Y ghe arthman, 1:=1 bM= BELLEPOIYT • --- yr EDK RADA V, 111.VOIREI1 13,114311 von PILESIDE. T, RS,BUCHANk,.N, OF PENN SYLVAN' A FOR 'OPE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BILECiiINRIDGE, OF IMTI.Telii.% PKISSIDENTIAL ELECTORS. 111111SATIAILla xrlsslt . isa'pkelow i WIWI, Keenedlees. toraicv. 1 Gpors. IV. Rebinter, IL Reuben Wilber, •' rime Butler, 15 ollarro 1. Critwfoni 3 Final% Wm'Oman, Tiurma Black, 1511114"-11 Witte, ~ 17 11. J .Terhit kfrNnir, ' 11;I Jnho D. ft Job'. II Rtmtns, Iti Jacob Tonolf , -• ,, ' 7 fluid ',miry. J, A. J. Bud ;• 41 li,. Ch'illeplCorler, • William Wilkins. 9 Jainel Patt+rrOr, 23 Josinero.•Canipbell., Ib istin Slenker, . ?*4 T Crlithinghaft, t IP, IS. llegires, . 21 John Kistler 12 Thomas Ottartinat, 2k VinoestYholts. ' It Abraham Edinger, - • • • :To ore Iravasto..—On account of I, IIIIOI PC a large amount of job rriritini; to execute hst week, re could . cot pay as tartar attiln i !on to our editorial deparastrit U we de- Fixed. +No, Tux ELstoto): la aL 18itgtb crxer, rind "eie, etat our elazens will now quietly nettle down to dim trusiorse,and disagreementss ful party should nett indulger in snyunneees+ ory exultation ; and as tbr:the deftatcd party, they should'brar 'their loss with good humor. Political bat 'listen:lst be inightind os well as fought and lost but after . - I he contest is onceovi r, alixiiihreet4es stmiuld be lost sight of and forgotten. Are; We nee' friends, neighbors and countrymen? What ;natters it whoth&" ireltft. RI no, or Fillmnre f ne Fremont-IAV° ere tpl6o, .. , ,tutautt country to switain Aboin'ittrwe should nt von permit political diferencti to orb the harmony of eloC44liutereourse. OUR Td!ILE Ilurpers' rte. for October, is but in nll IrirgraT, rteriirmnignstum abundant in literary matter. The United Statesiotirnad. The October niunbcr'of thin magazine is tilled with its .0 al a mlurit of informatics and instructive articles. It is published is Now Y•orlc, by Emerson. . Price *2. j?cr ,annum. Cheap enough. Ariltvr'silomt Magazinr. Thu excellent fatally magazine is, aa •sasuil filled irith lwiee iestfing. — rdtier — the 'editorial Charge of T. 8. Arthur it bits retched a popularity /mood the lovers of fine literature that mast navratifying. Pabliuhad ,by T. 8. Arthur it Co Philadelphia, at IR2 per mama. "• Spir:f," nape to handle*. wash. Uled, as usual. with such matter u will in terest the lovers :' , olostaaly sports, agricul ture and literature. If any of our lliends wish to subscribe for a paper that eau be relied — oo jbr ta osme + t o n us rcjaLon lavers - s, cattle, Or anythireg eutineated with apicul ture, we would advise them to subscribe fits .g Pstfcr's Spirt." It is one of the largest papers in the Maim. Parlor Quiet is si literary paper; 11.,•11 will please everryrisey) who *lights • gat rkting• • Poblishod'in Bolton at :,cr imam, by W. T ...Tones - I Co. C REAS MZETTIPO is LASCA.ITZIL —The Dem erratic male meeting held.ia eksuseaster on Wednesday, was the grisliest political de monstration ever known in that city. It is ti f ien" estimated that not l than 30 , 000 persona participated in ~. 'a doings, -mid net, withstanding the i . .crowd, .' • was no, accident, ever thing paining off harmo niously. The sons of Henry Clay and Paniel Web. atcr delivered able and eloquent speeches, which elicited the most unbounded ending ainn. ,' Yaeclterir. . - trete arse made% lion. William Preston, of Kentucky. lion. J. Park Coon, of %Visconti'', Hon. R. K. Meade, end Ifon. C. - J. rifilltner, of rirgin is. Gcu. Wen. fr.-Sttrikta, C. W. Carrigan, Esq., and others. -)orrideet-te-Misemw-lous eintsmr" . B. Clay. of Kenteoky, (sou snit . l,eir of Hem ry Clay) tahlressed the mendhants of Mina -Iphia in National Hall, on'Ketturdat ins, aid was iutroiluoedby Josiah Handal). who presided ene the ?cession. In the cootie of his speech, Mr. Clay read a, lettiq which he received. at home fientiteky, 'est eem-heti et Philadelphia„Bftpt. 18, and Puled ening him with death if he dared to speak in 'hot city. "Nevertheless," said Mr. Clay, I am not afrail to appear in the city 14 hero lbe bell was rung that first Itiroclairm ed independence." _ }Jr. Clay was followed by es.GoTernor Thomas L.yriee ot.Misems- Charles Leri Woodbityy, Zig.. of New 1141.40111 re, tad Jnia...,4, Martkaikthe Demo w:nrict Ronaline f ! ;si ( ..... congriiiie in the second • dvittict. -httstssr.Wasartsiihtsersitfc-ithelmtrtrr of wheat isAnstto•the quarter of a ton of 2.- 210 560 lbe., 70 pounds in weight Is an English !whet of what, Mille lolbe., of n - heat maks our bushel ; so that the United Stniest-ssleat buxitek ix just o . ,7tha of the English orimperial, and a goartei of wheal in Li' !gland is Lqual to 9L htl3liels in the United States. SOX' Tutu during t.)ao coming year the linked States.inay be honored ititio a plait from Dr. Chutes M. }!Y. , Afe satende_My. ing o l.**nowein digtrent pObjeela. (" The Mine . and Fall of, triondion in Europe," is ' one,) and reading, of bis ipson!opnhr and anocesaAal poet's.. Mir &um will be some thing like Mr. Tioneraray'a. TSIE ,Vassim •Ls DoccxserrCeite mitt" are ci upon to id " documents aid *cob which 4. ere appears to be anstitir • mai for - the readers," to be dis tribute. in Sew Jenny. 1 16.1b 4 1 ouly *taus of ' the fiesta. 11&...is a mistake, Blob of doenitiontaapd speoehea Wm been shiiikvttlitritaitedltbinto. The only treat ",;solo iniv iAd Aka. l 4oloDisa C'othihitto, wittiotit dupoNtag sappir., ora ova 11111110! DEX(ICRATIr. Oziastrios Tows slit! • '2H 31 Cc - 7" . S 9 -196 71 • 134 Ilc route, Benet r, , Boggs. Ferguson, Gregg, Haines, Hilt litoon. Hurls. llowartt. HodrtoK; 41 ltt- - . ' Liberty, Marion, Mike, ' ' Milestiurg, - • rattOn, Perth ----- Po4ter, Raab, . ' Spring, Taylor, Unice, Walker, . Snow Shoe, /CI 38'3 . .1,(1 . . Dcinocra Its - M . 140 ytti; 45'3 PennsyliranidElection Comma._ DUOCILATIO Orrosinox majority. majority. 4000 Alhgbetiy, Bers. Carbon, Cunthoriani, 5500 GOO 300 2O Centre Clinton, Iklaware, Dauphin, Franklin, Lugano, ir 200 1200 Lancaster. r .. 550 1500 700 3000 Montour, Northampton. llorthumberlaud, Philadelphia, Snyder. Schuylkill, lVeatingreland. Took; OQO imp 1500 Tits Fuactua be aeon from tie subjoined despatch that the. election in Florada, which took place on Monday last biui terminated in a complete Denmeratic tri umph. The Know -Nothings "entered into the easivass with gnat spirit, and from the first wens sanguine of suooemi ; but the re sult sheers that the people of this galigrit Slate cannot be shaken in their Adclity to Ibe Union and the Constitutieu : ..-o•vvaarantur,t ma,.....ta__Jkl orro from Florida show a glorious Democratic vierory. In Leon county theihave anaversg• major ity of over one htindred, a pin of ono meio tier of tau Muse. Dada:int meaty tuts also gone Democratic, a gain of throe members st the Leila/attire. In Wakulials dna am wrote gain • member of the Roma, — The Deta have pined In *is - members of the Legislature. The=heir candi dates fora Umrernor and Tas Eutriiox is Delaware for inspectors and itssairliarik.has resulted ur a brilliint" De- itocrstic triumph. In the canalise of • New Castle, Kent sod finesex, the Deatoaratie &majority is eighteen hundred ! Two years tho eerrird - the *am by stout enic thousand majority. The Courier des Etats lints, the 'French journal published in New York city, has abandoned Fillmore, and in au able article it has pronounced in-favor of James Bu clikaan End Jail C.acekinridso. tweeh the three banners," says the Co.: reer, , "our choice is fixed. That of Black ftepuldlcanism" is tht( synible of intestine strif s i, and carries Orbaps disunion in its fokt Tips of Know-Nothingism lnr *dep. toiler the consigner. The Demo ratio ban• neitt the ioutrary, iiithe safe guard of the Confederacy and taw traditional symbol of the A l tnerkan spußithy with France. • • • 14 fact, the Demeeratio party I* the only one or those now existing which 'has been proved, and from which we krtpw what we have to expert. , Tim NorriNanAm Journal states, that the manger of the gas worksat Workshop broke up last owing some fresh . laod, which he planted with potatoes. Raving superfluity of gas water, he poured it over ode-half of the plot thus planted, a 4 on gathering the crop last week he found the part that had been watered, "Very productive, and quite free from disease, whilst the othsr portion was affected in a most esrmisive degree with the v7d aiscasc. . _ GLOW: IA 31.‘ FACi'URICS. —.Georgia ap pears to be the Empire plate of the South. She ham made mire progress in matirxfac tures titan any of them, and her internal re= /entree* are -greeter than any State South of Mason and Pixon's line. In addi tion to her factories, she has a line system of railroads which undoubtedly doe% touch to swell the wealth of that section of the South, They have ample water power, and their manufiseturimestejais axcLi a., ,ready capable of sending to market, sheet. lugs, osneburgs, cotton y1111111.&o., for which we are accustomed to look to Lowell or Man chester. The South is not entirely lost to *sanity, neither is it composed of pinata tiosta entirely. • Issout To AIL , Clar...--When Jamas B, Clay, arrived in Pottsville, the Fremont Abo- I itlmitta intended to insult him by onaltroud- Ins his fatheeti monument in Mourninic hut seieral Dostaarats whamming*, to its erection. hitarthentand prohibited •it. What next, will them tirseniogisto do; tO vent their WOW, and haindtllllol irbo diva too bairi dp kPag of their dirt I - , • NON. JOHN B4 t io. • ' We lay before our.readtts the -crfrd of e 1 . floiernor ano. Bigler, of California, ill lb• swer td the base and wialicillus , 'slinder of the Abolitino. press, hero and elsewhere • PIMADaLII . IIIA, Oat. 7, 1851, MATO PgrcoreLVANIAN :—The Daily Neu,' of Monday morning contaillif the folloaln4 moliolocor article, relat hag to the under signed LOolot t t run It it I,OT-IiOX ST I , Pl' i li ; .-.TI“, lit tOliOlig Julio Bigler, uf ll til tfor him to ri. helping the Suit& „tor Jim:lowan suit „Bruckhoirdßo lio 41mi t ftil liiitwieo i ,i w ith ri , , , 'porty leaden, in this county, aid may rvissibly hat n initimel them into the socrots of the (.:OULUCIAO prOOOSS of via r 4 ref ael ri ro trg voict by means Of Singed Galles bores! Wutoloto bal lot-boxes, fre comp. W ate k them closely. They are thepalladium of your rights. Thus is not one word of truth in the foregoing, uo far as improper conduct in (be past, tho violent, or the future is imputed to ate Oa I feel sullild up. on to declare one and all of tl.:o statements made, false and slanderous, and to express the o;tieieu that the unprinoiplod nod trioudwoiorm oieoluto who ' peened them, knew thous to ho false Oho 3. in the act of preparlog thous for the pr-e+: I hes luny,' to add that niece my ari loot in Pam- sylvaula, In May last, I have, booacse I deemed a duty to openly and frankly udiciewte the neon of I Mr. Beebe, no, been tier °Neut. cf mini, mi5r,4,,,5 7 m O otatiou and abuse tilutnte rata.,,,s to the. H.' lion of the Vigilance CAnsuirteo - und other matte ia, , have been tolegtapheil over the e untly.-stagert rrublisippl Auld column:TWA upon by 'r . eporiens in ;la' 4 OPfrosliibu p.kare, but ' the 001iIp011etil, Elsough it „followed Woes ums.the bends of the f,.. Ethan's, am' —not Oren notice f, Moe oo moms O. ID lliotous dots r miatitlon to blight zero:nth - A, tisk or iv rory, ^ Solar as the Vigdauce CsAlui,it , eo th.n.drr is caueurned, it Is proper to *open', 'abut W. 1.1 situ months ago; th a t [left Onlifircia forty days benne the organi„,etion of the Committoo, and never hie any ocumention Or eorroapondarioe with themtlie.ohy or nufrietAly. , The whole thing in all its pat's, Is uaterly foltohld wits deelared so to, tie by' my au thority early La July lust, oral nines thou in amoral ,&apearpritred iu den Fr iliciaM) 42,4{1 StWilitili•nt , la truth, the mon .., , t.ii at v Mau tan V hyllonce 'Coicumittoto merely directed their toner, acrd petit. lolt ' pOillararl sr:emirs of mins. tio , . Johnson mot eleotud ;Savanna over mo.'"7,olse 'terry stumped the State egotist, his ie18.5:',...i Sii_lBs4 ens clout ed on the sawn (Know-Notliing) ticket with John. on. ' CO3Cy'lrnO my bitter enemy. and publithed,a Como article sectilfog me, on (Bo day that I left California fur Peinayirania. So also. was Yankee Su linen. During the onnyusof-4855, in Calif 'rola and Which resulted in the oleotion of Jahmon over me, my opponents—the Snow-Nothings—were Be thany detected in the sot of stuffing the ballot hot of the FIII Ward, San Franciaeo • but not un til after they had isooeeded insetting into it twonty eight full Know-Notblig th.kels. They wore also, *law days before the oicet ton, detected is an effort to pumbaso a large vote in addition to the 'legal vote of San Benardina In fact, in every ease A _ a iseasiews-establtabwilodse Imams were hostile tome. The actors In the above sane were all either political or personal enemies of mine. So , far as the elootions of' 1851 and 1853 are con earned, lam partitive, and 11l this opinion all my' Callgsmis friends oonoue, that if wrong was per. I pstrated by any perean, it was not to aid me, and lArat of efsel not regains a single illegal wore at eifAtr ((teflon. In Mellon to the eleation returns of 1851, a few words only are necessary to expose the false stero -1 ,altWh i ttavo been Paulo tn. prorg palters of =Lie It wits charged that the offiumi In the Secretary of Statoofi•e had opens.l andnlternl the returns to elect too and whole At the time three returns afore made to he Secrotar) 'a Department, I was not in °Biqa i t wile a twit :Ito citizen, rush ding at elseramento city, nearly two hundred miles front the scat of goo ernment For some time the assaults made upon the .Ificele hi the Secretary . ' 021:o, was treated v ith silent onctr mpt, in font the charge was known by them as well as Inc, a:d re sented as too ritireolons foe . serious notb o, and therefore roinnined unmet tied 'CV et rdi y until 1854, when 'Joint committer, cow pow,/ of tiolli political ifarties was organ - trot and the char-a fully investi gated- The Committee after on ref:i examinatfien, after examining under oath many wituresee, prin. cipally officer's Of Stale, 010 eke of Courts, mei poop paring We TOlllll4, .14,11 lit, "Jfy reported that the charge was %Wool p.m:Lir/ern, that the returns op file in the Fioaretary 'a off;ori noon] loud cottont— ail of them with tlio inissiosat tits County Clarks and County 13111 r attached, rut , ' all without change or mutilation. _ . 79 .1,97 . --- 44 200 800 Inuonnechott with this charge, I beg leer° to state an additional fact, which alone is sufliollent to demotatrate Its ridiculous chaanater Under the California election law, the totems for Governor and Lieutenant Governor are not made to the Sec retary's Ace, but the speaker of the Assembly Tho law,roqulres the Clerks of Courts to make out ao, Ivo fe, Gown°, and Llentettant-tiov enter—one to bo transmitted to the Speaker of Assembly, by mail-- the other to be forwarded t a tbsifilpooker, In core of the members of the Legisist severs preventing the county. It will thus be a-en tbot ill, returns, which La, an said tool tern filtered to the becie tary's office, were not made to that office irit to the Speaker of the Assembly in 155 3 After tboia defeat, the opposition clamored f, tilos about Chu role in SatTrairielsui Lot an or animation of the return proved that I had race', rd len then on. hundred votes that were not upon rho hI Dannaratio Oohed—that. other Demoaresa had received more then a thousand votes on other tisk eta, and whilst my majority eras fin firs voles, ser *rat other candidates on Oro ticket-wiiir noldovities eta/iodise; fifteen It mai reit „votes. This ocaphoates evidence that if wrong was perpetrated. it was not for my benefit, effectually relieved my emanates, and the auNict Ituil nut little, to my knowledge, Whoa mooted: In conclusion, I beg learn to assure my fellow ellitem of Pennoylvaula—t he State within whlith I wee born, that all the accusations made against me are false, and are all the CAMINgn of mellt . loll4 . per. amid and political opponent , . Find although averse to the use of harsh %oolong°. b now feet called upon in view of the malleions character of the assaults referred to. and In view, too, of the faction that I regard them as made to detract teem my repute.- Goo aura citizen, to prim/our co ono or all of the Manta Made In the oppueition press, derogstory to me as a public °Meer or prle.sto china. es (lse and moltrious, In pronnuuem the 0°0.134310ra of them here and ebewbore, one and all !palm liars and ma -I,CA:O alsarlerert. JNO. BIGLER. AN INV:SF:STING INC:M.:NT —At t h e great Democratic meeting at Vie it Clftster, a few days sinc.m.an incident occur/m.l uldel_kftl bating impression upon all %%1W witnessed it. In the crowd was a man who wore a Fill , more badge, and who, for 4, long Line, per sistently followed dailies B. Clay. Ile as couded the platform %%bile Clay was speak ing, and despite the remonstrances of those present,,crowiled his way up to nli/111/ w feet of him, gazing nll the n Lde with an air of the lima tarttcNsatt antson UP(111J1114 coun tenatece. After Clay left the stand, he • still followed hue , de spite all obstacks, ap parently determined, at all hazards, to re main in his immediate vicinity. These movements became so marked, that some persons who had read Mr. Clay's speech iu Philadelphia, in winch he had alluded to the threat made against his life, in case he spoke in Pennsylvania for Buchanan, began to sus pect the Fillmore man was imitated by some evil design, and he WS4 closely watched. At length he embraced an opportunity of confronting Mr. Clay, face to face, when-his real object was made clearly apparent. .1/C " 1 loved-your lather t I .would have_ laid .lows any lifs 6441,10 e [ honored his judgment, and in all political allairs, followed Ws lent while,he lived. F a Fillmore man, but I cannot resist the impulse to ask you honestly what you think My true duty is in this cazupaigu, and to ful.. low your sidvice.'t Mr. Clay replied "It is scarcely necessary to repeat ply opinions. But it Sou loved my father, and cherish the principles he adhered to, your duty clearly IN to vote the Democratici State and National tickets." Tears triclot:4l down the cheeks of the anxious inquirer, as he replied " will." —Pennaylvonien. lately at ivtlistriluition of prizes itt-a-Ger man yin:4w, a little girl seven years old, whose parents had just been turned out of their laigingo, hecatiatt they had failed to pay their rent, was asked' by the rector : Mimeo you studied sacred htstory, my chtld I" "Yea sir." "Do you, know the history of erea tionif" "I know that God made all.? "Why were Adam and Eve turned out rand/kW The,child hesitated a njoinent, and then &l ing ter eyes Op 4er - e;agoiner, "Probably the* were turned y out because they could not pay their rent A MAMMOTH SQUAIML-Mr. fio , ouel hoard of this city hos Wired a squash in his garden this season, whiah weighs one 'hundred and sixty-awn: minds: It is probably the lan. !List' squash eser,gmrp ha this 659147.7' Chicago loured. ITEITARTHP.; Sad APP. DANIEL WEB ISTER;' Ar LANCAS TES, THE sa OP --0CT01114.R.,1868.' .. • t .;„Teth nt a ale a a pOssess i SAW Ti - '''ld -. 4 Mist knowledokof ndlin and; ingifißliich a iong.experienttkin pfleic lif ne give, in order 'ea , fit Linn rota wis ' ekC duo, ad visers and' it auccelatul inistraticai of public affairs:- Therexperieriecis-theicault of a. lifetime. ; and when n glint it man 'A ho possesses it, together ee WI kuulying love and devotion to the Union, we have fotind one who ils qualitlul for. the treleidowy, and whom for our country's sake and our own, we should elevate to that exalted position. Rout, gondolier% there is no man living who has so much ability tend such long root varied exporienae in public Chun. as your eountry man, James Tuelftman. [Tremendous op:. idolised Mr. Denton has been as long in Tublic life, but has been almost- always in one branch id thi National Legislature : but Mr. Buchanan has served long in the liouSe of Its pros( ntatie, s, iiiTi in the Senate. huts In en on service abroad, and for one term served in the Department or State, always, r fleeting honor upon big State and country and i . reflit upon lines , If. lUlietrs.J Where can you I:-.1 any Olio now living mho eon wty as !melt for himself or pas any one to 9113 , it for him? We should all feel proud of our leader and of his eminent qual ifications' for the olltee for which he is a can didife. If n o loot: ori r the history of the country; we will hardly turn over a page tat it for the last forty peal:l.e hitch the Italian of Mr. „Buchanan does *not appear. [Ap plause.] There he stands, for the last forty years. side by side with the greatest and most illustrious men of the country. 'lte m:wed applause. finny one of Ma distin guished compeers were now lit ing, if the great sage of Ashland. If i.'alltoun, , of South Carolina, or Webb:le:l-, trete Still in the midst of their countrymen, to advise and guide the in, they would he first to do jus we to his great and unsurpassed talents, and use their Herculean energies in securing his, success is thin crisis.[Cheers.] And now citizens ,of Lancaster, allow me to suggest that the present is the tinnetot you to-exert all your energies in securiog the aueceirs of the prin— ciples maintained by the Democratic party. The Densocratie ticket deserves and should hare your hearty support on Tuesday next. Renumber that the enemies of the Constitu. , l tion, of the Union, said of yourselves,wl// on i that 4iardtpmyt 10 (Am Stes Olt, seta pr-o- claim hi like iterld• that Ilinnsyloania has declared for Abolition wed Daimon: If yen , tore your essmtry, now hi the tiate for action. Now la the time for exertion. if you would preserve the Union, and send it down to your children as you received It from your I father", with all the blessings whicfi you have enjoyed under it. Democrats and Whirs, i yom-emmtry ealtruporr yorto•etect those who represent the principles of devo tion to the Union. On Tuesday, the 14th of October, you are expected to work together for the suocels °filiation"! men on the Dem ocratic State ticket. After we have succeed ed iu defeating the faction which now threat en to overwhelm us, we may quarrel on (mentions of policy. Now there is a fearful responsibility resting upon every citizen, and he should be careful to discharge it pro perly. _ COLORKU FU„wtar, IN RICHMOND.— The CU pitul of the slave holding State of Virgin ia presented a scene on Sunday that is well calculated to silence the Insane raving/1 of Northern fanatics. We copy from. (be Rsih mortd : "'lt• *errant woman of Mr. Payne's died suddenly on, Friday night from strangulation, produced by excestftre hemorrhage of the itrags, sod on Sunday afternoon the colored population turned out en max, to, attend thes.,..-.-st, Th. ilmeaunt• which enoveyrd 313 P corpse t 3 the burial gromill was followed by ever one thousand negroes-- mostly women —of all complexion and, ages, The females u ere members of different el s aritable as,,oei aticns, and Is ere rind in mounting uniform, each association haling a distinctive bidge. The sidewalks were also crouded with ne grocs accompanying the procession. fume diately in the rear of the hearse was a num. her of colored 'men, choristers at one of the Af r ican Churches, each of whom was provi ded with a note book. Several carriages containing, we prehtnne, the relations of the deceased, brought up the resent the cortege. The members Of each society wore bonnets, 4CW:ell and capes of o uniform col r, Sod all trimmed Rom.tscs to REAL Lirs.—A Ricburlbd pl - states that a young 6 . Crruan, employed for Bert:rid y_ear.+ at emantifit:turing estab lishment in that city and upon the public streets as a common, laborer, has within a short time past ascertained that his father is &wealthy clothing merchant in Boston.; Ile states to our informant that his father saw fit about twenty years ago to desert his fam ily and business, under peculiar eireilmstan, eeg, and embark for America. Sinee that thou the unnatural parent has had no corn: muitlealTon — with his family, nor did any of them know what *ad been his fattrimtill hit son, now grown to manhood, emigrated to this country to "earn his bread by . the nweat of his brow." After toiling for years he has by home means found out that his long-lost father is at the beta of a very ex tensive establishment in Boston. Tin; EDITOR of the Davenport (Del.) Ga zelle, has had an interview with the father in-law of Cul. Lane of Kansan notorieti and sap: " When his precious son-iu-la* in duced his daughter to go to Kansas, he sold her property, amounting to 818,000, and. atter reaching Kansas, he pro Cured a mis treat', and treated his wife so badly that ph* was forced to lesett for home ; and Ile told her ho had paid her passage on the steam -boat to-liulituaa, iu fact, after the bout started, she for, .4-s..kit was not the caw, and it VI as n ith difficulty that she raised money enough to pay her passage, Lane had robbed It rof her fortune, been guilty adultery with a mistress, and sent Ales ho ilesv, and, after she had lift., tried to get a di from her, through the 'very territorial legislature n hick he its denouncing as bogus and illegal." No TO STE if, IAYITNIIT TIOICXTM: Three men lit Montreal, having' been indict- for .a.cunspiricy-takiefsand-ona- John -Mi!i= Donald ol a lottery ticket, Mr. Justice Mc- Cord, on the 4th lost., delivered an alabor ato deciiiion quashing' tie indiatniont. Hie Judgment proceeds ground that lot terieii being illegal in Cam*, !MU'S' tickets are there valueless, and itij rio,7 - 11/Pmesc to steal thorn much less to conspiro t 4 do ao. A Citaxon.—Only two yearti „ ago, the whole yell of the oppointion porky wrifte " down on the Irish and 'hitch foreigners, down with all Catholics, whether native or Ibrilign." It has boom ittiprovedtipectjte the present eampitign, and it new. MiSda, " &non wBl4 hielgoM' rr ?Mite mew, try, titii4 the NIG otRI THE BLOO DT v icTo Rr fl 1t.41,T1 MOHR Is "War tashosr—what was doe in J3al4l=' more at Tuesday's eleatioati, Co)* Ale*" lowing extraordinary stitoinent of feats from the Daltimore Il rptibhl4t and, Argun, of Wt &delay evening 4th frarct ltnoW.Noglingium reigm d triumphant, as will be seen by raf t rence in the r,tUrns Nord that Ward. -- Scarcely a naturalized citizen was suffered ' to (list big rite there ;'penrett.ble DeMouratal e Mkt standing near the rolls of the Word , otnivrrning in a (inlet, blandly iunnuer,wure jet mum lingedlated diperadoca, :and driyen nn ay from the neighhofhoo,l. One young dawn, apemocrat, waanartd,Cruni be- Ing roughly handled by police ogir s r. entlorty andittirttrrr, who (gloatingly priltoc -101 him freim Tho meditated onslaught..— . these two genii( men, indeed, op far an we °lnn rvcd, in, that inatonco at least, acted ith a fairness nud impartiality worthy or all pram. c special)y au so few yaraliA Is to 0!O1 , 1 Vl a a , 111116 the day. Su( hc\ L/10 lUt eV of the liana Nothing shoulder hitters, letu ever, ih the Ward, that c doubt a hello r the pollee—notwithstand ing their inelmations—would have been en abled la let the legal Democratic voters de. ,posit their hallott In the first IVard the ''blood Tubs" of Laturenslager's 11111. very oflkously took possession of the polls, and it was only according to their impunity ill and pleasure, that a n, raograt. was Stilt tad occasionally, to dppo.sita aote.. Scorch upon scores of,De *littera Lti were 4riven away with out being suffered to vote - by these precious custodians of the elective franchise. the Elght.eintli Word, early in the 'morning, the chiefs of the Know nothing regions held an out door cativs, and very modestly, resolved that the democrats should not be allowed to vote until tin it own party had been enabled' to cart' their ballots in full. This very rya sortable dukruiinatiou was adhered to as-far as possible, as the unusually' small Dope dratic vole cast , in that Ward yelterday,will indicate most conclusively. 'in short, in every ward where the Know- Nothings, aided generally by_ their police, could show au aggressive) front, they never failed so- to do, and stopped every -demo cratic 'l4llot that they possibly could, by hook, by crook, by threats or by Intitritta, tionr." . • THE PRE3iDENTI4L SpECTIQY. To refresh the memory of "Many of ortr readers, we republish the act Of. cougrcss relating to the time for holding the Prusi•, dential Election: " The efiTtors of President and Vico vitritlt he -seppetnteelin• - on Tuesday aft the first Mondsy in the month of November in the year in which they are to be appointed: /'strafed, That each State may by law provide for the fil ling of any vacancy or vacancies which may occur in its college of electors when such college meets to give its electoral vote: And provided atm, When any 8 ate shall have held an election fir the Turpoac of choosing etcetera and shall fail to make a choice on the . day aforesaid, that the electors may be appointed on a imbstqncrit day, in such a manner as the State shall by law provide.— l'azsid Januarry, 23, 16-15." In wnuexion with the above, we give the following statement, showing the number of electoral votes to bo cast by the several States, tlidtinE,onishing them for convenient nefetence, as free and slave States. PS= STATICS. Maine, . 8 C.,llfornie, 4 New Ilaumithlre,s New York, ' 35 Vermont, 5 Ohio, 23 Mnsaachasetts, 12 Indio:us, 13 Rhode Island, 4 Illinois, 11 Connecticut, ' 6 Michigan, 6 New Jersey, 7 kl/ws 6 4 Pennsylvania, 27 . Wistionein, 6 7 olal, SUVA Virginia, .16 North Carolitts,lo. Soutfi Carulica, 8 Mariam*, 9 1%114'4214mi, 7 Louisiana, G Ithtrytind, 8 Tinuiesoce, 12 Missouri, 0 Delaware, .1.. fieorwa, 10 ,Texua; . 4 Arkaneug, ' 4 Flovid,a, 3 ; Kentucky. 12 • IMII Fusee.-The honorable mill cor dial alteotions paid to the President of the United States daring his journey east, and in numerous iitstxmces the alfeotionate re gard and enthusiaatic greet:ogs With which ho has been received. are stinging rebukes to to those ruthless, gravelling, factioilosts at Concord, N. 11. and other places, who oi deavored to exette the populace M acts of insult toe aril the chief nutgistrate of the 1111• Lion. The favorable imprexxion pu,durid upon the public mind by the President, wherii%er the 1,111)11,, h .ve come in contact with him. has dwindled thecloude of calum ny which his unprincipled traducers had railed to obscure his true character, and ex cited a strong and earnest reaction in his favor which is fallowing his hole path from Washington to Concord. No chief magis trate ham been more vilely, unjustly, misrep resented and libelled than Gen. Pierce : but the day will soon come when justice will be rendered his private and public character on the page of history, and his record, as a man and a magiltrate, stand forth as one of the proudest evidences of American patriot ism,honer, and atatemanship.—Bosion Post. ••••••-• sisnsp.—By the late news lion Nica ragua,- itappears the Rivas faetionOat Leon, instead of executing Dr. Livings( on, (the American who was arrested because Walker executing Salasar,) baniihett him to Eian Sti vador. _ The Ithica (New York) "Tiro lchmonhaa afrikk an additreckinridgo, *ad announces itt dc tetliiiitalioa give Iheatrand the lientocratic party•its cordial, hearty, and undivided sup port during'theremained of the campaign. The to4tAous hy fires in the'llnited&atea during the laat month, so far as infornuition has been received, is 41,330,000; making the total for the year thus far 13.390,000 dollars. Thu number of large fires in Sep tember wax wenty-moven. . • _Duzingshe,last. nionth-Cht. re -were sine- sa eidents to intilway trains, four of where oc casioned by eolision, and two by the break ing of. aide, Twenty-ono persons . wore killed and twenty-aeron wounded. The Cleveland Plaint'eater says that hi one township in Wood county, Ohio, con tairdnii six hundred and thirty-two voter*, there were only thirty-one Detrioeratto votes last fall i there aro now but thirty-three op posite votes. ‘' WlLLTaiitieer wiLy soma people• lure or expressing their atindistiort Byron was so I,a raitntes with Walter Scott, that het said he was theonly man in England that he long ed to get drunk with. TR Ef . 1 ,, f , ACZIDIONT AT TIM FMB AT i PIMA OUTRAW6 AT TIIll CLINTON Pal [ , lb* jil t as ..0......,.A tymaito called ~Einn t . t 01.-d-/ few nights since, one of the negro. yPtitent icy Piston Engine" " COMIES 10.11) seems to Intro enjoyed the -4! "‘ 11.-°n "freedtiffi ' or the place rather eensivelr, exhibitio,n, - Oaf' at Me tin* WAX ginlitig ' walketi outelde of thepicket walls to .enjoy corn. It beLeVtlie 'cilia aftribtion,for the, ins Oen! ' perambulations , This negro time beitig, Vast oroWchi surrounded ft.:retell- ,had hOll tented ft.) four years, and the teini of i Orisontnent did . not expire . until ingitsrebutien, when, from sine cerise; the Apnl next. Sonic little distance , frora the boiler ettlaocd ; ln'alsing fearful havoc in Cite prisOn - was' the residence of the Sergeant of surrounding an . mtst , c. For some minutes the the f:l via rd, who was ',tenon duty within the immediate spot was enveloped in a thick prise inelosure. The wife of this officer cloud Of steam, ashes and dust, during andd . iet child wt:re aloud at home. Thu pa- ; o procteedui to this house And triAdtf lithe . w Well noll, ing was lii , aid bilfwenfused ellen ks c7ble,entrtmee into the dwelling. lime he of let ror, and a ngtitgli from the wounded Mitt rudely iv.satilttel I helady ton oniesrf alieut dying., Arline thetittani settled away, I. forty years of age) and coilliuntalta,e horn. ble outrage upon her person. The negreire- I disclosed a sight, sliockilig to the heart.— I waned some. time in, tho,house. And Mier W liat,"then, wore the feelings of mothers , .. ' • • ; perpetrated till. , crime•of,rape before a who saw their friends and relations Stricken th e im maiaes,. Af te r the with dead beside titers, or writhing in . the agonies! trated4llase-atttroeitiesta4 of dissolution,, or who were tortured with 1 puns"", went inside Alie walls as ustial, in i n i • i e t i a n a ttioml,i,ist the lady's Ellail:3li 'remalohd rest : ti the t that !sick ening dolitt_w lie t lii•r (he MI re cog-1 iiireabfe corpses wera not those of their! the prison all night, and did not learn - Or dear friends -these fabling' Aro better ins- ; these outrages lit: - tit he returned tains hoino gilled than penned. ' 1 ill the morning. Wiwi) • th ese facts be-- The entire elikine nits blown fioric the spire ! came known' at the prison, great eflketififihed, , . ensured. The convicts themselves wantetko - the boner itself, crushing to death a lady I kill the negro, and ho had to be planed ilt: some seventy feet from its former position. ' one of the securest e ells'to' sate hint tii Many pergon li em scalded, many were vroun- ! their violence - We learn that 1411 ° ate ilk tied ,lightly, and Many will goon die, Ito be bronghtlorattsbollatfalkg ron order of trio Court for trial, the . 0110 being 1 It was aicertnined that . fintrteen were kill - ;new in sea ion at the t place. Wet oarti ki r ed on the rpot,—soine: of these, were so man- !thee that the excitement is so' gretet; aa k J, filed as yet to remain unrecogniaabte , hour! hl' fend n that the negro may u ' of trisf lie I or five ladies are in this number. Several i % , T r h rn iPa y aud rliia wa y gct t 4 the ? ble. ' Is (re among the best citizens of the place CIMMIeTnY OP tI.O'rnICITY.--There exists between ing i Lan electric curreni,ivitich Always movta I in the same direction ; that is, the soil id constantly- the- '-plan 6-.contirrnaify negative. This fispt was find Observed by Becquerel, son., arid•for several year/. it had been pointed out by him as one of the caus es Of atmospheric electricity. On repeating his exiSmiments, lately, ho vriis struck by certain anemones in operating on the bank of a stream, and at certain dbittmccs Motu plants.. I,ls discoaered that electrical cur rents ebony thakt Amgen and•..tiatonsity with the chealeal ooMposition of the grew In the alltadfftearaters- being negative, I and acid waters positive. Tax Manus icAL Oatle a OF TRY. COUNTRY. The annual report of the United Statue Pa. tent oflkig ii shows that the march Of 'nun ' "'''"/ 111 4 1 k rRiUd•-• 34/4.POUAIgtSnUi volumes, embracing deseriptionk of the me chanical improve int iita patented !luring the year 1855, have just been Netted from that oak°. They demonstrate that the member of applications made to the office fpr patents . was 4.435, being nearly twice the number of applications made in 1853 The number of patents issued was 2,024, more than tee ice!! the number granted two years ago. lit 18. 45—ten years previous —the cable receipts of the office are re '2311,395, while last year they were 1218,139, or lire and a half Omen greater. • i In this report we behold a record of the progress of American mind in the line of in vention for facilitating inechanival opera. dons. Yankee ingenuity certattify artrpes• sea that of the rest el the amid. In the pa• gen of the report are described machines Jbr decreasing the !Slur in every department of agriculture, and making it more profitable ; for working in all kinds of metal, and for ftbrilo and textile substances ; -new dee tees fur the many =twine:tures depending upon improvetielumieal proeensem ; improvements in steam, sec and tin; engiurs ; inachineis for liOting wells add ticks, dredging ma> chines, and. indeed, moinething useful in tr. cry department of industry. if any other miner" , eau ale ev niteli a chronicle of the triumph of invoitire industry we should like to ace it. Jo nut! , -Ph El Etorranitrir IN Pirrsu( nm—The eAlis ef ' Spalding A. !Lodgers, which has just Ir4t our 1 city, has carried with it ono of our fair daughters. A tumbler called Nourir or Noyes, hailgduring his step.% been milking . love to a Miss Mary F., Fuld, daughter of the highly respectable landlord of the well knovin hot(I United Staten. The tither being %lurk opposed to the alliance, kept a ritrFeit watch' upon the movements of the damsel : :hut at the outbreak of the tire on Sunday afternoon 1 she contrived, - under the pretence .of going to see the flames at flardserable, to feed the I 1 flames of 10‘ e at a dilliTent altar ;'aryl pre senting herself at the house of one of our twist worthy and disting,tn.heil minaitenc, was married to the gay ••standani bearer" of the nJownish association. The fliii. bride left towp yrsterday s tnermii; for-ker first ape ptni sites on the circus of life, upon a wed• din,..T tour over the n lade %%odd to nap the xviademelic fruits of •love and loyalty."— She wan about fifteen year.; of age. —P. tta burg Duet ,';' pl. :,'''', i - A ...4 1 / 4 ,4. _4_._ . CI.P.RICAI. R Cseacrrc.-:-Vir, illbe polite -111:148 of I:illiain Brigham. .}l4:, a eerilii if; At torney and Counsellor at Law, in Boston, we have, I eceotly received cei tain - manuscript documents in relation to a gross and villian• outs outrage upon female-riritie, perpetrated by a iillnetillitalioilh. scoundrel of Rockville:, Mass. We do not propose, at this time to sin ad ibefore our readers the details of the affair. It is sufficient now to say, that a young anal delicate girl, from the interior of New York, came to Rock kart to pass the summer for the benefit of the sea err : that confiding in tho honor of the reverend sinner, undgr whose protection she was placed, she fell at Last a prey to his leetwrous arts—arts in which long practice had made him a suc cessful adept: that she returard; dishonored land Lwoken hearted, to her father's house, where she has since died of grief and morti fication : that her priestly seducer was ar rested In Bosto, acknowledged hit guilt in writing, and agl (1 to pay ... the father of his victim thegum e I'MMG.-E 4 .iii r : r iVlAr: 1/;) 1 News lii . tlitr. ' i' "- - --- -'-.--- - HOW TO ESCAPT, rhos a+Rotut FILJAD WITH SI(OKE.-It is not keuerally understood, mays the Buffalo Expreik, that in cue of fire in house, the room twicotning filled with smoke, the best plan for safety is to lie upon the floor, where one is sure to find a strata of pure air. By adoPting this method many have been enabled to crawl out of the room escaping suffocatimi. Another mode of pro caution,, said to beattended with equal safe ty, when caught ins. room filled with-smoke, is to hpld a lututficereltief before the mouth antloww. whiah will admit thersirftr breath- ing and exclude the awoke. A ruit—tor-ths Republicans" was offered by the 114. (leo. S. Hillard, one, of Mr. ,Webster's peraousi friends, in his epoech upon the resolutiipur of the' Whig State Con tvontion "When fie truth about Kanitacia known," said ho "yen will fled that some of the luta who J ava been the moat loud, iu denouneing the;nags outragea, have been the moat vigor:M9n prdventing the paitiefgo of anetutures which were oalcula ed to give peace to that Territory."' A printer settipit up the lino which is ,so often placed under a wedding 'oda°, ' , lt is not right that IVIYAIV should 4ve alOne," i cirelesely left the v out of the word live irliiell made the bride blush. . , . ' A Nonwrui.tze MaxitlAOF.--.oet• is Ur.' %dotal ,Account Of a' Norwegian ni lily : , . i , 'Betrothal is a very iroportarit "ittrt this •country. • The .eueteth it/dr...At young lady, when she becomes tqr chanoo rings with her lover. Theresfiigis. are retained ever allentarsis, no attifillo* ,, ring being played on the (hiker of,tff - b - lido after 11111114:ige, as with la: . ..The brad cortege crossed the water in great state. A fiddler eat iuyfi a boat play' mg lively awn, while eannOYMMnded &nue tho shore, and th 9 church rang 011 a, 'merrily over the water. r.• "Oic Mnding,, the bride walked le the prieet's All , l wite,Stien arrayeddo her wed ding gartuenta, -she wore a driedof KitltV elk, told other heeds wwith,' °Lapp/awe _ while I veil descends,. 'over her idioulderd almost to her feet, the face being left Iterf cort•rol. Three,o'o.lok p. in. was the tipre for ptrforming the et:retool)) fibe,prlei‘ afierwardi ina•lo en orution i and received twel i tt,rtiollars- 0 ".B eloquent .it funtyaln, provhleu ho Ic towlAser a, _ it. i•The honeyinnaiii ill, this count[ is `llve.le•Brod Dagen,' white bread days-e-, [mime indicating the scarcity of that delis. cy. The happy pair never dream of poaliWg elf, so -they du;c•iii England, to .spstill honeymoon out-lOC sight of their friends. .IVhat—n—x4range custom, to be Imre,' Isaid a 3 ettoglady to me, who had been I. roiling — bow we Managed these: iliingo iw Engin:lir" ' TEN 11K.V40:43 VOR UNDICIt DaApasm.—i. It !invents water which fills truss re - stilt ou or near the aurcare and renders the Oil dry enough to be worked or plthreli it elf tunev .2. By rendering thy aoil pohroitsor appal 41 1 1.Qb 111 , t atcr without flooding ipAittle iillil'es it oft again prittlustipittai of diontNy 3. BY.prosenting adhesion and aidsting poßcrimtion. it allows the roota to Nod fro. ly tiiiknigh all parts of tho tttfilitating the Palktufa 6f *anure Thi-0411 9 4 1 ct poj‘grized portions', it matt? inclVolos ILA value and enact. #i allows water falba"! on 4169 ring.* I,* don nwar:d; carrying with it any 11.1.- tdsainat mihst.tio•o, (as carlanne acid aid alrf tneniaj until they are arrested by...thy vb. soruflon of the seol. 6. It abitracts in a !tinnier talmner tbq; 'tint contained in falling raitu4, thus Irdrin. -ing tits soil. the water discharged by ing months being many degrees balder than° ordinary rains. 7. The increased porosity of the acifillowe (kr , ' it a inure perfect non cot - nine : lOW nod the roots of plants a re leatihnjtt freezing 111 winter. R. The manic cause admits the entroixto of sir, facilitating the decomposition pf enrich.. mg portions of the soil. V. Hy admitting early plowing, crops may be Mown (arly, and an increased amount re paid in consrquence. 10. It cconomizes labor, bty work to go on at all timeit, uttliontiuNot Lion from iiiirplus water hi spring :,•01r• bap n Lnrd baked soil in summer. ' r" I==== CoustittittATiox trrrtt Aux. people of Galway, Ireland, • London _ pawl.) hive taken stare at 'Wirt (.o).alueit Tfy ifreir sotithern * Aide; the sa«-tion of tlupport ofNaleptia tannic:alum, by telegraph seat 'disiettitlete 4w more than likely lo revive the nroireement Jn furor's( a western pocket station. A Wel paper, (the ' , l'd, calor) says,: It is rather odd that Yakut . * Should beire lam,* selected as the fittest' spot-tor •eommniiicatien with America by electric) tel ebmtplik, while ao important &city awaitnty has luau overlooktkl. `ire suppose s the lord of Valentia had suflicient interealigl Wag about ouch a result, and exercised a its proper (loather, while the neeriinistas sly* thoritiem of Galway slept eareleitsly'olli poets. 110, that - It, ' r _.,wev_or 4., , play certain that the working of t e Wadi* s. grepti between Great Britian atatissdkaisai. must cause an entire resoldtion krehenitoe of things now existing. , • "Our present poatd nalleaOl ei ttle 4' • . ..rmagt....._ _ • totally unsuited to the velocity of . 017 nication which the telegraph will have- roe deiedierdesfrebler.--- . _ nine or trill - days ta - rourtheff tenet in a great - measure cease, when a - sage can be flashed in a few minable IMPIIIIO the Atlantic. and the prices of 00011)*Pfe viiiions, or of the Mild', be redeiveiptiktrOdt as the lightning can make maptniao.. , , - The time has really reel• ttt public boards, gentry, marshal*, well'o4ll 4 dors should bestir thefts - 41M. T hee telegnipli will have rendoied • Livcorttid Rotete as an American packet itts*coh the long itottionywous channel 0 n must, be scouted o r the whole ''" Postal communftst on with the United States .ceavoljr-Jzo ..mointainsft vy a 0 .0 .iirMituf steamers-which shall be able to run Kernel from (ialway in three or fbur'darie , The ne cessity of the case, the exigeeqtfilietholle awl the telegraph will at last OE tdvad that 000eutunt ion so desirable, wit Galway, by the force of circumstances, meat be the thinutlantac thokot stotiotelbr Pritni* borrixor.—A pair of express bon"' in drawing freight from there/ ran at a furious pace through BOW, body., thought they would kill theniteelT e l \tt yet a h is the force of instilled; *it torrid horses, spted at they 'We ally hal when they • reached atb the No* York andg lie. dtlitoh, backed the wagon to , the entuai - stopetbi Without a word 'from any human holugyelititt the wheela of the rehiclit t,oll.helvltr4lfe attrtie-1-: ~ .., ; , ,-,- - hi . - ""t • .7.,r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers