ip#ithoimitsmnavnomx , r • lloaatalaltp•oien Git On W .; 4 • thiillOt BiOndt/X I CT_ 40 4 Blizali r iL"Pt an aceollool Bl l l *l Yo u ng ladYt 49 . 6 1 4e0006:: teen yeell of , ate, was oh her way ,, home from AChoor, Shower followed by te colored tnanorho iiinisea her persdn and attempted to ravish his,endeavors to accom lolishlkifour purpose, And to prevent the yourik 'lady from slaking an alarm, ho wounded .hor -Dope, bit and scratched her h a i o /15,'i1h01,04 her, and, injured her body so that oho •leas' . oDmpollee s to take 'her bed. When 'alio igtotOpted, ,to hollow, " Damn you,"'lslakd4.lw._eolored man, I. I will cut. your throatlf you mak: a noise; you don't know mkt and you can't tell." Shoji°- , scribes the darkey as a middle-sized 'am, yellow Mor i short wooly hair; Wore a light cosb — iiiid . 'Had on at the time a standing color.' -Our citizens are aroused with indig nation, and several colored individuals have , bean !brought before the magistrate: but, limn* 4 bo Akio wrong persona. Citizens areout bta horsitheck and on foot, and every nigger that it all .powers the description bo presented to Mils Wilson tbr identi fication. , it' rejrai4 of kwo hundred dollars his been oared ttrllbi apprebession; and it is r ea rrA kluit rho irrath;of theople is so en. kindiekthist slipubili 4 arrested; Judge kockitiM rib Judge %Aside of his ,)nris diotitin Ito the ease. Our borough is infested with 'rest hordes of iiidolent inogroes, .Loth and hinly, trlio - have no vtiriGli means of ,aubststatice, but spend their t!”..ua fn X 111: ging and com mitting depredations . • is the ~ young - lady that Lisa been ea -milted by, them within.* feirsemika, and it is limo they Were brought to justice. Dairr Nor limn. To-liluasow.-43111 how oftenhaa thwdonnatic eiral• been -desolated. where the dearest Hes of the Leman heait . have connidnefled topthete How often de wo in valitiallielW to venial to 'nand &Mien. thi masa' obbe beamed neon nsfrino, soNni dear departed (tinsel Fall not to lo cum a likeness while such fevareble . opper.: tunitica offer. Mr. J. S. Barnhart, at his room -in Bellefonte, has reduced Ida priors, and. Pliant bj to doing, his finely executed pictures within the reach of all. Thomas J. Taylor ; watt hiskttebrotype Car Is at Milesbutv , takhig exbellient *tures. We would tiny fo our readers, remertlber the ravages of the scarlet fever, and let it not rob you 'of tlit, ratification td tech* the restores of friends that are now familiar s but may, ere lour be siciobevrnS Bltiie ddir! 1 SAD Aoonnix . r.:--4 man named Peed, in the employ of Marrey Mann, at the Ase-fao• tory, in this berrongh, met with a sesieua. snaldent pn hug Wednesday, the 11th Mat. lle n ausinployed in the grinding shop, and um working among the machinery when hie foot caught in a large coupler, drawing • his kg in ma arinind the - AMR, seyering three ;if Iris tbennnd meshing his leg in • shock: ing mow. •Dris. Potter shd Mitchell were in attendanoy, and rendered all possible re.; 4:kwurigi' *Mb MANlltite ip delegi ea well as can be impeded; fitir'iendirrit-iirwrititt of book*, iilltiotnuit &c,,abWbeil is itind thaCMr. Lidpß •ton NMI apply them with everything they desirc is hie line. Ile alto receives orders for blmilnkbooks. laa - in MAY is building up for himself ,roputaatiOura Ho *v. 'dishes itti.laddire WithlnotfitTritlille - bat quality stlhw Wes. An oeioiir friends who whda attythbakin Ilia clothing, dry goo& groeeriaa, or queenaware lino should give • Luria a da. 10a :fie rtgnanteiFb - - criftbhinge, to Mats that the parade of the Centro Ewer Foos will Piot take place op "Friday next.— Tise—Waishington troop cannot be in Wen .... tipnie least eine. • Ar the immocralic PAIJKINWS I PROMOTION' BOOR. e. • 0. isuranui Alai* of vey linprosal Green Manurivg Systcrn ' 'ft, min'be 'Sleeted only by an improve ment of the old Method of green manu ring ; nainety, that we bring the same to au& aintrfeetion ail it earl be interpobt ted.hotween mem and applicable. on emery- kind of-soil, very cheap, and in carious anodes; that is : ae topseeds in ;wiin,Ter . 'aji "satiiner graio and in Allot s x g.pd strfb r bles. • y neperimentlng for the time of 15 Jeers; lam enabled to show how my ire- Orsimil groan manuring system as topseed, 41,14-111 . -1544 ire antlittibblet;wit - terthe Meter to increase the strength of the eel ,in a gm Amstar time and cheaper way, than 440 algiltniairof ploughing Under crops ,oleloirsr,'booltwheat, oats, grass, tares, NM ", sl , ture9, PrAibelins, rye, barley) In Aim phi method of veep manuring themintOlt ilintfliilleirkinfla Of plantiMled. #u) W ,fiteno.hinds Of Santo Used single or Al likifilltali.-P-Mitture;lornieJnO thin '4 art a far-the .coil when if we BOA them 14,,,7#4,i51e, they absorb only a single qual. fty'O' mailer from the soil and air. There fore•MskiM not afford a su6ioient ynriety of, Puittint,te,,bourish the *rope raised on it, as is t when ' s ire of at lose! from ~. Olotitlits ire mixed together, as epe e etfin boy Manuring system stated in the 14.11/.6.P0ti.1x) prifigsti, ;Apia' hint of new° the old Tinuiing is too weak and :Rifilt,ol-oryfetl in qutuitity. ai in quality , and the seeds WO Coo deg and too large 40 :Orgdu4e aP agriee t tler4 ad me - iseffisieat , tajtudify the Anises i n . their nis p 'sapatilally itioooo7 04115 Ara are also hetlibir spidjefaios f as they) L WINO iirttiptiot AUhpillt , 4 nty'nY! It!tutouPho44' Cannot pee ittruleNtlrorarinterodiel &en; ho anppilivtia to in fie'. they, shoot,Oidli and-spoil tire, straw. These defitiontaes of- the old motbod of green maourin&l improve by,secds of the most possible variety or - kinds, of lila - n(1 crazed together, whiehr it the /lama time are very cheap and arc suliqblo theirs -6one local applications; and' this" atm ie onlymttainable by seeds of wittlplants 6n meadows, fields, woods, gardens etc., 'The seed grains of many of ilium plants sie so small that, one pound often eontaios from 1, .5 end 10 millions, acid require ae manuring seeds only from 5 to 10 pound per sore; whilst the nuMber of grains in the old , method used as manuring plants, contain in a pound, only from 11't05,10 and 20 thousand, and , reptiro whole/ ha/th rill per acre. " • Tho application and selection of the plants and grasses. for Itteon manuring, which X have specified in "The Farmers' Promotion Book," are need in ,combina %ion frpl„nt; - iasst 10 - to' 20 . ^differti Itina,'ltad :mixed "with varietal kinds of grasses, and are kinds, of plants which have the following ' 1. They ire very-ehirrp and produce the moet possible luxualtint planttarses ; are uioy and of a compbunded 'mixture, con ecquentiiiniii tie aiatter of an 1 ".4j, odb inbstanee. „,,"wn • pain Theylq_ sow! nionurlos 0 1 0 4 end their' roots d cl not grow asubrantly, but, u loot) as they are plougbea under, they die. 3.,,,They are vary riot in-aohda;ia'ainioisl ly nth u we use for cultivation on a plus: of land .to 'ILO inanarinq poilvilarte, when they do sio4frow wild in tee, 'Mint, ity. • - 4. Thek ieedh are istligroa 'Vett easy, and are tiuicli„ gerininatibg rod .of a fast growth to oover a •fielcr with very donee leivogiassas within. from 8 to 8 weeks. Plante of this quality are therefore the ichest eeedplants, sad the richer they are, the better green masuring plants they are; for the advastap• is embodied is ths face t that we can produce with a few pounds of seeds the most quiet and, largest Plant' misam-possibls per sets. Green manuring is important to the far met o topsead on Puntroar sad Winter grain, sod on ?allow sad stubble land; in relbrenuse to a cheap mad quiolt prOmetion of his but interest, to sow•plant seeds; to enable him to turn down a vigorous supply of vegetable masses, *hem ploughing down his stubble., or giving the. first and sisond ploughing to his fallow field*, so as to re plenish mote than the amount absorbtd from the soil by the former crop, Tri sf feet roubl be, &bat the spring or summer mops *Mild bsoonto tie vigorous as the best stable isuured TelloW 0rpr41.14•• accumulating immured strength andfertill ty iu every operation, would thirehlio crease tht amount of .gralo; straw, hay &o. enabling him to support•larger stools prof itably . consequently to make more stable nianurriend• plea •hiat in -a prosperous - 4,l4*iftfilf In - Proud itrenriehtug Wrenn and puree. • Green ,yegetahle immure have tenfold advantage over any other. • 1. It is in sooordanosmith nature's own effort. 2. It embodies the shsotbtion ,of the gases, loon:uses the mould, sad replenishes the'eall with -hb Mums- of itiooipliiitiqui red Z3t the grkiiib of serious grains Skid games. S. It supporta • healthier stook sad atom peret grain. , . 4. It . an be spread: bi`vigorocts upuents (wit the soil (without the labor of hauling or expend* of teams) ready for use at all does retinired ; whereto, in the promo of stable Manure, a period of froth three - to four-yam interrines betweenAttakw. ing the seed producing the minas, aed aciving.my benefit tram it int th.O_lnectett ing crop; and if we take into the account the labor in gatheriul fodder, eta.,. it ten dory it a matter very expensive aotklabor joui-irlast 04 tbp contrary, one pound of seed will add ono hundred per cent. more to the fruitfulness bf the soil.of the same quantity of land,"ihan 'one load of stable manureouwd the saving in expense of oul tivAlioprviould not be less than from thirty to fift y ' ` per coot, Heru - is embodied the decided advantage of green uliiNuring. Farmers dependant on stable manure, fail to 'enrich more chap a small portlein of their farmOriMreas, under a well direeteo system of green manure, the farmer can raise his tillable land to a state of Altly and profitable produotiveness, with our-third the labor, and at an expenst of less than fifty cents worth of seeds, with otit'any outlaying of capital, per acre. WASITINGTOWS BIRTYMAT.o under stand that the Hen. Stephen A. Douglas has accepted the invitation to speak to the prin cipal toast at the dinner to be given at the 9.stor nous. by the Association 'of the rriends of Civtl and Iteligious Liberty of New York pity. 'this will bo a brilliant stair, and we doubt not the fame of the or ator of the evening will draw a full house. A Mien - Exotas.—A maii has declined being a - cant - 14 Jan, fur Wilco in ono of the new States, becalm's: he is not a legal citizen ; like never paid a or,ttny other debt ; owns.no itroperty ; can't read or write , blind ; has but into leg ; has ten children, and can'eteave hOpte for fair they will abuse OP& PAI/q, Z2VEr g iPPLl:gty ight*acotital gornmittepy cori- Wertilnglife Mamtgeine'nt otrthe fundvomin tribiled for the relief Of I.ansa4. bad faith o iheoMputency , and private corruption form the staple of the charger on hal! Rita!, and if" we iircaii . 46ll,orei half that, is !laid, the greatest AprYIK thairm9 bp, done for itaivau, is* to relieve - 11er 'kat fur ther intepnodilling.ly_these aelkonetituted: ,commttlegel... TUS nAik'NEK COVNTIT or TifitUNl9ll— Aasan.--Tho otQcial vac, 44 ll* ciinnty of la ,vl w p i ., ,Texa t y,fir.,Peaideut, shows 1.022 for Duohxneu , and not cast for any _othei oindldato. What soarkti in (ho Union can equal El husHil A Youim couple vraa married in' the cars of tho 111tuiphia and Charleston railroad lain week, I,lp hrido was a 4`wid; ow" aged sixteen yeard, ' rtnitaax men COVUTIM gratVlik . --flar reodera may remember we havomu maven] onnasimnr trim in very enlog te istle rms of a preparation w Joh Dr. .Bsrn B Hawes, of 108 pal Union) etroot, Ballawro Md., has dlmoscroti for the cure of Bolleplio Pita Now, le doing so, we hare, been actuated by the ;fory bon motillat, viz tbe allerlokien of human suffering. Prom olteumstances wideh WO lately some totter knowledge, we (par there is a pertain ChM Or paeans who aro not Mammal to try OTC riniay 16 a common 'sense manner. We allude to the feet or solealing a pat:flout:la era in a tow where perhaps. there are silt or eight onAes, and trying it On. one ease. Now, perhaps the ease me:. tented might be the only one of' the *hole matte's that it would not (lure This is neither doing thterstalme nor the medicine jbattee. • It a desalt persona wore strlken deft with cholera la otre town or neighborhood. would they all sand for a physicist}, or would only one employ bin , and wait and molt he cured the ISM patient ? That planer ito *MO aboard. &I in the ease ktimeay, 4:41' 40 - ilitoluptigitt 'Mould try Itrinr dtedseneble teitg4t-if'ibliv It will net mire la a day . or Week, nelblag Ariji JIM Win be settoMpUsbad at once. done is atreesilly undone. The Wirth of time.. endtirlOg. From the most respeetable testimony we have examined ire tbelamunid that by a y roper perosnertneeitt this remedy; nine yams of SSpuop sy sot of ten may be cured. The l'llleame-mat W II has of patsy? te any part of ihir world,— •Prioe : one box $1; two SS, twelve 24. Yen will And the Addreoe shove. erll= sad Well. eutiNennit.nsoni Mho* itii -sifYlaiii semedy known. Ask thows-SistA brats sieql it. Bold ,by A. Britteln, Bellefonte ; Johnston _Weller. /losisburg; A Sample A Co.. Pits Grose; Brew ♦ Bailey, Btermstown; O. I. Nyman, Milea b ; utn. th JswkSonville; th Bu•rtv Milan n 4 oers. • listmnoLio'S Mons . 001110111,11ASID ifrlltlo BOOM ititrspased dirsetty sosortilng to the Men of Phallus°, awl Ottanduirr, sod is Alto best sod most satire prepatiann'whisti oa beltide Ilfr the We at dlmsams of Os bladder, Idase,g, garret; divpsy, Jte. Rea d the sAterthamitnt In smother ehruM, beaded “A molsittou Mosttals, Vistom7 is oars. On the nat_sik, by 44. Aar. was. R. Tooriok, Mr. iIIIAIIOIII. D. Nod., ot ristrienhvWo, to Yin !gnu Silt o* of Oprilig totosNOT. -,- * , ' OaMt tat. by es matur; Mr Jost. Kt.ofs. to MIN Assimsnis ILIANLA,-of Walker township. Ostb4l4takfigk k by A. O. OsAwe . to Kboo Amster L,atiost4, sf ilablusbarg. DIED, Ou the 10th Inst.,. ii,IMAIMA, dautbler of James aualphiabelth cra w of klalfmoon, coed 3 years sod 11 Mouths. ' • - Yee Melinda, :11toa art gene. Ose kink Is the °halo that *wait 6app7 fanilyoosaatk, V • • ken. Death his taken, away attoder Oriiirth s e brigfresirbldesonte to bitnielf, and oh ; bow 4043 thoaeloae,pareala will feel Mit t. M yheart ° 1 41 1 0 141 %* OPltitigh . 3`,.1113 afai lortig . llWal!t. Vld W.hy 411 . 11 . ad for epnrtedi Angel* hue yaltei Mar sulk-.ptait eo 401 happy re &Mb eats JamwAttel , -.-.l,ltat land where You 111 • Y Moot 1101', to no *aro tneTei, ra - thil...horough, as Friday wonting, the 13th bat.. ofomelet fever, Jou Anositte, ern of John T. and Mary A. Johnston,: aged 1 year 3 moo. On the 18th tilt.. Ia Potter tewinhip, 801114,1//, daughter et Dee'l. and Phebe Seen; aged i year* and 8-swathe. • Flour " $3,60 1,10 to 1,60 1 31 0 , 431 Corti, SO to 3 / 3 3 Oats, - 33 Barley - Bookwhitst, 75 Bacon, 111 PHILADELPHIA MABEE= Pelnvent 14, P. Y. In Ohms Meted timer Is sorry little defog, and only abort 100, baobab prime Seed have boon pocked up s 1457.69 perhtifibet, whisk' prifiss is puemilly rofasod, ace! 47.626 melted. thetriatket ibr Fiord- remains eaStire; theta is ',Min or ne dolman& itte, thipMent, and standard isremdtar•Orlsolfldored at SCAM per barna, with out finding boyars, the solos being confinod to a few small lots taken for home consumption, within the range of $6 37i , 46.6.2* for oommen Is good A bran ,$6 621 to $7 96 for extra, and $7 50 to $8 W re/ as la fifylitr4 416 0, Fit i ts Me ' ors not inquired ( o ro r. rel 5) r the former. The reeelpts end snit* of wheat ars moderate, and i prices about the same, at Mane cents for 7/ensue roda,mnally she Labiscrraist In store, and 161a163 cents (br good toobolao white. Rye is In steady demand, with further sales at 82 con's. Corn raMatiM Unchanged ; about 5000 bush els old Ponca. yellow brought 66 cants lu store, 1590 bushels now Southern do 65 cants and 200 bad:lel+ white, el cents in the corn. Barley is oenrco and wanted at previously quoted talus; a 'olio of Barley 'dolt mug mn,lo at 130 MIMS, Oaht remains dull, with a emu❑ husititt,l only to ao lien in l'itnna at 411 Ito , hush r - rilailiotico,- 7 -The following rosolu. litih of Iho Beard of managers weal °Meted "tir - be poblialiod —Resolved tlint nut Sumo ititemlinit of thu Wilt work! Ifni iretitml to nscortiun (ho oniouut of ()oe oonsumeil by Quoit continuer, ou Monday the tutu of Jon , i oat, and also on the oat day of Fernery next, nod aftorwortio on the bud Jay of ea° 3 , t sitcoooding mouth, e x cept when the salmi shall oito ron Sunday, in which ease the nom thidl ho do o on tho following iloy,land shot ho prismed to collcot tho bills frourtho coneninert as soon us the nine can bo mailo out. , According to tho I 2tif regailation of the Company the gas will in nil caws ha Sopped off, where the bills are not paid within deo cloys after preeenting 1110. sn2l-7- im. ' . JAI. V TIIOMAR. ~. Boot'y - rillotiOe is hereby given that_ than will he a tnostihg of the litookholders of tlO Philipssburg Coal and Lumber Company al." the village of Philipsburg at 2 &Moak P. M ,on the 23d of February, for the uhroot of discussing ~ spo Caney ofinereasing the gapital I . lt.mJc of the Com et oreoed Nee fhousand shares to be rzain n tbe t' ;urahnso of Rust Estate, and in a4llne • log the Mining and Lumbering mieralions of tho Company. 0.11 IRIFII., 1) J. MrCANN, Illirootors. X. P. 111N1.18. ' ---- ----- --- ------ -- Turnpike Election.-- -Notice is kerehLgiyan to the Stockholdol n of tho BelleTonte aht PhiliPahrlt'norbpfito eoPitlifinf That 1111 - area.tion will h of tho naloo of D X.. Fruper fiaq ; in the bentltgb of lielleforite,ou A1.44/L.l.._tho 2.1. 111 Y of Morph, twit, for the purposi of °tool tug- MIIt A. gap for said' wool for the !bruiting yptr. Ity or4er allot Doortl. A. 0- cuturg. Feb 9..t0-31. Fresident. 'VALENTINESIVALENWINESII V A large Sul beautiful oolleotloa 9 rvollntitmg and EnveloTeelivejnet been rooef re d st cheap Dim 1 gum stpre of GREEN it MoltMM. Mil MARRIRD TIM /SA! =I q YONI . II. Feb. i'lli 1151. Cleverseal, f 6,10 f Tiootbyie ed . , hots , 1 , 00 0 0a, ,, TS. Hatter, ' Se Eas Tallow,. 12# Tall 121 bani, 12$ ~ , ,si: 0:- , I r 4 I E,.. t , koti i, ' .4 Li f „, , .•i! 5. 1; or t: • ill — 0' 0; ~t • , ! it,,, '1„, ' menoeli t i pf [card •,!• • : eg. 4d ie t ti .- .0 4,:1ir!i tit iirt Beal- #" 120J . :4 4. ' Eaah ' *ma trw: Is7*.irwerdearelbarls, band 'lamely irinted In -itnperisl tildark% The whole's nark wit be ilbsstraled by shpt fifty Superior En gravings oh Mod, inoluOling Portsalta awl clighust Pictorial Designs, by eminent Azgata. , 1 With ntaneroussrced cuts and, *nap. ' Each part , will contain at- least 32 pages and .400 et:amiss. On' stool; every other part Witt Imre two titan Pintas ‘ . Trnith ur rt . iILUAVIPie. 1. Barth 'alai-monthlypart, iroetothing lot Mane apeciffed, 25 manta, payable oa , dolivery. 2. All au,bserlbons must en g a ged tetlarq /ho en tire work. ljto neonn4-4041 , subselpilolit Mos Offip r suidap double parts- and the *bilk' will beplib. isbadint molar intarrals of litovebkr Aroiing the , illantratlons ahriondt ongrarod of nearly completed, aro the f0110W011.4 retfirnAirs on armor - • Gen. Sattnyter, lien. Chum.' Leiholiffk 'Outnallt (ion. Arnold, lion Omen, Oon,\Willtd Oath gamer Oen. Sinister Gen. Montgomery, (lOW Lords , hkelai Stirling, Ken~,llmn+n Stouben, Gonad', pleat. Court" Pulaski, Ilan. Zinooln ,, Orn. Markt., Out, nonie Lee, Col Moultrie, Gen %Coyne. Orb. Olin. Ambert Morris, Gen. Stark, (lob. Handiltue, Gqn. (tan. glover, Gen Sir WilWatri !loom, Gun. Sir Henry Clinton ; Waithington feting the*. tut iii by Pottle, Washington from the plittlee Trumbull, Walliingion from the picture by Wort. mullet, Washington fmnt the &turn by , Bldmrt.—., IV . Ofilloglon.from thopiatmo of lioudtion a Statue. Walthingtou'from the pinintst. o Ilroen'a Staftm, S'ashiugion front original profilo, fdre. Witahing ton toady portrait,' Mop. 19nahlogMfi fnatrilltdarti• Miss Phillips from original pin tore STEIt.• MOOT{ WO peones, (obloey'from originatile4lo FAglat of Washington's Birthplace, Mont Veratool tfowsi Waihingtori as a Surreyor. Washington at Fort linoesnly Washington iturreflogi the Dis mal &mann, Wnsbington at titinolehteri 'Wash ington's nett' flOrta, Fortifying Blinker Mil "- Fort T,itwornierega. Lake 'George. jilprtlihiation at West Foint fa 1780. Washington quelling. a rint.l hem a' rontimporaryl View of N. York, 1770. _ Boehm troth Dorohestet neigh* in 17t0. Announoentont of Indepoodeneo: Raffle of Trom ton. Oaten of Germantown. Battle dfliontnottth: Brwidook's Battiedald. Washington going to Con• greet, eat. “Blast, always rentain, par easinente, Inn hilloty of the Father of his Country..—Phita. atitios , t, intended tint tlefilttst • edition shall boOtorthy tito inked andi , of Ase.sttl , than The beat Authors bane boon Mooted to mole brigln T 4 nwl e, nod the Most eminent engravings, are sedum/. No 'Outwit *lli to opolitt fO„nrako the engravings creditable to Aolollo4oart, pal f or Iy satigeolor7 to atnahnint of fostidiouslastn, Aoinen sad CtarUecna supplieUdilnirsl w ta The' adjtion" is publiabeil sae eiy for subseribirs. Pub 1140-31. ionrE GROVE AOADRIIIY • a lIIARY.—J. 1q lIION(Atf,"' II POW. pakiLllnt, IL•NONOI.Asehez The eleventh sesillon of this in ion ,nlll epee: on •Wedrscalay April 291 h, 1957, ceatinuellre eonths. . • The. institution situated IT miles from the Penna. Railroad, with widehil is emmeeted by a tri-weekly lino of enures. The altesitlen to heolpt• ful, it - Mffee firm-the temptation of large places, the community Lateral and intelligent. Tho Principal hiring-rented UN. Derehtleldrs tarp and soMino: Mons - building, formerly cumuplod as a Rotel, will. be prepared fur the reception o student* et tre oommonessateet of the session. Terms—al,76 per Week, payable ono half !sedum° sitni-the balance before the student IN removed. TIMM S 6, ss, $lO, and aaulon, able sine isidf In mimeos. Avi ant aininnil/ion VriA had Me( sic• dents aced under t heGanef therPrineipal. Ilhar further information apply to J. E Thomt Principal Moe drove Mills, Oen. tre county, pa., or 11. A. )14114AsiLe Reel— Ruud of Trustees. . Fob 1110-tf. NNW MARBLE WOBial —l3. A. GIB. 80N R 00., have sailed a .now marine works on nigh street, tmerly opposite the maiden*. of Judge Iturnade, where we reepeolfolly request all who mein want of anything Weir line to Ore tts a eel immediately, tutundinif earirork and make your imlootion. Oar motto Is , ',lsarge Lard and steal protits,", end 114 assert nuitprel lively thetwo will not be utplusold or surpaseselbsAVQlolollollC , LIMP by any o th er Establfsbleplaii this part of Pennsylvania. It le believed - 1W .the high repu tation this firm has gained by a.itulant adhonnuoe to strive integritielserwhere, is eaugleir at guaraa tee of its falthful management hest. and sums in ibis Iffauch of bistinose. Tits bulletins of thiS ca. tablielhoseut will Ire eeedoited by Wet. Oahe/smut° whom all orders and 04441012€40a1410M aunt by 4aartatd 41$ °Mare their seatedriPtiigen. _ - A - 9rn k. co. ILEB IIRGIONIII3II3N7 WOEXIL M. I now,pnblish therriees•of otiabfli wor , mini there 4 in esoefdemanctil .. - all ib board mammy° that irrerY ontatilq ktaiw • prices, so that the bereaved may Oft be imputed up on by travelling psddlars,bofore giilog theta Orders. ltelow lithe Flue For. foot. Marble box tomb, • • • • 0.75 French Gouda, • - • • Mil Statuary mitrble tomb tape • • - 0450' Marble Tomb Stones, • • .. ItaalsainArll9o4s Polish - • • Ifs_ Statuary marble, Cheater martds„ - • - ~, • 0.00, . e .. Lettering from tiro cents eeeb, „ ,Finseneld letters 2 coals Cara. All work warranted to be finished in nii.d.i. phla style. liver,' descriptions .t inutile Totk at the tame rates, r will give aro pi io. m for ornereanist work If it Is minima. Miloibure Marble Inks. jab29-tf-8, AARON FARTEIt Mit Real tor. PPUBLICII_ENDUK—WIIL .31110L1) at ptlbilo Pale at the reehlen, e tho Bubferi of f hor in Fort it officio, Werth tow,o‘i entre noun ty, on Friday Vol 29th, 1857 Tlo fa lowing prtip erty vie , CLYN Briar;i,(),vl: SPRY - NU WAGGON AND JIAlt NE.4.4. together with all hie Household end Kitchen Furniture onneisting or TAN 1.1!..5, VENT'? R T.I PI. Me, Wilitf- STAIVDS,IIIIIt EA Its AI.; T'PE EA C lIA 111! A A:PANDA, STOVES 1,1 I!: AN ANL) II AD t sci, cud a Tnriety.of tither articles tau nulberdus to lasetioe. dal* (a lanureamea et le oeekek A n said day, when a reasonable credit and due Intone dance will be given by Hob 11.-iO-11t JOAN IY. FUGATE MI REEId OtINT EititIVAII Y.— a. tliitoph miles north-met frem litiledelphia, near Norristown, PA., will he epee for yot, an met and not 0 shone 14 years of age, from October 1, 18511, till June), 1857 Tile all* is healthful, the nurrounding prospect exceedingly leautiful, the aconinmodatioeissoffesiont. for 141 boarders nod 200 students, and the terniettot Into ant. Tharange at shallot *Axton:lre., tho. s tn e:tportesied and able, ao,l nvoty reason"' le edurt an midi to promote the pbyelosl, Intellectual and morel we/. tome of the erholare A tliretibif will he neat tO order, with partieribus and referawaetif dented: MUM. AAILON,Pi k maps!, On x-2,0 , -Norrstown, Pa. A'l7Dito '8 NOTIM-:-TirE InIDEB , signed, n Auditor appointed by the Court of Continuo PI of Centre county, to mak. dietri tuition of the..teoutee in the hands et 51 IV tile, .Iticriti, indeedthe sale of the realretato of Win. L. Mosier ' tit lamonw them entitled thereto, will attend to tan, titles of said eppolutglent. at th e Prothonatary't Mee in Bellefonte, ondFrid .y the isohb'tsr ltiagr-uorr, whenrattriormair. finchetthi may attend. . JOAN T. HOOVER- fobt-94t i auditor. ATIDITOI2:I3 NOTICTL—'inE UNDErir . mond, n Auditor, .pitwintoil by t Court of etmlttytu Plum of Octant county, to make 41101'11,u -/too of tit° Intibieo to the bAntlA of AL WAtl 4lO , 81torIlL twitoolc i tho moll of thip rettkostato or John , bitoyr, funtottlhOoomitilleti thereto, will Attend to tho I 11 ICI of said it ppoititttiont. of the Prothonotary's Oboe iu Ilelfibrunte, on Y11'14•7 lii 20th cloy of Moroll MO, whore nil p,r.),t+ toter eatimliney ationtl. AKIN T. 1100ViiR,, fabA-.94t. •adlitot. NOTICE, Ito Irais it May . 11gonoetii, Aikm4.44/khroSbilm4limittiVutt" to, holdd not. Eliguinun, iinn_for`Mtl4l* dollop and 85 vonlY - tito dints, Ibn *Moll I. LAlnt an °Mod itgitinft him to tho full amount of the note I hereby Warp all person,' not to buy oud notq an I Ant de, totoolno4 not to pay Said unto noloin ontenvollnul to. do so by law. Prrn, sbnist4. 'oral-T.IW pra SALVOR RKST:i Tbo tnbserlher will Nell or rent a 3innse — rtntl Lot on Allegheny striortrio-- tho Boone' of belle , Mote, adjoining lot of Wm. Pruner on thews* . real Ihunee on the east. For tn rnv. Feb 11-10.1,. j/40.4Mintit. DRIOES REMfdEb: AT 'Pint A Ittl ADE 11 cr (MU GAEL/O,Y, Mawr! jintaxtad jn falntiotn m•ml_ Moo! At $1,60 bildikioretotOsnlteen Oulu nov. -A beThutiful awNuentuf Atnl4lnl y Diguorreo typo materials agninantly on band., VOI) Imo-tr. . t 4. BAU,NIIART, trikfint - ToTarTliiir - oEns r „4 Lugo asortmen. of Perfumer s% elr Weifititie ete., from Ole oelebilit4 asliollalement of 4 uloa / 1, 4 1 1 1 . 4 ,C0. have Juetiwon received fiy 4 0 0 • . (WENN II Hod 411 . MYlt, .sNt ri ll f iS' 44 4 ' IlkiA -7-4112 ± 1 0t0itintii 1 0 8 14k " COST R DUCkD SaCQ To Pall And: 1,0.0017 & 00., law xoticfeeeseede the folionieg loadttig llritbh rersodicals t viz;,, THE LONDON QUARTER Wneerrapve). r • TILT poreigitlnGl:l,ll/i i r (W10S)• TIIRNOItTitIIUTISThIIRV(VveegIiirb): T.nx wEidytalsr*at (I•Lboril), LAC,o.: j, <1 . it L. rt OOP'S T 1. ak1N81. , 400 MAGAZIN . E • (Tory). Them) Perllmill:in's ably repregen - t the - throe gra* pniltival paitiei of area Rtittlin-.Wlilit, Tnq and ftedieal-Obut polittlew ;Piro unit o 4 fetittlie of ihalr eburftetee. iFi Itliiplitf of ttfo nticiek' profound wrlterponNgiapee, f,ltorelore,lforelity, glow, they eland, they kilo stink!, unrivel. led /p the wpoi 4 4 410.: le#l , r~R4 lo ',' peneuble Co the scholar and the vrefrmlonel, men, while to the intelligent render of every class they . Amite! a trinfireorreet end satistiefoiTtivottl or the current Ilterattnro:onlihitty,Nnueppit the world, then eon ho oblitille4 (qui 'tiny other K 2",• - The teneipt c;l' adiranes iheeteletWthu iil publishers gives additional 's s et`luo to !bele ke• innetnuch ne3lboronn neer Otp'need in the laid," of gaboortbers libont!si woo Ai the original Wilkins. • • - • . • 4 . 1t1p3: (Segula! l!riaot:) Por en, ope of the four Stevie*, For sLy two Of the four Iterrniill For stir/ three or the fourjttwlows For elf PAW of the Tteivievii • For illookwoOd's Meigetioe Pot 111rtelkwoodi end throe_ Rtrviewe Por Illnetterood end the four Kerte - tea " 10 90 Pa - moments to &Pomade soo , ail tales in' ei4nettetvt Ato, riarrent the , * where isioned will ereeieetl at re. pottage-to-any part of the UtiltatiStatcs wilt .be but tereatre"-feare canal a year rot `'lttaelg wood, au4 but fada,Vl, coats a your fur each of he Iteriewi, ni t a tbe rt :l itsy gtve be P4HteAreat!_ will be 'far- SPLENDID OFFERS TOR IJ$ AIIIOJOIS7 TO •orrurte,, . . . T/111111 the ware ipberniril t4iaphie4 of the day, thelcPariediaahr We I#lll brill, 11 ,11 44 - 1411 year pr We N* bore (Mthito tied at I atesY tlte 11166, luny belarreeded needy xi 'rideable am for 1157. We prorme to furnteb the twerp; at the fai,,kwing extreme 1r leer remw vile t . Per Bluekwood's Elegies!, • $4 66* Poi. ;my 00. Review, • • 4 00 Ror any two Reviews, 660 ler Biqa%wood Mid one ' 7 00 Bur Blackwood and two Ilari** o , 0 00 Bor hires &cries", 8 06 Yet Blackwood and tame laseiews, 12 00 Ills the four Randerre, - IL 00 Yet Blackwood - s borAttsistit. 'TS avoid rtsid6s, 45 may be remitted for BlietwOod, for 'Web we will forward Brat wor)rtbr both yams, prosersid. N. 134-7 The pries •in Grist Dritals of the Ant Porisdloals 4}ol osisset, is *bast pas..siamam, All IS - gamut aver sirila I. titsty to seek tislitoinitatif tit Ilhtss bare preantvaT - 310 W 13 VIE TIME TO BUIlBOUDY,! Larnasktaneel must, In an Melt be mad* direte to the:Publishers, M the*: pines no omembrakni can be snowed Aaaroao, LEONARD siXrrr & co., No. 64 Odd Mroot, Now York doo2i.St• A cppIatHANCE TO MAKE EON , Dir WUV A VICKI iI..VWO4.LAXCCA,,k loan, a;liated ie bray tows obunty th• radial Stains, to Bell byylim*riptlon. olio 4, thy gnadaoo. and mint beset' hil .mro over publiabed in Mimics, being seliglOy eirisseated POItTRA IT OW WiNliblitaM4ollo/1 WARN. TON. • • - ,tlll4 FATUER OF 1118 COUNTRY nor iassipnesaintad in this garle sal ,ssepilia of a Oros Moan, standing in the cabmen of the groat and nragorillMener Temple of Kfaglialotaine this kin, dine he bta auperbly deal/rated filth lb. myrtle nym bole of Pees Masonery, and anpreptlataly In the highest style of art, preelible ono of the Molt prgeous "'paginates of Oriannel onegnilloalioa,.. of *WA the mind am oonoci we. Tho likeness is etriiv lig and grand, and lbe' the sublimity of aftitude, and the eve and dignity of manner, fe unaurpaissed iy any nt/mr.Painling *ter executed tither. in Uses eimutry At H.:lope. This surprising Picture has beta prodisowl at an entiuroutouat, ani agd n i . M h o v rilalo rT 4 , l l p plytele is vari ous 11:ylifii of oolloring at a proportionate con., ranging el ( retnllfroee $1 to WI. , Nehmen on other enhfoele, fur inferior to this. are sold deny at $f and 310 per copy. b$ In order to plane them within the remit' of all (that no jytericiin einem] need be deprived of having their parlors or A nn e honored add adorned With ono of these mug nincent prosirnene of A inerican art, in the form of the great and the good the Father et our Corintryd I haso mode the prion thy lots -p•s.on pie cep. s will Me sent by mail or septets' to ally raft of the I rid' eil Piton', on r, , orlpt 01' thu re (all Fine in e or root funds or pillage trumps. 1 1 1 , ' For terms to vaults, a Nu lot of my nosepub lloal Mae for 181 T, 'ft for eninglo rgpies, addrien II M-10711.11 4 014, 141 Mein anent, Cincinnati, 0.. or, it brats nnet. nidress Islll,l,ing, 23 south Street. Philadelphia, Pa. P. B.—Publinhorn of rireW/iplineflint POrtallestla Alrig the oboe') nit vdrthroment, bieluding 4h411 Lien, Aro r or more ineeninne in a compiations part of if ilap*F. sending ran taarkisi copies or the some, shall hare One or th o highniit rico,' of elasse-Mlas.., turee inane. to their ruhlrins 11, 11.11I'LlSON r, viTY tiOt'nf; 111 Main street. Cincinnati, 0 Fob 11 10-4 t - - - LOTTERLEEL—The. well-known Mary- ANL) el)NtittlA DATED I.OIIIOIIIES, of which It. PitANON A 00., are the li4ant4ira, ch r lrterod by the state of Barylond, and Ift/Morriptile vierrerelestiteil 11- thm peopie who is swarm 1.0..04pekt. Miami and cerlisfy that orarythil d Iponnocto 'Rita theni WI done in a strictly honorable tuttuner "slid that the int create Drill riles who resole at a inia ¬, erotic well protected ne if they themeolvesietre pro soot at thelrawitut Another Piet which the'aton. agars one Iftterktion to. is, that ell personi ii ive legal right. to Motel orders for tlakets to 114.1tiland, OP lottulteg,nro by special in.thal. stew. A lottery laity:ma every day of Oho numth. If ne particular ohms b namod, orders ore tiVld rho fi r . 4, 4 rowing to take plutio after the commanica o comes to hand. The prima of Bakale wary from $1 t n %A2O dollars, No tlokots are, however, mot unless the rosary Mr the amok receiver/ yew, •«.4.4.---Thadr..- , oraAte.l4 , ooBbi t ALLOW/0P 91 ot. number en remit litiket, (attar the amine. plan) nod 'ternary oombluntleu. Prison vary are Ilknalifil from $2O to $lOO,OOO. Al) ardor's for tiekols or pack ages will recufy° prompt at eution, rsasil tliq draw nix mai led to all patch...ors immediately after tt, if . over Adilrmie 1. 11 Il 888 AND A. Nn 39 Payette at., or box No. 40 , Baltimore, Mil felii.9.ly • CEILTIFICA'IIIB. PAIN ERADICATOR. JOEVdtti. :--asterboutir4‘. Fur the Last three years I have boon asiojtrist-10 ; Neutrality of the nevordst clutraelini.vat owe time confined to say roomier-three smirdhassith it, and subject to return ea often ite got wet or nee/olio damp. I tried a great piny melodist for Debut Mond worireiniiiiwi Milee Pain Pdaifiestltra prennialry you,whieh bee flavor failed to era& le the pain-whenappliolL— I also ciao it tbr sato throat with the Mira, good of fuot, and know of it being used for liheureatitni witp good malts I believe it .o fo r gy. spud aim - for , the above diseases, and no 'minas& and would nordibilly reountinend it to all sulfuring with either Neuralgia.* Itlledlnht lam. JOHN ideCALMONT. Meisas ti RISEN A hfoiilthh :—/ hay* usod l/uo. 1. Miles knin Eradicator, prepared by,you, fur Ithossu iistimis my chouldor, -and WScd grant roduf- unit stauld cheerfully rtooouswand Uto others Ara hid) , affected. 'tins f6lil.l.ldf . ' • - VALESTINtiII VAUNT/Nati, Msupg4. ap4 oplosalld aaaartuopit of aJontines for sidoel LI t ViOiMiION'6BOOB:6TOItRn—J robs-9 - - - - - 17 A loettutitui nosortnioni, Jug roquive4 olikthb new Clothing ips4 P1111,0E6:4 of s 'VT " f: ATOOSIVAI62.I4 euN. . _ . . I ht V A glt?lf ig i trPß;ir r : 1 1"4" . Pirie:ll.66l Ore rieiSt• -• ;' r rrhtey fp proTiasort of ' • kr litßrtitl besattl to. m T 0? - riliene he bad et , le r 49 e 4, •iny of the fdr lea* Nirsi hooks ' clia ilfy': - -A gift vaiyink in volt" from 0 ein • lo ;flee, gi% en n lilt pitch book nt Cie' (lino It la sold. llnXilig nti IMO It I' . CI jr thige otook of new and ealtfaldloleoke, end rd 410 meth) , la " Large , soles' And ernedt proftts," WP arc ddtornilned to Oro our edlitothers hotter Intrglioe then ono ho had olie, *ea. - Any-bwk 11111411410 A In Now Yorker Phil. rol.l,i,i'wfri - be promptly sant, gift lnchilled, on eattot eiibroshers pri,..., ..cmoolor, of books and pitacabt, onstnining full entlattedloni will be ont front(' all piwlo of the oottntry. The mot hiperni inducement,. Are offered la &goat,. .6ny potion by sending me - on order for .11*n honks, wi th tremor indtbectl,4lll led entitled to an °Aft% book tilurglft. ,-. All thile re forb.4;4, dorttatning tnoner,.oo enintro es&oy,) ghtntld 'ho Yegletefeet nt, the Port 010oe wbetp fhoy are mailed. And directed to I. RVIi;TIB & CO.; Ytmad wag; N. T. • . ithileentetrle,—lf. ThfArtins & Pone. Routh:Fourth 'Strolf),• Pplndolpllln •T- It - rapid hemt at Co., Phillidi3lP a" D. Arpeton Jlt, Co., puma wny t ifpw Yolk•, 7)trb; k ;r6it p ;Neer* Street, No* York. :,, '' Dlel. 4 l:NP,roa. 4_4l4iTA 1,01 flll4, • c ' ° • •'• . • WANS & CO., --, Principal Store, 400 Itrontlway New York. "nranela stores at Plillalelphla npel tee Wootting ten. D. C. ' deoli-2in0.,1 wiLP.U.'I3IILOAZINR- -ONBRUN tired rout .-el ht thotteitel eoplea are now print ti of .tforper'.. Mozrzzirt#. The cost of eon. tribal inns And illostialinus f o r - eaeh nmither -04;14112800. Moro than thirtrtfinturarthillftletT Ity t he hi Igraine to 4nterfoin Au thors and Artiste. . Thertthlishers beg to renew thbrr thanks to the the, exlAtordirmry furor with whirh the Magallor hn.e hurt; received. Na Mime or Dimwit wIH-bilpered to wader it Mill more .worthro( the unparalleled ottoman It hue aohfitwed• Ebel number of thb lifitgatine will contain 14( * wataVrt mottebin.dorible columns, each year the onmpriaing ruopty two (bonsai:4'll.4;es of the choice 'oft mimellancouv literntare of the dsy. Every number will contain numerous pfeorisi accbrate Odin of tho Fashions, a eqflous Chronicle of Cubbent Erente, autlimpsrtial notipos of the books of the Nona". The volorno nommen• inonoes with the munberit of freneand _Ahavar4r, but, eubs.witatne may commeniro qty malt. bor. Par Ann a 00 . tip T H 00 3 00 00 Tr nNo.-711.1 :fasasine nifty be obtained of book. fellers L Periodiaal airepts,or 0/nOOl4O 4101 m, at limo dotterel), year. or t.tility•tive genii el retimber The poinbannual rolume., , , as oompteled, nosily hound in cloth, and slid - at two dollars oaoh. nod muslin 00vors, are furnished to those who wleb to hobo their hook numbers uniformly bound, at twonty•lito conic each. Twelve volumes Are now dl, hope tin cloth. - also In lealfbatt. The Publialiere will supra , / apeeitor'm member' , gratnitolto. Agents an* Postemetere, and will Make lip arrnnzmilpente - erith them fiti. the sir. eulalinge • plikehrtie. They will also an ply Clubs of terovernotte et flisiollars a year. Nam beetfrontthe datAllitendymont can now Able the bound 'eniltetnee:'. The 14egasine s -weighs Om Peru end not ever sight' numei. The pnstwgn upon each number, width must he veld quitrterlr in sets-ems at the edict, where the Mxgailne ie" three mite. ' • OrThe Fobtlihon would giro notiee. that they hareirnotrinis for whoa° enntroctx, they are reitimn !titan. Those ordering tho Mogoline from Agents or Dealers attottlool td . them for the supply of the work. lIARPFIR 41k BROVVEIRS. Jeol7, Franklin Square, New York BOOK $TO' R X • • • clEctimizi at hie well known*or nor of the patina arittore, Dollogmte, Loot* 004- meetly on hood • large amortment of Da ZOLOOIOAL. .. .- , -... , ..*SAMOAL. u u ) NOOKS. USICAI, 2 I A 110 4 ri 3t. ... ~ 1,e,41 4 1:1tz . 1. tll i of • • - " • , ~.1...e. DO' ,K 5 AND ISTATIONDRY ' , . of the beet quoilly. 24ATUDMATICAL INSTItUItENTS, • PORT PAWS, ko. ae. Cam' nooks brousht to order at a small advance on tlte , elty primp. • - jan2i-tf.B., D POPIT BANK, OF JAS. T. }S AL " iSTKIL; A: d Ccumr, W. M. AlHuur. ii=r3 INTEREST PAID ON SPECIAit pliNe47 IicALLISTER, HALE & .00 , Dirt,Lererru, 0101151111 00.. PA. • DEPORT :4 14100 IVEO. DILLS OP EXORANUE AND NOTE • 00UNTED. COLLECTIONS MADE, AND PROCEEDS RE MITT O) PROMPTLY. - INTEREST PAI D ON SPECIAL. DEPOSITS FOR NIN WY DAYS AND UN ORR SIX MONTRS AT THE RATE OF YOUR PERCENT PFRA NN —rou six MON rim AND UP SY A:.DS. AT TILE RATE OF YVE PER CENT PPM ANNUM LINCILANUE ON THE EAST CONSTANTLY ON HAND. lja2s•Den ip-L /IST E Thu sidersigne,l, having mail., the most es• tenstvo or, ati,menti, Arte I Ing n largo stie k myterial lintel, a ill lie ready nt shor,t notice If attend to all eiders in old line of littyiness Ile has entiiloycal none hot the heat workmen, and oil %oft •entrite , ed to his come, well I,o•atiel in s styli, which bo exootlod IVb..nelcr I fur nub mAtatiniv. . . THE WORK WXI4 IIErII'AItRANTED Th. men employed ere none lac/ the best and In the eldolnee of apprentic.w, builders eon rely anpen having their work done an such a wanner ad will give entiefaetni a ) . - 1"3"All odafremari lu rellefonto, Centro moiety, l's.. will he promptly attended to ' C' W. LAMM:RT. .1 1 ZOTICE.-WirEll.73liti LETTERS OF Atlininibtratton nn the tetnteef John Derrell, deeetteed, fate of I iregg• township, hAvlng heel] granted to ehe nwheerlhoe,•rtrdatitt in Haistem town. Ahlp. ell portin,' Indebted to raid relate will pitmen mane ittrwanl And settle immediately, And three) ring elnlme Agaltuti the tame to prt.sent thew pnuoulv authenticated, to janT•dtit BA:II I:11;1, 11111171,1 t. Mner. AMBROTY , P - MB, CRY 'STA - LT.OG It A P 6' and DAGUERREOTYPES, Taken daily (evcirpt Sand from, A-11. 61..11 11l J. 8 LIA . RNHAIIT. IN 11 13 SPLENDID SALOON. Penna. — Adm inion free. ITSn IGE.tEN At NoMEE,I, FITCIgRPORM TO CEO, I' Mimi, }: LEFONTE L PA. Wrtuyittr.tt.s.Atra...ltisuth .10,fistaMP , Drug!, Itflttlinhots, Perfumery, Itirjure, er -1,181100, Pyotfltollfo, t Soar', Brunton, Hair Rod Tooth Drortmt, Flom nod •Toilot A rack', Trusaels 014 Mtouldor IlrtuAs, Garden Sordr, • Outdentert um awl our stunk complete and (nib, oud 011 sold At moderato prturs, 0 P.ilel•P Had Pikrliul ins [rum 16 &tautly ot tult lorrantiouour stork. • tort{ HOUSE AND LOT TOR BAL tit IN 3111.11E1M Tho Pub.vrilinr °Reim ILL 1.111“1.0 Mk a Iwo-Many Onion Itou4o, tol.l lisru. and lot of A round! contain. Ing ono nom. Thorn n outobor of fro at Imo, on the ro u d", If Elioproperly Is not luitu r o Ilio VIII of rebrualy, 135'7 it Will thou lin "Mimi! of üblfansio. linur JACOD 6TAGES FOR. TYRONIIIE - undorri g nini w o rld spent a lly storm the travelling pohlie that be new, ru g ,dally li ne nt /ga g es Tyrone—Trl•wrokl by Way of thonnetown and Wurriortuark, rek , Art - mettle VIII MIN ltsgla Plank avail. "11atffin Tyrone , . Marittity, Wo,lnoilny end Friday prem. Rottotorito on -Tittoilotr, Thuuvluy my.% s4t.pr tiny, and the follsty_ing 453 4 on the btorotntown read *104,12 R. D. ellNIMINliii• IVOTICE.—WHERIAS LEL/lila OF A•ll.klininistrotion On Lilo tottotis4 Mains CPls rity deco/mod, Into of Spring townihlp, h tro hetti granted to thu Olubloriber, resitliug In Spring' inwo ship. All pc rslnnintit•httolto said (alto will pions° coon, f oval tl and i.et tie the n'ilno i nun iol i , tfoly, rind thorn linstng Malmo will pionlo • prosant them pro potty nuthonlio.sted for settlanrant. • jau244l,S. mrc stAl:l, AIt4i.ITY. A'per. NLISTEIRSTE ; ST/LbLEIFI'A kfrE.-- ; - - Ty On the nstpto of Pa% tit tt tiolie&n, lofts of Porgtoon linvlng been iv anted to `thst etibeeribar, re ,i 1i ng In* theno bun township, All pdrsann Ittletwitig tint atoultiros Ityklebtod to said °Atoll?. aia rocute3lNl to &tato forwnrit and make t E dn26.ll. aUI rayment, d tln Ix I t lo y 441110 to Ines 11111, en pm sot. tioinent. I N 4x'r. jAnl,f•b ' " ria hew wide bt . , u tt s . — . ' • fr e AR tW, iC A RD i nn tho Fahlish .r atTiMEET,„; - van hulinnonneaticon with his Newapapar gtOlnatit4.lkg most Itxtentke and sonspista JOB PIUIPTINII OVVIGIS: To be found in Central Pennsyl, , anta,rsKarat it tirtly of P. NEW MATEIIIALB, - !OW the latest funk inns; bskionahle ylis of ptak4 and Panay Type, and Is prepared to oicseade kin 13 or now; Nt) PANCT : :IOIi eT Ir " 4 I yory nento#t'atee v and at the shortest nonce . *lllll'll :4i II A NI) DILLS, • ttrUldA POATRS. ' " 7.$ Is 111 A Ur- kiir i ,lloßg+, opta,. , Is AAL ,TjOIC 8. , 4 A tIOTiON HIE." fIARDI 4 I. P A ALP4II,ETS . , RBOUIPTA, . . BOOK 6. CHECKS. SLIMY TITLIA, plum n,tmkots. Lie(lol,)ratLvvvelatTlJimarqr.„ranrximil eXecuted t i'luind*ltnest meaner. , tNtli TN aoT,OIO, In the. into; Us*. u n d fint,ohe4 ikty , l9 of the att. . ' • Hat legation guaranteed in retnni to acetata ehenpneita and Aunntun Wid litt .in the Taeallate , , orn. (APP . /1J 1 IN IlltOCKIiIIII0P:14S BOW, Titan tspotroxta...P.A. A R4RE CHANC;— •ID A'• 8001:1 opportunity for leap,' siblo men to elocaiis ‘, I:min4i. anal liaalikr rAnployiauht„. , gon Sli era, tji a To A. la C rout rt IP Poet : 4 innate, a. Any 'persiiiit obtaining ouhirribers fij"Sty _ of either or (ha following Aluorio.to Nitio4l • Wort.% mot remitting tbo,.,lrititt, (Iva* a Wig' commiesiion4 tolho 141•4,!ker. ail Lentithlll Filly Donn ne worth Irvin ihe alit a Vat- . noble Works 14 the Awl this ndrolbsemeneost• • "1:. •AMP:MOAN If , ATIONA I, W .• First National 1,1 Ory if,,,Nd N f wv t , Colonial.' /Ley ut\naikry and fannowltatiaabil t chiefly foot " al pma 'Dor einem*, J. ;air ing and Edwin IViithtmg. with ungwrousl‘wg trations on' steel nal,. 'Via& Two volvtop, hippo • rial 8 yo. - 43141 h; iiturii,7•6o. • • • 1— (bloom!, tin that toast. ocittal Lives, Mess ivy and Adtninintrstionit of doo dentsjiom Washington to Piero., with ilski pah trolls oo stool. PVIII roluwn, 8110. siooL, prim, PlO.OO. . . Popular 004 raltatithr booka , el rivo*its , , Aral'. A . vuh's in AlanCias.- 1 0,i --sktosliwsuns46 wifitiag t ' 0 vu.,-eloth, price; W.OO. Durmast,' Jilstnry of iisn'saista, fip ilaanitMi, kn. cloth. $2 50.... - Mr • EiTss^ aholoo' Wails roltiltio fl aitU MAK— ptooa, ; Tuts.ilio, °huh. $6.01. Tlar?Krocrioan and Odd Fellow's )1 . Insiun s 3$ steel enurayino, 2 yule.% sloth, {5.00 °akin - to ICskewiedr, 2;0 *• tat, lwriddin Itiellilt • W•wiant n 1 the Watid. illi plain". ere 113.1111. i ii Agents wiihiug to sit I. the poi want 011 • eimiliiialt ass, lei poldissiimiit, win Wm" . addrems• (100 tn the P Imlnr, -.. • FLI AM) iir ALM*. I+l3l Fulton street. 21, lr.„ .... .. . . . 'And !hex will Tensaw" lan ntedlste sittrideWs ll*ll - fell Pn'tiallhow.of Innandolor. thrati-tot A.J(D .IKOHABEItp: . 9 t \AM LCt I.ithilohodb Tborsiloy, doptemboor 26 4 Ihmloset Psl griming', to )(woo owl thy loud" of tips vpi t witkintroluction by Bowl rur 'um., with illuotrothnui. The bbstwry 4 thi l euriotial+ o is as foliairt : Burton an officer in the FoLst India Oleelpail, barber, by • bias -ershfunte to Upper /mac ay; qulriel a yarfoot knowledge of the Oriental Mak its:ages and mutton'', imaecled a vial' Midi, ON . isalpices of the !loyal lloograithie .inctiety, tetA• hod city of 6 Slet..ca, And the tom!, of the rropit at etlina. yineft rouly if orer beforeel4telit any En gliA an. Thls siemeofully In difyillsed As a blobsoineedab The history of the pilgriintge it notla Iti We've and by any book of col tot , published—embracing Lle residence at Ca* a} .11oliaintnedmi gladent ; the Journey tier:4o,llb. det rrt w 4th the vest annual um:vole( Pthytl.l.L.tbles _ isit to the ttedi of Mohammed; the lasormr. that the Saw . , .1 Black Stone Is An Aerolltis; limps; 111131 atu•ta pro wild.' at MoCCA to talthWlLlti Zane'. 1,1 150,0110 Pilgrim,' githerel fro= all Mini of the Moslem world, Lie narrow mare friso da l h, - and the only ItatliTatro 11000Oilt of the etaq monler of the itt ossehlian faith. Eq. T. rvrsnsToN To Ow ruligiotta c. , thinunPy Ai, Thal Itano6o4 "t intilmigi.don glover before.u../0 public mime tie eeremottial law* of a large proporOon oft Eastern AY orl , 1) ile tar gaup tal fatercit. W i r th narra,tiv• m epira itroroly thon pr Croveut mad the Crew,. U P. PLITNJUd. No. 731 Drurlwirt, 111.1. doedi A CALL TO ALL FA 41112 3 4 3 1 M TOO Lftt--PA USX A LPPTLEZIt EAD T .g, It IKPLECT FARM/3LS P lads 1100iC-4,.Xiic sYstSCLIOATLPfe MA 1 4 f SYSTEM. for :lir cultivation nut hannonupter kiwis of grain, grniscs„ fodder and kaaral.ra, 0 0 1114 nll kinds et, ill,—poned by natant experiment% nuJ bland niant evident truths, designed es Ha. prose ngriculture in all ii. brastabes. by - upwards of one hundred anti fitly* n oltravi the u,ot %skiable grantee not pleads math the ophrin. by : Dit. C. U. .194#11, lterrisburg, Centre county, l Penru. - . tbittreatiaa stilllcataintAntibitainoli* : been to glee the 4artlver that lint of Inlllennaf* which unable, hint in mat t e practical application nil fertilize Lao hunt on' itarenss his grain, fodder lei pastnrnae. - The ttotrieto us Magi] tby tiles man using, anal ruttier, and pastureeultivatlais gyllllllol are rational, Olen. and evident. and ow=ariai movement it the mete of ttgrfealtare kimwn t.. our farmer., and olden If soluistellt 11114 carefully tonettetal, ethnet full to idraace tere-tta of the forming community. Pistol* a -work bat horn tndelt scanted, no it fills a rent whisk bins !nit, Ant which there It ts hltherle'tiewm: no attempt to Fopply. And as farmers of ostler and II untinglon count an icontrunibd lbw weak every farmer. es we fu lly believe that troy at reap the greatest rutosible hermit Iron It. Christ i•n Dale, (unr(o (long° Ilee, nude! 31gAgior; .711c'elv Murtser, t muds A lezeodar t John It uley, Jabs Neff, Samna) Dnnean, Jilin Hofer. Jomtthnn .lll'Willinps, Jacob Meyer. • , Guorr, Utlyilbf, jr, nenry iiinpl.. _ • John Carper, Itntasel liiiinask , •. J.,hn 11n.n vn, Unwire Joe*, , Simnel W Harm. John Homan, Phditlan Ift4nr, 4gt0.41 I:Intl ; _ II eurxo IY. lifool." Milli Mop. For E.tle to /talleftAnte in., 11. 6tatro - inikarin, 0 I. imodonr's lAnk shorn . , Ittnznor do 211bnommi. ril the Loop by ii. linnn . ..,, . .., in W nrrformark in l o.4lnrininanwin: In Dontehura• by Dr 0. 0. Italohol.l. , jnn2l-7•301. . , _IL NVIrA 41: 41, 41 every dusutiptiou of Merida ‘Vork to a raperfer atilt,of workttamothip, end twenty-Ave par *MI less t h an con be had in Bellefonte ' itil4ga Juhevy 0110,0, we sok two pay ritul veal onR to Luke the w.,rk mime delivorml, We deepiets I) ,„,„ti ng . nn o, n ,„l,„ grr , in nit tie torus, and cope iu a matter of this Mud. We ani Pre -well known in this community to nulr,r by mlore'preseis: bktifts. Wu anon Fur work to roaatunumdtitielf. and oak only to he }lndebted lew/nolltt toUentegtill- Wo aprthstukfol for the 407 lihorsat radtrigre we have received, Anil mesethati sellelit ntueliniles kende uf - Lau cum*, AU Wort - dollveto4 to any loetAtt 6 mintry, free of frei4ht. R. A, 171 Lock Ij9On yar6lB orkik Arrunruzsci, Ix OVNTOR M win ilour.or, ,Jr., JaoritFattkrarn,E o l.9 l.ll, l". Liollihan, Samuel A. ttntkehralter. Fun terouns COL), Tr—Maki V. "Weriaime • Munn:a T.. Ileunett. e ' • NEW !•Willgp.T Are COAI Mill/AXIOM LESKO ,MAXIISTAUPA. botssou Bultufoute andM,JS . 'r Ala lipairibie,, Kart/win, Caledouln, and Osat Thin One has been 0404 Mat 4 , • none of atus/Ststodstins *NW' • A410.* p'• no Ofart wIll•tio Tared tomtit* It st‘A-sissottit.toss.--Ths -steps ttill .furl! tOU MIN i 11411; tt, Btlitlmll/loartrY b 61 , 14 At ne4.1.,y And Ftids,s, T it• 114 W• • Mlry'a Immo dart, M 7 n'otock. A. moil no no to saeornmt*tstraretterits Tito riinkesocuts,nl4 , 44ke - fak — Wallkr i M At•soription. Comfit aka eiperkinalidd 611011 I' ngaied, the hat "mob*, kikaak.4o /410 4 ; log uniuuo shish Wilt swiro . .Obs.. rind pht ronago o the Weis 4 4 - ••••• 4•' •1••••3-ty CIEIMMIN44I I k 4 Ml* ABA — IVAL.-- - 7 • 11 3 / 1 111A,Y hna J.,FL rogoirodOt splandllnumninestinpf-4 • 1 , 11.3 r ZrrYLT.4 CMCULAILS, • - • , VELVET int! k4ndid , 014140 Aft . , • • sAve4:Af ,k7EA aqd kinds bf QUILISTIME PREHENTii,.. • " - 4-4xlitt AIon,VEHTIE3I43I. Sti of th i ,Liteop fa.lo*.fekillt mint ; )0; In fnet, 111fly)*Pt, InAlattu 1.119A46410 @I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers