el Xha into.plCc.of langland should remember the bld'ad4gh " that charity begins at home" • befirl, they commence sympathising with —the wrongs of tho.negro in America. If the money they are sending to aid in the' 'elec ton of-Fremont, wets , :appropriated to their 'own starving white men, they would he dy ingjustice to themselves, to their coitittry, 11114 to the poor lax-oppressed laboring men who arc dying froth wont ) and are driven ,-to Suioido - br hard-hearted creditors. The folloWing distressing acconnt is taken froth a London paper,•filuatriating the actual con dition •of tho white laboring man in Eng land:--Mr. rm. Carter, the Coroner for East &um - proceeded with an inquiry at the Britannia Tavern, Wandsworth road, rel ative t c to t tei t th of (eorge Hawthorn Vin-: ce nt, aged 42, a coach trimmer of No. 10 John street nest the above namehouse.— Thlt evidence of the widow, and other wit comet, showed that on Tuesday morning last about fire o'clock, the deceased got omit of bid - to make - some cocoa for his wife, who only had been confined it few days. Ile it 44 then in a very distressed State of mind, as there was Ttb food in the house for the chil dren (four In number, laud he said lie would go and try to get some money to buy bread. About live minutes afterwards amen IlAmeil Morgan, called for. a debt that Was', due to hint, 4nd soarched.tho room,to find the de -eeasedi- but - not doi ng so said Ito " would im prison hint (deceased)• when he could catch him. -It'lol9 believed that at diet titim,.4 'unfortunate man had left the house, but his son, about seven yeirs of age, on going into the yard, saw him in the water-butt. An alarm iNas made, and a man named Iladrock 'fonhd deceased head downwards in the fitt, the waiter just coming up to the 'shout& rs. He WAS apparently standing on the HO; foot, and the too of the left just touched the potted. He was at once taken out, but was dead. The water-butt was about three feet high, but the water was only two feet deep. The deceased had been unniao to obtain any employment, and had walked about four days at a time withcatt lastiiigio:A. In his pocket was.aibund a,lawyer's letter, threat ening him with legal proceedings if he did not at once pay a bill amounting to' 4L ISt, 2d. On Saturday last he borrowed a shil ling of a friend, which lie spent to buy a little food,o;ir his wire ; but with the excep tion sot some pieces or meat and a part of a Me, which the whole family partook of on Sunday, Nam was no food in the house up to the morning or tke deceased's committing suicide. A isanket of "Temporary insan ity" was returned in this case. A DMUS OF TOR COM - 65710S to ,GEORGII hams IS,palcatoaarr Coso Rals.—T he following is the Addrims of the Convention which framed the COnstitution of the United States to fTeorge IVashington, the President ofeengrmi, It is a docuinent which cannot be too deeply reflected Marl. Tt shows mos: clearly and conclusively ae ith what a spirit dimity, *mania deference and conee:,sion, this sacred bond of our Vision was formed ; Sta:—We have now the honor to submit for the consideration of the titled States, ih Congress assembled, that Constitution which has appea - rediAiLmnat desirable. has_ friends orGfrcountry harolong seen, and desired, that the power of making war, peace; awl treatiea t. that of levying; money 'arid inulatinireinntrierce, and tho correa pendent executive and judieial authorities, should ho fallrarni effectually vehtell in the /gownsl government of the Union; but the impropriety of dolegnliiig 81/0.1 extensive trust to one body of men is evident. Hence result...am necessity of a different reorgan ization, • Itii;nllnrfondt.linprt , ,tinalde in the federal gotmtamientoot tbetio States, to M4. , 11re all ~g h t. or ind. r uie.t itovereignty t , , rid yot tiroride for the interest and safety or 11. Indiridnala tdittering; lob, society, most give up a. share of Itherty to prem. rve the tell. The Magnitude of the sacrifiee most lepend na well on situation • and circtiin twice, as on the object to by obtained. It , at all times diflleult to draw- with proei.siou to lines between (butte tights which must e surrendered, and those which luny he re ared : and. ON the present oecariein this Acuity was increased by difleronee among he IKviital Steal astn:their eiluntiou, ex nit, habit/ and parlienhir interests. sU-our Itelibt , estions on this subject we tve kept,osteidny in our view, that whn vim COui the griadeat interest of a vary Asoaiiostn, TIT* coNsoi,triarlom uF ora tam, on sttitoitaqa ymenlred our pro/verify, hefty, sujetYi antlkq.l44,Ut ourndulanal as, ?he. Thi important consideration, Re maly and deeply impressed on our ininds, 'esakktitate in the Convention to be less 4ea points. of inferior magnitude, than 1 iight have b¢ll otherwise expected ; and huathh Oonstaution, which we now present I the reen/t of a spirit of amity, and of that what deferetate slut conrefiton watch the teuliority our politteal situationßntlered dispense:4le. • That It will meet (ho full and entire ap uhation of evert State is not, erhaps, to expected I but each will don le coo ler, that had her inten — ais been cne con lted the consequence might have been 'lctdarly disagreeable of mjunoits to re • that it is liable to as few exceptions via ter......i-ouikr44-expected,- (-spouted , wro )e and lasaiesitil that it may prouloto the °jog xedfaro - of tat, country au,lear to us and secure her frixdote and happiness, lur nmararierst wish. ill past respect, wo have thole:mar to be, moat obedient Irmi 'table servants, LTW4IeTI(oua (Musa Or TUX COSVEN'TION. 1;0411o:toy, that President 61 Congress. dmournow - iirmOmlo,-The Free-Stato 'in games no •lcmiguiso Ulu fact thoymWeAropenTebeltion—itt Met. they y It. Th. fipriswiloid (MLA.) itepuh -14 freedom 4d/rmmont ihrieker, pule. a latter from Kmomm.m. dated August Which tho Titer saym: - -e haling war in earnest---four ti the foot limo_ don'. Dri b g ale wien roars ther mcfnitanfit, t ! Four !Poem test on our side, or tem badly wounded." bite num of Almeamellumetlm ing -their own brethren for tho :legroom in Man. [Meth: are kitting the white men: ntensittrevatts,--Ornenteeppers nen making Woo , on the nppelOttissiesippi.---En "Wei Bervi4 • Upper cklisoistlippians right. dunaslll!?:tlitit trcmonsters sad use i . Eil LOCAL ',IN-L'y,IGE-11.7-a' Damonanla:7Nos.--We ask tho at tention of our Democratic friends to the pro? gramme of meetings published in tho first column of the second page: , DINOtift'ATIO COUNTY OoNVI43;TIIN.—Thi9 body ro-assombled in '.Cho room of dm Ilifooto lA mooratie Clob, on the 2lth and onaultnously nointoattll Jacob ttniotrt, for Coont.z."Comm.hisitnict, to !serve tiro !mot pima term of 1V„ A, Davidson, dec,Faseti, and Nathan 3. Mitcholl, for County tn‘i.)yor: These no:Moat/ono givo iNisfactioliito tVery bemorrat. TitE CENTIIIi COUNTY it(ittTOULTURAT, EKIII nrrION will be lield On the 141,1 x; 160 and 17th of bctotier. It is aqicirated that a good display will bd made, and that it will atirpass every exhibition heretofore held in Centre county. The farmers of Centro will show to the werld that the) , aro not behind any of their siaterxotudies in the noble purr guit of agriculture. NnfornAno Itlstrptag —A meeting of the Democratic citizens of Bellefonte and the adjoining townships, will be held in the De mocratic Club room, on Tintrodety creping, October 2d. All . those in favor of the pres. ervation of the Constitution and the Onion, and the election of ..flueliatum anti ..fhleckin ridge, are intitt4 to attend. Several distin guished speakers will be present and naress the meeting. Tits Claces.--Rivers At Perim's' cirrus will be here on Friday next. Thor' will be lairee pttforrnnnces during the day And eve ning. _The first, performance will be held in the aftertrn7at 2.t, o'clock by the company performing. feats of horsemanship, &c. The second performance will commence immedi ately after by Samuel Linn, Esq., who wilt make a grand union entree, riding two nags Pdlmont nod Frecmorc —be .will, during the course of the performance go through sonic extraordinary ground and loftf^ tumb ling, throwing a front gotninersault from Fro more to Fiftmont. and a back sornmervnift Fillmont, to lin mote he u ill %km in tersperse the performance with a number of stale witticisms. To keep up the interest, a sick OrnxiJian monkey will go through the astonishing performance of devouring nine teen apple durnvlinga. Far tht Preriatratte triat4tret Umtata TowxsitiP.—Pursixant to; notice, the Demneiicy of itarris township - met at Academy In nimbi:burg, on the I 4t. Instant. The meeting was organized by the appoint ment of the following officers: P ruttlf_At—S.Ttint Gilliland.— ------- I", re Pre, dents—Michael Wheeling, Sam uel Wilgon, John Keller, Jr., 1). Boon. Rob ert Potter, James George. Secret /rte.! • Dr. 17.tinholkl, Samuel Addresses were Atlitereq l,y Vrank lin rii.iher, Col. William 11. Blair, D. G. Bush, Esq., who discussed the true ir,ue of the campaign Ma wiry able and eloquent style, lad were received by tremendous comas of applause. • Jiw !As Dson v embe fl'atele Aia Enema:--The lylrrtili; had a Aifitio/ meeting on iast Nittirrilay, in litiblersburg, an enormous meeting ) , tsidelt way crimposed Of liandrr from the vl,iout fill lel cur. and a large numhcr of 12etuueratg who were present to ate Mr. lotiin turn vommersets. If the furnace little were taken away (coin Ithe meting., therr would hots 'been nothing left ilut Pc mecraL --except a. frir of tl.er lawn Nothing-, to ho are not able to control their one ofts. V(et)) er tolvmhy ntll eln her deny 1/01.11 itlibtoniling the fiiiinhc.• or-ra tion,. Holy prevail or insnage to get the Know • Nothing.; to lease Mr, iilaucLard sleek oftener. Ile does *ickt h the Know.Nothingg terrtbiy, The Moro o,tectilits OH, holt', the better the cativo of Democracy tiuuriaheee e They arc Irgging e very man to gee to Belle fonte on the BRIJ, to keel, tip appt Wen. I.l,Lt:Ls. for Me Witir4 Li 01. )IR. EDITOR : Sine° the immense Mit pouTing of the Democracy on the 24th inst., /e col:torts of Know-Nothlngisin and Bled:- Republicanism are doing their utmost to gel op a dcmonatration. We are quite evedildy informed, that on NA-evening a a .eciet can: ens was held in Bellefonte, for the pilepoxe of taking active measures le outmuitilier the hottest yisiinanry of our county, at their %MIA convention, by a fusion meeting which they contemplate holdingon the loth 01 oc• toher next. The manlier in which this oh ieet is to be accomplished is by gratuitous contributions. Defeat staring them inevi tably in the farm, they Intend as a last alter native to keekup appearances, and f , r this purpose money was raised and appropfiated to different Lou whips fur defraying the ex penses of the occasion. A large and est judging from the Ned Buntline rovailyiain manifested about the Pillmore Rag on the day of the mass meeting) and for this cherished object men and trams arc to be em ployed. Not long since they mode a phopov sition of this kind tosi.gentkman who clause a teem at the Buchanan meeting, and who had formerly • been identified with their party, but we are happy to inform you' that thty were most indignantly repulsed. Mai I'osa attractions were not suithaendy taw!- . nothing. Yours, he., Sept. 30, 1856. • For tole WairAn!an. Fauns 11Ar9:—For r th* Vast three weeks there had 'been posted in this and adjoining townships printed handbills, hafortning the P001)12 tt ttttt the Awerlean or Know-Nothing party would have a grand rally in Jackson rilie, on Thursday night, September 26th. At the lower end of thaw printed bills ap peared' this clap-trap of alt ineonsletent, imilationa viz; "Let ell those perhoes op pond W alto repeal of the MieeOurl (Mowry. meesure —all the friends of tho Union rally." Now„we ask, was it ignorance that induced the getter-up of those bills to insert those tvao calls, or, was it done intentionally : Kiory schoolboy in this townihip knows that Dillard EllUnore signial the repeal of that Missionzi .:Coatroptiss, likowhts ihe Fugitlvo MIAs *O f /04100T01141,;01.10 who asp• pert bite 'o6VOLiaria lir ikkityotions, "As to We friends of the 'Union," what are we to Understand by that q Irt. It the Union of 131ack-Republicanism, Free-Soilism, gutirdimm, Free.,Loveiam, and Know-N.oth ingism„.lt.-the latter, allow me to any frankly you have beautifully sitdcoeded, and all we have to say to you is,lhat hereafter please to strike out4e won, '.'American," and insert in its place 13Inck-Itepublitanr, and tht our bill; will read, "A Grand Black-Republican rally," whiCh will be applicable, more appropriate. The pUldish -Ipg of wiiiit yon practice, and the doing of what you intend shall he, done. But, Xitend Ilays, the night for this grand humbug has coinetml Zott.e, and we shall now endeavor to give you as briefly as possible the true iiiitieulers,Air we acorn to lie about melt matters, /10 night canal? :and with it canal iiiiinher of furnace 14014110 from Hecht Rll,l !Inward, two (11110(cl' brats of boys from Walker township, a few men from Cedar Run, and about seventy-eight men-from ou r own township- Fifty-four of whom were real old Democrats. • The meet ing lots called to order by the appuintment of a 71001001 man to the chair. After which a puppet from Ohio, named Myers, made a very iniry.speech, dpon n very miry subject, ill a very miry manner, ranking everything al he went along as clear as mod. lie charged the South as being the truly, arena fpr the display or diatinienists. But he for got to ,sny where Orecly, Beecher, Sewtod, Ilnie, (lidding +, (in rrison; Burlingame, Sum ner, Fred DoughiAtr i tp: - Ifilld.. Ile charged trio Southern 111011 as being cowards—as never being shot but w lint it was in. the back, but he forgot to say that 'Washington, Jackson, Marion, Sumpter, Quitman, Tayktr, Johostun, and all our greatest heroes were and are Southern men. Ho has a sample of semi! of !kg bravo North ern men in the person of Hull, Arnold, and others, of still later notoriety, and not a few of them too in Ohio. We, from our heart pity the man that will resort to such mean ness to electioneer for k'remont, the cd`ward, swindler and cattle speculator. The mall that would be guilty of such tdaelsguardism a coward himself and not worthy even to he shot in the back, because it is a national disgrace to shoot an old wometirmyn here. After miry Myers coin:holed his A bOlitMll SpeCO/ —tor he is an a ffirmed Abolitionist, he was followed by the Par don mo friend hays, i shall disgrace the col umna or your paper by noticing a confirmed blackguard. At eleven o'clock sonic wicked person left the gates of the insane asylum open and one of the irlytf appeared on the stand, rind vilely int roitifeed a harrangue that made both parties blush with shame, shocked all morality, and palsii d what little rect remained afterins j rettere ssor liarirlinirihed We would advise his father to apply the rod of correction to the semi irdrePs hack and thus beach him --the dratl dog to he in his own rottrm earl among the lulls of Bald linglo, and 14 11,1 r agate politio- the ii holesorne oar of MaTion tewrohip with en h fool corrup tion, In eon,dthio:i allow rite ttay, 'l3 - nma- Iti , e with the la , hew whit spars d no,excrtusu to make a comfortable arrangement for the 9twatcrrm, and we hope dint the next time atir American friends have a meeting, they entgagn Atiwrwan Speakers, mei • than save ottr-dittr Rex frntrt being grOSTy insul ted by foreign Abolittitati blackgitard4 a hoxc twist ttforts c•tti witty - tend to the evitirvi over throw of their own re.specta'Ality• Mtntos. , 10:1:ai up Yn& STRAIMIt Nt IMARA Cut. a.titu, Sept. 25.—The steamer Notgara,Capt. F. S, Mincr, wax olle of the regular hue run ning betmeenit-ago and Cellingwood, lunching at ports on Lake Michigan and Ituron• She left Collingswood at 2P. M., ou t Mowlay, with between one iffiliflrcti and fifty and one lU%mired, and 1.4+ , - , heligcrA. I . l%enty-live left. the beat at SIP , lNyksn ivliere aim armed at '2 . ytn 1i rimy, Wilelt tit )wilt: oul l,om Sh..boypin, the pViSc nger , lire 1 4, itirog h,.ur !iv• room, and in a few nniiiitoi holt, caliin we.% in Ilamrv. The followed; Thu Nltg hiWert . (l and nll tilled, hilt calE4i7xll, cxopt ono cori. tnioing 111 inlay Numbers jump ed overboard, nod were ur~tantl} ' drowned. The steamer 'fraveller was tcu miles ilia twat when the fire V. ay. tli!Vovvrod, but Sta Vt. thirty persons. propeller Illinois, Vanitiri down, .0 tip al i orit tI ty, , and Jxniie I I heal at Nu. lioysan, Ida-boat at Port IVhilijnicli)ll I d LP, Nay 1)( . 1 - Stlii, Thew 1):IMPA have not but:» ri•i•tived. George lleley, clrik, of the Niagara, is mipposed lobe lent. pt01,31,1y lily or slx.ty here sr-e 113.4 ill Ml. - Ili ere is a itirnm• is thti city this P. M.. that the lire was the work or an incendiary. It 1•4 !dal eel that irons din teiy niter the tb-c Inas discovered a keg or pointer erpinilrtl, Wowing the Haines m e very direction. The first engineer Nam not urn 'roan!. Tint Niagara hail on bourn! eighty first class passengers. 'rite retintindei , em err Eneortui emigrants, on their Nay to, ttlinete, lowa, .e. Tic n reek was (owed into Port ilinstiington, yesterday. 'the Niagara atis on lied by General O. M. Reed, of Erie. Mit: , was built nine or ten yeave ago, foi the Chicago and Ittrifron trade, awl ~ns (moor tho lairgest, costliest, and best eonstrn 'led steamers on the lake. TAM Mr A Tertubt-rto 1:1,1k1.1 1 , 14 t THIS I/KW/CRAM WATCIN ILLN, et UM, J 1(43,11.1111. tiestember St Ithent White $1.34 , Wheat /toed, El 25 RY4.l4ottga per-batimpi-- - • - • •• - 60 cents ner hushel Oete, needle pet bentheit. Putst6ee, 60 oesta:POr bushel, "'"' llettcjr, 16 cents per potindi 12i cents pet dozen. (;) , ,yersee43,AP6trot bnehol. Vll,xxce(l, WIPIP Pututbst.,ett to sepkintter zo. 13:41.1.:•A etisomsi the 'saark a t for Breadstoffs, and holders generally& deman ding an savanna on prorlous quotations. Btandarti, loporllne Flour Is a o at $6.74, And bettor braidn at $6 61i0.57 por barnd, bat there is little or noth ing doing for export at those rates, and sales are - 6611/farid kiln; ironii'ofridnifors And bakers at $ll 7541 fur o ummon . And good brandy, (UPI $7 2543.- 10 per barrel for extri,idi 111 goality. Rye flour is Also waren at $314, 0101 we boar of no Anion.-- Corn MOM is Tern enquired for,4tnd abdut 140 barrels l'unnnyNania Mod. have been sold at fair $7l pur parrul, *hien Is an advance There le very 11W. Whent oiforlrte to-day,.the dm end eentinues goal hod Somn :1114000 busheln all that would be 41td, tuund buyem mostly iu small 100, at a , further iMprovement price, reugieg at 145a1514 oeut4 for rode Owl 168‘18:1 nonte for while. the lettinl fur prime lora. Eye connotive hr de wand, and oidlon busbot Pueneylvanist Vought Corn le betteveal 24009 kuibels Southern yol ow all eBbred; !6 teat sale m 117 Dente 4041 and toteente Pt atom Oita us itW railer, y but' rser., ee itdeltt9o4e . pt,e,fpl , uow 03.110 inn astj 40pieiite foroid , Ittater,t CO*ollsllllAlit, Evrnscr. Buono, is prepared direetly soserding to the rules of Phartosey and t.sbeinleary, suta is the best art _moat native preparation ertlieh elso'be made 1 4 r cure or dmotoica. of the -paddler kidneys, gravel, dropsy, weaknesses, Aro.% 'Rinedkas Advertieornsnt in anothur column, handed nsVolution Is certain. Victory is ours. ', larIV111111(11141, AV!) NeffT.tefilog to grow in pit wooka by Ile , LaroAT ' n Onitruunn. Witttevattot Wit W l or 44. Am the skin. P,rios 111.00 por NAPA*, a lifter rot $2 fat Sant toga, part of flor earitty, by swat, uu lyedllt ~f n relyt • hri. Addrea, r tlarr 7.11) Punt 0 WO. fia/firnora. ittapbtow.). . loft .„1 ,tlto 0 1 41.4.R1TP.. --Armtbet per, rVi ri , tll kv , l/ Au Pr. 11.inort Apilept, 14torirrt Nactr, .140tOtramiCa Co., • 04 14., 185f1,' • 4 Dr. Mace -- bcat . .tklir:Larilating loam afflicted 40 ill, baling lit, liol4Hirric year" putt, I dotornitired 1-0 tll rp you, Pine ri l t 01, tadtcrlterement oC which 1110 in 101 l Of thin p.p.', KlOl Can huiiod to 'non thoin for anus mouth,, ~,i) livo, Proiraly cured: hatioro thorn to h 8 ,f fired rofb fratialn; anti M,noo 1 'lava uto4 flow, f Iwo, ran NM tiro attack, and am now in the eriorrionl of pare/mph. I, nut, 0417 rear.cultaily, I 010 ft it err JotrOita-3.-3,Ator,ir. 8. Thu 14111 i Worn ri,lo.irirriotlnied to me by Mr' Ti•ilbcoNi i itliy, of Oils county, to wbora ro9i , pro meat thrto Thew Pala I esileu rating Epi!eyes:Jiro o et au fur an ttnalitteo.l(l U l 4 , r 11m vllll , l atoesno ten ,T 3 per box . , too Laken fir $b ; twelo-olantea I;n $2l Para ens enel,tia4 a Mai ittattensai hero the Pitts font theta throußa tho math on na geoelpt For *ale lay lirrn ft. Itaxt7e, hi o. lad Italthnere ' , treat, e, , fit w` ou ln uldatt foo, a ll 'paw ! a Ito Union NI 4, be 8,/,/retTCll. L. 7 • • Still only in 11, Itefwasi, e r n 'the 21t104 Se ptetn hue, Me. Meant 11 largo, of Italian tewnehlp, _.',ln the 'nicht 111" are we are in death" Mr. llarper lett Inane in alPrnrolll toJ Le.tl f6 , t) lir present al the tunas wee' 410, awl arrived ht the Penn's n)loy 40,ga tion. lie nes vont-or:log with his friowls lioforo amt ma.? full of hove, not thinking that. Moth was shout to 10y bin cold limit/ on Ain and !ntlet] him aithent n 010 : float - a ls.irninit Ito Wllx dl lag ut tho betel, ;IA hod nearly !bathed n 11.11 ty 1110:11, whorl 110 rai from Ito elialr, and ‘lloa4 nlmost. Instankly. It wan aupp teed ho boa On of the heart. Et ely attention won t . 31.1 to him Ile lnnr t 4s mire and tw o cbil,lt en to *urn m`.l4l , •tr . bareltatzu•nt Mr Mai per WAS /Iva: Inn , 'nvol, [haws ;111111 noigh• .90bUr, honest inn, anti rtqfwotrd by MOT." knew linn or that 1g rgo roma, rneettibled on tile 21:14 how ninny deter into and fully realize their Own nitunliennt The needle if death rire WWII in them all, mid they know it ndt, -4 -Ihtly are bits Pen• trig to (heir, float molting place, and the' know not at what day, or hour, or ninteent, their int /florin) Npirlrn mny lake flight Skov (heir (roil tart lily yet they head not the nnoer lain tenor° by %blob they bold life. Rork in ninn— how Mfriloge)y o ninfitutej -- bow blind an I perverse his nature, OlVti when 161 Noulls illnminele,t by e Cl, •spi I tight of inspi ra thin fro bank", h live If sith the Ifieetio7, vanities of Ibis t'Wn Itotl,l--sechn engrily after the idle bobble, reputation—dirfo.i, lbe whole cot rgiett ed tile nittni far the me, n,iiyish (sent at best of Conic objeot—luon, , lu Ili ti , 411 to reargi. , ry ol er the nine gip) bodies of his fellow ere/stores -In•sles the political 14,1,1er 0 to none awl control unisex by rho force 4 bra piing bolellsit---etnberkm In the rtiost porilots Noyagcs, i• ;ills the (nes( ilinlaat and unhealthy «Junco, to ae• catulalc thadirlysirinta-of--td, in rabbit .1 his fully nk.heities arid Spectit.l;,..nt, I lie [ingot of loat h Pllllllnolls luny to appear brb.re I bat gr,-,1 tribunal, ninon lie well be Judged necoolit,; : k In the me is (lobe In this ' Art rn luny, 011 , 1 111111 . A wi riar )10.1r1+. ihou ;h Soul t i 1 1,02 , Frlil nro besting, rruhrn In the grate." i'Laut;on.—The Subs:2loer hereby RII perdue egnu , a tt telt tog it onto for 0110 limo' rll mid tt.tolty d , li tre, given to the Ani 11111111Lt.ttcant Ilogit Khn•.v, ( f fTer,,..rd, 4 4 1 ,44,6 I have Meet Vett nn v , dur, 0114 titereumre, do not Itkrett/ Ettd notr nil✓•+r mm 17,111041 by law JAAu•N (iztuusua. .ion.v W, U A KIINIiA, actt4t I 1 './ - Cent re County Teachers' institute. -The t tutu t 1 wastaLen or thin A 1,,, 401111 IN al 111' le•1,1 at 1 a e ,, ) 111e, ~,nonettring W , e,etabor ltll h, I'W), a t e( role new. n r wevl: II Item.., Prer , P Wicker. WV/ 21/1,1 13. 35 Ji rn. text,' boo elrg , ged RI trete, - rota A N mill le. to:newel dbitirg the manias f , r oveeil t l 111$11,111111/11 in the Tltillory and P Ilia* el tate.. l'ent,ty TeAle, • TI,T11 4 f1111:19illg l,rea caned 111 Meet ai. 1(1.0,,h 1r!11.1• k, et Ma aline time, *III nit Ingenttlit. mad' ht Ow, Cohety Seepe•theleetelent, wwt) ?te', tY/e•Prie of the. two !emit ut leeht pint .14 , 101 11 111 Ilio• bie/Aple•,, 011),11, bll. 0011 ill 1) twin )11.1.11 111111 be .leg then weal (11.1‘11r; time for eteeteteet etrwer, A • --Cell sea run , 1 the . 7 .•••.• tr fee. Nerneeeen• king (he te refer term-- al:en the row! ie t tletreme 4.4 lot mll4`ll 111 I.llllg, are in, it n , c l• I will lee meet bete le tapir oftrwli ili e ,,a, e h mt e !be ~tutity —rt goner " , :.•,obilleo of To^eht'n , mine:atom to 4elle At thgettie eta will hero telde Gin tiro exeteenuttee elnlioiiett titen,e tee att.r,lnnee ORIN T .N44141,1' Prcalvtit J /I. 04/1-/tv. 4 ..;uctblary tI-7t (Li liotiv. -The Subscriber havivio c,oei imu.ouipi., .1 Om MAMA Vt.f. non Ilntnl . SI.OO/111 t"? pet n ho .111 thll /1011411 tot. hi. kzia, .111111 11,0 7 riot the city Ile 11.11).1 Aso 'aural Ownn who ore Imlebled kt bite by noto book otoetiunt. that they will Ilmf a theie Vale' end aeeaunta ht th e nenkina;•Houno of flume', MeAtllater, lisle A Corn lathy, who nto en 11101 1 Zett I ,, Yri , th , rna recti44l ler the - 0171A, Velltil 1.117:1,0 AUtle,re . 17 . vrp(loto A lilt A S (1:4831A N, tto of 1)1 r„ rd rill:lnk Notice. The' Undortiigned. rf tie ..•• GlitittuonmJr, 11110,1 lo tte „, t„ the n ex t I. N rit e t id o of this! Crttnittetmi dlb for the inenrporntion of * Wink of 411.10, ,114,,,nt. nud ti0p0.414 Le 116 Weal ed et Iteirefunie,•in the noway eforneaid, in be yelled • The Ffterneri' roil itinnutieturen' Itenk" of Centre County, v. ith rapitni of TWO 1l tnatlre4 Thousand Donor., Serniird Linn, lieorge Jack, Will (leorgo Monte Thompooti, A. S Valentino, J M. Mdlnic7, John Irvin, jr, II firteukerhuir, Was A Thoottos, P. 04nnor W.Othfiu, }larval Mattis r, li. ilrAss,- 110.4 v.ioniiiis, '' ' ' J.,on ()ray, I.luililittemdt John 11.14he1, —Wm. Q. paatigir: 1 • litinfgirriViitinh," Pater Wilma, Jar , Ilasson, , . 1a,71,1 11. !fisher, Ham net %elicitor, 0 C. Prime, e John Forlgee, Joseph rirson, .1ohn1" ..4 4, 501t0r, ,/stin T Hoover, TIMM Itaghii, 102h..0m Jamb .. Wig., ... ...14.4..................... .. -.- ' - - gigFOB SALE! ILL 8S BOLA by priinie nolo 111. fighoirlaig real raisin a an )laalej itlacl, Mllonburg. a Nalonliro LOT Of OROV1 4 11), containing In fiont, fifty Not, nod tin iinalt. 1 - 14 foci loirin:z tlicroon erecteila 000 inory and A hair 1, , n 1 lioillAlC in ignoti rup , t,tt on 'AN; lotere a natuner 01 eheido fruit treed, and a gine ailll of icater. 1 , 4 tin.a nrtly In . DANTE! , ILAIIII111„ oell-34` rtelding on the it wallet, iN_-,, e ,LVOR AT TH1.13! 4C71. llKtrith N 0,11,11.1111 N IA HOLD ! ! Spinins ' Pole Evils, and All Tensors cured, end ifistrent, , od Lobe tekon or, and entirety without injury to the animal, and withedt„ tiro use of the Knife, the Firing Iron, or utly_et .-theee-Lipritt thlttsttell, 116,44(Nitrie, Mitflel67 - 4 HI/toy/OAM, or env of those b..notol 1404 Neaten mode use of, to the ammo of the tramipr and tho torten, of that useful nottnall the ROOS, without noy ueeeestm fluvrto- It °tortures or l aut amides o.to be hell, es Mao' the been Dap 11,11%Unnen tnlion en hem' , n1,,,,1111Uty nporated ow, together whit several rtpse,e Totem's, +to. , Appitiodimfto' be 1111100 to the rell. , riber, who„, will ha found ai Syrueo Crook, nhcro tie 0 4/f eonsultell free of expeueu.' I l'eyinont In nil ereel‘telte ututlo boron: the heves 1. leaves the etublec Tho nebseriber troull'nl wfsh those likely 101 meet sun servioest, quell About, delay es Wetly E t ittl! nOleint o krpotlsso the yr me It lyo .413pdt6t lt requireettbost , We , weebn hurl tolutartle4l. ha Gannet relbObe without lidtgalotiburai MA, together to oeernlts Itges, l'illtute.-4 1 Freles testae litthir'Etie dollen nett-tt 711()MAS. DIFTY DOLLARS REWARD.- -A RE JI.• wird of'rfk"fY DOirlfrAlia will hp ,poirl on onevhitioo rnr tho apprulleeelon or tto reoundrnrofe seounclrolewhn removn,l the bnri on the night of the 221 lost. from the Matt Mitzi running from )3e)/efonto to ' Lowidiovn snot Tyrone. • J. U monnumx. 2t forW, ORAII4II. . *ASTOVES I STOVES - 1 ! 'STOVES!!! The eldsoribere haring jot returned from :W. the sniglein eill, '1 11101 1110 largetit and host, meta (,welt or tlto, en in, er oIT , led in tins motion of newilry —ontnonging 111 !tart its nolebratu.l 13 lobo MI tared Coo)Ong $l,; en, obinh We tiro deter nkfin,l to .mil tor lho In /11• r .P. 111111111031 rtr,,llollo 1. - 11111 ( . 401,111.Z ellaVOI 1tV1• 4,1111;' 1 1,•11S, With 110 1 / 4 1 11e1 C,. Htnve-Pf l o, Italie-Pan s ,L Ao. ALA, a In, it e io.poi tment of Parlot, (',nl an•l IVond P(' ,. * 0/1 'I he ii , ohio, Queen, ,4tar Ai r-Tl4l, li , tale, Pa riot (o q., it new and lyeantlfel Stnt a very adreap, Nine Plate t ar-nouni nal. no, Serra Male Piel , Wthe c SlOVeiv he., ke, In great W/Il lety hunt lieu I t lepr'," Pakets, C not 9elre.4, Shoenle and all the beueseary • artistes for fitteilen tido af,ora,a a en bawl at the Hardwure and lam Slore of ILE Y.)101.1,8 it CO , supl24 • Leek Haven "A 6 ERCRAIIIII SO !LIED WlA'ff -- ,LiA. A le, hot nod l'innl a , e priest li,} i , r prie '. ItElii,C•lfaig & co ' eels 2d T• , ck ii' a ell, Ps. • -- -._ __— ADDLES AND COACNWARE.---A A J fuller strelt than rarr it orimi toil,. trade by HEY Nr1)1)1.--, A- Co , sepliA 10. LI L T;,,a Ps -- - IXARDWA.ItE, GLASS, OIL,' NAILS, AA. 1,,,,.),,, 1.0,1,,,, r 4,,,, I , N, ,1111 e., i , 1,,,,, ,iiot„, innl 'French I'm inoi!o. ~ 1.40, C. nol, rtntYrn, tnmenex, All ~ •111V1117111":110 1111,111 Ihu H'IIAW,I,O 81 1 111. - 1/1' It 1:1 ' ,,,V01,1/.1 .( 01, , nnjsl . 2l Lnek 'brim i'n WALL PAPER.. 01/11, STOCK HAS _ b o o n entirely relive ed, ea 111/W offer the i ri bon, a ,ha bee to 11.1,1 tinf r dingy nulls limb. bow (at tea .0. ill 114,1.0411111iC1/ ' e..1.h.,4 Pith .1. ;ICI A 01.11.`; A co, . • ..p T •O •,,„,,,,., i . .. Lock ii'l \ en, Po _ - _.-,-- _ ~,c, HOZNIAKEKS, ATTENTION. —KO -1,7 rcie.:os, LuS's, P,,,p, Al' , tit .., ILOY N(ILI1:4 ,I. ("I . . •nvl I font Ferro, I'.. RIVER% ar. 1E1L101.1%3 saa,za - ls4iice. gIiECIAN CIRCIIS! enatrietne , en F.:+tnblf.hreent consneing of 190. Men. Women, Chndron, Ilonee end Poeta% ill ,esllll,llod neder the MAMMOTH IVATEII-PROOF PAVILION 1 ` Now Equipped, sod Superbly Fitted Mat, for the 71•. PM, r I porearro nt nF:Nr.F:P(IN fli ferulsy, 0 •tober 31. Doors open at 2 and 1 hi l'et formers. to oomm b dt no boor atter" eras The Proprietors beg Intro to annotince to the Cobb of this vletnity, that this extends., Equestrian Establish moat to tilstingoished from ari other Circuses, by Um Venial, and ftrillbtsry <rf its perforronece, sod irs claim — lls Origins' Ity snit Owls El...axon. In the 'Tampa, will b. found S'onoto4 AND Angina,' TALIMT of the hl4l, set Irrosliehra, and In the varlon• representations even. will be (ulnd NOW "Lob! Ito* Chaves!) and Nora E4beeblll 4snong many of thn thisinslillen this Company, will 05 reprosentsst, the Thrilling Dramatis hpeetades from 9yron's Poetic Legend of 311:140Q.• 1:9B UP LP al. V co, THE !NILO HORSE OF TAirrAftY, i~r.::~ll _ la. Alcamo RIVERS, /i....rrer 1.11...• limwm 6. TN. o/....' .1... 1./..• 4 44 4 ,11 1m0... n. • th. ~,..., .m..! 11,- 4,6,0, .. thmugh se. 'ilke. ..% . , w,,,. 4.1.0 ./ A/ / 1.1, I ant W C trm I t , A . Mat. G. D s lloo3, r ...,. Ih. Mon.." , ~, ~ And 11',/ mg* of Tort ..._ A , .. , ' 11. i, . I o 44 , Art. ~f 11 , woon.smthi, ..•/./..,‘ .,,..,, : ~ ..7 .. V. .... ./, „ 1:41 , 1 , , ,, . t . 1.1 , , ::771.7 . - 11. , / , 1 , .. A :, ....1 ....NI ds,kosllon• ./ :‘,l-*Ca, • 11 1, D NA' 41010S1 1, • 111:111.1ili:11 ' • ure / .1 rg.. IIL,SN,k) 10.• I. u. I I .Lt. 1.1 1'.!! 's !SANK IN(18. t 11, , ,5444 fuol • In l fr one, 7118.414.4.1.0 744A1/1 or 3aIE.A. Z A.. rn. crl7, 1„::a104 ' , xd _ rr br,...141•11 Cuay.ny..1.0..1.1 to aunts Septeinirer .2 1 14r1 Afileih • hohin, Tuesday, September 30t1i ; Lewistown, WO &luny, Oct.i , or Ira Votter's 14111 s, Thuroter. totter 1111; itelleit Int 1,, 1: }Wily , tfotoisat ti Look Iforen, iintnoLty, (Toreher 4t Olifiritlek, A µmut. ttivoni A Doriou It' Marmot!, Pavilion u•to he had 1%.11700. for poblir , nl nunding 110 'tie dry of h frees 4# to hi 1' Id Norm:Wu is re. qulrel to 1 , 0 Oran for per - o-re" , A 'ix( weer Inning tlo. oni,ll,lltty nod wishing to keep fifty or ontty itorwr Trlf 'rioter no troy, plimeo stioty to /thorn ,E Dotioote Circus Company. IpTARIKIOII3 TAXI?, NOTLIII-0111121 WANTI(O.—The eubsnribor will pap the higheal, market rake in ottah Mr Wheat, .11.1."Oalo, fl(Qn and ligitllitheg.L.A],lhe.Pgtiradt...ld.u. ll, ..on Mia the - innon greed/5, three milen from the Aides' or daeltion's lltloso. Thermon to thin Ildill, frock P. it ld'adtile'.l.(n only fourteen mile.. bring punk rood and turnpilhh_waking It Jagfrahle for farmers and others to Wing their grain to thin mill. tAriltiiii or Lumber Sawed. [.umber and Shingles of all Millie will Altman be kept on h. f or sate. Also, a eopotior ornate of (3011 ta. randy fiir delivery At market prime. Parma(' note eller selling their grain at the Pioneer Mina et loading into k,,tdiorpky rnakiggli ad' ad vantage to them. , 01t0g, Agent. • For (Other partintulagn at the cd/e• of the .'netnuerale I,rototonAn." • igertio : Soi • OITIVLB. U • 4.11.04,1540f.Aruw, , •ug27.ly , PA iciparit.Mr) =ow. -AN .friBORT 4 jr-11 ova ot bah' au& *bees by • aug•t• S. S. AVPL d CO' IL EIBTATILISFITAENT, --- --- Am.( iwnirlan Qtly .n W bt lowity er1111•44 At..Ms .rewarod A. so loom.. alp.", For 114 yeor .y: it•Ditare cot:mu, _ ifomonwo•Oh,p, epos luer r Lea n IMl.ger, an. U. doll,ht Awl wieds, slt 66.1.10 rs • XeLDLIaI Itona, * "tlmO fug lo* ho ev troll ....as FlquIli••• La flrrrrr. itnisra, , q4O `her 11..1,1, Ida 'F. D 1.1110178, Tu. Mier Jot kr), A /ALIA ' APE 131= Matt. CHARLES EIVERS, I. • mon, hrtrLl Flabr• L•1)4•1. •r 1.••• or, .11 •• el 11.1,1.11/ • 1111.1: NISII, 14, r. or , Max I= En= MONK. REINJM Tba laa,l+vr of its. bArairra Mx J. 3f,OAS k lironur. LASOIVIA Tba (hm Pargaratra Taros! Acrobats _— %CAL .11/3:1C.U.1, Bala% Nut, c,.1 •cLar of ti. atela 1:. r , NAnr, MI,. lIA OW, TIM 1 EiMi Ftc LADDER VI IiFORMLIIS. I=l Clown, DAN GARDNER ts qthe perfoon...r. ovo, "3 . 114 g of Mra art Tl, it ..4. 41PALIt Fr. ... nol i r ...i h. rim. 1.1.41 l '", , RUSSIAN lIIIAREII ! , .". .':,-, -. . : , . P1**,':".=.77.',71.17::,.'"",.'.', 1 ;`, L; , 4 .......• 'lt 1.1 • g 1 g...../../ /, ' TWO , . 1.• X. ~, g / •cgogan•• ..,/, ' . ~ - - •••,.......... 'whit th• B 0 Alt I ITV' S A BOOT AND 9110/I—STOItg,4I4"/ A.4.44mirawr &rater, likt t titroNrs Tho alitiaiiriber haying r4suane4l bilaltrese at Lis old etsud, tnrerms hie friotait' and One quibble .geo arally,ahat ho h&c luy. returlimt 'from with a largo- aml voarce yismartinbut of the bast to tail stooketer nitbrad, to 09 puLlio, embracing 01411.01.tEtilit DODT4, it ND (I it IT Ma, Of story &lam etylu ituzilitv. In 0,14 or any Miler thafko. Ai, nn t x e..111,,C6b0 , C. X 001.4,1 rot DilitAlllLll V, mid oll l7AP:tiEliii Lall9lor i,i,ibing• n I r•el filing Remit; Nhho or ILtltef, COI ro 111 , 1010 la I mY n:ora B urro DOW e,l 1011111 1 11,4, I of Le,ithor, to , yrd ompior I h••• file.. I nl 7 ~,lotner.l. UM( ef,lo, ruu prtn:uri• the full nllrtil of Omit monoy Thu , ' I bliu era reepootftolly In I itell unl I i 4 T F. 110,11,1 Ni JEFF/MX(lli FIFE INSTIMAst..4, CO or Plll 04 1 It I*- =IIIMEMIII!!!! (I, VT,„) T r kiixr..oll) 2,,T ft r 119 jpl7t2rinu ntnti4slnf urn nt Nunn (1.1.11C1 Gl' I' Elt I'i TI , AI, Cll'l7ll, r r1!IJ Unr 1,4 $,(N),00/) badm 111g111%, a , ;lumt 10114 or iniqp:ll or Forniltrtn,'Atorlut of 00t, lit nml .110 r•i Ji1.10 , 1 kli.t., on retrorl- Wt tut D 11:1;t: ~,g,, , :, -... 1 . . ~,, ;,, II:1.1'y, . ifrr4... I . 50,„1,. 1h1 , :) 0(4 1.„,,1 , Fr , I • , . ulli 4, J ,0 ,1.1 F Pirl, torlll4l, Win. H. IN ....h-r. Au p:4 , C hillier, Thom. , !tarp ire n. M'rJail lel, .1 , ling /1 0 ,,,, t ,... IV iin C Sltissis. ' ,I , st•ssis 1-Zesls,llsl,m, ' 14estr) 1 t s 111, s , lls , srrzo I Sss -Z it. , Jii,l ) N allot. _ ._ (41111(il . I.RC • i'l' f' oiiroil Jmi 1•' th.1,9111111-1.+41. ree •I' rf adont. P/111.11' L. l'utt.:‘• IN, ,tierrft.tr ! ,- }.111,1119 614,0RP1111.N COl/113 f:lll . ,fil I ii 311 R: , A to PLAO.IdII4O.III :hr o, o' ...'' o ' , i ~' 0 ,,,, A `..n' , lp, pill 1. ...co •,. , 1 1, ~,, 1,, I „,1„ . v „„1,, o or onlely, rt , 11.. polio; I. ~, if 1% . : !, r 1 ..,I, IVArI io .1 inkomrittllo, Lt Ow rowdy .' ‘,.. oft-, , . I.l'l' tiftDAY, ti, 33 .1 .l on of Nordo.frtr, 1-;:.6, ibo ta. honing th,db., 1 to,r. rt), bring pat t .1 he rrol ratuto.of If ugh V-II itliru I. dr,. as. da it 'A CFLITIIN Ida 11-' fthot.ND ro Ow !a.ret of .1„1,,,,,,ith., „C., assist, Laing is frotit rialoy tiro :oat A 11 , ,1l fool, An,' I.m hiliPll.o o 0.1 fotitC, (oat iii &Pt /II Il lii Mk' 1 , or Is. nous?. by itbA p o ld x ",d lending Iron, !PIN 1 '.ii.• 1 , Mill tr:di. ''H the ~..t., lay on t 0 I,y, son th.• ' , ul) , lit lona of ''C l?,', If {{ o, and on 1110 tiv46 . loy lot ici hr re; o p ~,,, 7 „ f • nip v; „, j f :0,4,0„ • II /slob .. 11 foe r t f:Trtfirtl I , 10.-on avd deffignatcl n.... lot ,N ' l ,l 1 tir- 1,1 , 1..1 vino if rttbl f..., nod b.o. Pl. it on . o I'l. , I o 111 .0 81:01(Y rritA,if 1 . :. lull :.:11,,,,,f rib.. r tundlif4t ALSO. A 'l'll Ar• r or TlAtio It .1 4 AND ahlvde in htnrton 1.1 ,, %.110, V , 'Oro r -550fy, *loot too n4!o' north onot of .T,ltsonville, ouoffitoleg :111 6 .4 ACIINN end ,010,,,,t0. , Whlrh a .ht tract of land e won attrxeyet e a a... *troll grat I to ,loulAt It.datrr, oaten, 31.0, Ylp 14. •aal I Irnet of bunt will be an ;Miro Or In loth to 'nit porch-non m Ira of a tee half ILI Toirollo-o money in b o nd lathe 0 0 l arteolim if spin And the ~.;41,0 in one your thoreaflor with inirrett, to Lo roused br . i.e.? and mortgage. B. T 'SLOT t D.l A Alttlflll.4l.-If 11,1.1-0 ,N-, . _ 4 , lminiotratora elf Illeg, •,; rt.f M P. ritoBTif WAITE, e 4) e At ()Ito (2 tr•Frl and f.n l'norre 11..nson,1r ll.uer , Parrnit 1" ,,,, ,-; .1 , f,,'41, ttovi„ke. , Aunt find nn - 11, In nll to U, I , IITOUNIO 11,1 1 11 y nll ntlrer Cem 1111 Anti 1 ,, • • • I ‘l, r,.,1 :,,„sed 1 n 1/1, 1,1 413 Ihk .1 I Otl.' • P 1:12.S:11:111 . A 1111.1.1N1i5 I'reptiotnr; of Inc , liir.ud rand I I l ' ior r•, 1%471 di ro•rirate r , zuf:t.4 up /.1 111.4 3 , 71 , 11p11ty lbale c.ct 8 atul Jan 1 be . orrrithon ..xceolingly simple nrol rcsult rev 1,11/4 whcro the Jiretlions MJ Obw•rvo,l, The elm nee raga* et tin, nwt the j , lee Ira fiber ghtaatt fira•pruar wart , rer ~,re by %VM ALLISON Ir. J Yik• JZIaMe re 3, a Fol° Agent for Coltre ~ortY WE ARE RtOPONSII3LE TOR WHAT w lv Jr Iwo tytii to fur..lt """I i'0,140-ut uC Alekrbio Work is, r Itipvisnr siyle of , Itork.llo.l,Stiir. I ,er crnl MID he Ablor,l,or, or t"here, oak ro, par , ntel utll r,roire 110 0101 5.. taloa.. oorleir,lo n,h bons in All it 4 roso, ..111Ty ion 11111101'. I Ito, kind 11 0 11, II 141 1101 111 this ~. 1111Urilty to •,ifft r by mi.re yrs, n. (010005 Wr allow oar nut n erut ud ask only to 100 411/1•01..) 014111.; I We on , thal.klul 1%, the sly h.•,,,j rustlotiego hem rt. VllOll. 01/4 1,110, •4 11111C 4 %.0r 0 or 11 0 , r n o n All orlon (111501 with punent nitty, ,lot Arltvor , i to Airy foto qq the s o ,oiry. hoe (ARSON', /..ek 11,,n0 ...turb'r, 140713. Arru,ktiiu Ai. r , NTI will li...et - , Jr J AviP 1',114;r,1% , , Thowle Nvmtrl A Stim,.l,o)c, ouv u ; r 1: len Tr. 5V1q31131:3 I In 1•1 1iel(110:! t• IJILS FOR SALE. • P.p.... L. wanl of a film Arti ,re of Furl ‘seuld do welt to P 1 , 2 2,1, rhea; art ' tr‘ tips uMloMt d nr,ho it vrep ktcl to torah'', them I,lf iff l tt feflf. Dal' flf plod ail v•ricljcs if 1 0 .11/1' c , 1110 4 *l w yp t Oil )11141 , 1, at (1r i 1 , 0 tam.), lowerifiWirtid •rod I. tho whol,t•lo 11,211 retail lamprea of NCI( XAwl P1,110 , 1e1111125 ' - +4,1.0,444, it•tiitts: Jet• t:4 7 1 All „Mel 1111,1regto,d to (;1;1//:t;T: I . `,.rorc co will 121101 with prompt atA otioi, M 01 , 11 12, lAA—If. ESTIITE OF WM, IL BAKER., 14 hr444:414, heat, is 401 Arl Milo 4; r 4414.11 011. tha rs ~10 of 11'm 11 13nIor, /ale of II 4,40 [0.114411p. 111%1 , 0 1 / 4 , 1) trrantott to t1)44 4 , 4114441-1414 7 i, aiditig a.O L 1,64,441 tow tie& p, all loornong • Ina,lote4l .nil 044,4:4, nill plest444 is 4me forwittl 4444.1 4 4.444tt1e, 444144t4./y, and t hood hnrmg Holm/ tog. timit the 4(1.1 , 10 trill tlcekut IV Allthelafratelt, to 1.114:17.41. Jl),4l.;(4l!'ttAKl:lt,,Adm'r ESTATE OF ELIZABETH SIAirFSON, 11.'0.1111er, ,a, of Athol) 14 rati.. l ' 6o Ih„ ....ate t , 11,4,1 , 41 11 , 0 I vintug tin, siihe here Lori, sitillill4l d, ILn anba •ri. `," O , 4.10 0,0 burva,44, A 1.4,11.. A., Dl4 ir,(o•ls.l eqlftb. ph.3.1 moon (or , if „1 and soil In inistiods RIO them, / h,,rl/4t ChU111 •1 1 . 44.11115 t the fun, will Ihrin proper)) , siiihcorii wool, to STUNK, tigl:7 -01. ',A,llllinisuralor. 2P it R4l/I 01149 T-t kit IN -IL Niztoon miles north-.rot fruit, 11,11/001p111a, stoat plerelatelen,Plf , will lie upon bit soviet: arty and D ora stworo 14 snort of sa", from Osiolise 1. OOil, till lam 1, 10,4 Thu site ie healthful, their arrmnuding p e , e ,p r im oacoi dluglr Lesudfgl , 1114.1 sworn rnndnl lona knITI 9Rnr f.kr 140 1./ourtirra and '2OO stud und,"Simt Me term, 11 , 1: (.1511,itant. The rallgro or owne. is exten.4lo, ibis toi 1, , is expermnesil Dnd 4 1,1 8 . ma, e , ,,aeronoble eifort Is prods to lb,. ph e• , ~ ^ Tki7 l FMola•rf e•mhTrtlrnl Ail_ boon (ho mholaa,4 A Cireslor DTI/ bs DenL lu toner, with r rolurermen if d o .ir,4 1 4 .011 , 1:1, A AILON; . Principal, sug-23 flor r isto,,,,,, Pa, 'l4 NOON AND BIIONYT JUR CP,DAltar t I ant if rani oi to shrink. PATENT IctcluNg-MATM PiOfOQJB , our 1111,USIIIK1 4 ,111ATA, MATCHLA, WOOD AND WILLOW WARR et ell kinds, foroalo lerr,•by JOAN H. ALLEN, is CO. Nos. 2 and 4, Chestnut Strout, below Water. attg-20 Phlhulel aANTIRI J. NICItOLS, JIOUSS PAINTIig AND GLAZED„ AND PAPER RAMON% NoLy.erroXrili, attend to all order, ato with prompt , urn , and doevatoh. jets E mPnes WORKS. 04 It 2RNOVIA a ,N.X. fillea-.r n y i4 ' • 4 01.11114111 TOWN D CITY CLOCXS. ' end sit, kitids 1111ARAY .41,1 VA BRASS X._ololrXlskr , +l4lP—Turrtlus anti Fitting lia.l4Alleiss Wool. r"'WW I 'S and rittalrialnutaTo7 exefttott in very best ttyte, AAA wrarvintid, -1340-6a17 ____ ..,-.. A ccomiroDanoWitAux. umit al - A TWEEN lii.ELLsFONta & LOOK lux - 1 11le aullsorther would' rtolpettfully . Wait travailing eolith) that lot hupliond upon tit. • EAGLE ItOtalsi, between Bellefunte and fialtn, a new line of FITAGNS for iha immix Lion of all who may with to trait* truer Ws' • • Tint Stites ore niomfortabta and convandlat' Willi I in, and the drlectii and bonito will Kite paahal astioNetion. '1.1.0 fitsva mute aver tide routs lit daylight, hut I, going and coming Ihe rltagel sill tents !ha Conrad Howie, flak tn, 10, et au Monday, Wed win, anul•lerittolt•onit...- ~i i..o*, at r o'.do,k-, - A: . Af looms Loot Hall& ,wor t . 1 v. , lay, Thos rimy r, Saturday, at f *WIC tit.• Nt ... , , U,{ i f ith'LLEYONT 1,11•11IRT liilrdliGft —ll)9,lol4.liihe would' also fara d s . " 4 " -t.* -- din imidh, that he atiiliiii,atildlia to Lirrry liusiw.4.l, and ix pro_ponttt to nroopinoilate th orn with r . i.,1/4: AND Y o ili)g:-4/,', , , nod Gam. Vann cA. ti, on, the shirttail node«. Ovrand iirtvono will alffiirit I t o in tainiltieri tooot. vxy loa.tyage re to 0(7 point that may IN Ilea ?t„1 naafi): for r. 1.1 respeotfutly liustuA •o Ala IIULLIICC of flie came, iY 23 IV M. tt um,. 6TAOES FOR TY1401116. - mowl-o& - t.I.Dek cf. i r —The umleaxiictied would re, qatwettuny ine..ren the trti,e•lling petlelto thou Li DI runt lira of Start f' 7`rtone--Tri•ereakir by Tray t Stele repeteeven nud SVArnionno.rir, wwlltri tsttlit) to ltol.l on .11,eArly mud Friday-, rfutil oin Tne.iny, inure lay anet &Riot -143r, 510 e on tin H ., erenvleewn rimed , t n I'UbIMIN6B - RE V — 0 SCEit ot):Ts ibii e g t, this 15 5 5 1 151 , ,; 11. , ; 5 15, 5 5 40i),1e 'll,O ihvie 1,? 4 , 0 W An t 5 ;e11 5 4 , • `,.5,..1;) 1 615t1.51.1,11 1 , 1 V Vier? . 31y,110 tab. will 1.11 1/11 r (heroin/it 11,, 'V srAt 1011 or We V.. able R111q11,515, 11501 tt tirlr (;, id;tain a . 1. 5 11 1 i . t; V 55 (.5 •pt 5 r1115 5 1 5 '151{51/.1 , CT the mere common 1 11* of 1;111111151 V, .1,1,k5t, 111 tojelbur itlfrVu 2,4,5. 11 cc el ~ 11015 L1'05 5 1510 , 3 tile 'meet putteleir ntLII• pa r ). eefif,ll, Vt)lr4 t o 11,:1A.IflO1.D'S GENUINE PALP-1, HA VIDA , I Wilt, GONCENUAT.EII COM POUNP FLUID AIXTRACT Levnu, r.r alt divue,or thr bladder, kidnryl, urinlrf tuur ar.xnal orpor \ - .101 i TO Till: 21yalcTgo It mtiv. Jini/v.'s or the ,Lladdwr. Litlnuys ware!, drnrk,r, obalrlirtiur frunle orruirlairnm, gonoillinea,-sirk.hrrn.r. ggeeln, and all diseases Ali: /3111 K extrn/r* nn4 itnirudni.mtli in lifo. 2.1 /:tt VCAU•S v rATED dui rglargc, nn I rtrnlnr, improper I)4:lung,' from UN Wadi der, kidhop or sexual UPglllOl, whAbii r 4,4014. Is ' MALI: VJC/1t'A1....17, from yet cause they may brim othantitid,poe 110 1111 - Itl4 . of .1101 T LONICI STANDING, ' giyirfigoolth and rigor to, the haws, ZA A B 1,00 itt DO T11F. • Pd1.111CII EIM. Debility, bought on by al - ttote, a moat torriblu which hos btcngl.t thottoonds of lb. bounask tatutly to untimely grave., tboo hias bug Itisa Lrils Ilan! hopes of itarnottt, and, htfikhlititt in stet bud Ibis glorious ambition of many a noble yuutb,,esta CriTed by 0, lire of 11119 INF.% LI. ID It cffl Y, o:111 ito n tusdrelue Iti.•lt toast hyysfit everybody, flittil dvlicat - e to the confined nikd do& .p,tit I lig !MAIL tvrtnl in in b e found. ". ha (.4,1 trn.ti-,1 the t , !Mc eltieme, *Vim 00,0,1 undettnioem thitoto6l.llft. Ilan I g thn Yen - vihal Ilut , ll of life, -- • L: 7' r: I:1:111E11Y AT 0,V4,,E; '1 iv , L., r tn. nhotot Pinot nolds inch an outwits with Wrongly( min, Thnt ssill on gnlalcsilyer it courses Gitamigil, Tito 'ltimd gate, mid alleys of the body, Curd lion:, like so.cyr thoppingto Into milk, The Ono itril wltolenarne filytta, rwert -41 iiNti QrArt DuCTOIII. /111 TIE U It'S P.%1 Ft 11 C 411 Itityl. , lfrllit, toll • Ac. , moy Fr {,•pt its t Lt to to t. t r h nit. , r 11 9.. utlL thi•Ls treat 114- 7:,FiT•llll7iiiviT • '64 bare ut.,l f, 11,11 e tiro, koil ; CO:NCR/grit/MX C;)AfPOl..'l4l); EXTRACT Of XICTUC, in prepared titroetly eesortlinti to tit* I{"lrs of l'AlrvArery and Chimesircry, niih the grestrqt nroursey and don:deal Prs6lrledl. and c ire eletotol in its cumbin.illon R. twilvaim. tfy hue exionded ot all flirterthout, sat setuSd . bedlam( lie s o wn, ~en t r y , hOlpital or private piacliote, hM ; tot nriaLly gilvo Stir ini/st 4lnctJeJ acd tuaccpmitoleal It Infnet eel and pro2leoo,l the mot eelateut7 mod 11. 5. n.l rt 6 els it WI t;e.rt and is used se ail eitic. Lt 5120 I:aitt-cd litatea Lad Aida& Ihw„ „ .11, 1 .00 • end lot, ale praeliele, WINY ;•, t; ;•“;,;,;•; 1 r°ll lot it be Urlderet.ood, th e loot io,ethrleleill7.l.o 160 entrltlrikail• le A 1 Poneeel.reetoill OMNI potu‘i /*:uttl ExtstatttAkiolsi,„ moit rwtiiltJ reni , dy i.frorrol bi the Aflllot,j 'rho ov , or v0i0,0,.y testimony in iv n e anivit a vo the proprietor a inunrose, ettthraeing• mimeos Ilea 1 1, knee; to 112M=1 , .• .. , err.,vci: A .101) PA MK 1(', I,l,rnt 0)101'16111 and 4futiugulsbed elarierftim, e ilewtoos v•ltiahh l rorkm.ti m illonis. ! cti.l Ll:wit or the late otandatti waeY of It is r . methrhln islil.ll - 1/ ISMI L DIII.I.thiIICIA bOil /Ilia c o lor, but immediate /a aetitea lOW if luk.rl 1, pertonsof either tioa hlihoot biaideanso from liveinest of medical educe, as implied% lUTIIIM tic , for Ilse, and on amp, number of reliable API In emnrineo lb. moot ak•pill, al will wer , lnpiiiiv eaelt bouts Pr nie $1 per bag o, ur six boll lee for SS roana crial to any Prepared and sold by If T lIELIIfBOLP. Prac:icol and Analytical cireelthrt. Sti Tenth street. halos,. Cblitllbell. I isterality building-so Plills=L h , - ' Ltrtii-Lerliolf, ~f a'. 11A drtle ra airiw 4 hout (h. ralladli awl liiitish PrrTiLicri, 4 " - CentroCounty Agricultural 8001e47.' herd,y _,v,... ttint • westing of Mb ro kr,rielatiirsl B , Piety• will boo hold t h.. ifon^ , in De•ll,fontn. o• SATURDAY . , (h., 4di ,14y Of (I,lolour, lt,tl, for L. , pro, ••( • :to .5,17: ttrre 1)elq fotlem to represent' I. 111 Ita 1.10,11 , 11 of Tnist , c, of the POWIIIHINV nt the election whiget 1,1.1 n , Ite //••0/.4',/ .rt ie llnrrla tfrorapigir, 4••••• et Niqrtilaty, the Eh dAy of Oettollmee, (1, nr 12 o'Qhlek• MAB s TIT STON X; t _ r kuu,. n..+l,.fArtte.' Nithipliie et•ts in tut Ifni , with rnrnettrailry. —jog Y GOODS, GROCERIES, &e., &a.- iU R l w a;, rajl )INI4 to 441111 tOl/14 I. 10 .11`, ,, le, • 1,,:n. H MA I:I I'S t 4 [on:, thmolote. T.ILYS GitAJN CRAbLEEL- # lll3 art' , I. lo u.e Tho talwahor hrui npi.pintol agpfil 1 . 44 the these.cor= grolitietwirtHi . 11.1ARTIN fill) all Aelletsate. SNOW ENOS . S EAM SAW &FAL The eubedille4 prootect • time Shutt/a Ili!), I. preps) to. l• Ord.? 1114?1 . 1 , dta..rit 4c the shortest ccoties tfrros. rro- tfin anoshos r , r4 , f,11 &nee fres Mt t-I y• atileabarg, Pa. ErP s -- 1 T B A Itt'llY.N, Mt:ALLISTER, /TALE 3 CO., Or 1.1. x r.vvrr, eimrtot rti , Pl. ptcrosiTm RECEIVED. BILLS OF EXCHANGE-.4lip You% - ownstmt I.O4LECTIONN MADE, AND PEeiFEims WITTED PllOll4l 71. r, EXCHANGE ON TMMAE EAST DONdTAETLY p. 4•21-11.1 CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFO*II, PiU JOIOI 11. MORE/SON, Jet 017 SPEND ER'll:—.l,, kor A 6.,,antifyl nowortrivent, Pit reoelted at UM nen nothing and F4r1113)111 , g St.ll , e. • my? MONTOOM 111 A A 0 ,ME .IL-T IJCPIXSEP I,Nlifdt EISRO peeler tr fine (Ylti Whirkey, Pins ke e6ll aaeontiv - . muntlatitsmast4--Mg WilatiAS to Ifurobtaao was ad 1 1 1•6 putebrotod Minotul Fountain appatitita,ll7lllla auttmonaittkett vat, clump by esuing ot 172. 011.ESS le MAIM- • WEE 1.1413 6311-4 tiaa's syyloruila wortmint efriPureLbmiscomillyiller :141 hand and tor talb, by . Jy2 11 ' • • kIirLTEIM ll'' ...._ 9 .3 % , T6007 . 1grArig, irftb a tine or, i .11X1311Trid WNW. .14 —.7.1 tubsoribar hartoug littiod a w tarry on the bustard* in dil De bartaniatty . : 1 Ml eviii the hlgheet nutlet vino for blleic„.,:. ti l! /_ a 13-.... 4 4.1. 10. P3,01:1D1OOt , j c.l: , )llAt, Prat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers