved country.. •-. 1 Iferearter, we hopti:to,joake• the f.iif els- 4 . • m." mars. prompt and tegtdir hi, its visi tations. • • - itlt nelt io e a tdita te, and was triumphant- - P-" . Vpives i i' lecced46 .°ks fr " w hich u n u iadlYgay° t r :a ? i°m,nli6. : iill r erai titnnaLiast nemat ariit ouPfronatCiolMntiorityfortheopPonni,n. Nolen, theci.tliitdoubtful." " ' ,'", ' - • --- -•••••••• — • - •7" - , • I His opponent, too, c., (hit vision, octhat ', The 1.10-00/, during the last campaign was Twos o' our trubmribpni who intend: J osep h k , wan a getttlimon of aeltitowl. l Repultli'sn in poltites,sua id eefill Voted tat nitanging their plant of ideutte on the tut " 1 " I' tosktd ability and popularity. -Judge Wil. ' the Douooricy, but what new natseutiepol- Of Apr.l.. ph asetive us - runic° le that. SOD 'll ft oven for the lElt!pn rue IltuOc!!ii ihtr" , i t " - 1 -C- 11 - I ,M al ' auft " ) 1"."411***11114111161tw teem .lio careful, .itt ail owes. tuatara the ..,„,, _,, whic h . 1 .. wat44414,008 6t4en gliins . httyondtitiestios. llisbemottrady, tag, ! Miss. '. - -.. .., , _ 1 ; 0 7:47 0 4 4."' Zi 05 . a lt , '" .", wrsi ...' ' , a „. im i tiurt i m 6 "Imlllikii , he- bung t - Arini -- """ 1 : . "4 , ", CAM. /WO. 1 ---'-' r . i - - 144414 the Of' apOj e flittllnial Petnobrat it all time. nee o f Oovenor ' iimi tittue home. lwarrtie.tAce err erldeh it is. chained. Town W entirely decry that he locality d ran • • , Cau.e-shire eowardlos. mad look of firm subecribere can notify,tho carrier of .an./ didates should hare Ylli* all mg, t° do with ' nefai "item see in Kellam a sitOf (Wipe change wade in their location. ' their claims' for notninstion, bat, If locality redeem and, murderers. gone tkieepi kn!, the - ... witrvinised _ owi4rwe would thirwev i, gi ... is_ to be to ti e ' s queation, the interior eLr. . ______ _, , - . , _ . _, ,taitily leut - filkeirdrilitlia. - A.l - preifinflli - s -P-urv !" u 4 inti whom 441111"1"413 our renders the %minion of die Buprtme to govern, and it would betforitinate indeed . - CoOrt of the lluittd Ebs;ert. in the Died Wmt IN represented by 4 "!liim Lowrie and if the President oottla filidltielViltifklie- Viiitae,but a press of other matter, to • r. Kntii. the North by'Judge Woodward, sod nil Jackson courage to place in the petition." gather With' the o nfusion attentanimure, tlill_tat_i-n ItiarladifF Lawia.-- I : olol aanaJaatie•F - we lEtVirßittolihr ilitidMhas sent &eke it Woiluilliii ;Apo cou nk ivz t o to delay It, till therefore , would concede the neat candido.o gao l appointment , and say like Gen, Jack some future thhe.' "' ' - Ito the Interior.' .' ! - -by the Resornt.—tferfrifter tivi Off* . of the Wlachman will be in tho Amid* koontil ntery—enti•nisownatno ui 11.trnhart'snaguiT resit gnlipry. We will 4 , onit iw chtnr , r a. yy,fixtql, an 9 nitnll he'plenstAl 'to nitro our 6hlnda call when Cl* collie - to wig.' ' ••• ' MEM . . mk,rve ii . IIMILIC.; of dation. OWN 044;1'11,0r ing 0 il2duott that 411 A. r io•vioNltoitlb du tiu $ Wk. II lite llibi AA ID aUusi►xtion of tho' tx- vrhiob itarly bigotry. iL akrried, and we think it mwinftwta a tearful want of•cqr ruct principle and lore of bur five bustitit; , We hair ht *Alt totnohd also that tho c , ec lion of County SClpttilittlickitt is to he con dii - Cl7 on part ItoClLAtti.wil do ho r e that Heniitneks of pottioliscii will shay this tide of Itigoity and hod to tile rt /votiun of Ow befit mai, for the 'office, i:tf„arding only • wdrar,e of oie bdured CummJia Seboulii Mon. &lion. ...- - • Air she Dinnofi , ,stie watamik. 1511PfiliNli JUDGE. Dsmoosarto emir nerrttin. The appointment of fun. JerMpishST" Wick in the Cabinet of Pr, sident lhrehilmn 11114 ' ovssioned r vacancy:, on the Supra env bungle of the Suite, and it grid b$ necessary for The At mocratic Onattettieih•to et/towed , tile for the purpose of placing in nomination some person to fill the vacaincy. There are sood uten-in our reedits. Whose strlity would adorn this high judicial tribunal, and it is iMped that from the number so sp- Piaprists ALL:MIRA traL At!de•—sucti as will he itttisfsctory to the whole 4party— sid I strength to our ticket, ,digniti- and sloil- - ity P) tire iknoh, and be a newari well mer-- i4 iL d by the nominee. That this portion of tlTS,ste is etninently einitlo, if locdtlity is ii,ite - ei:Usiufteit, to the honor of litrnisliitgg Judge Slick's sueot sate no: sensible and ob seriing man Wild for • moment doulat. Our Muss-ratio frit:who in M Min county ire urg ing the mink of lint AbraluttekS.At'llA t m foe ,he noMittittiott, tad your rorresponthu. jollts lie:trityluth i e Ilecorumundstion, and veduhl he glad to ktiovr that his tx•Ntl Word ] is' gypreciated by thu Ll.tuleracy_ thitsughattiliit extra ru , midelt and utin‘aining . finiti7Judtie Wilson has to "kr tonight to bring-himself before the pufdiC, or he Might, to-dty, Le sharing in the high at ho tors of the-nation. The Is:w -1141.0-• A "Trite rf• m,) : ti c i ini the follotr• ing article which you will permit me to copv The eppoint mein of the non Jeremiah F, 111a ; :k to a pl ce. in 'the Cabinet, me In ca sinned a vacancy-4o the Supra tne Court of thisSufte, and we pnnoune the §lste. Con ', won n ill shortly he call d to re tts, mile f r cutroose of in :king a 'nomituriou for teat ft iil ttureffir. rtglit and prop‘r tf,, t 1 1 1 , in..f Tale jouiliab4 should express varfr ~114 11*111.14A he in res or' the s v r 11 nanneAfrolfttinfe to time to,u,ihr .- . fors rid "-'• , 1 he force of Judge of thw Supreme C. !-' is one of setae Ilu e l.rt,t nee stud , re:ponah tit ty. The candidate thercfluve should be • laii•prtf otSottrotAleacter. r.irge experi . enci , Hutu. nor leneiti•eg, and profouTel pulse -111,41t. &oh a garldttitirAmould he an honor , to th e p ut ty. and if 4.l,cLetl an o3iiinhot to ithe Styr. i t•Batch. Lit (Iv .41Mo , airvro a ,ge4loin Whin ?oloieinies al these qualctiiia dtgrFo. Tiorvada IA ill 11.414 only ritimt . 1 1111,t Yeit , hog) I.llFihatin. prlident r Aiedse of tlr ISmtrice, imika resitot of a4o — In;ie Intott+on the COMievut Pli al Bench for ttftqW,yi without inter • which ie proligity 'ale long ea tho Milne part bait b. en Ii Id by Judo 1.1 the 49.itte. -flu was 11..dtt appointed in 1Q.19,, (eh° twin...l46r lielge Black Wail ‘PPoLilcd,) 1 .7 Gor: 11164. itherthiTaFpOiliiie444 Waal ',mai , - nodinty oointtrettil hl Siatat,il.:,Suln.t. gitnify, when the choice GfTtidgiw One left to the peopfe, drelgu iVibron lx•canto the Do thir, tore hoist the nameof Judge Wil• I •n to our masthead, confident (hit; wh e rht, r g Ifaxar S. Mating, (Democrat) Cho in point of !agar ability , puraonal popularity - Pre""t worthy ineeetbelit. 1 " 1 "tai or locality', i litter nonnialie Cainitot polouu t i State Tteatlefiten , on the 10,h init., eete Je in the 9.ate.'t • ',cob Dedltr. *MO — aithr - Now may wo irOt ilk; at the Oti'li#antion, 614 s the eeltiral • .4onaider - the - clain4Of L any4pee4mi.erio ie not prptfitally acaptainted . lritil the u'hool room, and particularly the inahlict school rtkittl. ' There are 11' nomb,r 111E11 in this 6deintyr silmetatald fill the office with cridit to thetneely - e4 ARA; thiclume or education. but it is to be feared that they yinlipt. bit induCkil to take therAlfha at any thlflg o like the present - salary. • There le nut an dere itt - tho cmnityllutkierialtineiled'iith M, much labor and responsibility ea the Sc. ye rin•enduncy and it is 1, - .l4Volsit Amte to lioltit-tOtopetontloin 4a IrarlNmt its ra• violas duties for tke_ beggarly sum of 118k1 per antmlo. We Ilfope tha t ;lei* folluir.iou will net eemenit the error co °fueling a :um to aerie at a low salary, with the expec a. On that it-will itot-ctat hilt-set Ching to trowel the-coutety w elf ptsapic think prop er to enter fain bite free of e?rpeente, wQll and good : but don't Mesinne toe tenchatt tkuor liberality. Thole who Would sib him to work for ball' price r are iii' all prelmbikty, -tho-eery-onca vial *bide dburage him full pritw for a teigat'a lasing; - Mere him such a salary as will enable b`ti to pity_lis ex penses, if de l toid, and hare apowthiug icft to runtime' ate hinefttrlriat time and labor. Far di Dom/ Wet Amur —aapagmß JCIDGT6. le the Dm morrotio party will be required to &hot a carnligate for Judge of the Su pnlite Court in piece of - Judge Ay*, per mit toe to Wimp st Jut' !ones of Philadelphia, as he plipc ta * nmsn admindly suited to the moittila ihol (Jru aho would make a &monde lmidge, Ile amm salient lawyer. will n mid en' time lend lowa of Pmentrylrania. seed fiats":mho. much six &nee - commercial la* having taco for fouriet.ii yams* judge of thaDistrlet Court of Arilacklph:roptkitimi- whittle-time:he-gave melte embitter:lbn to mill who bad husineen in theft court and retiromdfmnitha Bench, whin his term • 'pink:Clef+ the ta•timet-illukcommfl ml;;liem. of the Bar and community. Ile it a I.o.oloarat _whom? 441014,5 toAtike bits newer been %mot i le:and, but at dm muse time free m a part isan spirit to the tiiseltaego of his dutiee are a judge. Ilia character PR a letem is tmintntlypßry 1 . °1114.1 ;niell eat tern tat entitle his &Maw to oeualitierstion All Obilaelelphia really Tie •re pin setitivion or: ihei, flop um% flinch. This great city whicheontritumu Cl !arc ly to the rvenue' of 09..Speta la /truly' tubed "e`on:idt rod inbrew vo • 'tnitt gy! plses. TlllOlOO alt%:tber then I do ilk: think thti Dtsumerafic , ipiNtriiould se. ycls In ti who torah-eau to toy quatilLnttomms or min anal& Mike a nuke ttsofMfeaul ac ceptalde Judge. • Corm. _W OAT wzr.mor tics,e/HtiPoir GE:v pAciliwt: e Pf Fe st nmg Juuritril t from narriaitxric. under tisk of Pgb. 21. h speaks : , •Tbe duloistes to . the State- tekszvontion aro boipuntnig to corny in Suwitily:. oat of op ho Imre h to? tt!rTrowlm . - eitudor pi Pretiggek rue iniisinoo, tho,timr - naval/era , from Dauphin and tior,hutoimr tuts', are for I ion. rocker, so aro Liut thr, o (mire 43011411rBI: 'fbniti Befits, the time hum 119c.ming, - Clintun sod Potter, tits liro .6mo Soluptebarinti, Virytu*os apd -Brldfin* ono from .13410. and do on 011111 count. up forty fire oertaiss -to bs cast far iota oir the first itt, erithlng ' sLetni to cm . filfiAtfiertu my fort . itha4rt'str.4cett.uoistinstuotii:&:qpoutaf-- 1 This impression sot maa tof hi.arieufironat hy J 11 6 ,0011013 which Jikfte Wilmot Motown to h nu espros4ed althoukh vain:4 opponent. tbst.... .Gurt.Puillfi.A9llll bo the s:r.mctst Awn tbit ussooemolso • eternal they 'Lea be IstePPed' Nsw min in dna iloihitzstiklikore• fin* it ottill'id 114 a foot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers