LOCAL INTELLIOL*NCE . 301100 L BOUM Ihmoisn— Ou Friday night last, the school house in Benner township, known as iloy's school house, was biltkory consumed by lire. Tho lire was attributed to putting hot ashes in a barrel. Aovion.—The person who Carried away from this office a new axe, will please - . re ' immediatelicor the value of it, and MVO himself from a disagreeable im• putition.l Peat,--;if any of our lady irislade wish to .purcliae a good article of tbra to keep them e°mfurt^"l° througle the Winter, they could not do better tjinn call on George. M. Kepier ? , , Pine drove Mills, and ho will' supply thq with an article as cheap and good as can be purchased in New York. Nta• MAIL ROMIL—TI e -Postmaster (len oral has established a rpm mail route from Karthaus to St..AliWif -Elk county„. and Messrs. Cummingi d Graham kayo placed a line, of excellOnt stages on route. Pas serigers toyik county can' nolego through from. Loa•istow•n by tray of lkilefonte ,to Elk county in good stages, and more expo: Aililltol7llol - AND DAOE:RgItHOTTPES,-ft the swims of 14r. J. B. Basnhort, in the pie ' tom business, is ockipml with his capacity to jet up & first class poetical advertisement, ire predict that ere long flame will stand prominent among such as George Law, Ste phen` Girard and John Jacob Astor. Wo respectfully call tlio attention of our readers, lath to the advisement, and thmreat per -*aim - orttittirociivitiiii art under his control. , . Sonora APPRAT.—On litfonday list an la fray pecurred in .Milesbung. in_ which it is fecrod Mr. George i ßiar, p blitchltnitfi,• re- by a colored nom who hide barber *hop in •the Buruoah, under the shouldet blade; and tho physician says the it ottnd tl3ttelefla to Lis lungs. We have not - yet became ac- ilualuted atilt the eirctunstnncos of the ens but ail tsras - we hove been Miele learn the -- iad transaction occurred through the -influ ence of internperance. The negro has not yet:been arrested. =outer. FR itQC/CNTLT spoken of our friend J, I) Wingife, we would spin call the at tention of our miens to his card. We had an opportunity of witnessing - a number of !diens:rations, and saw some rery•beautiful presents from a few of his holy patients, for e.xtracisnr, vilhowi pane. We hare also seen number of Aix fillings ; theseloolt.like sta ff] gold sa incorporated into the teeth — that were it not for the color - and brilliancy of thagold glio. tooth would be reinstated as was, before being decayed. ll* I:teclatti eal peotistar speaks-for-44*W-- itet treel,y atduare. _who Wish their teeth replaced. • CuiaILUNICATII2.--NR. Iste — perprer,' that the "" Fairricor Female 'Seminary " at JacisonvOlo has chittgert pro , prictors. 'Tho institution is now in a Aourinhing condition; under tho care of tlic ftei,4as. Csurpbell,lorniorly of Shade Grq;, llunthigdon county, Pa. Mr: C. cornea well recommended. AnY person forming bin ac quaintance, will at once ace that he hi well calculatad-for thelinticirol• trachi With C appearance : hia modo of -teaching, and - hispleaslng madner of school government, no ono can flnd.fault, unless they oppose education. To tor" good citi zens of egutre and adjoining counties, we say, if you desire your daughters' interc send . them, at once, to Fairview Female Seminary, under the care of tho Rte. James dinspbell. I. A. W. Autos: A Fats.--4.1n Sunday night last, between eleven and twelve o'cloek,otir neigh bors on the bill above the Methodlift Church, were' tbnitvn into alarm by. the cry, of fire, " raised in a house belonging to Mr. Iloover, which is occupied by a tangy - flatbed , Zook. Theltha was found to be in the 6"r rat, close alkiht the base of the Sue. A „-iitrgli amount of soot having accumulated Aare, c,attisparke. The end of one of the Studding had burned entirely elf. the sparks 'were fklliiiidOWn between the lathing, and in a few minutes more the entire building would, have ticen in a blaze. There being no Supply of water in the vicinity, evcrythidit ail dry as powder, and a brisk wind ing-OrciS r ursc none oral° adjoinlm Jail? -- tuts - coed saved. We take this Opportunity to 'caution our citizens, and to invite them to be extremely careful with re . ZiUrri;:lisiri your Ilui.a.m id stoeo . .pittist Well protected and above all, never al low ashes tp stand in a wooden vessel. We tire no means to contend with the ragin g lWlldgM hive elementotod the onlY-meanst we can use to save our homes from conga cc/tick!, are preventative means. livery 'miner of property, whether mai or personal, abe:uld-havis it'iiisured, and then he can Ho Aaron to repose at night with a feeling of 77 4 . twoihitstiso safety, knowing -thst—if—iher llanteitittionld wrap all. ho owns in' ruins he will ro2elve remuneration; and not ho cast ..deafittotoi upon the world. Ira ei Mitchell, ding,...is agent for the West Branch Ii : r anee Ociiiipany, located at Lock Haven, and will be happy to wait on all who cull on him. A 00fOLUSIVI§ ReASON.—The hest and most conclusive reason for an effect that we *Assaensborto have heard, writes a Wont ,erfi' oostispondent, was given by a "one idea" Duichrnan, in reply to a friend who 1 4mnarked, "Why, liana, yoli have the most 'famipittc cast of countenance I have over 4 0h, yaw," was the roplr "I know 7 thireason for dat—my mother was a mama*. " TIM aAtf.ll TlLlAG.—Thejjuiry in the case "of Lewis Baker, charged with the murder of 'Bill Pool,' have been discharged, b6ing lta: -;.lritelo agree upon a verdict. Tito jury stood 91 41"f0r oanTiotion of manslaughter In the thinkdogron, and six fur acquittal. • livsiariklay wasp bpi° (from; tit 1)cvall'a:1 , Galvanic Oil, communist , . I. T2rirown, • for 0t..-I,dary's Church, Boston irlaee.' * BATTLSS OF TAN RaVOLITIION.—A corres pondent of the thirfoilt Herald has taken the pains to,cosiipile - tho following show ing the,coniparstive losses of life sustained in the bottles of the Revolution. , Ile Rain that he 'tiutif have made some triffling errors, but tliaktite statistics s tun_ mainly correct. the talk bo preserved for future reference: to es. Lexington. Lexington. April 19, 1775; 273 84 Bunker Dill, June 17, 1776; - , 1969 403 Ilatbush, August 12,1770, 400 200 White Plains, Ang:.2B, 1770; -- 600 - 400 .Trenton, December 25, 1776, 1000 50 Princeton, January /5, -1777, 400 100 flubtaartist'n Aeg.,l7, 12.1777 'BOO 890 Bennington, Aug. 18, 1777. • 800 190 Brandy**, Sept, 11,-1777. 500 1190 • tidlwator, September 17, 1777 60.0 - 350 Germantown, Oct. 4. 1777, ° 600 .1,/ Saratoga, Oct. 1711777, (sur. - reful'cred) ' • 5752 Red Hook, Oct. 22. 1777 600 - 32 Monmouth, June 26, 177 1 8, 480 130 Rhode biland. Aug, 21, 1778, 270 211 Briar Greek, March 30, 1779, . , 13 400 Stony Point, July 15; 1779, .600 100 Camden.. August 1 G r -1780, • - 375' - 610 King's Mountain, Oct, 1. 1780. 950 96 Cow pens., January 17, 1781,' 800 72 Guilford, CAL. Mar. -15, 1761,' 532 400 Billa c ittpril2,6;l7Bl; - 400 ' I I Eutaw Springs, Sept. 1781, 1000. 550 Ybrk town, Oct. 17,17E4 - rendered) • . 7072 1200 diu.soso Nana() PIAT tat TIINS/4916.---A plot (hi' the rising of, the nogroccin tuis state has been detected, and caused 'a great' ex citement in tioingomoy county, where it was first discovered. It is alledged that Christmas eve had been fixed upon for the rising, and Ow most_ cx-. fmiirainary arrangements had bei,n,putdir to carry it but lill9mssAtlly. One Oita man has boon arrester, together with a great many negroes, including many_ of the generals, captainX. and other officers or the proposed movement. SerMid of that YOAOII A large colloOtion of arms and anuatiV tion has been seised. The church at Funmee had been undertninded, and powder .leccti beneath it, ready to be blown up when filled with people. The plot, it Is believed, extentla over s wide range of territory south and west. There is' n extra patrol on duty every night at Clarksville, and every houßekeoper is well armed and prepared for any emergency. DZATR • OrA GRYI LB iN TIUM KZ krx.- Mr. George Troup Wells, crYthan Forgue, Scotland, who was born in 1774, died on the 24th we. At the ago of teri he entered up on the world as a farm servant. When abont fifteen he took a strong desire for the study of extrenumb_mnd often went into the fields t night to study the motion of the item.-- o Made a globe for himself of clay, dried it in the sun, pasted it round with paper,and deltneated thereon a map of the world, • Thelitfridian 'ring *IA beriiOri were of wood; made withids:knife, and,-eiller -har ing got jt graduated, ho was enabled, with 'greet exactness, to calculate the eel ... Assam A ssam of oftuies moon throughout the year,. to boors ; mint*s and seconds. About this age of thirty, George hound himself as in apprentice to a :mason ; and it was while folleWtog the ovation that he learned the art of dialing, an art in which, we question if ever ho was excelled by any dblist in the North of ---- - • - A STATS IVtritotrt TAig3.—The State of Texas is in a most ouviabl%comlition in re gard to finances. Iler Comptrolltz in a re cent report, presenht the-following picture of her condition :—Tho State is out of debt with a surplus of over a million of dollars in the treasury, a permanent 5 per cent schools fund of ten million of dollars—ancßnappro priated publib domain, estimated at _lione hundred millions of acres, which it ludi7 ciously used, would subserve all the purpose of internal improvements required by ..,.tlyer State, and a tax lighter third rs imposed on any other people, and which is adequate to all the wants' OT the government. The ag t gregatt amount of icatlAc prop6rtxis..very, dearly $150,000,000, being an increase of $22,600,000, over the previous year. ky WILLS Of Q. IN MICHIGAN.-It i 8 dialed that a gas spring has been dircorrird on the border of Lako St. Clair, Michigan. Some workmen iihh were digging a well, and who had dug down seventy-Ave feet; had drawn' ni — , 77 4,i0 auger to tho.place wheraLluirieft ov di iug.,aad commenced boring, and time I hrat - dirme they wore startled by a violent noise, at first like an explosion, and then followed a, roar like as, theworinnewhad -rushed terthe they belivid the welt vomiting fbeth a huge column of sand with such force as to throw it to the height of over two hundred feet, and after wards discovered . the gislnrnitig brightly. The gas, it is stated, has heen several times ignited, and kurnii- with a beautiful white flame. DRIRADVUL SIDPWRISON. AND LOSS Or LIFE. L • • ••• , • • Famity-Ctroelfir r freut :Digh ton, bound for_gow York, WAS wrecked du ring the storm 9f Wedneimay tligbt, on Say brook Bar, near Now Hisiten, IL3onn. tour en wer , lost. 'lno his 'son and ono seaman, were lashod to the masts for twenty-four hours, enduring terrible suf g;---Pirmlly, when nearly - perished, they wore rescued. Tbo vessel and cargo wore a total loss. The cargo consisted of copper. PRESIDITUL NlACroas.—The Presiden tial electors chosen by the. 'motile on the 4th of November last, met ttt the capitals of the various States last Wedheaday, to vote for President • and Vice-President. Although' indireetTY instrucbcd by their respective.con htillionts ss to the disposition of their votes, the only obligation. imposed by law upon the eleotors is, that.thoy shall not °basso both the Pregidlint and Vico President from the St,ite iu which the electoral college id hold. '.....,._ - ....... . THE LADLES. —A SPLENDID AS HKAVY 80NTENCIA FOR FORGNMV.—VirgiI f VSCIATIIIHNT of Cullom lindoieloevoe Linen llctiormicky or Detroit, convicted of forging i f .)2 , : , i i k e r. ot , T r, li;o , tula...me, a c n i ll a 'ri 3 le yf the boa t *am aflldavits to procure county land and pension l ent varieties, at. .--- fnev27l examine A a t i t a i t i; papers, was sentenced - on Friday t....) twenty- VINEGAII—JEESEY CIDER VIN.E five,years imprisonment; , • gar, by ./.11. AWL, Co & „ .—... beneklict Yoder, of Conenutug tnirtiship, Somerset, eounty, was round (lend in ono of Ins own ftelds a Aror days ago; 'With the entire upper reit of hie head blown off, end double-barreld pistol, both barrelit of which were discharged, lying heOlo him. , HIINR HUNTING Y,ICTRAORDINART.- - 017 lye/MC(4IIIV last a large buck was discovered on lila track of .the Calais end Bating (bie.) Railroa,d,. which, after keeping along "the 'read about a mile, took to the river. The engineer stopped the train, followed and cap tured him among some logs, and dispatched him with his jack-knife. ' A firm ltaics.—The leayes of the beach , tree, collected in autumn, In dry "weitheeplorrn an vlirttivable.artichi for beds. ' Thiemiiii is grenteful and wholesome, theytlo not harMw vermin, aro very elastic, and nay be replenished annually it ithout coat. : juscsuccassox of Roy, Dudly A. Tyng, (who was expelled from' the Epiphany Chtlrclr, - in Philadelphia, for pruKhing-poli tics.) is ,)Roy. Bin Bean; of flarriisicitrjr: lie will assume the duties of the Rectorship on be: Istroxieno.' SA . eft 00: On. PlLOtlarr TIONA.At!ICTATIA A. Lon I f r3day last there' was sold at auction at the Mi;rchants! Exchange, in Philadelphia under resolution of the City councils, real estate, belonging to the- City to amount of • f1i3,867,50. •' A SPLIINDID kcPscw.knorts , ----Mr. John Hamiy2n, pflockbridge county, Virginia, has ncently, it is said,.reinsed .370„00410e. some iota in elticago3itinoiiirfor few yearn tie, he - gaye *5,000. ' T. PACT., Minntoota, is how said to have &population of 10,000. In 1849 it did not contain flvp hundred. During the present 0: .1) 221940-18mida-AllaPPell '— - 4hg hotels. •„ 1 , atvellm.—Fitzgerald;ktonvicteci of tnur.: *in , biol4oher, Miss., has bcten • enced . .tec.bir hanged on the 19th of Decembei . LIPINAPHTS, the botonist, bad ilk, floral clock, which measured time by floaters blooming at a tatod hours of the day. Anorpsta Kwow-Ncorman PAPIX Da ). The Gyeselander has given up the ghost, dead and-buried: ..... MARRIED, On - the 27th ult., lu Llb ty , Clinton county, _by Eldor N. J. Mitchell, Mr. TRONA/ MAIMN,Or /Ask Nana, to ALLtiviktmoAtist Quip°. • On the 4th WA., by Jhelum.. Mr. An t n h/YRZS, of eihitOO 00111ity. sod Mini SARA', DOVildR, of Boenth Uroek. Clinton edunty. _ On t_,,h 0 „.. 371 4 1 . Roy, A. thittaitt. Mo. JAVIIS arDOKALD Mid MIN 11/11MX DILLICN, aoth of Huston township, Centre county: ' tOn"thunklsy the 6th inst., in this plane, by the esnio,Mr. ions Koamma and Minn CA/nutting A YLANNIDAIf, both of Milt Hall Clinton county._ • HX1.311101.R . .1 Ugoni.T CONCXXTRATXD EXTRACT Ducat:, Is prepared directly loootllng to the ruler Of Pharmacy and ebsadetry, aed U the but and moat active preparation which ode be lads 511,r t ears a( dirourescot the bladder, kldlaem gravel lieWnistresta, ftsAno •arr kltrae.tewtos (ores to grow in six weeks by Dr. CArIt.ANT Courocen. Warranted not to stain or i tiro the Heat to any part of Um country, by mail, on rocoilit of II ternli,tanea. Addram Co , Box EittPost Otitoo, Dalthnora, bitorytan.l. DL GALVANIC OIL will cheek- sad even tually cure more aches and eine Men ■n other rem Irrroww — Aelrttr. • - 1-1 • • • , • • Weller. lloalsbursi Bainle A c4,..ettarristrd; tkow Bailey. liltortatown; 'C..l."Hyman, Mlles. burs ; Wes. Allison, Jacksonville; .1. It. But kart, hrittany, amd others. livnwr A ill please 1101i00 the advertise ment desoriptire of Mr. Sears' Picked/al /entity and *end for the printed eat/aorta of alt Our Illestrated Works. TO the uninitiated 11 the great art of gelling Books, we would say, that we present a scheme fin money makinrg, far better than all the 244 mines of California and Australia. Any person wishing to emb . ,:: hi th e enterprise, still risk little . log to Publisher U 5, for which ho will • swept 'opted of Om various works, (at wholesale prleer r ) carefully boxed, Injured, and direetrd, of fording it vvryltlrevet•iremourstons..-rorshe*, nt for lb trouble. With these ho will 000 n he ol.;e to un certain the most saleable. &Ifni , . rd r a ,e,,nltogly. Address (poet paid) tit".,l :le. • de.9 • 181 )tt...st. N. Y. VITA! War l'iooteseft—For n Icing Unto fluesr irror a pa:oomph tanking iis rogul ar weokly appear anon in our columns. with the tiderbut cowbell° W° kot i v t : °me to thol: to " e w vlo V ' vit we. who could aympaikiso in the sorrows of of era. Fiume porton/I are *hocked el any [Mil• eiitlan of ilkeitee, end are oven thrown into nervous et:Hiatt:mut on witneeolug • Lonnie or Such iito to hi, pitic , l. Wu should silvia)s atriro to look disenso antroven death In tho face will* ea.lin- IMPO, and especially take, every - mfportunity for al leviating disclose,. Vlolveit in thin light, thu Meer lisemente of 8. 8. Ranee, of 10.4 Iteltitnoro Baltimore, Kd., , sem a eortisin Intermit, mitt 1r6. 1 11. 11 / 9 116 . inftirfogfrOgirtPttna 'POW, or PUs of any kind, shout d fool It r pion, are to Oat oat this adrertimmont, or in some other way mad word to the afiliotiol of the veal, volue of his routediem-"Thar can to nny port of the country i t t , i 4 mall. Price, $3 per box. Two, $3. CAN Ertiderav en CUILIN ?—We think the fol. Jowing letter from a reepeotahle Gideon at Weds. eiPpi will answer the (lineation, and remove all doubtkfrow every unblaseoil mind : Gass-ADA, Mies , Jane &i IRS& Dr: Beth S. Jrance, Baltimore, Md.—Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in relating a ease of spasms or fits, cured by your Invaluable Pills, bly brother, J. J. Talmo, has been ealicied with" this awful dimmest', Ha was first attacked while quite young. K. Would barb ono Or two spasms at ono attack at first; but as I e grow older they 'wonted to teammate likewise Up to tlatime ' ho commenced -taltitestr Mt, he had them very often and tritito scrverro, - pmetrating hint body and mind Ills mind bad sulliered sarioualy; but now, I. LIR happy to say, he Is cured of those fits. Ho has enjoyed fine health for the last five mouths mutt. Ills mind boo also returned to itsortiipataprightliamm,_ ILIL tell i take ilfre — el — Pliiiount is communicating, as it may be the moans of directing others to the romody that will curs them. Yours respectfully, La., VI P. l,rliON, No 1.51119. 1 1.1011, ittlafraring from...Filsor-Sramtuts,- ihoulst nogloot, sending to Dr Hamm, after this, for a - supply of lilt ineetlinable medicine. Ills priced are as follows : one box $3 r two $5; twelve 324—sent by mail free, en the receipt of a remit tance. Address Both B. Kant., 108 Baltimore St., Balthuore,•llld. • , frJlipeo,taj, liotioe.—All Persons who are indebtett to mo, are requested to mall on ma in p4ltolonte, between now and (he January Court. the (*winces of the subscriber le ao uncertain, that after that Limo he will not bo able to wait upon them personally but will be mailed away, end eompolled lo leave his brininess In Abe hands of ao Attorney, to nctt.le, arrange, nod atom. [f the nabeorlbor should be out of town. my friends willplease call at tho [bulking !lows of- ilumem, Halo, McAllister, A C., , whom they call pay their Ihdobtedocss, and rocolvo 4 . rocopt, which will bo nanowledgctl by mo. deo3. A. filitii33lAN . . . r r . , r• ' , . is, . /104.9101. ?loot. .Vt 1t .. need i - 46,011 , _ Who'd, 1,30 to 1. ... , T reed, —.. Mr*, acto ed, ~ WO Con, .. 211 to DO. ' k, ' GO Otte, 30 titlo . or, . 20 B Batley ookWhoot, •10 Mr, , ' 121 12k Itoon, ~ . _-121 . 1404 --- - 12 P./1/7,ADEL/W - 1 AIfARKE'i'S. rattaDatnata, D. B, 1850. ClovorAced is (aired atbro freely, and ablmt 120 bushels have I,eeri taken $7.G2i per Mi. for huh 000dl. ' Tho Flour markot copilot!** bosetlee, and we arc only advised of salmi {Oahe oYtentgf ltbunt . :# 2o o barrels, mostly sold-on *bards, morning, 11l 864,02 i tat elandard superfine, part lonnemiter county, hi cludingloo littiniref a Weer; bread at 116,811 per barrel. Holder. ginerally an free Wen! at lhew rates, bat there Is very little Inquiry for shipping. Po} hVitio aro "liriees.rauge,a 4 atnnopfor eaninon good brands, and s7asB ii7,r barrel for extra and Caney loie, ae 1n quality: Coin Meal mot Rye Ploiir aro bet little Inquired for The demand thr Wheal le oulthiodereie 'nod pri ces rnlaeb 3t lilo 110/110: IWO ballad° Mo l / 1 0 5000 bus. fair to prline Penns. and Southern redlati.so alfde, mostly at ti,c latter rate, and a few Swell lots, ofbglte rat 160afIllo es In qualitp., Corn to nitro Inquired for and linnet, and tier pOnn bee have boon taboo at are for old elleadhern jelbK. cod ride fur iondillod,'TherodldroPN.Wl ei. of old yellow, and, 1000 bus. white on tonne , not public. Rye Is treated and yells reallly on arrlyel at 80c, IYeei /lie Ea steady dinn r aud pitlijartlier ealea of 4 or 4000'biat good Delattanaat 44e. • ' 2a . 0 rooor'au thsrs ha' been sofas r4artrpent to' en 'Teat. Ab . 4,ut blis. Sam sold al and 15011 blip Ear Xi° .Cortes &title, all on tbs' usual illrelt The4Provlstoo assslist is frtuor, bat buyers cows ,ftrwatll slowly, DAtantOltE Dc o". Blour Cumwr , with elle' hi -moms! `6;5 6755,621. Inuit TiTultilcis. herder. Bata of wthe sad vollow Corn nt 62116516. raw Tufty., Doi Tov"wow s y ' 9030,Tn1A: sold, Sptto $ • 11,..41ut6 1 q Scuthum fitni. Wh s .:la! also sdannood.2o; wbit4 17011174c00d I:4'. Coro 41u11, 13,500 bu. soil Pork ut $19,26a519,50. • • art papers that the lietdliern Academy Lottery at.21.11111e, Alabama, and tlm ort Alaines Antidote.* Lottery, at Atlanta, Geer*fa, of which 13: swank Co.. at Atlanta, Georgia, and N. Swan, of Montgomery, Ala Puma, manrgers. sus to be drawn tm.the 10th and 2001 of DA:ember teepee: Cicely. Them Intim-lei are not arranged with the mysterious combinadon numbers which made lot todes aepopeler some years ago. The tickets bare • single number on thorn All the tickets are plated In one wheel. and the corresponding prizes la another one. When - a number is takers sit • pies is taken from the wheel. and that eettlee the testers - Thus ten stellare; or Iliad of that sum, will parch ise of A. Arran b Co.. a wholellokert, or proportional share. The lottery drawing Is armor elsed by the commimoners of the State, and dig reptilian.: of the manstgens firinte•rru IA en Mgt ) , that nothing en: fair pley 1“1.1 be noticipat Now, If people will 'mantra' r, thy u 'vneates for lot. lades contend that is as safe and re , = , naLk a Wll7 as any other to mnke tercel:is:lnto. TI stir es.:.plan'a precious thne, and he does l le g 111,', becaubs hb spot his tickets in a Thatal cutiturliing tba speeilinth;vl, corresponding with dm Inanngors to d. m, as we suppose thorn/and; of persons do, sor we here heard of many largopriacs_belag won nit a thousarnt mltei treat thliriOViboshod—nnil, what -is better, of their being promptly paid Many ar guments are used to proms that the her upon Levis.' in the Northern States bps increased the spirit of gambling. which verde itszlf In IPOIIIOI chnnuels than the confparntively innocent one of riAting a few dollars on renionable *barium . _ T !--011R DOLTAAR REWARD 1 . 11.1 be . pail. to dna/oder 411. taros CAM WA H4,I9AiIT which will lost on Sunday leat, be ,,sw.,n thetipleeopet Church Eta. ithher owed - der tho Conrad Haim 401.31 BOCA AID X a Be. r 25 1 liartoo's piing. Widows ad he tomb lat the Prophet, with latrodoellen by Bayer] Taxies. I yol.' 12 me , with illsetraltese. $1.14 he history of this curlew boy Isom Callan:, 'cotton an officer in the Yost' was um • ny, hn-ri - sine „O3 i I . 01 Orientid And cetttans, padeoted a ,Ws under the er ipices of the Royal Deographiell untie( , to the .ly city of Mecca, and tha tomb at the Prophet, at3ledinn, placeassieely if aver before visited by nny 'Magna) man This he loco isecompllshed In 1853-4, disguised turn -Mohammedan Dervish. Time idatury of the pllorrimeeta .ie,not surpassed in Interest and odortnaltty by any bulk elf lravei ever published—embracing . Mohammedan Student ; the loerneyeerom the dos eit with the great manual earawcusorrilgrims; the vudtio the tomb of MoltddiettloUL dtbnorof7 that the Sacred Slack Stone Is no the an nual motion preached at Mecca to se Milllntated au dience of 150,000 Pilgrims gathered Irons all parts of the Moslem world; hlo narrow Loom from de (cotton, end the only wand° account of the core. tunnies of the Mossulman faith. rwswiet To this religious community this werk, tarnishes infoimation never before made rodPoctiNt the ceremonial laws of a large proportion of the Regent World ; while forgenoral interest. Dorton's narratite Will compare favorals l ,l 44l kiwriftt Iffewarerowind and the Ono ti P. liii.fTNAM. Ne. 2 t artridway, N. =l=l doe) A BABE 08.11/1 . A IMOD opportoofty he -men to Alen prontablo tont healthy einp o • TO Agentil, Carasaoh, I mufti*. Any persona obtaining subscribers fa Ofty copies of ethos' of the following Migkr10•111 N Works, anti remitting the anonsma, (lent a law commission,) Pablishisr," still bo saltiest to Fifty Dollars' worth from tbdiMhionloti lia of oil' L makia.Waritont, thu Soot ne-tivis td vr rttnAribur AMERICAN NATIONAI. WORkti. First Nahanni ib.tory of tho _ildsted Statt. Colonial, Ite, of utiosary aid Comoitulinnal. child; Irma Nattonatabooarionglls. by 8, Lon ' Mg and Edwin Wallow, wititAnacrous line illus trations ou_itool and VI 011(1. Taiitplabhuno riot g in. cloth. nitro 111,06:::: - Second, Mu eltatermsn's Manual, containing tho Liven, Massages and Administrations of the Ir tod dents, front Washington to Plante, with lob Nr traits on steel. Four 'ratlines, Nt o cloth, !glee $lO,OO Pupal*, and valuabli Reek' as- PreMinme to Agents A voice to Amorion, by AnierOana, Ilk edition, 8 yo., cloth, prier, $l.OO. • Dowling,a llistery of itomonisat, 50 illattrations, Oro. cloth, $2 50 Dirs. Allis' choice works fur the family alrelo. ',baton, l vols. Too, u!olli, $5.00. Thu Ainarican and Odd gellow's Museum, 30 steel engravings, 2 vols.' cloth, $5 00 (hide to Itatinflettgo,.3o plate", royal Ifto - glot ' it/ So. Woodors'of the World, 230 plates, Aro $2.00. Agents Wlslang to engegitAtt the good work. eh eimulatln A g those limper t blic.lol.,_*ll l _oll l lll.o al - dress! a IliaTo, the u s er, ND WAX. D W ALKEIS, 144 it I tnn street, N. Y And they will realve lutntefisto attention, with full particulate 4 MBROTYPE AND DAOMI:BRISAN °MASHY, BISLLEPONTE, PA, ' ma fßands let, us put on 011.1 dneet array And to the insado we will hasten away, Those Ambrotype picture, nll claws engage. Prom Infantile prattle to hoary old aim Away with a Raphael, away with Ilia Rime: Our artist hoe worked out au landortal name, And fmm yonder window there Boats in the bream, Ilia flog of summit upon life'nstormy new. ~ Couto &heti, lotus out..mt the dattaj'S ohhi t aillmluelr We'll bask in the auolight that mit° mtgirz And a goad like's t.ra • fret la Ik/Itltl . ne jewel num, For Reinhart eau take them that time can't ef. from. In braoalata and locket,' and brow:J.l4s and rings, Most bottallful I,loLures ho pule in.suolt titi•gs; 1u °nava that show • lino two•aidad,faae, Are well vatted !tyro to our time honored plate. Mute for oporutlog from t alcluok Xj.,o - 3 r; M. le whAleir ilee94 S. BNIRMIART ULM :EMS FOR DiAlint•LAg-- , 40 32 and 33inawas wide, of n ouperipr quality. suios J, B AWL t , • .• , 2 . 11117 11 22Z e r rg _._ TO !Mt OUT OM EU Platnit.liti.T. 4 olotOsa, en for *father to present to his tinily! jeSend P.r ono copy, on try It among your friends. Wiintodr 7 Agente in every /motion of thn Ileitrd Sluice, to nimulate - SEARS' LAfIUI 1 . 11:14I 1 QI/Itil,TO Stlltlrbl, for ll,runily Use—entitterl - I 'l'll IS PRO P IS:',l PICTORIAL NOMILS- , Tic tuOLit, with about ore thou/gond ongravitlge.. . - Tine useful book la terdlliml, If ire can form ail opinion from the notice, of Um - Prete, to hare an Unproredmittnl oirouldtion in every in:lion of our wide.sprond eoutidient. and to form a distinct ore in the Lae of our worl.e. It will, nu-doubt, in a few years boinono thu futility I! Rile of ' Elie Ault:rt. den . poople. . I,4rTho twit Merril reuttinercition will lie el • lotted to all persona 4he may he pleneeit to pro. ' turn subenrlbere to the above. ,14,m 00 to 11:1Q no. piea may easily he oiroulated and sold in eneFt.pf the prinnipel entice and in the Ilnion. It will bit eohl by inbacirlptlon only. , .... 1 - # , Applloation elmtill Le ,made at on, fili the field will /won he ooeupled. • , 13rPornel,e wishing to nut, ca smote, And do a 1 , elite tatiquepp, e r a peud for n leinion w,ry. i i • . 04 'Teri a of the e•teblielied prieei Six Dol -1 I•ll., tittt riot , r,nl Fondly 111ldp, with a cell bound llniomiption -Book, will he exrif.elly Inmell, nod'. bre/isle: per expre , /, et our ilk nod eepeeeio,.tip ay.i orn,kr tovrn tit vitlje in the United &Mat, ' ereoptin those of California, Oregon sod Teule, ~ I artibzinttvy.rilojterli, and your Moue, WU Corny info . ' . ~ /' • - , Urfa addition to the Pictorial Bark, wai o ‘ large numbor_of 211watrated yamity Work, xery popular, and of iteeh ‘ a high moral and %Inez inintiopabie chareentar,thal while rod met ma snfoly engage in their ciiintletiow they will ronfe a publics Benefit, and' racaiye I fair compel:imam' fur their labor. - .„. Lie Orders reepobtftilly Ter further partstmlars address the ngliariber, (post paid). - • 11011ERT BEAII2, doo9 JBl William Street, New'loth, ViaI.RViEW naNALVA EtEXIBFAILY. iAtEsobwrizic GENT 12 COUNTY, PA. Thu winter acasion of this Institution will com mence on the ilrat 'Wednesday of Not ember (1856), and,continno 21 weeks. The Sernimitfry hiving beta purenined by ta.wo dorsignoil, tto would oolioirs shops Of the public pstrottose—po_AdeloLlketftputthe*tissweopetionoc wit he bongs to We work, amt the lAA quitlitt eatiunei of Ms Assietents, I t o will be able to ;flaky hie school one of the best in the eourery - - TEithti: . •• Tol,ion. Hoarding. rottnishcit Ronny', Wash ing, Light end Fuel pertileedeb, $l2 Tuition It the edfoneed brinebea. 12 00 Junior Chtis, 1000 " " .Maio with us. of 6 181 pp. n ";---No4040 tut - - • 6 au " • MOWN/0d flbroldliry. • • 0•00 " I).l'Bin/tad* "aistUng (*sob) 600 4 " Timm Flower!, - - • 600 Preparototy Claw per quarter. - - 4 00 All ter' - -.tomb!. '- iu it) Arai payable gniirtolls fa did :yahoo. JANIDI.B CA MP.III•iIAt, Principal. 'TRUSTEES: ' Jaincs A. BleColinont, Smyth, Jolfh Irvin, Jr., Jambi Gordon. David Piny' h, • , JohtLP, Psisker Jnokscnvil le, Dco eigOWSP . 112anatt DILAJSZTIf mw end mansfuetared FURS. SKINS AN,D RIDES, Pine Oren Yilb, 13,ntre co, Pa. The edbaniber -being ertenstvel engaged in the Y-D It It 1:1S IN KIS, !arise, oil who hare Fore, Inns Ara RITMO to diapoie of to Kiva him A 0411. Ilepar the blight* market pries ta, caelt. It "meta be well for oar merehann eat bunton to remember that be elm *heat' a i :hii ir lai r Ow* theta the fen value of the eldn o they' •to dispnee of • PVaa ant of a Sae ankle of Pun wontl d o ~,c d to end omen to the onderdintott. who - 11 prepar4l to funagt then at the lowest VICTOKINES. an,l all rvietivs .!‘ Litnrifa . 'FURS Minya on hand, at pricer omit lover than can be °flared by the' retail trouser of - Km runt and Ph ,71 pbla i3OVES7FOrEIa, J - 4., can alga be rumbaed All ordna addrerwd or.ortiir. KEPLER. Pino (iron!, Mills P. 0 , eautre ea., I's., will inert with prompt attonthra. !r> 4-. , MMOIVATIONII7II(if Intl 'nom ZS, 10111enriblaN sad al. Irieek Tia Jioursboo !.. ' 3,l ll , lnnilanisiongs and Goininvlllo. . - Thin lin hal been plowed on tho rota for the pyr 'pea of 4liekonvirsodating tho travellit,g publitt, end Do effort OM to, A. a ri;tl to rondtr it both eon r.r.o i ~ tir-Insita-tr..ont , il.l OMNI ettllll-If.T.IIII2II3IMAJI dE(l,lll.' HAMMED fNfi. ' HOTEL, Bellefonte, every Monday, Wed. peals , and I%lday, et 7 o'elock, A. M. Lessee et Marys seams days, at 7 n'efoak t A. M. They will start ao as to asicommodete trandbir ib tids teems The arrasgensents shred the raddled! ba of ens Fat thascri ption. Caren, and experfansad &Irina here ne left an& which will amnia lho confidence and patronage of the pnblie. doe3-ly CUMMING!' k GRATIAM. DEPOSIT BANK, J. c• Ift - mgs. It. N. bIeAtAisTER- BILLS OF FNCHANON AND NOTES DIB COUNTED: COLLECTIONS MADE, AND PROCEEDS RE MITTED .Z4O.3IPTLT. INTEREST PAIDONSPECIAL DEPOSITS Fon- St V YB , A ND TINDER SIX MONTI' AT T THE RATE oy YORE PERCENT S PER 4NNIIM—VOR SIX NONTIIS ND VEIV.MtHS.ATTIXTI - RATE OPETII - PRE . . EXCITANOE ON TRH kAHTOONSTANTIALON. RAND. _ _ N0110E: 'Letts? testamentary on the estnie wtWm Dartglers, due J., Into of (Deg]; township, We beet Artinteil to Ike subseribeis residitig in eakkllowsuddp, who request sli-perpons indebted to saktestete In come forward end mike Imiumlisto s s u lt ut t iw a xi o t tlowe ,l i f i . p r is s i . p t l i e 4,u la . li n n t s to present them dml tit. )1A 1t'1111,735, un RD4 Post A 0/TOR'S NOTICE. -TIEE olignint, on auditor appointed, by the Bonn of Common Plem of Centre .woody. to mak., dlstribu dontof.o4. MeMien in the hand+ of M, Waddle. Sheriff, rahled on thu onto of the teal catate of If in !)• liontlet(ult, to aint , ,cur thuou entillealborelo, will eatmarlia lamittitte• M "aid appointment, at the if lu jb oe sury`o Othee in Bellefonte. An Friday the 1.1 any of Jonnary, where all persona Inter twirl way attend. JuIIRT. IIOOVRIt, dc93-4.1. • A AILA UDITOE'S NOTICE . — THE UNDER signed, an Auditor, !pointed by the Cony' of Caney* Pbala of Ventoo county, to muff° tbfrilionles iu the bomb, of M. IVatirtle, Shedd', releed a' the este of te t e rem eat a. Musser, Mond 1111 l n i t um*, entitled thereto, •a t li figend to the tlolitai of said appointment, at the Prothnowtotro's Office In Bellefonte, on Friday the 7/t1 diy of January, flifr7, whore all peraena Inter ; 1,411,11 telly sliced. JOILZI T. 110 0 Viig, ifettd4t Auditor A UDITOR'S NOTICE.--THE UNDER .igned. nn Auditor_uprinted bytito Cut of Com m en rtmg - ArtVirro emply; W makedi/POl bution the clones In /the hatoleof M Mori!, rateod on thin ante of tha root estate of Win L, Musaer,.to and rimnrw those Witted. Moroi°. will "tt." to the dit!iia.d...thild—aKiniamene, Mai* PridranitTarPettMee in Ballefuntin on Friday the 2il of January, 1857, where all persons intoroatail Inar eK tad. JC)IIN T. IM/OVNIt, d Auditor. D _ STB.ATIL -OAXI3 TO THE PRIOII- the of the aubwonher, living in Versueon Tp. sometime during (Weber but, two Heifers About one year old. One of them black with a whitithee, the other it brown and white brindle. The owner will own/ ferward, prove property, pay Onager and take theta away, otherwise they. will by sold amount , ing *law. tlei]o- 8t $ MAS. IN. E SON, Auortosuuts, neticronte. Pn , wI IC Wood . to all bliniuton in their lino with punutitality. Streipz.aTDEßS.---t= A beautiful nasortntent, Jot regeivori at the now elothleg auk FurnialtinftStatellt zejl _ J. MONT(IO3IEitY k SO.g. - TNIEI IT u I [-TWISTY-PIPE 0. domes; of Illirrisnn'm Oirporins. blsok. btu., and rod inks; •ciao bin hupuflor blow blibok writing Auld, must roosived anti for side ahesp'hy novi McAMEN. -TRI-WKEHLT AC J.ti. T. ILALs A. U..4A-ruerx, w. M. MCRRAT INTELLEBT PA ID ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS 111541(F.R, McALLISTEB, BALE & CO., Mi Dii Lcroxrs CANINE CO. PA. io OB PIT 4 Rk OI(VEb. CENT PER AN 401LITZ IttND9 'or _ t - Mei S- 210- RITE& 1000 SIDES SPANTSIT SOLE. LEATIIE/t, o:nr owls by TIIONIAS 001.1.1-tf. 1:r1 pinta: -- PUBLIC.-. BALE .- TILE UNDER/Apt. ad 'rrueess under the will 1, Archibald 'Alli son, dr.cessowl; will on lho tini Dcorga I t cr, 1454, - bl3 Pxrms4 to nee on the primnTs;orrifint ingot or W 001) LAND, Haunt. , in 011%4 t , iwr•Flii4i, Oentrecoulity, ndjolninglandxof Wm. ICrnyc. Soho liorkot, Michnel li en,, Win Wmiver r thirty nonrt or thi•reaboilia, LAND, well tintbrr,:d 'rho tenni made known en tho dni of .3010. - VM." JAMES ALLISON, >1 rumfre.e. • 00t2,9 JAMES POTTED, ). • m _ Alilitlili, iliiit4Y. As In the Court -noise owe I sat, l .... nearing them argue about this and that, .....• t i laMPed up for to get m;-hat, ' wag bokellt at base May 'O. picked up ht,C, , .1 thin Illionor, • 1.,:u `deepen ' . , forked like Ids 1n, , 1.rr 's . ror•th4y wire ail b...gto al IA . .., M5,,'.... ' • 4 0 " A Vit-li-'u whiek ostattek.. • i „irfiln wear 'am Out, ' ' . - • • _ ~ .'Olll 'tin out, Ittal... white and Wad:, ••- ,'' If you went a hrsu Will Lel . .. ' ~, rt, ' , Jost go to the More of TCAntl Alan . • . , , liollef,mte s rend _____........_ -- ~.---..,...,.*: 01 Eos TsB WitBTlL42.s Irlit ,•• tlorsigned baring cloatlAl brefeces in the bor ough of, Mliesburg and 'slung/4 to- the IVent, re eneetfulty informs thtli l aided - VI% for 'Tin ning or hone hire, that is ooks, h o been It-ft In the hank of Itoblirt Li hitk. Eq..1,, for curtrattlop All pentane knowing themselves In smears wilt ,please call and VA*, and th ' se having claims will 'present , thew for payntent• The erdersigned re turns hie most wooer. thanks to NA numerous frimitle for the extol:sive patroonge thy bestowed upon Mtn during-hhyrrsidonec In Milesin.rg 00131-3 A.. IPM. IllN i:LL'. .. Ak p ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR wrinT, .1v R v--if•irro kit to furtilib eta,' des ktption ofAfritible 'Work In ti superior stylo of wurkuntra, and twenty-GI s per cent km lino con be lowd in llellefolto., GlE,shorg. nr Jamey Shore. la) tisk tin pay snit Hill roquiro nu ono to tskia.the aunt - when delft - PTO - Wo driptwr boasting and humbug...ply In all its forn•it. ova esp..- orallr iv a matter oir this kind. We eft 10.4 knoWn in this comminiily to Puffer by toltrentria.n. tritium'. We alkiw lior stork to reeommond heal/. and aik_goly to itaillatalned Ke ari thankful hrilm, MUM:Oga Ralf respoulfully &Wait trontits• mane of thrsamo, wiergou.n ality. anti delivered ti any part of tLe noun A'ree or freight, S A. (lIIVtON. • giock Buren Marble Wort*, Aurnositzan ',Aesitnes to CILKTItte rot Nrr-- Martin lionser..lr , ,,,JheobPotbirrove. E,r,Tbeinn.; 11ollihan, Ram ind filenebroker. W. Fon - Lye enrol* rotary —Charlcs W.. Welshers Thomas L. Berne). • - . _ SAWA , 111108 ET WI SAW The sulmors himing_ocos dimwit aw MRLTrifer;wed to saw to order bf any dtmeritionOt die sbortest wake. 0. ROBERT Lfrorox. On lbe enowsbos rood, I t miles from T_ nor23-1-y!n" XI frllesborg, P. intiaS TA.NOTR—GBAI r .L WANTED —The subscriber wilt -ay the highest market rates in easb for Wheat, Bye, Oats, Corn and Ilnekwhonit, et Ibe ?teacart MI %Ls, en the Musbanoon Crook, three miles from the Antes' or Jackson's Hew. The mad to-this Mill, Pia*, I'. B. Waddle's, is only tberteem miles, being. plonk toad and torn he, 'waking it desirable for fanners Antailora - /Mils of Lumber Faded. ' lounber and Skingke of eh kinds will al wiya on bent on band for serf. , ,A'jw, a superior hrtieie of st niarket price. Farmers COAL.. r...; for d^liv" ran, niter selling )111.4 21 lbe flieWes.r Milts get loading back. thereby Tonkin.; it al advantage to them. HENRY OBOE, Atrnt For hearer partlanlors empire at the ofirwe of the • Democratic Watchmen ' .ItrOalh.;:so irti : AT T LOCIC RAVER MitTinT•E WORKS, every demeripii,i of to ,tottit,itt6b ro Crbinefel7 Fencing roe's, klui 104 71111614, Door ]lead,, Window Bouts. Railing. ho. Ali, Btaftiry, 'mob as Lions. Italian lionindo, Newfoundland iingsi moan *nogg% to I.,,v_st indl doors ti,:iirc4 of ITO, Ca CM STAGE'S roit — TYRONE untirrFi g ued nvull rc vportfuliy.lutirru n tbe trainin g Odic ih , tt he wen f INF 1 , 1 • . y way tortristown and Iferriorinsth, and tri intekly to Bald Hanle Plank Ihraii..•- From Tyrone nu Monday, Wednesday oral FI May from Ekllef.mre on Tue.lay. Thum; lay and SW or day, and the following days on the Storirsniorn road deal!! ,It. D CLIMMINtIi.I. 1 --- EXCELSIOR ASSOC.; TITIINT.—xoT A TOITTERY Mil' A PRIZE iron ALL.—OrVniZed under the 1.11111 Orrenn.yielt nidl. AnXISIK inr4. Nor $l, I will vend ono gala pen. or gold ring. or pocket revolving Almon'', or AS nlreirs of rm 1 sewing silk by retnrn mail. and a gift oertition.le in the Free Distribution of Forms, Moss., Wittrilim Le.. to be didtribule.l in Janunry, 7M7, (rocomitiv, Dead orderly, w1:11 money. In J. IV SMITH, Newton Illamilton, Slinlin Co . P Fint oomo first served. A ram" opporounity .F.erwl: for rirenthirft Hrtt,Aa a .mtnge clamor - 1,000 Aironts 'Kanto.) $ll north for $lO. TpAEEILOUNT SEMINARY, Sixteen - tulle! nofflt ett - from PLi Ito lel near Norrinto'iwn, l'a , will be opeu for 1 at \n iifiriorie Above 11 ye ire of sit , e, from Oolober I. 1856, till Ante I, art 7 'me healthful, the surrounding proven' eat 1441111:1y bellnilriAL•l4., genompioitaiiona milli , lent for 140 boartlent=t - intidenta. Anil the lertn.l.ileiorl,ilarit of studiesstod. v ~ 0e0.i,, telehera earn, ioneeil And able, and every r•oe••itltle clfort to mule to prumoir ffie plt' si.•ii. int , ll , lunl and nito•Al wel fare of tho nolotlato A Cirt•tilar will he sent to ortler, with partieular4 and ref, ronoes if ilealreili A ARON, • MP EMI tOR RENT.- A VALUABLE FARM .itunrea in Walker too nehip timer fourths of a toile west. of Ilafileerliero, r..ni n 1 Ili ng 121 ar ITS Mots or leen. of Wool Ihniiiiurne Hort in n grnwt nista of ealtivalion. ander Wool Poes with rearematitx goiiil lioililings This Lunt will be r•otedl oil agry faterable WIWI ell {lisle , 141.14 will IN , n genii '° p -1 porta oily for arty mania kielfiny, to make a gore! inr 1(.01110111 of InNor, Apply to. CliithiTtitil CliFiVl:NiaTlNii, Oot 11--hl 1101* On the loenti.Oll.l, , STOVES! E.TOVES !! IITOYES!!! Tito flubs iiilo . r“ having jo'l rujormril from the etatern enter with the largest and lied urigiiiiiiiillr of Stoma Aor a4rvr.l in- I,lllil feel ion of eoulitty eotopriniog is part the eut4 ,1 ‘ , . 4 4 " 1 ""` amid (lilor.l Cooljog F , t0,..., olliolt or nre-rielor wh,ed to 'oil fir OM money On the mist rums itinlile lertiiii (NAkiliK Stet'. Ore rump dolt. Tr 1.11 1 .214!) Boilers, Stine-Pipe, llakii- Taus, AO . hr. Ale,, a large nreorlinent fif Patter, Coal awl Wow] Same., The Oiithlo, (Morn, Stlr Air-I'lol, IteN ere, P.lrlor Co pp, a now met li- ottifctl Rote eery i heap, Nino Plato Bar-Room )harems, Seam) Plata Clianiber Stares, &o . ke. In Groat varietyr, Coal Amig; o" Beke.rs_,llttaLlialtras r , nwittranit -tine . n rtl aI ea for kitchen ape always on halal at the illardwaro and Iron Store of REYNOLLS & CO., Inipt2l Lark Haven _ Q TORERO E TOTENT IN Iffilay. NJ burg —Thu subscriber ...will 'tont to n good Witant, 4 valuable store house nitunted in the cen tre of Milesburg, adjoining the cane. Tho build ing is now, and has a large wharf hanot attached, witja a ow creme, and a wharf PO feet „long. The storotiouso is well caleulated for doing a whole• solo or rotail business. For tenon Avg! to nos I I 4ittll A. TAIITERAOIL ihrburg.—. MU ERHA.NTS SUPPLIED WITH Alcohol nod Fluid at chi prices by RETNOLLM k CO. sopl 2t. Look )(oven Pn ADDLES AND 1 00ACIWARE,_-_ _A A (taller st oo k kbaueveristoosogared intim ortile by RErsonts h CO, --- sept2l Lock linen, Pa, - MUSIC.—A LARGE AROORMENT of Jonopli..l ink icy'o Italian vio lin, gaitor and .4iolincolb string,; also violin, roots,. durnpornvhd ocrown, {not 11)0)1174 jionkliiv solo by ~. GIISEN bicSIBEN. :11'11OT - RIrrED —A • VARIETY OF clilforight jiAnleg,4l , itt'sg (MODS ou,ll no Sim , outs, Vhahcullo iotinem, awns, ilinzhaina j J. 11. AWL t Oa. H A (1111-4)N. Lock ►lnson DfnrLl. WOrkf. i . I"ECIASEII OF INTIMITIMENII.- N.) lit-iireww oral 'w4ll Iwt - Twitiibr , wwirtlilAnlli OF 0 d LO, or .i r.,,lton•ion of 00,441. No Rol. sod Is. iolloolunl 10 , 0118, By Sodunid M. Smeek4U. , M. Aulliw of ito “ U •urt 4.4 RitiOw of (A IL or Ituvli.‘," ' llutirxpf „11; .. - '1 j' t- d' ".- ad. — •Tliii. tio.lonWwlly, will lin thw work hillaftil %% 01 k lif lb.. kind erer pieldighwri SI ,AtOrdf will cunt in 'ritually 0in4w..1•. .infroly = aC 4111!, tineett gold, WC mu4l.lt into orif ritrulli ii ile 1010 ri...;inni lii*Nlitri, nod ionloprnihnit 'MI rith wino wino, nod prof. *.l . aptirrr Wan, irlikilkso. 1. rto , •veryboilynutlilvi; Ivry, malt iwahrel l eirwi. : iii; st.r.roialli 1 1 0 . 4 4, Pol." 0, fr,. *its; will ho prink. , l ~ D i o t o foninol b, tiwiN , 1, rrirorn.rxii pit) C.i voken 4 /a Qs 60 nuniher ..Ir the Iffinfhly li•dolinw. It will, without dots, bun Iho hmulootweel hook in ty Ting r.i ph i eni n mien rn ne v error before peliklimiod ; and it. will be printed 1111.1 /011Viti 1111 b. best otylvi, soul its ot.ntralv lAOl . l'llO It WKlNllliAllt , Mill ' to oil vlasses of roitni. Prim* si/ wind/. sow, ollkli II will bi.onn . link paid. GEO A. CltoFUniZliier. Bib , e'li atrwet. Pl'lll44ol* 1 MPORTANT TO 'DAG 1 .A.. PISTI4', /11A1tU1.L: DliAlf,lCllii Dluacessrab Dotti , omenuovvr , er• •.• f,_ ' ~ ~ A method bin ion; been southe G..% s o. i . durable treaviicr. digunrmtypeftlisiselite ~,,,„,,,, . st one , and Miiiititnenie. I bne linen NI ~. • k ring tin, cootie for the last iwoyeure,iluilDl: .7!• - .__. etlwrt - ttrarrarr - thr - TAciren or a bmer . 1 . 40 , t5 ~. of years - . , , - Ply oniabbi cane le modotirPyriiiitein. I . . the hoe which coolnens thicy t intitir ilex& a state of groat inc-errynqnripni..k Inattc, - 13111:141ralifiiTaZ--,, .crov- dins.-- t '`a. very neat Jib on a Hood stone k Aro ._ Vim, . aroused in tireentwood tiXwietern Laurel :1111, anti mutiny other %arta United States. A liberal dleocust male to Ihriniplip Ili ' tita Dngnorteot) plea Prkat from $2.26 elwAr. .141. A circular ofeegraviiige will be teat. taaair t o, free, with price het. A.litrowa .. _ .. ... A, i* VAt.nWilli ' " 1 Agent ..f.lifitueolutnip alp .--'l, it 335 illoutiwa7a .t(c44m fili. 4 , NOVZ READ-Y.— 111MI1YI - , ' 'A - i+ ,l llo.7irttant'OP*Nuirer Mt. ' . • ' ...- "- containing a complete net at . t,,.. • _ ik . ,, tittiliell Motets- flettietifee Ittt4 *ink • -,. . ,: ‘ ," The only rellabb work o 4" the kin* , ' ~',.. ' _A n InvaluAblii **l.Fityd 'PAW. , , ~ ~.....,... .. - Unbar, end eicneral ActrllM. 4 4.q: - ...? - ' On troctri of $2, is wil • ' l'• boi • ' nnj poti-4.4iiii country. ' , 7 , : , " ' , LAY /6 illiferil i • ' ' ' • irei'lnioe -?ifn R 3 I) it , eit.....L. :. s lir ' . . • 4.1,1,eAr, V...ft,XUEL er "- • — X 1 i 'i • tt 1. 4 'II°VORtPAINTEIR • I r. •r• ' 'l .' I ^ ADMP At VUr tilifl 7' l ' svi, -, -, , ' nalmgroarn, A..; ,I:„,.".fitit ...; .• r, Wlti attend to all calm& la Ms kisk.Makil. . . , me smidueruch .4 • •L'A4l, '''' 'TW ma. 146. fl LU G ALLOCIIIOA t voti In g public' that babas please' 110 A ROUTE, batsmen i IST n, a 110 W line of STAGrejle tba ald‘nianliit• ion of,*ll who rosy set* to tread Om this node I,he Stages ato e4.mt.rtiihla and eon Wont to • in nod tho dtiroxs and..lunsts w t. itatiernetl.,n Thu Stakes pass ISt So Jfi daylight, both going and ootnlnkt. Th.. Vta >'it 0111 loaf,. lite Conrad How, /1•110. font 7, er," Monday, 'Wednesday and Vitday MYM- Lavga, niri;;:lock, A. M . and loara 4,uak Aar* evely Tut,' I,ly, Thutaday an V% d 4aturddy, at 7 e A Al , '. ' IthLT.A.FONTE LTTEKY bTA)LI . —Thu aubseriher would ahar tame: rho pptittto that Le min aunts:4o Livery Lo3lures,and la pre to eecommodutothen) with .14P.5. NIJ 42? noßsEs,,,,d Vr.nicti_s, on Is oboists. notice. Cat ..ful Dilvent will alwayi Wfw rennin* tonorivay paasengera to say latt that may he del irod, (- 4 7^ Thanlll4l for past reara•Wonf oortthiuurao• of the tam .iv 23 NM. Ti arKE, • AV£ IT BUBSCRIBED, iN Tag; Fal (~,smt,,, , ,LITA, A V.T .463i1CIATION, i',..et'tv dam! rears • Son the 'rare Italtic , enver.to The tnatiegtliteat -itaie the phounat of nenormelwr Hutt 114•"11,011."' - "f Ilutki pf Art d , +lane,/ for disrAl.,ealoe.' sews 11/41 4e1.1300/ VII 0109, names are ioUsittil Peek" 17,, the 29 - h of .131.4.11115, .57, Is towed". logger sod Inure okstly tharLen any pre. ken year. A the toodingotsuaks in i4oulpturo —e.t.a:toed in 'tie groat ' saarlAt.. it the new rod heoutitat statue of tie ' wood nymph," the hur c of the throe sisal Adaar. "icon Stationtwit, Clay, Irebetor and Calhoun, WV the eslubate ideal Gist. Spritot. Apollo and Diana. in A:l.l.We lib) *ire to•ether with the follosiog Cintups and Sti:tot m Cararra loarblo--of the btntaglo (or the Ile. rt,, enus end Apple; Psyche; 'Magdalen I of the Nee ; Inuonenoa Cap, Ike Bird: and Little Truant; with numerals. works In Bron7e, and a otillootton of sevaral has. dr,pl floe I la Paiolings, by leading Artistu. The whole of stbieh ore to. he ..Natrirutod or ab h Jed omeng the oohs., thvrt atheist, mates airs to% en oil previous to the Twenty-0 kb tri danuart, 18. alpri the Distributive will take less, • • TER NFS'OF SUBSBIt - Fvery antse,rihor of. Three Dollars lir ealialed a copy of the splendid tool engraving ••Bensorthig Night, • or a eopy of any of the following Pale' mines. ono y.- stns -nlart a copy of the Art Jutextel 001 year aml a ticket in the Anus( Distribution or Works t 4-Art. _put, fur every S 3 paid a *ran not only es loututirel engrat ing. or Alagausre on, thy bitimsl, a rtennive the Art J.Artlillt one - 0 t lathe4nnaell atrihtalbn. makleg our dekt i _. .N. 044401--1 aklNfa r+ nalsh•-paleting or pease of atenattsgaier be received 111 addhlon. nose who prufer to the Negroolng "iht•urday Night." con lisleeither,of the follew h- one . yettr : Harper's Mounties, Oodey'a Ladfa Book, boiled States Slag Nelokerlusckes:lla goatee, Unshorn's 11i ig trine, Blockuvothilapssiee, Southern Literary Mr-geoger For farther north:ulnas POO the Nonnotet Ant Journal, ferniohed free, on application to the i. 1447. Fur piembersliip, address O. L DERIIY, Ac'eary. C. A L. jg . Mg Broadway, Ilfw York. or Wegtesp s , 011 ea 1 . 41 ater - Stroet, Rendasky. Wag. R. J WALLA • Ilonurary-Neretary. Clearfield. Pe. E IIFLOWEIKT FOR 1;000 Wonted, iiirmenlistriy, agent" hi 1 4 i mototy in an llnitr.l Hint , s. to origami. in So Zip Go ' , deo of the, Ind! , or ar• Oros( Weer ; Ite 17retsry, he-Wealth, Ps- Naxteirai Alma , logee, dal tea Fift,tre Cmaprisiag a complete guido to oasigramitt, $ fall driairiptioo of the Differtmt Ratites Wart a-ant By C. W. Dana, el' .Chiemte, Au thor of •• oaten, Mruptes ' • Life la the Warm," A. . de. 11 Lthatatidaoat and facto frets am Timm ii. Benton lion Sun Houston Cul. Jots C Pre wont, and other • oh& get1.1...1R Comprising asp outline lirdery of the oludr 11 cot, from thethso' the firm hunter who r•rrr tr•Nl Ito pathless wench, Ithiiiie of ilia Inn I..onnorivo .n a t l aw .4 11•• r• i•lborn••1441 pith..o., sit ing a roll 0 desatip ti•m or the otithstn. anal farini* enaraoa of wool( State aQ'Terill Also Orb plated, i n with The ellgiotei turn& al on, e.fFstinnal a rid oas. and popuisiion, front the eta irries r id Mak P... 511 11 , tuunlii , , 41.1) prigs Retail price, A , 14 re 554 It. let c 32 sculls Philridolplils. or, if lit in.; Neo, So U. l.9nniunui. Ohio. A sample copy will be mniiod, putt. pail OM 'IAN cei a of ICC . 4141 . Cial • t • • W vnnso axeVas r. m.—Edlion, 11.9. "g"h" "e V= or monibfy periodicals', hvonhouvit, tine givihg the above ohlrerilreereat luau no 1111101.1111/Yer, ti including thin mulct., sad asodWili tts. MOW. of All. ppm, ko convolving do glummv,444l have a ropy !waled to thhir . cldrove, palling" - - MONEY ZUNICY I 1111110111--H 11 by be without Toomey v whom MI ISA! piety tor any one to be Groom! with a pocket at not, if they only Iliintr so. I Isar. got a mom oil de, from which felon the to tweroty dell a" a day enn be mode either by male ur MEW* It le highly ri,vedubte hrrainem, sod art attic& Whit& ie • anted in ei , ry foully In the natal 81aisi Egweloole me tyro dollars by mail, at mydigk ior, ar L. wilLttrtrai a by intorn Lodi eilltentet, ht. stn:linos Iv the art The busimeas dd very Try it, It you SW) out of eitiplosuswa,. mai pa never regret Il ; row it will be bettor for MI to tim lawn e *run. sod Insure n good bositures, thaw ply twenty-five ennte for • ertarlooamirett: f i. no lininhul Try it Try ! Try4ll! 414- (Irene your letters to hN Will IIrONIIOE, New YAW T rent one of iny Pin-Wail to as Miter ht Clear gio, end he Airvn me s notice in his piper Ilk* tbi (~blowing . • Mr Morin, pent me err of him oirostM4ll:Nlel iiiti, will just say to my:cadets. that ebonite allt diV6 out'of ntutileynuist, that Ile : 11111.0.104 Se ng ii dlandWilk and rumor,' ran% be vet 11le it by nil cf' .1 , 0 VlVilf,l in it, Ibr It II do IMO r ..... ate 13.3110 doe3-3go 11 El I Q
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers