.wream4'-.. • . -, _.,....-.-- , • ..,_, ~,' • I ;• a .. room of the atele,;:thif lhineidetailin4 vi. ~ e' -, „t ' -41/' ' Went- as tbe outset woo, it was repiged with etailai W;-FoßNXe , ;: r6ci" .4 "e., ., 7 7,E4.11!i1z . , ~,..0 . . AT-iin,- . , ..„.4,i._ ..i.., no. • t hityna re& ,____.- • - :-•5 1 rr tile WM 91:1140 . 1nth ' 1r - - DBEIMATIO ClinlnUlTiallfr • * 2 Itiiica&adeAlpitt ttnA- kalachtliti - ' -.. t. - ,-' - -nljathe imalt,-_,--these o•?hivreottirretted ye* - " .- Iffr.ST MESTER, PENN.,: - - : °ll o l .l 4a ni rtiontt .NinPflOwn,T in 'l‘ panit'aitc.- the dwruerit in the 'mkt collet .. ox _ lir 'tics of Schuylkill, Ihntre, Lyetilnit :,' Nor Oalitiadny *ening, Blevelither 20th. 1 thtinits Maud Clorli - Rhlk i , ....York.- • • . , . , . ..-. , on i i iid - lamed through Ilium 14 Afoul. Perry, Franklin-Atli canto •to . ~,..„ I the rt acne. alai be a rata, which exceeded litre" 'lan,. • Au. i ite t i- I. - ---!----' . 0 0i-tut ~ . .4*Quga, ot , vv,set•-t- e ll tilt it pest ai hiLtretiteitta, prostrated the rtult - . 4 4: aillrallllbe tilting of sermon and , high hepta of the opposition and Sent a thrill :.fiti to H ennotnkst Hook lof war beitficift Wpm' ir the tnountaini of . i CaMbria 11l Citron. . . 3111114 _. , •ii*.iiaol .lil - C° l - - FornaTit who had 1 ton and 'We u ti n t I °rebind , i i h iXe distant Cla i l l ri ul on . ^ 'hate 'Wilted by the Democratic Committee ' and along the ° Maryland. line,the ineeisti to Nivet the oration. 'We give !Wow are- lific sentiment of state pride yeas at work, and , „ i t inne r ,,,„ r h s, nc hich were rool u v ' ed _ , the lonstancy and courage of the /astern thredgleitit_iiifh the greateet demonstrations it " ,;:,: r t e u r° , ; :,... " ,, ec a l , . Vl'e l Y.rer d nunr th" t o. 'evu N oncirts ef enthitsiMm. Col. Forney said : i I and the clergies of the October contest, the - T"tifiliiiiiiii die tied titste'of %te n - o pti n g 1 , bold and opportune demonstration Ina ne in valor 'fiettivittor with n lengthy speech.-- : Philtultlphia, that great metropolis the city , \Virile I thmik, you for the luvitatioti,ewhidh :of 'refieument and of wealth; where in my yell lave orktentica to lust, and admit that • opinion the masses are _happier thin wpm .soemh ixt : )ore ti tan wor d, s h ou ld be utter . I any other spot on the biliitsi ; where labor is ,est in rt. .biait...tbc ditileulty of making a ! hotter paid, whale industry and enterprise ..,telletehla I' such it mutt as we ate here to ' err here litArialy riot/Yarded, If hero great rommeuximali. must occur to ill. Yew do j public and - prints charities, and tV an , nut, asaftelsle to revive unhappy aniumeities, leV and - unitaistbivd - tram a .... rw to rejoice' aver nun - Mende and your *much. I sication, 'speak trumpet tongued of e rir , Itstra,•Mr* to prepare the way for napkins - 0i t toes, the _generosity, and the happiness of etalitirsit'etritgrien. If I understand the ob. / very class of efienety : that res t city, al jitettof,thiamsktuntiop itis to thew that you though addressed and amai by every 1 _ore happy in Wpm trts• euce chka y c e r t a i n stopcock of argument ale sophi stry, and, otprinciplen mr4iKiiithe cattrisawitiob , for long years the head:q fire - of an Mi.. " dhat.ti lit thb eleytiOn *of Jdu tea - yh a ch autt er trent and, let me say s in all (flintiness, an : tor4hhirt '''C. -- Illfeckinrid&e. Standing , hen !.irrosiatible opposition to the Democracy. yet ' ilia main. and hailing. hook Over the peat ~ wheel her people saw tho Constitution, ado!) , • haw ilk. vat are struck with in aataanne d 1 ted in their midst, and the Declaration of I 'that t t eropipteaelltese pfinciples, there s h ou ld Independence, proclaimed froni their canoe tate heeki so ulna - organization 'and &tech : Lratell Hall, abodt to bo trampled under foot oulteemmiti Mieflon!qt. It was well said, amid - imnicasurablo evil in woe, both' to _ early its doiste.o.lotter, thai'whee th e e l e c. ' the present and dm future, they nobly Atr ium sheuld - tumislatfe, hundred! and thous- get theta prejudice', and Axing their eyes n odromoldadieltilithiktisty had warimitted &lode npecktha standard 'blob symbolized a gland tr t holli, I * opp s pei ng , th i y . , , that Volatlll4ooll.lloo Oat VolliOU, voted for vi ",r. arid'ima thee' V'ere hhWiated at the ' the only Party pledged to the pretervation ' eshihr ate what, in i ihnnentfid t hee e i ct u y rot' those sacred gnaran tees of human liberty. -' -- • I . lW"lia - that the Avis mail td' aidr lit mold Oro& to t. 4 whir count ry should gig •11 - lid i atte ,, **.. . his . Prtitmattm.. .NO ._____ . ° ol 4 3lo a eas and wrangle over the plain and Binds- i reit 9r ammeter —ltta eueelthlt eeweeP barn . 3 likrelal tletdase that they had the A l ta to ; In the ‘Wrong,. rather than publicly to am ' 11 ”nece.tbeircriart allairs, in their OW. fly. I fees is. It is mach to ask that men shetild `lam itatif-so,elopitsely aboard o a t wowing forge the contest of the pant; that they w tli weideroktw ti ‘ taktbi agtsitrowi ta i jig. should quench in their bosom the melbas ' ehltiCtt &WSW - ever JAvit- undo a n y lodg- Sons of those straggles, when, as Whigs, , nine in sbajpesialle .-- (gibe e a sy he they stood out agatrutt the Democracy t and . deed. altd.l 'vie veeesketmees ai m • contended for their own peculiar specialities: l'forembek, ""ithrtnybotn those w i n) and Monfort', when on the 14th of October, nitStellitilir- • :grist mum w ith e n. the triaged clay and of Webster, led on had phisicet there is not onEr t h o ; in by those who had relleciatlestre upon that • Itt - eirlitalearts- will-hot this -day /dim pis gallant orgardsition:Mhrew. behind them the slum,- Matte i ~ nt im hi e amer h,,i oe , passions of o:litr dayl„,and,_reftiesd to be t - • aletttlibi - end (,ester - and jg disturbed , ild.led lli_tuivi. alipsait'.l. o la.- Pinion°. Aribultilhatt:_the - lortendon of slavery. t o ahrtuld en not, tsars loud everywhere return hare becsaii•Many illusions elf the hour re- ito them plr.(UUnil anti public tbankal The aliting from the totes:Mating seem s th roug h victory, then. is riot ours atione,lnt -Mehl 14 11sub he had 'posed. ' ind fading aw ay and ours together. ft wee 'Wm itself, Will I wheThrribtriAtchol reflintioneen n Ot _ never die. . tiers 'con also in this name of ' The,ttiOneent tie ballot Eqe.ciosea on thi, i those great Whig hashes, who, whatever earning the 4i,h of November the cry over !may- ham bent their faults. were always histelinilianana named • no dal th ese a „ a . steadfast to .the principles which prevailed imla ON trithd. gesdlemcOrite.oseas htth. in the late canvass. Gallo ( r ter states t o ed uca t e se t i , t h e e., Yea. it was the battle in October which own Pieta/or polities:. to cheetahs down to docided the battle in Nortniber. And al iitt'WwwW4,4ellsislati--m+y,-to eltrartrtut - 111. of er;447 - - airier *rarities to hy their omit eirestatcyc b-scveltnoe--in a wide I have referred, did batter iii the lst word.ta iommwo no bE thei r o we anre ft ne I ter than-6-4bn IhrrCittr' election, &latent! standard—returned la their _ste lee- 1 Pidladtlphiarcese to a_g_uratity of tsnti that - - *din, skit have, by this thic_,,nteovereti their 1 18 - 000 in 4 nerif - X l-11- 4 1 8 6 n0 Yet " -imam and their reason apther. Now, we• must not forget, that if we had net 'permed -- -- tilay apt thlAtarett without `ear* the , from our midst the influences which assailed Ofipolitithi asheitsmc.groady ' lus in October, if we had not proved we were O with that iling sr man t e n a nye atati ... stronger single-handed than the combined kind. Now we may a t under the (10PPinre hosts of the enemy on that day, the contest of the Sanotostrisited..f v el th a t et , mom in Pt the fourth of Nvember would bays been . milled !OM ties _awed d ea ti g ht. W ow we it defeat to nit and s defeat to our country. puty uidulgartur honest judgments without Both sides aypcaled through-their ablest Mangiosidedatind scowled a t from th e h o b. champlcrits. It is quite trite—and herein desk. Kerr SlLlettli. pea- caful Sabbath weft -- •• • ... • • • , • . luttuhriattsr rtmeto thinsstained with taproot:lies. ' And &twain consist 41 ' Istitlige of it party . now iipemay-treParil ham the Home of Ood BOOM for civil liberty—tat are_ri of the soothed by the ennaidatk ne of ae upt i g h t most eminent opponents of the Democratic ... 0 Jatlier.inilateti bf bitterest POrtY , te days gone by , who were not openly 'acid opinions. with WI in this struggle. ;ofusol to cooper lerta fearful 'ate with those who were *Oast us; and - stru ggl e * Ugh tehel OK* h ence the ilestbits of the sectional Wage crery four Xtari, when the people come to tunas were committed to the hands of men eleet theft . ' %lief Magistrate, teaches many w h o i nv i b een e d uca ted isinther schools ert# vainiii 4 °. many rot 11111 _lessors._ The last who came flushed with triune in cr , other use e li c ite d UI tU b oth t i m e r‘lt. It % Am. & l et, m i sgu id e d an d infulnal nee the public Wad a Ire schntatesi ag ef a th ro o tolo wsluteita haitat - ti an tpilikmi elms prix- and dangerous "No" them mi nt wertflllaprertro War . . .„. 1 . 1 . a .. A...; _ i , ..,,_ ee lm ap juir po idi ne ous nts. to signalize thew ~ `""„7""""`f ee ..„,..„`w""ww littewtwee,.._ of who saw here in our behalf from other I X ae t t15 "........."""'",...,? °41 ,..ww 'P i t ts°. &i tea, and it would be almost insnadhit to 141111111*— .. ‘ „,, • ___. I ..__,_ , ''''''' ll ,_" h „_______" ' 2 * - sundry Mos who spoke. on the right • , thliarilialewi_ _us" 'mwww , _._ . 16 " eeeeen/. . '...-. who grew up amongst us : but Tam sure the arra us to fawn- 'bat ._ . wnss•.°••en rights Democracy of Chester county will pardon tO, *leiettint "_ e _w*****, Ire. atchee„._t__ ._*_Pw - me if I rebr la two names censpiewma in l ' in ' "=„4''' and 'ell/6 of t sin nnarn° l thereetiit condict, the one because this was who had their faith In -this Govern- the theatre upon which he won an snob runt of snes, because if had asumeeded_.4l9 lin t; triumph over prejudies., and the other lePliottrelbet. . ve e uto the he* Orem' because his ham is national sad his merits ...lull_• in It ha d , ace Wen/ taught seinen* admitted an. trametalad. Bow , me Immo mat wattle oar Goviwnlimisit is eg Oobb ms th e typ o oft high toned ooneti.. Ipso& it is not thastfas immortal; tweases na me d nemeofty. 111.steame biro MPOIN the It Is odd rweeseed7 • therektre it Is set South •ospeak tOuturdaiett anuumnities, is indestractiblia o. Wows taw itls Ere the tlamed by Abolition eiltunresesitations, and 10t and the air, It te so, as_ .tha lightlight nal in too many cases, poisoned by ved Ine a fro ] rand the mach of bead MTh LBO od ionmte m o w , hi en & t h e reg i on their no y peoldono. We wayside* taught trim", ho tow, horn. Without abating one that: 6 11 1,1 411 s We are, wn maid Is* lawalht jot of his opinions, without compromising a ciao& to the brink of Political aikido. Se sin% principle of the creed .r which he is closely allied afro our blessings and cur den- „,, eminent a o h owo h yri . w ith ou t yi e ldi ng en ' rut Mit., he the midst am almost usiireettai i ttn h to t h e veep '" , and the eac hu sume mfteel'euellette• I" the in itist et elt ehowt, rani- of his adversaries. he went. &rib, and with venal concession thew huseesproser Sankt his persuasive e k inege on unr i va l e d am . talwirpe rwt l4 hrew_ ...Imelle* htekteiktertwe dor, and that chaventeriatie fairness, slack, ...ikscs, &a mid/ m ar c hing km/ 1 M hi that while it challenged reply. over shrunk from OA whic hlaw* h*** terminated in 420501 * - oentraventey. he confounded these who ease tient end ebb war ! to denounce, and he converted - 'tune who it was the victories in October that tied- °me to Da l go. ' Ara know .. . Yon will allow 4rd-0m ' riettery in November. Our State, Oa to add that numb of thogoodreauttlehieh .far menthe before the titer of O c t o b er , eras crowned your e tertions here- dowed from the . nittgreitt held p 1 eoullict i the struggle, me it captivating arguments_ which he - deliver d were, in a 'Mat amphitheatre, with th e upon your itivitation. Take next, that oth _ *emus of opposing m et h, mitered up o n tr name, that Northern, that Western name, tone:e n d emir abhor tem:mkt st en . the name of the renerabisitewho Cass. In isibility breathless, with suspense. awaiting the. midst of our congratulaties. let in not ---- ,1, *nib, it Pleat but & n ai v e s forget him who, when beyond the Psalmist's Spardater, As i f convinced that upon th e re- 'age, mounted the hoofing and spoke, day -coated her • to Northern i t . after day, to listening crowds, travelling lie& .ot• her equelity the c on di• hunch , ds and• thousands of mites, that his Aution,—while the Abolition litiftli staked - appeahl might ho heard by his count! men, _ _ A uirjao s mai t on the ewe s * of its own a d- and his example: followed by-those : who b e . costs, mimed that if Pennsylvania gave I geed in him. It is trio that os the scene way; a aeog,,plikjit party would h ence f or th of some of his proudest triumphs, it is true itot)trol the. dcalinic4 of the country. Our 1 that in the State iiirhich ho had done so much Slat on two great aides—the New York' to mime trove hat , barion, and upon the the. ' indolliel.triolers— wan attacked-by an - ii - ifu • . stro nliere ho his long been a. distinguished West esetionaLism. The bitter wares. is(cter, a suddeneruption of fanaticism has edam, . 1 4 a, running mountain high .ei r i temporarily prostrated him, and an ingrate i, rya i,, in Now yan k and Ohio, over , f. . posterity answered to a brilliant life of um ' sllluia many_' kteer' , :e _.• 11 4- Pttritittltno b.:-..o...tiodorAtion. -- irett ' . some of which treadand_tiolutia long been proof , a„,-.aiulit the Conatitutiou end the Union, -he rintaliciera. And, although Mt he was iii ' w hich he has to long defended. Ingrate, let emit a Minority phalanx of able and well- I nii say. nokil Way, of including the crowd tried national voters, the majorities ,rolleei of good men and true, who gathered round ..pip egaitiat the [nerds a the 4,;(..i.titutiou . him from the beginning to the end of the' Aim isumetuie. Mary for the oiuittryt, ' ttglit, but in the sense which comprehends • m wer o r , id, ,} OO , l 0 ph, mo i l b ea t, health-' the men who are now realizing in their ptos. , ily mei boldly. The mad torrent did mm, perity the value and the of of his phi . renal no ? centre. Hero' where I stand, lenthropie and heroic charts. . lien • throughout. all the middle of Penn.. Mr. Burke, in ono of his finest speeches, sylranier-itere in the midst of this true-j referred to a lintieh statesman, who had leitd and. int*eir rent population —lb. great ! touched, during his lifetime, two great ex - Coed- woo.- whisbwot only tressii -et satonti r - ' 'alaihave -meta thilliatir, - but rescued Me sashay ntry often bean remind of a w hile m ain, thesnmare sought to sea gassitas and. %swing .4.lse center eras ' lilichigan Oconee:meat. While am .osati statesman • stlagisaiisg With his owls, Mtn - ts atire "IWtviti.. in, the oitidel rentakesi ids adventures, and while tbi great West pragtos.: \ wise hordes of &oaks eras in the inhncy of its *Moment, be = i t siting oat- Northers and Western bas marcbcd onward front di pp ; t s scene, - • appalling the stoutest Warta and and lime stage to Massa:sons g with ,ilbs Shwa* • of pun he its ruble elks his own rapid • brilliebt bad bun in adsluses end the rapid and lxillisatsdessee iii Ilti SO ,i 461047 jp fats slat country haat Bet SOWN* *lt tbo . .. . angel of thin eusidoione,euv ' fiklitle‘Bl46 ma virtues, which wee -hint aserlir “ie moat eminent, as he hione Of the mostillei numb leadets of his age, had °Fell*/ 4°41 / n " I in staiou, his early b ath;, Ma in •She four 4 tht tbirtsienth..Fresident of, Ng United 311nte5,,.-be having seen the krat.wleettdo-.oould take. hie seat im the chafe of thii ()hIM Magistracy of the Union t andel/peso, add the exciting secoee of the earlierlife of Lewis Cam, that angst should Imes' drawn - 6 - h o iirtMb, and jirii end the tiewg-gleries of tits "entry, and whilst he was geeing with admiration on the advanc ing granikoir of Ameijea, the same genius ethould have r . Antedoutto him a spot of earth tiarefi - p - Viccotted in the massed the nation al'inksiests, and should tell him—" Yeekt MOM, slarejs the North Wart—which at this day serves far little more than to amuse you with stories of savage men and uncouth manners ;_yet shell beforeyou taste of death. show itself equal to the whole of that com merce sirLech now attracts the envy of the lt?! . .**,=llllhitedite6(blrdburitey boon foretold to him, would it nit require all the sanguine credulity of youth find all the for- Yid glow of enthusiasm to make him believe it 1 Fortunate min, he has lived to see it ! Fortunate Ike has lived to assistin it. For tunate too, that the greateat act of his life hailiimin to contribute to the victory which kas secured to his country uninterrupted ' peace and lhoodoht..let is ho Pe throughout enduring ages. Whit hied stash it man no. pine at. the ruble judguient ist a perverted public opinion t • It is surprising that, in the election which has just terenhilited, there should heie been such en amount of delusion on the sitNeet of slavery. If Kansas _had been' the battle piuM between opposing systems. if the adi mission of that territoty',into the Union au a . free of slave State could deoidathe slum between the North and the Bath . % the councils of the nation, theritoould hard ly have been more excitement. It was in vain that reason opposed 'to this strieguidert sentiment the fact Abet at !mat five Cerrito- ries were meowing to enter the Union as free Statee - ; that the prindipls jovolvedin the Kansas-Kabul ski bill id the smite as that recognised in the Constitution Olteft _Ktate equality and Tenviterialiquatityiire one and Meal that r Conw th entional s 4r of dui aim of a State could earners- - onrelsed than over the sovereignty of a citizen in a Swifter,- ; the eyes end MR of taw masses of ear countryman we closed to sisehtip peals as these ; and the elootion came on amidst acrimony and intense excitement.— Now that the hoar of reflection has veiled, now that we have witnessed the banning of the bubble expanded by the breath of faction into such unwieldy dimensions, we can also realise the utter ndthili:eits and folly upon which the oPposition to the Democratic par ty subsisted for four lo and' bitter wont IL is true therearertbees- who-still-4er as to the loag ocilionl o of figures which cel ebrates the vote th wn for John pro-, wont. Mere than 6 million citizens, ani- waited by the leo bitty to which I have alluded. eve h' -their soffeages. - These suffrages, we are Oast forth as a monument in vor of &adagio/Ism and must heneeforwilrd be treated with dis tinct reference til the peculiar views on the subject of Slavery which they are known to represent. And it is upon this ides that - the candidate defeated on ther - 4ttrzt . Norm • bey is put foiweri in certain quarterlies a candidate Soar years hence. But, it flier monithalarnierredie show tiro: t•cleVote of the Sectional party b alnere web, woven nut of sheer deceit sail misrepresentation, what absorditylt is to expect it to last the wear and tear of twelve times four menthe? It is the fate of all factions to endure for a brief period. &mess never attends* upon .a party of ambits in a toes, stnsubs. im pulse way cvry the day in the oordbot of an instant.. Bat prideiplo endinve forever; and tkerefore it to that the 1 133,141 elti - SAW irbe scud - splint - James Buchanan on the 4th of November will awn grow tired trusting themselves to the leader mercies of men who have shown that they have embar ked in this crusade spinet the South simply for selfish purposes, a narrow , geogr . Slibiesdi and proscriptive policy: But ahem is a more striking philownohy in theratetisticitof the late election. It we take the column of figures whiCh gives us the vote thrown in the North, we find that the Democratic candidate has isoeived over one miUionof votes: this American or Know Nothing candidate 330,000. and the Aboli • I don candidate 1.133 0 000. Turn nest to the thrums..which represent the Votes thrwii in the South, eats.. .And that the entire vote, with ineonsiffrable exceptions, has liven thrown for Buchanan and 'Fillmore. In nearly every Southern State there was not a vote thrown tbr Col. Fremont. This fact sin-Ws the appealing seetionaliiM of the party. I which has just been overthrown. It *sows the purpose of those who supported, or led in the support' of Col. Fremont. It proved thit his' success, if faithful to them, malt have been to sectionalise the Geivernment. A candidate for thi Priaidency. running be fore thepeople of thirty-one States Ind re pudiated and rejected at the polls by fifteen of them! However startling this suggestioa before the election, it becomes intensely so now when wo, have 'the static before us. telling us Mid all our fears we ea well (min ded and that we have been tee 'tied from a oslainitous future by the netionetfeeling and good sense of our countrymen. But let us look at these Acores a little closer. 'There were two theories enlisted in the late Wit 11.46. You will bear Witness, Mend AWL foe, how utterly insignilleant all Weir suggestions became whorl contmated with the national sectional ideas stan ding at antageniedcally to each other in, thee tampion. -The low oases calumny,' onto the lath woe' other M7ren so current in former taw magus against Mr. Buchanan iiiiashotout of existence the brat few weeks of the canvass, whilst the het that' Col. Fremont was in competent to hie own high aspiratlonk and unworthy the °Dee for which he had been nominated, were also forgotten ; so that the two main candidates stood out as the repre sentatives of their respective creeds,--one the embodiment of antinoonquerable and it resistible nationality. and.the other the em bodiment of an arrogant and insatiate sec tionallber. These are the only two ideas prominent before the American people ; and when Mr. Fillmore came in he had to choose between them. Indeed. when he sought to address himself ID a subordinate fanaticism, like that of religious Voscription and politi mil intolerance he failed to make the levees &Alit ftartieens_ end_ frienda....espeeted,=- And now, with sfie fact before our eyes. un answered and unenswerable, that the . two ideas ensiled in the lest contest, one a l igainet the other, were the nationality of' r. Bo- Amnon and the sectionalism of Mr. Fremont, the rots oast &or Buchanan and Fitlinero is a Vote for the farmer,-and that for John C. Fremont a vote for.the latter. And there ?bre, in any analysis which may be made of that vote, the historian will combine the two minuses for Buclianen and lillimore as a detitonstration in. favor df the Coiturtatution sad against thous who ivaudelgtrofit.. And where does this _analysts Nave 'Col. Tremont I It lambi hini in a minority in the North of mere than:kW/MOO, smile the South of mere than a million, while in - the Union there is a national majority against him of 1-,1323 1 000—and a clear majo rity for Buchanan if et Fremont of.entlvr ,000., -Mr. o rd bat been closely with “witsty elarinife *Ng *need Of Witt *yin Oki- ft VON &en j'olli faTivientstier - Se littly tailed tee of • eptitiod tis mas_your i ' ate, tenant n prn in the Ilcsitlf,, trAteesofShe 14ii-: •ted States. toes emsse4 frotm: the poP tiler branch .Co ' to the C4ntt, of St. etersburg, Xis ,pot kite sigM of .him. 'Ho whom yonlmid *lrvin 'tii man and boy„ whom Yoke you Alia heead in, your Court House, whose speeches you had read, and whose character you had admired, was • still 1l mpreintiaintsw,he you were his oonsti teens. And ealrei. on his return Item that mieshni, he wan ebeettIC188•118 the - Son. I ate of the United States, Chester county 66111040 d kitiard•to hefold Congressman. Eli-elected to t burly twice, ho was called into tho'Cabi -. 6111dr. 'Polk rind there you could see in bit it=tkoward, Pennsylra- [ Ma charsotem•l thilil repreeentativ• who had for years stood dip for your inter ests in the House of Romeo tatites. Com ing back into retirement, to reside se it were in your midst, within a few hours ride of where I now speak, het.beOanSe the associate of his old friends, and interchanged with them the generous' hospitalities pechlisr to both . ; his door always open to welcome, his hear!, always filled with gratitude to those who had stood by him. Called once again to another sphere of duty, at the Court of St. James, the people of Chester and of Lan caster saw him go forth, Vi-ill convinced that 'as he had been true to his country and to .hem, in days ' gone „ r by, so would ho honor betit in days to coma • And tinelly, this re-, pimethiSive of-yeurs, this fellow citizen, your own State - man—l had alike - at said your owl omintrhaan r ---after having carried the nominstiph of tops party under circumstances of almost providentlil significence, now, stands revealed to the. work& as the. Presi dent elect of the United Statee : and on - the 4th of Horeb next, if God spares his legth, he will goibto the Presidthtiel chair to ap ply to still higher objects and on a grander arena; those sterling, map and endcrilli characteristics', which have ahia r - " 8. you proud of hie". • Public lift', beset with responesbilities andr temptations, generally leaves to him . Who pursues its shaskrerrhonores• wenriedheart end a welcome gripe ; end Posterity, hit , apt toloilieei teal the good Men do •te in terred with their hones," rebel:ober only his 11634 4 4 n frailties and Ilia bon cominp. But in the eats of .1 we bore a states nen who not 'only to his. ris. temporaries, twit to who Shall follow him. And now, emu Gietions forgets its malignity, and-with' tireess i rse and • exception, all patriotic men d that ho shall ham a fair trial in the gh position he is shortly to assume. It will le sweaty ,years on the 14th of March next, auto. I assumed the control of tile Lancaster Atellurencer, in my native city, over ym4r border. During all that. period it has - been toy good fortune to be identified by masts agreeable relations with Kr. Buchanan. • During that period, too, his friends in this And other Slates hare four Aimee presentedlne name for the Presidency and in this intelligent assembly I reeognize more than ono who was always found under his banner. Had he been nominated In 1844, 1848, or 1842, his election a mild have been sure : but His hour had not yet come. Des tiny seemed en' have reserved him fen that exigency, when after his own ambition had beam moderated,-by the course of events, his name had become familiar with men of " wisest eetilere7 and his noraination 11 national necessity. The public danger made hint a Candidate and the patriotic national atrighnent elected him. His very opponents .saticipall.?4 his nomination as the only alter -IMtive that could e.rfcat their plans : and the 'sequel answered to their i'9Fury. He will go into the Presidency, after having defeated a geopephieeLparty filled with the clement. of disunion sod ilemordilation : idler having nittorinuillbU Ve add wishes! of those who called Ibr his 1 nail6ll as Mieeitlary to the deliverance of our country from a selfish and unscrupulous sectionalism. You, fellow• citizens-of Chester county who have stood by his side during so many long years, may well congratulate yourselves that the contl• donee you reposed in hitn,rhas been vindies• ted by his public lik, and that the services you honored, have fitted bins, at a period so grave anstaignificant as this, for the highest office in The gift cf a brave and free people. And, after all his trials, it is prohardy the most gratifying of recent events, that the vote of his old Congressional District should have shown such a high appreciation of his character, and that when the 'whole. nation demanded him as a candidate, local animos. 1 itleauniverselly surrendered before him, and majorities which had been thrown against hie opinions were overwbviminglj reversed. A CALL UPON THE PRESIDENT ELECT. "I3urleigh," a correspondent of the Boston /mend, has called upon Mr. Buchanan, at his resident* in Wheatland—not, however, in (ha capacity of an ofiliv-seelrer—but be ing on 1 business engagement at Lancaster, wont • litUa sat of the Way to make a friendly all *pot, the President dolt. At desCribing the approach 'to that)gientlt msn's rtaidence, he continues as follows: "Now I stand at the gate of the residence •of the President elect. The mansion is pieturesqine and elegant.: A plain Wick wond, n fence separates it from thyroid. A circular path, hidden by- tamest Inns and shrubbery, guides up to the mansion. The carriage shire is of hare .gravel, and the whole area is carefully and malty swept, trimmed and in order. No , steps` of child hood mar the tlegant borders, said-no play toys litter the land. The dwelling -Louse is of brick, unpainted; hiirditiag amid. and hid Partly by, a grove of trees in front and in she rear. It is composed of two stories, vr . wino on either side of the main *...large portico, supported by substantial columns, adoing the front Aen trance. and tits whole place i bides has Awl comfort, In the centre Gorden is a small white house, gin welling of the gardner. 141...-BUclicnan is not a fainter.— His whole estate comprises only eighteen acres. " On my passage out to Wheatland I fell in with oneolighe krona who liminess Mr. I ,Buehanan. He spoke warmly of Mr. Bu chanan's charac.tar-as a neighbor and amen; said he was a plain man and a kind neigh law_i 'that he seldom rode to Lancaster, but travelled the distance on foot ; that he kept and open house Sc, his friends ; and that Miss Lane, his niece-, and housekeeper, was one of the most accomplished and benevolent of ladies. _ lllLinfornamit tee 4.1r1 1 / 1 /11term Soma, but not pOlitical friend of Mr. Buck kuMan, as be is called hero. The front gam swung own an seemed to invite an en trance. ,I,webed in and looked mond 'the area. I ' was a stranger, with no claims upon the inmates of the house, and was not disposed to intrude. But while I atomism*: the gate I saw gentleman approaching. 'I soon peteeikd ft. was Mr. Buchanan. He had been to the city of Lancaster, and' was ao _gill% home with his mail. lie is a fine *lugs wan sad itant. web a dash of buta:•7- • &His dalk—wi ILK* and benevolent face, sod a speech. full oflkanknesi ant tu fa/43u* -•— • " I spoluiritrati fur nwintruntow I w• hits my card, nod bo anlitacl m e lto % I via not a politiaian pfiloo-sookor.vs amino& but • ADO Mao Ind 1., Wititint• ° mood with tiliitir.:tito iir-'11.0 1 41101 1 ! *dad to Pot*** 44 /WSW 40 I* 9411. 11410° pine , ---_— country, and coaddiscsi to OW Jpippla ': - ' : ' ...,. -1•-. ', l' , ' 1 extreme num, Norther 01. will not gnide '''''PW;. ‘ .." . (says theAlban ' ar c V;lat4 4 ' . t *.41.1"7 ' 4. ' -' • • Dentoertl i : s ht. tient Washingten'i is , w than of wig ' aim this Oollititutionttherlethlfe • - .._ :!- is other, and that eittreine + .will And no u gs n by suemptimi . . Po': favor in his sight" . _ --.- --- ti l e ' ' si rci,A d i e nt . The . O ti s:. titbit" movements, which - in former 'pore grew*ontafthe disconifltare --- ortho_lif'h*. party, were the molt of this feeling. The proscription of small dealers who refined to _join in the panic manifestations of the bank ceilltiwidu ; the proscription of Democratic workmen in the high-tarif times": and the nowt propositions to set up new tests and peers . gashes for the right of surrey. by:tha masses, are manifbitations of &Mune luso- i lent Mood. Poehinately, so fir as politkal righteere concerned, tbdinsoleace is coupled 1 with an impudence that makes it utterly un worthy of condeeonatiest; wrong se a mud festation of an evil Spirit. The last demonstration of this tyrauical mood is the mowed purpose of the Black- Republican press to proscribe and exclude_ from public hearing, such J otvr!pe .ss may utter views ant in menabistabitSidt thuto,,of the feast/es and demagogue& who neutral that faction. • - _ This. is Pot (ooniinuro attArpts) .al idle, ihreskar mats that is sot meant** be moat ed in its Witham signiticenes. * -When Wm. fidesore &Ms attempted In Mew York to defend *holiest takes by to ParolinalLis the American, tevolstion,and "to abow the great services and sserition of the men of gal revolution,be was set upon by the ken- net of the, NeW Yet press, and harked down by the nesogy ears. -. . Mut - rd. atrium. NQUAA AND IZAC? JUSTION ro AFL .DELLETYJNTE, ILENNA, tw Imo t 'DA w INIAMICIIII3II is, Rasa, Tea Comm.—During last week Court was in session in our bofough, and we hid the ' pleasure of meeting a Jorge number of our follow-citirens,"imd greeting them with the salutation of good fellowship. The Demo, orate particularly, appeared in good - spirits; and it was a source of honest, joy for us to congratulate them upon the gloriotte• vietotj we harem recently Achieved But we were paiticularly gratified with the manitutation.l of that acqUiescence, In the will of the ma-1 jority, that constitutes so striking a trait In the American chanreter. Vanquished and victorious appeared to forget all the anima. Ity of party strife - that so" recently arrayed them Against each other in political combat, and they met in the proud chaniAter ef Amer. lean otlizensos the result of _which, good feeling, peace and quiet pervaded all Swint. Oar ncw,Court Roem was finished. and whatrer'epposition May have existed is the iroannj'infty to the improiemept, must have been dispelled by the apparent convenience. order and expedition with which the bad men of the Court was conducted, to sal nothing of the beauty with which the Wild bag is adorned. Entry olds** of the musty must tea proud of the Milk*, std l i tMugh It maraild some lids to the taxes- we lbel sore that all will malls* the bee that they hive received an equierdeht thrthskansw. Our enterprising friend, George W. Tate, eheooatr•aderiiswt7es i thr - UtattlGte i. for the neat workmanship bi kali pot upon the Inflictive., and the expeditions seamier in which he has eaaatial the work. Although there are Court houses that have oust ante more thanmus. sfe sae testy say that we base the neatest,, most convenient and wed arranged building in'timi The Grand Jury of Mat Week warm tarn. It was truly the grand inqattet of the county, and the promptness and firmness with which they despatched teminees,saved the Mr - testy& large amount oft:oats. Of II biUsliefine them they-lemered fire. There are too many pet. ty prosecutions brought into ear Courts of Justice, iestigatedby malice, and anrtared in a litigous spirit, the trial of which, set only burdens the County wiehmosiseliat • - copier the valuable time of the Court, trial' delay of important business. If Grand jet -ries should attnys esenliorthiewitiWr possess, se did the last one, many such ca ses would go no farther than their. climber. The impartial end speedy manner torlrhieh 110 •Jarnes Burnet& performellllllfillifor tent and onerous duties of his position, de servot more than a pouring notice in this categOry. Our oldest eiti>wena elf admit, that the ermine borne,upon the shoulders of his illustrious father has fallen in all its pu rity upon the son, and the name of Judge Burnside will lose none of its character ao long as the present incumbent motion among the living. Piesidingovera Bar with the members of _which be ha a always been intimate, ho not only commands thviirl. 'Teat. but necures.thar confidence and es; . teem. On Friday evening a supper was given by the members of the Bet to the re tiring Jtidgt a - , Moan and &rewriter, at the house of Captain It IX Curamings. We were not present, but have been informed that the hest of feeling prerales. that the spelyiree were witty, moral and entertain. log, and the teams rich andexpresaive. We have k - e - tp - rently been impressed with the har mony that uMrrereally exists between the members of the I gal pretension, but in no place we have ever been, has the truth of the following lines been more forcibly illustra ted than among the Centre county lawyers. We lawyers, Us shoals so koin. Cut not ourselves, bat rebet's %twice." —Ws have not mom to comment on di the incidents or. the creel:. nor amok of all the advantage!' our 'minty enjoys. an fully as our inclination could prompt. We may do so It some future time. DANVILLI APPAIIIII 7-The Dank of Dan- Title has declared a dividend five per cent for the past six months, payable on of after the 10th - inst. Many of the peddle and pri vate buildingd ire now supplied with gas. and workmen_are.busy hitrodueing pipes in .to the dwellings and shops along the prime pal streets. The growth of the town Is still rapidly onward. There - fun' been several cases of small pox and varloloid lately, but no death• are reported, sinless it be mill children.ollolo4itments or, guardlans halt, neglected precautionary measures. Seem Rwraisurtox.—When they do,nab scound33l in England whose erbium can be legally petelsfied, they make short work of him. About the same time that Hulking. ton, the great forger, was arrested in New York, a man named Robson. who had de frauded the Crystal Palace at Illyilmskatia of £lO,OOO. was arrested in Enghnrid. — The . City of Washington brought the intelligent% - thitt ItobsotiViiiDeedi guilty And sentenced to 20 year's imprison -11 moat. 43,Auitingtoo. on Übe mat r', has not let been indicted. ."`•1 Oatiroamsalicacinoit.—The elect*. alto? of Culifomis Will be east for Buchanan. The returns now are: Buchanan. 14046 rill more,lll,4l7—Yremont, 8.878. ..T has Der"' orate bare also secured a inajority ha the U.; turti,..iltich Secures tp . theta . kw 8e aeposirk provided the peaty: eon - Woo oirptlariffyi theireehle on s.,4gripe, Commotion colionooood' the„ *Wort soluilost om hioutioy. When we tie* to prom we Ind rooiived,no ',port of 410,16“toilitli. Tag Tuos4,64ria , =-*lii4 pod .l b. .744 Doti Wet aro freil for ortlo. A limes* Cstaatini.:—Tbe Elultau'of Tur key ie building a silver chamber, lb. %sui tors aid appurtenances of the boudoir to be cesPosed.entinely of solid silver. The round table in the midst is of admirable workman "hip, * =rem is 4d, ribbed eilm rir opma hs sicitssubsequeri.l?ClePoi-Althr ted pattern, hi4ltly tinntlabed. ?he Roles, and the *WO afe ate*. MIDO ,precions metal. The buadoir is to 'be hung with cloth of gold, looped with silver cord. It saeructhat the Sultan has destinedeittus unique Weasels of oriental recklessness of expense to be his favorite retreat in thagar dema the stanglie, whereto every ray of daylight is" always to be excluded. and where he •intends to mare for the repose audsollygle be cannot enjoy in the palace. Woman's Iliastm—res Henslit Nip of the Woman's Rights movement : Thy plain 64 of tilt matter ia. that au this soassitoo oboist iiimris4nwhlhia imam is &Miss ap by a forliondredprisons, sap posni to bi !.male.. bat wham sox lot acaustely &limed ley extern* 'develop- The ihrolst had better to ousted bow it lm, or the Blank-itrpabliossmaill vopudi- km= Isocour.—Tbe indult daughter of . 41. Maser de Idootpooder hos tM know. L 6 optati. ameigii for a vio4 kip ilimily : I.ll.aeistain . 11 . 10.14 Yriiii4•••• dS As*, tato. obi, ihnisada. Atlas, Pelilpa, bet, Malta, Criatita, Aara,' alosquina, Junta, Radius" Lurgarpa, Catalina, littslaaa, Palouse, Gaspar*, . Nalchoins,. &hussars, Ana, *pada, Lida, [Tramiel* do Paula, Ramona, Todai las &woe; Brigid., Mono . sia. • T22020T LK Geemma. —Dr. alt. Pawn., of Cuthbert county, Gong„►~ moot to Amor. icy', of tic 8:1 ult... kith $l,OOO, to pat a bank debt, bat tllur outrippod OW • gam bling boom arid lost it .11. Ho then °pseud as artery ittbis arm- eutdbled to Muth: - public ranting - wastimeoliati- by tho-May or. sod rawhide)" adopted to 44 thi Own o( gatablltg Isamu. SOMXTA NT OV STATIL—The NSW York Tram,e of to-day gives prominence to the ((Moiling sonoumemcnt. We karn ma good authority that Mr. lin• Memo has offered to General Cus the po ldtloa of Itsermary of State. and that the ogle was socepted en Tuesday last. The tote:bent comes to us In inch a hem That we aumot withold it from the public. _ ANOIIIIIIII ff.unimuncr his taken plate in Poughkeepsie; Mrs Manly, the keeper of a boarding bodes in Gardenatreet, and one of her hoarders named McKelvey, went off together. -She is the wife of. a , reapeotable blind man, and the tnistitcr of three children. She is 25 ytats of age, and the young man 110. They were lent seen in Albany. LAT* Lebanon paper Marl the Lebanon Vall Reilnied i,i lilt approaching comple , " .ii,mltiderable portion 'of the track has teen laid between Reading and Lebanon, and it la confidently. expectt& that & L is,. km of lb. road, at least, ifnotthe wlMle fine, will be open for travel souse time between March and litay neat. Tai tact wl one pet and tin Alines etresis'i after set penny c r tk o ll u e adi r c c e , penny' Oss or TVs LASOSSf neutoraeturing «nab- c hef) oi lisbuxats in Newark, N. J., empkoying 4200 one bt hands bas beenobligal to suspend °pastier one whet on seem* at dry wearier sad sanity at—biltrar of our water. r— leave. _ • • wk.Cdtutilaizeootireda Terdiatnf42.,.. 245, in a suit against the City of N. Yak, fbr leaving a hole opts in pier No. 3 2. N. H. in I broken to which be fell and broke Ids leg.l 11 fine i „left tot fine of by eight :seer. T,. *VOWS WA Gni Or Ares penes It " Air! tlisitwools ' . i MAIM - • ' WO:00. StKofiktaiw4, l 4o All4!9 1 ln,iltel LOC room of Ow St , plate is seven faititidt• 440 M. riff ,hpil INN atiltieb task.' , Nlipesnissietakati soddli sioit ofluiptoilrUon wit 111110111140104 m 'OA iiiitiognplitees'itiMillitie4oo# 1,1 5' _4OO, zlirra A Sszrawv of Mr. Robert Hammer, while plowing on'the dine of that gentleman. in Albemarle county, Va., recently, turned up a gold ring, on which was engraved the name of the owner, RettStet Harper, and Ot. date, 1746-110 years ago. At lbuxottat., ilbubeirs, it is ths !million to wear white boots instead of black oar., SOO a lump of chalk does the service "of the blacking brush. CANAL Colloll=ollllllllldil doss' Op. lab Clonalcon,ths .14th el Doomliot f Ina sooner closed by • toss ALuion one Jnindred thowenti Aol- • lan hays been raised ia r Plow rook tin su. oolional Porpoises. . ' " ,4 . ~ ~.._,.. __ . i t Tics email!' Of billeff : iIU MMpong 01 . "*Pr wswitta s " hat; .l 4 lll gsroPele ', • i a theatre, and it raeo' le rne. - - " " . . ..- - • • - 4, ....-- -- 11 • . . nr.' '. , .intati, '• . • .!, or i * . f tv _ i t t ii ,7 l, or« t i ltris. so i ~. .1 ,T,.. . , ~,b, no hisit libin nallia",d IMO to _lO4 ' ,AM iSsi UM WIN= 1,001( tin a Milk Asiell poor - I wth • to-please - imilmsfit I I. . unknown teem were IWO *We elk throttle est Lon !ludo/istatitAmmtmenstasesit liiiiii was nil over whb* Am engisemed Pilot 6n Tuenley month* s, mimed bop 11 gr i t Odlittemen lifulfiblia - Am, eir i SW * ' sixth strwt above Weskit; en ' Seer tei . 4,a Man named Itimirjlltir desuLlaills iislilo prism, *AA" hili at the impost - of the Ossiniti,ten Use ideal* el * -* erAeg his OntPlohnit .P. A. Mow • act 1000 110 , 0 -. stestrantie If Ititilkgthfiettilln*lgneba nittr ,Al as 4 diked undo/ . elf it eirelfilso Li= opened istmterf With a L ligthlp f ett i t A sten eiSliel hilerisrhostret, milk *MP- Wiled to the 14th Watt *Woe Immo fter drew Mania, on'Tnesdainlght atbempihnlitiessigekletA fell and tailored Ms eked!, which mesa MI death I. • abort time. ,A man amend Wis. OM& was killed by a wall falling upon him; on litbin, at the taw Belmont Presbyterian Chunk ODOM wee se badly injured that no hope, ast otertelge. -Ohio recovery. ,, . . • To add to this eatelogne of mime, we Iwo IMil some pretty severe firm nearly all of Willeh Imre the work of Ineendiariee—hende who reosii IS keep elo■l of the hemp which was grown Mr their especial benefit The most destructive Silt le the week took plate thie morning early, desinsylegths tail' e tive - eiiiii luttltitug in breath Omen hiliew Market, occupied by Coorterary & Ihrittitlinlle 'Dalai. Farallon warehouse, and In the hesimeni by 4. the llostuth I,lljobano,!' and varlet* edhorr leinsots. Tk. bending , wig owned by Mr. ar u m Greta. 16. 0:"! loes„it *bold 11,16,000, of whist e 10,060 leerovited by ineerance. . . . Duet* th e height of the eesilaimetlei,m imp large melee of the sombers -grip All MMus& with a trementione mesh. -The Whim Well bill open a "mit me Betted Wilk Milittbeg ' ail ehding metteiresited it I. the pound. This north Intildbg we" Mid es Mt Milee by the Philadelphia ClosOnns PilnY- ~ Tire spirts( the wall slim fen spin tbe nee of thnold leo storied betiding upon the shed, sees. pied Nth. principle oilles of the Gus Cesspeay..- Tbis streelsrs, ss well is the smell 'See *kW, _referred to, WSW to lbs Bel,* --WWW second Story le teed by the &slot* se Nielny.c. The _tier, s!v4 eetll¢f "." "la": .* 4 444t lit the library was sereaderahly dereftwil by dreendb acd by the water whieb was *sewn We provost the building from taking ere frees the bends, An old man waded Samna Myles, who out la the employ of Courtney A Wille', Slept b lba Milt story of the warebosaa. Whs. Mfr. kris awoke, the lames had eat retreat. aid was compelled to Female in the rued OM) MO a party at' dreams placed a ladder to Os wimispalt, and gallantly moulding It, lowered Mr. /I. is isady la tie ground, by mum o( a reps. The Ara at am period bad a siolitalonsdosiog U. past, Om lames poinlrg out hols suet dost old wisdom, aid seeding up *leads of "MU and Ma lting Ishow. Ifartssaliply, about dm tibti rut M bubo sat, a bury rids ocsainsaud aid eaftYawsd dating dm night, aiding the Inman sulerisily be poevonting lbs spread of the lasis• Theo lissaims did all that men could do in tits!! sluts 4,"#NALIBAL tEei did sueSed to mg lb spread outside the bnildMg h wills& As IS erbiuee of their prowess we will dodo AU rbaraiszarpttibeft to nee Intgibas 7alaiiWal' fa the rest of lb* warehouse war a be abtiOdi stricture coupled by Courtney A WUletuistimair ars/story. This edifies was only separated IMO tU_ main building by a Darrow situ epos 141011 lAA wiectowa opened. In test, ski two tralri wort eosansted loglatiter Mama pile—bye auks stairway. This stairway wee destroyed, lad the window frames of the rear btilidiallt win bin% yet the bask building was eased. The ire burped daring thee:Aire idght,asol her after daylight tbs embers rekindled to sag* Sal. tout as to regain the 'orris., of issue of Ski mu. The total Mee Is said to be wear 1110,0010. , -oheok half of eltioli to several with Insurance. Mink Courtney k Witletu were the Isortes of the b. 04. otaepied , the whole or It with the, eloop: 110 of the tivieenunt atiethei lag and .1.1 }raise.-. This line had a very lige stack of filenktuve tttid anaterials on head. A portion of the daces ek hlt slows* wararved is • iliewropmt usemlibluin 0 44,ugs thav ims at SUM, k 10,0414/ K Id** Or perarter by brwrionee. Tbehr:vot Wee rM their tools, ' Mei 14164 Ma was rooripipli by Mr. L I. Bar. iilapiksillibirr. itile yes bourifloothis Oinks of tb, belblbig. Ifs It.. lit Mnirbiiar, t. 101,000, of bid* $2,000 only Is etriored by hoi- The osuhor of destho in thle ell he Ile Vela ending November SO, mit VIM of which 45 !to" by , 4 oceelet hoer, 25 of consomptles, 14 by ' &e., adorti 51, children 151, wider 'oritijilit ' Geo. Buhr Welsh, knew"' throughout ' try no th e celebrated eirova se onegor, ol ot I* WalautrAmet but mrs,ipp aged 66. ?be Errainer Illinois ham just Innen Integnigionint baring anifed al New Yotdr / wlth 11011, HOMO II gold. Bba brings newt 'nide& indienele Win en &ate has gone (or 11poltanan, Lbw' giving/bite/gin 114 electoral vote., Fremont 114 and /ilium In regard to As popular vote It la not yet arlaU f • known. .A megnitietent. Inteninet was ichrelk 16 1 0,1M/11 WO* SRId the (dhoti of the noble sheiniehlit OW Witehlegton," on Thtustiety at the VA lien* noun. , ?be molested eleellon ca n of Dtstriet Ati Oprifif was op lads, to Coast, ad die Jul It should be rsrular ll y Wad. Yours _ _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers