''M --pßEgruto*w Aubdi Ar THE FIFTH ANNI4JEXHIBITION OF THE CEN TRE' MTN* 'AGRICULTURAL • SO . - At tbfr 14tb• Exhibition, l'rernio ins were 4ter,stded as follows: • • .fforsca--17cavy - John A. Runkle, beet gray svilliimi t 4 years old, $5.00 Jowl, Creamer,24l,•bal9 6 'y're old, 4.00 Rom Creamer, best bay stallion, a y , ts • • Vaught R. H. Cufnmings, best bay stallion, 6 yeariVold, _lhists terry strpr tly"hisn and aittive in harness—and Abst,_ouly one of hike : lasi exhibited. , G.' W. Lcineberger, bett bay al4lllon, 2 years 400 Brood Mw—es. Jobs Gullet best brood mare, 15 y'rs, , 1.00 & Linn' r tiest mare, Lyors ohl 4:00 B. D, Cummings, 2d best,.l y'rs old, /00 'This oils was 4 yety - Tintmtue, and w good traveller, but had uo „evidence produced of good bteeding.'_ ; - Match Ho!Ors. JILL Gluonsloita; beet pan fail (totters,' 400 Wm. Thompson,-Ast-best, ' - - -too • -- - Saddle -Mersa . • - M'Coy 4. Linn, beet dark brown s , 3 00 A very fine Jorge briy boom Was exhibited by H. N. tvl'Alliater. Hera the Commillek' had atirmidTl4oiiiii - ro making a fan diecrimi vim.. .1. ifeavy Draught 'There were three Very .fine Ihr.tonamitteetimnid-nt -mike re. lection of the beet without ebeming to,do injustice to the rejected, as thpy . wore all car ! . tainly first class draught horses : . •They re commend a premium of 12 00 to each team. Wm. ('cove, I, team, 2 00 H. N. bl'Allisior 1 lea ny, Salts and t utu II years old. There were six of ibis alias exhibited—Lail very goortst k —rn ostly Morgan. The Co rn • mittee had some dillies,* in making 'Wee, lions' Mama. 6rmor and. AI:Coy exhibited one etch-well worthy of notice Daniel Boiktati, I light dull 3 y'rp, 3.00 ItlictapiGrove, I light-bay flute, .ly're, 2.00 There were; fiya of this class exhibited— till very good colts. rnliY Shuey, best colt, John Adams, tholbest, Colts and Fillies I year old I , l'Coy ds- Mips, ..beet snit, JarrolCordcidrd bet:, John garret, snoliug colt. Mien any member of the Committee es• lathed, they were riot piesent el the selec tion. John Irvin, Jr.; Jae. 11. r lon, Michaehirroirs, (leorge Iloy, John Wolf—Committee preen Cattle crmaeiT &COO Linn.& WCny, 2J best, 300 Lion & beet bull over 3 year., 4.00 John Way,t! 2 years old, 300 C.‘DaTicliest - Ter, dh ,„3 , 00 John Way, beat heifeseilf,.oo Natives or Grails. C. Dile, Dem bull Lin wit 114'Gtiy u betriwew i K. C. llamas, best heifer, Wm. Grove, beat hull /Jail, 13. Ilalentlnet.best heifer cal( between Land 2 years 614 Islay Ream best- L. • • Sarbuill Gilliland, best heifer calf l•amuel Gilliland 21.1 beat, smttel Gilliland, best calf between 2 and 3 years, 200 Geo. W. Johnston, Wm. Murray, William Lure, John Bailey— Corn *silts. . • A: ilk Cotes. floury Miner, .6 . 101 :oak cow. 63 00 It. Humes, N. Hillibiah, J. K. Shoemaker— lberterittemti Working' Oxen; Fat Cattle tuul Sheep - Joseph Alexander, berm pair oxeut-. 113 00 Samuel tlillitaad , best live mutton -2.00 Samuel Gilliland beat staoghteratl mei, 2 00 Richard Conley, henry 1V hitiner,John Gleart-.Comtn Wes. - • - 011. Lichee, bolt boar Tbeittlie , ii, best breeding POW, 2 Tars otti,., Sanwa Gillitand, 4rl best Dark) Keller, beat sow over 6 mouths 300 Jos, ad best ' 200 Snood 0411194;beitt tnt _ ' 7.lkk . . , mlogut vi t rhicd Yore _spry fine, bat,tha mittse have no power to award a premium. Also, orie spw, with 8 pigs thou month/told, by ft N. whioh were very—fine, tan actin bur power to award a premium. Henry Keifer; Matthew Riddle, Hnnry l'oetitry. * _ . „ Joellitter, best'pair white tillaillgliste $1 00 Jos. Bs.kat', beet Cochin China \ 100 4.:hlat, Allititte,ilr4 best-pair of yellow Statigissis.: 1,00 Jos. ileket i ..best Ivey Chittagong* - 1-00 Jos. Bakal: bait sera do 1.00 Frederick" Baker best Bantam , 60 Joe. Bakes., best Jersey Blues Jo r Vilkeri beet coin nicht Porkings'l _- -- - 41 e F eitihlE *tile's, beet eiim ittori I.Tuas - Ilil - Chleetilllkide, Jr , best and greatest . variety of fowls I 00 Sarno& Sltoesnakar, Bramtilt Pootries 100 S. Arliiimintiviage-ef-pigeotta -- -- , - RINI Gelman, Cleo. f/ale, John Gardner, Bohn L Masao r—Co 'mallet. '4l/eictinural imp/inlets& /amp, D Turner, 1 wind-mill berti•dbopper _ learieiropt#, He& - - - H. Pains, Matiny's combined reaper " mower, with Woods' imprvement„ 4.00 Dut.iel Derr 'bein coiii.sheller,(lleree; - • pdor) 1.00 Danl. corn-sheller (hand power) 2.00 E. M. tloops, best three.horte plow 2.00 E. et Hoops, best two-horse plow C. ipokiAmpia44 44./ r ww , g-Twaliwboor —Coin" tifiltee. -v• • .tigilcuiturai Productions. • 410kt:441 8. 0f Wheat, Corn and Buckwheat wereviblblte k lit th e, following peach/a—Al of 44 ref, 0414401•:. t Ch ri rr int Dale, Gumtree Wheat: • Wm. - Grove, Oeneee!e and White China. 'Michael Grove, tied Alediterrnnean and Gen- ~,,,•,,,._ we yomettii mu. Stein. Jactob'Ptio do .., _ lion. ' bbot Wheat. - Christ 8' exhibited 8 varieties Ft( Wheitil in tbareloWlelX.:,-,.Withis Bearded Medi twaligtelthittoottt*-2 White Mediterranean, Genetrae, , Oti` Stew, ]Aga Wheat (sent from the 'Patent Caine), and E g yptian . , int--"-being the largest variety ethibited. Wier. dares, b varies, viz Stem, peli sse., China; Yellow Mediterranean, sad Yelle* . Gram Bawdy, Geo. DOle, Yellow Gourd-Seed Corn. Wm. Grave, do. • do. Win, Grova i •Whiie Corn: ladies Alexander, Ivlifea Gourd. Seed Corn. C. Dale; Yellow Plibl Corn, • R, T. Shugart, White Flint corn. H. N. Itl'Allicter, Big Yellow Corn. Gen. Geo. Buchanan, Buckwheat. The Committee would take thirroppOthitii , ty expressing their regret that the (ureters of Centre county have seemed to take so litt!is interest in this department of . the exhi bition. It is fact, well known, that the crop of this year, in Ibis region, i ,i not surpdased in quality by that ,of any other. ',Centre co. White Wheat hart long since obialnettirtiOn. viable reputation in the.pasiern markets; and it is only necessary that the farmers who - sharp Siconiki, malze ; the_prcpetrox r hibition t sustain •that reputation,: ll may not be amiss to remark .that, S. T. ° Slagett, 'KtrqT,"iiiiirFOLliri, on i recant visit 1 .40 this" county for the express purpose of pur chasing a superior quality of Seed Wheat; made his selection from the grain of a well- Know. farmer of this manly. "Agreeably to the reguletions of the Society, the awarding of the plemloms is postpoittehtntilfita'Aneel ing in January next, when ciampelitore - will ,be prepared to produce satisfactory evidence of measurement, yield, &c. James Armor, Moses Thompson, Etht. C. Humes.—Commilice. "Dairy and Hattcy- Mr.. A. Riddle ,best Writer 82.00 Miss Clara Kellett, 2d best 1.60 - Mrs. Jobe Garret lict held' — IOU John Wisjf, beet honey . . 2.00 Daniel Hors, 2d bee- 5 cro There were fourlole of honey, all of very • fine appearance. Bob't -Mex. Joh:talon, Win. C. Welch—Commillet. 4.00 5 00 atka- tbsse—re 2.00 G Alexander, Beet specimen tall apples $1 00 Wm. G. Waling. wastes( variety da . JOO Joseph Balker, 2,1 best Geo. Buchanan. beet Bedford Black A pples 60 r.. Lucas, beet display n 1 Quinces 100 • Wm. 0. tVaring, (roes specimen Groom i 5 T. 11.11u.pen, beat dried peaches 1.00 Henry'Gephan, Jr., best (hied applea 50. Jos. Baker, beta apples for apple-butter 7:. Wm Q. Wining hest white cherries rn. wing nest apples f.or cider 75 Jos. hidings. Jas. II Linn , Jas. 11.51' Jas. S. Kent—Cenunilice i'ryetubles. Jos. Baker, best assorimrut of -vegetables el 00 Wm. biding., best long red beets David Keller, best cabbage ' 50 Mrs. E. Peters, best yellow carrots 00 Jos. Baker, beehparautps 50 David Keller, bo..t onions 50 2.00 1 00 2 00 I OJ Wm. G. Weriniertreet winter equa.hee 50 Alm. Brugger beet beans bo - 14 litileict - eit — pitie , - --.' 1 . 41ie Agnes BilliltiOlitaktematorea---4 • 50 Joe. Baker, beei.otory 4 Bo Swat) Brugger, beet ealsity • . 60 Mrs. Jens. Creamer, best Quit Mose Sarah Wilson, 2d best do IVlre. Michael lirsier. bent counterpane 50 M01441,141P-dellimt. bent table liniu - 110 Mnr Jahn 4 , iirret, beet fancy quilt ro MI N A Nancy M'lltide, bent embroidery 50 kchantn,bealtomeumada_,, - .:_ SivaP 1 00 ,tetra. JO!. Baker. 2J bent' 50 4.00 - tea 11,00 2 00 Mrs SamuelGilliland, bestially 50 Mrs. John parrot, but aPple jelly 50 5410. ton lit!Brille,lesa Goma* ketuhop no Mies Mary leishburn, beat bread , 1.00 Mrs. Gale, 2,1 best 300 200 260 1.00 Mrs. J. H: Linn, bent epple..biatter 1.00 Mrs. Geo, Buchanan, 2d bent . 50 ftligt Martha J. Bullock ,berit wax glowers 50 Mrs. Jacob FiAburit, beat currant wine SO Solve. S. B Rupert. treat cbair tidy 50 Are. Sarah Potter, hest peach rrelfarra 1 00 Mta. Sarah Voile!, beet eon peaches 50 Dirclarahgatter,boat cherry presence._ 60 Mies E. Thompson, - b - est stool-coverao Mrs. Dr. Mitchell, best ilk patch-work - 50 Mies Gephart, beaciaatey basket 50 Mat. Michael Grove, beat homemade sheet Miss Nancy J. Ammerman, best shell splay - 60 Miss clepharl,.bitafina quilt _ 60 Mrs. Sam'l Gilliland, best crab apple jelly BO MlOl4 )hillock, embroidery B. Wilson, A. G. Curtin, F S.' I.on. Mas. Dr. 61 Coy, Nlrs. Cordon, Mr o. W. lobt•ston—Ccmminie. " $3.00 3 00 20(Y RAO ii.st4idaraiog!ktl•nsar-RetprT -, 0430 Flowers. /- Miss Nancy 'Bride, best floral display 11 09 Miss Lydia Mitubell, 2d best • littQe Ggnion, Mr.. Maria iatohell r Mrit. Pr. M'Cay, Wm. P. Wilson, Jae Curtin, D. C. Bost—Comm: Me. - Plowing. Afated.• - Jos. Wolf, bO4 plowing 84 00 John Galion, 211 bed. 3.041 T. K. Knox, John Herman ; Wtn Robinson --Commit/en, - ~ ........ Mechanical Impleinenk and Manufndln es. The' undersigned Judges' of Mechanical Implements end Mannfscrtnree, constituted by the appointment of John 'M'Calmont, of Me. non township. sualiieury-Eleekle r eMillar township, to, suppli,the iiilßfbey occasioned by the absence of Peter Wilson, J. G. Lourl. moreand P . B. Waddle, moat •respectfulty report that itrarmot - re . - 07 - Ihttilc - titititt moon townehip, the premium of SI 00, for the beet ride of Sofa Leather—the premium of St 00 for the bast nitio of. Upper Lenther, nd the premium o(84 00 for the beet Gulf. Skin This 'saltier the Committee deem highly creditable to the,. skill of the menu. facturer. To Jonathan Bulloh . , they tpko pleaeure to awarding illivrentignielef Fifty Cents (Draw beet pair of Horse h.otre— , each of these 'shoos is represeida;tl to litre bpeft seLlutitiiinglelipal._ , *cp., theMest-floggiTthey aweLd the pre ' mium at $2.00 to 'Wm. Wain, of Belle. forte. The entire work—inoludiug wood, iron, trimmitig and painting—of ibis buggy, war, done by the Exhibitor, with his own betide. 'trr all, hie skill as a workman has been tnanifeend.•' - I To Jesse Adams, of Union townellip, , they award tler prioniiiip of $l.OO for the bust earthenware The work is highly orriditable Ito the akin of Nlr.Atlisms us a manufacturer II 00 1300 Specimens of Marble Work, aratoarring great *a!fiely higbitflaiehad Lambs, ifiro.- 1 -also, emWeoitN seyer*Ji spur* mons of Foreign Marble 2 wero orchAtitert by • eel lAttfr—,--Ren?tiniihee Huiuseholei.,Jlattufartures. Flour S. A. Giheoh, of Clintowspoty. Thkrdesigtla, aa well as the wi4kMaiirTrip, are highly Med. itabi;44lr. Gjbpoti, lad the, therefore take !Airtime In avrantlng to him the premium of. 11 00 for the "beet epooltnen of Marble work. o A very neat speciinan 'of I?tarrance was, oishibtied by Joseph Green kSon, of Milos: burg. The Committee s. %lad for the same the Rtxl premium of 81.00, All . Whiult.is respectfully submitted, H. N. Al'Alli,tordosepli ifluitari - Johli,Alo4 Cahnont, Henry Dunklo—Cohuntate. Disirsii(mary 'Premiums The Committee on Discretiessiy Premi urns report the following es iheiriswants Jos:Hakes; best collection of gallon " . Jpe. Baker, beet 4catl [Wrests. W. it Thomas, specimen card-Mark ing and Penmanship. —sSevaissl--wery-fires-hestitrof-sr-mns-rw of Barley (very interesting on account Of bit- DI El), — a tngLileatirote o f noinal, la ea vh ,h,,.a i„„ -- 1 -"- l '"''' - - ---... 7 — O - 11 - 11 r irribtl ' std 2DnI UHT 0 r.' Air. John T Johnston-,woil six pair of beau- , a g ed al years, I .month and 22 days, one of the taint fancy Pigeons were shown by S. A. Gib-; earlyi tto "l 2 l :t;ile t t i =o: hl a st il l l nLewiston , pS: eon ! , bat both of these belongtu,l to - other Jotix , eon or Jobn A. hod J an e 1.3 ' N " ., :' LP a i clesens,we are unable io de-ntore tiled BX. yel fr. Nailin d ltysio Ferguson triwutbllk Claikald press the interest with a Nch we viewed ' county. 0 ttUAIt . IXII Alzaaarn, third illaugtder therri=lr specimen leaf of the Cariada This- , j n o w hi n a tha at i%dltra l ; t : • A W liti"s' I f " " Yea"' 9 On ift011011,111", or Tryst n'et y at ILO rtAltOto AlifonCllbßilln, anti your, Committee take ibis ' occasion to express the hope' that our (Anil- a nt /fil m , gra l u e .td o ati C iro r r il a el i t 4;l ll 2:lllll ' atifea l 11 1 %! " . era will keep a sharpy lookout for tbis worst 1 Milos. aged I Years and 5 montlie Of wtheafir which hailalreatly estoblished- it , - 1 , 2111111.11111.111.1111. " n _ . ~,,. _ --- --- . 1-- -- self on different apola in the county, and rise I . 1-1 - Ana R a u h Wilson TIUMI plea ell means In their power to check its advance s antn: v in announcing t `' th t e ro h ja4 us le h, a t o b t e Il k l n lie d r ; te . We invite those who may beacquainted with I lkhoti I:l lnitY' of he r thatrho, (fiends, will oontinue_ber_initrue• a practical and eflinieat ritenio of destriying t tiunlin laufout,inan,Laq or FANCY• NEEDLE. thiletreed to give the public the benefit of WORK &Yolk or two longer, it lefe.")looter's then knowledge tin ou,lll the columns of our' r 4 ahlmn°°r 4 " l 2 . 9 P" OW ell thus* will wish also. i Tura a knowlinge of this highly ruturilyind Tolosa. county papers. in; art, will avast thlmsetres of tlio litglient tipper- Samuel Gilliland, Henry Keller, William I Welty. Terms very ma ler do, and all wointsary G. Waring-Committee. • - I working nillgrialirili bo furoluhetl by War, If de= Premium Animals. I sired -- _ - - . 11. N• SeAllis _glob Ralf ____ &I 4*... -,- ‘,...- 1 , -.. . I tan , Short-Horn Cow 200 t. ,i irw 7 : ll ll "l sira " ,;alZ ' l:l tD D A r li i.a M w u o n s T wls 6 "4ll" " MY James l'utositle, P., liamb at ,John Bitable COU , ' ,,, ND NY 4,,,,,, t 0 1 out to suiirt or Nu*. the ' akin price ISt 00 tiCatikalto, or three for 1120. -Comminee• }Runt to say Port of oditistry Er l'ensons In whom Premiums bey* been vet d remlstanss. Ad 'as Dims: . bY LIVOr e , Dr; tram awnawardedeats receive the mune by calling on 'rip PostOfilte, naltiularee bi D. I. Pruner, EN, who is rreasurer .of the . 1 1 111vAl I:8 (iALVANIC OIL *sl i WO of the quickest remadlew torstranstary and dfarili6a firstely. 0 ,,J1. - 13 n ives relief In 10 minutes. -k , ... i sold by A. iirluaiii 7 Bellpfente; aohtsten et 1 geller i I n le" i t i biblf w ; A 141npheat C 6 .1 Pine Grote; I Loa Ft.oamn.—An adjourned meeting of the lumbermen of -. (Isidro Olearfteld„ and bn u rg lv ; - 11 - n a t;Ziblen lin jattitv%dif: J k l i t n .litt ri r i l i t i o v r i t, 1 TtrttrattiffirtnttliterittheVOlltrittMlterr7 4 " 4 """ 4 " 4: ' ''''' '''''''"''' - ' l' , Cleat field, on Tuesday the 21st. instant, ' fit retteol,D'a lltailLT CONCIIikrItATEI, EXTRACT Hon. J. T. Leonard in the chair, and I). W. o n i .e r il li t a . ;l i a ' s P o r ylre r ,ri l l i gie t t l i7 y, "" dan I le ing lt t e o IP„et, flies and gore, Secretary. On motion the lion. Cl. most wetly) propettethhe which e.on be enedo ' ror the ob jecLutthe_ mewing, t ro .,r o , f theannee of s _the . li t la . d . d .m or ain kl a ch 4y eg ii i . crivo n t i _ rrellste-frd the and urged that prosecutions lie brought fol'enlther co n, bonded. .• d revolution is certain. Victory is ono, against ii. persons engaged in 'log-floating ,--- and thabsTuch prosecution Isi repeated as , d zi a •ra ' m lcii V I h 'ltOllrtir.—Por A lone dm there orlon as ihoToffenee ahall be committed. lie : arise b r ilsu g t r •eTuna t k s p lit I t g lle l n i tle7;:n k t lY em ai Mire . also - tirged WA/propriety of securing the pus- ' r i r o d k,'l l : l o l . } :, i i hi ut :l bu i l ,"' n 'T i" ttoll°tttir'll,i lee mmi sago of a law, not pmhibiting, but restrici—l, and humane, ii ' llue:mid i f vrai:e c tea is ii... -o e o a r t7on oldi a it a ld rya a e m yerlth kad at any Indi. ling 7 - irthrti — prover limits, the business - of , floating loobe logs. The meeting WAS also; excaetnent on witnessing 11, harra W e n o h r du a :010. " ' ler W should I addressed by H.S. Whislow of Elk county. ' Hach ere to be plt.e_. ". e &soya atriie to , look disease and even death in Um two with orbs- I ' - '3l,C.hipton 11,-wnik, V. 9 . ;,..,,...1 4 ap..4•34?-take - everrePrme inat r 2.- a On:motion, a petition was adopted, to „tod,.,,ltrti,es Memo. Viewed is tale lhiht, Use wet.' printed and circvlated for general signature. hatt7o l :o7 r ati. g : ones of a enal i n a Ir a tan e n On motion, a stlbectiption paper was or- rise who know of any oat) tall= Nan Epilepsy, as derod to be sent 19 each county, and that ufa to clout thle f i advs aey k rt i Viti , eat, or tentin s l ot * n e e l lher the said - papers be direetedlo the - Chaim - lit iaTaeed"e4 mitt the entlettelerlite gruel isir id way _,.hey_ellt be sent to any ;het ex the of the Executive committee, afteithey shall ooto rt tr m y e,4 l eg. Y Min • Tose. par .. • , Two, $5. here been Ailed. • . •- - - , : Twelve, ii. ii. , SI 00 __ —„—_ , .. . .• • . ' ___ I 'm or seaCCLATIJNA 14 ITII i` X IGL CAr11.1.1.•-111011- - On motion., • ' 'mods of men and women orory do invest sdli Resolved, That to dividend stall be al- mounts in business which they en not entry . ii led for until the amount of $1.,5019 shall be 'successfully, and thtis has much thils,-Itnil since- ' subscribed. times much Istrger sums than they at list prof clod Resolved, That the present onmzvization ' ,t' rial• In elite of the popular sintass against iio n trLesi i, , ,, t a tey escel)l Wolfer irs fair ehunksisfOf small shall remain permanent until otheruige, al es mercantile tronsnotliniyorholt are tered. . lit - .. ... said to prwit ftiluresin s mlicritylelf-instrinees Resolved: . Trint this meeting adjourns to it Is to ho questioned if gamluing hot - Oat Tinily inoconsod ill the Northern and liesterstastssaisce rueeten Tditqaday% evening of next (Nov.) court, in, ClearlfeW C ounty. - the lo ` of ery system was abolished tf---e, In 'tom. o - '-ln't - - - the quenee of r th . tv, 't i y ar t n eVithe note . The following gentlemen compose the Ea- rat diopeeltion of " io:l f ei r .ru i s l i t o to t° ecutivo aminalttee appointed at the meeting rapidly,tee ie,lonsi with bat Wily labor , 1171Zo l trir el o moat. Thli c i d o e t t tet s 3 , i t l ii i ,. 'r ti t l t',lofb.errittl: govern on the IStk August:—Wm. A. 'Wallace, arterd in propori ion, 'siting dra e w l n 2 o o 9_ , Will- fittlyeAt J. K. ' Wok) J. B. Chlaumk, o l ih n l t v h ;v 4 l: ll ol l , 4.,...e ll eii i i . ll 4 tr, iV i h ere e ai ri ly of Raitimore,Nd , Ellis Irwin, J..T. Leonard, W. Mcßride, A. is the Grand Coine:l7l:t i ott I f :t n e i r:t i f H. Shaw, James Ins in, and R. C. Winsliftv. 1 4.t l yl t al ° , 4 ' ft , Pronto & 0,,,.- 7A , Ai ii i . I mo la, The following gentlemen compose the case, over $382,000 will bu tlistrib n utall. , Tie e p u tl m tn ti a o ll who wish to We t s. in tits Illtary :HI rag ed ire treet. i itzita m ts, oro T , ILII , u w l ti .b ,, t . rd ,tts Vb., 3 t ! Pay • committee on proseutiene. as appointed at said meeting • -J. 1,,i..f. Chase, Wm 11. Rob- Otto ° • ertaon, Robt. Mahaffey, Henry Hroe, pf 1 47 ii°k l o ti r ' f fte n O ri n i ili "t nel d ii " We 'Sewn i hoar d Clearfield : W. Stewart, James Askey, Pea. Otago, and this will will etie ' otiT t ag - e ra o7h n ers to frittli n ni Th . : t lel Roads, of Centre county: R. C. Winslow, turn ae lend tune's wheel may soppy to tit State of C. W. Blake and Robert R4throck, of Elk. 1. ---- - ---- --- - -- 1 , (17 - Pr Thomas llothrock ben leave t his fritiodi 'lest ho hen ciliotwitinued tee Leese NM/rel.—Local news has always "fgt t ln been. esteemed the pre, ro r, b ay oe , qut Sfengialsial."l44:'kvenSit;,:lj:dithiiedsfulteryr kr.... mil, a a , newitiper.‘ , A _ L ___ __ businii t at No. 110, North &mond Street, PrGilidel . " e ''!...1 1 " 'thine W• 111 hi woohl JA --air -- +rib -',-hrtt-trtihWltolirPjludf. En Gor ordersihi firrinrne. __ __ Aiii.riiiiii: isdh,, ,, TAiorite biro. Ihnt - 1117hoolcohitio 1.70 en left lq . ----_-• - - autultickstorwitt ishatiottatalilliiii4salliaity. - 7. ilia - riutitil or Rohl:eft - L. SILT& FR-, raosigt‘ilots. iotgiles, fines, ~ itt.4 - te Chrouleli,ifit i a d tia,tto. , . .., ; .. All Demons kuorriug thounsodroo in servos will bays to draw opon . vory ii to it o lf re p oor p es .— --- -- --- - --•-- • — Pkaaa eat! and st•ttle, nittl thew) h,ti lug chilmm will • QU'Notioe.—The Subscriber havinsio- plestiut them for payinutit Thu undersi,,,tortl re. Sine° our_ last,. we have had some Cola anted hlinealf in Philadelphia, at the :Mount or• . - tund , hie ni"t eioucia thoulo to hie mtmertitith Weather and Home warm weather; same non Hotel, cieconti Street, where ho will log happy : friends for the orrenek o patrohnge they bestowed to moo all hie old friend* and 113(1111111)1.11 , 011 wheal upon lulus 'luting Lie ro.idoinse in • Alllcol'urs light nights and some dark nights.. fir ' --oneY thn ol 'city.l4 • 0 ol•Ste• .. y, sit the o would also inform Wee" .. 1 .• • -- ' %Val. It I' ALF is about as gootLas• ever, and jin nbctut pd •who era ind,loed to hint by AO% no book neeonut 1 -4 abundant. It, "li 7 11, itnfl"- r r ='"W, ....... Houses are in demand, an, t ler° flionkieg-lloct to of Humes, MeAllistor, Ilelo clil oaf Trustees un d er the ail! of Arel.thalci Mil an. more would-be-tonanta than 'dwellings. Company, who are authorised tiirecoetio cud recoil% son, cfeeeemo..l, wilt on the 2 I clay cof Deoenchor, 1856, for the• same, wittak will ho cialunowle•lgetl ky tee, Ant exposed to sale on the icreccilees. all that vertain Little travelling, and our public houses do- 1 Ana A LUX 81 . MM. AN, tract of . IVOND LAND, situate in ilre,t4 townelciii, ing see -wish kind of business.' iderchante' nortlOte fent* Late of Deward. Cent county, soljnining lands of IV to. IV: rove. John i nert: 4 4 i Miabitel Damn, Weic.-{Vonver r ocestaininve have laid in :their Gill supplisis. ~ Criirubling ; $ [l:7Atldi n tO pro r'll/ 1 /0639.-';4o_lltldOrlignad_olibity. coc oa . or therealcopo t or I,IMMTONP-, continues-to prosperi anti this. 4iSieti" - esteh- 'sw A gatt4l. t litirby Thi ourt of Connal;:l LAND, well timbered. • Pleui of centre County, to settle end 'quid t6I The tonne made known on the cloy of vale it. Temperance cause flourishing, 1V ishing, although. eveeptkins •to Administrator's &Nom or A. WM. A 1.1.1, 011. there- are still some few Sinners loh, who It i othrook, /illi f ii i i;ttr a tr of J tonitte It ot4crook , late af • J AMEN ALlclSONTruetees. d0e1,29 .1 AMEN PorrEtt, delight in wettipg their-whistle& Iteli Lica' len e tea u l n , n ifte ' 21 ett:d:y orkneembof ! In ftl.Pttutilin .., irxeitemtiltis abiding. - --- 4 ---- -•-, toltroAstler orartdsppilittillent. ' '?". 1 rtll' ANCY ART.TCLIOK--'ll. - XPLENDID' • - i oet29-It. . ' M. H. tILA 111, Auditor. la. lot of Nancy no-Doles each es card roses. sager - twos POMPOM Match 'Boxes Prooolote Pro Knives,. BRUTAL CON'utto - rr. , --On Suttlftliy 1130initig cri.CtititiOne—,ll.• an .httret ,iii2r. !i f ' .li I ' ' last a Intlß by Cho name of Irratitsetr-w!_,a,ttim,.._,A_,,,,,,,,,,,,,mpanv, Pro -- abbarnouthit, note paper and littrelvvs, Poem trtiow-who-puttrlica: t - lilitkifig ilmEr"ir-matifY-11 -- osirtni - Te n , 1 88110 8 " thr.:}GPftrunterettetnitffiflATNV6YiB . 46/1f intEEN A HoStiMi. 'Mentor, roi stook I have receive, no vow', atal. • thts neighharhoo,d, ?let his dog upon Willie thonipiro. do not Intent/ lai Pe7 tafti 'note iittht" mut •i Quvtin, son of Cot. At. U. Curtin, of this Pulled tigiSt."- L. M. RIMIER. place. The little boy, who is only about 7 Dc yeartroVage, endeavored to escape by run- Ui nziuto.s..llOrthild tha i dotprealon 1 1.-st for him, and, just as he was about to ,open the door, caught him byithe leg and shook him severely. His log wait badly torn by the teeth of the dog. Col. Curtin immediately got a pistol and shot tho dogi'antrintv* tho 'Lamer to o Irret ,ml that be would bo abarp. ly dealt with if ho ever atteind 117e.Iii1 1 wain. Scveral physicians Ara in attend hnee, who dressed the wound, and, we holier° the boy is now doing well.—Whig. - , • , • A eurienton. tiro using-air deotte,irritiniffnic;rsini must pronounce it • euperior artiele.. Green & lifesleen, ale the agents feri.ll4lllolll3lt. • • They Imre, a nklemdid (peaky of "Wel perm. Whi . el) oilei t ,ipao recommend. Try them. • ..! •••.•rr 4 r•T • 3C14111. Jub priutiug itt alritft..:Yaxialle;e' is execute' at the ofdee o 1 the WatcAria& neatly, cheaply and expeditiously. Lswisaviw 4Pittom Vanua RAILZOAD. —rtf ho DireetOvis Oahe Lewisburg, Centre—mut Spruce—C4l4-Railioad, have passed a resoltillott - requesting the stock holders to piy the first ftistalment of lib on cable Shiro - "subscribe Cto O. It. -- 11111er, TrSetellolf. St. his ofhoe Lealsburg A A corps ofla,gineers are now engagq(Lia leen- Cng the road. " , - is I it' RMS.(); • Ori Iho oth ult., ty kbellar.-P-,1'.1.0ne, Mr Mi. Mast I.IEITIN OY.II Mal Miss Aturnit Aututaaa k both of Ottergt.'a Vublt.y. Ou the Itith ult. la tisbe, And Miss ELIZABETH rm , both of Fetal s Val ley. On the soth tilt by the semi, Jsmas llouvrxut. end Miss Oaritanisa Mims, both ot,soborss On the 230 t u1t.,,,f - the Parsupsgev,by'tho2.llor, ‘E M. J. Allemon, . Itattnr, vitoic L s of Centre euunty , end MIAs §Auart FII , A.NZZLIIRITrI4IIOIII 00. On t Io inst., nt thu house of Mr. Fiederfok tho name, Mr. 4QII - t1 ZNlaLmi and r ‘ . • ri....tiv—st.rguuss.ca.u44., Sroo 60 s== 117 - Xilitiiry Fdection.- r ettantion f•Na . It IC C AN FAS 'I itli.--- You, aro tinieres2 to Med '0 Min hoot° of litmlgo Minot In-Tein treville, on• Saturday, the Htli days o• 140vonthor next, fur the !alum.; of ele.ltism men First and ono _ Almond Lieutenant for said Company By order 01 ' • e J B. v hill ER.. Irk BrigadeLoa, .-. ' 3dlisigudo. liii Ili I; Brigade Inspector's' Otilei , , (, '• 'T kilo-inn Mille, Oot 24th J I , ' •ru , 121).2t. iL2j 4 4llkilatice— ,l Tha . Oititillllllo Cattl , innUllty, intend tO liiiiliksilipplioa• flea to the nett imitisinture ..1. thk Oanksimm w ,,,ith • for the innorporatirin or a Hook of lope, discount Mid doposit i. lo . l9o located at liellajeak, In thislit OUZO 11 . 06111111 d, to Ito en '•Tho ir,..,„ r ,,, an d i unufilhtureraP Bank " - nf Centre 'COneny, with a 1 -• *A of Two liuudred Thousand Dothan. . '.lmtihd Blattcherd, tiomoui LianZ come Jiiek, , Wm Uresierl o wl, ors* Do*, • Mons Thome, pee A. EL VefitAhete, '• J. M. MIII • John Irritair, 31. Brooker , Woo. A. Thduisit, P Benner 041 0 . 11411*2 _ithen, P. It anti, nori,vetteptine,,. ' , Jaoab gray', • J"liganlld. , • John ItItok• . WM.' . tw e e, thane I siliklue, Paler 1 , ,rzio. Jrwir q L. ci, 4 'i, i C', Simnel Rttolbvsker, ' John Fonder, JeelePh ty it, . ' John P. Pealter, John 'P. 100er, 'Amnon Hu/Wm, je2o-4A4 ' Jaoult Sirulke, Tau siT. ' • amis . mere, Nim. 4 : 1956, Fleur, -v - -- $7,66 volseed,. ' $ 6 ,0 0 Wheat, 1,30 to lorts T otlisseed, Rye, 50 to 628 Flaxseed,' 1,00 Corn, 373 to 40 Pot" tore, 5O Oats, 35 Hatter,. Barley, Awe, 124 Buckwheat, 40 I Tallow , : 121 Bacon, ...!...., 024 Lard; ' 12i . . PHIL A DELPIit A; November 3. Cloraraoed meets with a daftly demand, awl ittrnot 200 buißels go1:41 paid A.2S par bubo'. .! lieddirinf.Fluur are Arm la their views, bet the • expert demand eontittuiel moderate, owing to the, 1 didbreneeln the views of buyers and eelbws, and only about 11000 hearele have been deposed of at $7 rur bettor brands, port W. B. ThOetne, and 17.13 i fur extra, including 100 bartelslaney,egtrihat $7,,_ :WI poi arril ; itiandpeti brands wore held at 10.- 87,1 per barrel, without miles to nay extent being =ado ppblit; i for home ermentnption prices -range as aboafor common brands, and, extra and fancy familyllour Itt li!Oer rates. Igo _flour in sweet nitd etobinatufsirtg i bilit — W urn reetlliquiet, and the last snipe of Pennsylvania were' at- $3.311 . taL___:_ ___. .. . • _ - 'Thole in a fair inquiry, fur Wheat. both for ship- . Mont nod milling, nod prices, with mein Merl re ceipts, rule abotit etatiounry. Sallie ro tell some 10,000 to 12,000 bushels, at in cent. for good reds, and 11115a110 dedtelbr Nieto olthlee white, ineleal Mg' &dm bushels, prime Pennsylvania at lfill tits. 'afloat. ]lye . 1i Steady, and further, sales of 1200 bushels . Petingylvinia are reported at 00 cent,: ' Corn eon lanes mare and rather, ,better,•wlth talcs 12,000 I'loll,oo but:hole yellow at 60 omits for Perutsy!eare ge.lll,Sture r ass4 Gil eon.* tbrgowthern•allogkinedu ding 01100 bushels wltite_st the latter rate Outs are In moderate' requot; end about 2000 bushels jersey' mid Dettvrare have been nit, at 4,3 aunts. NOvitnbrr 3 The flour tnarkot Is 'toady • to-day, lylUi ran of award street and 041 1 at $6,87, Reif wheat, 160 a .Ib4 estdr, rthite, Num seats. ;kite earn. Sla tit. cents; ,ycUaw, 6504 cents ' NEW Ypltg, Novonitbor 3 hour dull ; 7500 burnt!. sold at 138.451413.60 for State. Wheat di:01401%; 4t1t410 bilehola vold ; 6161,dukk u , ddquiet;rcloes amoottlixl. Beet firth, laid quiot. -,. • 11:7Dissolution.—The partnershipitere taoo betwouu A. A. 11riadin nod J. D. 31o0Trk, under the nidn• of Bra , * a Me°lrk, tbli city disrulved by mutrol danseut. Ito no. oounin of the inn will be.sottle , i by J. U. 11lr.k. - A. A 1111ADIN, JOHN 1). Mai,111{... , ' nors.3L-' Phillpplotrg, Nov. 1, lino tiktSPLEIrDECr LARGE NAlat - AT Pit I vATJt ;AA wrihot sell his Firm at Prirme Hate, situated in Union township, Bald Eagle Valley, Centre county, one half tune wee. of the J.inowshor pike, nod te e miles north of the Erie pike. The form mutates TWO ACltEti, of which 140 uro °leered and under cultivation, and well femed in • the remein -400 cures aro well steeked with goo d oak Hinter. The 1111pr...entente consist of two TWO-STOKY 1101JSES, twu 11/1.11.7 , 113, two Untie houses, Stone, flpring House, Corn Crib, and other impnweettoota. There id On the farm a MAOINIVICENT OECU modaining Ted bearing apple trees of °holm variety, acknowledged to be the beat Orchard In Ceutrcnuuunty ThoriLiu, oho &largo number of Cher* and other fruit trees ont o premieee____• Thtlfttninntirb - e - dTiTtrellii`subsetiber will diepoea of eno-italf or the whole, to suit the pdrotra ear or purehturer. The terms will be made &mom modating and easy Apply to WILLIAM MOWER, °pat the office of the - oars purchase win please tun on Mr. Brower parsonolly, and he wittestiefy tinte of the value of the property. mtv44llo K AMM P As In the i i in r .use once I sal, - Treatlog Ilitunargue about this mai that, I joutptalup forte gut toy hat, , • 'Twos boughs at home May's." -. And thou another, But every one - , - tookod hot hia-bmelmr. 'Per they mete all Imught at Isaac Mas'e. o whack u'suack, Thewsear 'eta oat, Tear 'she wt., Drah, *hits nml Wink, - It you waut.a brae now hat. - Just go to the gure,o(l.l4llo May. Boliefuete, nos 4 - Eersey.—CAßCE TO THE RlZ demo of Ow euboriber, in Patton township, on or about the first of Outober, oleo white eleop, haring different ear tuaria, also tiro u Giber Darla noticed. The owl or or owners sot re=' quested Co some torwarti„ prose ,properin 4.4 y charges and take them Tway, othorwtsetbey will ha disposed of as the law directs. tor43t - CHRISTIAN ROST: ^fur ITSIO.-A LAIIGE ABBSTICKNT JYL of Jotsopb J. Miekley'reelebrated flutists sta ll's, guitar aarf atrir ; vio li n main; bridges/ dampers and frroltis, itarros,:ired aad for sale by lilt KAM ZN. TIM I INK! INK !-TWENTY-PivE .IL, dozen of Iturrison'g superior black. blue and red inks ; alai bin superior blue black seritlug just teem cd and fur sale cheap by net 4 UREEN & ife3IF,EN. !JO! -FOR TEE ,IVESTI—THEI 17151'-' .L.N.dereigne.l having Oland boeindis tho bor ough of Afilemburg and euxigrated to the Watt. re .lte,!u -loftsitafti9ueo : lialebted es-hint for-4h+= VIRTILAY.-E,STRAYED FROM TILE sil...gotablo of Doan lel llog;s on tho 11tk hint., a I.lliltT. (MAY Wilt alma t ("ortolan years of ngo npritng in tho two Aire knees awl hiss the mark - of a look on olio of lijn hips. Any pawn- who tisk.; sip 11 . 2i1i iiiirou will ylonntigiso inttitsnation to 1,11,1111.13DE,0N A. miILE. n0t.21411. Jirll,l"iito Pis W - - NAT CAN WOMAN DOT This long expooted book by 'l' p Arthur, Is now randy for Agents and Canvassers. It Is llAv log an innueniet sole, and is considered one of his haul. efforts: In it will be O,und Mr. Arthur's views on tilt) vorsted - gnost,ion of WOMAN'S MOWS% and whaiska..eaallfskaa-aleiteerwisPwa4-sudlohert•-•-- Spettinsau copies aunt by wall on receipt of - price, $1.04.J. W. lilt publisher, S 4a North lth , Pa N. D. We publish all Mr. Arthur's now books. Send for ..ur list, sod Ins sus to agents • Oct 15.3 t AIBROTYP ox7}7ALLOOItAPIIR, rind .4 • ' DMIURIEOTYPES, Takeo dully es sigtraV:m. t 0.5 rm. • •IS MIX EIPLE7DII) HALOON. • Areade Batlding, Iholltiteet t s3r-"Adadeldon free. szis!. FOW gIIOE Sri vha glOosodbor having ordated a lame Steam thaw Mitt, le prepared to eair to cedar bthi of an* doe)rttion at the shorteet setter. ROBERT LIPTON', On the Snow aye road, II mhos freg r0v..13.1y* attubnrg, Pa., MA_11.1114411. IPOIDWAILY.- Ji.M. 'L. 88.181 t, A , eine it 8. A LEXIK: Die, A. li., PODietpepk—ill/1 rDaligliaa to de' signed. to afford facilltbee tu'unehe hod female pupils tho Requisition of a solid and oritameutal Odu• Woo. The course of, awl' , in Englhdr; the claw lillitlMMetiell./1101 natural aoltnuoa, te•tbarougb and ostensive, designed to qu9lify young ladles to let well their ortitt life, nod young men for en tering any clans do usllege, or any of tho littoral pm rowboat 'TheAttoltes • null 1/0 adapt not to the otma. city of thoXinlent, no no re necuro a symmktrinal dovelopraout of the wand. 'llion Institution enjoys Many tomorrow tolvtintoles 'no hmality 1 10 ,r,,. vorbial forhoalthfullioss, i,not students too toe hunk Buono; of vine and immorality no tootinion to large town, and innell tiring,. lot Um I os'ltotion in en tirely 10 the rountty. ft atno otijoyn the tolvniitn. gee of ititronohod Elwyn', o moral knit intollikait 1t 00unei y, stud o; the moot lobauliful monntom and telly tawnier: , Porents unit KlOlllOllll they feet lumutewl that the 'Pt intit.Bl4 will spare no ' g ins prooette the honith, and imprnt tho minds and nunale aj all 4411 007 by Inernatua loci:bob two. ' frr r.a .t, —Bl3 pet ie . ., ion of Aye mor . ithii., Tide inolnlttel to; ion In tholltiglistibrimehea. booni and far:tight.: roonte. The common ohat'mos made for. Mush and MD L lognag..e. Light owl foal at the expenee of the stmloing Pannonia qoarterly In advance. Novieductlone made, Otition't fn maul: The Inotimthm le ten inner from teel4tonolf ou the ?maw) I y tinla Railroad At that !Anon etuslontte can take tile cpeskfur_itxulsx_w,,,_poj woeti. Oven, ottureyanete ttlll molt them ft out the flt Tlie " grfitor Fettei'rei -- to intorneen on Thurodok. the 30th of Ootoltier. Nur further intrtionlors, address It, (I. MULE, or 11'7A:A I,,KX A N'141111., I:l4:nmotiughes, l'a Oof .4.!%* B 011,1438URG- ACADEIII4.-BOAI6- . 1.711ntl Ao4t.Ell.hlY Bill be °retied on the Sib of November. ehtl altne , •ry orningernents wilt be_otmlo fir limittg nourishing st&letriletrittif Jim ratair. The site In healthful, and is mutton dud by e aide mope IT rn, month, imottery, The tern *III Wein& 2:1 neeks. The tleUT6e le 41%1.'1 ie.% o owl moy le.eindo the highs r eollege branches if oeciTar,y. French ,nll.l it el te i te en, astro,,el 'extr' b d en In general ,tnition wiH 1* hi retfoisiblet ow stelethering mahouts. neenling in the, viol t.,1 varies Irina $ll2l to it,t, Evutty *not still In, tondo fly therPrinelmif to gain n 'dr repetalfon for bbrwiford I high steadies for L. Dauthquy. . For further Infortnet.ivn nthinyi Tilliit'S ll' EA VIM, I.ilootriti, I.ltutishurg, Centre windy. Pi., or any or the imilersigtimi Itonnt of Trtoorol: ney 1' 4 riolk..r, {Vial. ItialSliiiii. EN , lion. ii. noel, Samuel tiinilenti., ltobort Holten. .' • 0°1.15.31. :—...,................—.---------e--- Dfl GROVE Aceirnty AND EEL INARY J. E Thome, A.J)., Privoipal. Rev. I), Moiler, Teacher of German The tooth loud.annual sotaltm of We ittatilittlon wnlernsocueneeou Wedeuteilay, Nov. ark HNC The looaftuola honithfol; *tired Rod easy of Toroot-45 and 100$10 nod $l2 per 'merlon oriN vo moidht, parolee ono hatch] ad yang°. (/unman ra-tro. 21u th.duottotto tootle, oxaolit ouzo of otakuess. Students odulltted at toty time, ohorige.l from time of ontetint. lloarding can be had to the village at $1.75 per wook. For further infortnatloo *may to Rev, 1). Memo% Piesl., or 11. Jiaitgazdy..l.34xß944#4ewit-40--- . . A.., Pr Pine (Intro 111:1o. 0.4t.1.1 31* pl. ELO QIC. A T T t li IS{ te‘lat& lI}TTEIt TII AN C,ll, I FOLN IA tIOLL? ! ! Itingbonea.Bpasina, Polo Evile, tinil all Tumors eared, and warranted to be taken *eoTely of: and entirely hitting, injury to llte unhook, and 'Mout the roe of ne Knlfo, the Firin; bon, or eat of those-Liquid Utinstice, emit as Nitric, linriatte. ftalpitrieAcid, - erluty of thieto ;baneful liquida sootiest made ore of, to the shame of tho Furrier and the totters, uf that 'mural attigial;the lp liusie, without, any see _Pr L 0•••••111VM111 ~.r. '!", ' "r " 7 ,. 777ces can • ,se also the bona tide liSlughonee taken off Atoms' already operated ne, together with several ,Flitulas, Pipes, Tumors. ke Application to he mado to the 'aubse;lber, who will be found at Spruce Creek, where he can be . _ Payment in ell oases to has noile'before the horse leaves the stable. The subscriber wcnald else a ish' those likely to want has seriloce, to call without' delay es it will depend open the atoositt of. piraotiee the length of time he will remain. Aud ue it requiresabout two Weeks attestbm to each bore. lie etuntot — remeis without bit.rtethur or five toecther to o f Tartre.—, estl•tf runs lento f'ivony-illve.h. THOMAS U. WWI/TANEN, I VIET!' DOLLARS ILEWARD.,-A RE whrll of rfrty.ool,4..tuff a 1 / I .lio. NuuLan flatletkm for the Apprehension of the vonundrol or sooondrols who removed the horn on the_ night of - Bill fnin the min Srege* running' frau I Bellefonte to Lewistown end Tyrone:* M 23 rrotti! sTovate:! STOVES!!! The subaaribers but ing just returned from the commit wince with the le prest and loon assortment of antics et VW offered in t hie section of euuntry—comprbdug in part the celebrated. littic and direr' CmAing Stovea,u !rich we urn deter mined-Orwell ter the money on the moat read ounblt tornit._ Unalil4 &woo ore imayilott. with Tin Ifteiterrs - Stere-rito, flake-Pate, so.. An. Alan a large ISSlrtmestor Parlor. Coal Mel Wool Stows. The Galina, Queen, Star Air-Ti4lit, Revere, ['augur • 11, a nee siud bt111.401.1 StU VII *cry cheap, Nine Plate Nanitoom Stoves: Setup Plate Chinnbur Stoves, ku. ha, In great variety. Coal Scuttles, PokerA, Coal Settee, Shovels, it all the nceemtvivv, articles fur kitchen use always oa hand at the linsilware sad Iron Store of = MEICHANTS SUPPLIED WITH Alaubal and ritiw at ni'y Nine' by REYNOLDS & CO. repf2i QADDLES AND COACEWANN-A rupw-Aqni ? rqvg , r e , v tio tjg tr. Lii Maim; 11A- *42 L RAND' WAKE, OLA,SiI, OIL, NAILS, Look., Latolieg. Samna, Zion. Snow whin, and Frenolt Turponine, Pnii U rein. Chrome., &atdways to:be 1n..1 the linnlware S'nz or REV NOl,l a CO.. ropl2l 1,44. liAvon. Pa _ _ been entirely renewed, we offer the lad TIM n 011.11 , 10 ' tO have (Lair dingy welis/11.4a0 uuw (et leapt iu appearance) by culling with ItEIXOLgA a e 0 1,00, MEI HOEIKApaiS, ATTENTION.-310- 6 RUKOWIS h cot. r2ll Lock 'raven, 1.11. - • -DLAOK SILKS FOR MAITTITIt6s -12 w.l 331twliew wide, of a iitilproliffilflite, ' ett _ . :TOOT REOBIVED-A VARIETY OF differeitt elle LADIES' DitFrjs 44)01)6 w.oh eff, AWL FOR SALEI-- WILL EE SOLD —tat by pi iv,ito ade the 11,110 e% he; real estate nit WI Healer 14treet. Mileeburg- a valuable I,ol` tlb* 111:01) N I), roottinicg in frm . , flfry foe, a1,,1 in depth, 144 1,1, 110 A 111.4 t 110 1 ,201.1 VICZtO.I X 1,110 rimy anal hell Lull 11017: 4 N 3,.0,1 relmla on tho lot urn n nnntharof vhnlnalmtfrlivex, - edir wed well of vratef• Ear tonna arrli 1/ANIIII. DaY44 - 11311, 41 4 4 reviling uu tl n trroupiea. A.RMERE TAKE NOTI.;E.--- 1 01tAIK WANTED. --- The ulmuribe r trill pay au highest market rated in emit for Wlatal.,ll.yo, Oat., Corn and Buokerboat, nt. Bin l'ionnita Kilda, on tho Mtutiananti.Creek,titren,ntited tram the Antes' -t.0..11.4441141, P. B, lYtuldio'n is only fotrrtoeu inane, being plank mad and 'turnpike, tucking it desirable far runner , * and allele to bring their grain to thin rg-rtitis or Lumber Rawest. Lumber and Shingles of at! kinds will always he leant on hand fir Mir. Ale°, I supra 1 0 prtitike 94. CO AI., roady fur delivery et market prioo. u cevs esti, after selling their grain et the Pioneer Mills gut Nadir% hook, thereby making it an atlitutingo . to them. 11NNItti tlftoB, Agent. further partiatulars enquire et, the , odinir of the “Duerztatie etehreee." " tertlol3nt Z 8, OA SALE AT M. LOCk HAVEN )IAB ae BLI3 WORKS, every "drrlidinf Pr L.WORK,EueIa iie.cosnSteei Pending,Nati; Ohataa'aud Tawla Ow 800., Window ..11oada Verandah Railing, ho. AIM Staiaary, pub as Lleha, mimic - Nroubkiitimid 1) 611 opouth tlt lay at hall deeinw. alum. 0 1 //0 0 at wad Solemnity as large a' 1111, Vaaes A. . roune Olf, tarnel, to. H. Otill jolok Maven Jigarbb WO/10. FIZA fp, • BOALIOIi'a • LOOT Atilt 13110111 AuNo Strt t: r. It *Lt. irony The taloaertber haring resumed !outsets at. WO old stand, inflate - his friends and thevublle gee , - orally, that he has keit:returned from Philadel wJth &large -awl chola° assort meek uf re EMI meek et er offered to the publio, uudonaatog_ LADINS' OENTLEMI:N'tt AND CIiILIMEN":.# r BOOrit 5.11061 i AND ItAtTgits, Ot drery deveripl ion. style nod quality. in thtt airy other market. 'lttrumir [ cameo b esoolkh• — fo;DUltititILITY ali.lelltAl'lVENS. • • - I 0- 1.1u1fe 4 9 or (letillezuua Ivl4l.ing a :leaf fitth, , , 110,a, Shoo or (1 ii Err, can JlMA:tire a good art lobe nr my Atom I have poly on hand a aplandid stook' of Loather, .Le. eaol, employ ii br4 mietuttornern: therefore, can procirertha Ilftt*Orth 01 their omoey. The publie M ea`eapootfalty - - • ol.flf '- T, V, ROALIUII.-.• ler.r.rAv. • iIrEEPER.vAN-FIES-INeVRAItOE, CO' - • OF I'IIII.API:I,PVIA.. OPPICt"-• NORTH RAPT (10011111 or TIIIR II AV Iv BUTTONWOOD' (LAM'. TAIIVANI) Inoorporoto4l I the Lo febuttre of P• . • AVTI7OItI7IIO evr LAa.• , - !Imo o r ,lsm 04 . on Public or Private Poildiog3, Po r n! nf tion.i.. - enettleten.l4.rittic":ralTlTuSi, ' ,. . 4 - We lotion. A CCONMODATION: IdbflailiE AZ- ... ...ck Tw E.Es 111:LI,LFit.NTI: .t I,OVK HAVEN. Th., sol,rori her %mad P. rnratf n ily inform the till V.lliif pub4e lint he hut piroka upon the BALD. BliAl I? liQU'll 4-eiwtr , tr. Pcilrfople ribli Look HMI9I. 4 neve line "rfamits for Iturnasuromoda ti.n ut nil who luny WWI to4ravrl **IN this read Ttio . fing.estrii.iwtrdoriolils and eorrehiont to ride In. and 'the tirivele soil' horses trill giee general andelhotteelr. 2rlie. Stogie . pnuip in r ur 'fit, Yt a. Li quiAglit, both gnitt mut umult,r, Tha 11t will IC , Ivo • Ihr I>itirad Ifem4c Ilere-_ fhote, every lltunhef,ltrothiteility-end Friday liter - - flings, of 7 teelonl ! A. X , and leave Look .lityrt:o (ivory Tuoutuy; Thunuirty oil' elev . ...........-.• 44. iii:Lixrozum Llvrily StAtti.E —The 4tiliserilier would chin . Inikoinnt . i t o ublic that he still wettest*, in . .ivery tuslpess, and le propitiate to A etYtminntlaile lent wirh NAFIS. ANO .1.0. 7 7 . HoRRES and noun VYAIIChtIII, on the Ustsst netker. CuellittArivent will always be in re were. toectotroy paneogatirtcr goy pelattliat easy he die Ind. iY Thaukral for NM firers, he rerpestfiaijoo lithe. a tiontinustwo of the tame. J 123 WM. 11. nnua.. - muttedsilylie.. nr ginTra to by way of 3torma.orrn end Wor.ionssuk, an, so weekly tillnid Eagle Plank Road.. From Ty ewe on Monday, Wednesday and rridiky Irvin liellsfonte on Turearsj. Thursday and Saler day, antr the following thereon the ettarmatown road treet2 n• cummixar. , kEEP IT BEFORE flit PEOPLE • that the platform of Inns May's clomp ir . otak, id long Clzll4ll and broad enough for the ((wads air the thine {.lineal portfts to stand upon. re ti <,.tupoisel of plant a mith,h wettest will be useepitaiale to the Ltetefrof tonitrwre, Buchanan, and Fremont. • • ritz_olL to rally -irt -rastmal uo• very- dsy. (Sunday e nei ed.)ht the Peoples Rote, - where able spankers are engulfed to disown She meths and qualities of the LA itarsTrcHEAp- En and most magnificent assortelmst at STAPLE AND FANCY DRY VQODB, cytt offore4 In lb• eitisens of Itellettm.a T 1 lc [egg Innen CANNA' lIE HEAT. EZEM=MI=I A porfent select inn nr ptara nrvy C.W1111111011 , 1111 an.l.Datalnen, nt, ullnrt n. 4 . . Dinh gloaly black DIVERS - 1 4 1458 or reffibii makes a Cult araorinmot nu*, readj. War all ** new and fagilionaldd goods, ell at May's Edam. Evtru q ualitv t ,tOll utble.tebodLlas t bcot r ode iu Irfonto To the sc ,lttlenteu—who bars rdte runt oq tlitg elcolioo—c ul e.vu 2d per coat, by makin g *eh n.t• Ma T 'i Rtur i wasopli v ent er e - 1 1 - - mar. dalr and tour loylo Nre,itt g i cuannt Nu rurptialed in Itmury Made ClatlibrS In tile thin, to Oen". e•rory holy. or' • Wo &O AdL atm I wavily stuisk l umi theauclrk cbar g u .r ?bow der 04429 - rskAr MAY. yt it. m r fittßiflog, For W. OPAPAV LOOK ICEICE! ! -HAVE YOUR 1:1111:4 eiren worm.' ii thay have, get • hotthe I :tilt NVono Erpoller, which iaaokaowl• r,h,•.1 to l the rem:Ay - rot Xvriull son La me. I.oolc nt thv a ideb, Wo, the intierigenc•l havlnk need In oar fossilise, tleorge L.Attlee onlobritted Worm Expeller. de no rosteschq the mono as a pleasant, safe and Ofootud roinati - for vronllP: Goorge mtnrintnn. Itfilrohnrg, Daniel 'lkliltaburt; ; 'won Kotly, Mitraburgt Vat% Tleiltloute ; tioloannt Naha, Todd" Stalrjr. l'ruptire 1 only 1.7 l}l:Eli\h McidEEN, Ben*. 11,100, A vt,te—C F mitn and Joe. amen 4 8.4, Ilikalwrg..l. B. alumni, Frrucc Creek. (EYNOLLS k CO., Look Haven r-BTATE OF V7ll. A. D li , 17)7, .1.2 doo'd. Iltherca., Lottenta A.lmi ittnstion on Ilte estate of Nut. A Darnhontelleelot Doggy nernahip, 1.1%u been granted to thu .0 ribtle, re- Aiding io the horomh of Bellefonte, all ponattos in ti,tott.l to r.siGl estate njllplease come f ,roArd and oettle isnwe'lintely, and drone hash gulahnaavtlae6 the mane pill present them m pperly otothotitp & It to .10/1:1 f. 1100‘131...141tai Oclt•Gt. ,- . ==l TIIRL'EX OUNT SEM — INARI4—, north-II cst from nerr "eorei.doon, , Ilf 11111:1 111 , 1 e I I• yeoovtlf frws octoher X, i.+:4, tin Jone I, Ir' The .ire Fro'thfol, the , Am nnm lie;; v iv Iwnlittfol, the s.'..n . lin'l.loi"W_o•tilicient ha 110 ho,rd. rs 200 4u luau , 4 t e r orosoarttot.V. The renro Rim ir" in evtonl , ive, the tunes bra experionot4 list a e, acd every ronsenoldo off o IA 11144111 • 71r , I1AUt13 the pLysloa, Intelleeltinteholl Worn! wet. rAir of meliolftri. A Ciroulor will he sent to order, with particulars and refelenees if ginsiseti. Atitni,Prinelpef i -- lCurttatnwn. rA, 11 :4 ROOllll3 AND BIJCX.Vra JLO (iitoUSED CEDAR WARE, warrantea not todo ink -* vATEsr JIACIIINE•IIADE 'DOOMS, "oar own tnnlo. MINIMS. 21 ATSaMATftIf SS, Ivonn AND sr tttwor TrAttitirritt tindfr fir watricrwripi-m -- • Joifli 11. ALLEN. it CO. • ' Nor. 2 soil 4, Cbastnut BtruaL, below Water, sing- 20 . .. rialaaelp . -_ . rtiIt:I2MT7A — TAI, , ..116 situ ltoti in Walker torrnalitp:tbriartroart of ~ wale tr i o( of f[ohleriburlf, cont•tii•inx -12* aallef, . more or his. oiripral Ilineatono lanes io a good state a of yolitrttiii.t, iii.tlar good Como, Willi terravinably - ant 19itaiiiA-i. This [aria will ha rooted Mt sly 1p ... r.1,. , 1 Ode terms orrisliaroir. and will to • . _ poi mato, liartirwypiterni rattily& to 'alio a weiriterterif-talitiar--- A rl a r -40- --- ^ 1 ,4 , 4-- c 11/LISTIAN CLEVEN . .iTI2fitt • ait )t—td 1-pa ' 4 . , 'on ilia p• . i ,, „ .1.131'7 GOODS, 0400EREEIS, dco.4 A %Arlin iStnek alvittya mi liana to eutz• idiacrs, fur Wit Very elleMery, by oi I AiMernt STONE, billciolita. Lsrots paean caebuts,THE appointed agoat fur tho min of Hew dalobroded grain tradlea. MASTIN STOMi t 'jolt . • Ikiketkont•• , IRA C. MIMI:ELL, - - AtrowEr4T-AT _ --, .11ELVEFONTE, AA. i Who in the Lronire, one doe? ftemllourbiek'iAe; lel, VIII nountliannppill bnetneacill thinkneXllll. ton encleleertild .... • . „.., ' j...:, CASH PAID POE,AiI 11141 1 / 1 1401r - lIIDEf, '• .• 1 , , ~,, ' - tettllll;' , . 4 ':, , . i , ' MOO- •t. • ' --:: ' WOO' strip SPANIAU SOUR I` 1 &&by 7110/1114$11 • ,= 6., 6,. •• .. _ , • 040.31. tr. rat cAupirt. BY . 'MS • , • IL/ lard, Sato:Jon and li BAs widl., 1..8. AMU)) ' Al:.':~'^'U 1.: • (1 hortv Feel., _ ih.orge K. SmiPh, ifynti . lla ricer, V t slim i ~k. &hake, John tlli3loei !lit, Won 11 %Om'. : Anithjil - V. 151111 hr, Thomas Ilhatrave, Win Al 'I Juniti. _ Joit,. nownhin, IV lir t' 8.111 i t 5, : 1 440h Sehanticin, Idleml Thrive, GI IA 1r g e P: 4! A jr,,, _ • . OV ( 011Gt EEITY. rre,i,/ i . -mt. .rbvi...c r..E.:Larigitris.. IT ! e 4 J'ho id• W. Pp liar E.- Cu I. A;44X ;--Nfer 0 ley ry. je !Anvil, STAGES FOR TTRQW/I It IL Y.-Ulm-m.4U woeld te' =3 nug•2fl ME El MI EDI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers