ii ea i glh ot ~. •:',' - '4 : i . l :v. , . --- •.!'. %.1 i Mawr 0 EQI,AL A:ki/ , Oi*JONICK,TO ALL • • ... •• siva umitarskty,' alarts - ais w t4l • • /OR 1411V48ttlt. • IVILLIAIVI F. PACKER, AF LYCOJI[\tI CO NTY. Ottikject to the ileeihion of the State Con Tlaqviti_ • - _ _ , ll' NI T 411 TENDI NG }I a people tiho are in thrsAjoyincuLot tT Liitletfty , thost, OUtiltit4(l;llt Itturan happittnctu., and atnilocieo to the intprore ment of otir de\ °lves up o n us to nltCl sillTi v titri , e'rtuif ji.olonay" every evil in pullet tirit vaiglir (1,140.0.1 the glorious tsfor „„r fithtr . tint g hl an d..hctl th Idf)Oti: 11 :pi) that vo oil the la!e of the tuiAlit3 r.pt.hhei; ;hat hay., lit: . o(4le xh,,,,1 it, the hih'ory or the nourished. and 41, , c0; (1. coliti 1,11,13 is alit ruin 11131 tin :r 6;N mail ii . hittlebler at the thought, that _our proud nation tent Pllottit• att) t tit‘t Ilt. upo,u tjic lagr.i. of ihe I - 111016,4(i. nod that proilleitawliitiox . , the tAltle SO/I. abajtjpiruig.P . up not air that n e Au, way Le di t all iltt.tof vri43lltinr, that enuol,liN Mall 19,1) 1,,10:.1 , 1 inu 11.11.R1 . . tins I a uked hy th e pldlo!bplitt utu;,i,:: 11,i Jo e :, cu 11 . ;.1f tln It i, iud , l,d,a 1 4 111 . 114% 011)1iallt, t i nt lit Intel of It Ashittg ,l.ll4oitl laii.U4striutrt 111104: luariudl should s. t (lit go, tittel , l u pt..tt.t.lo.llt‘e, :Ild . in r 11,1 , 1 dri 1 nit I, C. I l.s, i or an , ftani •,4.1•0 it.tt ball' 1, at. 1 It: Iv art: rut in nt,n ifr - ileyette_ 11,1'11715 , 14111.4n -11,:ops 03 to litul khiiituttic. 4 A tut di'alt illy ,to smdi n -u!!, but the a 4t that r ffiiet iiur rice Ott; induct 41 ty a reeklcie4 inilulgeuce it grati- IPmtion, thanliy the [Nord, pia% filen pander to Own apt t t tics, I..ta \ 4;1 1, ..1 lustful desiri-i, uudei 'the lu. sf ef civ I libevty, and I.)- gradual ca — l•rtiaciiimat; beyond the line of r. , liuulr, n hich rmiatitlitcs thatorhich, whelk : r.,11, e d to j. 3 ininiaT and lititintate sphere of ( :i. I ,,sm i c!tiappropriatLi) dvatinaliate than loose SM. -Malay, um/kr/214m the A/ululation:: of their /,‘‘ n proptrity, and are °lily as aµ• or their daa,tr tt hen the palace itt a h:ell :lit y ++'cll • tuulhling in rains-Around gain. Wv arc oJo apt to ecatsickr " all turn Itifittal but ta . .,lr —all got cratneuts ptr,,h ildu b u t our cot lrelleving that a e da dl in v seauri'y, to guard Vie hul v ark that ninny make un strong A n d r0,,- fid. A people can only b free, tirhite filar insjiirity are virtuous and cilliglitt ned, and the woru,ent cumiption is an tinned and 1. joked met by the poplo oul locks of Are Sliorn. cur !Km the 1, ipeut of furcign liatiouri is lust, u•al our luau' ul3: rii7o:&_Thi) - 1 - .:410 , AV1S of ILA: NVOINII Tlio lccora of our rounlry during 11,e illVe of ith unexatupled riic and p - nnvli), ex -114 itv UNA ing hpitit* ttie natu. g or men I ~ ,u t whose rotritieq copy, Editth,e '.amplo varetits'lrain ll.cil cLddnn to ful -1 tt Arlitist mond. eourwria %%AS Ade l. to Every etswrgcsicy, amt roof uguak,vt ,ty tonplAtiuu. Washington, Jeff, r.on. innklin, Clay and JaeLNpu, are spoken of, not -Mune as grist, tutu, but as gi,twil I min t& lam ore truly iirtat only in propor „on to tltvir virlue, A pure, thgnill. d. *Oral, 'touristic loan - ltyv, ai far shot e the rorrupt, I li•di and profane, as the mountains of hoternalsne, rise higher than their babe, iel we contemplate the character of a firth, 1 , ',able man, with feelings approaching the t tidy of the Deity itself. lit,sc soh um and loractical reflect-44u, itas e calhtl forth 14 the bigint of the (lints s - Ted flout the ociurreloieo or tlio [east nr. Itutt. are deumest to he in place fur tv• rr (111 r patriot, velietlear in low or l i niohie 1.1"‘ , to coasider. 4.7anantitters Inn Iltilatry ,t it t lrrupttarr bare - isecinie in frequent of ; t in our StAti• 11114 N401'71110 Legihilltire .1114. that ne Omuta( not he eurprt:tud if it • ht,tll,l he added to the list of " Istaittlinr ',tomatoes. — Nut cunteut to pelf tin the ‘k .o,k of the peel& I , tr the good of the losi• 1 I . in,s,tooder &lion of A lain rut s.thtt y , mitt, are 141st - (t1 itt htgL sittitiatioueo 1" i` .1 in the cork of the people for their nit n ; i ite tulfilonimt, ail 'all tneir votes nr hstev,r n av 11 Lute Ino4l to their did 111:11r01. Ibrrisburg, oueState ctp ol ha , r heroine so gri at n ruidesvotoi for I Itoz,otritsgotel 1 lysioo: of creation, iu the talur.:4uary thaA immeht rt turf ant, to go there fur the traits :, i i.m 4)1 ittoportan't loisiitt ks. Au,300/44at I A. I I 3 the Lerstattiro, nho is unwilling to o*t at tt 1,14 rolling." is generali t y itl , l.hto oroi itstttd bry titers atibia 'it 144 ." of do age At one 11016ith, to o - triopy ',lino that inirhit lyt otttin so contlntri%e 1 , , priVAC N titbit, • lit thc,kchmt of Slue*. 0 - 4metott to the d SU u. S•mtee, tj i i sztirit of dint, gun] rtr 1.14: ,•14141ot.. 1 ;iLiji,git. 3 :410iitootehtt_1444 t,, gio .l ) utattiret.ted tatt, wax...by the three a• tera 4 aho opstity ttel4 l 4 Uieir tnt.t, L. .ttiog, for filtri,litit by out' 'opponents Ito-nn-Ives. 'Akin elected 44 Democrat*, ott a tr•ht t, the AuFcool, of hteolred pr i 'triples etoectitiat.antl material to the 'wog it( eouniryjibelf. were 6.7uuti:ity cry weLtillteat of thou or to milt.tu to tAc ~.7,l7ldirbtic .I,l4eubutt.ratie putty, and to t 111/1 thtt 141 . 1. y on 6 . 11 tittrAtitota of it I to•li..ot Nano.. The ttootoberA of tare uppo ,iiiolt party. kiian log; aa_they *suet bane hooky'', taw Inability. both, mentally and moratly,'er einatvoikto ild with credit to liiingelf or the State our pobtlral polition, 00 edit to_ their own State, pride anal pptilie caterpriwAitcput forward some isonesit — lind it MOO for that 'high position, WOW .I , iniitridint4 , (Amin ptioduonons .ticit tad bow:- , 'ron. 4%4 by • * Penntion bi exten4k4 to our NLiiit9gl V i milpaisa, and. * Representative owo-twoo.rososylsouiiii, who bb ii l b 4610lOcei0 'obit Itli own: vote who t 114 Otitry AS Volt* tl ' it here. TheVon r• - • • kiksV - • • • Vella of tho United Slates is now engaged - ' ''' I'RAITOII3. ... ~ ' have opportunitiree-Atnew4he villain@ who in the inrektigstion of bribery 111 their own - ..... 'ki n would impose 1na._,.... iluil . ' , credulity, and take 0 A, WAGOONSELAR, ) Schu) !Ella-and it is indeed alarming to !every Itt i B LEBO, i Q s „„ t „ .l ., ~ dvantage of thdr igoortnee. Thum remarks .. title patriot to observe. the " Writyl thikt 8 URI. MENARat,'Wer.ietonatyt ..'''' have. been suggested, hy.tiktonii of eur'op. ~ . ..,,,„ , . '' works within a wheel'' by which suNkinees eigations are • c vwthullY ti_ 0 0 41 .41'.. y 11:-is-it ' -Uxrivn,s-TA Tee sitrutiVir 7- :" . 4 :"" r' l " ' thl n ti fi t , ''' l Q'' l7 ' thil li Nays noticed ' hat in-a gorrriwnefil,: - tit4y — r'epalulOa n "; t,i4 — 7"r"" ' • ; . with .lnit unkeiteeiitilon,eotpumndlog,it in " Shall lie r tur ' Tower must originate with the iieople., lin c o ; tam i nukto o „ r .fi„ x e us with 1 44 mlb ss , :ft 11 tonne as'si i thterary and diguiflettpro•l unless the people are eigilant in gert;ding Aid sell. Om ought" - l uau° of our 10m:um, ¬ion. Tlie'll4.lllAMPty iir ht fi Although do an:su— Iht ir ORM iotcrtsts mo un ahu st i ng tha t iio ,„ Vor mu maul" trash al Inv l, graap Thu.? I'd ,other b e (ming and bar . a Ikpublibut uheet, used the following lull. " • er tliat gisnua them e.MILI'Ut of those in'.. Thou 'mei, ti foaum." ' , , gunge: terests; an istouracy u ill rise atone them On Tut ;day the 13th inst., our State I.c , , ~„ 114. , k aimio , 4 4. tam.. l o ,„ n ki t h p ,h, i i r anti steal the gaalaturn mo privileges they hold dear, and, • null ~ tin convention niVereetea" x; contained 'wallet. mit, (Which he attempted) in the language of spenhe r Odl e , ,• p ow ,. !arson . to 1111 the Mike or Foitod Sautes Sum` dignity, or anything clef; that would (mull': in continually stealing from the ma n y to 'l, ator in the plut , e of M. Brodhead, whose, it to respect froist,a dpgli body, like the Son few."„.. The people soma correct the evils telmU f „ill,. nAr i n , „in alto 4 t h „f . Nl„,..oate of l'ennsylvattftN;outsvpnently we pill uutyuldisit il l :',, 4, ' alai are discernible in the politival Ileavena i neat; O nt . cou ti t h un ti o in the s o l o '°f - , Now there is not ti sensible.num that. has, or instead of thinntishing they will cur:ritzily the Oemocrittic representatives, linul our a -u• ... ineiVai'd, u n til a c l ou d as black E gnit i au sturauce that ( \ Cry One of fist in i (Ali/AA Or 41 " d t he 5P eca1) . 4414 1 4 t o, t ha t wi l l T"' t ad-- midnight surrounds otfr happy count ry, truth t h at it is (4 rii„cirlem ~,t, we fu tuit the truth of tilt above .tpsot aim' —ell And amid the wreck of popular sorerebont,g, n high I,c snuggle, A , cr „, so fin in, (bat sro ' i hnow that the spueeriargacited dignity. ehar• the knell of human fr oe d oru . am i l iapp i ni . ai hod v sS.,eti . il Isiah cluusiderable Noland) do : aeler iiiiti every thing to that 'would enti• a ill be tolled. Our n ati on now 1,,,,,, t it p ft , he tilde to announ .0 to' our rya den, this net ii tie it, to I' ' 3 l'" l , .)'' "ttli(orhil 'miler) rica R prt/tid lllMMinent (If man's capacity to the eleetion" of a Satestinan that isoull Lai i , xi:KA) it , are dent airtAil in many of taw ex , gortra himn ll', on whieh the eyes of mil rifivettel honor upon our noI,IJ 0,1 State, n , oul ;vii gun, i ' '1 ' Fiona rest, and Dentuneralic prtheiplui and 11:411. , This article is nut penned for the pur given her that po.ntou i'l eur.X4.l.4Ribia.. lieninerinie i n til l ush 0 mirt „ i „.a it front its to sslusdn 11.1 411:11:11 R.lll ht . i. ill:IMI'y'r11‘1- le,Rt) Owf • InAlsing mun. T 4n.tary allusions to the I n f ancy , , hi.ii,a,un,i.iin,,, to the principle, , ou ndi i n male lit r. 11 u• had hoped l'iiit MI gentleman abuse r,:foi .t 1 to nod kis.Mpeeeil, of (h os e non , w i iO4 , ti i;flotti has itt,it lull" toned, tab ninsl, idlu.trionts, inn'ollt)ona Ina that being among' i lie 'loosing eventB of ''''lA\ 6 ai:' , l3 , tl by our expel-lindens, a people— S'itt'L''' "It, h "slgai‘a-0 N' ill (tm ', at ied the day, ni'n'e thrill iii i iiur memory atid wo eful i. , I ~in;..,. ili(ere,ts ,of our mountain's mull wend RP anillustratiin of onr theme. In mouipt n ull severei coinkunination of , an ''{ n- voile . ' s, of our fan unromr mines, our 4 Rail the name ofßepuldictll freedom, ;Why coin' ididal thSlonesty and Logislatute or Judicial cot ruption; 5. iii ihwei've l'h" c""titiiiim to mi di, our -i ron oaths, our towns, nur cities, not align ha true in all k heir splicreu of life I is hi c h u ., ow ,. ii , ) „„ mh. and propagate the our rivets and our proplc, would 111%1;4a-en Wily,lllll6t, animonity -and haired and per true uipi r it o f puntr t oti„p i . Th u ballot-box i, *dee:. 11. Then our want,' would have beck vertion of motives emslbetween the leading elevation fully met, and tlae Meastirt• of the Penn , 'aim of political partiO l f ore we not sat WM"- a ', VSSIMC tin stet y 14150 and' it is the instrtt (oak doorme ',Moiled. It is thosdnre long fur the general god, for Jilt , on( nit by wlincli o'nun National awl State al- notostrattona RFe to be kept-parc - vex pap- t. with, 'egret and -rintirtgaird mortitlration r par race, the Perpetuity of--freqedern, the' alt sue tits. ' no ore column< d to autumn's ltd eleetnon eultglannont of titan wherever .round. th,., l og That conrapt political troticino, Simon preverinutina of our franchises nail their in ram, ton, (0 th-;' t two ( 1 0' State awl make he rvilt rights, and ihe welfare of a enunmon .hint 'elf ridiculam: iii thu Senate or therm ontinutry ? Wily' thin will we not all 'be lion- i on. 11. s election i was acconnplisloi by OW nut ? AI by is 111 sot; clot eneourtme Christian ' i t ' itreo :in 'y of three quell it Ito t tot c llected gii fes lung and good fellowship muting our neigh -I.l.4.W..mourats, li 11,1.1.01 13 LEBO awl It A bum,, and it bile %co ddl er no o pi nion w ith kitic.t/5:.+1,1.,E11„ of Schuylkill county, regard to' the inestatof attaining our Cont. lan d ..s.‘Alt'l•;2„lll , :SE %IC of York. Them ma n object, InOldnpfo publin condemnation l imli ncr• • nil in the PClll()Cratie catlells, and eery fa ;inner of error and falloltood, bri ,L,..t0 toted Co, a te mu toin es en on of col, John bury and iv...a:Awry vi he Out-u of our OM l't par ll'. Furry. N.: honest univalve. could peg IA rat Ltundlar f • nobly harm eperated to induce any Pemo -nil to dee rt tho gallant standausl bonny.. In the tune of political battle, no man has heel, CALAMIIi IN AV ISIIINt.TCI`. — A I %T': III•1:\ 1 —lllnliington, Jan 1. = Tn . ‘riri : if J t n l e c Uuuicls oT tlsC. . Inc Court. nas bUrn! , l to (ILath /nit [night Ity an a xident, nt the •nco of her husliatut, iu Fraliktin ow. The Jib.hre Anil hi, n ifc bail bten nut, and MI t turning , ;yur he went into Ilia lit Lary rc tinir,.,l to het bleeping apartment, iNi% 1 dkroLing, preparatory to retiriv foi the „Itt nig tut mar did nut pl e a candle bitting : On the kJ: di, bur the flames that cominunkatiii to 11(.1 clothing, until they coulpletily c nvi 1 d hcr. Sho then nu/ how the -1010111 hn&krng for assistance. has dose num,. Ali! and effective labor fit Thi rapid motion only nL i f ßid gt h k ipthe SLV: , :eSS a Ulll 1411.1 r /y, n'A 11 ' the Mantra. and I'll're ahy Effectual assis- wtatc, hulAtiewlierci. If servlce:; it:tttled tame could be rendered, she inns terribly in, rani - •, by the aertioa of a led burin d (rota head to Riot, and her ream try hunt un'ilkl't and use body, no MIAIATed 110pliVNA from having whaled . a claim for preferrn?nt, this diet the fife. She led this morning, after r eiaknit, de,erres ni , trilikt eight honta. ip dimdful 'agony. Slit 7 gift of the I),..inoertyy of PlutotylrAttla I • wits a moat tstitnaide lady, Abuut 3 tan, flint adneien:o, L throuL.-,11 thy inost Peccic% rf a; e, and leaven two children, ti young- rials, to the I..x4ineifah.^.4 A)l. , adtue at.'. d. rrr r‘s. ent being only sik Or tight tawiths edd. ,she rgard, then irivieed in Col. Fenn" worthy It as g: (laughter of !h• 7 . 114 , 1111 is Dlll TI4, I`bilagt.4.pitta, formerly Clint' of the Lomat* of Medic:lp anti Surgery, attacho,J to tl • NA -3- fhpttioent. This tetrittlo colanoty has Faunal much rugret to a large circle or atzti.lirc community at large, who alsropoly apowpatllier with, flaw- 1..d4. .am bees 111. tncnt. He ups bnusdf burned, but Dot &mainly, Mule enthinoriug to extne• gm:at the tunics. Ar, aunts xary with re gard to the orlon of the accideitt. One ;Ant, tricot is that Mn;. 1)a121I was in tad unilihg 14 a candle, di , : flianca of a Lich ciantinninAted to di- akeve of her night nwt Itsin kW). —On a certain eic tien, Washington invitud ► lit/m..o)(r of fellow officers to Cline with him. While at table, our - of them uttered an oath. The lieneral dioipSid iliaiktufe and fork in a mo ment and in his &Li; tone, and charaotcri.tie dignity' Ind (4E1,0 soon, said : "I aionVit ire all supposed OM sehies gen deinen Ile Wen rt mimed Ida knife and fork, and went on as bef..fre. The murk struck th• officer lik i e nu tleetrie shock, And as a ns in terolcal, did maeeution, as his remelts in such casts nee apt to do. No persons ON ore at the table after that ; and after din ner We officer referred to, mcworkfml to hie climpoolon; Clint if the General had struck : him utter the head n LI Ins ON Ora he could hate home tt ; but the _lmmo thrust winch lie i.,11 V /11111 WAY too much. It was too um. I, for it gentleman ; and it is /11yell that mt N 11l be /00 munch lot any 1/11e 'NIA/ (Intend, l 0 1r LI , . . "IT • II ADMITTED Oa HA bands, tat 31rUirs4 ut Kau never looked blighter, sinuo 'the urganiLatloll of the Territory, than at !iris ant. In faet. there has never, at any time, hem n Rating attythtn4nillair Clay to in sure the SU:C.2hi Offledlota prgiperily Ulm." Wordet - tho tender believe it ? -we hate eupittl the foregoing., word fur It or& letter for lett/T.1..111nm for cottons, from a leadihg editorial of that raltidest or all raltitlfrursoil pis r, la New Ettglauil, the old Worcester Split Five Mutes over we have read it, and al et cry reading have pinched our nose to be sure ft e %%err not asleep wird dreaming. It upon, jda:n, unequivocal --we ,lend al moot a dd e d f rktn , :)--confession that all the clamor_ 110t.1 1 o__lfyi_Ligied a,aafnat the Kan'easlawa4tioliiit' on sceount of its re pt al Cit, Mitt;xtull 'ttomprotoLie, ,was a men/Aunt and a wiser:ado ) 11,1 0 0 8. — P"1 .- ---.. idruee Poll, MI .LANenilLy Oecciitimme..--41011 #41.4 6 1 datuallualitk_ldL,AJLlde v , 114.1 k—W tom wif litheir son, of Pleasant Valley, lowa, ere returning homer from church, in a se % err snow•sturm, they lost their way, had wandered fur several hours through the snow drifts on the prairisi until st last Mrs. Wal. toe and her sun perished, and Mr. W., with much difficulty, reached a house badly. fro. r.. 11• " Tun Laoyarlloxe MA,a) s zisit of Lltara !tor, Art, and Fashion." I.;ditad. by fit•, A Arthur and Miss Virgirda.F. Wow - Emend. IVo have received the February munber,o this excellent snaisaaitte, sod would ad " cur fitjenda who desire something useful,* • tertaltuag itwifibettp, with ' , their &asides during tha oinioe to stitiseribe for it inuatetliately. nor vlgll.ll - 11.11))0111,11C Wrath ttiN er t 1 in 'urilry, rim! n•r mar tatfely Rny that no (An Uu the omirttry what line Simon ettinerrel rter tiol}e that leLtos xlieet hs, Stan , or upon any politik ti pro.y with ‘t 111111 it, has errs arts d ? I wiced hat has hr Ile! iuue, tkit nc.dl kilig 11 ,,,- f.irs , : ut uhani f o upright, option uut.ii doubts tlui iuthiencra that inutukti up •n limb.. Jutlan'4, vale, when the 4 4 0 , 404 ‘vvre thtttcniq; the I•cacr (UP mosp rill 4,1 ou. 0 , 11,07, 1,, Irlyed tho old )arty Ft 4 na4uuul ground, tut holds alit lh Itivintr 01 univer.al brother booth Wont; ( aimot camraj the moult inpt 'that it t ry umral man, or 01(..tever pohttrnl late, uri.t intN I thbly r P.(l for Lel" Witg• aii.l Mantar--roore properly I,iin ho, Sink( Ilt r Audi Abaacr. We hate l4t.en plea.eti to learn that all of them have brim diritim , ,ed from the boci,is ni Arhieh they were boaiding, and that Aleale6applical on 1 , ,WC ,,, fU1i1) to another house. Icrat be that (brat ion will still not be nlloutd'loii,.•pintothelplv for u loth he ,aapiies, and for Whieh hu not only core ropts luini,cll, but lorilicA Lie ft 110 w-citizens to Implant him. A protist has been tiled m both lloilees, a limb, if titabstatitiated, w Audi Nullitient to invalidate Ins right 1 seal. If the di maids of 'tie') and inn al icitittule arc appeased, he It 11l oertainl) he r.pin i tl Isom the soiacty of •horraritOl Mt 0, mid vie Anger of r.o en be pointed a 111111 owl the h0u;...10 robels %%lin voted (ti litin. How men oho lay clams to morality. Lid religion eau exult. over -the success 0/10 h 11,r% 11 to be il , stittitemf (very attii Mite that adorns Minim iiaturo, inJrally and mi tautly 1, a tot tv that tve eoitfet,h our ity to ~o lt e• -The deetion a man by. Ihommt nierina, by a party that believes ii he troth of Ili pi ineiplus, IS a Just came' for self but a victory purchased ro t self gratitimtion is humnlialinz to all deeimt men. A 11')..Vi.N1' /:UITI K IVirn men a ivolue the control of a polin• cal paper it iv tvo often the ease that, they . riketia.:t all &hi: 1110141 AT aid o/srsviiiain hone i:sty iver pope ) sed from Lfisir &Null al Join s. >19 ") Pi al much as the Prvkis Is one of the !nest iidtver - ral engines of.gond or .vil, to the tl..stmy of nation% and tho fate ut couuuuiriiva,, it is vastly iraportaut tha shove a !Jo cater for the nimtal mauls of 'the people ~It uld :Thlay. Troth turd with a hear• ty d gabi for over iiillocitco that tetidi to itmotlisr the promitiugstaLa_pare Wad, tilf... only thrt nhirh iY calculated to promote happilicbt and elevate the human character Vu No too opt, when aro brought forwiti.l for poliiical 'rpositicns, to culdirSc those of ofir im is party, and vilify Um° of our ‘TPT1Pi!A..r..(1.6141:46. •id. • •• • p r i,:mples may he true, while the men wi stand forL?i as tht it exponents arc corrupt ti the very core. While we labor zealously fur the triumph of what we firmly believe to be the true party of our country, In:cumin its riuciples arc those of our iattwra, rieerPi slug all moo 114 equal, aril opposing aristoc - racy autivxtinsiveness, there may nevortho• t.• • r Ify men hatirig side 19 , aide with our• selves who arc pedat moral lepers, and pal nor ley to he invited in any responsible po t Wv,ti4ave it to iptha tlntytf the .pretali: the trgtb_r*';Auelh Men raw lessly indinetent as to their par titian alliances, thereby - our tkialqiptc*, gilt ouki osesp, v.awriApamlkailr* ,sli/1 be elomited Rid PuriilettAl .ntitct with rids fretl►,' tbepeople-Nii TUE 4 7 '.1S8DOi1r To STAR PF t 'bat ly le could ueilittle gain to huntanity . 1 . in };,t, 2i peoilo the -fief dom to htatb tint lit At f tend %lively n, no it ytitulion of 'llllCIlt, but CUlLildertql lha the 011 y unit Jolly ' Mgro (Ale of tha South on plantation '0 a- in II) oSitiparetl with tit • nbo peri,ll.Al 1.,;.'r OW 103,1- or tho we:telted rani. es of .I,4lgland, If runt:. vi 1.-^i.et 4 a ti.fulfevary :,hiker . lonl obtained, or a innr,l of the cones st fmal ff as fin nished to appeasu dicier). ichhl4 c r tii- dolt. Them ate some persons ;.11 Wi, countiy who nal not hesitate to tmy th.ft Choy nBi re iiiththe Scotch philosopher. ed,ro inn y 60 neechsary to live well, or 1 that :.ocielyin which rnantia&-his t fiat fe live even in n 11 ft.,J niUnla ilitr,t be I,rtterthan, not I o live d all. Oiir xyiupatbylutugera box eyes are tAer bcarelling for enlore/1 ihject-- - who aro rvilikariona_ weaphrtg , over ," Drvtl" info' 6 ktßing grate- -wlto me tilling lu local, dawn a 101,1,, f.tbrie of goy.. ch., • 01111 'Dinah, who al . c sang in the cabat, lulat a titig oil inut-ntru fat anti hominy- Qtoultl don their furs. go • nit in tin, trace witld, and take o loot, atoned hour•. If they a,o too temter.. 1 , Lined to 1,0 Me that extraottltnary feat, we 1 cottilm tel tin follov. jig paragripliN to their 'attention, fich tto-sitople retuiric that there' are ~'canna of l'ltilndelpltia in Which there' are Litman in no better' condition. The Albany (N. T ) Evenircl Jeui•na! of he 8:6 amt., hap,: • iefort of (lie i,knato Conitnittee, presented to day, makes sonic ntartlinK'rev.. (lotions. The bliocktiig condition of some f the county poor houses, as tlescribed 'therein, io almmt incredible. '• They or: badly bell, IvorAe arranged, not boll o arm( tl, and not of nll ventilated. 'five anfortenato tenants of these pla ce 4, o In ti they are net utarved. and fel upon twat, Fpwled fish and decaying vu .retables, arc lod,pl either in opt ii *ln re they freerc, or in elute litre tiny stilhanite. They sleep pdedm tiers -- 4114 y when a ithunt attention, die without nit dhine, and are ton,td taro the giptu like Innitex. In MIC )101. lens thou m,-fourth of 117 ininates (Ind (say roll ei—," re tall. ll ill 1,1 than a yesr V a r 11E0 Ally the abode of la:huh:nee ind ftithine ' '• IVitile the-- , alie furs this badly, thy In• Cue ,Aoree. 1tt 0 %.,s and ettailin are the lIJy preseriptton lot Mental ilihtstlye. .71)t) &BMW' is beaten beeause of this wandering mi n d, an d the idiotlootilitlect foe stn lack of sense. Some weetelk, d ooes he upon straw, wool the acemuldat log filth of months with nu eort•hop but of till:. foul lied as ad heres to their bdim. The Wind, the deaf, the rlipoled, itotld1“1 together, are treated nillt Iqunt.mhwuuuity—a,; tI alley wore doomed t o sulfur I T the neglget of mall as 'ell as 17 the 'visitation of licti." IVe sic tent aware of the »umber of pan cwa_ • theAtale of, New York. Itut.letrAti supi,o,c it i 4 about equal_ to the Rhos pOpti- Mien of half a dozen counties in Georgia. Who w (mid tzive tlmse slaver; smelt " tree• dope" as the paunch a tos e (Ipscribed enjoy? There in but little chime.• of compelling tba tattper.4, to is ork i.. antl therefore they iaaai ha retale rti, starer, and the a loathsome death. he hlwve may be compelled to labor, for then he Ceases to resemble the pauper in be- I lag a tax rrn the community in which he lees; but he has a hones. winter and multi- , the +e'r?ao ..Wtt,lAr th tiCallOU of fire-, clothing - ;lnd tiiediinl re. Wt., can readily fancy one of those tree-paupers—or 'heir ,counterparts in the hovels of link( r and itedford streets—hag. .ard, cut to the Ivry heart with this w but that pierets every cranny—hursing the last park among the ashes on the hearth, or 'Aiwa% a lame pieltoil up in the,itrect, rying,lluNbont-arla vigorous Calico? playing the banjo, or "(mein' de coot'," on a moon• ight night ; or Aunt Chine, plump and aau ey, " Makin' (I . e ltoe•cako fi.ir, do old man," 1 4 a NvZ4llre,. 134! put,(losru at least the warm air of May .breathes again--atufif you have money or KY.ulliathYlo asnWo, ge thn ,lJtwayt "pi (14:4p a .99dAiVe tho,grir:wreutis.rhp fra periabing for, 44 a a crust or a c9a1..0i • • , DISGitiIaRFVL BITIZTATIciIt Had our.opponents Wen victorious in the ncenl politieul 'campaign, when all, the na tion was agitated. tint —p th.:443iropulattiort.n.pf rfkio.B "OCparVeslteartikt every a oel'houstk, we'is tbo vatiquhtlica *t; woußi hive cipectfcl them to rejoice; awl indeed theitrUfild 111E..VbIllNe (Cl CO (la. iftg. A vrictorsvrer the I) , etimer,ley its principles aro at isme and the people the Judicial tri bona' wthild be a miracle of such seldom oce,Mtehteeis' lb' i rade wild t 1.110118 joy among those wlto could delight in the downfall of a party to which they on the very creation nod existence of that free dom that guatanteca to them a right, to re., johns,. But wht.:ll, arguments havejailml euniluoe, principles have ism Alettited hy.,4lp.populer 'voice, and a triumph is ob tained by the money of ono who hreitates nut to purchase ap olitse 1,0 which the people failed Ins entrance, men Inuit be far gone inddic &ids of moral degredation to exult over his success. IV ° O Were indeed no little surprittLd on Tuesday night After Simon's election was known hero, to set an (le.- ' , easional smile 'of exultation On the coon hul:neva of the Know-Nothingu and Repub licans, as the.y passtal usi but imagine out tertpiiislithout tilica; in 'tiro, midst of the night, afterxcaceful and quiet citizens had retired ia test; discin era( the tlorties of a huge bontlre, and heard.,the,tinws -of the bell 'that calls Pie moinbers of Alio DI. E. elion•li to worship, sounding ill unison with (lie (low ling of dripiken men the vic tory of 'CLuterott, se home frauds ham diagra 41'ed the state, and whose corrtipt_ingitences have Lxn exerted to damn his fellow 1111111. IVe had just bats told by glue_ sar. our Aar- , ough pap( that ac lived in a 100101 and Claimant community and that the inetubars lof the gislature would be' improved by 1 1 0)11, 0 1 3 amongst 11 3, nod were. reileetiag over I the inobabihty of ear neltrbborhood bring more nioial than othetw, when we ti cry [jimmied by.tito noise of men iujoiring over the most corrupt, tr.siteltero4l4 ait the Legislature of l'emoiylrania has evcr hoen guillar of. How annth consistency is them in our Block Republican friends who "cry aloud and spare nut'' against the slave hold. r, be , tumor be buys the bodies of the black pod• plo, and at the same tune applaud the con duct of these base trators who sold them selves- soul and body, for a less price no doubt than a good nogroe's body would win wand, to an unprincipled spocAdator and po litical galse her ? respectfully suggest to the managers of the M. Uhurch, that. they rietakliAi soma signal byArlii2l4. it niiirlie-kntiem when then In II rihrr to•tall people to the Iloase of fled a n d why uit is the summons for rowdies to assemble fervor pair° system' so that our citizens can exerei 40 their 'have. ties with rior.l to whether they obey its call or.mot. It was an outrage for the Court Ilobainiell tottmg, hot• cirrunivances, And lioriag,lbarxted the intilincr In vrhiolt it was daset,ps would 1,01 kap. ow, : !Sinai of that, bat We must any in all candor that ;:'" were mortified that km 'limy of o:tr could be fona•i to porticipote in it jubilee. on 1 the anises., of a‘alicioui treachery ' ii.tsetiqs*-- Had it been a tri11)11:th of prmri• pies, we nay fir:.tin It rejoicing would hays been altogether proper, liu' in Cie ham., o eon mon some, what principftis - has Simon Cameron'? Del lie ever Iced a party with iiii;itbuig else than money ' lloca he not change with as mulch facility as the 04itrite• Icon alters its color i Aro nit Opp" sites al. teruately right and wren; tvilli hitri and tan he tact mike exLroin.:S inlet 01( . 4118 in poll. t ies, tluou.to or in?rals, when Ins Hellish quit/ a re to le4subeerved I Shame on the Ameri eon Citizen who is so ignorant as not to dis cern the distinction between a victory of prin , lples aad a victory eight with gold, or h o lost to every W 31.1,, of n.iblo generous manhood, as to experience pleasure at the defeat of au enemy although aceom plislid at I the alsenfirie of everithing drim and pure. +- Shaine on the membersaif n On istnin church who can hear the solemn tunes of their holy one long, another low toil loud ; toning the requ'imet of departed virtue and not Lava every impulse, of their hearts move? with indignation. W' may wi.ll,4„wlds;,r_on our future fate if in a coin nilmily where rel4;ioli unit morality art• our boast such occurrences are to be tolerated. I.EGIS L. A vox. .1u the State I,egislaturo not much of in• terest has Soo transpired eseept the euteiing . of a !protest on the journal of each branch, against the olecUora of Knoll Cantoroujo the United States Senate. Thu protest con sists of two objections_. lie did tint roeciye .suanclurutak-mat jority of both Houses. , 2 , 1. Use (denteMr laws rrgnire Ott shall be appointed, and candidates nomina ted itt least one day before, going into --con- Motion. Tnim was not done. •.,e1 largo number of Bank applications with their accompanying petitions havo (vion pro- Dtetl, and other PrivsteSillt!., --- '— The,ljouiso has had Mulcr consideration a Bill giving tlio co Merit of OS COM litonv lol 4 l -h of Pennsylvania—to the ;purchase by the United States Government pc tbo Ponnsyl. vault' Bank property fin Pltiladvipida)• for the location ~of p troika 11 Bill bail been presented limiting ins. prisosineut for contesupts of .Court to thirty days. Should this becolpee. law, obstiPato ,persons cannot hecompidled to, Obey 'the' order of our Courts, and among othors OM. Small will bo ,ralesseil without proper pnr-1 Mr. Gregg, read in hie plaoe 1011.prosont. 4 al.to Ate Chair 1 4/ 1 10 1" the tooorpor4iou of " The Farmers' arid iLar.ufoo:Verte ,}Sank of Canto County," 'Mao a.Al,ll.4l,l4U yliprize tJoe.apaqintertent•of Is 4, Auctionegtr in Centro rounty. , Our, lriond, girtip Sloe, utast ab,ottt.• . . - Foam presout indications oousitUral* gitilittkim will by (I)we this Wistisrw r '!** ',awch,.no iikat WI 104ita tifi as ,Ivolt _ - - THE PrIBLIC DOMAIN' AND CLAMS. LEGISLATION.• ti -:' "v.i rt iietl , ' ' fiSit4r 4118 a time In the his4of i gillettilirtiL when it was nt 41100110 prelifto speak tut arsinsVa'grow- MOO Ciro is unit. It is too apparent to the eye otAlos moat simeilldial observer oft:ol4.lra urtitte4;', (as um fait theta (.41flettil (*Hy) nut to see, that our national' councils have become the theatre of the mast' wantun and barefaced attempts on part'nt porsims in and out of Congress, to rob, eye rob the people of n portion of their heritage bequeath. cd to them by their forefailiert. Thu pub. Ho domain io• the common prope4 of all: yet from the course pursued by a certain sot of inin, "clothed with a little brief authori ty," it will soon become the property of a few, to the prejudice Of tlaw,isights of the mane.' . Yenrsago, Congress, in an evil hour, de parted from the line of policy Imiuted, out by. the Constitution, and established. by those wise heads, and patriotic hearts, who form ed that sacred instrument, by granting do nations of public lauds for public, and in some rases, charitable purposes- At Me time we are speaking of, such donittionS car ried with them at least a aenthlanre nf justi tleation, and it was tl-umght by adme, that nithr•tgh the stilct letter of the constitution might be inpingtal, that the Objeeto for it !deli the lands wet e donated ere ° pratstworthy, and therefore jenitiable. But there Were others ia the country, mho (13W the danger ous, not to say pernicious "C(inseefuetices, that would flow from -thin slight departut o from the letter of the Constitution, and who warm ed the mcnof4l4-alay-r44..e it svitc --- rmty' throw i lig open the door to the introduction of an evil, that soimer ur later, it ould be se- compniiitd by (Lo nitwit ittaiiiiing cowiatitivn ono. Those strict cionstniotionisto of the Constitution knew foil welt the tendm tea of the 'junta() heart : they knew that the firat step M contravention of that sacred in strinornt, n as the fatal step, and that from this &pal t ore would be deduced augomeni, by these who would succeed them, to open still wiilerthe breach already made, and Ow once admitted would inevitabli result in di4 • aster to the country. But were the counceit,of tholtoPhi , ' statesmen heedeiT, or were they elicregartlcelt Let the beta hi the caeo answer-thic per tinent inquiry. Tear after year, yank 01/11- gr s , a Loa, without a solitary exception, we believe, bean practicing upon the exempleie cet Chun by previous Congresses, and dome. Item after tlonatioliol"Ailm public ilowtaiolmq Liven made, until the number of trillionts of oe•re• oapiandenvlta-•smuttling — to - the Most reeklc,a uhn ist the community. The eye tcect of jimmying 6r an is of lanelc 60111 COll l , grCS4 , in these latter days, lias laconic a Must stopilldOUS, ac well as a twat proltta tile 1 / 1 19111( ‘.4 to those engaged in it. IVe will nit tea.° time to do tore lion glance at a few cases tolltfow - fbFiattitnrng extent to which thei business has been curt A row yeara apt (..ktagrosis granted to thti Illinois Geiitiitl Railroad Cuukotty a &tuition of publitilatocoot only Allahlellt to yotnititgo and equip tlicir t Wina rov(a diatatt.., of 400 s: but to letlytt that cntipnriy tin licticAt u'tt; induct. it 14 acid, the richext company in la 01.1. We have not, the talks before In to 1.44 !he extent. :of thin elanation to that .inglo .Can;hara'tein we refer the incredulous to tho tabio s they will MT that half the truth has not boon eve gueu'td Each State and Territory west of Ohio, fiar the last twenty-dive years has received its quota of the isadshe laud.; ; until men have hisconie 6u 1)01d in Weir - demands upon the subject, as to dory the beet oUirts of tine patriotic and vigilant reprementative who ruis,s his ,vice against tins alarming and (Luigi:room state of thingv. The halls and lobbies of our national legislature aro 111114.11 to overitewing xith liarpiva, and political gamesters, who cajole suembioes, end actual. ly gel honorable rn:mbere of Congers, Jeep in their Joh ruts ; eo tleiip, that the member when lie to vote on the lineation of a large ildnetion of public lands fur thin bene fit of some real of supposed riulroal corporiv-- j3E-Jilally voting for his ottjt empettal benefit. ‘Vliether su,h be the fa :1 or not, we leave the reader to form him own conclu sion. This inuali me aro bound to may, thus. it is a. marvel tat-nakandlifsirayr and isramilino ever will It, (fa!'-'lS .r a are not vain enough to think of heing'iniort M. e.s ourselves.) how thosat‘rporatiou can sttecced, ap well, unletisAfiro aro more po tent influences,to to bear Ivan mem hers, than the e eisionary.arguutents..l-hu agents of tltaiticorporation eat, poiniihly of fer to isidu - eu than to vote airmy Abe public property of the natiqtt. llut lot tit turn tor a ineturt .froth the contempla !ion of,this vile and dangerous systeni of ttilugaLitt.Alte light, iu.wAtiuk we base, beets Viewing it, tO the consequences of the sys tem u the future wOlbeing sail =raids' of the country, Class legislation is ware to be feared in this country, than either "war, pestilence orfruatine.9- - ly Jtvia4 leglidett4l - we mean that species of logislatiea whicii giros to the few what is denied to the many ; because the ,!•Prt of such legislation is, to build tip in our Wad; I. a pririlgod class of individuals I mid clothe them, with • attributes of power thst life at wateri*LheArpkit. tt s smOuntlr r - t - e most damn tts of AD theaspowers, is wcalth,whicteitim"Au-' tours+ 4.1,1t0 lutinisof all men, and the god of Air ,tin, many. It has thiti laat and moat tendency ; and ter that retAide slululd inset reprobation of every lover of country. Leta monied aristocracy ho liltilt PP in this Country, and ore lung wo Will Mid oprulves in a far wore. conditiOn than, the down trodden children of toil , in monarch rirlders &row. gerrves , knowS that vre have enough of it, ohm now, to give kul aii igoilaPfit,9t-what tho.;futurt aro not (Arend, watchful bold; and rase , hit" tunt down this hydra-handed monster, "Whilstiire - privrer Is in the hands of the pro 'At I eye; , beera y the iritle,sn'dikoast, of She ' patriorc and .Lrue men of -the- Pernocratic party, to interpose to prevent aubh a State of as wo have depicted, and to save ,CtWo frourthe demoralizing and vicious - W1418411 , or Ceniraiiiation, • which means uotilh* inac 'nor less, than circumscribing the obostititlional powir or the people to the despotic pitilice of capitol. To the men of the, Demodottic party the :people must now 1134004 through 'them hope for the effort to stay this dangerous tendoncY° of things.— We fondly hope that there is- virtue and pat rtoliam .enough left in the' DMiloCratlit in thn present Congress toyrivpt the con summation of tabu proj*nd o sfOil t 4 by the recklass in Congress, to despoil the pas ermnent gf oho of the Betimes of her legiti-.. matdrevettut, sod the people of liii74l lieritogo. - - Agabut ohm legislation:it is sloe axed ' determination, as DenuAlatio. to wage Will 'to the thifihithe Reim to the hilt, and The hilto ilnint-stlhavo."--,-,kflafget• sp:Escit &fere ilk New England Sanely, of A r tlit York—lielfrered on the .•.M1 sidaat, on the oceitsivn of the 2361/4 Anitiveriory of the Lo/ cling of the Pi!gritiss. Ih !tiling the report of this speech, which we find in the New York Terbnee, belittle our readers, wa. niako „no apology for, the 'space it occupies; ari the nendintent of that speech,:utteretl by-as patristic, as siobk 4011 trite a man, as the United Statca contains, cannot but finds response in ever honest in art - 2 Whether that heart Leah; luthi North or in the South. , • The Pfenitiesil of the Fkiciety said: Thato the now to introduce to you II statcsman•ln'owtt not ontl to this Stiittlp W. w tngland, to the United Stsica r but.AD, the world, and on- the' '4 *P PeSpinia• to the P 4 - - beard. I hnvei you the brztlth toast. I A ['plow drank Rtnntling Mr Bolton FR Nuts' Englund Su drinkand ~~tiUi evening, i Nah(' einintrywoinonC %VIM were held} 'finking hiki N6ty:wetty") . rt Of mothers a re not ferrotteri—the lorlltt of ay. - , avian, ns they are called, will porde?' awe WI ' • nun my back upon them, to address' forth moment, those whom they delight to honor arid to love and protect. [Applause.] .Atltit.. riNpnnding the idrn which was so f lioitona ly given to us front the other. etrl•prthi .ta hle, I ertn - rwtjr we can go Unek to the isigin.. cot possible authority to simportlQ tilowl-. tries our regard for tire women. We healltfiV Scripture that tlarco datightere were given to ,lob who were spoken of as the rarest in the land. (.Applause.] ,They are arnuaeal . Their names arc given; their qilialTretf clamber', and 1 do 'tot consider tlurthe deseeiptiou, is limited in its ant.licatinn, bat us applying to inclelleoninl rind moral as welt as to the human fore nmtilatittltfrfitliti,s" g 7 Theo the Scripture tells us. too, that, Job -- had oven sons given to him —I wire the num ber of rhutgliters and one o - rer--ttnri, bfferitt; , Ile of them there was th i.e solid. may 4 0 i t . fern:d flow the fact that not 00e of their mimes are Owen, and not 5 atitifial lank flift their qualities is mentioned I Alopiertso.l- 0 . ' The lair daughters err those wHerare mans tioned, and why ? tee who has bewared us with ihis sentiment tray gone on 104, 7 Bulge in n filial sentiment in which air "mt. I Join Mtn who have had inothlint: fatiri.that",. enibruces the whole of mil in which Ire ' it-Rioted what has fallen to him or oc,s, t l oil respectability to the r'ffirli 0f.4436 , 1 , -• 0111 mother.' r OOTTI.. MTV' to the ratarkr another Ipfliker, ulin has given us a notriaa r . yecv.nroperly of things which Kenna?* . vied from' the new world to the olds L jolt . him heartily with a limitntion in one of Om.' tied is a pretty fair eofarirarnise, idtitnigh ?, gu • am not a man of compromises. liighter.f - One of those things was a weed which no. animal of the brute creation wilt touch dried . ,sr greee-13, hid% not even the browsing goat, or ;!ue rooting hog, or thh mate that ,foada upon titoth. is and lirisrs. will touch;' Yet:: man will trkc it and nut it into his noscinott fill his month with it, And tWen.liteht la •Illit' under his rinse t , s.hent it with it. MY moor , ‘.~ er naked me never to nor its weed; 11141 t, have never touched IL from that tine to t,— present day. And now fur somethingassia :, serious, She sighed me not to giiirillHs. r have newer gamed : and 1 minuet' telt ' - day who is winning arid who is itlking .... I t any game that can 1.0 played. 11111*.: jailed we, too, against bald driol i tt whatever capacity for endurance I 'may hattiPtiv, at present, and whatever n reams u 47, nttain in life, I attribute l litivin,g', 040 , 0 plied with her pious a earlichit WiliWitlll. o v When r.o.en rears of n'e,. she asked atata; •-• to driuk, and i iroadi, then a rosrdatioit at ' • Lit nbstinenc*long, before socartyl fot purpose ATOM' formed. T was ail 111141.014 r oiety atorlimo when 1 was . 74 tient ,ineuiber of MY own bodY and OM 0 hit" adhered to through all time, I ow* tti rely nun her. They nre nal,* women. "hottre'''...,_;,_' mothera.of men Ido net make botch itro. i,,. come of the lord4,of creation in rstisingialpi, • - men. I haArilo_lllntnthonv, aatimaimag times , ss mothers, although we find that everyorthittn: '• human nature is nearly the same,:yet iliMaa' " 4 of New Etlgtand, whose virtue 11 18 111110100t177 - larbl.npprepriate fur us to ceichrattetani occasion, gives eminent example of theft*** •:" . t 1 taken to add to the gracefulneot of terra, , And person which distingufshon ket dadgit"-' '', o , lord' education and 'nerd intilittalleatual . culture, [Applause.] . . . r tl.. Ar.nuti, weiteiman., rug tiAHMLoUIC HA VRN A A r rditn i fk r a OAD AA R .= RA rutoAns IN 6491YR#AL, : flot foss antarprisart_ 111 islet ssll t, iiltd•rgratinil railroad opposition tlNtr Look Riven and Tyrouo Railroad. OAR tllO , ingenuity exorcised •lit its" fiver, that las .. been nsed to defeat it, would have flnint-:" ~. - eiereditthrtmgh: - I'VeryiniiiginalgettObsona • (I think - there is nothing new to Joni 'hp!! been resorted to Vseipres to ilititle the friends, •, Pi hf this enterprise; and create dissension and . r ' diverse feelings among Them. Sense woe ~A • not coneulteifflrst, awl as they did slot tisir INT gioate the idea nor embrace the_Piziitgli.iii.L. : l 1 7Tneliplaiitiiiiit7,they will "p *eh - - death against it." , d r illers weiiiipit "safe '',. prominent operators "sgainse their canseni,," ' and'* hence, they cannot vouchsafe to recoil. , • -,!* nize - iti oxistenct " Other's ealinotlAro„lt ,4 ~. located -'just where it should be locatedil . 4 . 1 4 and sioe4 their interest is net equipttts 40014, I -A: .• guess the rued can dchvitheattherringisa " ), I ,e,,. coot." Others hisow that itr L ittstalutvksv"' A ! built, it will .aohoutats sise. , ntiiiiikvi thoir-r " 1 1 property thousands- of dollies, „44,110hity . ;1' seem to think. that others most,l)niPlAt t " , thettronly plan 4s to , tettnifest- pellierl44lo , " etetioo about it, talk le?out , yrp.l4ol4 . 410 *,': they are initialled oltnneverlatc4x4itaets*ler"t c :.:' fend "thus vevy t innewiently sttstrairk4ll64.+3o l l l . l9l tlyee r fort bscupying,i,tiOrt,Chouttitliolitei4o!l. o ikon:to the projeet ; .seete. ethart.l l,, Avery ono inowe, iis otittrebt ti 4140:*1 f. h .A. t tion, ‘Lutiltsuit them IsettetVb :...1. ,, , th.. 4 +ultz • r . 'r • ;:',:. - el.', 7,:t'At .5444-`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers