u little tvatublit as potolblo ilthearini.thena. To their al= hoofs rooltadion oiinflne• went la aohool, !het* giants of ehildrrea tiro Co add vix otilhe - hours of study at hotna— ntly and confinement Out of school : unti l Ming an amusing lit k total of twelvo work ing hours for chililrati of r, apectahle and cal,hyf people, • Truly We think those sw'.rlve Myr tiliteatiortal, citterattrem more hardly timed. sod their ynong atrongth more ioirittli abuettatid nrir than-tium-c iritctilklarriliiiii.riperativeit whop& privir, gen otni fratedrfacaitil thb 'tioetd'art , ioLarotA to !VILA. . are glad .the ten li . nitr rue aro guardtd-btit - ( l,aaiiiry tie would like io ose the twelve, howittnnwr reliiretl tile,. Oct ban; ngido the fact that I oel- is the time for play, f-r itetive, bracing, hani s y - mat dtior rverciao : and that other foci, that the maw gy u fact tire of a eve. ain not niiisr of •• in pir and turn a. certain nu be •. „„„„ -. 715/15 . ' .14 n spe , na; ) • Its the prop rr 11410111 end dcrebilinent of fro Itorthililrcie The ether grrit in‘t -%; hie); the fts-se elf; hringit trefnre its. is the hat'dshipii `it illlliota 111.611 ilas3nts of nl4l a' Cliftlevp.. nn 100 itunie (.4 pillay. and }Art tilk !MINA i with their lis. 7 +-is quite Ito innoli (IR they are. Ninrorr Chador eta MLitt( r 'Ugly-mho mare t liis.,t p_iber expininhi and made eft ar in Ile a e'en a pnretit., re ftiscil call thi.x.ese, a plsild lnborinF 9.1.1 T) ing nNt - r ill . ,lor.ntiti by ticiii:ren, mercer b . ) ht. 111111111'3.11:f441 :intl not itbitridon their tins; 11.1111 , ',env.° hoe, ;44 1 and erimfitet 'Trim 1 The r. taW there fork, , I,4oeitt itittitte (.50v tilt of tent la , fent % are the rptlif-t ai riticlit,r, 01 their nitiktren, end die ir4ip Intrt ti r I. a Lind of nffiriel digineterr,"eilint , r lensint,:p it is In tholowpai,ltit•Vhin Erti.li'e iliitls n,o4 cowl •Sr•ttol4 t 0 (War Ilk HI rorde. r iftrwkiry rule %,11,-, !g ; # nu ia. 11 reit fit (hi. I , tiggc; , tion to al.; a milli ring 1.141 he NI ill/ a word. ' ''':,:7 lll tgrlTTTnn 1' '1 i*TC•t: -. TIV't - 114, - ,r. on eh, Itenteie ItereOiren ~.-, , ,setterl into a ',rite I' ..g, itt.ti 14m rat nd , tc ttt , ' , lA't-1 hit ,• p et i% rrapli 4 iv? , tkattle • h-Troi of in nwhilt: r..,,•:1..11,. , 1, hich I,,llltieethehe ci , ftwl. Will , e3to Poole 1 •el Vitaltec Sellicert-- with ch, , nylons. pow ,i,eil In the etAnnly art" of tetatili lig litalnli• i r -Louie-holikr, lee , k, rte. a n d itirlividtt -0;e a Ini - ort the-Joel of the tittle hot - who 1. ; ,,,,e1,-; the chip reft the 'tint t f "mother., 'The 1:r. ON end flott ni,ato, :01,1.r gave n e:w inspx t tin CO Nil Cqltgye4.ik.n . xl hulls M.A. for il, tt tiiaaravrfttl titttod: in IV a - • sit,i : • ; tr,liti-m -,, a I . llillsti hail w.Ore than n• rani ii,,pr,rinftt.i . 1 ': t t .e fury of 1 elnieni ~t r D. e, to,ilte.ll. a litry holt. T..1)Pt. , 0 illflt I N,e rtlrill ( Kli O. has been very c6n,riciieris iii the ring, ~, A tterStift Insults in eet ey ehrrcti,,ti, kriting , a tow , ceappiug hit: wing.. , emtl 4,14 . 1111T:r. kr!) Mil. OW ,TA.St Or . 'molt r r, ruing itnip:t Ft".4.7k -1,.1‘•— .• , ....1, - ,, , . Af t art: i" ii 1 z .tot i:I 4 fault if thc re lati - rtett 1 vin any VO,t, n I I a.it It .11r, ainor the colottwarToteNt ,e h e 1, r, s,lit 1 , :^Iii.0 1 1. - The tatto , r 11.tv this , 11:q Il.:i•kiv: J,,,,,i IN r n iA d o a fmio. 8 rie.h to Ft 1 , 1:$141,. IT At kan.tas - la , all • .1 , ..,--t41.441r Phi Inst ply r itivvetry -'toil if ...mi. to !y hail e.,A' , ',ono ivilv oncettAtil f , t it, t•tit , : s ca..' lola ..:Caatpiak-Wa coat tail, littre A. ^ • 1.1 1.11% , i 1, t , II I lasalitt PIM. and the e. , ii,i,:!t, ie.,hei. eluel WWI ta - tiP,C AUfft I o•ii 4 fit' ret v co. tine of the ccoal,..'We nely be tit mt.t:l 'hal liter(' /4 a pe041 , 600141r-the-fWV%-t'o7l7frticS ZiriTlZ thin 1./ligiatmt triltrrogrKl9 , re . T.trnr 4 ru'r min :itn,* at at Lwow. W Rlght. Ah 4 Sheri , . AU mitt). TI. at entered the ritaff.. ono eh:tieing a ha041f,,1 0 r wafer,' in tho' face of the - c!her— ark, (fin tnanler orprerneatica ni.1.81 n me - mg the litit , , —t rut , to fel behrvw-tr 0,111 not, to tin.p• i 3 a gooti proa• *lghatrl" - *:thr-:ftrthrr - ortirt 'the eirrltut. Ve.froott.nu nd n tlvlcga t of our cWitieto knights ortlur alone to be on lonei uz the et.trouNencernent-of flu. next act. inn, le.op twat-tall bolding, And .te.e.4 , 14,1t 'hero i; fAr lay in tilt n Jcr:inu IM=ilo:ffiM • ftw, London Quart 7 Rer'er , for Jan tr. ary +refrain? utile. and alomindi . in pore And iiusioloosi litroatun. awl' no uirpoilai In sty put tion in the 1 tiv pogo. 1144 NIA alaviitko *of Norttestalpronstire " tnk« n pritl•i..al and bcnio view of Itlolory 'nil goo,' ra;:hr, Icinginat flan ktrarr at lime w-itooiti• rage at 11d4 Own ittra owl grand kirt.a. be ,n be /tarns of Coui..r. Ai.sauder or Napollati•t—ti 'chins a Anglia rity wi•li our own nattiest lulls and mountains lx-foro we Naar o tbs tarty Itoittikts of • Choulnalaira rir the Alps. Yernorkti.l tlr . por' rait-." will reed whit IwOuliii7llrer".4t by the botaniot, stud wortrbo toter'ainfra and inatiotifitivc repofitatOmin cryry- f7verrf -'o,tr=z,o Wilts moot chaste awl (trim ay)°, , AtOtOper And NA ilweelisurA of • io opals to. Ute Mind of It le clini cal 'chalet' a Interesting Qcld for,ecii implodes% isiffiullar alit and Ainslie. for, 0110Walagins•beforat'n the Mod nod tboAnnillatothirpowa and the Chou reeionid&Tnaso....Millitn, and nth( ra in (Le f game t• Moo dhargfr on Pro's" ie ottc of s.i.didadifie, twnnsinK.lQ4i. r rwrd criptioaximaaattr that eantat f..AI to ft whoeversulay _read it. Lk( efltng and Cegiolation. Lord ItaAl tin," ••I,ic of Sir Charles Kapicr," and ''•proopcot 4 .unit iial and financial." 'mike:cry tlio ba11a4 , • 7 1 of tha tatMbTpr, aid altogether form fiT;iork dchiratt mo ego aormainic, l Av;flt Jorn - Inlr thej• many Ain. and - 143 marntigiWfintitherity - with our own rtr. fost,—Waggloc.- Thu life of Jo pier at the !wawa jttivtut 0, ana of and aastattatkut is airout being prevented .ta the AnnTioan 'government 114 rtanipactr — anfi - of the oonrr of It. Jairtett", will tutor more than at ihrhtt Aptt life *rime N Mow: fume hats bi •-`,,ApellirgrOdlifnitlititiSsr l'imiftsi..4.4 al. soiyei stiught end pkritv,<l. tint yet re„ ,, ,i tun the I,r.ic, ry I..zwrtir6titertu - ttoi - Criugit, toilltoitro - To - ltsta tie oatn- 7 risoro. 14.1 haw him pa!h has liven ottirked, irk tyi:l4 frkc :ell of MI riPhi• The Wieftrican • reprint of t4o 4 / 4 F.Titei giiroar/y rrmy be Mel by liftiroisiilo! Leotiood Stott £ Co. 79 Fulton btrcot,' or SG Uohl. street. -Price El pet unman. ttoblinis on The tinf..i4o id the Watch ntf.cthiel w k •the very aid , . 'and practi• Tcptiriar -Oat. Nr..J. S.upeTin ` 1. itdentailfiaratlatin Seto( isitYntre -- "W pm , gar= n y rrlonllc snzr;ior6 . l rela• tiee ft, tti6 Velem. find shon - s,•ire.think, an crxmrll2;figoeteiitlen of one ifublici sahoolc Neat st to one licerte. in rint of cit. 4-1.144.e1ia5:-edlao l d Le the system or niiiver. tdomtien, I,) , 6c.ttige fit certain as 000 .it le the only eertail pirtrantee we f u tallaiLer prilith•el im.l i•iv3 advnins• Ka4souted......l4l,Mry read ams go tn" , ,sinrk, in a wit eat.- neat Ot•A to-monody the 11 , 114 [lint dtr nArt. went anl. re 4 ree tiio ioll.idiutti of our pu ' ItirmilalvflAitratamaittr.—thir,rcaders will ( Nuevo I.l . sie atacorthattnent in another !un. that Dr. GOO. A. rairlemti end Dr. J. llooldrinotore entered in comerfmerehip ) M the practice of medicine. Their nkill it • Million ly kiroirn ;more nuezess. • • . . ;, A. ' • CQIIIIII , 311111iilelioik , .... ALT: • . . 141,14470297.17:i'itaf,x;,i vlairti tot c. 4 .o,aurn co, iO4i iiiii . FOR (101EltN011, • lIILLIAM F. PACKER, Or LYCOMINti COUNTY. - 0 - 4;4AL CO3IISIUSIOIIIit, NIMROD'STRICKLAND I . ' V' t, t t OrP EMI:REIM JUDO E. • • •. - TELLIS LEI V 15,... OF I.AIeNSTER c'OF:C,TT _rj rg sur Jillfli COURT nif Tffß - L 77111. TI: n T.IT D EAU WRAC:I - IT' 1- Ftr Tft sr"; 01 NS Tt Ttr rlO N— • ( it R 1 ,113 /r/t7,4 N 1.5: N Elr.s CO.V. ,Se-1 it hIF rein . been The 'tees% of the Pt,mtr errkt,to party, thatit the paqof the United States, that it& principles I%,fe the offline - grett' (ibent4 and enmprelicesive trettei tfint snit I .ll4ted thoie who fortrod thin American and fiamcd Rad adopted the enaati• • ••• ' 'tiffs lovalte to the. foodernental, doetn %es or our goverrt- Won —tbiß litnt tidliereeCe to 4 triet and t'air eonel rne(ien of try eliuso in the con- Fititutior;, big plunged the Denioeralie-patty ,Rition —ow of %liteli.how-evi r. it lies cvt arliett. - unscathed, to appear -more inejthtio and powerful than ever txlvre the p. eplo_uf the nation; as they Armliially gave way to the conviction - of the truth of its per fitioh •wna the case in ,tite days of tlio United States hank excitement—in the tarill controveriory—llesioan Hat debate, and euohboa boon preeminent ly the case in the I icleitt agitatleereitutcd by the onslaught of ILolttWaists titirit ono ludf of the thirty-one ~:aft I that till up the territory of our below(' union. li. a reckless and, indifferent hour, i Co: the purpose of itumetliato benefit, the coligreFs of the nation consented to the es tahlAituctit of a lino north of Which itirol• watery serf and° except for crimes should no% r go, aud a distinctive chgetence was at once admitted Law VE n the ptople of the two portions- of oar great confederacy. Airs I thus 'roved on for many years without my apistreut oltfaculty or embarrassment to the people ,of any State or Territory, although the grimcat men of thu nation frtginnitly L.V.red the actmowltilge nt of any lids., beyond w Walt thin rights of iiun molt: °mouton coosii;utiou should dilGr Not .howtver until the tCriitorite or 111111/4/15 arid Sabra•ka. were about to be firmed, was thin doctrine liktly.to have any practical iffect,—but in •Ille con.druction of that bill the talZilteth gigantic, noble Doug clatiatt.thot would take away from the pee VitilSTtils nation one lots of their etsistitn ioN/11 rights, or debar than in the least:from the enjoymelit• of that full and peiftict free dom that tho framers of our gnat charter. tvniseat, and that is indispensable to the full rieyment of sirettelgaty. It le an admitted , Nit ot, alt hands that sovereignty in the Uni ted Stotts is vested no when but in tine peo ple, arid that in the exercise-of that Born wity towards the formation of local laws; they must be subst-.rvient only to that mu• that bond by which all have convriitol to - be hound tilt . . mud tuthin of th , Cr lied Statea In direct ontogrmisin with this vital princi pie of political fl-etdcm, the :4lis,onri Gun promise (falsely so called) says, rlnit North of Ell degeces 80 unnutes,freeism to make their own laws, and to deterrohit'Alic char ucter of their own State oonstitution shall not he vested In the people; olthungli lb tcyritury Is soquircd by the blood of the 4, ,ye holder re t he Smith and purchased with low trelature in.commoit with the lion slave holdtrof the Itltirtb, yet when they meet in the urw territory rs pioneers in pursuit of I common object the tights of the Southern Inotlicr arc Untlied and cut downwithuut his iensent &voice, and he must submit to an ar sndituagloary line as thc point bey - and wtdoh w on free will , :an nerdy cartj: 1).50 r 1e . .; ottv.r demo zrits n the floor *o geeing this injusUcs, - - - inepeoratcd iwo the 1411 for the orasidzseon of Itansint' and N'tigasite.,e. clatitte that layS tbe'pcople AU3 be frec'to — rneke tficir own constitution tni to Come He Iln wErtyor 4wi thou .0 I. ei iislac`ury am a sissjority may determine. • lloweireraiststit we may despise tbooills very of the Wade Innate mug bourn( les pi , triets and chriatians to lore the freedom of the whit ee ratatr iruCiro, and thoiijiltwet tnax I oppose . ' tin; institutions of the 3tiutli, yot, is we Lovil; our country, chitin nor strength, ritfror h : Pr,TT o SPerkri Whrn we corns to this distribution of curumon (crritury, and I , ItteSll4.l.4,ilitment otgelletallaws, we must. F ackulitilaia g u- countioW rights' of every u; d T the Ton tittltion of pur Motown • country. Believing that thut ' larestens the jwwie of our , * people",is Met arising from the embittered ings grouing ourof the slavery question; it is our duty as patriots to dispense with all useless national agitation, and let the • subject be settled within tire bounds of the territory to be-Oft-Mod by it, and this Nitta , tion to extend It.a farther then to those who sro-ionevelissAy -ineertsitedv---10-other-tr vie who have by our Cirti fro will abolished slivery in our Stites. can rejoice that we are free - IF:oitr Eta 'blighting Conic ; yet ',west kart; labther 'localities as free to ex orim theiroWn-will, 1% tvo ourselves were. nix government was formed for white men and Mily'mantsins its designed &fleet. wit an_ the freedom of the white man is guanded avid pCoteettttirsirriitt tit enarosettni,:itts: nrossioik.::us contrary : in he (MO, to 'the inclination of the whites, Anil' directly edlodusive of our peace, and pros. Vecii."•— • • • Saih was the laixttage of the Kama and ltiebrittike bill, sucH the voice or the Dem ocracy from ono °cepa IP Ow ?O'er. AwoliVemeh . the voice or, the iniajtit4ty at the last Presi dential cketieu. 1 'Chi, t , a **trap' Hui' ilia:, ,- 7, 1 1 r 1144 and MI, orbit deniell the ' t 411kItte**et lap re to linen , t dit nt) to Mime ir . o tit*" RIT It's 2S,Congresa ' ow?. un - toed of I, IC . Now italiGn..l -,', ' . beinorkota anitl anti ai ill my, that the on. ly questions ` ro t -or to be a•k:.'il, when a new I , 1 - Statictireseni,,itialf for autni , e,ion into the union tit, .hot it littifroliint iiiliohltsitita to entitle it to 'a Vivrisentati!e r jtv Congress! Is S o its constityriliq ReliFili 1.14!ek Ro l : pt hoed and still soy, ' sileimentiof pact of its ootudituttoti,toi4 7":4lie progi• bition of Oa ' '.. 4 11 11 hlit Ss thbt but tin ea "%million irf fo . OCti in ittinineiplea. tittu for the new 4484 u Coto; utterly rip% gentiles:l of tho will of its InUlatants 1 tart,' the doctrities'nf the Di;iiiiieratic party NW's not ofil) , been vinflit.taie4 once more at the 'l grew tilburtal °Nibs Ave people; bat the judges of the - Supreme tiottrt of "the Units/ States, the legal e;pauntleha nl tho• &mutt., tution htive doeidel (a - majority ot. them.) thst•tito Drina:Mile part) wet' right in ile premises. right iiii(leonclu,tiotis, and ,right throughout on the:tiftht of the people to reg. tilate :heir own ,dowiestic officers, in, the so;of firetrittett., In‘iloimi, Chief Justice Talley dt.livereA en ulaborate and ?neontro rrrtsl,leopinion. which we will publish next .tA eck in which the following points arc duel- t. Negroes, whether!. street or frOor-.-that 's, men of We African ratio—are not citizens of the. United ,Ststes by the Constitution. '2. The ordinanco rit 1787 hid no indepen dent constitutional form or Irpil (Abet - sub acqueniffricillirn. . . . and could not operate of itself' to confer free dom or eitizonshiri, within tbo Northwest Territory, on, nogrocs not eitizons by the eenet'inition- - 3. lhe provision of the apt of ig2o, com moldy called the Idisseutri eompromiae , rri so ter as it undertook to esclu*.negro slavery from. and communicates fres4an and .citi- unship to, negroen in the norhon part of the Louisiana eriation, weirtilfttitlative act exceeding the powers ofC4 .10*, and void, and of no legal effect to thattuard. In deoitling - theme mein,pointe; the Su preme Court d,-terwined the following inti dontal mints I 1- The exprtablon tin itory and other pl - opertymitif the Union, to the eon/oil/lion, apphee in tonne only to such territory ae the 'Alen possessed at the tines of the adoption of the ennetitntion, 2. The rights or citizens of the tinned Stater, emigrating into federal tatteirriond the power of the federt) go . vt.h)unntlr there, depend pn tho genelifprorieiOns oflho coo- nkitation, which defines in that, an in all other respects, the powers of Congress. a. As Congress does not mamas'. power itself to make enactment" re 'afire to the Persons or tircperty of citizens of the:CAW Stoves in letlurid territory. (ilium than sur.h is the con•:ritiition confers, so it ettnnol_coh Kitutionally delegate any lurch povrnrlerit t t rt itorail pa'eriunt nt ntgAnized-by it under the col,a:itution 4 The 1. gat uttndiiinn of tt stare in the Sl a t e n r ur; 1.4 nt 2 t ntreelVd by the tern—. sentry nnjourn of much slave in 'tiny tuber Stott., but t.n. hitt rtAtirn !•ia ohndition still &pen& on -she inl‘ AOr Mi•mouri. ' ten, ards to accomplish. Wiwi?. i : tr wx, iikithi"4 riv Dr 4 h' o. l+;"i"""`"'"Timh"hrmt• 1:k - "ika t n h tiu rat bin a • oth, ro. - , l rnn - traw - lin - ciren nr-teittn-pre- 14414 /11 / 2 " " ....-1: .---- —. -... , flume attention by A CMS% did court room: k l uge tilttnit% to r wier.A l4 !"?'"4l.l 4. w" 1 si.`; si hether, ac a titioNion of the Supreme dem, at his, youthful sports or tliongt d its a ellari, or for the c,,nw it ut I , ttni arguments surveyor, VC discortr that magnanimity-v[ l on which it .rfut and salutary .taatil , ,, id n i ttelt,ell ex, a th throughout t e Tama po he w wool Anil purity of charsottr that marks his i .i United States. alto. lik, And inepirud hint with that loro or 04wr is embers Of the court proceeded to hunted liberty'aiat indtmFd him LO diototo ti stare their riot% a of the e , v, tho tenor of his eoantry's service the brightest days of , whlcti will be nitration, il hercsfurr, llus earthly existenco„ Tim life of Wishing ;,_ ton Is snits, de for every Loy to study, and a .ibarutst cannot place in the hands et his chat: THe 0 PPOSI TISIX.' ..--- Eaying alljutrnes, diegrzeing every pre- . a book except i.lg ir , that would have a tension, those who oppose the great Wno- more landicial tendency ire dot fdrina,iim of lenit'e party have been. fir v. un- the ellakaeter end the was OC• l bri MOU4 der fake caws, &odder:we/nig the titassmiby w al thi nistpu I rvin lay inserted every Luei. sip.h honorahle appellations as American, dint of the life of this patriot and sage with ,Republican, etc. At last, however they peculiar iirtkrest *Kb RS his pen alone could here prettyggenerally concluded to be bon- infuse into any subject, wile the puldlgh• est in some siftings, and have christened their fishers have . done full justioe tote obahrio distorted; discordant and confused, tutees, tar of the work by the snagnilleient styls-in The opposition." This, it-seem; to unman- which they have pebliehed it—lerge plain iftsts loor/ cohssistency, said Letolens their type, capacious marg i n, enequatt4. true principles better than any other ntipel- line and every etbeesttraction with which' lation they could possibly liarii , a-ssuuled.— it 'could Is 6 clothed. Every number- his at Bound together by IT inordjatrie uud ouho- lewd oho steel engritying M hile,..xvery salti ly lore of plunder, bent on any inealis of or contras* tea. be vole* Wore us gratifying their selfish propensities. the truth contains niter dem si splendid engraying of is, thercis no one sentiment, mentonoux or , ace. IVaabington. when Ahrty years of age, othawisroApon which they can agree, but, of Mre..lllartha Washington (bin wife) in implacable hatted of that powerful Denny- ut .l 3 , liferand .of Miss Phili ps. . the lady ?WY that %tidal ifs awerd . te dvf'-ttee of t h e Washington did not many.! thee.-readers constitution and the country, and foils trim' can obtain-die work by seeding the price to in every attempt they make at prose• iption, r the publishers by mail cloth inbalerancti iiiirilectionaliam. There istbuie. t ,olun:4? as shmotxtra taw, hall .thing in it name afur alLend it is ale. aye •-dair ex e r • e 3. calf ckirs.o4.oo. Three pleasant tihon one ern t r ill the doctrines volumes any nowmady. , • and principles of kparty hi the name t. ' • _ , r ita banners. , -- BAtifo+-The-lledrailiq Tur_ut mum 011 and urgynt. No interior coup!y in the State of -fere indugenientit for a greater sandy of business enterprise, than our own, and" our lumber, cold, irtm, and tailiiiad, °penitent find , gresit difficulty in makingtheir Anancial' Arranger:tenni. Neighboring banks, ere I dratted-hy - tiMivant of theft. ttninediate 'TO% Cafitiesuendebe euccess of busitnemt hi no denbteiffifillje - idartled_hy fiiatisits . to obtain money Ai nth times as it is required. Du iring tbieneit year business promises to be more extroisivo in our county, than It had ever been and we trust our citizens will ex ert themeelvis tiesecure the incorporation of a bank doting the present session of the Lightlittire: wield benefit all classes 'of the eoldatitltity. "Thu people tiow Packer and will:: vote understandingly,'" , 1 -0 111,1 11." - .1/1"09/--thel---bAFG-- • 1 for him .Intime. Rind hays foam) him under ell • chnumatandes the true and film iritiel of their rig lits- r ilm,englikk,i nine of t rely ng destnnctiveof the mei Ws iii(treitite, ani Ode and willing to ( (1, fend rho priu^i ph s that promote_ the. eons:. of f r _ dun and the pieshositrotirlePulnitt. "Bong eio . to Thu, Valk' irfrorifyoU 041; tho will vote lire Pdoke.hcit fah tilion*nt. the State, to th tune •of .111outt-Vilkiioo. • -no •b!-3" of trill ocve forsake hlut. ' PeekeV,ltAwlAnd - Stiicklyi4 ore our nice TionexTe6retfr - iontitiy and oer'Aeitailtutl'ou our motto. 111144:itang 140( ell'itt • Too Death of member of our lamilysinot "we weak to.prese L pas delayedthe pu bllce Lion of wpart ottlitt issue beyond the usual t . . upon Tho Amorieon party! Milistit danorican,,indeed! atutoPposed to every lib eral principle of our beloyed oonatitution— se4kitrg to make:otar power tho. instrument ortippreatelMiond %Trois tithe millions who ltsalt upon our luagnitioent Reyuldie as the *4 of the frco the how of tho down trotiderOwnt the isyluna of ifto oppressed. "Republican," forsoopa, andArawing with 6 murdertmaitand:thr blaCk lino of • . • dixu nion across this lathed land; nod severing front - 111e Reptiblic fifteen Of its ronst loyal states—together with the consecrated tombs of %he evil who. trained and reared into gi mintic—sirength, the- Republic of our t!ec tiotn ! "The opposition "--ah I that sounds better to the delicate car. Opposed to etery thing that is faithful to tho uncien't princi• plea upon which our nation was founded— opposed to thu union of thq States and the •' • ' . of Chair citta.rn. opposed to freedom of conscisneo, Cohost conncience dictates ohedienzo to their own proacriptire rules—opposed to the limited powitiof Congress, and butt of all, opposed Mart, sod 110111, to that constitution permed by the inint4:4l Jafurant Lot UM nuanu float upon the wi61.47f0r undo:4l4oo jt can. be rallivd the r,ut.taitt of all•etao.ic por4es, the editerFnts of every.cpiuion,.pitlltioa nV it 46 ' settionik ,nl'optionimi 7 , the ranting ncothint., and creacherone t0ry,....0, go, ;Nit . 4 1dott, aitt t r roartAil*- tare litesei.V;ll an 4 vein perpetuate our ~I*, ablutions in all .their 'glory, can cordtally• unite, 4nd : tight a, cifspengetattbs.fer vhstol and the , : A , :lusion " indka tea au amalgamation • • , . . ay all congt!hlati ~ . iry tol •Tyll ' itylQri 1 . .- • .. Prom tho lienwawr' 1311,4 U. '.., lino Rom - u ciseri throf npiu,lo t' Piper t , a ' 4 C''.., 1 'I!, ' . ' ithioiich-th 1. Itirm,:d. , , ut tr. 1— , ii r r iimitindiaitei t th:sone alto Jo: G G . •,. , ~ ,,,ri: Al 4 ',ie n ii o 6o . ge ftattr,- ice . . . wand, . OratCO3.LNI). CoUill .' , t, . ensoitY toward S*ll.mocni4 party ell ; ominTED. - roe Gov. 'molt s their t , reed, and Omitted by R common feel , ; ~.. 11111 g ., ELI 4 LEWIS -RE-NOMINATED ili, they_will fight_tal-ths ls,itigosi.lwursts. Sod Jlo-pleshioCi?(lpposing vico-s will di.;- FOR TAR SUPREME BERM , turf, Orr hirmouFthot. should perviite:4ll ROlii liflllll l Yo2., RLAND AOKl mks; in _citrus-Of--100 . - 4 ' . e litilifiß ros, r.) aix, COMIEVIWA. Chi it ott - 1 -* tiv-ailliolattm , " it i ii an-A PP" . -- 1 - stificatiori BfJolig of flit) ditizons! mists rusine, , Utuire you for assum- , . . , - . . inglf7T;The itiii--:lYornas gintettl , ONEATMITIVOIIINOV TR. OLD LIDOMINCI A . „ - .."'" I/Ifni°. '. •;, •$1 as wAlissiteipw jporn, Ilitoitrettni-wOliiitertrittte of tiutttent antlittatesushn; eiewa or' batilsi &his, slid histories) obenu, front by eminent• trrthits—etigeltved in the hest tnenner. New York; 0. It. Putmlin & Co.,'Bst Bytiattway t , • Tirefirett rooliArne of this work, octavo edi. tionqiiii, c pentphlet Oro, .00nsisting or 14 beau lifitl e stribent. hie beep sent tie by sbe eateritrlttlos mthlishererand we fuel that we are Orfolitting hut a p pojolfo.iliity In attention lff a Vootphy that Ertl Awed., oan citizen shoultFposseial. Art authentic, futl, and well. written life•of the:kather of the land of Washington has anxiously look. eel for, and will hail With ileop satisfaction, $. rneans of perpetuating the virtues of Idto who his had uo pcor—as an opportuati of doing homage to the memory:of Amer- =I No life 'Washington over -presented. to tho public has done, Justice to Ida lofty charm. Jet s of been appropriate to, the extent of his Runs. The resettlif this has been that no Imo uptclertook thu taak, edsprootattat taseilttide and "itoftwtanco of 'the.seoilt,ho MOP tqlont itsgtepbrn, being the emlallish- Mint df ,the noblediWit Of Otis whose name is lisped fire In whose pniise songs are sling by the lovers of liber• ty throughout the entire world. When we I announce however, that Washington Irving ) has devoted many parsor Ins bre to._the bits* of delineating in inialititre the events and incidents' that make up the slotted time" of hint whose mime the author bean, oUrlszpivriwlli iiiiiicipate us. in saying that tho Work Ikanegttaplinhed, and! peril et lk ovre.phy of blooms Waehington hoe been ad. dtd to the htarature of the country. lionek , dth.{ltaoint. of Washinaten Irving wilt be anrround,d with immwt silty. for ha haw imniortaliteti,with hi,' own pen, OR ntm. of that ITashisightm,,,s Inuit Atnermaii cittas _ iwjs ri , , ,A lit , 4 ste w Tta,, AL , r t;i77,ll:Mi - ts --- `.o t l P . Itiftt . (ttibilhaelin — il n a. gr.", rri i ll,' 't ~r i t , ytaa l l chNII 'Ur .v. rot Ike totnits-rs Is rote us ro -s-thnt- but-uno, rc II 1., A II (‘“11 , 4 Tb- 1111 and rouge', Julia oily 411. ot , ,:.; ,••ti ; .t • • ,Ktitif ,n , b. nos( • , I, iTashitigten before the P. 40.11 4.4 21 `. t „„ a .`l4-1 ' 8 an those yea , ..a that he •was tscosta ,g 14)11104 ' f thl oar till! , • le•If 11 4 1 r r 11.4 I I 4 4 4 •td toot 11&11 to thu gra,- etechc he WAWA(' • i.‘ • " 4 ut hitt'll(Xttue , 9ll say rum I • tort the pre tle t,,:a - . - iu cot U umiiee Comps rT 14 k . iPV" , r ; r; valW k . eao armok. -,.P. : land the ri it:Cele of .lieb+PreMent elect, C..‘. Stancliti wad UPIM,IIIt ,I t "' l n` r ` 4j . litmus da, ly 11,111 whichis h tree st recite,' lotions, sad reported the rdlostog, reprww , ng et apc rs at work. Over these i • Was unaniumiodp adopted an eeglr'hohling In lie flask the-folds of the natio . pal standard.. whiettldniut - a drapery.. Rrso'red. That the mr-ratie Conven tion al ilar.isherg, in noinoatting nor- • , - „ 'fellow citizen , %Valiant ;Towsvi'l(r s w 4 ' l ll ihr.rtffbl4 Ike emdr wars Packer Mr Governor of 1.141 A 0141311IIIRIVI$11th thir man of allot of' the awe of Nowise truly Is Mused- -Pahlie - awed- • nht. - and That dif the .ialbe airier of the relent, and atatly.checharged the delioate or sr,4 , 1 , 14 irbp up ap p le llashei4 'of duty essigrwil and Merits, and will re !he ud, lb, art pnd t l w the windows bear In d tonn,, th e " iv peopie of.the yratu. -- •, td artn4 et all thelitatewasot'ftreftentsc-fhi hare 'ec Tha• we, the i neigh house of n-oniteritaAst at ilirriebunr tem of Geri Pk 'hue. tuake haste Nt Affer tun'' State House, vernier's honse, - find fort st iinioa) to bid main yacluiblc private chime I •C ter;lU to hit oat deal eoresienoicy and 11.1klity: Ar I M P 9 ' la n g,Y 2ll ' °"" to bi t a t 4 I p t il tm p v puildje ufbih rul to Vernon, and Capitaat• eptieylvarai r . The his unlientlintintegrity,stid to his eminent iinindper represents in inained glass the ' ) qualifications sod dunes Cur the oalw Gm_ otistiof arms of the United - Buttes. The which he has bccti sb triumph/only nomina 4004 . are 11 / 4 16 . led l a anon phisb,. 404 the . ' • Brooked, Thet *idle ire admit the merit! 'floor covered with it Brearilide carpet. The and the elaittonof hid 'distiervialicd mpe- tiviisr,aa drawn by a new hromoti t e awned j,isore, midis,* for an opPiluulty to Alo -I,enott Barnum," (driven by Mr. 31c. hisiorove nevertheless thiql Ilaasen,) which burns the bread dep scud that the crisis demanded the nomination o bielllatilloll4l COAL Mr. John Slade wet n u.. Gen. -Pack( Sint that he only could at the p tell time , under eitisting• eireefiertarteXi, 'doctor. , nded the united support of the 'whole it York, where a large crowd had :weep , 1 and insure succeee. • ' - rite deed, That si &Gen. Packer as our bled to meet Mr. Buchanan. he was joined leader, the 'north' will not. onlhittent- but by his P trietutikurit-WVdh, Esq. Will roll Beek the tide' of black ettnblicsii , Further along-en, the iinepf His picturesque bro. which ()ma n acle)* e n d deinagoentism road" he watiaiet: by ills president, the lion. have been fumy t direct against ita "- John P. Kennedy. ex-Secretary of' the navy, that th e approaching election will show tha,t „ „ die eug,,,, of rokso n, under t h, i n fl uence o f Al t he hitylArldlille (Ile committee of the the "sober amend thought," has reasserted I Baltimore city council entered the cu. and its dominion over semen and prejudice. tendered the l'resident elect bhp mr.o!era, What the notoin.ttiou of Num• of the Monumental city. This cOtprpitt t e rod B.rickleul, for Canal ConAniasioner, consisted of Meacralloward, Or.*l.y, Tres meets our emir,: and cordial approbation. and that ha will receive in the north the full ors, and Me4ilton.- of the rivet branch, nod party vote. Messrs. Hintze. Gordon, 6)allival, and Set e - • ,Rata ,Flint the re-nomination efJudge denstaieker, of the seeondbranch, Lewis for thesSuPrenie warner y_ asi aq in accontlanre with the I.l4ales of the . Thearaia *Meat - at the interseetior-ef inocn`tic party, but W 144 a well merited gantlets street with the road at a quarter aommittrient to MY counnanding ahllity . I trid past one. and •was received' with q &elute legal 'women. . from a battery of United States light spill - Bestirred, Tbril.we congratulate President J ame B kic t uvotti . upon het happy selection lery from fort Mcfleury..commandell by Col. of-oesittaillors. (so far as the `,oldie have Brooks, 14 , 1J114, thousands of citizens cheered rrituri* and the milder) , bands joined in the knowledge to them,) and herehy our cOlitirl4l4.4l qua eXprol:4l-41 optuitm..ftwa _ ,. • the Union will realize in the Pen tsYlvania I 'P . m" c(mmiAttli o f uenerel President a wI9C, prudent, roost retot,. ftilft Stuart. with it large atieuditece of mounted successful Executive. disposed to It, «pull li Id and motif off( hrs. the -raw bireyti," the and exact justice to all sections of the couit• "City ILA' d.'' the (.11(arloAp.rii (Mat t.)l..'ily ' Every part of the old Court [lons,. was (heard.' the Auburn y. Ward' E _ filled whit the friends of General l'a •ke e , it ' tho "Icnicaster (Pa ) Femora - bite. sev e r', rt spec I , fc of party, some of them tray, Bing al d •ge.innst from littltitnore reglments and miles on foot. in order to be present, and companies. the meeting passed 01l amid the greates t , en- I thusithon. The l'resid , sit civet, with lion J I'. Ken: The venerable Presill4e and` etch of the null, Mayor &rah. J. B Ladle: Esq , &seekers bore testim my to the . WPM h of e ,d, i q ~•,„ oi nioni n ni t ai •grey (hen. Parker, and tie 4 ntleelif Adelaide ion tgt. • ThiLodifahoor --fnr-tf e . Alice API 4.41.10; ► 111.11 - 65,111 INAIIMI - 7 44 1 '4 4.4 44_ ith - - tad e-co nova eeswirrenzt ni , •nta, AM e ontn• - On roWilon of Col Thorp the _T) tot to • from Lin 111):e4, Obi gel in",4hree parwrit thromiliont the Sn r tc. t r 9 on Mgt'. A hor,se 1,1101, Ft e • r , ec , s f s (nth! nit , th, the n . up. ettog ittiperti +with 'hr, r00m.% ." Carl ; ttr,rt to „ eit ifs for tho icru ( 'II I. .7) ) "sera? i 4 1 1. 41 qt • Pn Plate r 41,0"11-iti ' liras Park to Franklin to t h e i p e d„dct i ,l l l, eputp ,y e dills t dq v L it, thlrit's 1., Rd g with: l olga to who thwitvo 'to the co i'ste• T i• r s lel we no ,6l ng 'i n o n , , hi an k ray' 4, 110 tht . • A A 1144 as and Am.r,oau Jottntgli concern .I"rr!`d'"s: the ' wieed t 6 it itig'6wroption'lii 'Co ignisii 1 e h it &int the witch: twit and all-nnt.. 'aseabildtoon the polific,il;wiirl,l foil of 10). te.flit shot ti pf wehmen Mises of purity and rilform, but lo;Shi flirt!) , d iii title at `)lie hide!: 'of dish own corcuptioitiets come, And their , 17u6hanitt ) wise tigheind tut` btl4llo- eddesall'finlf'dewfrin life M' midriff 87van, ‘A hid dliten night,l4ll(.l6S old liernoiraticilany stands tin pared by she hod, Mr. 'MeCiitightfil, uti forth in all its ancient glory. • I der the direction of the city authorities ; but ME!12::!:1 aohounhed to wi that ihm. William Pi Pauli • • nri . fry et . acong, ono been Dominated, on' the 24 !allot, by'tlie• Ihmnentic gthte mention, st liuriwlwrg, at the. candidate of tho_lleameracy tot - the rio:1 - 11oretdor-Of Pennaylimnia; The result was looked tbr With netehisitiety, though great confidence anis Mt-that-the- tioneefithim-wattidLchooso Gen: Packer. and the Itaiimptiotrotent of ha nominatimi was mile, it apretta with rapidity, and was ri:aired , mawyaibonm tr den onstratirma of joy, Thu . lt" 1 .• 44' W. 44 111 F, 11.1 V forSamiirl I3ladkj4; • bitty , ;;me %Asti almOunoetwelit oC therre nominhtiorCof Chief Justice . Eflia Lewili, 'of Omit, and the nomination of How liimentl Strickland, 'of' Cliestor'elounty, for Canal Commissioner, , • ;In the nomination of fiert. Paciter,thidge Lewis and Nitnro4_ tathtklitypd,, the_ Pow er4oc wirt • has secured Le strongest ticket • tilikfinigteated. tied. Packer •is a .karer of . , the opobsition will be broken intalrigments; and with such teen as Lewis and.Stricklstel, s his companions !many's, the enemy will • timmihilated m . Octobtr. Eadrhf theie gentlemen fe pre-eminently qualified fOr the post for which bailie boon *elected rand bytkakelamimithe Commoriwarlth wit manure Exatutive tuidJudluittl heads equal, to the demands of the times, ind Wtithy of the-conflilencref the •peetf - do of the sewed, State in the Union. • S, , i, down old Lyeoming for a tot mocrati , , majority of from eight hundred to a thou sand, and the State fur twoutt fire thou A mooting of the oitittn%* n! IT illismAitort, wen held hi th e Court !lousy, boa tyening, to totify the action or the Cottecntir:- Roo Apollo* Viroodirard acted ar slated by — • • Chstrlo4'll Borthin,ltOoltrer,llTig, ('tea James, U. Foustoti. A.hoin tut mit, L . _ 11. S rt. moil. 1)r. Andres- Rlctt. U B , rh..r. ntici W W Ntr.rivntt JOUR . •R. .RUCHA AN TO A NGTON. ' 7 Witte iiittrao r iv,..,' sp.tot Web 04,1indi.d the immortal-4*w P4s . thl , leal. teillardAy front . s r4ol hpn e to Chant:lmd,, metropolis hero cti dunces ott.the 140141-het has upon- they hearty of the people. A long life, tilled with the ! most dfstitignishett puhlte derviett. hag fluidic Mr. Iluelintign HO well known. so thoroughly apprecia ed and . so trply resptot_ttl, that men of till political parties tendered. as he passed Met% a YulortfAi7-fibluage icy could Niro cannosy;idiA, an:l no power Art could have pniestred: . ' . „,, yes cr‘,sy was very unlit( low., the Wind blowing cold ly (Yap the northweit, and the snow falling ; yet this did not print the popula tion fronynroing out an imuxe to) take lease of their esieenuA Allow oltl%ep, . Mr. Bo silawen Wee"eseoKiid*sPl'f..heetlitnd" by the lonaoiter,, rencjkdes, Duchtnan itsul a large aulesstion..9(eitisens. oTitt'offils - toOshocratxontietnieati and t 1 rsitroSit etotiow there was an, seams eot.conrse of his neighbrit and kietithi who cheered entkotiiatiesitty: es the trainyft 41 42 4 .44 &Flocif.lo l o4 - 84 1/qe•wPiAlli by. , eoluntior ptlrty teg,artillOthas.- and. the c sioirelf bells rang mOry, peak.. • • . . Cot. Joseph Bakery superintendent of the ate road ad t •filuolialian's disposal in extra t It of new aad:aommodious camp drawn ,by the new kismet's° C. Beeekinlidlpi." The Pres likinVeleet wins soctnnpanied by Mis* Lane, Miss Parker. and James Buchanan Henry. Esq., of his hoaahnld ; - Dr. MM. United • ~Nnry B..Fordney, Gen Win. Carpenter, , State treasurer. Col. Joseph Baker, Judge Shaferoind Robert Macamw, Eeq ; also, -by a committee of the anther - glee of Lancaster, tulepoltatlon of students rrine the rtaiddin and • filaral,all the . Lancaster Feasible*. - • Pessing.iiipldly-Stroffika i r i region, Which clabines many quaint &a tares of the fatherland" in the aspect of its building.4,,riot evidence of in observant II Veil [jolt to the progressive spirit of •• you sq; tin rica22Alaa train reftefttli C' plithis on the &with haunt river, at a eraser laf'oropinr A large coneouise flits ei , irenm were 4cait inti,/, arrival l!remident cleat a heartk.reeili,tioa. At Colwahia ale rarartaakdasia•oial trail on rallrwai .plasetl-at Mr' 13 e.hdoun'a brallOw tm John 11.14 'a el Rofali't. 111.411wi, E qni., of ic• m. a ,r 4. • !Vb. ;43.14,wer, all ne•w an:l . .Ininan .wlebnl to leaen lot; Wash :ton hi train, ho was forced ( decline: perch sting in the good cheer.-w tieinH 4t ltely vie with him relatives, .3fteittitrd4- , 'Went . to the station of the taftinicie anitilliio railroad iii .the &Map . of ( Mayor So an. - - - At the torchniMr, Buchanan ‘ waaprmerly received ity the contuti*u of tho authorittee of yVatthington ofd of the Jacktion Oetnocratie Atom:Klatt,. RlArt ernori'ortor 4lao itcaninpaitledlOnlaiWithl itigton. Mr. fimith assistant surierintendorat of the Baltiinswo and Ohio railroad, place:dab jiondxotne now car atitir• Buchanan's : fillip", was tta“.lll6:A.L.ll.lWil road. ll'engino No. 25, Mr.' Sliowaorg.a4ing an conductor. • . . • . • It had ot been gonetalls.mtmakolagAllk. Mr. Buchanan would arrivo , it Washington Were seven o'clock, and kho military liars not et ibei c , station; litit datmokel the Jackson Democratio Associaticinkalaod his arrival, mid he was welvonwd milli hearty • che4s ter fie enti , rod the !Amoebo fn fog:- life4 - teidtoftini - untie Natong itattl.M q I limo suite of roams fitted up for his. MA M. thiy wereistopared rot OettiPalidit:Alicl, no awn cr had' the Atari And atripair'fiostring over the hotel • eimouticed his urrirM:Attar t *HO the spatliotte 'evolbele of rho eiftfibliehutqa. ..4.lthough,not fatiguud- with bis joute-liecbsitien 'yeti 11143611dr • personal friend+. ' .:" • , • • The. Reeen.e'vlock" beice,g lit tier eliarlesintr , n 'City Guard,'' 'the:" Lemma ta rencibfeti: l4 and the". Auburn Gum]." Thyy were reecirtel by - Major coil, of the Washington volunteer', with e conitaittee of °Meets rrovi the dittirent Com pan es —the - " - Waibington Id - AT„ n rt-f\ try,:' Copt, Davis, and the Nati6etel Guard. •Capt. Tait. • The lino of much Wait - Oleo taken up fur the quertergef t 1 c eisking . • genie : tint the oriiwd of spectators, isoro redly disapPoinleti et'thit laa 'of inhresstan tal ramie, especially from the thinentifilliCitt Band, lid by t t illmerc. which soottanatilifti__. - twit - 0 ad ttti that the wires of their instruments were. fmzte up sett& and could not be made nor ? vicritble.-13:0iiist;ion Unice. , ' nm. :YEW 41:C81174NT Or $T472 ' There it no longer any doubt, ..anya the Piano Mollie 'Evening Argui, that - Gen Calm hag received and accepted the appointment of Secretary .'ll7 Stale: under the incoming lohnini«tration or 1111r.'Buehanan. The ap nein( moo hats bailed Aid" univemi els probation and tielittbt—aolitr ea the Demo. crates party is cure:elUol.. Iris ling. faith- Ind effieut public senile', fiissmilient Sideli«.-.4is-esseeetirrenreks.. k t ,:s r,esi,l4,:jinerism al/ emnt to tiiin liv the mnn of ellethent ;hit ' , inflict Alt this im "rtent At* , Pm . tli k e prear!it , itt)(;. fhe celectimi iI floe einliTntiy to 1K• Mnde Evuu ntrponenta arcf.med a !mit that, tilt.- aproniniment-iirs judicinnt; one. ?hr-Ohiladt4phia Inquirer, one of the meet outdid aoti odoetio*lilkYhav nopoiti. _ JoMmal4 in this City, very ilmnry 04‘ . " thet Gen. sidistingiti.bAlits te‘,. man. The /a ,nfrir map ••lye has wig been in publio lire. - Ifias held aariove reapimaible !met lung under peen,. ni mt, it thoroughly acqmiintet! .with our naVenel mittim lett, gentienarA of un duinhted 4,siirer, in the ex 0.40 of Vs modem-.. 1 ' • • ,• , • .L" ; 114, Goal may he iliguo•ierl to po rather too far in Fustsin ing what is generally kluren4te tlfb Monroe ilootrine. This iA Intrslty rumlble, in,,our yeetifintion, Thz 'American people wtll itot much longer be snit ;fled Ili h a milk and.- water policy in mletion to alio matter.— They everywhowo deniers} the'tneat emphat ic enunciation of ultra eiews upeekibis point /fill lio moat vigtroua determiluttloa to O r [-roc thorn: Cerial l tall4 is the right , ttlipl, I . 1 and in the right-04er, Thu tinsea demand 1 bold anon and piiriutir.' messores. The In-, ti i t ii:tcer cloaca its,antreic riullotteL „.,„. , "ileneral Cuas 'ls ammo% hat islranha4 fla, i l years, but NA bodily wholly Leah. iii acuul, and•hist. i l mots! facilities are unimpairsrd. It ig singular, nevertheless, to roe such an In dividual, in his affluent • eirsonistaticoi, and (lam of life, v,„illing to &seem° all the eltvg, thiltilbori awl the anxieties or in Ike or such Cona taut n tul ;meaning repposibil ity. But anthiiton anti the u joye of' • pawyr are Riming passinns in the human begirt, and -- in mi,litinti t 0 then. Gen. l'am baR byett au = UPI), by troops of his personal and polit l friends, who are anxious to secure f appointtuents and other putts of honor the now atitninistratfou It mitt Am fatiFieva; bend too, that at the 13aitituoro ,Ccaurontinet a huh nowrina-ed. lien. Nom, har..Berchaq 'ely_casa...stid Judge . first the prominent candidates: '.At the Cincinnati Coneenkiop xhitiliJatt* ... inaled the president eloot,..dan, Qkas artatt tit g drew Crum the cutiteot, and la( too- -A c ke t a certain extent, open to 'Mr. lid n. , =-: Hence the obliptionti upon the 111 , ,14 of fer fer the distiuguishedSonatoa- hotak•Miedplkt--,' the first ittaoa in hid Cittitnet, Thattpicre MIS liven made and accepted, and the leaming Ad- ministration., tin refure. will, ommence itilat I t o union of Ouch of the rnefnliktes of thdinatits II: i laic Nall, la' a Cave NA(ltrg Algif kit l iffilibielai: ; vitloil ill their preferences butvreen '011. , 4 1 1"0 - - Y At „ atateativi, javt. riatutstJ —unes BaOhlk , t i ' Peleavvrtitnia, Cid firtriA (1 44. tfAl Both are veterans in the (l,-1,1 of peoMns, , , ploy in plu icy and tratesen:illip, and thou* ,', their pant may weiglf iipan thara.annaewhat. , ' "wavily, their vziwricilco" v/111 thole filliti t ''..', abla: . Wowrg Ktmrortwo —Pinto Woad.ll/40 4 1"11. ham iliiitortirtid a ,remwly tor hro - gray -which hi at oticcsipravicahla anctdient, ' It reiiiiino4 no fili.j4g , 110 %vie, nor errikno#l. 2 : %Ito , irote,le T'scre ca Iheno d niht what -I.r iifTti pal 'icy Wu, It , (1 aeon timitilitK-,7- alinott without of tltrviil at: Pklan4ii4MNl IMO+ • .1.31 N'orth. . Thoto .who have lrlen 1,11.1 for years are uo.W. wearing-441 r oWa..hair.-.144.14041n• etive yi3 , tre younii?than theisfiditionetegiigo. Al itt.meat•castl V* *re istli )IWidgi - titer Eioth prrnatttre anti: annituratria a duty to retwAy tht4n,,ttpetilikatipAe - ' 4ii t iltted matte which' .. end te4l. and now kinilly Ora tti Wit i .o4lX:r Itrtitt 11W advertiaornen4 try.fthrtit rtmt.iiy, anti ght , e the PratikiWi new 'teal -Meesphtr IV 'lig.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers