GI .14 , W4 PIAJOSN.GrA, stasollos. to fergusoktownship, gayly ercim there, resiilf.M . glorf ouojy.--Ths. full: wing officers (all Demo. ° rats) vier elected •hy, majorities ranging from 6U to 80. William Bloons—Judge of election. Samuel 1148--inspector of etations. Robt. F. Barton, Wm. Y. Meek, I Ovatiecrs of tho Boor. Jacob Kepler, Sr. Benjamin Cori, 1 Supervisors. .. • Joseph Gites—Goinitable. John Britt—Auditor. .. Jno. )3, Mitchell—Assessor. '. Joseph Snyder, Geo: M. Kepler, loSahool Directors. Dr. J. K. Smith, - ''phi. victory was pined, says our coma- Wept, in tho face of .vigorous opposition, andover a party that oneyear ago elected all throireandidrtes by 14 nuilority. Weill done Ferguson, we still say. " The eletion in our Berough•retnti4e44o-the , • choice of the folloOrlog effluent. 'Samuel llarris—Assontion-.--- , tionthel Linn—Judge of election. .Pnvi'l Kr T go. ins e tors oeelectiont _lra U. Mitchell, r George Granite—Ceti!'tittle. Jgmail D. Turner, Overseera of Pcior William Harris, a . It ie duu to the Densocraoy to say_ that thhy had no aickst ant until after dinner, ans that - it- 'civilian formed /merely - Ihr thc, - TOIPII. -of oiCe,iingan Inspector, and that it was done openly %tt honoribly, and not, a 4 the Whig says, secret and clandestinely. Indeed; we -- e,liffleay CIA piesenne of enter of the eaves-dropping,-Patti Pry. %ambers .of the I:opposition •party, 100 effort whatever was made by the, Dentecrany to carry tho clectl3in, and friend - Johnston does injustko to, his (diameter for Windy, ivliinflse.iioasta of 11. Y1C304:413d suisrepra• mitts thetstis'lie has done. Eli Ins SIOITIMINT created in nor community by the assault !nada bys, negro Upon a yonng lady t which we tnentkontidju intrhurt ccnitfmnitito incresse7or seVersi days. Many colored persons answering the description wero brought berme our ning•erra'os, Juaticoi Caldwell and Weaver, and lifter ezainnsirion were released. An indignation meetmg was held on the Court House, a Vigilance Com. mitten appointed, and all possible-means rii. sorted to, to bring, the offender to justice. OM Jacob thr.fing Is_now in jail, hating been committed on the charge, to await his trial at Court. The young lady swears pos itively to his identity. • Harding under. takes to prove ittohlii, but fails in aetmunt ing--for his . 4itne, some twenty-five or thirty 'minutes, sufficlentlitne to lain ooni . . rained the heinous offence charged against him. This saine Jake :Harding was fined by Noupere Weavar,lve dollars"-and costs of prosecution, for interrupting religio us DIVA' ing in the Wesleyan church in this place, in default of paYlnent of which he was com mitted to jail. Martin-Stone alsB charges him witk.the larceity of a coat, and on t h e whorr,"•we think Jake is in considerable trouble, • TO TUN TsACUICRS or OIWITAS COUNT? ; TRUSS MUSSING TO Tsiou, AND MS /11.: SECTORS 0? Mtdmartox WINKILALLT. At the Ninth Annual.fiession of your In , statute, 1856, you chose the undersigned President for the next term, thereby honor ing hint with your confidence —for which he feeds sensibly grateful—and at the same time rendering him responsible fur the_ prepara tions of a succeiiifull'eskion in. 1857. At the fiat Session i pa:ll:retied was ex pressed by veto-ler- Milesburg r as the plat's of the next animal meeting. I have the plessurvof announcing to,tho teachers of the county, that their wish is generously seconded by the Mavens of that place and neighborhood, and that an invitation has been receiied lcoit;thein by the officers of the Inttilote; a itli s generous offer of their hospitality M ail who will attend the Insti tute, The until t liver meeting has been about the Christmas holidays. Tranvia - wilt - be duly notified of the precise dater Those who MO deiu're or adelisban earlier meeting wUI please eonunimicate with the officers, (Thud. AA) , and Silas N. M. Caldwell, Vice Rretrittemu, Bellefonte ; Jas ft Reck, Rec. tileeretsAy, llowanl ; John 1100p , ,5, Cur. See., Bellefonte ; Jas.. 8, Hail,-Treasurer, 1 4,111 ; 1 4 ,1 Ft.) NO se Should assume the sacred respon• aibility of guiding irrevocable months or lairs of the liras of impressible children, drodthiiittsugular-atad- full-nreprv*.ti.s And - eveii teacher now must be fully aware how gtfaat sisidthere, is for a large amount—not of study only, but of preparatory practice. Bulterinteudints have been obliged from ne iemilty'io grant certificates to the incOmps- Palthe Sa kteaie. Waiattupg_gixot.of_ a. 4. proportion of the &UAir, in all the counties, sosAispierable. But improvetnent is rapidly adYaltcting ; disqualified and benighted teanhec; cannot be tolerated much longer ; thrirorrosion will disown them ; Superin• teadests will ripest) them, and theroireetors will stoat them. Let ovary one who proposes to teach in the .101441 y, thersolittrc,Attend the instils/6: sec •wbrit is done: observe the manner 'lot the motif successful teachers ; learn Moto they aU that is said and ex atopileia eelfdrnowledge of merits sad; of Amite, and, with itraelf-resipoct sraooa-ther personal acquaintance of 118 many _toti and direc-as -possible, and RO. • tuFiLtO 4044061 uktder your care, a tenfold, abler,tiolaer, and morn e fficient teacher. liesisible of the itpporthhee and real great `., willitof. your /motion, and slimated by the peva , of social and professsonal "support fisup 'your good and able colleagues ; thus isiotiounting the heavy cares and lahoni of -..l9lWdaily duties. ZLiatilititalatgigreasaatirhy...aearrti-tedeher aboald arum to attend the next meeting car the loatitade, are "• , enrutylvanin Cenniint School eye• tee ilirnnid the most perfect in the Union, ax 4y the teschere,• as one body, second tho ettypkit. the leiiisl os tire and tho School de 1ik,"41.4 Ors te, tog/ be sinfiained,. ommenn4r,noli •thi tenehirs hove won )44•A fol. the epmmon good, they mustsesurs whit is won. 2. higher qualifications are deport every year by the operation of the..Snpe refidencj,iiieff school is seaTolic3, esertfon is necessary, to keep'up with the general progress. There is now no escape. Distrig i t Superintencr will be estab. fished by many boards of .directors. This will add greatly to-tho completion onellool I Supervision. It. will establish the repute tion and secure tho reward of thes.mothddia cal, sYStemstic, skillful reacher And lay Mire the defects of the unprepared And Ins competent ; it will note and record monthly improvement, and search every class and ,'every procedtue in the school; it will rende a knowledge of 'systematic, scientific teach ing, absolutely necessary to the teacher. 4. Every inefficient teacher is p moral traitdr. to the common interest. He stands in the doorway of knowledge ; closes it up, and perpetuates ignorance or falsehood 151. 'stead. As our State is constitutes 4 it cannot afibrd Ignorance anywhere. It is more dnn geroits tilgn fire or pestilence. All must be educated to a' certain event, for all vote, and all should be educated together, and as pearly alike as possible. County Institutes are relied upon by the leading educational ists etf the State, ns the most immediately effective mean of prof deal improvement. (See proceedings of State Teachers' A81110Ci• talon.) Our Institute fit one of the earliest' andoldest. o... The next meeting will hate special ar rangements to interest, instruct, reward and gratify all who attend. • 6. Directors have become sensible that the romit-enterprising and eameal'tearchers seek them,accordiublyt 'Handsome certill- Cates will be Itreps .Wd for 'members as useful evidencp on this point. . , 7.' Milesburg is a centralaq `,easily ac cessible point, and-horoitipeuewili,-resteive the teachers in a manner etridthellm their respect for them as tturir-children's tuuthheir country's best, moat paing.tsking and self. siteriffrionds. Let the entire body meet together for the first dine, and show to ,em. selves and them:Woof what manner Raper sins this most Influential, but least metre Iniecd, of alit tht,„zgioial powers of the Slate is composed. , The now sChOol-hotpie latolyleteeted at Milesburg Iron Works is a model building, I which every teacher and Direoter should seek opportunity to inspect. In fine let ee ery one addresdedi imsclude that' , .it is ab. solutely_ a duty_ which cannot evade t I mot and shall attend thollitilititte — With all my fellow teachers," and arrange accor iliall4/. - • • trWrAILING, President. DUVALL'S GIALwARTO OIL will °hook and oven tu►lly cure more aches And pains than any other reined r known. Ask those that have Need It. ffo b A. Orittabs. Pallefonte; Johnston a Weller. ; A fiamplo t Cu. Pine (hove: Drew k Ita oy, 9WrmsWwN. R. J. Nyman,lso bar' ; Wm, Allison, Jaoksoncille; J. R. Buttert, NiWany, and otbess. RELNISOLD'I MGM:" 001(00111tATID li:n AD Hoene, Is prepared-4mM, , scoOrding te the rules of Pharmacy sad ()bent *UT, and ft the bait and moat active preparation which ten be made for the ours of diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel; dropsy, weakeesses, in Road the. advertisement in another solemn, headed " A revolution iseertaln. Viotory Is ettrs, • MAPRIED. _ • On Thursday, Feb. 120, by nay. Rout. gamin Mr. Wata.caa itookwro tAI Bill/ MAI 1' dausLtor o Mr. Joseph Andrew, of Harris toynablp. In this borough, on Tuesde7 evening the 19th Olt., by litiv.,kohn Onyer, Mr. Damn. lebittrhsr to Mrs. !Winter , iltzungt.b, ell of Bellefonte. On Ttrntin7_ oien Ins 24 St lost-, Ity_ltsyr, ii. • S Mr. WAIIIIINOTOW W to Mla Men oaitneltannt•Paanren,Tboth of Snowshoe township, 01114111 *mfr. , _ -.I On iS'ciOniind. , by tin !tar::: P. Lap:, 11r, Rainer.HARMITII/11 to MISI SARA!, drlngliter of Mr. Potor Duna both of *Chintz° Ital. On the 2dth Ind by the autate-Mr. lOUS Gill', to Mite HAWAII 4131111htitr_54 Mffjet. Not both of Centre nail. DIED. • Tt ihlslboronirb, entlatorday mornlag, Feb. Vit. 'of mon)), dorm VriLLAnty, son of John I', and Ma -7-411911,'d ; imntt! , ol; 7 ay'. do IhOa Usadlay, 4ISJ, Sating townithip,lfaar of Maud and Elias - both Roam mpg 13 maatbs ind 3 days. Oa the 25th inst., et the Co:rad Howe to this plea• Mei PTUASon, aged a yams 2 months and 21 'days. The deceued wrus twin gate, of Cep. Ynrri• eons amiable nth, and imielved front them both the kindes' and moat devoted attention. She lin gered long with bodily infirmity and at last pawed eafinly through the p•Stals of everlasting day. Deparfed this life on the 27111 nit at the, real donee it Mrs. Hays, In this borough, JAXIII DZItRON, aged TG years liar death was very sudden. be was called sway In Om ml let of health, by ■ strobe of Novi, deice, of only ♦bout three hours oottannann. She was born end gt:ew up to wamanbood, in Shippepe• burg, Cumberland County. Ifer mother removed to this °cunt) , In 1802, her father hiving died mine time before, and settled on Slab 'Cabin branoh, In Minis Warn/hip , Tisere the Jemmied remained till her maims donthe--whlch was In the summer of 1828. From that time till her death, she had her home with her tdisSor, Mrs. flays. She was be/11_0 Preabylerien parents, and brought up strictly in the faith of the,r eltareb•—• : . She connected herself in the eurninuelorLef . o 011u - oi - era& mink, and ebb datitinuettlf tier thee info regular observance of all its instructions and ottlinanees. In her dieposition and habit., oho was fleetest*, retiring and irnjustrinna--elre was metal trtul kind s always pleased to see her friends, meet. lordly= with a cheerful eountenance—she was et ym.''a ready to relieve the needy and distressed se etrfitlicte. the extent of her metes. Re will here greenbenxi, by en eatensiv• chide of solpsginianees, with streetion; and by whose reaßoval a blank has been made in dementia and religious society that will be @overly felt. Her disease was of such a nature, anfrial nit 4(- 11rd the opportunity to nay to the friends around her ain going" but from the general tenor o her lire, they have reason to elappose that she has mule a happy change. In p_enner lownship,lbiseotnity, an the 21st nit Mn M•ItY SILLORII.I4III4 82 years, 11 montbsand IS days In thin notice we chroniale tbereiiierture from earth of ono of the °Meet inhabitants of mar coon. tr.—one who hoe seen more of the fleeting enema of Irmo then many Rumen beings aye pertnitted s te:and She pace hence ladon frith yearn, and covered with -thefory of- itecoettt benevolence.. Tha puernerer left her door unfed—the safforing were never with out her sympethy- loaves a, large family 'of children, alt of whom aro In maitre years, anti number among thoi moat respectable eltioems of the county. They watched the departure' bf their venerable mother with the emotions that parental affeethm over inspires within the heart. lifer spirit like a shadow parsed hens osttli,, To enteron its bright celestial birth, Thp honlated hood of hoary ago bowed dotem anbnafseltely to Hilo who claimed—hls own. •- ~ TAR Xfit, Asti Eloar ' s 7 ,6 o I Whet, 1,30 to 1,60 'lye, 62} Corn, 50 to 62* Oats, • •85 Inwrity, liabkwhest, Moon, .ilat ;MN. .srorirs,Marnb 4 1357. Okoverweed, • $6,25 • Ti inothiso•d; d Potatoes, Butter, RSA 176 Tall ow, 111 Lard, • •• I : 41 STATES kilt _ - Peas Orrica Dar afraar, February 2. 1837. ,PROPOSALS FUR CALBRYING' T mrtila OfTWO - 171010013reterfttrif "hartlBsl7T u June 30, 1800, In the State of FBlitelirLVANIA, will be received, dt the lientract Omen of this tie parrtnent until d. p - March 3lst next, to be deolded by the 115th April, following, on the routes and 11l times herein specified, (Being. with some exoeptions, routes established by arty of Congreoe approved August IS, 1850.) 3300 : FroinOloorfloldly Curtronsvills,Luthershorg Jefferson Lino, Itoynoldsvllle, Brmkvillo, CloseloaldulStrattouville, to Clarion. CID miloe l& in bank; daily, except Sunday, in two horse —coaches. Leave Clearfield daily, except !Sunday, at 4 Iti f Arrive nt Clarion by 10 p. Leave Clarion daily except Sunday, at 0 a tn.. A rill.° at Clonrtiold at 10 p m.- 3487 From Reading, by Kaneur's, Muddy Creak, Weaver's SEII. and Blue Ball, to New Bolland, 21 miles and beet, three times and back. Ea** Reading Teteadii, effintskty, and Bit* urday at 9 a t'W Arrive at Now Bollaod by 4-p M.• - Leave Now BollantMondiy, WirdattodAY, and Friday at 2 a pr. Arrive at Reading by 44an. Propel/ale to carry the mall in tne-home, eoaohos aro Invited. 3483 From Stadtlartsrille.''b. 1 South Clifton, and Clifton to Nazism! Id, 20 tulles alrel back, stir timers - Week. Lofty.) Straidartsvil e daily except Sanday,at • 0 a Arrive at Naglesrille at 12 a m. Lbave Neglesville dally § except Stodgy, af ter arrival of railroad mall limn New York —my at s p re. Arrive at Stralderlovnib ¢T D 9 °'• • ' . • Proposals to wary the ma il I p Colo-horse and invited. • 34e t o Prom. Laporte, by Bagleamore, - Verlrrille, - dredvillootedSkoni4te,Calaten, 44 milettand beak, once a look, - Lear. Ld , orte Moniay at sk , k m " Arrive at Oantownext day by 12m. Leave Canton Tuesday at li t m. Arrive atLaorts neat day pm. Proposals for second. weir and to eon:manes at Baglemeere, 5 miles leas MS - fence, arbrniiffir, law to perform the -ner- ' vice in two days, out and bask. MO From Penn's Creek, ( , hrengb Meteor's Val ley) by Troxelville to ittiddle Greek, 10 miler' tandliWsnee a week. • . Leave Prit f t's Creek, Tuesday after arrival of -----)be Lew, he_&_mall—vn iat 8 _ •__ Arrive at tddTe Creak 'WI Pin. Leave Middlo creek Tecate, at 3 . p tia. Attire at Penn s dreek by 7 pelt: sac From Bristol, by Centerville and Fpliflngton to Yoydleyrille, 12 miles and batik ono* a •••• _ Week: Leave Briit i tol &tarry at p Arrive sit nrdslyvi le by T p ur) Leave Yardleyvißetiatnniay 4.1. a; Arrive et Bristol by 7 pm, .3192.1fr0m Bristol, by Lendebaugh'it, Corner, Ox ford Valley. Sommerville and bland, to Delington, 16 uti - at stud beak; once • week.' Leave Bristol 8 nurday at 4p m; Arrive at Dolington by 6* p m; Leave Dolingtou Saturday at 4 it ra Arrive at Bristol at 61 p m. Proposal, fbr throe thpos a work, also Real: gamin week menial id tweiorseeowthes are Invited. 3493 From Wind Gap by Bug Tun, to Ifooresteera 12 miles and back, once a week, Leave Wind asp Taesdiy aSB a m; Arrive nd labore'stown fi . iiralay at i prn; rePre itt Wind Gap by p ; From ntittlietri to Bath, 7 miler and beck, ono: a week, Lortie Betblem gatordny on arrival of the mill from Kitelan-i-say at 12 m; Aryfte at Bath sane day by 21 p m ; Leave Bath Saturday at 31 p in; Arrive at Beaten' lame day at 51 p in; Proposals for dim times a week surtioas are Invited. 3495 From New , Castle, by gait Brook. flattens burgh, and Plain Grove, to Slippery Rook, 'ID miles and book, once a week. Leave New Cinitto Monday ate a in ; Arrive at Slippery Beek by 12 m; Leave Blippoly Rook Morality at 1 p in; Arrive at New Castle by 8 p m ; Proposals for second weekly trip are Invited, 3.316 From Indium to West Lebannon,l2 miles and back. ones.* week: Leave Indiana Wednesday at 8.• Arrive at West LeliontiOn by 12 in; - Leave West Lebanon by I p m ; Attire at Indiana by it pm. UPI' From Kittanning. by Davis's add Knoxville to Dayton, 18 miles and beak two a week. Loewe Kittanning Monday after arrival of tho Pittsburg mall by reilroed•'-liV at 11 a in; Arrive at Dayton by 6 p Lowe Dayton_Tnea lay at I a - Arrive at Kittanolog by 12 in. P. opoaals for a aeund waylay trip are int iced. 8498 lfrom Worthington to Millerstown, 13 miles and baoh, once a peek. Lave Worthington, Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at *Wintry:mu by 5 p in. A1160'141 Milleratown, Saturday at 8 slat Arrive at Worthington by 12 in. 3199 From Slaxanbargbt. by eyrher's Prom Roads and W inlaid Puma% to Slats Lb:4,l2=llk , amd c bsek.easits a, week.. _ Leave s.lxonbulgh, Sattli-day el 0,! 1 !Iti I Arrive at elate Liuk by SO am • '' - Leave Mate Lick, Saturday at 12 an: Arrive at Sagonhurgli by 5 p m. 3500 From Punxsutawney, by Speankls's Mill, to Plevanatville, IT utile; and book, sumo a week, Leave Punxsutawney, Wednesday at 8 a m; Arrive at Pleasant villa by 2 p m ; Leave Pleassinvills, Thursday at 8 am; Arrive at Panxsutawney by t p m. 3581 From New Wallington, by M i ller's Slam, Marton's and Neld'Oriill, to Punxsutawney, 20 miles and back, once* week. Leave New Washington, Thursday at 8 a ta ; Arrive at Puntsatawney by 2 p in; Leave Runxrutawn Faday at 6 a in; Artiyo„sit NyzWashingtenly_t ns;_ :Prop:mars FilTaliVe-Ifiries.ame 'isliniiiiiii are invited, also to perform whoissery Lou in ono P l ' 3502 groin PhllipabOrg, by kforriadals, to Hyler hawn, 10 Iles and back, throe timsea week., - Leave Ph lipsbarg, 4ueasday„ThullAtay.ali4 Elatunlny at It a at; , Arrive at 'ylertown br 11 a to ' • " 1 J.mave Hylertown, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday et 12 at ; Arrive in Philipsburg by 21 p m. P,roposals to carry the maill'ir - tifeagraree comes are invited, .3503 . From Calleesburg to RimembErg, 8 miles and " back °nee m week. Leave Calfinsburg, Saturslay at 6 a m; , Arrive at Rimerebhrg by'll a in; ' Leave liimershurg, Satin, ay at 10 I, m; ' . Propmals for twins, as rii - aiiieltrinisi-a ' week Portico, are invited. 3504 From Grady's Bend, by Miller . ' Ferry and /Gaeta Fos-Fernotenia Oalleesborgy 13 mihm azul back, once a week. Leave Grady's head, Tuesday a 413 • m ; , A rr i v e aceellerieburg, by 12 p au,' ',- Leave Callennturg, Tuesalay- p or ; Arrive st Brady's Renal by 5 p m -Proposals for a wood weekly triper• la. . vited. 3503 From Shonkloplile, by Sandy Creek and Lot.- ton's Carper, to Ersosourg, 15 mike and book. once A:week. Leave 18110akieyville, Tuesday at 8 a m; Arrive at Evausburg by II am; Leave Evansberg, 'Fuesday at 2 r p m ; Arrive at Simakley.ign"Wir Proposals fargersooomiareekly.trap are Invited. 3507 From Smith Wytt.l"larlanda Itl WWI and back, once a woek. Leave South West, Wednesday at 6 a In: -- Arrive at Garland by 12 m; Leave Garland, Wednesday it 1p to; Arrive et South West, same day by 8 p m : 3508 From Williamsburg to Springfield Furnace, 3 miles anal back, three Limes a weak. Leave IVilliarrobutg, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday on arrival of the mail from Spruce Creek—lay at 5 p m i Arrive at Springfield Furnaos Icy 0 p m; Leaves pringlleld Furnace, Tuesday, Thurs . day arklSitturtay at di p In, A rrive lit Wi I lomat urg by 51 pm; - -- -- -- 11309 From Shippeamburg to Newburgh, 7 mileal amill back nix times a Imois Leave Slat pperfashurg dully, except Sundry, on arrival of the mall from Harrisburg—say at, 101 e m 1 , Arrive nt Nowurgla by 12 m;; Leave Newburgh daily, except Suede', 8 a m Agrive at Eihipponeburg by 01 a m l Tho form rat Proposals, Guaranty mad Certifieste, ailm,lpatruotions and requirement? to bo embraced in MW44.ootraete. See thlialvertinetnent In pamph- I let form at the folneip ast offices; and also, imp , verth m ernent of uten I Now Jersey. Penosylveni 4o . dated January 10 „um. Washington, February 18, 165r-V:" -- ' -- -- AIF 2 2•0 g cRYBTALLOGR DANU APRA, anti '""V" ' • ERREQTYPES, lThn daily oseettt Sundays) (Om A,st. 4i 5 P. 31, BY 8. BARNHART, , 1118 t i LENDo S ALOON. ' Anode Bid tns; Aeligenta, I, Pria• ildrievien fvw, Jr 1,00 ' 74 y j 2 s ri • • 101 '_.'At/DIM: t i t ItES,RP!**IBO7:.. 4 . . -' a: • 'Q., TR,FASURER,'IN AOCOOT WITH CENTI . 0 T OF JA,NIPARY,,A D. 1866, TO-71111 TTil DAY QB JAN' ".' 114, A. D. 1867. r, ,;,-1--.3.--- ' CR. -. -11866 IBy amonnt-of Domainelootori ,- orteis lifted ' - - $90632 By -Tronanreen Connilaslon on 191132.74 • - • .. 961 1; 1 . • 3384 • 1 16 • ----.-- 829983 —...,..__ *--. 1967 !!1 . 7 !Wan* duo TrosoOrer 'ls P Bl. $29983 87 , -- ROE 'LI PING : FROM TII irE ' - • DIV 4' 1850. To ain't moolved.lolol • Collectors and 4/1810 logroan .- .4 gyro 80 To amount of • , land tax t. . 789 91 • To Indothos do lb titer I' , eilqf TVaddlt, r iff , in account wit Centre County, bons January 4 to January 7th, 1867. FEE • el. 186iL To alnoitt. of D is ß; r7 4, 4o% : sai -.. - ?,' / 18M1; By iasoant Si Jan, - OEM .ad float - - • N .-, $460 00 file, takoolleated - , • int To 0144:r on the natio* IBT U* ' 'By amount atukooyaaod;y tha ~,- „ , .. • - ——, Coototaelomets - - - 106 11660 4 By aak't af bill of his teadartar US . . . .Wk_the undersigned, AuditirM r k Centre Cp 10 unti, baring ezamlnAd the imeounta or Gawp Livitig aton; Treasurer of sald poopty. r g 2 M. Madam), 814 or said (*anti, Ind them onirodc, at above stoked, and allow 'them to be p tad and niol Mdording to law. - , .. . Witness our Intadirat the Consaltiatonono ellen at Beaten:to. J'entlar, 7th. A . D. lan L. o: umignt Aadibri Y. HHIiS, RECErPTS AND EXPENDITURES (E? CENTRE COUSIT FOE .istoi "Agreeably to An eat ofisse Is l i n % sodded . 4 .. A Gonnolioluncril of. the sereitil e Eto of tole Com. Receipt( and Bspendlitorea oY their respeotbre do , isparktho rolloOtirMir - Man dio. 7th day Of Jan. Dr. To &doubt paid fpm. Mauls, tate ' Tmatturor, balloted duo btu at lut settlement, 011112E1,48 Tressarer'soorumissionllllo32,74, ' of eatimissionore or** ' * ,11151,111 TreuuraesoonandUldn oa mulaidt Dili PO and Malkinar, fbr Whit - trees ernes, 141;01 , " Amount-paid John Iloitermartilbr - unless as co. Commissioner--- lild9lo " Amount paid henry Reiler ifor servitroo as ectiontreoualsdpsser, r 05,110 " Amount paid Wm. A. Davidson, fonterrices as scanty commis " piodier • 00,00 Issnitalid S y r , Mairleforger 4 - • rkio ro dared as aunty °oar- Mitlioner,*Jilt " Ainegatpall Austatlanary,lol4 . .. „ - ding the bindismormiuma kooks lit• - Motion A Jr/motif, Mask • -books do 91426 ' 1 Amount paid eltindlry Auditors' pay for ad lit log sodeutatill, 17 11 " Amount pall Georg" Difingtton (ark to County auditor". Id,oo " Airust paid Jams , MokfornnuS, ert , oonpsel to Comdilroner", , 15,00 -^" Amount pald Jos. }tied' r two litsattlts ft y now Court 1 onse, 20,00 irmdfint pill Simon Yeager for freight on gaolers, it,or " Amount paid A. illoneelp A Son (sr ball and hangings for new - COIAtt Mode, - 100.90 W " Amount paid agetr 1 Thomas freight on suns , t,d3 •• Amount of predicant firr lined Wolfs, Pentland, Ciatiumounul, Wild Cats, do., scalps, b 6 ,10 - Amount paid election Mesh' pay and millago pat of retina Jud• • gee . asosaors pay fo=tie ., g up Mt! Wattendingel " Amount paid Grand Jury& pay, 430,10 i Traitor* 'd " 4104 91 - " Aminunt paid M. P. OrdilthlUili for I county. printing, and. Pritding , mum books for 18554 1107 s 711,12 " Amount paid M. P. Croswell, for removing and arranging Routs, tor's oMos, 40,110 " Amount paid M. fuel for Coortilionee• - • 00,00 A.nount of ousts in Cimirielmaikeraalth usu. Including fees o d..ftsrict • and other attorneys, iitiltsmmes . pay /to. nit aNA L . 2 ! t 64 %, •• Amount paid N Ibr bill . of work at Qpurt Moose, A 'flout paid iltuoge Woleirfor , salary as elerlfaiValesul'a " 2/0,00 " Amount paid far delivering en*, . ' ;books, election papers do, and .• ti 11114.0ses to flarriiburs, • 11 21,120 • A l T ih t ig it , . paid William Corda.loV-I 114 7 4 41runtses of the Methodist Ir. Oureh, for rent (es use of • etarub fbr holding Januarys April *dens of Court titer* -100,00 " Amadei paid Constables' pay and • sigllage for making returns. t " Amount paid Andrew Whit., Court Crier, attending smut • cleaning house go. " An paid Penns State Lout. asylum, fortauminlng tonal- Ida ond ihneral ',Sponse' of 01- lvt:r Pollock, " Amoral paid wth. tfsrris. to pal dlaiednt oh note Of 12000 " Athonnt paid Coortibles . pay br. attending electioui ohiler act Or assembly of litsrgb - 1054, Ardount paid tortoni! view, " Amount paid George 11 Wearier for PrOtbonstory's fees, " Amount paid Charge B. Wearer' for expenses in removing sad Arranging PrOthonatory of= doe, - " Amount mild Jnines Gilliland for unto( Masonic lodge for Reg* - ter's 4 "rothons ree sores, " Ampoat paid Dati Weaver sod otbrim fbr or 4 ta,,rst s . " Abbott:it paid - II * WOO' ft* spoetimg do., for jetti "'Amount paid John T. Jobantmil. - of printing, Amoutt, paid Ludwig Ka* bill ofpAntlng, Amount r Aid Ltetu7.fligalitr bill of minting, " Amount mid WED. U. Sitiounan, Marble for new CourtßauM, " Amount paid Centro co AV,. tural Society, appropriati and rtatiaa,_ 4- Amount paid — gri WIZIu (o( boarding prisoners and 'bill of boarding (1101 L. " W: liforrisono aiding " Amount paid P.. C. 13th • ding ourt u tipstavi._•,.. " Amount paid Welch AW , ileon for window lontiles and bill of can ting fur Court Lim p°, Amogot-04 A. 9. Davidsow fad fuel, " Amoa sod AololllllrPlir, M 171471171; er• Mr in uddlingTsooblidars.with _ glitetnempf timuctbe A Tressurer's look in 18 " Amount paid M. Waddle, arid, for bill of coats, " Amount paid A. Forseman mono) nfundsd for unseated land aid him, Gila returned, " Amount paid George W. Tate on amount far building new Court - - Vire the etuketeleitted, Oetruetteeloners of 0 j 664 • eorieet etztement of the Receipt. ani,Experltier Witneee our hands and the coal of our otnoo. thi Altog. Theo, Maly, Cork FLIZORCeirrtAt .11 -- 3 ,k l fD SEM- ' VAVLY.—J. E. TllO3 - liti, A. j 1 Isriuci pal. ItEV; I) MO NA Teneher of Oensian.— The eleventh seeslon of this invinathan Wilt open on Wednesday April 291 h, 18R, a"4 cdatinuo tire months. The hunitutien ie situated 17 silos from the Ponna Railroad, with which it is oonnected by a tri-weekly lino ofetegea The ditnatioiti IS health ful, and free from the temptation of large places, the community 'smote] and Intelligent.. The Principal boving,rented 11110—Ife,rchfleld'e large and commo dious building, formerly oomapied arr a Hotel, will be prephrod for the reception of *lndents, eV the "commormenient of the atedou. Term-14,Tb per • • o' • in oust belt iiva l ivenee andhille balance bolbro tain.rtudont la remoi , od. T 001001048: Ste, and $l2 per 50M41611, payable one hello adiranoo. A. vigilant elrountepeetion will be had over stn. dopy pieced under lb.6areof the Prinottat, Sur further kplbrtmation apply to' , • , J. B. Thaima Prlnofq,l. Pine .Grave. Mills Can. tro oot tva tor4l.. „ ,,ockaglo Soot., Board of • VlTf i fifll l D Arttuts Mr ries -- • Pet to rake, munity li rates, levirei,'; ' 4lniiiel the monwealth, to % .i tiblia.onnually a stitieMouted tho . sites, we, the nosoimioners of Centre • county; do - ry0864, to* Itieday of Jaunarri 1837; -_.... r ......d........... -__,. " Amount paid Geo. W'. Tate for . 1'700,00 bill of mattink ind carpet and _ iihair" for new Court room, ' 603,09 " Amount paid George W. Tate, for • . ' ,111 ass No, 1 Per building guard wall privy dio. 1158 26 " Amount paid 11 J. Lltiniptto4,an ituntsylonned the mionty • 31,89 "• Anoint paid 11. - J. Litingdon for money loaned the tmonty, 209,70 " Amount paid James J. Marshall for holding innosets on dead .. - hoes", 15,74 '' Amount pildThoims Caldwell for Unmoor held on dead bridles, 12,91 '' Amount pald.B.• P. - Trestrulny ~..-,' Meninx - lime ditiding aDOW- . iihmettnetaktp, 95,25 " 11:P, T,reclylony roonbiglints ill- . _ Amor eto issio7mix, _ , slum " Atlanta •id Mill Bo run- • • Mal I ditiMmOtalard Mtn. 1515,t6 . " Amon paid normality of poor of Walker twp fin resetting Oil - , ter 'Pollock to Lunatic asylum, 73,66 -., Ameant paid Hotter it Heller for mooing ditigion line of Gregg and Walker township. _." __ B,oo " Amount paid J. Stably DO Orsai -, on amount for 'Preto* painting • new smut room 818,00 " Amount paid B. 0 Ifeirett Mt , vingdivilion line betimes Wei- her end G twit, 19,00 ..Amount paid ii. regg Barnhart for re ' moving Prothonatory and Begs " Aumunt paid B. 0. Homes A Bro. 400 bill of 'undying Orlon and 0. 11. 20,12 " Amount paid JO/. Sourbook, din nen for Juror* . 1;00 " Amount paid Jno. Nellritlo /Mar mit on money tent county, • 8,80 " Amount paid Patric* O'Laughlin totaling and fillies up nubile grounds ke, _ _ _ _. _ 179,53 " Amount-paid Nell Hervold level- - int cud filling up public grounds iLI. .1 1 0.93 .' Amount pas McDermottii KO Calierty 'radio' public gmenda 288,75 " Proderlek Smith desk iutdomuosel tables sod hat standske. 82,5 y " Amount paid H. McClure binding ~ matting fur Court mom, - 5,00 " Amount paid John Teener, bill of ' snodriu for Court limn 'amt . -- / "Moos, . - 25,54 " Amount paid Wm. Ilikritok, desk" ... for office', -. . 28,30 " Amount led Elant'L *ETU, desks - fer - edloos, • - 13,00 willMitioic paiddripti lichnelh ma . kinrearpo OW , •: 1,60 " Amount paid my. Bell, stand "tope tbr Portiooof Court House. 425,00 'i Amount paid B. (8 Prancisoun, ' hill of stoves for Court House, 59,68 " 2 60 Amoost 'paid r Sam oo uel Tibetan, , load Cl ine d, ---" Amonnts p aid J... B. Awl & Co., ' bill onnoin and oml, -- 120,92 " -Amount paid J. D Taper for cater ma, year 18MS, 10,00 u A mess o paid Darker Derr for am - Meting to scrub Court Hoaso, ' __ 3,87 6 " Amount paid W L. Mantilla, bill ~... . of spittoon'' , . 2,40 " Amount mild Wm. Helm, "gin pipes and Maw: Court House, 803,80 .• Amount ptkt J. Seel Parma, rationing jail stable 61,06 " Amount mild John Braokbill, for Pigott - tbr Prothonotary'''. and Register's Alms, " Amount of smadry tastes la Bank Med, 471,82 43,84 1= OEM 1 / 4 1,12 EMI --- 130, 9 t 3 A 6 Dodoot ouporut of otdor otatotoodimi 410,4* In ,10 tam 1i11.54 Il one! or outgandav 7 taxes as follows, viz: .1111811 Adams, Gaon t wp., $ 11 00 taBtsl McLaughlin's * Maio, Boggs township, .1863 - John W. Fugitte Word', 18.53 Mlle' Groan, Bogy, 1884, Mark U. Williams Ruston, '64 __ • Jos. Williams agate, Worth, 1864 M. alone, Boggs, 10 . 0 .F. Patio°, FOrmmosi, 66 IMO, Richards, Ma MOOD, " Q.D.. Boohdol, Liberty, Wllll Altison4r., Marion, " G A. Germs, Bush,• _ - " God. Graham, jr., Bnowshoe " Joba.O. Jonas, Worth, L. W. Rittenhouse, Rolle- Mute Borough, 1858 at L. Shirk, Mtirsburg,- Joe. M. Wilson, Bonnur, " , •-.o* igra Sam'l.V. l Ntre ' s, Far . guson " , • . -P. Settle; Amy " Samuel " Jacob &hither Haines, " pun trltray, Haltmoon, " 411alekley liowardr" — Hays gairtursh, Huston, " ' John idasedsn.-Istberty, " • 13pho Harter, Marion, " asouravOilwagt:4ll4,..... . C. Hofer, Fodor. " to,oo go,oo 15447 ler* -111,80 1 . 14 1 tOIF 20$ 62,4 t 10,VI 111,00 ME 73,00 EMI John Smirk Pion, 61 Anbert Lloyd, Rush, 4. Okij o kni o ra, Spring, . ;dal; EZt.r., T 11174,,• :, F. algbily, Walker, B. Rosaith, Wortb, 4. IDA mai 45.4,19 En] osionty, do certify OW. the fbiSagolog Is • fill and es of _Centro aorosty for lhoyear IB.M , is 23d day of robrusv, A.l). 'ISM IIENRY KELLER JACOB BOTTBOROVE, . domtislagioner• JACOB ART, AAr NONIIMENT WORktl4. Jai - fa*. -"b this Prthas - Of all - pliihrtharblo' work, such althea, is lo most demand, ano plaoo it all in board minteare,ao that every one may know the prithe, so that tho bereaved may nut. he imposed Op on by t raN ailing peddlers, hetet, giving. there orders. Se4•w le the por. foot. arhle boa tomb, - - • • 0.76 ' numb conchae, • • - • • 1776 Statuary marble tomb tOp; • • COO Marble Tomb Stoma*, Italian marble sloes - Statnary marble, Cheater marble. 4 • hettorlag from two oea *ebb, Eimuselil lettere 2 Gaeta !Ant, All mmrk,..wattagitqfl W4ins au/shed In Pb/ladel phin style. Even" dreoriptioni At7laarble weriret the same rotes, I will give ii . t a tioes for ornameotal work If It le requited vs Idutbsl ' Werke. jan2B4f-fl. A Amos? TER AMC &Allier. Q S,P X X D FaA basutilta itplotiminit reesirelt a the not 1 0 0 110 4 inet rriatrixTesfe 4021* BLACNWOODI, JiAoApt THE )311.1T1511 QVARTERVIRaiIiIWI3. fORNAT - 41fDlICEMEnP - t0 OneMB"! RE 65.; 1:14.- WET REDUCED' 1.0 TO 715 PER CZNT L. 800? L CO.; law Iron) r r earome to publish the reDotrios leading British Pei n ataiesA. via :. , . 1. TUB LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). t TILE Et umIIH6II REVIEW (whim THE NORTH 'BRITISH REVIEW (Tiro} Qui*. 4. THE WEBMINISTEIR REVIEW (Mora. 4LACK woop.a ENNEURGII , HAG hiINE (Toni). ME There Poriodleala ably represent the three great poltUoal parties of firetat_Oritab--Whig, fury and Radioed—but politica forms only one 4 ltiini of their ehaineram As Orsiu of tha meet prefeirsd writer. on Selene°, Literature, Morality, abd Reli ghts, they Mind, MI thelgyn,hswe AMA, • Foiriese hallo the worldrof lottiri, being ornaiderddlo4in , ponsablo to the eohdlar and the profeedoadi mom, while to tbl Intelligent reader of every they furnish a more Goriest and ratisfaotorS , record of ebb current Manama:of Um day, throughbut lb* world, 'than no be' possibly obtained friar any nthet'l mores. • EARLY COPIES lbe receipt?! mdinemee'elericee from the Iltit na ith publichere lives mlititioual value those Re. minis, Inasmuch to they wan new b e In bands of s . ktowribem about ei mow eltrriliniii ealkloia. '''_. ~..- ,-... *,e. Nazis 4fti v ir'p '•''r T • , AT noel , Per.enn • - -Forearoweet-tioftweratovtms-----Z , _ $3.00 For soy teal/ the four *Mows 6 00 For spy throe of the tour Iterlowa . 1 00 For al lbw of the Ravine+. 000 • For ITheoltwood's Magasleo • ° E t Par Illsokwoolsud three Reviews 9 00 For Dleeltwood,anct the tour Iterterre .10 00 Payment, to be 'mai; on oil far In smirottee. fitontg . current in Statelier/taro sstathl malt reenvoito parr. - - - PoSTAn. The postage lb any part of the Milted States will be but Swaney-four coats a year Am a Bleah , wood, and but frieiricceit eiein it - par for sash of the Reviews. — At the *bore pelage the Periodisale will be &le ashed for 1887. SPLENDTD o,i nit DUNI AND. IM7 TO GJTUE&. Balite AV Wit* eishertteral Magathies oldie day, • ele PetiodidaLl lobs tittle by age Renee a full year or the Numbers (with no omilsions) for 1860, may be regarded nearly as relatable arl liar 11107. We papas lo furnish the two years at the iblioilog tiresomely low wake. Tit • Vor Blawkwood'e hiegodae, Fut any one Review, For any two Reviews, For Blackwood and one Review, For Blaokwood and two Reviews, . 9 00 For three itsviewa, 8 00 For Blackwood and three Reviewer 12 00 For the four itervieww, It 00 ForMaelttrood and the ibarßeriewil. 14 00 *So avoid fractions, $5 may" be remitted for litiakwood, for which we 1411 tbrwlrd that work Air both years, post paid. N. B.—Thro-prioe in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named, is about $3l per annum ds we shall never again be likely* offer-eueb ledsearOuts tee - a - - NOW IS T/II TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! arßomittanais most. ha all same, be made te..64 redlisaort, fur skAttsse prtoes nu ,ientotleebsa allowed to /meets. Addcata Lat014.411.D BCOTT a CO., No. 64 Gold street, New Turk deili-fd A GREAT CHANCE TO AXE MON• Alas./CY, w ITE -A VERY SILILL,CAPI f AI. Agents wanted in every town and °suety In the United States, to sell. by aubsariptiou one of grandest and most beautiful 'picture over pebbled al It amitiesc beings blgbl oro►mested PORTRAIT OF OP.. Ert AL (1110/OTE WASH- TON, , THE FATIIRR YIN COUNTRY. COUNTRY. ILO U repteilouted ju the garb mid regalia of a Free blown, stonding thu entrance of the great and megoldnent Temple of King SoMmon • the Pic ture being superbly doeorated with the myttie gym buts of Friti alliminery, and appropriately colored In the highest style of art, pramots onto of the senor gorgeous speothilos of Oriental uignibaenoti, of whluh the mind urn conocice Tiro likonem is strik ing and grand, and for, the subliinry of attitude, and the ease •nd dignity of mounerris unsmpasecd by any other Painting cove executed other to this country or Europe This surmising Mauro has beemproduce 1 at an enormous neat and in order to supply the demand of &Rebuses and Mates, bas been coruented in sorb:no styles of uolloring at a proportionate cost, ranging at retail from $4 told. _Pietro - en A... 11, • r subjetats, far iufnrior to this, arc meld doily at $7 and 810 per copy, but in or 1,.t. place them within the reaoh( f ell (that no American citizen noel be deprive' of baring their pallor* or offices honored and odorant' wit h,one of tem( inn, *Wisest szcssimewaufAmerfino art, in the form of ,the groat and the good:the Father of our Coutit*,l 'have made the price thus Low. Ur -Sample copies will he sent 1.1 mail et express to au itartof the Unite' State' on roocipt of the jzrice in current fueds or pogrom .'mops.' LeFor terms to agents, a full ltrt of my now nob lioations for 1857, or for sample copies, address It . M. IturLrsoN, It Main street, Cioeitccoi, t",,"3r, if living 12det. address it It LTLItiO3I, 23 South Third Street, Pllll4lOlOl i l'a P. 8 —Publishers of Newspapers or Periodionls giving the shave adverti.raont, including Sill no. lice, four or more Insertions in a ootspiouous part of their paper, sanding me marked copies of the mono, Abell have one of, the highest priced of thee" Plu tons mailtd to their Alamo 10,000 $29983,87 47 00 24 00 AO AO 23 00 20 00 100 00 77 00 93 00 10 00 H. M. It ULISON (KW CITY rtituntxo ROGUE. 711 Maintareet, Cincinnati.° Feb 11-10 it OTICE.- -TILE ITEDERS IGNED give notion that they hereby invite suluorip. titans of the stook of fhe Look-Huron and Tyrone nail read, and retrain all.persons dimwitted to sub scribe, to meet the undersigned at the Arbitration meth In the Court house in BOilefonto, on Ttienby, -let., -when - the awhisort b3rs will attend with for the purr, otie coining euhsoriptions of stock, they earntally to quell a full attotaanee, end liberal subseriiitirm 111 order that the work may be. oommenced without further delay John T. Mathias, Jemee L. A Monkey, Wm. A noose 244 00, 74 00 171 00 140-4* 496 00 QOO eOO 102 00 09 00 280 00 60 00 80 00 108 00 200 00 DEEM Nrkulf4 . 6ortnioit, .E4l. ritnithard, N' goAllistir listinP/Niteibr'2, 'P. M. Ilan, 220 00 231 00 123 00 248 00 140 00 Feb 27, 1857 , C EILTTFIOATES. - - VA tiv KR ADIGATOR. MESSRS. GREEN S. MoMEET:—CieNTLIIIIIIS For the last Mires years I have hoes subject .ti Neurally of the severed eharaeter—ed one time cording, to my , loofa for three Wisalltil with it, and subject to return as often ad! gift het or MU in the damp: I tried a great many remedies for It but fnhed no pet Menem, relief until) I got Rev, Geo. I. Milos Puin Eradleateros prupahlty you t which has never felled to oradionte the pain %hen applied.— I aldo use It for sore throat with the same gel ef fect, and know of It being use! for Rheumatism rui with result* I believe it`o bee good medi cine or the above diseases, and no knelling, mad wduli cordially renanmend it to all suffering with either Neuralgia or Rheumatism i$ 04 Do 00 228 00 02 00 Ravi' 00 Manna GREEN 11 4 111104sCt have used Gee. I. Mike Pain Entilieator, prepared by you, fee Itheau madam In my etioulder, and found great relief and would oheerfully roooonimond it to ethent similarly JOAN BECK. febts/14f • el UN AWAY.—BAN AWAY Pk the subseritier, residing la Philipsburg On County, on the 11th day of February William Smith an apprentlee to the 'Mow bagmen aged about 10 poen. All persona are hereby wirnod agathstnarb, 4411f1)1Tateh tl,74htittg him on m l ausulust. Thee coats reward bar 13. Ohhlrel ho r for hiltlntone. J. RAT9LILT Philipsburg mar 2-18574 b. J 1.00 • 0.60 • 0.60 VIVICLOPREII—t LARGE AMOR: .11.11 went of self mating onvelopes, mighty pip° from 3 0•140 411.2 5 “, " 4 ' sad lbr J. attio , 004 dro& Pir Pa noro or , 41141141-f . eßwirtf , . . • .. , , niast . y rt WI ritosesni as . 141 AOTIIJWN I,NTEB,ItSTBD! , , • , ~ $. 'l COZZY ti fiBLLE-12:91 , Themndersigned respeettaily 4.oirlatil itle-tig ere and.tha public generally of Centfis ebilatis he la now manufacturing the .11,..;00 II AND READY CORN Rinrusg; One of the host, most oonvonient, durable, .4M the same time, the most easy running ahalletleeslie offered to the public,. It will shell pm Jeri they Corn, °loaning the (yobs ftpm end to end, seed eggylle-: rating them from the Corn. . 'Warranted to tam easier than say cidoistibta• gent the United States or elsewhere, for thei asap , titynf Coto Ahelled per day. It hide - Oil anmp two cranks, so that two permits Myy Ii i ge shell from 200 to 200 bushels per day. i I'liaa be attadynd to horse poster Cali and 000 them before pnrohailag 4441101; to I am certain you will 64 satieled with „ DANIA!. DERR, Bellsibislis • CLITIFICATIIIII. ' • ~ We, the undersigned, have °sambaed seed UM the Rough and Reedy Corn Sheller, saintelhitsated by DanieLDerr, liellefonte, pro ineoo.ll It pse 114 prmytioal utility, and well , worthy the ri g ,of farmers. Its services to one eeseonm *me trine In time and labor. We cheerful! leetratr• pond UM the farmers of Centre amity AM 11111 Ore is of great economy kI I W. W. PIC/INS, Jsmse D. C. W. GANIVItt, DensAs P. r cpt.. •. L. W. nt CM/AMUSE. •rifidlX Me Lit; Bellefonte, April 0,'60. 11. B. Tallearatelk I has purchased and used one of the Cesar Sha else nuinufectured by Don't Derr, ealltd the and Ready Corn Egtetter; and smiseeketbiegly B4 ;o , nominee It one of the best in, one. It rue Midair; and shell' more yawn io a short epee's( tbas• Ithsue' any other tueeltlue I have ever met ebbs. • httettenketteVi WefulLy concur in the abaci Mutiheatte ..,.., • ' \.. ' B. 0. Donal & RIO:, WNW* Jodi Nisnttx. _ Raving exandued end tried the Went and Reedy Corn Sheller* manulhaltared by. r. Daniel Dew, Bellefonte, I lind4peut to be lniefel in every nipped. The ;ears I shell id atm green liatfult af milk, bed- Um( - parted every grain from the cob to a sessulmw °Mad not poymilily.hava been done -b lend_ " freely resommetal these machines to th ihis -- iiiaMl Centre county. -CnAstnnin enure ¢Y. ~ Bellefonte, April 22, 18.311104 f ( 4 10. g STOI.I. - U,Mtitiik; LIVIZOSTOSt . It his won known stand on the North-owatonaiwt: , nor of thu publio square, leliatbila. king! !Mk: 1 „ skantly on IlsnAslifissoorlasautai - , • „ Ts nOLOOICAL, i • _ CLAD/UAL. 1 no o k - ___ i . __. . _ ntiacELLANsous f AND BCINOOL Also, s lop variety of BLANK BOOMS ANI? lITATIONSIST , of Gs hntjtes&W WATTIRICATIOAL 7116711.0111M1T1V • POST P01.,1011k, So. Are. rir Ifoolti btootstfto ardor at small edlosses on lie ail prirri. ban2s-t -A ono. LfnlieHrtnic _ IaiL.ABTERING. .116 The undersigned, having mad* the most ea tenairo artengoumats, tad haring a large Meek et material on band, will be toady at a short notkiiist etteml to all orders la hie old line of howineselia hem employed none the but workman; ant work entrusted to osre, will be ambrosial Is • style whieb cannot o esulled. Whomever IPr ash materials, $4 40• 4 00 6 00 7 60 THE WORK WILL BE W s iRRAIITEE. The men employed an mine be/ the ben, rot the absence of approntioos, mut nip having their work done in- each a &damnVag give satiefention. "orders address ol airll4 entity, Pa., will be promptly attended es- W. LANIER?. N EW ARRIVAL.— , isAae, MAY hie4ust Ixreived a iploadid sasortaisaa NEW Al YLE_ICERLIILSEUL VELVAT TRIMMINGS, and every kiwi of DlEer-DRS4 10101014 Cita 7.9 rtitaa e fii a, FANCY BOXES, rter " and all kind s CIIILISTEIdSPRESENTe: Ale q, O.ENTLEMSN'S CLOT 4 Of the heti* Beddow!. arfd beet make. In faiet, everything desired. Ceti and sell. SO 11.1,41Mi0n Is extended to el 18XAC MAY: deo 21. - 911REEMOUNT EIZZINAZ Sixteen miles nor th-west frog near fforrlatowe, N., alit be_open 161 and sews Alamo 14 Yuan of Vtl`,'llstilt " 18313, till Juno I, 11161. The In ttt is blititalitenk, IV surrounding prospect exit socomnliudaiimie sufficient =needs "12 students, and the terms not exorbitant. sredies fa extopsive, the teachers • and alpha, and every reasonable effort le prothute the physloel, intelleetual „sin! lowa 1W faro of the acholan. A Circular will be oat to order, with partinclem awl referefeeifftilltliff. r 3.1.111: EL AARON, Pries! litartistelm. rii 1/ CI „IL E iv 't, l i lt XN. SIACEIIIIeM4 TO aoh • a". BP.IiiiPON . TE t . - --., ' STOOLOSALE AWL/ HOWL / 1 1411kaitil IN Drup., MiNliesotia, Perfumery, Paine; Olk, Yee.,.., ny..-F:.,r, Tiolet boars, Crumbs', Burma tuilli rt. - s'.rs Farley art Toilet Arlgalsa, Trwilwolai an I Should, r nisei". idardeu &rill! CUltOOat ra will Lail out stook sootplog& agog Milk and all sold at rood. - ruteiriera. . . 'V .- Tamura and l'h alniani ha" amp visolley a nailed t 0 e xamine our stook writ HOUSE AND -LOT FOR ' BA IN NIILIEF..IIf. The oubonriber offers at',dreMw - e • frame house, and hap; mo d tot of ground Jug 0110 acre. Th( , ••-•-muialot of fruit Ansidisi preinfusa If the properly IS sot sold IMAM 14th of Fehroaru, 1957 it will than be alga siall' "A politic cola (jata 30 0 1 JACOB BOMAN'. STAMM 808 MIMI '‘ DAILY —The anderadl_ speettel ly 'Midas she IsaveWag sane a daily line of Stages te,_171141 . 7 by way of Eitoratetawa cad weekly yln Plaid Eteels Plank Read. 11 , rum Tyrone no Monday. Wednesday mad Mew Wm% .11 , 31.1 , 4fmte nn Taestisy, Monday sad Way day, end the Ibllowlag day' on the fiteraestowe WNW deel2 B. P. CrVUMINIII4L- 1%1 OTICE.—WHEREMI L.7!Miti I.‘ A,lxniniltrntlon on Cho potato 61 Thaws. ts: riiy tlecv.ine,l, Into of Spang township; gr,ntoialto sobsoribor, raiding IP Alpgiag. Whris ship personstodebtod to salt elliaiii set wnr.l f11 , 1 ,, 0tt10 tho 41,7. * ,; . r• piedbYtt ithentiemvd Cn 30110'M - 4 AL' j iii29tit-E. MICHAEL OARRITt, '14,1 OTICE.—LETTERBTESTASIIM- L 74 ry on the Witte of David R I . 4skist . into of Ferguson township, haliren 1111416 the sobseriber, re.idfng rn trii .persons knotting themselves indebted to ire requested fp cam tzsurem A p r t m o k s wo m b. ate prvutord, *not 'hone hAvinK,olikhpa who ither . . • ISt r. E C. flumes Jima. Burnside, Baronet Lind, Wm. Underwood, ". 4 - I •ORMIii4 • leo-tent 'Janl44l•ll AuD rrOß.l3 NOI7CE.- -TILE II II) ' .ign.,t, an '. - 41otttor appolood by {M .,,,,: . of Coryitoon Pleas of qontre 00tt014,,t0 asks tbution of th e moues 111 the heads of le. W „' ~ Sherif; raided on tho seed of the reef - slo• 0 L. 14 tumor, to e tude among those cal. . . ,- attend to the iof wild •ippol.. ' Prothanntety's Othoo in Dellefortte.'eall ~ • 20th of Itfalolt 1857, whore ell portent ' .. . may Attend. - ~..-. JOIIN T. noov iti : • fob-4-9-41 _ A 11D1T011,13 NOTIOR-1 1 # t r ,.. ' , .L 711., signed, an Auditor,lrparMior , .;"• 1 , Cadmium Plena nf Ventre aminkv, ha y .. ~ a.... .4u alma, An mouted in the hatable it.' 14 2 Sheriff. raised nit the Imo et. (h e re ,d c am. 4 , a. B luster to awl rtmoti•Lthonty . RAK , „ ,1.1 itlfeiMlTlllFlnfllFY - oliriT !Lppo e MOtti al I'rrnborrntary'sotVoln llolleroglak. era Iritgl ib ; tt 20th Ay t• ••f Mernh 1851, where WI sated may nand.. .lOIJN T.l tiny!-9-4t , ~ .121fa.04. JVIIN istrettl.MONr.- ti 20 ICS M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers