'crut atdintan. sop;At, Oils/air antra) To ♦LE FOR . P • 'IDRNT, LAS. BUCHANAN, OF P&NNSYLVANTA FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECENRIDGE, OF KENTUCKY PRESIDENTIAL ELLTIOi".:S iISNATMITAT,. 176•41•441 Buoktivr, !STRICT. iiiipt24 W;Nobln 4r, 14 Reuben 1 !Wee Baler, 15 ,Jeerpr A. Crelefottl Wirral Jamey t 111 14 17 11 .1 Stade, ,! a, - 19 John T Rodtr,f, 6 Jerbo II Brlnten, • 11 Jamb Turney, 7 David, Leery. J A J Buchanan, Zblitles "'I it Wilkira, 6 James POWs .n, 22 Jerre, (1 Campbell, lb Isla(' Silipnlft, 73 T - Connittibew.. 11 - F W ffogbe., 24 John 1:e/obey, ST T1inif61111766411661; ' 23 Vincent Phcir Ahnibarn BELE.gFo::rr, PENNA 2 10 . MSC The Day , The Presitlentisi eleetttnt takes place o the 4th of November. Let cc-cry rosu . who Imes fur: Country beat Ins post—reel-7 man at his gin. One sustsiur4 fire, anti the dat . is onr own ! • Examine your TiCkets I The reckless opponents of Democracywill 1130 the moat deFpicrble mesas b secure the overthrow of that tarty, end cantiim our friends to look out for viz us' Electoral tickets. Examine your tickets carefully and see that every 'mime he comet. keep the Fire Burning! We killed the enemy on Tuesday last, in Pennsylvania, but we must bury him en the 4th of November. To do so ellectaally, let our friends every where throughout the, county and the &ate )(rep up theirorgattiaa ,-AMADME*MIPALSVA.II.I9,r.IO, to poll every Buchanan vote If this is dime, and it mast sad will be done—Mr. Buchanan will sweep the State by from 5,000 to 50.- 000 maprity. Freemen ! Do yoti love your country I If you do, eine tAs ---ihaseenaset tf s you love the nion f Ilse, vote with the party that de fends its honors as a Nation, and guarantors sovereign power to each and every State. Do rttitelieve the Constitution to be a sec t'. -isstruostot 1 If not, vote with the • yl. t maintains its Nationalapplica tion. Do you believe our glorious consteUa non alataina Ml{ sis:sea stars? . If not, vote with that pally Pio contends for lilisrty-nne! Young Man, flow arerongoing to cast your rote; ww begin your politiesd life 1 Will you esenesenee &record that will haunt you the balance of your days 1 Will you rote with a pieetrihat has but one idea, and that a files ono I Will you indentify yourself with a sectional party, that cannot exist but a single year, and then be blown out like a candle i Where will you be the next year I Look to this, young man. There is no event of /our life of more importance than this.— Begin right. That is (eery thing to you. Remember ! MIEN THE BILL FOR ABOLISIILNO FLOGfN(I IN TIIE NAVY WAS UNDER CONSIDERATION, WILLIAM L. DAYTON VOTED AGAINST IT, AND IN FAVOR OF FIRING WHITE MEN !-IIE, FOR THE. MOST TRIVIAL BREACH OF DISCI PLINE, WOULD HAVE OUR BRAVE TAR, STRIPPED NAKED AND TIED UP TO YUE MAST AND THEIR QUIVERING FLISII CUT FROM THEIR BONES! NOW, HE IT SHEDDING CROCODILE TEARS OVER "BLEEDING KANSAS," AND THE PRETENDED WRONGS OF THE -NE GRO! Oganization Democrats, to carry the Prerßential eke lion tiiutapbsntly on the 4th of November, we have but two things to do : • MEI BRING OUR 'WHOLE FORCE TO THE POLLS. Macon', PREVENT FRAUDULENT VOTING ' The country ix with you ; Let the people speak oat and the day is ours. With a per fect organization to effect these,two ohleats, you haes the election. R:7ER) TO WORK. ErWE MUST TOIL IF WE WOULD WIN. --- Be — P - Ogred But a few days yet remains to prepare fur -this-seatt- important adectiim which bas, elm been bold . iince the foundation of the ger ' ertititent: - Priewit of Eve: Rigitto, aim YOU ALL Rsatert Are you organized in every &heel district I is everything ar ranged for securing every Vote on the 4th of November, The old, the feeble, the infirm, are they provided for', Those who are una- No to losotheir time to go and vote. an they provided with a suhatitute to wiirV for them 1 Neter mind the large mas a mit t- Ogg. They are glorious—overwhelming— capital kethefrplaces, and will take care of theamstor.....itut the small meetings in the • - ebt"lstry.atlioel districti, where twenty, fifty, a buadired parsons can be gathered, they are the most profitable after all. Lot them not be Bated or everktoked. They will tell upon the popular mind—arrange to hold thew everywhere. We have work to do— lot Emery coo be up and doing: Now is Tullio fu Nor. —thir Moms Us Mimi with the latest, 'richest, and most &Eh , tenable luods. • . , The **apt and hypeeritieel leaders ,41 the fillailire and Tremont party think they hare played their last cankatreitly, and that they will succeed in nsaking ill !bur points and win the game. Wallet, Stevens, John ston, Ritner 1 Cbmpany, have succeeded bly in the scheme long since devised by which hottest, national men were to be made vote an Abolition ticket, whether they were willing or not, and they lured some in. tenor party wolktrs in each locality to play second addle for them and keep those in the Fillmore ranks, nho itould cast their votesi for Pennsylvania's favorite son, James Buchanan, rather than for the cattle spec ulator—rather than go it blinds A (Won ticket hie been Conned on a basis well ealcuisted,to spread the snare of de ception prepared by Wilmot & Company, into every look and corner of our State to deceive behest men, who would rather lose their right hand than Vote for Fremont, into bra support—unless they will look around them, and by examination and thought, con vineilhemstires of the fraud, so basely at timpttel to be practised upon therm liver twenty-six names stands the .name of Jahn''('. rremont, eon-tituting ft ticket for Fremont men to vote. Over exactly the halllC tytent;t-atx names is placed the name of Millard Follmerr, a Inch tennis a ticket that Fillmbre men are called upon by Gov ernor Pollock, SecretarY Curtin, The Ilar roburc Tel sirraph and all OM Fillmore-Fre mont speakers and organs to vote. :SI , 3C Aucll cos This forms the grand fusion, copsommated at the F.3olfico of trtry principle, fur the sake of victory—of which the late " Union Snito ticket" , n as the Abolition forrruncr— fcr the -formatton of which Sterens,John stun and other Abolition wire-pullers, have beta exerting all their tlforts since the com mencement of the campaign, and by which they expect to Impose in - AbOlitiou beliet upon the men who adhere to Millard Fill more. Below we insert that ticliet, which we . take from the Lock Haven WatrAman, a pro fessed American organ. and also found at tho head of the llarriabnrg Telegraph, the organ'orthe - State administration. Look at it Freemen ! Look it fairly in the face, and fitibuitiatiot IT It 'Bert 'tht - settritoy 0 honest men I Anoexrnon Emuroam. Annt.rreon Twig, TO TuleEr M1C11 , 12 , 11 John C. Fremont, Jaws Irvin, fawn Irvin, Jorwpilt Er!lrani.. iwseph Ettwsrettr, own* N. likbartl. Ileerre N Eckert, nears, Swi , lwewtrockwr, I Herne I‘eblemeriuker, Known Jewell, N.,V Moo Jewell, Albert°. It.wwlawl, Albert II Rowlan,i. Caleb N. Trayhar, CAlab N. Traylor, William I. Brarlinton, WflNaaa.l. Darlington, Walla's K. Baird. William K. Baird, 311rahaal U. RA* Mialinal 11. Shirk, Shoos Cameros, Hama Camosna, John MaCarmkk, Joka MoOsormick, Smith B. Tbompano. Smith R. Thompson, Hammll P. Lorll, - kaanoll F. Lent Abramrlx irrtnnwk ... .. Joseph D.. Simmers, Jeeepli D 7 fliiipean, llesekish Listen, Dezeklah Hattori, FAward Scull, FA ward Beall, William Jil Stewart, Williams W. Stewart, Alfrfe4 Pattersrm," &nal, C Sawper, Jacob Painter Lawrence L. Mdluflin, Lawrenne L bref7uilsc George W Arnold, (looms W Arm.l,l, James Fkinner I Fremont men will - vote it or cotine--ihose who have been 110 carried away with one idea, that they forget dm fallen character of human 'nature, and seek to elevate their Own selfish sentiments and opinions above the views of Wafts who think differently, and they who are willing to destroy the best Constitution God has ever given to man, and dissolve the glorions .American Union of States, that has done so much towards the elevation and civilization of our race, rather than let the itople of our infant colonies reg ulate their own domestic affairs can vote it because they are aware that all the -rge ciajon ties against the Democracy collie from the Blink-Republican counties (as the returns from the last election will show,) and that a large majority of the fusion ticket east would have the name of John C. Fre mont at their head- We venture the assertion that two-thirds of the opposition to the Dernocrecy in Penn sylvania arc Fremont men—and Wilmot, Stevens, &Co , know this- They halo such sasurance as amounts almost to positive proof that they have everythirr; to gain by a fusion and nothing to loge, and therefore they exultingly eolith m the bargain long contemplated with Pollock, Curtin and other Fillmore leedera, Having learned that in the rinks of the so-called American party are a few remaining honest men who -have been deceived into the adherence of their proscriptive pi inciplee that would thank God if the bonds that have been forced upon them were sundered, so that they might again ho freemen —and who, if the Know- Nothing organization was hilly broken up, would cast their votes for the candidates of the Democratic party, they put forth a ticket upon which they hope such men may he induced to throw away their votes. 13',1a1! this trick deceive and defraud any man out of his vote in election of the President I For the sake of preserving • corrupt or• gassiastion, merely of pollutea vitt - men' sitar theilitelica willing To lie theOoPplitnt tools of mercenary. men, an the trumpeters of unprincipled fusion, to de teat. the cemeintratest forces of thu honest yeomanry, that rsdlies under the Demogratic banner We have too imich confidence in the integ. rity, of our fellow men to believe that they can either be swindled by chicanery, or duped by fanaticism. Voters, remember that the leaders of the Fillmore party have fused with — Fgeont, and that a Fillmore electoral ticket hi kept in the field to induce men to waste their strength and cast their votes for a man that no sensible observer believes for a moment can be elected. ", Remember. that you are being used as the tools and supporters of a set of men in Can• tre county, who have no other patriotism than that which emanntes from their pock• eta—no . other political principles, than the hope of oak*. "" . - Aoctursee—rs-President Van Barra was thrown trot* his carriage ore Saturday last near Valenti*, N. Y., and Inl-1a aran bee. ken. The Paste, Alfred Puttermri, ariv4r C . Ravryrr, atli - sinter, Jame• Etkinair The Contest milli) Moral. As joufnellst 'we hove the pleasure to oongratulato the people of-Centre county, and the readers of the IVatchman, upon the result of the lets elective. If ever there was a contest in which the lane of principle was involved, the late election presented such a contest, because it involved all the ramifications of politics, and Invited a dis cussion of bu.siness interests with trade re ciprocity. Pennsylvania is a State which naturally demands national Iler foreign trade makes her a suppliant at the door of Congress.. /ler domestic indus try demands Congressional legislation, and her cast and inestimable resources render her jealous of the Rebates of those nho are chosen to gir j & tone mid temper to State and National legislation. With these assurances guaranteed, will make her in business what the is in geographical reputation— the Key stone of the political, n. well as the business arch of the Union. The late Election in Penns)+, aria proves the fact, that upon an issue crf principles the people are'deroted to the cFhed of _Demo cnirty. We need adduce no other fact in proof of this assertion than that which re deemed the Congressional district of which Centre county is a part ; and we can go aLill farther in saying that the same county has redeemed herself by the election of a mem , her of the House, when a United States Sen ator is. to be chosen, to represent our vast and accumulating trade in the national le gislature of the country. Permaylvania has more than once been called on to decide the destiiiies of the nation by her omnipotent Voice. She done so under the. financial cri sis which crashed the United States Bank— she done so in the acquisition of territory in one North eastern •boundary_discusaion— she done so in the establishment of the Sub- Treasury, and she has done so now by the ixtinguishinent of fietiott whlchwere sworn to the obliteration of birth-right. and the de struction of religious altars. With these facts before us, and with tbewfact that Centre county has once more enrolled herself under the glorions banner of Democracy, we ask the hardy yeomanry of the county to come up to their work on Tuesday next. We ask .thcat tustand by the platform which they. so r.obly sustained by the election of a Con gressnum. We itsk them for the reasons ansigned above, to support Buchanan and Itreektnridge as n re-endorsement of an avowal of sound national principle's. WIIAT WE IVAN?' 11 6 e want, Is l ay:a the Pittsburgh Post) to elect Buchanan entirely by North( Ili elec toral votes. Cali it be done? Is it not at least possible? The North has 176 elm:tor:0 vote', including California. We cannot doubt that New .. 11!tlimisliXe; Connecticut, and Ithoild 'Yana eleetoml votes for Pennaylvania's favorite son. Of New York and New Jersey we hate no doubt. Our friends there assure us that all is will. That makes 57 : Pennsylvania is perfectly sore-8l ; Michigan, Indiana, Illi nois added-114. In Ohio, it ;. said that the Fillmore electoral ticket will poll nearly 50,000 votes. Take that fact, and tho late election result together, and the State is sure for Buchanan that makes 187 ; California' brings it up to 141. In lows there is a sep arate Yahoo,* ticket, and the last election there was tWrafincirtly claimed as ti Flllmore triumph. If the Pillnaore ticket polls even 8,000 votes, the Democrats will catry the State. This makes 145. It takes 149 to elect. Now then for Wi4consin. The local elec tions in many places in that State last apnng, indicated a rapid Democratic gain, and in most of the places a decided Democratic majority. The Wisconsin .Democratic pa pers assure us of a triumph there. Gentle men from (here are inclined to the same )be lief. Wisconsin has 5 electoral votes ; that would tasks 1511 Now, if the Democrats work with all their might in all the Northern States, from this to the evening of the •tth of November next, they may elect Buchanan exclusivity with Northern votes ; and then set down the 120 Southern votes as purelly a compliment to Northern nationality, constitutionality, pa tnotisru and justice. That is nhat we want. TIIRGRILAT iht.MOCRATIC VICTORY IN INDI ANA.—We learn from the Indianapolis Senti nel, of Monday, which haa nearly complete returns from all the counties in the State, that the result iv as follows : The Demo cratic State Ticket, headed by Ashbel P. Willard for governor, is elected by over seven thousand majority. TheM is Democratic majority in the Legialattiro of not less than thirty on joint ballot, which gives us two Democratic UMW States Simmers. , • At least six Denweratie members of Con gressout of eleven, being a ,gnin of oar. THE CAT OF FAAUD.---th, Baltimore Bun CEI boet - 68;000'wites - vrerirPottedin adelphis on Tuesday, being nearly 12.000 mare than were ever polled before. Since the Mayor's election in May last the Demo cratic vote has increased over 5.000, and the opposition over 6,000-votes." Notwithstanding th4r? direct charge of the Now York Fremont papers, that thousand of fisdulent voters had been or would be im ported into Philadelphia by the. Democrats, the actual count shows that the Black Re. publicans and Know-Nothings combined have a majority of one thouttand on the in creased-veto in' that city. Rarueursat, Paratorram.—Voting RIX TDOURAND DOLLARS apiece into their pockets as Congressional pay, and REFU SRC TO VOTE A DOLLAR TO SUPPORT THE ARMY OF THE UNITED 'STATES, whose services are tabaCilutely necessary to protect the lives and property of American eitisens. Goy. PoLwat.—We can announce to our reidess that Ger. Pollock has at last conk op his mind hew he shall rote.. Ile inteods . to gathdy,all 6y rutin fbr Fremont luxl ,Piore at (he same time. - Patriotic 'Sentiments. $ l'he So:4:1m of America is open not outy to receive the opulent and re spectable stringer, but the oppressed ■nd persecuted of all nation' and religions. whom we shell weloomo to a participation in all our rights and privileges."—Gsonos WASH waror:. -- "I‘If I know myself, I am a politician neither of the East, nor of the West, of the North nor of the -Setttit.--1 therefore shall foreter avoid any exprtissiOns, the direct tendency Of which Daunt be to create secant, je ones, eertioual divis ions, and it length disunion, that work of all polijioal calaniitica."--Jeans BUCHANAN. Illirrtont my soul I respect the laboring man. Labor Is the foundation of the wealth of every count' y and the free laborers of the North deserve respect both for their probity and their intrdligence. !leaven forbid that I should.do them wrong! Oran the COU'lltl ICS pis the earth we ought to have the most consideration fir the labenng man.—Jsiirrm flccirasasr, 'But it . it. (the Whig party) is to he merged into a colitiempbble-Abolition party, and if Abolitionisrois to be engrafted upon the Whig creed, from that moment I renonnce the party. and cease to be a Whig. I have got yet a step further: If I emotive, I will give my humble support to ,that man for the Presidency Who, TO witizsvca rktirr uni NAT B6LoNG, iti not eoutantinited by fa naticism ratter than one• who, crying oat all the time that lie is a 'Whig, maintains doc trines utterly subversive of the Constitution and the Union.—lfaazT CLAY. 11:'!'Should I be ,phiced in the executive chair, I shall umr my best CY ertions to cultivate peace and frienchillip with all nations, believing this to be our ITIGIIRST ' , Otter, as Will as our tnoistlnritaxrrry BUCILINAN. That country in inogt prosperous where labor commands the great est reivanl.4-4.astes SuctresTAN. 11:"‘I most heartily pledge myself, should the nomination by the Con ,awatii;lia be tatifiett tly JJo Sli9➢ilk.,thatt„l ll the power acid influence constitutionally pos sessed by the Executive, shall be exerted in a firm but conciliatory spirit, during the single term I shall remain in office, to re , store the same harmony among the sister Stales, nhich prevaile,', before the apple,pf discord in the firm of slavery agitation, had been cast into the nridst.—JAmits Bent ANAN. 111‘fiVe join ourselves to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step with the mask of the linion."—Rms Coon's. rien."No party founded o#l re ligious political intolerance towards one class of American' eiti L ii•ns; whether horn in our ou n or in a foreign land ; can lotig con thine to exiat in this country. Fre are all equal before God and the Constitution. 'nu" CHAN-01'3 Lurras OF ACCKFTANCr. I, could have enter tained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed at the„ Convention, where I bad the honor to preside might pos sibly endanor the religious rights °Pliny ecclesiastical sodety, otitlaiply I would never have affixed my signature to It, and if I could conceive that theGcneraltiovernment might eves he so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure. I beg you will ho persuaded that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish, effectually-. barriers against the horrors of spiritual ty ranny, and every species of religious parse , cation—for, you doubtless remember, I have often expressed my sentiments that any man conducting himself as a good citizen, and being &mountable to GOD MUSIC for his RICI.I - oritiioxs, ought to bo protected in worshipping the Deity according to the dic tates 'of his own conscience."—lVssnitarrox. !'''Disunion ill a word which ought not to be breathed amongst us even in A whimper. The word ought to be con eideredone o(dread(ul omen, and our chil dren should bu r taught, that it is sacrikge to pronounce it." -JAKE'S BUCHANAN. "It is of infinite moment that you should properly estimate the im• memo value of your national union to your collective anirindividualhappiness; that )ou should ever cherish a cordial, halal's% and immov e able attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak or it as the palladium or political safety and prosperity; watching for Its presci ration with a 'jealous anxiety; discomitenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can, in any event, be absadoned ;Anti indignantly frown sngupon the first dawning of emery attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble She sari ed ties which link together Me various ports."—Wmmixoisou's EILAZWILL ADDRXB.4 Tn TIIT AWICRIOAK Eso. Sztrriurr.tt. Psarr.- 7 1t is astonishing with what coolness and assurance the sec tionalists can deny that they are sectional. The Fremont party are of sixteen States ; it is rank folly to pretend that It has sobstatt del existence in fifteen States. And tips party has for its rally-cry war on an inalibk tion which exists only in the other Snow States ; and it is in relation- to action as to this inatiteXixn that this party claims to rule theSenth. fe-this the nerthern'party says it has the power; and it means to exercise it. ARTHUR'S Bose MAOALIkE.--The Novem ber number of this popular home magazine is on our table. It is enriched with original contributions of rare excellence. from the pens of some of our moat dislinguisheAwri• ten. In additiop to the other tine embel• lishments, the Hera Magazine will hereafter contain a beautiful colored steel fashion plate in every number. Important improvements will be made at the commencement of the next volume. In the JantlarY number, Miss TOTIIIIITT4 will commence an original novel letts °rest interest. • Go to Work! Now that the first battle has bees fought and victory perched upon the Dentocraito standerd,,we hope that our Friel:lds through out the °Gorily will not relax their effort*, but continue to work diligently to array the Democratic forces fbr qiegreat national fight which is to coups off on the 4thorNovember Desperate at the defeat which they have just received at the handsel' the Democracy, the Abolitionist awl Fusionists will leave no weans uitti4eil to counteract the strong Dem: °critic current which is swooping them and their concomitant isms into the gulph of po litical oblivion. Let there be no lack of enthusiasm. Let meetings be held ftequently.in etery school district. Go to work tnanfully, earnestly, deter minedly—giro one more lire along the line and the day is ours ! WORK! WORIC!.! WORK I! TICKETS, On the last column of our third page will be found five Democratic Electoral Tielceta, which eau be cut out and distributed. IMPORTANT FROM KANSAS.—PIIACE .lan Qr IKT R ev. ti RIMY LDTT R --The following gratifying letter RAS receiv ed by the Secretary of State last Friday. We lay it before our Millers, that the glad tidings may be heard which, announce au thoritatively that PRAM AND QUIRT litr e assironxii IN KANSAS. Comment on the energy, promptncsal• and Alrmneas on the (tart of tiovecadr Geary, which have brought about this happy reault, is uniwesaary. Ilia success is the Mesita eulogium : FIXXCCTJVP: MIPARTMENT. Lecoraptim, Kansas Territory, 04. 104856. .Sea : Your letter of the 23d ultimo, in re pl4to mine of the oth, and yoUr telegraphic despatch of the 27th Ultimo, in reply to my letter of the IGth, were both received on the iiitung - oT the Bth Instant. - Despatches forwarded since the dates of those acknowledged hive informed you that peace and quiet have been restored to thii Territory. Not only have all large firm d bodies of men been dispersed, but the smaller bands of - marauders been driven on: The roads are travelled with safety, and dwell ings are secure from intrusion. For upwards of two weeks no outrages have been authen tically repostaiL /deny notariousatultrouli- Jeannie agitators, claiming to belong to all parties, IIAYC left the Territory, and the be neficent influence of their ahselice is being already very sensible felt. - The troops sent to the north have not yet I returned. It is my purpose to leave on the northern frontier a considerable force for its protection and the remainder of the troops will be employed to Fused such other points as may seem to require it. I shall shortly proceed in person with a small body of men to the southern portion of the Territory, in pursuit of a gang of thieves u ho arc said to be pillaging that region. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JNO. W. lIKAILY, Governor of Kansas. To thnion. 'W.u. L. ?ilium - Secretary of State. Washington, D. C. NO TAXATION IVITINWT RILPICXNENTATION. —The great principle contended for by our Revolutionary fathers in 1776; was that there should be "no taxation without repre sentation.". The Itritiith Parliament, they claimed, had no right to legislate for the Atherican colonies when they had 'no repre sentative in that body. Who can claim that the Patriots of '74 ware unjust in their de mands, who believes in a Roolilican form of Government 1 In 185fi we have a party in this country which occupies .lie same position that the Tories of the British Par liament did in 1770. They claim that the people of the Territories, instead of making their own laws and regulations by a local legislature, should be governed by the Con p.m; of the United States, a body in which they arc not represented and have no vote. Here is the whole ground of ditlhrencc beta een the Democracy and the Black Republicans. G7-Thc Davenport, lowa, Stale Democrat relates the (Wowing anecdote, showing that the Freemonters acknowledge they are ills unionists : "An officious Freemouter on the cars of the Chicago and Rook Island Railri;ad. a few days since, proposed taking a vote as to pre ferences fur providential eaudidutoi. and coming to T. 11. Cutting, Esq., formerly • resident of this city, said to bun: 'Who d you vote for To which Mr. Cutting re plied—'l vote for the Constitution as it is, and the right of the people to govern themselvea.' To this the woolly replied—'O, yes sir, I lice yen are a Buchanan man.' Ponder on that, ye woollies, who are not wholly given over to your hellish work of anarchy.'' THAT WITHDRAWAL.—Home of the email fry of the Republica press affect to be very much exercised over a rumor—of their own raising —that Buchanan IN about to with draw in favor of Fillmore. Keep cool gen. tlemen ! Mr. Buchanan's withdrawal; as ono of our Democratic exchanges very truly says, will not take place till shout the 4th of March next, at which time he will "with draw" from private life, to assotee tho te aponsible duties of President of the United States.- Ei4loVmagoa Ragan Af . yloisq.—Wo copy tho following from tho Easton (Penn sylvania}Scitlinei: " Our opponents have harped w great deal about ex-Governor Reader's inighly influence with the people of ids native county, and now that tho election is over awl the result is known, we should like some of his Black &publican friends to point it out to 421. The county has given eight hundred more Democratic maprity than it ever did, aid even the ward in which lie lived i lw i sil lu n K ne m d 71 Democratic votes over last elet. . lie has nirriefl 4 ,trattor to his party •Ibr , * beat knOwn to himself, and politically Kele as much despised now as he was Uwe rem, pedal." AOclincwr TO JIIDOII MoLastit.--On Tues. day an omnibus was npseinear einoinnati, by which aversl of tho psssengers were se ,verelywhiulati;smong thou' Ron. John Mc- Lean, who was seriosly though not dongar ously injured, Ws's. Doss.--Stewardshn, Potter 'musty. which last year gar,' a Black Nspublleart mapeity, this year gave a unanimous foie for the Dcercratic State ticket. Thiel IS the, banner township of the State. ADDRES or Tim Democratic County Committee. The ithairman of the • Democratic County dinninglee, deems it hie" duty hi address in , Nongratulatory language, the. Democracy of Centro county upon the result, of the recent election. _ CentrAounty has more than cll s charged her duty. She has redeemed her past error by a prenent unmistakable proof of a hound adliereAre to eal principlea. The Clint - eat through whic hn e have: passed IMM one which involved the test of Priiniple, brought out the varied and conflicting inter eats of trade by the election of a Congressman, and it also demanded our nriettS. conifimk tion from the fact Huila 'United States Sen ator was to be ehotten by the next Permsyl: venni Legislature. With these substantial reasons the people of Centre County were Ciafully guided in choke of moot na as carefully admonished in their adoption of measures. They cast their Vote in favor of a. Dcui - ocrat for Congressmen because - their iron, their coal, lumher and agricultural in terests demanded a practical man on the floorof the popular breath of Congress. ' They cast their vote for a representative at 'Harrisburg because they need a SenatorA ho will not forget for Six years to come that, De..nsylvania is the 'Keystone of the arch, and that her people,haut wants to be lees rated fur, and rights to vindicate, The Democratic County Committee con sider these results as achievements worthy of congratulation, they consider them as be longing properly to the people, because they were kroduced by that spontaneous outburst of popular opinion winder:tin only emanate from the masses. But in oongratulatingopr friends upon the result which has east a hallo of glory over the whole party, the Cern mittee feels it a duty to invoke the Dt:moc racy of Centro county to renencil energy anti rillini ed effort in the oo •ig presiden tial context. We must not , be too etmlblent beellllhe of victories in our congressionalelec- Dens. We must not let our faith in victory make us idle in the hope of future success but believing that there is a deity yet to be performed, it is expected that every. Demo cratic voter in Centre county will perform that duty Ly 4 vigilaut.adhcremeltAC AT ' ganization which gave us success in The last contest. 'I he presidential election at this junctine in our national history is one of imminent importance. Our relations abroad although not critical, are dangerous in a commercial reciprocity. We have a trade to which all ports are opened. IVe have a co3st wateretflij two oceans, and we have a territory ott it hir•)r the sun never seta. The advancement of Thmocratic principles on this continent corn meneed as it' has progressed under Demo cratic administrations. Our first aoqusition of territOry'snui under the immortal Jeffer- son. Lousianna came to the bosom of the Union, Florida next, 'rim with her fair pialeet, New Mexico, California •andOregoti, thus showing that by Democratic policy the grandest additions were made to our terri tory, and by Democratic policy only can they be preserved in peace and prosperity. The Chairman of (lie County , Committee therefore feels it his duty thus briefly- to lay these Meta before the Ihmoensey of Centre county. We moat glee an increased ma jority for our presidential candidate, because his ("mien is of ineressedimportance. Now, if ' ,rye Pennsylvania has a duty to perform. TitoVition looks to her to sustain her favor itu son, and tinviigh hint maintain her na tional rights. If front our vilifies and hill* the 14111l)e, voice which made them echO in October, ascends In November, Centre County will contribute to the glory of the old Key stone State, and add another link to the sta bility of the Union. }neonclusion the Chairman of the County Committee expects the various members of the Vigilance Committees to he prompt and I energetic in the performance of their duty he expects each to act according to his co t science and his instructions, and the reward will be a triumph as brilliant as ever illu minate,' the 'political annuls of Central Penn • sylvnnia. Ww. J. liaat.an, Chairman 111 ('IiAgAN ANN) BRIMEINRIDCIL—The op position have set-up a cry that Buck and Week have withdrawn ! When the Union was in the greatest danger, and foreign powers sought to crush itx growing pre-em inence, James Buchtitian was the last man to forsake his post of honor. Now, when fanat icism creeps into our midst, and ) as n ith a viper's sting seeks to poison the tender shoot that was nursed by our fathers, and watered with their blood,. James Buchanan is founa still at his post, warring against the subtle ties of a daring and malicious foe. ABANDONED PENNSYLVANIA. ---We flint the follovring notice occupying it conspionone place in the Republican papers of Philntlel phi& : Hon. AD/3011 BallDgaftlo, of Massachtl• 4.144, will speak at .Vattetsoo t •New Joreiry i Wednesday, Octob e r 22d, and at Bridgeton, on Friday, October 24, afternoon." If Burlingame will remain in New Jersey a few days, and shr,ick there as shrieked in Pennsylvanii t the Democrats will cer tainly carry the State by at toilet ten thou sand majority. MARTIN STORK 111141 just returned from Philadelphia,' and haa laid in an abundant stock of seasonable good*, which be All despoils of at his usual reasonable rates.— a call: Dp tIo vi aY,II - aitiii or his son Adolphus arealways readillattend to cuing auctions with satisfaction to all. SIGNOR ,Burs.—This popular and amu sing performer half taken up his `►inter quarters IA Philadelphia, and will perfbrre at the Alelodwin in Chespint street. Our ftiends visiting Philadelphia, will know whero to pass a pleasant evening. TION RIM/RIMY bIISSON, 411 old line Whig of Maryland gddressed his fellow eitizenis in favor of Bunlienan and Brookinricige in tbo Nitkionallb . .Philadelphia, oh Satutdity - evening him. • Proscription, Far Me .I)ftweratia Irateknif tr. Mt. Eorroa—vet tho last paper, publlated' by 16: CrosthWaite, there is an unwarranta ble and unjustifiable attack upon the Catho lic priest located in this place. lie puts forth over a column of abuse because the Catholic clergyman exercised the' privilege of voting. Does not our free Vunsfitution guarantee to all the citizens of air beloved land the same dear,rrighlit .1 kiln, not all alike, freemen, anti-Air evane6n*recipients. of the blessings that our - free government produces 1 Ihm not ono Mbillifef of 'Christ, as many rights 'soother in 4.5 . 10,4ana of boasted Republicanism, *here 6 . , ttiltitetigions test ellen ever be required," and where our fathers built their altars, declaring that men Could wonship Clod according to tlitldletates of their own consciences. Have not our Presbyterian, Idclhodiat and Ohne miiiiiters voted at our polls year after year, and ,no man presumesi to question the propriety of their act, or to malign them for exercising that undeniable right. If our. forefathers who fled from persecution to bitild'up a gov ernment of common and universal freedom; could look down trim their homes tibiae and behold the contracted and bigoted pro scriptionists who tread upon the soil they consecrated by their blood to npudily and toleration: if the pure record of their lives- Li a crittrion from which to judge, they would pronounce the most bitter anathemas upon those who ere endeavoring to excilb the passions and prejudices of our citizens against their fellow-men on account o f their birth• plaice or religion. Yee, the priest , vo ted: but he did not "kid sixty revuter ttio polls," to keep back native-born tai/issue, rostliwaite's ',hoot to• the contrary notwith standing. We assert, and our assertion can be substantiated by the affidavits of our most respectable citizens, that but one mem ber of bps church accompanied him to the polls, and that member stands au higlabatlus community Raspy man in CentrLoonnty, at whose nolieitation he consenteibto vote. We assert farther, that the belt of the church. did not ring that morning, that the church was not open, that the Catholics nearly all voted before dinner, and the priest not until near evening, as the, poll list will show.— Tholoarg,htels tkat ,C4.4..h..14.11VAig!48 and they add new testimony to the eharse• ter of Chrosthivaite'w paper, for falsehood and dirthimesty. Shame on that member of a Christian church who would so disfrace his sacerdotal robes as to publish to the viorld a mass of arrant lies, for the purpose of %minding and brow-beating his fellow. men and fellow-worshippers. If Crostlt n wits retiecfs, in the calm moments of his life; wli( n stirrountkvb by those that are near and dear to lumin the faintly circle, we think, that lost as he has shown himself to be to evcry iouse of infoffiond and honor, he can not but discover the injustice halloo perpe trated, andTet I a conscientious inclination to make n partition. If he will think fora mo• mint of the meek, forgiving disposition of his Master, in whose footsteps he prefewses• to follow, he most certainly rosaselaws• that he has forgotten Mee bigh aalikag gout. beck to wallow in the unite." Sur, Imovi tog as we do, that his paper is not cred ited coon by the members of his own patty, no n 11l pass him by for the present, with , the hope that he may yet see the evil of - his waja, and endeavor to act in -senordsnre with iliat spirit that dietatealsisties and• equal rights to. all mankineir Billefonte, Pa. 111107 X. For a o Wittllewian, Abt. Etirrnit—The lrillmon'asad,,lkosteastV speakers who have beenstutupiug the atnnlty% during the present political canvass,are evarr where telling the people that the DemocntFic party,of the present day is not what it for merly was—that it has chastged front, sod straytil away from the ()lit paths, and fallen into dangtrous errors, and balm= corrupt and impure, and consequently no longer to , be trusted. They say that Messrs. SLAThater, Has son, Toner & Company, stand *bare they always stood, holding fast this old lksuo era tie doe trines —uprightly, fail i htliPy.truVr the types of the old party, but thataseituly hiss lot Um and its priatip/es both. , t 3 Now that these wen say what they huokir to be untrue, is what wo are not wtnillg - Mi believe. And it is hard to recunao the as sertion of such falsehoods. with the hec-te that every ewe who " runs way resit ' Were not 11. N. 1142111ister, Mission, To. ner Company, and the other gentlellum n he have seceded, and the party whom they now brand as IWretics, and deserters 601 the old faith, together In our support st Jackson and l'olk, and their administrations, Were not Joseph Ritucr, Thadeus Revel% C. 11. l'etiewie, Wm. F. Johnston, end Fenn of the Pennsylvania Telegraph, opposed to us then ? Are they not oppeed to us new' Have tlicychanged too 1 11'66' thenthe Item , oceatic party, dreading contact with the" I;olitical lepers, wail forced to change also, If they did not change, then you Mare; At "iou tuy stittrittnrissedr. er until Tuesday the 14th, anti since bare been endeavoring to retake * dab* ticket. Ferguson, Oct. 24. Yuma. Gm Pawn is theAlnetriltasidut at the titatee who be& uriiitdmity-datilusiltee drink wine with his gueets—apdituisedYisd in the Providence Transcript, sitkortea drunkard Ile in the first ?residua slue Wienbi Raton who hu closed.his bum spinet all visitor* on the Bahbath—autd lakia called a brawler,: a-ruffiaa t -saa-cairmy--ti-rOglas,_ find a murderer. Wssum Is Smut C. Fauxorrr T—The great question (says the the New York Piiry Nod) . of "Who is Jahn C,f:relnont !" has now given itheo to "Where is John f 7. Ft erpontr The rot& of Pennsylvania and !Miens aps arc reptuliatin ,, fils.drafte, and eutting-dowi his demands after the fashion of the gored+ , inept and its commisaionere on the, ofittio i tarot and gun 'Spiking investigatl banl uel, where Is your man now 7 Pearl on !--.01:11r MOTSJfiusg, b*ve patience until neat week, when rietobanttilvo time, room, and, inclination to devote out paper to other matters, tbau polities. . • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers