a C .. 44 ... 44 kr0.m e wwzat - I`A ATIVIVC Ake Or FAIN 111PYLB-, 1112232 CI Ritry.farrnerehould.lo4o .4,,house for his impktmtuAi. It ahould Lo tight and deg.; and }a}*Pind-rur rePatrilq, ilterlngt cleaning and sharpening them. I,eory — Rttpletner4• - erherrefarifilnift - dlizittde'ir, aou • lave a proper place, and before it in liKpatt for winter,al.l tint, bright metal I;clonknkkb it -should be.earefully dried and well greased to prevusteruating. Rust is a eipertviiich pcii sons itie fitrincrer purse; many farmers nl low,eiteir plotes, harrowe and cultivators to rust and rot in the corners of open, damp sheds, during six months of the year, and the". seem surprised that their implements do not lest longer. Ail farm implements, after having been used dm ing spring, sum ** fisarshotthiltavertheir wood' work painted, and 'also their coarse metal work, and every &kilt &Want sheuld be °Hutt - The loss of an ounce of iron by rust, is ognal to the loss of au ounoo of gold.. Carofulnealin all thing's in economy ; end a little extra trouble savetextra expense.... L .• rot. DenforrattoH'arrhman. MISC ELLIZVEOI7.9 . . ___Latta-e.,oscil otninctecn letters. My 8, 14, 10, 1, 14, 13, aro found I , II the Poly Bildn. - • ' 111y.4, 3,0, it t 9, 11, 1. is4lial many of us had On last Christmas day. 1tt76,-7, 9, is a oomitY in Florida. 2; tr,'lll, is au! 'Ogle manufactured from ne woad; - .'" My 5,4, 12,•10, iii a city in Penns) lertniari lify 6, 7 8, 11, 17, 13,1 et a religious sect. My IS, 6. 17, 17, 16, 4, 19, is what every individual ought to possess. illy 18, 3, 1,3, !lickliatua.. — 3l - y — wholo is touninn tJio columns of the I)c,nm:lmtic Watzlituan. J. CI. 8: Pkasata (lop, Pn. (Answer neri week.) JAIIES H. RABBIN, AT'fOIiNEY AT LAW, lIELLUONTIS, PIA. , • IWAYEL WAIL v • . . ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLY/VONT% PENN F. Jamas T. nee. nov9B =I GKLUXQY J)11,1" GOODS, 97 Market 14., slut 26 C hurch jeulS4l j it HOLDEN ORVIS, - -_ ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1017 K HAVEN, PENNA °Awe with tho Prothonotary, al th• Court llouen. Lk! Bueir,ow of all idols, pertaining to tho pro. tuition promptly attended to )408-8 12* C. IILITCEELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, • , BELLEFONTE, PA Mks In the Arokile, °ea door from Fjorhook'e he tet. Ott attend promptly td budgets in,Coutto, Clin ton tool Clouts - id 0000tito 1, N.. Th.k P. ELITTIMDKIN. suaaosoor to Dn Well. S• Rain nOmploltfolly tendon his profouional o4r ottitt to th e oltizonn of POTTEIt'a MILL'S and lower - oEletrattbs Katie' Thad. - Pa2l-7•4011 r e m.-A LARqB ABSORTMEN atJaakpli J. Idiiikluy'aoolabrata , l Italian via vitas aad viollaoallo star ; also violin rosin, . h diuispeni and aGraits, ust roculiad ard for oak by Oa 'E?i k MaXERN. A"B B. 0 T Y P B B, • CRYSTAL [ma Avers, and • DAN tiRRIINOTYPAS, Tao itany i t erc_pidNundyrn) from a p.n. J. S. ARNHART, IN MB SPLENDID BA LOON. Alpade Building, - Bellufuntu, POEMS. Krotantedue fres. )Y2l° PART HIRSH IP .-Dll.. POTTER, hating ameoeisted with M IDW ' aial). . L. AL MIAs t 4 Pr•ttio• .2( tarelloise, Dr. J. B. MIT CUI/Ja Goys/for their praleapioual 'arrives to the elliarkek et Soliataola old rlolnl Winn nom =to anreatittlag /AIWA°. af both will be Oven additional ahaige letilrall'a madame at Mn. Datuer's, _114100401- tlool2-11 EIROBIKENTEMItY, -J. D. WINGATE, IT ILSEON Bad 115011IINIOAL DEN Tm, 'would Wmp blaarieste wad patrons that he has oetwardeeettly tea 044 ler fletlethhte. and that haealithw loin/ to attend to any who wish his pro. rodeos) lerrhurs. All work dons la the neatast style nod wthrtiottod. Odlee and miaow, In the third house east !CNC dbarbetelles".iranklln Done. ' ap2-1y WIDIOAL CARD.-DR E{ . J. REMAD respectfully informs the citizens of Jackson vine, sail of the surrounding eountry, that ho bee vemettemedy looate , l at Jacksonville, awl will promptly attend Coal! eons In the dllfereht branches of file proftwalon, medical or surgical, At roasonable abating. lie in ago pneporal to Insert artleeial tooth se cording to the fates% Improvements, and the moat sppreriel OAK sad to perform all other operation" Deertal Ellingsry In iced stylo and at reasonable rates Tkuktal liar put from be hopes by prompt at Pores thfs f inis. Wit to merle eootiaa i iwe of if Ile patronage. Give hum a trial. aage or f4l only u his merits anYektll domes. - VICPORTATT TO. 11A011321.1tROTT ii PLBTB, MAJIBLZ DEALSIIB on others.— - I g 6 / 5 " /1 4 1 . Canna. - 1 - ipietholl has tong boon might fur, to Insert in diumbte obtainer, dsznerrookrpo likenomnio to Mead at o m. KaomXkluati. lame boon narianfaetn. rt.( thou oiled for the hut two yentrOunLemaorar rant them to smart M 1 M picture fore long number amiuA di Liao 4..fnadoelPogign ' ttlisr . 121 ;1 344 • wW•haneltiour rho Oahu.° and keopr it in • Mote se grafi roworrsttun for • ton* nunibbr of years, la made el brtiao—o wale box. It makes • rely west jib on eller' Stone or Monument. They moo Imit Orseroweed - toinetitti, Mount Auburn, LeonA'. Milt, and Many otter , Osineterles In the Uritatirattet. A Mama dieriowat rondo to Ma . rblo Doniern nod tt=.. Price from 12 26 eaoh to $9.6(1. rsyi np AO be sent to any addrom, Atealitilthri" -Man. A. L. H LAMM, 4 Agent ttf Mausoleum Dog. Co., afS thoinlway, New York. deoLSus , i--- - 114.116111 ff 10111 - 11PHOIA , tlannto ESTABLISHMENT,— ' '' The enbsoriber reepeetfully inform .., life' ,', and the i She that he has summoned I ! lust and II tering business Ir. all Ita re ' ". ~,, mail Ibe prepared to furnish . • . , - eunpare with any made In the hoot 7 'wyll forger dam% Having had preetioal eve , In-every br.thelt of business, person en. tit.lng work to him willhe amured that It will be koleabkoksaeholorylgaimer. pr RIPAIEING p!hoptly__altended to. - ~. ..,...,-. 1 --.... -• -.E.ItEDERIOK-8111111-- -- ~,, amok Itellefonte, In the shop fbristorly cove' '"' -y Nr."Rembohl. . a )14 V I iii/ r /elblrea WHAT WE BAY ! If we foil to fur lib arm desuipihra of ifarble Work In a.aupe or aryls of workmanship, and twenty-flue per cent leactkaa• am be hid in Bolletonte, Miletsburg, or letaley Shore, we ek.k no pay owl will require no ameho lake the work whop delivered. We deepise, tiltlegend haanbuggery In all in home, ftnd expo ally In • matter e( this bled. Wo are t0u...w01.1 WI is 'tide tattamonley to tarot by misrepretum. I teEkket We allow our work to roentnmend Itself. mid sib eel/ to be enstalned aooonling to Ito morite ' We are etbeekfid for the very libural patronage nehmen, yenelied, and respo,thilly imieh a oontin -0110111 Of the seine. All orders filiod with pulsate aawldal well kr any pert of the eountry, (roe tato.' . . - 13. A. GIBBON, , . • . , grion Marble Works. , g 111 litAktanks:'" 44 me °INTRA eviller Y Pottagrqva, Ewa., Thomas Llll . , ' nebreker. Oa , r e • 101}1 , 411atlis )4. {shone - Moine ,Thourou. ..„_ ; . INOER'S SEWING %ACHIM.- , prioalltfitfrund hpwards. nta bhinCi, the I,lo4 t.irmatipt and useful Itivontiortat the age ; It h been worked, a duiliolont hingth of time to be thoyetighly tested upon signet ,variety of herforodlures, and to all Inman has huovo fully 14)- ml/rod. It 1•111 continue td attract and surprise gio people of the Auto worisil wlth - thi wonderful sim plicity, durability, rapidity, strength '-assil 'beauty withirldetrit eseatedirdtairork. "Nearly - 10,00On t aro now to operation. Shoat is tho demand that, with-all the (dainties of new dad inipnivott maohinery, with the help 0f•260 meu, It Is hopossiz bie for filsoun 4lc Co. to fill their ortleta. Those machints,_alwoys thr superior to agery other, have just received several most IMPORTANT IMPROV EMI:NTS, the oreet'of Tbtoh is—let, To make them run with out noise. 21, 'To require only half the oxortion-of the operator, formerly necessary; and 3d, To wake teem run one-half faster than before, so that with the memo labor, TVG'', rue quattirtriar WOHIC CAS as DOXil CO A DAY. This ens foot, that Singer's machines run so much faster, and socomplish so much morn work, reorient nil other machines before thenubile valueless, In comparison, oven could they be had for the asking Another, peoaliarily of Singer's mothions in, th. 1.1 *Ntuply changing needle and throtul; the acme machine. trill eanbuto perfectly every - variety of -work. oontsaor Ana on clot) or. leather. The been sultoblneloilkinilyas well ns From $2OO to $5OO a your ono be olosruil by no 113- ,1114E11W using title unwhino, more, than con be cleared by land. p ivo b aw .K.l l ek Well toyour, titles ; as' e the till., of Mopes machine, I wi a ll soferyou to the fol lowing partsgraeh In rog trd to.Blnger's inn„Nlines, there en ad= verse patent ,hut nil - other machines before the reiblie Infringe two or more of our patents. On the 2711, of Mny last, We recovered a verdict In a snit Ihr infringement, Against the Itseelsior Sewing Machine Compapy, Outs 00010111 mi - our Pelente judisi.diy, We have suits now pending In the...Colted States Circuit Cenkrkin Phlladdlpitia, and mien in other Ciroults, against Grover A Dakar, and the Wheeler A Wiliam innehlitce, which infringe several of our patents. Ile who buy. any-of those Inferior Infringing machines, will hey a lanolin. --- ld &MO 11 k co. - 21St, 1138/. I hereby certify tlior.l,,erors,dorgy a moderate hnserress prier to Prb 10:rtiA,„..s which time I bought nee of I. Jr Sen.yer 4- Co.'s Sewing( Ala, rhino*, and ant's , mod the same in my bummer.. Since td ri tone or been/ref, ha f for-reared to that ertent L etra ay to e/e sirpersof atwitter In write/did ffintt - thr work, thrLS r Inas ravelled on the itith its•s• to purchase another machine, en Mr to meet .demands cif my mariners My wife' run, the machine, tined with the aid of Are_girls, will male twelve fine coats and twenty parr a) pones a 101,1, no a manner for attpf , tor to what can Ie duos by hand. TA. nett 'proceeds per word, ril)tr paying of the Annals, will be from $lO so $2O paying seat ore is easy to manage, and not apt eager Dan of repair. I I 7., Wm. L. UALLER, Merchant itlf.Al,l?lo, Apr. 24, 1854 Thu to to certify Mai ere purchased of Mr I. M. Singer Co :'s Searing Mawlinsp wo years afaotnitat hoe been la Luse otnatantt n stow !anther work trgthiont getting Ott of rep ;r. We are conjdont that OW mak 10 dm eso t di...toork at awl...arrive toward's amid patorna, mold MOM bans, in ewers" respect. Ire find it wryer., orient in hare Iwo velasnee, o atwidOw detain," chili ins t thread and nnetitt fr om roars* to no work In sharp, we are perfore y sratialiati thou .tv se IMO a wore surfed macchiti o rtitterior In expedite work 11. F. Faux Co.. Boot Isla Shoe Mestonfrgrgrrr.v. The andersigned, having purchased the right to use, an I vend to When: to bo used, of I. B Singer A Co , In the billowing territory: State of Wieuonsta, Northern Indiana, - Peuniyirania, (excepting the eountleeof Philadelphia, Nrie,Allegkeny nod Nottb atoptoa,) and being therelons, tbo sole proprietor, is now prepared to soli maohinee of Ringer A Ou.'s manufaetute, of Ihe various Rem, descriptions and prises: N. B. All persona purchasing or tieing Grower, Baker A: 'O, or any other infringiag inferior machine, will be grroseadlid — Tor - nainjOhe eggpo. It is evident that the agents of them infring intrusehines hare art confidence la 11111 r titles of maehince from the fact that they will hanky trait A sole Mime from the- parttime= to lay In their pocket over algid, for fear of • trouble, and often difilbaJng of them at 50 to 7 per oont. loss, adopting the oil 0440 , bled is hand is worth two br the hub. B. ItAND.ALL, ogles and rot:Hens°, Norristown, Blontiey co , I's. W VINTNER and others,Travelling-Agents. - febl3-sin• MOREY t MONEY t KOREY I— •IV by.be without money 7 whoa it Is juit ai easy tor anyone Lo be around with • pooket full as hot, If they only think so. I have got a now arti cle, from othlub front doe to twenty duller. • y do can be mode, elthor by male or female. It. Ls highly row:winkle brurinesr, and an whole ohloh Is waisted in every fondly to the iluttod hltatee treat use twe-disalters-by-ms,it,- et .my - rbk, and 4 will forword , by rettgla mull obuulor. with full id atlVOtions lo the art. - The badness Is sery easy. Try It, It you are out of employrflont, and you will never regret ite fre it will bettor for you to pay the itiliniXiiihTtna Insure a goodNiudnest, thou to puftwenty.fbio *outs for a spurietawfvertisemsnt. This Is no humbug. Try it! Try IS! Try It Ad , drops your letars to inrrawr MONROE, New York. I sent one of my Circulars to an editor le Geor gia, end he gave me a notion In hie paper Him the fi 4 I owing : " Mr. Memo) sant me one of hie olrealare, and I will jusresy tartly readers, that whoever of you are out of eundayntont, that Mr. Munroa's brukinurr a good buelnewa, and money oan be made out of it byany ono who dories en Cl., for it Is no bent •PC deo3-11en tXPLOYJIWIT FOR THE WINTER. TRH BUT ROOK FOR AGENTO, PERSONB OUTOVERYLOTRENT, trAn deguit gift for $ father to proodome to foully! rarliond fur otropy, and try It among lour facia. Wanted—Agents In every section of the United &atm, to circulate SEARS' 4ItOK TYPIt QUARTO BIBLE. for Fancily Use--entßied TILE PEOPLE'N PICTORIAL ',OATES. Tic mica, with about oce thousand engravings! Thu useful book la destined, if We can form an opinion from the nefieee of tho Preis, to have an uncoadented circulation in every liectien of out oepread eouthannt.mnd to fenika_adaal aim lue aide of our works. It will, no doubt, I n a fow yours booumc the family Bible of the Atrial+. owo i ge. • most libecil ietnnneratien will be al. lowed to all -persona whit may be pleased to pro cure aubsoribere to the above. Prow O re OA go. pies may easily be simulated and sold to each of tbo prinelpal cities and In the Linton. It will he sold by eulmprickm only. LwApplioet 'hoot! be wade at eteae, Lithe MIR:NM soon be uorrppian "Persetur slatting to sot sa sputa, add du I safe - bosineas, eon send - for Llpeathiell Copy. VrQn rodediataf..testikanahod prise, Ru bel. lars, the Pictorial 1,7 liiblo, wills • well bound Babeoription Doak, will be carefully •bated, and furwanlod per express et onr riek and capes.. , t o 5 . 9 - 3. .gg"ll i t-InVl 3l44 M hi n tho-llMLJStaate, L I D ° P".g "Ma. %melon sad Teems. kellegisier your Wry, end jeer moony wits come safe.. addition to the Plotorial Bibie, we pub- WL number of :11.1astrsted'hunitr Werke, tort popular, and o r snob a high moral and mum ,cepihumble Aaraoter. that while good moo ma ltdeipanaig• in their circulation, they Will molar a public beneAt, and randy' a' fair oconpoosetlon for their labor. tie Orden reepeotfullk-aolleited, per further parilonlare address the euheeribor, (peel paJdY. " ROHM? deoo 181 Minima &root, Now York. aSTOVES I STOVES! I STOVES!!! The mabieribensitaving Just "returned from the eastern aides with the largest and best assortment of Stores ever elfers4,ln this section of country--ootnprlsing In part the eeltrbrated Orbs sad Girard Cooking Stove, which we are deter mined to sell for Roe money on thp most reesonabi terms. Cetsidng *Moroi are complete, with TI a' /Milers, ' Stove - Pipe, Bake-Paus,..ko., do__ Also n large amortment of Parlor, Ooel and WdodBMvealt The Got 10, Queen, Star Alt-Tight, Revere, Parlor fislellar-latli = l , l rfervet ' t4Llll3 I tun N trir Ft vett, de., ke, in great vezletY. Oiel Scuttles Pokers, Ooals44rerillhoiers, and all the uomisary ISt kitchen use llwaya on hind at the = are sod Iron Store of REYNOL LS k CO., ' sept 24. Look Harem ~ s' JOHN NoBRIDE, OPP 4!t BAbroLE Ann LIMINESS 4 6 1 1 1 . 3 .) _ IN. KER, sorner of BISHOP and ALLEGIIANYfAIpers, Bellefonte, Yonne. /faring pormanently 'located In this region, In tends to engogo extoneivoly Mahe Saddlery and II ernes* business. II o 'wit I koup constantly on hand and manritaotura to order, in the Intent otylo, and In the roost workmanlike mannor, _ Saddles, fiddles, Cellar* Bettors, IVpank aa4 ClaulesirK-RlL'osast, ' -, - Wagon and Driving Whip. . . Trgpkg,,N.Adbmi,-carpoli 1140, fro., /Kt, In Abort, every thing usually snanufuotund by Sad them AU..itnerk.warranted good. .01re bitu s nail beton yuroliaolngobtowbero. *Air PIIIIADELPPIA . . _ jaCONRAD k Nt,ilSONi %, • • INTPOITAIRINI WIIIIMUNALIN DA/4 , 411! IN ILARDWAIM-: , .OUTLEXtr, &0., 03 'MARKET STREET, • " __doe 24_ • • ..L. ... ..,.Pazt..4.nm,riu ... J. 1). Sonyaß. • - - Ww. J. 8111111.. dROIII9 D. SORVER it Co., ouLtan rK SNUFF AND ELEIJARS. ToilAcco, _ _ „ No. 6 Norlh FINTIf Street, above Market Street, Argll/4y Prtir,,AntlagitA. tßoonts AND BUCKETS.— OROOVED CEDAR W ARE, warranted not to shrink. PATENT MACIIINE-MADIO MROOMS, ow l own make. • -filll.l6ll.lES, MATS, MATOMES, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE of all kinds, foraole low; by JOIN.' U. Alil..EN, CO. • ion. ipad 4, (Anatolia Strout, below Water, • nitg-211 PGilnilol bin. RRROVAL. e ll trzzasoN FMB 1313171ANCE, 00, 4 - Or PlinaPEttai : i-.- , - - . 4 ' '. • o.Prwt: .• - . - Nbwin Ilatllt BORITRW .011 . TRIRB ;AND BUTTONWOOD (LA76 2'AVNANY) STRZETD, , Anoorperated by tbo Logislature of Penne. • CH AUTEII I'ERPR.TUAL. •CAPITAL AUTUOOO,IIO ST L•w,,5500,040, • Make Insuranee against tom or damage by Firn on Public Sr Private Doildlugs, Flanlittro. Sino? of Goody mmtlderubandise of tell kinds, on (alp - blo forme. - r , „,.., DIREC TfikE. Or -.go Erety,, Geotgo K. ((smith, ' Ilenry Gerker, . Ptedsuriek &make,. 'An P. BeistorUng, Wan. 11. 'Weber, August Q. hillier, Thomas Ill i etrave, Wm. hi' Daniel, : Jonas lievi n, ' Wm. C. Smith, Jabot, Bub" ops, lioniy Treanor, 00orge'lluts,JV, JnoOb liullet..,t,„,_ve__,: _ , , 14E0E - 010 EAETY, /rprvisfent. • lons f 11.1.8riev,iiio, Vin Pr -eliding. Pa iur E Cus.r.essr, Sirro7or Jellitenrig REMOVAL.- ' • . DR (10•;,G LASS, AND PAINTS.. SlitiliMA RES, Co.,,lhstukful fvt•the herutefortTleitormd upon them, ' hereto , give pollee, that owing to the great Morena° In their hulas", they have been oldiged to meek more room, and to Wenn% it, have removed from their old old stand, (13. I%' corner of Sooond and Green streets) to their Raw and ArArlClpli STflitli N. li. CORNER, OP FOURTII anti RACE Streets, where an entire new and greatly enlarged stock Of DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, • they are now prepared to funds?! nil their ot,n, ea well as wpm customers, with any article ht their Floc at 1 the lowest prices and on aooommodating terms. We shall use every meant on oar part to render estishation to all who may favor us With their ear I r u m, Lao. An to pricee, we eon compete with any other house, and the quality of our goolls is =ear- ROBIUTT SHOEMARRIL A Co. N. N. Isrporif FOURTH sod ilkiteffilim.• Philadelphia. Manufaeturers of Paints in 011, Putty, do. Importers of French Zino Paint. Sole Agents for Philadelphia Ihr the sale of FRENCH . PLAT.Ii GLASS. Dealers In all kinds of plain and fancy wrivnow GLANS Prices current sent on application by mall, and goods dellTorod at any of the Depots or Wharves roe of expanse to the purchaser SAINT LAWRENCE HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADA Tills be', Uo el Is Inentedin Cheetnut street, ho t woou Tenth and Durant,+, ruaulug back to tieorge street, an entire square, w j tb ample foam and se cannutadations for 3bo lemons 'Thtglintarbilriniiirto - iiiindirTt — stiarastuni to the Trarel ler, Sojourner and Citizen, being directly op pmite the Ainuteply of Pine Arta, - Farkilleon'e der ace and,Sakinus, and, in one of th 2 must ptcament and fashionable 'pigmy cm cheatnot Street; elan , in the immediate nealborhoud of the Theatres, and other places of amusement. Thu Itwod, Are large, itfry,aind - jsriVis,Weadttlitig many of thintijwiye entemielininieg doors eulfAH for I- amities Bud-Parties ttivallin6 together. The Furniture it entirely new, and of the meet improved style, ezebrecleg ell theilets modercrlimad 'improve ment& Its close prosinrity to tho ditivrent Walnuts di. verging from the clfy, bang only one wpriire Anion' from the great Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, sad its ventral sad pluannt loballone, renders It as de sirable for the Merchant, es ant Traveller forpless- Ure COgietlet gill always be In readiness to convey passengers to nad from the Hotel.' The propristorwould ;deo beg leave to glre notice. !bathe will be assisted In the management pf this New ,Eetnhilehment, by Mrs M. I. Diode, the let* portlier Ptoprietreee of the Yellow Springs. Penn., who will bore the whole and entire oharge of the Ladies' De add by Mr Heorge.WC rate B utendent oftheBl. , Charles Hotel Pitts belts, emus. . /order this errangement, the Proprietor - flatten hlrnaelf !bat he will bo able to provide for every molt, - and establish the chandler and reputation of the Howe as Mildly a first class hotel,. janl6 WM. S CAMPBBIL, Proprietor. 11011111117 SSSSSS . BMX/. a. SIROVIAN)111 A. B.EVOLUTION` IR CERTAIN. vvyruity is OURS. Such le the program of solenue in this age, that nothing memo Itoposeible. That there are new and nolentibe dimoveilee being made every day, no on will doubt. After a thorough hsveetigatiou of the Vegetable Kingdom, with a view to obtain a poei. tive.or epadinS remedy for the most coalmen 111. of humault7, I hurt, tameedid in bringing together such 'I brae years hare olayeted Moselle hotmdun. Limb anti it bison ediesused the must popatar rein. edy in ths WORLD, • DMZ= lIELDIROLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION YI~WLY CON CF.NTEATED COMPOUND FLUID FATILAOT for all diseases of thabladder, kidneys, urinary ikud sexual organs. 'JOY TO MB AFFUCTS,D ! It cares dilemma Of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, d ro psy, obeireettoos, female complaint', elagoolo gomirrimm, stiAideret,glieste, tmd aU Maoism art -missives" *memos sod *prod/odes In life, NEU VO US AND DEISILITAIrIiD BUNYER HAS, and room wart isapnapmellialiarre from dibie triad , der, kldoem, or sexual amass, abodesr existing it - -4VALB ON FEMALS, from obatover came they may have originated, and committer Of ... , iww-wato szawbora, - - g ivin g health and v_Wr to the ikatowg.. • -..-.." ' , .4.N1) BLOOM TO Tali PATO4IIP CiteRJE Debility, bionght t 04 obtuaca most Umitile dime" which her tbatmenda of %shaman family to untimely trey 3 thus bleating_ the boll. Rant hope' of o de sod bllghiltitht fee bruise gloriosa ambi Maitrit rnable ktiuni, • be cured by the am this. „.. INPAIMBLZ lIMIdEDT, anTdia an a medicine which Mustra lsoti bintefinlit_ gmstmi , Wt , ro theithirelVetlWWTed des spoiling invitlidato OqnS i l is'o l ,o o tOgliii. U You hare mnitraeted the terrible ample, whiob, when knee 'seated In the system t,t misdate theoenstite. %tb u Cf i it tli n t Z l i itlNl 4 4"! n it 1 'onra . i e . 1 The topsoil, distillment, whose lent _Mal mush as enmity - with Mat of Bleb, Thai swift se quicksilver It menet through, ' The nitterMgaten and alleys M. an Curillas, like sager dropping into milk, The thin and sihotesoine blood. 11BWARII op ittrAlale Neirll7l/1 AND 411405 DOOPORO. H ELM/10 D.ll NIOULY CONCMNTMATEO COMPOUND 11114:XT 1 140T 'OP 111:1011t5 Roloo,of PAannacy and Chmeirtry, • with - the greatest smarmy and chenchnd ktiowlediglb I and ear. deputed In ittoonabinstian. Its mutts ity hem extendedin all direetions mai whether used Cu town, eountry,htemitel or rivatai prautico, has Invariably given the most dee' ed and umequlvoon "eaticlaistian and protimiqd the most salutary end he , palatal efficeta. It Mot Leon and is used in all the irriuelpal cities in the United. States and British rovioeM, in both public and private prootim, with oat embolic, iienoelbith lot It ho untiorauxul, for e proof* Are top overwhelmning to be eontradie tad, thos Ilidinibiti's Highly Oonoentrynt Om. pound 'Fluid Nxtract Bitchy, is the moot valuable I remedy over oNered to the Meted. • The mem of voluntary testimony In possession of the proprietor is 'amour°, embracing munleroll knows to i SC/132 YOH et ND .1. ; ,11111::: cigclanted phyrielans and distinguished of orgyman Soo Professor valuable work on the Proc. Noe of Physic, and most of the late standard works AK Medicine. - . It, is a modiultle woke Is perfeetly plensant 1p Its teeth end color, but Immediate In its notion, atoll takon by potion' of ehbor PDX without hindranot, from business or medinal ad rimy, ne explioit dine Hone for use, and no ample number of Tenable and responsible curilltuates to continue the most skeptl cal ,will•nocempany ouch bottle. Prior, $1 for battle, or six bottle* for $3. Pelts orod to Way Addrega. Propared-id.d-nom-t.r. P - rAu`tl, iTand A uulyttool Chemist. No. 62, Botith Tenth street. below (Illettnut. Phitmlolphin 'To be had of nein" Woks' hod, Bollolurtal,-Pa-i mid of Druggists andlisalsre throughout Ow ljuited button, CnnWs and British trarl&td. !ELLIIONIT BEISIXO DMICIMIL 'LI* - I BURIAL ' Now 00'1+4 I'IIiASANT The 'ebonite,' Informa tho eithens of Ilellefbato and vioiotty, me the travollinit pdblio gonprelly, thnt th ey eon fltroinhodi with goa l. end_ treaty 14:1M11166-1W;giiiilDr or_ driving, by °idling on him it the Pannoylvaala lintol, lie has 'a void stook of.lioroes. no well, no 'Joggles, env daps, litioke,,ltookaware, Sit'ddleo, Varies:4 &e. Careful dill-eta 1111.11(4v( when who wimp' to diee onto lIII4i fool. liorsoa, and ratio in neat And conifortnlilo vOlll.lOll, van to fICOOMMOdatpaz A. A. 0 inIiMINUA„ BiWiT'''' 7- liolloihnto, • ItELLEFONTE LIVERY , The inlilirlboT. would roopoolfelly Inform the public that Ile Je propelled to anoommottate them with 1107:,MS atrei rEmemss at Owe eborteet notino. Ills atook of Hones are adapted fbetitated hod gesillt;ee.se.!Akio! are matt and Lit good ordAr. Careful drleCta will ahroya 1,0 N roodinela lrtonrqpnagengure to toy point &elm], The pat roehittof public rcereethilly ititreatett, * iYia "' AIICIIALL ItE lE. ' 'DR el[ TI uadereigned reoFtootrultranneunotte to the ail. /ie of Bollefeate and radon y, that he hls opened new and fashinnalefollair Dreading and Shaving Saloon on Allegheny atreet„lo the Immo • occupied by hir.iturner,' whore, kr etrlet attention to the Ito llnese, he hopes to merit tl Moral shame of public patronage, ' LeritAZOß,fl put In.onler, nir2ll.ly suaKON DERR'S MDIVWEEKLY EXPRORS lIHTIVEEN LEIWISTOW.N AND .1114,LEFO'NT/9. • ' FILPIRIPPE ANP PACKAGE'S will be esAmi between the above points and Inter• modlefe'Mnere with great cure and disoteh. NOTE:S, DItAI)TB AND BILLS teßeeteel.elther in BelkIstotl; bowistor)t; or on the read on caodordo norms; odd I.o(lM:returns aide , (1001)8 PURCHASED . per taler, or nny other • bovinoms' attendod to II ith despatch . aud (ldeltty, 60L0A104 DERR., joie _..._.______________. feIif.TALUABLE YARILSORSA,Lit The si 4 —o subseriber'lm•lnq Perm that ho wls 45 to disseme of, consisting of ONE HUNDRED =I TEN ACRES, seventy-11re of 'lrideb are °leered. Ihe imptoeenronts iheren are o ' goad DWELLI.Nti HOUSE, a splendid NEW BANE RARN. A splendid YOUNG ORCHARD. The Farm is in a biglf elle of enttlratlen. For partalt- Wars enquire of the subscriber. . , rprIII.OJOUR B. W %.LLS , ruoict MISICLZB.-.11 SPLENDID lot Of Taney articles such 4 oard oases, Nagar easits,-Yursas. Match Boxes, Braoriata,Pati Hair and Total' Druihes, Horn, Defeo: and India Rubber wombs, nSte - poper and Envelopes, Piniom ery baps ho., just reeleved and for sale very cheap by GREEN 1 hfolltilEpt• _ S * Qom ' Y. HOUSE puNTEit AND GLAZER, AND PAPER HANGER, • Hat.i.asoars, pa., Will attend to• all order' falls flue with prompt- Ole and despatch._ Jon LA X FOUNDRY. IV undersigned haring leased-111e Logan Foundry, in the borough Of IteileNnte, together with all its pattoinn, would inlj.rrn their friends and thepiddioht general, that they are preptred to fuibish oil lands of (I HIST. SAW FOitttie; - FEENACU, HOLLINH MtLtseed IdAtlal-NERY CiSTINDS. They are also making a LAI:GE: er. VARIETY OF LC) JVS, including the 19,,rte 4 so. Plow, the Worts' ituproved Plow, and ...vend " o the mop ithhrovud --t .:7 or the rwpst. Diniosud *Vim Coil al tijii on rates. Bel ng . prsotleal workmen. we antler our selves, tiles our work Will sive entire satlesollort. We hers on brunt frI,A ROE AsItOET, lIIENT OP NTOIVES. suitable for.Ottbnr coal or wise], seclit se Psuloi. Nino Plate, Itst. and In (net. erery rarietypt Ntorei wanted la this section of country. We have slaw on band 'll , Tbrililte• land thed of FtE); ',m i l SLIiIG H YO (,ES, 11',4 Go ,v lIOX K E TT L ES, Is • ICE ••••,I DURK E.,. fir HEISLS. Also, ON RA t Luvtrzi downiation; WATER uI BT.AST PIPE of nay Calibre. . _ . I...V"We aro ProPlarod to orka ell kinds Gonopnal tion, Brass, Copper sod Type Wet. Pata'sni mad to order. All orders promptly attended in. :Ina extents(' in race manner as will enema entleteotinn. lIENItY I: ABELLO. 6Et11t411,: A BAYARD CMI wimp IT REITIM THE PEOPLE dst Itukowintreo laso le lung emu& wed broad etmagif rte trtenfl• eir tb.mbnms pedith-al •yarttes to steed upon. It eurepteied of ptauko *birth we trust will be seeetpt able to the friends ut litmliatfail, aid PscuieuL, and we Invite ell to rally in *miens' tionventlon, every tiny, tfitteanyemooptml.4.l.ttb*People'srltore, wham ably speakers nee en,qued to Mamas ON merits and qualities or tits pIIEAP BST and mutt magnltionnt menvincomt of STA.PLIC - 124.1) , FANCY—ANT t1091:18, inter olrertd to tire—rifisens-or Pennines and vicinity, Al PRICES * IJLWJ gANNOT BE IIr.AT. Shesle r embraning overyetyle cud quality in tiro market. A parfait selection of plain and rimy Cashmeres and Delalnea, at ull prices. ltioh glossy- blaelL DRESS SILKS of reliable you • full assortment non ready. — Tor an Lb nee and Galikoes6lo pods, call et May!! Buns. Good style fast cotored Calicoes Extra quality blnok'and unblotched Muslin, the healed' In Bellefonte. • To lb.' gentlemen—who liana silts het on the election—rove solo 20 per cent. making their pa N h i . l 4,t,.3l,yra store. M. uwoitneut of flue ?Noah °Lehi, C4exinoirieu rich Plush, Silk Velvet. and new style Westin; eanuot be surposard in Ili. Itendy Made . Clothing la Just the thing to please every bikdy. We Invite all to alai nod lee our stook and Judge for tbentastrui. I..ipteNo obtuse for allowing (foods. attn. ISAAC MAL.. P ll M r tr ' ..pi.nt....i.... 9 :Cu ' ; I Ck. Ps.—This Lim and oomauienlly toeated re iwoun h av i ng u s i i , completely rotooddlod, repaired nal improved, to 114 this for the Imoommodation et I the publter eter • of estabilahmena respeetfolly °ruts h frieadt and the puirtio that he bah opined neither pains nor °sponse, to repine It a desirable retreat to all eta may fever him VOA &salt, es he is detertnined-lo de all la hiapTeer to tlghotivelitiparraidreinvanienail • • 4 atole he supplied with the beat that the camel* lOW afford. Thallmous are•herge wttb the este sbnunif • JAW sod, eutalleat, tbeed apl dune ef . aarpfot and laoNithull• - . - • • Ha also hal Greeted sheds for thrum' of aarriageil and buggies. - Stages aro arriving and departingdaily. Ins l44 tetbittff *hell - basOested to glue e/kW satistiotton to Lbws &voting his with *mit. it D. OUMMIN(18, Belleibute, Pa nor 27•Lf A OCOMTW BEN ONMODAT/ YAWL a LOOK IfAV L/101 - .112 • KN The subscribes.. -respeetfully Whew -the travelling nubile jhat he has placed epee the BALD !GALE itOII,TE between Bellefonte end Loth Boon, a new tl4te of BTAGER - for the enotentooda don atilt wpo may- will le travel' over-ads road. lust ara are oeinfortabie and convenient to ride io, and the drivers and hones will ere general satlesetlen. The — Stages paw over this route In liall fi litht, both OAK as 44 maim, tltag a COnriut ton or eadayeand Friday "nor ' n'littAdt. A.- M., andlease Look Maresa • * nudity, 'Thursday and flaturday, at 7 o'elir- BF! Lb.:PONTB LIVERY STABLE' " .--The subealbor would also intern Vatasiv4,: the publle that he still Detainees lu the Livery Business, and le prepared to secolotoodste them with SANE AND PAST and Goon VautrTes, on , the shortest notice,. Oarehstkrlyup will Weep be la readinesi t.nvosy.p4ffilVeaU.sugralisalltibt may be dee tee d. Ber r ies a T ott i ti ld ust il a l i e j' o m4 f i t hu fs s7l ll 4, " 3149"trulli 6°- • WM. IL BIBLB. LOST—LOST ON SUNDAY EVENING, Dimond:ter flat., on lb, road from 110.111 works to Miehtl g lhllikni'l stable yard, II soul of Tu oncY, SIAMIn to KIXTY 11',,LI,Altfl, all Look 4[avon 19999 y, , A roward Of $lO will bu pald to any parsan ratiVoing n nomo to dual, ,71.11 Ulf A IoLYNN, nollnfooto. VS . TRAY E TO THE A-I Promises of Ihn otTbeerl her about Oho lo.' of Ootobst, ItiUU bond of atieep. to kod Milt ate.dl uotob under tbo rrkhL oar. l'hit owner of the shoop will ploaau oomo fore:lid nod prove properly, pay chnrkes and take them :way, otherwieo they will Ito d 112.404 of somordioyg i t bov, F..% MULL PARKER, nod 117.3t* !utter towaeldp. BLACK BILKS PCIII-XANTILLAS--; SS and Beloohea wide, of a suporloequallty. arse. . J. D. AWb AM. .8.W 1 .01,..,PP. xv'D..IBEI,P)Ofe, CWELD Erraill,:ll,o3(firr7" JOn M9l +,4'rcl#4 rt iu 4 ' •'• 1* : A.* A 0:- '• A - •If LICE SU) LiettIOA,MERCIIANT: Door seni fla - 171ttinfiloy, dine, ko., wkloh "ill be sold wording to the Into low, by the gallon, n,y7 pANDIES.—AN , ENDLBEIS VAILEBTY, wholpeole and retoi,ll44awklitan ohnop. oat,- always ouinnittaffill,fiii sere by PRI9ZER. AD YE - Q . A .1141 A good'eOpply alirnme on liana, or tondo to ordor otit of Um bud maitoriallt, by --auvl4 • •' .T. F. poALrou. 1 - A Ogarin ViIItALAGT • .1.4 41 ..1) 11 LE DII &NESS . 11 f A AVIIFitt . TORY. he subscriber begs %aye. to Inform Ids . fliend snit rho reblie generally , thirt-Imatilboontinues to on th e seldiery boldness' in all its riotous branches Ile hes recently - 11.EMOVSO bis Art le icrthe. building- adjoining the taversr„of James M. Johnston, qu 131A1101 , Stroct,'where he ti prepared to m a rio reerpre and loop constantly on band a fidl swoortunsiat .12trursa, Bridles, ' • -Itiyer;Pingn 1e Mimeos, Collar*, Trhelre; . Mellite; ..; 'Valises, • , -triurewe,ftwil. the pdbtlo gonerMip, in Wad a. articles in his line would do welt to call and °Van- Ino hie stock before pureheelng.ollowhore. pale le doloreeineilio sell at RAU PRICVS,,and win webs net hie with in tm well put .t.44tetltor made of ' the hest venteriel. ' side, forgot the pianoi-"ttishop etroOt, 'lauds side, Ifitareen," Our 'louse," and !he tavern orJas. M. Jattniant JA-0 . 91:1 V 11054( jetl-17 - - •- Bellelente. :T. M. nitrilt;:' a— uo e tiLicww, -.4 6 6r1 „ a BOOT AND SILON S BF.I.LEFtINTN The auheoripor 11$11111A remained [Pontoon' at his ora atood; Informs his - Wands nod the routine gets, &4 -ibaibe hew joarerorad- from Pleransan,--"-t* with sillirge and Ohaitur assortment of too best to . . tall stook over to the publio, embraing ',ADIEU' OD If)IIEN11 -- AND tfiDD.6.B AND UAITEAD, Joy very„: Els style' and qtr nno ati t bety, thin or MU ▪ h Work ca exalted fur DUNA • yind onzersgss. • 1M Uantlemen wishing a nest Biting Boot, tobo6 ur (loiter, eon procure a good 'allele at my Mora I have now, on band sp!etylid tibia of Loather do., and emplo, awl, best wyrkenc. my oustoment, therefore, 01113 IFOC*1;0114041111 . Worth of their money. , • , . Thie r blis aro resphodfpllplaidtoll to , • B A NEW BTOR/I*-4100Dil.:- J. Norm() nay tiON,. roars -GAIT COl/111 OP TIM DIAMOND AND ALLNGIIANY- - d'I'DDETB, Bellefonte, Rena Having jest returned frout_Phitadislphist, ybere we have made oar purchases, t.nd suro watt °Pelting on. of the moat are's* assorted sititdmof . G NTL ISIVENS' CLIO r iniv,, ASO - FUR GOODS, liter brought to C l og( county, on Milo this me thod to man our old friends, ottoMmenr; and the bile geortyaltiftweortm .pasoLtapal "Lira • thcardPer . `,:new ~ Oketer- k isirMfes,. this ehapo of - • COA . Tit; VE5t5,"1414263e.. which fordufability oannutra eiallod; and town aelaaied . Ira imolaisofe a ttt to and most approved one: paid to the Meeting of Ciestire= 4 .l &l 4 in 1 tfoodi such nraffflrte - If_ j . AA! , 637, Neh . - 4 .v- 1) L'RAVATB, of every desempti We ilea rake known to the, public that Don to our othor.sudearla stooky • Joist reeelvedct large sndeploodid rtment of VEV/jid"Di Of every style and variety. Volts ors:epee' with men, and pay partieular orttrintbm to oar bust nem, we hope to give general estisfation aud ttetvu it Aare of the nuttlin.patronac. Wo respect- 1 , frilly Invite all wanting anything In our Line of bus"-, noes tomtit rued amino our stalk of gooda. nPa O J. MONTGOkfilltY & rwt. OPPOETI7.I)3r.TO •Al.,' MO ,. -1 soroLy:-...0.,411..Y A 0176111,11( )4 'Ail ',INS OP irrAciMA rrW CliiV Xtdi.LIXFONT.I.? AND ru N. This tine has boon Tamed on the road, t.o the pa epos° of aeoonnuellsting the travelling pubtfej and no Cart atit b. spared to render It both ounce. dent end,expodltlous" The stager will 'lnane Cum. wings' betel, Bellefoutoomory asorbingt 64 7 o'clock, and nertro at healstoce . o In time To; Patera -and Western broker. Prom Lowhitown they will street so-as to smounmodste botanist to this raglan. The arraogements duds the road mill Mott the belt desorlption. Careful and ozposiennod &trap aro eggagioff,:the best Polishes' scoured. and 'ripthlitt lett ' Isadore *PA *lll secure the noaddegona p stronale of dm pubtio. b, counrutus T:e oadereig - uatl math* reepoutfully iotAilPk3io to the Farnieraof Centre county, that they have purchased the rtiikt et DIETZ At DIM/JAWS ' CAM POWER REAPER. AND .morreß, ! and a rknow engaged in their niattufacture,and aro prepare7l, to furnish an article ylikitt oilll_ndt 6o .i t i lbe back-ache. Prom those whin-have need umohina wo earl produee abundant Wirisisutoe as to lu superiority over say other maohinovuow_histit, for the folloalog towns: lot. On account of Ito simplloPy' of construction, and tko fact that the sickle Is worked direst 6olll ' the driving wheel, with a elutple lever inattad of e , multipticatitor of cog wheal, nsumis, cranks, ke. Which makes It Work lighter ibr thateam.. 2d. It MOIREROOrpOIn, AM 1,0,-thoreture theit -handled. l 24. lmperfbet adaptation to upeven grounds Without itonging,6n the horses' novihs; the lolAne being limber bed turtling ort,aeiar•whoeta, *huh makes titans easy. ' 1 ..1: . 413 1-. T. Pow. leanmelt in whit& E does iii Work, In bothsrata setl grass: the reap ing apps. rritus bolas in • gaged as to pat tea, raker In a **tirade's- tho - ohenrstrek - thw side of the ii‘adligillid• ibr mowing it it trio Lt, ix;74atsts . ciiilf, ona to enabl e t o t , an Tet , g ia•amacil warranted to anS all kinds of graio and grams, us .: 4 811. W ., not bete*, that rall be 4.6 . 1 " eicreeir - 4 8, 10 1 0 1- 4 , tabbed tairthot. . • ___.-- - Tasll--iter Mower and Reaper combined, $130; $3O to lee 11.14 en the delivery of montane. of ar stamina It is polyp and io operation ; 1160 au the Ist, of October, and 160 an the ist of January, 18for. - For &nee Poser EDO, 1126 on rseelik, of ma chine; on the . Ist October, sad $4O on the let of -January, 183 T, .. Wilk..each-miachlne them-trill- bit -ftenl 4lo,3 0,1 1 ,extra knirk, one knife section , e th_nsg.gmerde, wrench, oil-can and„ol44- 1 21tor:: ' . . - As only 41401 number can be built this ma. son, those who ; are in want et the artiolo will do roll teleand in their order-aOOO. Addroes, . --HAUPT, 'MUIR,/ CO., or.. "' U. W. SEIIIERT, -. 4 - • *plain O entre co.', Pt. mrlll-fif ,LYTIKITYPTIIG.— litA,br- T aleramditinie..-iesdy-loon r tißdriNti- OP GOLD, or tt oolleotion of Instial, moral,;and "dloot"I. U 2111 1". BY 8 0. mod -hi. Smucker, A f )4Author of the "Croat andAteign of Catherine U. of Rorie;'! ,"litetolry 'of Einporor Nhiholas -.t.," do., do. 1 This, undoubtedly, wilt he the moils intereating work of the kind ever published in Atneiriea. It will coot .in Twenty Ceukote. richly laden with the finest gold, wrought into over 110 h and red sera .rate original inniluls, and indopendent runeetions, with wise saws, and prnfound nphorisuts,,which se- Pat t o atiailbedrand orerrhing worth referring to to, and cla n adapted to the preesot MMs sriM, from plates formed By the 2 , WW. LITHO YPING PROOEHS, spoken of in the bast number of the Monthly Rainbow. It will, without doubt, be rho hnntisomest hook in typographical nppearonne ever bettor° published: and it wl l he prlutod and bound in the brut and its coolants c Mena Le it nt It active and plaaVng to all <dance of readers Price 60 ande+ a copy, for which It will natant, post pild. Address A. CROFOT, l'uhllahor, 63 ]!wk street, Philadelphia 1110RITIIREI atfrap OXOCM) Y STORE —Grateful for the plOre so liberally-be stown4 own him by a got overn column:l4y and hopes by strict attention to burliness, to &helve onytinue In merit the approbution tif no apnrooladng [Odle. Ifo forrnue hie Mends, ousfmners, end the p e rhit u -„currernpreth, at he is preparod to fernier thorn, nt hin well known stead With every variety of rirociatro that 'bay bo °ailed for. Porton@ %WWI to ago:noise Mill pleallO call arid getout their Ortioe‘tell of Ma, ici•l am determined to giVe oath. faction to aIL noy27 • , WILLIAM PRUNNIL. - • 04,114itAp 5 u 9.44. - gotr.px,. tia,*! l l ll 4 ° 7 B,Ytt l Fortftir , W, 411 wad . 1 ottlairptib to that lie' ant . amhdostl the shine Waal) for the acoohlmodh• tlon 000, 110. will ha, at all Woe; roady turillah rofivithmants to partio,d of plonaura and no roonon. ' Thle haulm afford' to portions whihlng a itinuAtit Lu1:1103r Mort a l= Ind;L i otaltn i nta. o , n an rdotin iiM iyEltur. my2l BEAraTri4E l I L6 ' • 'fr"-"..u 4 d.11.-lii 11-LAXAbt. pan, , Pvinctito s. _hilt Institution is de signed to afford facilities to male and Ronnie pupils for the acquisition of a solid and ornamental odu cation. Thelsourso of study in English, the CIAMPI ics. nulthOmaties, snit miters] soleness, 4 thorough 'and esdnioe we, designod to qualify-yowls ladies to net well their part fu life, and yoting men ,for en toting any class in milloge, or :my of theliberal pro- I (hastens. The studies williso-odupted to the oolia city of the, student, So ne to secure a syntmotriond davelopmynt of Ono miuJ. This Institution enjoys many superior advantages The locality is pro verbial for benithfulnoss, and students. ore far from .coons cif Ile and immorality so outman to large i.e.& 'and small alliagem, ileitis nolltutloil •is en , tinily hi theeountry! .14 elm eqjoys the oulehinta.- gefi or • pprono liwt WIWI, of a Wesel and muninuaty, 0111 i of am west IfonntiG,l mount min and valley suenerv. Parents aßilLguardinna may rest nkitirml that he Pi-kelp:ox will spare no pains to preserve the health, and improve the minds poi morals ct all that :nay be intrusted to Choir dare. Drvis,-105par session of. Deo atOnthe. flits inoludrn tut,ion the English' brit*belt; beertrena ' -fbrnlshp mono, The common elmnsse made' - lbtfl oat, sod tber - Imegn ages. Light gad fuel at-tber expense of - the studeete. 'Payment's tiiiirierly in• advance, No dednotfotuf except , ib - sae of provaeted Mimeo. , . The bintitnthel is tin Jolla NM LowieloWit tba'Peptisyivant*ihailsoMt. -A4. Met eon tolsedhe Ones* cot Iteedsvitrai end time, if per lice lie given, a oonvetanee will inept gill,* tr.CPU the, Semlnnry. - • Thp Winoi t:ewion,oommeneesrm Tbmdn,y, tbe fietb of October. roc further pri - rigaltre, edaiirse ' 1.7070ttr. ft,,or U. It ALICSANDER, „ filibnooquiiits, &Milt wonky, "Pa, Oa 4-3t,* irotED.- , -A--irAtr 1101 - Ala DISMAL SWAMP. HY .1 1 /Anil' Penallag Mu: 2.vebt. 12sto. ai.rd. • Certain polittelens, Intortietel In the Rimed of the. " pacifier • instetutten, ' ,have esdowrored to penmaded the public that hire. Btowe's !Asti/Mit' artistic:oly a failure, abd that it hes produedit ne I profound impression on 41. lids at the Atlehtio. B at tha Publishers aro py to mate, the ninny hundreds of At:aeries notives they hers reedy*, th e meet majority bite been demi dedir, fetwitable,.nmet. of them eithashmila. And the saltetihte far him 'seceded that of any Work of Platte* ever published—the 'SIXTY Xl(tillTII TfifOUSAND - set, of two veins *ash, now (Mteher 9 in press. Eistimdfl.Mgeoosis won derful- Thelon*, therg, with %atone or ee -1 °options, aelonwledge the genius and power of the author, and la terms of whieh any living viper Might be proud. And, during the twelve days sub reeding itemlibltostion, no fewer thin sixty thole pin,' copies wore sold. The } -at teeleral -vane of Wintry men men, rem 11 1 , we," ?frit Stowe tweaks -tiger feremoet adhere of We aqe, aet4 twltimor' por*AMMIF, parse, seaters reitglame Idgetm sze i ver deprive Irer of the 'Jan- Tel' she hoe efe *obi earned. - irrups, Pea*m CC., paboo.." • . . Boehm. I itairi liur l t rip =saw= DS UR OrtrtiT.AN ART ASO',XIIA,TIOI; darti ' *Lie& to/4604441V Tfhl t ' Ong That Moog tel o. „.' ' A; ed u Pwlistrilnitien lideong iiiketter .WIN aatats ate loaeill4 , llB h ,or mushJarpr and /fiolPeAtemlifilis worktrin thltitifiltirt-Afilttssitedin the finest • .1461►41911. lopyrtral etetue or We Ma DIMWIT Ms three Ktest Amer' issartltsteassaAgl,4Walketter twat Callao's', alas 464/3/liaiLn §pring. Apollo Rod M et , in Merida, dfu '030,m1-ether with the &Hewing IJiqupe wed &Saes in Cigars% parble--af,Mis Struggle/est kteattlirt, Pious and Apple ; ..Pi7she hts k iilen r Child of. the On' larnoesnes f - fhtp- Era Dinh nu* JAttla Trtmatr, sattorrette A vyt else rwl , eallestloirveral hen ** by lead pasta b e w unstbleh are to' he &ruled sn 0 4 1.. k'led j imnong the subscribers whale utunei are• re• es ed pretuonsin the •Twent.).eigth of ihintlirt • . won i l haATArilrotioa wilttet piece. 111 • 501 9-0 P OE COBH IPTI te ON. • f:riry soheeTllor - Three 'Whew Is entttlell to cony of the P 174,101: stout engraving, o Melanie) Night," ore copy of any of the follow ingsl Meg. Woes, or. year ;, Men a 0017 of th Art Jam mat one year. and a ticket tO Annu.greributtouut Works of Art, .• Thee foi•beefy S pnfit, a person notonly gale a baandfal stegeseltee.-e•Aftypeshryone yew-beat tO tit Art,i,ouroal ttol , ear, abd a Edict in Anneal Ctstribution tasking firer dollars treriA of mods Are• loaner billid“ ihe tiliket j _jb epWhR eatable pApting or raw* of stellar, nosy he radiant In iralliffinw. - • ' Those whOlrefer r fifilfillelfiee to *IP HogravlAil , Saturday ' eap hare olthcr of the follow ing one year . Re'rtrer's Ent/wine, Codex's is SO* United &use 10046....14 erbeo lifagnaine, au w uses ue; . Literary kleabouser VOr Wither swe the 'November Art Joarnal, Cg *co, 00 appitaniso to the Ate. Mary. ler era ettabip,•satires* 47. • L.91:411141Y, Aelmey, O. AA. - 344 Broorleee. lbw York, or Western Otfiee, lQ Water Eteesa,filaadassler, Oki*. 1. J. WALLACE, Secretary. Clearfield. Pa . tMPLOYIEBNT FOB 1,000 PPSZONS. Wanted, imutodistelyr, fitenia is every 42Eitz In the United Steels, bumps* In disable of 1 1 1 , 11_flid. Of rolarg4,pr Waal Wirt ; Ye.; AfirferX. 4d lin Natural Advan tage+, staid ifier reliant. ' oouppOlpipsoionsplato gable to migrants, with a full .desuriptloa of .the Different BettlaS West ward: 'US C,,W. Dana, or Ohleegn, Illinois., An ther of Weatern &ones," •' Life in the Weal," k W 1114140.1406 And how trots lloa Time. kientrin,g•n. INtm Manton, OW. Abe Q. Fre- Mlbatileiti-tAltiii .titeni." .01iiipr4alemea aplia•lstempod,ab whets West, Mee Abe Mee* the diet bulldog wbb•asee trod Its pathless wood', 10 the stblelle-te-bses leeesdoece • , • - • I albeeMbhatur tre prdi rlee, giving a ftlil debt*• dolt alba soft; elftlibtecluid tissinleg tamer of NO State sad .Terdtory. Also aierralleiteiss pletsst, popmes, and prglooted, the mill as e lesio edostiensl r low - : senartifi; -- : Retail 'par 'ALP. • , • • auLrea3 4 4143,14a- . th Third street, f hlle.elpltbsoor, 11016 West; to U. M. Attlisen, Ohio. A sizuptebopyiollthe mailed, peat paid on re ceipt. of pride. Also a full list of my publitatign - • P,.ll,44lilpidAre, navies weekly newspaper I or inonth'y porlodlo out the United Stayed, gi Tins n artisan:tent tbqr or mare Wilt, dons, n httloe, and twiddling me copies of the pipers, edntalrdag the, auto, shell hero * copy mailed taifrelr address, portage Told 007-41 N A ("1" READY.- THE NEWSPAPER BE !ORD. A oolleptlon of winoplpei foots and• etathalas, anntithani s onsepiat-list-nt-luirapapere,l4..thn Unlted &otos. Or nudge and °rid. Britian. --- --- The only roltahlo work of thelitul in the woad. An 'overlaid° assistant to the HdlldP, Book Pal,- lishor, end general Advertiser tiro., 200 pp On yeeelpt of $2, lt ICH be 'prepaid pet Ilia!, to euy put odeountry. • AY k DBOTOBB, Publishers, dhe3.3moe ' No. 83 Donk stnibt, laderENT mErartrEs.-A LARGE essittntent Of PATHNT lABDICIN.I2B, snob .slitynel,Boneke, , Loudele*-bieGibstioolent-- , A drawls . Adolloway's, Ayer's, ilitAio.l' 4 , and 'ether sPintrriks stedlOilnes fbr ' QHHEPT 4k MoMBAN, . • , North Weed corporal:lllmM. Bellethote. S HOZirliintßS, tooeue, Lemke, Pep, ka, at REYNOLDS Cd.. talOk4Tftron. Pa. I= ....... AR DWAIIE r GLASS, OIL, NAM, .1.,JL1,,,ukn, Latohill, &trend, Zino, tinuw whit') Cserffroneh Turpentiinp; Rads groom, V.O.re e tualinto, .M., alwaytt r In dud nt htru llardware or • . REYNOLDS A CO., 24 -, LotA Caron, Pa. 000D8,:GRO9BRIEB, &o.„eco.— A lergo 'Wok uhroys on baud toeapply nue Wiwi!, rue rale my ahosp. 1,),y oil hIARTM STONE, RolleAmie, MARTIN STONE & SON, A trimoNßEns„ MARTIN Pa., Will attend to all llno with puaotaaitq.. ' -• 41.4 : XI! Manta of ri 11 Y, CLOCXe , t.,.tdi d• or ?-1161 ANBI 'MAIM MACIIINER{', n [y^ AT r i ti ,yr 11 67 et or o V i ir , the virry " but etyla a learriated.... 1730.41,'" - e - - 11 B . '• Jehrt—tiood morning. How areioo ? Can IMir WI "I where Losallud -i&ii.e.,Wasia-araea Owl* yen, and the beat? Jchn—Yee t air, We bare a number of seed clothing stories In lint: *lt pi.cav KAT in Isinelegimi. Emu tsag. t and °neatest. Saranarer—Well, si !), bay says.% the soli try, I did not know but r ict,sse were mlstalms,s, I thought I would itu)si f you town Mks. John—What kind of tiotbing do Ibu wbb • • SlNtozsr—,-Why, I, should like to Isere ■ rod Dross Vint, Poufs ad :Veld tor myself; and low elothing for my boys; John—Noll, Isaac May. they esy ‘ tr some and oxoellont Drone Cots trout 108 dowt 81,411 e ter liumatetoCcatm and erstything allele grope. Lion, and lots of chime clothing cur boys. - StraNter—What shoot Lirdisie (loods ? ToAw-1 , 1111; MAY Vss,tbw. bast 111110ttinent of Bilks, . &e., in Awl hverythlng lolls out a lady lie Vie beat style, sad ni the cheapest ',aloes. Stranger-0004! That lw the Pass for as, (food Ifye olt to Idey's et orsan; sod A n on ye. , kindlp.pie Ilia fddrrnatiors, • • - U• r — Persons In want of anything iu lay fine on, Aharelens, respeoildly requested t 6 .,• she me a all apBo • - rakito buy, noiernut.. J. c LA IlitihiOitE Id‘O; - 0,1t it• T TH . I 8 ! BETTEII THAN , GAUFORNIA GOLD!' Itinlbonos, Sparlte, Polo Zi - fic, and an Tifton cured, sad. wiritinted to be taken a 01447 oQ sad inatirely•rtithout infry to the enintakeind 'cilhoat the du Dr - the '1 bite, the Fir7ri6 Iron, any et there Liquid Gnostics,- such as lluriatia or Oplpario Aohli de l * any Of those baneful Hulk so Offen wade use .of to the plume of the-fa trht and tits Nortdre et !list uneiftil khUoal, the Urns without Roy pougsary purpose. Itelitgueet of pant serritica can be bad, as Ma the bum Ode ltl ketu=l-hullee -already -liiitalir, riper, unaora,"4*. • Applleation tO ba nadir la lb. imbeerlher, who whiles hood at Sprat:peek, where he aso le consulted free of o.hpen Payment in all eased 'nobs haute Mena hem I the ;table. The eabserflier would also wieW their Maly t. want pia serrloes, to nail without delay ea It Mil I depend, upon the umount of praollee the length it tithe be *lll reins*, And uit requires about tie weeks attention to Coati buss be 01111111Dt nftW without tart, four or doe together to operate apes Tani e-i—Proartetrto twenly-fiv, &RUC oetl-tf - - THOMAS 7A- WOMMAKOR. CENTRIC - 3 - 0 - Ir . Wi t bolluizstk a r. imu knowd - emi t & pil ALL, •ir us • pow 0. the Lewistown sod ellefouto Tam b, haw. looted by the SProoo.Oreek.atint — UWßbrug Centre ootinty, sa., would inform tbe trarellies public that In htprepired to 'tided tr the greets at such, In • Manner, equal, it not surrior, to any ether hole(. Cr peblie bonne in .40 county. The holm la-largo and tundmoalotts,` is that families welt as individuals can hare *spars* rooms whieb preclude intrusion. Hre TABLE, ho purposes, asap tie with ally is the country, always affording the but the market eau firu.ieh. The supplies hr It shall 'e1....). b. purchased with 'an* ad the 'ma'am - of tube mid 414-11.0 o !!IN I/AA eiraikeeittatirtho clialobill livieis rf every variety. • THE tiTAriliNale eireaerpeeeerl b the eovnly • • -sarrisee el m attentive and 0.11 Hustler, so that the pert msj MLA " while bLtstentfort_is .ftry reet is Witt amid far, that hits animal shall net -- TO THii DROVER, tithi stand twirl:ashes ofte ner 'Artists/es Pesters is sonvonfisoi, obremer, 'I Hit TROPOLItAIt, who adobes to 14. cape the hewed reel trodirloalltitt=imm of the Ouriag midsismaser, and th to • His beelth footoring and invigookaing mountain air of the Inte rior, Will find Centre all jolt theislaros thr him ibe aboveolses, and those out irodaded, as invitaltmals giireh,.to allt•asd.withiry Amami see as to the troth of tlist shore. He Stould farther old, Harst , his esperienos, obtained from Cult Ineiriedge of •roatiy ,hoint•ts of • enlarrafineeet. of good repute. no to, their 4rodinnscotathopa with Awn Its Is well satjushod jay.ify Wm in saying the his house alga trader FrOrrin,_l,4 ,104 ipetits—s reset to ilLmerthq vu' lv testrAbet obeli. , , styli 00It MAE ! I ---1110111 Xi droll seance, if they lA= hot le of fluorite f:lttrtt.lf" Worm Ex pelktr, wits& gehneei tdorio be the list remedy fig nom' sow is use Lurk at the eihresoe CCJITIPOATir---"r -We, 0.41. nadetiaseimihavessonsed in gar families, - airorge A. Hiles' celebrated Worns it reijor. do ,o. nt celfand the !ants la • plissorati s tr et ts,st remedy fur worsts: (hemp Arenieneep, Wirroberg; Daniel Rem. 'Melberg; Owes bay, llfleaborg; • Veri4 Solemn Moist, David 6beey. Prepared Oeir by REHR 4' hieUEEN, fonts, Pa. Altanuk—C• 4. Ihregireeet Jork - Gteen I Ike, Mileebrrg, J. ib Thomas, Oproollitlrsok.' RAVTDIM, Md. - Whereas, Lottorroeldmtnhotrellon Oho ~tilt of Wm. A. Davldorm, 110,4•4111:41 8 togniablp,. have Imo greeted b dosautbourbor, ro siding 1u0 . :4 borough of neltetbato, all poroos4 in debted 41r4 potato will !moo coma Ibroloid mud boulOdlot4q, ee4 8, 41444 1 •44 40 ." the td *mus to e *lll ptoso JO ut e sr. lgi ono outbo, It , ler" 041.41. ' • . otio, 0 - -- V r itticeas °l? Lotten?Vf •4nl nfld nethe **tete of John. W, Refer, ists elan. hive Wen granted to t!te . ondondatodl at' per sona Indebted to mild estate will please Gomel tartan! and rata totasadlntaly, and *oar ~navang agnhot tbn ham to prereot them Kotant): natl• entloated, to Pft4 ll l, 081161.201rau,tft, • ' I SLARY - ItOTARIPWina tp. . novl9-6b, , - CVETI -L e ; AIII4IIG c i te n i 11 , 7 1 do woll To oft and .exasetne fey eke& es *ay MIN •nelVeifte - be etittid. • 'ALARM JOON; - jell • bellel‘ate „ A law stint 4.7= r B o . ; and &UN for 00E4 Ancl I,o44"reet. &lbw' Lad Mime' Beata lard , for aide ' ' ' janl6 - • ” 31114b*M. I B It D - • Arg. oeortateast wsl4ssikt boost aFJ Shoo , Just maim! au4 forma, by 44a19,t,f IWIRALISO MEN WHO HAIM Kum W 101143 to do we advise them to try IiZALMIT t__Rftßralt.PSKELtina,lNY. • Timeotartioles rte uet the Wog for reboot toOotkers. 'debt 2 nowt tOikILC " CANPLE WW,K, UN 7‘../ esp., Shoe, Lead, Pon knives, inin 'bp par 'Owed-el:sap, tot • - nov2B L MILES' WORM EXPELLER, Pionennt, xfe end osrteSte . roommlly for the removal of Worm'. prvpwrod by jo 4, . GREEN k 14elki; Bitietonts pi ÜBE LIQUOR/,—A MOSE' AND' spo k nvibt ri...urtermreui•Puret leog T tams. ount aRADLEst r ma best artiste In use. The subporibor lie been apipolnhed agent tar the lisle or these eelebrated grabs eradles. MARTIN STOMA. jell • • ltrbaTellir &OBS MISI C . I sonatantly on hand, sod roads RI Order C. F-BOALTen• ItorTimmar rP YOU WANT A QOM) SEG AR, with • Ode, davoreJust GO on by. 9 TB, A C MAY BOOTS AND ffROPEL—AIf ASSORT ment of L.D. 490 f.)," '• • , - J . 1,1" kiVE, k CO. ,lENVELOPESI: LAV* Atipoier ,,,,,,,c lug o, l v4iopoic'rittis In k nirm from 3 !lonia o Der 110 , 1 and !by eafeat tha dump drutttora4Us• ,„d0,0,.51141.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers