PIC MEE -41VithirlPetG` .(141 War-Leen, olr A r ts- OttlffaSAMllitcomua CONDUCT OP THE OP PRISMON: flifittlity night moat, the 4th inst., there ailliffableditl flowardville, the lergeet De naoaritititah Meeting oveLconvened in t h at tlentre county. The largo school thissi• 0411,N f 11164 to its utmost a ssgt4autti great nunobersu were forced to• 110140... while listening to tho sr* !r: thesiseasi.on. • *pit,loins P. Picker, Esq-,Mr. `• called to the chair, and 11 4 1 141131asse figs er was elected Secretary. PM . • or Virginia, then took* ta eta mes del , ivered a speech with which of ate• cause, present, were ligidaskilisided. lie explained and proved t4iett4e coly that the Democracy are eitdeav- C ~r4t),Ca mewl strengthen slavery is repeeril of the old croaking against the ,pitthe Constitution, with which t undod in Hartford ConVention Aspeiwsighs when Jefferson made the Louisi etta purokuuse. Still again on the Annexation of ltedllo, mnster, during the Mexican war. Ike ilealionedi upon the opponents of the Ne- Airsidts . bill, the pat responsibility for the aliallehaMMlt of the. troubles in Kansas, c itildtflai it clear that the clause of that bill .`"lrtflikaAlyratiTocition profess to attribute i* neither nor Inure less than the tfYe prinhiple pf the Constitution of the V. Ytatea l Oren the Subject of self-govern• • mss eoneerned. Mr. Wallach also ex pcseprith great effect the hypocrisy of the wppeueete of the Nebraska hill, In profess ing ft:isiietu Dent to the Missouri Compromise, she Wing that from the date of its adoption fa the passage of the bill (Kansas-Nebraska) they . permitted no opportunity to assail it (the Mittenri Compromise) to pass timin pretrud. Ile also reviovred the history of the Irtallfltilill,laipwing-that its action would Ton estly and fairly settled the Kansas isreelsherowterWerthet should have-been sat isfactory to all who di sire to sec the admit titi4tiinciplta of the Cem.,.titntiou of the ....Uninni States operatii. i• in the trilitoties "inelhat It was ilpfeati.d only bt.ca use its °p lummets knew welt that such would have h4cift thejOiniethati. result of rsttlomph. A =they by no means covettd, insomuch irtitild . thereby loose the advantage of their cry for " ccdom in Kan -as ," :4isselli the influence of which, A bohtiiinism .le'now bytes to induce Pennsylvania to aid' `idle* work Of destroying the Government of iheirnhei States an wade situ furclat hers ' X04111411 ere concluding, exposed most tedit4tisely the edhspiracy to prolong the \I al in &w as uutil after the Presidential dee- Aisafrolietil instituted a comparison betii t e Ilessillesait and Isis only real_ pot ,to r , 411linsore haring no ghost of a ...110Lor4 the race, agd the managers in Venn ;111=11 refeitkirtg to Hanna him. being !ROOS hie name for 'Fremont's benefit) which will long be remembered by those who bigard.it • Cettolttsion of the zpetch a vote of thilligoillzalitnolecod to Mr. IV.-..zial another lita T/Ato:it lifdiet mho hail tatefully the flail with evergreens. and , a large tifunlity of them ( dm ladies) ,The night being very dark, n mini in .of iMetl'my; who claim to lie Isittet tluti tiMit uclXlllwts, tosayed iter r io u t cludysi oj r ths opportunity to fcalp•MitutiflcatiOn: thus afforded to crate a .altliblince with impunity. They eittleav ,igreltbraltoutisig to Unsettle the meeting, and did ottierilttent failing, gallantly thrall , stow arodlire crackers into the opettiiiii- Akio *thong the !tidies. Tliuo they would AAP rithicioz f• Amongst the well-behaved AlrakrimAretable audience mere niany citizens atir from the i)ereeers", oelitirany, vier Mime felt twartity akunued of the eiticallikinfoloOntents of the true character i et Mao Mitierkaniete ofd portion M.il . Sottsfnge of that quarter of ruponty, ad well As of the reratd for Zil ti lheehlthiCh more i 4 Teed of ith tophiudpions there, real .entertei n 0 • 0 r : ,inane° le Dowaso Towrisnir.—On the itlsf Friday the 3il inst., there was a ~.. , Democratic meeting in Kennedy, township, which was addressed ' at Ay W. D. Wallach , Mel., of Virginia. Ilgrai Wks aid, received a report of its pro totiflitr from its efllcere, Ind learn from a e ll/1 0 1 " , 411 Q... wen pres cent, that every 1 Almateill on the occasion as tinily as emyThielociat could wish. For two and a silikilalin• Mr. Wallach was listened to with -1014 4 11011 . , attait*ln, but a mingle man leaving AaleiNiitsliritile lia;Wili apaaking. Mr. W. .471 r Of 1 1 9 8 iti°1 1 . 5 ... liiltl, 3 P,d,R.o,'ftil l a'r. lll, tiints'ipa rk." vyttfi: tellirg force and :=74 .. tikiciticlasion •- ;rth !Teach, the the meutiug wore tendered to him . , . w tiliumijourned. . 5{+ 4 11111.1110140)1 TOWNSIIIP.—On Saturday ere whit Oet. 4th, ei meeting was held in Pine Swaimiblt Democracy of Ferguson town- Oki-aroused, and the meeting was ' tle. Henry Krebe, Nes., was 7 ' .1 , L . ' ' ,0•Alr 14 10 4 11 4 1 !mi. Breci- A,:., ''' ' . 111411'PrOlilitd at the meeting. Ittailk,W,Dor *Deem of the Club. ~ • et leek r of Bellefonte, 'address .,.• ,4 -- mmilg t , 404 * m y and ten min .. • t ' , ' l W.l'dsportant issue before them. It A , say that Mr. M. endear • -, ewer ...rail times-before-be the Interest and enthusiasm - ~ r. : . _ li*(l, compelled him to proceed .• , '• ei , hour. it ~.„ • *it? 17 114 'township is all right. Another , , , 'l , :be )belt( 4 the Wades, next Sat- Y. .i, , ...1 & .7 . &sem 4 - 'a Holm, Potter township, ' `,gatbering worthy of the Detnooraey 4,triPater. It wail eddreesed by Cyrus H 404, D. G. Bush and Wm. U. Blair, ‘',llllo4leaander's speech, we here Vid.:wai i bigbly creditable ant Imilli r e done • no dieredit to one VOA goei eateyiehetai at unigers. 1 44,/hgeistilow itt well doing." MI . 1 1:Bet'a Rub( Scnoot„lionie, lint= town ship:—.4his meeting WWI Well attended and the best spirit preptilel It was addressed by. AVM. Il' flair, Esq., Gen. E. tiSttird(Want and Mr. gasper Peters. Mr. Peters made a sensatien'when he rose to speak. Ile said he knew Mr. Buchanan when a boy studying law 'in Lancaster; had heard him make his first speecyln favor of the war, and urging upon the people the necessity of volunteer ing, and marching to BaltiMore /to defend their country. - Mr. Peter; said lie enlisted and marched along with Mr. Buchanan, to savehis country inlBl4, when it was in dan ger from a foreign foe, and he was deter tailed to do so again in 1896 when it is in danger from • domestie one. 1.1. r. Peters reviewed the life of Mr. Buchanan from boy hood up to the present time in an impressive manner. Ile had lived in Lancaster, Ind was personally acuuainted with him, and know Min to ho a man. whom everybody could trust, and that the country would be sale in-his bands. His remarks were lis tened to with attention. Tux ZION Alzwrimo 'is said by those nho were present to have been one of thelargegt and meat enthugiastie ever held in that place, It was ably and eloquently addressed by IL y.Petriken, Ira C. Mitchell and Gen. gturdevant of Luzerne county. They were an balmiest to with marked attention, and frispiently interrupted with. entbusitultie bursts of applause. It NI as Mr. Petriken's first appearance on the stump, and his ppereh is spoken of by those oho heard it as one of real ability aiid force. Ills manten dint slum ed 111111 to be a "a ,Arp of the ad 61 4 0 ,” and we hope he will continue On the stump during the remainder:A the campaign, to do battle for the faith of his glorious Democratie ancestry, The meeting' was tiresided nver by Mr. (a 1 brick, assisted ri}:' a nuMber :if Vice and Wm. Valentine and li. Sehmeltaer, Secretaries. 8004,13 TRITNSITIP. —A Democrutit meeting was held in Mull Creek School Hour, Boggy township. on Friday evening, Sept. anth. Bennett Lucas presided, assisted by George l'oorman and librajlard Fetter, •a Vice Pres idents. The meeting was a ell attended and was addressed by Ira C. Mitchell and.D. U. Bob, Esp., of Iltlleconte, ,TM\ meets lir r ; was h e ld on F r idq e ven i ng, October 3d, in &UMWi rnan's school house, Marion tovrnchlis, Matthew Andrew vcal elected Piesid+oit. Ira C. Mitchell, Krq., of ,Billef , .inte, and Gen. E. W. Sturdevant, of Luzerne crunty, , ---------- 1111 F 4 TowNnme.---The Democrats of Ite bersburg met on Saturday P. M., 4th inst., and ratted a true Burk and Dreck pole, and were addressed in the afternoon by Ma:. Neff and U. U. Bush, and also m the even• mg by IL. G. Mali. —A number of the Btutocratte were held in difterent parts of the county which was addressed by Messrs. Wallach Stanlevant, Bush, Mitchell, Blair, NM, Deininger, Kiurls, and others. I), G. 11113.11, li.YO The follow tug card Iron n. rush, ,re insert with pleasure, nler to contra dict the haiso slander put for h by the Bev. M. P. Crosthwaitc,, in the last issue of his free lore organ. Mr. Bush has on tor himself a name and fame in Center eounty, which has made some unprincipled scribbler jealous. and he has thus tried to injure hint by falsehood. Mr. Bush has published the card at the request of a number of fliesibt front llarris and Ecrgu,on • Bellefonte, Pa_ Oct 6th 1846. M. HATS : —Dear attention has been celled to an Arndt in tin- last Cr nfrr Pempc rat, migned '•I Artie," in which person al ailuaion9, of a very ungentlemanly char acter, WM. made to myipalf.-- -All I.ste4trellia tAy in rvply (for it is %ortliy of noltilie more) ia, that the narration of au anecdote put-polling to illiTe been told by Inc, 14 an unmitigated falsehood, hind a gross perver (lon of my, language. I have nothing fur ther to add. 1. ccpt l that a lien I have an op portunity bi seeing rt,ipunnible and credtble pentenk who attended the-meeting rejred to, kwill ok s ceetilicates,,to this effect, itnd .11 teflon - TB, publish them. With mtiy best wisimemt to my Berman friends, a mong Whom I have ever met with n waren and holpittibie reception, 1 terrain in time meantime. It esp et tinily ours)f 1). G. BUSH. Fitr.sosr's ItEi.inioN.—Mitch has been sidd and is being said concerning Freinont's reli gion. Probably the following prayer by a Fremont ptcachcr play - throw some light on the subject: " I pray daily that this accur+ed 1 may be dissolved, even if blood hare to he spilt." TNi# lii'thiih'inti-alavery prayer sent lip Gore an anti-slavery charck to an anti hla very Clod." Wo tre no tof brmed ifitbe the orthodox Fremont elach o but we strongly auspect it is: 41" Lava rams KANSAS--PEACE, RIIIII7OSED. The St. Louis Repub/ican publishes a latter dated Leconipton, Sept. 20th, which says that the aimed busts have now dispersed, timeitisens'are now returning to their claims, business is reviving, and peace prevails titre' , out the Territory. GOY. (teary has author -444 Col, Titus to fonn a volunteer battal ion to preserve the peace in the neighbor hood of Lecompten, and Capt. )Vaik,er, has been assigned the same duty_ in the Id icinity of Lawrence. &WIWI. A L TILIMTS.--The"AratiOnai ei• ligencer says that. Electoral Tickets have been brined in all the States for Mr. - 13x. 43hanan ; for Mr. Filtinere, in all except Mi. chipil, lowa, Wisconsin, Maine, and New Ilarapshiro ; and for Mr. Fremont, in all the non-slay.eliolding States except Ymmsylva• Ids also in Maryland, Kentucky, Vieginia, and Missouri. South Carolina appoints Eke by Legisl at u re. WO! AT 01110.7-111 a DeMOClratie , proqs *ion at Dayton, Ohio, there was ilUppOiled to be eightyttlettseed persons . In another, at Wooster, •therr were tWestY thousand'. kik* way for the Duelteri,lhpAoentey.• w • PCOC.E - IL - 110 1 ELT,IGENCE fife g.ra.rg,ErCut. —Tlie following of IM - Ir - died for by the eleoioni of Cen tre „comity on alert T . tietaa . x.,.„,;./ 4 7 Me person for Cailtil CoMmissloner of this Colihnonwealth: , One person for Auditor General of this Com- mermen] th • One person ,for Surveyor General of this Com monwealth. One person to, rep; event tho calm tieß of Pot ter, Sullivan, '4cm - 1111114'P' Clinton, Centro and Mifflin in the Oonress Of the Unite! Mates. One person to represent the county of Centre in the Ilouse of Representatives of this Commonwealth. Two persons for AasocaitoJtiflges of Coutio connty. ' Two fiersons for Commissioners of Centro county, one for the full term, and the other one year. One pei on for Diiittiet Attorney 14 Centro county. One pet son for Snryeyor (or Cculr..t do . unty. One person for Auditor of ,Centre county. The ElectbOs of the county of et ntre will take pollee that the said general election will lht held at the following places : For,,, the township of tininess. at the (louse fotmoily fiecopied by Col ,Thcob Wolf; in Aaronshorg. Fol the township of nt the house of Win. Adams. , For the township of Halfinnon at the If ou4e in Walken'lle. • , For titv ton nship of ,Miles, at tho Sch . ool 1 totp.i. ru t h e town of ite l / 1 11 Sbui g. For the township of Pottor, at. the Public !loose hrniorly orropied by John ItOs,i, Pot ter's Fort. For the township of Gregg,, at the home of the late .Jonas Musser, For the too nship of Ferguson, at the tirhoel flotew. in Pine (iro'e. For the township of Harris, at the Hchoot Moose in iloabiliurg. For the township of Patton, at the house of Peter Murray. For the borough of ffellefonte and Spring ton - tiship, at the Court Housu iii said bor ough. For the township of Walker, at'thc School House 11l Uttble"ihnrg. For the township of 'Toward, at the house of Mrs. Elan Tipton. For the township of Rush, at the School house In Philipsburg. For the township of Snowshoe, at the Srhool House, near the risidence of Samuel Aoky. For ttkp tom .hip of Mat ion, at the Suhpol House in .Jack smile. For the borough of Iffilestnirg and - Boggs township, at the School House in said bor ough, For the township of Huston at the former place of holding elections. For the towitship of Penn, at tht house of John Musser. For the towpath) of Liberty, at the School !louse to Eagieville. For the township of Woe th,. " lit r theTSChool —nr-Port-Mitildse- - --- For the township of Ilminer, nt the School House .tear She residence of John Boy. For the township of Ilnion, at the School House in It moin tile, Mertes ts Fuarumi ILaamn, Citet , r, That all persona; except Justices of the Etere. Who shall hold any office -or appointineut of trust; under the government of the United States, or of this State, oi of any Irwin-po inted district, whether a mounuisaioned Offi cer or ag,eut,who is or shall be employed under the Legislature, Executive or Judicial departments of this State or of the United States, or any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and State Legislature, and of the common and aolect (-mined of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated district, are by law incapable ho!diag or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment ill Judge, inspector or Clerli, of tiny election of tins Commonwealth t—and that no Itchier!- ' tor, Judge or other officer of any such tico• tiou shall Ist eligible to any office voted for. And the Henn it Judge, of the respective di,triets aforesaid are required to meet at the Court (louse, in the h0r0u , , , ,1 of Ilelle• finite, on the fiat Friday nest alter the sec outt Tuesday of October, then and these to do those things required of them by kW. CH A ItiTY snot iu au; IN Ar (Inc of the greatest hobbles of the Fremont freedom shriekers in i s , “frec, spec % an d free press." We would recommend these brawlers for freedom in Kansas to apply some of their effhrts in preserving order and fore speech in Bellefoutc,as it is as much, if not more, needisl here than in baittfas. Our municipal ollieer, have no cuutiul ever (or do not wish to liner any) the gangs of row dies that infest our streets • We do not int, nd to ref( r to the bristafity exhibited on the day of the Democratic Muss mooting— but ore 'All attention to the outra ges 0// Thurmlay evening last, when Wm. I). Wallach, Esq., term addressing the p(;- iimeraci in flout, of the Crrad House, ho was disturbed and meal ted'in a inamier that is a disgrace to Bellefonte, particularly to the advocates of " free speech." Tnr. Atuntrunt' MERTI IN BELLOW , I IL• (hi Friday next the mcpportcrs of the Fre mont Abolition State ticket, will meet in this•bniough to laugh at the Americans who nre gulled into supporting their State ticket. V.ecry thing if& Monty can doyrill - be tried, to gct up a inueling. The iron furnaces and feigcs will Wen out in their stiength. We motet:4lond that the dcligatiou , from titian Furnace w ill he provided with grub by the proprietors, who will deal out the rations to their hands at one of the public hydrants.-- `The prepi f ietws ot the Abolition ifarly'hiiie been endeavoring to hue dvnaucratr to conic into their procession-to make a show. Any thing to keep up appearances. Agornsit th.lnhog.:-The Abolition Know Nothings hare .at. Lot succeeded in boring down the Democratic POle r in Gregg town ship. It was accomplished ISet-Friday night. The yard -hint, bearing the banner with the traftWat of Buchanan and Breckinridge, was upright when the polo full, :glowing the flog of Democracy ttoating_to the, )ypid, ME Naar Fimr.—lttartin Stone has associated with him his sou Adolphus in the auction business. This firm mill attend, with °Mfrs aatlautotiou, to aU employing therii, in hold •earpo and• other business entrusted:lv them. Knior to resiSsuu.--There is no issue- be tween Decoorate and the blacilt-p.eziblicans on toy cinektion whether slavery shall be es twhllitheck in Massa or, not. The Issue is, whether' Congrastar rig: people of 'the Ter ritery *AMU (WTI Met queeion., Let our friends beer Shit *OM, End WV/ ‘thOpfkitaib? 'Oft UUNDRISD Mn SWITAPIratC4 Mutlll7Crl3 of the Mothodiat - erliurehinPilitaburg, Pa., who' wcro in favor of Freeiriont;havo come "out and repudiated the Diaek Repulilican party, on the giournii that ito leadifes aro aiding and abetting the violence and dikii wal now ex isting in Kaman. Plum Seareir Fiiestoariatan.—A Fillmore meeting in I,o‘vull i Iklassabliosettq, was bro ken in upon by - bands or fl)ree-spoer+t" Fro mont partisans a fevr evettiAgn since, and the I _„. iwoceedingl stopped by liwiasß disturbarenr p and "groansfor Fillinore'.!% lion. Erastua BroOka, of New Yolk, tractopeaking itt the I time. - KEEP IT %IMAM Tlfl - 1 11 1141 E.-001. •Pre. mones bills for 1114)141p; iiii l oo he rrissinTsl iforniti, attlousted to (ipiratcls of twenty dol lars per day for rach mon under his corn tim nd ! Cont. BLACK rirrtliLICANS.-- 2 no colored 4epublietins" held a magic meeting in War ren comity, Ohio, on the 19th nlt.. and in the procionion timed on the occasion thero were three frond, ed 'le g , ors DM CENTRE COUNTY IVIId, BE HELD nN Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, THE 16th,10th AND 17th of OCTOBER, 11111,11D01,W9 JllOlll.l , C VNTRITSIIivTRACT llVCuv, is prvpnred uoonnling to hi, Tui. of Pharnt soy and Chrnii dry, and ra Iha host and ThOet satire preparati,, elan Lo tuAtitt f r the ours of db.en4e:4 of the Lladlr r , knlnoyi, dropsy, troahnets”s, Re 11 , .ud the udivartieetnent in another 00l nine, ha,ln4l •• A r'tulation ke”rtnin Vietnry is owl 1:1 - 111inannits, licano AND AII'AITICI2IOII force to grow :11 el z utak, by Dr Intanara - Carit:Agr Coatrouxu,.. IVorreintees net so siCatn or tispiro tho skin Ptioe $l.OO por Package, or three for $3 50. Sont to any pert of the country; by mail, on reooint of s remittance Ad Irons :Swami Are CO,, Itoa ?J9 Pout 00300, Itattimoro, Birizyltnt, Tnr TRIU/INI CIOMPL.Crif..--Anotherperfert care of L:pilopry hj Dr. .11 swet's 11,1 1, pric I',lll. DUitAt.Tel NRCK, Go , Out Mt, HA Dr Ham:a—hoar Sir —Ham; brim stliiotod with, (filling intro some )earsx_4, I detormineJ to give your Pat a trial, (saitorwomout I 321 Y idiom,' of t h e papers,/ 11.11 , 1 rood to 1,1, them for too" mouths, dotal coo elltlrPif cured. I Lolievo Thom to ho a first rate and once I have tr ,, l hors not had otthtt k, and um now in the unjorinent of good 'POI. I You' r. Ar..l , Jul \ TITAN errs P ' rho Pith wort reeeeittnie,, , l , .l to Ino to, 5.f.r N alma ILLY w ad t Ure , el seta them Thum , Pttls I esitl es qrrring Epile• nr . a 3pe 1-crefr-fcrrtet roodir,lna . . • [ ' LIN, s 3 per bur , too Loieaftr $, &trek e 14 , 4•3.•• f•‘r pr,13 011 1 rein il2,ince wtll hp* the Pitts 0001 dorm tltstttisrl tin itntbil, on ill, re,rit,a, FO/ 0..11, by St ii/occr. No. 108 liAlutunre gotrett, 13.1.1Uitiore, , In whom oricus It .1,1 all ports of tin Union mitt L. ilddrillted. tl - 7'ltSort. —The Stbeeriber hereby C.11.1(101% an 11.110111 against tea !late fir foie honked and twenty duffers, given to the Ad aloft/stators of Jleatth t-,-'haw, deceased, to which I h IN a sr 'meal no value, aril therefore, do not Intend to pay soil note unless conapolled b law :TAMES r, flitt.ftlfhilSß J0)1 ht" 0 A RAN ER, Securi ty' .- 41 - 7 - Centre Clounrtraebore Enstatte. -.The nest annual sass on of this Asmelation trill lie hold at Eagierflle, commelming If - number 10th, I Cd, and continuo one erotic Hon l in , it Tltirrona, Profs. .! 1' Iriekai bout and It hf Kerr, hove been engaged or Idirli teir A Normal Clos. 1%111 be formed dining dot ~ii,loll for .po,ml iii, rim tiou rn the I boxy ni.ti Practice of Teaching 'ft, Clinton County 1 cri-lier s Institute having been tolled to meet nt Beech Creek, At the Pan, time, will by nirottigements made by the County Superintendents Intereste I, and the officers of the mad Institutes, hold joitit sefoions la the Chapel, between 11.0 two ((de Ms I Till, being the ammo} meating-s the tone f,r ale Wing end oc,urrlng about the am son of the sear for common-mg the winter tenu— when the good lofluencho of ouch meetings are Mist null its most beneficial in their effects throughout the eounty—a general attendance of Toao,„ and ni l uoation be solicited• Arrangement. will been !wade for the 6 , C , 211111,- dation of tliffsc ut attend coo, EOM . , out T NOBLE, Pre , ldeut .1 IL Osv LB, S• •r Lary actl•Tt C :7 - Notice. —The Subscriber, having lo oftted himself in Philadelphia, at tho Mona-Ver non Hotel, Sooond Street, where be wlll bo happy to ace all hill old and acquaintances when they %hut the city 110 would, also inform thoatt who are indebted to hint by nottl or !kook a: count, that they will And their nonce and amount nt the Itankiug-flotom of Humes littlidltater, Halo Company, who arc not bon trod to receive and receipt for the game, olitell will 1/0 aaktpuwlnelged by me, A It It tII4.IIBI7SSMA, meptlttojaol* lode or ifogriad. _ 1177 - itiWl Notice.- - - - --Thc trudorsignod, cif lz.•to of Centto l'OUiltY, int4l/d In inPlku applica• tion to Ilic nest LuAialature of this Commonwealth fur ,the incorporation of a Bank of keno, discount and deposit, to be located st 11.11,Ahote, in the county sforcsonl, to be called "Tho Farmers' and Manulatorers Bank" of Centre County, with a capitol of Ten Hundred TLOurond Milani. Edmund Blanohard, Ssatuol Linn, rinorpt Jock, Wax. Underwood, (.enre 8001, Moro Thompson, A. 8 Valentine, J. M McCoy, John Tivio. Jr , 11 Bruckerhoff, Wkn. A Thotits. , , P Benner Waddle, Herres Mani,, P II Uray, - Bond t olcutlnc, Awl, 0 ray, John Billilansf, John Mabel, Wm C. Minoan, rlocr4o Valentine, Pctor Wilson, ', Jot llama, Jared Br I (shut, :main 05 I StroAiako., t• 13 Pike, John Fniot,,r, . Jost ph Ora n, %John P Packet, John T 1100,,,, 'Motu. II ughes, joVk Gm _. ,To Strubln pA C MITCHELL. ATTORNEY- AT-I, AW, - - IthI.I.I.FONTE. PA. Meet, to Ihe Arcade, one door fi.da Soltrlicallt'a ho tel, will a ttettil itrumALLiglittaktolit iii Centro . , Clip- . 0.. and Cleartiold counties. . - . --- - 1 rtOR RENT.—A VALUABLE FARM „1- eitnetotl in Welker towloiblp, lbtpo-fonsthe of a rail° wet? of II iiblersburg, containing 1211 scree, mute or 1,10, of good lisnostone tend to a good /date of milli, anon, under nod fence, with reasonably good betiding , This farm trill he rented on very f Avor ,,f,i„ (a tt ., no oho rec. and will be, a good op portunity fur tiny person 'wishing to make a good in I 4 velment of Inbar Apply to II ft I i-i'f 1 .k N CLEVMEMINE, OA is--.la I.pl * eti the atomises i ----- i — l' LOOK A HI Ai iIkITTHR THAN CALVOIVIA GOLD " ttlngbonoo, Spevino, Polo Evile, end f it ir twiticw , owed, and warranted to Ito othelk solely o ff , and - ettilierfvertheilif blowy -na the Itingwairmd ..,,iii mi i, 1110 unite of tho Knife, the 141'41 Don, or any of those Illeiold Caustics, such ea lflitstio, Iduristle, or Sulpuno Aeid, Ac , °natty of ~ 41 i ww ,fo Ittiw io is a soofton Made use of, eill thee of thf Filmier and the tortnre of that dogrel - , , ;the if tree, wittiont any pooetoary it ti gator, -t,... . Iteferenese of pont ,orvico3 Can be had, as also ,throbetna, fide .IU/10/moo (Ann' ollhitorsos already , 27kerSed ant eVether.W , lirlerrellit :lfklitulas, Pipes, "eaten Ae• „ , i i t , A.Rtuatition to b e 0,,,(1 e 10, o ,- ushandbar, who 1411 tie forma at Sim.° Creoll, ere ho own be conaulbedf, la fit of expense 'Peyw all oases to ho re boors the born 44 111 leaves the 1 phi- . 0100 IT ';' ol i o l aw ' The oulloarlber would . .14 th y ao went. W.( 'otiose to full withoiit do tt y gg ,ii, w ill delle , lti Ton the =wn t of preetia,, 6 4 imok M thee a 11l f avan. Awl. al 1 4 Oqiimookeimuk orb .4444101. be *soh 4 , 911 . . 1 W Wilhalri ak heftfafoufor Ave 0, .., . elo ' l r il ' ilaine:—.fratu initerelt,. RA.' . 'eon-tt - "mem -to A TIAlf.IIIV;:. THE MARKET/ PIIILAI)ELPIiIA. adobor A, 1856. Clover• s eed la wanted but generally . nt nmien ;below the views of loaders who ere tusking $7:25 'per barrel for primp Seed, but thorn Is t 304 mueh offering or nulling. The Flour •,market omnibus very Auitt, their is Milo or no demand for expert, anti standard and straight brands are fru+ offorsil at 260/ 07j per barrel, witbOUt We., except Ili OMSLII lON for home consumption, at Ilium figures, including or, leeied Inerole nt x' ni 25 and extra and filmy, lots at from $7.25 to VI 50 per barrel, according to, • rinds--live Fluttr and Cum Meal continues mauve and firm at S 3 15 fur the format and S 3 50 fur tot latter; sales of 800 barteli Brquilyssine nicul were made on Saturday ut 25 Grain cornea foulard Monty, but Ilio denied ii Dom motive, arul prices favor the buyer, mm>f sa• 6000 bushels %Thant have been disposed of as 160 1052 cents for good and prime redo, mostly at the fatter rate, and 150a105 cents for good whit°, In cluding 1000 bushels Pronisyli atria at our higher( figures Ii ye is mend), With further sales of 000 bushels Pennsylvania of 30 cents. hem li lit mol grate rerineit, nod 410000 Irudirds yellow have boon (Squred of at 611 cents for I'enom Ivani a, in More, and 07.071 crate for ot,cylvania mot Delaware, afloat (rats—A Moot 51100 bushels have bt.4.11 to• ken at 39440 Goat 1 for •4•ro•I Southern, nod t 0 rcpt. for nl.l Prons3 1 .1,11 DITTY DOLLARS REWARD.- -A RE. IcAht of WIPE)," IMU.L4lttfvdl lin pad un quvletion Cr ain ”rth, or wonundruhi will rennvna tho b un/ on 1 1, 0 041,l of tho 221 hot , froyu ILu .11:01 Sings I ruitro (00111 11101111f(0111) 10 f1e11111.1111 . 11 31111 r 1,011• .1, 11 ' IS List AIIAW STOVES ! STOVES! t STOVES!!! The eut.eribers having Jilin ietnrned from the eroorn ell i r rl R ith the latoootit liar( hest a ... Re 111 , Ut of ',it, . 1 , , 1.'1 , 1 , 1 no till• neetion of coontry--eornitin , logpl part tho , elobrated Mot, and Otrand Cooking ridorei, a Inn It ad' ore dotor. canned to ftoll for tl, ',enjoy on the ded. 1, o.:.11,11,11 , ten no Conking Mtoreof ern oomplet, , , ~,,,,i, T,,, Water+, Stove-Pipe. thiko•Pans, Are ,A e Ail, n large aricrtment of l'Arlor, Coll nod Woo I Stares The Onthio, Quenn, Stnr Air Tight, fit:veil', l'srlor Ctrop, a nen nnri be.nutiftsl S'oye veryelicso, Nine Plot, star-Roma Pt.,, on, Soren Ple's Chamber Stover, il.r , .1 a, In .1.!... , 1 it rarle'y ' Coal Sou tiler, Pokend, Coalltei,r4, irdlovels. and all the nac^mry orliel , •1 for hitch,. nop, always on hand et the Ilardnara nod frau S'....sre of ittcYtrsottrs rs. ce, , eept24 Look If nyt n MEECII,AITTS SUPPLIED WITH Alcohol and Fluid lit city price% by REYNULDS A. CO rd 2 I 'Lokco' ra CIADDLES AND COACFIWARK-A 1.3 fufkr stook tloto e r i 110, ofided ;he truh. by I:I.VNoDLS A CO septa , ch Karen, Pc AP,DVITAiIkI, GLASS, OIL, NAILS, 1„00.,a, So.ews, noc, Yvon nhih TurpAorloc, Pnrll tirc",r, rod]; Chtfort,, A,. , u 1 nayi to:bc bAd Ow tßwit 'dot o of I.Y :;fll. Cl) , sold 24 Lock Ihren, WALL PAVER. —OHR STOCK HAS PII tircl) renewed, we Pl , )w offer i.el la lin a churl. , to hq.e then , ding, wwils wwwle wo, (at lean lu appe?.lnneo) ji si e palling with tn-NoLDs d co Q lIO2,MAICERS, ATTENTION. —l)f a 11),1,)1 lA.:. Pep, An , okt IttiliVni,Ty.: A efo ~p2l P BLACK SILKS FOR MAITTFLLAS .J 2 sad /who. wide, of a superior quali!♦ a u 4 4, .1 1f AWL et (f 7 _JEST RECEIVED—A VAIETY OF dirrertlflt fftylo DI U GOODS melt as Silk .Titane., (Malin, Da Leine*, Ilitregcs, Lawna, Oingnstrii,.he AWL & CO t FOR th BALT. I. ViriLLIR 80L 4. , by private Azle the Nl/111/1114 reel estate •I I I un Tl3ilot Street, Milotiburg. n aluable 1.0 I' OP (31O71:71), containing 111 Rout, fifty feet, on Ile) depth, 111 teat, having thoreon erected a on • every And a half LOG JIOL7BI 1n yawl th, , lot are a number of oitotoe (dill, toast, and a I well of w tier 'For loon, Apply to 3.* vandal on the prom., FAILVEIIB TAKE - GRAIN WANTED —The auhocriher will pay the lii,;hoit market rate.; in each for ) , t heat, Rye, Onto, Cern and Buokwhelt, At, the Pt .gout MILLS, 00 the Mo•kennon Creek, three oiling from the Ante.' or Jeokion'o Hieuvir The road to this 51111, froze P B Plal,ll,', no °idyl . ..aim:li mtl,y , being plank read a,pd turnrike, making ft duir ible for farmer• and others to bring their grain to into mill Eirßills of Lontber Sawo I Lumber and Shingles of till kind. wJI al waye b.. kept on hand for sato.. I Mon, a supelior article of COAL, roach for dcltvory at mat ket price Farmers can, after ailltrig their grain at din Pioneer Mille get loading back, thereby tonklng it an adventnge to them IIESSY OrtrtE., Agent. For further partictulara crttuire tit the °Mee of the "Democratic Watchman" , .p.lo.3tri TO DEMOCRATS VERYWHERE.- lIEAD -It 1:A 0-ItEA D 20,000 Agents wanted to tell his every town in the United States The life end public eervicra of Jaime fluclianvri, of Pannvylvani• I,'d• Minister to Engload, and formerly Afintnier to Rosati, fietia. tor and Representative in Onngiesv, and tvcorctery of State Inolizzling the moo' important of his State mere By nontriort, Litt:Jr - my kidder el the N Y. Day Book. The above bopk has been written by a genii. mad well gualided by bit literary atteiemonte, and his long cunnralion with the Itionour tile prow , Ito vizi, furnished porsoually by the Julian tubed jeot of the memoir with many of the dates midi biota of biz early life, an I from authorized - friends of Air Buchanan has been supplied with materiel inec,reasilde hi other f..irtiri it he proof-sheets hot a been submitted to authorized parties Item, fare be called without reserve, an authentic and authorized Edo,riaphy The honk maks.' a handimmel2mc ardente of 130 pales, neatly bohnil in cloth, and I. embellished with no nenurato Portrait on lilted Price, For further nartmulara, apply to • DERBY J ACKHON. Pubileherf, N'Altt N. Y. Copies mod by snail p , sat rani on receipt of pries ir.lo F OR SALE AT THE LOCK HAVEN hk:.t,,tioll of owl; v, oh IC. " ce„...,er s i ' "S'S, 0 1000 and Ta.,.:115, Door 11,01, NV awlow Ili miw, Votandah titatantr. aioh nn Itnlinn Hounds, Noo.tutimlll.l. l imough l u Lty at hall doore, flppiros of little aLd ...Ity nu largo 4111fo, Vives, :4 A liffitiON, nit 21 Look Haven M.241J1, }TANGY ARTICLES. -Á SPL'ENDTD lot (drawly art/alert ouch as Gard oases, Degas cue", Purses. Maid% Boxon, Bracelets, Pin Heist", heir and TOOth Brushes, Horn. Buffalo, and India Rubber Gollob', note paper Awl Bnvelopret, Portum ery soar% , just ry:bleed and tar •On Van' chomp by (IREEN h. MoMPEN ItArAR TIN iiT ORE, MJcrIONtER, Bellefonte. Pa , attends to all toisinnts In his line pith punctuality 304 D ln MIDS. " ite.- Wi ?d i le 'supply cue A large stook a lways i4WW4' for "Is ve W t.b. llT b A I all TO!, Boliefmte, JIL.II_EIDYI3 11.11Alif CRADLE£I.-THR best article in Ilse 7b. Subtosibar Pisa been appointed *Lipid. for the aale , nf these celebrated grain studies. MARTIN STONF, Hallett:tate, MISSIp'. ASH CHILDRESS' Stlogil .L 11: 'constantly on' baud, aid mode to order ' T. P. poAtter( tir• ol:ll7t.g, • ATTORNEY•AT-lAW, Akiwiruarb, ra MOOTS law, of b. 204 !boo bk 111.0 i i, A wred io n • • _ •usr - Lz 014141274, irt TIOr rip ) 1 4* 3g Inc ti Auld 1 Yank yid • ' a u •B .71 B. Aril a*, ll' , T AND SII OE BTOIt E, TIVEF:N B TOALICH . B. . ... e ig A CCOTaIirODATIWg, I MAIL LINE BB' 4/1 II ovi ELLI VO. TL' A LOCK HAVEN ALGEIIIIAN 1 131 T EST, BELLErowth Th. suldn•Jihr.r iienlil respectfully ivform the, The subscriber' liming renutued buslunin at ,is irnvvllingyuldle Ihnt hilinsplulrl upon the BALI , old stand; informs his friumis and tiro puhlio gen. I I.AOLL Itoll'it, het'vren idellt foots and LOsill ernily, that he hot just returned from Phillidelphin I li-v en, R Low Hoe of ST,VirS f, - , ii, u(iehinruodu with a 1114;0 nod elOi., ILF` ^, l4l:llelrt of the best le tom or-uu Otunuuy uith to truvofrover lab road tall stock on nr riffo red hililho piddle, embracing OW 4 , ffao are e ii t r , nlle aril itenviinlent to rid' LADIES' lIENTER:IIP:Df4 AND (11114.1/11,0'ii , iii, aril ll ~ II 1,1 . ' I ~ , I Lin - ii.s Iva jn v e genital notyrs, srior.,; AND uniTrits. 1 oI if le,bili s `I I e 'mgrs pO.O u;fr liras relite lii Of every deburipliun, style nml quality, In this or ii",ylighi , le' b Wei - V. •I,d ''elliittg's nay other market II i t n.0,11'0.41101)1 bu eXnreihed4t The i , Lag', o ill :f.:,'. 0 ti, COIIIRa Horse; 8011 , for WT11,1111(.1'11' riVd ED 1: A I'NI.SB, I obi°, etas) hi , .lon , kir WM rdny and Diary mr4r I,}' Ladiesiir tionliviiien visiting n neat fait ing , 01 ' , Eib at 7 U 'ol ' ' l,r- l ' i "'I l ' '"." Look Ho"' Boor, Shoe or traitor, can proem' a geed At Ilele pt . , ere Tilei.d&o, 1 I.tit'ido) via Cvluiiltiv, rI T o'ol I lON stole I hay° [ens en h ii,l a eliboslid nlii,k A' 3 1 of Leather, ‘li• , mid employ the lieu oorliiiodi, ' , .11 I I. I I hi:C . l'E LTV fill' STAB LL, mrn y oustoers, there ore , can prover° tin n fa ~o r al : ' .I ' --The suliecrilref *bold alto Inforto of their money- _ i ' ...,, - - thelntblie Drat -he elk eieqtinest to The public urn respectfully invited to call I i the Li,rty Tusirjets, rind in IrrlAnireil myl4 TF. 111/AOC:1 to seorautrodide tin in crib :AFL: -IND FAS 7' ' 710/2Si: r., and iiiiiin Venn r LA, on,, ii.lo /1/10/itill, nt.noT A 1,. , O. Loreful-brlt• m ••111 olwavi !rein teadirteto EFTERIII TIRE INSURANCE, (,11 , t ,, onvoy IU 221 y lehe d . that may be de. 0 , TIITETDF.LVITTA I ired. °PPR: h . - I rxilltar kft.l fo.lto lespeoll'ullyao• tco.lole MAST OSPARIT .1 1 111110 AND lICTIJNII'DOn 11'1" r the ,use (, ire Stitt.nro • V. Ai Ii 1:1111,L: fuourpotafol by the largillotut•• or elf ITER PhltPl. I I;AL, .111 i ES 1 OR' TYRONE OA/ IT ti. A.ll. /It 1/111, liTII.:410•111.") tie f),..4 t, V,. - .• to...waot nod anula rn [n4111;11, •.. ttg•sj„.o 10-.15,1 .1 ' .11110 , 2, by Fare, spy, tufty is..arto Ike tYsv. lluig pnlilla that he now on Plihrfielyr 500,11,,:r., Fared:tire, St., kj 11,411 d t . ily .;,;, / 1 1111,-Trl-woehl of slollit 22.2,21 2lrt , .lt.tokiire of all kitp., on Let -era- I.i nay •n • Strut', u•th I n.I li Arvid mark, runt tar btu terno ifs Bahl *ph Rota' ri to Int.,. no NI rot is, 17 • • dnt•,llyand Ftiaay glens go , rn , ry, * is,,,, gr h • 1 - / 011 110)01 . 111111: 1121 1 4 1. 11 , 1 ley and flatus; !Ivory 01;110 r FL. , 1..11 ,. k Sloolte, 4•N • tort the o, o,y 111.•SownsetOwnreaol John V ftel•tillilig, tt r,t II Welo r, .1., 12 11 IP (1 liMlNfia ilu,;•10-0 311110 r, Tiono••• Bow." , Maio IVIn AVlronrod, nrtnoo, - 11,!Pvi FIR, Ter. IT , &o.- wth. c. The •Itlweril•to • r rin. the oil ll ellry fthner. !Ivor Butz, jr,, Jacob ';;u110: • ge urn . of Centro conni . . , lb tt the, Ith, rnforettlo t o• pr,tre,..l.lp ill CO 310. BUSINESS 01 . :010:17, VRF.TY. Pres, Jcnt . , A. lit TSTVII •, lira P/Slide 'ln c o on:; 1,5001!01 , ; • li r e" 1,11 ill pthbfkilly PHUT! . , • ` •• • rr....ri••• je18.1.111 1 .1 and pad ruled in fie best manner and os All a rii tote them will ORPIIANS' Cotrwr s.fiLE! EY VIR-tau« ti v,.7.„„ oev fertiop the materials, OT Mita Ilse of In oveler • ol the rph Isis rt Centre I „t„,„ n„, iv , 1 lit g 1,. - tl•'lr dirrothine county, pill be, yr/Lowed to SSIP joil•IIA yelolin• Th, .ansl) ~,„•,,, et d or 011t4•1 k the podia no or Ittte .'lira NV 11 , T I I„,tl,use 51,4 Trammel e..,1,,„0h in./n(41000 ilk. 111 the Cmnry - or QI/ 1 11 / 1 , . 011 t`. • 5 ,•• r .,r,o)s g e GSA AY, Ule 22,1 day of Nor, I 11101 - • 1 , 011, the f.l TrANllti,ltT, lowing deeerthol pr,perly. I.optg pest ot•the 1441 I , lir/tlO 'r aude ol 1101411 M, Mit Agltl, A CLIIT AIN 1.0 - f IiitOUND the Initti • f Ev - iNu fiFit .ll ~, aIA a bunt, /1).4 hundred oh./ 26 ' ' c . 51,5 ; c, 5, ~,,1 015 d t ,,, , f1,1 Ind . 1011 , I/J.111'12 I 11/1..A.7 ttor'h th . puh . :ll I , • tl s, or , . •• :t hi r ., 11,,1e01. length leathnie froro, 111114.inte to 31111 Ead, u the r I r m ie by on [Alley. an the auth by In st of tiro P•))) l hoan rally apt entire wort by rot In the oor...torthce ~r v .1 • I •'• i • o AO.' .1, r 41 2 .1 r tut:. 3:11 . 1 , 1 JPI • ••• ( I bA"" t •1l wAt • : "si l s lot ' I I gr"'rl'illa,ki own " f 111„11 I n „nm th e ~ u.titaito cm- SS lo tiro 10,5,1 P • . 1' * 111" ,• horn, Soul lino , . 4) t,i.0).1 r , 1 •••• zinlctil sod We 42 • 111 .3 3 11: •,..! • /..11.11..,•,1 * er ' t.' ' ire . I. Nearly 10,090 047 r ' re now in duly ri• ;41, .11.`•111 Is -the damned h. AL - 1 , . A Tit Al"r OF M 111.11 , LA 340 0 , Din -•„„,, an d m -""-,••""."'"v- I, sr' for is I p it in Sorel) I it I Jortk, is': tine, ;;;S‘7. : • . obr for r •• h • I,s II OAt hear to cteem , ACUFF! end allot, IVI.IOII eel • t art of lord 12/ / 21 - rat E for •••-.) r • - o - r• ether, Lave was surveyed ou a war - dot grotil•cl Joseprt !fritter, doted July 31st, /79 J. The sod tract of ' -I"`" ,, r i 3 ii l l:" ) l i t ' oo e Zi s l:- I s ' 1 " 1 , 1-,r.....) . • 1 1 .1 7 . Ts land , vlll be odd et. , tro os itrl•.l4 to poreboeore ' -11 ,t Tr taro L .,h,, m run 7 erin• of ante--Illill It'd( 010 plantllto Domes in ILr • • ist re. 0 21, Ti' role oely• hr. the exertion of hand it 1110 ..:11111104.11 , 11)14 • do )) , )) 1 11,0 ',shin, 1,, the operator, to Icy ntorsittr:t 3d, To woks Otte year rheronftor withwit...o, to lie ",cured by burr and inurtgogr • 0 • i• them ran 01 ',nail: t• 5tar 2 ..4.11/ Ure, that will. F It 31 ' the in sme jai , TH to rat t,.: lATifi or AO= ca. Aitcni BALD ALLIS. Or no s rE to A OAT Thri 021, r/t•t, 0. 1 ./ / ' ' dloldnet run So 'Snob - _ _ _4•llauustralord.oL 31 1' CILOSTII WAITE, C 0 C 0014-0014-Li - , ell other meeloh• • se the ,-• one valueless, In - • - ounthorisod, 0,5 , 21 1 4111 011 v 1/0 hood for the asking Aierther of of rt,, - ,er • o ourridoinci Si, , that otnp'y ins4l thread, the utne nor Illeo , p , 'ly ex cry - variety of wok .nude t -10:1. tar leolhov. 'Flom bee' uroliou, for foreili 1.• welt as eye Viti) re r. 15 yell( I.in h. . SA , !1.•1 itott s 4,tnn, tituita ThAll HOS ho te, -Sr. 11 It, I /- P.s - vr•.II •.,k• •0• ti ;se tote lhlc' Moir i a pia•lout. I woe! /.41 to is fel 1 • •• • • •- •17,; •-• • . 7 . i" I ; I. - - in VNIIIqtI ?flop r was Igoe , lber.. 13 no ad • Stint slain , I,n l all u,lior Intvisitioa bawl, peblie Inuits iga two or Innt•• ,ILJr potent' On the 2ith of pi, rce.tv• r"l a rennet in a lost f o loft ilt4Cil.Pll l , Excelsior I .l .lWliag Mathfla - Ciu,f•dirry - thut eetal,'•thing oar Patents iwilrldlV 10,0-hetet 0114 POW p.q.,:1114 /11thaUtiuti rita..Le 1.!•,...• tt Court to P.l4lorlOphart, and alas la other Caoat e, morlnst Grunts h .134.er, and tha Wire. ler A. V. as yr: folobinet eh: eh terrine... Dewitt t 0.17 potable Ile who buys any of these inferior Infringing indohiesea all hay a lon st.it. - )' 4- • -• ;7Ert a. co ! " tall!in„lreff :Bet, 1,804. ArrlB,st ry 51st t loos 1 ,11,r a atodoreet• I(.wasss for ^r to 44 4 •16..1 1 094., as se‘in4 area I 4 5.r,.s 1 .11 . ..• no .1 I' , 4.4sriter Nw 411.1 , / '...4•41P))/ SAC 141 155 Air 81,144•111 , Sttt rt., tit I 11., S/T tli J . .tta ' , pealed to lAA. 14. 1 v. I 0 , t • t,.••• nor••te•r tel totvatta it dos. ors ...nbrA, !hid 11/X.,1 en-vetted on ate I$M 1411 M y,.rpAsa aneraer riscieStrtO, as t 3 01St 21; ( 1 . reentry fit? ranee .1 . 2 .1 .. , 'l r). „ n,l r f Are Orli, Will sin tiarht hip soot• 155..1 (it•t, , l;' pangs a 10ref , , to a weaver for orgasm'', '5O want we b• d,,„ b y bind 17,, tsar proceed, par 1003.1 , aii/1/ 1 .22 / 2 1 .4 . t h.‘ , ./‘. 5.15 ft be from 'IP to 20 .17.0 Irttn• Cl 5: f rno/../pr, sn r n.tapt tarn a u of 1,11,1., VI II 1• Hal hie, ibre - r i ron/ Tattier ItEAnt. A-ra 21, ' fits, Is he rt• lily Ow/ ere g•eired....c4 oar of s tir .1f Slur,' r • Seto.nsf Ale rhtner years' stifoclr i ttrX ho. I , sl 6 to ure rfoioc 41050 loather 4,551 twat/a/lit A. , /stft re.; f. .parr W. are ran ;Went chat one moraine doe. as wadi worn( • weirs wars female, anold xerfnrne, anal fetter on ovary re.prd ;tind if eery ry . A.lfy re er 5',•.•4, !au' old delAy of she/ r ner 111Ttad and needle from g, sr 10 Rao work le 1.4,1, ‘l , [ - I.rrlitti'y 31 . 3 t 1 ,6.1 that rh.rr i• 11.1 a oar, ffifflalnarAV+r r , . Isle") rd to 0.271d5i0 Work II I'. 115151 d Cu , .170 , f , r J Man alarm re, The ti hewing Int r.hsy-ti the ri4ht tv neo, and St od to oth , be with of I bi rouge, d Cu , hl the foible ir,; ton nor!: St WO of Vilisionstn, Northam Itol•ana, l'enntylvloota, terrop . ing the r - ,,,ntleir of Philadelphia Ir•rr,Alle,,,Lsny and ..sits r•npodi I ehl l el 57,.11 . • Irf sin, Cie pw•prletor, fa now viewed to melt noehlred rC :'._Oil CO:d rui•t ‘ t.t.ovi are, 12f I te/11. rue' 4 •)41Wkotil - 14•1 1 , ) ,••• 11 All pc, ape I.ssloibtelitt es' /1102.; 1141,111 r, Bartel A ("s '5, •.1 /my 112 / 2fr 1104442.i1ig and ihniriar isd! ~ ,sr 01 1., bails lb. Loa. 11 it crolcot that air' i s of Tlie4.• lordiug Is 1/M.1)1/WS have lea .1011loluTC.4 in their titlee of rriedliteres fma the Lad )hat they will hardly trw , a note taken ftew the p. , • to IS) Its lbolT pookot vi', oleo, tsr roor. • f and Of,SD of thou at 50 to ioptr '0,51 1011, adopting the 01 , 1 • tl.nt 1101 to Leo I ,s ."nth own In th. both . It NIDALI., rpn • • • non, tdentey , r VIN I • CII. a.•• ,Psi Agintl r 1.1.1 Ihisa u,tr.,11t“,.1 'R'e ,1 • 81.11/., 4 1.1 I/ th .1t the 11111 I I ek 1 Prit,lll Solf•Stoaliu; I r ikt. , :iitg up 1., ',I , awl' fln'l ,I,rta, In nll /041,14,1 to rho • • 1 ; . 0 11 1 • 1 ;;: :- 1 0. •1 maw, uct, hil Cs IVO ` • • I:nrirttnrgrr, -- Y, ttio,l 0.1,1 pinned them wr Cob.? , uk eOrOC -01000.01y 8 Ulf 1.E . 33 ° P/ 01 , 0 i• or tlr I.loal 1 tota Lo l'ierl o .11 00-1 e °, 1 '1"11110 ,0 11,1ile I all ollroatioo . 101 ryttil o olp Alt irin(l4 frth", 0; 0 4o, tlO e°oo,•+ n..d fur Tho itpordir , . l oscro4lu4ly 411014, nwi the . 0400 er ol l l-00 . 00010 tLo •10r0 othkrs are ob , er, 11101,1101 aira tdu of ttu, end 010 yoro pre fl fol, gln-0 ,0 1 111 0 proof y. Lou or, I' r out br 'II , 31 ALLIP.tO:, Jr. Jlekeoszeille I'o agent for Centro aunty * _ WE ARE RESPONSIBLE F OIL Wilda Wh SAY s if we r i ot to fern. ry Jeacrlptlon of Marble SI ink in a eaten., slyly c , l workmanship, skl.d twenty-fivo par coat km than ran ba had tq 13, Mdeshurr,, or JLreey t,hor , y we ask no I ny and tv.1.11,.• no one to take the ~rk when dellrercvl St a brielling in Ilia.. torioli rind esp..- ninny 1,,.., tl 1./Lol K e 1110 on , wll known in this to suffer by mialepr•••cn krin WA allow nor work to recommend rtrelf, L. , ' nil. vz.l) wbn imaLkiat.d accordsog to merits Wo sr. ilia, Saul for the Iffy liberal pati-on•he wo have rechevad, and reeptwtfully solicit s Weill, anew of liar sane All orders filled with pginetu• alitt, and dolavered to ally port of the country free ul 114ight S. A 0111 SON, . Ila•on Marble Wor,kv Ar TII01112.1 , 1) AOLN74 IN CLNTAI: COI NIT Matti t) II ou,r, .1r .I•uots Y ,th g .rurc,'Thomas,' Sornuel A :41.61 v1;11,1,111. I FOR LiCniIINIJ ea nit—Charles SY, 401,b301 Thomas F. lAnuelt F URS FOIL SALE. ' , Pert in want (if a lino attain of I urn vroui,i tlo wall to ioonj tlli.. it • , r.lert the i Junirnnd, who IV preparralo 10l filth (lapin at thy lowest raise Viotorines and nll variatiea of LAIATIS 1 . 1 . Z 1 " . • al wawa band. at linos, roach lower chnn gni, lie offornd Ly the wholesale and retail hinsea of St It Philadelphia ti.l.f/V US, PQM:Pt, Re , ean &Ina he i.urcitineit All ordini inittrcnaid lo • lip:it/id:1; n•FI'LEIt • 9 I tiri ro,o MINS, I eatre n 111 ' meet with pl.aulpi matuvl.iim . Mord) 12, 1K:d1 -di . _ ESTATE OF WM. IT. BAKER. DEC . ') whe.e,o, ~1 tdinintatraiton Oho 4:4'0, of Al to 11 r, d, 11,,Ard LOWE - Whip, halo, boon grat,ted to tho t, siding in flarilm PEWEE/dill), all persorat Indebted to said octoto trill plant.. mono forwoird Dud oettlt• rm wudiatoly,-and thous batting °Loma Against tbo 50100 will pt usual thorn lrrhporly malt nntio.st•d, aug:l 6i. dit , lll'll 'RA KER. Al.'. ' tStik TEE OF ELIZA.BLYIIgItiaSO.Ie, .1 II I. i: 'jti WE of AdOillti I . t . . .EELE .. .E I 111 - Eli. „,. hpru; 1 .woeht)• en t t.,l i e'F. tutu it t. out.; to ilo f 11. ltdonto 011 iwwo,.. I ykot..l lo .it I ..E.IEE will phoWE corn , pr wardELl 1 1110 unit 11.04.1,1,,,n, o,illll* IE4 WI 1 Ili , 1.0, 0 111 4 , 141.4 4 ut t 1 In pr ;Lo ' E 1 authrod 1 . 1 , 1, to 1 , 1 ift lIN ittig2l t 1 /mind' a ., ,r .... TE rEirOlnq T SEMINARY.-- 6 uttpil Intleo I/oral-west from Phil Itiel Oda, near Norristown:TA - . will berf - p - sit forrortrirmartr and ours ado,. 11 Year. of wire, from Ootnber r, Ju,,, I, 1457, Thu. rite In h , “111,61 L, rho sin routitting Irrusrot eter,llmtly bolutlfwl. ,ornmodnilol tottlidotO for 144 hound," , W - 1 ettidonts, and the torn, not t aothltnin 'I he range of allidloa ti.extoott , , tlio toriehorl •aren•rncd and lola, and erill roarionalile into a mule In promote Oho phyatcal, nartrtifeotteal sad ..isatruf Trott fare of tho sofoilara A Circular all bs aro , to ordor, wllli putt M oh rEand ON, thpeired SA I ra. A AR atig-20 Norristown. Po " fi CO& IS ' A /4 if I C T -ILP GROOVLD CLDAR WARE, warranted slat to tbtink PATENT •NAtarriu JriADE BROOM, oNV EUI,IIIIHES,MATO, MATCHES, 'WOOD AND WILLOW WARE of all kinds, for lial*.low, JOJIN IV ALLEN, b CO Nos 2 andit: Ohitinnne Ftreelr Wow WAN'. - Philadelphia . 11.2AILUEL . J. NICHOLS, ).7 If 0 Ugh -PA f &TER AND L A 2F. R, AND PAPIA.• IdANOLR, • . t eraiktirwirc, PA., Will /Una lc all &dart la 418 line nig' itennt Do ss dspansli, EXP/RE itXteAMOVIA,x I .F. IrAtk, RIPER. di VUL, / 11 worooturoro or 2raWN,ZWNY az9airs, sad all • do Of iteN AND Ate -NANO BaTuitnins and 110 as in Ivo* watt , rootr oat Pkosbrtlx oto *or y I yl• sad lyarannted. AR U R'S P Xll I ti E.ELF Al I li no co , d).; AILs - fruit , may 1, 1 ,1 9111 , yr, fit um. 1,1111 . I.al, Itl STE/1111 lau bseJ r tanru,4 eort.ll n 160%.• g , e.n 3filf, le prepared In to order Lille etiy lI~9J 111111r1 al the ishort , it ufltfor. poittxr LIP3T.N. fl u the Sonar, mllva ft.Kri 1t..,2 4, 1% • P 0 B I , r B A A . X 111 M:,Q, d /Ai ii, 11,11 1 : A CO II rN't. l.a ,h 1 i ° l WK . FI , I'll ..1 ets;o N“1 I'S 11: • - ri)C11.1 0 . IIJ `ll , lll I" EX( HA ;‘,E 1)1E1' 1 I'ONdTANTLY 111. ND i,Haf..Shn CONRAD 120 uhr, riatIXOBTEri Pei JOHN if Mohitit;o4, QUSPENDE•II.B.- -- Ni A be...11i,"1.1 oteorlluxpt, Just ii•ooi•rqd pt fh. new riritho . 7:nr.d pOrr of - 4s=IaO.WEILY "A ,11 04. [ • rs;t2E:p L . TLIR hiIfALC 44 1 11% T. Mtitinr In Ana 11,14,V31nk.y. kirendies; *• be told uitording law, brite oirl WATIM. ANN SZASON ,41 111 , i , A to resehewmi,te of 'Wu. RlDlrlwp's e -et*-be onco ohcoipk,fetwt or) , chino kv e.flinz °n IY? XEN MeN.Ey.2•l • iStrits LI41:1014,-- A LARIZ. - ANT O .5. itilenthd sm. , ;rituelit of ruroLifivq.cnudacjilLlF : ro hind and Ihr ,alr, by H r.itt,cicumlonr, G Etarmati_. i3OtT • * Airrr A crow) excio, „la, a tin% y AO 611.5% .110 TUAO MAT if: 'l.---113/111Balt. THE .nra..o4os • 4,44.liusiiii the - Own *ataxy I turl• • al* tlll , O lit is tes, intl If %1.. • ildelimordr l - su, • J. I. l Vp 1 co. rro, /ot)r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers